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V P L R Y T I C T R A M S n o i t a c i f i c e p S s t n e m e r i u q e R e r a w t f o S n o i s r e V 1 . 1 e d i u G m a e T : r a m u K h s e p o o R . r M ) . t p e D E S C . t c e L ( s r e b m e M m a e T : a m r a h S l u h a R r a d i t a P h s e k o L a y k r a F h s e n i r P d o n i V r a w n a P e g e l l o C : e m a N h c e T f o e t u t i t s n I r u a s d n a M , y g o l o n ( r u a s d n a M h s e d a r P a y h d a M )
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Page 1: Smart City Srs



noitacificepS stnemeriuqeR erawtfoS

noisreV 1.1

ediuG maeT : ramuK hsepooR .rM

).tpeD ESC .tceL(

srebmeM maeT : amrahS luhaR

raditaP hsekoL

aykraF hsenirP

doniV rawnaP

egelloC :emaN hceT fo etutitsnI ruasdnaM ,ygolon

( ruasdnaM hsedarP ayhdaM )

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ytiC tramS 0.1 :noisreV ytiC tramS 13 :etaD 0102/21/

VPLR :emaN maeT

snaiTIMevitaerC 9002 ruasdnaM TIM

yrotsiH noisiveR

etaD noisreV noitpircseD rohtuA

13 / 21 02/ 01 0.1 sisponyS VPLR

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ytiC tramS 0.1 :noisreV ytiC tramS 13 :etaD 0102/21/

VPLR :emaN maeT

snaiTIMevitaerC 9002 ruasdnaM TIM

stnetnoC fo elbaT

1. noitcudortnI esopruP 1.1 51

epocS 2.1 snoitaiverbbA dna smynorcA ,snoitinifeD 3.1

secnerefeR 4.1 seigolonhceT 5.1

weivrevO 6.1

noitpircseD llarevO .2 .2 0 evitcepsreP tcudorP 1

.2 02 ecafretnI erawtfoS

.2 03 ecafretnI erawdraH 2.04 ecafretnI noitacinummoC .2 05 scitsiretcarahC resU .2 06 stniartsnoC .2 07 esU - yevruS ledoM esaC .2 08 D erutcetihcrA margai

E 90.2 - margaiD R .2 01 ngiseD esabataD

11.2 seicnednepeD dna snoitpmussA

stnemeriuqeR cificepS .3 .3 0 esU 1 - stropeR esaC .3 0 stnemeriuqeR yratnemelppuS 2

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noitacificepS stnemeriuqeR erawtfoS

.1 noitcudortnI

1.1 esopruP : iht fo esoprup ehT na poleved ot si tcejorp s tnemnorivne ytic tramS taht

.tenretni eht aiv ytic eht tuoba noitamrofni yna ssecca ot nosrep sedivorp

tneve fo redivorp gnidael s’noitan eht sa evlove ot eunitnoc lliw ytiC tramS ruo hguorhT .sremotsuc ruo fo sdeen gnignahc reve eht gniteem ,secivres ygolonhcet

amS ,seinapmoc ygolonhcet evitavonni tsom s’dlrow eht htiw spihsrentrap cigetarts tr fo sredael ygolonhcet eht rof secivres dna stcudorp wen tnemelpmi dna tset lliw ytiC

.worromot dna yadot

fo dradnats nedlog eht gnidivorp peek lliw ytiC tramS ,yrtsudni noitnevnoc eht roFdna letoh ,retnec noitnevnoc yreve dna hcaE .sredivorp ygolonhcet taht ytilicaf tneve

tsetaerg dna tsetal eht sremotsuc rieht gnidivorp eb lliw secivres ytiC tramS sreffo ,deniart tseb eht fo eno htiw skrowten elbailer tsom s’yrtsudni eht revo ygolonhcet

.yrtnuoc eht ni secrofkrow elitasrev tsom

2.1 epocS : :serutaeF cisaB

.enilno ,ytic eht tuoba noitamrofni llA

.esoprup ssenisub rof ytic fo swen yna eht tnaw ohw resu rof ssecca ysaE

.ylisae ytic eht ni esalp tsiruot eht dnif dna enilno ytic tisiv lliw tsiruot ehT

V noitartsiger eht etadila setadidnac sa llew sa sretov fo .

.enilno tcudorp ruo esitrevda ot ytilicaf evah nam ssenisub ehT

.smoor tahc ro murof aiv ngiapmac noitcele rieht nur nac setadidnaC

.elibom ruo ni strela sms eht ebircsbus s’ohw resu fo sliated eht lla niatniaM

nemnrevog yna fo resu ro nezitic eht trelA eht no swen rehto yna ro eciton t .sms gnidnes yb etad

rof yriuqni desab SMS laer - emit secivres .

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lanoitpO :serutaeF laitnedifnoc fo ssecca eruces rof ytivitcennoc )LSS( reyaL tekcoS eruceS atad .

3.1 snoitaiverbbA dna smynorcA ,snoitinifeD :

esU r : ytic trams eht fo secives ht teg nac ohw nosrep desirohtrua a si resU A

.yenom emos diap yb elibom no sms hguorht

namssenisuB : ruo egnhc nac ohw nosrep desirohtrua a si namssenisub A

.emit yna esabatad dna noitamrofni tcudorp

:LMTH gnaL pukraM txetrepyH ngised ot desu egaugnal pukram a si egau

segap bew citats .

:tpircSavaJ bew fo gningised evitcaretni rof egaugnal tpircs edis tneilC


CBDJ : ytivitcennoC esabataD avaJ .

LSS : eyaL tekcoS eruceS .r

LMX : egaugnaL pukraM elbisnetxE a si f metsys desu ylediw atad gninifed ro

dna stnemucod xelpmoc enifed ot metsys hcir yrev a sedivorp LMX .stamrof

.serutcurts atad

:XAJA tI dohtem a s'tI .LMX dna tpircSavaJ suonorhcnysA rof mynorca na si

LMX dna ,ledoM tcejbO tnemucoD eht ,tpircSavaJ fo seitiliba eht ezilitu ot ot

.bew eht no ytivitcaretni etaerc

:BJE .snaeB avaJ esirpretnE I dna tnempoleved eht rof erutcetihcra si t

snoitacilppa tcejbo detubirtsid ,lanoitcasnart fo tnemyolped - revres ,desab

.stnenopmoc erawtfos edis

:EE2J immargorp a si noitidE esirpretnE 2 avaJ mroftalp gn — avaJ eht fo trap

mroftalP — avaJ erutcetihcra reititlum detubirtsid gninnur dna gnipoleved rof

na no gninnur stnenopmoc erawtfos raludom no ylegral desab ,snoitacilppa

.revres noitacilppa

2BD taht metsys tnemeganam esabatad eht si esabataD 2BD : a sreviled

dna elbixelf tsoc - evitceffe no tsubor dliub ot mroftalp esabatad

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.snoitacilppa ssenisub dnamed osla tI sesu erots ot ygolonhcet LMXerup


:SAW A erehpSbeW noitacilpp S snur taht revres noitacilppa na si revre

stroppus dna snoitacilppa ssenisub .sdradnats secivres bew dna EE2J eht

:ASR lanoitaR S tcetihcrA erawtfo ot dengised si hcihw tikloot rengised a si

.secivres cimanyd ylluf gnidivorp yb tcejorp xelpmoc erom poleved

:DAR dengised si hcihw loot repoleved a si repoleveD noitacilppA lanoitaR

ot avaJ gnisu noitacilppa reititlum poleved seigolonhcet .

PTTH revres/tneilc detneiro noitcasnart a si locotorP refsnarT txetrepyH :

.revreS beW a & resworb bew neewteb locotorp

:SPTTH eruces( LSS revo PTTH a si locotorP refsnarT txetrepyH eruceS

reyal tekcos .)

:PI/PCT fo etius eht ,locotorP tenretnI/locotorP lortnoC noissimsnarT

.tenretnI eht no stsoh tcennoc ot desu slocotorp noitacinummoc

:AMDC sseccA elpitluM noisiviD edoC - latigid fo epyt a rof mret cireneg a

a stroppus hcihw ygolonhcet ynohpelet elibom elibom fo rebmun

snoitcennoc .

:MSG dradnats lanoitanretni eht si dna seliboM rof metsyS labolG rof sdnatS

eno dna enohp eno ezilitu ot sresu swolla MSG .ygolonhcet sseleriw rof

.dlrow eht tuohguorht seirtnuoc ynam ni rebmun

.1 secnerefeR 4 :

tamroF SRS EEEI .

ngiseD esabataD gninnigeB - llewoP nivaG )rehsilbuP xorW( .

esoR lanoitaR htiw LMU gniretsaM - sggoB leahciM ,sggoB ydneW . koobkooC yreuQj - .giseR nhoJ

)MBI yb dedivorP( noitinifeD melborP .

E-B koo s P( MBI yb dedivor ).

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5.1 seigolonhceT :

LMU . avaJ EE2J LMX xajA 0.2 beW ) tpircSavaJ ,SSC ,LMTHX( )yrarbiL tpircSavaJ resworB ssorC( yreuQj LMXerup 2BD IPA noitazilausiV ataD elgooG

6.1 weivrevO :

:noitpircseD llarevO tI ,metsys eht fo stnenopmoc rojam ebircsed lliw

.secafretni lanretxe dna noitcennocretni ificepS :stnemeriuqeR c tI ni elor rieht ,srotca fo snoitcnuf eht ebircsed lliw

stniartsnoc dna metsys eht .

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.2 noitpircseD llarevO .stnemeriuqer sti dna tcudorp eht tceffa taht srotcaf lareneg eht ebircseD

2 1. evitcepsreP tcudorP : edivorp era )PSJ/LMTHX( segap bew ehT eht ot ecafretni resu eht s

rotisiv/namssenisub/resU resworb bew a ni neewteb noitacinummoC . tneilc SPTTH/PTTH hguorht dedivorp si revres dna .slocotorp

ehT tneilC eliboM si ot desu enohp AMDC ro MSG a eviecer dna dnes rof SMS

wen ytic trams fo swen .enohp elibom eht no dedivorp si noitacinummoc sihTsdnammoc TA gnisu .

tA BJE rof si revres bew edis revres eht ,snaeBavaJ ,stelvreS , esabatad dna

.noitamrofni eht gnirots rof si revres

tneilC LMTH ro resU(namssenisub )

eliboM tneilC ( resU )

enohP AMDC ro MSG



erehpSbeW noitacilppA

revreS & revreS SMS


ediS tneilC revreS noitacilppA revreS esabataD

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2 2. fretnI erawtfoS eca :

tenretnI no tneilC : beW metsyS gnitarepO swodniW ,resworB .

tenartnI no tneilC : beW ,erawtfoS tneilC ,resworB gnitarepO swodniW metsyS .

no tneilC eliboM : SMS evieceR dna dneS gnivah enohp elibom ynAnoitcnuf .ytila

revreS beW : erehpS beW A noitacilpp S revre , gnitarepO swodniW \


revreS esaB ataD : 2BD dnE tnempoleveD : R )LMTH ,stelvreS ,naeB avaJ ,avaJ ,EE2J( DA 2BD , ,

O gnitarep S metsy .revreS beW ,)swodniW(

.2 erawdraH 3 ecafretnI :

40.2 ecafretnI noitacinummoC : .locotorp SPTTH/PTTH gnisu eb lliw tenretnI no tneilC .locotorp PI/PCT gnisu eb lliw tenartnI no tneilC .locotorp SMS dna sdnammoC TA gnisu eb lliw enohp eliboM no tneilC

S tneilC edi

erawtfoS rossecorP MAR ecapS ksiD rerolpxE tenretnI

0.7 VI muitneP letnI

zHG 1 tA BM 215 BG 2

ediS revreS

erehpSbeW revreS noitacilppA


VI muitneP letnI zHG 6.2 tA

BG 1 BG 2

7.9V 2BD VI muitneP letnI zHG 6.2 tA

BG 1 gnidulcxE( BG 2eziS ataD )

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VPLR 0102 ruasdnaM TIM


50.2 :scitsiretcarahC resU uohs resu yrevE ten dna retupmoc htiw gnikrow fo elbatrofmoc eb dl gnisworb

enohp elibom dna . H .oot hsilgnE fo egdelwonk cisab evah tsum e

60.2 stniartsnoC : G )IUG( ecafretnI resU lacihpar .hsilgnE ni ylno si nigoL eman fo noitacifitnedi rof desu si drowssap dna resu eht fo dna metsys

rof ytilicaf on si ereht srotisiv . teg lliw ytilibaliava os pu kcab fo ytilibaniatniam on si erehT detceffa . nezitic naidnI ylnO nac eht tsac ri etov eht ot .setadidnac larotcele ht fo ytirgetni eht erusni dluow reciffO noissimmoC noitcelE esuaceb metsys e

.metsys eht fo nimda eb lliw eh .SPTTH/PTTH ot detimiL

Page 11: Smart City Srs

2 70. esU - :yevruS ledoM esaC

rotisiV resU

eliforP_resU_etadpU/weiV ecivres_sms_evitcaed/evitcA ytic_fo_swen_yna_weiV etisbew_eht_tisiV eht dniF namssenisub

sweN_weiV etisbew_ehT_tisiV noitartsiger_rof_oG

_ssenisuB naM

/weiV eliforp etadpU dorP_ruo_egnahC sliated_tcu resu_eht_dniF tcudorp_ruo_elaS

Page 12: Smart City Srs

0.2 8 erutcetihcrA margaiD :

reyaL noitacilppA reyaL ssenisuB reyaL esabataD

resU _nigoL IU nigoL

_noitartsigeR IU noitartsigeR noitartsigeR

IU_liamE liamE liaM

ssenisuB IU_ ssenisuB noitpircseD

IU_tropeR tropeR tropeR





di_tpieceR tpieceR noitpircseD

sweN epyt sweN ircseD noitp

Page 13: Smart City Srs

.2 09 :ngiseD esabataD ledoM pihsnoitaleR ytitnE –



sutatS etad_gninigeB

edivorP ecivreS

yralaS tma_ecivreS

resU diaP

di_resU drowssap_resU drowssap_resU

diaP tpieceR

di_ tpieceR etad tpieceR

ekaT tnuoma tpieceR

di_ecivreS di_ecivreS

eman ecivreS

etad sweN sweN epyt_


pircsed_sweN noit egamI_sweN

ssenisuB M_ na

_ nemeenisuB di drowssap

noitpircsed_ ssenisuB












Page 14: Smart City Srs

amehcS esabataD :-

ecivreS .1 di_ecivreS

eman_ecivreS.2 tnuoma_ecivreS.3


resU 1 di_resU.

drowssap_resU.2 eliforP_resU.3

tpieceR .1 di_tpieceR

etaD.2 tnuomA.3


.1 edoc_etaD epyT.2 egami_sweN.3 _tvG.4 ecitoN.


secivreS di_resU.1

di_secivreS.2 etad_gninigeB.3


sweN nam_ssenisuB 1 DI_nemssenisuB. 2 mraF. emaN_ 3 yb_denwO. 4 epyT. 5 noitpircseD. 6 nemssenisuB. drowssap_

.7 eliforP

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VPLR 0102 ruasdnaM TIM


01.2 seicnednepeD dna snoitpmussA : .egaugnal hsilgnE fo egdelwonk cisab a evah dluohs resu dne ehT

asu retupmoc fo egdelwonk cisab a evah dluohs resu dne ehT .tenretni dna eg

nam ssenisuB dna resU ehT deriuqer eht daolpu dna nacs ot elba eb dluohsetisbew eht no noitartsiger rof gniylppa elihw sotohp dna tnemucod .

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VPLR 0102 ruasdnaM TIM


.3 tnemeriuqeR cificepS s )1.3 resU_diaP :- es eht esu era resu diap ehT si hcihw etisbew eht fo secivr

.secivres sms eht gnibircsbus yb edivorp

esU secivreS

eliforP weiV

swen yna eeSytic tuoba

busnU/ebircsbuSecivres ebircs

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VPLR 0102 ruasdnaM TIM


naM ssenisuB :

eliforP weiV

etadpU.csed tcudorp

resu eht dniF

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VPLR 0102 ruasdnaM TIM


:esac esu fo emaN V wei nam_ssenisuB

:noitpircseD V wei eht nem ssenisuB fo tsil seicneutitsnoc eht lla fo ralucitrap a foytic .

olf lamroN :stneve fo w

ytic fo emaN .detceles eb lliw

.dettimbus eb lliw yreuQ

deyalpsid eb lliw tluseR ( ytic eht fo eno fI eht detceles eb lliw eht lla fo tsil nnem ssenisub deyalpsid eb lliw ).sliated rehto htiw

etanretlA :stneve fo wolf enoN

:noitidnoC tsoP enoN

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:esac esu fo emaN nem ssenisuB ddA

:noitpircseD oT nem ssenisuB wen dda a ot ytic ycneutitsnoc .

:stneve fo wolf lamroN

deretne eb lliw sliated rehto dna drowssap ,eman nigol weN .

devas eb lliw sliateD .

:noitidnoC tsoP

sti htiw detareneg si di nigol A .sliated

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VPLR 0102 ruasdnaM TIM


:esac esu fo emaN adpU .stcudorp rieht & nem ssenisub fo sliated et

:noitpircseD dda oT nem ssenisub fo sliated etadpu .

:stneve fo wolf lamroN

.nem ssenisub eht tceleS

eliforp eht tidE sliated rehto dna .

devas eb lliw sliateD .

etanretlA o wolf :stneve f

sraeppa egassem A rorre yna fi derrucco .

eht llif ot sah rotartsinimda ehT deriuqer .niaga sliated

:noitidnoC tsoP

nem ssenisuB eliforp detadpu eb lliw .




nigol nemssenisuB

liated rehto & eliforp tidE

devas eb lliw liateD

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esac esu fo emaN : - rotisiV noitpircseD : - rotisiV wohs oT .noitcnuf

stneve fo wolf lamroN : - artsiger rof og dna etisbew eht tisiv nac rotisiV ni noit.etisbew


etiS tisiV

rof oGnoitartsigeR

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seicnednepeD dna snoitpmussA : :esac esu fo emaN .nigoL

:noitpircseD .tnuocca ni nigol resU :snoitidnocerP

.drowssap dna DI nigol dilav gniretne eb tsum resU :stneve fo wolf lamroN

.drowssaP dna DI nigoL sretne resU .ni nigol yllufsseccus resu tcerroc si drowssap dna DI nigol fI

:stneve fo wolf etanretlA .drowssap dna DI retneer ,tcerrocni si drowssap dna DI nigol fI

:noitidnoC tsoP .enoN

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stnemeriuqeR yratnemelppuS

ytilibaliavA 7 x 42 - sruoh 42 nepo gniyats ,dlrow eritne eht won si esab eht fI nac ti os ,ssecorP detamotua na eb nac metsys esuaceB .lacitirc semoceb yad a

no eb tsum troppus SPU oS .yad a sruoh 42 rof nepo yats ta rof etis revres sresu ot elbisseccani niamer lliw metsyS .eruliaf rewop fo esac ni sruoh 8 tsael

.esoprup ecnanetniam dna pukcab rof ma 00:4 ot 00:2 ta etisbeW cimanyD - citats fo detsisnoc snoitatnemelpmi beW ylrae ynaM

yrev semoceb sihT .segap LMTH segap fo rebmun eht fi eganam ot tluciffid gnikat cimanyd ylegral eb dluohs metsys evitceffe nA .egral oot steg

no gniyler naht rehtar ssecorp siht setamotua taht ygolonhcet fo egatnavdaimotsuc desab resu cimanyd evres dluohs noitacilppA .sessecorp launam dez

.revres morf stneilc sti ot segap bew

smetsys esirpretne gnitsixe htiw noitargetnI – taht etis beW gnitsixe ynA nac taht eno si metsys rehtona morf atad fo noitacilpud launam eht no seiler

ixe yadot dlrow eht ni atad ssenisub eht fo tsoM .devorpmi eb esirpretne ni sts raf ssecorp siht ekam ot srevres beW eht ot detcennoc eb nac taht srevres

.evitceffe erom revres eht elacs ot ytiliba eht dna ecnamrofrep doog edivorP – beW ehT

ot ytiliba eht dna ecnamrofrep doog edivorp dluohs revreS noitacilppaganam ,gniretsulc ,gnihcac rof troppus sa hcus ,seuqinhcet htiw ecnamrofrep e

.gnicnalab daol dna ytilibapac tnemeganam noisses gnidivorP - srepoleved noitacilppa beW

snoisses niatniam ot woh tuoba gniyrrow emit elbaulav dneps ton dluohsnoitacilppa eht nihtiw eseht edivorp dluohs revreS noitacilppA beW ehT .
