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Apr 08, 2018



Shula Rajaonah
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  • 8/7/2019 Shula Rajaonah Persian Blog Ir


    Pasteur Ambiga Mourandee - Bonheur en Christ

    L'homme qui tait amoureux de la /

    plante Vnus - Salom Jacques

    A propos de Shula Rajaonah



    (venus (

    (lionel (

    (delasse (

    (idoles (

    (verite (

    (rajaonah (

    (shula (

    (plante (

    (amoureux (

    (salom (

    (pierrefitte (

    (adventiste (

    (mourandee (

    (ambiga (

    Le blog de Shula RajaonahUne rv euse amoureuse de l'heureu se joueuse qu'est la vie

    A propos de Shula Rajaonah / / - :

    (Je suis chrtienne, adventiste du 7me Jour (SDA

    Ne de nou veau attendant la venue prochaine

    de mon Sauveur et Seigneur: Jsus-Christ

    J'ai l'espoir du retour prochain de notre Seigneur et Sauveur.JESUS-CHRIST et a me remplit d'un Bonheur indescriptible

    ,La vie est pice de thtre: ce qui compte

    ,ce n'est pas qu'elle dure longtemps

    (mais qu'elle soit bien joue. (Snque

    Ne de nouveau attendant la venue prochaine

    de mon Sauveur et Seigneur: Jsus-Christ

    I'm a Christian and I'm proud to say it

    Optimiste, Idaliste et Positive,J'ai l'espoir du

    retour prochain de notre Seigneur et Sauveur JESUS-CHRIST et cette esprance me remplit d'un

    .Bonheur indescriptible

    .Shula est t rs belle d'une beaut to uchante, dsarmante, ensorcelante

    (Je suis chrtienne, adventiste du 7me Jour (SDA

    Everyone, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, small or great, has a place in history.

    Every one has a play that portrays them as hero or heroine in the stage production of the Right

    Man - Right Woman relationship. Those who never respond to their Right Man or Right Woman

    never fulfill their purpose in history. God's plan of history does not cheat anyone out of a

    wonderful life. He even provides the play of life for unbelievers, who can enjoy playing their roles

    .of hero and heroine in the marriage relationship

    The Shulamite Woman in the reign of Solomon is the shining example of the woman heroine on

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    the Stage of Life. This woman was a professional. She handled her role magnificently, and she is

    recorded in th e Word of God so th at t he drama of life can be clearly understoo d in th e history of

    the world - before the cross and after. The story of the Shulamite Woman happened to Sarah a

    thousand years before. It happened to Adam and the 'Ishah in the Garden of Eden

    approximately 3,000 years before. An d it happened t o t he Corinthians (1 Corinthians 11:3-15) in

    the first century A.D. Furthermore, it is happening today. The play of life is so important that

    .the Song of Solomon musical is recorded in the canon of scripture to emphasize its significance

    The Right Man - Right Woman relationship may be divided into three

    phases:1- Attraction Phase - Physical Identification of Right Man and

    Right Woman.2- Compatibility Testing - Stress testing of the IntegrityEnvelope to prove capacity for virtue love.3- Spiritual Rapport - Spiritual

    harmony of marriage in execution of the Plan of God; divine blessing

    .from grace

    When Solomon discovered the Shulamite Woman during a tour of his vineyards, she had

    completed the Attraction Phase. She had already found her Shepherd Lover and identified him

    as her Right Man. She was apparently a teen - approximately 16 years old; for such was the

    custom of marriage in those days. Her Shepherd Lover never had a speaking part; but it appears

    that he was also young - perhaps 17 to 20. The Shulamite Woman had been dating her

    Shepherd Lover; and it appears that they had engaged in kissing and foreplay. There is no

    reason to doubt that she was still a vir in however.When Solomon who was a Phallic

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    Reversionist on the prowl, saw the Shulamite Woman, he was overcome by her dazzling natural

    beauty, even though she was black from the sun and dressed in her peasant's garb. Solomon

    immediately wanted this young beauty for his wife. Of course, he already had 60 wives and 80

    concubines (SOS 6:8). So Solomon arranged a business deal with the girl's father. The girl did

    not have to be asked in such cases. Her father made the decision as to whom she would marry.

    So a marriage contract was draw up; the father was given a handsome dowry; and the contract

    was signed. At this time Solomon and the Shulamite Woman were legally married, although the

    marriage had not been consummated. Later, there would be a wedding ceremony and a

    honeymoon to consummate the marriage.So God had created the Shulamite Woman for her

    Right Man; but she was so beautiful that Solomon secured her for his harem. When a woman

    inherits natural beauty, she often becomes the object of illicit conquests. Although the

    Shulamite's relationship with Solomon was legal, it was not compatible with the grace of God.

    However, the Plan of God is not inferior to man; and although the Shulamite Woman had been

    separated from her Right Man, it did not upset the Plan of God for her life. God was not taken

    by surprise here; and His grace Plan had a solution. When the Shulamite Woman entered

    Solomon's harem, she simply stepped into the next phase of the Right Man - Right Woman

    relationship - i.e. Compatibility Testing.The Shulamite Woman in Solomon's harem was in a

    situation like Sarah, Abraham's wife, when Pharaoh took her into his harem and married her

    (Genesis 12:19). The Compatibility Testing of being married to the wrong man is a stress test. It

    is designed to put maximum pressure on the Right Man - Right Woman relationship in order to

    prove the capacity of the soul for love. This is the same as the stress testing of the roots, or

    foundation, of the Integrity Envelope in Romans 5:1-5. The Integrity Envelope must be proven

    before the super fantastic Marriage Intimacy Love can be poured into the cup in the soul. This is

    such a fantastic blessing in Spiritual Rapport that it warrants stress testing. The soul must pass

    the stress testing of the Compatibility Phase before God will pour Marriage Intimacy Love into

    .the cup in the soul

    Le prnom Shula signifie Peace i.e Paix en hbreu

    C'est le diminutif de Shulamite

    .du Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon dans la Bible

    I'm a Christian and I'm proud to say it

    ,Optimiste, Idaliste et Positive

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    Compatibility testing is a very intense form of suffering because it requires that the individuallose the most intimate connection in this life. Only when the compatibility tests have been

    passed by executing the Plan of God, will the individual receive back the intimate connection

    along with the blessing of Marriage Intimacy Love in Spiritual Rapport. After David

    demonstrated battlefield royalty but failed in his marriages, the Shulamite Woman of the

    Solomon Dynasty arose as the great heroine who would provide the most powerful

    demonstration of Marriage Grace in t he history of Israel. She w ould fo rsake fame and fortu ne for

    love and grace and consequently be relegated to the fate of unsung heroes. Although she was

    the real star of the Solomon era, history forgot her and left her with the other servants of

    .humility in favor of the g litt er and gloss of t he rich and famous

    As the musical opens, the Shulamite sings about wanting her Shepherd Lover to kiss her as

    lovers do in the deep kisses of the mouth (as the French kiss). The Shulamite Woman is the only

    one in Song of Solomon who refers to kissing (SOS 1:2; 8:1). Solomon is preoccupied with other

    forms of sensuality. The kiss is usually an expression of love, and the Shulamite Woman is in love.

    Solomon has the next line as he sings about the Shulamite Woman's love being better than

    wine. The word for love here is (Hebrew doDdod), which is the term for intimate, sensual (or

    sexual) love. He is not referring to romantic love. He is talking about sexual love, which hecompares to quenching his desire for wine. As the wine intoxicates, so Solomon desires to be

    intoxicated by sexual arrogance in his desire for the sexual pleasures of the Shulamite Woman.

    So, in his first line, Solomon already has sex on his mind. Then he follows up with the line about

    her "oils" having "a pleasing fragrance." In other words, she smells good because of her

    perfume.Next, the chorus, the Daughters of Jerusalem, sing about the fragrance of the

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    Shulamite Woman's name being like "oil poured forth" - i.e. like perfume sprinkled out in the

    palace. The Daughters of Jerusalem are probably professional singers or a chorus composed of

    girls from the harem who have received musical training. The other references in the book

    indicate that girls from the harem could have formed the chorus. At any rate, these girls are

    impressed with the Shulamite Woman. Everyone loved her. She was named harem princess of the

    year in SOS 6:9 and undoubtedly reigned as harem queen in Solomon's court.This brief

    introduction sets t he intimate tone for t he rest of the musical. The Shulamite Woman is occupied

    with love for her Shepherd Lover. She wants his kisses, which she got in the Attraction Phase

    but suffers without in Compatibility Testing. Solomon is preoccupied with having sex with the

    Shulamite Woman. At this stage, she is still a virgin and the marriage to Solomon has not beenconsummated. So the Shulamite Woman must face the suffering of having the wrong man

    craftily trying to seduce her. Whereas, a woman with no virtue might easily succumb, the

    Shulamite Woman has integrity and is being tested. Then the Daughters of Jerusalem are the

    typical cheerleaders, who are full of worldliness and human viewpoint. They don't harbor any

    .malice to ward th e Shulamite, bu t they are the pawn s of worldly t hinking and illusions

    Lorsque Shula arrive dompter son cur, elle peut tre une excellente

    pouse, affectueuse et fidle, et une mre de famille admirable. Cela

    n'est pas tonnant puisque Shula possde un solide fonds de sagesse crativit

    Qualit : Shula a beaucoup de patience et de matrise de soi. A la diffrence de certainespersonnes qui se fchent mais rentrent leurs colres, Shula ne se fche mme pas. Il serait

    bien malais de la mettre en colre. C'est l une de ses grandes qualits qui force notre


    ,Celui qui ne sait pas se fcher est un sot"

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    ," est un sagemais celui qui ne veut pas se fcher

    dit un proverbe chinois. En face de l'adversit, Shula suit instinctivement le prcepte de l'cole

    :stocienne latine

    !" Supporte et abstiens-toi"

    Sa fortitude d'me inne l'aide garder une attitude de rsignation silencieuse dans toutes

    .les preuves de la vie

    The Shulamite Woman d emonstrated with her life t he real love of Right M an - Right Woman. We

    don't know her name. She was never portrayed as having great wisdom or faith. But she

    revealed as no other what the grace of God is all about. It provides real love for real people. The

    real love from grace is not bestowed due to the merit of the recipient. It is bestowed from the

    divine love of the Giver.In the real world, the domain of the truth of God, the Shulamite Woman

    rose to the highest status in the Solomon era. She demonstrated what Solomon denounced. By

    her life she demonstrated the highest standard of love in this life, the love for Right Man. She

    demonstrated with her life faithfulness to her Right Man, who, though only a Shepherd boy, in

    her eyes surpassed the glory of Solomon. By the singular testimony of her life, without noble

    birth or academic degree, she became the real heroine of her day and made a villain out of

    Solomon, the camel who in self absorption squandered the Davidic Dynasty. The Shulamite

    Woman was breathtakingly beautiful in her peasant's garb out on the farm. She was given the

    worst job assignment by her brot hers of chasing t he foxes away from th e vineyard. She became

    the most beautiful woman in Solomon's harem when she was arrayed in royal finery. Yet, she

    was not corrupted by harem life. She passed the identification test of her Right Man - Phase I,

    Attraction Phase. She passed Compatibility Testing of Phase II when she was sold into the

    harem of Solomon and was married by him. And she entered Spiritual Rapport, Phase III when

    she was delivered from t he harem and united with her Right Man. The Shulamite Woman st ands

    out as real. She had a real life with real love. She stood out as the most beautiful reigning qu een

    of Solomon's harem. She could have had the world and all of its glory. She could have reignedwith So lomon as Semiramis with Nimrod. She could have been th e personification of the g oddess

    of love. She could have been famous in the history of the world. But no history books record her

    beauty and her might because she chose instead to accept her real calling to be the Right

    Woman of her Shepherd Lover. She traded worldly fame for real love. She gave up the position

    of first lady for a real life with real love.She wasn't a prophet like Isaiah or Jeremiah, but she left

    behind a Bible verse that exemplifies the highest standard of real love in this life.Many waters are

    unable to quench real love; nor rivers overflow it. If a man were to give all the wealth of his

    estate for love, he would be utterly despised." (Song of Sol. 8:7)She demonstrated with her life

    .her love

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    ,La vie est une pice de thtre: ce qui compte

    (mais qu'elle soit bien joue. (SnqueCe n'est pas qu'elle dure longtemps,

    Soyons reconnaissants aux personnes qui nous donnent du bonheur ; Elles sont les charmants jardiniers par qui nos

    mes sont fleuries. Proust

    Il faut tre de marbre pour rester insensible l'ovale parfait du visage de Shula, ses lvres vermeilles et toujours

    humides, ses dents rgulires et d'une blancheur blouissante, ses pommettes roses et lgrement saillantes. Mais ce

    sont ses yeux langoureux, d'une profondeur insondable, en forme d'amandes, qui constituent son arme de sduction


    Now the Shulamitewoman in Solomon'sharem is keenly awareof her Shepherd Lovereven though she isphysically separatedfrom. She is notseparated from him in

    her soul, however. Shehas fragrance ofmemory for him due tohis presence in theIntimacy Room of hersoul. So, the ShulamiteWoman is on one sideof the teeter totter andher Right Man is on theother side. When she

    undergoescompatibility suffering

    and faces stresstesting, her Right Manwill feel the heat even

    though he has committed no offense.So Solomon,the wrong man, is proceeding to seduce theShulamite Woman. The Shulamite Womanapparently went along with Solomon's seductionbecause the marriage was consummated inChapter 5. At this point, she was legally his wifeeven though he was not her Right Man. TheDaughters of Jerusalem are providing thebackground music for this scene. They see this asan occasion for happiness and an expression oflove. They are enamored by the scene, whichshows the confusion of human viewpoint. Theyare upholding Solomon's deception and Satan's


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    :( Je vogue dans la vie tel un adepte d u surf sur une vague: avec plaisir

    ." Prends garde ce que tu dsires, car tu le recevras"

    Soyons reconnaissants aux personnes qui nous donnent dubonheur ; elles sont les charmants jardiniers par qui nos mes

    sont fleuries.Proust

    Contentment in the love of a woman eluded him. He forever sought the ultimate love

    relationship of his Right Woman, but he never found her. Perhaps the closest t hat h e ever came

    to Right Woman was the Shulamite Woman, who is the heroine of Song of Solomon. Song of

    Solomon appears to be a musical based upon the historical fact of Solomon's harem. Like an

    historical novel, the musical is based on historical reality, but the plot contains fiction. Thus, the

    Shulamite woman may have indeed existed; but she obviously didn't sing her lines as they are

    .written in the Song of Solomon

    .Hi there, I'm Shula, a young seventh-day Adventist girl (SDA) I'm from Madagascar but I live in France

    This beautiful young woman (the Shulamite) is a unnamed love of Solomon described in the

    Song of Solomon. Some believe that this term is the equivalent of "Shunammite," meaning from

    "Shunem." (If not, the meaning is unknown.) The word Shulamite appears in only one Bible

    .verse, Song of Songs 6:13

    The Shulamite Woman married King Solomon. She was a young virgin, probably about 16 years

    old, whom Solomon found when he was out in the country touring his vineyards. Anyway, after

    the marriage, she could never get over t he love for her Right Man, her Shepherd Lo ver.Solomon

    is the villain; and the Shulamite Woman is the heroine. In the plot, Solomon marries the

    Shulamite Woman and adds her to his harem. She is the most beautiful woman that Solomon

    ever saw (SOS 6:8-9). She was the closest to a Right Woman that he ever found. She had a

    Shepherd Lover, who was her Right Man. And she was black (SOS 1:5). Now, many of the

    commentators dance around this issue with all the nuances. Some say she was shady. Others say

    that she just had a suntan. Others say that she was not an Ethiopian black. No, the Bible does

    not say that she was an Ethiopian, but it does say she was as a black as the tents of Kedar,

    which are usually made of black goats hair. She was black (Hebrew word, rj)v*shachor) and she

    (. was alluringly beaut iful (Hebrew hw@#an* , na'veh
