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Study Tips Berni Addyman
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Page 1: Session 1 Study tips

Study Tips

Berni Addyman

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Learning outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding

On successful completion of this module you will be able to...

1.1 Evaluate learning, teaching and mentorship theories, principles of assessment, concepts of reliability, validity and factors that influence judgement relevant to learner needs

1.2 Critically reflect upon the responsibilities and boundaries of your role in supporting learning, teaching and assessment working within a legal, ethical and professional framework cognisant of your professional accountability.

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Learning outcomes:

2. Subject-Specific Skills

On successful completion of this module you will be able to...

2.1 Critically analyse the practice setting as a learning environment and develop effective evidence based learning opportunities

2.2 Evaluate your contribution to on-going audit and quality enhancement of the practice learning environment

2.3 Negotiate learning needs and use appropriate assessment strategies to offer guidance, provide feedback, facilitate and support learning and assessment, and reflect upon the effectiveness of your role in those processes.

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Learning outcomes:

3. Personal Transferable Skills

On successful completion of this module you will be able to...

3.1 Advance and reflect upon existing interpersonal skills to enhance effective learning and teaching and comprehensive assessment.

3.2 Contribute to and integrate the involvement of others through effective team working in the practice learning environment.

3.3 Utilise information technology congruent with the developing skills of a 21st century health practitioner.

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Getting Started

Overall aims of the Module

Module Handbook – Learning Outcomes


Level 5 or Level 6?

Time Management/Planning

Academic Supervision

Mind Maps

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Example of mind mapping




Learning theories

Teaching Styles


Types e.g. normCriterion


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The essay should have one central focus, broken down into a sequence of inter-linking points.

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The Introduction

Informs the reader how you will answer the question

Comprising of

Introductory remarksSets the agenda for the essay

Is 5-7% of the total essay length

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The Conclusion

Restates the main argument in a way that shows that you have answered the question

No new information is included

May include recommendations (this depends on the criteria)

Is still supported by literature/references

Is 13-15% of the total essay length

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The Main Body

Comprises of a chain of interlinking paragraphs which build and present a case

Each paragraphShould be a complete section of the argument posedShould be carefully positioned – why is your first point your first point? Your second, your second point … etc?Should contain a 'topic sentence‘Should have a logical flow from the previous and connect

Is 80% of the total essay length

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Ensure Flow

Use simple and appropriate words

Avoid jargon/slangAvoid over-quotingAvoid 'overly-common used' phrasesAvoid verbosity

Remember the rules of grammar

Stick to first or third personAvoid mixing tenses

Don't waffle

Proof read

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Evidence/Supporting literature

Evidence supports an argument, it does not form an argument in its own right

You should present evidence supporting both sides of an argument

Level 5/6 work demands that you look in detail at a particular area. There is no substitute for reading around your subject area to develop your arguments.

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Supporting Literature

The literature can be from a variety of sources, however if using journals you need to explore those that are peer reviewed (says in journal or check with librarian).

Avoid using the internet for sources of information as the quality is variable and may not be accurate. Use recognised sites for example DH, NMC, RCN etc.

You need to explore research that has been undertaken around the area you are investigating. Remember though that all research has its limitations.

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Supporting Literature cont…

Avoid relying on limited reference sources for your work.

Ensure that you have referenced correctly. Avoid making direct quotes if possible.

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Using literature in a variety of ways

1) It has long been established that "within the hospital setting, the wearing of uniforms by nurses is essential" (Smith 2003 p92).

2) Smith (2003) suggests that it has been long established that "within the hospital setting, the wearing of uniforms by nurses is essential" (p92)

3) Smith (2003) suggests that it has long been established that nurses should wear uniforms in hospital ward settings.

4) It has long been established that nurses should wear uniforms in hospital ward settings (Smith 2003).

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Levels 5 & 6

The difference with work at level 6 is your ability to analyse the issues under discussion and be constructively critical. You need to be concise with your language

At level 5 this is also applicable but less emphasis on analysis and more on ‘discussion’ (see marking criteria/grid).

An assignment may involve making recommendations for practice, these should be evidence based.

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"Everything said in academic texts tend to be cushioned in very cautious language. In fact, this is a necessary part of academic writing’’.

(Northledge 2007;p29)

For example:

‘…it would appear…’ or ‘…it appears that…’

rather than stating something ‘is’. In academic writing it is difficult to be absolutely certain about anything

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An extra note on level 5

Marking grids

Assignment Guides – descriptive as oppose to analytical

Marks still gained for analysis and the more you include the more potential for higher marks

Style, layout, sources, referencing, reading around subject are all still important

SLIP - mentorship in practice as well as the academic work /level

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Proof read

“as I was unable to meet Client A's dietician, in future I will ensure more than one appointments are made quite in good time so that when one is cancelled, I have another available to look up for”

“although digestion does occur in the stomach, there is no nutrient absorption there because.”

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In summary

Use what you have learnt on the module

Be objective and analytical

Show that you have understood what you have saidExplain yourselfApply to practice/ensure in context

Write clearly, legibly and without error

Pay attention to grammar and general presentation

Do make sure that you read the question for the assignment and cover the learning outcomes.

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Suggested reading

Cottrell S (2013) The Study Skills handbook. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Craig, C (2009) Study Skills for health and Social care Students Sage, London.

McMillan K and Weyers J (2012) The Study Skills Book – available as an e-book from university library.

Moore S, Neville C, Murphy M and Connolly C (2010) The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook Open University Press, Maidenhead.