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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    Feasibility Study


    Proposed Hotels DevelopmentCap Aurora & Eforie Nord, Constanta, Romania

    Prepared by:


    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33Tel.,fax: +40241 644284

    Constanta, Romania

    March 2010

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]


    1. Executive Summary

    2. Introduction3. Market Overview and Analysis

    4. Site description

    5. Demand and Supply Analysis on the Hotel Market

    6. Hotel Proposed and Recommended Facilities

    7. Projection of Hotel Occupancy and Average Rate

    8. Projections of Income and Expenses

    9. Cash-Flow Forecast

    10.Analyzing Return on Investment

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    1. Executive summary

    Property : hotels

    Address: ;

    Date of value : march 2010

    Based upon information and data collected during the fieldwork phase of our study, and

    subsequent research

    and analyses, we are of the opinion that there is sufficient market demand to support the

    subject project and

    here you find our recommendation for the proposed facility:

    Opening: Q1 2011

    Category: mid-market hotel

    Guest rooms: ______ roomsFood and Beverages: one breakfast restaurant, one snack bar

    Meeting: 1 meeting room

    Recreation: gym

    Business: business centre

    Parking: 80-100 places

    This recommendation is based on our analysis of market characteristics, the area hotel

    supply and demand,

    the amenities offered by the competitive hotels, and the targeted clientele for the subjecthotel.

    Based on the above assumptions regarding the category, the description of the hotel and the

    proposed amenities and facilities, we have developed the following projection of revenue and expenses for the first 10 years of operations as we consider that

    in year 3-4, the hotel will reach his stabilized level of performance.

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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    Source: World Tourism Organization; International Monetary Fund


    Overview Romania is situated in southeastern Europe bordering Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine, and Serbia on the coast of Black Sea. Covering atotal area of 237,500 km2,

    Romania is the third largest country in Eastern Europe, with a total population of approximately 21.7 million, and a population

    density of 91 people/km2.

    On 1st of January 2007 Romania became a member of the EU. From the economys perspective, Romania entered this new chapter at full speed.

    In 2008 the Romanian economy completed a ten year period of impressive economic growth. The official statistics show an increase of the GDPby 7.1 % in 2008 to a total of 503.9 billion RON as opposed to the level of the previous year.

    Romania has also a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in Southeast European region. Romania has ranked second among

    the emergent Eastern European countries (after Russia), receiving 12% of the total of EUR 60 billion invested in the region. The positive trend

    continued in 2007 when the volume of the foreign direct investments has reached EUR 7.2 billion out of which 7% went to the tourism industry.

    The level for 2008 reached EUR 9 billion. The investments structure in the national economy for the year 2008 shows the following increases:

    constructions 16.9 %, industry 33.7 %, agriculture 4.5 %, trade and services 34.4 %, other 10.5 %.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    In the convergence program for 2008-2010 that Romania sent to the EU the forecasted level of FDI for the whole year 2009 totaled EUR 4.5

    billion(50% lower than that of the previous year) while in 2009, the economy is to benefit from EUR 5.4 billion.

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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE



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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    the summer is 240C and the annual average temperature is 110C. During the hot season the temperature on the beach goes up tobut the sea breezes rich in aerosols diminuish the scorching heat. The seacoast is covered with very fine sand. From Mamaia till Maonly one city seems to be stretching, a complex resort. Along the seaside one can choose a resort according to his wishes: NvodarMamaia, Constana, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Costineti, Techirghiol, Olimp, Neptun, Jupiter, Cap Aurora, Venus, Saturn, Mangalia,Constana county is the first in Romania in what regards the accommodation facilities, more than 150.000 rooms (about 45% of the tnumber in Romania). The county also concentrates about 60% of the international touristic rush in the country. The secific feature ofpictoresque universe is given by various factors (a very pleasant environment, the elegance of the hotels, many possibilities for spethe time, natural healing factors). This region is a real oasis of relaxation and health.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


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  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    Hotel Safir

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    Hotel Onix

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    Hotel Azur


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    S.C. GOOD DEAL S.R.L.i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s

    lti t & b ildi d i

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 sf_HOTELURILE


    consulting, management & building designCismelei 11, bl.1c, sc.B, ap.82, Mun.ConstantaR .C.: J13/147/2007; C.U.I.: RO20658940

    Feasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels DevelopmentFeasibility Study for Proposed Hotels Development Cap AuroraCap AuroraCap AuroraCap Aurora &&&& Eforie NordEforie NordEforie NordEforie Nord ---- Constanta,Constanta,Constanta,Constanta, RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania

    B-dul MAMAIA nr.135-137, Constanta, RO, 900590MILLENIUM BUSINESS CENTER, 3/33

    Tel.,fax: +40241 644284e-mail:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]