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#!/bin/bash # Script Name: sandfox # Requires: inotify-tools # License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 help () { cat << EOF sandfox version 1.1.4 Usage: sandfox [OPTIONS] [COMMAND [ARG]...] Runs COMMAND as a normal user within a chroot jail sandbox with limited access to the filesystem. Supports profiles for apps and includes a default Firefox profile. Must be run as root when creating sandbox. Examples: sudo sandfox firefox # Runs Firefox in a sandbox sudo sandfox bash # Shell to explore a sandbox OPTIONS: --bindro TARGET Include TARGET (a file or folder) in the sandbox bind-mounting it as a read-only filesystem --bind TARGET Include TARGET (a file or folder) in the sandbox with same ownership and permissions when possible --copy TARGET Place a disposable copy of TARGET (a file or folder) in the sandbox --hide TARGET Include TARGET (a file or folder) in the sandbox by bind-mounting an empty file or folder onto it Effectively hides the real TARGET from the sandbox Also provides a writable dummy folder --profile PROFILE Load PROFILE (a profile name or pathname). By default profiles are stored in $defaultprofolder --make Force creation or update of a sandbox (make is implied if you specify binds or profiles) --sandbox NAME Specify name of sandbox to use, create, or update --close NAME Unmount and remove sandbox NAME --closeall Unmount and remove ALL sandboxes --status Show the status of all current sandboxes --shell Run COMMAND in a shell and wait. Requires root. (bash is always run in a shell) --user USERNAME Run command as USER in the sandbox - useful if auto-detection does not work or to override --profilefolder FOLDER Use FOLDER instead of the default profile folder IMPORTANT: should be root owned & write- protected --logfile LOGFILE Also append messages to LOGFILE. sandfox daemons will also update this file provided it is accessible from within the sandbox. --verbose Provide detailed feedback

Sobre los secretos de la vida

Sep 11, 2015



Javier López

Sobre lo absurdo del sistema de recompensa en este sitio.

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  • #!/bin/bash # Script Name: sandfox # Requires: inotify-tools # License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 help () { cat
  • --quiet Minimize output messages NOTES: OPTIONS must precede COMMAND; you can also use OPTION=VALUE; binds are processed in this order: bindro bind copy hide; missing binds are ignored; if a profile for COMMAND exists it will be automatically loaded; default profile is always loaded; profiles may contain any options valid on the command line; if COMMAND is omitted, a sandbox will be created for use. Instructions and updates: EOF exit 0 } log () { output=0 if (( optquiet == 1 )) && [ "$2" = "quiet" ]; then output=1 elif (( optverbose == 1 )) && [ "$2" = "verb" ]; then output=1 elif (( optquiet == 0 )) && [ "$2" != "verb" ]; then output=1 fi if (( output == 1 )); then if (( optdaemon == 1 )); then d="sandfox-daemon($(basename "${watchs[0]}")): " else d="" fi echo "$1" if [ "$logfile" != "" ]; then echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): $d$1" >> "$logfile" fi fi } processopt () { # $1 $2 # Process a command line or profile option opt="$1" opt2="$2" shifts=2 if [ "${opt:0:2}" = "--" ]; then opt="${opt:2}" fi case "$opt" in help | -help | -h ) help exit ;; bind | bindrw | bindro | hide | copy | watch ) if [ "${opt2:0:1}" != "/" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires an absolute path" "quiet" exit 1 fi if [ "$opt" = "bindrw" ]; then

  • opt="bind" fi eval $opt\s[\$$opt\scnt]=\"\$opt2\" eval \(\( $opt\scnt += 1 \)\) ;; profile ) if [ "${opt2:0:1}" = "-" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires a profile name or file" "quiet" exit 1 fi prof[$profcnt]="$opt2" (( profcnt += 1 )) ;; profilefolder ) if [ "$profolder" != "" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Multiple profile folders not permitted" "quiet" exit 1 elif [ "${opt2:0:1}" != "/" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires an absolute path" "quiet" exit 1 fi profolder="$opt2" ;; sandbox ) if [ "$sandbox" != "" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Multiple sandbox names not permitted" "quiet" exit 1 fi opt2base=`basename "$opt2"` if [ "${opt2:0:1}" = "-" ] || [ "$opt2" = "" ] || [ "$opt2" != "$opt2base" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires a sandbox name" "quiet" exit 1 fi sandbox="$opt2" ;; close ) opt2base=`basename "$opt2"` if [ "${opt2:0:1}" = "-" ] || [ "$opt2" = "" ] || [ "$opt2" != "$opt2base" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires a sandbox name" "quiet" exit 1 fi closename[$closecnt]="$2" (( closecnt += 1 )) ;; logfile ) if [ "${opt2:0:1}" != "/" ]; then

  • log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires an absolute path" "quiet" exit 1 fi if [ "$logfile" != "" ]; then log "$curprofile: Warning: Multiple log files ignored" "quiet" else logfile="$opt2" if (( optdaemon == 0 )); then echo "=======================================================================" >> "$logfile" echo "sandfox started $(date +%Y-%m-%d' '%H:%M:%S) on $HOSTNAME" >> "$logfile" echo "$logcl" >> "$logfile" else log "Started >>> $logcl" fi chmod go+rw "$logfile" 2> /dev/null fi ;; make | verbose | quiet | keepsand | clean | closeall | status | daemon | shell ) eval opt$opt=1 if (( optquiet + optverbose == 2 )); then optquiet=0 fi shifts=1 ;; user ) if [ "${opt2:0:1}" = "-" ]; then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Option $opt requires a username" "quiet" exit 1 fi if [ "$curprofile" = "commandline" ]; then user="$opt2" else log "$curprofile: Warning: Option $opt ignored in profile" fi ;; * ) log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" log "$curprofile: Error: Unknown option $opt" "quiet" exit 1 ;; esac if (( shifts == 2 )); then log "$curprofile: Option $opt $opt2" "verb" else log "$curprofile: Option $opt" "verb" fi return $shifts } loadprofile () { # $1=profile name or path

  • p="$1" # exists? if [ "${p:0:1}" != "/" ]; then test1=`basename "$p"` test2=`basename "$p" "profile"` if [ "$test1" = "$test2" ]; then p="$profolder/$p.profile" else p="$profolder/$p" fi fi if [ ! -e "$p" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Missing profile $p" "quiet" exit 3 fi # already loaded? loadedprofidx=0 load=1 while (( loadedprofidx < loadedprofcnt )); do if [ "$p" = "${loadedprof[$loadedprofidx]}" ]; then load=0 break fi (( loadedprofidx += 1 )) done if (( load == 1 )); then curprofile="$p" # global var loadedprof[$loadedprofcnt]="$p" (( loadedprofcnt += 1 )) # read profile log "Loading profile \"$1\"" IFS=$'\n' loadedopts=`grep -v -e "^[[:blank:]]*#" "$p"` for l in $loadedopts ; do lorg="$l" if [ "$l" != "" ]; then l2=${l#*=} if [ "$l" != "$l2" ]; then # split = into two opts l=${l%%=*} else l2="" fi # remove whitespace and comments while [[ $"${l:0:1}" =~ [[:blank:]] ]]; do l="${l:1}" done l=${l%%#*} lenl=${#l} (( lenl -= 1 )) while [[ $"${l:lenl:1}" =~ [[:blank:]] ]]; do l="${l:0:lenl}" lenl=${#l} (( lenl -= 1 )) done l=${l%%[[:blank:]]} while [[ $"${l2:0:1}" =~ [[:blank:]] ]]; do l2="${l2:1}" done l2=${l2%%#*}

  • lenl2=${#l2} (( lenl2 -= 1 )) while [[ $"${l2:lenl2:1}" =~ [[:blank:]] ]]; do l2="${l2:0:lenl2}" lenl2=${#l2} (( lenl2 -= 1 )) done # process if [ "$l" != "" ]; then processopt "$l" "$l2" elif [ "$l2" != "" ]; then log "sandfox: Syntax error in profile $p" "quiet" log " Line: $lorg" "quiet" exit 3 fi fi done IFS=" " fi } randhex4() # generate a four digit random hex number { rand1=$RANDOM rand2=$RANDOM (( rand = rand1 + rand2 )) let "rand %= 65536" randhex=`printf "%04X" $rand | tr A-Z a-z` if [ "$randhex" = "" ]; then randhex=$RANDOM # failsafe fi } rmbox () { # $1=mnt folder to remove if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return elif [ ! -d "$1" ]; then return fi cleanpath="$1" IFS=$'\n' # find dbus daemon(s) running in sandbox(s) # If DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is not provided, firefox will # launch a dbus session inside the sandbox. This needs to be killed # for the sandbox to be closed. if [ "$cleanpath" != "$mnt" ]; then # single sandbox dbuspids=`lsof -w 2> /dev/null | grep $cleanpath/usr/bin/dbus-launch$ | awk '{print $2}'` else # all sandboxes dbuspids=`lsof -w 2> /dev/null | grep $cleanpath/.*/usr/bin/dbus-launch$ | awk '{print $2}'` fi # kill dbus-launch in sandbox(s) for dpid in $dbuspids ; do log ">>> kill $dpid # kill dbus-launch in sandbox" "verb" kill $dpid sleep 1

  • tries=0 while (( tries < 20 )) && [ "$(ps -o pid= -p $dpid)" != "" ]; do if (( tries == 0 )); then log "Waiting for dbus-launch ($dpid) to terminate..." fi sleep .5 (( tries++ )) done done # get mount points in reverse order mname="$cleanpath" mname=${mname//\//\\\/} # convert slashes mtab=`mount | grep " on $cleanpath\/" | sed "s/.* on \($mname.*\) type .*/\1/" | tac` if [ "$mtab" != "" ]; then # umount in reverse order for m in $mtab ; do log ">>> umount \"$m\"" "verb" test=`umount "$m" 2>&1` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then log "$test" log "sandfox: Error: Closure incomplete - mounts may still exist on" "quiet" log " $cleanpath Close programs running in" "quiet" log " the sandbox and try again. If problem persists see output of:" "quiet" log " lsof -w | grep $cleanpath" exit 4 fi done # do safety checks then remove folder mounts=`mount | grep " on $cleanpath\/" | sed "s/.* on \($mname.*\) type .*/\1/"` f1=`find "$cleanpath" -xdev -type f | wc -l 2> /dev/null` f2=`find "$cleanpath" -type f | wc -l 2> /dev/null` if [ "$f1" != "$f2" ] && [ "$mounts" = "" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Not all files could be safely removed from $cleanpath" "quiet" log " This may indicate a hidden bind mount still exists. It is" "quiet" log " recommended that you reboot or backup original folders, then" "quiet" log " manually remove $cleanpath as root." "quiet" exit 4 elif (( f1 > 50 )) && [ "$mounts" = "" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Not all files could be safely removed from $cleanpath" "quiet" log " because the number of files remaining exceeds the safety limit" "quiet" log " of 50. It is recommended that you reboot or backup original" "quiet" log " folders, then manually remove $cleanpath as root." "quiet" exit 4 elif [ "$mounts" != "" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Closure incomplete - mounts still exist on" "quiet" log " $cleanpath Close programs running in" "quiet"

  • log " the sandbox and try again. Mounts:" "quiet" log "$mounts" "quiet" exit 4 else log "Removing $cleanpath" "verb" log ">>> find \"$cleanpath\" -xdev | sort -r" "verb" f1=`find "$cleanpath" -xdev | sort -r 2> /dev/null` if [ "$f1" != "" ]; then for f in $f1 ; do if [ -d "$f" ]; then rmdir "$f" else rm "$f" fi done fi if [ -e "$cleanpath" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Not all files could be safely removed from $cleanpath" "quiet" log " This may indicate a hidden bind mount. It is recommended" "quiet" log " that you reboot or backup original folders before" "quiet" log " manually removing $cleanpath as root." "quiet" exit 4 fi fi fi IFS=" " } mkmount () { # $1=original folder # make mount point odir="$1" fdir="$sand$1" mkdir -p "$fdir" 2> /dev/null # recursively copy original folder ownership & permissions while [ "$odir" != "" ]; do if [ -e "$odir" ]; then chmod --reference="$odir" "$fdir" 2> /dev/null chown --reference="$odir" "$fdir" 2> /dev/null else chmod ugo+rwx "$fdir" 2> /dev/null chown $user:$user "$fdir" 2> /dev/null fi odir=${odir%/*} fdir=${fdir%/*} done } sandmount () { # $1=type $2=source $3=target case "$1" in bind | bindro ) if [ -d "$2" ]; then mkmount "$2" elif [ ! -e "$3" ]; then mdir=`dirname "$2"` mkmount "$mdir" touch "$3"

  • fi log ">>> mount --bind \"$2\" \"$3\"" "verb" mount --bind "$2" "$3" merr1=$? if [ "$2" != "/dev/random" ] && [ "$2" != "/dev/urandom" ]; then # remount if [ "$1" = "bindro" ]; then if [ "$2" = "/tmp" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: You are mounting /tmp read-only - your programs" log " may not work properly in this sandbox" fi mopt="remount,bind,noatime,nosuid,ro" else mopt="remount,bind,noatime,nosuid" fi log ">>> mount -o $mopt \"$3\"" "verb" mount -o $mopt "$3" merr2=$? else # don't remount /dev/random - causes hang merr2=0 if [ "$1" = "bindro" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: $2 cannot be mounted ro - mounted rw" fi fi test=`mount | grep " on $3 type "` if [ "$test" = "" ] || (( merr1 + merr2 != 0 )); then log "sandfox: Error: $1 mount failed on $3" "quiet" if (( newsand == 1 )); then rmbox "$sand" fi exit 4 fi ;; tmpfs ) mkmount "$2" if [ -d "$3" ]; then log ">>> mount -t tmpfs -o noatime,nosuid,size=$tmpfslimit tmpfs \"$3\"" "verb" mount -t tmpfs -o noatime,nosuid,size=$tmpfslimit tmpfs "$3" merr1=$? test=`mount | grep "^tmpfs on $3 type tmpfs"` if [ "$test" = "" ] || (( merr1 != 0 )); then log "sandfox: Error: tmpfs mount failed on $3" "quiet" if (( newsand == 1 )); then rmbox "$sand" fi exit 4 fi else log "sandfox: Warning: Could not hide $2" fi ;; esac

  • } boxstatus () { # $1 =box name OR "" for all if [ "$1" = "" ]; then boxes=`find $mnt -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2> /dev/null` else boxes="$1" fi IFS=$'\n' log if [ "$boxes" = "" ]; then log " No sandboxes exist" else for b in $boxes ; do bname="$(basename "$b")" testdaemons=`ps -eo user,cmd | grep -v -e "grep" -e " /bin/su " | grep -c "sandfox .*--daemon.*$eventsfolder/$bname[[:blank:]]*$"` testfolders=`find "$b" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' | sort` testfolders="${testfolders//$IFS/ }" testmounts=`mount | grep -c " on $b/"` if [ "$testfolders" != "" ] || [ "$testdaemons" != "" ] || (( testmounts > 0 )); then makemsg=" (remake this sandbox to use it)" if (( testdaemons < 1 )) || [ ! -d "$eventsfolder/$bname" ]; then testdaemons="disabled$makemsg" makemsg="" else testuser=`ps -eo "%U %a" | grep -v -e "grep" -e " /bin/su " \ | grep -m 1 "sandfox .*--daemon.*$eventsfolder/$bname[[:blank:]]*$" \ | sed 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\) .*/\1/'` testdaemons="running ($testuser)" fi if (( testmounts < 1 )); then testmounts="none$makemsg" makemsg="" else testmounts="$testmounts $mnt/$bname/" fi if [ testfolders = "" ]; then testfolders="none$makemsg" fi log "Sandbox: $bname" log " Daemon: $testdaemons" log " Mounts: $testmounts" log " Root Dirs: $testfolders" log fi done fi IFS=" " } mkprofiles () { # profile folder if [ "$profolder" = "" ]; then profolder="$defaultprofolder"

  • fi mkdir -p "$profolder" if [ ! -d "$profolder" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Could not create profile folder $profolder" "quiet" exit 3 fi if [ ! -e "$profolder/default.profile" ]; then cat "$profolder/default.profile" # Sandfox Default Profile # # WARNING: This default profile is loaded for all sandboxes and should only # contain the minimum folders required by all apps. If you do not at # least bind /bin /lib and /etc then the chroot command may not succeed. # # For instructions consult # OPTION # or # OPTION=VALUE (Do not use quotes) # # To include another profile in this profile: # profile=PROFILENAME # root folders and files bindro=/bin # required by chroot su - do not remove bindro=/etc # required by chroot su - do not remove bindro=/lib # required by chroot su - do not remove # recommended to keep apps happy bind=/dev/null bind=/dev/urandom bind=/dev/random bind=/dev/nvidia0 bind=/dev/nvidiactl bindro=/lib32 bindro=/lib64 bindro=/opt/lib32 bind=/tmp bindro=/usr bindro=/var/lib hide=/var/lib/mlocate # security # home folders and files # probably better to bind most home folders and files in another profile copy=/home/\$user/.bashrc # provides a disposable copy copy=/home/\$user/.bash_profile # provides a disposable copy # other folders and files # probably better to put these in another profile

  • # Lockdown X Access (experimental) # These hides, disabled by default, MAY HELP to lockdown X access - for # example to discourage sandboxed apps from taking screen snapshots or # doing keylogging. If you enable these, be sure to close all sandboxes # before updating your system. Your package manager won't be able to # update these files while they are mounted in a sandbox. # # hide=/usr/bin/import # hide=/usr/bin/xauth # hide=/usr/bin/xev # hide=/usr/bin/xhost # hide=/usr/bin/xwd # hide=/usr/bin/xscreensaver # hide=/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command # hide=/usr/bin/xscreensaver-demo # hide=/usr/bin/xscreensaver-getimage # hide=/usr/bin/xscreensaver-getimage-file # hide=/usr/bin/xscreensaver-getimage-video # hide=/usr/bin/Xorg # hide=/etc/X11 # hide=/usr/lib/X11 EOF fi if [ ! -e "$profolder/firefox.profile" ]; then cat "$profolder/firefox.profile" # Sandfox Firefox Profile # # Note that default.profile is always loaded in addition to other profiles # # For instructions consult # OPTION # or # OPTION=VALUE (Do not use quotes) # # To include another profile in this profile: # profile=PROFILENAME # root folders and files required by firefox bindro=/bin bindro=/opt/firefox # sometimes firefox is installed here bind=/dev/null bind=/dev/urandom # used by Firefox for security purposes bind=/dev/random # used by Firefox for printing bind=/dev/nvidia0 bind=/dev/nvidiactl bindro=/etc bindro=/lib bindro=/lib32 bindro=/lib64 bindro=/opt/lib32 bind=/tmp bindro=/usr bindro=/var/lib hide=/var/lib/mlocate bindro=/run/resolvconf # used by Firefox for DNS support

  • # required by alsa for Flash sound bindro=/dev/snd # required by Java bindro=/opt/java bindro=/proc # required by Cups printing in Firefox bind=/var/cache/cups # Firefox starts faster bind=/var/cache/fontconfig # Firefox starts faster bind=/var/run # Firefox shows Cups printers # home folders and files # You may need to add additional binds to your home folders and files in order # for every aspect of Firefox to work as you want. Or you can share your # entire /home/\$user folder (this would reduce security) bind=/home/\$user/.mozilla bind=/home/\$user/.esd_auth bind=/home/\$user/.java bindro=/home/\$user/.asoundrc # Needed for KDE and Gnome themes in Firefox (may be incomplete for gnome) # To find out what other binds you may need, run 'env' in a shell as user # and examine the values of GTK2_RC_FILES and GTK_RC_FILES and XCURSOR_THEME # Note: The bind for kdeglobals below is a limited privacy risk, as KDE4 stores # recent file and folder names in this file. You can clean this file with # kscrubber: # or don't bind it, but your theme may not work in Firefox bind=/home/\$user/.config/gtk-2.0 bindro=/home/\$user/.fontconfig bindro=/home/\$user/.fonts bind=/home/\$user/.gtkrc-2.0 bind=/home/\$user/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 bind=/home/\$user/.kde/share/config/gtkrc bind=/home/\$user/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.0 bindro=/home/\$user/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals bind=/home/\$user/.kde4/share/config/gtkrc bind=/home/\$user/.kde4/share/config/gtkrc-2.0 bindro=/home/\$user/.kde4/share/config/kdeglobals bindro=/home/\$user/.gtkrc-2.0-kde bind=/home/\$user/.kde3/share/config/gtkrc bind=/home/\$user/.kde3/share/config/gtkrc-2.0 bindro=/home/\$user/.kde3/share/config/kdeglobals bindro=/home/\$user/.Xdefaults # for cursor theme bindro=/home/\$user/.Xauthority #bindro=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc # used but already binded all of /etc # Required by flash player for persisent LSOs # Hide will store the cookies in ram and destroy them on exit. If you need # LSOs to be permanent, use bind= instead.

  • # hide=/home/\$user/.adobe # creates a dummy folder hide=/home/\$user/.macromedia # creates a dummy folder # other folders and files # You may want to bind your Downloads or other data folders below so you # can easily save and upload files from within Firefox. EOF fi if [ ! -e "$profolder/skype.profile" ]; then cat "$profolder/skype.profile" # Sandfox Skype Profile # # Note that default.profile is always loaded in addition to other profiles # # For instructions consult # OPTION # or # OPTION=VALUE (Do not use quotes) # # To include another profile in this profile: # profile=PROFILENAME # Set this to your Skype video device # Note: /dev/video probably won't work bind=/dev/video0 bind=/dev/shm bind=/dev/snd bind=/dev/nvidia0 bind=/dev/nvidiactl # bind=/sys/devices/system/cpu # ??? # bindro=/etc/pulse/client.conf # only needed if /etc not bound bindro=/proc/interrupts bindro=/var/cache/libx11/compose bind=/tmp bindro=/usr bind=/usr/share/skype # Gentoo users may need to disable this bind bind=/opt/skype # Following only needed if all of /tmp not bound above # copy=/tmp/.ICE-unix # copy=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 # bind=/tmp/pulse-*/native # Following only needed if all of /usr not bound above # copy=/usr/bin/skype # bindro=/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/iconengines # bindro=/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/imageformats # bindro=/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/imageformats # bindro=/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/inputmethods # bindro=/usr/share/X11/locale # bindro=/usr/share/icons # bindro=/usr/share/fonts

  • bind=/home/\$user/.Skype bindro=/home/\$user/.ICEauthority bindro=/home/\$user/.Xauthority bindro=/home/\$user/.config/Trolltech.conf bindro=/home/\$user/.fontconfig bindro=/home/\$user/.asoundrc EOF fi if [ ! -e "$profolder/google-earth.profile" ]; then cat "$profolder/google-earth.profile" # Sandfox Google-Earth Profile # # Note that default.profile is always loaded in addition to other profiles # # For instructions consult # OPTION # or # OPTION=VALUE (Do not use quotes) # # To include another profile in this profile: # profile=PROFILENAME # root folders and files bindro=/bin bind=/dev/null bind=/dev/urandom bind=/dev/random bind=/dev/nvidia0 bind=/dev/nvidiactl bindro=/etc bindro=/lib bindro=/lib32 bindro=/lib64 bindro=/opt/lib32 bind=/tmp bindro=/usr bindro=/var/lib hide=/var/lib/mlocate bindro=/opt/google/earth bindro=/opt/google-earth # required by Cups printing bind=/var/cache/cups bind=/var/cache/fontconfig bind=/var/run # home folders and files # You may need to add additional binds to your home folders and files in order # for every aspect of Google-Earth to work as you want. Or you can share your # entire /home/\$user folder (this would reduce security) bind=/home/\$user/.googleearth bind=/home/\$user/.config/Google bind=/home/\$user/.esd_auth bindro=/home/\$user/.config/Trolltech.conf

  • # Themes bindro=/home/\$user/.Xdefaults bindro=/home/\$user/.Xauthority bindro=/home/\$user/.fontconfig bindro=/home/\$user/.fonts # other folders and files # You may want to bind your Downloads or other data folders below so you # can easily save and upload files from within Google-Earth. EOF fi if [ ! -e "$profolder/default.profile" ] || \ [ ! -e "$profolder/firefox.profile" ] || \ [ ! -e "$profolder/google-earth.profile" ] || \ [ ! -e "$profolder/skype.profile" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Could not create default profiles in $profolder" "quiet" exit 3 fi } ###################################################################################### # pre-init defaultprofolder="/etc/sandfox" # BE CAREFUL if you change $mnt - folder will be removed mnt="/mnt/sandfox" # eventsfolder cannot contain spaces and must be a bind eventsfolder="/tmp/sandfox-events" # maximum size of copy/hide folders tmpfslimit="100M" index=0 bindscnt=0 bindroscnt=0 hidescnt=0 copyscnt=0 watchscnt=0 closecnt=0 prof[0]="default" profcnt=1 profolder="" sandbox="" logfile="" logcl="$0 $*" curprofile="commandline" # find chroot wchroot=`which chroot` if [ "$wchroot" = "" ]; then if [ -e /usr/sbin/chroot ]; then wchroot=/usr/sbin/chroot elif [ -e /sbin/chroot ]; then wchroot=/sbin/chroot else wchroot=chroot fi

  • fi # parse command line if [ "$1" = "" ]; then help exit fi while [ "$1" != "" ]; do if [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ]; then o2=${1#*=} if [ "$1" != "$o2" ]; then # split = into two opts o1=${1%%=*} noshift=1 else o1="$1" o2="$2" noshift=0 fi processopt "$o1" "$o2" if [ "$?" = "2" ] && (( noshift == 0 )); then shift fi else bcmd="$*" bprog="${bcmd%% *}" bprog="$(basename $bprog)" if [ "$bprog" = "" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Could not determine sandbox program" "quiet" exit 1 fi break fi shift done # daemon mode # Note: Daemon mode is run internally as non-root user by sandfox to start # an events monitor which starts programs in the sandbox for the user # Daemon mode is not intended for direct use by the user if (( optdaemon == 1 )); then if (( watchscnt < 1 )); then log "sandfox-daemon: Error: Invalid daemon call - no watches" "quiet" exit 9 fi watchx=0 watchlist="" while (( watchx < watchscnt )); do watchlist="$watchlist \"${watchs[$watchx]}\"" (( watchx += 1 )) done # start watching user=`whoami` IFS=$'\n' while [ 1 ]; do

  • log ">>> inotifywait -eq modify $watchlist" "verb" fnotify=`eval /usr/bin/inotifywait -q -e modify -e moved_to -e create $watchlist` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then log "Quitting - watch stopped" exit 0 fi # watch folders still exist? watchx=0 while (( watchx < watchscnt )); do if [ ! -d "${watchs[$watchx]}" ]; then log "Quitting - ${watchs[$watchx]} deleted" exit 0 fi (( watchx += 1 )) done # run f1=`echo "$fnotify" | grep -e " MODIFY " -e " CREATE " -e " MOVED_TO "` f1="${f1/ CREATE / MODIFY }" f1="${f1/ MOVED_TO / MODIFY }" if [ "$f1" != "" ]; then for fx in $f1 ; do fdir=${fx%% MODIFY *} f="$fdir${fx#* MODIFY }" ftest1=`basename "$f"` ftest2=`basename "$f" "desktop"` if [ "$ftest1" != "$ftest2" ]; then desktop=1 else desktop=0 fi if [ -f "$f" ] && [ -O "$f" ]; then if [ -x "$f" ] && (( desktop == 0)); then log "Executing $f..." $f & log "Deleting $f..." "verb" ( sleep 5 && rm -f "$f" ) & elif (( desktop == 1 )); then wcmd=`cat "$f" | grep -m 1 "^Exec="` if [ "$wcmd" != "" ]; then wcmd="${wcmd:5}" if [ "$wcmd" != "" ]; then log "Executing $wcmd ($f)..." eval $wcmd & log "Deleting $f..." "verb" ( sleep 5 && rm -f "$f" ) & else log "Could not execute $f" fi fi fi fi done fi done exit 12 fi # determine sandbox user

  • runuser=`whoami` if [ "$user" = "" ]; then if [ "$runuser" = "root" ]; then # based on env if [ "$SUDO_USER$LOGNAME$USER" != "" ]; then for u in $SUDO_USER $LOGNAME $USER ; do if [ "$u" != "root" ] && [ "$u" != "" ] && [ -e "/home/$u" ]; then user="$u" break fi done fi # based on Xauthority if [ "$user" = "" ] && [ "$XAUTHORITY" != "" ]; then user=`echo "$XAUTHORITY" | grep "^\/home\/.*\/\.Xauthority$" \ | sed 's/\/home\/\(.*\)\/.*/\1/'` if [ "$user" = "root" ]; then user="" fi fi # based on /home and ps if [ "$user" = "" ]; then IFS=" " ucnt=0 keepu="" for d in /home/* ; do u=`basename $d` if [ "$u" != "" ] && [ "$u" != "/home/*" ]; then test=`ps h -u $u -o "%U %c" 2> /dev/null` if [ "$test" != "" ]; then keepu="$u" (( ucnt += 1 )) fi fi done if (( ucnt == 1 )) && [ "$keepu" != "root" ]; then user="$keepu" fi fi # based on pwd if [ "$user" = "" ]; then if [ "${PWD:0:6}" = "/home/" ]; then u=`echo "$PWD" | sed 's/^\/home\/\([a-z0-9]*\).*/\1/'` if [ "$u" != "" ] && [ "$u" != "root" ] && [ -e "/home/$u" ] ; then user="$u" fi fi fi else user="$runuser" fi fi if [ "$user" = "root" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: Running root in the sandbox is not recommended!" "quiet" elif [ "$user" = "" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Could not determine sandbox user" "quiet"

  • log " Please specify --user USERNAME" "quiet" exit 2 fi # close if (( optcloseall + closecnt != 0 )); then if [ "$runuser" != "root" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Closing a sandbox requires root" "quiet" exit 2 fi if (( optcloseall == 1 )); then if [ "$eventsfolder" != "" ]; then log ">>> rm -rf $eventsfolder/*" "verb" rm -rf $eventsfolder/* # this also stops daemons sync mkdir -p "$eventsfolder/tmp" chmod ugo+rwx,+t "$eventsfolder/tmp" 2> /dev/null fi rmbox "$mnt" else closex=0 while (( closex < closecnt )); do c="${closename[$closex]}" # sandbox exists? testdaemons=`ps -eo user,cmd | grep -v "grep" | grep "sandfox .*--daemon.*$eventsfolder/$c[[:blank:]]*$"` testmounts=`mount | grep " on $mnt/$c " | wc -l` if [ -e "$mnt/$c" ] || [ "$testdaemons" != "" ] || (( testmounts > 0 )); then if [ "$eventsfolder" != "" ]; then rm -rf "$eventsfolder/$c" fi rmbox "$mnt/$c" else log "sandfox: Warning: No such sandbox \"$c\"" "quiet" fi (( closex += 1 )) done fi fi # assume make if (( bindscnt + bindroscnt + copyscnt + hidescnt != 0 )) || (( profcnt > 1 )); then optmake=1 elif [ "$sandbox" != "" ] && [ "$bcmd" = "" ]; then optmake=1 fi # count usable daemons and assume make if (( optmake == 0 )) && [ "$bcmd" != "" ]; then if [ "$sandbox" = "" ]; then daemoncnt=`ps -u $user -o "%U %a" | grep -v "grep" | grep -c " .*sandfox .*--daemon"` else daemoncnt=`ps -u $user -o "%U %a" | grep -v "grep" | grep -c "sandfox .*--daemon.*/$sandbox[[:blank:]]*$"` fi if (( daemoncnt == 0 )); then

  • log "There are no usable sandbox daemons running for $user - make has been enabled" optmake=1 fi fi # need root? if [ "$runuser" != "root" ] && (( optmake + optcloseall + closecnt + optshell != 0 )); then log "sandfox: Error: action requires root; run with sudo or --help for info" "quiet" exit 2 fi # SECTION BELOW IS ROOT-ONLY if (( optmake == 1 )) && [ "$runuser" = "root" ]; then # create default profiles mkprofiles # load profiles profidx=0 loadedprofcnt=0 if [ "$bprog" != "" ] && [ -e "$profolder/$bprog.profile" ]; then prof[$profcnt]="$bprog" (( profcnt += 1 )) fi while (( profidx < profcnt )); do # Note: prof[] may grow as profiles are read loadprofile "${prof[$profidx]}" (( profidx += 1 )) done # sand newsand=0 if [ "$sandbox" != "" ]; then # sandbox exists? filecount=`find "$mnt/$sandbox" -mindepth 1 2> /dev/null | wc -l` testdaemons=`ps -eo user,cmd | grep -v "grep" | grep "sandfox .*--daemon.*/$sandbox[[:blank:]]*$"` testmounts=`mount | grep " on $mnt/$sandbox" | wc -l` if (( filecount > 0 )) || [ "$testdaemons" != "" ] || (( testmounts > 0 )); then newsand=0 else newsand=1 fi sandname="$sandbox" else if [ "$bprog" = "" ]; then p="${prof[1]}" if [ "${p:0:1}" = "/" ]; then p=`basename "$p" ".profile"` fi if [ "$p" != "" ]; then sandname="$p" else sandname="default" fi else sandname="$bprog"

  • fi sandnametmp="$sandname" while [ -e "$mnt/$sandname" ]; do randhex4 sandname="$sandnametmp-$randhex" done newsand=1 fi if (( newsand == 1 )); then log "Creating new sandbox \"$sandname\"" else log log "Updating sandbox $sandname" fi sand="$mnt/$sandname" # default folders mkdir -p "$mnt" chown root:root "$mnt" chmod go+rx,go-w "$mnt" mkdir "$sand" chown root:root "$sand" chmod go+rx,go-w "$sand" if [ ! -d "$sand" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Could not create sand folder $sand" "quiet" exit 3 fi # check for required binds bindtmp=0 bindbin=0 bindetc=0 bindlib=0 bindusrlib=0 bindusrbin=0 binddev=0 bidx=0 while (( bidx < bindscnt )); do case "${binds[$bidx]}" in /tmp ) bindtmp=1 ;; /dev ) binddev=1 ;; /bin ) bindbin=1 ;; /etc ) bindetc=1 ;; /lib ) bindlib=1 ;; /usr ) bindusrbin=1 bindusrlib=1 ;; /usr/bin ) bindusrbin=1

  • ;; /usr/lib ) bindusrlib=1 ;; esac (( bidx += 1 )) done bidx=0 while (( bidx < bindroscnt )); do case "${bindros[$bidx]}" in /tmp ) bindtmp=1 ;; /dev ) binddev=1 ;; /bin ) bindbin=1 ;; /etc ) bindetc=1 ;; /lib ) bindlib=1 ;; /usr ) bindusrbin=1 bindusrlib=1 ;; /usr/bin ) bindusrbin=1 ;; /usr/lib ) bindusrlib=1 ;; esac (( bidx += 1 )) done if (( bindtmp == 0 )); then if [ "${eventsfolder:0:4}" = "/tmp" ]; then binds[$bindscnt]="$eventsfolder" (( bindscnt += 1 )) fi log "sandfox: Warning: Not binding /tmp may cause some programs to fail or hang" fi if (( binddev == 0 )); then binds[$bindscnt]="/dev/null" (( bindscnt += 1 )) fi if (( bindusrbin == 0 )); then bindros[$bindroscnt]="/usr/bin/inotifywait" (( bindroscnt += 1 )) bindros[$bindroscnt]="/usr/bin/whoami" (( bindroscnt += 1 )) bindros[$bindroscnt]="/usr/bin/basename" (( bindroscnt += 1 )) fi if (( bindusrlib == 0 )); then

  • f1=`find /usr/lib -maxdepth 1 -xtype f -name "libinotifytools*.so*" 2> /dev/null` if [ "$f1" != "" ]; then IFS=$'\n' for f in $f1 ; do bindros[$bindroscnt]="$f" (( bindroscnt += 1 )) done IFS=" " fi fi if (( bindbin + bindlib + bindetc != 3 )); then log "sandfox: Warning: Not binding /bin /etc and /lib may not allow" log " the chroot or su commands to run" fi if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/inotifywait" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: /usr/bin/inotifywait not found" "quiet" log " Arch use: pacman -S inotify-tools" "quiet" log " Ubuntu use: apt-get install inotify-tools" "quiet" exit 3 fi # binds for b in bindro bind copy hide ; do # step through list of binds to be processed bidx=0 eval bcnt=$b\scnt while (( bidx < bcnt )); do eval curb=\"\${$b\s[$bidx]}\" # current bind item curb=${curb//\$user/$user} log "Processing $b $curb" "verb" if [ -e "$curb" ] || [ "$b" = "hide" ]; then # check for duplicates dupefound=0 (( dupeidx = bidx - 1 )) while (( dupeidx > -1 )); do eval dupeb=\"\${$b\s[$dupeidx]}\" # possible duplicate item dupeb=${dupeb//\$user/$user} if [ "$dupeb" = "$curb" ]; then dupefound=1 break fi (( dupeidx -= 1 )) done # process if (( dupefound == 0 )); then test=`mount | grep " $sand$curb "` if [ "$test" != "" ]; then log "$b $sand$curb: already mounted" "verb" else case "$b" in bindro | bind ) # create mount point and recursively copy permissions # bind mount file or folder sandmount $b "$curb" "$sand$curb" ;; copy | hide )

  • if [ -d "$curb" ] || [ ! -e "$curb" ]; then # folder copy/hide # mount on tmpfs sandmount tmpfs "$curb" "$sand$curb" if [ -e "$curb" ]; then chmod --reference="$curb" "$sand$curb" 2> /dev/null chown --reference="$curb" "$sand$curb" 2> /dev/null else # non-existent hide permissions chmod ugo+rwx "$sand$curb" 2> /dev/null chown $user:$user "$sand$curb" 2> /dev/null fi if [ "$b" = "copy" ]; then log ">>> cp -ax \"$curb/.\" \"$sand$curb/.\"" "verb" cp -ax "$curb/." "$sand$curb/." if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: cp reported an error copying $curb" "quiet" fi fi else # file copy/hide if [ "$b" = "copy" ]; then # copy if [ ! -e "$sand$curb" ]; then mdir=`dirname "$curb"` mkmount "$mdir" log ">>> cp -a \"$curb\" \"$sand$curb\"" "verb" cp -a "$curb" "$sand$curb" if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: cp reported an error copying $curb" "quiet" fi else log "Cannot create copy of $curb" "verb" log " because it already exists in sandbox" "verb" fi else # hide sandmount bind "/dev/null" "$sand$curb" fi fi ;; esac fi fi fi (( bidx += 1 )) done done

  • sync # daemon running for user? test=`ps -u $user -o "%U %a" | grep -v "grep" \ | grep " .*sandfox .*--daemon .*$eventsfolder/$sandname[[:blank:]]*$"` if [ "$test" = "" ]; then # start daemon if [ "$logfile" != "" ]; then dlog="--logfile $logfile" else dlog="" fi if (( optverbose == 1 )); then verb="--verbose" else verb="" fi mkdir -p "$eventsfolder" chown root:root "$eventsfolder" 2> /dev/null chmod ugo+rwx,+t "$eventsfolder" 2> /dev/null if [ ! -d "$eventsfolder" ]; then log "sandfox: Error: Could not create events folder $eventsfolder" "quiet" exit 3 fi mkdir -p "$eventsfolder/tmp" chmod ugo+rwx,+t "$eventsfolder/tmp" 2> /dev/null cp "$0" "$eventsfolder/tmp/sandfox" chmod ugo+rx,go-w "$eventsfolder/tmp/sandfox" mkdir -p "$eventsfolder/$sandname" chmod ugo+rwx,+t "$eventsfolder/$sandname" log "Starting daemon as $user for sandbox \"$sandname\"..." "verb" log ">>> $wchroot $sand /bin/su $user -c \"$eventsfolder/tmp/sandfox --daemon $dlog $verb --watch $eventsfolder/$sandname\"" "verb" if (( optverbose == 1 )); then $wchroot $sand /bin/su $user -c "$eventsfolder/tmp/sandfox --daemon $dlog $verb --watch $eventsfolder/$sandname" & else $wchroot $sand /bin/su $user -c "$eventsfolder/tmp/sandfox --daemon $dlog $verb --watch $eventsfolder/$sandname" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null & fi sleep .5 test=`ps -u $user -o "%U %a" | grep -v "grep" \ | grep " .*sandfox .*--daemon .*$eventsfolder/$sandname[[:blank:]]*$"` if [ "$test" = "" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: Could not start daemon - you may not be able" "quiet" log " to run additional programs in this sandbox" "quiet" fi fi fi # run command in sandbox if [ "$bcmd" != "" ]; then

  • if [ "$sandname" = "" ]; then # check/set sandbox name if [ "$sandbox" != "" ]; then sandname="$sandbox" else # find a sandbox daemon to run bcmd IFS=" " dtotal=0 dprefer="" dgood="" for d in $eventsfolder/* ; do if [ "$d" != "$eventsfolder/*" ] && [ "$d" != "" ] && [ -d "$d" ] \ && [ "$d" != "$eventsfolder/tmp" ] ; then dname=`basename "$d"` test=`ps -u $user -o "%U %a" | grep -v "grep" \ | grep " .*sandfox .*--daemon .*$d[[:blank:]]*$"` if [ "$test" != "" ]; then examples="$examples sandfox --sandbox $dname $bcmd\n" dgood="$dname" if [ "$dname" = "$bprog" ]; then dprefer="$dname" fi (( dtotal += 1 )) fi fi done if (( dtotal == 0 )); then log "sandfox: Error: There is no open sandbox to run $bprog" "quiet" exit 5 elif (( dtotal > 1 )); then log "sandfox: Warning: There is more than one sandbox open" log " To specify a sandbox:" echo -e "$examples" if [ "$dprefer" != "" ]; then sandname="$dprefer" else sandname="$dgood" fi else sandname="$dgood" fi fi fi # Check if firefox already running if [ "${bcmd%% *}" = "firefox" ]; then testrunning=`ps -u $user -o "%U %a" | grep -v "grep" | grep -v "sandfox" \ | grep -e " *${bcmd%% *}$" -e " *${bcmd%% *} "` if [ "$testrunning" != "" ]; then log "sandfox: Warning: An instance of ${bcmd%% *} is already running" fi fi

  • if [ "$runuser" = "root" ]; then # start directly if (( optshell == 1 )) || [ "$bprog" = "bash" ]; then log if [ "$bprog" = "bash" ]; then p="" else p=" running $bprog" fi log ">>> shell - you are $user$p in sandbox \"$sandname\" $wchroot $mnt/$sandname /bin/su $user -c \"$bcmd\"" "verb" if [ "$SUDO_USER" != "" ]; then ruser="$SUDO_USER" else ruser="ROOT" fi $wchroot $mnt/$sandname /bin/su $user -c "$bcmd" log log ">" else log "Starting $bprog as $user in sandbox \"$sandname\"..." log ">>> $wchroot $mnt/$sandname /bin/su $user -c \"$bcmd\" &" "verb" if (( verbose == 1 )); then $wchroot $mnt/$sandname /bin/su $user -c "$bcmd" & else $wchroot $mnt/$sandname /bin/su $user -c "$bcmd" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null & fi fi else log "Starting $bprog as $user in sandbox \"$sandname\"..." # start via daemon # get env of caller e=`env | grep -v "'" | sed "s/\([A-Z_]*=\)\(.*\)/\1\\\'\2\\\'/"` if [ "$e" != "" ]; then e="env -i ${e//$'\n'/ }" else e="" fi # build start script randhex4 cscript="$bprog-$" while [ -e "$eventsfolder/tmp/$cscript" ]; do randhex4 cscript="$bprog-$" done cat "$eventsfolder/tmp/$cscript" #!/bin/bash # sandfox automatic start script # It is safe to delete this file $e $bcmd & EOF chmod u+x,go-rwx "$eventsfolder/tmp/$cscript" # move start script to events folder mv -f "$eventsfolder/tmp/$cscript" "$eventsfolder/$sandname" log "Wrote start script $cscript ($bcmd)" "verb"

  • fi fi if (( optstatus == 1 )); then boxstatus fi exit # CHANGELOG: # 1.1.4: chroot discovery # added Firefox and Skype bindro=/home/\$user/.asoundrc # 1.1.3: added bindro /run/resolvconf to default Firefox profile # 1.1.2: accomodate change to remount bind usage # accomodate change to mtab bind mounts showing type # added /dev/nvidia0 & /dev/nvidiactl binds to default profiles # added bindro=/opt/firefox to default firefox profile # improved detection for 'firefox already running' warning # 1.1.1: accomodate recent change to ps line endings # 1.1.0: kills dbus-launch inside sandboxes before closing (lsof required) # 1.0.10: use tmpfs instead of none for mount source (due to new util-linux) # skype profile adds /opt/skype and disable note for Gentoo users # 1.0.9: permissions on mnt folders # removed uuidgen dependency # determine sandbox user with Xauthority # added default google-earth profile # 1.0.8: modification of daemon detection for non-standard ps # non-existent --sandbox triggers make # corrected --status mount count # 1.0.7: added /dev/video0 to skype profile (replaces /dev/video) # added disabled Lockdown X Access section to default profile # 1.0.6: added firefox bindro for ~/.Xauthority # added warning if firefox already running # 1.0.5: modification of daemon detection for non-standard ps # 1.0.4: corrected detection of running daemon with --verbose and --logfile # 1.0.3: corrected problems with sandboxes with similar names # 1.0.2: hide non-existent folder corrected # 1.0.0: handle /dev/urandom like /dev/random to prevent hangs # 0.9.6: Changed tmpfslimit to 100M # now allows successful bind=/dev/random for Firefox printing # added user-contributed skype profile (experimental)