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The REAL truth for a permanent weight loss reveled

SHOCKING! The real truth for Permanent Weight loss REVELED

Apr 08, 2018



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Introduction - The Real Truth About Why To Lose Weight p. 2

Chapter 1 - What They Don’t Tell You: The Right Mindset p. 7

Chapter 2 - The Secret To Weight Loss Without Dieting p. 11

Chapter 3 - The Real Truth About Exercise Reveled p. 15

Chapter 4 - The Top 8 Lose Weight Tricks That Will Help You p. 20

Conclusions - The Secret For A Permanent Slim Body p. 24

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The Real Truth About Why To Lose Weight

I’m writing this ebook to try to do a bit of clarity in relation to the weight loss and diet

do. I apologize in advance if I am sincere in my words at times but if I was polite, if Iwas condescending, my words would not have the strength that they should.

I don’t know if after reading this report, you decide and motivate yourself, to be able to

get your weight, what is certain, is that this report will shock you. Exactly, it will shock 

you because I reveal all things that the other not tell you, that conventional medicine

does not say, that dietitians do not tell you because, otherwise, they would lose their

customers forever. But because I want you to feel good, once and for all, I do not care

anything about what they say envious, I just revealed it to you.

Are you ready then? Well let's start with a question that you have to ask yourself: why

you want to lose weight?

Answer honestly, ok? Do not try to lie, is a question that you do to yourself, nobody

knows and I would say that there is no need to lie to yourself, what are you thinking


Honestly, the reason that drives us to want to lose weight is to be more beautiful. In

order to feel coolest, most popular and most watched by others and / or desired.

I'm on the right track right? Perfect time, to fix better the concept here are two main

reasons for losing weight:

Reason 1: increasing our self-esteem. 

It’ s completely useless not want to admit, we feel better about ourselves when we

eliminate the unwanted pounds. It’s nice to be able to enter the old pants or circled in

front of a mirror and see our profile Slim. As it is unjust, our society views overweight

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in a negative way and the fact remains that we will feel better about ourselves when we

are more slim.

Reason 2: decrease depression. 

Losing weight can help you feel less depressed because you feel better about

themselves, you have more energy, more prone to engage in social situations and was

able to do activities that they could not do before.

Perfect, although these two reasons may already be triggering and sufficientlymotivating to lose weight but, if it were not so, I list other reasons absolutely verified.

I begin the list, please read carefully and try to imagine you in a few years, okay?

Obesity causes:

1.  High blood pressure. The BMI (Body Mass Index) and age together are the

strongest indicator of the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. At least one

third of hypertension is related to obesity. High blood pressure is dangerous for

your blood vessels, especially smaller ones called capillaries. There are some

areas of the body where there are many capillaries as the retina of your eyes,

kidneys, brain, heart, lungs. When you have high blood pressure these areas may

be damaged to lead to blindness, kidney failure, stroke, coronary heart disease and

stroke. Needless to say, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is not a

good thing for anyone. Losing a little weight also leads to lowering of blood


2.  Arteriosclerosis. There is a type of good cholesterol and bad kind. Too bad

cholesterol causes loss of elasticity of the arteries, which in turn causes high blood

pressure. Too bad cholesterol also causes clogging plaques on the inside of the

arteries and this may block blood flow to parts of your body. When this happens,

a part of your body dies. This can lead to heart attacks as part of your heart dies or

stroke, where part of your brain dies. By reducing body fat reduces bad

cholesterol and reduce these health risks.

3.  Diabetes. Reduction of elevated glucose levels to lower blood glucose or blood

sugar. This can lead to diabetes. We know that 80 -90% of patients with diabetes

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are overweight. Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the United States as

the leading cause of blindness in the adult world. One of the direct causes of 

obesity is eating the wrong foods. Some of these wrong foods are foods that are

high glycemic. Foods with high glycemic are rich in energy that rapidly increase

the level of glucose in the blood in your body after being eaten. This means that

the body has to reserve the glucose unnecessary. The release of a hormone called

insulin is to turn these reserves into body fat. Diabetes occurs because the body

can’t produce enough insulin to remove excess glucose in the blood and store it as

body fat. This will happen after the suppression of insulin production for some

time. And so it ends up being fat and diabetic.

4.  Respiratory problems. Obesity causes a compression of the lungs and chest wall

making it more difficult the process of respiration. The most common problem is

apnea during sleep. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person stops breathing

briefly during sleep. This condition, which causes a loud and persistent snoring,

leaving you tired and sleepy during the day and it bothers the person who sleeps

with at night because you keep them awake. Also, you feel like you are choking

when you wake up. It also causes acid reflux in your throat when you try to sleep.

All these obstacles to your sleep can make it difficult to concentrate when you are

awake. You become forgetful and you and your family and friends can see that

you have personality changes and / or mood swings.

5.  Risk of osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints. For every pound a person is

overweight, three to five pounds of extra weight are added to each knee during

walking. It also puts pressure on the bearings of all the joints, increasing the risk 

of osteoarthritis. This painful disease can cause pain and swelling in the joints of 

the body, greatly reducing the quality of your life.

6.  Cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 25% -

33% of cancers worldwide are overweight and physical inactivity-related. Body

fat obviously promotes higher levels of insulin production and excess estrogen.

This excess production accelerates cell division. As research has indicated, the

cells are duplicated faster and more likely to develop a cancer cell. In addition, fat

cells tend to maintain that those carcinogens that cause cancer, trapped in the

body which increases the likelihood of developing cancer.

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Types of cancers that are likely to get to another are:

Breast cancer- affecting the breast possibly in both men and women.

  Prostrate cancer- affecting the prostrate gland in men.

  Endometrial cancer- affecting the uterus.

  Colorectal cancer- affecting colon and rectum.

  Esophageal cancer- affecting the esophagus.

  Renal cell cancer, the cancer of the kidney, etc.

7.  Varicose Veins. Also known as venous disease Stratis. The leg and thigh muscles

assist the heart in the circulation of blood, just like most of the large muscles of 

the body. Are involved in pumping blood against gravity back to the heart withthe help of valves that are closed to prevent reflux. The pressure due to a large

abdomen may increase the workload on the valves causing any damage. The

damaged valves so do not allow the blood to go back to the heart, due to gravity,

causing high pressure in these veins leading to swelling, thickening of skin ulcers.

8.  Urinary incontinence. This is unintentional release of urine. Being overweight

can contribute to urinary incontinence. A heavy abdomen due to body fat stores

can cause weakening of the valve bladder. The weight puts pressure on the

bladder, is trying to push out urine. The result is loss of urine when coughing,

sneezing or laughing. This is because of a slight relaxation of the bladder valve

that normally will not result to leakage. It can even result to bed wetting at night.

This particular problem can be a very effective motivator to lose weight.

Ok, I was very raw to say the whole truth, you are motivated now? Not yet? Then we

know that there are other diseases:


  Coronary heart disease

  Lower back pains


  Rheumatoid Arthritis

  Gall stones

  Pregnancy disorders such as

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  Neural tube defect,

  Prenatal mortality,

  Maternal hypertension,

  Gestational diabetes etc.

  Impaired immune response

  Liver disease


  Bad body smell

Ok, enough of the tragic scenario, let's just say that as you lose weight you will feel

happier and more motivated. You'll feel great, cool and energetic and this will happen as

you go forward in your weight loss.

Now let's dive into the book, as I said before, it will be controversial and shocking to

you because you say things that probably have never heard before, because you used to

hear the old classic misinformation or lies.

Do not believe me? So let's start by saying thatDIET 

does not necessarily mean forgetyour favorite foods. Many "diets" limits the types of food you can eat. Trust me, this

should not be the case. I really do not need to associate a diet with the concept of 

sacrifice. It's true the other way instead - lose weight brings empowerment!

But we'll talk about later.  

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Chapter 1:

What They Don’t Tell You: The Right Mindset 

You've heard it a lot of times, but it's true: lose weight and maintain a proper weight is a

matter of mind.First of all, for motivation, if you are not motivated you can’t lose weight, but also for a

variety of reasons.

Sorry if I'm going into a difficult subject but it is important for you to understand.

Everything is played with Serotonin, a hormone the brain produces and generates

feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

All human beings have a need to Serotonin, which is produced by anything that is

perceived as pleasant. It could be painting, playing a musical instrument, go shopping,

play a game of tennis or walk in the park chatting with friends, everything!

Another element that creates this pleasure to our brains is food, or smoke, etc..

Every human being needs a certain amount of this hormone. Unfortunately, modern

society, with its rhythms and its way of life leads to higher levels of stress, that pull

down the level of Serotonin.

Well, I do not want to continue to bore you with those speeches. What I want you to

understand is that when we fail these situations or activities that we like and make us

produce Serotonin, our mind makes us throw up a secure and immediate source of 

supply for the creation of this hormone: food.

But try to think now, it is not necessary to eat large quantities of food or special foods tokeep us alive, but the question is that such food or extra quantity make us produce

Serotonin, giving an incredible sense of accomplishment.

It's easy to jump on food, it is always available to just open the refrigerator, or go down

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to fast food in the house. It's very fast and simple to use food rather than re-discover

those activities or those things that make us feel happy and fulfilled in the same way.

So a key thing to do, to begin to lose weight than to keep us in the right weight for good

and to feel happy and satisfied is to re-discover what we like doing, regain our spaces. It

could be out for a chat with friends, painting pictures, also read the books. Anything that

we like and that fills us and enriches life is fine.

When you find yourself doing something you love, something that involves you totally,

you are practically kidnapped, you are completely satisfied that you are not planning to

eat, it never happened?

So here's an important thing to do: finding our passions.

Once satisfied that we would be doing something will not feel the need to eat and the

weight will fall into place by itself, some will fall into place slowly, but will fall into

place. But do not worry about it, later we will also talk about how to give a thrust to

weight loss to be able to lose weight with relative ease.

As you can see this is something related to the mind, but it is not the only one. Let's go a

little deeper, ok?

When we start a diet motivated and we are abiding to the rules. Although it is a diet

based on deprivation, until we'll be motivated to pay attention to what we eat. But we

will always be careful?

The answer is NO!!!

Now I try to explain why. The attention that we bring to our observation of the diet plan

is conscious attention.

Exact scope of our attention is the conscious part of the brain.

Now, I have to say that the conscious part represents 1 / 6 of our brain, unconscious all

the rest. Already this information would lead me to think that it is better to know how it

works and how I can best use my unconscious. It would be stupid to have a house with 6

bedrooms and living in one because we don’t know that there are other rooms or do not

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know how to open the doors.

Not only that, our unconscious is 800 times faster than our conscious.

So there are not only 5 rooms, but a lot of more, there are 5 apartments! Have It sense

for you?

Not only that, our unconscious, as opposed to our conscious, works tirelessly, 24 hours a

day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! So, now there are more than 5 apartments, thare are

5 villas! What are you thinking about?

To give again an order of magnitude, the subconscious mind can process about

20,000,000 environmental stimuli per second instead of 40 processed by the conscious


So now the question becomes, but who's in charge?

Simple answer it, don’t you think? 

So, you need to know that our unconscious mind contains the pattern of thoughts and

beliefs that have settled over time, with the teachings of parents, people, media and

society. Or teachings of strong emotions that we have acquired a particular event. All

these patterns, pose the veto, sabotage the conscious thoughts.

I say this because you'll also be making a meal diet, lose weight, you will reach the

result that you have set the end ... but not last, come back to eat and gain weight, maybe

even more than before. Why do I say this? Because our conscious mind does not always

in control, there will be time to distract you, maybe for a disappointment or another, and

ultimately our very being, the one that commands us, makes us go out and eat again and


I'll give you a personal example. Some time ago I had, I use the past tense because I

removed this limitation, the habit of always finishing what I had in the pot. It could also

be a huge portion and I could be pre-satisfied but I had to finish my plate to get it

cleaned up well. With a bit of reading in me I realized that this "habit" was from my

parents. You see, I came from a family of European origin. My grandparents were very

poor family and lived World War II. This existence of constant food shortages led them

to devour what was in the pot, and always until the end, although the amount was too

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much because the next day they did not know if they had the good fortune of more. This

condition has led to the emergence of a habit. This way of eating was taught to me that

my father has passed. Clearly I have nothing to reproach them, my grandparents have

developed what for them was a necessity of survival, my father sent me this practice

because it is his way of doing and thinking it was the right way to teach. Everyone

wanted to do the best for their children, but now to me, this thing could’t go well

because I took to eating too much and getting fat. With a little effort, I removed this

limiting habit and I kept my weight.

The thing to do to maintain our body weight to the desired level is re-educate our

unconscious unlocking and clearing these limiting beliefs.

How to do this? There are some very powerful methods, those are also used to improve

every aspect of our lives.

I list only some of them to show you these, more in-depth information on this is also

contained in my newsletter.

The methods are:

• Visualization 

• The Hawaiian’s technique of Ho’ oponopono

• EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

• Hypnosis and self hypnosis

• Subliminal Messages

• Etc.

Now it’s enough of this, otherwise I'm going off topic.

What I want you to understand is that you need to burn fat to lose weight, but you must

also work to maintain the results because our possible effort (though you'll see that there

won’t be an effort) is not undermined in the future, rejecting the misery and distress in. 

Now let’s go to the next chapter.

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Chapter 2:

The Secret To Weight Loss Without Dieting

Fascinating the title of this chapter, isn’t it? 

Isn’t it the thing that you always wanted or you're looking for a long time? I bet it does! Well, we need to cut and clear all the lies they were told us that, perhaps, we have also

created limiting beliefs around them.

What have you done until now? Maybe you have tried some news, you've tried diets and

diets on some program has worked well for you, but if you're reading this report means

that you have taken fat, isn’t it? 

Let's talk about diet, ok? What I'm prepared to say is quite controversial.

Diets are useless, so do it all!

I already know what you're thinking about now: "but, not as work, so far all have said

the exact opposite, but what the hell he's saying, is bullshit"!

Now I show you why I'm right.  

It all depends solely on how you consider a "diet". When most of us hear the word diet

begin to think about the period of sacrifice and constraint, on rice cakes, lettuce and a

total deprivation of food we like.

Well, if this is your definition of diet, then I'm right, because they fail!Why do diets fail? Diets fail because they are often too drastic change of our daily

routine, is too abrupt. If most of your life, you're used to doing things a certain way and

all of a sudden you are told to change all that, often results in a state of shock. Do not get

me wrong, many people have had success in a traditional diet, but most tend to fail.

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When most people begin a diet tend to be focused and committed to success, but as time

passes and the lack of many of foods that you enjoyed will not be able to be faithful to

this diet for a long time.

Well I have a simple solution to this problem that afflicts the vast majority of dieters.

"The change of ingredients on the menu!" 

Have you read it perfectly. Most of what of us eat can be optimized and converted into a

healthy choice and a nutritious meal. There are healthy choices for most type of meal, in

fact I think many people even notice the difference.

These small changes can have a great result.

So in choosing, not to opt for a weight loss diet, but for a program. 

Taking the concept of mentality that I mentioned before, sets a target, then choose a

program that works on a base of ingredients, which can be combined at will to create a

custom program. If you have the flexible schedule you can bend it to your needs and

your lifestyle.

Unfortunately there are a bunch of worthless video, who cheat people and they do not


The basic concept is that, being all different, we need a custom program, to make us eat

what we like.

To understand how to obtain this, you must know and understand three basic concepts of 


These are:

1. Know the foods that help burn fat.

2. Know the foods that prevent fat burning.

3. Putting together the foods that create an effect dissolution of fat!

Knowing these elements and combining them together you can get a truly explosive

effect on your weight.

You can expect to lose 3-10 pounds the first week, which becomes a constant until

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reaching the desired weight.

Just because, you'll discover the secrets of weight loss and also how to lose pounds of fat


- Crazy diets

- Diets that you get tired soon

- Pills or something

- Counting of calories that they take you to starve

... sounds crazy? I assure you that it’s not. 

There are foods that help you burn fat, we're talking Sprouted Grain Bread, Rice, Spelt,

Millet, Quinoa, Sweet Potatoes, any Fruit and Vegetables.

Another lie that has always been told is to eliminate fat from your diet to lose weight.

This cliché is absolutely false, lose body fat without eating fat is not possible , the

reason for the mechanism for a delicate combination of digestion and assimilation of our


It's necessary to recognize the bad fats from good fats. This is because the bad fats will

make you gain weight, while the good fats will make you burn fat.

So you need to know the bad fats (Hydrogen oil, canola oil, margarine, butter Substitute,

etc.) that will make you gain weight, from the good ones (Real butter, Whole eggs,

Coconut oil, Olive oil, Avocados, etc.) that will help you burn body fat.

The real enemy of your line is Sugar, not fat.

So, you have to avoid or reduce foods that contain lots of sugar and many chemical

preservatives. These do not work well your liver, which is directly involved to break 

down fats in your body.

Another important concept is about Calories.

All diets there are outside link on this idiocy, the calorie count and the decrease of them.

Want the truth? We need calories, it’s not reduce them that you will lose weight, it’s the

right combination of food that makes us burn fat.

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The reduction in calories will not help you, you will not only hungry but you won’t lose

weight. The secret is that our metabolism will adapt to change, and when it will be

adjusted, you won’t burn fat anymore, so you're going to have less calories again and

metabolism will adapt and become increasingly hungry and weak. Do you begin to


Perfect! Surprised by what you read? I warned you that the things I wanted to tell you

maybe would leave you shocked!  

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Chapter 3:

The Real Truth About Exercise Reveled

For this chapter we have reached the moment of truth. There are a lot of people out there

who say, "hey, want to lose weight, lift your ass and go out.. . you have to jogging orsport, the more you sweat the more you burn fat."

Ok, exercise is an incredible way to lose weight but we must not confuse us, on this

aspect is a need for clarity.

I have seen many people who want to lose weight and what they do, they kill themselves

of exercise, there are people that run for miles or have an overload of exercise.

Absolutely crazy! 

These people as if they’d became a professional athletes ... FORGET IT!! Because then

there is the fact, not being trained we’ll be immobilized in bed or on the couch with a

myriad of pain created by lactic acid.

In order to avoid these crazy things we must tell the truth.

Exercise is important for our life, not just to lose or maintain body weight, but also for

leisure and reduction of stress that then leads us to eat. Exercise is vital for our life but

done in moderation, we are not professional athletes!

There is a further aspect, let us not forget that muscle weighs more than fat mass, this is

to say that when I begin to exercise the muscles will re-invigorate, this leads to weight

gain, then what happens? One wants to lose 10 pounds, run out every day and sees theend of the week that his weight has increased. This means, in most cases, in despair and

feel like giving up all the sacrifice. In reality, this person has lost fat, and perhaps it is

also known by its measures, but the mass of muscle that has weighs more than fat he has


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A basic rule then becomes: attention to the balance. Do not get me wrong, the

balance is an important and basic tool but always with a combination with a tape to

measure your waistline and / or around the thigh. 

Let us now see what good exercise, right? All physical activity has a single purpose: to

increase your metabolism. Exact boost your metabolism is like coming to consume more

energy, so the same food intake, the result is weight loss.

Now we need you to know that there are two types of exercise: aerobic (running,

cycling, swimming, etc..) and anaerobic (weight lifting, abs, push-ups, etc.).

Aerobic exercise is key to fat consumption, in fact practicing this type of exercise I need

energy that is immediately taken from our fat stores.

The anaerobic exercise will increase muscle mass does not make you burn fat quickly,

but increases your basal metabolic rate, the energy consumption of base you need to

keep you alive.

Understand this concept, such as physical activity do you choose? The ideal would be to

combine and balance both, because we must not only burn fat but also to be toned and


Doing both, aerobic and anaerobic exercise combined, is the best way to lose more fat

and gain more muscle. If you are trying to lose weight, studies show that combining

these two types of exercise increases the weight loss of 56 percent.

Anaerobic exercise and muscle can be more tiring, but when increasing the composition

of muscle, the body can burn more fat, even when you are resting, because your

metabolism is higher. A pound of muscle will use 350-500 calories per week to survive,

while a pound of fat only uses about 14 calories per week. New studies have shown that

building muscle helps the body to better fight disease.

It 's very important to do both aerobic and strength exercises. Aerobic exercises help

your heart and lungs become stronger and help the body use oxygen more efficiently,

which in turn helps the feeling of strength and general well-being. The exercise helps

develop muscle strength, reduce body fat and maintain bone mass.

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Aerobic exercise raises your heart rate and breathing for an extended period. This

overloads the heart and lungs and makes them work harder than the rest.

There are many options to choose from today. Cycling, aerobic dance, swimming,

running, and walking are all examples of aerobic exercise. Which to choose depends on

your physical condition, your interests and your goals. Many experts believe that it is

better to alternate between two or more types, to get a better workout but, then again, we

are not professional athletes.

Above all, do not overdo it is important not to go to joint damage in untrained subjects.

Therefore, it is imperative to recommend physical activity, especially outdoors in order

to have even the most anti-stress effect.

It's also true, however, that there are mechanical systems to speed up the process of 

toning, as I said, it is very important.

According to my information, the best method is to use vibrating machines.

I read a lot about and have studied in detail. I have spoken with many people using the

vibrating machine to keep fit and lose weight. At first, I must admit that I was a little

skeptical, but when I was introduced to the technology I wanted more scientific

information and found many curious details. I found the most professional team sports in

the U.S. are using vibrating machines for one reason or another. Some for the formation

of muscle, some for and some rehabilitation therapy for stretching and core training.

I also found that the performance of vibration has been adopted by medical professionals

such as physiotherapists, chiropractors and specialists in spinal therapy. The interesting

thing is that many of these professionals who laughed at this thing a few years ago, they

did extend to the whole body vibration fitness in a real science and medical care. Now

that, the effectiveness is scientifically proven and tested have completely changed their

view on exercises with vibrating machines. I found this to be a common trend for most

of the people and their experience with vibrating machines.

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But what are the benefits of fitness Vibration Plate? As these vibrations can do so much

good to our body?

The basics are very simple. When you exercise and stretching muscle contractions

during exercise, you create small micro tears in the muscles that are repaired and

reconstructed with FIBRES about even stronger. The exercise machine vibration does

exactly that, but the movements are much smaller, about 3mm to 10mm. Never mind

that muscles are under strain. The result is not only the same thing but better. In a

minute on a machine vibration can be obtained 1,500 muscle contractions, compared to

60-20 maybe doing traditional exercise. Here is the whole body vibration workout lasts

only 10 to 15 minutes.

Beyond workout of the muscles there are many other benefits that are not so obvious

that begin with weight loss. A new study presented at the congress on obesity has shown

that exercise of the vibrations was up to 4 times more effective than conventional

exercise for fat loss.

60 minutes of exercise compared with 15 minutes of using the vibration machine?

This result surprised us all and created a shock wave throughout the world. Not only is

the fitness vibration lose more fat, but is able to ward off the fat even after the cessation

of vibration periods for 6 months. This classic exercise against experiencing the yo-yo

effect and the likely return back the weight they had lost.

It can be argued that the exercise of the vibrations is able to recover the bodies "Weight

Set-Point", which is the key to long term weight loss. This is a turning point in the field

of weight loss and exercise to vibration is becoming today and adopted in many weight

loss programs today.

There is one more thing to say, this exercise can be done comfortably at home while

you're watching your favorite show on TV. Not a bad optimization, how about it?  

Well, now I just have to announce something even more shocking. Are you ready?

The level of metabolism can be increased with other mental ways.

Exactly, you can get an increase in our metabolic level, which will consume more

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energy, acting on the subconscious, in practice it’s a set as a weight loss in autopilot.

There is talk of increases to 10%.

This can be achieved with:


- Hypnosis and / or self-hypnosis

- Yoga

- Meditation

- Etc.

As you can see I was not spared. Maybe you're a bit upset because you did not believe

that this possibility exists.

Are you sure I'm keeping what I had promised in the first few pages, right?

So in summary, in this chapter I told you that exercise is important, essential. But I also

told you the truth, which is not necessary to kill the effort.

Well, my advice is to accelerate the increase in your metabolism with the vibrant fitness

and with mental techniques. You'll see that there is a new dimension of yourself and

your happiness.

At the same time, however, strongly urge you to also have an aerobic exercise outside to

train even your heart and your lungs. I recommend you do not overdo it. You may

simply have two or three walks at a steady pace in some park, perhaps with a friend in

whom you can also do a chat. This can become a pleasant, that in addition to increasing

your metabolism is also working on aspects which we discussed earlier.

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Chapter 4:

The Top 8 Lose Weight Tricks That Will Help


At this point you'll be made a comprehensive idea of what it takes to lose weight.

Do you understand that you need a program of diet, movement and other tricks to

increase your metabolism, work on your old limiting habits that sabotage your weight

maintenance form.

You should work on these three aspects and, if you do well, you won’t have problems of 

overweight anymore.

But I will give you some tips that will help you during your weight loss period.

1.  Drink plenty of fluids. 

To lose weight more, it is helpful to drink plenty of water. Do not drink sugary

drinks, milk shakes, soft drinks and alcohol. You have to drink water!

Remember, your enemy is sugar, so you avoid all those drinks that contain it.

Americans love to drink Coke, it is absolutely stupid to think of eating less sugar

and have it through drinks. You have to drink natural water, not sparkling, which

allows you to feel light and does not give a bloated feeling.

Drink plenty of water is crucial in two aspects.

The first one is that drinking lots of water increases the feeling of fullness,

without adding sugar to your body.

Secondly, and perhaps most important, is that the water will help you during the

purification of your body.

Ok, but how much water should we drink?

The basis for the maintenance of the human body are 2 liters of water per day.

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Please note that these two liters are included in various liquids that are taken with


There is no law states, I would say that the right is to listen to your body, drink 

whenever you want but do not get to feel bloated.

Do not overdo drinking 90-100 gallons of water per day. Excess water could also

have a series of unfortunate events: the rise of times you urinate and, above all,

over a working kidney that is usually accompanied by general tiredness and lack 

of energy, which does not want.

2.  Mini snacks. 

To combat hunger and not get too hungry at the next meal you should make mini

snacks. Please note that these mini snacks must contain vegetables (carrots,

celery, etc..) or fruit (apple, orange, etc.). Try to avoid fruits with high sugar

content such as bananas.

By making these snacks fall any hunger pangs and takes on a range of vitamins

and minerals that help your body.


 Delete bed food. 

Take all those foods, that do not help your body or you can tempt, out of your


This is a very simple remedy, only if you're not able to delete your unconscious

conditioning that pushes you toward the food, remove the food itself. Not having

that temptation around constantly put to the test your integrity, everything will be


So if you're just not yet able to play so hard, so play smart and remember that the

strongest ones maybe do not win matches, but the smart ones always find ways to


4.  Small increases in exercise.

In this case we speak of small warnings that can help you exercise, too little, but

you can bring great benefits. Try to do things you would do without your habits

and so clever to burn some more energy. For example, if you need to do one or

two floors for the office or come to your apartment, do not take the lift but use the

stairs. Of course we're not talking about twenty floors up, but if it comes to

making a floor or two it could be fine with the stairs. And even, if you work 

nearby, instead of taking the car to go to work go easy on foot or by bicycle, it

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could be fun. Or if you use the subway why not to stop one station before? You

may also discover corners of the city of which you did not notice.

5.  Catch your body 

You’ve understood perfectly well. Catch your body, your belly fat pads or those

that affect you so much. This is a great way to save yourself from your body to

get back with the focus on your goal. So when you're home at night, even alone,

and was caught by a moment of sadness and an overwhelming desire to eat catch

your body, you'll see that you'll remember to do what is right and you will not

make the mistake of eating what you do not need.

6.  Do not take high levels of sugar in the evening.

It's been shown that the body can’t consume the fat when the levels of insulin are

high. Carbohydrates and sugars are that typically cause an increase in insulin

levels. For these reasons, it is important to limit sugar intake in the evening,

because they are more likely to be turned into body fat or decrease the amount of 

fat the body can consume during the night.


 Sleep well for the right time. 

It has long been proven that the average person needs eight hours of sleep. The

more you sleep the more you lose weight, because weight loss is higher at night.

This is because during sleep there are a number of operations performed by the

body, including the demolition of body fat and turn it into energy. This process

occurs with sleep and with the limitation of production of insulin. This one infact

limits a series of hormones responsible for the operations of which we have said.

8.  Eat when you want.

This is a little controversial truth. We see this concept in detail.

To know your body and be in harmony with it is a great achievement. Knowing

well the body’s answers is the way to understand when we really sent a signal of 

hunger and even when we reach a sufficient level of satiety. Achieving this level

of awareness is not difficult, we can help by writing on a piece of paper when

there is hunger and the amount of food that is needed to have satiety. We do this

exercise for two weeks.

In that time we will have reached a certain level of attention and awareness

towards our body.

Now, we’ll find that our body gives us signals of hunger maybe in hours that are

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not breakfast, lunch or dinner. These times, infact, are some conventions that we,

like human beings, have set ourselves with all the other conventions of society.

Where is it written that we must eat at these times? Who will oblige us? We can

feel free to do what we want. So if we reach that level of awareness, we’ll be able

to eat what we want and when we want, as long as you eat only when hungry and

in the right amount to satisfy, without eating more than necessary.

If we can achieve this level of awareness and knowledge, we’ll have found the

formula for a lasting life lean.

Well, these eight basic tricks are completely explained.

Follow these tricks during your period of weight loss, trying to acquire that awareness of 

yourself and you’ll have archived your weight goal forever. 

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The Secret For A Permanent Slim Body

At this point, we are almost there at the end of this shocking report. The short ebook that

I wanted to write to open people's eyes and really tell the truth once and for all. Afterreading this paper you'll get no more duped by the lies.

It’s no use we see around, it’s true that modern society is cruel and treats obese people

as stupid as disabled. It's true that if we are overweight we must constantly endure

abuse, delusions and situations that undermine our self-esteem.

Every person is equal to the other, each person is absolutely intelligent and worthy of 

respect, but it is also true that society is cruel and stupid.

Do you want to continue to suffer? Do you want to continue not to be happy with the

body you wouldn’t want? If it's time to change, you have to do it once and for all,


Now I want to spend the last chapter of the book to summarize the concepts that I have


We saw that the secret to permanent weight loss is not what many people think it is. All

are working for weeks, holding monitored caloric intake, and still nothing works. But

have you never asked because there are so many people frustrated out there, that

increases every day because not increases their ability to maintain the right weight?

The good news is that the secret to permanent weight loss actually requires much less

effort than you might think.

Forget all those hours in the gym. It's hard enough to find time to do the responsibilities

of everyday life, how can we think of having hours to work on our body?

Can you imagine the situation, "... or excuse me but I have to run to the spa after work,

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and I'll be there for the rest of the evening..." But really, who are they kidding? It's hard

to be able to do all this and frankly frustrating when it does not produce positive

results. Now it's time to say stop to this and to give correct information.

Another big lie that we are constantly being called in the game of counting calories.

The fact is that many people would simply starve for a slim body following this false


Have you ever wondered why all of us struggle with this?

It's really simple, counting calories is another way of saying "we starve ourselves." The

human mind is programmed for survival. When you pass a couple of days to limit the

food ourselves, our mind is set in motion to solve the problem - in this case, the hunger.

Strong emotions in the brain are activated to make sure we eat a caloric intake

adequate. And there's not much you can do to stop it. In addition, the human body is an

organism that adapts to everything, then the equation is less food - slow down

metabolism in order to preserve the survival, the result is still losing weight.

Obviously, there isn’t a solution for permanent weight loss in these two methods. The

funny thing is that we all have said and continue to say that these are the only ways to

combat obesity.

Of course, the fact is that they are not!!! They’re rubbish. 

And it is shown by millions of people trying to reduce their weight by the application of 

these tactics. The numbers do not lie, and based on these numbers there is no possibility

that this approach will allow a permanent weight loss.

The actual approach, and the secret to permanent weight loss, is found in the chapters

that you have read and can be summed up in one simple phrase: lifestyle change.

With lifestyle, I do not mean to do something different than they already do. I refer to

live as you know, but replacing some of the variables that allow you to improve.

We have seen, there are certain foods that will add to your body, no matter how little

they eat. What happens now that you know what are these foods? Easy, that leads you to

avoid them to have your natural weight reduction.

Note that I did not say that you have to eat less, or to practice all the time. I simply

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stated that by eliminating certain foods from your diet, you might start to lose weight


We also learned that the increase in metabolism is important.

We talked about how you can increase, seeing mental and physical methods.

In particular, we understand that physical activity is important, not only for weight

control but for a global state of happiness. But I have said it is not necessary to train so


The story of going to the gym to train for hours and hours is a huge lie, it isn’t absolutely

necessary to do so.

So we are not required to make it a great strain will have to find time to do so.

I have shown that there are techniques you can practice quietly at home for 10-15

minutes, in front of your TV, without having to kill the effort.

I also demonstrated how you can set an increase in metabolism only mentally, by taking

your weight loss in autopilot.

The real component that will help you never have to worry about your weight is to

eliminate any limiting mental element that pushes you to the food.

The human being needs food to survive, this is a fact. There is no need to eat too much,

but out of habit or for lessons of the past, maybe when we were kids, we have a

relentless drive towards food. Simultaneously with steps seen before, it is important to

begin this process of mental cleansing.

All this completely free us from our path towards the prison food and will open a new

life, full of energy, serenity and happiness.

So I showed what I told you earlier this ebook. As a matter of fact, the secret to

permanent weight loss is nothing more than having the right information and apply them

accordingly. Once we really understand why the body and mind do what they do, we are

able to structure or lifestyle change to accommodate the thing you want most - a healthy

body and thin.

Remember that all this can and must be in complete naturalness. There will be

something to do, of course, but you do not have to struggle for this change.

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Continue about these issues that I explained in this book, continues suggestions on

things that can help you to achieve and maintain your state ideal body form will be

supplied continuously in my newsletter.

If you are not subscribed jet, you can join in ad this web page.  

To your weight and your happiness.  

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