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Social Media and Online Communications from the View of a Small Non- Profit AKA hang out with Margot and talk about Social Non-Profits

Social Media and Online Communications from the View of a Small Non-Profit

Nov 17, 2014




Margot Brenna created this powerpoint and presentation for Concordia College's first Social Media Summit. She was a breakout speaker for the summit on April 14, 2013. This is a detailed copy of the presentation.
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  • 1. Social Media and OnlineCommunications from theView of a Small Non-ProfitAKA hang out with Margot and talk about Social Non-Profits

2. Why Im here 3. Local Non-Profit Facts 3,500 public charities in NorthDakota 45,000 North Dakotans Employed byNon-Profits One great thing about many ofthese non-profits (in the Fargo-Moorhead Area) Same fundraising plan = Similar communications 4. Business vs. Non-Profits What are businesses trying to sell? What are non-profits trying to (Products, services, idea youre sell? not good enough, idea the (Emotional connection, awareness product will change your life) of cause, services/sometimes a product) What do they want? (Your $ - people to buy their What do they want? product/service, repeat (New donors, sustaining donors, customers, your trust, people tovolunteers, clients, partner refer others to purchase item)businesses & agencies) 5. Originally, there were some graphs about communication trends in 2013 for Non-Profits.Instead of post those slides, you can download the report:Its from Kivi Leroux Millers www.nonprofitmarketingguide.coms annual study entitled2013 Non-Profit Communication Trends Report. The full version can be downloaded at: 6. Strategy: Target AudienceInstead of talk all about strategy, letstouch on one portion of it: TargetAudience. It answers the question, Whoare non-profits trying to reach? Where are these groups online? Would it be beneficial to use thoseplatforms? Non-Profits have to be realistic andmake sure they have the Time & $ to putinto it And knowledge (e.g. staff, volunteers, etc) 7. How Non-Profit Communication TranslatesOnlineBlogSocialOthers Website Email Website BlogEmail OthersMediaSocialMedia 8. ContentHumor Uncontrollable tears 9. Online Content Clear message across all platforms voice Calls to action (e.g. donate now sign upto volunteer) Social integration/cross-promotional Knowledge and understanding of eachplatform Personal user before Brand Content Manager Understanding the difference & approach Take into consideration viewpoints of targetaudience 10. Example Audience: Donor Perspective What they want to know: They can see who its helping and can learnabout the mission Theres access to financial information- tobuild credibility Its easy to donate online- and have options Show fundraising opportunities 11. Example Audience: Client Perspective What they want to know: How to get a hold of theorganization (contact information) Hours of operation or available forservices Any limitations for servicesprovided? Transportation to organization 12. Example Audience: VolunteersPerspective What they want to know: What do volunteers do? What do they need to know? When are they needed? Where is the location/event location? Why are volunteers important to theorganization? Why do volunteers like giving back? How volunteers should sign up 13. So/MeExamples 14. Keeping up with the charity:waters 15. Charity Water Staff Who Probably HaveInput for Online Communication Creative Director Tech Project Email Marketing Director of Digital ManagerManagerEngagement Designer Supporter Executive Producer Web DesignerExperience Administrator Director of VideographerTechnology Content Strategist Special Events Online ReportingProject Manager Officer 16. How can a small non-profit keep up? Stick to the strategy (or create one and then stickto it) Non-profits should only do what they can do well Make meaningful content with a purpose Gather groups of knowledgeable and capablevolunteers/interns/staff/etc (Social Media DreamTeam) Give specific tasks/jobs Expectations 17. How to help non-profits you support withyour social media talents Choose an organization you connect with and get to know it insideand out Set a strategy & guidelines- and ways to implement it Create content Set goals and measure them Look for free/low-cost resources( 18. Questions? [email protected]