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Seven Power Tips Eft

Apr 13, 2015



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FORUSINGEFTDawson Church“EFT offers great healing benefits.”—Deepak Chopra, MD







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Seven Power Tipsfor Using EFT

by Dawson Church, PhD

Best-selling author of The Genie in Your Genes


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Published by Energy Psychology PressP.O. Box 442, Fulton, CA 95439

©2010 Dawson ChurchThis book demonstrates an impressive personal improvement tool. It is not a substitute for training in psychology or psychotherapy. Nothing contained

herein is meant to replace qualifi ed medical advice. The author urges the reader to use these techniques under the supervision of a qualifi ed therapist or physi-cian. The author and publisher do not assume responsibility for how the reader

chooses to apply the techniques herein.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, me-chanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from Energy Psychology Press, with the exception of short excerpts used with acknowledgement of publisher and author. “Emotional Freedom Techniques” is a registered trademark belonging to Gary Craig and is used under license by

Energy Psychology Press.

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Welcome to the EFT Universe site, and thanks for sub-scribing to our weekly newsletter. This special report gives you a list of some of the ways experts have found to maximize the power of EFT. On, you’ll find thousands of case histories, certified practitioners, inspiring stories, in-depth tutorials, specialized discussion groups, and updates on the current research into EFT. The site is updated daily, so you’ll always find new solutions for growth, healing, and transformation at EFT Universe. Make the most of the site, send your friends there, and stay in touch with the EFT community.

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Power Tip 1. EFT for Releasing the Unknown Problems that Stand Between You and Your Goals ................................................... 7

Power Tip 2. Smoothing Transitions With EFT.................. 11Power Tip 3. The Personal Peace Procedure,

Journaling, and Stuck Memories ..................... 15Power Tip 4. Use EFT to Turbocharge

Your Intentions ................................................. 19Power Tip 5. Resolve Your Tail-Enders

to Unify Your Energy....................................... 21Power Tip 6. Waiting for Change ........................................... 25Power Tip 7. Use EFT With a Tapping Partner .................. 29


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1EFT for Releasing the Unknown Problems that Stand Between You and Your Goals

Sometimes we can’t achieve our goals, and we can’t figure out why. We all have parts of life we master easily, and others that are a real struggle. When I was in high school, I had a friend called Lynette who could complete any math problem instantly. She grasped new concepts in math readily, and had moved on to calculus by the end of the school term. I was at the opposite end of the spectrum. Our class was divided into three groups: Good, fair, and poor math students. I was so bad that the teacher had to create a fourth category just for me: Hopeless.

Yet Lynette could not write well. I wrote poetry effort-lessly, and collaborated on a school play. I found Shakespeare a joy to read. She struggled with the basics of composition. She found English as difficult as I found math. Why did I find math difficult? Why did she find English such a chal-lenge? We don’t know the full answer and never will.

So there are things we do well, things we can easily learn to do well, and things we cannot seem to master no matter how hard we try.

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Use EFT for the third category. You might not under-stand what the blocks are that stand between you and your goals, but you can still use the EFT setup statement that ends with “I deeply and completely accept myself.”

So I might say, “Even though I’m terrible at math, and I don’t know why, I deeply and completely accept myself. I release everything that stands between me and math mastery, even though I don’t know what it is. And if I never get any better at math than I am today, I still deeply and completely accept myself.”

Pick a list of the goals you have that you have been unable to master. Practice using EFT to let go of any unknown problem that stands between you and mastery. And use the self-acceptance statement to affirm that you love and accept yourself, whether or not you ever achieve that goal. The chances are that you’ll find the goal much easier after EFT!

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2Smooth Transitions With EFT

Every day of our lives, we’re faced with transitions. We transition from home to work, or perhaps to school. We go from being with people who love us, to being with strangers. We transition from work back to home. We go from the work week, to a weekend of leisure. We transition from being with family, children, or parents, to being with people who aren’t family.

Transitions are a psychological problem for many people. When you were a child, your parents might have hauled you from one place to the next without preparing you. They might have suddenly disappeared for an evening, leaving a baby sitter in their place. They might have taken you for the first day at a strange new school, then vanished. When you moved house, new people appeared, and old ones, to whom you might have been very attached, unexpectedly transitioned out of your life.

As adults, we might still have more trouble with transi-tions than we realize. Some of the low-level anxiety we feel during transitions might be due to unresolved childhood experiences, and can be treated with EFT.

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When I was starting my career in book publishing, I would often go straight from work to a social event with friends. As I would reflect back on the evening later on, I would analyze what I’d said, and what was good and bad about my responses.

I realized that I was carrying work with me into my social time. I might spend the first two hours with my friends talk-ing about my work, completely absorbed in the day’s previous activities. My body had left work, but my head had not. It would take me those two hours to let go of the stresses of my work day, and I often felt as though I’d missed two great hours of heart connection with my friends.

Nowadays, I remember to use EFT during those transi-tions. I tap to release all the preoccupations of the previous day. I tap to feel fully open and present. I tap to feel a heart connection with the people I’m about to meet. In this way, I release the emotional signature of the place I’m leaving, and embrace the emotional signature of the place I’m entering. I might say something like, “Even though I had a stress-ful work day, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I felt bad during the meeting when Mary criticized Sam, I deeply and completely accept myself. I let go of the energy of work. I embrace the energy of being with friends and family. I deeply love and accept who I am both at work and at play.”

This kind of exercise, using EFT to release the events of the previous segment of the day, release anxiety about transi-tions, and clear your attention for the coming segment, can turn transitions from a wrenching change into an emotionally effortless shift.

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3The Personal Peace Procedure, Journaling, and Stuck Memories

One of the most wonderful gifts to the world is Gary Craig’s Personal Peace Procedure. You’ll find a tutorial on how to do this at The Personal Peace Procedure is so important that I make it compulsory homework for every EFT class I teach.

What Gary advocates is making a list of every specific event that has ever bothered you, and writing it down. You can use a special journal for this purpose. Gary says that most of us will have dozens of these, and if we’re honest, our list might run to hundreds of childhood traumas and adult disappoint-ments. Your list might seem like a huge and daunting challenge, but don’t despair, because with EFT, you may find yourself feeling better about each one more quickly than you dare hope.

It’s important to pick specific events, not generalities. When someone tells me “I tried EFT and it didn’t work,” the first problem I look for is whether or not they were tapping on specific events. An event has a start, middle, and end, like the scene from a movie. For instance, you don’t perform EFT on “Even though my father beat me when I was a child…” or “Even though I’m depressed and lonely…” because these are not specific events.

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A specific event is, “Even though my father beat me on my sixth birthday party because my rowdy friend spilled punch on his Grateful Dead t-shirt….” Those are the sort of movie scenes you write down in your list.

Then, each day, you pick a few events. Assess the emo-tional intensity you have on each one from 0 through 10, and tap until the intensity is at or near 0. Some days, you might get through 15 events. Other days, just one event may take awhile. You might also find that, as you work your way through your list, some events that had a big emotional charge for you when you first wrote them down are now 0, even without tap-ping. This is because of what Gary calls the “Generalization Effect.” As you tap on a memory, you might find that other, similar issues spontaneously reduce in intensity.

You’ll find that, while the emotional intensity of most memories collapses quickly, some events are very difficult to shift. These “stuck events” are the ones that can take the most attention to resolve. The best way to approach these is to work on each aspect of the problem. Aspects are the individual parts of the memory. For instance, I worked with a woman at one of my seminars who was in her 50s. She had been involved in a car crash when she was 7, and it was the most traumatic memory of her life, even though nobody was hurt. Her older sister had been driving on a lonely road, taken a curve too fast, and totaled the car. We did EFT on many aspects of the car crash, including her sister, the sound of the crash, the crash site, and so on. Her intensity remained high.

I asked her what happened after the crash. She said that her sister led her by the hand to the closest house, and phoned her parents, who came to pick her up. She was bleeding profusely

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from a gash in her head, and the neighbor in whose house she waited bandaged her up. We tapped on the blood, the bandage, the neighbor, and still the intensity remained at a 10.

Then I asked her how she felt about her parents com-ing to the house. She began to cry, and said that she had felt horrible at the time, and that she was sure her parents were going to blame her for the crash. Her sister was below the legal driving age, and she’d dared her sister to drive. So her guilt about her contribution to the crash was the real issue, not the physical damage she or the car had sustained. Her guilt was the aspect that needed EFT, and when she tapped on it, her emotional intensity dropped to zero. So if you have a “stuck event” that isn’t going down in intensity as you work your way through the traumatic memories on your Personal Peace Procedure list, look for aspects you might have missed.

The Personal Peace Procedure is the way you clean up your past, so that it no longer haunts your present. Get a journal, make your list, and start tapping. You will find great emotional freedom waiting for you when you liberate yourself from the shackles of your old wounds using EFT, and emerge into the sunlight of your full potential.

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4Use EFT to Turbocharge Your Intentions

Once you’ve done the Personal Peace Procedure described above, it’s time to start using EFT to reinforce your positive intentions. Pick just a few intentions, and write them down. Make sure they’re clear, present-tense, and consistent with the highest good for all beings.

Then, tap on the EFT points while stating your inten-tions.

I do this almost every morning, and I start the day feel-ing so full of energy that I could burst! My intentions aren’t just spindly sprouts, but mighty trees full of the sap of life. Tapping releases any subconscious blocks you might have to achieving your intentions, and also lines up the energy of your mind behind them. So turbocharge your intentions by using EFT while stating them each morning. You’ll find they become stronger, clearer, and more focused.

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5Resolve Your Tail-Enders to Unify Your Energy

Before you can decorate your house with beautiful new furniture and wall coverings, you have to throw out the old clutter. You can’t install the new over the old, because your space is filled up with your existing junk.

Personal growth is like that too. During my EFT work-shops participants often ask, “Why do you focus on the negatives?” The answer is that we have to take out the old emotional baggage before attempting to redecorate. We need to create space in our awareness for the new transformations we want to see in our lives.

See what comes up in your body and mind when you look at your goals, affirmations, and best intentions. You might have what Gary Craig calls “tail-enders,” self-sabotaging state-ments that attach themselves to the end of a positive affirma-tion. When you say, “I effortlessly meet and maintain my ideal weight,” a little voice in your head might add sarcastically, “…. yeah, right, fatso.”

That’s a tail-ender, and the moment we declare a goal, the parts of our psyche that do not believe it rise up and make themselves known. They are ready to tell us we cannot

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achieve it, along with a chorus of nay-saying friends or col-leagues. And with a conflicted mind, with one part disagree-ing with another part, it’s difficult to make progress. Our energy is divided. If a team of 12 horses is pulling a cart, and even one horse pulls in a different direction, the other 11 have to work much harder to stay on course. A house of consciousness divided against itself cannot stand.

Our tail enders are perfect targets for EFT. Rather than being afraid of those parts of our psyche, we can identify them, welcome them, embrace their energy, and clear them. EFT gives us a tool to release these pockets of stuck matter in our minds, and open up to our full potential.

Tap on your tail-enders. Give the intensity of the emotion a score on the 0 - 10 scale. Then tap while saying, for instance, “Even though I’ll never be thin, even though I’ll never be rich, even though rich people are greedy and thin people are deprived…. etc.” Keep tapping till the intensity level of your tail-ender is a zero. Then look for the next one! Keep tapping until all the horses in your mind are pulling straight and true toward your intentions, goals, and affirmations.

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6Waiting for Change

We all have to wait. We wait for elevators, we wait for traffic, we wait on hold for technical support, we wait in line at government departments, we wait for interviews, we wait for friends, we wait for restaurant service. Waiting inher-ently brings up frustrations, because we aren’t getting what we want. We want the result we came for, we want it now, and waiting stands between us and what we desire.

That feeling of frustration is a perfect target for EFT. That frustration is probably not about the elevator or the customer support phone call at all. It probably has its roots in childhood experiences, like the frustration you felt lying in your crib, hungry, and no-one brought you milk. It might reflect the impatience that you as a four-year-old felt looking at the presents under the Christmas Tree for days on end, unable to open them. While the current wait might seem to be what’s causing you frustration, the chances are very good that it’s simply unearthed an old childhood wound. That’s time for EFT!

When you’re forced to wait, tap on phrases like, “Even though I hate waiting… Even though I never get what I

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want… Even though everything happens so slowly… and so on.” Always end with “I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Use your frustration to remember specific childhood experiences in which you didn’t get what you wanted. When was the first time you felt that frustrated feeling in your body? What was happening then? Tap on those specific events, till your frustration level goes down to a zero.

EFT turns times of waiting to times of personal growth, and even into times of peace. You might even start to enjoy waiting! I guarantee life will provide you with many more opportunities to wait; you might as well start using them to heal the blocks that stand between you and inner peace.

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7Use EFT With a Tapping Partner

A tapping partner is someone with whom you share your EFT experiences. You can get together in person with a tap-ping partner. You can also talk on the phone, via email, or view each other using Skype. You can form a tapping partner-ship on a social networking site like Facebook or Linkedin.

The idea is to support each other’s personal transforma-tion by encouraging each other, by sharing insights, and by getting each other back on track when one person feels dis-couraged. One of the most surprising findings among even the experts is that we often simply forget to tap! A tapping partner reminds you.

If you’ve been using EFT for a long time, you can men-tor a new user as a tapping partner. If you’re a new user, you can get support from someone else who knows the ropes. If you’re doing an EFT workshop (, you can attend with a tapping partner, to reinforce your experience. If you’re getting certified, you and your tapping partner can study together, “tapping in” the answers as you prepare for the quizzes (

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You can also form a Tapping Circle. This is a group of people that gets together regularly to do EFT. If you listen to someone else’s problem who’s tapping, and tap along with them, you’ll often feel better yourself. The world has Twelve Step groups, Mastermind groups, Toastmasters, and thousands of other support groups. I hope to see tens of thousands of Tapping Circles spring up in the coming years.

On the “Giving Back” page of the site, you’ll find a section for tapping partners and Tapping Circles ( There, you can find a new tapping partner, join a tapping circle, or start one of your own. Why wait for tomorrow? Get your personal transformation program in gear today with a tapping partner to keep you on track!