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Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11

Apr 08, 2018



Jerry Moore
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  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    L bd y - ? W b y d - by? I , BdyBd y b x- y.

    Bdy Bd dd

    - S. J HS d. A qd b dd y, Bdy Bd d by dd y -y v ,d, d .

    Bdy Bd dd y.U d ,Bdy Bd v-y. W - d ,d, d b, d S. J - d M. A- Hd. A y , b yy .

    Bdy Bd - d d ; -y d dv -d. Bdy Bd

    b d S. J v y.

    T jy y dvd d y -y v , dM. Hd. I - .

    T v d vy v y d - v d,d N L, yd d H Dy.

    H Dy d v j d j d x y I , d.

    W y bv y , d v j d y .

    Ad x

    d d y vd v , j d b yb dy y b .

    NEWSSpanish teacher Mrs. MelissaSchamel and the Shark Attack staf

    win awards at the Technology Fair.

    OPINIONWhat are you doing or

    Spring Break? Check out some cool

    ideas and important reminders.

    ENTERTAINMENTFind out whichspring movie releases are worth

    your time and hard-earned money.

    SPORTSThe Sharks spring sportsteams, including the No. 1-ranked

    baseball squad, are of to ast starts.

    3 5 7 11

    he Newspaper of St. James High School

    April 2011

    Murrells Inlet, South Carolina

    shark attack




    The cast o Hello Dolly perorms the closing number in the spring musical. Staf photos by Charlie Sabella

    Theres never enough drama at St. James

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    Wth a u-edged cast ocho snges and a the de-ent ogams that the chous snvoved n at St. James, ts veyhad to beeve that thees not a-eady a Gee Cub. We ecenty,thee has been much tak aboutthe schoo stat-ng one, and theeae many easonsstudents shoud beexcted.

    Gee Cub woudbe a ace o anystudents who ae nteested nexessng themseves, be t bysngng o dancng. As manystudents ae aeady nvoved n

    the chous and dama deat-ments, ts ay easy to see whythe Gee Cub woud be a vey

    beneca at o ou schoo. Itwoud aso gve any student whoddnt have the chance to sgn uo a chous cass a chance to tyout sngng.

    Aaenty the dea o a GeeCub has been tossed aound aot hee. Ms. Bass, the eade othe choa deatment, has con-sdeed statng one, but t seemsthe one thng that s stong

    the cub om stat-ng s the debateove whethe o noteoe woud be n-teested n jonng.

    But who woudntbe u o the dea o

    havng a gou that w he stu-dents n ou schoo?

    Sevea students hee have a-eady showed nteest n a Gee

    Cub and have gven eay os-tve eedback on the dea, ke se-no Aexanda Fnch-Agee.

    A Gee Cub woud be veybeneca o kds who wantto exess themseves, and n aschoo thats a vey motant as-

    ect that we cant aod to havetoo tte o.

    A juno student, Stehane

    Vamza, had ths to say aboutjonng the cub: I ove sng-ng, and I ove dancng. So whywoudnt I jon? It woud be an

    amazng exeence o me, andt woud ony he me movemyse.

    It seems that eveyone s nageement that Gee Cub s justwhat ths schoo needs, so keean eye out o anythng nvovng

    the cub, because the way thngsae gong, we vey we may soonhave a schoo thats u o gee.

    Is this a sign o things to come or the Glee club? Staf photo by Josh Royce

    St. James High School brims with gleeJoshRoyce



    2 April 2011

    Most students know hm asM. Incedbe. But hs eaname s John Bush, and he s theesouce oce at St. James.

    Athough he s a omnentgue on camus, ew studentsknow the man behnd the b-ces.

    Hs hobbes ncude wokngout, shng, and most mo-tanty, sendng tme wth hsamy.

    Beoe he came to St. James,Bush ayed coege ootba othe Unvesty o Rhode Isandand then contnued to ay o-essonay o ou yeas.

    Bush s nvoved n ou schoon many ways. He oganzes Po-

    a Punge, whch s an annuaevent that ases money o theSeca Oymcs.

    He aso coaches ootba, sof-ba, and he hes students wthesona wokout ans.

    When asked about OceBush, coach Adam Jones sad,He bngs exeence n coach-ng and n team budng. Heknows athetes and has us neak hysca shae and we aethe most hyscay nvestedteam n South Caona. Hs va-ue to ou team s mmeasuabe.

    Sohomoe Kate Cook sad,Its good to have hm aoundbecause hes a good y ba ht-te, and he s eay coo to haveaound the ed.

    Oce Bush s tuy an a-estng and catvatng gue onou camus.




    Ofcer Bush ensures Sharks saety

    Every winter, ofcer John Bush (right) and others participate in the Polar

    Plunge undraising event or Special Olympics. Photo courtesy o John Bush

    A glee club would be

    very benefcial or kids

    who want to express


    Who is Ofcer Bush?

    How many tattoos do you have?

    Too many.

    What do you do on the weekend?

    Relax, and go to the gym.

    Who is your favorite music artist?

    Jason Aldean

    What do you do in your free time?

    Whats ree time?

    What are your interests?

    Physical ftness and anything


    What is your favorite quote?

    I youre early your on time.

    I youre on time youre late.

    What is one random fact about you?

    I taught high school education to

    juveniles in a detention center.

    Affordable AutomobilesHere we grow again!601 Seaboard St.

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    Just Bigger and Better

    We are excited to see you

    at our new location opening soon!749 Jason Blvd.

    (Off 17 Bypass, just North of 501)

    [email protected]

    shark news

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    T d u HyCuy S gyF p M 1, d gup S. J d ud p xg v.

    T gy ppuy ud ddu ww y u-g gy , dEg S Kg.

    M. Kg p y. S d up w Eg- Rb Fy

    Db, Nw Jy. Tyud v w v Edd dSyp bu by b d d Sp.

    Sp M

    S d gy, d w2d p g d. S dd w-d pj u bd p u P d -.

    Sud u- vd, p g, p -du, d pp p, d M. S.

    I dd, pg d wbw ud py ug d -p g.

    W ud u pp, Spx g , b-

    g bdy p d L A- u, x ggv, , d d.

    T bd p p pw pp.

    M. M ud d pj. H wpp pd wb,.. JuJ Wz, L Hwd,d J DB dd v, d fw 2d p wb.

    M. M Eg I pd ud -. F Qu Ru,Sydy Wd, d MdHv dd ppv bg.

    F Hp My,Lx Ly, d E Cwd f udp py.

    T gy ywd 400 udd 60 w v 150 v g. Tv g w: A-

    d Gp Dg, N-Ad Gp Dg,Mud App, Pj- Pgg, Rb,Cv/O, d Cgy.




    Sharks shine at Tech Fair

    St. JameS


    inthe 2011

    horry county




    St. James was well represented

    at this years Horry County

    Schools Technology Fair.

    Clockwise from top are

    Spanish teacher Melissa

    Schamel, Spanish teacher

    Yohency Hernandez, English

    teacher Sarah Kangarloo,

    freshmen Madison Heavener,

    Sydney Wilder, and Quan

    Russell, freshmen EmaniCollins, Lexi Lytle, and Hope

    Markley, and juniors Jake

    Wentz, Laiken Howard, and

    John DelBianco with English

    teacher Jerry Moore.Photos courtesy of Barbara Schlidt

    The technology fair is an

    opportunity for students

    and educators to show how

    they are using technology

    in classrooms.

    shark news

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    shark opinion4 April 2011

    Sng s hee, and aongwth the change n weathecomes a change n studentswadobes.

    Some eoe thnk when tcomes to gs ts vey nao-

    ate to wea shot shots anda tank to n schoo because tstoo eveang.

    Im sue guys woud stwant to wea tenns shoes anda egua t-sht, whch s ne,but though gs and guys wantto wea sng cothes at schoo,some tyes aent aowed.

    Substtute teache JosehMchae sad o gs, No

    shot shots because ts aschoo ue.

    Students n schoo need towea aoate cothes be-cause they need to know ts notcute when ts not aoate.

    Guys usuay want gs to

    wea the most attactve thngthat they coud get away wth,n sohomoe Pame Saysonon.

    Some students, esecaygs, ae uset by the new desscode n ace ths yea.

    Im a eshman ths yea andI know I was ookng owadto the ast yeas dess code,

    but ths yea they decded tochange t.

    As we know, the ues ae thedoa b o ength and two-nge wdth o shoude stason the sht. And o couse,boys cant wea saggng ants.

    Te admnstaton s cack-ng down, and some studentsaent thed about t. I knowa ot o my ends wee ook-

    ng owad to the hgh schoodess code because t was a bgjum om mdde schoo.

    But t seems that most a-ents, teaches, and a good num-be o students ae n avo othe dess code, so I doubt t w

    change.As o outsde o schoo,

    ts somwhat dfeent. Youhave moe eedom outsde oschoo, so you have moe o avaety to choose om. St,thee ae some thngs to avod.

    Fo guys, dentey not buejean shots, and o gs, noUggs wth shots, sad seno

    Aubey Faon.And just because youe out-

    sde o schoo doesnt mean youhave to have a huge dfeencen ashon.

    Beng cute o coo snteay what ashon s a about.Its aso about beng ao-ate.

    Fo gs, I woud want themto wea somethng attactve,

    sad sad ye Kaufman.Evey yea thees some-

    thng new about what o howeoe wea the cothes, butts motant to emembe thatwhateve the stye, t shoud beaoate at the same tme.

    Our school is so stupid. Idrather go to any other school thanthis one. I hate my teachers; theydont know what theyre doing. Myteachers hate me, which is whyIm failing. Te people here areso dumb. Drama, drama, drama.Our pep rallies are so pointless,and our teams suck. Te girls hereare so stuck up. I just hate thisplace. I wish I could move; my lifewould be so much better.

    Wak the has o St. JamesHgh Schoo o one day, and thss obaby what you ae gong tohea. I dont thnk students stoto eaze what actuay goes on.Ou schoo s actuay a bessng

    to ou county. Tee ae eoeout thee who go to schoos wthno comutes, no textbooks, otextbooks om about 5 yeasago wth no u-to-date noma-ton n them.

    Actuay, some schoos donteven decent cassooms, and stu-

    dents ae a cammed nto onetny sace wth a ot o eoe.

    Yeah, tak about OUR schoo be-ng dumb and stud.

    A ot o students hee take oganted o what ths schoo hasto ofe us. No, t snt eect, butthngs coud be way wose o us.Hee we have cassooms that tthe ght amount o eoe. Fo

    the most at, we have teacheswho want to teach us. Most o

    ou textbooks ae ethe bandnew o ess than two yeas od.How can someone comanabout that? How can you com-an about some boogy teach-es beng abe to have atos todo ojects on n ou cass?

    Not a schoos have the v-

    ege o havng such new stuf.Fo nstance, one o ou Engsh

    teaches has a cass set o Podouches o students to use ncass. Othe schoos dont haveanythng othe than encs andae and a atty, 5-yea-odtextbooks.

    I ee ucky to be hee to havea comute and textbook to do

    my wok. Tey come n handy,sad sohomoe Sheey Roges.

    Beoe you go and ca ouschoo stud, you shoud e-aze how much we have hee toean n an envonment thatsnot cammed no s t bad. Com-anes eay sound soed, es-ecay comaed to othes whohave nothng.

    Hee at St. James Hgh Schoo,we get choces o unch. We canaso ck ou unch; some schooshave sandwches and mk. Idont thnk ou schoo s bad. Inact, as o the teaches and eaes, othe schoos dont evenhave teams o students to ayon o chee o.

    Im hay ou schoo hassots because I eay enjoyswmmng on the team, sad

    sohomoe Danny Qunn.So how can ou schoo, whch

    at east tes to suot and o-vde ootuntes o students,be so dumb and stud? Its not;we shoud eay embace whatwe have because thngs coud bemuch wose o us.

    Thank goodness for St. James High SchoolShellyQuintana






    Freshman Hannah Cooper looks very ashionable in her spring attire.Staf photo by Brittany Sloan

    Many schools are crammed with ar too many children in confned spaces. Photo courtesy of http://i.dailymail.

    Spring fashion: dos and donts for warm weather

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    shark opinion

    Jake Wentzeditor in chie

    John DelBiancoLaiken Howard

    Wayne Huggins

    Brittany Sloanmanaging editors

    Gage Davis

    Robert Kearns

    Chris MaraglioJonathan Matthias

    Annakai McFarlaneStephanie PanosShelly Quintana

    Josh Royce

    Charlie SabellaNick Tate

    Taylor Threatt

    Justin WebbJack Younan

    Gabriella YoungStaf writers

    Jerry Mooreaculty sponsor

    The Shark Attack sta attempts to

    inorm and entertain the student

    body o St. James High School.

    All opinion columns refect the

    opinion o the individual colum-

    nist. Letters to the editor, story

    ideas and advertising inquiries

    may be e-mailed to jmoore004@ Letters

    must be signed to be consideredor publication. The Shark Attack

    has the right to reuse advertis-

    ing that is deemed inappropriate;

    advertisements do not necessarily

    refect the opinion o the sta.

    The Official Newspaper

    of St. James High School

    Volume VIII, Issue V

    April 2011

    St. James High School

    8 Highway 77

    Murrells Inlet, SC 9576

    Contact: jmoore4@


    Will locals cash in this Spring Break?

    Evy g wd Spg B. I w I x-d bu b, by, dpg g . I wbd u, bgg gg y.T p, w pp

    d d u wyu g.My pp v Spg

    B, d ppu d- Fd, C,Mx, u p, d, u, My B.

    A bu dpd Spg B u d wdg y w yy v.

    My p w w -

    u, Wdv PHu d P PHu, d w wd uy p ugg ug w y.

    I py g -wd Spg B bu - y wg g x up . W

    uggg y, I wd pg b w bg uy d u p y.

    W p CBd w d u w b ju gd y, d, O u b-u g w .

    W d qu-, p Bdd Hw- d, I dy w

    bu w b v-.

    My B u u , bw vy , d up d dw w w.W w dw - Spg B y bu.

    I w up dy du-g Spg B y w d y. Ly u w

    b up dy dzg x. I p w w b dy uy w ju yu dd y, .

    T jy bu- My B y Spg B v. W pg bu w , Igu w ju v w d.

    HowtomakeSpring BreakaBlaStin2011




    Spg B g u g wy ,w, d . I , x, g u, d vu w d d y.

    Bu Spg B b v-g pwyg bu dy. Af , w u g gy.

    H ugg p yu d pu dud .

    D d yu ud-

    g. D b upd. Dgudg .

    Kw w w pp yu v , , - w wv yu g.

    D d w y wyu d w w g

    v b dg. U d-gd dv pubp.

    Nv v b yu gup . I v u w y b dguy , 911 dy.

    I yu g, u:

    L yu d.L ug pp

    b wg d.

    D v vub yu .

    U buddy y wvg y .

    D d v wg .

    D b b

    by . Yu d d uy juyu.

    I yu d p py-g, p u wyu d d vd dvgbu bud b dv d.P vyw yu g b-g wdd, u g y pu-.

    Sud S. J v w ugg buw y .

    S Lu Sdgv b wy y :DON dv du!

    Ju M E y,

    Pp ud g v y d d upd g!

    Ju w u, juZ Szu y.

    C Ad y ppud ju pd b d gu.


    Managing editoR


  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    Te atest ste n home en-tetanment technoogy hasaved. As the bggest bock-buste snce 3-D, the dea o In-tenet-teevson seems to havenay been eazed. Te dea,

    whch obaby came u n themnds o channe sues andbogges ake, s nay hee.

    An nteactve Web-V s awde-angng toc, but at thesame tme ts sme. You wanta the ogammng otonso the home move and showackages wth the abty to suthe Intenet whe you watch.

    News about ths technoogystated to sead wdey back n

    Febuay o . Te st oga-nzatons to jum n the actonwee Googe, Logtech, Sony,and Inte. ogethe they cameu wth buents by May .Te eease o the st GoogeV n stoes was on Nov. .

    Googe V has been n head-nes eve snce, but t ddntqute take o at st as edct-ed by nanca anaysts. oday

    many eoe st dont knowthat Intenet-Vs ae hee, butcooatons o a szes n theU.S. and aboad have joned to-gethe to make the own denton the ndusty.

    Pces n the ed ange bysceen sze, name band, andocessng caabty ke a

    comute. Tey ae st n stag-es o hghe ces because de-mand hasnt sked yet. Pcesange om $4-7 doas oan aveage sze set.

    Wth the ogna uchase,you get many o the majo net-woks as we oca statons othe V secton. You aso haveu access to the Intenet om

    the stat, and addtona a-caton technoogy s avaabe tobuy as you go.

    eevsons wth Intenetbut n ae sod n most majostoes, such as Wa-Mat, BestBuy, and Seas to name a ew.Many o the comettos havewebstes o uthe comasono the heavyweght otons.

    Ognay the oduct camewth mxed evews and had the

    bugs commony assocated nany new nventon. Athoughthey wee seng and evenuewas u, thee was contovesyabout whethe o not a wnnngbusness mode was n ace tokee the dea gong. Destethat ctcsm, n eay thetend was ookng bght whenGooge V became just one o amany majo maket oces.

    At St. James, some teachesvew these new toos as waysto he the schoo system. Ob-vousy thee ae queston obudgets and undng, but cass-ooms wth Intenet-caabeteevsons coud benet stu-dents.

    Fequent substtute teache

    at St. James Ms. McGue wasasked she thought Web-Vscoud be ncooated n thehgh schoo settng.

    I do, t woud be eay he-u to teaches n the cassoom,she stated.

    Te students, who ae the u-tue consumes o such techno-oges, aso have the ononswhen t comes to the oductsat hand. Junos Anthony We-bon and Bake Baes gave thenut.

    I beeve t eaces mostneed o home comutes dueto the act that t can bowse thentenet and that s mosty whateoe do on the comute,sad Baes. He added that he sa suote and woud be nte-ested n buyng hs own.

    I thnk ts a good dea be-cause you get boed o V,you can just swtch to the Inte-net, sad Webon.

    Ae heang student test-mones, many ae eanng to-wads beevng that these od-ucts have a bght ucomng

    utue that may vey we ay aat n schoos.

    Reseach does state that thstechnoogy s st ony n tsnancy, but wth Googe Vseaheadng the maket, manyothe comanes have the

    own Intenet-connected teev-sons now. Ae V s aeadya tademaked cone-stone othe maket. Mcoso was thest o the gous to add n theabty to gve acatons oas to the Web-V.

    Andod As and Vezonae set to team u wth Sony atGooge V, and othes aso anay the Andod acatonsto the new tech.

    Unt stocks eay take o,ths w stay o the ada oanyone who doesnt eseachthe newest nventons o thentegated technoogy wod,and bette busness modes aeneeded to get the oducts nmoe news.

    Te ocus, howeve, s the u-tue, and the accomshmentso the esent ae that thee aeV/comute hybds on themaket. In act, the home com-ute coud become ess o a ne-cessty because o a V.

    Imagne, youe on the couch

    watchng the Game Netwokwhen the ogam goes to com-meca. Whe you watch ascatasm does ts job o adve-tsng oducts, you emembethat you need to e-ma youboss about somethng concen-

    ng evenue eots. In daysast, you mght have had tostat u you comute o e-chage you smathone, butyou dont even have to move.You gab you emote, tun onthe touch sceen o that ccke,and go to you ast-tack e-maa. You oen you G-ma nseconds unnng o you In-tenet engne, Googe Chome.Whe tyng on you esonakeyad, you can aso su theweb o what shows come onHBO o when you want toswtch back to V. Ae thee-ma, you can eax, odesomethng o o Netfx, andemnsce about the Dak Ageswhen V and Intenet wee ntwo deent aces.

    Many televisions on display at Wal-Mart in Garden City are enabeled with Web applications and Internet

    capabilities. This Wal-Mart location in particular will receive more shipments of Google TVs in upcomingweeks. Staf photo by Jake Wentz

    Internet and TV just made a babyJakeWentzEditorinChiEfClassof2010

    shark entertainment6 April 2011

    These are some of the newsest models of Internet-capable TV sets.

    Many have the option to be enabled with more apps later, even if theyare not equipped right out of the box. Staf photo by Jake Wentz

    We want to hear from you!

    Send us your responses to articles, story ideas,

    and questions, comments, or concerns.

    E-mail the editor at [email protected] or

    Mr. Moore at [email protected].

    Letters to the editor my be published in later issues.

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    W w yu ? Myb yu b yb g. Yu gv g g w d, d w yu d y. Su g ud d pp

    yu dd gwg .

    W, g p y guy w d jb b w g w v 127 Hu.

    I My 2003, A Aw d ud u jb wy b. O pdy A, w ju gg d d-g jb, bu w w dd v-

    yg dd. Bu w Addd dd dw , bud w gg uddy.

    W A d p - g by g d g d , g ug by bud d g u. O w u, ug ud g u u

    ju pud d pud w- p d u.

    Uuy A, dd pp. S d p ug, d ddp u g.

    A w u, d w g p wu g , 127 u b x. W g d, A d dp u. H g w

    du p d, d pu g u y v p. Fy,ug du , d d u w .T d b b up d g wy b b p d p. T v- A dgudvu .

    I v y bu

    v I w , d p JyMA.

    W d wud vu y v, - Lg Sg d, N, Iwud v u y w ,I wud ju p g p.

    127 Hu u - J. 28, d DVDd Bu-y u M 1.

    E , vu v d p b E . B: L Agw d M 11.

    T w dd by JLb d AE, M Rdguz,d N-Y. T v dPG-13, d v d d $36 d

    wd.A y dud

    UFO gg u u Bz, F, Gy, dC, E y dby uw . A j ud wd , d p uy y L Ag.

    W w ju ug b ud

    v u ugu wd. T v dw ju b b p d p.T d g v-

    yg g. Evuypu pd U.S. A F y d u-

    b pd.T j g

    v E d wp. Ty w gd g y fud -y d v v u bdd p . A uw vuvv d .

    O by , p d E d b b. W yv b vd y u -py b w y g v d -g d Mjv D-.

    T v u w S Sg MNz (E) u g d p d

    wd du.B: LA -

    pd v fud byb y gy d u-vv . I w pyu dg yu bgg d.

    shark entertainment

    Invasion hits HollywoodJohnDelBianco



    Stuck between a rock and a hard placeGaGeDavis



  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    shark entertainment8 April 2011

    It was one o the most hghyantcated st eson shoot-es o a tme. Wth ove $bon n saes and 8 moncoes sod t has become oneo the best seng st esonshootes eve. Fou months

    ae ts aunch date, Ca oDuty: Back Os has seen tsskyocketng success ummet.

    It snt an onon, ts a act.Back Os has ost a ot steamn the ast ew months. Teeason s sme: eoe havesmy ayed t too much.

    Back Os was eay unat st. My ends and I wouday o a ew hous a nght. Butae a whe t just got eay e-ettve. I ended u seng mycoy o stoe cedt at GameSto, sad juno Byce Causey.

    Anothe ssue was how ongt took o a ma ack to beeeased. Fo thee months,games ayed the same on-ne mas unt the ma ackFst Stke was eeased othe Xbox 36. Fst Stke has

    aso eceved much ctcsmo the ack o dvesty the newmas bng and ony one zom-be ma beng ncuded.

    Te game eay ddnt veu to the hye. At st, evey-one eay oved ayng t, butae a whe, eveythng wethought was gong to be awe-some ended u just gettng e-ay bong, sad juno Gage

    Gove.Te tuth s eveythng getsod ae a whe. It shows n theonne numbes dong andmoe gamng ans ookng tonew game ttes.

    Back Os doesnt t thenew age youth o games any-moe; the attenton sans oeoe ae much shote. Vdeogame deveoes ony have asma wndow to ceate some-

    thng awesome beoe eveyoneees t s outdated, sad junoGegg Johnsen.

    So whats n stoe o the u-tue o the amed Ca o Dutysees? Dont count on t angout o the meght; n act,Moden Waae 3 s satedto have a eease sometme ateths yea.




    Black Ops down

    Wth the wnte months oveand sng n u eect, theeae sevea thngs you can counton, ncudng sunshne, tou-sts, and box ofce bockbustes.

    One o these moves s Lm-tess. It stas Badey Cooeand Robet DeNo.

    Its about Edde Moa, (Coo-e), a down on hs uck wte

    whose e s a constant batteaganst medocty. But thenhs end shows hm an exe-menta dug caed NZ thataows hm to use ecento hs ban, nstead o just the

    aveage 5 ecent.Ts aows hm to emem-

    be eveythng hes eve seen o

    head, as we as see attens noone ese can.

    Usng ths newound owe,Moa becomes successu nthe nanca wod. But then abg-wg money mogu (DeNo)and a bunch o ht men whowant the hands on the dugcomcate thngs and seek tobng Moas antastc new eto an abut end.

    Moa w have to use a ohs suehuman nteect to es-cae the consequences that be-a those that ty to beak asthumantys mtatons.

    Whe ths s a geat move, t

    aso saks an equay geat de-bate. What woud you do youhad menta abtes ke Edde

    Moa?St. James sohomoe Joey

    Shey esonded, I woud getMegan Fox to may me.

    Seno Adam Semente e-ed, I woud dentey use tto get moe money. I want to bech.

    As o me, I woud use t tohe edct sotng eventsand become the geatest ESPN

    eote eve.So no matte what you wouddo wth suehuman nteect,t s dentey a no-bane togo check out Lmtess n the-ates ths sng.

    TaYlor ThreaTT



    Limitless flm openslimitless possibilities

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    Warning: Tis article is entire-ly based on my opinion; Im notcalling anybody out or anything.I youre truly ofended, I apolo-gize. However, this was writtenwith the intent to express a per-sonal opinion, while also making

    jokes and being humorous.Hy, I

    qu vd d bw u pp, -g g pu -yp v du g y d.

    I v zd w dyd pp y u I ppd g. uuy, I

    p; yg f gup d w pbby

    w py, ju f . Su, vybdy gug p w y y d d b .

    T ug; ju p. I y wy pp v b yg f g y d w w b v.

    I y pb guw ud pp b puu, bu qu y -p vy. Cqu vy gd g g v, d p, I d wy p .

    I , yu gy gu w , gup d w d

    g yu .Yuv g , ,

    gup d p Guy H-vy vy dy, .

    Ad w bu dw gup d?D yu v d d-u ud w g by d ug yu yu ud w gup w, v b?Hw d , gup dud ju w-

    g b g?I d, w pp g

    u w y b gd.Hwv, I d qu p.Nbdy b y-bdy , pb. D yu b -bdy bu y yu gy. D py f

    gup; w yu y d. Students congregate in small groups at the Shark. Staf photo by Justin Webb

    Are you too cool?JustinWebb



    shark opinion

    My ud S. J pgud by bd v dv bw y-g d . Iy v wd b d ugu y .

    A p y dg d. W g-, p d y p d b b wdg . dy, g

    ud vy ,dg, d z. Yu v ppuy g u-zd b p yu.

    G b v yw p-p w yp g-. y y d d dw y g . W -gy dy, g v

    d by v p yu y bgg.

    I gu dgy w g, d b BbSd. I w dd v ,

    g wud b buy d y pu.

    S dwd vg g y w yu u p-p. S pp d g x -y y g w. G w yu pp- v d gd

    pyg p dvg. Ev , ub p g g up bdg g.

    S pp p bu y d buyu vw . y d qu d g yu y. W ,yu v ug vy

    bd g vy y.

    S y v-g yu y, bu b p . wd g w xygd w ug, dpdg w yu y p.

    y dwd

    yu v u yu y pu d y d d yu .

    I p y b-u I w vyw, d A-y Wbb, u y g I w b w ug.

    Glasses vs. contacts: an eye-opening debateWayneHuggins



  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    Senior Bruce Michaels hits a nice shot on a par three at the state playofs

    last year. Photo courtesy of

    Shark school notes

    shark ads10 April 2011

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    Attention spring sports ans: Testadum ed house s unde enovatonthoughout the sng season and thee-oe the gate entance has been changedto the noth end nea the bue shed.

    We aoogze o the nconvenenceand woud ke to ask a aents and ansto ak n the akng ot and eanom dvng and akng n the aeanea the gate entance. Te tack s ofmts to a vehces as we.

    Afer-school activities: Once the bengs o dsmssa at 3:5, students notstayng wth a teache o a coach shoudeave camus.

    Sng Beak nomaton: St. JamesHgh Schoo w Cose at 3:5 .m. onFday, A 5 and w eoen uesday,A 6. Sevea athetc events w begong on. Check the St. James websteathetc age o schedues and moe n-omaton.

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    Mj Lgu Gg w pv pdwpg V . F H R-bw 6, d w w C Duy: B Op, wd du u

    p Hd R H L Vg d C P.

    P vd gp pz d bg T B.T py-p-vw v d gp. wvg ug ESPN360.

    T py w udd Nw Y 2002 by SudDGv, w d $42.5 d v- b ddg y py-p-vw p u.

    MLG b u vCpp Gg S(CGS), u vg ybg pv gg u

    . Fy p-p v b pud by dg y MLG d g b jgu d gu -u. T gwg ud w pv v wbpvd, g vw gg wppg .

    T y u D- Ap 1, bgg -p g . Ty u w xj U.S. w pz b w d ud p, g g y.

    S g py- pp pyg H R,

    C Duy: B Op, Su-p S B Bw, 6, S C 2, H3, d C Duy: MdW 2. MLG pdup d d , u v w A

    G4 w (b wG4 w w v,Cp, d Cpu PD).

    A pv p MLG u g.MLG uu d d dg- p wb.T pb ug p-p w IMG Md, g dpd pdu

    p pgg wd.

    IMG Md pb 18,500 u d20,000 u v dd, d vg p Wb, T I- Rugby bd, MGP,T NFL, d IVyb Fd.

    IMG Md wd

    g v p gw MLG g . A d g MLG, y b upw yu py -pg w NFL .

    Pro video gamers get paid to playChrisMaraglio



    Baseball: W v gw p , S w N. 1

    d, v,d y, g N. 33.

    T S y w IP C u G-gw, udg vy v-N. 1 Bd-Cy.

    C/P/3B Rb wd w byWMBF w w M 14-18.

    Girls Soccer: T Ldy

    S v d u ud-d . A ug w g ddg p Ww WLdy S . Ty S

    v d b Su C g y. F JyBd d g wv g.

    Tennis: E u u

    NMB C by g x v . Jfy Dy-, y S, R Du,d J Ly w g .

    Track and Field: T By xpdd udd d 4-0. ByK d 3200 w 10:35 dCy M -d 1600 w

    4:45. Aug g w dd by C F- w, LuBdy d H Jw - v.




    Sharks cruisein spring action

    Members of the St. James varsity baseball team celebrate after sweeping their way to the IP Tournament

    championship. The Sharks are now ranked No. 1 in the state and No. 33 in the nation. Photo courtesy of Kevin Randall

    shark sports

  • 8/7/2019 Shark Attack Print Edition 4/11


    photo frenzy12 April 2011

    Art students sketch their concepts beore starting a classproject. Staf photo by Nick Tate

    St. James ofers strong band and chorus programs. Junior Wesley Trentacosta practices apiece on the violin in the band room. Staf photo by Nick Tate

    Freshmen Tyler Dinunzio, Kayleigh Harrington, and Josie

    Thompson warm up or their next game. Staf photo by

    Jonathan Mattias

    Junior Blake Bailes and

    reshman Sarah Quinn play

    an improv game.

    Junior Cody Dean and reshman Victoria Sloan perorm

    a ather-daughter sketch as part o the Out o the Blue

    Improv Group. Staf photo by Jonathan Mattias

    Cosmetology students at St. James learn to proessionally

    style hair, paint nails, and do makeovers right here at the

    school. Staf photo by Nick Tate

    St. James students gethands-on experience

    Improv group acts Out of the Blue