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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond

Aug 14, 2020



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Page 1: Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond
Page 2: Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond
Page 3: Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond

Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

WHAT IS TRANSCENDENTAL INTELLIGENCE? Transcendental Intelligence is:

the ability to go beyond your intellect into a deeper dimension: your transcendental intelligence; the ability to create greater clarity, direction and purpose through all of your life’s unfolding;

Ultimately, it is the ability to make sense of your life, to get its rhyme and reason, and to be at peace in the understanding of your life.

There is nothing like it!!!! And is all this really possible? Oh, yes. Once you open the door to your Transcendental Intelligence, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it. It truly has changed my life and I know it will change yours too.

Once you get a taste of this connection, you will be hooked.

How I Got in Touch with TQ I first began to play with this concept a number of years ago. In the beginning, it was like being introduced to a whole new world. While now getting in touch with my TQ is second nature for me and I’ve come a long way in developing my TQ, I want to remember there may be many who have not yet been introduced to this new world.

Back in the 80s, the first time I had the experience with TQ, I was a computer analyst in a major oil company that really valued the logical, left-brained employee who could dismantle the “whole into pieces” for analysis. The idea of “intuition” during the early 80s was more or less scoffed at.

Something Beyond the Intellect What I came to understand was the truth that we cripple ourselves if we don’t engage “that something beyond intellect.”

The analytical mind is known for deductive reasoning. It’s also called the left brain. It’s the rational mind. It can dismantle the “whole” of information into pieces for analysis.

The intuitive mind, which we typically call the right brain, uses inductive reasoning and taps into unlimited, new supplies of creative energy. In fact, the intuitive mind is thought to be more powerful because it processes somewhere between 1,000 and 10,000 times faster than the rational mind. It synthesizes the parts into a unified whole, and brings them together into a concept that’s far more creative.

My Calling When I was pregnant with my first child, I decided to leave the large company where I was working and be a stay-at-home mom. After a couple of years in that role, I realized I needed something else, something more. Looking back, this was my “calling.”

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

I had been seeing a holistic practitioner who used a type of computer called an Electro-acupuncture device (EAV device). The idea of a computer-based process piqued my interest. I understood computers. A computer is based on binary code. Its answers are either on or off with no gray area.

So I got a degree in Traditional Naturopathy and Nutrition. These were also very strong passions of mine. Then I bought my practitioner’s EAV device. I thought the computer could tell me what was wrong with the body of my clients and what was needed to help bring their body back into balance.

How an EAV device works This is how an EAV device works: I would hold the crown of the client’s head and with a probe measure the amount of electricity coming through the acupuncture points on the fingers and toes. That measurement showed me what kind of energy was coming through a meridian. (A meridian is an acupuncture term that is used to indicate the pathways along which energy flows through the body. Each meridian/pathway is named after the primary organ that it governs.)

I would check all the meridians to see how much energy was coming through and whether the energy was either deficient or excessive. This measurement would indicate how to make the correction.

Pivotal Moment After a year of using this computer/machine, I found I could not get consistent output. I was discouraged, to say the least. Then came the pivotal moment that changed everything. This was one of those moments that I look back on and know I had to have been guided in some higher way.

As I was working on a client in a chiropractor’s office, the chiropractor stood behind me watching me work. She then said the oddest thing: “You know, Jean, I think this is a right-brained device.” That comment didn’t make sense in the moment, so later that night I played around with the concept from a different point of view.

Practicing with a family member, I let go of all my left brain thinking of doing all the steps technically right. I relaxed into the process and posed the question as if I were talking to my client’s body: “Body, tell me your story. What do you want me to know? Tell me what it is that you want me to know.”

As I relaxed into that question staying in an open, receiving mode, I began to do the usual EAV procedure. The information came forth with ease. And what a story the body had to tell! Once I got out of my head and out of the technical aspect of the machine/process and just relaxed into receiving information, the body had so much to tell me.

The results from then on were just the opposite. Before, I couldn’t get anything to be consistent. After relaxing into that right brain kind of energy, the readings were entirely consistent. If I saw someone a week later, the same readings would come up. If I saw someone a month later, the same readings would come up. I knew I was clearly getting communication from the body.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

The Body Tells Its Story Then another extraordinary thing happened. I began to realize I wasn’t only taking a reading of the amount of energy coming through the meridians. The body was trying to tell me a story and if it needed to skew a reading, it would because it wanted me to understand something deeper.

The big event came one time when I was working with the 92 year old father of a client friend of mine. He sat in front of me and said, “I don’t know why my daughter brought me in here. I’m as healthy as a horse. I take my vitamins every day. I eat well and I don’t have one ache in my body. I have lived a good life, so when I go, I just want to go.”

I took his readings and they were perfect. He had meridians that looked like he was a 20 year old. I couldn’t believe it. I thought “either you’re just really that healthy or something’s off here.” I didn’t have an explanation for it at the time, but the readings were absolutely dead on perfect.

Four months later, he passed away from cancer. Now, from the time that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer to the time that he passed away was two weeks. He went extremely quickly. As I looked back at his readings, there was no indication anywhere that cancer was in his body. But realize, of course, the cancer didn’t appear overnight.

At first this bothered me. Then I remembered what he said during our session together: “I’ve lived a good life and when I go, I just want to go.” What I realized was his body would not let me know what was going on so he would not have to start treatment for cancer. He didn’t want any of that. His body skewed the readings so they looked absolutely perfect. I sent him home saying, “whatever you are doing, keep doing it.”

He transitioned exactly how he wanted to go. That was a big AHA moment: when I realized there was something so much more going on.

When we are able to tap into wisdom beyond the intellect, beyond the technical, beyond the left-brained, and receive information that would never show up clinically … that is powerful.

What is Transcendental Intelligence? What is this intelligence, this mind that cannot be taught with traditional or book learning? We have lots and lots of names for it: right-brain thinking, intuition, inner wisdom, imagination, gut feeling, our angels, our guides, our higher wisdom, God, Source, the Universe, your essence, the stillness within, the oneness, your inner knowing, your sixth sense, your instinct, your high self, your higher consciousness, the Divine, the Soul, Higher Guidance, intuitive brain, Spirit, universal intelligence, the still-small-voice, divine guidance, ESP, psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo.

We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond our own perspective. And we use different names and terms to identify and connect with that higher power. We choose a name/term that is comfortable for us, but realize it may not be acceptable to someone else.

Looking for a neutral, all-encompassing word, I asked MY guidance what term I could use that would have no ”charge” and yet would be all-encompassing so everyone would know what it meant. My guidance gave me the term: “Transcendental Intelligence.” I thought that was absolutely brilliant. Thank You, Higher Guidance.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Know Thyself It is our spiritual responsibility to “know thyself” (Socrates). To come to know thyself is the most profound journey we can ever undertake. Ultimately whatever you do with your life, it’s going to be all about you coming to know yourself.

The idea that you have the answers within you and the ability to retrieve them was not always popular.

We’re taught through all our book-learning to develop and trust our left brain, our logical mind, the rational mind. How many classes, except for art, are you actually developing your right brain?

Fifteen hundred years ago when the Church was seizing power, it took away the right of its congregants to be intuitive. The congregants were told they could no longer seek or trust their own answers and would have to go through an intercessor, the priest. To the detriment of the individual’s intuition, this was how the Church controlled the masses.

From that time, accessing information from within was considered a sacrilege, or at best, spurious, and punishable by death. This created a deep fear in people to display any kind of intuitive knowledge or access to a power beyond.

It was drummed out of us for centuries to disconnect from our intuitive brain and disconnect our direct connection to that “something beyond.”

The connection to the world beyond is still distrusted in some arenas besides the religious. The scientific world came in and said: “Show me in numbers. Prove it to me.”

In her book, THE FIELD, Lynn McTaggart, an investigational journalist, actually does prove the field with numbers. The book is her investigation into the psychic phenomenon, ESP and remote viewing. McTaggart actually has the statistics in the book that has proven these phenomena do exit.

Reclaim Your Birthright It’s time to reclaim your birthright. The ability to access information from beyond the intellect is something you were born with. You have never been without it, and it’s time to feel completely, 100% comfortable reclaiming your direct access to it. When you do, you will be in awe because magic and miracles are yours to create.

So whether you are shopping for groceries, dealing with the drama of a relationship, exploring a new job or just watching the brilliance of a sunrise, you are going to have a greater sense of purpose, delight, clarity, joy, wonder and peace by opening up to your Transcendental Intelligence. TQ will uncover a whole new world for you, a whole new dimension.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

The WOW Factor In short, what TQ creates in you is the “WOW factor.” It makes living life a WOW. That certainly is what TQ has done for me. It’s been so many years now since I began accessing it, I can’t imagine being without this Transcendental Intelligence. There are no words to express the depth of joy that it has brought to my life.

Accessing the Programmer What you really are is a body of information. Your body is comprised of more bits and bytes of information (emotions, beliefs, experiences and feelings, etc.) than the most complex programs combined for computers.

When there’s something wrong with a computer, you can’t just say: “there’s something wrong here.” You have to bring in a specialist to analyze each line of code to figure out what’s wrong.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could get in touch with our programmer who knows the ins and outs of our program and can go through and analyze each of the lines of code and figure out what is wrong when there’s a glitch in our system?

Without “your programmer”, you can literally spend hours, days, months, years trying to figure out what the problem is. With “your programmer”, you can go right to the source of a problem. Not only would this programmer be one who would have extreme technical knowledge, this programmer would also have the wisdom of a sage, of your Higher Guidance to give you advice and creative solutions.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could access your programmer?

You do have access to that programmer through your Transcendental Intelligence.

How do we:

learn to access this programmer?

learn to trust the voice of the programmer?

distinguish it from chatter and spirit?

know when it’s talking and not some other aspect of ourselves?

become confident in hearing that programmer?

know when we’re telling ourselves the truth?

THE SECRET TO DEVELOPING YOUR TQ The secret to developing your Transcendental Intelligence is comprised of just two simple steps:

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Step one – You must pose a question.

Step two – You must be open to receiving the answer.

When I was having trouble with that EAV device, I was frustrated because the device wasn’t consistent. Everything changed when I relaxed and posed a question. I said: “Tell me, body, what is it you want me to know?” And then I opened up to receiving the answer.


If you try to “think it out”, magic will never happen. You need to get “out of your mind” reasoning.

In the book RICH DAD, POOR DAD, the author presents the suggestion to engage the right brain by asking the question “how?” Instead of saying “I can’t afford this”, ask the question “how can I afford this?”

Engaging your Transcendental Intelligence (TQ) by simply asking the question, you put to work a whole part of you that up to now has been untapped. This part is the most creative part of you. It’s going to come up with solutions that are totally outside the box.

The process of using your TQ is amazing and fun.

The process unfolds naturally. For example, I knew that my intent was to bring this information to an online forum to make it available to a large group of people. I just didn’t know how I was going to do it.

So I posed the question to my Transcendental Intelligence, to my Higher Guidance and said: “Okay, you’re going to have to show me how.” Then synchronicities just started appearing. Everything from our movie set to the talent that has been brought in to support me has been amazing. I never could have predicted this. Even six months ago, I was clueless how this was all going to happen. And yet, I put it out there and it evolved in magical ways.

TQ includes a very wise counselor who can advise you for the best timing on whatever it is you desire to create. And remember, the “perfect” timing may not be when you thought it would be. Trust in Divine Order as events play out in your life.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

THE WISDOM OF TQ How can we distinguish between our Transcendental Intelligence and our mind chatter or our wishful thinking?

Notice How You Feel The best place to begin is noticing how you feel about the information that’s coming through you.

The messages you receive from your higher guidance may feel like wise council from a mentor or a trusted advisor. The feeling of truth is calm. There’s clarity. There’s a sense of peace about it like a wise counsel.

Whereas, if it is more like meaningless chatter or the energy of urgency or even shaming or blaming, it is your left brain talking.

Tap into TQ With Higher Guidance, when you feel a nudge that’s moving you in a direction, it won’t feel like a sense of urgency trying to shame or blame you into moving, or for not moving: “why haven’t you done this yet?”

Your Higher Guidance understands you have free will. Even though it may keep nudging you in a direction, your Higher Guidance knows you’re the boss. If you go your whole lifetime without doing something, then so be it, because you’re the boss. Realize your action or non-action is what you’re choosing.

My Experience with at a Financial Seminar I attended a seminar given by T. Harv Eker. He provided a brilliant questionnaire about Negative Beliefs About Money. I was to rate from 0-10 how strongly I believed the statements to be true.

In answering the questionnaire, one might not tell the truth!!! So just coming from the logical mind, which I did, I marked mostly 0’s or 1’s. That was my intellect saying I knew better than the negative statements. I didn’t want to admit that I believed any of the negative statements.

Afterward, I went back to my room and used my pendulum on each question and found there were 3 big statements that were 10’s for me. Once I uncovered what those were, I had to really sit what that.

When we cover thoughts/beliefs/emotions up, we really have to get in touch with those beliefs. Once I did that, I could totally believe that I harbored those negative beliefs about money.

That’s what I mean when I say we are totally capable about deceiving ourselves and getting caught up in our stories.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

We All Get Caught Up in Our Stories We’re all like that. We all get caught up in our stories and we think our story is the only thing that’s real, the only way it is. We become limited because of our story “box.”

Which story do you really want to buy into? Remember, it’s YOUR story, YOUR decision.

If we can allow ourselves to put our story aside for just a moment and tap into this Transcendental Intelligence, new solutions appear that we never saw before. New stories become possible. What if our story could be “Because this happened to me, look at how it changed me for the better.”

How many times have you heard people say they went through a tough time and ended up with 20/20 hindsight saying it was their greatest lesson/greatest blessing?

It’s a decision we make. We decide which story we want to attach to.

When we feel stuck in our story and can’t seem to get out of it, but become willing to concede there might be another way, watch what happens when we open up to that more expansive, creative intelligence; when we open up to considering there might be another way.

Going back to Step 1 of the “Secret to Developing TQ”, pose the question: “How else can I solve this problem/situation?”

Whatever it is you are telling yourself, whatever your story is, ask Byron Katie’s two questions:



Use these questions to poke holes in what you think is your story. Break down your “story” walls and begin to open up to your TQ.

These questions begin to break down the walls of your story so you can then open up to your Transcendental Intelligence.

Truth Statement Testing To get to our truth, to practice whether we are hearing our Higher Guidance or our chatter mind, we need some way of by-passing our logical mind and getting a simple yes/no to get to our truth.

We’re going to play with some simple ways that anyone can begin to use to get yes/no or true/false answers from our Transcendental Intelligence.

Don’t worry if there are some suggestions that you don’t like or that don’t work for you. Also in subsequent lessons, we’re going to go over even more powerful techniques: pendulum dowsing, oracle readings and a number of other ways you can access your TQ.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

We’re going to do statement truth testing using basic true/false questions.

The statements are going to be real simple like: “My name is George.” Obviously I should get a “false” on that. But what I’m doing is finding a way to go beyond my intellect and into my Transcendental Intelligence to get that higher part of me to answer.

Body Dowsing First we’re going to do statement truth testing with something called Body Dowsing - using your body to give you a true/false.

Put your hands next to your heart, stand with your feet at shoulder distance apart, close your eyes and center yourself evenly balanced on your feet, while saying: “my name is George.” Notice if your body begins to move forward, expanding, as if it is trying to move toward the truth; or if your body begins to fall backward, contracting away from the statement. If you say “my name is George” (unless it IS George) you should feel yourself repelling from that statement and being pushed backward.

When a statement is false, your body is going to push away from it. When a statement is true, your body is going to gravitate toward it. Let’s try: “My name is Alice.” You get a false. Then say out loud “my name is (and say your correct name).” Did you feel a pull forward?

You are using your body to detect the truth of something. You can do that for any kind of true/false, yes/no statement.

Visualize a Color The second way to test the truth of a statement is by visualizing a color. Close your eyes and visualize a muddy color that feels heavy to you, and then visualize a color that feels light and airy. A light color will indicate truth, your “true/yes.” A muddy color will indicate a “false/no.” Ask the same questions again as in the first example and test for truth.

Feel a Weight Now try this third way to test Truth Statements. Hold both hands in front of you at the same level. Imagine a brick in one hand and a feather in the other. Pose the question. Notice which hand is activated.

Feel an Inner Sensation With the fourth technique, we feel an inner sensation. Once you make a statement, if it’s true, you will feel light and bubbly inside. If it’s false, you will feel constricted and tight. There will be an inner tension. Ask the name questions to test for truth.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Norm’s Handy Scale The fifth is Norm’s Handy Scale. Begin by placing your hands side-by-side resting palm down on top of a table, counter top, or other surface. Imagine a scale, typically 0% to 100%, extending to the left from your left hand, and an identical scale extending to the right from your right hand. Once you ask a truth statement, flip your hand out.

The further away your hand moves from the center resting position, the stronger the response is. No movement of your hands indicates that the answer is unknown, the question is ambiguous, or the answer doesn’t matter.

Relax, close your eyes. Ask aloud the name questions again. Without thinking, just let whichever hand wants to move to flip outward. If the right hand moves, it’s a “yes.” If the left hand moves, it’s a no.”

The cool thing about this method is that it not only gives you a “yes” or “no”, it indicates the strength of the response based on how far your hand moves.

Self-Muscle Testing Muscle testing requires some training and practice, but can be an extremely practical and useful tool to have for determining the truth of a statement. Self-muscle testing also gives you amazing flexibility because you don’t need a partner.

O-Ring One of the most common ways to self-muscle test is the “O Ring.” Using one hand, touch your thumb to your ring finger to form an “O.” Using the index finger of the other hand, insert it into the “O” and slide it sideways at the point where the two other fingers meet, trying to open the “O” while resisting the force. If the “O” stays strong, the statement is a “yes.” If the answer is a no, the “O” becomes weak and your finger slides right through.

Finger Over Finger This is another valuable technique since you only need to use one hand. Place your middle finger over your index finger. You may switch the fingers if that is more comfortable for you. The finger on the top will be doing the pushing down and the finger on the bottom will be resisting the push. (This is similar to someone pushing down on your arm, except with this technique, you get to do the pushing and resisting!).

Using the name questions, say the statement and try to pull the middle finger off the index finger. If it stays on top, it’s a yes. If it falls off, it’s a no. This is my favorite self-muscle test because I can do this while I’m driving down the road.

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Thumb Rub Another one-handed test is to rub your index finger of one hand over the thumbnail of the same hand. A smooth glide over the thumbnail is “yes. A rough or sticky glide over the thumbnail means “no.”

Example of Truth of Statements with Muscle Testing Self-muscle testing is a great tool because you’re never without your hands. I used this tool when I was walking with a friend who was telling me she was going through a tough time with her mom who kept calling her.

My friend kept telling her: “Mom, you don’t need to be involved; you don’t have to keep calling me.” She was being driven nuts by her mom’s persistent calling. So one of the things I said as we were walking along was “let’s get at the bottom line. What’s motivating her to make this constant contact with you?” I used my fingers to muscle test.

I used test statements like: My friend’s mother is feeling a lack of love. No. My friend’s mother keeps calling because she wants attention. No. I kept making statements. Then I finally said: My friend’s mother calls because she needs to be needed. Yes.

My friend got it and realized she had been saying absolutely the wrong thing to her mother. She was thinking she wanted her mother to be proud of her, that she was independent and that she didn’t need her mom. So she kept saying things like “Mom I don’t need you to be involved. I can take care of this myself.” She realized she was saying the exact thing the mom didn’t want to hear, which was increasing the mom’s anxiety to be needed.

Once the friend realized what her mom needed, she changed her language. Instead of saying “Mom I don’t need you” she started thinking of jobs for her mother to do. “Mom I really need you to help me out with this, can you take care of this?” Immediately when she switched her language, they went back to having more of a normal relationship.

That’s an example of how you can find the truth of a statement and get to the heart of an issue and tap into that Transcendental Intelligence to get that gem. If this friend had gone to therapy, how many sessions would it have taken to get to that one little gem of information, if ever?

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Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Go Straight to the Source – The Programmer When you tap into Transcendental Intelligence, you can go straight to the source, get the information you need and very quickly test the truth of a statement. You can go beyond your intellect by posing the question, then going into your greater source of information to pull out just that piece of information you need.

I encourage you to spend time developing your intuition and raising your TQ.

If you are ready to take it to the next level, we have two fantastic

certification programs:

Page 15: Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond

Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

“It’s like the most fantastic treasure hunt you can imagine, and YOU are the PRIZE!”

Do you desire a deeper awareness of who you are and why you are here?

Do you feel a calling to help others understand their life’s journey?

“My mission is to, first and foremost, teach you how to tap into your Higher Guidance as your constant companion for self-discovery and to ignite a passion for exploring where your life and soul meet.

Secondly, to give you the tools you need to create an exhilarating and rewarding career as either a Creative Mystic Intuitive or a Higher Guidance Life Coach: showing you how to harness the infinite wisdom of Higher Guidance which provides the quickest, most accurate and relevant counsel for your clients so they can finally make sense of their life’s journey and ultimately create the life of their dreams. ” -Jean Slatter

We offer two certification programs to meet your personal and career goals.

Are you ready to take personal and/or professional growth to the next level?

We have two great certification programs to help YOU reach your highest potential!

Featuring the Creative Mystic Intuitive Certification Program and the Higher Guidance Life Coach Certification Program!

Page 16: Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond

Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Creative Mystic Intuitive Certification Program 3 Month Program

Become a Creative Mystic Intuitive and gain the skills you need to know yourself more fully than you’ve ever known, as well as guide others on a path to self-discovery. It’s full of tools, practical steps, and specific methods for awakening your intuitive abilities through your connection to Higher Guidance. This is designed for personal growth and as a career choice to help others make sense of their life and soul.


Includes… Hiring the Heavens In-Depth Module

The time has come for you to experience a whole new UNIVERSE OF POWER from your celestial friends!

Includes… TQ Advantage Module

Discovering and raising your TQ is so much fun that it will become your go-to method for receiving answers for you and your clients!

Includes… Creative Mystic Spiritual Studies Module

Come to a whole new understanding of your life and what your purpose is! Imagine waking up in the morning charged with enthusiasm for the grand adventure of life and bursting with the energy to create!

Find Out More

Page 17: Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to ......psychic awareness, psychic phenomenon, and woo-woo. We know there’s something beyond our intellect, something beyond

Simple Ways to Sense Your Intuition and Open the Door to Your Transcendental Intelligence

Copyright 2020 © Creative Mystic Jean Slatter

Higher Guidance Life Coach Certification Program Advanced 3 Month Program

Become a Higher Guidance Life Coach and be part of a high caliber of life coaches who have the advantage of being able to tap into Higher Guidance. This quintessential form of coaching is unique and honors the innate wisdom that knows everything about you. Higher Guidance gives you the fastest, most efficient way to get the heart of any issue!

Prerequisite… The Creative Mystic Intuitive 3 month certification program

Find out HOW TO COACH DIRECTLY FROM HIGHER GUIDANCE with this advanced 3 month module!

Includes… Higher Guidance Life Coach Module

The Higher Guidance Life Coach Certification Program continues on after the first three modules of Creative Mystic Intuitive. This program adds an additional module teaching very advanced modalities and techniques for healing mind, body and spirit. This training is perfect for those who want to go more in depth with their personal growth and career opportunities by adding a strong working knowledge of the energy body and the minds of consciousness. Students learn how to identify imbalances and apply healing modalities to restore well-being for personal empowerment. This is a 3 month advanced study available to graduates of the Creative Mystic Intuitive program.

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Many Blessings,
