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Skill Communication Skills2

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Skill Communication Skills2


    Basic Communication Skills


    January 27, 2005


    Getting Acquainted Exercise: Fantasy


    Lecture and Discussion on Basic

    Communication Skills

    Practice/Role Play



    Orienting oneself physically andpsychological

    Conveys empathy

    Encourages the other person to talk


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    S: Face the other Squarely

    O: Adopt an Open Posture

    L: Lean toward the other

    E: Make Eye Contact

    R: Be Relatively Relaxed



    Tone of your voice

    Rate of speech

    Tracking the clients topic

    Basic Communication Skills

    Open-Ended Questions

    Closed-Ended Questions


    Reflection of Feeling


    Closed-Ended Questions

    Questions that the other can easily answerwith a Yes, No, or one- or two-word


    Are you going to have the test done?

    Did you drink before you got into the car?

    Do you drink often?

    Do you exercise?

    Do you like your job?

  • 8/13/2019 Skill Communication Skills2


    Open-Ended Questions

    Questions that clients cannot easily

    answer with Yes,, No, or one- or two-

    word responses

    Tell me about your family while you were

    growing up

    Why is that important to you?

    How did you feel when that happened?

    What did you do when she said that?

    What are your reasons for saying that?

    Closed vs. Open

    C: Are you scared?

    O: How do you feel?

    C: Are you concerned about what you will do

    if the test results are positive?

    O: What do you think you might do if the test

    results are positive?

    C: Is your relationship with your husband a good one?

    O: Tell me about your relationship with yourhusband.

    Purposes of Closed-Ended


    To narrow the topic of discussion

    To obtain specific information

    To identify parameters of a problem or


    To interrupt an overtalkative client

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    Purposes of Open-Ended


    To begin an interview

    To encourage client elaboration

    To elicit specific examples To motivate clients to communicate


    Restatement of a messages content

    Example 1

    Client: I know it doesnt help my depression to sit

    around or stay in bed all day.

    Counselor: You know you need to avoid staying in

    bed or sitting around all day to help your


    Paraphrasing (contd)

    Example 2

    Client, a 40-year-old woman: How can I tell

    my husband I want a divorce? Hell think Im

    crazy. I guess Im just afraid to tell him.


    Recall the message and restate it to yourself


    Identify the content part of the message

    Wants divorce, but hasnt told husband because

    he will think shes crazy

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    Paraphrasing (contd)

    Select an appropriate beginning (see


    E.g., It sounds like, You think, I hear you

    saying, Translate the key content into your own words

    E.g., It sounds like you havent found a way to tell

    your husband you want to end the relationship

    because of his possible reaction. Is that right?

    Confirm the accuracy of the paraphrase

    Paraphrasing (contd)


    Tells the client that you have understood what

    they said

    Can encourage the client to elaborate

    Helps the client focus or get back on track

    Helps the client clarify her or his thinking


    Client 1, a middle-aged graduate student:

    Its just a rough time for metrying to

    work, keeping up with graduate school,

    and spending time with my family. I keep

    telling myself it will slow down someday.

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    Client 2, a 30-year-old woman:

    My husband and I argue all the timeabout how to manage our kids. He says I

    always interfere with his disciplineI think

    he is too harsh with them.


    Client 3, a 6-year-old boy:

    I wish I didnt have a little sister. I know

    my parents love her more than me.

    Reflection of Feeling

    Restatement of affect

    Example 1

    Client: I dont know. Maybe this marriage isnt

    worth holding together any longer. Weve

    already tried just about every option.

    Counselor: You feel so frustrated and

    overwhelmed trying to resolve your conflicts

    without help from your wife. Its as if she had

    already given up on your relationship and now

    you are feeling hopeless and helpless.

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    Reflection of Feeling (contd)

    Example 2

    Client, a 50-year-old steelworker now laid off:

    Now look, what can I do? Ive been laid off

    over a year. Ive got no money, no job, and afamily to take care of. Its also clear to me that

    my mind and skills are just wasting away.

    [Said in a loud, critical voice, staring at the

    ceiling, brow furrowed, eyes squinting]

    Reflection of Feeling (contd)

    Steps Listen for overt feeling words

    Watch nonverbal behavior. What feelings are implied in the clients nonverbal


    E.g., disgust, anger, upset, frustration, resentment,disillusionment, discouragement

    Verbally reflect the feelings back to the client

    What is a good choice of affect words thataccurately describe the clients feelings?

    Anger and discouragement

    Reflection of Feeling (contd)

    Start with appropriate sentence stem E.g., I see you, its clear to me that you, or from

    where Im looking you

    Add the context or situation around which the

    feelings occur

    Loss of job, no resources, no job prospects in sight

    Reflection: From where Im looking, you seem

    very upset about having your job and stability

    taken away from you.

    Assess the effectiveness of your reflection

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    Reflection of Feeling (contd)


    Helps clients feel understood

    Encourages clients to express more feelings

    Helps clients manage feelings

    Helps clients discriminate among various



    Client 1, an 8-year-old girl:

    Im telling you I dont like living at home

    anymore. I wish I could live with my friend

    and her parents. I told my mommy that

    one day Im going to run away, but she

    doesnt listen to me. [Said in level,

    measured words, glancing from side to

    side, lips drawn tightly together, flushed



    Client 2, a middle-aged man in maritaltherapy:

    As far as Im concerned, out marriage

    turned sour last year when my wife went

    back to work. Shes more in touch with her

    work than me. [Said in a soft voice tone

    with downcast eyes]

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    Client 3, an adolescent:

    Now look, we have too damn many rulesaround this school. Im getting the hell out

    of here. As far as I can see, this place is a

    dump. [Said in loud, harsh voice]


    A collection of two or more paraphrases or

    reflections that condenses the clients

    messages or the session

    Summary (contd)

    Example- Client, a 10-year-old girl At the beginning of the session:

    I dont understand why my parents cant livetogether anymore. Im not blaming anybody,but it just feels very confusing to me. [Said ina low, soft voice with lowered, moist eyes]

    Near the middle of the same session:

    I wish they could keep it together. I guess Ifeel like they cant because they fight aboutme so much. Maybe Im the reason they dontwant to live together anymore.

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    Recall key content and affect messages Key content: wants parents to stay together

    Key affect: feels sad, upset, responsible

    Identify patterns or themes She is the one who is responsible for her parents breakup

    Use an appropriate sentence stem and verbalize thesummarization response

    e.g., I sense, or You are feeling

    Summarize e.g., Earlier today you indicated you didnt feel like blaming anyone for

    whats happening to your parents. Now Im sensing that you are feelinglike you are responsible for their breakup

    Assess the effectiveness of your summarization

    Summary (contd)

    Purposes To tie together multiple elements of client


    To identify a common theme or pattern

    To interrupt excessive rambling

    To start a session

    To end a session

    To pace a session To review progress

    To serve as a transition when changing topics


    Client 1, a 30-year-old man who has beenblaming himself for his wifes unhappiness:

    I really feel guilty about marrying her in the

    first place. It wasnt really for love. It was

    just a convenient thing to do. I feel like Ive

    messed up her life really badly. I also feel

    obliged to her. [Said in low, soft voice tone

    with lowered eyes]

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    Client 2, a 35-year-old woman who

    focused on how her life has improved

    since having children: I never thought I

    would feel this great. I always thought

    being a parent would be boring and terribly

    difficult. Its not, for me. Its fascinating

    and easy. It makes everything worthwhile.

    [Said with alertness and animation]


    Client 3, a 27-year-old woman who has

    continually focused on her relationships with

    men and her needs for excitement and stability:

    First session: Ive been dating lots and lots of men for

    the last few years. Most of them have been married.

    Thats great because there are no demands on me.

    [Bright eyes, facial animation, high-pitched voice]

    Fourth session: It doesnt feel so good anymore. Its

    not so much fun. Now I guess I miss having some

    commitment and stability in my life. [Soft voice,

    lowered eyes]


    Designed for practicing new counseling skills

    Valuable in the beginning stages of learning

    Can be uncomfortable at first

    Think of the experience as a play

    Should NOT be used as an opportunity to

    resolve personal problems

    Present realistic problems

    Do not overdo being a difficult client

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