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Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    ObjectivesTo know what are these types of power plant.

    To know the advantages and disadvantages ofbuilding a simple gas turbine plant and a dieselengine power plant.

    To know the lay-out of a simple gas turbine

    plant and a diesel power plant.To know and understand the operating

    principle of these power plant.

    To know the component it comprises.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    A gas turbine plant maybe defined as a plant inwhich the principal primemover is of the turbinetype and the workingmedium is permanent


  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    The compressor, which draws air into the engine, pressurizes it,

    and feeds it to the combustion chamber at speeds of hundreds of

    miles per hour.

    The combustion system, typically made up of a ring of fuel

    injectors that inject a steady stream of fuel into combustionchambers where it mixes with the air. The mixture is burned at

    temperatures of more than 2000 degrees F. The combustion

    produces a high temperature, high pressure gas stream that

    enters and expands through the turbine section.

    The turbine is an intricate array of alternate stationary androtating aerofoil-section blades. As hot combustion gas expands

    through the turbine, it spins the rotating blades. The rotating

    blades perform a dual function: they drive the compressor to draw

    more pressurized air into the combustion section, and they spin a

    generator to produce electricity.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    The basic operation of the gas turbine is similar to that ofthe steam power plant except that air is used instead ofwater. Fresh atmospheric air flows through a compressorthat brings it to higher pressure. Energy is then added byspraying fuel into the air and igniting it so the combustiongenerates a high-temperature flow. This high-temperaturehigh-pressure gas enters a turbine, where it expands downto the exhaust pressure, producing a shaft work output inthe process. The turbine shaft work is used to drive thecompressor and other devices such as an electric generatorthat may be coupled to the shaft. The energy that is not

    used for shaft work comes out in the exhaust gases, sothese have either a high temperature or a high velocity. Thepurpose of the gas turbine determines the design so thatthe most desirable energy form is maximized. Gas turbinesare used to power aircraft, trains, ships, electrical

    generators, or even tanks.[1]

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    Diesel Engine PowerPlants are power plantswhich uses dieselengines coupled to agenerator to produceelectrical energy

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    Diesel engine power plant are installed where the supply ofcoal and water is not available in sufficient quantity ofwhere power is to be generated in small quantity or wherestandby sets are required for continuity of supply such as inhospitals, telephone exchanges, radio stations andcinemas. These plants in the range of 2 to 50 MW capacityare used as central stations for supply authorities andworks and they are universally adapted to supplementhydroelectric or thermal stations where standby generatingplants are essential for starting from cold and underemergency conditions.

    The diesel units used for electric generation are morereliable and long-lived piece of equipment compared withother types of plants

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Gase Turbine and Diesel Power Plant


    1. Engine 5. Cooling System

    2. Air Intake System 6. Lubrication System

    3. Exhaust System 7. Engine Starting System

    4. Fuel System 8.Governing System