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SGO Candidates 2016 Platforms President Danielle Ashkenazie Sarah Torgueman Vice President Esther Cohen Ralph Missry Secretary Ruth Gindi Moey Levy Rachel Nussbaum Treasurer Joseph Balassiano Jack Tawil

SGO 2016 Campaign Platforms

Dec 21, 2015




SGO 2016 Campaign Platforms
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Page 1: SGO 2016 Campaign Platforms

SGO  Candidates  2016  Platforms    

       President  •      Danielle  Ashkenazie  •      Sarah  Torgueman      Vice  President  •      Esther  Cohen  •      Ralph  Missry      Secretary  •      Ruth  Gindi  •      Moey  Levy  •      Rachel  Nussbaum      Treasurer  •      Joseph  Balassiano  •      Jack  Tawil        

Page 2: SGO 2016 Campaign Platforms

Vote Danielle Ashkenazie for sgo President


I already have a strong relationship with the administration, which

is the key to a successful SGO

I genuinely love school and I enjoy seeing people happy. I would love

to see more smiles around school, so I’m going to work to make that


I want school to be as enjoyable as possible

I work well under pressure

I’m very involved in extracurricular activities in school, so I know

how things work

I’ve organized and planned events before – I get things done.

Because I’m adorable















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TRIPS - fun trips for all grades that are both educational, not costly, and great for socializing!,full grade wide trips, full school day, great places including Dave and Busters, Great Adventure, picnics, parks, zoos, Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Sports games, and much more! Student surveys to

Renovated Student Lounge with:

foosball table, real ping pong table, air hockey table, piano for

students, comfy couches, nap pods to sleep in, computers, fixed, colorful chairs, more seating, video games (Pac- Man, GameCube, Nintendo, Smash Bros, and more!), and fun games(Jungle Speed,

Anomia, Backgammon, Twister, Perpetual Commotion, Chess,

Cards, and

School wide permission


PERIODS legally!

Vote Sarah Torgueman for your SGO president!!!

Some of Sarah’s

brilliant ideas that’ll happen next

year when she’s president:

Yummy and Appetizing

Breakfast every morning REAL BRAND NAME CEREAL!! Free ice for coffee, Great food to start our busy mornings: Bagel Hole, Chock, Dunkin Donuts, Odradeks, and more! A large choice of free tea, coffee, and hot chocolate

flavors, Great music that fits the morning

Vending machine surveys

+CHEAP healthy snacks+headphones sold in


Bring back color

war next year!!! But for a full week, with more fun


school wide wifi

Elective Trying week where we have the opportunity to try out different elective classes to see what they are like before signing up for them

Lag Ba'omer

Field Day

No more than

2 tests in one day for any single

student in every single class, No tests on Rosh Chodesh,

Shushan Purim, Chanukah, after long weekends, and during the first week back from

winter break and pesach break, organized, better, and reasonable test schedule for all classes

New and improved Gym uniforms! -No more ugly and sweaty gym shirts! New variety of gym V-neck shirts for girls and boys with sweat-guard material in a variety of colors including blue, green, pink, gray, red, black, white, yellow, and purple

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Esther Cohen for Vice President I believe that I qualify for office because I am a driven person who is always willing to help others and work hard. My goal is to make school a better and happier environment where students and teachers are able to feel as though they are apart of something much bigger. I am always on top of my work and am constantly anticipating what are my next goals and how I can accomplish them successfully. I am motivated, passionate, and willing to work very hard. If I am elected I wish/will attempt to: 1. Honesty box- students can express their feelings of something that bothers them and the SGO can try their best to fix it 2. Let a student's sign-ins/sign-outs or absentees roll over to the next term. 3. Make the most unforgettable color war!! 4. Speakers in the lounge 5. Late minyan the day we get back from any vacations 6. Create programs where students can interact with their teachers and classmates in order to establish a good relationship and allow everyone to feel comfortable 7. Allow students to miss 3 gyms instead of 2 8. Establish trips for juniors to visit different colleges during the year 9. If two tests are assigned for a specific day, no more than one

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quiz can be given that day as well. 10. Clips and ponytails in the bathroom along with other necessities girls might need 11. Establish dance as a team and give participants the same benefits other teams receive (one free gym) 12. Hang up pictures of students around the school all year round 13. One detention freebie 14. Healthier lunches 15. Gum in the vending machines 16. Shabbat o grams 17. Distribute candy during finals 18. Improve girl’s gym 19. Jewish History- choice to be Hebrew or English subject 20. Air fresheners in the bathroom 21. Daily צדקה collecting 22. Sophomore day 23. Add vitamin water to the vending machines 24. Chessed day- each grade splits up and goes on a Chessed trip ~EstherC for VP~

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Ralph Missry

Vice President Are your everydays boring? Are you tired of sandpaper for tissues? Are you scared to get skirted or want some more trips,well then I'm the guy for you.

Hello my name is Ralph Missry and I'm running for your Vice President There are many things that people will promise you,in order to get your vote such as "I'l put you on this club" or "I'l make the school better" but the difference is I don't make promises that I can't keep,the difference is that unlike the others I don't care about what collages think,if I did, then I would run for president. The only thing I care about is making my last year of high school fun.Thats what it comes down to,to be able to go through every day of school with a little fun in it,to be able to go home and say to myself "today was a good day" even for the smallest reasons.You may have seen me running around school,in and out of the office because chances are I was trying to make your lives easier,to add "fun" to our rather boring lives. Now I could end off by promising that if I get elected I will improve your daily lives although the first step in that right direction has to come from you,so vote for me for your Vice President and I will keep my promise. A vote for Me is a smart vote

Vice President ideas cream truck in front of school on Friday's on school lunches during Rosh Hodesh 3.better toilet paper can use your own T-shirts at gym and not get penalized 5.twitter that tracks pat so the girls know when to hide 6.rikkudim every Rosh Hodesh and free bagels to celebrate 7.Fruit Friday's 8.Charging station 9.An SAT word of the day on the loud speaker 10.a chance for all sophomores to discuss which electives they should take when they become juniors with current juniors. 11.and finally more trips for all grades.

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Ruthie Gindi for Secretary

I believe that I qualify for office because I am persistent and don’t like giving up. I will do everything I can to make school more enjoyable and make it a place students and teachers love to come to everyday! I’m a hard worker and get all my work done in time. I have leadership qualities and I believe I could be a role model for the students in school to look up to.

If I am elected I wish/ will attempt to:

1. Let a student's sign-ins/sign-outs or absentees roll over to the next term.

2. Get Jus by Julie salads to sell in lunch

3. Fun educational trips

4. Scheduled in double lunch once a month

5. School wide picnic

6. Get more internship opportunities

7. Different flavor Gatorade in the vending machines

8. More healthy options in vending machines

9. Sell date balls in breakfast and lunch

10. Get black diamond coffee back for the whole year!

11. Make sure report card grades are in on time

12. Allow students to have 6 interchangeable sign-ins and sign-outs.

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13. Allow students to use an absentee as a sign-in or sign-out if they run out.

14. Create programs where students can interact with their teachers and get to know them in order to have the best teacher-student relationships!

15. Distribute candy during finals

16. Allow students to miss 3 gyms instead of 2

17. 1 detention freebie

18. Dance team is included in the one gym a week rule the rest of the teams have

19. Speakers in the lounge

20. Sophomore day

21. Gum in the vending machines

22. Clips and ponytails in bathroom

23. Daily צדקה collecting

24. Bring back Gotcha

25. Spring concert- in the daytime, so more people come

26. Jewish History- choice to be Hebrew or English subject

27. Late minyan once a week for sophomores

28. Make sure color war is as memorable as it was this year

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To Yeshiva of Flatbush’s student body,

The Student Government Organization (SGO, for short) is a

collection of students who lead the school throughout the year to make school more fun,

educational, and more importantly, to make you leave school every day with a smile on

your face.

The average annual wage in the US per person is $26,695. The tuition for

a year in Brooklyn’s leading yeshiva (YoF, of course) is approximately $30,000. Our

parents work tirelessly, day and night, to send us to Flatbush for a great education…

…and to not enjoy being in school everyday is a shame.

To make school better overall, the SGO will accomplish nothing without

the help of the student body. I repeat, the SGO will accomplish nothing without the help

of the student body. The SGO needs to cooperate with the students to fulfill their wishes

in making Flatbush great. Only then can we reach our highest potential as students, Jews,

and more importantly, as a people.

I, Moey Levy, am running for Secretary of the ’15 -’16 SGO, and hope to

win with your help. I believe that I am more than qualified for this job, as many people

may attest to. I am determined, ambitious, confident, energetic, friendly, productive, and

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of course responsible. I can list more adjectives to describe myself but that would take up

the whole page…

Here’s a realistic list of what I plan to accomplish if I were to be elected as Secretary:

• A chesed trip for every class (plus, you get hours!)

• A school wide bake sale to raise money for charity

• Sports tournament to raise money for charity

• A morning breakfast order (Flatbush Elementary kids remember a lunch order,

this is basically the same thing but for breakfast!)

• A talent show

• “Lets Make a Difference Week”. A week full of chesed for the good of the


• Rikudim every Rosh Chodesh


• Music on the loud speakers when leaving school on Friday (Flatbush Elementary

kids remember Rabbi Hertzberg playing music on Friday, so like that)

• Pep rallies for athletic and scholastic teams

And whatever else that is within my power, it shall be done.

Every individual is essential to the preservation of a classic Flatbush lifestyle. I

will stand up for every person in the building at all times and always seek friendship with

whomever I can. A vote for me is a vote for the better of yourself and those around you.


Moey Levy

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Vote Rachel Nussbaum for Secretary!

The SGO is something I have always wanted to be a part of. I feel it is a

great way to spread my ideas, and change the school in a positive way. I

am hardworking and extremely motivated. I am someone who will actually

get things done. When I take part in something, I am extremely dedicated

and always put in 110%. I will work hard to make sure things get done,

and that my ideas actually come into effect. My goal is to make school a

place that the students will look forward to, instead of dread. I have been

a flatbush student since nursery so I am clearly dedicated to this school. I

feel I have all of the qualifications necessary for this leadership position,

and i guarantee that if you vote for me, you will not regret it! You just need

to trust Rach Nuss!

Here's a little preview of what I will do for the school if I am elected:

Let's start with something that everyone loves, FOOD.

1) no more expired snacks in the vending machines.

2) more healthy options in the vending machine (for cheaper!)

3) gum in the vending machines

4) smoothies and coffee in breakfast (once or twice a week)

5) a change machine so you can actually buy food from the vending


6) toasters in breakfast - bring your own waffles or buy them by the lunch


7) double lunch on Rosh Chodesh (or once a month)

8) 5 minutes in the beginning of 8th period for snack time (very necessary)

9) more options for in-school lunch, a more variety of sushi, pancakes,

wraps, pasta, fish.. Also healthier options.

10) have dressing from Fuji sold in lunch.

Don't feel like you know your grade enough? No problem!

More trips with your grade. Either a trip to the park, or a picnic..

It's inexpensive and fun!

Class trip once a year (of your choice) so you can create closer

relationships with your classmates.

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Do you feel that 15 hours of chesed just isn't enough?

I will strive to get more chesed opportunities during school hours. More

opportunities to interact with underprivileged children and special needs

children. As Jewish people it is important to help others that are in need.

Have a double period for a class you don't enjoy so much? Never again. I

will make sure that you cannot have the same class twice in a row. It will

have to be split up to different times of the day.

Feeling like not coming to school on Fridays? Let's change that. How

about fun programs every other Friday to help us enjoy Fridays, and bring

in the shabbat in a beautiful way.

The only way for school to be enjoyable is if the students are given things

to look forward to. How about late minyan once a week? We can all use

an extra hour of sleep once a week.

Want an idea of what fields you might be interested in going into in the

future? Want to discover what you want to be when you grow up?

How about a day where people from different professions come to speak

about what they do and give you the information you need about that field

that they study.

Tired of those fake brands of cereal? Breakfast is the most important

meal of the day so wouldn't it be great if we were LEGALLY allowed to go

for breakfast? And if that isn't possible, how awesome would it be if

chock's green tea was sold in breakfast?!

Juniors, are you stressed out from aps and sats? After Pesach each year,

students should be allowed to study for the sats or aps for one

designated period each day. Also, juniors should learn sat vocab in

English classes.

Do you miss that ping pong table in the lounge? Don't feel that the new

cardboard one is sufficient? No worries, I will make sure to get the school

a new pin going table along with other fun games to play during free

periods in the lounge.

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Joseph Balassiano: SGO Treasurer Candidate Platform Vote Joe for SGO, and all your dreams will come true-EO

WHY? Since I was a freshman, I was inspired and wanted to be on the SGO. I saw how great they could make the year for me and my friends, and I wanted to someday do the same for everyone else. I want to be treasurer to apply my CREATIVITY, my GOOD IDEAS, and my FUN

PERSONALITY to the student body to lighten up the school year. I want to make school more FUN, ENJOYABLE, and GENERALLY BETTER. I want people to smile everyday when they come to school. I want people to be happy when they come to school. I believe there are endless possibilities to make school more fun and better. I believe that if I become treasurer, I will make sure I will be heard. I will make a legacy. I want you to remember for the remainder of your high school career, how great the SGO will be when I use my endless amount of energy and creativity. I'm not going to stop until I make changes.

HOW?! I've been blessed with creativity and a unique approach to enjoy everything I experience. I will constantly use these skills to find new FUN and CREATIVE ways to turn normal school activities and routines into more EXCITING activities. I'm DIFFERENT from other people. My mind is DIFFERENT. I figure out ways to enjoy life in tough situations. As treasurer, I will make the school as enjoyable as possible by changing every quality into a great quality.

You might ask how I will be able to do all of this. And the answer is after years of giving out my notes and making sure everybody does well in school, I grew a foundation of consideration for others. With that consideration, I will provide to anyone! The way to make school fun is to let everybody express their own ideas, and to let them show their UNIQUE SELVES - and I will provide! Everybody has their own idea of fun, so I will have an open approach to activities that suit everyone.

WHAT?!? 1) SGO SUGGESTIONS BOX - everybody is unique and different, and everybody has different ideas. This will give people the opportunity to get their ideas heard and possibly make happen. EVERYBODY HAS A SAY IN SCHOOL.

2) SGO INVOLVEMENT COMMISSION - people will be able to get involved with the SGO, and help out and contribute with its events. All year people want to get involved, and this is the perfect way to start getting involved with the school and to show your face around. This will also help people know who you are when you want to run next year!

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3) Easier class, test, quiz, and assignment schedules - people have 1,2 and sometimes even 3 tests, quizzes, and assignments due during 1 week or even the same day! I will make sure that nobody will have to stress over this problem.

4) 2 minutes off each period every day - 2x13=26. I will make sure 2 minutes will be shaven off each period every day so that people can get out of school 26 minutes earlier, and more time to themselves.

5) 1 detention, lunch hold, cut, and missed gym each is allowed to be excused with no penalty per semester

6) Guaranteed 1 gym a week excused for team members

7) Ping pong table will resurrect!

8) Longer color war

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September( 2015(!











Sunday% Monday% Tuesday% Wednesday% Thursday% Friday% Saturday%

! ! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5!! ! HEADPHONE!





! !!

6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12!GET!RID!OF!GYM!







13! 14! 15! 16! ! ! 17! 18! 19!MORE!CHESS!







20! 21! 22! 23! 24! 25! 26!!







27! 28! 29! 30! ! ! !FINALS!



! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !
