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Sim Scrabble (a TS2 Name Game): Chapter 1.4

Apr 05, 2017


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Page 1: Sim Scrabble (a TS2 Name Game): Chapter 1.4




1 4.

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Welcome back to the Nimi household!

For those who didn’t come here straight from the last chapter, this muncher here is Ivy, the second-born.

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I realized that those 10k in the funds don’t actually need to be saved for anything, so the upper floor got a bit of a fix-up.

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The dough just keeps rolling in!

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“So, learning how to cook by myself is great and all, but couldn’t we once in a while – “

“Not now Axl, Mommy’s studying.”

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Anthony has way too much free time on his hands, so occasionally I get a whim to try and fulfill that tedious 20 bf lifetime want of his.

The whim is lost pretty quickly.

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Despite spending all day with the dogs, they don’t let him wash them. I hope a water wiggler or two will solve that problem.

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Getting an A+ three days in a row is harder than I thought it would be with these kids, especially since they’re so bored in the afternoons.

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Ivy’s a particularly social one, what with the Pl/Rom combo. Not that she rolls any wants for the particular sims she brings home *eye roll*

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The smustle is strong in this family.

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“*barf* Hey look, an opening in game design!”

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Useless pottery to fill stupid want.

“Why do you hate me so much?”

It’s not you that I dislike, just your lifestyle.

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Mailman: “You must be devastated, Ms Nimi!”

“Oh shit, Nimbo’s dying!”

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“I better start cleaning these things every once in a while…”

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Off to your first day of work!

In every life stage there seems to be a kid I start following around no matter what they do. Ivy has now earned that position.

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Finally a kid even remotely close to the Rautas has made their way here! I know I banned playables from walking onto the lot because of them, but it was getting tiresome to only have Tina Traveller over.

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“Just helping you help yourself. Trust me, you’ll like it.”

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“Mom got to you too huh?”

“Did… did my robe just change colour on its own?”

“Don’t worry Dad, you’ll get used to it soon.”

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Peach is so old that she can’t even recognize where Grim is ;_; Goodbye poodle. You were a good girl.

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“So, doing Ivy’s homework is really easy and all, but why do you care so much about whether we get A or A+?”

You wouldn’t understand.

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“I have an excellent report card and I demand that you look at it.”

“Not now honey, Daddy’s working.”

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Aaw, ACR actually does me a favor for once!

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The kiss was immediately followed by a date at P.U.R.E. night club. It was pretty routine – talk, flirt, backrub etc.

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Back home Ivy’s trying to befriend Dezik Sylum, another playable dragged off the bus.

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Then to round the night off, I find her reading her li’l bro to sleep. See why my camera’s fixated on this gal?

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Nimbo and Peach passing away pointed out to me that it’s high time to bring in another generation of puppies.

Meet Moody, a lazy, friendly, pigpen doofus that turned out NOT to be an elder (like the last pet I adopted in this game).

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Since Myf has the highest relationship with Betty out of all the residents, the breeding responsibility is on her shoulders.

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Moody seems to have taken quite the liking to her, if burying himself in her covers is anything to go by.

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“Hi Nery, it’s Mia. Mia Nimi. No, I’m not trying to give you a free sample, I’m trying to reconnect with you. Yeah, I disarm warheads now, it’s a pretty dead-end job. As in, you end up dead.

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Another point for the real gamer ~

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The twins grow up a day in advance, Axl taking the lead this time. Romance/Family who wants to become Captain Hero, the ideal mate wears perfume while cooking but is not good at chess or astronomy.

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Arizona, the heir-to-be, rolls Knowledge/Grilled Cheese and wants to become an Education Minister (to her future 20 children…).Her ideal mate has muscles and black hair, no jewelry.

I’m interested in seeing how this will play out for her!

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Nimbo makes his first haunting and shows that while doors are superfluous to a ghost, gates aren’t.

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Cute yet disturbing.

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“Come on lightning storm, I’m bored! Hit me!”

Knowledge sims do the darndest things…

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Once in a blue moon the dogs allow themselves to be washed and don’t whine about it.

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Arizona, being both heir and a knowledge sim, gets to discover the tingly feeling of magic – and shoots me a duckface that I can not stop staring at. *shivers*

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Congratulations, you look nearly identical to your big sister! Now go study the neutral arts for a day and a half.

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Back home she gets a perky new hairstyle and her old, boring clothes, because she is a grown woman with responsibilites. Also because I need to distinguish her from Myf and I haven’t found a dragon suit for teens yet.

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Speaking of Myf, she is finally on the school honor roll, having come home with an A+ Wednesday through Friday! Good job, honey!

“High school is boring. I want to go to college.”

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For once, these two go on a date because of SimMia’s aspiration being low (and not Anthony, being his useless self at want-rolling).

It was pretty uninteresting, as the one in the need of it couldn’t get their motivation up (why are you rolling fortune wants at me?).

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Ivy hits up a booty call out of nowhere and wouldn’t take no for an answer (the Visitor Controller kept expelling Teresa until I allowed playables again). Off to the master bedroom it is, I guess? Nevermind that the whole family is chaperoning you…

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Ah, gossip about dead sims you’ve never met. Or wait, maybe this is about Dezik seeing her ghost. I wonder if gossip has any influence on the reputation of the mentioned ones?

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FINALLY a lullaby! And no, it’s not from the aforementioned girls.

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As a newly instated hostage negotiatior, SimMia knows it’s important to choose one’s battles. The new dog trying to rip a statue apart is not one she cares to undertake.

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“Who knew I’d be needing this much info on how to use a wrench… whatcha reading, pumpkin?”

“Oh, just some physiology. I think it’ll be useful.”

“Wise choice honey – you’re not that fit, you know.”

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Arrr, mateys!

“Voice! Don’t just barge in on someone while they’re in the bath!”

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Ghost dog shenanigans raise some questions – will there be a hole in the ground by dawn, or is that soil ethereal?

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“Geez Ivy, if you’re going to break the computer you could at least learn how to fix it by yourself…”

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“Freeze, dawg!”

The twins will be taking care of Downtown’s little ones – Axl guards the school crossings while Ari monitors the playground.

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Was the food poisoning worth it?

“…I don’t know how to cook on the real stove.”

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Congratulations, Ms International Sim of Mystery! You’ve made 25,000 in earnings and you’re but a step away from the top.

“My head feels heavier for some reason.”

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Hurry up with that masterpiece Antho-

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- too late. Well, enjoy what’s rest of your life, mid-greener.

“Why didn’t you just remind me of the Elixir?”


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“That joy buzzer really hurt! Why would you do something like that?”

That’s one black-haired out of the spouse pool.

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Another booty call? Not even a food poisoning is stopping you, Ivy?

Go do your inevitable beast with two backs while I fiddle with the pregnancy parameters…

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“Thanks for curing me, Mom!”

SimMia (off-screen): “Just stay out of the dustbin from now on.”

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Poor Axl, whiling away at the telescope instead of getting his first kiss… maybe I’ll actively hook him up with someone soon.

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“You’re doing a great job with the brush, sweetie.”

“So when I’m doing something you care about, you pay attention to me? Nice to know your priorities, Dad.”

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“Yes, my children are all qualified for the Tsang Footwork Award!”

“Even though he’s old and grey, he’s still mighty handsome…”

He’s busy making work contacts for you. Get back to skilling!

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Axl… where is your homework?

“Oh dude, it was here like a minute ago! Maybe Myf put a spell on it, hers and Ivy’s disappeared too!”

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At least someone will get me another honor roll point soon enough.

“Geez, lay off the pressure a bit would you? I have a job too.”

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“I just got promoted! Come hug me! Hello?”

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“Mrr, why do I have to be the jack-of-all trades here…”

Y’know what Myf, you’ve fulfilled all your duties here, and I just noticed what “being uneducated” would do to your already low aspiration bar. Go.

“Really? Sweet! Thanks, Voice!

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Four scholarships in the bag will give her a nice start at Sim State. I’ll save her 8 days of college (thank you twojeffs!) for the next chapter.

But before we round off…

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Puppy time! Say hello to Sarge, a lazy friendly genius with no brothers or sisters.

That’s it for this chapter. Happy simming!