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Smartness of Pervasive Computing Systems Through Context-Awareness Arkady Zaslavsky Luleå University of Technology , Sweden [email protected] ruSmart’2008, Saint Petersburg Russia, 5 September, 2008

Smartness of Pervasive Computing Systems Through Context ... · ¾It is an entity which is aware of its context and services it can offer, and makes that context & services discoverable

Jul 13, 2020



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  • Smartness of Pervasive Computing Systems Through Context-Awareness

    Arkady Zaslavsky Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

    [email protected]

    ruSmart’2008, Saint PetersburgRussia, 5 September, 2008[email protected]

  • Outline

    Smart place ??BackgroundContext & context-awarenessContextExplorersContext-awareness projectsCoolcampus

  • Smart place – what is it ?

  • It is an entity which is aware of its context and services it can offer, and makes that context & services discoverable to authorised entities, and also adapts to those entities needs and tasks. Discovered context can then be used for reasoning about and inferring of occurring situations. On that basis the system then interacts with users offering them appropriate interfaces. Intelligence or “smartness” of this entity is defined by its functionality.

    What’s a smart place/space ?

  • pervasive computing

    The idea that technology is moving beyond the personal computer to everyday devices with embedded technology and connectivity as computing devices become progressively smaller and more powerful. Also called ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing is the result of computer technology advancing at exponential speeds -- a trend toward all man-made and some natural products having hardware and software. Pervasive computing goes beyond the realm of personal computers: it is the idea that almost any device, from clothing to tools to appliances to cars to homes to the human body to your coffee mug, can be imbedded with chips to connect the device to an infinite network of other devices. The goal of pervasive computing, which combines current network technologies with wireless computing, voice recognition, Internet capability and artificial intelligence, is to create an environment where the connectivity of devices is embedded in such a way that the connectivity is unobtrusive and always available

  • Ubiquitous computingSuppose that you could get a 0.1€ “computer”.

    What would you do with it?Play, Work, Sense, ActuateCommunicate, Compute, AccessSearch for info, Find directionsExtend your perception of the worldTrack content and location

    How would you configure it?In a stand alone mode In a fixed networked environmentIn ad-hoc networked environment

    Should it be visible?How do you interface with it?How do you power it?

  • Context

    The interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs (Merriam Webster) The situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it (Cambridge Dictionary)“Any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity” (Dey, 1999)The set of environmental states and settings that either determines an application’s behaviour or in which an application event occurs and is interesting to the user” (Chen, Kotz, 2000)

  • Categories of Context

    Computing Context – computing informationNetwork context – networking informationUser Context – user’s informationPhysical Context – environmental informationTime Context – such as time of day, week, monthEtc, etc, etc

  • Categories of Context (cont’d)

    In practice, some contexts are more important than others from a computational perspective:


    Answer the questions of who, what, when and wherePrimary Context TypesForm the basis for determining other contextual information known as Secondary Context Types

  • Context-Awareness: key ingredient in pervasive systems

    Context and situation AwarenessUnderstanding the context and possibly situations of a system, e.g.:

    User activity, User LocationSmart Space activity (a meeting, a presentation…)Sentient Building, Tour Guides, Context-aware network management

    GoalsEnhance services to usersAutomate systems & reduce obtrusiveness Customize & Personalize applications to users

    Pervasive Systems Complex networks of mobile and stationary devicesSensor networksAd hoc networks

  • What is Context-Aware Computing

    Schilit and TheimerSoftware that adapts according to its location of use, the collection of nearby people and objects, as well as changes to those objects over time

    First Context-aware researchActive Badge system at Cambridge AT&T Labs (Known as Olivetti at that time)

    Other SynonymsAdaptive, Reactive, Responsive, Situated, Context-Sensitive and Environment-Directed

    Dey & AbowdA System is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant information and/or services to the user, where relevance depends on the user’s task

  • Example Scenario






    Power Box

    Urgent Email:

    File ~10 MB


    “In a Meeting”



    Silent Mode

  • Context-aware pervasive computing

    Context-aware computing

    Pervasive Computing

    • makes systems aware of situations of interest• enhances services to users• automates systems & reduces obtrusiveness • Customizes & Personalizes applications

    Systems saturated with sensors and computing devices

    Context-aware pervasive systems – an evolution of distributed systems

    • User activity, situations, system’s context• Smart Space activity• Sentient Building, Tour Guides, • Context-aware games

    • Complex networks of mobile and stationary devices

    • Sensor networks• Ad hoc networks

  • Challenges in context-aware pervasive computing

    (due to:)Insufficient data to infer contextInherent inaccuracy of sensorsFreshness of informationContext ambiguityUnknown contextual situationsConflicting or contradicting events

    (difficult to:)Update functionalityChange & customize system behaviorBecome cost-efficientDeploy effective communication

    Lack of appropriate models and theories

    Context Uncertainty



  • Context-Situation pyramid




  • Agent Injection Service

    Load Monitor

    Reasoning Engine



    Data AssimilatorData AssimilatorData Assimilator

    Data InserterData InserterData Inserter


    Stability Analyser

    1. Knowledge Synthesiser

    2. Conflict Analyser

    3. Context Adapter

    4. Verifier




    AgentFiltering Agent

    Reasoning AgentAgent


    Event Router

    Reasoning Layer

    Algorithms Library

    ContextExplorers – reasoning about context

    Agent communication platform using



    A.Padovitz, A.Zaslavsky & S.W.Loke, B.Burg, C.Bartolini

  • a


    21 RR ∩




    The Context Spaces model: A multi-dimensional context representation

    Modeling situations in smart room- A Meeting- A Presentation- Friday Gathering





    context trajectory

    situation space & state

  • situation-space

    context-space dimensions


    Trajectory of a pervasive system in context

    The Context Spaces Model: fundamental concepts




    Heart rate




    Heart rate

    Respiratory Rate


    ‘Eating lunch’



    Heart rate




    ‘In a meeting’



    Projector Activity


  • Multidimensional OO representation of Context Spaces

    locationgender activity heart rate velocity…..


    heart rate




  • Dealing with uncertainty: Integration based on Multi-attribute Utility (I)

    Consider heuristics which model evidence more comprehensively:

    Weights reflect relative importance of context attributes

    Each value in the multi-dimensional context state contributes value




    Attribute value


    RegionAttribute value


    Attribute value Attribute value





    Region Region



    1iiicwConfidence in situation =

    Allowing to define different ways of how a sensed value contributes towards inferring a situation (contribution functions)

  • Dealing with uncertainty: Integration based on Multi-attribute Utility (II)

    Computing the contribution value at run-time

    Incorporating sensor inaccuracy into the integration




    tii )AaPr(w)

    Confidence in situation =

    denotes the probability of a sensed value being contained within its respective region

    )AaPr( iti ∈)

    The greater the likelihood of containment the greater contribution…

    • An unreliable/inaccurate sensor contributes less than a reliable/accurate sensor

    • Knowledge about the sensor error distribution can affect the integration result


  • Dealing with uncertainty: Integration based on Multi-attribute Utility (III)

    Characterizing the context attribute behavior during inference:

    Symmetrically contributing - increases the confidence in a situation taking place if its value is within the corresponding region, and decreases the confidence if it is outside that region

    Asymmetrically Contributing - increases the confidence in a situation taking place if its value is within the corresponding region but sensing values outside the accepted region do not decrease the computed confidence

    Procedure to support heuristic:(1) Assign weights of asymmetric attributes that are not contained in their respective regions to zero(2) Re-compute the weights of the remaining context attributes to maintain their relative importance

    Example: Objective – infer “user in a meeting”User left his/her PDA in office but is still in a meeting in the smart room. Therefore: “PDA location” is asymmetric contributing context attribute.

  • Extending NCS model - ConSpaF

    Issues:Individual significance and contribution of context attributes in the situation space ?Inaccuracies of sensory originated information ?Characteristics of context attributes and their effect on reasoning ? Partial and complete containment of context-attributes’ values in the situation space ?

  • ConSpaF functions

    Matching functioncomputes degree of confidence in the existence of a situation

    Inference functionIs situation occuring ?

    Relevance functionassociates weights with regions of values

    Contribution (utility value) functionreflects how well an element is associated with the modelled situation

    What is the confidence that all sensed values of the chosen context-attributes correspond to the situation space?

  • Reasoning concepts

    Bayesian approach - assigning probability measures modelling the probabilistic relationships between context-attributes and situation spaces provides an alternative to the heuristicsAn alternative method is Dempster’s rule of integration based on Dempster-Shafer theory which allows assignment of probabilities to uncertain events and offers a way to represent ignorance or uncertainty. In our case, these propositions are the possible inferred situations known to the system and can also include unknown possible situations.Context Spaces provides an approach to purposefully model and reason about the occurrences of situations with limited available information.

  • NCS algebra

    The Context Spaces Algebra is defined over the set of situation spaces.

    Operators that capture relationships between situation spacesOperators that produce combinations of situation spaces

    Integration operation (restricted union)

  • Relations over CS

    Containment relationshipEqui-Containment relationshipPartial Containment relationshipOverlap relationshipOrthogonal relationship

  • • Analyze context trajectory

    • Predict instability in different dimensions

    • Affect the trajectory (stabilize state in given context and space)

    Model Implications – Stability in context

    Context state trajectory, ideal state in context and tolerable fluctuation regions for that context

  • Assessing the context stability in tolerable fluctuation regions

    Transition to C

    Transition to B

    Space A

    Space B

    Space C

    Transition areas between context spaces

  • Reasoning about activities in smart room

    Motes Interface Service

    Positioning Engine

    Hook user activity

    Identify presentationact.

    Data Fusion

    Data Interpretation

    Data Interpretation

    Positioning Engine

    Notebook Location

    Motes sensorsNotebook Inferred Location


    sensors layout

  • Sensor technology used

    Ekahau Positioning Engine:

    Berkeley Motes:

  • In Summary

    A reasoning approach for evaluating logical expressions about situations under uncertainty, inferring the validity of complex situation expressions A Context Spaces Algebra based on the Context Spaces model, providing operations that manipulate and determine relationships between concepts of the model Implementation of concepts and reasoning approaches

    The ECORA framework for context-aware computingThe CORE context-oriented reasoning engineDesign and implementation of an architectural approach to deploy context-aware mobile software agents in pervasive computing systems Design, implementation and evaluation of a solution to the problem of content-based publish-subscribe communication between mobile agents

  • Demo

  • Context Spaces: Extending & Continuing

    Context Spaces

    Fuzzy sets based extensions Context

    discovery extensions

    Context based personalization

    CS applicabilityin application domains

    CS based adaptive data streams

  • MemoryLane’s Mission & Objectives

    Luleå University of Technology


    Create regional growth in

    e-health services for elderly people

    Strengthen CDH collaboration

    with industry, university,

    municipalities, healthcare

    Research-based products

    for people with mild dementia

    MemoryLane is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Mål-2)

    Create and validate with users a

    tool for capturing the life of people

    with mild dementia

    Build regional industrial network

    for participating in commercial exploitation

    of results from FP6 COGKNOW.

  • Luleå University of Technology


    Where have I been yesterday?

    Whom I met there?

    When was the last time that I

    went to the Doctor?

    When was the last time that I

    met Jim?

    Where was that meeting?

    What did I do


    What I have to do


    Images, audio, and videos will

    be available for each activity (visit, meeting, etc)

    to help the elderly person in recalling what

    happen during the activity

    MemoryLane’s Main Functions (Demo)

    MemoryLane is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Mål-2)

  • MemoryLane’s System Architecture

    Luleå University of Technology MemoryLane is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Mål-2)

  • MemoryLane’s Mobile Inteface (Demo)

    Luleå University of Technology

    Who? Where?

    Start activity assistance

    and navigation to Home

    Detect Nearby people

    and display the known

    people in the system

    Show details about

    next activityDisplay the activities

    of today, yesterday,

    and tomorrow

    Detect the current location

    and Display the known

    places in the system



    MemoryLane is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Mål-2)

  • Mobile Healthcare Applications

    a convenient, safe and constant way to monitor vital signs early detection of abnormalities automatic generation of alarms and notifications to healthcare facilities and professionals providing patients with awareness and management of their diseases

    low cost of biosensors + innovations of mobile network technologies = encouraging development of mobile Healthcare systems

  • Mobile HealthCare Projects

    Larger scale such as European projects of EPI-MEDIC (Rubel et al. 2005) and MobileHealth (Konstantas et al. 2007)Personal Health Monitoring System (Leijidekkers et al. 2006a, 2006b, 2007)

    University of Technology SydneyUsing Awareness project for mobile healthcare focusing on context-awareness (Mei et al. 2007)ambient intelligence technology for home care systems called as AHCS (Ambient Intelligent based Home Care Systems) (Becker et al. 2006)a role-based intelligent mobile care system with alert mechanism in chronic care environment (Lee et al. 2006, 2007)combining an information infrastructure called hyperdatabase and data stream management in a peer-to-peer fashion for healthcare (Brettlecker et al. 2004)Stream query processing for healthcare bio-sensor applications (Chen et al. 2004)

  • Bio-sensors:Alive Technology (QLD)

    Alive Diabetes Management System:-Bluetooth enabled-$550

    Alive Heart Monitor +Accelerometer +AliveECG (software)as a package:-Bluetooth enabled-$1200

  • A & D Medical (VIC)

    •UA-767PBT model-Bluetooth enabled-uses the oscillometric method-price $379 -accuracy - ±3mmHg or 2% whichever is greater (pressure) ±5% (pulse)-Measurement range - 20-280mmHg (pressure) 40-200 pulse/minute (pulse)-Validation -Clinically Validated with a AA rating in accordance to British Hypertension Society and AAMI protocols.

  • Vitaphone - Professional Telemedicine Solutions

    Vitaphone Tele-Care-Monitor 3370Blood pressure monitor Bluetooth enabled

    Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorder 3100 BT Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorder 3300 BT

  • ActiveECG

    ActiveECG with BluetoothIncludes the ActiveECG hardware, a Bluetooth adapter, software for Palm OS and companion software for the PC, ECG leadwires, battery, test cable, extra cover, and one set of ECG electrodes. US$899

  • Limitations of Current Systems

    context-awareness:the need for a general and formal context modelling and reasoning approachSituations as a higher level of abstraction over context

    context: room temp, blood pressure and heart ratesituations: ‘healthy’ and ‘hypertension’

    Learning: data stream mining on mobile devicesthe need for light weight algorithmsthe need for context-aware adaptation of algorithms

  • Situation-Aware Processing (SAP) of Data Streams provides situation-awareness

    by integrating fuzzy logic principles into the Context Spaces (CS) model (Padovitz et al. 2006)

    provides adaptation of parameters of data stream processing based on occurring situations

    Using Light Weight Algorithms (Gaber et al. 2003, 2004, 2005) for data mining

  • The architecture of SAP

  • Uses of SAP

    running SAAP

    can be also used to generate different types of alarms

  • Situation-Awareness

    Benefits:provides a better description and abstraction of patient’s health

    there is no need to go through every context details individually and quantitatively

    can represent fuzzy and vague situations

    such as almost healthy but moving towards hypertension

  • Adaptation

    Benefits:When situations show health problems, based on the type of situation and its degree of criticality, data stream programming parameters are adjustedExample:

    If the situation becomes ‘hypertension’, the reading rate of data mining program is automatically increased in order to read data faster and monitor patient closely but when the situation is normal the reading rate parameter is decreased and tuned back to its set value

  • Demo

  • LTU-Monash collaboration – PhD-polis


    UNIVERSITET Adaptive & Context-aware Multimedia in ad-hoc communities

    Kåre Synnes

    Christer Åhlund

    Arkady Zaslavsky

    Robert Brannström – multiple gateway


    Ruwini Kodikara –Networking issues, cross-layer context


    Arkady Zaslavsky

  • Mulle – EIS plattform

    • Minimal ultra-light little EIS• 22x25x10 mm, including power• Power life time months• Full EIS sensor network functionality

    TCP/IPAd-hoc networkingSSH securityService discoveryReal time support


    Context Aware Mobile ObjectsMassive amount of sensor dataEfficient Contextaware Data Collection Approach

  • Mobile Robot (CAM- R)

    Mulle Sensor NodeSink

  • SoundHunters: Mobile Agents Using Sound

    Track a moving sound source by listening to the sounds it emits and migrate through the network in order to always stay close to it, at least a step aheadGrasshopper, IBM ViaVoice, Speech Recognition, Sound FilesMedia attention !!!




    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Node with an agentNode without an agentA removed agentDirection of a copySound source



  • Context Service

    The architecture of a context service

  • RA-UDM System

  • Current projects

    Mobile transactions and web-services – Sunam Pradhan (ARC Linkage with RMIT)ARC Linkage with Intel – pervasive computing & crisis medicineARC RN EII – taskforce on context-awarenessRobocollectors in sensor networks – Prem Jayaraman – with LTU, SwedenData stream mining visualisation – Brett GillickIntelligent Transportation Systems - Intersection Collision Detection and Warning, Accident Prevention at Curves, Real-Time Detection of Drunk Driving Behaviour (with CARRS-Q @QUT and Insurance Australia Group)Sensor Networks – Context-Awareness and In-Network Mining for Energy Conservation in Sensor Networks (with Department of Primary Industries, Victoria)

  • Current projects

    Context-aware mobile real-time decision support for contingency management – multidisciplinary teamContext-based adaptation of data streams – Pari DelirReconfigurable software agents – Kutila GunasekeraContext-aware recommender system – Yong Bin KangITS & context-awareness – Waskitho WibisonoDevice ecologyContext-aware web-servicesMutual Awareness for Context-Aware SystemsMobile databases with context-awareness

  • CoolCampus Ideology

    Pervasive/Ubiquitous/Mobile Research•Location awareness•Sensor networks•Adaptability•Context management•Resource constraints•Devices & services•Software•….

    University users•Administration•Library•Student services•Academic board•IT Services•Community sector•Monash International•…..


    The End

    Smartness of Pervasive Computing Systems Through Context-AwarenessOutlineSmart place – what is it ?What’s a smart place/space ?pervasive computing Ubiquitous computingContextCategories of ContextCategories of Context (cont’d)Context-Awareness: key ingredient in pervasive systemsWhat is Context-Aware ComputingExample ScenarioContext-aware pervasive computingChallenges in context-aware pervasive computingContext-Situation pyramidContextExplorers – reasoning about contextThe Context Spaces model: A multi-dimensional context representationThe Context Spaces Model: fundamental conceptsMultidimensional OO representation of Context SpacesDealing with uncertainty: Integration based on Multi-attribute Utility (I)Dealing with uncertainty: Integration based on Multi-attribute Utility (II)Dealing with uncertainty: Integration based on Multi-attribute Utility (III)Extending NCS model - ConSpaFConSpaF functionsReasoning conceptsNCS algebraRelations over CSModel Implications – Stability in contextAssessing the context stability in tolerable fluctuation regionsReasoning about activities in smart roomSensor technology usedIn SummaryDemoContext Spaces: Extending & Continuing MemoryLane’s Mission & ObjectivesSlide Number 36MemoryLane’s System ArchitectureMemoryLane’s Mobile Inteface (Demo)Mobile Healthcare ApplicationsMobile HealthCare ProjectsBio-sensors:�Alive Technology (QLD)A & D Medical (VIC)Vitaphone - Professional Telemedicine Solutions ActiveECGLimitations of Current SystemsSituation-Aware Processing (SAP) of Data Streams The architecture of SAPUses of SAP Situation-AwarenessAdaptation DemoLTU-Monash collaboration – PhD-polisMulle – EIS plattformCADAMULESlide Number 55SoundHunters: Mobile Agents Using SoundContext ServiceRA-UDM SystemCurrent projectsCurrent projectsCoolCampus IdeologyQUESTIONS ?