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1 Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost September 29, 2019 Welcome to Emmanuel ! It is wonderful to worship with you today! All are welcome regardless of your faith affiliation. If you are a visitor worshiping today, we are blessed by your presence. Please sign the guest book in the Gathering Space, so we can keep in touch. All parts of today’s worship service are printed in this bulletin. Words to all songs are provided. If you would like to use the hymnals to sing with music, most songs are noted with the hymnal color and song number for easy look up. Music is provided for songs not in one of the hymn books. This is a service of Holy Communion. All God's people are invited to the table by our Lord Jesus Christ. You will find instructions for Holy Communion later in the bulletin. Assistive hearing devices are available in the Gathering Space. Restrooms are located in the hall off the Gathering Space immediately to the left. Parents with children are welcome to use the children’s activity bags, located by the entrance to the Sanctuary. If needed, our nursery room is at the end of the hall off the Gathering Space. Please silence your phones, but feel free to post pictures, videos, tweets or texts to social media. Join us to share the Word of God! Service of Healing Today, we offer a service of healing during the Distribution of Communion. If you would like to receive anointing and or a special healing prayer, please see Deacon Marlene Natali who will be available at the rear of the sanctuary to assist you. Introduction to the Day Consideration of and care for those in need (especially those “at our gate,” visible to us, of whom we are aware) is an essential component of good stewardship. It is in the sharing of wealth that we avoid the snare of wealth. Jesus is the one whom death could not hold; the one who comes to us risen from the dead; the one who can free us from the death grip of greed. ____________________________________ Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name. (Psalm 100:4) _____________________________________ THE SERVICE PRELUDE “Come Thou Almighty King" - (Richard Proulx) WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please stand as you are able.

Sixteenth Service of Healing Sunday After Pentecost receive anointing … · Pentecost receive anointing

May 11, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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29, 2019

Welcome to Emmanuel !

It is wonderful to worship with you today!

All are welcome regardless of your faith affiliation.

If you are a visitor worshiping today, we are blessed

by your presence. Please sign the guest book in the

Gathering Space, so we can keep in touch.

All parts of today’s worship service are printed in

this bulletin. Words to all songs are provided.

If you would like to use the hymnals to sing with

music, most songs are noted with the hymnal color

and song number for easy look up. Music is

provided for songs not in one of the hymn books.

This is a service of Holy Communion. All God's

people are invited to the table by our Lord Jesus

Christ. You will find instructions for Holy

Communion later in the bulletin.

Assistive hearing devices are available in the

Gathering Space.

Restrooms are located in the hall off the Gathering

Space immediately to the left.

Parents with children are welcome to use the

children’s activity bags, located by the entrance to

the Sanctuary. If needed, our nursery room is at the

end of the hall off the Gathering Space.

Please silence your phones, but feel free to post

pictures, videos, tweets or texts to social media.

Join us to share the Word of God!

Service of Healing

Today, we offer a service of healing during the

Distribution of Communion. If you would like to

receive anointing and or a special healing prayer,

please see Deacon Marlene Natali who will be

available at the rear of the sanctuary to assist you.

Introduction to the Day

Consideration of and care for those in need

(especially those “at our gate,” visible to us,

of whom we are aware) is an essential

component of good stewardship.

It is in the sharing of wealth that we avoid

the snare of wealth. Jesus is the one whom

death could not hold; the one who comes to

us risen from the dead; the one who can free

us from the death grip of greed.


Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his

courts with praise.

Give thanks to him, bless his name.

(Psalm 100:4)




“Come Thou Almighty King" - (Richard Proulx)


Please stand as you are able.

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Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God,

the fountain of living water,

the rock who gave us birth,

our light and our salvation.


Joined to Christ in the waters of baptism, we are

clothed with God's mercy and forgiveness.

Let us give thanks for the gift of baptism.

We give you thanks, O God, for in the beginning

your Spirit moved over the waters and by your Word

you created the world, calling forth life in which you

took delight. Through the waters of the flood you

delivered Noah and his family.

Through the sea you led your people Israel

from slavery into freedom. At the river

your Son was baptized by John

and anointed with the Holy Spirit.

By water and your Word you claim us as daughters

and sons, making us heirs of your promise and

servants of all.

We praise you for the gift of water that

sustains life, and above all we praise you

for the gift of new life in Jesus Christ.

Shower us with your Spirit,

and renew our lives

with your forgiveness, grace, and love.

To you be given honor and praise through Jesus

Christ our Lord in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now

and forever.


GATHERING SONG Crown Him with Many Crowns (Green 170)

1 Crown him with many crowns,

the Lamb upon his throne;

hark, how the heav'nly anthem drowns

all music but its own.

Awake, my soul, and sing

of him who died for thee,

and hail him as thy matchless king

through all eternity.

2 Crown him the virgin's Son,

the God incarnate born,

whose arm those crimson trophies won

which now his brow adorn;

fruit of the mystic rose,

yet of that rose the stem,

the root whence mercy ever flows,

the babe of Bethlehem.

3 Crown him the Lord of love.

Behold his hands and side,

rich wounds, yet visible above,

in beauty glorified.

No angels in the sky

can fully bear that sight,

but downward bend their burning eyes

at mysteries so bright.

4 Crown him the Lord of life,

who triumphed o'er the grave

and rose victorious in the strife

for those he came to save.

His glories now we sing,

who died and rose on high,

who died, eternal life to bring,

and lives that death may die.

5 Crown him the Lord of peace,

whose pow'r a scepter sways

from pole to pole, that wars may cease,

absorbed in prayer and praise.

His reign shall know no end,

and round his pierced feet

fair flow'rs of paradise extend

their fragrance ever sweet.

6 Crown him the Lord of years,

the potentate of time,

creator of the rolling spheres,

ineffably sublime.

All hail, Redeemer, hail!

For thou hast died for me;

thy praise and glory shall not fail

throughout eternity.

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The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,

and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you


And also with you.


Come, All You People (Blue 717)


The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Let us pray.

O God, rich in mercy, you look with compassion on

this troubled world. Feed us with your grace, and

grant us the treasure that comes only from you,

through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.


Please be seated.

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FIRST READING: Amos 6:1a, 4-7

A reading from Amos.

Alas for those who are at ease in Zion,

and for those who feel secure

on Mount Samaria,

Alas for those who lie on beds of ivory,

and lounge on their couches,

and eat lambs from the flock,

and calves from the stall;

who sing idle songs to the sound of the harp,

and like David improvise on instruments

of music; who drink wine from bowls,

and anoint themselves with the finest oils,

but are not grieved

over the ruin of Joseph!

Therefore they shall now be the first to go into

exile, and the revelry of the loungers

shall pass away.

Word of God, word of life.

Thanks be to God.

PSALM: Psalm 146

(Read responsively)


Praise the LORD, O my soul!

I will praise the LORD as long as I live;

I will sing praises to my God

while I have my being.

Put not your trust in rulers,

in mortals in whom there is no help.

When they breathe their last, they return to

earth, and in that day

their thoughts perish.

Happy are they who have the God of Jacob for their

help, whose hope is in the LORD their God;

who made heaven and earth, the seas,

and all that is in them;

who keeps promises forever;

who gives justice to those who are oppressed, and

food to those who hunger.

The LORD sets the captive free.

The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; the

LORD lifts up those who are bowed down;

the LORD loves the righteous.

The LORD cares for the stranger; the LORD sustains

the orphan and widow,

but frustrates the way of the wicked.

The LORD shall reign forever, your God,

O Zion, throughout all generations.


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SECOND READING: 1 Timothy 6:6-19

A Reading from 1 Timothy.

Of course, there is great gain in godliness combined

with contentment; for we brought nothing into the

world, so that we can take nothing out of it; but if we

have food and clothing, we will be content with

these. But those who want to be rich fall into

temptation and are trapped by many senseless and

harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and


For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,

and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered

away from the faith and pierced themselves with

many pains.

But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue

righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance,

gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith; take

hold of the eternal life, to which you were called

and for which you made the good confession in

the presence of many witnesses. In the presence

of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ

Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate

made the good confession, I charge you to keep

the commandment without spot or blame until

the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, which

he will bring about at the right time—he who is

the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of

kings and Lord of lords. It is he alone who has

immortality and dwells in unapproachable light,

whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be

honor and eternal dominion. Amen.

As for those who in the present age are rich,

command them not to be haughty, or to set their

hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on

God who richly provides us with everything for

our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in

good works, generous, and ready to share, thus

storing up for themselves the treasure of a good

foundation for the future, so that they may take

hold of the life that really is life.

Word of God, word of life.

Thanks be to God.

Please stand as you are able


Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil

Please sing once before, and once following the

reading of the Gospel.

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GOSPEL: Luke 16: 19-31

The holy gospel according to Luke.

Glory to you, O Lord.

[Jesus said:] “There was a rich man who was dressed

in purple and fine linen; who feasted sumptuously

every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named

Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy

his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table;

even the dogs would come and lick his sores.

The poor man died and was carried away by the

angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died

and was buried. In Hades, where he was being

tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away

with Lazarus by his side. He called out, ‘Father

Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to

dip the tip of his finger in water and

cool my tongue; for I am in agony in

these flames.’ But Abraham said,

‘Child, remember that during your

lifetime you received your good things,

and Lazarus in like manner evil things;

but now he is comforted here, and you

are in agony. Besides all this, between

you and us a great chasm has been

fixed, so that those who might want to

pass from here to you cannot do so, and

no one can cross from there to us.’

He said, ‘Then, father, I beg you to

send him to my father’s house—for I

have five brothers—that he may warn

them, so that they will not also come

into this place of torment.’ Abraham

replied, ‘They have Moses and the

prophets; they should listen to them.’

He said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if

someone goes to them from the dead,

they will repent.’

He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to

Moses and the prophets, neither will

they be convinced even if someone

rises from the dead.’”

The gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.


Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil

(words on previous page)


The Rev. John T. Heidgerd

At conclusion of the sermon, please stand as you are

able for the Hymn of the Day


Let Streams of Living Justice Flow

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Let us profess our faith in the words of the Apostles


I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ,

God’s only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again;

he ascended into heaven,

he is seated at the right hand of the Father,

and he will come

to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting.



At the end of each petition, the minister will say

"Let us pray."

The congregation responds:

"Have mercy, O God."


May the peace of the Lord be with you always.

And also with you.

Let us now share a sign of God’s peace with each



Please be seated as we gather our offerings and

present them to God.


“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” – (Hopson)

Please stand as you are able.


As the Grains of Wheat (Blue 705)


As the grains of wheat once scattered on the hill

were gathered into one to become our bread;

so may all your people from all the ends of earth

be gathered into one in you.

1 As this cup of blessing is shared within our

midst, may we share the presence of your love.


2 Let this be a foretaste of all that is to come

when all creation shares this feast with you.



Together, let us pray.

Blessed are you, O God, maker of all things.

Through your goodness you have blessed us

with these gifts: ourselves, our time, and our


Use us, and what we have gathered, in

feeding the world with your love, through the

one who gave himself for us, Jesus Christ,

our Savior and Lord.


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(Spoken by pastor)

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.


It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we

should at all times and in all places give thanks and

praise to you, almighty and merciful God through

our Savior Jesus Christ; who on this day overcame

death and the grave, and by his glorious resurrection

opened to us the way of everlasting life.

And so, with all the choirs of angels, with the church

on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your

name and join their unending hymn:

HOLY, HOLY, HOLY (please sing)


We give you thanks, Father, through Jesus Christ,

your beloved Son, whom you sent to us to save and

redeem us and to proclaim to us your will.

He is your Word, inseparable from you, through

whom you created all things, and in whom

you take delight.

He took on our nature and our lot and was shown

forth as your Son, born of the Holy Spirit

and of the virgin Mary.

He is the one who, handed over to a death he freely

accepted, in order to destroy death, to break the

bonds of the evil one, to crush hell underfoot, to give

light to the righteous, to establish his covenant, and

to show forth the resurrection, taking bread and

giving thanks to you, said:

Take and eat; this is my body, given for you.

Do this for the remembrance of me.

In the same way he took the cup, gave thanks, and

gave it for all to drink, saying:

This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for

you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin.

Do this for the remembrance of me.

Remembering, then, his death and resurrection,

we take this bread and cup, giving you thanks that

you have made us worthy to stand before you and

to serve you as your priestly people.

Send your Spirit upon these gifts of your church;

gather into one all who share this bread and wine;

fill us with your Holy Spirit to establish our faith

in truth, that we may praise and glorify you

through your Son Jesus Christ; through whom all

glory and honor are yours, almighty Father, with

the Holy Spirit, in your holy church, both now

and forever.


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Lord, remember us in your kingdom and teach us to


Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever and ever.



Come to the banquet. The feast is now ready.

Thanks be to God.

LAMB OF GOD (Please sing)

Please be seated.


All God's people are invited by our Lord Jesus

Christ to receive Holy Communion. We receive

these gifts of bread and wine, of Christ's body and

blood in faith, trusting that in this meal our Lord

comes to us, forgives our sins, renews us in faith and

leads us into new life.

Emmanuel’s tradition is that communion is

distributed continuously. After the sacraments are

consecrated, the ushers will direct those in the

congregation by row to proceed down the center

aisle toward the pastor or assisting minister who will

distribute the bread.

If you prefer gluten-free bread, please signal to the

pastor or assisting minister as you approach.

As you walk down the aisle on the left or right side,

there are tables on which there are trays holding

individual cups. If you wish to receive wine,

please take an empty cup with you prior to receiving

the bread. If you prefer grape juice, please take a

pre-filled cup as you pass.

After receiving the bread turn to the left or right

where an assistant will pour wine into the empty

cup. After you have consumed the bread and

wine (or juice), please return to your seat via the

side aisle, placing the empty cup in the receptacle

provided on your way to your seat.

If you do not wish to receive Holy Communion,

you are invited to come forward and receive a

blessing. Please come forward with your arms

folded across your chest in the form of the St.

Andrew's cross. (X)

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We Come to the Hungry Feast (Blue 766)

1 We come to the hungry feast

hungry for a word of peace.

To hungry hearts unsatisfied

the love of God is not denied.

We come, we come to the hungry feast.

2 We come to the hungry feast

hungry for a world released

from hungry people of ev'ry kind,

the poor in body, poor in mind.

We come, we come to the hungry feast.

3 We come to the hungry feast

hungry that the hunger cease,

and knowing, though we eat our fill,

the hunger will stay with us; still

we come, we come to the hungry feast.


One Bread, One Body (Blue 710)


One bread, one body, one Lord of all;

one cup of blessing which we bless,

and we, though many throughout the earth,

we are one body in this one Lord.

1 Gentile or Jew, servant or free,

woman or man, no more.


2 Many the gifts, many the works,

one in the Lord of all.


3 Grain for the fields, scattered and grown,

gathered to one for all.


Please stand as you are able.


The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

strengthen you and keep you in his grace.



Together, let us pray.

O God, our life, our strength, our food, we

give you thanks for sustaining us with the

body and blood of your Son.

By your Holy Spirit, enliven us to be his

body in the world, that more and more we

will give you praise and serve your earth

and its many peoples, through Jesus

Christ, our Savior and Lord.



The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord’s face shine on you with grace and mercy.

The Lord look upon you with favor and give you



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My Life Flows On in Endless Song (Blue 781)

1 My life flows on in endless song;

above earth's lamentation,

I catch the sweet, though far-off hymn

that hails a new creation.


No storm can shake my inmost calm

while to that Rock I'm clinging.

Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth,

how can I keep from singing?

2 Through all the tumult and the strife,

I hear that music ringing.

It finds an echo in my soul.

How can I keep from singing?


3 What though my joys and comforts die?

The Lord my Savior liveth.

What though the darkness gather round?

Songs in the night he giveth.


4 The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,

a fountain ever springing!

All things are mine since I am his!

How can I keep from singing?



Go in peace and thanksgiving to love and serve the


Thanks be to God.


“For the Beauty of the Earth” – (Hobby)

Today – Sept. 29

Ministers: All God’s people gathered

Acolytes: Lily Pifer, Dylan Drissel

Assisting Minister: Jen Casta

Altar Guild: Fran Hunsicker, Gerry Blaich,

Liesl Stroup, Kathleen Coll

CD Delivery: Pat Frankenfield

Communion Assts: Chris Harubin, Jane Vogel

Counters: Team 3: Bill Morral, Cheryl Starke,


Greeters: Dave & Marlene Natali

Lector: Cory Gilbert

Ushers: Team 1, Daniel Vogel, Capt.

Next Week – Oct. 6

Ministers: All God’s people gathered

Acolytes: Cole Pifer, Krieg Pierce

Assisting Minister: Julie Freed

Altar Guild: Becky Hartman, Melinda Ferrara,

Blythe Bealer

CD Delivery: Rich Landis

Communion Assts: Harry Seeley, Cindy Crouthamel

Counters: Team 4: Carole Darragh, Michelle Gilbert,


Greeters: Roy & Kathy Becker

Lector: Pat Frankenfield

Ushers: Team 2, John Wellington, Capt.


Attendance for Sunday, September 29, 2019 – 97

From Copyright © 2019 Augsburg Fortress.

All rights reserved.

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Emmanuel Worships !

Coming to Emmanuel THIS Friday, October 4

New Path is a faith community where people in recovery and the people who love

them can worship God, explore spiritual practices for recovery, and find company on

the journey.

Come as you are and experience God’s grace and unconditional love.

Sponsored by Kairos Communities For more information:

[email protected]

This week I was asked a question I’ve never been asked before: Why do you have 3 keyboards on the organ? You only have 2 hands!

What a good question! I invite you to come up to see and listen. Each keyboard connects to pipes that function differently in how the organ plays.

Since the time of the most famous organist of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 to 1750) most organs have been built with multiple keyboards. Emmanuel’s organ has three such keyboards. The top keyboard is called “The Swell Manual”. The middle keyboard is known as “The Great Manual” and the lowest keyboard we call “The Choir Manual”.

Each of the three manuals controls a different set of pips and can be used in different ways to give us the many sounds that an organ can create. For example, it is possible to play a melody on one keyboard and its harmony on another one that is set to play more softly.

This week, I’m writing about the work horse of the organ which is the middle keyboard or “Great Manual”. This keyboard is connected to the pipes that are built to create a strong, firm sound. The “Great” pipes usually generate more sound than similar pipes in other divisions.

The “Great Manual” is the group of pipes that lead the congregation in singing. When pressing one key, you will often hear 5 different pitches simultaneously, ranging from quite low to very high. On most instruments, the loudness of these pipes is established when the organ is built. The organist makes the sound louder or softer by adding or taking away “stops” (smaller groups of pipes. Stops are controlled by white tabs above the keyboards are the sets of stops that connect the organist to any or all of the three keyboards.

Next week I’ll give you some information about the other two keyboards and sets of pipes!

Musical Notes from Deacon Ethel Geist,

Dir. of Music Ministries

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Weekly Schedule

*Sundays after


*Wednesdays at


Singers may come to either or both rehearsals. A

second rehearsal gives singers the option of coming

for extra work, or to make up for a missed session.


Weekly Schedule

Wednesdays - 6:30PM

You don’t need to know

much about music, just how

to count!



Wednesdays: 8:30 – 9:00 PM

For anyone who wants to get more joy from music

and for those who know a little or nothing about

reading music.


Join Us For Worship!

October 13 at 4:00 PM

And Every 2nd Sunday at 4 PM

“Creating Inclusive Worship

and Fellowship”


Nurtures !


Coming Up Soon:

Wed. Oct. 16th

@ Noon

Location: Hometown Family

Restaurant (formerly O’Grady’s)

For information, and transportation needs,

contact: Gloria Heckler 215-799-2264

Join us for lunch, conversation and

fellowship every 3rd Wednesday


Next Meeting

Monday, October 14

@ 7:00 PM

October’s Book:

“Before We Were


by Lisa Wingate

Join the ladies of Emmanuel for fun conversation

and fellowship – and always a good read!

For information, e-mail Mary Anne Morral

[email protected]


Knitters and Crocheters !

“Come and gather

to make shawls for those

in need of comfort.”

Next Meeting:

Sunday, October 6 @


And every first Sunday of the month.

Instruction available for all who are interested.



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Emmanuel Nurtures !

All New Curriculum



“Book of



If you have any questions, please

contact Fred Crouthamel


Led by Deacon Marlene Natali

Feel the power of God’s Word

revealed though Scripture

and community discussion.

In the Parlor

Sundays at 9 AM


Have fun! Form faith!

Make friends!

Sunday at 10AM

“A New Kind of Sunday School”

This week: We continue the story of creation. Children learn about Adam and Eve.

Next week: Why did Noah build

the ark for all those animals?

All new energetic and interactive curriculum !


to be “Faith - Tastic!

Sing the songs of faith.

Hear the stories of faith.

Do the acts of faith.

Drop-Off begins at 9:45 AM

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Emmanuel Nurtures !

+ Gloria Buschmann +

God has cal led God’s servant Gloria

Buschmann into eternal l i fe . Gloria died

at the Peter Becker Community on

September 25, 2019. Information on a

memorial service wi l l be provided as i t

becomes avai lable. Please pray for her

husband, Werner , and their family

during this t ime of loss .

Learn to hear God

in the midst of your

busy life. (Yes,


Join us for an


workshop as you

discover your story!

Saturday, Oct. 19,

9:30 am - 4:00pm

This interactive workshop will help you

re-claim a calling spirituality as a unique

gift of the Christian faith

identify God’s various callings in

YOUR life and relationships

share stories of God’s calling activity in

your life

Members 16 years or older of any SEPA

Synod congregation are invited to attend the

workshop on Saturday, October 19, from 9:30

am – 4:00 pm.

This innovative workshop was developed and

will be facilitated by Vibrant Faith Institute.

Funding has been provided by a SEPA Synod

Forward Together in Faith grant.

Register online by October 11, 2019.

For our Homebound Members

Doris Alderfer

William & Helen De Turk

Norma Detweiler

Mary & Bill Frank

Rita Fritz

Louella Gehringer

John Kemmerer

Kitty Kramer

Jane Niemczyk

Kathryn Stover

Joseph Sykes

Faye Wetzel

Dorothy Wohlgemuth

Current addresses for our homebound are posted in the

Gathering Space

For Health and Healing Members of Emmanuel

Roy Becker

Anthony Campolei

Elaine Cash

Pat Conard

Dominick DeSalvo

Keira Drissel

Craig Freed

Craig Kulp

Doug Landis

Kermit Schnable

Anita Sykes

Shirley Treichler

Robert Ziegler

Friends of Emmanuel

Donna Clemens (friend of Janel and Barry Gibson)

Luca Condo (friend of Ruth Miller)

Helen Freed (Craig Freed’s Mom)

Sabrina Haap (Ruth Miller’s Niece)

Donald Heller (Shirley’s Brother-in-law)

Dixie Kephart (Darlene’s Mother)

Ed Natali (David’s Brother)

Samir Nowar (friend of Pastor John)

Stewart Schrauger (Julie Freed’s Brother)

Michael Smith (friend of Cheryl Starke)

Eric Sykes (Anita & Joe’s Son)

Pam Valenti (Lou Gehringer’s Sister)

Alexander & Sylvia Wagwicz (Friends of DeSalvos)

Suzanne Willauer (Ed Cash’s Sister)

Alicia Ranberg (Friend of the Crouthamels)

Chase Ziegler (Christman’s Great-Grandson)

While Away at School

David Henry

Samantha Plinke

Abby Steinly

In order to keep our Prayer List up to date, names will remain

for four weeks unless otherwise notified

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Emmanuel Nurtures !

Thoughts on

God’s Word for


Sept. 29, 2019

Let’s start by reading the Gospel lesson on page 6.

Last week, Jesus told the story of the “Unjust

Manager” – a parable that is hard for us to

understand without a great deal of explanation.

In this week’s parable of the “Rich Man and

Lazarus”, the message of the story is a lot more

obvious – more to the point. The rich are doomed to

eternal punishment. The poor are those whom God

will save and take to heaven.

Not so much “Good News” there for the average

person, is there? I mean most of us would be

considered “rich” when compared with much of the

world that lives in abject poverty. Does Jesus mean

that we are to suffer throughout eternity?

I think the key to understanding this parable is not to

make our association too closely with either the Rich

Man, or with Lazarus. Yes, they are the main

characters in the parable and the source of the

parable’s moral message. However, we have to

remember that parables are aimed at particular

audiences – and Jesus often uses vivid and

exaggerated metaphor to drive a point across.

Instead of placing ourselves in the story as either the

Rich Man or Lazarus, it is more useful, perhaps, to

identify with the Rich Man’s five brothers – the ones

for whom he begs Abraham to have Lazarus seek out

and warn them of what is to come. Like us, the

brothers still have a chance to avoid the Rich Man’s

outcome. And like the brothers, we already know

what God calls us to do. To use all that we have

been given to care for those whom God loves. And

God always has a special love for the poor ones.

A fundamental element of what is known as

Liberation Theology is “God’s Preference for the

Poor”. Liberation Theology originated in Latin

America as a way to help the world notice the plight

of the poor, and to assist the poor in being liberated

from the poverty that oppresses them.

“God’s Preference for the Poor” is not a fabrication

of some theologians to benefit a special interest

group. We can see this reflected in passages like

“The Rich Man and Lazarus”, and in many places

throughout our scriptures and traditions.

In the Old Testament, the first laws of the nation of

Israel always have provisions to care for the poor,

widows and orphans. These laws were made not

only to protect the poor from poverty, oppression,

and injustice but they also protected the rich from

being consumed by greed, ignoring the plight of the

poor and falling victim to the false god of wealth.

The prophets of the Hebrew scriptures were very

concerned with the plight of the poor. They are

often found in scripture calling the people back to

“God’s Preference” – even to the point of blaming

the people’s callousness toward the poor for their

fate as conquered people in exile.

The Gospels - Luke, in particular, lift up the needs of

the poor. In Luke’s version of The Beatitudes, the

blessings of Jesus given at the Sermon on the Plain,

Jesus says “Blessed are the poor, for yours is the

Kingdom of God.

When Jesus opened the scroll at the synagogue, he

read his “mission statement” from the prophet Isaiah

and said, “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, to

preach good news to the poor.” It doesn’t stop there.

In addition to the parable of the Rich Man and

Lazarus, we have the Widow who was lifted up for

giving all that she had out of her poverty. The

parable of the Wedding Banquet gives us a picture of

the poor being favored by God. God loves the poor,

wants us to take notice of this – and act on it now.

This is good news for us because we get to act on

what God calls us to do – to use all that we have

been given to benefit those who have so little. To

notice those who God notices. To love those who

God loves. To avoid the trap that wealth is for all of

us. That false sense of security where we are fooled

into believing that our wealth can save us.

My prayer for us as a people of faith is that we work

together to reach out into the community to notice

the poverty around us, and work to do what we can

to free people from its oppression. May God open

our eyes so it can be so

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Emmanuel Serves !

Sponsored by:

Emmanuel’s Men in Mission

Saturday, Oct. 12

8:30 – 10:00 AM

Did we say it’s

F R E E !

Eggs, Pancakes, Sausage

Community and Conversation

Join us every 2nd Saturday!

Emmanuel Reaches Out !

Lutheran Disaster Response to

Help Recovery from Dorian

“About 17% of Bahamians are suddenly

homeless after Hurricane Dorian wiped out

neighborhoods and ripped houses off

foundations,” (CNN, 9/10/19 .“That’s 70,000

people who have lost almost everything.”

Lutheran Disaster Response is monitoring the

situation closely and keeping in touch with our

synods, partners and various social ministry

organizations throughout the areas expected to

feel the greatest impact – from the Carolinas

through Florida. We are ready to respond and

stand by our neighbors as they recover from

this hurricane others this season may bring.

Lutheran Disaster Response-Eastern PA, a

ministry of Lutheran Congregation Services

(LCS), a service of Liberty Lutheran, is taking

these actions to keep up to date on the events

related to Hurricane Dorian.

Keeping up to date on information

provided by LDR, ECLA Churchwide

news, FEMA and other organizations

providing assistance.

Reaching out to partner agencies and

synods in the South Atlantic states,

including the Florida/Bahamas Synod.

Keeping up to date on efforts of partner

agencies in Pennsylvania (especially

early responders)

If you would like to make a donation to help

Hurricane Dorian disaster relief efforts,

please insert it into an envelope and mark it:

“LDR – Dorian 2019”

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Emmanuel Reaches Out !

“PIE DAY” WHEN: Tuesday, October 1st

DROP-OFF: By 10:30am

(in the Gathering Space)

*Please only bring Nut Free baked items!

The kids enjoy Brownies, Cookies and Cupcakes too –

not just Pie!


Bishop Davenport

Joins Forum On Racial Policies

Bishop Davenport will join Dr. Jim Wallis, Bishop

Gregory Ingram, Dr. William Shaw and Rev. Luis

Cortes in “The Elders Speak,” a forum on a Christian

response to the racialized public and corporate

policies and practices impacting communities of

color on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:30 pm at Teatro

Esperanza, 4261 N. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA


RSVP’s are required at

A meal is being prepared for confirmed guests


Open House

at Feast of Justice Oct. 1

Feast of Justice,

at St. John's, Mayfair, 3101 Tyson

Ave., Philadelphia 19149, will hold an

open house on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from

6-8 pm.

See their newly renovated space, learn

about their expanded programming, and

see how you can support

this vital work.

RSVP's appreciated to 215.268.3510.

Learn more at



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Emmanuel Reaches Out !


TRUNK or TREAT Saturday, October 26 2PM - 5Pm

Decorate your cars and hand out treats!!

*feel free to come in costume!

We need volunteers to set-up, clean-up also! Sign-up TODAY in the Gathering Space!

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Evangelical Lutheran


New Sunday Schedule Starting September 22

Bible Study/Discussion – 9AM

Worship and Sunday’s Kids – 10 AM

Fellowship Time – 11 AM

Contact Us:

69 W. Broad Street • Souderton, PA 18964

Church Telephone: 215-723-7514

Church Fax: 215-723-1846

Office Hours:

Mon – Thu: 9 AM – 2 PM

Fri: 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Other Times by Appointment


[email protected]

On the Web:

Church Staff

Reverend John T. Heidgerd, Pastor

Mobile Phone: 914-275-3106

Email Address: [email protected]

Dcn. Ethel Geist, Dir. of Music Ministries

Michael B. Geiger, Facilities Manager

Richelle L. Jones, Parish Administrator

Rev. Richard G. Miller, Jr., Pastor Emeritus

Marlene H. Natali, Parish Deacon




Here is What’s


@ Emmanuel

9/29 – 10/6

Sun 9:00 AM Bible Study/Discussion

10:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday’s Kids

11:30 AM Choir Rehearsal

Mon 5:30 PM Bushi Karate

8:00 PM AA Group

Tue 5:30 PM Bushi Karate

7:30 PM AA Step Group

Wed 10:30 AM “PIE DAY” drop-off for

Martin Luther Silver Spring


5:30 PM Bushi Karate

6:00 PM Finance Committee

6:30 PM Bible Study/Discussion

6:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

8:30 PM Intro to Music

Thu 5:30 PM Bushi Karate

Fri 7:00 PM New Path Gathering and

Worship Service.

Sat 9:00 AM Bushi Karate

Sun 9:00 AM Bible Study/Discussion

10:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday’s Kids

11:30 AM Choir Rehearsal

1:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry