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_____________________________________ Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____________________________________ “Until You Can Bend Words and Phrases into Pictures That Pick People Up And MOVE THEM To Deposit Their “Vote” Into Your Bank Account, You Will Continue to Whiff At the Ball and Shoot Bricks!” The Psychological Code You Are About To Learn Inside These Pages Has The Power To Set You Free. You Will Be Taught How To Literally Write Yourself Into A New Life Just By Adjusting The Way You Mold Words Into The Hearts & Minds of People

Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Mar 09, 2018



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Copywriting Course _____________________________________

“Until You Can Bend Words and Phrases into Pictures That Pick People Up And MOVE THEM To Deposit Their “Vote” Into Your Bank Account, You

Will Continue to Whiff At the Ball and Shoot Bricks!”

The Psychological Code You Are About To Learn Inside These Pages Has The Power To Set You Free. You Will Be Taught How To Literally Write Yourself Into A New Life Just By Adjusting The Way You Mold

Words Into The Hearts & Minds of People

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By Franco Gonzalez

I just penned this little beauty while relaxing, staring at the ocean as I sit lost in a tropical paradise in Puerto Vallarta. The breeze is flowing and so is my mind. I created a freedom based lifestyle simply by sharing thoughts in writing.

This is what I do. It’s what I teach. It’s my life assignment. I get paid to sculpt minds with words. I share concepts in word pictures and I present ideas that set people free. Too many people focus on the wrong concepts and miss the entire point. They think only “certain people” can do this and they lock themselves up in their own mental cells.

I learned this. I was not born with “it” and so here’s the good news: You can learn this too. Grab a pen and a highlighter, get ready to make this thing glow in the dark, because if when you learn this craft well, you can create your own life too.

You just paid good money and I thank you for your trust.

I will over deliver in chapter one alone. It takes a lot of work to learn this by trial and error so I'm about to save you a lot of time and money and you'll be a changed person as you master the concepts inside. You will not (can not) be the same after reading through page 10 of this manual. You will not email the same – you will not twitter the same – you will not facebook the same – and you sure as the flip flops on my feet are faded black, you will not ever advertise the same after studying this manuscript.

And I tricked you, too!

You think you just purchased a $19 copywriting course to simply grab a couple ads to use. In fact, you are holding in your hands a “Deeper Level Marketing Psychology Manual” that is worth easily $197. Add in all the un‐advertised bonus content you'll be receiving in the audios, pdf’s and private calls you’ll be invited to and its value soars above $597. You scored! And this is just the beginning.

But it won’t be worth a hill of beans if you don’t study it and apply it in the real marketing trenches in which you operate. I’ve led you to GOLDEN water – the fountain of wealth – but I can not make you drink it. That’s your job.

You’re about to learn how to write some copy and ads that are going to pull people toward you with anticipation and a curiosity about what you have to say.

I’ve been able to learn that most of what “they” have taught you about “copy” is fatally flawed. As you can see – my copy is entirely unique and flies in the face of what most self-proclaimed “goo‐roos” will spoon feed you. In today’s marketing

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world, you MUST be different. There can’t be anything “average” about you or your message. People are saturated with the same lame phrases. You MUST stand out.

I’ve invested YEARS of my life and thousands of dollars in the pursuit and study of marketing psychology, human behavior and copywriting. I’ve worked tirelessly to decode the subtle secrets of how to persuade and influence people to vote for me with their wallets. Because I’ve focused on over delivering massive value in the exchanges – I’ve done this full time for over 14 years now and there is no “j.o.b.” in site for me. I’m free.

It’s exactly by absorbing EVERYTHING I could get my hands on that centered around “Direct Response Marketing” that I was able to learn just a little bit more than the next guy and I messed around and built a global marketing business that spins off multiple income streams and all from the comfort of my home, camp site, RV, or the lobby at the Marriott in Hawaii right on Waikiki Beach.

I'm going to teach you how to do what I’ve done and you won’t waste the

time or money that I did in getting there. In fact if you’re tired of wandering around alone in the marketing desert with no guide – you can press the fast forward button and hang out in our Simple Freedom Mastermind Club and

begin to apply what you’re about to learn immediately.

Expand your copywriting and marketing education here with us on facebook:

Let me know who invited you to us and as a bonus, I’ll send you a steady drip of valuable information, and private training call invites.

Enjoy! And feel free to drop by and comment on my blog or on my facebook wall so you can share what you most liked about this course.

Franco Gonzalez c: 760­271­2810 Facebook page. :: Blog

Ok my friend, let’s cover a bit of legal business first.

Note: This is my book. I sold it to you. You have the only license to this information. Distribution or duplication by any means is a slap in the face to me and a violation of International Copyright Law. And it’s really not cool.

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Copyright 2014 by Franco Gonzalez. All rights reserved. No part of this content may be duplicated, reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Franco Gonzalez.

Make Money. Refer this book to people. I created a way you can promote this course and earn a 50% commission by obtaining a free affiliate account at and searching for the promotional link to the course: “WriteSmokinAds” – you will earn 50% each sale.

Copywriting skills are the BEDROCK to help you build a long-term foundation in any marketing business.

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How To Write SMOKIN Ads! …and the Power of Influence and Persuasion.

By Franco Gonzalez

Here’s A Simple Formula For Getting More Ads Clicked, More Opt­Ins,

Building A Higher Caliber List of Loyal Zealot Followers, Generating More Cash Sales and How a Little ex­Marine Corps Combat Medic – a Low Level Military Grunt – Flipped The “Bird” At The “System” and Started His Own

Civil War On Poverty and a School of Prosperity Marketing on the Internet or in the Offline world of direct mail marketing can be massively lucrative… or very frustrating. Many people have been failing miserably in all forms of business while a savvy few have carved out niches and built fortunes.

What is the difference between the winners… and the losers?

I could have inserted a 300 page rant here to prove to you how smart I think I am, but instead, and since I know you don’t care about anything other than grabbing some information right now that will help you make money sooner, rather than later… I’m going to skip all the fluff and tell it like it is…

# 1: It ALL comes down to COPYWRITING SKILLS.

# 2: Effective copywriting boils down to Crafting Stories that stir the heart, provoke people’s anger and flat out makes them Uncomfortable – and S­T­R­E­T­C­H­I­N­G reality just a bit to make it sink in...

In a word: Psychology

You either have it, learn it, buy it or borrow it… and make a killing… or you don’t, and you fail. It's that simple. Most people are programmed to stand NOT on the receiving end of the cash register ONLY because they lack this knowledge and “code.”

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In the next few pages, which should take you roughly an hour or so to go through, I’m going to show you how to write SMOKIN’ ads and other cool copywriting tactics that work to turn words into cash. That’s the $19 portion of this course that you paid for.

The rest of the THOUSAND DOLLAR content and value is basically my gift to you. Enjoy and take this to the people – get yourself FREE!

So let’s get started. No time to waste. This next section teaches specifically on short copy for email ads, classifieds, short story updates on facebook and twitter and any short copy needs for your marketing. This is where the 97% of the home based and small business industry lives daily – so this is where we’ll focus. This is how you build a bigger, more targeted, higher caliber list of prospects.

Short, Sweet, Authentic, Persuasive Copy is Where The Power Is.

The most widely used piece of copywriting you’ll ever do is short, precise ads and copy designed to compel people to DO SOMETHING (like click a link or watch a video).

You’ll use these for pay‐per‐click advertising, video headlines, post cards, mini flyer mail outs, email ads, classified ads, drop cards or sizzle cards, facebook posts, short video scripts and the list can go on and on to include discussion forum signature files, blog comments, voicemail or recorded messages and yes… even tweets!

The art and science of writing a short, persuasive sales messages is THE heart and soul of any marketing campaign. And let’s be really clear too… learning how to write an effective, SHORT ad can be directly responsible for the generation of MILLIONS of dollars in profits and a business that thrives GLOBALLY, 24 hours a day online and offline. So let’s get into it…

We’ve inserted a nice, helpful “Resources” page at the end of this course that will lead you to more detailed information about marketing, copywriting and ad tactics and training that you might find interesting. I highly recommend you take some time to review those resources and help improve your marketing skills.

FREE Marketing Training Weekly! The "TNT Tuesday Night Training Hangouts.

Each webinar/hangout valued at $250. You get them free! “The World’s Most Important Fan Page!”

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STEP 1 – Be sure to get familiar using your “windows notepad” or your text editor when working on copywriting projects. It’s a lot easier to use and you can copy and paste your work into different platforms without a bunch of symbols and “code” messing it up like what happens if you work in “Word” – using notepad or text editors will make your copy work a lot easier.

STEP 2 – NEVER FORGET that the ONLY job of your ad is to get the click or take the person to the next step in the marketing process. The ONLY job of your piece of copy is to lead your prospect to the next step of your marketing process whether that's to click a link or watch a video. IT IS NOT TO SELL YOUR PRODUCT!

The secret to getting fantastic results from your short ads is to understand that your ONLY mission is to really sell that click. You want to persuade your prospect to click to get more information or to click to visit that site, or to call that 800# and listen to the next message…

STEP ONE – Know Your Target Prospect

It’s critical to know WHO you are writing to. It’s also critical to write ONLY to that ONE person. You can not write an ad to please everybody and if you try, you won’t persuade ANYBODY and your campaign will fail. PERSONALIZE + POLARIZE.

TAKE A STAND – and KNOW that many will not agree with you and become ANGRY at you and your stand. The beauty? About the same amount of people will agree with you and they will be thinking, “WOW! Finally somebody tells it like it is! I LOVE HER!!!” And that is how you win hearts and minds to your cause.

Study who your target prospect is.

Who buys your product, service or "offers"?

What is it that they are really looking for as far as the results, or the outcome that YOUR offer will give them?

What do they think about when it comes to your offer?

What questions do they ask?

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What are some of the frustrations in their life that are caused because they don’t have your product, service or offer?

What PROBLEMS does your offer solve for them?

How will having your product help fix their life?

You need to do some work and research the answers to these questions. Use facebook, twitter and search engines to survey and ask and get your answers. Let your target prospects THEMSELVES tell you EXACTLY what they want and why, and then angle your message to:

1. Remind them of how horrible life is without your stuff…

2. Agitate their frustrations and remind them of their problems…

3. Explain how your stuff IS the solution…

So RULE #1 is: KNOW YOUR TARGET PROSPECT better than they know themselves when it comes to living with and without your products or services.

STEP TWO – Create Your Target Keywords

Based on step 1 above, and on the main phrases of your product, service, company, system… etc., you need to come of with a list of main keywords that relate specifically to selling your stuff. Without going into a full blown keyword research coaching session, I’ll quickly tell you why this is important…


Keywords are what people type into searches online, which is what the search engines analyze to return the listings your prospects will browse through and click on. It works for paid “search marketing” as well as in free content (organic search listings) and if you know the exact keyword phrases that your prospects will be looking for, then you can use that knowledge to help get more targeted exposure of your ads and copy.

Don’t get lost in the “I don’t know computers” mindset! You can just as easily go to Barnes and Noble’s and pick up 2 – 3 magazines based on what YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE is already reading in their niche. Flip through and jot down NICHE SPECIFIC phrases and jargon.

How do your people talk when talking about the problems your stuff solves?

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What do they think about at night?

What phrases do they use?

What might they be clicking into google or youtube when seeking information about their problems?

Learn those through magazines, tv and radio commercials, and by LISTENING to them as they talk in every day life. KNOW THESE PHRASES! They are gold.

So, do some keyword research and come up with a short list of keywords to focus your ad and copy on. One of the best tools on the market for coming up with KILLER keywords quickly is my favorite keyword inside a free Google AdWords account called Keyword Planner. I highly recommend you use it consistently.


Your headline will make or break your ad. The power of a good headline is that it IMMEDIATELY grabs your prospect’s attention. That is the ONLY job of your headline. GET ATTENTION and make the person want to continue to read. Copywriting is a never ending battle for attention.

Each phrase’s responsibility is to persuade and compel the reader to WANT TO keep reading. A powerful headline also calls in your reader’s imagination. It paints a word picture that allows them to immerse themselves in the STORY they are about to hear...

That’s powerful psychology. Study the headlines of masters in your arena. Whatever you might be marketing, you know there are top producers and influencers doing great work. Find them, get in front of their sales messages and get inside their marketing funnels and study every word and how they do it.

I just gave you a $10,000 “secret” tip. Smile!

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Marketing copy is a constant chess match to use words in order to keep your reader…

Reading – YOUR ad.

You will get the best results with headlines that tell the reader the MAIN benefit they will receive by buying your stuff. The main benefit that your product will give them should be the focus of your headline. Use headlines that also involve their IMAGINATION – STRETCH the truth a bit and use STORIES & word pictures to engage them. Read my headlines above. Read any of my emails and pdf’s.

The reason this is the most important job of your headline is because, frankly, your reader does NOT care about ANYTHING else at this point. NOTHING matters more than learning, right here and right now, why I should care about learning even one more thing about your stuff… WIFFM (What’s In It For Me?).

So, you need to do some homework here and think about what the MAIN benefit of your stuff is to your prospect. Have that figured out before you continue, as it’s the most important part. If you can’t figure it out quickly, then make a list and prioritize all the various benefits of your product and then narrow it down to THE most valuable one to your prospect.

Headlines should be CONCISE (short) and to the point.

Do NOT kill your response rates by writing long sentences that your 8th grade English teacher would be proud of… this is MARKETING and it’s a totally different world here.

Here’s another tip that will help you understand how to improve your Headline writing skills: Think of the headline as nothing but an AD that sells the rest of your ad… meaning, that the job of your headline is to persuade your reader to keep reading, so it HAS to be punchy, benefit focused and compelling.

Remember that in marketing, in our niche of home based business marekting, your prospects are always only focused on how unhappy they are, their money problems, how they hate their cubicle, and they envy the freedom warriors they see online who are free and getting paid to work for a LOVING and not just a living.

They are also focused on how to make money, how to save time or how to market better themselves. You should only be focused on linking your own “stuff” into these “angles” so that your copy will pull better response.

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Discover Ways To Create Unique Headlines

It’s important to remember that most readers tend to be skeptical, even suspicious of information when its provided by a company, marketer or salesperson. However, we welcome and seek out advice from qualified persons who have our best interests at heart. BIG TIP: By using the site to review titles, headlines and descriptions of books in your niche, you can collect hundreds of ideas to use in your copy.

We typically seek out and also welcome advice from someone who has solved a problem that we’re struggling with. When writing copy we need to put on a friendly or highly qualified face on our copy. Avoid the non-human robotic drill.

Speak to your audience. Talk to your reader as though they were right in front of you. Instead of talking about how “we” do something or how things happen to us, talk to the reader about his/her life … his/her future … and most importantly, his/her feelings.

Use the word “YOU” as often as you can without overdoing it. Your prospect doesn't really care about you, your business, your product or anything else you have to offer. Your prospect is interested in themselves. Be as authentic as possible. Write as if you're speaking to your reader one-on-one.

It’s All Personal!

Be personal when you are writing.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself talking to a friend.

How would you begin the conversation?

What would you say? What would your friend say? What would you say back to your friend? Obviously, you wouldn't want to refer to yourself in the plural, rather you want to speak as though you are engaged in the conversation.

Instead of saying, Here at such and such we believe in helping all…. say something like, Here, let me help you…

Identify with your prospect.

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Tell the reader what you have in common. Let him/her know that you empathize with him/her.

You have been in the same situation.

Reveal non‐fatal weaknesses or a petty frustration that you and the reader might share.

Anything that puts you at the same level of the reader’s will endear him/her to you and engender trust between the two of you.

Is there an Enemy? If so, put a face on that enemy. Why has the reader failed to solve this problem or fulfill this desire? Were all the other products he or she has tried been ineffective? Were the “experts” who gave him advice wrong? Is someone intentionally using or confusing him?

This is an extremely rich emotional vein – so mine it! Instead of going on and on about how distrustful “gurus” are, personalize it. Talk about how greedy and selfish they are and how they use their knowledge of marketing to do this or that to the reader. Or about how callous “gurus” trick people into buying costly and dangerous things that often don’t work.

Prove every point you make and use "story-telling" as a way to make your knowledge and experience personal to your reader. "You've been there and you're trying to help!" Retell your experiences in quick stories. Its never a good idea to ask your reader to accept any claim at face value. Always include proof elements that postpone or suspend his/her disbelief with every claim.

What Tone Should I Write In? What Style Should I Use?

Never fear an occasional obvious overstatement. Even in everyday speech we overstate the obvious…and sometimes less obvious.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you exaggerate what your product does, but often using an obvious overstatement or over‐the‐top phrase allows you to demonstrate how intensely you feel about a particular point. It also brings the reader in, or attracts them to the information.

One way to really grab a reader’s attention is to write something like…

“Some lawyers are so greedy, they’ll gladly run down your car or chase you through the hospital – just to get to your wallet or the insurance companies profits!”

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Is it true? Who knows? Some might even say it is! Would this actually really happen? Most of us know lawyers as ambulance chasers, or other expletive phrases, but we also hear how greedy lawyers are, and how they will nickel and dime you to death or make sure that no matter what happens in the case, they get their money first.

How many of us have ever had to deal with a lawyer? Was it cheap? Its doubtful that you can ever get any information or service from a lawyer for less than an arm or a leg. And, if you have been the one with a case, did the check that was written by the insurance company actually end up in your pocket or in the pocket of the law firm? Writing your copy with an occasional overstatement will get every one of your readers emotionally involved and on your side.

Use your target prospect’s language. Speak to them as they are used to being spoken to. This alone helps you in “warming up” your reader and building a bit of trust and rapport. Your reader will fee that your “know them” because you’re speaking “to them” with your choice of words. This is a big “secret” that marketers often overlook.

Not all jargon is bad! If you have done any reading at all in regards to writing, you may have heard many of the copywriting guru's tell you to avoid using technical terms and industry jargon altogether. That's a bunch of baloney! Many times the selective use of jargon comes in handy when writing for a specific audience. such as…

When the jargon’s meaning is familiar to the reader – especially investors

and medical patients, and even online marketers. By using jargon, you are respecting the prospect’s intelligence by speaking a language he understands and is comfortable with.

When the jargon is being spoken – in moderation – by an expert, it

demonstrates the expert’s, expertise or authority in their field. We expect people in highly educated professions to be proficient in the use of their particular jargon and terminology.

Figures of speech are wonderful!

Many copywriters or any writer for that matter, will tell you to avoid clichés, sayings, analogies, aphorisms, proverbs, adages and the list goes on. But why? In our everyday face‐to‐face conversations we use these figures of speech all the time. If you were speaking face‐to‐face with your prospect wouldn’t you hear tons of these figures of speech?

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Using these sayings instantly says, hey…I'm for real…when you hear these figures of speech whether in person or online, don't you instantly say, “Hey – this person is for real…he's just like me! Figures of speech usually get us to smile... and if it makes us smile, doesn't it make sense that your prospect will be smiling too?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good figure of speech should be worth at least one hundred.

Experiment a little…

"If a figure of speech helps you communicate faster or drive a point home harder – and if you’re absolutely sure that its meaning will be instantly grasped by your prospect – use it!"

Of course, you don't want to write copy that’s just one cliché after another. On the other hand, choosing the right spots to communicate quickly with an idiom could turn out to be your bread and butter.

Do you know what 75 of the most Powerful words in the English language are?

Take a guess before you roll down the list.

Use these when creating headlines, subheads, and all throughout your copy:

Amazing, Astonishing, Astounding, Announcing, Appalling, At Last, Bargain, Bonus, Breakthrough, Charter, Comfortable, Discount, Discover, Discovery, Easy, Effortless, Exclusive, Fearless, First Time Ever, Forever, Free, Gift, Guaranteed, How to…, How I …, Hurry, Immediate, Improved, Inevitable, Instantly, Intense, Introducing, It’s here, Just Arrived, Last Chance, Limited, Locked‐In, Miracle, Money, Never Before, Nothing To Lose, New, Now, Opportunity, Painless, Premium, Prestigious, Priority, Promise, Proven, Quick, Revolutionary, Right Away, Rush, Sale, Save, Savings, Scandalous, Secret, Send No Money, Sensation, Simple, Special, Shocking, Steal, Surprising, The Truth About…, Today, Unique, Valuable, Why, Win, Windfall, Yes, And of course, the all‐time award‐winner…YOU!

Some words and phrases are weak. “Can” ‐‐‐ “could”… “should” … “might” … “may” … “ought to” … “seeks to” … “has the potential to” … “In my opinion” … these weak words should be banned from your content and copy.

Tell your prospect what your product will do.

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How do you grab your prospect’s attention in every paragraph?

Use connecting words at the beginning. Communicating your point is a very important part of writing each paragraph, but, it should also make you a sale. It should “sell” the prospect on the idea of reading the next paragraph.

Using connecting words at the beginning paragraphs is a simple way to keep the momentum of your copy moving:

“And” … “Plus” … “But” … “Furthermore” … “Moreover” … “What’s more” … “And there’s more:” … and “Even worse”.

A good rule of thumb is to keep words like, “but”, out of your copy if you can. Keep those kinds of negatives out and use positives such as "And".

What is a contraction?

It's a way of shortening words to keep the momentum going.

Unless it makes more sense I use contractions. When we talk, don't we use the shortened version? Unless, of course, it makes more sense or conveys the real meaning. If it's really important to get the message to my prospect, I'll ad emphasis to it with an underline, italics, or capitalization.

Be specific when conveying your message. Every time you generalize in your text, you are creating a reason for your prospect to leave. Instead of saying "you'll save money" tell your prospect exactly how much money he'll save.

Consider using questions when they fit with your overall idea. Sometimes, asking a question makes a statement. Sometimes a hypothetical can make for a powerful statement. If used properly, questions can often be used to demonstrate that you already know and empathize with the answer. They can also be a great way to demonstrate how horrifying the alternative can be.

If you are in doubt about whether you should keep something or cut it out, more often then not, I’d recommend to cut it out. Sometimes we get carried away in our writing and when its time to go back and make revisions, we find that our real message got lost clear down in the middle of the paragraph or middle of the page.

Cutting out what doesn't really need to be said, or things that have been repeated several times will enable your reader to get to the meat of the page and will help you convert more sales and leads.

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Break All the rules! Just because a particular technique or idea isn't popular, doesn't mean you can't use it. Be creative and daring. Just because it hasn't been done or isn't highly regarded, doesn't mean that you shouldn't try it and see if it works or not.

Copywriting is all about attraction. You are creating copy that will attract your niche specific prospect. You are going to know better than anyone else, what your goals are and how you intend on accomplishing them. Benefit from others mistakes, but don't be afraid to make some of your own every once in a while.

Here are some examples of headlines that work very well in the “make money from home” niche

Dead Downlines Don’t Lie!

Isn’t it about time you got paid?

“Exactly What We Need In These Tough Economic Times!”

“Hard Work is an Excuse People

Use Who Are Too Lazy To Think Harder”

“The Average Guy Doesn’t Have a Working

Model of Prosperity. He Only Has a Model of Work Itself and That’s A Date With “Honey, we’re Broke!”

“Give Yourself Permission To Change. If Not,

Your Yesterdays will Keep Hopping into Your Tomorrows”

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“When You Flip Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly Freedom, I’d Say

You’re onto Something!”

“If You Want To Bust & Hump and Work Your Whole Life, That’s Your Business…

If You Don’t, That’s My Business!”

The reason these ads work well is because the desire for making money is UNIVERSAL. Who doesn’t really have an interest or curiosity about making more money in a simpler, easier way? What you’re telling the reader here is that they can make money in a simple way, and that your site will tell them more about it.

You want to make sure to use your TARGET KEYWORDS in the headline of your ad. This way your ad and copy will get more exposure for that keyword as the search engine “spiders” crawl your site and index its content. This is help your chances of getting your content to come up when someone is actively searching for your keywords on the search engines.

This is critically important because this way your content is fully leveraged to help you attract targeted people 24 hours a day. What you want is an ARMY of keyword focused copy, content and ads out on the internet, in articles, blog posts, video descriptions, press releases, and offline in post cards, and direct mail pieces so you get the full benefit of the psychological aspect, as well as the search engine exposure benefit of learning to always focus on target keywords in your content.

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Here are some more Tips to help you focus on the most important aspects in your copy:

1. Give people the chance to change their life. People seek a path to change out of their boring, broken mediocrity – offer it to them. Making money, and saving time are two of the top motivators in our niche.

2. Use your MAIN BENEFIT as your MAIN KEYWORD in your headline.

3. Use short, concise phrases, not a long complete sentence in your headline.

STEP FOUR – The Body Of Your Ad

The body of your ad is the main place to sell the reason for your reader to click through the next step. The way to do this is to use short, compelling, active benefit statements. The types of statements that make the reader want to click now to get to that additional information.

Here again, it’s important to remember that the copy is selling the click and NOT the product. Here are some tips to help your imagination when it comes to writing your ad copy. Answer these questions in your ad and watch your responses climb.

1. How will your product help me get more accomplished?

2. How will your product make me money?

3. How will your product help me save time?

4. How will your product help me feel better?

5. What are the top three reasons I should order your product right now?

The best way to write the body of your short ads is to use all those cool benefits you couldn’t make fit in the headline. Go back to your list of benefits! And remember, when writing copy for ads, grammar is not as important as effect.

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Short copy is a good thing here. The shorter your copy, the better. One of the main mistakes people make here is that they start singing and talking way too much about the features of their stuff. Be sure to focus on the BENEFITS and not the features.

The difference between a feature and a benefit is simple. A feature is what something DOES… and a benefit is what the feature does FOR ME. Here are a few examples to show you how using the benefits of saving time or making money.

1. Your business opportunity can help people make more money but what will

they do with that money? Feel free from money worries? Take a vacation and relax? Buy a new car and impress their friends? Pay for their children’s college education and empower them to do more with their life? These are what benefits are.

2. Auto‐responders send email but it’s saving time that people like best. What will they do with that time saved? Spend more time with family? Time for themselves? Be able to visit their loved ones more often? Take that long awaited trip? These are what they will buy. These are benefits.

Remember also that you want to keep your copy short, so you’ll have to pay close attention to trimming down your lines and only using power words to convey your point. Keep nice and short and to the point at all times.

STEP FIVE – Writing Your Call To Action!

In this portion of your ad or copy you write your short final reason for them to want to click through and get the next part of your process. This MUST be direct.

Here are some helpful tips when writing your call to action phrases:

Use clear, and concise language and avoid any gimmicks here. DO NOT BEAT AROUND THE BUSH. If you want your prospect to click here to find out more, then say exactly that. And don’t waste any words here… don’t “talk yourself out of a sale.”

The great part of this step is that you really don’t need any gimmicks to pull well here. If you did your job correctly with choosing your main benefit and keyword phrase and if you wrote a EYE GRABBING, ATTENTION FREEZING headline and focused on benefits in your body copy, then the call to action is the easiest and foregone conclusion… just tell them to click here for “x” and be done with it!

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How To Use Qualifiers Effectively

The goal here is to qualify the prospect before they click on your link so you’re only attracting the most targeted and interested traffic. You only are interested in people who are serious about buying your stuff. You don’t need any more tirekickers coming through to completely waste your time with thousands of “canned” questions they bug everybody else with and never do anything.

Marketers have use qualifiers for decades to make sure that the people that are coming to them from their ads and copy actually have the need, and money to buy whatever they are selling.

What sort of things can you use as your qualifiers?

Price. Letting your prospect what your price is can be a bold move, but you will know that people who click are more serious leads since the price issue is out of the way and they still came through the click. To qualify based on price you could use these techniques:

* Only $47 * Less than a cup of coffee a day! * Now at 2002 prices * Less than cheap pizza and a can of beer!

Here are some other qualifiers with one phrase each that you can use in your copy or as imagination lifters to help you come up with your own:

* Scarcity – Only 55 available at this discounted price! * Seriousness – Serious inquiries only please. * Region – Available only in Canada and US * Gender – For men only! * Age – Only seniors need apply * Use of product – For MLM Lovers ONLY!

And as you can see… this list can be endless. I suggest you take some time to create your own qualifier’s list and keep it handy.

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In Summary

We’ve covered the main areas of effective copywriting that can help you write ads that pull better results. What follows is a summary break down of the important aspects for you to focus on and you can begin to apply these techniques in your own short ad copy to boost results from any type of advertising or persuasive writing projects.

1. Know Your Target Prospect.

Know their frustrations. Know what keeps them up at night. Know what they’re really looking for as it pertains to your business. Know how they speak and what words they like to use. Find out their emotional hot buttons and make a list of them to use in your copy.

The more you know about your targeted prospects and what makes them tick… what they’re really looking for… the more responsive your copy will be.

2. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords.

The are critical to your success. Not only will you learn exactly what your prospects are actively seeking, but using them strategically in your copy around the Internet will also gain you more exposure and search engine traffic.

3. A Powerfully Compelling, Attraction Grabbing Headline!

THE MOST critical piece in all your copywriting is your headline. It sets the stage. It grabs your reader’s attention and draws them in. It should 100% focused on A MAIN BENEFIT that your “stuff” will bring them. Make it exciting but not too hypey or unbelievable, but DO NOT MAKE IT BORING!

4. The BODY Of Your Ad

Speak to your prospect in their own voice. Use words and phrases that they can relate with. Focus more on TWO THINGS:

a.) Building a relationship (rapport & trust) by relating with your reader.

b.) Focus on BENEFITS. What is your “stuff” going to DO for them? How is it going to save them time? How will it make them money? Provide bullet points and lists and make it easy to skim. Use short, concise, and persuasive phrases. Stick to your point. Make your point. Move on to the next step.

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5. Call To Action This should be the easiest part of your ad. Be assertive. Don’t beat around the bush. If you did a good job with Steps 1‐4 above, then a simple “click here” or “claim you…” or “instantly download your…” “grab your newsletter by…”

Be direct and tell them EXACTLY what they should do next.


It’s my sincere hope that this information will prove very helpful in your business. It would be awesome to hear back from you and learn how any little nuggets from this simple ebook helped you increase your confidence, produce some smoking ads that produce leads and generate sales for your business.

While copywriting is absolutely one of the most important aspects of any home based business, there ARE other critical tactics and skill sets that will help you take your business to the next level.

Social Media Marketing, Content Syndication, Traffic Generation

Blog Marketing For Traffic and Search Engine Optimization

Offline Marketing with Post Card Campaigns

Direct Mailing with Laser Targeted Lists and Offers

And the list goes on and on…

To learn more about these and many other important strategies that can increase the reach and results of your business, visit my site and get on our free training calls and webinars/videos. You also receive a steady flow of training videos:

Sincerely, Franco Gonzalez

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The Mystery Behind Genius Level Marketing

The “Funnel” Separates The Owners From The Employees


A Simple Formula For Earning More Buffalo, Building A Fan Base of 1,000s and How a Little Tired Door­To­Door Salesman Declared War On His Own Mediocrity and Built His Own Bank of Franco!

Franco “Simple Freedom” Gonzalez

“Your 9-5 Job Bail Out Plan”

The Amazing Story of an ex­Military Door-to-Door Condo Salesman Who Flipped the Script on the Rich and Used Their Very Own “System” to Escape into Freedom and Start his Own Online Cash Flow Pipeline!

God Did Not

Invent Poverty

Poverty and struggle are man made. People decide to TOLERATE lack and they decide to put their futures into the hands of other people. Man decided this, not God. One way to instantly stand out in the crowd is to be dedicated and focused on something. ANYTHING.

Once you begin to be charged with will power and focus,

you automatically scoot ahead of everyone who is sliding by through chance, instead of will power.

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The Naïve Sell.

The Masters Market.

Grace vs. Push

We all know what a pushy salesman is but not everyone can explain what the opposite of that is. What is marketing (?) and is there a way to “sell” without being a salesman and is there a way to make money selling things without trying to convince someone of anything? Thank you for asking. Yes and yes. There is!

What is Marketing?

Good marketing is easy to explain. Great marketing is ** not ** selling. Great marketing prepares the prospect and potential customer to buy and, even better than that, better marketing gives the prospect reason after reason to sell themselves.

Life Pays what You Ask Of It

“I bargained with life for a penny and life

would pay no more, however, I begged at evening when I counted my scanty store; For life is a just

employer he gives you what you ask but, once you have set the wages why, you must bear the task;

I worked for a menial’s hire only to learn dismayed that any wage I had asked of life, life would have willingly paid.”

Jesse Rittenhouse / Pg. 40 – “Think and Grow Rich”

Franco Gonzalez c: 760‐271‐2810

Training Center:

To order the powerful book SIMPLE FREEDOM, simply ask me for it on facebook.

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Writing Copy For The Web is Totally Different!

One of the most important reasons why copywriting for the web is different is that the mindset of those who are going to be reading your copy is different.

More often than not, most web pages will be found via search engines. This is very important, as it means that the person reading your site has been looking either for you or someone like you. So that puts them in control. This is because they will be focused on finding a particular product, service or piece of information.

So anyone visiting your site for the first time that has found it through a search engine query will have a few questions to answer.

Have I come to the right place?

Will I find what I’m looking for at this site?

Do I feel able that I can complete the task at this point?

What is important here is that you answer these questions in both your headline, and in any sub‐headlines you may have prepared. Your copy needs to provide answers so that the visitor knows exactly what they are looking for

What is critical when writing copy or ads for the Internet is that you reassure any visitor or prospect that they are in the right place, and that they should continue to read on.

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What are some reasons why your readers are important to you? If you fail to plan, then you are likely to fail in your business. This is also true of effective copywriting. If you really want to achieve your goals, it’s important to gather all the facts and have your full campaign ironed out and clear.

First, you should anticipate your reader’s objections. Normally, there are four main objections that a prospect will have that you will need to overcome:

1. What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)

2. What I am I doing here?

3. How do I benefit from buying your stuff?

4. What do I do next?

If your copy can not provide a fast answer to these questions, your campaign or copy will fail to generate leads or sales. It’s important that the answers to these questions should be direct and obvious to all your readers.

It’s also important to remember that half your readers will not try to bother with working things out for themselves. They are NOT in the mood to “figure it out” or “think” about anything. They expect ALL THE ANSWERS to be there.

This is why focusing on ONLY attracting your target prospect and your core audience is so critical. Remember that you will not be able to reach everyone, and that is ok… so make sure that your copy is created to address only the concerns and needs of your target prospect. NOBODY ELSE MATTERS. Spend time explaining what your stuff can do for them in particular. If you want to make it more effective, then do not use words, which would only be looked at by people you do not need.

On the other hand, if you’re targeting more than one type of visitor to your copy, then make sure that you can direct them to different links or pages where their specific concerns can be addressed. What you should remember is that a visitor will go somewhere else if they do not feel your site has something of value to offer them in particular.

So when providing them with facts, let the facts speak for themselves. It’s important that you make your descriptions compelling, although don’t over do it. Many prospects will skip a site if they feel it is too full of hype (just know that if your site is too boring, it won’t pull sales. Even people that complain about hype are ONLY sold by some type of motivating copy).

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LOCK IN Success By Planning Ahead!

It’s vital that during the planning stage of your copywriting for the Internet, you understand what it is, exactly, that you hope to accomplish.

You have already determined that you need to increase direct sales, build a subscriber base, circulate information, as well as provide technical support. But in order to do this, you have to make sure that your copy can help you to achieve these goals.

Decide who your ideal prospect is and just what it is that they really want. Then find and create words that will bring these people to your ad or site. Remember that without a detailed plan, it’ll be impossible to know who you’re targeting and that leads to a complete lack of knowing what your conversions will be like. Without a target, you’re likely to miss out on those people who are willing and eager to pay for your help and expertise.

So when planning your copy, it’s important to remember that your target audience is normally smarter and more knowledgeable than the typical visitor to a site.

Now that you have started planning, you need to start looking at who to target.

Targeting is a method used to figure out which customers might have any problems that could be solved by buying your stuff. It’s very important that you become an expert in relation to every single benefit that your product offers. Then, once you are able to determine who exactly it is that you need to target, you can begin to search them out.

So start building a list of those people who will benefit from your products, services and business opportunities. Once you know who they are, then begin by repeatedly using strong web copy, and the most magnetic of the benefits your product can offer as bait to attract them to you.

With your target prospect identified, you can now develop a strategy for writing your copy. In order to do this properly, the best way is to the following:

1. Write about what exactly the customer wants.

2. Use a tone or language that is familiar to them. How your writing “sounds” to your target prospect is important in quickly building rapport and trust.

3. Present your offer and product to them in a way that is easy to understand and very compelling. Focus on benefits. What your product will ultimately do for your prospect.

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How To Crank Out More Compelling Copy

Finding effective keywords and key phrases leads to copy that draws in targeted traffic. Search engines are the most important tool on the web for bringing new customers to a site. Many people how have never heard of your site will use a search engine to find what they are looking for, at your site or at someone else’s. But unfortunately, a search engine is not psychic and not very intuitive either. They will not be able to find what people are actually looking for but rather what they are asking for.

But just how do you know what people are looking for? There are a number of different ways in which you can get ahead of the competition in relation to people’s search habits. The easiest and best one I've used is free inside of a Google Adwords account and is called the Keyword Planer.

You can use it to analyze and find great keywords and keyword phrases and put together lists of keywords that get traffic and are low in competition so you can craft copy focused on those keywords and get more exposure from the search engines which leads to more targeted traffic getting to your site. This tool also makes recommendations of similar key phrases, and you are then able to test them against the most important search engines and directories on the web.

What it then does is tell you just how many people are searching for a specific phrase, and how much competition there is from other sites. You use this information to craft content designed to both compel action from your prospects AND get exposure from the search engines to attract even more traffic.

So by using the phrases that attract the most interest, but the least competition, in your copy and in your headlines, and page titles, you’ll make your sites and content more receptive to the search engines and directories. So when it comes time for people who are looking for a particular product or service, then your content can be one of the first they see in the search results.

The best time to do any keyword or key phrase searches and analysis is when right at the beginning of your copy work. This way you sit down to write copy based on content designed to compel, but also to attract even more traffic.

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Learn How To Keep Your Copy Short and Sweet

You’re looking to keep your readers coming to your blog, or site or to stick around to read your complete email ads etc. There are some important tips you should consider to help you do this more effectively.

Keep your copy short and simple

Unless a reader has been directed to a specific page on a site, they will only read 1 or 2 lines of the text before leaving. The longer your text is, the less likely they will be to read all the content. So, stay away from writing really long copy. Be as concise as your need to be to get your point across.

Keep your copy simple. This matters as much as how long it is. Your readers should be able to understand what has been written on their first reading. They do not want to have to spend time thinking about what you have written.

You should be able to convey one key idea effectively in just one or two lines of writing. By writing any more than that, you are likely to ruin the chance of the first idea you are providing to get through to them.

By anticipating that your visitors will be willing to learn more about something, they will look for the page that has more copy on it. Provide them with a link to more content where they can get more information.

What if you do need to write long copy?

If you do need to include some longer copy, then organize it. Even if you readers are expecting to find a page heavy with text, they may not actually be willing to read it. So in order to help them, divide any distinct ideas you have into separate paragraphs. Provide them with useful headings, sub‐headings and bulleted lists. This is a great way of introducing key ideas to them deliberately.

It’s best to assume that not all readers to your content will read longer pieces of copy completely. So write copy that they will be able to skim through and that lets them read only the parts that they are interested in.

Although longer copy does not need to be as direct as short copy, it should still be easy to read. You’ll find that those readers who have difficulty understanding copy, will tune out and stop reading all together and leave your sites, blogs and ads without taking decisive action to do what you intended them to do.

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Make Your Copy EXCITING!

There’s nothing worse than BORING information! Keep your copywriting clear and compelling. You should generally be aiming to write in a light, conversational tone, like it was just you and me here having this discussion over a cup of coffee. If what you’ve written is boring or overbearing, your reader will leave and your content will have failed. So use a consistent “voice” throughout your content. By doing this, your prospects will more quickly warm up to your content and gain a level of trust in you. The more familiar they are with your message and the more than feel comfortable with your copy and find that it resonates with them, the quicker you’ll build a level of trust and have your copy persuade them to take the next expected step.

Don’t Get Lazy or Sloppy With Your Copy

It’s very easy to get sloppy with your copywriting. You can become inconsistent with your style or words. It’s important to go through your copy regularly and make sure that the words you’re using are used consistently. Also, be sure that they are clearly communicating what you’re trying to express to those who are reading your content.

Avoid using too many capital letters and exclamation marks in your work. That looks like desperate hype and repels people from your copy. But do feel free to use bold text and color in order to highlight any important points you want to convey.

How To Create Headlines That Instantly Grab

Your Reader’s Attention

According to experts, just changing the headline of an ad or sales letter has been known to dramatically improve the effectiveness of an ad or sales letter by up to 1700 percent! Yes, headlines are that powerful‐‐and that important!

An effective headline will do many things at once. It’ll attract the reader’s attention, convey benefits by appealing to the reader’s self‐interest and it will prepare your reader for the rest of your content. It will also target the audience for which it was intended.

But the number one thing a headline should always do is answer the question, "What's in it for me?"


Because that's all most of us really care about.

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So what are the characteristics of a good headline? First and foremost, an effective headline must be believable. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

However, if your product really can make me: , attract as many women as I want, or make me millions while I sleep; if you put it in your headline, you had better be able to effectively prove it in your copy.

Many experts believe the shorter the headline, the better. I don't necessarily agree with that. However, keeping your headlines to fifteen words or less is probably a good idea. Make sure your headlines are easy to read. When typesetting your headlines don't use fancy fonts, reverse type, all caps or italics. I recommend you utilize a simple, easy to read type style such as Times Roman. You can see an example of this on my website.

Headlines that evoke some type of emotional response are the most effective and generally make more sales. Emotions motivate people into action. The stronger the emotion, the quicker the action. Therefore, headlines that make the reader afraid of losing something or excited about gaining something will invariably produce the best results.

Using the proper words and phrases is critical. Below I've listed just a few of the words and phrases that, over the years, have proven to be very effective at grabbing the readers attention:

Save... Amazing... Finally... Love... Secrets Of... Announcing... Free... Luxury... Security... At Last... New... Bargains... Obsession... Breakthrough... Protect... The Truth About... Discover... How To... Rewards... Yes... Sale... You... Are You... Sex... Win... Improve... Do You...

After grabbing your readers attention, this is where you want to answer the question, "What's in it for me?" To do this, you have to know a little about your target audience. What are they interested in? What are their priorities? What makes them respond?

Craft your headlines to use words and phrases that will pique your potential buyers interest. If you are targeting people interested in starting their own home business, try phrases such as "Stay Home And Make Money" or "Kiss Your Job Goodbye Forever".

If your product happens to be diet pills, try "Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days". A word of caution here. This is the point where headlines tend to get unbelievable. Make sure that your claims are truthful and that your copy supports their truthfulness.

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Once you have a firm grasp of the aforementioned basics, look around your house and select several different products, and write as many headlines as you can think of for each product.

Write variations of the same headline until you have exhausted all the ideas you can think of. This will be both frustrating and difficult at first, but it will become easier with practice. Remember, nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.

After you have your list of headlines, make sure each one passes the test for the following criteria for a good headline. 1. Does it grab the readers attention? 2. Does it answer the question, "What's in it for me?" 3. Is it truthful? If a potential headline does not meet these three criteria, rewrite it or eliminate it from your list altogether.

Continue using the process of elimination, one headline at a time, until you're left with what you feel are the three best and strongest headlines, based on the criteria presented in this article.

How will you know which headline is the best overall? Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure until you test them against each other. The headline that pulls the most sales or responses is your winner!

Four Power Tips For Advertising Your Home Business Writing sales copy is something that every business must do in order to survive in their market. With the current use of email and websites, the original direct mail way of sending sales letters has dwindled down. But whether you send your sales letter via email or hard copy, certain copywriting tips need to be adhered to in order to have a persuasive sales letter that will produce some massive profits. Listed below are a few important copywriting tips that will ensure that you increase your sales conversions.

The first tip is to determine what market you are advertising to in order to decide on the content of the sales letter. Your sales letter foremost job is to sell a product to a particular target audience. That’s why you must know your audience well, before you come up with the content. Your sales content must connect with your audience. If the letter is flawlessly written, but lacks the basic essential details that your target market is looking for, then your sales letter is of no use and you can throw it in the garbage.

The second copywriting tip involves the language of the sales letter. The language of your sales letter should be formal, but at the same time, not too formal and not too harsh. Your sales letter must appear conversational at the same time, including words that are driving and convincing. These words are known as power words and they are designed to pull a certain emotional response out of the reader.

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The third copywriting tip is to let the reader or client think that you are an expert and that you know exactly what his or her problem is and how he or she can solve it. In other words, you must convince them that you really know them and the market. Therefore, use the language and jargon of the target market in your sales letter in order to stimulate a good response. This is one of the most important copywriting tips because it causes the readers confidence in your products and service to really develop.

The fourth and final copywriting tip deals with the way you present your sales letter and how you stick out. The sales letter or sales copy that you write should be completely unique and different than other sales letters in your target market. This is what would make your business separate from the others.

The reader of your sales copy should not feel as if this sales letter is like twenty to thirty other letters lying on his kitchen table. If you are advertising via the web, you can add an extra component like a video or audio recording in order to make your sales copy stick out. This is one of a few copywriting tips that can boost your conversions significantly.

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Use This Collection of Short Home Business Ads as Templates to Create Your Own Profit Pulling

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Your Name Here =====================================================

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Your Name Here


3. How many $200 Cash & Check payments do you want this week? This program has changed many lives, not a month from now...

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Starting today and tomorrow! Will $4,200 This Week Make a Difference To You? Wait Until You Start Getting $200 Multiple Times Per Day! Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

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Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

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Your Name Here P.S. I'm going to show you a system that has changed my life! Your going to love how easy this is, and I'm going to walk you through it. If you haven't made money in the past, you better fasten your seat belt!


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Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

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pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system! Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

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Get $200 Checks for 5 Minutes Work, that's what I do every single day. I put my income on auto-pilot. Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at: Your Name Here

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======================================================= 7. Leverage One Time $200 into Freedom Visit: If you knew there was a new system in place to allow you to spend 30 - 60 minutes per day to average $4,200 every week or more, would you want a piece of the action?

If you're serious and have at least $200, I can show you exactly how to make $4,200+ every week. I have it all down to an exact science.

To find out how to have $200 checks deposited into your bank account, visit the website below, and you'll be only one step away from learning my system.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

You're not going to believe how simple this actually is once I show it to you. To Your Success,

Your Name Here Your Phone Number here


Page 38: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

8. Beat Up Truck Driver Builds Own Bank!

And you can too if you can follow simple instructions:

1: Follow 3 simple steps

2: Be consistent 3: Care about others' results

No wilting mental minnows allowed. Be real.

Info at


9. Scared of Success? Let me scare you to death...


More time? Less stress? More money? Better future retirement? Living debt free?


You're NOT alone! Most of us have been in this position.

************ There's GOOD News for YOU! ***********


*You've stumbled across THE VERY SITE that can make a true difference in your life

*ordinary people are making thousands every week!


*you get details on exactly what to do

*no pressure, selling, explaining, hype or stress

*simple, straight forward and FUN!

Page 39: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


Your Name Here =========================================================

10. Checks show up when you know what you’re doing...

They don't stop... Just got another one!

Do you want Envelopes Full of cash and checks on YOUR doorstep?

Who doesn't?


You too can have...


Just click on the website link below!

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

Page 40: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

11. Lazy People Make The Most Money... After they work hard and then automate the entire process.

Discover the best kept secret to creating automated wealth from home...

Simple Freedom achieved this without any selling, cold calling, or rejection.

Not MLM... No Selling... No Prospecting... No Calling...

All the details at:

To Your Success,


========================================================= 12. I knew it... another company's just a bunch of smoke & mirrors

In a 'Smoke & Mirrors' Industry Full of Bloated Promises, Weak Offers, Rehashed Crap, And a Whole Lotta Garbage...

It's Getting Harder Than Ever to Distinguish the Good From Bad...

We reveal the exact System that continues to pump cash every month into our bank account where we can access it from any ATM around the world.

All the details at:

To your success, YOUR NAME


Page 41: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


13. Unfortunate News. Sorry to share...

As millions of people search to find a way to create serious cash-flow from home...

Many will be ripped off by scams, ponzi and get-rich-quick schemes, and hype.

Fed up with all the BS, hype, gimmicks and scams?

Want an HONEST and GENUINE home-based program where you can start making $4,200+ Weekly starting Today?

Everything you need to know is here:

To Your Success,


========================================================= 14. WANTED: ONE Freedom Soldier With Brass Balls - Is that YOU?

Fed up with all the BS, gimmicks and scams?

Here’s what “they” don’t know about why 97% Fail...

97% are scared of their own shadow and can’t focus their minds for more than a couple minutes. I’m looking for the few that can. No time to waste, there’s work to do... come on and click – waste time reading through stuff you won’t “get” anyway, and just get to the point where you CALL ME.

Nothing new under the sun man... it’s all about GUTS and FOCUS and MASTERMIND...

Click and call already so I can show you how to make some money.

To Your Success,


Page 42: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


15. Mail box money – it keeps showing up... We can set you up to start earning within a few days...


NO PHONE PROSPECTING All the details at:

To Your Success,



17. Are You Working for Peanuts?

Are you working for peanuts?

Elephants love peanuts... I don't.

We can set you up to start making $4,200+ per week with...


NO PHONE PROSPECTING Give up the Peanut Diet Here: NOT M-L-M.

No more rejection of long hours prospecting.

Check it out at: To Your Success,


Page 43: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

18. If your job and life sucks – click already. Solution inside. What Would You Do If You Had An Extra $3,000 -$5,000 A Month or More?

• Would you spend more time at home with your kids and loved ones and less time on the road?

• Would you pay off your bills and live a debt free life? Or take that vacation you've been dreaming of?

• Would you buy a new car, home, investment property, or pay for college expenses?

• Would you launch that special project which makes a difference in the world?

You Deserve Abundance and Prosperity

I invite you to check out my new money making system that's fun and easy.

You can quickly raise funds right from your own home.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!


Page 44: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

========================================================= 19. CLICK AND OPEN ALREADY. Time’s Wasting.

My name is YOUR NAME and I believe, in fact, I KNOW that this email and my website can CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

If you're like me, then you have no patience and no time to wait for weeks and months before seeing any significant money from an online venture.

You've done everything "they" tell you to do like:

* Spent countless hours on the phone calling prospects

* Attended worthless conference calls

* Spend advertising dollars testing ads and marketing strategies

* And on and on...

I did it all as well and I knew there had to be a better way. So, I went on a quest and I've spent hours upon hours scouring the internet for the best opportunity out there.

I don't know if this is something you qualify for, but with this automated system you'll jump for joy every time the mailman comes to your door...because he bring envelopes of CASH & CHECKS.

You can make $800+ daily just like many members on my team already do.

All the details at:

Internet experience is not necessary in order to succeed with this system. So, if you have dreams of paying off your debt, buying a new car, a new home, a new wardrobe, whatever your dreams are, this system can make those dreams a REALITY.

Learn more by going to:

Page 45: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

20. Tired of joining programs that just don't work?

Are you tired of joining programs that just don't work?

Are you still looking for a way to receive some extra cash with a home-based business that actually works?

It seems like it took us forever... but we finally found one that REALLY works online AND offline!

People on our team are making $4,000 to $7,000+ PER WEEK with this INCREDIBLE business.

All we do is advertise and collect the CA$H...

With this program there are:

* NO selling to friends and family * NO explaining or selling * NO monthly quotas to meet * NO uplines or downlines * NO convincing people to join * NO 3-way calls to advisors or sponsors * NO STRESS * NO B. S.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

Page 46: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

All we do is advertise and we'll show you the exact system we're using so that you can decide for yourself. Learn more by going to:

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 21. Here’s EXACTLY Who This Won’t Work For...

THUMBSUCKERS that are only looking for Daddy or Mommy...

Mental Midgets that are so scared they actually believe they need a “system”

People that whine so much that their own father is embarrassed...

People that truly believe they can’t open their mouths and INSPIRE...

People addicted to playing 3rd grader on facebook with the “wink” and “lol” nonsense...

We have a real business and are looking for REAL business SOLDIERS who are not scared of their own shadow. NO TIME TO LOLLY GAG AROUND, the economy is screwing good, honest people and they are looking for leaders.

BE ONE. Let’s roll.

Check out

Put on your MAN GIANT BOOTS and let’s go already... you know how this works... go to the website, waste time reading... and then do what you should have done to start with... CALL ME + SIGN UP + Let’s get to work!


Page 47: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


I want to talk to those of you if you've signed up, joined, become members of multiple types of programs like:

* M-L-M * Online programs * Ridiculous chain letters * Those "we'll do it all for you" programs * The latest and greatest "pre-launch" deal...


YOU'RE WHO I WANT TO TALK TO, because that was ALSO ME! Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

Don't wait another minute...

Check out

Wishing You Life's Best!



Page 48: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

23. ==>>CASH TALKS! Take a Serious Look<<<=== This simple system flat out works. Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

Are you ready to finally be successful?

Go see the proof and the details now.

Check out

This is the most powerful cash-flow system designed for every day working people who don't have time for hype.

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

24. ==>> WANTED: Two (2) People With Brains & Balls <<<===


Girls have “balls” too. Striking Viking Godesses Wanted.

* I have a system that makes it simple to receive $800+ per day * You get guidance and resources to get started

I'm a real person with a real system that works to

Page 49: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

create Cash and check deliveries like nothing you've ever seen!


SOLDIERS is what we’re looking for. This is about INTEGRITY and HONOR, not bo-peep mental midgets. Other programs don’t “work” because they are 99% filled with thumb suckers not SOLDIERS of PROSPERITY.

Ready to RISE? Click the damn link and let’s go.

Could you handle generating $1,000 or more every time you place a few ads here and there?

Can you follow this fool-proof, jaw-dropping, eye-popping, cash flowing, poverty busting, self-esteem lifting, no sales experience needing, immediate substantial income generating, marketing system?


Let me run it by you again.

Here's the deal...

You advertise with my proven marketing methods... ...and generate $1,000's weekly!

That's it.


I'm telling ya, it's like printing money!

And if you weren't paying attention before, STOP whatever you're doing and log on now:

Page 50: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

25. Finally, Something That Works! ==> SEE PROOF!


Are you tired of joining programs that just don't work?

Are you still looking for a way to receive some extra cash with a home-based program that actually works?

It seems like it took us forever... but we finally found one that REALLY works! Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

People on our team are receiving $4,000 to $7K+ PER WEEK with this INCREDIBLE new system.

Page 51: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

All we do is advertise and collect the CA$H... no selling, no explaining, and no hype.

With this program there are:

* NO selling to friends and family * NO explaining or selling * NO monthly quotas to meet * NO uplines or downlines * NO convincing people to join * NO 3-way calls to advisors or sponsors * NO STRESS * NO B.S.

All we do is advertise and I'll show you the exact system I'm using so that you can decide for yourself.

Check out

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

26. Law of Attraction Brings in $1,000s Weekly! See how...

Simple step-by-step system can have you receiving $1,000s weekly in cash and checks. Even daily! All you have to do is Copycat me to a T!

No hype

No bull

No M-L-M

No Selling or Convincing Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

Page 52: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See the PROOF for yourself!

Go to

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

27. It's Raining Cash & Checks ==>SEE PROOF!

How would an extra $400 to $3,000 or more per week change your life?

How about earning that much money or more per DAY?

We have people crawling over broken glass to get what we have.


Because we've made this the Simplest and Easiest program you've ever seen.

We'll take you by the hand and help you start to generate $400 - $3,000 per week, or better yet per day.

No hype

No bull

No M-L-M

No Selling or Convincing

Page 53: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See the PROOF for yourself!

Go to

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

28. Size... does... matter! YOUR BANK CALLED...

Your bank called and said that the size of your bank account does matter.

Ask anyone. Male or female.

What we've got to do is... MAKE IT BIGGER.

Sound familiar?

What if you RECEIVED $800, $2,000, or $4,000 CASH at your door TODAY?...

How would that impact your lifestyle?

Would you payoff some debts, bills, get a new car?

Take the vacation you've always wanted?

Page 54: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Take your kids or grandkids to Disneyworld? ...Go to VEGAS?

Just imagine and paint the picture of what you would do...

I'll show you how we do it.

See the PROOF for yourself!

Go to

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

29. Biz Ops Gone Wild...

There's no program that's easier than this!

No Selling - No Explaining - Not M-L-M

Fast & Easy Cash & Checks Roll in Every Day. Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

Follow me step by step. I'll show you exactly what to do.

Check out the site and then let's get started bringing in Cash to YOU.

Page 55: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Go to

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

30. How To Dump The Cubicle for PJs and Profits...

Donald Trump likes the cash to come in daily just as we do, EXCEPT that this cash comes to YOU.

Stop working for "chump change" when you've got the 'CASH COW" in your hands right now.

There's no program that's EASIER than this.

No Selling - No Explaining - Not M-L-M

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

Follow me step by step. I'll show you exactly what to do.

Check out the site and then let's get started bringing in Cash this week to YOU.

Go to

Page 56: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!



31. =>> Build Your Own Cash Register... IF YOU Copy Me! <<= Let me just quickly speculate...

...that should you decide to click that delete button, this will be ONE e-mail you'll wish you had back.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking: This is just another lame "Get rich quick" deal....

Not the case here... but it can create some quick cash: Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days. If you don't like selling, but would like cash and checks mailed to your front door, coming directly to you on a weekly, or even daily basis, you need to check this out now:


Page 57: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!



32. You Can’t Pursue What You Can’t See... Welcome to the simplest, easiest and most lucrative program available today.

I've never seen any opportunity that can generate huge sums of cash and checks in a relatively short period of time!

People have been looking for this because there's Zero Selling and you'll never have to explain, convince or do any cold-calling.

And this is NOT M-L-M or Network Marketing. Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

And the wonderful thing about this is that the Cash and checks are delivered right to your front doorstep.

Check out this site immediately to find out how and see PROOF!

Together in Abundance,



Page 58: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


I'm looking for those of you who've signed up,

joined, become members of multiple types of programs like:

* M-L-M * Online programs * Ridiculous chain letters * Those "we'll do it all for you" programs * The latest and greatest "pre-launch" deal...


YOU'RE WHO I'M LOOKING FOR, because that was ALSO ME! Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

My business is Simple & FUN. No Selling, No Hype.

Don't wait another minute...

Check out =>>> Great System + Great Support = Success for All

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

Page 59: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

34. Monkey SEE Monkey DO! Just copy what I do and you could be on track to receiving $3,000 in cash on a slow week!

If you're REALLY serious about making a change and finding something that works and...

Can follow simple instructions, then this is the perfect solution.

Check out

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

Wishing You Success!


========================================================= 35. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

Outside the box...

Your own Day Job Bailout!

I don’t know why this is working so damn good...

But it’s making a bunch of people really happy...

Page 60: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

36. Pssst!... looking for more Cash? ==> I'll let you in on a little secret...

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do know how to receive CASH & Checks right to my front door.

I'm willing to share my secrets with you.

But you've got to qualify yourself first.

See if you've got what it takes.

Check what applies...

* Got Internet access? * Got a few hours a week?

* Got a desire to be better tomorrow than you are today?

Good! Keep going...

* Can you place classifieds online? * Can you follow a simple 1-2-3 set of instructions?

* Can people send YOU cash & checks to your front door?

* Are you willing to invest in yourself?

* Are you honest, teachable and driven?

If you've answered YES to ALL of the above, then see PROOF with details by going here:

Wishing You Life's Best!

Page 61: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

YOUR NAME =========================================================

37. PO BOX Profits – I LOVE The Mail Man...

Yes, it's true...

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

Here's what you can expect...

* Cash & Checks Paid Directly to You

* No Selling...Your Automated Website Does That For You!

On-Going Support and much, much more... See PROOF...

Get over to before it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



Page 62: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

38. How to create CASH on demand... Listen up...

I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do know how to create surges of cash-flow via the Internet and direct mail.

And if you master my secrets, two things will happen:

1) You'll be able to eliminate all of your financial worries.

2) You'll increase your free time because you'll be using automated SYSTEMS vs Manual Labor.

Discover what only a select group of sharp people already know...

Get over to before it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 39. Sorry, you've been lied to...

It's an outrageous, shameless lie that INTERNET DUMMIES can't make money online!

Many are intimidated by their lack of knowledge about the internet, advertising, adwords, ppc, etc.

That leads them to think that they can’t create a six-figure income from home...

Nothing could be further from the truth!

I’m proving them wrong every week!

Get over to before it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!

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YOUR NAME =========================================================

40. I just got tired of the fear, stress and anxiety...

I cried for my kids...

I just got tired of this stupid average life!

I just got tired of the depressing job...

I just got tired of being scared... I just got tired of being my worst enemy...

I HAD to change my life before I did something really stupid... Thank GOD I opened up a stupid email – and was too tired of my life to not click the ad...

How tired are you?

YOUR SITE. =========================================================

41. Nothing Worked Until I got STUPID And Did This...

Let's get straight to the point.

In your current home-based program you:

(A) Spend countless hours on the phone calling prospects. (B) Attend numerous conference calls throughout the week. (C) Spend precious time testing ads and marketing strategies. (D) Listen to all the "hype" from other "leaders" in the company

who are supposedly following the same system that you are, but are making a lot more money! (E) All of the above

Think about this...

What if there was a way to receive cash & checks from home where you didn't have to do any of the above?

Page 64: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

* Where you didn't have to cold call prospects ...because the system attracts them to you.

* Where you didn't have to attend conference calls ...because the system doesn't waste your time with them.

* Where you didn't have to figure out how to write, test, and place ads... because it's provided FOR YOU.

* Where everyone in the program really does follow the same system ...because the program provides an EQUAL opportunity for everyone.

Think that kind of opportunity doesn't exist?... It does… Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 42. Pigs Don’t Know Pigs Stink...

Today Could Be Your Day Of Amazing Good Fortune!

No M-L-M. No Chasing family and friends around.

This system works no matter who you are.

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Make $400, $800 or $2,000 a day and much more. Great support! It's like copy and paste or follow the leader.

Stop Stressing - Start living!

See PROOF Get over to before it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



43. Why Don't You Just Quit! Give Up! You're Beaten!

DO NOT READ This Unless You've Tried Everything Else & Failed...

If you're reading this then you already know that

over 90% of Online Make-Money Programs & Systems are full of BS.


I know, because I've spent well over $10,000 of my hard earned money and found out the painful way, as I'm sure you have as well.

However, looking back now, I wouldn't change a thing!

If I hadn't kept searching and spending, I would never have found .

This powerful program continues to net people on our team $400 - $3,000+ a day working 1-2 hours with No Explaining, No Selling & No Convincing.

Heck you don't even need a computer.Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Page 66: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF...

Get over to before it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 44. Broke Man Walking Creates Own Bail Out...

Does this describe you??...

Are you exhausted working 40 - 60+ HOURS per week?

Tired of climbing the corporate ladder, only to find out the ladder leads to nowhere?

No time for family?... the kids?... friends?

HOW ABOUT -- No time for YOU?

No money left at the end of the month? What happened to that vacation you promised your spouse last year?


Donald Trump likes his cash to come in daily just as we do, EXCEPT that this cash comes to

Page 67: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

YOU. Stop working for "chump change" when you've got the 'CASH COW" right in front of you now.

No Selling! No Explaining! Not M-L-M!

There's no program that's easier than this.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

Follow me step by step. I'll show you exactly what to do.

Get over to before it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 45. Super Mind and The Temple of Wealth

Hint: Can You...?

*Follow simple steps

*Be consistent

*Open a the mail

This simple business will work for anyone who puts a little effort behind it and follows the few simple steps.

Page 68: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Absolutely NO selling, NO explaining or convincing is ever needed.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

When you see how easy it can be, you won't be able to sleep tonight.

Get over to before it's too late...

I'm looking forward to helping YOU get started!

To Your Success,


46. => The Click of the Year. Don’t miss it...

Yes! Make $4,200+ a week for working an hour a day:

It's not M-L-M You do No Selling No Cold-Calling No Prospecting 97% Automated Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

Page 69: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

There's no program that's simpler than this.

Why would you do anything else?

You can... but while your struggling we'll be receiving fat CASH & Check payments!

Rush right over and check it out.

You'll be glad you did.

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 47. If You're NOT Banking at least $3,000 Per Week Online... Must See-

Ok, step 1 is complete - you opened this email...

Please know that you've stumbled across something that actually CAN make a huge change in your life.....

SO, don't delete this-

==>>Here are a few quick facts to review:

* $1000-$4,200+ weekly is very achievable * we offer proof * No selling; NO explaining & NO Convincing =>EVER! simple steps we all follow

==>>Here Are A Few REASONS Why You Should take a

Page 70: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Serious Look: * we have a system that makes it easy * you get guidance and resources to get started

We're REAL People with a Real System that works to create cash-flow like nothing you've ever seen!

Rush right over and check it out.

See the Proof now-

You'll be glad you did.

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 48. Still trying to make some Cash?


Let's get straight to the point.

Whether you're currently promoting a program or not, I assure you that if you're really trying to receive *cash* into your pocket and you're hoping the same for anyone that joins your team, then look no further.

We've stumbled onto a *cash* monster.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

Page 71: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system! Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

You'll be glad you did.

Wishing You Life's Best!


PS - WARNING: If you lose this e-mail, you'll never know what you just missed.


49. Warning! Urgent NOTICE To All Internet Marketers!


Urgent NOTICE To All Internet Marketers!

Not All Work From Home Programs Perform Like This... Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:

Page 72: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best! YOUR NAME ==========================================================

50. Never Run Out of Cash Again!

Have cash delivered to your door daily via check, paypal or however you want to receive it.

This system has been around for over 4 years and has proven to generate over $100k in cash in less than 6 months.

Generating $5k weekly is Possible.

This is a proven system.

Some of my associates have generated over $10,000 in their first MONTH using this system.

My personal best week has been over $7,000!

It works.

I'm generating a boatload of checks and paypal payments daily and I'll personally show you how to do the same.

See proof and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 51. Finally, something that works in this economy!

Finally, in this economy, an option that WORKS!

This is brilliant. And people "get it" quick.

It's so simple...

Page 73: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

It's darn near Guaranteed to work... It's the perfect price point... A teeny, tiny one time start up. Delivers a BIG PROGRAM commission and MORE leverage than any other program out there. Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

You should take a few minutes and check this out... See verifiable proof and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 52. Give Me 9 Days and I’ll TILT Your World...

What If I Could Show You How To Make $8,135 Profit In 9 Days?

A Small Group Of 'In The Know' Marketers Are Raking In Multiple $200 Commissions Daily Under The Radar.

Want To Participate In The Easiest $400, $800, or $1200 Profits Daily That You've Ever Made?

• No Downlines, Matrixes or MLMs • Earn $200 to $800+ Per Day Starting This Week • No Experience Necessary. Very Low Start Up Cost. • Beginners and Advanced Marketers Are Making Money Their First Week.

Page 74: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

• Learn Why 97% Fail In Marketing. • Powerful System Built on Ethics, Honesty, Integrity, and Value.

• Minimal Time Spent Can Bring You Full Time Income. See verifiable proof and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 53. "Will you please stop sending me money"

How often do you hear that line...

"Will you please stop sending me money"!

You won't ever hear us saying anything like that.

My TEAMMATES love getting paid daily to the tune of $200 payments over and over again.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days. See verifiable proof and all the details at:

Page 75: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

54. It happened again last night... (3) more people sent me $200!

Lemme ask you...

Is there anything better than waking up in the morning, after a restful nights sleep, to find $600 - $1,000 or more sitting in your account, that WASN'T there the night before?


It happened to me again.

I can't just seem to put a lid on this little cash machine...


See it here:

Wishing You Life's Best!



55. How to avoid becoming a victim of the "Make a $1000 a day" ads.

Lets face brutal reality for 7 seconds...

99% of the people online are NOT making anything close to $1,000 a day.

In fact, dare I say, they're losing far more than they're making!

Let's put an end to the financial hype and misery that's been circulating the

Page 76: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Internet for far too long by clearly showing people how to turn a small lump sum into a growing and consistent stream of cash-flow.

See if YOU qualify...

* Do you have $200 to invest in your own future?

* Do you see yourself one day working full-time from home, without a boss or commute?

* Do you have the desire to acquire new skills? * Can you follow a simple set of instructions?

* Can we pay YOU 100% for each referral we help you locate using our proven “turn-key” tactics?

If you've answered YES to each one of the questions above, then you're pre-approved for a position on our TEAM!

All you have to do now is check out my website immediately...

See it here:

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

56. Pssst!... I'll let you in on a little secret...

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I do know how to create income streams that flow into my bank account 24/7.

The good news is that I'm willing to share my secrets with you.

But you've gotta qualify yourself first.

Page 77: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

See if you've got what it takes.

Check what applies...

* Got Internet access? * Got 30 minutes a day?

* Got a desire to be better tomorrow than you are today?

Good! Keep going...

* Can you place classifieds I give to you online & offline?

* Can you follow a simple 1-2-3 set of instructions?

* Can we have people send YOU money via PayPal, Cash, or Money Order?

* Are you willing to invest in yourself?

* Are you honest, teachable and driven?

If you've answered YES to ALL of the above, then simply visit my website...

See it here:

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

57. Only for people ALREADY earning $21,000 or Better Per Month

Lets face the facts...

Reaching $21,000 a month is reserved for an elite group of individuals.

Not everyone has the communication or leadership skills needed.

Page 78: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Thankfully there's a program on the block that doesn't require you to be a JFK, Oprah or The Donald to be a success.

You can create a quick income of $2000 or more per week without being particularly talented, smart or experienced.

You can do this by utilizing SYSTEMS in place of skills.

Think McDonalds.

Get the full details here:

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

58. How to pocket a cool $400 - $800 a day or more on autopilot...

Breakthrough Program Unveils Online Marketing System That Delivers Instant $200 Payments Again and Again.

Here's the short of it...

* You keep 100% on every sale ( $200 )

* You get paid immediately and directly.

* You'll be shown exactly what to do in a very simple, step-by-step format.

* You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want too.

* You can get your own money making website!

* You'll have access to Marketing Secrets that's filled with Free and paid advertising solutions that work!

* You can promote your MLM or Direct Sales program on the back-end.

* This system is proven to work even for NON-TECHNICAL people!

Discover for yourself what hundreds of people already have...

Get the full details here:

Page 79: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 59. Because The Fed Ain’t The Only One Printing Money...

One Year From Today, You Could Be Sitting At Your Home Computer, Counting the Money That Flowed Into Your Bank Account That Day... Because You FINALLY Have Your Own Cash Machine That Spits Out...

* $200 payments over and over again!

* Access to tested ads and email letters

* Access to a Duplicatable Online System with no selling

* Access to some of my most valuable ideas in marketing, so you can make more in any program you choose.

* So much more...

I don't want to be the one to cause you to lose any sleep, so before you go to bed tonight wondering if this is for real, take a peek to see if you can call my bluff...

Discover for yourself what hundreds of people already have...

Get the full details here:

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= 60. How to turn $200 into $1,000+ within days!

I'm going to reveal to you a simple 2 Step process that can virtually eliminate any cash-flow worries.

Even if you're doing well, you could be doing better.

First... take a basic ad like this one you're reading right now. Place it in high traffic areas I show you so

Page 80: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

that a lot of people will see it. Second... have a basic website connected to that ad. One with a cash-pulling sales letter on it so that people will pay you for the information / opportunity you're offering.

That's it.

100 yr old formula that was as good back then as it is today.

See for yourself how it all works in action...

Get the full details here:

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

61. Copy Our System & You Pocket $400 + Every Day

Look, I ain’t DUMB!

I make lots too! It’s WIN WIN so I’m showing you the ropes.

It's Plain and Simple..

COPY Our System... PROFIT Like We DO...

Here's what we do every day...

We utilize simple marketing tactics to ATTRACT new leads to our website.


By sending this same exact ad over and over again to dozens of email lists.

Page 81: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

The Result? We Pocket $400 + Every Day - 24/7/365


1) No selling... (website does it for me/you) 2) No calling... (no one wants to be sold - so don't try)

3) Just Automation... (Take A Test Drive Today!)

If You Can Spare Even 30 Minutes a Day, We'll Prove You Can Start Pocketing An Extra $2000 A Week or More This Week!

Get the full details here:

Wishing You Life's Best!

YOUR NAME =========================================================

62. No Recession Here!

Even with the economy in the dumps, my business is rockin'! Here are the secrets to making an extra $4,000 or more per week.. part-time…

* You need a way to create buyers effortlessly, ( Prospects don’t pay the bills )

* You need a “feeder program” to generate up-front cash-flow to offset your expenses… so you can stick around long enough.

* You need a program that pays 100% daily, directly into your own account.

* And lastly, you need the right marketing tools and strategies to make your business explode.

Here’s the ANSWER you’ve been looking for…

Page 82: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

Wishing You Life's Best!


========================================================= For Magazine & Classifieds Ads

Take a 6 Month Vacation – Twice a Year! 1 Hour a Day! See Stunning Proof at:

Scared of Success? Great! This’ll scare you to death!

Broke Man Walking! Visit Only If You’re Tired Of That Stroll!

I’m As DUMB As They Come And Even Made This Think Work!

Crank Out Some Ballgame Cash! Weekend Money. Don’t Tell Wife!

Stay Home In Your Pajamas!

Making CASH Shouldn't Be This Easy! Go to: ATTN: Help Wanted! There's too much cash!

MLM Got You Broke?

Tired of dead end opportunities?

Hate Selling? Heck Me Too! That’s Why I Got Shakespeare And This Stupid Add Sells For Me!

Page 83: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

NO FOR EVERYONE! Only People Who Got Chewed Out For The Last Time Today

Free Report Reveals Secret "Part-Time" Strategy To

Adding An Extra $4200 Bucks A Week To Your Current Income For Instant Details, Go To: Earn $200 on every $200 Sale I make $400-$1,000 a day and will teach you how. Real simple.

What's the quickest way to an extra $4200 a week? Here's the answer:

Ohio Man Reveals Proven Secret Formula That Creates $400 - $800+ Days Without Selling, Without Chasing Family

& Friends and Without Knowing any Computer "Geek" Stuff... Go to for proof and details.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I Wasted YEARS On The MLM Broke Man Walking Circuit And NOBODY Told Me About This!


Page 84: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

SOLO AD SAMPLE: Subject: Knock,

Knock... Subject:

Hi {FIRSTNAME}... Body:


Guess what?

We've recently

discovered a simple way

to add an extra $5,000 a

month in CASH

Page 85: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can

every single month, like

clockwork, to our bank

account. It's PROVEN and EASY to do.

All we do is use a turn-

key marketing system

that delivers voice

broadcasts and emails

(like this one) to

thousands of prospects

each week on our

behalf. The websites, recorded

calls, and automated follow-

up system do 98% of the

work for us. Go ahead... See for yourself how EASY it

could be for you to start

generating CASH starting as

early as next week! Check out our website for more details...


Thanks {FIRSTNAME}, Your Name

Page 86: Simple Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION … Freedom's INFLUENCE & PERSUASION Copywriting Course _____ “Until You Can


Success in business is all about two things:



Books, no matter how profound they are and no matter how “stop and think” they might

be, books and seminars leave people short. It sounds great. Feels great. But in the end

those are like hot baths. They feel incredible in the moment. Then what? What changed my life was the inability to remain small and that happened by the

FRICTION and repetition that occurred between myself and my mentors through the

various MasterMIND clubs I have been attached to. I encourage you to commit to

becoming a no-risk 30 day trial member of our MasterMIND Club.

Because without repetition, just like a jack-hammer Tap! Tap! Tap! Tapping and jarring

the old programming our of your head and new paradigms being put in, over and over,

tap, tap, I promise you that real change will come to you slow, if ever.

Trial Membership is FREE and You Can Decide How Much You

Earn as a Paid Member. You get training and get paid. You can test drive us for free by hanging out on our weekly training hangouts.

Ben Franklin’s MasterMIND was called the Junto. Mine is called the Simple Freedom

Club. Tuition includes an audio you receive weekly (download it from my facebook or

blog). Plus you’ll experience numerous weekly live hangouts, calls, my newsletter and an

actual living breathing community that will gently hold your feet to the fire and make

you accountable… and help you step into the YOU that you were BORN to be!

Just click or visit my facebook fan page and receive a no risk, no obligation trial along

with my book:

Simple Freedom + 2 Audio MP3 "Freedom From Home" Course

+ Booklets, Private calls etc.

24 Hour Membership Hot-Line / Simple Instructions / Fun / Safe
