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1 Introduction: Union parishad is the most important and long lasting tier of the local government in Bangladesh. Since British period the name, structure, term and functions of Union Parishad are changed and by the changing process it has gotten the present form. There is no purpose in this UP system but a plan to implement a special ideology. This system is not an ending line, it is a starting point only. Union Parishad is an ancient ruling method. If the villagers of that time faced any problem, they solved it by gathering together through Panchayet system. For this, Charles Matecafe said to this villages as ‘Changeless Village Republic’. Objectives of the Assignment: Because of being a welfare state, this local body (UP) of Bangladesh government formed for serving the citizen. And for this reason, UP needs a large amount of money. Fromm where, UP will get this financial support and how will spend the money, it is the subject of our discussion. Union Parishad in Bangladesh: Local government in the rural area of Bangladesh was originally constituted by the British rulers as an ancillary of its law and order administration. In 1870, under the chowkidary Panchayet Act, the District magistrate was empowered to appoint a Panchayet at the Union level consisting of Five persons. In 1885, the Bengal Local self government Act was introduced Union committee at the Union level. A Union usually consists of 10-15 villages. The next important legislation was the village self Local government Act passed in 1919. After liberation f Bangladesh, President’s Order No.7 of 1972 was promulgated. This Order simply changed the name of Union Council to Union Panchayet. The latter was renamed as Union Parishad under the President’s Order No.22 of 1973.

Singhajhuly Union-Local Finance

Dec 02, 2014



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Page 1: Singhajhuly Union-Local Finance



Union parishad is the most important and long lasting tier of the local

government in Bangladesh. Since British period the name, structure, term and

functions of Union Parishad are changed and by the changing process it has

gotten the present form. There is no purpose in this UP system but a plan to

implement a special ideology. This system is not an ending line, it is a starting

point only. Union Parishad is an ancient ruling method. If the villagers of that

time faced any problem, they solved it by gathering together through

Panchayet system. For this, Charles Matecafe said to this villages as

‘Changeless Village Republic’.

Objectives of the Assignment:

Because of being a welfare state, this local body (UP) of Bangladesh

government formed for serving the citizen. And for this reason, UP needs a

large amount of money. Fromm where, UP will get this financial support and

how will spend the money, it is the subject of our discussion.

Union Parishad in Bangladesh:

Local government in the rural area of Bangladesh was originally constituted by

the British rulers as an ancillary of its law and order administration. In 1870,

under the chowkidary Panchayet Act, the District magistrate was empowered

to appoint a Panchayet at the Union level consisting of Five persons. In 1885,

the Bengal Local self government Act was introduced Union committee at the

Union level. A Union usually consists of 10-15 villages. The next important

legislation was the village self Local government Act passed in 1919. After

liberation f Bangladesh, President’s Order No.7 of 1972 was promulgated. This

Order simply changed the name of Union Council to Union Panchayet. The

latter was renamed as Union Parishad under the President’s Order No.22 of


Page 2: Singhajhuly Union-Local Finance


Shinghajhulli is the 3 no. union parishad of

Cowgacha Upazila in Jessore district. This

union parishad has a glorious history of

liberation war. It gained freedom

Pakistani Army in 3 December 1971 which is

recognized as the first achieved independent

area of our country.

1. Md. Unus Ali Dofadar

1. Aklima Khatun

2. Shahida Begum

3. Tohura Begum

1. Sukur Ali

2. Nazrul Islam

3. Shafiqul Islam

4. Abdus Samad

5. Joinur Rahman

6. Nuruzzaman

7. Alomgir Hossain

8. Abdul Mazid

9. Nur Mohammad

� Md. Forid Hossain

� Choukidar:

� Dofadar:


01. Name of Union

02. Area

03. Village

04. Block


Shinghajhulli is the 3 no. union parishad of

gacha Upazila in Jessore district. This

has a glorious history of

t gained freedom from

kistani Army in 3 December 1971 which is

recognized as the first achieved independent

����Governing Body

Md. Unus Ali Dofadar (Chairman)

(Women Member)

(Women Member)

(Women Member)











9 person

1 person


At a Glance

: Singhajhulli

: 13.97 sq km

: 9

: 9



(Women Member)

(Women Member)


Page 3: Singhajhuly Union-Local Finance


05. Number of People : 18,800 (According to birth registration, Feb.2010)

Male : 9,814

Female : 8986

06. Population Density : 1345.75 (per SQ km)

07. Rate of Birth registration : 100%

08. Percentage of literature : 90%

09. Rate of use of Sanitary latrine : 100%

10. Occupation : Agriculture (Agriculture-80.. Bussiness-

10, Govt. job-2, Non Govt.3, others,5)

11. Voter : 9,259

12. Family : 3,800

13. Hat-Bazar : 3

14. Street : 35 km

! Peach : 10 km

!! Path : 15 km

!!! Salling : 10 km

15. Deep Tube-well : 55-60


01. Primary School : 6

02. High School : 3

03. Madrasah : 2

04. BRAC School : 7

05. Mosque : 22

06. Temple : 5

07. Club : 5

08. Health & family planning Centre:1

09. Community Clinic : 1

10. Post office : 1

11. land Office : 1

12. Public Bank : 1

13. NGO : 4

14. Public Library : 1

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Financial Administration

The budgeting System of Union Parisahad has always been like a family. There

are two way of local finance:

i. Income

ii. Expenditure


Source of Income for Union Parisahad can be described in three…

A. Local fund

B. Tax-non tax revenue

C. Govt. grant

A. Local fund

Every Local Body has the power to make fund rich by different ways.

1. Voluntary contribution: Local rich people can give a certain amount for


2. Local trust fund: in this fund, all the people of the society can donate for


But our Union Parisahad has no local fund. Because local rich people don’t

interested to donate in Union Parisahad. They think that, government Should

carry al expenditure of Union Parisahad. So, from this sector Singhajhulli Union

Parisahad doesn’t get any amount of money

B. Tax-non tax revenue

Here, I am showing the income of 2009-2010 Fiscal Year.

1. Tax on immovable property : 40,000/=

2. Remuneration for Village Police : 86,400/=

3. Tax on Profession, trade & Callings : 10,000/=

4. Tax on Cinema, jatra, Theater : 0000/=

5. License fee on vehicle : 0000/=

6. Fees(lease money) haat, bazaars : 0000/=

7. Fees(lease money) from Jalmahals : 0000/=

8. Trade License, Birth registration,

Various certificate fees : 15,000/=

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Here we can see that, this UP has no income from most of the sectors. There

are three Haats but all are Wakf (Donated) for mosque, and there is no public

Jalmahals in Shinghajhuli UP. So from these sectors it gets no money. Besides,

From jatra, Cinema, theater and vehicle license fees it doesn’t get any money.

C. Government grants:

We know there are 3 types of Government grants, these are …

Specific grants

General purpose grants

Percentage grants

1. Specific grants:

� Rural work programme (RWT)

� Food for work programme(FWP)

For this programme Shinghajulli UP got 32 metric ton rice,

It’s price is 11,20,000/=

� The test relief programme(TR)

And for this programme, it got 20 ton rice and It’s price is


2. General purpose grants:

Since 2004-2005, Every UP has been provided with a block

development grant of Tk. 200,000/-

But Chairman of Shinghajulli UP said that, they never get such amount

of money.

3. Percentage grants :

75% for Secretaries : 108,000/=

50% for Village police : 86,400/=

50% for Member : 136,800/=

33% for Chairman : 18,900/=

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� LGSP= Local government support prog

According to secretary of

doesn’t get any amount of block development grants. But they get Tk

under Local government support progect (LGSP).

directly added to the UP’s account.

this money in its own will. Generally

money in various development works.

The expenditure of UP may be divided into three major


Current Expenditure:

• Wages and Salaries

• Panchayet of office equipment

• Newspaper expenditure

• Electricity Bill

• Toilet cleaning

• Other expenditure

Development Expenditure:

• Infrastructure Development:

For constricting

• Building Construction( Mosque temple, Office)

• Embankment, canal, road, bridge culverts etc:

These works are done by LGRD. But for maintain these


Miscellaneous Expenditure:

Public Health

For sanitation and

Set-up tube-well: 30,000/=

= Local government support progect:

secretary of Shinghajhulli UP , This Union Parisahad

doesn’t get any amount of block development grants. But they get Tk

under Local government support progect (LGSP). The money of LGSP grants is

directly added to the UP’s account. Union Parisahad has the power

in its own will. Generally Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad spends this

money in various development works.

E X P E N D I T U R E ]

The expenditure of UP may be divided into three major

Current Expenditure:

Wages and Salaries :3,49,200/=

Panchayet of office equipment :30,000/=

Newspaper expenditure :3,000/=

Electricity Bill :6,000/=

Toilet cleaning :10,000/=

Other expenditure :1,00,000/=

Development Expenditure:

Infrastructure Development:

For constricting educational institution

Building Construction( Mosque temple, Office)

Embankment, canal, road, bridge culverts etc:

These works are done by LGRD. But for maintain these

Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad Spends about

Miscellaneous Expenditure:

Public Health:



Union Parisahad

doesn’t get any amount of block development grants. But they get Tk 8,00,000

The money of LGSP grants is

Union Parisahad has the power to spend

Union Parisahad spends this

The expenditure of UP may be divided into three major categories

: 2,00,000/=

: 3,25,000/=

These works are done by LGRD. But for maintain these

Union Parisahad Spends about 50,000 Tk.

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Arsenic Problem solution

Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad is arsenic

affected area, so it has to make source of

arsenic free drinking water.

In this sector the expenditure of

Union Parisahad is about

Training purpose:

Public welfare Expenditure

Allowance for widow, aged and disabled

persons get 300

expenditure of Shinghajhulli

VGD Project: In this project 176 women get 30 kg crops per head for

two years

100 days working project (

For creating employment in dull season

Parisahad has a project called

project each worker works 8 hours a day and gets 150tk. It is the

positive action of Shinghajhulli UP f


Tree plantation

In the previous year the chairman of

planted a huge number of trees beside the roads. This project

implemented by LGRD but for preservation and maintaining

trees Shinghajhulli

In the Photo

Arsenic Problem solution

Union Parisahad is arsenic

affected area, so it has to make source of

arsenic free drinking water.

In this sector the expenditure of Shinghajhulli

Union Parisahad is about 1,25,000/=

purpose: 15,000/= A Arsenic Free Tube

Public welfare Expenditure:

widow, aged and disabled : In this project about 900

get 300Tk per head every month . And in this sector the

Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad is about

In this project 176 women get 30 kg crops per head for

100 days working project (100 w`‡bi Kg©m„Rb cÖKí) :

For creating employment in dull season Shinghajhulli

Parisahad has a project called 100 days working project.

project each worker works 8 hours a day and gets 150tk. It is the

positive action of Shinghajhulli UP for solving seasonal scarcity of

Tree plantation:

In the previous year the chairman of Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad

planted a huge number of trees beside the roads. This project

implemented by LGRD but for preservation and maintaining

Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad was to spend about

In the Photo, we can see a tree planted road of Shinghajhulli


A Arsenic Free Tube-well

project about 900

And in this sector the

about 32,40,000/=

In this project 176 women get 30 kg crops per head for

Shinghajhulli Union

100 days working project. Under this

project each worker works 8 hours a day and gets 150tk. It is the

or solving seasonal scarcity of

Union Parisahad

planted a huge number of trees beside the roads. This project

implemented by LGRD but for preservation and maintaining these

Union Parisahad was to spend about 1,00,000/=


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Now we shall see the Budget of Shinghajhulli UP at a Glance.


Budget: 2009-2010



Income Expenditure

Income source Taka Source of



01 Local fund 0000 Wages and Salaries 3,49,200

02 Tax on immovable


40,000 Panchayet of office



03 Remuneration for Village


86,400 Newspaper



04 Tax on Profession, trade

& Callings

10,000 Electricity Bill 6,000

05 Tax on Cinema, jatra,


000000 Toilet cleaning 10,000

06 License fee on vehicle 00000 Other expenditure 1,00,000

07 Fees(lease money) haat,


00000 Infrastructure



08 Fees(lease money) from


0000 maintain

Embankment, canal,

road, bridge culverts



09 Trade License, Birth


Various certificate fees

15,000 For sanitation and

Set-up tube-well


10 Remuneration for

Chairman & member

1,55,700 Arsenic Problem



11 The test relief


8,75,000 Allowance for widow,

aged and disabled


12 LGSP= Local government

support program

8,00,000 Tree plantation 1,00,000

13 Allowance for widow,

aged and disabled

32,40,000 Food for work

programme (FWP)


14 Food for work

programme (FWP)


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Meeting with

15 April, 2011, I went to my Union

Parishad and met with Unus Ali Dofadar

(Chsirman of Shinghajhulli UP)

asked about various

of Shinghajhulli Union Parisahad

out the opinion of Chairman below






Meeting with Chairman and Members of Shinghajhulli UP

, I went to my Union

met with Unus Ali Dofadar

Chsirman of Shinghajhulli UP) and I

various administrative sites

Union Parisahad. I point

Chairman below ………

Meeting with secretary

How is the financial condition of your UP?

The financial condition of our UP is very weak

From most of our source, we have no income. So,

we have to depend on government grant

What kinds of problem do you face to collect tax

Few days ago, we had many problem like imposing

political power, lack of community participation etc.

but these are diminishing day by day, people are

becoming conscious about right and duties

have no sufficient personnel to manage the system

Meeting with secretary


Shinghajhulli UP

Meeting with secretary

How is the financial condition of your UP?

The financial condition of our UP is very weak.

income. So,

on government grants.

to collect tax?

Few days ago, we had many problem like imposing

political power, lack of community participation etc.

, people are

becoming conscious about right and duties. But we

personnel to manage the system.

Meeting with secretary

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Problems of the Shinghajulli UP

Discussing with UP Chairman & members

problem, these are produced bellow….

1. This local body is overwhelmingly

from national government for his income. This does not allow the local

body to be autonomous in operation.

2. This local body is does not try to make the most of the tax bases

authorized for him.

3. The entire process of planning, budget

this local body is weak due to inadequate personnel.

4. The tax collection machinery of local government is both narrow and


5. Over the years, the actual yield of local government taxes didn’t increase

much because the ta

6. Corruption is another problem of this local body.

Problems of the Shinghajulli UP

Discussing with UP Chairman & members I find out some mentionable

problem, these are produced bellow….

This local body is overwhelmingly dependent on grants and subventions

from national government for his income. This does not allow the local

body to be autonomous in operation.

This local body is does not try to make the most of the tax bases

authorized for him.

The entire process of planning, budgeting, auditing and accounting of

this local body is weak due to inadequate personnel.

The tax collection machinery of local government is both narrow and

Over the years, the actual yield of local government taxes didn’t increase

much because the tax rates were not increased proportionately.

Corruption is another problem of this local body.

What can does the govt. for UP

UP need more autonomous power. Government

should allocate of grants directly to the UP

recruit more personnel. Besides, Govt. should raise

the salary of Chairman & members, the power of

secretary have to increase. Sector of tax & rates

should be increased


I find out some mentionable

grants and subventions

from national government for his income. This does not allow the local

This local body is does not try to make the most of the tax bases

ing, auditing and accounting of

The tax collection machinery of local government is both narrow and

Over the years, the actual yield of local government taxes didn’t increase

not increased proportionately.

can does the govt. for UP?

UP need more autonomous power. Government

directly to the UP and

Govt. should raise

members, the power of

to increase. Sector of tax & rates

Page 11: Singhajhuly Union-Local Finance


� Recommendation:

So any attempt to improve the administration of this local body is not

likely to succeed unless due attention is given to correct the above

mentioned inadequacies. In other words, in order to remove these


The tax base of this local body has to be sufficiently enlarged.

This local body should make the best use of the tax base within

their competence.

The management of this local body should be made more efficient

by recruiting qualified personnel and organizing skill oriented

training for the existing employee.

The rate of taxes on non-income based items should be increased

in proportion to the rate of inflation.

Some of the tax item, yielding substantial revenue may be

transferred from the center government to the local bodies.

Local bodies should fix the rates or tariffs for the services or


Conclusion: In the ending line we can say that, both central and local govt. should come

forward for creating Union Parishad effective and efficient. People also should

be co-operative with UP authority. If the UP members are free from

corruption, nepotism and political ideology then the UP will be developed.