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Social Commerce How Technology and Integration is Shaping Up the ‘Social Buying’ Experience

Social Commerce - new trends, integration and changing consumer behavior

Jan 22, 2015




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  • 1. Social Commerce How Technology and Integration is Shaping Up the Social Buying

2. Contents Social Commerce Where is it now? What are the solutions? Where is Social Commerce going? Why do you need to be aware of it? Who are the leaders? How do you start and integrate for success?www.social2b.com2 3. Social Commerce Dimensions Sharing your purchasing decisions before, during and a6er buying Communica9ng your decisions with others family, friends, strangers Volunteering your reviews and quality control check- points Ci9zen Shoppers Becoming brand advocates and inuencers, thus bene9ng from closer brand engagement 3 4. Social Commerce Dimensions Engaging the audience where they buy and engaging their sen9ment, sharing, volunteerism Engaging buyers where they connect, by being relevant and value-driven www.social2b.com4 5. Social Media Enablers 5 6. Social Commerce Market 2010-2015 www.social2b.com6 7. Social Commerce Sharing and Social Inuence Source: Forrester and - 2011 7 8. Social Commerce F-Commerce Source: Forrester and - 2011 8 9. Social Commerce Brand InteracDon www.social2b.com9 10. Social Commerce Stats Infographic 10 11. Social Commerce Early Success Stories www.social2b.com11 12. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Ra9ngs and Reviews Microblogs and landing pages Social Recommenda9ons Company Blogs Client generated comments Product sharing on social sites Social Shopping Aggregator Sites (deal sites) Ability to engage open APIs www.social2b.com12 13. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Ratings and Reviews Used by most retailers (also a common func9on for many eCommerce pla]orms Magento, Shopify, ATG, etc.) Opportunity to reduce content crea9on eorts and shi6 to 3rd party generated content Benets to product development, eld tes9ng, and up-sell/sell-through (if well integrated with analy9cs and customer service process) www.social2b.com13 14. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Microblogs (Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.) 14 15. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Microblogs (Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.) Easy and rela9vely inexpensive to launch Quick Disposal or extra inventory (Dell example) Customer Service extension benets www.social2b.com15 16. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Social RecommendationsOpportunity to crowdsource opinion Exposes clients to more content If built in, increases 9me on site and upsell opportunity 16 17. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Company BlogsGood opportunity for SEO Integra9on of content and commerce through links, sugges9ons, reviews and shares Low cost add-on to the exis9ng commerce site Relevance is important not just aggressive promo9on 17 18. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Client Generated and Suggested outfittingwww.social2b.com18 19. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Client Generated and Suggested outfitting Assists in merchandizing support and cross- sells Customer Engagement Unique Approach www.social2b.com19 20. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Client Generated and Suggested outfitting Assists in merchandizing support and cross-sells Customer Engagement Unique Approach Integra9ng high-touch and digital experience www.social2b.com20 21. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Product Sharing on Social Sites (FB+Twitter)More eec9ve than companys social network pages Opportunity to use Facebooks or Twihers infrastructure to evangelize the brand Best relevant sharing (with events, item quality, item level communica9ons, etc.) Many op9ons exist for content publishing and www.social2b.comcommerce on FB 21 22. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Social Shopping Aggregator SitesAggregated and incremental trac More engaged relevant shoppers based on preferences Conversion is moderate early in the sell cycle Behavioral aspects are visible based on preferences, price sensi9vity, etc. www.social2b.com22 23. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Open APIsTake advantage and crowdsource technology Great for ready made projects Lower cost of entry Proven and tested www.social2b.com23 24. Most common social tactics deployed by brands What about Facebook?Integra9on of on-site experience Brand Extension Feedback aggregator via surveys, polls, comments, shares, likes www.social2b.com24 25. Most common social tactics deployed by brands Value of a Facebook Like (2010-2011)?www.social2b.com25 26. Trends and Drivers for Social CommerceRetailers are beginning to overlay social graph on digital and brick-and-mortar loca9ons SoLoMo Social, Local and Mobile is beginning to bridge the gap between physical and digital Commerce and Social Commerce will unite the audience on physical and social worlds Gaming may act as a catalyst in social commerce as an early driver (Zynga, etc.) 26 27. Trends and Drivers for Social CommerceMillennials and younger genera9ons are blending real life and digital life they dont know the dierence Social Apps, games, local deals, mobile technology are driving addic9ve behaviors Loca9on based tracking through Gowalla and Foursquare may help drive trac to stores (physical and digital) and solicit immediate feedback www.social2b.com27 28. Trends and Drivers for Social Commerce: Example PepsiCo Social 28 29. Trends and Drivers for Social Commerce: Example Macys Magic Fitting 29 30. Trends and Drivers for Social Commerce: Example Diesels Integrated Social Experiencewww.social2b.com30 31. Trends and Drivers for Social Commerce: Example Adidas Holiday 31 32. Potential and How You can ImproveOnline sales will grow at 10% compound rate through 2015 (Forrester) Younger genera9ons are looking for recommenda9ons and valida9on from peers anywhere and for anything Integra9on of Real-World and Social World is real and will con9nue to dominate Mobile technologies and Smart Phones will con9nue to augment the experience of shopping SoLoMo will con9nue to drive trac to Image credits: EdologicIL; RenaultNLbrick-an-mortar through social engagement (Likes, Check-Ins, etc.) www.social2b.com32 33. Whats next in Social Commerce Integration Integra9on of social gaming and social commerce turning virtual currency into real currency Helping shoppers build collec9ons and sharing with friends your way (Polyvore, The Trunk Club,, etc.) Shopping content aggrega9on and management, virtual closets, shareable wish lists (SVPPLY, Groupon, etc.) Specic interest graphs new fron9ers evolving from Social Commerce Social Interest Graphs, integra9on of groups and interests directed at brands, etc. 33 34. Whats next in Social Commerce IntegrationCase Study Walmart ShopyCat Aggregated shopping helper (avatar) integra9ng preferences and choices for family members, friends and alike interest groups 34 35. Whats next in Social Commerce Integration Case Study Pose Mobile and Social Shopping experiences. Share your branded ou]its with friends and family. Solicit input and feedback. Get rewards for sharing and featuring brands. Become style inuencers. Good integra9on between social and mobile channels. Excellent engagement model. 35 36. Thanks!Alex Romanovich, Founder Social2B International, LLC,CMO EuroSpaClub International,Advisory Board Member The CMO ClubUnique blend of technology, marketing andbusiness development skills and@Social2B experience (IBM, SGI, Bertelsmann AG,@alexromanovich Unified Technologies, Global Advertising@eurospaclubStrategies, Social2B, EuroSpaClub Intl.)Frequent speaker and advisor on topicsof Social Media, International andMulti-Cultural Mktg.(CNBC, CNN International, Forbes,Crains, Voice of America, etc.)Social Media Marketing, Social ValueChain, Social Commerce, andSocial Media Scalability Expertisewww.social2b.com36