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Shlomi Bitton and Company - News - February 2011.

Apr 09, 2018



Shlomi Bitton
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‘ Sh l o mi B i t t o n a n d Co mpa n y ’ a re l o o k i n g f o r su ppo rt s,o f f e ri n g t h e i r se rv i ce s a n d w i sh i n g y o u a j o y f u l 20 1 1 !Intro. By company’s headquarters

Shlomi Bitton, born and raised in Israel. He passed

through different art forms of expression, particularly, theart of choreography (movement writing). Over the 10years of his professional quest he has been developing avery unique and promising voice. He has been recognizedas one of Israel's original creators and performers. Heholds first prizes at two israeli choreography competitions,two "Ministry of Culture" prizes as a promisingchoreographer, and supports were given by: MASPA - theschool of performing arts in Kibbutz Gaaton, home for hisfirst creations, mentored by the wonderful Mrs. YehuditArnon ; the Acco Theater Center - in his home town, wherehe initiated the dance platform (the Hamama) ; The IsraeliChoreographers Association, the Pais (lottery) Foundation,

the Sharet Foundation (America Israel CulturalFoundation), Suzanne Dellal Center, the Israeli Ministry of Culture, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and manydifferent israeli festivals, cultural centers, and schools, thathosted his creation processes and performances.

Internationally, Shlomi has been recognized by theluxurious artistic initiative "The Rolex Mentor andProtege Arts Initiative", as one of its 4 finalists for the

2003-2005 cycle (Mentor: Saburo Teshigawara). Hehas been invited to international competitions inHolland, Germany, Japan and Spain. He passedoutstandingly through all of them and won prizes inGermany (Hannover and Stuttgart - 3 prizes) andSpain (Burgos, Grand Canaria, Madrid - 4 prizes).He created for professional companies and schools/conservatories (Austria, Germany, Spain and Israel)and to sum it up, he has toured so far between:Israel, Czhec Republic, Poland, France, Croatia,Austria, Germany, USA, Spain, Holland, Italy and


Nowadays in Spain, based in Madrid, leading a newpath of expansion, seeking for that variety the worldhas to offer. Since late 2008, he has been creating/composingoriginal music, writing songs for his own creations, aswell as short video pieces, depicting theatricalcharacters, written and directed by himself. These

are done in his desire and need to play, to create,using different media, crossing different disciplines...exploring ways to tell stories.Among prizes in 3 different spanish choreographiccompetitions, collaborations have been made during

2010 with: Casa Sefarad Israel, the Israeli Embassyin Madrid, Alcalá de Henares University, CanalDance Center Madrid (where we resided as a

company), Mercat de Les Flors in Barcelona, SNEOMestizaje Projects in Madrid (our co-producers) anda recent support for creation from Madrid’s RegionalGovernment (Comunidad de Madrid). All these havehelped to develop his recent creation, “The TeaserTrilogy" (full details on page 5).

Also, Shlomi is leading his new and exciting “You are

the creator” workshops/classes (Details bellow onpage 4)... a training system that is open to and

designed for a variety of professionals and nonprofessionals from different fields... for all people :-).He has been guest teacher at the ConservatorioSuperior de Danza de Madrid, at the Institute delTeatre in Barcelona, and at the RESAD (Real EscuelaSuperior de Arte Dramático), Madrid.

"Shlomi Bitton and Company" is in its process of becoming an established company, wherever 

possible. A new brand that will promote all itstalented collaborators, locally and internationally.We are seeking more offers, performers,collaborators, sponsors, hosts, ideas, suggestionsand such :-) ... all that will help us reachcontinuation, reach fruition, reach the audiences thatseeks for the pleasure we have to offer.

Shlomi is constantly searching for ways to offer positive ideas and inspirations to people, threwperformance arts. A creator, the entertaining

kind, who wishes to share with a variety of people,the thought that we are all "c r e a t o r s"! and thathappiness is our common heritage and a reason for positive changes in our reality.☺

Please consider joining us with anything you chooseto offer. We would love the new interaction with you!and we certainly wish to offer you something inreturn.(For our detailed offerings, please continue reading).

Thank you very much for your attention! at your service always. Happy super creative year, andshalom from,

Shlomi Bitton & Company headquarters. "

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O u r o f f e r i n g s :

Page 4.“You are the creator” workshop + “repertoire” workshop.

Page 5.“Teaser 3: “get the money and run!” = our latest creation.

Page 6. Three more creations from our repertoire.

Page 7. Shlomi as guest choreographer - musician, auditions, and search

team members.

Page 8. SNEO Mestizaje Projects - Co-producers (Audio-Visual).

Page 9.Currant cast, team and useful links.

Page 10. Press, critic and others.

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 Teachings of new creativity with movements and words led by:

“Coming out of my constant search and investigation for all that moves us, I established a new form of teaching, nowadays based in Madrid, and opened for your international invitations.Special thanks to all the teachers I had along the way, and to the ones I still have :-) cheers!”


If you are an actor, a singer, dancer, painter, musician, professional, non professional, student, officeworker... simply a person with creative desire within? If you need to choose between gym, kong fu,

yoga or belly dancing ... then here is another choice for you to consider!“You are the creator” classes/workshops are open to and designed for all moving people! Anyone who

wishes to train, to explore new awarenesses and develop new abilities, physically and mentally:

★ Introducing a new and exciting system of exercises that will help you know your body in detail.You will explore new ways of moving, behaving, communicating and enjoying.

A system for the creation of artistic expressions out of joy! (joy is key :-)

★ Linking the training of the actor and the training of the dancer by using words in all kind of ways anddynamics, therefore, expressing... or, with no words, just thoughts and feelings within, expressing. Either way, be in control of what comes out of you, shape forms with your body to your liking and create new

memories in it, in your mind too. (joy is key :-)

★ Grow your emotional awareness, your perception of time and space and your body in it ; you willexpand, strengthen and release - your joints, muscles and mind.

★ Be yourself, or act it... get foolish. Empathize with others, desire, get motivated.  Simply sweat, get fitand bring the healing joy (is key :-) by playing... play!

★ Expand the range of your performing abilities... or just become a much more aware person. Either way, you win! Be the creator of your own experience!

*Two hours straight per class (longer, in case of an intensive workshop), intimate environment,comfortable clothing and accompanied by music.

All that really matters is that each person will work with his/her own abilities and make his/her own


This workshop can be adapted to companies (all fields) who wish to provide a creative break to their employees, to independently organized groups, and even to one on one sessions (as personal training

form).Mixed working groups are recommended!

Directions will be mostly in English, Spanish too (in Spain), and, even Hebrew, as a special offer for Jewish communities and people that wish to practice Hebrew in a unique and fresh way.


Cheers from, Shlomi Bitton and Company  

Full repertoire classes are also available and you can watch the style at:






 Third House Light channel.

“ Y O U A R E T H E C R E A T O R ”

Shlomi Bitton

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The ‘Teaser’ Trilogy was launched on December 2009 in Madrid, Spain, and is now seeking for it’scompletion.What Teaser means? 1. a difficult or tricky questionor task. 2. a person who makes fun of or provokesothers in a playful or unkind way. 3. a person whotempts someone sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused. 4. a short introductory

advertisement for a product. Specially one that doesnot mention the thing being advertised. And fewmore.Why Teaser? Why Trilogy? Because we knew wewould play with new ideas and new ways tocommunicate... teasing, challenging and questioning- ourselves and the audience - with our actions andwith the images that we project... with our creativity.We knew we will be exploring, without completing.We give ourselves time to find out what is the finalproduct we would really like to have eventually...

satisfied with, happy with... a clear one to sharewith people! (also, music takes time to create :-)Teaser 1: “Run, Shlomi, run!”, was invited as a guestcompany creation for the XXIII Madrid NationalChoreography Competition (December 2009),collaborating with the Conservatorio Superior deDanza, Madrid and its students.Teaser 2: “Where you heading fool!?” was invitedto premiere at “BCSTX’10” (Back Stage Festival -June 2010) in Tantarantana Theater, Barcelona(Mercat de Les Flors production) collaborating withSNEO Mestizaje Projects and developed whileresiding at Canal Dance Center, Madrid.Teaser 3: “get the money and run!” will completethis shameless saga. At time being, Teaser 3 waspremiered as a work in process on January 29th2011 at Eduardo Úrculo Cultural Center, Madrid,

where we got the great opportunity to test the latestfruits of a long and rich process, with great success,and an awakened desire for more. The process wassupported by the Comunidad de Madrid, CanalDance Center and SNEO Mestizaje Projects, andnow we are on our way to complete it and we arelooking for more of you frisky ones who might wishto join the ride and support us.

Shlomi says:“This trilogy started with telling the story of my  “personal adaptation” here, in a new country,walking on a new path, expanding my life,finding my bliss. Now, as we are closer tocompleting a final product and after a deep andlong search, it is clear that the simple story isabout us people, who simply look for happiness(And fuck it, it is not a forbidden word!).Yes, it still has a biographic dynamic in it, but aswell a universal tone that can talk to us all.

We use the “running” concept in this trilogy, tostress the sense of emergency, and the need toget somewhere. Running because there is so muchto do, so much to play with, so much we it’s a rush of joy, and we are running with asmile. We use the money concept in this finalchapter as a symbol for that thing that can makeus rise and fall at the same time. But mainly it refers to a quantity of something, a “gift” of somekind, or “blessing”, “prosperity” tone and such ...take it, and run with it!I honestly just want to remind myself, andhopefully you too, the audience, how to feelgood and do the things we love, in spite of! We “tease” in order to create a new awakeningin us and in the other. We “tease” because welove!”





A production of:


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DECEMBER 2010 מר


Also available from repertoire, the following creations:

Just Air (No Hands)Dúo - 16 minutos.

Celebrate if you canDúo - 13 minutos.

One-Self (Ehad , in Hebrew)Solo - 15 minutos.

Initiated with the support of IntimaDance Festival and Curtain UpFestival, Tel Aviv, Israel, as well as the New Jersey Performing ArtCenter (NJPAC), as a part of Alternate Routs/World Festival ,NewJersey, USA. November 2003.

Both First Prize and Critics Prize at the 18th International ChoreographyCompetition, Ballettgesellschaft Hanover, Germany (2004 April).

Ministry Prize given to promising creators by the 'Ministry of Science,Culture and Sport' in Israel, for the year 2004.

Second Prize for Duets, at the Burgos-New York InternationalCompetition, Burgos Spain (August 2008).

Watch sample here, call for details.

Initiated with the support of the Aleko International ChoreographyCompetition, Aomori Museum, Japan. and the Acco theater Center,Israel.

Second prize at the Madrid National Choreography Competition,Madrid Spain. December 2008.*Support from the “Casa Sefarad Israel”, Madrid , Spain.

Watch sample here, call for details.

Initiated with the support of Curtain Up Festival, Suzanne Dellal Center,Tel Aviv, Israel, 2004.

Both Third Prize (Jury) and Audience Prize for Best Solo at the10Masdanza International Solo Competition, Gran Canaria, Spain(April 2005).

First Prize for Choreography at the 9th International Solo-Dance-Theater Festival in Stuttgart, Germany (March 2005).

Watch sample here, (the second video). Call for further info.


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Auditions - search for performers.

Because of the special style, specialpeople are needed.

We are constantly sending out a call,for you special people, to contact us

and check possibilities together.There are more projects on the line,and we wish to grow the scale of thecompany, in time, and for the benefit

of us all :-)

Want to assist us and join theteam?

We are currently a small group of people that share common ideas and a

path that arouses in us an ever growing creative desire.

(joy is key!-)

If you are interested to offer your skillsand contribute to the expansion of thismechanism, please don’t hesitate to

contact us for further discussion.

Guest choreographer, musician.

Shlomi is offering himself and his skillsas a creator for other companies,

cultural centers, projects, etc...

Temporary period of creation - fastand intensive process (or long) -

uniqueness - quality - etc.

Wanna play?

*if you have another type of 


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Shlomi BittonTelf. 91 364 22 29Movil> 645 62 33 [email protected]://

Mayda ÁlvarezSNEO Mestizaje ProjectsC/ Lirios, 9 28016 Madrid

SNEO MESTIZAJE PROJECTS, Co-Producers, artisticcollaborators and supporters in “Teaser 3: Get the money andrun!” (Coming first on 29th January 2011).

Entering the new year... towards the premier of "Teaser 3: Get the money and run!" by ShlomiBitton & Company, and towards it’s distribution... we, at SNEO Mestizaje Projects, are sending

out a call, to join us as supporters in Shlomi’s path, in any way you can think of!

Our company, SNEO Mestizaje Projects (South-North-East-West Miscegenation projects) has theaim of uniting different cultures and sources of creation together, in a process, on one stage...uniting the variety of colors that different artists have to offer, and sharing them with people.

We see Shlomi Bitton as a partner to our aim, a unique artist that brings a new light to thestage. We are fascinated by it’s origin, and we are blessing our collaboration with him.We also share his believe and desire to bring joy, love and care threw performance art, as wellas in life, as a human being.

Any contribute will be a big help for us and for Shlomi and his company. We are uniting forcesto keep the circle of exchanges, so all sides are benefiting from it.Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any need, we will be happy to answer any of yourquestions and add further details. As well, we will be happy to see you among our guests inour next performance.

Much appreciation for your attention, we wish you a brand new happy 2011!Sincerely.

Mayda Álvarez and Jmac Garin, - SNEO Mestizaje Projects, s.l. 


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•Production: Shlomi Bitton and Company (Israel-

Spain), Sneo Mestizaje Projects - Mayda Alvarez y

Jmac Garin (Mexico, Uruguay).•Production assistance: Yaiza Guimaré, Maria Roig

•Texts, music, choreography, direction: Shlomi


•Music production assistance and sound technician:

Héctor González Sánchez (Glocal Sound)

•Video production and creation: Jmac Garin andShlomi Bitton

•Live Projections: SNEO Mestizaje Projects - Jmac


•Performers (stage and video): Melania Olcina

Yguero, Ruth Muelas, Yaiza Guimaré, Yanet Sierra,

Sara Cano, Shlomi Bitton.•Collaborators: Alberto Segovia Otero (bass

Guitar), Melissa Bernald Laufer (voice), Jeremie

Bernheim (graphics), Bernardo Doral (photos).

Shlomi Bitton and company:

•Complete CV.•Latest news.

•Places of workshops.

•Become our friend on 


•Subscribe to ThirdHouseLight channel on YouTube and get


•Join our mailing list.

Current cast, team and useful links

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Press, critic and others:

"Shlomi creates and performs in rare concentration. His movements combine sharpness, control and 

tenderness... they flow, resembling European elegancy... this dialogue causes the viewers to devotedly follow after each movement in their bodies, each change in their faces... it is fascinating, alive and 

exciting...” Time Out Tel Aviv – Gal Alster.

“His works indicates his persistence and diligence, his curiosity and his deep investigation of the world that surrounds him. His new piece “Just Air/No hands” is a choreographic perl which is engraved deeply in the

heart of the viewers.... An exceptional and remarkable creator and performer, with a rich and inflaming inner world and with a clear and accurate saying....” The Juries for the “Ministry of Culture Prize” - for upcoming choreographers, Israel, 2002, 2004.

”... this is an indication, that strength and struggle should be on stage with all you have to offer. And so...

with blood and suffer and a frantic smile, he somehow makes me want to dance!... that's realness...

Shlomi's work is very real, it is just happening...” 

Esther Vrubel - creator, performer and pedagog... Denmark, Israel.

“Shlomi Bitton impressed the jury of critics at the 18th International Competition of Choreographers at Hannover, Germany 2004 by his special and sensitive movement-vocabulary as well as the original choiceof the snappy jazzy music. In the title of his piece „No Hands“ there is already a touch of irony and humor,

because his choreography deals with playful hand gestures and mirrors a kind of magnetism between the

two dancers Bitton and Lilli Ladin, who cannot resist to touch each other with their hands and arms. Bittonseems to act very carelessly, but is at the same time a sophisticated and very present performer. His dance

has the lightness and surprising turning points of improvisation, but it is choreographed very precisely and to the point, develops a subtile wit while watching the fears and the alternating between desire, feelings

and intellectual thoughts at the beginning of a (sexual) relationship between a man and a woman”. Klaus Witzeling for the jury (the 18th International Competition of Choreographers at), Hannover,


“...With a very personal, strange, magical, choreographic and body language, Shlomi Bitton tells in anintimate way, the crazy story of everyday, maybe, certainly, in Israel, in the world. Extremely delicate,

descriptive, the movements of the arms, hands and torso tell an ironical, tragic, hopeful story, with thesimplicity of a pilgrim of the spirit. Shlomi has an enormous charisma, made of humility, of light.”  Celi Barbier – France.


first prize for choreography was for the Israeli Shlomi Bitton. With “One-self”, he succeeds in commenting,in an underhand way, on the terror in his native land, shown on stage as a big bomb. that symbolizes the

inner explosion of his loneliness. Bitton also expresses this through his dance in a singular body language,in a very emotional and expressive way. An amazing dance piece […] that let much space to think over.”

Pressespiegel Treffpunkt Rotebühlplatz (Stuttgarter Zeitung) 22 nd May, 2005.

The Rolex Mentor and Protégé   Arts Initiative Six Master Artists to Select Protégés - From an

International Roster of Nominees: GENEVA, 16 February 2004 – Rolex today announced the names of 21

emerging artists – nine women and 12 men from 16 countries – who have been selected as potential Protégés for the second cycle of the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative. Six independent panels of 

experts have chosen the 21 finalists from more than 150 initial candidates, whom they identified through aworldwide search. These up-and-coming artists of exceptional promise are currently being introduced to

the six great masters who will serve as Mentors in the next cycle. “The results of the initiative’s first cyclehave exceeded our expectations,” said Patrick Heiniger, Chief Executive Officer of Rolex SA. “It has already 

become an honour for an artist to be nominated for participation in this groundbreaking program. I

congratulate the candidates and have full confidence that all of them will make their mark.”  The finalists – whose median age is 30 – were selected from 154 candidates in 53 countries by theanonymous nominating panels. There were 31 candidates in dance.

Dance: Mr Shlomi Bitton (Israel, 25), Mr Junaid Jemal Sendi (Ethiopia, 20), Mr Gregory Vuyani Maqoma(South Africa, 30) and Mr Nikolai Schetnev (Russia, 27).

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Shlomi Bitton and Company:

Shlomi Bitton - 645623351 / Yaiza Guimaré - [email protected]

SNEO Mestizaje Projects:

Mayda Álvarez - 656 85 70 [email protected] 

A N D R U N ! "

" T E A S E R 3-


 M O N E 



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