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Shannon PPA

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Shannon PPA




    W. Erskine Johnston Public SchoolJennifer Shirley


    EIN: 29984December 15t,DATE: 2010

    2.OEARS EXPERIENCE AS VICE PRINCIPAL WITH OCDSB (INC. CBE, OBE):YEARS AS VICE PRINCIPAL IN CURRENT SCHOOL: 1.3TYPE OF SCHOOL: nBNzseJ G,7,,& SecondaryOther (specify)nnDESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM: Regular EnglishSTUDENT POPULATION: 515 # OF TEACHING STAFF: 40 # OF SUPPORT STAFF: 72J fnis is to certify that a minimum of two of the most recent performance appraisals in current role have

    been reviewed.OVERVIEW This is to include:i) an overview of the processii) a general comment on the the supervisor used to carry out the appraisal processoverall performance

    Daily observations & interactions with staff,Feedback from staff, students and parents.Review of reportsReview of daily practiceTeaching observation in two capacities (Support Teacher )Conferencing

    students and parents,

    Grade B Homeroom Teacher and Special Education

    Repeat Performance AppraisalUnder Review

    RequirementsE Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements nn

  • 8/8/2019 Shannon PPA


    ADVOCACY FOR LEARNERSShannon is a passionate advocate for all types of learners. She is highly knowledgeable about specialeducation practices and can implement appropriate strategies very easily. Shannon prides herself ondeveloping relationships with students and realizes that this must be the first step in making positivegains, She demonstrates a very caring, open and inviting atmosphere when working with students.Students have come to trust Shannon quickly because they know she will listen to their concerns and areassured that they will be taken seriously.

    Xf] Meets OGD$E Vice Principal PerformanceRequirementsf] Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements

    n Repeat Performance AppraisalI under Review

    COMMUNICATIONShannon is an excellent communicator. She always understands her audience and is very aware of whenshe needs to be strategic with her messaging. Her written skills are a true strength and she takes thetime to leave pieces of writing in draft form to ensure they suit the purpose. Shannon is also very awareof non-verbal communication. She is mindful of her own body language and how it can impact the tone ofa meeting.Shannon is also very positive in her communication style. She chooses her words carefully while stillmaking clear the desired point of discussion.In addition, Shannon does not shy away from difficult conversations. She has the ability to plan what shewants to say and deliver her message in a direct, but non-threatening way. She consistently consultswith colleagues around her. This allows her to make informed decisions.Shannon is also aware of how important timing can be in being an effective communicator. She considerswhen she should deliver her message and how it should be done based on the situation in front of her.Requirementsf] Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements

    ! Repeat Performance Appraisaln under Review

    COMMUNITY RELATIONSShannon has been successful in creating positive relationships with our parent & community members.Many parents have commented on how Shannon makes them feel welcome in the school and how she iseasily approachable.Shannon has played a key role in the implementation of all day kindergarden. She has worked tirelesslywith families who were somewhat apprehensive about the new program, Shannon has also been veryinvolved in support the extended day program (Before &After School Childcare).Mrs. Smith has developed an excellent working relationship with the staff at our feeder high school (Earlof March). She makes it a priority to share information with them when relevant.

    fl Repeat Performance Appraisaln under ReviewRequirementsn Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements

  • 8/8/2019 Shannon PPA


    PLAN NING, ORGANIZATION, MANAGEM ENTThis is an area of strength for Shannon. She is an excellent role model in this domain. She excels atfinding ways to use her time effectively and is always looking at ways to make things better. She is verytechnology-saavy and incorporates this into her everyday work, She is capable of juggling manyinitiatives at once and can self-identify when she is becoming overloaded. For example, Shannonconsistently arrives at her required support periods ready to teach, She does not hesitate to take on therole as lead-teacher in her grade 7 or B classrooms.Shannon also models a positive life and work balance. She makes her family a priority in a manner thatco-exists positively with her demanding job. She is also a role model for staff in that she is willing toshare her outside - interests with them.

    Xn Meets OGDSB Vice Principal PerformanceRequirementsE Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements

    n Repeat Performance Appraisaln Under Review

    SCHOOL LEADERSHIPShannon carries a significant load in her current assignment. She finds an elegant way to balance her VPduties and her teaching duties. Shannon does not shy away from in-school challenges, She is keen tosupport her principal in brainstorming, developing and implementing school-wide initiatives (such as PDplanning, technology planning, special education processes). She is able to offer her ideas and listeneffectively to the ideas that are presented to her, Shannon is developing a keen awareness that isallowing her to tune into many things simultaneously. For example, she can see how rolling out a newinitiative full force without thinking about the other things that are already in place within the school canhave a negative effect on staff morale, She always makes herself aware of how people are feeling andwhat their current support requirements may be. She accomplishes this by being embedded within theintermediate team & by always being "out and about", Shannon is frequently on the yard during breaktimes and sees the value in walking throughout the building during the day.

    Requirementsn Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance RequirementsI Repeat Performance AppraisalI under Review

    SUPERVISION OF STAFFShannon sees the value in having positive relationships with the people she works with, She is activelyinvolved in the performance appraisal process with both experienced and NTIP teachers, She is alwaysable to share some insight into a teacher's performance & has the ability to see the positive thingshappening in classrooms. Shannon has the ability to be helpful in a non-threatening way with her teachercolleagues. She makes them feel comfortable & ensures that she always shares her plan.Mrs. Smith does not shy away from difficult conversations with staff. She is skilled at tackling difficultissues and has the ability to encourage teachers to be reflective in their practice. She offers sound advicein managing challenging students & attempts to take a proactive position whenever possible.Shannon is also an excellent mentor. She has offered substantial advice and guidance to an intermediatecolleague who was recently promoted to the VP position. Shannon played an integral role in this teacher'ssuccess throughout this competition. She offered advice, support & painted a true picture of what toexpect as a vp candidate.Xfl Meets OGDSB Vice Princlpal PetformanceRequirements! Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements

    n Repeat Performance Appraisaln Under Review

  • 8/8/2019 Shannon PPA


    SUPERVISION OF PROGRAMShannon fully understands the importance of this task in her role as vice-principal. She makes everyattempt to be visible throughout the school - both during instructional periods and nutrition breaks.Shannon has a keen eye for solid instruction practices and can identify very quickly where a teacher mayhave some lagging skills. She is also quick to offer support for professional development when it isrequired for members of the school teaching team. Shannon is very current in her instructional practiceand fully versed in the OCDSB's assessment and evaluation policy. She is able to act as a solid resourcefor teacher colleagues when advice is needed in these areas.Shannon's greatest instructional strength lies in the area of intermediate literacy. She has played anintegral role within this division because she has modeled many lessons for her colleagues. She has alsobeen instrumental in the re-organization of the intermediate bookroom. She has helped to make it moreteacher-friendly & has helped to replenish it with current teaching materials.X[ Meets OGDSB Vice Principal PerforrnanceRequirements! Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements !

    Repeat Performance Appraisaln under Review

    SYSTEM LEADERS}IIPShannon is an ambitious team player within the greater OCDSB. She quickly understood that she is partof larger entity and as a result, she did not hesitate to become involved in a more global leadershipopportunity. In May of 2010, she assumed the chair position of the "Lead the Way - Make a PositiveImpact" conference. Her abilities to assemble a team, brainstorm & develop a plan, communicateeffectively to a massive audience, be highly organized and work under pressure were all evidentthroughout this large task. Shannon managed this very well, all while maintaining her responsibilities toher school.Shannon also was a representative for the OCDSB at the World Creativity Conference in Oklahoma.Shannon travelled with a diverse group & exchanged meaningful ideas with groups from around theworld. Upon her return, she was quick to share her experiences with colleagues to enrich their teachingcapacity,Xf] Meets OGD$B Vice Principal PetformanceRequirementsn Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements

    n Repeat Performance Appraisaln under Review

    PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTIn terms of professional growth and development, I would like to develop a better understanding ofmanaging the school's budget, engaging staff in discussions around instructional practice and fosteringthe conditions for greater collaboration through the use of technology. I consider myself to be anetworked life-long learner and plan to continue learning through reading, blogging, and attendingworkshops and conferences where I can expand my understanding of the types of learning experienceswe need to provide for our students to prepare them for success after they leave our school. I intend tocontinue using an appreciative approach to working with staff whose instructional practice needsdevelopment. Within the next year, I anticipate entering the Principal selection process/ and I want toensure that I have a well-rounded set of experiences and skills prior to that,

    Xn Meets OCDSB Vice Principal Performance Requirements n Repeat Performance Appraisal

  • 8/8/2019 Shannon PPA


    ! Ooes not meet OCDSB Performance Requirements n under ReviewSUGGESTIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT & ONGOING PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGIt is recommended that Shannon:

    - Continue the high level of professional reading that she currently engages in. She choosesinteresting and relevant material which can directly benefit the work she does in the school.- Continue to maintain the strong support network around her. Shannon surrounds herself withreliable colleagues with whom she can share ideas, strategies & brainstorm possible solutions tosituations when they arise.- Continue her approach in being visible in the school. Shannon is encouraged to keep this area as apriority for her growth. She has identified the need to be in primary classes more frequently. Thiswill allow her to develop a better understanding of what those students are learning.- Continue to foster creative initiatives in her school & in the OCDSB. Shannon is a natural-risk taker& can develop a plan to move staff forward in how they think about doing their job.- Continue to hone her skills in having difficult conversations. Shannon has made excellent gains inthis area over the past year. She is learning when to speak her mind (in the moment vs. save theconversation for later) and is also learning to control her own emotions in order to address theissue at hand.

    Vice Principal's Signature and Comments:By signing this record the Vice Principal verifies that he/she has been shown this record. It does notnecessarily indicate that the Vice Principal agrees wholly or in part with the contents of the record.

    =lla^44nu 5n rtL |.tn. I5,ao0-Dateice Principal's SignatureComments:

  • 8/8/2019 Shannon PPA



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