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Social Organization Дайджест №13 (2012) Содержание Learn How to Motivate the Crowd ............................................................................................................... 0 Community Manager: Tool Talk Wrap Up..................................................................................................... 3 What Makes YOU A Community Manager? .................................................................................................. 4 Future Community Managers: What You Need to Know! ............................................................................ 5 The 6 Features Needed In Your Idea Management System.......................................................................... 6 Learn How to Motivate the Crowd АВТОР: Eric Mack ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: April 17, 2012 ИСТОЧНИК: infographic/13552 Аннотация: инфографика, иллюстрирующая основные принципы управления мотивацией сообщества к совместной деятельности. We just received another interesting infographic courtesy of with some insight on motivating crowdsourcing contributors. Fascinating how fostering a sense of pride and making an impact in the world goes further than financial incentives in the examples given.
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Social Organization Дайджест №13 (2012)

Содержание Learn How to Motivate the Crowd ............................................................................................................... 0

Community Manager: Tool Talk Wrap Up..................................................................................................... 3

What Makes YOU A Community Manager? .................................................................................................. 4

Future Community Managers: What You Need to Know! ............................................................................ 5

The 6 Features Needed In Your Idea Management System .......................................................................... 6

Learn How to Motivate the Crowd АВТОР: Eric Mack ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: April 17, 2012 ИСТОЧНИК: Аннотация: инфографика, иллюстрирующая основные принципы управления мотивацией сообщества к совместной деятельности.

We just received another interesting infographic courtesy of with some insight on motivating crowdsourcing contributors. Fascinating how fostering a sense of pride and making an impact in the world goes further than financial incentives in the examples given.

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Community Manager: Tool Talk Wrap Up АВТОР: Megan Larsen ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: March 2, 2012 ИСТОЧНИК: Аннотация: благодаря статье Вы сможете узнать о некоторых новых инструментах, полезных в повседневной работе комьюнити-менеджера при работе с сообществами.

My Community Manager hosted yet another Google Hangout with some very interesting insights from a broad range of community managers. Our topic this week was ‘Tools,’ and diving deeper into what tools community manager’s really use on a daily basis. Participating Community Managers and Introductions: We were happy to welcome two new participants in this week’s Hangout, Mike Fraietta, Community Manager at News Corp., and Maddie Ruud (@MaddieRuud), Community Manager at HubPages! Mike Fraietta was happy to chime in and talk about internal community management from an enterprise level. Mike previously was ‘Chief Listener and Online Community Manager’ for startup company FiltrBox. As a community manager, Mike uses multiple tools to listen to his communities, because each tool is used to accomplish different goals. Maddie Ruud is Community Manager for HubPages – a user-generated site. Not only does Maddie recommend HubPages for creating content – but I believe this is the best site of its kind, as it’s user-friendly and has its ‘perks.’ I strongly suggest signing up if you’re a community manager. David DeWald (@Historian) is an Online Community Manager for a publishing company, where he runs a smaller community. David has past experiences in community management for video game companies, although he is looking forward to growing a new, yet smaller community in his current role at a publishing company. Larry Jennings (@Larboz) is an aspiring Community Manager, and a consistent contributor to our My Community Manager Blog. Larry is a social media enthusiast – interested in utilizing community manager skills, and bringing them to his employer at an internal and external level. Listening Tools Discussed: Seesmic: General listening dashboard – simple and easy to use. HootSuite: Good tool for listening and managing multiple social accounts. Tweetdeck: Tool best used for listening on mobile devices. Yahoo Pipes: Listening to ‘search terms.’ Tools to Create and Curate Content: Flipboard - Source -based, digital magazine app. Zite- Term-based (opposed to source based), personalized magazine app. HubPages- Creation site, with internal content tools within each Hub. Measurement Tools Discussed: Sort things out for multiple brands, and it’s in beta stage. This tool integrates Google Analytics to track engagement for insights. Peak Analytics- Research based tool used to track demographics with high reach. i.e. TV Shows such as ‘American Idol.’ That’s all for now folks! Thank you all who contributed to today’s My Community Manager Hangout. For those who missed today’s chat – we hope to see you next week Friday at 1pm CST.

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What Makes YOU A Community Manager? АВТОР: Tom Besore ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: March 8, 2012 ИСТОЧНИК: Аннотация: рассказ одного из комьюнити менеджеров о его видении основных задач при управлении сообществами. Автор рассказывает как различные инструменты объединяют людей в социальных сетях помогают ему, какие наиболее эффективны в работе «на добровольных началах».

I‘d like to hear what others are doing to “manage their community”. What makes you a community manager? Is this your internship, your paid occupation or a passion that you’re pursuing using the internet as a tool? Are you able to describe your primary and secondary tasks in managing your community? Is it purely social media based or do you try to attract some personal face time for your constituency? What tools do you use to measure your success?

It seems to me that a good community manager ought to be able to reach out and introduce themself to their peers in a way that promotes their own particular community. I’ll get started and hopefully you’ll take my lead and introduce yourself. After all, what good community manager would pass up the opportunity to promote their group?

I am not a paid community manager. I am a passionate advocate for Chicago neighborhoods, personal networking and local business. I’ve combined these three passions into a mission called the Windy City Explorers. You can find us on all the usual social media suspects as well as our website I started this “community” three years ago with two people using a platform called Meetup. I must be on to something because the group is nearly 2000 strong now. That’s my claim to fame as not only a community manager, but a community builder.

My role as community manager is to develop neat little outings where my community can come together in real life and explore Chicago neighborhoods. I have to do lots of legwork researching neighborhoods, identifying good walking routes, contacting businesses that would like to have us stop in to say hello. Like any good community manager, I spend hours at my craft, many on the computer, thinking of ways to bring my group closer together and build personal bonds. I consider myself very successful in bringing this group together in real life. As far as building online bonds, not so much. You see, my group is all about personal, in real life, interaction. We use the internet as a publicity and scheduling tool. I have not been too successful (for anything other than scheduling) in engaging the group on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or YouTube. I know next to nothing about analytics, Klout scores, measures of influence and impressions. My only real measure of success is how many people show up at my outings. Sometimes, I get a lot. When I ran a free “haunted tour” of Chicago’s Loop, I attracted a parade of 175 people who promptly got thrown out of Milennium Park. When I do my Top Ten Bridges Tour in the Spring, I get close to 200. When I ran an expensive breakfast recently, I scored only fifteen people willing to shell out the cost. I measure my success by the numbers of people who attend and by whether they come back again and again for my events. My events are popular because they’re generally free and because (I like to think) that I am a good leader and guide. I consider this group to be a true community because the same people are now coming back over and over again.

Many question why I do this and the standard reply is twofold. First, I am a showoff. I enjoy being the leader and bringing people together for something I plan. Second, I actually do have an economic motive behind my community. You see, I am a sole practice attorney and a real estate broker. My events bring me in contact with potential customers who now have a personal connection to someone who can help them in these areas. That’s given me a fair amount of business over these past three years. People enjoy doing business with those that they know, with those who give back to the community on a volunteer basis, and with those who draw a crowd. I may not be the best attorney or the best Realtor around, but I know my constituency and I actively engage them in several different ways.

I like to hang around with “community managers” because I hope I can learn a little something from you all about the technical aspects of your trade. I wish to learn how can I be more effective in getting my community to interact online. I’d never want to supplant the personal

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interaction with online presence. But I would like to supplement the physical events with more online interaction so that people can get to know one another better. I’ve already picked up on a few good ideas like Google Hangouts, Twitter Chats and Spreecast video sessions. I hope to continue observing the professionals so that I can gain a more effective online presence in managing my community.

Future Community Managers: What You Need to Know! АВТОР: Ryland Devero ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: November 16, 2011 ИСТОЧНИК: Аннотация: в статье описываются основные навыки, которые, по мнению автора, пригодятся комьюнити менеджерам будущего. Автор приводит примеры различных программ по работе с социальными сетями и блогами и описывает основные принципы поведения КМ и его общения с участниками сообществ.

While going through my daily community manager-induced reading ritual the other day, I came across this Advertising Age article prescribing what’s required from the next generation of marketers. As I was reading, I was struck by how the prescriptions for future marketers mirrored what I think will become prescriptions for future community managers. Herewith, qualities I think will be required for the next generation of community managers. (Oh, and current community managers? You’re not off the hook either.)

Know it all This may sound like a tall order, but in most companies whether they are agency or client-side, small or large, the majority of your peers will look to you to know the latest trends in the digital and social realms. Now, let’s be honest: It’s impossible to know everything, especially when new tools and trends are developing seemingly by the minute. So, immediately build your bookmark bar, your Google Reader, your RSS feed – whatever method works for you. The important quality here isn’t to know everything, but to be able to find the answer to anything. Some can’t-miss blogs to get you started:

- Mashable - TechCrunch - All Twitter - All Facebook - Social Media Examiner - Brian Solis Learn how to juggle I would imagine juggling rubber balls has got to be easier than juggling

numerous communities across numerous social media accounts. A knack for multi-tasking is an absolute must for future community managers. Emails, tweets, Facebook posts, blog posts and LinkedIn company status updates are almost always half to three-quarters of the way finished at any given time while I’m juggling online monitoring, fielding questions from my community, and the daily routine of emails, phone calls and meetings with coworkers. Yes – at times it will be intense. But 99% of the time, it’s exhilarating, empowering…and fun!

Crunch the numbers I’m the first to admit that metrics and analytics are not my strong suit. It’s not an area where I’m naturally skilled, nor one that I particularly enjoy. And most community managers and social media managers (myself included) argue that it’s more than just numbers of followers and fans that should count as engagement or “success.” However, social media metrics will often be the “bottom line” to your supervisor. Finding the correct tools will not only ease your pain, but hopefully make you look good, too. Some of my favorite (and free!) monitoring tools:

- HootSuite (has great analytics options even for free membership) - Facebook InSights - Twitter Counter - Twenty Feet - Tweepi - Buffer - Topsy

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- Twilert - Social Mention - Who ReTweeted Me - Listen…when appropriate The golden rule of community management and social media monitoring is listening. You’ll

read that little tip in almost every article on the topic. But you can’t be all listen and no action. Striking the balance between listening and talking (typing?) will be key. The hitch in this plan is that balance will be different for each community, based on its type, size, age and multiple other unique categories. Yes, you should thank community members for sharing their feedback and promoting your product and/or service. But you can’t thank everyone, constantly. But if you don’t thank your community, you’ll seem disengaged and ungrateful. You can’t just thank your big-time followers with thousands in their network, but you can’t ignore your influencers, either. It’s up to you to decide when it’s appropriate to listen and when it’s appropriate to enter yourself into the conversation.

Take action (both ON- and OFF-line) So, you’ve listened. You’ve monitored. You’ve supervised. Now what?Insert your own

personality into your community, as long as it’s in small doses. Consumers, users, readers, whatever you want to call them – the majority don’t write on a Facebook Page just to splatter their thoughts on a white wall. They want to be heard, they want to have a conversation and probably most of all, they want to be entertained and informed. So take action. Give them what they want. And have fun doing it!

Offline, make sure that your actual, physical voice is heard throughout your business. As I mentioned above, you’re the expert. Just because your coworker read an article on Mashable and now thinks “everyone” is on Google+ doesn’t mean your company necessarily needs to be there. As the community manager you have to learn how to encourage ideas and feedback from your coworkers but also know where your company’s community exists. This comes as second nature when you understand your community.

The 6 Features Needed In Your Idea Management System АВТОР: Phil McKinney ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: March 19, 2012 ИСТОЧНИК: Аннотация: автор статьи приводит шесть функций, которые, по его мнению, необходимы для управления идеями в компании. Необходимость использования средства для управления идеями автор обосновывает тем, что человеческий потенциал сотрудников является новой важнейшим элементов внедрения инноваций в компании

Idea Management Is Key To Your Innovation Strategy

Ideas are the currency in the new creative economy therefore you need tools to manage this valuable asset as part of your overall innovation strategy. Idea management is often overlooked as a crucial component in the overall innovation process. What are the features you need in your idea management system? - Idea capture and tracking - Idea evaluation - Idea collaboration - Track ideas through your innovation process/gates - Ability to pause ideas - Support innovation challenges