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Simply Hers March/April 2013

Mar 21, 2016



Angela Blake

Local women's lifestyle magazine for Hillsdale, Lenaweee and Branch counties in Michigan
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i love working out and i love food. but, i am not a personal trainer, nor a chef.

Sometimes i catch myself talking about it too much. it’s something most women can’t relate to, so when i come across other women (and men) who share my interest in “the sport of fitness”, i am instantly thrilled. We talk WOds (work out of the day), paleo (better known as the caveman diet; meat, vegetables, and fruit) recipes, personal records, and goals. i am sure i just lost several of you, but i am talking about crossfit, a sport and lifestyle that has forever changed me and my outlook on fitness, especially for women.

i think back to my life almost two years ago when i started dating Matthew, a chiropractor at hillsdale chiropractic clinic, and now my husband and best friend. i would make him turkey bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes with light syrup for breakfast. i served him coffee with skim milk and truvia - a female’s version of a hearty breakfast. he ate and drank it all - out of respect. he must of really liked me.

When i’d visit him, he’d cook his food in bacon fat, which made me cringe, and he didn’t eat grains or dairy. he followed the “paleo diet” to go along with his crossfit workouts. i must have really liked him too, because i ate every fat soaked over easy egg. i wondered how he could be so fit while consuming all that fat and cholesterol. The consumption of fat and cholesterol is very much distorted among Americans. i look forward to sharing more about this.

i was a ballet dancer for nearly 15 years, so when i was invited to attend my first crossfit class at crossfit timoro in Jonesville, Mi, i instantly froze with fear. i had never lifted weights and thought, “i can’t”. but i did. i did burpees, box jumps, and back squats. i didn’t lift heavy like the other crossfitters, but i finished the workout. i had never felt to physically challenged and more outside of my comfort zone. i never found myself bored, and the members of crossfit timoro welcomed me and pushed me through my entire workout.

i went back to Ann Arbor, Mi, which is where i lived before getting married, and went to my girlfriend, rachel. i told her about my

crossfit experience and begged her to join a crossfit gym in Ann Arbor. Without hesitation, we joined crossfit Joust and started our crossfit journey together. She, along with my husband, and my Joust and crossfit timoro community, have been my rock, my encouragement, and my cheerleaders.

You may be asking, “what is crossfit?” According to crossfit, inc., crossfit is the principle strength and conditioning program for many police academies, military special operations units, and hundreds of professional and elite athletes. Workouts consist of exercises from three basic modalities including gymnastics, metabolic conditioning, and weightlifting. Some examples of gymnastic movements are pull-ups, push-ups, dips, handstand push-ups, rope climbs, squats, and lunges. examples of metabolic conditioning are running, jumping, rowing, and jump rope. And, finally, examples of weightlifting include deadlifts, cleans, presses, clean and jerks, and kettlebell swings. crossfit workouts are extremely varied and train athletes for the unknown and unknowable.

Yes, ladies, it isn’t easy. it takes discipline, but you can do it.

As i prepare for my first crossfit competition, i reflect on my accomplishments throughout the past year. i couldn’t do a pull-up. i can do strict pull-ups. i hadn’t picked up a weight heavier that 10 pounds. i can deadlift 250 pounds. i am a female, and i crossfit. i am not bulky, but i am strong. i follow the paleo diet and eat bacon and eggs every morning. i am in the best shape of my life.

i want and look forward to inspiring you in coming issues. You, the 20-year-old, you, the 65-year-old. My goal for this column is to show you, as cliche as it may sound, strong is the new skinny. i am here to share my stories, that as women (and men) we can lift weights, we can push our bodies to the extreme if you let it. each of you can be in the best shape of your life, but you have to want it. i am here to help you mentally and physically. i am here to share my paleo recipes so you can fuel your body properly, i am here to share my happiness with all of hillsdale and lenawee county. until next time, i hope you visit your local crossfit gym, or just get moving.

CrossFit... It Can Be Done!by Stephanie Gordon

Simply hers Magazine

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Yoga!?Often when people find out that i am a yoga instructor they have a list of questions about what yoga is and how it can benefit them. On the other hand, they often feel compelled to tell me all of the reasons they can’t or won’t consider a yoga practice. even though yoga is steadily increasing in popularity, 15 million people are practicing in the uS alone, it still seems that many people harbor some apprehension about beginning a practice. Starting anything new is always a bit intimidating but the benefits of a regular yoga practice make it well worth taking the leap. here are a few of the most common questions and concerns i encounter, i hope this information will help those on the fence take that final step onto the yoga mat!

What is yoga?There is no single definition of yoga and definitions of yoga often seem to fall short. it is my true belief that yoga can only really be defined through personal experience but here are the basics.

The word yoga means “union or to join”. Yoga is an ancient healing system of holistic health that is built on three main structures; physical postures, breathing, and meditation. Yoga is both a state of connection and a system of techniques that allow us to connect to anything. regular practice of Yoga unites the body, mind, and breath allowing us to become more aware, balanced, and connected. in the west today yoga is primarily seen as a physical practice with the focus on the health and well-being of the individual practitioner.

i can’t do yoga because i’m not______.You can fill in these blanks with just about anything.... excuses are boundless... too flexible, young, old, female, thin, etc.... i am here to tell you that Yoga is for everYONe! There are no

rules in yoga the practice quite literally has no absolutes. Yoga meets and accepts the individual right where they are without expectation or judgement. The practice is open to anyone seeking to increase their health and well being.

is Yoga a religion?in short no. Yoga is a science. There is no specific dogma or belief system attached to yoga. People of all religions practice and benefit from yoga.

4. What are some of the benefits?The first thing people often see a difference in when they begin a Yoga practice is reduction in stress and an increased feeling of overall well being. right behind that is an increase in their flexibility and range of motion. Yoga improves strength, posture, concentration, mood, lung capacity, and quality of sleep to name a few. Yoga is also known to benefit many other specific physical and psychological conditions.

Yoga is widely available in many settings from private studios to community centers. finding a teacher and style that suits you may not always happen on the first try. remember that just as not everyone one we meet is destined to become our best friend not every yoga class will be the “perfect” fit. even if it doesn’t turn out to be the “right” class for you chances are you will have gained something from the experience and will have a better idea of what it is you are looking for in a class. Most teachers offer a variety of classes to suit students at their level of ability and experience. if you are intimidated to start out in a group setting try a private session and gain some experience to make yourself more comfortable. After all, Yoga is about self care and awareness. take the time to honor your body today.

by radomi MeyerrYt 200hour

Simply hers Magazine

THE ART OF YOGAAnswering the questions women are asking.

Radomi has been a student of yoga for nearly 12 years,

and a teacher for 3.

At her studio in Hillsdale, she offers a variety of group classes and private sessions

to meet the needs of her individual clients.

For more information


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Alright, here we are in March already! The year 2013 isn’t slowing down for us, as if we thought that was gonna happen right?

every New Year there are resolutions to live healthier, more fit or to simply be more active. chances are 99% of the people reading this magazine have made such a resolution. So, how is it going? i hope everyone is sticking to it and with some success as well. if not, why?

to hard to fit into your schedule is what most of you are saying right this moment. how about, “my kids are so busy with school,” or “i work such long hours.” life can be tough and i don’t want anyone to mistake fitness and health as an eASY lifestyle. i mean i live the lifestyle and it’s hard some days to be sure to do what i need or eat when/what i need.

As far as kids…i have five as a single dad, so i understand what it means to be busy with family. however, every person, especially parents, need to be sure to do something for themselves in order to balance life. Granted, as a par-ent i believe that we are here to provide our children and their future the best possible beginning. but everybody needs an outlet to diminish the stresses of day to day life. don’t bottle that stuff up inside it’ll just blow like a volcano at the worst opportune time, believe that.

fitness is the Perfect avenue to travel for stress relief and for the busy person you can get it done in as little as 4 hours a WeeK! come on, tell me you can’t fit 4 hours in somewhere for the sake of SANitY!!

it’s proven that people who workout can manage stress better on a daily basis. if that’s not enough to get you to think about it, then think about this. A common side affect of a regular exercise regimen is fat loss, lower cholesterol,

reduced risk of coronary artery disease, more bone mass and higher self esteem! What? Yep!! Now, if one of those don’t interest you in some way i don’t know what to tell you.

remember when i said that it isn’t easy? Well, it’s true. You have to want to make your life better. You have to want to get off that couch. You have to want to be a stronger person.

Who doesn’t want to do those things? today’s society is so lax that we’re waiting for that magic pill to swallow that’ll make us lean and sexy and not have to work for it. but think about it, if it was that easy where is the reward? if everybody had it what would be the incentive?

You know what i want? i want to change society one person at a time, creating a more fit and active com-munity. You don’t know which way to go? i’ll guide you there!! i’ll make you a promise to change your life for the better if you promise to give yourself the best of yourself!

i don’t care if you only use a band at home and do push ups, sit ups and pullups! it’s a start! No matter what…believe in yourself, because if you don’t no one else will either!

Parents, look at it thiS way. child obesity is at an all time high in the u.S. imagine what your children would do if they saw how dedicated to something like this you were. if nothing else they would realize how much effort it takes to do something the right way, seeing things through. teaching determi-nation, dedication and overcoming adversity!! Priceless lessons, ask any educator!

Anybody excited yet?

Muscle up…Live fit!!

IT IS TIME TO GET STARTEDLife is tough ... Fitness can help.

Muscle up…Live fit!!by James campbell

Personal trainerSimply hers Magazine

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if you walk into any establishment in western North dakota you will see mostly men sprin-kled with a few women, if any. As a matter of fact, there are a couple of running jokes about it here in North dakota. The first is, “if you got a girl, you either brought her or stole her”. Another good saying is, “all the good looking women are hiding behind the trees”. for those of you unfamiliar, there are very few trees here on the prairie. in a boom town, women are a rare commodity.

but to be truthful, there are more women here than i expected. When i was consider-ing the “big Move” i had read several articles that quoted the male to female ration was 10:1. Now that i’m here and living it, i would say that ratio is pretty inaccurate. Although i do not have the census data to back me up, i would venture to say that a good estimated ratio is 5 men to one woman. That is still a lot of testosterone!

As you can imagine, this creates a plethora of issues. The most talked about in the media and even in Williston is the crime rate. Some women do not feel safe enough to go to the grocery store alone. unfortunately it’s due to stories such as the school teacher who was abducted and murdered on her morning jog in Sidney, Montana last spring or the stories of people, women and men alike, getting roofied at the bar and raped. Although those things happen, it is not as often occurring as the media portrays.

it is a scary, scary thing. but the way i see it, things like this happen all of the time and trag-edy does not discriminate based on geographi-cal location. Just turn on the six o’clock news and you’ll see what i mean. There are actually a lot of great people here who are just trying to make a living and make a better life for her family.

i have to say (mostly for my poor, worrisome father’s sake), that i have never once felt unsafe in my time here. There is most definitely trouble around for you to find but if you keep your head up and surround yourself with good people, you will find that living in Williston is much like living back in hillsdale. Just with a lot more dudes.

despite all of this, you will not hear me com-plain about the guy to girl ratio. for one rea-son, you have really good self-esteem here! it’s called the “Williston 10”. Meaning, that a girl anywhere else in the world may be considered a six out of ten but here, anything above a six is a ten.

it may seem a little insensitive but given the line of work for my second job, this also helps in my endeavor to pay off my student loans. As a bartender i work one or two shifts a week and i make very good money in tips. finally, with this area producing the most millionaires in America, my chances of finding a good looking man with financial stability is through the roof! either way, i say to all my single ladies, come out west! it’s raining men!

by Ashley PriceSimply hers Magazine

MY JOURNEY… It’s Raining Men!

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S.O.S.Sort, Organize, and Simplify Your Life!

“ORGANIZING FOR A DISASTER”No doubt you are tired of the long winter and more than ready for some spring-like weather. Ahhhh...the flowers, the returning birds, warm sunshine, and – storms!! Yes, the months of March and April are notorious for bringing extreme weather. is your household organized to be emergency- ready? Or will you be shouting above the wind and thunder, “S.O.S!!”? here are some tips to help you know what and how to prepare for a disaster ~

PicK AN eMerGeNcY cONtAct. One of the most important things you can do is to designate a relative or friend who lives in another part of the country as an emergency contact. it’s crucial that the contact live far away because often in a weather crisis, cell phones and local numbers fail, but you can still call long distance on a pay phone or landline. have everyone in your family memorize the contact’s phone number and instruct them to call the contact and say where they are. That way, rather than desperately trying to reach one another, you can call your contact for a full report. list the out-of-town contact, as well as a local contact, on school forms too.

Pull tOGether A POrtAble eMerGeNcY Kit. ideally, it will keep your family warm and fed for 3+ days. Store food in two big plastic storage containers, and clothing and towels in a 30-gallon snap lid garbage can. Go through your kit once a year to replenish supplies and replace any expired items. The federal emergency Management Agency recommends the following items-

➢food and water- store 1 gallon of water per person, per day for hydration and sanitation. Also enough non-perishable food for everyone in your family for at least 3 days. consider energy bars, non-refrigerated cheese and crackers, and a box of nutritional drinks. if you stock canned food, be sure to pack a can opener. don’t forget food and water for your pets!

➢first aid supplies- stock with bandages, sterile dressings, antibiotic towelettes and antibiotic ointment, to treat burns, cuts and wounds. Also include two pairs of sterile gloves, eye wash solutions, a thermometer and any prescribed medications or equipment.

➢Wrench or pliers- they may come in handy to shut off utilities.

➢sanitation supplies- have moist towelettes and plastic bags for personal use. Keep your supplies dry with plastic sheeting. don’t forget other necessities like tampons.

➢radio- a battery powered radio with extra batteries will let you receive weather alerts and emergency broadcasting messages. consider buying one with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) stations such as the American red cross Microlink fr 160 eton emergency radio.

➢Maps, flashlights, a solar or car charger for your cell phone and whistles- a road map can come in handy to guide rescue workers to you. Keeping your cell phone charged allows you to communicate with family members and rescuers. flashlights can signal rescuers as well as help your family move about in the dark. Keep a whistle on hand to alert rescue crews as they come near your home.

Beyond these basic must-haves, here are a few other things that will help your family through the unpleasant experience of riding out a disaster and getting things back together afterwards ~

➢Paperwork- have photocopies of passports, insurance papers and important legal documents.

➢extra cash- approximately $150 should be enough until you can get more. Just leave it in your emergency kit.

➢activities- games and books for kids and adults. if you child has a favorite stuffed animal, buy an extra and pack it.

➢Clothing- foot cuts are the most common injuries in a disaster so pack socks and shoes. before you toss or donate old clothing, pack some in your emergency kit.

➢Miscellaneous items- little things like matches, a tool kit, pocket knife, sunscreen, extra house and car keys, bleach and rags can all come in handy if needed.

Preparing for a disaster is one type of organizing that is about more than convenience and aesthetics; it could save your life. take time to do it tOdAY –a little organization now may save you headache and heartache if you become the victim of extreme weather!

by Peggie bildnerSimply hers Magazine

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consignmEnt gallERy8 E Chicago St. (US-12) | Quincy, MI (517)414-8994Hours: Wed,Thu, Fri, 10am-6pm; Sat 10am-2pmtheconsignmentgalleryofquincy.comFEATURED ITEMS: FABULOUS Full Figure-size clothing, jeans, capris, shorts and gorgeous dresses for all sizes! Curtains and bedding, kitchen items, small and large furniture items , and various household decor; from vintage to present-day.

in the key - COnsignment & Vintage Center400 N. Hillsdale St | Hillsdale, MI 49242(517)437-4490Hours: M-F 10:00am-5:30pm SA 10:00am-2:00pmFEATURED ITEMS: Furniture, home accessories, kitchen & household items, One of a kind collectibles, eclectic accents, gifts, books, movies and clothing. A Ten Thousand Villages Store

salVatiOn armyThe Salvation Army Family Store & Donation center250 W. Carleton Rd. Hillsdale MI 49242Located in the Kroger plaza517-439-1202Monday-Saturday 10:00am-7:00pmFeatured Items: New and gently used items including Clothing for Men, Womenand Children, Housewares, kitchen wares, home decor, furniture, books,electronics, jewelry, collectibles and much more.Donations are tax deductible, always accepted and appreciated.

vintagE chic consignmEnts 86 N. Howell Steet | Hillsdale, Michigan 49242 | (517) [email protected] & Handmade Items

146 N Main St | Brooklyn MI (517) 592-8686 Hours: Monday thru Friday 10:30 till 5:00; Sat 10:00 till 4:00 pm Brooklyn’s Leading Fashionable Consignment Shop Closet Overload is a quality Consignment Boutique with high standards. We of-fer up-to-date new and used fashion and accessories. In order to do this we must be very selective. Closet Overload has 2000 square feet of space and has grown each and every year since opening in 1993. Check us out on the web at for downloadable coupons

hElping hands thRiFt stoRE, inc.A Lenawee county non-profit organization795 Division Street | Adrian, MI 49221(517)266-7002Hours Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 10am-4pmFEATURED ITEMS: Gently used and some new, quality furniture, appliances and other larger and small household items as well art, tools and antiques. Donations welcome. Free pick-up of your quality used furniture and large working appliances

FashiOn exChange COnsignment bOutique114 N. Market | Hudson | 517-448-2210Your fashion journey begins hereWe carry the top name brands & fashion accessories at 1/2 of department store prices. Womens, Mens, Juniors & Childrens-If you dont like whats in your closet, come and check out whats in ours.

randOm COmFOrts2984 Treat Hwy. | Adrian, MI 49221517-265-3545 | randomcomforts.comFEATURED ITEMS: New & gently used, clean furniture and decor for your home or of-fice; New Symbol Mattresses 20% off

To all of you savvy shoppers out there, if you’re looking for local resale, second-hand, thrift, or consignment shops in your area, you’ve found the right place! Resale Shopping is one of the fastest growing retail categories today and we

wanted to introduce you to some of our favorites! Be sure to check the listings in each issue for new updates and special offers exclusively for Simply Hers readers. Happy Trails!


r e S A l e t r A i lH I L L S D A L E , B R A N C H A N D L E N A W E E

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AGING WITH ATTITUDE65 years young and still developing.

ATTITUDE – to be 65 or not to be 65 there really ins’t a choice but there are different ways to approach 66.

i used to be amazed at all the new inventions that my grandmother had seen developed in her life time (1900-1983) but when i thought about the technology i’ve seen developed since 1948 i’m just as amazed.

TRANSPORTATION: hillsdale no longer has taxi service but in california there are car’s that a blind person can drive.

HOME HEATINg: i’ve had gas in 1970, propane1988, oil 2005 & now we chop, cut & split wood! (We get twice the warmth, once when we gather it & when we burn it)

COMMUNICATIONS: i started with an analog cell phone in 1996 that i could call home for canada & never drop a call; today i have a smart phone that my grandkids assist with when i’m ready to pull my hair out. When we moved to 127 in 2005 we had a land line but to cut costs we had it taken out. in July2012 we had a land line put back in, neither cell could get service in an emergency.

COFFEE: The daily dilemmas are to get Mcdonalds senior coffee for 50 cents or the fancy stuff for $4.

VACATIONS: we used to pick up & drive for 20 hours at a time to get where we wanted to go, now we fly nonstop to get there in 4 hours.

INSURANCE: Medicare & social security, will they still be here next year?

HEAlTH: it a proven fact that a women’s heart attack is different that a man’s what took so long to figure that out? (There had to be more female dr.’s that males)

POlITICS: When we have our first female President will the first gentleman have his inauguration day suit hung next to all the first ladies dresses?

TEETH: As fast as we lose them new technology can replace them, same day!

NEgATIVE POINT TO BEINg 65: Aches & pains in new places every day.

POSITIVE: i try to learn something new every day, i’ve been told that doing a SudOKu Puzzle every day is good brain exercise and i can still touch my toes thanks to Jake & Pt.

i hope you can tell i’m excited to be 65 in May, There are still so many doors to open as long as i don’t fall threw them.

by Jean KarrSimply hers Magazine

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Our creative contributor for this issue is Marge Scharp. Marge has been decorating cakes and cookies for 39 years, motivated to learn so she could make her daughter’s first birthday cake. She took a cake decorating class at the high school and sold her first three cakes before she had even completed the class!

Turning it into a little home business, it allowed her to be a stay-at-home Mom while her two daughters were young. Marge also taught both cake decorating and candy making in adult leisure time classes. Explaining her creative inspiration, Marge says, “I just like looking at pictures of cakes, cupcakes & cookies and challenge myself to see if I can do it. That’s how I started making the cookie bouquets.”

Marge now owns and operates a medical billing service so she limits her decorating to cakes and cookies for her family. She also loves other simple crafts and card making. Marge has been married to husband, Wendell, for 41 years. They have two married daughters and “six awesome grandchildren.” But don’t think Marge is just your aver-age, cookie baking grandma-she also rides her own Harley!

Cookie bouquets are an easy, inexpensive way to make someone feel special. If you can bake cookies you can make a bouquet. Whether it’s your Easter dinner table or just a thinking-of-you gesture, this homemade cookie bouquet is sure to be a welcome touch of spring!


PROJECT: COOKIE BOUQUETsKill level: Beginner to interMediate

What you need:• Any good rolled sugar cookie recipe

• Cookie cutters (i.e. flowers, butterflies, seasonal shapes)

• Wooden skewers

• Cookie frosting or glaze- a buttercream frosting is not recommended because it doesn’t dry hard.

• Container- this will determine the size of your cookie bouquet. A 4” high vase or pot is great for an individual bouquet for someone’s birthday or celebration. It will usually accommodate about 6 cookies. For a larger celebration, flower pots work great and you can usually get between 18 and 24 cookies in a pot that size.

• Piece of Styrofoam or floral foam cut to go inside your container

• Filler to round out your bouquet- a couple of stems of artificial greenery, flowers, holiday picks or pieces of tissue paper.

SteP 1. Roll out your cookie dough to no less than ¼” thick and cut out with your favorite cookie cutters. Place them on your baking pan and gently insert a wooden skewer into one edge of the cookie about ½ the height of the cookie.

Bake the cookies as your cookie recipe directs. After they are cooled frost and let set until your frosting is dry to the touch.

SteP 2. Carefully push the skewed cookies through a 6-8” square of tissue paper scrunching the tissue at the stick & securing with a piece of scotch tape.

Now push the skewer into the floral foam in your container. Repeat this step until you have as many cookies in the bouquet as you want to use.

SteP 3. Add filler stems or pieces of tissue to complete filling in the bare spots.

SteP 4. Add a coordinating bow to the front & you’re done!


Items Needed

Step 1A

Step 1B Step 2

Step 3 Step 470

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1. Remove seaming from ties and any lining on the inside. You want just the silk. Cut silk into a large piece to wrap around a raw egg.

2. Wrap an egg with a piece of silk, making sure the printed side of the material is facing the egg. Try to make the fabric as smooth as possible. The pattern will transfer better if it is right up against the egg. Any part that is folded or wrinkled will leave a tie-dyed pattern. Secure silk fabric with twist-tie.

3. Place the silk-wrapped egg in a piece of white sheet and secure tightly with another twist-tie.

4. Repeat with additional silk ties and eggs.

5. Place the eggs in a pot. Fill pot with water to cover eggs completely. Then, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar.

6. Bring water to a boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes.

7. Remove eggs from water with tongs or spoon and let cool on a pile of paper towels or in a colander.

8. When eggs are cool enough to handle remove the fabric and enjoy your beautiful eggs!

DIY“Tie” Dyed Easter EggsYou need 100% silk for this to work. Make sure to check the labels to make sure you’re not buying polyester, which can look similar. Grab old ties, scarves and silk blouses at the thrift store where they’re usually pretty cheap. And remember, ugly ties do make pretty eggs! Try to find an assortment of colors and patterns. Usually dark blues, purples, and reds work the best, but it’s fun to experiment with all kinds of things. The interesting thing is that you never know how much of the color and pattern will transfer to the eggs. Sometimes ties that you think will be awesome really disappoint, and ones you don’t think much of make the most beautiful eggs.

photos and idea found at

-Raw Eggs-Glass or enamel pot (but pretty much any non-aluminum pot will be fine)-Silk ties, blouses, or boxers, cut into pieces large enough to cover an egg-Twist ties

-An old white sheet, pillowcase, tablecloth, cut into pieces to cover silk-wrapped eggs-¼ cup white vinegar-Warm water-Paper towels-Tongs or spoon

Materials and Tools

Let’s Get Started...

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