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    Paul Bartholomew Engineering Geology

    Dr. Watts Radford University

    Fall 1999

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction:...................................................................................................................... 2

    Geological Setting.............................................................................................................. 2

    Parameters of the Study Site ............................................................................................ 3

    Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 3

    Stereonet Analysis ............................................................................................................. 5

    Safety Factor Calculations ............................................................................................... 8

    Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 8

    Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 12

  • 2

    Introduction: The Cascades trail is a popular well traveled hiking trail located in the Jefferson

    National Forest about 15 miles northwest of Blacksburg, Virginia. The two-mile trail

    parallels Stony Creek up to a large circular cliff formation of shale and interbedded

    limestone. In the middle of the cliff structure is a beautiful waterfall called the Cascades

    with a vertical drop of approximately 80 feet into a wide shallow pool.

    During the summer of 1999, a large piece of rock broke loose from a high position of the

    cliff on the north side of the falls. The car-tire-sized boulder bounced roughly 125 feet

    down-slope breaking through a wooden post guardrail and damaging a lookout platform

    (see figures 1, 2, and 3). Around the same time, and less then a half mile down stream of

    the falls, a rockslide covered almost 20 feet of the hiking trail. In neither instance was

    anyone near to witness the actual events. As a result, the National Forest Service sought

    the services of Dr. (Skip) Watts of Radford University to do a safety survey of the sites

    mentioned above and a third site of concern farther downstream along the trail. It is this

    third site, located about one half mile downstream of the falls, that is the subject of the

    slope stability analysis discussed here.

    Geological Setting

    Far up stream of the Cascades, Stony Creek spills over a series of pool-drop rapids

    formed by outcrops of Tuscarora sandstone and then into gentler rapids of the Rose Hill

    sandstone and shale formation (See figure 4 for the geologic map of the area). Just above

    the falls, the creek again crosses a thin (< mile) formation of hard Tuscarora sandstone

    that forms the erosion resistant rock forming the Cascades. The Tuscarora is a fine to

    medium grained pure quartz Silurian sandstone that is highly resistant to weathering and

  • 3

    forms many of the mountain ridges in the Valley and Ridge Province (Summer Field

    School, 1997). In places one can find conglomerates forming stratum at the base of thick

    sandstone beds. The pureness of the sand grains and frequent cross bedding are evidence

    of a near shore environment that sat quietly in the Silurian period as the Iapetus ocean

    closed. The cliffs surrounding the falls cataract seem to be those of the Juniata

    formation. This formation is composed of thin red sandstone, gray sandstone, and some

    minor limestone, all of which are interbedded within the dominant red shales. Farther

    downstream, the Stony crosses into a large formation of the Ordovician Martinsburg

    formation. Downstream, along the trail of the site being studied, one can see large

    boulders and rock debris of the upper Martinsburgs olive green to gray sandstone, shale,

    and siltstone (see figure 5).

    Parameters of the Study Site

    The study site is a massive outcrop of Sandstone with thick beds dipping 160 (SE) and

    cliffs breaking sharply off at 90 or more from the horizontal (See Figure 6). The outcrop

    exhibits fine cross-bedded sandstone as well as layers of white pebble conglomerate at

    the bottom of some of the thicker beds. Most of the beds seem to be of a fine to medium

    grain sandstone and is probably part of the Tuscarora formation. The bottom part of the

    outcrop seems to have a lot more structural integrity then the thinner beds that form the

    upper parts of the cliff faces (See figure 7).

    Analysis The first step in the analysis, after a general study of the areas geology, is to map the

    discontinuities that cause the structural weakness within the rock mass. In this case, the

    most obvious contact is the large bedding planes daylighting out of the cliff at a dip angle

  • 4

    of around 20-25 degrees. Many of these contacts have a low wave pattern due to ripple

    marks that have a wavelength of approximately 3 feet or more. Other beds have rough

    pebble surfaces as mentioned above. These rough or undulating surfaces increase the

    friction angle of the contacts which increases the overall integrity of the bedding planes.

    There are large fracture joints that dip almost 90 (see fig. 8) facing roughly west and a

    set of relatively medium sized joints facing south and dipping an average of about 80.

    Harder to pick out are small repeating fracture joints that face roughly south-southeast

    with an average dip angle of about 75.

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    Friction Angle

    Topple Zone

    Critical Zone

    Slope Dip and Direction

    Contact Intersections

    Figure 9: Stereonet Analysis for Wedge

    Dip and dip-directions of contacts.


    Stereonet Analysis Dip and dip direction data was collected from a part of the outcrop that roughly parallels

    the trail for about 100 feet. The data was input into the Rock Pack 2 program (Watts,

    1999) to produce stereonets (see figure 9 & 10).

    Figure 9 shows that a plane failure of the main bedding is unlikely. The bedding planes

    are less steep then the friction angle. The lower the angle of the beds, the larger the

    normal force and the greater the coefficient of friction. Theoretically, an angle of 32 will

    produce just enough friction to equal the sliding force due to gravity. Contacts dipping

    steeper then the friction angle do not have enough frictional force to keep the slope from

    sliding and the rock mass will give way. It should be noted that this preliminary analysis

    assumes a friction angle of 32 based on the rock type. This is a fairly safe assumption

    since most competent rocks have a friction angle of 30 35 degrees, although some rock

  • 6

    Figure 10: Stereonet Topple Analysis

    Topple Zone

    Bedding Planes Large Joints Medium Joints Small Joints

    types, such as shales, can have a friction angle of 15 or less (West, 1995). To be sure, a

    shear test should be done in the lab to account for variations in this particular rock mass

    as well as the idiosyncrasies of the contacts.

    Also in figure 9 are three sets of great circles showing the average dip and dip directions

    of the various types of contacts. Note that there are three areas where the circles

    intersect. If these intersections were to occur within the Marklands critical area (i.e. if

    the conjugate joint sets form a V-wedge that daylights out of the slope at an angle greater

    then the friction angle) then there would be a danger of wedge failure. The stereonet

    analysis shows that there is no such danger for this outcrop (again assuming a 32 friction


    Figure 10 is the same stereonet as in figure 9 but without the great circles used in the

    wedge analysis or labels. For rock toppling to occur (i.e. rocks falling vertically out of

    the rock slope), the ratio between the height of the joint face perpendicular to the bedding

  • 7

    plane and the bedding plane itself (or other weak contact) has to be greater or equal to the

    tangent of the bedding plane dip angle (West, 1995). If this condition is present, the

    separating block of rock will act as a moment arm being torqued, or rotated, by gravity

    out of the slope. This condition can be seen in the pie wedge at the upper part of the

    stereonet called the topple zone (See Figure 10). The small joints clustered in the

    toppling zone represent fracture planes that have a dip roughly perpendicular to the

    bedding planes and which are steeper then the friction angle. Based on the stereonet

    analysis there seems to be a significant risk of toppling. It seems quite evident by the

    looking at the rocks in figure 11 that toppling is part of the erosional cycle of this


    R ota tion al force

    R ough ly 90

    Figure 11

  • 8

    Safety Factor Calculations A true factor of safety (FS) calculation is beyond the scope of this preliminary study, however, a reasonable factor of safety can be calculated by: FS = tan / tan (Watts, 1999) Where is the friction angle (assumed to be 32) and is the dip angle of the joint. If the dip of the joint averages approximately 75 then the factor of safety is:

    FS = tan (32) / tan (75) = 0.167 Which is very low but seems to match the physical evidence of past and almost present toppling from the outcrop. Recommendations There are many places along the outcrop where it is doubtless that a high probability

    exists for topple failures in the near future. Fortunately, most of the topple areas are off

    the trail and not easily accessible. There are some beds high above the trail (see figure 7)

    which need further analysis and may need to be cleaned; i.e. determine which rocks pose

    a safety hazard and bring them down in a controlled, safe manner. Also of concern are

    areas on the northwest side of the outcrop (i.e. the downstream side). Along area tall

    trees have rooted into the contact crevices and may cause serious toppling failures if

    blown down by wind or snow accumulation on branches. Thickening root systems may

    also exacerbate the problem. As a precaution, some of these beautiful trees may have to

    be trimmed or felled completely.

  • 9

    Figure 4 Geologic m

    ap of the C

    ascades area


  • 10

    The Rock Fall Analysis -

    Gathering the data w

    ith the Brunton Com


    Bedding Planes

    Large Joints



    all Joints

    Notice the

    repeating natureof the jointpatterns


    Figure 7

    Rotational force

    Roughly 90

    Figure 11

    Rock Fall A


  • 11

    Figure 1 The rock that toppled out of



    ater Fall

    The rock fall came

    from this direction

    and damaged the

    platform and


    The rock fall came

    from this area of

    The outcrop...

    ...And broke through

    The wood railing



    Boulders R

    olling Dow

    n The Hill

    Figure 5

  • 12


    Tso, Dr. Jonathan L; Field Notes, 1998 Summer Field School; Radford University,

    Radford, VA. Johnson, Stanley S; Geologic Map Of Virginia Expanded Version: Virginia Division

    Of Mineral Resources, 1993. Unpublished Map; Geologic Map of Virginia; Virginia Division Of Mineral Resources. Watts, Dr. Chester F; Class Notes, 1999 Engineering Geology; Radford University,

    Radford, VA. West, Terry R; 1995, Geology Applied to Engineering; Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,

    NJ; p. 295.