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Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov The Center for Theoretical and Experimental P article Physics Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago, Chile EIC Users Group Yellow Report Working Group on Calorimetry March 31, 2020

Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Nov 12, 2020



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Page 1: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector

Sergey KuleshovThe Center for Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics

Universidad Andrés BelloSantiago, Chile

EIC Users Group Yellow ReportWorking Group on Calorimetry

March 31, 2020

Page 2: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

PbWO and shashlik calorimetry for LHC.

• CMS – PbWO• ALICE- PbWO and

shashlik• LHCB-shashlik

A mq · ( (0 — ll

on leave from INR, Moscowon leave from LAPP, AnnecyContact personSpokesperson

Brunel University,Uxbrzdge , UK OCR OutputPR. Hobson, D.C. Iznrie

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot,UKR.M. Brown, D..l.A. Cockerill, J. Connolly, L. Demon, R. Stephenson

Imperial College, London, UKE. Clayzon, D. Miller, C. Seez, T.S. Virdee

LIP, Lisboa, PORTUGALP. Bordalo, C. Lourenco, Ri. Nobrega, V. Pop0v", S. Ramos,]. Varela

INR, Moscow RUSSIAA. Proskurja/cov, B. Semenov, I. Sernenyuk, V. Sukhov

G. Atoyan, S. Gninenko, E. Guschin, V. Issa/cov, V. Klirnenko, V. Marin, Y. Musienko, A. Poblaguev, V. Postoev ,

IHEP, Protvino, RUSSIAS. Bityukov, A. Gorin , V. Obraztsov, A. Ostankov, B. Polyakov, V. Rykalin, V. Soushkov, V. Vasil’chenk0, A.Zaitchenko

ITEP, RUSSIAS. Abdullin, V. Kaftanov, V. Lukashin, A. Nikitenko, Y. Semenov, A. Szarodurnov, N. Stepanov, Y. Trebukhovsky

JINR, Dubna, RUSSIAS. Sergueev. A. Sidorov, E. Zubarev, N. Zamiazin, A. Zarubin,

A. Cheremukhin, A. Egorov, I. Golutvin, I. Ivanchenko, Y. Kretov, Y. Kozlov, V. Minashkin, P. Moissenz, A. Rashevsky,


Ph. Blochz, J. Christiansen, H. Heijne, M. Glaser. P. Jarron, F. Lerneilleur, I. Karyotakis’ , R. Loos, A. Marchioro,

Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, FRANCEI. Badier, G. Bonneaud, A. Busata, Ph. Busson, C. Charlot, L. Dobrzynski’, Ch. Gregory, A. Karar, R. Tanaka

A combined Shashlik + Preshower detector for LHC.

O O Shashlnk Calonmetry

R&D Proposal

we. ;·,g» #4 M »· Dawg

sc:00000220?"August 13m, 1993

\ _



T. Beckers, B. Jacobs, J. Nelissen, Z. Shuping, S. Tavernier OCR OutputVrije Universiteit Brussel

S. Sarkar, K. Sudhakar, S.C. TonwarT. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S. Dutta, S.N. Ganguli, S.K. Gupta, A. Gurtu, S. Mangla, K. Mazumdar, R. Raghavan,

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India

H. Hillemanns, T. Kirn, W. Krenz, K. Lubelsmeyer, D. Schmitz, J. Schwenke, W. WallraffPhysics Institute, RWTH Aachen, Germany

V. Samsonov, V. Schegelski, V. YanovskiPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, St-Petersburg, CIS

S. Andersson, L. Jonsson, G SvenssonLund University, Sweden

B. Moine, C. PedriniLPCML, Université Claude Bemard, Lyon, France

C.R. WuestB.A. Fuchs, C. Gillespie, J. Heck, F. Holdener, W. Kway, G. Loomis, G.]. Mauger, M.J. Weber, N. Winter,

LLNL, Livermore, United States

M. Lebeau (Now at CERN), M. Schneegans, J.P. Vialle, M. VivargentLAPP, Annecy, France

SahucJ.P. Burq, M. Chemarin, J. Fay, M. Goyot, B. Ille, P. Lebrun, N. Madjar, H. El Mamouni, J.P. Martin, P.

IPNL, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France

J.A. Mares, M. Nikl, K. Polak, J. RosaInstitute of Physics, Praha, Czeck Republik

l. Dafinei (Now at CERN), V. TopaInstitute of Atomic Physics (IFA) Bucharest, Romania

F. De NotaristefaniS. Baccaro (ENEA), L. Barone, B. Borgia, F. Ferroni, P. D‘Atanasio (ENEA), M. Mattioli,

INFN, Roma, Italy

O. Francescangeli, G. Majni, P. Mengucci, D. RinaldiINFN, Ancona, Italy

A. Rosowsky, P. VerrechiaR. Chipaux, J.L. Faure, A Givernaud, E. Locci, J.P. Merlo, ].P. Pansart, Ph. Rebourgeard,

DAPNIA, Saclay, France

E. Auffray, A. Hervé, P. Lecoq ( spokesman ), I. M. Le GoffCERN, Geneva, Switzerland

G. Gratta, D.A. Ma, R. Mount, H. Newman, S. Shevchenko, X. Shi, R. ZhuCALTECH, Pasadena, United States






Non LHC experiments:NA-62 –shahslikNA-64 – shashlikNA-58/COMPASS –shashlik

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 3: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Why did CMS select PbWO?• Space limitation with the magnet and the tracker.• Only APD was a reasonable option of the photosensor with the strong

magnetic field. APD required a temperature stabilization and was coplanar with PbWO• ECAL endcaps were instrumented with photo triodes.• The Crystal Clear Collaboration promised very radiation hard PbWO. • PWO production was concentrated in one place with very tight control of

CERN management.

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 4: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

LHCb shashlik calorimeter (was made with the experience of PHENIX and HERA-B)

2008 JINST 3 S08005



ADC channel



/5 c




Figure 6.24: Energy deposition of (a) 50 GeV electrons and (b) pions in the PS.

Figure 6.25: Downstream view of the ECAL installed (but not completely closed) with the excep-tion of some detector elements above the beam line. Outer, middle and inner type ECAL modules(right).

effects have been studied with the prototype in both a tagged photon beam and beams of electronsand pions of different energies, in the CERN X7 test beam area. The results were compared withsimulation. The measurements for photon energies between 20 and 50 GeV show [137] that theprobability of photon misidentification due to interactions in the SPD scintillator is (0.8±0.3)%,when applying a threshold of 0.7 MIPs. The probability to pass this threshold due to backwardmoving charged particles was measured to be (0.9±0.6)% and (1.4±0.6)% for 20 and 50 GeVphotons, respectively. All these numbers are in very good agreement with MonteCarlo simulationstudy. More details on backsplash study can be found in [137].

– 102 –

Downstream view of the ECAL installed (but not completely closed) with the exception of some detector elements above the beam line. Outer, middle and inner type ECAL modules (right).

2008 JINST 3 S08005

Table 6.4: Main parameters of the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. (*) Only 1536 channels areactive, instead of 1584, due to the clearance around the beam.

Inner section Middle section Outer sectionInner dimension, x⇥ y, cm2 65⇥65 194⇥145 388⇥242Outer dimension, x⇥ y, cm2 194⇥145 388⇥242 776⇥630Cell size, cm2 4.04⇥4.04 6.06⇥6.06 12.12⇥12.12# of modules 176 448 2688# of channels 1536⇤ 1792 2688# of cells per module 9 4 1# of fibres per module 144 144 64Fibre density, cm�2 0.98 0.98 0.44

6.2.4 The electromagnetic calorimeter

The shashlik calorimeter technology, i.e. a sampling scintillator/lead structure readout by plasticWLS fibres, has been chosen for the electromagnetic calorimeter not only by LHCb but by a num-ber of other experiments [138, 139]. This decision was made taking into account modest energyresolution, fast time response, acceptable radiation resistance and reliability of the shashlik tech-nology, as well as the experience accumulated by other experiments [140–142]. Specific featuresof the LHCb shashlik ECAL are an improved uniformity and an advanced monitoring system. Thedesign energy resolution of sE/E = 10%/

pE � 1% (E in GeV) results in a B mass resolution of

65 MeV/c2 for the B ! K⇤g penguin decay with a high-ET photon and of 75 MeV/c2 for B ! rpdecay with the p0 mass resolution of ⇠ 8 MeV/c2.

The electromagnetic calorimeter, shown in figure 6.25 (left), is placed at 12.5 m from theinteraction point. The outer dimensions of the ECAL match projectively those of the trackingsystem, qx < 300 mrad and qy < 250 mrad; the inner acceptance is mainly limited by qx,y > 25 mradaround the beampipe due to the substantial radiation dose level. The hit density is a steep functionof the distance from the beampipe, and varies over the active calorimeter surface by two orders ofmagnitude. The calorimeter is therefore subdivided into inner, middle and outer sections (table 6.4)with appropriate cell size, as shown in figure 6.25 (right).

A module is built from alternating layers of 2 mm thick lead, 120 µm thick, white, reflectingTYVEK16 paper and 4 mm thick scintillator tiles. In depth, the 66 Pb and scintillator layers forma 42 cm stack corresponding to 25 X0. The Moliere radius of the stack is 3.5 cm. The stack iswrapped with black paper, to ensure light tightness, pressed and fixed from the sides by the weldingof 100 µm steel foil.

The scintillator tiles are produced from polystyrene17 with 2.5% PTP18 and 0.01% POPOP19

admixtures. The scintillator tile production employs a high pressure injection moulding technique.Tile edges are chemically treated to provide diffusive reflection and consequently improved light

16TYVEK of type 1025D used, product of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.17Polystherene in pellets, Polystyrol 165H, [Cn Hn], product of BASF AG, Badische Anilin- & Soda Fabrik Aktienge-

sellschaft, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, D-67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany, mailto:[email protected], p-Terphenyl, 1,4-Diphenylbenzene, [C6 H5 C6 H4 C6 H5], product of FLUKA(TM), Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, CH-9470, Buchs, Switzerland, mailto:[email protected], 1,4-Bis(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene, [C24 H16 N2 O2], product of FLUKA(TM), Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, CH-9470, Buchs, Switzerland, mailto:[email protected].

– 103 –

Main parameters of the LHCbelectromagnetic calorimeter.

2008 JINST 3 S08005

Table 6.4: Main parameters of the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. (*) Only 1536 channels areactive, instead of 1584, due to the clearance around the beam.

Inner section Middle section Outer sectionInner dimension, x⇥ y, cm2 65⇥65 194⇥145 388⇥242Outer dimension, x⇥ y, cm2 194⇥145 388⇥242 776⇥630Cell size, cm2 4.04⇥4.04 6.06⇥6.06 12.12⇥12.12# of modules 176 448 2688# of channels 1536⇤ 1792 2688# of cells per module 9 4 1# of fibres per module 144 144 64Fibre density, cm�2 0.98 0.98 0.44

6.2.4 The electromagnetic calorimeter

The shashlik calorimeter technology, i.e. a sampling scintillator/lead structure readout by plasticWLS fibres, has been chosen for the electromagnetic calorimeter not only by LHCb but by a num-ber of other experiments [138, 139]. This decision was made taking into account modest energyresolution, fast time response, acceptable radiation resistance and reliability of the shashlik tech-nology, as well as the experience accumulated by other experiments [140–142]. Specific featuresof the LHCb shashlik ECAL are an improved uniformity and an advanced monitoring system. Thedesign energy resolution of sE/E = 10%/

pE � 1% (E in GeV) results in a B mass resolution of

65 MeV/c2 for the B ! K⇤g penguin decay with a high-ET photon and of 75 MeV/c2 for B ! rpdecay with the p0 mass resolution of ⇠ 8 MeV/c2.

The electromagnetic calorimeter, shown in figure 6.25 (left), is placed at 12.5 m from theinteraction point. The outer dimensions of the ECAL match projectively those of the trackingsystem, qx < 300 mrad and qy < 250 mrad; the inner acceptance is mainly limited by qx,y > 25 mradaround the beampipe due to the substantial radiation dose level. The hit density is a steep functionof the distance from the beampipe, and varies over the active calorimeter surface by two orders ofmagnitude. The calorimeter is therefore subdivided into inner, middle and outer sections (table 6.4)with appropriate cell size, as shown in figure 6.25 (right).

A module is built from alternating layers of 2 mm thick lead, 120 µm thick, white, reflectingTYVEK16 paper and 4 mm thick scintillator tiles. In depth, the 66 Pb and scintillator layers forma 42 cm stack corresponding to 25 X0. The Moliere radius of the stack is 3.5 cm. The stack iswrapped with black paper, to ensure light tightness, pressed and fixed from the sides by the weldingof 100 µm steel foil.

The scintillator tiles are produced from polystyrene17 with 2.5% PTP18 and 0.01% POPOP19

admixtures. The scintillator tile production employs a high pressure injection moulding technique.Tile edges are chemically treated to provide diffusive reflection and consequently improved light

16TYVEK of type 1025D used, product of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.17Polystherene in pellets, Polystyrol 165H, [Cn Hn], product of BASF AG, Badische Anilin- & Soda Fabrik Aktienge-

sellschaft, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, D-67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany, mailto:[email protected], p-Terphenyl, 1,4-Diphenylbenzene, [C6 H5 C6 H4 C6 H5], product of FLUKA(TM), Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, CH-9470, Buchs, Switzerland, mailto:[email protected], 1,4-Bis(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene, [C24 H16 N2 O2], product of FLUKA(TM), Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, CH-9470, Buchs, Switzerland, mailto:[email protected].

– 103 –

2008 JINST 3 S08005

Table 6.4: Main parameters of the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. (*) Only 1536 channels areactive, instead of 1584, due to the clearance around the beam.

Inner section Middle section Outer sectionInner dimension, x⇥ y, cm2 65⇥65 194⇥145 388⇥242Outer dimension, x⇥ y, cm2 194⇥145 388⇥242 776⇥630Cell size, cm2 4.04⇥4.04 6.06⇥6.06 12.12⇥12.12# of modules 176 448 2688# of channels 1536⇤ 1792 2688# of cells per module 9 4 1# of fibres per module 144 144 64Fibre density, cm�2 0.98 0.98 0.44

6.2.4 The electromagnetic calorimeter

The shashlik calorimeter technology, i.e. a sampling scintillator/lead structure readout by plasticWLS fibres, has been chosen for the electromagnetic calorimeter not only by LHCb but by a num-ber of other experiments [138, 139]. This decision was made taking into account modest energyresolution, fast time response, acceptable radiation resistance and reliability of the shashlik tech-nology, as well as the experience accumulated by other experiments [140–142]. Specific featuresof the LHCb shashlik ECAL are an improved uniformity and an advanced monitoring system. Thedesign energy resolution of sE/E = 10%/

pE � 1% (E in GeV) results in a B mass resolution of

65 MeV/c2 for the B ! K⇤g penguin decay with a high-ET photon and of 75 MeV/c2 for B ! rpdecay with the p0 mass resolution of ⇠ 8 MeV/c2.

The electromagnetic calorimeter, shown in figure 6.25 (left), is placed at 12.5 m from theinteraction point. The outer dimensions of the ECAL match projectively those of the trackingsystem, qx < 300 mrad and qy < 250 mrad; the inner acceptance is mainly limited by qx,y > 25 mradaround the beampipe due to the substantial radiation dose level. The hit density is a steep functionof the distance from the beampipe, and varies over the active calorimeter surface by two orders ofmagnitude. The calorimeter is therefore subdivided into inner, middle and outer sections (table 6.4)with appropriate cell size, as shown in figure 6.25 (right).

A module is built from alternating layers of 2 mm thick lead, 120 µm thick, white, reflectingTYVEK16 paper and 4 mm thick scintillator tiles. In depth, the 66 Pb and scintillator layers forma 42 cm stack corresponding to 25 X0. The Moliere radius of the stack is 3.5 cm. The stack iswrapped with black paper, to ensure light tightness, pressed and fixed from the sides by the weldingof 100 µm steel foil.

The scintillator tiles are produced from polystyrene17 with 2.5% PTP18 and 0.01% POPOP19

admixtures. The scintillator tile production employs a high pressure injection moulding technique.Tile edges are chemically treated to provide diffusive reflection and consequently improved light

16TYVEK of type 1025D used, product of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.17Polystherene in pellets, Polystyrol 165H, [Cn Hn], product of BASF AG, Badische Anilin- & Soda Fabrik Aktienge-

sellschaft, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, D-67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany, mailto:[email protected], p-Terphenyl, 1,4-Diphenylbenzene, [C6 H5 C6 H4 C6 H5], product of FLUKA(TM), Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, CH-9470, Buchs, Switzerland, mailto:[email protected], 1,4-Bis(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene, [C24 H16 N2 O2], product of FLUKA(TM), Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, CH-9470, Buchs, Switzerland, mailto:[email protected].

– 103 –

The light from the scintillator tiles is absorbed, re-emitted and transported by 1.2 mm diameter WLS Kuraray Y-11(250)MSJ fibrs, traversing the entire module.

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 5: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Date: 6/18/18

EIC Detector R&D Progress Report

Project ID: eRD1 Project Name: EIC Calorimeter Development Period Reported: from 1/1/18 to 6/30/18 Project Leaders: H.Z. Huang and C. Woody Contact Person: T. Horn, H.Z. Huang, E. Kistenev, S. Kuleshov, O. Tasi, C. Woody


S.Boose, J.Haggerty, J.Huang, E.Kistenev, E.Mannel, C.Pinkenberg, T. Shimek, S. Stoll and C. Woody

(PHENIX Group, BNL Physics Department)

E. Aschenauer, S. Fazio, A. Kiselev (Spin and EIC Group, BNL Physics Department)

Y. Fisyak and W. Schmidke

(STAR Group, Physics Department) Brookhaven National Laboratory

F. Yang, L. Zhang and R-Y. Zhu

California Institute of Technology

S. Ali, D. Damenova, J. Paez Chavez, R. Trotta, V. Berdnikov, T. Horn and I. Pegg

The Catholic University of America and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

W. Jacobs, G. Visser and S. Wissink

Indiana University

A. Denisov and A. Durum Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia

M. Battaglieri, A. Celentano, R. De Vita, L. Marsicano, P. Musico, M.

Osipenko, M. Ripani and M. Taiuti Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione de Genova e Dipartmento di Fisica dell’Universit`a, 16146 Genova, Italy

A. Sickles

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

C. Aidala, J. Osborn, M. Skoby University of Michigan


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A. Brandin B. MEPHI, Moscow, Russia

Date: 6/18/18

EIC Detector R&D Progress Report

Project ID: eRD1 Project Name: EIC Calorimeter Development Period Reported: from 1/1/18 to 6/30/18 Project Leaders: H.Z. Huang and C. Woody Contact Person: T. Horn, H.Z. Huang, E. Kistenev, S. Kuleshov, O. Tasi, C. Woody


S.Boose, J.Haggerty, J.Huang, E.Kistenev, E.Mannel, C.Pinkenberg, T. Shimek, S. Stoll and C. Woody

(PHENIX Group, BNL Physics Department)

E. Aschenauer, S. Fazio, A. Kiselev (Spin and EIC Group, BNL Physics Department)

Y. Fisyak and W. Schmidke

(STAR Group, Physics Department) Brookhaven National Laboratory

F. Yang, L. Zhang and R-Y. Zhu

California Institute of Technology

S. Ali, D. Damenova, J. Paez Chavez, R. Trotta, V. Berdnikov, T. Horn and I. Pegg

The Catholic University of America and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

W. Jacobs, G. Visser and S. Wissink

Indiana University

A. Denisov and A. Durum Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia

M. Battaglieri, A. Celentano, R. De Vita, L. Marsicano, P. Musico, M.

Osipenko, M. Ripani and M. Taiuti Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione de Genova e Dipartmento di Fisica dell’Universit`a, 16146 Genova, Italy

A. Sickles

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

C. Aidala, J. Osborn, M. Skoby University of Michigan


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A. Brandin B. MEPHI, Moscow, Russia

M. Josselin, Ho San, R. Wang, G. Hull and C. Munoz-Camacho IPN Orsay, France

S. Heppelmann

Pennsylvania State University

C. Gagliardi Texas A&M University

A. Somov

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

B. Chen, R. Esha, H.Z. Huang, M. Sergeeva, S. Trentalange, O. Tsai, and L. Wen

University of California at Los Angeles

Y. Zhang, C. Li and Z. Tang University of Science and Technology of China


Detector Laboratory of UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile

H. Mkrtychyan, V. Tadevosyan and A. Asaturyan Yerevan Physics Institute

Sub Project: Development of a High Density, Fully Projective Shashlik Electromagnetic Calorimeter with Improved Energy, Position and Timing Resolution for EIC Project Leaders: S. Kuleshov, E. Kistenev and C.Woody Past What was planned for this period?

UTFSM planned to produce one 40 X0 and one 20 X0 high density shashlik module and test both of them during the last six month period. We planned to test the 40 X0 module in the test beam at CERN in the spring of 2018 and to test the 20 X0 module at the Detector Laboratory at UTFSM. The modules are comprised of 38 x 38 x 1.5 mm W80Cu20 plates from UTFSM and the same size scintillator tiles provided by IHEP. Each module consists of a 2x2 array of 19 x 19 mm towers that are each penetrated by 4 WLS fibers. Each fiber is read out individually with its own SiPM, which allows a measurement of the shower position within the tower. While the light collection uniformity of this compact tower is expected to be quite good due to the short propagation distance of light from any point in the scintillator to one of the WLS fibers, measuring the position of the shower within the tower enables a position-dependent correction to be performed that can be used to correct for any residual non-uniformity. As a result, we expect the uniformity of the energy response of a compact shashlik calorimeter to be superior to the response of a comparably compact W/SciFi calorimeter. However, this conjecture needs to be verified, both by simulation and by measurements, which is the goal of this R&D effort. What was achieved?

The design of the high density shashlik modules was completed and most of the materials for constructing the modules were obtained. Figure 1 shows the overall design of the module. Fig. 1. High density shashlik module consisting of 38 x 38 x 1.5 mm W80Cu20 absorber plates corresponding scintillator tiles read out with WLS fibers and SiPMs.

Front surface showing ends of mechanical support rods and LED for calibration

Readout end with SiPMs mounted to PCB and signal connectors.

Main goals:• Optimize the shashlik calorimeter with SiPM read out.• Update the shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector.

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 6: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Production of the prototype in UTFSM, Chile.




Must be a hole for double-end bolt. S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 7: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Radiation hard plastic scintillator for the Shashlik.• Polystyrene DOW STYRONTM 637 Polystyrene (IUPAC Poly(1-phenylethane-1,2-diyl)), sometimes abbreviated PS, is an aromatic polymer made from the aromatic monomer styrene, a liquid hydrocarbon that is commercially manufactured from petroleum by the chemical industry. Polystyrene is one of the most widely used kinds of plastic.

• There are 2 solutes: 2%pTP(p-Terphenyl (C18H14)) and 0,02% POPOP (C24H16N2O). • This combination of the polystyrene and the solutes is complimentary

to BCF-91A WLS fiber (Saint-Gobain).

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 8: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

38 x 38 x 1.5 plastic and W80Cu20 plates (with polyvinyl film).

the front side with clear Plate for LED

The rear side with holders for light guides

Fibers with light guides

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 9: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

9 modules were assembled, tested and sent to BNL

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 10: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

Shashlik modules.Sergey Kuleshov

Universidad Andrés Bello,Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María,


S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20

Page 11: Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector · Shashlik calorimeter option for EIC detector Sergey Kuleshov TheCenterforTheoreticalandExperimentalParticlePhysics Universidad Andrés

htempEntries 10000Mean 367.7RMS 27.65

cha04-15.8260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 4800








htempEntries 10000Mean 367.7RMS 27.65

cha04-15.8 htempEntries 10000Mean 543.8RMS 29.26

cha05-26.5450 500 550 600 6500









htempEntries 10000Mean 543.8RMS 29.26


Entries 10000Mean 137.1RMS 16.29

cha06-16.580 100 120 140 160 180 200 2200










htempEntries 10000Mean 137.1RMS 16.29

cha06-16.5 htempEntries 10000Mean 186.5RMS 19.17

cha07-23.6100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 2600









htempEntries 10000Mean 186.5RMS 19.17


htempEntries 10000Mean 294.4RMS 21

cha08-24.3200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 3800









htempEntries 10000Mean 294.4RMS 21

cha08-24.3 htempEntries 10000Mean 234.4RMS 28.65

cha09-33.9150 200 250 300 3500









htempEntries 10000Mean 234.4RMS 28.65

cha09-33.9 htempEntries 10000Mean 620.9RMS 37.54

cha10-32.6500 550 600 650 700 750 8000









htempEntries 10000Mean 620.9RMS 37.54


Entries 10000Mean 268RMS 23.65

cha11-26.4180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 3600










htempEntries 10000Mean 268RMS 23.65


htempEntries 10000Mean 342.5RMS 22.22

cha12-28.9250 300 350 400 4500










htempEntries 10000Mean 342.5RMS 22.22

cha12-28.9 htempEntries 10000Mean 261.6RMS 22.74

cha13-31.2180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 3600









htempEntries 10000Mean 261.6RMS 22.74

cha13-31.2 htempEntries 10000Mean 252.5RMS 25.31

cha14-36.1160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 3600








htempEntries 10000Mean 252.5RMS 25.31

cha14-36.1 htempEntries 10000Mean 126.8RMS 21.49

cha15-30.760 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 2400









htempEntries 10000Mean 126.8RMS 21.49


Additional Studies on Light Collection

C.Woody, EIC Detector R&D Committee, 1-24-19 14

A set of calorimeter components was sent to from UTFSM to BNL

for additional studies on light collection.

� Short stack of absorber and scintillator plates� WLS fibers � Acrylic light mixers� SiPM readout board and mounting plate

These will be used to do detailed studies of the light collection within the absorber stack using lasers, LEDs

and radioactive sources in the lab.

Will also test with new 3x3 mm2

15 mm pixel SiPMs from Hamamatsu and KETEK.

S.KULESHOV, EICUG YR WG Calorimetry, 3/31/20