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Sleep Deprivation

Jan 25, 2021


Health & Medicine

Peter Maurer

Sleep plays a major role in keeping us healthy, alert, and fully functional. In some cases, sleep is more important than food, because without proper sleep, the food that is eaten fails to nourish our bodies. A large percent of the urban population suffers from sleep deprivation. A person who goes without 7 or more hours of sleep every night is called sleep deprived. Chronic sleep deprivation can affect people of any age, although it is more common adults and the elderly.

Children need 9 or more hours of sleep every night, while teens need close to 9 hours. Adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep. The amount of sleep you need doesn’t depend on how sleepy you feel. If you do not get your required quota of sleep every night, you are going to feel sleepy and fatigued during the day and develop other health issues in time if you are sleep deprived all the time.

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Loss of sleep is a serious medical problem that warrants attention. You cannot afford to ignore your sleep deprivation or take them lightly. Sleep cannot wait until you are dead. Following certain preventive measures as discussed above can have a significant impact. A little bit of attention and care can help you sleep well and improve your quality of life. If preventive measures are not helpful, ensure to see your qualified health professional. Make sure that your sleep problem is not associated with some undiagnosed medical disease. Several prescription medications are also available to fix this problem.