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Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust - ISO9001:2008 QMS Awareness - FreeCourse.SecondBatch

Apr 08, 2018



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  • 8/7/2019 Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust - ISO9001:2008 QMS Awareness - FreeCourse.SecondBatch



    Second BatchFree Distance Learning Training Programme

    onISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness

    (With Application Form for Admission)


    Managing TrusteeKeshav Ram Singhal

    117, Jeevan Vihar Colony,Anasagar Circular Road, Ajmer 305004, India.

    Email:[email protected] Pages:

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    Message from the Managing Trustee

    Dear Learners,

    I have great pleasure in presenting you the Second Batch of the Free Distance

    Learning Training Programme on ISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness for thebenefit of young learners wishing to upgrade their knowledge.

    Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust has been established todisseminate and share knowledge for skills building through education, training,research, publication and other activities for the welfare of the community at largewithout discrimination of caste, creed etc. The benefits of the Trust are open toall irrespective of caste, religion, race, sex etc. The Trust will not carry on anyactivities with an intention of earning profit.

    The motto of the Trust is Striving for Continual Improvement.

    Our Trust recognizes the importance of sustainable and affordable high qualityshort-term training programmes for skills building.

    Second batch of this Free Training Programme on ISO 9001:2008 QMSAwareness is a distance learning training and will be imparted free tocandidates, who seek admission to the course before 31st May 2011.

    We are committed to disseminate and share knowledge for skills building.

    Undertake your training with utmost sincerity. Wishing you all success,

    Yours sincerely,

    Keshav Ram Singhal8th April 2011

    Please see profile at

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    Code TP001 ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System AwarenessProgramme Objective The programme will provide an opportunity to thelearner to know the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

    and related concepts. Upon completing this training course, the participant

    should be able to understand:- Quality concept,

    - Eight Quality Management Principles- Requirements interpretation- Effective implementation of ISO 9001:2008 QMS

    - Importance of documentation, management review, internal audit andcontinual improvement.

    Course contents Introduction about ISO, Quality concept, QualityManagement Principles, Step-by-step approach in implementation of ISO9001:2008, General and documentation requirements, Management

    responsibility requirements, Resource management requirements, Productrealization requirements, Measurement, analysis and improvement requirements,Certification / registration process.

    Admission and Learning Instructions

    The candidate should send duly filled Form F001(hard copy) by post and a copymay be sent by email. The candidate should also submit his/her Pre-trainingSynopsis (as per details given in F002). Upon receipt of the application (as perForm F001) for admission to the programme and also Pre-training Synopsis, wewill inform the enrollment number to the candidate. Please note that the right to

    grant admission is reserved by the Trust looking to the resources available withthe Trust.

    Pre-training Synopsis submitted by the learner will be reviewed by the trainer.Upon communicating the enrollment number, learning instructions (includinglearning material and assignments details) will be advised to the learner fromtime to time. Learning instructions, material and assignments for the training arespecially designed by professional expert. Learners will be advised learninginstructions by email. It is expected that every learner should also spend sometime on internet and visit websites and web pages. Details of web pages andwebsites will be advised by us.

    Learners are required to submit home assignments (as per details given in F003)given to them from time to time. Generally there will be five home assignments.

    Upon completion of the home assignments, the learner will be required to submitPost-training Synopsis (as per details given in F004) and Feedback (as perdetails given in F005).

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    Evaluation Marks

    Evaluation marks are divided as under:

    Pre-training Synopsis 10 MarksHome Assignments 60 MarksPost-training Synopsis 25 MarksFeedback 5 Marks

    A learner is expected to earn at least 60 marks for successful completion of thetraining.

    Award on successful completion of the training

    Upon successful completion of the training, the learner will be awarded with aCertificate of Successful Completion of the Training (as per F006).

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    Application for Training


    The Managing Trustee,(Kind Attention Keshav Ram Singhal)Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust,117, Jeevan Vihar Colony, Anasagar Circular Road,Ajmer 305004, India.

    Dear Sir,

    Please provide me an opportunity to undergo a free distance learning training onISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness for my skills building. Relevant details are asunder:

    1. Name (in Block Capital Letters) 2. Fathers Name 3. Date of Birth 4. Present Occupation 5. Educational Qualifications 6. Made of Training (Distance Learning Training) 7. Training Topic ISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness8. Training Code TP0019. Email id 10. Address 11. Phone

    12. Mobile 13. Proof of identity and address enclosed (Photo copy of PAN Card / Passport / Driving

    Licence / Identity Card of the Employer / Any other proof)

    I hereby declare that I have read the details of the programme and understood itscontents. I undertake to undergo training as per learning instructions provided bythe Trust.

    Please affix your photograph in the box on the right hand top of this application form.

    Date - Signature of the Learner

    Recommendation by Employer (in case of employed candidate)Mr. / Ms. is working in ourorganization as .since and we are

    of the opinion that ISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness training will provide him anopportunity to upgrade his knowledge. He is sincere.

    Date Signature of the authorized signatory with seal

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    Recommendation by Academic Institution (in case of a student of technical /management institution)

    Mr. / Ms. is a regular student of our institution and we are of the opinion that ISO 9001:2008 QMS

    Awareness training will provide him an opportunity to upgrade his knowledge. Heis sincere.

    Date Signature of the authorized signatory with seal

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    Pre-training Synopsis

    The learner is required to submit his/her Pre-training Synopsis. The Pre-training

    Synopsis should cover details of the learner and answers to the followingquestions:

    a. Name b. Training Topic and code ISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness TP001c. Mode Distance Learningd. Have you attended any training / course earlier related to ISO 9001 QMS?

    If yes, provide details e. Have you read any books or literature on the topic related to ISO

    9001QMS? If yes, provide details f. Do you have any books or literature on the topic related to ISO 9001

    QMS? If yes, provide details g. Have you visited any websites or web pages providing matter related tothe topic of ISO 9001? If yes, please provide details

    h. Please provide brief outline details you know on the subject matter of ISO9001 QMS

    i. What do you expect to learn?j. Why you wish to attend this training?k. Any other related questions in your mind before attending this training

    Learners may submit word file by email or typed / handwritten Pre-trainingsynopsis by post.


    Home Assignment

    Learners are required to submit home assignments given to them from time totime. Home assignments submitted by the learner should mention enrollmentnumber, name, training topic, training code and training mode at the top of thehome assignments. Learners may submit word file of home assignment by emailor typed / handwritten by post. Home assignments should be submitted withinprescribed time limit advised by the trainer.

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    Post-training Synopsis

    Upon completion of the home assignments, the learner will be required to submit

    Post-training Synopsis (preferably typed).

    Post-training Synopsis should be a report from the learner what he has learntduring the training. It is expected from the learner that he should prepare adetailed report of his learning.

    Post-training Synopsis should be prepared in three copies, out of which twocopies should be sent to the Trust by post one for evaluation purpose and otherfor the Trust Library. One copy of the Post-training Synopsis should be retainedby the trainee. Soft copy of the synopsis may also be sent to the Trust i n additionto the hard copy. The learner will be advised with a suggestive format for Post-

    training Synopsis for guidance.



    Along with Post-training Synopsis, the learner should also send FEEDBACK.The FEEDBACK should cover details of the learner and answers to thefollowing:

    1. Enrollment no. 2. Name 3. Training Topic and code ISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness TP0014. Mode Distance Learning5. How was the learning experience? Excellent / Very Good / Good / Not

    Good6. How you rate the learning material? Excellent / Very Good / Good / Not

    Good7. Your views / suggestions, if any.

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    Certificate on Successful Completion of Training

    Certificate No. Date:




    (Enrollment No. )




    ISO 9001:2008 QMS Awareness

    Course Contents in briefIntroduction about ISO, Quali ty concept, Quality Management Principles, Step-by-step approach inimplementation of ISO 9001:2008, General and documentation requirements, Management responsibilityrequi rements, Resource management requirements, Product realization requirements, Measurement,analysis and improvement requirements, Certification / registration process.

    Trustee Managing Trustee

    117, Jeevan Vihar Colony, Anasagar Circular Road, Ajmer 305004, India.Phone 91-9460900733

    Email [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Minimum Three months, Maximum Six months

    Minimum Eligibility

    There are no eligibility criteria for undergoing this ISO 9001:2008 QMSAwareness training. However, it is expected that candidate should have goodcommunication skills in English and computer literate. He must be able to accessinformation from internet. The candidate should be employed and his applicationshould be forwarded by his/her employer. Students of management courses(such as MBA) and technical courses (such as M.Tech, M.E) will also be grantedadmission (as a special case) provided application is recommended by theacademic institution.

    Important Point

    Distance Learning mode training provides an opportunity to learn from anywhere.


    There are no fees to this course. Expenses towards this training course aremanaged by the Trust. The cost of training is estimated 1,000 per learner

    About the TRUST

    Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust is set up by Keshav Ram

    Singhal by a deed of trust dated 6 November 2009. The Benefits of the Trust a reopen to all irrespective of caste, religion, race, sex etc that the Trust will not carryon any activities with an intention of earning profit.

    The motto of the Trust is Striving for continual improvement.

    The objects of the Trust are

    (i) To disseminate and share knowledge for skills building through education,training, research, publication and other activities for the welfare of thecommunity at large without discrimination of caste, creed etc.

    (ii) To arrange public lectures, orations and honour awards in the domain ofpublic utility.

    (iii) To hold awareness lectures, educational camps, public awareness camps,consumer protection camps or other such charitable campsindependently or in association with other Govt. / Non-Govt. Agencies.

    (iv) To be supportive trust to all charitable trusts working in India for theircreative activities, and

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    (v) Generally for any other charitable purpose as defined under the IncomeTax Act, as amended from time to time so as to obtain exemption ofincome of the trust under the Income Tax Act.

    The Trust has been allotted the PAN by the Income Tax Department and the

    allotted PAN is AAJTS7104G.

    Following Trustees supervise the activities of the Trust:Keshav Ram Singhal, M. A., CAIIB, PGPMBF Managing Trustee (Please seeprofile of the Managing Trustee at

    - Dr. Divya Singhal, Ph.D. Joint Managing Trustee- Roop Kishore Singhal, M. Com. Trustee- Navin Sogani, M. Com Trustee- Ms. Shefali Martins, M. A. - Trustee- Ms. Shivya Singhal, M. Sc. - Trustee- Ms. Deepti Singhal, M. Tech - Trustee

    Web pages: http://siteajmer.blogspot.comEmail: [email protected]


    All voluntary donations both towards corpus or otherwise gifts, legacies or grants in cash or in kind areaccepted by the trustees. Any individual or organization may send its donation to the Trust by crossedcheque favouring SINGHAL INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND EDUCATION TRUST.[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Profile Summary of the Executive Trustee KESHAV RAM SINGHAL

    (A) Post Retirement (after July 1996):

    Trainer Organized a number of training programmes - ISO 9001 QMS, Internal

    Audit, ISO 14001Awareness, 5-S Practice etc. Trained more than 1000personnel. Handled a Management Development Programme at Goa Institute ofManagement as Facilitator.

    Consultant (ISO 9001 QMS) Provided advisory guidance to variousorganizations

    Ajmer Centre Coordinator, National Centre for Quality Management since August2000.

    Editor and Publisher Publication series Management Systems Awareness,

    Reference Guide to ISO 9000 Certification, Awareness on ISO 9001:2000 (inHindi), Reference Directory etc.

    Editor Edited various publications (Chambal, Badte Kadam etc.)

    Auditor and QMS Professional Worked as Auditor (ISO 9001QMS) on behalf ofcertification bodies.

    International recognized professional. Undertaken jobs assigned by RvA(Netherlands) witness audits of DNV and BIS in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

    Conducted ASQ certification and NCQM DTQM examinations in Ajmer asProctor.

    Member of Impartiality Committee of QSI Certifications (NABCB accredited).

    Written/developed a number of articles, various literatures, training packs

    Past Treasurer Handled responsibilities as Hony Treasurer of Rajasthan StateBharat Scouts and Guides, Ajmer Local Association and Ajmer Division.

    Managing Trustee, Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust

    Past President, Lions Club Ajmer Sarvodaya

    Fellow - NCQM.

    Life Member - Quality Council of India.

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    Ability determines what you can do.

    Aptitude determines what you can learn to do.

    Aspiration determines what you hope to do.

    Attitude determines what you believe you can do.

    Keep adding something new

    Become a valuable resource

    Keep learning

    Education (as well as training) is important because it equips the learner with all that is needed to make hisdreams come true. Learning new things opens the doors of brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better

    prospects in career and growth. Every employer of today requires his prospective employees to be welleducated and trained. He requires expertise. So education and training become necessary for employmentand growth in career. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

    Learning is a process that never ends.

    Singhal Institute for Training and Education Trust will help you in acquiring the latest knowledge.



    e-Published by Keshav Ram Singhal, Managing Trustee, Singhal Institute for Training and Edu cation Trust,117, Jeevan Vihar Colony, Anasagar Circular Road, Ajmer 305004, India.Information mentioned in this Prospectus is subject to change.

    April 08, 2011