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Skyrim walktrough

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    Cheat Codes

    While playing the game, press ~to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to

    activate the corresponding cheat function:

    Result Cheat Code

    ist all commands help

    !od mode tgm

    "ncrease level advancepclevel

    "ncrease level of indicated s#ill $y one player.incpcs[s#ill name]

    %ll spells psb

    %dd indicated &ragon's (ouls player.modav dragonsouls[num$er]

    %dd indicated per# player.addperk[id num$er]

    %dd indicated spell player.addspell[id num$er]

    %dd indicated item player.additem[id num$er]

    %dd indicated amount of gold player.additem 0000000f[num$er]%dd indicated num$er of loc#pic#s player.additem 0000000a[num$er]

    (et player level player.setlevel[num$er]

    (et s#ill level advancepcskill[s#ill name] [num$er]

    (et health player.setav health[num$er]

    (et magic#a player.setav magicka[num$er]

    (et stamina player.setav stamina[num$er]

    (et fatigue player.setav fatigue[num$er]

    (et $urden player.modav burden[num$er]

    (et carry weight player.modav carryweight[num$er]

    (et character's fame setpcfame(et character's infamy setpcinfamy

    (et ownership of target) allows you to ta#e it without


    (et to high value to fight) *+* to $e free player.setcrimegold[num$er]

    (et player scale) ** is default player.setscale[num$er]

    (et field of view fov[num$er]

    -nloc# selected loc#ed door or container unlock

    oc# selected door or container with indicated loc#


    %dvance indicated s#ill advskill[s#ill] [num$er]Complete all /uest stages caqs

    &uplicate items) clic# container or 01C, and copy

    the 2ef"&duplicateallitems

    3ill selected enemy kill

    3ill all near$y enemies killall

    4ast travel to indicated location coc[location]

    Teleport to /uest target movetoqt

    "ncrease movement speed $y indicated percentage player.setav speedmult[num$er]

    %dd item with one or two enchantments

    playerenchantobject [o$5ect id] [mgef

    id 6] [mgef id 67]2estore player's 81 to full player.resethealth

  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    2estore targeted 01C's 81 to full resethealth

    2emove all items from selected 01C removeallitems

    2eset 01C to original inventory resetinventory

    2esurrect targeted corpse resurrect

    Toggle all map mar#ers tmm[+ or ]

    Change genders sexchange

    (pawn 01C player.placeatme[01C "&]

    (how "& for companion or 01C help[01C name]!

    (et the indicated 01C as essential setessential[01C "&] "

    (et refractive value of the target) *+.+* is normal,

    *+.+++++* is invisi$le, *.+* is full refractionstr[num$er]

    (tart all /uests) may $rea# storyline saq

    Testing hall with all items coc qasmoke

    (earch $y #eyword help keyword[mode num$er]

    4reeflying camera tfcEna$le controls during cutscenes enableplayercontrols

    Toggle %" detection) allows easy stealing tdetect

    Toggle %" tai

    Toggle collision tcl

    Toggle com$at artificial intelligence tcai

    Toggle 49W tfow

    Toggle grass tg

    Toggle menus tm

    2ace menu showracemenu

    (ave game savegame[file name]uit game qqq

    #ote "$4or e;ample, enter *modpcs blade% "0* to increase your $lade s#ill $y + points) it will not set it to +. 2aising yours#ills in this manner will cause you to level up, $ut will not give you any attri$ute $onuses when you pic# which attri$utesyou want to increase on the level up screen.

    #ote &$4or e;ample, enter *modpca strength% "0* to increase your strength $y +) it will not set it to +.

    #ote '$4or e;ample, enter *player.setav strength (0* to set your (trength to + points of =agic#a to your character's $ase

    =agic#a score. Changes made to s#ills using this code will not affect your character's level progression in the same manneras using the *modpcs*.

    #ote !$Enclose the destination name in parenthesis if it contains a space.

    "nfinite s#ill level gain

    This tric# re/uires that you own a house with an alchemy la$. 9$tain the 9ghma "nfinium $oo#, $ut do not read it. !o toyour house, and open the $oo#shelf. 2ead the 9ghma "nfinium $oo#, then select the s#ill set to assign the s#ill gain. Close

    the $oo#, $ut not the $oo#shelf. (tore the $oo# on the shelf, then ta#e the $oo# $ac# off the shelf, and select it, $ut do notread it. 2epeat this as many times as desired to get as much s#ill level gain as desired.

    &uplicating apparel items

  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    1lace any apparel item ?armor or 5ewelry for $est results@ on a manne/uin. Then, put the item $ac# into your inventory.eave the location of the manne/uin, and go to a different area ?for e;ample, e;it a house@, then return to the manne/uin tofind the item still on the manne/uin, which you can then ta#e. 2epeat this as many times as desired.

    &uplicating $oo#s

    This tric# re/uires that you own a house with an alchemy la$. %ctivate the $oo#shelf, then place the desired $oo# to $eduplicated on it. eave the menu, then immediately activate the $oo#shelf again. "f your $oo# has not yet physicallyappeared on the shelf, wait at the menu screen where you can loot the $oo#shelf. 9nce you see the $oo# in front of you ?it

    will hover in front of the shelf while the menu is open@, loot the $oo# from the shelf in the menu. "mmediately close themenu, and you can clic# on the $oo# itself to read and then ta#e it. Aou will now have looted the $oo# twice, putting two of

    them in your inventory. 2epeat this as many times as desired. "t is especially useful with e;pensive $oo#s such as the 9ghma"nfinium.

    Easy e;perience

    When you reach the part in the tutorial at the $eginning of the game where you choose to enter the #eep with either 8advar

    or 2alof, choose 8advar, 8ave 8advar cut the $indings off your hands. !ra$ the iron sword off the wall in the room. Then,simply #eep hitting 8advar with the sword as he stands $y the door to #eep leveling up the 9ne8anded s#ill. 9nce you

    #noc# him down, ma#e sure to not hit him anymore until he gets $ac# up. To level up the (nea# s#ill, #eep snea#ing up on

    8advar while he stands $y the door, and then attac# him with the sword. &o this for the first B7 levels. 9nce you reach levelBB for the (nea# s#ill, you can simply sit $ehind him and hit him with the sword every si; seconds. To level up the Two8anded s#ill, progress a little further in the game, and get the twohanded sword. 9nce you reach the area with the $ear

    where 8advar gives you the $ow and arrow, #eep hitting 8advar with the twohanded sword to easily level up the Two8anded s#ill. #ote$&o not press [(nea#] while doing this or 8advar will move on. To level up the &estruction s#ill, #eep

    $urning 8advar. "f you leveled the 9ne8anded, (nea#, Two8anded, and &estruction s#ills to level ++ using this method,you should have B per# points and $e at level B to start the game. #ote$This glitch was done on an unpatched version of

    the game.

    !o to 2iverwood village, and find %lvor D (igrid's house. "nside is a man named 8advar. 2est until it is after > a.m. so

    %lvor leaves the house. (igrid and the young girl should remain downstairs, and 8advar will $e upstairs. "f he is not, 5ustwait until he comes upstairs. Then, save the game 5ust in case there is a pro$lem during the ne;t part. E/uip your strongest

    sword or weapon that you want to increase the s#ill level for, and snea# $ehind him until he cannot see you. &o a heavystri#e, and he will stum$le to the floor. When he gets up, he will have no #nowledge that you hit him. 8e also never dies, so

    it can $e done indefinitely. 2epeat the process to level up as much as desired. This will also ma;imie your (nea# s#ill, andwhatever weapon type you are using.

    Easy gold

    Ta#e a horse and carriage to Winterhold. 9nce in Winterhold, immediately turn right. Travel southwest from Winterhold to a

    location called *(ightless 1it*. Fust a$ove (lightless 1it on the mountain is an alter with a s#eleton on it. Geside the s#eletonis a $oo# called *The &oors To 9$livion*. 1ic# up the $oo#, and then #ill the s#eleton on the ta$le. Two other s#eletons will

    rise around the alter) #ill them as well. 2eturn to the s#eleton near where you pic#ed up the $oo#, and loot its $ody, ta#ingeverything. oot it again, and you will notice the $oo# on the s#eleton #eeps reappearing. Aou can #eep ta#ing *The &oors9f 9$livion* $oo# worth H+ gold each. Every time you view the (#eleton's inventory, even if you do not ta#e the $oo#, itshould add one $oo# to the s#eleton's inventory. 2epeat this as much as desired. #ote$This glitch was done on an unpatched

    version of the game.

    %t any time, go to &awnstar. 9nce in &awnstar, locate the entrance to the "ronGrea#er =ine, $ut do not enter it. To the leftof the entrance are some roc#s around a tree. Wal# under the tree, and aim your crosshairs around the edges of the roc#suntil *(earch Chest* appears. 9pen it to find a large amount of free loot, including crafting supplies, weapons, armor,

    enchanted items, gold, and more. #ote$The chest is invisi$le as it sits under the ground, $ut it is still loota$le. ooteverything, then sell the items for a large sum of gold. "t is recommended you $ring a horse, as you will /uic#ly $ecome

    overencum$ered and una$le to move /uic#ly or fast travel. To reset the chest and get more loot, go $ac# to the entrance to&awnstar. Aou will see a 3ha5iit trader caravan. "f the caravan is not there, wait a few days for it to return. oo# for the

    3ha5iit named *%h#ari*. (ave the game while loo#ing at her, then attac# her after saving. "t is not necessary to #ill her, asdamaging her should $e enough. Then, reload the saved game file, and tal# to her. %s# to see her wares, then e;it the

    *Trade* menu, and return to the invisi$le chest $y the mine. 2epeat this process as many times as desired.

    When doing the /uest to get married, marry a follower. Then, ma#e them follow you and trade items. They should have H+

    gold $ecause of the store they run. Ta#e their gold, leave, and wait one day to get more gold. 2epeat this as many times as


  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    damage, (tamina damage, (oul Trap, etc. (elect a fortify enchantment, deselect the fortify enchantment, then select it again.Aou should now $e a$le to select a weapon to enchant.

    "nfinite arrows

    1ic#poc#et someone who shoots target dummies with arrows, and ta#e the arrows they were using ?usually iron or steel@.

    Then, give them one of the arrow type you want more of. They will now shoot that type of arrow instead of the one theywere shooting $efore. (imply collect the arrows as they hit the target dummy to get as many arrows as desired.

    %fter #illing the first dragon and $eing appointed Thane of Whiterun, tal# to the new house earl, and trade items with them.!ive them one arrow from your $est set of arrows, then remove their sword, and assign them a $ow. Every time you go into$attle, they will fire multiple arrows from the one you traded. Then, collect all of the arrows after the $attle is over.

    "nfinite weight limit

    Containers are persistent and items do not disappear. Thus, any $arrel, $o;, or chest can $e used to store your items. "t wor#s$est to use containers near a /uic# travel loading location. 8owever, since the game is $uggy, your items pro$a$ly will not

    disappear when placed in a random $arrel or chest, $ut there is no way to guarantee they will not disappear unless youpurchase a house and store your items in it.

    Easy armor, spells, and general e;perience

    (et the difficulty to *0ovice*, and have a wea# onehanded attac# enemy hit you while healing. This will level the armor

    you are wearing, 2estoration, and also may level up "llusion.

    Easy e;perience and "llusion s#ill

    =ost spells re/uire you to actively use them in com$at situations or on specific o$5ects to progress, $ut the =uffle spell does

    not re/uire this. =uffle is an "llusion spell that /uiets your movements. Continually cast =uffle while you are wal#ingaround the world of (#yrim to $oost your "llusion s#ill and increase your overall e;perience.

    Easy %rchery s#ill

    !o to 2iverwood, find an elf named 4aendal, and then deliver a note to Camilla. 0e;t, find 4aendal, and as# him to follow

    you. =a#e sure you have at least 7++ gold. %s# him to train you. When he does, as# him to trade with you. !o into hisinventory, and ta#e your money $ac#. Aou can do this five times a level, and it really helps early in the game. 2epeat this asmuch as desired.

    Easy Gloc#ing s#ill

    #ote$This tric# re/uires an K$o; B

  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    Easy &estruction s#ill

    When you 5oin the 4ighter's !uild, you will $e prompted to go outside and duel with one of the mem$ers. When you are

    outside, switch to destruction magic, and use it against the opponent repeatedly. 8e will #eep telling you to use a sword, $utyou will gain e;perience, and he will not die. 2epeat this as much as desired to get easy K1 for magic.

    Easy 1ic#poc#et s#ill

    !o to 5ail in 2iften, then unloc# your cell door. &irectly across from your cell is a guy named Glac#Griar. Aou canpic#poc#et him even after he catches you. 1ic#poc#et all of his stuff, then place it $ac# into his inventory. 2epeat this asmany times as desired to easily increase your 1ic#poc#et s#ill level.

    Easy 2estoration s#ill

    !o to 8igh 8rothgar. !o out the door to the area where you are taught the Whirlwind (print, then go to the right. oo# for asmall staircase that goes up to a $liard of some #ind. !o forward 5ust enough to start getting hurt $y it, then start using the8ealing spell. Aour health will go down slowly $ecause you are using the healing spell, $ut you will also gain e;perience.

    This method is $etter than fighting an enemy and leveling up your e;perience since you can control how much damage youare ta#ing $y simply wal#ing $ac#wards.

    Easy (mithing and (peech s#ill

    Every time you go to a forge, ma#e sure to tal# to the person in charge of it, and $uy all the iron ingot and leather or leather

    strips they are selling. Then, ma#e as many leather strips as it ta#es for each iron ingot. Ta#e it to the forge, and ma#e an irondagger that only ta#es one of each ingredient to create. "f you sell it $ac# to the merchant, sell it one at a time so you createmore transactions to level up the (peech s#ill.

    Easy (nea# s#ill

    %t the $eginning of the game, you will encounter a sleeping $ear in 8elgen's 3eep. 8advar will say you can either snea#past it or #ill it. Fust off to the left of where 8advar stops is a small roc# pile. !o to the $ac# side of it, and you can snea# in

    the crevice there and remain hidden from the $ear. 3eep snea#ing at the roc# to increase your (nea# s#ill level. 2epeat this

    for a long as desired, as the $ear will only move if it detects you. To ma#e sure you are in a good location, snea# for a shorttime, then chec# your (nea# s#ill to see if it is rising. "f not, move slightly closer to the $ear and #eep trying.

    %fter the prologue part of the game, go to Em$ershard =ine. 3ill the two $andits in the first cham$er of the mine, then gointo the short tunnel. ower the $ridge $y pulling the near$y switch ?e;plore along the tunnel on the far wall from the

    entrance@. Continue through the ne;t few rooms until you reach an area with a $andit in a sort of pit ?the pit has a forge in [email protected] the $andit in the pit to attract the attention of the guard on the $ridge. (he will start shooting arrows at you. 8ide a$out

    half way down the $ridge in the shadows, and 5ust #eep wal#ing into the wall while snea#ing to easily level up your (nea#s#ill.

    2each White 2un, and go east. =ove toward the mountain until you find White 2iver Watch. 3ill the two $andits outside,and enter. The $lind guy inside will as# if you are 2alph. (ay yes, and then #eep wal#ing into the wall in the shadows while

    snea#ing to easily #eep leveling up your (nea# s#ill.

    9nce you can go to Glea# 4alls Garrow, go there, and tal# to (ven a$out his love trou$les with a girl. %ccept to deliver afa#e letter to the girl he mentions. 4ind the girl, and deliver the letter to her. Then, go to 4aendal, and accept the *!oldenClaw* /uest. !o $ac# to (ven, and tal# to him a$out the /uest. Tell him to follow you, then snea# $ehind (ven, and snea#

    attac# him. 2epeat this as many times as desired to easily level up the (nea# s#ill, the weapon s#ill for the weapon you havee/uipped, and general e;perience. #ote$=a#e sure you do not #ill (ven. (ven will get mad at you when you #eep attac#ing

    him, $ut he will never try to attac# you $ac#. %dditionally, ma#e sure to not get the per# that increases onehanded weaponsto do

  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    !o to 2iften, and tal# to the &ar# Elf named -ngrien. Choose the *Tell me a$out =aven Glac#Griar.* option, and thenselect the persuade option. %fter that, the persuade option will not disappear, allowing you to #eep selecting it as many timesas desired to get easy e;perience and ma; out your (peech s#ill. #ote$This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the


    Easy stealing

    To steal any item, simply gra$ a $as#et, $uc#et, #ettle, or any other type of container. Then, place it over the head of the01C that owns the item?s@. While the container is over their head, they will not $e a$le to see you as you steal the desired

    item?s@. #ote$This tric# does not wor# for pic# poc#eting. "t only wor#s for stealing items off counters, shelves, etc.%dditionally, there are a few, select 01C's that will not allow you to put a container over their head.

    (imply move an item you wish to steal out of the owner's view $y #ic#ing it. 9nce the item is out of view of the owner, youcan steal it without getting caught or penalied.

    Easy weapon e;perience

    When the Glades as#s you to #ill 1aarthurna;, approach him to chec# if he is on the stone wall perfectly. %ttac# him withany desired weapon or destruction magic to increase it. "f he dies, restart and try again. "f done correctly, he will 5ust #eep

    ta#ing the hits, then fly up and $ac# down. 8e will never die, and you will not get any $ounties for attac#ing him.

    4ree training

    !et any s#ill trainer as your follower, and train your s#ills with him. Then, as# him to trade, and ta#e the gold you gave him$ac#.

    To get costly ?especially on later levels@ training for free, enter any guild where there are trainers in what you need, and gaintheir trust. !et the desired training you need from the trainer, and then pic#poc#et him ?your money for the training will $ein his poc#et@. "t would normally $e considered a crime, $ut the guild will not do anything a$out it or report it.

    4ree house in Whiterun

    Aou normally would need H,+++ gold to $uy the house in Whiterun, $ut this tric# allows you to get it for free. !o to the manwho sells you the house in Whiterun while he is asleep in his $ed. 8e will sit up to tal# to you. =a#e sure you are standing in

    a place that you can open the nightstand or dresser ne;t to the $ed while you are tal#ing to him. %s soon as you agree to $uythe house, immediately open the dresser ne;t to the $ed, and put your gold into it, and return to the conversation. 8e willgive you the #ey, and then you can simply ta#e your gold $ac# out of the dresser.

    "nvinci$le dog companion

    !o to 4al#reath, and find the smith named od. 8e will as# you to find his dog. Aou can find the dog, Gar$as, outside of thevillage, and it will ta#e you to the (hrine of Clavicus Lile. 9nce you spea# with the &aedra ord, the dog will accompanyyou until you finish the *% &aedra's Gest 4riend* /uest. (ince the dog is considered a /uest item, it cannot $e #illed. "t will

    automatically attac# enemies who approach you, $ut it will not lose any health. #ote$Aou can also ta#e another companionin addition to the dog.

    2estoc#ing any merchant's items and gold

    To instantly refill any merchant's stoc# and gold, simply sell or $uy anything from them. Then, save the game, #ill themerchant, and load the saved game.

    arger team

    -se the following tric# to get a three person team with a five person s/uad. 8ave your main character as# Grelyan =aryon to

    5oin you after doing her side /uest. !ive her the (taff of Con5ure 4lame %tronach. Then, do the *Taste 9f &eath* /uest, andconvince Lerulus to follow. Aou should now have a total of three characters. When in com$at, summon your familiar andhave =aryon summon hers. There will now $e five of you in $attle. This ma#es the game easier when doing almost all side

    /uests. "n some side /uests other characters will also 5oin you, increasing your s/uad. #ote$"f you complete =ercer 4rey's*(coundrel's 4olly* /uest, he will as# you to 5oin him in another /uest. When you accept it, you will now have four mem$ers

    in your team. Aou can travel to do /uests with all four mem$ers, and when in $attle your s/uad will increase to seven withcon5uration a$ilities.

  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    4loating $o;es

    %t random times in the game, the shop#eepers of Whiterun ?and possi$ly elsewhere@ will sell a *=iscellaneous* item called

    *&o 0ot &elete*. "t appears to $e a common treasure chest, $ut they have no laws of gravity applied to them, li#e thepaint$rushes in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Thus, when you drop them, they float wherever your cursor was. 1urchasetwo of them to get into areas you could not reach $efore, or even create a stairway into the s#y.

    3eeping the 2usty =ace and =ace of =olag Gal from 8ouse 9f 8orrors

    E/uip the 2usty =ace, then clic# on any weapon mount in 85erlim to remove the mace from your inventory even though itis a /uest item. 4inish the /uest to get the mace with unloc#ed potential, the =ace of =olag Gal. This can $e used to #eepother /uest weapons that are meant to $e given to others, since the game thin#s it is not possi$le that the item is not in you

    inventory. The /uests will continue as normal even though you have #ept the weapons for yourself.

    Gecoming a vampire

    While in com$at against vampires, you have a chance of contracting vampirism each time they land a hit on you. "f you

    contract the disease, it can $e cured with any regular disease potion. 8owever, if you wait three days, the disease will$ecome permanent, and you will gain the powers of a vampire. There are four stages of Lampirism. The longer you go

    without $lood, the more powerful the $enefits of vampirism will $ecome, $ut the wea#nesses will also get worse. Aou canonly drin# $lood from sleeping 01Cs. %s each stage of vampirism increases, some effects stay the same, while otherschange. The four stages of Lampirism and their effect ?changes $etween stages are only listed@ are as follows:

    Stage 1

    Lampires have a 7HM increase to their "llusion spells. They are 7HM harder for 01Cs to detect, have ++M

    resistance to diseases or poisons, and are 7HM resistant to ice.

    Lampires are 7HM wea#er to fire, and their health, magic, and stamina stats are reduced $y H points in the

    sunlight. Those three stats also do not regenerate.

    Lampires have the power to reanimate the dead to serve them. They can also improve their night vision with

    another power.

    Lampires gain a spell that allows them to drain the health of their enemies.

    Stage 2

    Lampires are H+M resistant to frost, and their vampiric servant and drain powers are more powerful.

    Lampires are H+M wea#er to fire, and their health, magic, and stamina stats are reduced $y B+ points in thesunlight.

    Lampires gain the *Lampiric (eduction* power, which calms enemies ?animals and people@ for B+ seconds. Thus,they will not attac# you.

    Stage 3

    Lampires are HM resistance to ice, and their powers of reanimating the dead and draining the living $ecome more


    Lampires are HM wea#er to fire, and their health, magic, and stamina stats are reduced $y IH points in the


    Stage 4

    Lampires are ++M resistant to ice, and their vampiric servant and drain powers are more powerful.

    Lampires are ++M wea# to fire, and their health, magic, and stamina stats are reduced $y

  • 8/13/2019 Skyrim walktrough


    %ll 01Cs are hostile towards (tage I vampires.

    Lampires gain the *Em$race 9f (hadows* power, which turns your character invisi$le for three minutes.

    Curing vampirism

    Aou can cure vampirism $y turning to werewolf or $y doing the *2ising %t &awn* /uest.

    Gecoming a werewolf ?lycanthropy@

    There are several $enefits to $ecoming a werewolf. "n human form, you have increased health. "n werewolf form, your speedand physical strength are increased. Aou are a$le to travel faster, have claws to tear enemies apart, and can use your howl to

    scare enemies to run away from $attle. When you get in5ured, you can feed on ravaged corpses as a werewolf to heal yourwounds. The werewolf effect is only temporary, and you ultimately revert $ac# to human form, $ut you can prolong this

    effect. %s a werewolf, you can also avoid the rested $uff from sleeping. To $ecome a werewolf, follow the /uestline of TheCompanions 9f Whiterun. 9nce you reach the *(ilver 8and* /uest, you will ta#e part in a secret ritual, where you drin#another werewolf's $lood and turn into a werewolf yourself. Aou will $e given a choice to commit yourself, and the /uest

    will not advance if you do not commit.

    Curing lycanthropy

    4irst, 5oin The Companions faction. (uccessfully complete all /uests for The Companions faction. Then, tal# to the leader ofThe Companions, 3odla# Whitemane, or as# around a$out a cure for werewolves. (pea#ing with %ela the 8untress in

    Whiterun will also tell you more a$out The Companions' affliction. The Companions will offer you a special /uest that willcure your lycanthropy, which is a permanent change. Thus, you will never $e a$le to $ecome a werewolf again. (uccessfullycomplete the /uest to not $e a werewolf ever again.

    Foining the College 9f Winterhold

    !o to the College 9f Winterhold in Winterhold. 4ind the !rand Teacher Tolfdir, and he will offer the *4irst essons* /uest.(uccessfully complete the /uest to 5oin the College 9f Winterhold.

    Foining The Companions

    There is a $uilding called Forrvas#r in Whiterun ?loo# east of &ragonsreach@. "nside the $uilding, enter the $asement to spea#with 3odla#. 8e will offer the *Ta#e -p %rms* /uest. (uccessfully complete the /uest to 5oin The Companions faction.

    Foining The &ar# Grotherhood

    !o to 2iverwood, and spea# to the $artender inside the inn. %s# him if he has heard any rumors. 8e will eventually tell you

    a$out a $oy that is trying to summon The &ar# Grotherhood. 4ollow the side /uest to Windhelm. When entering Windhelm,ta#e an immediate right, and travel up the path until you encounter a &ar# Elf and child tal#ing. Enter the door to their left,

    and find the child inside. 8e will as# you to #ill !rinelda The 3ind in 2iften. !o to 2iften, enter the orphanage, and #ill!rinelda. 4ast travel $ac# to Windhelm, and spea# to the child again to get your reward. 0e;t, go outside of the city, andwait for 7I hours. % courier will approach, and give you a note with $lac# handprint on it that says *We 3now*. !o to the

    nearest inn, rent a room, and sleep for twenty four hours. When you awa#e, you will have $een #idnapped $y one of The&ar# Grotherhood. They will tell you that if you #ill one of the other three people in the room, they will release you. Choosea person, and #ill them. (pea# to The &ar# Grotherhood again, and they will tell you to meet them at their lair in the pine

    forest in the far southwest corner of (#yrim. 4ast travel to the western watchtower outside of Whiterun, then travel westtowards the mar#er. When you reach the door, answer the /uestion as#ed with *(ilence, =y Grother* to enter the sanctuary.

    (pea# to the first person you find inside the lair, and you will now $e a mem$er of The &ar# Grotherhood.

    The &ar# Grotherhood is the most secretive of all the factions, and can $e hard to find. (tart $y going to $ars and as#ing

    a$out rumors or information. Try tal#ing to $artenders in Windhelm. Eventually you will get a tip to spea# with a $oy named%ventus %retino, located in the %retino 2esidence in Windhelm. Aou also may $e a$le to spea# with him without first

    receiving the rumor. (pea# to the $oy, and accept the *"nnocence ost* /uest. 0othing will happen immediately aftercompleting the /uest, $ut soon afterwards, a courier will deliver you a note. Then, sleep and you will $e contacted $y The

    &ar# Grotherhood. Tal# to the stranger at your $edside, and you will then $e in The &ar# Grotherhood secret society.

    Foining the Thieves !uild

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    4irst, enter 2iften, and find Gryn5olf. 8e is in the town s/uare at the storefront during daylight. Tal# to him, and complete his/uest. Then, he will as# to meet you at a $ar called the 2agged 4lagon, located underneath 2iften, in the 2atway. Tal# tohim in the 2agged 4lagon to start the *Ta#ing Care 9f Gusiness* /uest. (uccessfully complete the /uest to $ecome a

    mem$er of The Thieves !uild.

    Words of power

    "f you are having pro$lems finding words of power, go to 8igh 8rothgar, and find %rngeir. The first tal# selection will $e*8ave you found a new word of powerN*. 8e will place a new /uest in the *=isc.* category for it. 8e will only give you one

    at a time, $ut he will #eep giving them to you until there are no more.

    &ragon Claw cham$er codes

    !o into your items, and loo# at a &ragon Claw. 2otate it so you can see the $ottom to see the code for the door that it


    4ast traveling while overencum$ered

    Aou are not supposed to $e a$le to fast travel while $eing overencum$ered. 8owever, if you have a horse, it is not affected

    $y your encum$rance. Thus, you will have the option to fast travel while on your horse.

    =oving faster while overencum$ered

    "f you are overencum$ered and far away from your destination, the fastest way to move is through the Whirlwind (print(hout. "t can $e used continuously to get you to the nearest city /uic#ly so you can sell. This also wor#s when e;iting caves

    and dungeons.

    When you are carrying too much to run, e/uip a small weapon such as a sword or dagger, and use the power swing while

    wal#ing to move faster. #ote$Aou will need some stamina to perform the power swing. %dditionally, $e careful not to hitanyone, as you will o$tain $ounty, and possi$le attac# from the guards. 4rom: Grett !rimes

    1reventing fall damage

    4all damage can $e prevented when sliding down mountains or vertical surfaces $y /uic#ly toggling (nea# mode on and off

    multiple times while stic#ing to the surface you are descending. This will nullify any damage caused $y gravity, and can $every useful if you find yourself at the top of a dangerous loo#ing mountain without any roads to go down.

    4aster horse swimming

    When you are going through water deep enough that your horse can swim, dismount and mount the horse to go faster.

    Clim$ing mountains

    When you reach a point while clim$ing a mountain and cannot progress forward any longer $ecause the grade is too steep,

    simply face $ac#wards and start 5umping. 1oint your $utt toward the pea#, and continuously press [Fump]. "t also helps tomove slightly from sidetoside as you do this. Aou can often snag a roc# along the way and shimmy up a mountain without

    having to use a set path. (ometimes facing forward at a IH degree angle can also help.

    1ic#ing up s#ill $oo#s without reading them

    0ormally, when you pic# up a s#ill $oo# that is not in a container, you will read it and gain a point in that s#ill. 8owever,there is a way to avoid this $y adding the $oo# to your inventory so that you can save it for use later. This is useful for later

    in the game when it can $e difficult to increase a s#ill. To use this method, you need to have a companion. When you see as#ill $oo#, tal# to your companion, and select the *" need you to do something* command. Then, put the cursor on the $oo#,

    and select it. The dialog $o; will tell the companion to read the $oo#, $ut the companion will add it to their inventory. Aoucan then ta#e the $oo# from their inventory to read it and get the s#ill point when desired.

    &ragon tom$ location

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    -se a nondangerous (hout in front of a guard, and a courier will deliver a letter from a *friend*, giving you the location ofanother dragon tom$.

    &ragonreach cave pule solutions

    "nside the cave during your first mission for &ragonreach, you will have to solve a com$ination pule. oo# to the wall

    a$ove the closed gate. Aou will see two heads with a gap in the middle. Each one holds a picture of a creature ?sna#e anddolphin@. 9n the floor $y the lever is the third creature ?sna#e@. The com$ination is (na#e, (na#e, &olphine. The secondcom$ination is found deeper in the cham$ers. "t is a turnta$le com$ination, which is more difficult. The solution is Gear,

    9wl, Gird. "nsert the claw, and the door will open.

    &efeating !iants easily

    !et a !iant to chase you to a near$y river, then go under water, and the giant will immediately turn and wal# away. When he

    does, snea# out, and shoot him with an arrow. When he turns around to attac#, go $ac# under the water, and he will againturn and wal# away. 3eep repeating this process until he is dead. #ote$This is a slow process that ta#es a while to complete.

    -ni/ue armor locations

    (earch the indicated locationJcomplete the indicated tas# to get the corresponding uni/ue armor:

    %ncient 8elmet 9f The -n$urned: "n the a$yrinthian Tri$une, loo# for it in a corner $ehind a loc#ed gate on topof a sword during *The (taff 9f =agnus* College 9f Winterhold /uest.

    %rchmage's 2o$es: Aou will get it as a reward at the College 9f Winterhold from Tolfdir after completing *The

    Eye 9f =agnus* College 9f Winterhold /uest. Enchant the ro$es to reduce spell cost.

    Cicero's %rmor Goots, Clothes, !loves, 8at: Cicero, #eeper for the &ar# Grotherhood. "n the &awnstar

    (anctuary, you can #ill Cicero, #eeper for The &ar# Grotherhood, during *The Cure 4or =adness* &ar#Grotherhood /uest to get his armor.

    E;ecution 8ood: Aou will find it with the captives at the %$andoned (hac# during the *With 4riends i#e These*

    &ar# Grotherhood /uest.

    !auldur %mulet 4ragment: Aou will find it on the corpse of =i#rul !auldurson in 4olgunthur during the*4or$idden egend* side /uest. Enchant the amulet to get a health $oost.

    !auldur %mulet 4ragment: Aou will find it on the corpse of Fyri# !auldurson in (aarthal during the *4or$iddenegend* side /uest. Enchant the amulet to get a magic#a $onus.

    8elm 9f Angol: 9n top of the head of the s#eleton sitting on the throne at the end of the Angol Garrow dungeon.Enchant the item to $oost frost resistance.

    Fagged Crown: Aou will get this crown in 3orvan5und Crypt during *The Fagged Crown* Civil War /uest.

    Fester's %rmor Goots, Clothes, !loves, 8at: Aou can find Fester on a ta$le in the &awnstar (anctuary or in the

    chapel of The &ar# Grotherhood (anctuary.

    Feweled %mulet: Aou will get this amulet in Lolunruud as a reward from %maund =otierre during *The (ilence

    8as Geen Gro#en* &ar# Grotherhood /uest.

    =ovarth's Goots: "n =ovarth's air, search for them $y the $ed in the corner at the $ac# of the cave. Enchant the

    $oots to fortify the snea#ing s#ill.

    =ystic Tuning !loves: Aou will get it as a gift from &revis 0eloren at the College 9f Winterhold after completing

    the *9ut 9f Galance* College 2adiant /uest.

    1arty Goots, Clothes: Aou will get these items during the *&iplomatic "mmunity* main /uest at 3atla's 4arm.

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    (aarthal %mulet: Aou will find the amulet in (aarthal during the *-nder (aarthal* College 9f Winterhold /uest.Enchant the amulet to reduce spell cost.

    (avos %ren's %mulet: Aou will get it as a gift from =ira$elle Ervine at the College 9f Winterhold aftercompleting the *Containment* College 9f Winterhold /uest. Enchant the amulet to get a magic#a $onus.

    (hield 9f (olitude: !o to the Glue 1alace in (olitude, and successfully complete the *The Wolf ueen %wa#ened*side /uest to get this item as a gift from 4al# 4ire$eard. Enchant the shield to improve its resistance against magic$y +M and $loc# $y HM.

    (hield 9f Asgramor: oot the chest near Asgramor's (acrophagus in Asgramor's Tom$ during the *!lory 9f The&ead* Companions /uest. Enchant the shield to get a health and magic resistance $oost.

    Tum$ler$ane !loves: -pgrade your &awnstar (anctuary $edroom during the *Where Aou 8ang Aour Enemy's

    8ead* &ar# Grotherhood 2adiant /uest to get the gloves. Enchant the gloves to improve loc# pic#ing.

    Worn (hrouded %rmor Goots, Cowl, !loves: Aou can find it in the &awnstar (anctuary during *The Cure 4or

    =adness* &ar# Grotherhood /uest.

    (tanding (tone locations

    =age (tanding (tone allow you to learn magic s#ills 7+M faster. Thief (tanding (tone allow you to learn stealth s#ills 7+Mfaster. Warrior (tanding (tone allow you to learn com$at s#ills 7+M faster. The (tanding (tones are located southwest of

    2iverwood, $elow %nise's Ca$in. They are easy to spot, and you should not miss them as you leave 8elgen. (earch theindicated locations to find the (tanding (tones:

    The %pprentice (tone: "t is south of (olitude, on an island, in a small water marshland. "t helps you recovermagic#a /uic#ly, $ut it ma#es you suscepti$le to magic#a damage.

    The %tronach (tone: "t is $etween 2iften and Windhel, in the marshland. "t is 5ust outside the mountain range$etween the two locations, near the Eldergleam (anctuary and &ar#water Crossing $y the river to the east of the

    two. "t gives you a large magic#a $oost and ena$les you to a$sor$ spell damage, $ut you recover it slowly.

    The ady (tone: "t is on a small island on the la#e to the west of 2iverwood. "t allows you to regenerate health and

    stamina /uic#ly.

    The ord (tone: "t is southwest of &awnstar, in the mountain range, on the northern pea#. "t ma#es you resistant to

    magic#a and physical damage.

    The over (tone: "t is east of =ar#arth, a$out one fifth of the way to (olitude. "t helps you improve all your s#ills


    The 2itual (tone: "t is east of Whiterun, south of the river, $etween Whiterun and Laltheim Towers. "t allows youto reanimate near$y corpses to fight for you.

    The (erpent (tone: "t is east of Winterhold, north of Windhelm, in the sea, on a floating ice $erg. "t gives you aranged paralying poison to use once a day.

    The (hadow (tone: "t is south of 2iften, on a small mountain $efore the large mountain range to the south. "t letsyou $ecome invisi$le once a day for an e;tended period.

    The (teed (tone: "t is on the tip of the highest mountain, northwest of (olitude. "t increases your carrying capacitywithout any movement penalty.

    The Tower (tone: "t is on a mountain in the middle of Winterhold and &awnstar. "t allows you to automaticallyopen e;pert and lower loc#s.

    (#ill Trainer locations

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    There are three types of (#ill Trainers: Com$at, =agic, and (tealth. The trainers will charge you a set fee to level up theindicated s#ill. (earch the listed locations to find the corresponding (#ill Trainer:



    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind 4aendal in 2iverwood.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind %ela the 8untress of The Companions in Whiterun.=aster Trainer: 4ind 0iruin of The Thieves !uild in 2iften.


    E;pert Trainer: 4ind 05ade (tonearm of The Companions in Whiterun.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind ara# of =or 3hagur in The 2each.

    ,eavy *rmor

    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind 8ermir (trongheart in Windhelm.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind !harol of &ushni#h Aal in The 2each.=aster Trainer: 4ind 4ar#as of The Companions in Whiterun.


    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind %mren in Whiterun.E;pert Trainer: 4ind %this of The Companions in Whiterun.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind Gurgu# of &ushni#h Aal in The 2each.


    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind !hora in =ar#arth.E;pert Trainer: 4ind Galimund in 2iften.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind Eorlund !ray=ane in Whiterun.


    E;pert Trainer: 4ind Tor$5orn (hatter(hield in Windhelm.=aster Trainer: 4ind Lil#as of The Companions in Whiterun.



    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind =elaran in (olitude.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind &ravynea of 3ynesgrove in Eastmarch.=aster Trainer: 4ind Tolfdir of The College in Winterhold.


    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind 2unil in 4al#reath.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind 1hinis !estor of The College in Winterhold.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind 4alion in =orthal.

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    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind Wuunferth the -nliving in Windhelm.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind (y$ille (tentor in (olitude.=aster Trainer: 4ind 4aralda of The College in Winterhold.


    E;pert Trainer: 4ind (ergius Turrianus of The College in Winterhold.=aster Trainer: 4ind 8amal in =ar#arth.


    E;pert Trainer: 4ind %tu$ in argosh$ur in The 2ift.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind &revis 0eloren of The College in Winterhold.


    E;pert Trainer: 4ind 3eeper Carcette at The 8all 9f The Ligilant and Colette =arence of The College in

    Winterhold.=aster Trainer: 4ind &anica 1ure(pring in Whiterun.



    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind ami in =orthal.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind %rcadia in Whiterun.=aster Trainer: 4ind Ga$ette in The &ar# Grotherhood (anctuary.

    4ight *rmor

    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind (couts=any=arshes in Whiterun.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind !rel#a in 2iften.=aster Trainer: 4ind =air in the &ar# Grotherhood (anctuary.


    E;pert Trainer: 4ind =a5had at 3ha5iit Caravans.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind Le; of The Thieves !uild in 2iften.


    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind %h#ari at 3ha5iit Caravans.

    E;pert Trainer: 4ind (ilda the -nseen in Windhelm.=aster Trainer: 4ind Lipir of The Thieves !uild in 2iften.


    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind 3hayla at 3ha5iit Caravans.E;pert Trainer: 4ind !arvey in =ar#arth.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind &elven =allory of The Thieves !uild in 2iften.


    Fourneyman Trainer: 4ind 2evyn (adri in Windhelm and &ro'marash at 3ha5iit Caravans.E;pert Trainer: 4ind 9gmund the (#ald in =ar#arth.

    =aster Trainer: 4ind !eraud !emaine of Gards' College in (olitude. (#ill $oo# locations

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    (#ill $oo#s give you s#ill $onuses. %ll > s#ills have their own s#ill $oo#s. (earch the indicated location to find thecorresponding s#ill $oo#:


    % !ame %t &inner, Lolume : "n 0ew !nisis Cornerclu$ in Windhelm.

    % !ame %t &inner, Lolume 7: "n 8onning$rew Grewery.8er$alist's !uide To (#yrim: "n %rcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun.&e 2erum &irennis: "n Winterhold %lchemy a$.

    8er$alit's !uide To (#yrim: "n the 8ag's Cure in =a#arth.=annimarco 3ing 9f Worms, Lolume : 9n the corpse in Evergreen !rove.

    =annimarco 3ing 9f Worms, Lolume 7: "n the %lchemy a$ in 0ightcaller Temple.(ong 9f The %lchemists, Lolume : "n Gards' College during (olitude.

    (ong 9f The %lchemists, Lolume 7: "n %nise's Ca$in.


    Greathing Water, Lolume : "n 3raldar's 8ouse in Winterhold.Greathing Water, Lolume 7: "n Withing "linalta's &eep.

    &aughter 9f The 0i$en, Lolume : "n Grandy=ug 4armstead.

    &aughter 9f The 0i$en, Lolume 7: "n the room ne;t to the Farl 9f -nderstone in =ar#ath.2eality %nd 9ther 4lasehoods, Lolume : "n the throne room of Angvild.2eality %nd 9ther 4lasehoods, Lolume 7: "n the 2ed Eagle %scent.

    (ithis, Lolume : 9n 3rag's corpse in 0chuandOel.(ithis, Lolume 7: "n The &ar# Grotherhood (anctuary.

    The unar or#han, Lolume : "n the =aa#a's /uarters at the ighthouse 9f (olitude.The unar or#han, Lolume 7: "n the central cham$er of the %rcane Enchanter of Cragwallow (lope.


    4ather 9f The 0i$en, Lolume : "n Grinehammer (hipwrec# 8old.

    4ather 9f The 0i$en, Lolume 7: "n %utumnshade Clearing, northwest of 2iften, on a dead hunter.The Glac# %rrow 1art "", Lolume : "n &run#en 8untsman Tavern in Whiterun.

    The Glac# %rrow 1art "", Lolume 7: "n Laltheim Towers.The !old 2i$$on 9f =erit, Lolume : "n 4letcher's shop in (olitude.

    The !old 2i$$on 9f =erit, Lolume 7: "n %ngi's Camp.The =ar#smanship esson, Lolume : "n the map room in &awnstar (anctuary.

    The =ar#smanship esson, Lolume 7: "n !ilfre's house at =i;water.Lernaccus %nd Gourlor, Lolume : "n the (mithshop at 3nifepoint 2idge.Lernaccus %nd Gourlor, Lolume 7: "n 4ro#i's (hac#.


    % &ance "n 4ire, Lolume : "n the li$rary in 4ort (nowhaw#.% &ance "n 4ire, Lolume 7: "n the ruined hostel at Traitors' 1ost.

    Gattle 9f 2ed =ountain, Lolume : "n Watch 1ass at (#y$ound.Gattle 9f 2ed =ountain, Lolume 7: "n &estroyed Caravan at Tolvald's Crossing.

    &eath Glow 9f %$ernit, Lolume : "n the 8all 9f The &ead at Whiterun.&eath Glow 9f %$ernit, Lolume 7: "n the war room in 4al#reath.The =irror, Lolume : 9n a sleeping mat on a redou$t of the Gro#en Tower.The =irror, Lolume 7: "n -lfric's $edroom in Windhelm Castle.

    Warrior, Lolume : "n the Goss arena in the &riftshade 2efuge.Warrior, Lolume 7: "n the Captain's /uarters in 4ort 3ostov.


    4rostfall 1art ", Lolume +: "n the last room of the Word Wall in (understone !orge.

    4rostfall 1art "", Lolume +: "n Gelyn 8laalu's house in Windhelm.8earth 4ire 1art ", Lolume P: "n the last room in 2imeroc# Gurrow.

    8earth 4ire 1art "", Lolume P: 0ear the =ortar and 1estle shop in &awnstar.iminal Gridges, Lolume : "n north entrance of (halidar's =ae.

    iminal Gridges, Lolume 7: %t the top of 4al#reath Watchtower.The &oors 9f 9$livion, Lolume : "n 2eachcliff Cave.

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    The &oors 9f 9$livion, Lolume 7: "n 4ellglow 3eep.The Warrior's Charge, Lolume : "n the sacrificial cham$er of the %rcane Enchanter at Grittleshin 1ass.The Warrior's Charge, Lolume 7: "n the Farl's $ed cham$er in =ar#arth.


    % 8ypothetical Treachery, Lolume : "n the central cham$er of 8igh !ate 2uins.% 8ypothetical Treachery, Lolume 7: "n the %retino residence in Windhelm.%rt 9f War =agic, Lolume : "n 2avenscar 8ollow.

    %rt 9f War =agic, Lolume 7: "n White 8all at &awnstar.8orrors 9f Castle Kyr, Lolume : "n the alchemy la$ in 2annveig's 4ast.

    8orrors 9f Castle Kyr, Lolume 7: "n !lenmoril Coven.2esponse To Gero's (peech, Lolume : "n 8aemar's Cavern.

    2esponse To Gero's (peech, Lolume 7: "n "ron Grea#er =ine in &awnstar.The =ystery 9f 1rincess Talara 1art ", Lolume B: : "n Winterhold.

    The =ystery 9f 1rincess Talara 1art "", Lolume B: : "n the -pper Oone of (teepfall Gurrow.


    % Tragedy "n Glac#, Lolume : "n !lenmoril Coven.

    % Tragedy "n Glac#, Lolume 7: "n "linalta's &eep.Catalog 9f %rmor Enchantments, Lolume : "n 4alion's house in =orthal.Catalog 9f %rmor Enchantments, Lolume 7: "n (teamscorch =ine in 3ynsegrove.

    Catalog 9f Weapon Enchantments: "n White 8all at &awnstar.Enchanter's 1rimer, Lolume : "n Lalentina's house in Whiterun.

    Enchanter's 1rimer, Lolume 7: "n 8o$'s 4all Cave.Twin (ecrets, Lolume : %t the top of the %rcane Enchanter in 8agraven, at (erpent's Gluff.

    Twin (ecrets, Lolume 7: "n Treva's Watch.

    $eavy Armor

    8allgerd's Tale, Lolume : East of "varstead, northwest of 2iften, on top of the tower on a ta$le, guarded $y 9rchunters.

    8allgerd's Tale, Lolume 7: "n Forrvas#r 8all at Whiterun.=idAear 1art ", Lolume

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    2islav The 2igtheous, Lolume 7: "n the training room at Crac#ed Tus#.The 2ear !uard, Lolume : "n Castle &our in (olitude.The 2ear !uard, Lolume 7: %t the &ruaddach 2edou$t.

    The 2efugees, Lolume : "n a small, nameless camp west of 8elgen. To reach it, follow the path, and #eep left.The 2efugees, Lolume 7: "n the (mithy 9f (olitude.


    %dvances "n oc#pic#ing, Lolume : "nside 2agged 4lagon's cistern at 2iften.

    %dvances "n oc#pic#ing, Lolume 7: &uring the escape from 2iften's 5ail.1roper oc# &esign, Lolume : "n Cidhna =ine in =ar#ath.

    1roper oc# &esign, Lolume 7: "n the shac# a$ove the ramparts at the top of 4aldar's Tooth.(urfeit 9f Thieves, Lolume : "n the wrec# of the Winter War.

    (urfeit 9f Thieves, Lolume 7: "n =istveil 3eep in 2iften. "t is ne;t to Farl aila aw!iver's end ta$le.The oc#ed 2oom, Lolume : %t 8ighmoon 8all in =orthal.

    The oc#ed 2oom, Lolume 7: "n %nimonculary's vault in %lftrand.The Wolf ueen 1art ", Lolume : "n &awnstar 5ail.

    The Wolf ueen 1art "", Lolume : -nderneath the $ar in Cragslane Cavern.


    4ire %nd &ar#ness, Lolume : "n 4olgunthur.4ire %nd &ar#ness, Lolume 7: "n Es$en's room in the 2atway Warrens in 2iften.

    =ace Eti/uette, Lolume : "n 9rotheim.=ace Eti/uette, Lolume 7: "n 4ort !reenwall.

    =orning (tar 1art ", Lolume : "n &riftshade 2efuge.=orning (tar 1art "", Lolume : "n ost Echo Cave.

    0ight 4alls 9n (entinel, Lolume : "n the Gandit camp northwest of 8elgen.0ight 4alls 9n (entinel, Lolume 7: "n (windler's &en during a side /uest.

    The "mportance 9f Where, Lolume : "n a =ar#ath guard tower.The "mportance 9f Where, Lolume 7: "n Chillfurrow 4arm.

    Warrior: "n &riftshade 2efuge.


    %evar (tone (inger, Lolume : "n Thonnir's house in =orthal.%evar (tone (inger, Lolume 7: "n the last 5ail cell in ost Lal#ygg.

    Geggar, Lolume : 0ear the 2atway, at the ta$le in room with 3a5iit owlife.Geggar, Lolume 7: "n 8aelga's $un#house in 2iften.1urloined (hadows, Lolume : "n &us#glow Crevice.

    1urloined (hadows, Lolume 7: "n 8onorfall 9rphanage in 2iften.Thief, Lolume : "n Glea# 4alls Temple, (windler's &en.Thief, Lolume 7: %t the %rgonian %ssem$lage in Windhelm.

    Wulfmare's !uide To Getter Thieving, Lolume : %t the $ottom of 4ort (unguard's ou$liette.Wulfmare's !uide To Getter Thieving, Lolume 7: "n =ara's Eye 1ond.


    =ystery 9f Talara 1art ", Lolume 7: "n Eldergleam (anctuary.=ystery 9f Talara 1art "", Lolume 7: "n 4rostflow ighthouse.2acial 1hylogeny, Lolume : %t =oorside "nn in =orthal.

    2acial 1hylogeny, Lolume 7: %t Corpselight 4arm in 4al#reath.2ain's 8and 1art ", Lolume I: "n 4alion's house in =orthal.

    2ain's 8and 1art "", Lolume I: "n the 8all 9f The &ead in =ar#ath.The E;odus, Lolume : "n the 4roen 8earth in Winterhold.

    The E;odus, Lolume 7: %t (tendarr's Geacon.Withershins, Lolume : %t the end of %ctwind 1oint.

    Withershins, Lolume 7: "n the Temple 9f 3ynarteh at Whiterun.


    Cherins' 8eart, Lolume : "n &awnstar's uic#silver =ine.Cherins' 8eart, Lolume 7: "n the forge room of =orvuns#ar.

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    8eavy %rmor 4orging, Lolume : "n the (ilent =oons Camp.8eavy %rmor 4orging, Lolume 7: "n !loom$ound =ine.ight %rmor 4orging, Lolume : "n od's house in 4al#reath.

    ight %rmor 4orging, Lolume 7: "n Em$ershard =ine, on the lower level of the larger area to the west.The %rmorer's Challenge, Lolume : 0ear the (mith's forge at =or 3hagur.

    The %rmorer's Challenge, Lolume 7: 9n the (#yforge platform in Whiterun.The ast (ca$$ard 9f %#rash, Lolume : "n (ilver 8and Camp in !allows 2oc#.

    The ast (ca$$ard 9f %#rash, Lolume 7: "n the armory of 4ort (unguard.


    ast (eed 1art ", Lolume >: "n 2edoran's 2etreat.ast (eed 1art "", Lolume >: "n the room with %lain at 2ald$thar.

    egend 9f 3rately 8ouse, Lolume : "n the Glac# Griar odge.egend 9f 3rately 8ouse, Lolume 7: "n the cellar at the 0ightgate "nn.

    (acred Witness, Lolume : "n an alchemy la$ in &eepwood Lale.(acred Witness, Lolume 7: "n Ga$ette's room in The &ar# Grotherhood (anctuary.

    The 2ed 3itchen 2eader, Lolume : "n the 4rostmere Crypt.The 2ed 3itchen 2eader, Lolume 7: "n 0ew !nisis Cornerclu$ in Windhelm.

    Three Thieves, Lolume : "n the room of 2attle's in (now Leil (anctum.Three Thieves, Lolume 7: "n 8onning$rew Grewery's alchemy la$.


    % &ance "n 4ire 1art ", Lolume

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    ocation 7 %llegiance: Aou will find it in %ngarvunde in the 2ift after completing the *=edresi &ran %nd TheWandering &ead* /uest.

    ocation B 1ac#: Aou will find it in Asgramor's Tom$ in Winterhold after completing the *!lory 9f The &ead*Companions /uest.

    A"ra ,his'er

    &escription: Aour voice is not a shout, $ut a whisper, revealing the life forces and all.

    ocation ife: "n the dragon's lair in 0orthwind (ummit, after you get a letter from a *friend* regarding a

    source of power in the mountains $etween Windhelm and 2iften. "t is around the corner from (hor's (tone) defeatthe dragon to learn the &ragon (hout word.

    ocation 7 (ee#: Aou will find it in Lalthume after completing the *Evil "n Waiting* &ungeon /uest.

    ocation B 8unt: "n Lolunruud) it re/uires *The (ilence 8as Geen Gro#en* &ar# Grotherhood /uest or the

    *(ilenced Tongues* &ungeon /uest.

    Become Ethereal

    &escription: The Thu'um reaches out to the Loid, changing your form to one that cannot $e harmed or harm.

    ocation 4ade: (uccessfully complete *The Way 9f The Loice* main /uest, and %rngeir will send you to

    -stengrav &epths to retrieve The 8orn 9f Furgen Windcaller. "n the main cavern room, instead of going to theo$5ective, go outside, and then go to the $ottom where waterfall is with the green trees. oo# at the $ase of the

    platform with word of power on it.

    ocation 7 (pirit: 4ind the settlement with waterfalls and large stone structures $etween =ar#arth and 4al#reath.

    !o to the top, and fight the 8agravens. oo# for the &ragon (hout word in their little den, at the end of the Gard'seap (ummit 1oint ?where you are standing over the waterfall@.

    ocation B Gind: "n "ron$ind Garrow.

    Call #ragon

    &escription: 9dahviingQ 8ear my voice and come forth. " summon you in my time of need.

    ocation (now, 8unter, Wing: Aou get all three &ragon (hout words during *The 4allen* main /uest.

    Call O- .alor

    &escription: The valiant of (ovngarde hear your voice, and 5ourney $eyond space and time to lend their aid.

    ocation 8ero, Champion, egend: Aou get all three &ragon (hout words during the *&ragonslayer* main /uest.

    Clear Sies

    &escription: (#yrim itself yields $efore Thu'um, as you clear away fog and inclement weather.

    ocation (#y, (pring, (ummer: Aou get all three &ragon (hout words from %rngeir after completing the *Throat

    9f The World* /uest and getting to 8igh 8rothgar.


    &escription: (hout defies steel, as you rip the weapon from an opponent's grasp.

    ocation Weapon: "n the dragon's lair on Elders$lood 1ea#, at the top of the mountains, south of =orthal.

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    ocation 7 8and: &uring the *(pea#ing With (ilence* Thieves !uild /uest, go to the (now Leil (anctum. "n thesecond area, =ercer will mention something a$out it $eing a perfect am$ush area. The &ragon (hout word is inthat room.

    ocation B &efeat: "n the (ilverdrift air.


    &escription: %nd the wea# shall fear the Thu'um, and flee in terror.

    ocation 4ear: "n the dragon's lair at the ost Tongue 9verloo#. %fter #illing the dragon, you will get the

    &ragon (hout word from a $ounty letter from Windhelm in "varstead's "nn.

    ocation 7 2un: %t the top of &ead Crone 2oc#, west of =ar#arth. Aou go here during the *=ehrunes &agon*

    main /uest. "t re/uires the *1ieces 9f The 1ast* &eadric /uest.

    ocation B Terror: "n (halidor's =ae in a$yrinthian.


    &escription: Aour voice lashes out at a dragon's very soul, forcing the $east to land.

    ocation =ortal, "nfinite, Temporary: Aou learn all three &ragon (hout words during the *%lduin's Gane* /uest.

    Elemental /"ry

    &escription: The Thu'um im$ues your arms with the speed of wind, allowing for faster weapon stri#es.

    ocation %ir: "n the dragon's lair in &ragontooth Crater, $etween (olitude and =ar#arth in the northwest of

    (#yrim. "t is a large mountain range.

    ocation 7 Gattle: "n (hrie#wind Gastion.

    ocation B !race: Aou will find it in 3il#reath 2uins after completing *The Grea# 9f &own* &aedric /uest.

    /ire Breath

    &escription: "nhale air, e;hale flame, and $ehold the Thu'um as inferno.

    ocation 4ire: Aou will learn it during &ustman's Cairn /uest after completing the *1roving 8onor* /uest from

    The Companions $ecause it opens a new area of the dungeon that contains the &ragon (hout word.

    ocation 7 "nferno: 9$tained automatically during *The Throat 9f The World* main /uest.

    ocation B (un: "n (understone !orge.

    /rost Breath

    &escription: Aour $reath is winter, you Thu'um a $liard.

    ocation 4rost: "n Grownstrewn Crest, south of Windhelm, in the middle of the swampland on top of the large

    hill. "t is guarded $y a dragon. &efeat the dragon to learn the &ragon (hout word.

    ocation 7 Cold: 3ill the dragon in the &ragon's air in (#y$orn %ltar.

    ocation B 4reee: "n 4olgunthur, southeast of (olitude, on the way to =orthal. "t is guarded $y a power &raugr.

    "t also re/uires the *4or$idden egend* side /uest.

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    %ce /orm

    &escription: Aour Thu'um freees an opponent solid.

    ocation "ce: 9n =ount %nthor, on the middle mountain in the range to the northwest of Windhelm, and hometo a dragon. Aou will also get this location from %rngeir at 8igh 8rothgar when you tal# a$out the &ragon (hout


    ocation 7 4lesh: "t is given to you during the *-nder (aarthal* College 9f Winterhold /uest for the circle of=ages. "t is at the end after you have discovered the artifact you are loo#ing for, in the (aarthal dungeon. Whenyou are leaving the dungeon, loo# for it in the southwest of Winterhold. Aou can also get it during the *4or$iddenegend* side /uest.

    ocation B (tatue: "n 4rostmere Crypt during *The 1ale ady* &ungeon /uest.

    0ynes )eace

    &escription: The voice soothes wild $easts, who lose their desire to fight of flee.

    ocation 3yne: !o to 2annveig's 4ast, and defeat the ice dragon protecting the entrance. Then, enter to learnthe &ragon (hout word.

    ocation 7 1eace: !o to (hroud 8earth Garrow &epths. "n "varstead, there is a /uest from the "nn 3eeper,

    Wilheim ?*Wilheim's (cream* dungeon /uest@. Enter the Garrow, and defeat the spirit to get the (apphire &ragonClaw as a reward from Wilheim.

    ocation B Trust: "n 2agnavald Temple, north of =ar#arth, in the mountains are the ruins called 2agnavald witha temple inside. !o to the left and right into the canal and the crypts to get the #eys to gain access to the &ragon

    (hout area. &efeat the &aedric, otar the =od, to learn the &ragon (hout word.

    Mared /or #eath

    &escription: (pea#, and let your voice hearld doom, as an opponent's armor and life force are wea#ened.

    ocation 3ill: "n the %utomnwatch Tower, south of "varstad, further south of 2ift "mperial Camp, are a couple

    of towers in the mountains. There is a dragon at the top of the farthest tower to the south protecting the &ragon(hout word.

    ocation 7 eech: "nside the 4orsa#en Cave in The 1ale, southwest of Winterhold, at the $ase and south ofmountains that surround it. "t is north of the small la#e on the map. "t re/uires *The White 1hial* side /uest. "t is

    guarded $y &raugr, who is very difficult to defeat.

    ocation B (uffer: "n the &ar# Grotherhood (anctuary in 4al#reath 8old.

    Slo+ Time

    &escription: (hout at time, command it to o$ey, as the world around you stands still.

    ocation Time: &uring *The (taff 9f =agnus* College 9f Winterhold /uest, when fighting &raugr &eathlordin the last level of the a$yrithian ?&ragon 1riest's air@, you can either fight &raugr or get an artifact that gives

    you access to this area.

    ocation 7 (and: "n 3orvan5und, northeast of Whiterun ?snowy area on the map@. The &ragon (hout word is in

    the crypt, in the area at the $ottom. Aou will come here during the second "mperialJ(tormcloc# /uest. "t re/uires*The Fagged Crown* Civil War /uest.

    ocation B Eternity: Aou will find it in 8og's End after completing *The 4ee$le 4ortune* &ar# Grotherhood2adiant /uest.

    Storm Call

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    &escription: % shout to the s#y, a cry to the clouds, that awa#ens the destructive force of (3yrim's lightning.

    ocation (torm: "n 8igh !ate 2uins ?&ragon 1riest's air@, east of (olitude. oo# for a huge structure and set

    of ruins. !o inside and down to the last cham$er, which is Lo#un's Throne 2oom. &efeat Lol#un to find the&ragon (hout word in the room $ehind Lo#un's Throne 2oom.

    ocation 7 Wrath: Aou will learn it during *The WorldEater's Eyrie* main /uest at the (#uldafn Temple level?&ragon 1riest's air@.

    ocation B ightening: "n 4orelhost in the &ragon 1riest's air.

    Thro+ .oice

    &escription: The Thu'um is heard, $ut its source u#nown, fooling those into see#ing it out.

    ocation Loice, 4ool, 4ar: "n (hearpoint, west of Windhelm, at the top of the $ig mountain near it. "t is guarded$y a power &aedre called 3rosis. &efeat him to get all three &ragon (hout words.

    nrelenting /orce

    &escription: Aour voice is raw power, pushing aside anything or anyone who stands in your path.

    ocation 4orce: "n Glea# 4alls Garrow, west of 2iverwood in the mountains) it re/uires the *Glea# 4allsGarrow* main /uest ?o$tained from Whiterun, north of 2iverdale@ or *The !olden Claw* side /uest ?o$tained from

    ucan in 2iverwood@.

    ocation 7 Galance: "t is given to you $y %rngeir after completing *The Way 9f The Loice* main /uest in 8igh


    ocation B &own: "t is given to $y %rngeir when you ta#e the horn $ac# to him in the *8orn 9f Furgen

    Windcaller* main /uest.

    ,hirl+ind S'rint

    &escription: The Thu'um rushes forward, carrying you in its wa#e with the speed of a tempest.

    ocation Whirlwind: "t is given to you $y Gorri in the *The Way 9f The Loice* main /uest when you reach

    8igh 8rothgar. This is after you get the *Galance* word for the *-nrelenting 4orce* &ragon (hout.

    ocation 7 4ury: "n Lols#ygge ?&ragon 1riest's air@, high mountains in the corner of the (#yrim map, west of

    (olitude, is an ancient temple with a &ragon (hout guarded $y a powerful demon. Aou need to go northwest fromLols#ygge on the map, up closest to the mountains to get the &ragon (hout word.

    ocation B Tempest: Aou will get it in &ead =en's 2espite after completing the *Tending The 4lames* Gards'

    College /uest.

    &aedric %rtifact /uest locations

    (uccessfully complete the indicated /uest to get the corresponding &aedric %rtifact:

    #a+nbreaer The Brea O- #a+n 5"est6

    ocation: Aou will get this /uest near the statue to =erida, west of (olitude. (uccessfully complete the /uest to get

    the artifact.

    Ebony Mail Boetiahs Calling 5"est6

    ocation: 4ind (acellum of Goethiah in the east section of Windhelm. Aou will find a cult, and then $egin the/uest. To offer the sacrifice, you will have to trap someone in that cham$er. %n easy way to do this is hire a

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    mercenary ?you can visit Gee and Gra$ in 2iften) one is sitting downstairs@, and as# him to touch the $eacon.(uccessfully complete the remaining tas# to get the artifact.

    Mace O- Molag Bal $o"se O- $orrors 5"est in Mararth6

    ocation: "n the city, when you wal# past an old haunted house, you will $e as#ed to go with someone. "f you

    complete this tas# and find the priest of Goethiah, you will get the artifact.

    Mas5"e O- Clavic"s .ile A #aedras Best /riend 5"est6

    ocation: The guard at the entry point of 4al#reath will tell you a$out a missing dog. %fter spea#ing with him,

    start the /uest. Aou can follow the dog, or simply go to 8aemar's (hame, which is 5ust south of the large mountainand 5ust east to 8elgen. !et the a;e, and return it to get the artifact.

    Mehr"nes *a7or )ieces O- The )ast 5"est6

    ocation: Lisit the museum in &awnstar ?the message pops up multiple times@, accept the /uest, and then collect

    the three pieces of the sword throughout (#yrim to get the artifact.

    Oghma %n-ini"m #iscearning The Transm"ndane 5"est6

    ocation: When you meet (eptimus (igmus during a main /uest, you will $e assigned a tas# to get the Elder(crolls. Aou will start the second tas# ?*&iscearning The Transmundane*@. &uring this /uest, you ta#e the imprint

    of the (crolls on the e;icon. Then, you need the harvested $lood from an 9rc, &ar# Elf, Wood Elf, 8igh Elf, and4almer. "f you do not already have samples from them, you must find them, and #ill at least one to harvest the

    $lood. Aou can visit the Gandit camps for Elf and 9rc $lood, and you can visit =ulft ?southeast of Windhelm@ for4almers.

    *ing O- 8amira

    ocation: 4ind Lerulus in =ar#arth, and accept his /uest, which involves clearing the 0ecropolis. When Eola

    starts tal#ing a$out canni$alism, respond positively. Then, clear the undead from 0amira's altar. %gree to lure

    Lerulus to the %ltar. 3ill Lerulus and eat his flesh, and the 2ing 9f 0amira will appear in your inventory.

    Sang"ines *ose 8ight To *emember 5"est6

    ocation: 4ind (am !uevenne in Lilemyr "nn in "varstead. 8e will offer you a drin#ing challenge. %ccept it, and

    complete the rest of the /uest to get the artifact.

    Saviors $ide %ll Met By Moonlight 5"est6

    ocation: "n 4al#reath, near the $arrac#s, you will find a #id downstairs in the 4al#reath 5ail. 8e will hand you hiscursed ring, and the /uest will $egin. (uccessfully complete the /uest to get the artifact. #ote$"f you decide not to

    #ill, you may not get the artifact.

    S"ll O- Corr"'tion ,aling 8ightmare 5"est6

    ocation: (uccessfully complete the *Wal#ing 0ightmare* /uest in &awnstar. To complete the /uest, tal# to thepriest at the "nn, and #ill him at the end of the /uest to get the artifact.

    S'ellbreaer The Only C"re 5"est6

    ocation: !o to the shrine of 1eryite in the mountains $etween =ar#arth and (olitude. Aou must have good s#ills

    $efore you can complete the /uest. (uccessfully complete the /uest to get the artifact.

    The Blac Star The Blac Star 5"est6

    ocation: !o to %ura's (hrine on top of the mountain to $egin this /uest. (uccessfully complete the /uest to getthe artifact.

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    ,abba!ac The Mind O- Madness 5"est6

    ocation: "n (olitude, find a child named &erevin wandering around the streets. 8e will as# you to deliver a

    message to his master. 4ind his master and complete the /uest to get the artifact. To complete one se/uence: shoot1elgius with Wa$$a5ac#, shoot wolf, shoot goat, shoot $andit, shoot 1elagius, shoot 8agraven, shoot 1elagius,shoot 4lame %tronach, and then shoot the dragon priest. 4or the 1aranoia se/uence, you need to shoot the #ing.

    The mind se/uence is grow 1elagius twice, and then grow anger once with the Wa$$a5ac#.

    1aarthurna; insults

    !et the Elder (croll, then go to 1aarthurna;, and use the *Throw Loice* shout on him. % new voice will shout insults suchas *8ey, uglyQ*, *8ey, s#eever $uttQ*, *8ey, melon headQ*, *8ey, melon noseQ*, *8ey, troll $aitQ*, *8ey, slug$reathQ*, and

    *8ey, cheese $rainQ*

    4allout B reference

    While wal#ing around guards, they may say *et me guess, someone stole your (weet 2ollN* This is a reference to the

    $eginning of/allo"t 3, where your $irthday sweet roll is stolen $y Gutch.

    The Elder (crolls I: 9$livion reference

    (earch inside the museum of &awnstar to find a display case containing a yellowing piece of paper with the sym$ol for9$livion. 1ic# the loc#, and use a spell for a few seconds on the paper to turn it into a $uc#et.

    Through the mountain passage that leads from 2iverwood towards 2iften, you will find a 3ha5iit named ='ai/ the iar,

    which is a reference to the fast 3ha5iit you find outside of Gravil and eyawinn in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

    (team achievements

    (uccessfully complete the indicated tas# to unloc# the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in(team, select *Community*, *=y profile*, *Liew all my games*, then the game and view stats.

    %dept: 2each level +.%lduin's Wall: Complete *%lduin's Wall*.

    %pprentice: 2each level H.%rtificer: =a#e a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion.Glea# 4alls Garrow: Complete *Glea# 4alls Garrow*.

    Glessed: (elect a (tanding (tone $lessing.Glood 9ath: Gecome a mem$er of the Circle.Gound -ntil &eath: Complete *Gound -ntil &eath*.

    Citien: Guy a house.&aedric "nfluence: %c/uire a &aedric %rtifact.

    &ar#ness 2eturns: Complete *&ar#ness 2eturns*.&elver: Clear H+ dungeons.

    &iplomatic "mmunity: Complete *&iplomatic "mmunity*.&ragon 8unter: %$sor$ 7+ dragon souls.

    &ragon (oul: %$sor$ a dragon soul.&ragonslayer: Complete *&ragonslayer*.

    Elder 3nowledge: Complete *Elder 3nowledge*.E;pert: 2each level 7H.

    E;plorer: &iscover ++ ocations.!ate#eeper: Foin the College of Winterhold.

    !lory of the &ead: Complete *!lory of the &ead*.!olden Touch: 8ave ++,+++ gold.

    8ail (ithisQ: Complete *8ail (ithisQ*.8ard Wor#er: Chop wood, mine ore, and coo# food.8ero of (#yrim: Capture (olitude or Windhelm.

    8ero of the 1eople: Complete H+ misc o$5ectives.=arried: !et married.=aster: 2each level H+.

    =aster Criminal: Gounty of +++ gold in all nine holds.9$livion Wal#er: Collect H daedric artifacts.

    9ne with the (hadows: 2eturned the Thieves !uild to its former glory.

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    2eader: 2ead H+ s#ill $oo#s.2evealing the -nseen: Complete *2evealing the -nseen*.(ideways: Complete + side /uests.

    (#ill =aster: !et a s#ill to ++.(na#e Tongue: (uccessfully persuade, $ri$e, and intimidate.

    (tanding (tones: 4ind B standing stones.Ta#e -p %rms: Foin the Companions.

    Ta#ing Care of Gusiness: Foin the Thieves !uild.Ta#ing (ides: Foin the (tormcloa#s or the "mperial %rmy.

    The Eye of =agnus: Complete *The Eye of =agnus*.The 4allen: Complete *The 4allen*.

    The Way of the Loice: Complete *The Way of the Loice*.Thief: 1ic# H+ loc#s and H+ poc#ets.

    Thu'um =aster: earn 7+ shouts.-n$ound: Complete *-n$ound*.

    Wanted: Escape from 5ail.War 8ero: Capture 4ort (ungard or 4ort !reenwall.

    With 4riends i#e These...: Foin the &ar# Grotherhood.Words of 1ower: earn all three words of a shout

    6ain 7uest 8alkthrough

    &."9 :nbound

    The player $egins the game as a prisoner, as is customary in Elder (crolls games. Aou'll $e

    on a prison wagon and una$le to move until you reach your destination. Foining you is -lfric

    (tormcloa#, an infamous anti"mperial re$el, along with two less important 01Cs, the re$el

    2alof and the thief o#ir. When the wagon arrives in 8elgen and you get off, wait until after

    the scene, then step forward when called upon to create your character.

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    Character creation in (#yrim is simpler than in any Gethesda 21! $efore. Aou can still fully

    customie your character's appearance and name, $ut as for gameplay elements, you no

    longer choose a $irthsign or a class. Aour starting stats depend purely on your selected race,

    so your character's specialty mostly depends on what s#ills you choose to use in the first


    %fter the first prisoner is e;ecuted, 5ust $efore your own e;ecution can ta#e place, a dragon

    will appear and #noc# everyone down with a &ragon (hout, then $egin torching the place.

    uc#y you. 4ollow that 2alof guy to the #eep, then when part of the wall comes crashing

    down, 5ump across to the destroyed inn.

    &rop through the floor and head outside to meet up with 8advar, an "mperial soldier that will

    offer you a more positive impression of the Empire. 4ollow him through the $urning town,

    though you won't $e a$le to do anything $ecause your hands are literally tied.

    When you come to the #eep, you'll $e faced with a choice: side with the empire and follow

    8advar, or follow 2alof to side with -lfric the (tormcloa# re$els. Aour choice will affect thepath of this particular mission, $ut you can still change allegiances later on, so choose

    whichever one you want. Aou will receive the same achievements regardless of which group

    you ultimately side with.

    2mpire 5ath

    4ollow 8advar and he will release your restraints. (earch the $arrac#s for items, specifically

    the warden's chest, which contains "mperial armor and a sword, as well as the 8E!E0

    3EE1 3EA. E/uip the weapons and armor from your character menu.

    (earch the room for any other items, if you thin# you'll have a use for them. 9n the other

    hand, you may wish to collect valua$le items to sell once you get out of here. %pproach the

    wooden gate and 8advar will open it. "n the ne;t room, open the gate and the (tormcloa#s

    will attac# you. 3ill them and search their corpses, as well as the corpse of someone named


    /tormcloak 5ath

    4ollow 2olof into the #eep and he will release your restraints after discovering the corpse of

    his fallen comrade, !un5ar. (earch his corpse for (tormcloa# armor and a handa;e. E/uip

    these from the character menu.

    Chec# the e;its, and 2olof will notice some "mperials approaching. 4ight these "mperials

    along with 2olof, then collect the 8E!E0 3EE1 3EA from the captain's $ody. Gefore

    unloc#ing the gate to the west in order to proceed, head into the area the "mperials came from

    and search for items in the chests.

    4ollow your companion until the ceiling crashes down, forcing you to head through the door

    on the left. "nside are two foes, whom you can snea# up upon for a snea# attac#. Collect any

    desired gear from their $odies, then chec# the $arrel they were investigating for some $asicpotions. There's also another potion on the ta$le and a pile of salt, a $asic ingredient in $oth

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    coo#ing and alchemy. %s these are all $asic items that can $e found anywhere in the game,

    there is little purpose in listing all of them.

    9ther items you can find are various types of produce, which can $e eaten for a tiny health

    $oost or coo#ed into a meal for a more su$stantial $onus. The same goes for the hanging

    animals, whose raw meat can $e harvested and coo#ed to greatly increase its healing. !ra$ asmany weapons, armor, potions, food, ingredients, and #eys as you have use for, as these

    items are valua$le commodities. % very useful alchemy ingredient, 2oc# War$ler Eggs, can

    also $e found if you loo# into one of the $as#ets. "tems you should pass up include $as#ets,

    $uc#ets, $owls, tan#ards, pots, silverware, and $asically anything else of a decorative nature

    with a low value.

    8ead out the opposite door to get to the other side of the ru$$le in the hallway. &own in the

    dungeon, some (tormcloa#s and "mperials will $e fighting. %fter said fight, collect the slain

    participants' $elongings. 9n a small ta$le near$y is the Goo# of the &ragon$orn, which has

    no function $ut certainly ma#es for an interesting read. Aou can always read it and choose

    not to ta#e it with you.

    9ptionally, you can try out your loc#pic#ing s#ill $y attempting to unloc# the cages here,

    using the loc#pic#s you receive from your friend. The loc#pic# minigame is the same as that

    of 4allout B: turn the left stic# to search for the correct angle, then move the right stic# to test

    that position. The e;tent to which the loc# turns demonstrates how close to the correct

    location you are. "t's a fairly easy minigame, which greatly reduces the usefulness of the

    loc#pic# s#ill.

    "nside the central cage is a corpse with 09L"CE 899& and 09L"CE 29GE(, $oth useful

    items that $enefit your =agic#a, as well as some gold and (1E T9=E: (1%23(, which

    will teach you a lightning spell. T9 actually use the spell, you must activate the spell$oo#

    from your items menu, which will consume the $oo# $ut add the spell to your magic menu.

    Certainly, this loot is not worth passing up.

    1roceed through the ne;t hall, and pic# the loc# on the second cell on your right to collect

    some gold and loot a s#eleton for $onemeal, a useful alchemical ingredient. 0ote that the new

    alchemy system in (#yrim relies on discovering ingredient effects, which will $e stored and

    displayed when you select the ingredient. The first of each ingredient's four effects can $e

    discovered $y consuming the ingredient, which is usually harmless. 9nly with rare

    ingredients that can't $e wasted on consumption should you forgo this test.

    1roceed into the hallway and search the s#eletons in the cages for $onemeal and gold.

    Continue out through the cave ahead, and you'll come across a larger group of enemies. Aou

    have now have a pretty full variety of attac# options: you can wield a twohanded weapon, a

    onehanded weapon with a shield, two onehanded weapons, a $ow, or you can use one of

    your spells. "n the menu, e/uip each weapon or spell to the desired hand $y pulling the

    corresponding trigger.

    9nce all the enemies are defeated, loot them. This will surely fill your encum$erance if

    you've $een hoarding all of the enemies' loot thus far. "n general, you should drop heavy two

    handed weapons and any (tormcloa# armor you've pic#ed up, as these have a lower ratio of

    value to weight. Continue to the other side and pull the lever to lower a draw$ridge.

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    %fter the $ridge collapses $ehind you, continue on ahead. 4ollow the stream up to a s#eleton

    with a little gold and a lantern, which is sadly now a useless item, though =orrowind players

    will remem$er that it was once a usa$le light source. %nyway, leave the lantern and continue

    down this stream until it leads you to another path with a coin purse near a few $ones.

    Ta#e the path here as it diverges from the stream to a nest full of 4rost$ite (piders. (lay thesearachnids and ta#e their 4rost$ite Lenom, which can $e activated from the menu to add an

    additional poison effect to your ne;t attac#. Aou may also find 5ewelry or even gemstones on

    their $odies, which leads one to /uestion how these items came to reside in the $odies of

    giant spiders. Chec# the egg sacs for another alchemical ingredient, (pider Eggs, and the we$

    sacs hanging from the ceiling for (#eever Tails.

    Continue deeper into the cave. There's a cart with a few useful items inside and more lying

    near$y. Aour ally will recommend the use of stealth to avoid the $ear ahead, or use the $ow

    and arrows he provides to shoot it from afar. Whether you ta#e that advice is entirely up to

    you, $ut if you're going to attac#, aim to ma#e a snea# attac# while in stealth mode for $onus

    damage against the $ear. Gears drop Gear Claws, an alchemy ingredient, as well as Gear1elts, which can $e used to ma#e leather for smithing. %lternatively, there is one

    miscellaneous /uest that re/uires you to collect + $ear pelts, so you may wish to start saving

    up for that /uest now.

    %fter slaying the $ear, ta#e the path to the left through a tunnel that leads to the outside. 9nce

    you're outside, the dragon from $efore will fly away. Aour friend will ma#e a

    recommendation a$out your first destination $efore departing, and the /uest will end.

    Completing this /uest earns you the *-n$ound* achievement.

    &.&9 +efore the /torm

    %fter the last /uest is complete, you can follow your friend to 2iverwood or find it yourself.

    "f you follow him, he will continue conversing with you and recommend that you 5oin his

    faction ?which $egins the Civil War /uestline@. 8e will also point out landmar#s and stop at

    the !uardian (tones to allow you to select one. Choosing a stone grants you the *Glessed*


    The Warrior (tone increases your level up rate in all com$at s#ills $y 7+M, while the =age

    does the same for magic s#ills and the thief for stealth s#ills. 8owever, you may not wish to

    select any of these: the faster your s#ills increase, the faster your level goes up, and the faster

    the enemies get stronger. Therefore, though you'll $e on the same page as far as levels go,you may not $e a$le to get new and $etter e/uipment /uic#ly enough to #eep up with the rate

    of your leveling. "n other words, $oosting your s#ill gain rate can actually ma#e the game a

    $it more difficult for you in the long run.

    Continue following your ally, and the two of you will $e attac#ed $y wolves. 3ill them and

    ta#e their pelts, which can $e used to ma#e leather 5ust li#e $ear pelts. "n fact, nearly any pelt

    can $e made into leather. 4ollow your ally 5ust a little further to 2iverwood, after which you

    can spea# to him in detail a$out the recent occurances.

    To advance the mission, spea# to %lvor ?if your friend was 8advar@ or !urdur ?if you sided

    with 2olof@. et your friend spea# or tal# to them yourself. The friend of a friend will offeryou supplies, which you can ta#e as many of as you need. "tems in their home will also $e

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    shared with you ?up to a certain value@, meaning that you can ta#e them and it won't $e

    considered stealing. They will also offer their home to you: you will $e a$le to sleep in the

    $eds here, which will grant a HM $onus to s#ill gain. "n the end, you will $e as#ed to spea# to

    the Farl of Whiterun and inform him of the dragon's presence. 8ead to Whiterun to the 0orth

    to continue the /uest, $ut first ta#e care of an $usiness you have here, such as selling all the

    loot from the last /uest that's 5ust weighing you down.

    Aou can reach Whiterun $y crossing the $ridge outside 2iverwood heading to the o$5ective

    on your map. 9nce you pass the 8oney$rew =eadary, you may seem some mem$ers of the

    Companions fighting a giant. 8elp them out if you wish, then their leader will spea# with you

    and direct you to the place where you can 5oin up with them. "f you don't care a$out 5oining

    the Companions, you can wal# right on $y.

    When you reach Whiterun, head up to the top level ?&ragonsreach@ and spea# with the guard.

    Aou can try to negotiate with her, $ut the most o$vious solution is to simply tell the truth

    ?that 2iverwood needs the Farl's aid@ and she will let you pass. "nside, approach the Farl and

    tell him what has happened, and $e sure to mention either %lvor or !erdur if you spo#e tothem. %fter you converse with the Farl, he will give you a gift, a leveled piece of armor. The

    higher your level, the higher the grade of the armor will $e, and it will $e either heavy or light

    depending on whether your heavy or light armor s#ill is higher.

    &.'9 +leak ;alls +arrow

    (pea# to 4arengar, the court wiard, and you'll $e send $ac# to Glea# 4alls Garrow to collect

    an item called the &ragonstone. To a certain e;tent, this /uest overlaps with the side /uest,

    The !olden Claw. %gain, simply go to 2iverwood Trader and spea# with the owner to start

    the /uest. &on't $ring the !olden Claw $ac# to him, however, until you've used it to unloc# agate in the $arrow, or you'll have to ta#e it $ac# from him.

    4ollow the map mar#er to the $arrow and slay the $andit guard $efore entering. There are

    two more such foes inside. 8ead down into the $arrow, and when you see a $andit ahead, you

    can simply watch as he pulls a lever that triggers a trap, ta#ing his own life.

    !o down into the room to discover a fairly o$vious pule: $efore pulling the lever, you must

    find rotate the three icons on the left to match those shown on the upper floor. The only tric#

    is that the second one has fallen, $ut is still visi$le on the ground. To ma#e things simpler, "

    can tell you to simply turn the left one to the sna#e, the middle one to the sna#e, and the right

    one to the dolphin shape. 0ow pull the lever, and the gate will open while you remainunharmed.

    Ta#e the spiral staircase down and #ill the wimpy (#eevers that are running up toward you.

    %t the $ottom, you'll see what sent them running: there is a large 4rost$ite (pider in the lower

    room. Aou can retreat $ac# through the door from which you entered for a reprieve during

    the fight, as the spider cannot fit through it. When the spider is slain, loot its $ody and then

    cut the we$s around %rvel to free him. 8e will run, $ut you might not want to chase him, as

    he's going to storm right into a room full of &raugr, 0ordic undead.

    When you head down to fight the &raugr, you can use a spi#e wall trap triggered $y a $utton

    in the ne;t hall against the enemies. 4ind %rvel's $ody and search him for the !9&E0C%W, as well as a 5ournal that you can read for some $ac#ground information. %s you

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    continue through this crypt, some of the &raugr will rise from their resting places and fight

    you, while others remain lifeless corpses that you can loot without a fight.

    Aou'll come to a $lade pendulum trap, which you must sprint through with precise timing to

    evade damage. "n the ne;t passage, $e careful if you use fire: there is incendiary oil on the

    floor here. -se this as yet another trap to employ against the &raugr ahead. Aou'll eventuallycome to a set of stairs leading up to a room with a waterfall in it. 4ight the &raugr, then pull

    the chain to open the gate and slide down the stream into a cavern, where a more powerful

    enemy awaits. 4ollow the ne;t path to Glea# 4alls (anctum.

    Aou'll come to another hall with swinging $lade traps, which you can use against the &raugr

    ahead. There's a $ridge ahead with several more &raugr, $ut once they're finished, you can

    move on to a pule door. This pule's a $it tric#ier: you must go into the item menu and

    inspect the !olden Claw for the answer. The $ear should $e on top, then the moth $elow it,

    then the owl on $ottom, then use activate the door ?which also re/uires the !olden Claw@.

    "nside, approach the word wall, an ancient stone car