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    SCHOOL PROJECTSTECTONIC_Public SpaceSQUARED HOUSING_Collective DwellingAMOEBA_Urban RevitalizationBOOMERANG_BioResearch CenterESPLANADE_Void Activation








    Date of birthHome address





    august 2010

    may 2010




    april 2008

    february 2008


    Anita StamatoiuRomanianDecember 7th, 1984

    8 Jitia Str , ap2, sector 1, 11218 Bucharest

    +040 724 279 [email protected]

    student at the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, BucharestErasmus student at the Ecole Nationale dArchitecture de Toulouse, France

    Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Economics -10/10Faculty of Economic Studies in Foreing Languages, ASE BucharestBaccalaureate Degree - 9.35/10

    High-School Cantemir-Voda National College, Computer science and mathematics section

    60 Wooden Churches, Restoration program initiated by the Romanian Order of ArchitectsArchitectural survey of St.Mary church in Bobu, JiuProject exhibited at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale 2010, TNB ExhibitionIsover Multi-Purpose House International Competition

    Workshop for the rehabilitation of two saxon households in Mesendorf, BrasovInitiated by Arh. Silvia Demeter-Lowe

    Workshop Barcelona - from Cerdas plan to contemporary programsconducted by M.Foissac, ENAC Toulouse

    Workshop A hisstory of Collective Housing in Parisconducted by C. Sandrini, M.Raymond, U.Seher and P.Weidknett, ENAC Toulouse

    Inventory study of historical monuments in Romania, initiated by Prof. Dr. Arh. Anca BratuleanuTeam work for the inventory of the Kelemeny-Kunor Castle and Estate inBrancovenesti, Mures and the Banfy Castle in Ludus, Mures

    Scenography Assistant for Tibet - another time, another world Photography Exposition, Intercontinental Hotel, BucharestAuthor and Curator Uca Marinescu, Geographical explorer

    Drawing courses (architecture drawing, descriptive geometry, sketching techniques, still-life composition) at the S.M.Nitulescu school of drawing




















    Offi ce Suite

    RPF Development - Interior Design ConsultantResponsabilities: Client advisor and consulting

    Design process Autocad detailing and 3D modelling

    SIACS DESIGN - Collaborator Responsabilities: Design solution for individual dwelling

    Autocad drawing and detailing, 3D modelling

    Presentation Stand Design of Principess Margarita of Romania Foundation for Bucharest Luxury Show, Romexpo Center, Bucharest

    Design and construction team with Adina Marin and Marinela Caldarus

    Scenography collaborator - The Hunting Party by Th. BernhardThe Magyar State Theatre, Cluj, Romania

    Responsabilities: Model work and Autocad drawing

    Mother tongue

    Profi cient(Cambridge Profi ciency in English/CPE - B)

    Profi cient

    Intermediate (Goethe Institut - Mittelstuffe 1-2)


    Profi cient

    Profi cient


    Profi cient




    Profi cient

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  • 9PROJECT TECTONIC Bucharest, 2006

    STUDIO Emil Barbu Popescu

    TEAM Anita Stamatoiu Radu Costachescu Tudor Costachescu

    CONTEXT The small triangular site is the re-sult of a simbolic intersection: the old town main street Lipscani and the 19xx cut Blvd Nicolae Balces-cu, part of the Bucharest N-S axis. The latter intervention resulted in the subduction of the old street, with the appearence of an under-ground passage.

    Taking into account these con-straints, the project challenge is to offer an urban identity to this forgotten space.

    CONCEPTGiven the position of the passage, the project intends to underline its importance related to the old towns street confi guration.

    It assumes the passage appeared as a result of a tectonic event that drastically modifi ed the urban scape, determining the subduction of the Lipscani street. The confi gu-ration of the entire space relies on this assumption and molds its sur-face accordingly.

  • 10

    subduction of the street is reiter-ated, creating sitting areas

    tectonic event fractures the space creating faults that recall old town allotment confi guration

    project site = dilatation of old town main street

    undreground passage reminds of the former continuity

    Project site in rela-tion to contextual representative mon-uments: XVth century Sf. Gheorghe church and XIVth century Baratiei Tower

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    central space is con-fi gurated as a sitting area

    perimeter is cleared for circulation and di-recting towards monu-ments

    passage position marked with tourist in-formation point

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    Site plan

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    Cross section CC

    Cross section BB

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    STUDIO Emil Barbu Popescu

    TEAM Anita Stamatoiu Mihaela Radescu

    CONTEXT The project site fi nds itself en-closed between 3 walls of social-ist collective housing. Only one street and its adjacent individual dwellings have survived the pro-found interventions of the regime.Public space is ignored and fails to link dwellings socially.

    CONCEPTThe project aims to regain the individuality and diversity of the traditional model by us-ing the rectangular axis net-work of the socialist masterplan at a more approapriate scale.

    A rectangular grid structures square-based prism blocks. Natural lighting and orienta-tion determine volume arrange-ment scheme: compounded semi-private yards and various paths accros the site are created.

    Considerable site surface is con-verted to public space, which is re-valorized in relation to the accesses.

  • 18

    The enclosure of the site is used as model for low-rise collective housing

    A rectangular grid is aimed to regain hu-man dwelling scale

    Square-based prism blocks are arranged conditioned by natu-ral lighting necessi-tiesCompounded semi-private yards and public space is offered to the city

    compounded site

    rectangular axis network

    dwellings scale:collective vs. individual

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    A.corner block B. central side-block

    C.pass-through block

    D. lowbase-block


    groundfl oor 1st fl oor 2nd fl oor 3rd fl oor

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    groundfl oor 1st fl oor 2nd fl oor 3rd fl oor

    Using the structure grid , blocks are ex-truded to create a dense dwelling mass.

    Typologies derive from lighting and orienta-tion constraints- each block has at least 2 sides openning to-wards the yards.

    By rotating and re-arranging the differ-rent blocks, a wide variety of exterior spaces is achieved.

    Block typologies and fl at occurence in blockscale 1/250

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    2nd fl oor

    1st fl oor

    groundfl oorscale 1/2000

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    west view

    transversal section

    south view

    longitudinal section

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    PROJECT AMOEBA Utopies et ralits Ile de Ramier Toulouse, 2009

    STUDIO FORMES ET USAGES Uli Seher - BRS Paris, J. Leroy, J. Minvielle, P. Lamy, F. Sarcoz, P. Charton

    TEAM Urban Utopia Anita Stamatoiu Ana Maria Anton Audrey Belmond Marie Bercovitz Eugenie Jarlan Maxime Lacoste Jenny Lenel Elsa Mandement

    Urban Project Anita Stamatoiu Ana Maria Anton

    CONTEXT The project site is a 3.5km strip island on the Garonne river, just south of the Toulouse old city center.

    Home to a multitude of programms (exposition area, extensive sport facilities and the TFC stadium, col-lege campus, an old power plant, a casino, green areas and vacant space), the island lacks identity.

    The challenge is to socially and ec-onomically reintegrate de island in the citys, metropolis and regions interest areas.

    CONCEPTUtopic in the beginning, the amoe-bian organism evolves into a func-tional system of 4 essential param-eters. The amoeba concentrates human activitiy and potentializes natural environment.

  • 28

    old city: left bank, former working-class neighborhood Patte dOie; right bank, old city centre.

    1st city ring: PontSt. Michelancient power plantParc dExpositionssport facilitiesOlympic open-air swimming-pool

    2nd city ring : PontPierre de CoubertinTFC Stade de Tou-louseTFC and public sport facilitiesCit Universitaire Daniel FaucherToulouse Kayac and canoe clubpromenade routes and open-air pavilionsvacant areasCasino

    3rd city ring: La Rocade-Route dEspagnepartially disused mu-nition factoryvacant and intensely polluted areas

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    in-row street front housing

    individual housing


    parralel bars


    The area coverage and time limitations for the master plan excluded an extended analytical approach.

    Teamed in nine, the challenge was to pro-duce a wide range of UTOPIA: visionary ideas, highly unre-alistic, to be used asraw material.(previous page)

    By selecting and cate-gorizing over 50 raw concepts, a potentialful idea emerged: the island = a chameleon, mimicking life around its banks.

    Each urban typology produces its unique life patern.

    Typologies are identi-fi ed with primary life form organization and behaviour, as well as geometrically trans-lated.

    water dyke

  • 31

    The selected territory is sliced into slid-ing faults, based on typology localization.

    River-side urban paterns migrate to colonize areas that lack activity and iden-tity.

    The method does not intend to simply imple-ment a spatial type in a deserted area. Most importantly, it marks numerous hibri-dation possibities the sliding effect offers. Hibridation, not clon-ing, confi gures space

  • 32

    Amoeba I: LEISURETypology hybrid:DYKE + COURTYARD

    The northern extremity of the island looking towards the city, the Leisure slab is intimately related Toulouses center.Hotels, museums and a summer theatre are an opportunity to re-instate the island as one of the citys atraction.

    Amoeba II: SPORTTypology hybrid:BAR + FIELD

    Already disposing of many sport facilities, this only needed its functional vocation optimized.Sport fi elds were reorganized and added, while the auxiliary spaces and utilities were lodged in bar-type appendixes.

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    Amoeba III: RESEARCHTypology hybrid:TOWER + LAND STRAP

    The Ile de Ramier research pole is intended to reaffi rm Toulouses interest in science and technology.In the attemp to depollute the land after the infl uence of mu-nition production, the land is parcelled out into experimental straps and study greenhouses.

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    INITIAL STATEThe sports area was unorganized, improperly equiped and therefore rarely used.It failed to bring together le grand sport of the TFC professionals and le sport quotidien of the students in Daniel Faucher campus. In fact, the latters hardly used it at all.

    HYBRIDATING TYPOLOGIES:BAR+FIELDIntending to optimize the use of surface, fi elds were multiplied and new disciplines added.Making use of the bar typology, locker rooms, equipment storage space and rest rooms were intro-duced to ensure adequate func-tioning.

    BOUNDING THE AMOEBAThe amoeba is generated as an or-ganic, spontaneous body, that con-nects and relates fl uxes and func-tions inside a specifi c area.Here, it materializes as a wooden promenade deck, transforming ca-sual sports into a spectacle.

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    AMOEBA - organic slab rendering functional two merging typologiesIt always spans from one bank to the other.It is elevated one level from the ground.

    MINERAL TYPOLOGY - adheres in-timately to the amoebian slab.It concentrates urban equipement and facilities.

    NATURAL TYPOLOGY - covers large surfaces and remains mainly in the open air. It makes full use of the islands natural potential for recre-ation.

    ACCESS - all three amoebas are in the proximity of a bridge making it immediately accessible from the city.There is always direct car access from the bridge to the amoeba.The one level elevation of the amoe-bas allows a large parking area un-derneath each one of them.

    Right side: use of the 4 elements of the new organism - creating the northern LEISURE area and the southern RESEARCH area.

    The following pages develop the RESEARCH AMOEBA and CENTRE FOR BIO-STUDIES, asa the fi nal part of this assigne-ment.

  • 36

    section across river banks

    general parking scheme and access points on the slab

    mass plan of the Research amoeba:access from bridge,experimental land straps,greenhouses,offi ce buildings and laboratories

  • 37

    Industrial activity has left the landscape scarred.

    The project, a Bio-Studies Centre, in-tends to make use of the intensely pol-luted land as experi-ment material for soil cleansing solutions they develop.

    Directly connected to the amoebian slab, is the centers offi ce area.

    The southern facade gently reshapes to reconnect with the ground.

    Not only the two in-clined segments host a greenhouseand of-fer benefi c ventilation to the entire building, they also collect plu-vial water in a tanc that is to irrigate the plants.

  • 38

    groundfl oor plan withacces from parking underneath the slab

    right page: fi rst and second fl oor plans.

  • 39

  • 40northern and southern facades.

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    STUDIO Dorin Stefan, DSBA TEAM Anita Stamatoiu Radu Costachescu Tudor Costachescu Maria Guseth Ciprian Rasoiu Matei Vlasceanu

    CONTEXT 1984s socialist masterplan brought profound mutations to the city of Bucharest. The north coreean inspired axis spanned over 3.5km and was meant to be wider than les Champs-Elysees.After 1989, the 15ha site had not yet seen built the majestic opera the communists had envisioned. It remained a desolated void, a concrete desert that people try to ignore even to this day.

    CONCEPTThe Espalanade rises above the last mutation level, the communist corniche. The ground becomes a central parc. The platform marks the new ref-erence level. The new city above is an homogenous and unitary ur-ban form, while support buildings lead the fl uxes towards elevated levels.

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    The new axis al-tered profoundly the morphology as well as the function-ing of the former city.

    It created an inex-tricable boundary between the tra-ditional town and the newly emerged socialist collective housing, resulting in social isolation and disparate enclaves.

    Public space be-came a resulted area, programati-cally unadapted and creating urban void - functional, so-cial, economic void.

    left : social activa-tion of urban space map, public space is mainly negativeright: Unirii Blvd., project span and c o n s e q u e n c e s

  • 46

    Life in the city is limited to the diluted plan of a fl at urban sistem.

    The city awaits anoth-er profound mutation.

    The Espalanade rises above the last muta-tion level (the com-munist corniche), leaving the ground to be rediscovered.The platform marks the new reference level. The city above is an homogenous and uni-tary urban form, gen-erated by lights neces-sities and exclusive pedestrian routes.Support buildings lead the fl uxes to-wards elevated levels.

    All layers are physi-cally, function-ally and socially i n t e r c o n n e c t e d . Platform #1 is a sym-biotic organism, gen-erating morphology in an adapted Bucharest.

    Graph of inhabitants migration between dif-ferent urban functions

  • 47

    new city esplanade platformsupport buildingsparcunderground parking

    esplanade rises over the social-ist corniche, last mutation level

    esplanade = void resulting from unaccomplished socialist masterplan

  • 48

    differenciating sup-port buildings func-tionally determines zoning in new city

    ground area trans-formed into a parcadding support for platform

    relinking N-S areas ->interrupting the axis (underground passage)

    right: mass plan




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    classroomsexposition spaceconference roomsmanagementspecialised boardslibrarylaboratoryamphitheatre


    research centerconference roomsresearch laboratory

    offi ces+archivespecialised libraryprojection roomexposition spacemanagement

    student campusstudent lodgingssport facilitiesreading roomsstudent cateringcommunity spacechapel


    coffe house/snacksupermarketrestaurantkioskgreen areamedical unit/security

    vertical circulationtechnical spaceparkingpedestrian routecultural area

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    functional sectionandfunctional plans for main areas

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    underground planparking and technical space

    groundfl oor planparc and support buildings - business

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    platform planculture and commer-cial

    upper city planuniversity, campus and research facilities

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    CONTEST Isover Multi-Confort House

    TEAM Anita Stamatoiu Ioana Covali Miruna Tutoveanu

    CONTEXT The city of Pantin is one of Paris bainlieux that are struggling with the industrial relics of the 20th century. Such a relic, unused by the city, is the warehouse aimed to be revitalized. Its position by the St.Martin canal also brings into attention the issue of desert-ed waterfronts in the bainlieux. The challenge of the project is set towards resolving these problems with a socially and environmen-tally sustainable approach.

    CONCEPTThe project will use the exist-ing structure unaltered, by intro-ducing two main functions in the warehouses two bodies: education and requalifi cation for the disadvantaged population, as well as extensive sports facilities.

    The north facade will open towards the water in a cluster of industrial containers. These are furnished into autonomous cells to foster in-dividual ateliers and work areas.

  • 62

    autonomous cell [ON/OFF] sports education

    The citys functional mutation af-fects its population. Many fi nd it hard to integrate in a city that has no use of their present skills. The project reconnects this cat-egories in a community center for education and requalifi cation.

    The green lungs are dissipated in the territory, dislocated from the course of the canal.The project aims to provide a model of integrating the water and the sport areas.

    Pantin is a conglomer-ate of liniar transport mediums that cut the territory into slices.

    The projects aim is to dislocate this rigid pat-tern and to focus social interest towards tra-versing these limits on a regular basis.

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    Solar protection shell

    Central atrium to ventilate and bring light to unaltered warehouse structure

    Rigid concrete nodes directing circulation fl uxes Functional adaptation

    Ecologic autonomous cell - recycled industrial containers

  • 65

    third fl oor planconference room, class-

    rooms, fi tness zone

    fi rst fl oor planlobby, info and press point, reastauration

    groundfl oor planaccess and open air


  • 66

    solar lighting study january(above) at 8:00am and 12:00pmjuly (below) at the same hours.

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    Mon ami,Quelle ide de dmnager, quelle ide de devenir propritaire dun logement individuel aprs tant et tant de semestres passs en locataire dappartements. Cest vrai que je commence me lasser de ces dmnagements successifs, lourds et peineux, o la masse des accumulations de papiers lemportait sur les volumes impression-nants des meubles dors et brillants accumuls au fi ls de diffrentes donations, partages et autres hritages. Jai envie de me poser, de poser quelques valises et de repartir plus frais, plus lger sans cet impedimentum fastidieux et encombrant dont un intellectuel en campagne ne sait se sparer. Livres des uns et des autres, de soi-mme et des amis, reus et offerts, innombrables que schangent savants en ncessaire besoin de reconnaissance[]Ce monde mentoure, je lai construit, avec mes passions et mes recherches, mes passions et mes projets, aussi avec ma vanit et un certain don pour lgocentrisme. Il sagir aujourdhui den btir un autre, la fois dif-frent, ailleurs identique, cest le mme. Rien ne change, mme si ma compagnie de toujours, Mary, et moi-mme envisageons un : nous faisons actuellement appartements part. [] son indpendance existe alors que son travail administratif lui pse. Ton projet devra tenir compte de ces options qui vont, sans nul doute devenir rapidement ralit. []Un ami me disait avoir rencontr Manguel quelque part le centre de la France, loin de son Argentine natale. Il vit dans une bibliothque qui occupe plusieurs btiments pleine nature, tout est rang rpertori et class avec cette subtilit que le centre de ses proccupations du moment transforme son espace ; des livres se d-placent, se rapprochent, saccumulent, se lient pour former une nouvelle bibliothque, celle dont il y a momentanment besoin. [] Mais ce lieu dont je rve un peu, nest pas clos, ferms, clos aux yeux des autres, il ne sagir pas dune quelconque abbaye de Thlme o les autres ne sont pas admis, au contraire il sagit dun vritable endroit o des gens se retrouvent, se ctoient et pour que dautres choses se passent, se disent et se fassent. Ce qui me rapproche de Manguel cest notre got commun pour les soins donner aux plantes, au jardinage en gnral. Je ne saurais de men passer, tant de leurs odeurs que de leur vue, surtout celle de leur transformation. []Jaime le confort et la proximit des choses. Jaime les choses qui sentassent mais quand cest moi qui les aie entasses. []Jai encore mon bureau luniversit, jour aprs jour il subit le fl ux et le refl ux des mares. Cest une valse, par-fois un tango ; un livre part de chez moi vers le bureau et trois reviennent, le lendemain, un objet en sort et trois ouvrages savants y arrivent. Quels allers-retours, que dnergie. Penses tout cela, au poids des livres, leur facilit daccs, ces heures regarder les poids du monde au travers dune belle perle de verre de lpoque dAlexandre le Grand. Et que dire de ma collection de photos, je ne sais pas la ranger. Aides-moi, toi le savant en occupation et en qualifi cation de . []Avec toutes mes plus fi dles amitis.Michel

  • 69

    cross section

    second fl oor/ mezanine plan

    groundfl oor plan

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    collection of models ranging from con-cept models and studies on space and light charac-teristics, to more sculptural models, to actual architec-tural objects and urban areas. 2005-2010

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    STUDIO Daniel Bonnal Philippe Lamy TEAM Anita Stamatoiu Ana-Maria Anton

    CONTEXT Social life in La Ville de Toulouse revolves around the old city center and the Garrone waterbanks.Le Quartier de Bazacle is one such area that grew around the citys old electric waterplant and the Ca-nal de Brienne, openning the mas-sive brick buildings towards the river.Offered a precise, unalterable delimitation on the Bazacle area map, the challenge was to inter-pret the site mentally. The assignement required to pro-duce a subjective model as the materialization of this mental map.

    CONCEPTThe river was left outside the map delimitation received. The project integrates it by offering the refl ec-tion of the city, twe magic world below.The in-land city is a dense mass populated by lungs of respiro, private yards and open spaces. The canal penetrates and irrigates this mass, only to fi nd its origins in the Garrone.

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    The Bazacle siteGradual superposition of the mental map

    Left side: inception sketchesThe river is a generat-ing force that molds the city and defi nes its identity.The intersection of the two worlds - the waterfront - creates a magical universe of refl ections and distor-sion of light and form.

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    Childrens book illus-trations for romanian edition of Russian enchanted tales

    Book cover and selec-tion of tales illustra-tionsInk on paper, collage

  • 84

    Freehand ornamental drawing

    Graphite pencil and water marker on pa-per

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    Sketch composition

    Graphite pencil on paper

  • 86

    Architectural drawingaxonometry and per-spective

    Graphite and coloured pencil on paper

  • 87

    Cards castlle com-position

    Graphite and coloured pencil on paper

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    Jitia 8, ap. 2, sector 111218 Bucharest, Romania

    +040 724 279 177

    [email protected]

  • 90Anita Stamatoiu 2010 - All rights reserved