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Social studies booklet mariana zuluaga 5 c 222222222

Jun 02, 2015



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Hi, my name is Mariana and here in this booklet I am going to show you how do people use water resources here on earth, I want you to learn a lot of things of bad and good uses of water, how to conserve it and other interesting things about this topic. Some times you could have questions that you couldn’t solve easily, and you need to look for some help for resolving the doubt, so this is like that answer you look for, I am going to help you solve all the questions you have about this, and teach you very important topics that can help you do many things in many situations of your life, I hope you would like these booklet and that you learn a lot about it.

Thank you: sincerely Mariana Zuluaga ¡So come and see what I have prepare for you!

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Prior knowledge How do people use water resources? Proposals “how to conserve water

resources” News about water resources How do people waste water? How to take care of water (when we

take a shower etc) Things we can do with the use of

water (together) Pictures of good or bad uses of water Video of how do people waste or take

care of water.

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Springs: A leap, jump, or bound. Motive: something that causes a person to

act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive.

Facing: to confront courageously, boldly, or impudently

Urbanization: to make or cause to become urban, as a locality.

Wastewater: water that has been used in washing, flushing, manufacturing, etc.; sewage.

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Leak: any means of unintended entrance or escape.

Refrain: abstain from an impulse to say or do something.

Dishes: an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, esp. for holding or serving food.

Rinse: to wash lightly, as by pouring water into or over or by dipping in water.

Lawns: a stretch of open, grass-covered land, esp. one closely mowed, as near a house, on an estate, or in a park

Brim: the upper edge of anything hollow; rim; brink

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How do people use water resources?

Every useful object needs a little of water in its Composition for been use by people.

People use water for many things, like for taking a Shower, brushing their teeth and doing so many Things for satisfying their needs.

water, the trash and wastes They take out of their houses are not recycle, and this isAffecting the global warming, which is producing waste of Water.



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Natural resource, and we need to Take care of it. We are not having Enough water for satisfying Our needs, and this serious problem Is all our fault.

Water is the most important

Water itself, and other things, also for Cooking, taking a bath, and for doingThe half of the things they need toDo. Things like medicine, fruits, wood, And paper need the help of water to Exist.


water toHidrate them

Selves, such asdrinkingnatural juices,

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People use water (eving fresh or not fresh) for doing many things such as hydrate them selves, do works like the agriculture, industrial, householdrecreational and environmental activities, and also for other things they do in the daily life. But the real thing is that water is very important in our life and we need it more than we think, but we are wasting it and later we are going to suffer the consequences of what we have done on the course of the years. Many things need water to exist, and as we waste it we are not going to have them. ¡Think on what we are doing water is a very important natural resouce and we need to take care of it!

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How do people use water resources?

People use water resources for making things such as personal use, taking care of the place that surround them and also for recreating. Water is a simple Natural Resource but it is very important in people’s life, they need it to stay healthy, clean and hydrate, and also for things they do in their daily life. ¡Water is very important and the things we can do with it, can not be count, take care of it!

Is divide

House hold Personal use Recreation

The Basic residential unit in which economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing, and shelter are organized and carry out.

How we give use to all the things that make part of our privacy and that are private. Here we could see the ways people use the water to be healthy and clean with their bodies. (For the cleanliness)

The expenditure of time in a manner designed for having fun and good experiences with some person or alone. It is about activities, pastimes and games that are freely chosen

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Problem: The sources, springs, river or streams are in danger of extinction accelerated, changes of climate and soil, floods, droughts and desertification.

Objective: Motivate people and different types of companies, about how to take care of water and other natural resources in their surrounds so that we can have a better lives with all natural things.

Posible solutions: we can do campaigns, marches, and commercial showing how do we

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Waste water and other resources that earth give us. Making all these things we can achieve keeping the water, for then we can’t face the consequences.

Needs: -The support of citizens - Of the goverment- of a large sum of money- good ideas of all people

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And what other problems do we have hereIn colombia with water?

Here we have many problemsWith water, like that lakes surface is Decreasing, there are less animals and We doesn’t have enough water to survive.

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Problem: today in the world there are eleven hundred million people that doesn’t have access to safe drinking water and two thousand and 600 million without anything of it.

Objective: Make people think on their acts, and make them take care of water, because in a lot of countries people doesn’t have the privilege that we have now so let them know all about this huge problem.

Possible solutions: We can help people of the other countries, giving the water for them can satisfy their needs, make campaigns, commercials for people understand the

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The problem we are facing now, and we also can recollect money for creating special institutions that help people that need it.

Needs: We need help of the Government People of different places A positive attitude of everyone A large # of money

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Problem: changes in water as a result of human activities. Cities with high level of urbanization thrown into rivers, lakes and seas, large volumes of wastewater because of domestic, industrial and agricultural water of water.

Objective: Show people of all the world the damage we are making to the water, and the consequences we could have if continue doing it, we have to reconsider of our acts and care about the little of water we have.

Possible solutions: Create a place were each city can throw away bad things (wastes) and this can be used for benefit to us, also we can recycle things (food, paper) for this

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Problem doesn’t be so serious and finally we can strive for the place were we live do not be a victim of this problem.

Needs: We need help of a large # of money The help of people The government Disposition of people A place were we can do all of this


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Colombia is suffering a lot of problems in this

moments because of what we are doing to water

Now do you understand and knew all the problems

Colombia have?

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Lets see some news about

water here in Colombia

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People waste water in many ways, and they do not realize that we are not having water in the planet, they think that they are not doing something wrong but in one moment they are going to face the consequences of this serious and bad problem. We are contaminating, using bad, and not giving importance to the water, we think that this is only an exaggeration of some persons, but the real things is that some day water is going to run out and there is were we are going to care it, when there is not march back and when we need it more. So start taking care

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Care of water, do not waste it because you wouldn't want to suffer, knowing that you have time to change what happened.

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Leaks Many people waste water by not dealing with

leaks properly. A good way to check for leaks is to check the water meter, then refrainfrom using water for a few hours. If the water meter changes in that time, there is a leak.

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Leaving the Water Running Some people waste water by running water to

get it hot or cold. Other people waste it by running water while washing dishes or brushing teeth

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Appliances Running dishwashers and washing machines

that are not full wastes water. Running permanent-press cycles, which rinse clothes a second time, wastes another 5 gallons of water per load. Energy Star-rated appliances typically use 25 percent less water than normal appliances.

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Landscaping Many people water their lawns when they do

not need the water. Furthermore, they do not give their lawns or plants a good soaking when they do water them, and much of the water evaporates before the plants can use it.

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Faucets and Toilets Shower heads typically put out 5 to 8 gallons

of water per minute, so longer showers waste considerably more water. Toilets use about 8 to 10 gallons per flush.

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Since you know that you and your family use water in many ways, how would you make certain that your family uses water wisely? Here are few ways to help you get started:

When your family washes clothes, be sure that the washer has a full load.

When your family washes dishes, be sure that there is a full load in the dishwasher, or fill the sink with water to wash the dishes, then refill the sink to rinse them.

Take shorter showers.... and get a special shower head that uses less water.

Take shallow baths. You don't need to fill the tub to the brim to get clean.

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Shut off the water when you are brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Just run it long enough to wet your toothbrush or your hands, and then shut it off until you need to rinse.

Keep a jug of water in the refrigerator so that you don't need to let the water run down the drain while it cools for a drink.

Find out how the landscape is watered at your house, and how can it be done with less water.

Tell your parents or teacher if some faucet is leaking at home or at school. Explain to them that the water that is dripping is costing them money!

Don't use your toilet as a wastepaper basket. It has its purpose, and use it for that only.

If you run water waiting for it to get hotter or colder, don't let it go down the drain. Save it in a bucket to use later to water plants.

Always, always shut off the faucet when you are finished using the water.

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Cook without Wasting water

Wash the plates,Using the water When it is needed

Wash the car without Wasting the water

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Brushing your teeth Without wasting the


Taking a bath using the Water when it is needed

Wash the clothe withoutWasting the water

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Leaving the brace open When you are washing

Your hands

Leaving the brace open When you are washing

The plates.

Leaving the hose openWhen you are washing

Your car.

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Leaving the brace open When you are brushing

Your teeth.

Leaving the brace openWhen you are taking

A bath.

Leaving the brace openWhen you are cooking

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Water is a very important natural resource and we need it to survive, without it we couldn’t do many things that we do in our daily life, such as cook, wash our hands, take a bath and even wash our teeth. It is very important and we are wasting it without reason, in many countries there is no water and here in Colombia we also are suffering a serious problems because of our acts, and our way of thinking. This is a very important resource in our lives, so we need to take care of it and try to conserve it as most as we can. ¡we have to take care of water!