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Skills and Skills and Techniques Techniques Lesson Four Lesson Four

Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Dec 17, 2015



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Page 1: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Skills and Skills and TechniquesTechniques

Lesson FourLesson Four

Page 2: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Stages Stages of Skill of Skill LearninLearnin


Methods of Methods of PracticePractice

PrinciplePrinciples of s of

effective effective practicepractice


Planning Planning StageStage

Shadow PracticeShadow PracticeWork/rest Work/rest



External External VERBALVERBAL

Internal Internal INTRINSICINTRINSIC feedbackfeedback

Practice Practice StageStage

Repetition DrillsCombination

DrillsPressure Drills

Work/rest Work/rest ratioratio


External External VERBALVERBAL

Internal Internal INTRINSICINTRINSIC feedbackfeedback

AutomatAutomatic Stageic Stage

Page 3: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Associative StageAssociative Stage

Your level of performance will determine how quickly you progress through the practices. To ensure you move on at the correct time you could have specific success criteria to achieve before you move on.

During the associative stage you link together all the subroutines and practice the skill using a variety of practice methods.

Repetition Drills

Combination Drills

Pressure Drills

Appropriate practice will gradually reduce the number of mistakes made during performance. As performance improves the difficulty of practices will gradually increase.

Performance Level

Difficulty of practice

To avoid boredom and ensure high quality practice it is important to vary your practice. If you repeat the same thing over and over again you will become bored, disinterested and your level of performance will decrease.

Page 4: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Repetition DrillsRepetition Drills

Q. What does Repetition practice involve?

Stages of Stages of Skill LearningSkill Learning Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Principles of Principles of effective effective practicepractice


Associative Associative StageStage Repetition DrillsRepetition Drills

Work/rest ratioWork/rest ratio


External External VERBALVERBAL

Internal Internal INTRINSICINTRINSIC feedbackfeedback

Q. Use the first two repetition drills to complete the paragraph below?

For example my initial repetition drill involved ............................................................................. At first I started in the........................................................... As my performance improved I had to ..............................

Q. Fill in the blanks?During repetition practice the intention is to ........... the skill. It is vital that movements are performed .................. until the movement is ..................... into the .............. ...................

Page 5: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Repetition DrillsRepetition Drills

Q. What does Repetition practice involve?

Stages of Stages of Skill LearningSkill Learning Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Principles of Principles of effective effective practicepractice


Associative Associative StageStage Repetition DrillsRepetition Drills

Work/rest ratioWork/rest ratio


External External VERBALVERBAL

Internal Internal INTRINSICINTRINSIC feedbackfeedback

Repetition practice involves setting up drills which require you to repeatedly practice a particular part of the overhead clear or the whole technique itself.

Q. Use the first two repetition drills to complete the paragraph below?

Q. Fill in the blanks?

For example my initial repetition drill involved my partner feeding the shuttle high above me so I could repeatedly play an overhead clear. At first I started in the back tramlines meaning I didn’t have to move into position allowing me to repeatedly practice the action + recovery phases of the skill. As my performance improved I had to move from base position to the rear of the court to return the shuttle.

Work to Rest Ratio

In order to groove the skill it is vital that the skill is performed repeatedly, however for practice to be effective you need to consistently perform the skill to a high level. For this reason it is vital to ensure adequate work to rest ratios are used. For example 10 overhead clears would not be enough, but 30 would be to many so you would perform 3 sets of 10.

During repetition practice the intention is to grove the skill. It is vital that movements are performed repeatedly until the movement is grooved into the muscles memory.

Page 6: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Combination PracticeCombination Practice

Combination practice involves ............................................................with other shots to play a specific ...........................

For example our initial ........... drill ........... ........... feeders. Feeder 1 ....................................................., bringing you ..................................... net to play a .................. Shot. Feeder 2 on the other ...........................................high to ........................ allowing you ...................................... As ........................................practices became more game ................. A later stage of the practice involved ........................feeders. Feeder 1 ............................, feeder 2 played a drop shot and .......................................................

During combination practices the aim is to continually play the cycle of shots effectively a set number of times. If any .................................., for example a poor feed, you would ...........................from the beginning. This is more ....................................... than carrying on with a broken........ practice – playing the wrong shot or playing a shot incorrectly.

For the be considered as successful it ...............................meter of the .................................... During the initial stages this had to be achieved ...../5 times as the practices became more difficult the .....................increased to ...../10 overhead clears.

Stages of Stages of Skill LearningSkill Learning Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Principles of Principles of effective effective practicepractice


Associative StageAssociative Stage Combination PracticeCombination PracticeWork/rest ratioWork/rest ratio


External External VERBALVERBAL

Internal Internal INTRINSICINTRINSIC feedbackfeedback

Q. As a class complete the paragraph below and compare it to my paragraph later.

Page 7: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

My answer to previous slideMy answer to previous slideCombination PracticeCombination Practice

Combination practice involves setting up drills which require you to link your overhead clear with other shots to play a specific sequence of shots.

For example our initial combination drill required two feeders. Feeder 1 dropped the shuttle over the net, bringing you into the net to play a net shot. Feeder 2 on the other hand served high to the rear tramlines allowing you to play an overhead clear. As performance improved the practices became more game like. A later stage of the practice involved three feeders. Feeder 1 served to the back left of the court, feeder 2 played a drop shot and feeder three served to the back right hand corner.

During combination practices the aim is to continually play the cycle of shots effectively a set number of times. If any errors occur, for example a poor feed, you would stop and restart from the beginning. This is more effective than carrying on with a broken practice – playing the wrong shot or playing a shot incorrectly.

For the overhead clear to be considered as successful it had to land within a meter of the back tramlines. During the initial stages this had to be achieved 3/5 times as the practices became more difficult the success criteria increased to 7/10 overhead clears.

Page 8: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Pressure DrillsPressure Drills

Once the movement patterns of the overhead clear have been established and your performance of the skill has begun to move towards the automatic stage it is important to increase the pressure to ensure the demands of practice are specific to your performance level and that practice becomes increasingly more game like. Pressure can be gradually increased as your level of performance increases. The chances of a skill becoming automatic are greatly increased after pressure training.

Initially we used repetition pressure drills which required you to repeatedly perform overhead clears while under pressure from two feeders. Pressure was increased by decreasing the time interval between feeds forcing you to move to and from base quicker – reducing the time you had to move into position.

As your performance improved we progressed to using combination pressure drills, which required you to perform an overhead clear along with a net shot in pressured situations.

Stages of Stages of Skill LearningSkill Learning Methods of PracticeMethods of Practice

Principles of Principles of effective effective practicepractice


Practice StagePractice Stage Pressure DrillsPressure DrillsWork/rest ratioWork/rest ratio


External External VERBALVERBAL

Internal Internal INTRINSICINTRINSIC feedbackfeedback

Page 9: Skills and Techniques Lesson Four. Stages of Skill Learning Methods of Practice Principles of effective practice Feedback Planning Stage Shadow Practice.

Homework• Due Thursday 16th December

Int 2 – Higher Task: Describe in detail three of the practices that we have used for

each of the practice methods below. The three practices you describe should gradually increase in difficulty.

Shadow PracticeRepetition PracticeCombination PracticePressure Drills

Int 1 Task

Describe two practices you undertook for each of the methods of practice listed above.