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\\\t ... r'() ~ENTRAL . SJ ATE COLLEGE :Jkealer (}oer; ' Chance See Dramaf ic Classics SERIES Vlll And They Said - It Couldn't Be Done Suggestion · for Students . What'sa n\att er ?? Have t~rm pa pe r tr oubles got you down? ? Then here' s a tip f or you. No doub t each or u s, sometime in An assembly program will be Presented by the Canadian Play- ers in the coll ege auditorium January 18 and 19 a~ 8 P. Mt Monday, :January 18 "The TaIng of the S hrew" will be pre- sented and January 19. ''The Che rry Orchard." o ur college career has been or The Canad ian Pl ayers are an well be faced wit h wr iting a, re- organization of actors formed in search pape r. After settling· on 1954 by Tom Patt erson, founder a topic, the ne xt pr oblem is the of Canada's Stratlord Sh ake- ga the ring or informati9n for use spearean Festival and . Doug las in documeting your paper. The Campbell , an actor-director. · "Fifty-eight students have ap- ~----------- ~~m~e~~ -~coni~r~~~~etf ~;,a~~~i: MAX HELPMANN, who Ca~~~i:~ePI:~~ ~ :~e b!!~to ~: plied for . graduation from this cotlege on January 27, 1960. Of this number, forty are full-time students on campus a nd eighteen are off-campUs students. D.ivided· into groups the break- *>wn is as foll ows : College of Le!tters and Science - 22. Sec- ondary Education - 11, Kinder- garten-Primary Education - 4. Primary Education .:_ 2, Inter- medi a te- Upper Elemenflry Edu- cation - 4, Four Year Element- ary Education - 9, Two Year Elementary Education - 2, Three " YeirElemenfiiryEduc & tion - 3 fw a total of fifty-eight. All graduates in two )'ear, tlrree year and four year ele- m entary education are od~ eampus student.I. Full-time stud- mts who will be graduating are: ':ollege of ~tters and~: ,So:,' Ande...l, Mason; QirUs, City ; Blc~rd Erkbon, lffiwaukee; ,lames _ ll"webllnc, ll'lort · Edwards; Gary Farrell, """"'n , Bay; . Barbara hat, City; Ronald Henoel, Neenah; Carl IIU'g•lla, City; Rodney .Jasteoea, Mosinee; Konb, City; Duane-Xrele,- Mel'l'ill, l.&Veme- Lub. Amherst Junction: James Jllart.o, City; Evelyn Medo, Bir- namwood ; ~ward Meyer, 0kau- ehee ; .,_ E. Nei-, Toma- Y-Dems Elect Last Wednesday evening, the 6 of Jatiuary, the Y-bems held an important business meeting for the purpose of electing new officers and to discuss future eve nts. The attendance was definitely not Up to par, in fact it wa s very poor and we would have enj oyed seeing everyone there. SO, let's all make it a point to attend the next "meet- ings, for your help is needed to carry on further business. ' There were enough people present, how_ever, . to hold the election and the following of- ficers were elected: · Mike Far- rall, presiaent; Bob Nugent. vice president: Dotty Doran, secre- tary; Dick Dahlke, treasurer and Ken Schmidt, press representa- tive. In the order ·of new business, three committees were set up - the Activities, the Bulletin Board and the Membership. Plans were also di scussed for the coming State conventi on 1n Racine, but the- final- wor-d- w.'.lS- post - poned until the next meeting. short ened considerably by a trip will play Petruccio in the ing !he world. Each yea r they to -ri~eereci~l~g!u~~~n~ !t~~~ies of canadian Pla.yers' , presen- , select two pl ays from great clas· light blue, unimposing booklets. tation of "The Taming of sical writers to present. b.u th or then presents a biblio- the Shrew" was born in " The Taming of the Shrew" · :c~~~ ce !:f u~:~ f~~%r ~:~i~~~d- Australia where he ~gan . :,a~~ e ~! ~9:"e::~~ry eai~: These booklets are published hiS career as a song and which the musical "Klss 1'1e by the Ameri ca n Historical as- d~ce man. ~i:,;-a;i!f:~~- ~~::i~ t~~! :r"dto~~ih 0 f nfnt~ ~~s t~ e lder who is ·bad tempered and ' one of the social sciences. These · Bianca. No one will consent to are not limited. to just historical CWA B d ma rry Katherina so her father, tacts, but may alSo discuss the oar ~::;., vo:i:nt~;tt ;!1 1 ! 1 Y:i;:: literature of the period, the single until Katherina flrids -a --- ideas ts of fththe peri~ and ~th~r JaAnuta .trhye i.~ =!~~t~: husband. Bianca's many suitors aspec ,o , e pro em or optc. persuade ·their friend, PMruochlo. Each booklet, written by an ex- freshman representative adviser, who is journeying in search of pert On the topic, outlines the was introduced. Plans were a wife, to bid for the hand of major issues of the topic. The made for a meeting of all col- the wealthy Shrew. P et rucchio author than presents a biblio- lege women to be held :for the receives permission to woo Ka· graphy of books aild periodicals nomination of new ofiicers. therina and does 50 roughly. which he considers best on the A dinner for the graduating When he finally marries her, he topic. A brief explanation of Senior glrls was discussed, Bev- tames her by opposing her every the vley,,s in ~ecich book or peri- erty Wruck ' and J'unle Nehring' wish. In the meantime Blanca odical is also presented, meaning being appointed to make"" plans h th g ~tao and yot1 can easily decide if a partlcu- for the event . ~a~: secretly. The lar book or periodical has infor- Plans were inade for the play ends when Petrucchlo and mation you can use. coffee hours next semester and Katherina return home and a These books are available in a slate of nominations was cont~t is staged to prove that the College Book store through drawn up. the Shrew has really been tamed. the cooperation of the College "n,e Tamlnc of the Shrew" Ill o~sr ore;- .klph a-Gamma.....::the- .one Shakespeare'• III09t pope, honorary social science society) Sororities lar - .dellgli---~ and the his tory department . Thus a valuable shortcut to !ind- Organize For "'l'be Cherry - was the bawk ; Robert Ost..rkD, Port Ed- ,------------, ing informatiQn for yOur term A I F I = elor':1.~e~!;h:"';:'. paper• can be found by using the nnua ormo tiov referred to this play ... wards; Clycle Rice, City; -. .... , S-ok~ Milwaukee; - Wampler, Marshfield; -- · W"""'f".1d, City; David W'oyak, Ha,:°"!' ~ : Secondary \.At1 cation: Agnes t.&ltmann, S ""tlp~d; Robert Cay, 1 ... , MinOC(lue· Id li'oU, r ~hinelander; - ry Kac~ ,_.., City; .,..,. tl<e, WIS- «msin Rapids; Hobert Pajewskl. .City; Patricia 1 -~ Port !'Edwards; BlcUnl D. st-. ~Ugo; . A.mold Trachte, Scho- field; Henry l'.etter, City. . Kindergarten-Primary Educa- lion: .Judy Cepek, · Algoma; Aud- Notice The Pointer staff will be .searching for new faces and new talent ,second semester. If you are interested In ~orking on the staff, in any capacity. second semester, please notify us by placing a note In the Pointer mailbox or .contacting the editor. If you write a note, please s tate what area (edi - torial , composition, business) you think you w.ould enjoy working in. Please notify us and no later than February 5! :~~=;~ sources glven in these Plans are beln« made tor the comedy, but. by our standards lnw,nororlty . tom.I which will is n::.':.~:\~ 0 /~';' ;.~ the second semester. If anyone has any ideas for any of the activities· for any particular weekend, J et us know. At the las t meeting of the house committee the group de- cided io place a suggestion box in · the game center. · So here's your ' chance · to make a ny s ugges- . tions you feel a re necssary con- cerning the operation or policies of the Union. be February 6 from . 9 ~- M. to ting\ js the Russian home of 1 A. M. Mme Banyevllkala, a widow. She The Jimmy Jante8 Orclie&tra has left her estate with its beau- will prOVide music ~n the second tiful cherry Orchard to go, to floor of the Union and lt will be Paris for tlve years to forget piped up to tl).e third '"floor. There the tragedy of her son's tragic will be dancing on both floors. death. When s he retl\1""s to the !tfregi~ 0 ~::/ola~an:t:;~ :r!~1:;dsh~a!in~!!'a~~~e uc:e~ One day will be set aside for auction to pay back laxes. She selling tickets in the Union. The is a kind woman and believes tickets will cost $1.50 per couple everything wlll work itself out and will also be sold at the door. so She lends .what little money rey HO<lden, City; Ma<)' Ann l'------------- Plans are In progress also for putting another coffee urn In the pres ent game center area after the new game center ts ready. Thi s should help- prevent' those extra-long lines between classes. . . Committee's for the formal she has to the more needy peas- are as folows: Theme, Alpha ants and wai ts for a miracle to SI~ Alpha; tick~ts, Psi Delta _ha'pi,en. Finally Lopakhln, a Psi; programs. Tau Gama Beta; wealthy business man, buys the refreshments, Omega Mu Chi; land intending to cut down the publicity and clean-up, girls trees and sell the · property in from each sorority. The s9ror- building lots. Heartbroken, Mme. ities wm join to make the decor- Ranyevs kala returns to Paris. Paulh, Abbotsford; Mary· Lou ~eb, Minocqua. .intermediate-Upper'Elementary f Education: LydeU Newby-, City; ~ Sdwant Pierce, Mauston: Robert Morch, Stetsonville. Know Your Union Dear Pointers: The College Union board Is In the process of laying plans for dances and other activities for Sincerely', June Ann Johnson, President, College Union Board Best Wishes for 1960 at ions. I List Union ~ava Schedule As ha.. <;J been the practice In Let me use this opporttmity to extend my best wishes t.o the p&Ht, the Soc.ial committ ee_ of each student for 1960. Some Of you, no douht , feel that you' the Union boar~ is prei~~nt;~; will need more than good wishes befo re the e nd of January. }! 1 e 1 s,tudents with a g If you have made your ve ry best effort throughout the mas. semester, then the examinations will indicate whether · you As part or the Campus-wide are a. college 9tude nt . In some c ases, howeve r, the examina· =i:J. fr~~~~r;ee o!mu: tions will merely indicate whether you are willing to be a in - the SnaCk bar dur ing final college student. In other words, your disappointing record examinations. The board regrets may be due to your own indiffere~ce or inertia rather tlian that the free coffee cannot be incompetence. May I hope that most of you have returned served at every hour of every Kate Reid who has announced her res ignation from the Canadi- an Players will be repl aced in the role of Mme. Ranyevs kaiin 'The - ,;;herry Orchard" by Mis8 .Jacquellne Ban1ett. The part Kute in '"The Taming of the Shrew" forme'. rly pl ayed by Kate Reid will be taken by l Hls.& Tudl \Vigglns . . This past season ap proxima te- ly 197,000 l)e()ple bought ti cke ts to see the Canad ian Players. So, remember. today Is the last day for you to pl<.-k up your ticket at the Coll ege Book Shop, for the play of your choice, by just 1,resenting your activity card. to your work after the holidays de termined to make you,:. day. but this would be disastrous college record represent your best effort and ability. The fo r the board's financial funds. .------------, ;real scholar, of course, finds as · much , or more, perso!laJ The following- schedule has .._ 1 satisfaction in ~e skill and kno.wledge and unde rstanding been .., 1 _ you' ll find your fr ee 1"'11 O t i C e ancl appreciation he achieves, as in any grades he may re- coffee <and ma)"be donuts too!) - 1- ..c~ e~i: ve =JI1~..hi~·:'.s~c".'.o~urse.:: - :'S: --~-- - -~-~--- ---:-l·irrthe-t:Jnton-srr.iek oar: act nese= - r1aa~. January I~ · &- That personal satisfaction is his. The grades ~re merely times. Won.' t you join us? 1 : rt; iv ~~; Ing" ' sip was one of the r&- liliialui of our holiday fire. - tile loun«e ii eleaa ~ . ud is_go- our device for keeping a record o f-wha t w e thmk he has .. 1-= - ~E ".: v~•"., <>' ~ mo =,_, rn .,, l,,. 11< -= -= e!. · C!: :OO "": ,.U ':'-: :OO ::'- . 11-a-"'p•og. ram-ot:...J:eaaing: r- - achieved:-'We arealwtC" js-happ Jfi> see our sfii<lentssucceea Eve ry aftenioon - %:00- 3:SO. "poetry and prose. It wilt be fn their college work, almost as happy about it as they are, Every evening- . _ S:OO-S:,t5. held at the College· Union and fortunately most of · OUr stud ents do succeed . ._ - .January 21 .~G( except Sunday) ::~~!t: . S :~~: ~ ~~~~u~:1r -- So our greeting is ~ppy New Y ear to you. P. s. _ the Faculty ls more be served . Wm. C. Hansen than welcome !! JI.------,.-----,.,,...

SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

Nov 24, 2021



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Page 1: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

\\\t ~ ... ~ r'()

~ENTRAL . SJ ATE COLLEGE :Jkealer (}oer; ' Chance

• See Dramaf ic Classics


And They Said -It Couldn't Be Done

Suggestion · for Students. Wha t 'sa n\atter?? Have t~rm

pa pe r troubles got you down? ? Then here's a tip f or you . No doubt each o r us, sometime in

An assembly program will be Presented by the Canadian Play­ers in the college auditorium January 18 and 19 a~ 8 P. M t Monday, :January 18 "The T am· Ing of the S hrew" will be pre­sented and January 19. ''The Cherry Orchard."

our college career has been or The Canadian Players are an w ell be faced wit h writing a , re- organization of actors formed in sea rch pape r. After settling· on 1954 by Tom Patte rson, founder a topic, the next problem is the of Canada's Stratlord Shake-ga thering o r informati9n for use spearean Festival and. Doug las in documeting your paper. The Campbell, an actor-director.

· "Fifty-eight students have ap- ~----------­~~m~e~~ -~coni~r~~~~etf~;,a~~~i: MAX HELPMANN, who Ca~~~i:~ePI:~~ ~ :~e b!!~to~ : plied for. graduation from this

cot lege on January 27, 1960. Of this number, forty are full-time students on campus and eighteen are off-campUs students.

D.ivided· into groups the break­*>wn is as follows: College of Le!tters and Science - 22. Sec­ondary Education - 11, Kinder­garten-Primary Education - 4. Primary Education .:_ 2, Inter­media te-Upper Elemenflry Edu­cation - 4, Four Year Element­ary Education - 9, Two Year Elementary Education - 2, Three "YeirElemenfiiryEduc&tion - 3 fw a total of fifty-eight.

All graduates in two )'ear, tlrree year and four year ele­m entary education are od~ eampus student.I. Full-time stud­mts who will be graduating are:

':ollege of ~tters and~:

,So:,' Ande...l, Mason; ~ QirUs, City; Blc~rd Erkbon, lffiwaukee; ,lames _ ll"webllnc, ll'lort ·Edwards; Gary Farrell, """"'n , Bay; . Barbara hat, City; Ronald Henoel, Neenah; Carl IIU'g•lla, City; Rodney .Jasteoea, Mosinee; ~ Konb, City; Duane-Xrele,- Mel'l'ill, l.&Veme­Lub. Amherst Junction: James Jllart.o, City; Evelyn Medo, Bir­namwood; ~ward Meyer, 0kau-ehee ; .,_ E. Nei-, Toma-

Y-Dems Elect Last Wednesday evening, the

6 of Jatiuary, the Y-bems held an important business meeting for the purpose of electing new officers and to discuss future events. The attendance was definitely not Up to par, in fact it was very poor and we would have enjoyed seeing everyone there. SO, let's all make it a point to attend the next "meet­ings, for your help is needed to carry on further business. ' There were enough people present, how_ever, . to hold the election and the following of­ficers were elected: · Mike Far­rall, presiaent; Bob Nugent. vice president: Dotty Doran, secre­tary; Dick Dahlke, treasurer and Ken Schmidt, press representa­tive.

In the order ·of new business, three committees were set up -the Activities, the Bulletin Board and the Membership. Plans were also discussed for the coming State convention 1n Racine, but the- final- wor-d- w.'.lS- post-poned until the next meeting.

shortened considerably by a t rip will play Petruccio in the ing !he world. Each year they to -ri~eereci~l~g!u~~~n~ !t~~~ies of canadian Pla.yers' , presen- , select two plays from great clas· light blue, unimposing booklets. tation of "The Taming of s ical writers to present. b.u thor then presents a biblio- the Shrew" was born in " The Taming of the Shrew"

·:c~~~ce!:f u~:~ f~~%r~:~i~~~d- Australia where he ~gan . :,a~~e ~! ~9:"e::~~ry eai~: These booklets are published hiS career as a song and which the musical "Klss 1'1e

by the America n Historical as- d~ce man. ~i:,;-a;i!f:~~- ~~::i~ t~~!

~~~~l~~n :r"dto~~ih 0 f nfnt~~~s t~ elder who is ·bad tempered and ' one of the socia l sciences. These · Bianca. No one will consent to are not limited. to just historical CWA B d marry Katherina so her father, tacts, but may alSo discuss the oar ~::;.,vo:i:nt~;tt ;!11!1 Y:i;:: literature of the period, the s ingle until Katherina flrids - a---ideas ts•of fththe peri~ and ~th~r JaAnuta.trhye i.~ ~~~ =!~~t~: husband. Bianca's many suitors aspec ,o , e pro em or optc. persuade ·their friend, PMruochlo. Each booklet, written by an ex- freshman representative adviser, who is journeying in search of pert On the topic, outlines the was introduced. Plans were a wife, to bid for the hand of major issues of the topic. The made for a meeting of all col- the wealthy Shrew. Petrucchio author than presents a biblio- lege women to be held :for the receives permission to woo Ka· graphy of books aild periodicals nomination of new ofiicers. therina and does 50 roughly. which he considers best on the A dinner for the graduating When he finally marries her, he topic. A brief explanation of Senior glrls was discussed, Bev- tames her by opposing her every the vley,,s in ~ecich book or peri- erty Wruck ' and J'unle Nehring' wish. In the meantime Blanca odical is also presented, meaning being appointed to make"" plans h th g ~tao and yot1 can easily decide if a partlcu- for the event. ~h~~ ~a~: secretly. The lar book or periodical has infor- Plans were inade for the play ends when Petrucchlo and mation you can use. coffee hours next semester and Katherina return home and a

These books are available in a slate of nominations was cont~t is staged to prove that the College Book store through drawn up. the Shrew has really been tamed. the cooperation of the College "n,e Tamlnc of the Shrew" Ill o~srore;-.klpha-Gamma.....::(·the- .one Shakespeare'• III09t pope,

honorary social science society) Sororities lar - .dellgli---~ and the history department. Thus a valuable shortcut to !ind- Organize For "'l'be Cherry - was the

bawk ; Robert Ost..rkD, Port Ed- ,------------, ing informatiQn for yOur term A I F I = elor':1.~e~!;h:"';:'. ~~ paper• can be found by using the nnua ormo tiov referred to this play ... wards ; Clycle Rice, City; -.

...., S-ok~ Milwaukee; - Wampler, Marshfield; --· W"""'f".1d, City; David W'oyak, Ha,:°"!'~

: Secondary \.At1cation: Agnes t.&ltmann, S""tlp~d; Robert Cay, 1 ... , MinOC(lue· Id li'oU, r~hinelander; - ry Kac~ ,_.., City; .,..,. tl<e, WIS-«msin Rapids; Hobert Pajewskl. .City; Patricia 1 -~ Port !'Edwards; BlcUnl D. st-. ~Ugo; . A.mold Trachte, Scho­field; Henry l'.etter, City.

. Kindergarten-Primary Educa­lion: .Judy Cepek,· Algoma; Aud­

Notice The Pointer staff will be

.searching for new faces and new talent,second semester. If you are interested In ~orking on the staff, in any capacity. second semester, please notify us by placing a note In the Pointer mailbox or .contacting the editor. If you write a note, please s tate what area (edi­torial , composition, bus iness) you think you w.ould enjoy working in. Please notify us and no later than February 5!

:~~=;~ sources glven in these Plans are beln« made tor the comedy, but. by our standards

lnw,nororlty . tom.I which will ~~ is n::.':.~:\~0/~';' ;.~

the second semester. If anyone has any ideas for any of the activities· for any particular weekend, Jet us know.

At the last meeting of the house committee the group de­cided io place a suggestion box in · the game center. · So here's your' chance ·to make any sugges­.tions you feel a re necssary con­cerning the operation or policies of the Union.

be February 6 from . 9 ~- M. to ting \ js the Russian home of 1 A. M. Mme Banyevllkala, a widow. She

The Jimmy Jante8 Orclie&tra has left her estate with its beau­will prOVide music ~n the second tiful cherry Orchard to go, to floor of the Union and lt will be Paris for tlve years to forget piped up to tl).e third '"floor. There the tragedy of her son's tragic will be dancing on both floors. death. When she retl\1""s to the

~~s !tfregi~0 ~::/ola~an:t:;~ :r!~1:;dsh~a!in~!!'a~~~e uc:e~ One day will be set aside for auction to pay back laxes. She

selling tickets in the Union. The is a kind woman and believes tickets will cost $1.50 per couple everything wlll work itself out and will also be sold at the door. so She lends .what little money

rey HO<lden, City; Ma<)' Ann l'------------­Plans are In progress also for

putting another coffee urn In the present game center area after the new game center ts ready. This should help-prevent' those extra-long lines between classes. . .

Committee's for the formal she has to the more needy peas­are as folows : Theme, Alpha ants and waits for a miracle to SI~ Alpha; tick~ts, Psi Delta _ha'pi,en. Finally Lopakhln, a Psi; programs. Tau Gama Beta; wealthy businessman, buys the refreshments, Omega Mu Chi; land intending to cut down the publicity and clean-up, girls trees and sell the · property in from each sorority. The s9ror- building lots. Heartbroken, Mme. ities wm join to make the decor- Ranyevskala returns to Paris.

Paulh, Abbots ford; Mary· Lou ~eb, Minocqua.

.intermediate-Upper'Elementary f Education: LydeU Newby-, City; ~Sdwant Pierce, Mauston: Robert Morch, Stetsonville.

Know Your Union Dear Pointers:

The College Union board Is In the process of laying plans for dances and other activities for

Sincerely', June Ann Johnson, Pres ident, College Union Board

Best Wishes for 1960

at ions.


List Union ~ava Schedule

As ha..<;J been the practice In Let me use this opporttmity to extend my best wishes t.o the p&Ht, the Soc.ial committee_ of

each student for 1960. Some Of you, no douht, feel that you' the Union boar~ is prei~~nt;~; will need more than good wishes b efo re the e nd of January. }!1e

1 s,tudents with a g

If you have made your v ery bes t effort throughout the mas. semester, then the examinations will indicate whether · you As part or the Campus-wide are a . college 9tudent. In some cases, howeve r, the examina· =i:J. fr~~~~r;ee o!mu: s~~~~~ tions will merely indicate whether you are willing to be a in - the SnaCk bar during final college student. In other words, your disappointing record examinations. The board regrets may be due to your own indiffere~ce or inertia rather tlian tha t the free coffee cannot be incompetence. May I hope that most of you have returned served at every hour of every

Kate Reid who has announced her res ignation from the Canadi­an Players will be replaced in the role of Mme. Ranyevskaia· in 'The- ,;;herry Orchard" by Mis8 .Jacquellne Ban1ett. The part Kute in '"The Taming of the Shrew" form e'.rly played by Kate Reid will be taken by lHls.& Tudl \Vigglns . .

This past season approximate­ly 197,000 l)e()ple bought ti ckets to see the Canadian Players. So, remember. today Is the last day for you to pl<.-k up your ticket at the College Book Shop, for the play of your choice, by just 1,resenting your activity card.

to your work after the holidays determined to make you,:. day. but this would be disastrous college record represent your best effort and ability. The for the board's financial funds. .------------,

;real scholar, of course, finds as ·much, or more, perso!laJ The following- schedule has .._ 1 satisfaction in ~e skill and kno.wledge and unde rstanding been ..,1 _ you 'll find your free 1"'11 O t i C e ancl appreciation he achieves, as in any grades he may re- coffee <and ma)"be donuts too!) ~

- 1-..c~e~i:ve=JI1~..hi~·:'.s~c".'.o~urse.::- :'S:--~-- - -~-~--- ---:-l·irrthe-t:Jnton-srr.iek oar: ac tnese= - r1aa~. January I~

·&- That personal satisfaction is his. The grades ~re merely times. Won.'t you join us ? ~~~ ~~~~~~~t!~~ 1: rt;iv~~;

Ing" 'sip was one of the r&­

liliialui of our holiday fire. - tile loun«e ii eleaa

~ . ud ~ ~ is_go-

our device for keeping a recor d of-wha t w e thmk he has .. 1-=-~E".:v~•".,<>'~ mo=,_,rn.,,l,,.•11<-=-= e!.·C!::OO"":,.U':'-::OO::'-. 11- a-"'p•og.ram-ot:...J:eaaing: r--achieved:-'We arealwtC"js-happJfi>see our sfii<lentssucceea Every aftenioon - %:00-3:SO. "poetry and prose. It wilt be fn their college work, almost as happy about it as they are, Every evening- . _ S:OO-S:,t5. held at the College· Union and fortunately most of· OUr students do succeed . ._ - .January 21.~G( except Sunday) ::~~!t:. S :~~:~~~~~u~:1r --

So our greeting is ~ppy New Y ear to you. P. s. _ the Faculty ls more be served. Wm. C . Hansen than welcome!! JI.------,.-----,.,,...

Page 2: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

Give· It Consideration •<Childrea should not play with matches.~ After seeing the

smoke ta rnished walls of the Union I'm sure we a re a ll very aware of these words of wisdom a t the present time - that is, if we haven 't forgotten all ready.

Walking th rough the tunnel in the f ire area last week I heard a girl remark to her companion, "I hope those kids h ad fu n. Tha t 's all I can say!" P erhaps tha t is all that could be said a t the momen1:, but we ha ve more to say. Whose fa ult is it when three boys, ten and twelve years of age, start fl, fi re which causes in the vicinity of $4,000 or $5,000 damage ? Is it the parents' fault or someone elses? Perhaps it• is the fault of a t eacher or can we bla ml! the children ? This would be a difficult question to· answer , but if you are a pa rent, perh a ps this incident will make you stop and think a m0-ment. Do your children know the dangers of playing with fi re or could your child have been one of these boys ? Even though children have been warned of danger , they don' t al­ways heed the messages, bi.It , I believe it is our duty· as proi,. pective future teachers, pa rents, prospective pa rents , or jus t Mr., Miss or Mrs. · Average Joe or Joseph ine American· t o do our pa r t in emphasizing the importance of fire pre­vention. It is carefulness with fire that pays,. not carele ss­ness . No m atter h ow much we do care , w e coul.!!_car e more !

- :-:-· What do you s tudents think of the new look in' th e tunnel between the library and the Un ion ? This time I don't . mean the fi re damage, but t he nice bright ·yellow pa int th a t is co ver ing the ceme nt w a lls. L ooks nice, doesn ' t it :' .

- :- :-

TBJS POIN'1'EB I January 15, 19!!'.:J

AT!O~c!! ~~ ~~~~ I CaJuwt al CSC ·If-last meal beJor e the selllester B7 ...- 0.....-break on T uesday n oon, J anua ry •·------------------==o=s===-1 26.

There w ill be no caf~teria serv jce unt il Monday morning. F ebruary 1.

The Snack bar wilJ r ema in open un til 4 P . M . on Wednes­day, Ja nua ry Z7, !or . those who have make-up exams that day. Ser vice in the Snack bar wi ll re­sume on . Sunday aft ernoon, J an­uary 31.

The Union staff wishes to re­mind a ll that the Union w iJI be for their use dur ing the exam period - the lounge Ior s tudy or relaxation, the Snack ba l\.fo r the coffee brea ks, e tc. We wan t to emphasize, however, that your las t moment s tudies come fi rs t. We do not want the Union to be a · place in which you w ilt be was ting the lime that should be g iven to your preparat ion .toi· exam s. We hope you make use of it du r ing finals, bu t don't neglect more im por tant m.i tl crs for the sake of a card game.

J. R. Afna('ker, Director

One week trosp wday most of us will be In the mids t of semester I doubt wffether that comes as a surprise to a nyone. Anyway, I tecl I ought to do some cheering up. Aclually, all we need i;S the r ight psychological approach t o\,'/ard exams, which does not mclude ..-w orry ing, either before or atter the tests. We ought to approach the exams with a positive attitude, determined' to study hard beforeha nd, do our be.St during them, and forget them aiterward. And Lor those of you who belie\le in cramming, I, for one, don·~ condemn it.

"High Flight" has a1w·ays been one of my favorite poemL lt ~eems ~o have sue~ power and ma jesty at its command, tha't it .cannot belp but give you the ela ted feeling as though you had ac tuaUy "slipped the sm·ly ,.bonds of. Earth" in an a irplane. Any­on_e who enjoys· !ly l_ng should certainly feel the enchantment of try1 s verse. ~t was written by John Magee, Jr., a pilot who was -k illed n action at the age of 19.

- · .High F11gbi Oh! "- I have sll1,ped the surly bonds of··Earlh ~nd danced the skies on lnughter-sllvered wings: Stu1ward I've climbed. aucJ joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred thlng-s You have nOj, dreamed of - wheeled and soared and "'"'11 ~ High In t.he sw1llt silence.' Ho,•erlng there l'\'e chased the s hooting wind along and ' flmlli' 1\ly eager craft throu,:h roo't-lesH tiaits of alr • ~ •

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've toJ)1>ed the wind-swept · heights with f"& sy i;raN•, \Vhere never lark, or e \'en eagle n ew -And, while with s ile nt, lifting mind I've trod The hig h Untrespasset.l sanctity of spa.ce, Put out IDY. hand and touched the t~ of God.

l ,, . ) A cou ple of m onths ago when the "big ditch" -fo r the

water a nd power lines to the new physical education build­ing was being dug there seemed t o be some doubt a& to how soon this project could be completed. The ca use of this doubt was t he p r esence of a s teel strike in country. sink democracy by reprod uction. I I Fina lly , OOJanuary- 4, the s t eel industry and its workers Also, his __ 7 be.loved_ republic Is- m C?I ~ w got togethe r t o e nd t~e eight-month .di~pute . ~s c1istant as : ~f~"g0 /

9~;.'=~~;~d ~{!.i~~~::. ~ c?nop ua{k :

this fact may seem, wi t h a ll o f the butldmg proJect.s platll)ed ily· our f~om of thought is . . · and underway a t CSC, if you s top and thi!"k for a moment, int, ·nged 1 · b 1 ·you can see it does affect us, as colle ge s tudents, qwte oat~ ,as of"y;~ ~nc/if ~w;Y:~~~ ~-----'--.,..:------..:..,. .......... ----~~-...J -6.i r ectly and join political clubs there is By Kenneth Wood

· ~ - ·- ·- s till hope. Now that t.he h~st-le and noise of· 'the hoUlbly ~ ea son is over A word of ongratulatiou~ t~ all of th e -s p.u; l\rs who are In another a rticle we leai:n we can sit back and relax for a few days before . exams. r can

gradua ting a he end of this first semes1.e r:. B est of luck in tha t man has both body and soul think O! no better way way to- reJax than with a good book and all of y our efforts! ! l · . but ' that the soul is that part some m~ smoof!i ?'usic.. ·. : : \.

-:-:- w)tich "mus t be continually de- Speaking of mus ic, wh1l~ brow~mg around the SHOP the other • -ve1oped . if we a re to attain The day I found a number of mteresting. ~ks on Jazz and the people

- Students, if you are looking for a subject so that you education for the .fullness of llv- who make it. . . · . · · can write a "Letter to the Editor," search no longer. Write ing." We learn further that if tt One of the most _mterestmg, I thought, was The Jaa. lnakerit and le t us know how you feel regarding the "Loyalty Oath" weren't t or our college's rellgl- edited by Nat ShaplI'o and Nat Hento!~. This boqk contains the colleg e students have to sign to receive a federal loan. The ous organizations, we surely ~i.te stories and -works of twenty-one jazzmen. Among the greata Student council is very much interested in knowing your would be in one depraved condi- !:1 · thi~ book are" such ?,ames as Louis ~· Melt T~arden, feeling on this subject, t oo. tion. What we need tO do is :Fata .. Waller, ~~~ Duke EIHQ&'t~BUJJe-BoUda, ~

MGH·-----l~ for- citizenshlp-by--" earn- f.:',:f"~:,;-;-Benny ..........mao, -n._,- G~e and twelve ot~ ------------------~ mg and practicmg our ~lie fs ." The objective of this book was to show aomethlng of the po.

It seems a shame to pr!.nt pr~ sonallty of each of these ":Jazz" In this way the reader

R G I •t maintained a three Point average lessors' knowledge in the same will. a1so understand more .of their music. , As Charpe Parker once otary roup nv1 es or better last year. , · issue with such wisdom. In the '!'lid, "Hosle 1$ your own experience, your I.bought,;, your w­

This program which has been same vein, Jetter writers who U you don't llve H, lt won!&: come ou&: ot your hom." This book

Honor Sen·1or Men in e!fect for several years a1so have a "natural impulse" tO tU.rn !!lp~e"yssouin' tothue,nrdemrsuta:ndsl-c. what the _gr~a~ in: j~ .,were tryin·e • invites outs ta nding local high on WSPT when they siudy t,.t

Each month csc senior man school students to the luncheons. not to publish Jetters unki~~g to · Not only are the people wrltfen about great names Jn muslll. is the guest -at the Stevens Point The purpose of the program Mr. Chief because he knows (! > ~~t the authors tehmselves are w:ell krlown in fhe field . This com­Chapter of R~tary....,tnternational clearly stated in. the words of th@t it is the "facts" by. which ~n:~l~n not:] expe;ts l" the field o.t ja:zz..writing about great nainea

kl it1nc h \ Ch the young men who have attend- we Atnerica~ a re persuaded. for J1 to ~r~;,1- e t an i~terestin~ a~ ~f~rm~tlv? ~k suitable

:!i i~it:si~ ot"~~ 6I~rship0

:~ ~ ~:i~~~er,Me;P1~~::an~~wat°::~ Yours for more wisdom, · 1ess . Why dc;_m't you drop ' intO the BOOK •SHOP and-qOOk over some ~~~:e:i~~w~~= ~ ~~n:a; trin~~ev~~: Rotary Club has given me an kn~wledge, of our books on music and the great llames in ,hat ,fie ld .from

. held c.'l, t the Hotel Whiting for a opportunity to see how a bus l· JIM - REFFNER =!h;;,~ei;,0~ GW~. I'm sure you1J"lfind so~ihing of interest

:: m~~;t~y ~~~~: .. ian~1:~ti~: 2: ]\1~u~;::::r~:_;:u~rt; ~!· -F-,.-r- -.e--_-H--

1.-1-s--T-. -u-:....:.n:.:..:.:n=-e.:.::..:l:.._------~-n-ext~=d.-.y-, -.-t_h_e .. _~t-hr_e_e_e_n_ter_ed_

g~i!~~~!!:' ne::t~::::nw.:!~a;: 1- - ---------- through an ·unlocked window be-becker and Dr. Peter A. Kroner. L th Ed'' cause the doors were locked.

At the last luncheon he at- etters to e 1tor Then they proceeded to cover tends, the student gives his , much ol the same-area they had thanks to the club members for Janua ry 4, .1960 _. Fire broke out in the rooms , next t.o the tunnel between co'"vered the previous day. t he chance to a ttend the events Dear Ed th lib d th U · - The Kl Is I b had f ed and s ta tes what . he feels he has From 'a 100k at the Dec. 18, e ra.ry an · e mon her~ at ~ntral State- College a $JOO S::"-arc1 C,~r lnfor:a:m gained by attending. _ 1959, ·issue, it seems The Pointer on Thursda y, December ?4, _Some of the first r eports co,n- Jeadln,g &o the.capture or the van,.

The October a nd November may · move on to even g reater ~erning the ~ire statetf. .lna t it was.. believed the sweat-box dais. .. Howe.ver, accordlnJ to re­:p;·~~e~ : g,v~O<~dc~~.J:;: ~ v~ : 1:i~!~e~~a; e: r~~e ::~nea~":i~:! m the wrestlmg t'OODl! was the cause of ttie fire. It is the ports available, · At~ was doubted }y. ruchard Cutts at tended part we find Jefferson cry ing ra in- pu.~se o~ ·Thb Poin~i:~. ~? .cJU.rify any misu~derstandings of !!t~th~!nf:arm:~J:'~~g:_: 0 ~~~~

of the December luncheons and drops _fr «?m .heaven- because his this s1tuat1on tha~ st dents ·aod othez:..readers-of The-Pointer -Waiittlte ~reward. The fire men . will attend this mont h. The republic 1s trying~ tQ...;.lak a way- 1nay-have · • were:.ikept busyt,ifor a bout two F ebruar candidate- is BJ.cha rd the~ ople!s ireed?m t~ watch ·. ~ ~ ------ - ·-- - -houl"lt7on - chri&tm48-:-Eve~ Yencht.-sky. These .senior men Gunsmoke and their to · Mr. N. R. Kampeng-a..J!tir~n ,an, • · : _ . .fJarnes",w~ con.tined to a reta,.

The Pointer

discovered a nd reported .the tir~ .:~ortl~ befoie fire broke out in tlvely,,l.truijl" are~1but the smokll • about 4 :30 P. M. on DeC'en;lbe1· 24 e: ai ea. stalne.d..1 tber enttre,- Unipn SOJD8a) when he ret.urned to the libf:a ry · ;A:qcording to Mr. F remming, w~~J?fesldent.a:ansen ·early laailt to see lf a package he was .expect: matches· started the blaze in :-_v~-- eattJ:nated.r1he damage aa.l ing had been delivered there. · some papers and then.spread-to a ~tw"~ .$4.opQ.OO and $5,000.4. C I {' C /'1 nrr sweat-box type unit used by the because of the time and Jabor ha•

entr:a Jtate O u;oe lla~~-~~~.~ll~~=·p~-id:t college wrestling. team. volved ln ~anlne up. called the s tate tJre marshall at The boys saJd they en~red the . Madison. Mr.. Hansell was In- main build.Ing- on the afternoon

hr 1f~b::!~~~0°·~;e;!!c:Z,!tts!1;1~~·dt~1;;1:, 'ti"':'~~?0° ri;~:~·· s~tb!':i~~i:n P~~i:c f~ structed to contact the deputy of December- 23 through an un-pu ,~~~·,w u sc:cond·cbu m;1ttcr Ma, 6. 19:?7, at 1hc post office al Sto·ens Point, lire marshall a t Park Falls . After ]ocked door. Doors were un1ock-Wiu ,msin , under- the .aci of Much 3'. u119. checking with the police depart- ed at tha t time because men Were

POJNTt:R ~AFP ment, Mr. Ha nsen proceeded to Working in the building. Finding ~j~0t ir.iffo;e:._-c:,,1;p0~:s~gsb1. l }o2Y: College M c •• Phot1c DI ,i .nu call the deputy fire 1*arsha1J, a set ol keys whk h unJocked a

Eldron. Fremmlng~ .. who then in- s torage area Io1· the Snack bar, Drocgcr •. l~~b:: .. f0';,'~:.,":i~· J.1~: "i'~n H~ri::~~: Speclf:d the building Wednesday the boys ransacked the Snack bar,

J Mertens, Eln~1C Omernik , {,tath.lttn morning, December 30. After in- throwing potato chips and other Blocmcn , Fried, W e,cnbcra , Lmd;1 spectlng the scene of the Ure, Mr. food around the basement. The

Fremming concluded that the fire boys then went to Delzell hall I chafrma11 sfafteo"OirlHe oppos te--sfde orfbe tHrougf\ - an unlocked basernenf o

1· • cr"''itftiiJ

p~ rtition from the wrestling room wind~ :- '!'hey broke..l!!!.Q a venf!:_ ment "°4ed - American v. , - not in the wrestling room. lng machine in the dormitory catlonal Aasoclatf - ti - f

basement and tooK several candy . on eonven oa January 4 Police ChJef E. L. bars. Before leaving the campus at the Con~d H\Iton hotel, Chi,, report~ that two ten .area the boys went-back-to ~~V..ih.r..0leb lJ year old and on:=, t~elve year old main building and stacked match- . ~

ftorencc Mmolt , )hril-,i:i Spear, Mary boys had ' adm.ttedl vanda11zing es around an outs ide door Jn an Mrs. Jones served as the .,..

: ~~feTh~u::~jha /~~~c:no~~ atte'!lpt to burq tt ~down. :i~~:.a~;-er~~m:::::., and had been llghtine· matches · Returnine to the college the the AVA at the convei1tloa.

N . Nelson, Charin C. S. Chwu

Page 3: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

January 15, 1960 .. I

fr(lfernity fe(lf11(es .CSC Profiles ·. f !J \ [ ~ough~ ·~t ·t~e next f ew w~ i nclude f inal ex ams and r egi-s­tration w ith its Imes a nd more lines. Things aren't rea lly so bad m!~t~!rat:;:~;fay~ou;;~tua~~d :. }~~::i~': ~:u~~ldw! n ~~br~~ri~.k .forward to the l ntersorority T hey talked abou t the possibility

!na ry Lon Crueger a nd l\tarle ne Cable i.e the co-chair~len for of a n All-Greek fu nction in the Omega l\fi1 C hi banq u_et ~ J1ich will be held at the Hof. F ish Shop form of a· skat ing or tobo·ggan before t he r n.te rsoronty formal Psi Delta Ps i plans inc1udc a party. • banquet that evening at the Sky· Club. E lection o! officers w ill be held

Santa was generous with the diamOnds this year w ith lour at the February S meeti ng. Omegs receiving them: Mary Lou Crueger is engaged to Stan Teke Bepln~kt; Jackie Redlin to Leon Weste rfield ; Corinne Theurer to Ta u Kappa Eps ilon was iound-Ken . Schmidt; ltobcrta l\lathey to Lee ~tegow. A P s i Delt recently ed on Ja nuar y 10, .1899. Mem· received one ot those precious gems also. Shirley l\lcCarthy received bers of the local chapter joined hers from Al Kuphal, , with t he other Tekes in the prov-

Mid-year graduation finds quite a few ot our friends leaving us. ince lo celebrate th~ anniversary The Ps .1 Dells a:e }~sing their vice pres idebt. l\lary Ann Kucharzak, o, thi s day. The chapter at UW·M who will be gomg mto a home economics teaching assignment a t was the s ponsor of the banquet Ros holt . Lots of luck, Mary Ann. and program which was held a t

The Tau Garns held a combin.ition -initia tion and Chris tmas party the Green Bay restaurant in December 22 at the home of the adviser, I\lrs. Marjorie Kerst. Watertown. Chapters partlcipat­Alice Vlcstenz and Gall Wickus were forma lly Initiated into acti ve ing are Kappa, Beloit ; Lambda , members hip. Alice received the Jean Mailer Award which .is given University of Wiscons in ; Mu, to t he pledge with the highes t scholas tic r ecord. Mrs. Dick Jones Car roll; Eps ilon-Nu, Stevens was in!tlated as a new patroness tor the sorority. Following the Point; Zcta~Zeta , UW-M. candle light ceremony everyone enjoyed 'Several Christmas games. Congra tula tions· to RI c h a rd Santa Claus, making a grand appearance, dis tributed gifts to eve!'Y· TltQ.m who tied ihe .knot on Janu­one. Mrs. Kerst served a \unch of Chris tmas cookies and coUee ary 2. Marlene Schmoker was the Miss Elinor O'COnnor". soroi·ity I adviser, poured. Jan Campbeli lucky woman. Dick contributed and ~nda Kuhl were the co-chai'?man for the combination party. h _is m onetary gift from the frater­io VanOmum, Virginia Johnson, Linda KuhJ, Joan Trickey, Karen nity to the chapter house fund. Jlraem, Barb Banna.cb and Carol Woodward served as the individual J anuary 12 he 1rea tcd the boys to committee heads. , . a s mall s tag party.

The Tau Garns certainly were busy before the Christmas vaca- Sigma Phi Epsllon . tlon. They also held a tea December 13 on the maln lounge of The Chi Delta- Rho - Sigma the College Union honoring Tau Garn a lums from the Steve ns Phi Epsilon Alumni cOrporation


Point area. Pat, Pronz read the "Lt.tue5t Allgel" after which the board met Thursday, January 7 • . group sang Christmas carols, directed by Jeari Morzlnskt. The at_ 7 P. M. in the Conference room By . Jeanne Holcomb Who's the pe""°n behind the decora tions on each table were a sfflgle pine OOugh covered with ~01 Uie College Union. Who Is the man behlnd th; Pointer profile column'!' The angel hair and decor"ated With a sirigJe ornamenr.--c nrrstmas - KRrl- Schmldt.- a- PFovince-di· wlndshleld_oL the.-1949 peag~een _answer_is-CaroLJensen,-a..,.se.nlm:. __ breads and cookies and couee were served. rector of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Plymouth? Why. our familiar from Denmark. She 's nqt a 1 Barbara Landsverk, Shawit,no, received the traveling scholastic briefed the board of directors on face - Dick Busse! . "loreigner" but contus ion has merit locket in Alpha Sigma Alpha because she has the highest the Immediate requirements for Many of us kn_o"." .Dick through a risen · from this beca use many tt:ade point of those in her . pledge class. This sorority locket t~e board to fulfill and discUS- his spo~ts . acu~,ti~s. r.Ie , h~ people haven't heard of Den· will be presented to some girl in each sorority pledge class tri s1on followed concerning alumni ~n active rn this field s1~ce his mark, Wiscons in. ·cay the way. Alpha Sigma Alpha. Congratulations, Barbara for receiving this and the housing s ituation. high schQOl days at Kau.,a una. It is located 14 miles eas t of award. \ 11 ' The board consists of nine Basketball, . baseball, football , he Green Bay) .

\ :~~;be~~:=1~ ~:::i, P~t:~ i~~~a~h:1~d:1~c~~~~ t~~~n: In c:~~1

r!~[1 o~e~~ · ~~·~~!~'~e c~:!.

R , C president; RoOOrt 1'tcLendon, sec· he was in h igh school a nd guided Carold knew from the day she

I. reta1·y-treasurer ; Orland E. RtuJ. them to within one game of the left high scl1ool tha t she wanted

oe .1 o·rner • ke, Gilbert W. Faust. Weldon championship. In his las t r year to be an English major and a Leahy, Don Danielson and Gary Dick was cavtain for the base- speech and French minor . She

By :tinda WUson Goddurd arc board directors. ball team and this yea r they is active In drama llcs and for-The Diamonds Phi Sigma Eps Uon wei:it all the way. Kaukauna be· ens ics. Her biggest assignment

• An ag-e put Kappa Chapter of Phi Sigma came the Sta te champions ln 1953. was dli-ectlng the one-act pla ~·.

----betore=...-tem,-----~----~------·lcE;cps~ U!':o~n-.....',h':"e!':ld'..., its firs t rushing Hf:: came to CSC· and started "Marriage Pro osal," under the before wetness Paf Y o t e 9"E,(fp]eage season ·playing-bas ketbal and- in-t-h ·1rectlon of Miss Isaacson. She when stone fought agaln."'t li8ell, at the Red Rooster. In view of spring odf •55·CbaseblallS was ind· was a lso chairman of the section-strug ling the tremendous interest shown, augur.ate at entra tate a n al drama contest held at csc it ~eel a;:-

1::,ur~~y. we should once again have our Dick was among these baseball this year .

us ual group of the best pledges pioneers. · While at CSC she has been Since that time on campus. Further notice of The U.S. Na vy wanted him to active on the Pointer and lrl"

on the oold c·rust o':1:tff w::. OOl'P8e - ::r~~r:ir:~~b:1:!~!ht:1:!~ :f. :!!~th~!r~~~~ a~~e:~ ~~!st~~ sta tts. She belongs to the Girls' sUmt.~ w:ltboat. molioo - letin board. 1955. The navy sent this saUor to Glee club and belonged to LSA and find the tears The Phi Sigs say, "You're We).- ·MemphiS:-Tennessee where- he and sang in the church choir tor 8 wept: · • come" to the IFC for our month~y was ordered to typing school to two years. Carol Is at preser,f of ~Jong put i,aln. donation, but hope to rectify this pre(>{lre himself tor his future as the press representa tive for her Rel - . situation Immediately. a Yeoman 3rd class. Two years of sorority, Omega Mu Chi.

i We wish-one and all the best typing and 730 coffee breaks fa. Her favorite pastime 18 llst.en-l let -Uae-it.onn be my anger ... of everything on their finals and ter, Dick came home latter and Ing -to mus.le on her hi-ti and I . let t1te ~9'mta be my beatln&' nm · • hope to see everyone back ne1et wiser. reading poetry by Harah Teas-And when the thunder h&H exhausted .Its Yolce semester - also best wishes to Being honorably discharged by dale. She Is also a lover ot Then I let the rain cry tor me. al l mid-year grads! Uncle Sam he returned to CSC. Browning and Tennyson. She

Dick will be graduatlflg In June likes listening to ' '.good" music,

My feW dry tears. Salty and wispy M dried brown petals wrung out ~ of a near

It -and It cried. •

Khell. REVEILLE with a his tory and Erlgllsh major Frank Sinatra being her favorite and a physical education minor. v o ca 1 is t . Instrumentally she Dick's plans for the future aren't "goes•: for Les Elgart plus clas-deflnite as yet. s lcal and· jazz selections.

One . of Dick's rresteRt mo- Cai-ol considers Mr. For11nte

~:;re~~~~~ ~:ni :F ~!5 h';;Y0!~ :=":.e tt'tle ~e::1~ 0::- and Mr. Burress as being her

good days and many of us had nut aplnHt MIiwaukee In 1MB ~T~ ~~0~: C:~!i"f1n:~dth:'1!~~:~~~ The silent sea. our bad days. Some with• too and CSC tied for · the ·champion- ed grammar cour!-.e she Is ln this When at last the silent &e. m any bad, {or was it too many sh ip. His most entertaining class- semester especially interes ting has wa&hed with . care good? ) . are not returning next es have been tho~ ffom Mr. and challenging. those wispy c1reum, of long- aco semester for various reasons. tt•s .tenklns and Mr. Jlu!'ft$1& He In the future she plan~ on and 1oMed .__ ap t~ bad all those who are drop- finds

1that these two are quite "pioneering" to Colorado to get

--,---,--'-ull~ and~-'--- ""..:....°'_..,.·--,---own--oomlng-.:...:..::_-________ 1.-,pmg out at mid-term cannot era· tough . a teacJilng job In EnglJsh She

duate....then. . -..Some....wot:ks_to.....reme.mberJ~lck. -currently- is-practice-teac~ing- a--Tbea. from tbM ..;....__, A.few ol the. Mt's are clropplng-. by are these) --when you beKin Junior English class at p J wm tlley loom - r1oo lalgll · transfe~, gndua&l,,g-, OI" .,., :,<Ml• Journey th~gh CSC be ,at Jacobs high school. She Uk.;,, ti

- -. -- to abower--the- mrtll- wtth '-"8. blesslnp.- .broke. However, we believe the least_a little sure of where you~ very much- and- flnds- he r- s tµd The dlamonds - symbol of the earth's tears seems to be mean· ones that are remaining will 'help CofflC' and know why you're KOlnK ents very stimulating and eager.

lagtul after the man~ Christmas enga1iemen¥1. Sometimes we c;ontlnue to make the club. grow thM'e. Also, be prepaTed, you Speaking of her years at col­cannot cry our1 own t.ean, 1Klmetbnes· a joy - or a hurt - is too .~d prosper. This has been a good never. know- what you ml~~t run lcge, she observed, uone thlnlf vast · 1or .. teu:s i to Justify or release. Sometimes a dream is a . .se~ester for the vets and we be- .into on this climb 1:1pward. 1 learned hi . SVi lH that Ieng time- In ~g. But ~ there, it waa Well worth the waJt. lleve the second '!ill be better. If you get the "Colorado spirit," I've gbt a lot to'•=~ A phiJ.

... ... ... "' *

J .. ,.

I •

1 O RT A q i"

g .. 111111"0 .. '$ ...


We would like to run over we wlah Y,ou all the luck in your osophy on living that she always :!1:e~~ the highlights tor these- ertdeavors.. liked Is one her sister introduced

We · ftnally won flrst place in tine job, con.<Jidering this was Its :~e h~J' ~=~ch~~l=::r::: the humorous division of the debut, and tun was had by all your needle In the ,rroove." Homecoming parade. We're· stUI at the meetings and parties. we hope you find tha t ~teach·

:~~;o;0t~r!~ :! ~S::r: so':: J:;e Y=--~ ~1ut::,;~~~ Ing and Jiving in Colorado is a

that means an au~ornatlc delay. here they aTe: very plea~t I and fruitful ex-Some ot us are ieaving who work- This being leap year, all vets pcrience, Cat ol. ed on the float, and wish we could who are~ unmarried have sworn ---------- - ­have helped enjoy some of the oU women; confidentially that's faces latelyT Jus t think, only one prl7.e money. why I am trans ferring. However , week 'tll finals. The opti p, ist will

CHECl(ING We got toge ther when called I don't know what my partner's try and ra ise his D to a C, and

upon, and gave t he 550 represen- reason is, as he committed him- the pessimist will try and keep

I->--.*- . -------------a. -1~J ~~~~kt~~ ~~~on~in~ ~ ~~l~~~~t;!~~r~i;:;~2~! 11

h~~ : J ~~m i~~1~fn (o ~ -·u:::

ACCOUNT which we believe satis fies the ma- ings Wm not be served u ntil. in- "He knows where he_can go." ·,·- jority of the s tudent body-. For spcct.ed-by-th·e married-members' WeU, I believe it 's about s ign

fu rt her informa tion a ttend the wives. Two hours of s tudy time oU t ime, and my pa r tne~ and [

EOR V,Qlu___ nex t s tudent councu meeting. as wm be devoted to every hour of :would like to say good-bye to all (J it Is still a -dy ing issue, a lthou gh class Time. No m ore~ of -h pat:ie..nt.-l:ead..ers-.o..1.=t~

. ... r . it ls--<lying very h.ard.- Righ L ge.11:... B's and C's, but a ll A'~. crummy ai-ticles . So u ntil we ..I.! tlemen ? (chuckJe chtUckle). Ha.'I anyone no a worr ea- meel-a·gai,n..----------

~--------...,: .", ;;;,;,,.;., - .~,.--------------JI Our program commiUee did a look on many of &be ai.udenta' B<>.~ and Lynn ... , , .

• I -! •• !"'.i . h ;ti 1.'."1 .i. /. ) I Si ., g..,-J

Page 4: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

R~ligious News / "Cold Wind Blows, . ' :Jlower~ L-------0 t C Th H- " LSA was attended by a fa ir ly good u ome e ose I 9. I

Ma ny L SA 'ers a ttended the s ize gi·ouP. in spite of the various I b"':_ £,_ ind a

j oil'lt P rotcMant caroling pa rty oth..e r actit it ics that were sched· By Jim Johnson (/..

~~rof?:~eir:;~;e h1J~pi~5

; ·nd ~!~~{. ~~ire0 ~v!~~ g~~P!~~101!!~i;i!~~i Dear J. J. Flower$ lor All

~~~-e ~~~~~ ~~a;;· 8;;::~ets~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~li;o~ t1~e gf:~~ I~r! ~: My girl insists on wearing those s illy colored s tockings or · OccaSions A h " serv·c com pleted a somewha t a pre celebration for leota rds. or whatever they are. They ma'kc her look lumpy, m o:ro~~j~ya ble ~:cning. , the wonderful victory that our dumpy a nd rem in iscent ol a "m edieval page-boy." What can I do? 817 Strongs Ave.

Next on the agenda !or LSA Pointe rs scored. Hose Hater Phone: . DI 4 ... 3737 was a meeting on Janua ry 14. Many of us mus t have noticed Dear R . H. I';:=========== 1960. The guest s peaker was Pas- the beautiful Christmas trE!'e in S hOw her "hose" boss. Inform her elf.her the hose goes, or l·i tor Vernon Holtan from Rosholt Wesley House during the week you goes. I don't like them either. His topic, "Anxlet;y" was of in- prior to the beginning ot the va­terest to many college s tudents, cation. We were able to · enjoy especiaJJy r ight before fin als ! having the added delight of the

:,-{ewman Club Christmas feeling because of the Father Gerald 1'(cCrane, of thoughtluJness of Dave Roach

Maryknoll presented a mo,vic. ~nd who brought us the tree, Mar­lecture that depicted the triaJs gare t Epple who speedUy tecr'uit­and blessings of mlSSionaI'Y work ed some beautiful decorations and in foreign lands to the 'GSC New- lights, and others who helped to man club on January_ ;14 . Father make decora tions and set up the WUger, our Chapla in·, polrited out tree. the fact that plans al'e pi-ogress-ing tor the Provincial COriVentiQn IntervarRlty· to be held here In Apr;il. ~so, it Our January 6 meeting was was noted that all 'O~cers, and .opened with Prayer by Gloria chairmen are expected I to · "sign RJchard.. .

~r~ai}~~ a';!~~~k a:T~~~~~i;. , )~rUyn ' Wem~rg had t~e

Dear .J. J. My wife gives me hell every time I come home hall drunk

from a "550'' mee ting. Wha t can I do to innuence· the ti;easurer to spend enough money so tha t I ca n get really stoned?

Lush Well " Dea11, L W.

By way of a s ug¢est.lon. yOu might start an Investigation COf'l­

cem lng the prize money trom the BomecomJng float contest.

Dear J. J. What is so r a re as a day in June? Or a June night? That's

wh3.t I always thought. There was this girl, see? I loved her. She loved me. Or so I thought. My heart was full of spring. Beautitul Spring. Warm Spring. J oyous Spring. Ah,. Spring. Then boom! All was Winter. Bleak! Drab. Cold. All because I like .to r ead my sonneU; to Ja;a a t the Espre.Sso house. What can I do? ·

Thjs procedure will facilitate the topic for the evening. Her top~c cooperation pf club activities. was: "'The Analysis ot lhe Dear IJke,

Gamma Delta Letter - Galatians." Paul as- Did you ever . try reading your sonnets to tbe musk of

· Like Shut Out




~4 H9ur

~Self-Servic::_e •Laundry


IGA STORE Our annual Christmas party serts that !he gospel he preaches Lawrence Welk!

was held on the evening of De- came to him, not from man but 1::===========~ cember 10, 1959 in St. Paul's directly from God. Gal. 1 :11-2:21. What's your probl'em T Santa wasn't good to you? Your in·

&he~~hw~~s~:~n;t);r:;~t ~~g.s~~; th'!'thep:~~ld~e;:~~! ~rs tgoctr.= structors aren't good to you ? You wanted to vote fo·r Rockefeller? fo, Enry Fin• rtei•I

1y in the lov! lY decorations. Many of justification by faith alone Se~b your J!tle :ote~s j<> J. J. by placing them in the Pointer S.rv~ s.. thanks a re m stor~ !or-Jan Bar- without works against that of m I' ox • .8 es~l

0,1 · · Bes 11---~-~ -----~-•

teJg who · was chairman of the the Juda ii.ers who taught that ous v:ff~ 0~ f:'~. ~:o~m1:Jv~~'rophlers= :O": fus~C:e:?s!~ ::~~ i~n: s::!~ very hard to t~e ~orks of an individual gave by being a good mixer, and helpful hints ·1or the hopeful home-

We had a very short bus iness him acceptance with God. Why makers prospective husbani::l 's happiness. As a result, I have ineeting. Games were played the not check this stc1 tement for ·to sleep in my car until I can get the~ pamphlets out of iny remainder of the evening. Then yourself? It iS found in Chai>:' room. U you desire elt.her of these two pamphlets, write I . I . Christmas caris were sung by ters 3 and 4 of Gala tians. a nd they will be delivered; ~n your mailbox in a plain wrapper. all . We were a mpanied by Ka· In Chapter 5 :1-la, Paul ex- -t~y ~arstens o did a really horts the Gala"ttans to hold fast I.----------------------.---~




111:~oc\~/~:rtiJ~~~d~at lunch to Ole freedom from law which

with by matching up Christmas the Lord Jesus. procured lor It's Just A Few Steps , 1 j pictures cut in haU. The dessert them by the blood of His Cross ~ was served on a beauti!ul.)y dee- and not become entangled lit a · to the ResU ts! orated table. Oh! We also Pl)pped legalistic system. · · RES :TS!

_ popcorn !A!>-and.'..s trung' -cnaptrr&}re~ veeia~ls~ P>aa~u~rs~ Ii~n~a11 1i--------;r,~u:i1iic- t ~U~~ --===:---lllb =~_!R~E~S~U~l~T~S~!!__ _ _,__f !a:~he%5!~ c!~~~=:a:~e iii~~; warn~ng .aga ins t the . Judaizers, CAM·PUS CAFE-one of the St. Paul classrooms. and 1t gives his closmg words. Joumal Want

See you at our next meeting! Why don't you come to one of for o tasty dinner, ·snack Wesley our meetings? Everyone is we}. , , Get Action!

The ~ hristmas gathering on come. Bible study is held every Of•· a hot drink! the evening of December 17, 1959 Wednesday evening in the Union.




Boost the Pmnters Simply Diat ,DI 4-6100 Ask for Mi~ -Acltaker

S-t-r-e-t-c-h Dollar

Here's How To Your ~ea I-Time

You,! fogd_dollor goes further . .. a lot further •• • wheP'yeu 'eat with us regularly. Read on -and save' /

A dollar bi ll buys the Spa's famous cheese and ~="=~o=~=!o=~=~='~~:;~=·s=:::::11 ·~

sausage pizza .. . and onother 50 cents wi ll bring YOUR RECORD you, the largest pizza we make ... with the works. HJ:ADQUARTERS Thirty-five cents is the price of the Spa's hamburger sandwich, with the cheeseburger only a nick le GRAHAM LANE more. And those p rices inc lude a cup of fresh-brewed coffee. There's a rea l chunk of meat in M .usic 'Shop these sandwiches, too - some restau ran ts don't give a s much on their hamburger steak dinners! 113 Strongs Ave. And if you're really hungryt... osk for ou r hamburger Phone DI 4-1841 steak :--.. · on lrie dinner Or pfate at $ 1.Sb or $ 1. 15, ·Stevens Point,. Wis. respectively. The Spa 's famous small tenderloin INSTRUMENT RENTALS steak is just $1.25 for the plate lunch _wbiJe_ the __ -1~::::::::::::::::::::=!I

--"chicken- plate"- is qnly $ r.35-. - ' · I, Everything, of course, is prepared just the

way you like it. {We' ll even serve - under. protest - your steak well done!l.

THE COUNTRY SPA A mile North on Old Hii;i~way 51 Phone DI 4--6467

30 Days 'til Feb. 14

Give the Volentine Gi~

that means THE MOST - - -

a PORTRAIT in COLOR created by the



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Stevens Point, Wis.

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Page 5: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

January 15, 1960

t Tl1e Scoop From Sehup t .. Here's to the Badgers! They didn't, but the Huskies did.

H~~! ~~ :~eSo~~~i~f· wJ~a!'\r1~~~e:b~~f1~~~u~rhissa!~k-end the wrest ling . team takes on Stout in the Campus School gym Saturday a ft ernoon at 1:30 P. M. This will be the ffrst dua l match of the year fo r the P ointers and should prove. to be very in teresting. " One match tha t should be r eally interesting is at 1 T1 pounds where Nor.m Dorn will take on Leon Stephenson. Nonn lost · \o Leon tw'ice in their first two m eetings by close scores and will be out fOr a li(tle bit of personal revenge.

Bu11etln From Headquarters ! Those red objects you see lJy through-the air are not meteors. There is no use trying to elude them even i.t you are Jet Jackson, pilot of the "Blue Dart,." Even though you were captured, Lawrence was defeated in the end and .. victory was yours.

Intramural basketball is being played every Tuesday and Thurs­day in the coJlege gym , starting at 6:00 P . M . · Three games are being played each night . . There seems to be quite a bit of interest ... as the two leagues have h ad to be divided into. ~4 teams with an average of eight players on a team. With this kind of turnout we hope that a 1ew of you students will tum out at the games as spectators and join in the t uy. Many of the players were starters on their high school teams and this should provide for some sti.t.f competition. The schedule is pos ted on the PJ\y ·Ed bulle tin board outside the Phy Ed office. .


SAMPSON" SHOOTS for two point.. for the Point.ers.

Tomorrow. n ight the Pointers' basketballers. travel to PlattevUle to take on the Pioneers a t 8:15 P. M. While the P ioneers don't have one o.f their bel:ter teams this year, they will st ill ~ plenty tough in their home gym. Plattevttw~ hasn't lost a game

: \~~:i~;nt:!"or~~ ::;Jears, so the Poiri~rs won't be taking Pointer Cagers Win Two In case any of you don't have anything to do over the coach Hale Quandt 's Pointers The Central St3te College

semester break, there is a• !ull schedule o.f sports activities sche- survived a cold second hall to Pointers chalked up their second duled tor thS.t time. The basketball team has three home games edge Lawrence College 66-59 in win of the State College Con­over the break when they entertain St. Norbert's 011 January Z'l, a non-conference basketball game ference season Friday night, UW-M on January 29 and play a revenge game against White- at Appleton January 5. . January 8. The Pointers led water on Febmary 1. In between these games the wrestUng team While central State emerged most o! the way in downing the takes on River FaUs on January 28, and have another home match with its sixth victory of the sea- Indians at La Crosse, 77-64. against an unidentified team 011 January 30. The reason for son against three losses, Law­this scheduling over semester brea~ is __!!,at th~ schools ~~ .re)'\_ce i,uffered_ its s ixth defeat dg n't_hav..e .... .thelr semester breaks •at llie saqie time we haY'e ours. in seven outings.

In the first ten gam~ of the ·season Sammy Sampson is ' t}:ie Tbe first haU was a give-and-Pointers' leading score'm I with' 8J1 average o! 17.1 points a galne. ta¥ aifair until the final four He has scored 171 point whUe Sam Antcll!fe is second with ·1.27 JT4nutes before intermission when points in nine games tor a 14,1 average. Cary Herold . Is third the rointers grabbed a seven in scoring wlt~ 122 points. Toqi Curtler and Bill Kuse ro~nd out poi.Ill lead and held it to be on the th~ top live with 95 ang; ;1 ~ points .respectively. ' 1 long end o.f a 38-31 halftime score.

That's about all tor -no so until the the next, issue • • satoon. In· the early minutes of the second halt the Pointers threaten­ed to swamp the Vikings as they

Forward Bill Kuse and center Sam Antcliffe· each scored 21

oints as they played the key roles in the victory.

Sam Sampson and · Gary Her· old scored 12 and li to round out the balanced Pointer attack.

Chuck · Mlll~nbah did a fine job of rebounding as he grabbed oU 10 and scored seven polnis.

opened the gap to thirteen points Poin t had the edge in rebound­at 4&33. But then the Pointers ing and shooting percentage. The went cold, allowing Lawrence to Pointers had 48 rebounds to La cut the margin to three points on Crosse's 31 .. and shot 41 per cent two occasions before spurting in to the home teams 35. the closing minutes to Insure the La Crosse was led by its out­victory. Besides his fine reboUf!d· standing guard Gar Ammerman. ing, Tom Gurtler also paced the The 5• 7" junior scored 18 points

Propose New Hunting ·Plan

A p1an to establish coopera tive hltnling preserves with landow n­ers, farmers, conservation clubs a nd · the Wisconsin Conservation department as parti c l p a t i n g units, was unveiled in December belore the Conservation congress and the Executive· council ot the

c~~:r"~ c~~~ pr"e8Hllre ls the mun reason for such • ~tive Ret-up," said J. R. Smlt-h, superintendent of the game management divis ion.

T)te p)an in brief .inclucles these fe~tureS: \

First: It must be Initiated by some couervaUon club which enters Into an agreement with farmers and landowners.

· Second: • The land will be open r~ 11unu,,g, only to membe"' or the clwb and the farmers or land· owners and their guests.

Third : Day-old p he a 8 ant chicks wW be provided by 1he department to the club for stock· Ing purpooes. •

Fourth: The . shooting preserves must be a minimum of 640 9tCttJt a nd a maximum size o! 10,000 ac.res.

Other requirements are: Bunt-er density cannot exceed one to five aeN!l8 or be less than one hunter to Ji11een acres--:------

One day-old chicken per 41h acres will be provided by the s tate. ·

The Conservation congress ap­proved the program on an e> perimental basis. However, eo­operative .shooting preserves are not new. Pennsylvania has mott than a mlJUon acres o.f land in preser.ves Or this ty~. New York is also making progresa with this program.

This approach seems to be oJ a more realistic view on present and tuture game managemeftt problems. Maybe It is what we railed to do in the solving or put problems! ·

Polnter scoring attack with 17 on nine field goals. points. BIii Kuse, Sammy Samp- afte noon

, son, and Sam AntcllUe ~eked up _The Po~te~ ~ ~ _on t!'e _H~x:ico~pr.oducecL.fWy.:.tho .- Gurtler-with--14;-l-1;-and l:-1-points;- ""l'Oa:d-:forthe-nexrgame arrcrtt.en- and man day~! hunting during

respectively. Bill Lock contributed will be home for three. The th f u J l959-60 Hunters .from eight points to the Pointer total away game is against PJattevtlle, Ile 8

..... 0 f th st~te flocked Into

SIDELINE ACTION and the ref ·we',•e often dreamed of.


We Deliver Prping l . ,

Hot Pizzas To Your Door

Delivery Charge_ 25c - Phone DI 4-9557

Open 4 P. M. to 2 A. M. - Closed Every Tuesday


STOP AT NNick ·is the Ae,.,.\ . ' THE DRUGSTORE

in a reserve role, while Gary Her- January 16. At home they en- a P8• '-:' 0 e old, as usual, set up many bas· tertaln St. Norbert's, January '27 this area~o t h;'t ~:;:!!: kets, but-was held to three points. and January 29 they play the geese. en Y· ve · Chuck Knocke paced the Vik- University of Wisconsin-Milwau- geese s~p~ h 8 ~ Hfc0

~1 du~~g ings with 18 points. kee. ' 1::t i;:.~J. o~r :'er~abl~s t~!

hunter wanted to bag. Federal - -:and state game mroi::rget"sesfl mat-­

ed that twenty-five thousand geese were ki1led at Horicon derlng the hunting season. A thirty per cent loss of the total !Jock stopping at the marsh was determined.

Las t !all's duck . hunting was very limited, mentioned Mr. Dundas. This was due to the

~r1:at~~~~~:re0sf~:i;;i~~~ ~~

hunting geese. Horicon marsh is located in

Dodge county near the city ot Ho1·icon. This area is about thirty thousand acres in size. The northern tw~thlrds portion is federal owned and the south· ern portion is state owned. The area measures l our teen_mUes­!rom north to south, and four miles from east to west. The federal · owned land is known na­tiona1ly as the "Horicon Nation,. al Wildlife Refuge."

SHOWN HERE an, two-thirds of the AKL memberA-

Over eight thousand duclu were J)l"odueed this last breeding season. Common ducks such as Mallards, Pintails, Blue-Winged Teal and Wood• ducks were pr~ duced in greater numbers thnn other resident varieties. Two hundred nesting pairs of Canadi­an geese were also noted.

who joined together for a crow sboot during December. From left the AKL members are: Mike Kell, Walt Carl­son, Dave Chesemore, Jack Erdmann, Fred Zimdars, Mr. Lee Andreas (adviser), Don Streubel and Darrell Monk-

TAYLOR'S Prescription Drug Store

SOUTH SIDE Phone DI 4-5929 barber in townr \~ 1 ON THE SQUARE

10 Strongs A;,e. • · ~ -~=======~=====,11Horicon: Pride of Wisconsin

-We lcome all Students y''allde&=Bloemen- noon . .Janua:cy-·s.-.----~H LASKA BARBE --!--:-:~--:--::-- ~;:=:..:~~::.:::::.:~----;:-:-:-;-:::-::=-Ii i ~ Hurry up to .:.... ' Horicon Marsh's !edcra~ game "I've found tha.t., managing Leo & flm•r'• Shop Wanta's Recreation - Bar. - Bowling Lanes manager, Mr. Lester Dundas, wildlife is not as hard as it f°' you, n., top M

spoke to CSC wi ldlife studcnt '3 ,;;eems," s tated Mr. Dundas, after . •"Y oth.r cut. Phone DI 4-9921 404 Clark St., Stevens Point, Wis. and Interested fndi vidua ls in the being introduced by Bernard 108 H. 3rd St.

L.----------------....-------·1ibrary thea ter Wednesday after- \Vle.·eJ ;1.s guest spe.aker of lhe ,. ___________ _.

Page 6: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

Camera Shy!

The Iris Wants You Acia ms. EdiLh Alrlt: rman, Lloyd Alla rd ycc, Dav id A llen. John Amundsen, David Anclerson. Lee D. Aull , Philip nck. Alle n Bc(·kcr, Da.vid Bcrar,1, Vernc il Bcny. Elizabeth Bcrwcger , John Besaw. Wayne Big~s. William Birt!. Marlon Biser. JoAnn Blaser. Julie Bolda. Anthony Bondioli, Joseph Bowker. Robert Bradway, A lie n Breneman. Har lan Bre7.insk l, Phillip Brunker, Gary Cherney. Jim Clifford, Fay Cook. Gary Czaplinski. Bernice Dachel, Joseph Oamrau, Nancy DcVoe, Raymond Dimel, R obert Dis her'. Colette Dobbe, David Dre Ccinski, Joseph Drew, Phil Dr umm. David Dudek. M acy Ed, .. •a rds, Chester

--Elliott, Curtis Eternicka, Emery F ea the rs, Gerald Fe nlon, James Fischer, Dua ne Fi!-h. Jerome Flecke ns tein. ;sthy Frenzel, ~J ean Friday, Thomas Fritsch , La.wren Galecki, Richard Ga uerke, J oanne Gebhard, Jaffies Grevatch, Mary Guenther, Crace Cut, Ronald Ha lkoskJ, Gera ld Ha nousek, John Harding, Parry Hartsough, Larry

- Hebbrtng, John Hein, Arnold

einz, oan Helgeson, James Henn, Jean Housel, Robert Huber, Wllllam Hughlett, Hen) Huh, Jang Janz. Ronald

. Jens. BaITY " Jergenson, Lesli Kalata, Richard K alokl, Isaac Kim. Su-Kyum K innett, J ohn Klopatek, Karl Kluck, Patrick Kluever, Michael Kolsky. Robert Kommer, Jane Komp, Ka thleen Kostroskl, Sharon Kraetsch., Dale Krubsack. Harold Kust, Sharon LaRock. Joseph Lettau, James Malueg, Robert Manlcke, Lynn Mark5, Marllii Marquardt, Virginia K. Marsh, Donald Marten. Lester Matter, David Mauobach. Jutta JlcDonald. William Meyer, Wllllam Mitchell. Joseph Mone, Leu llorzlnsld. Jean Murray, Charles Narei Barbara Nehrin&', Gary Nelder, Lanny Nelson; Andrew Neufeld, Robert Ostern. Richard Ott, RA>bert Pacholski, norence Peters on, Ole

Prais. Vic toria RuehmJing. Levi Raivaln. W'illia m Scheider, Earle Scheuren: Robert Schmoll. Donna Schneide r, Albert Scholz, Gera ld Schulte, Robert Schultz:. J a mes Schultz. Tommie Scis. Sandra · Sischo, Sharon Snow. Willia m Soreide, Randi Soukup, J e1·ry Sreeramamurthy, Aialavajjata Sla Hord, W esley Stainforth, J ames Slevens, Patrick Studinski : David Tessene. Melvern Thil. Charmaine T oepel, Theron "rowle, Archie T racy, Richard Tr.t.ebla towski, Casimir

~~~n1-fe1":;~ Nancy Vidulskl. Sandra Vie ts, Jay Vignall , Janita Vreeland, Lee Walkowski , J ohn Walte rs, Wayne Wanserski . J ohn Weydt, Charles Wnuk, James W odlarski. Patricia Woods, Suzanne Yach, Myron Zuehls, Elmer The following gr_oups h ave not

had a group picture taken for the IRIS:

Student Council 550's · Polriter Tall Gamma Beta Alpha Beta Bho · Sigma Phi Ep•llon Slasefls · Round Table WRA S Club lntemat.ional Student Organ. heat.ton , Primary Council Oollogo Th~r

TMa Alpl,a Kappa~ Gennaa Club YoungDemocnl<I

. Y- Repabllcana Alpha Kappa Rho The :tollowln« names Wet'fl

omitted from the flnt list ef Iris retake8:

Andenon. Nancy Ban>ee, Rae K. Flerodc. Fred Fri-.., __ Grabold, Charlea Gastalson, Vic Raad<, Wm. llallda, HarrlM Karg, Melvin Kine, Lonn Llcbw,nwainer, Harley Laeolti<e, Caral­LaMaye, MarllJ'II Pol, G.-Poepp, .lames Sda-.­s-, Aa'nm v.. Wanner, Dani Wellor,­Wldnu,- Gall Wig'pm, .,_ z-. Vidor - ... Ila .... - -~- .... -for - lrlo. Tlllo la t1,e -

llmo - pldans wlD .... -Only Sl% al - pro& Hot -lhelrpletan,-. -w.111 .. lutmln-JBISelllco on M-y, .1......,. JI ..,_ I to I uc1 on Wedne8day, il&pU• ar:, ;o from Z lo 4 and I to a. Pl-~--... -plcluros. ~

Please decide on a ttme and place and put a note in the IRIS mailbox. We must baYe these pictures by February US. We w ould like them by the end of J a nuary.


CLARINETISTS rehearse intently In prepa~tion for band tour.

Announce· Band Programs .

1anuary :15, l9GII


Suits oiid dre.jSeS

cleoned ond pressed.

· Hots . blocked.


102 Strongs' Ave.


Pies Are Our Speclalt:y! Ol'EN:

5:30 A. M. to 2:00 'A. M. Dally Mondays till 9 P. M.

MOBIL HEAT Carl Schliesman·n, Agent

329 Monroe

DI ,4.6,656



Point Moto11,· Inc. ~ODGE-DART


Shippy Bros. Clothing-

Stevens Point's ' Large)t Men'ii~ nd 'Boys' Wear Store

JERRY'S Jewel Box



Wetch Ma.le•

112 Stfotlp Awia.


Mr. Paul J . Wallace, conductor of the band, has1------------, announced the program and schedule for the coming con-. certs. .

Adams, Columbus, Waunakee, Wisconsin Dells, and Ne­cedah will ~ the sites of concerts February 2-3.

WednO!l(iay. February 3, at 8 P. M. in .the Colleg~ audi­torium; the band will play for Stevens Pomt students ..

o.t -• for yow ~ney. wh.n you bvy doth., ••

dufch'S Me~'s ·shop 306 ~in Strfft. Mr. Wallace has selecteathe following numbers : .

S$i~:?.~,~::::::~:::::::::::::~·::::·:::;:::.·~~J.:~ Boost the Pointers Dublin Bay (Sailor's Song) Harkstow Grange (The Miser and his Man) The Brisk Young Sailor . • Lord · Melbourne {War Song) The Lost Lady Found (Dance Song)

. INTERMISSION , Commando Mardi -·-······································-··- ··· Barber Symphony in e minor, Ne. 5 .... Tschalkowsky-Safranek

~te.-~~ ······'···-················ Berlioz.Leldzen front Symphony Fultutlqae . ·

•Bugler's Holiday ·-··- ·········--·~···············-·······' Anderson Trumpet Trio: Wllllam ' Clark, Bonnie Scheelk, ,-~ •Ballade for Alto Sunpl,one and Band ................ Reed

i;lololst: Terry 8tleYM8 Gigi .Highlight& ---··--················-······ Lenier-Loewe

Arr. :Bennett Baads A~ the Sea ~h -··---·-·····-··--·· Sowia • Alternate use on concerts.

A.,~ ... =~b~t .• l0n.!:: Is Just 1eUiBK China "feel her oats" a UWe. The reason being that when you have a fast grow­ing country and the people of that country are being pushed to the llmlt ·lt Is g<>ocl. pollcy'to give the people a national purpose. By having a purpose they can divert their minds ott their own trou­bles. What better pj,rpooe Is the)'e than to say the Indian govern­ment has taken. ' some of the Fatherland's territOry?

A possible answ~r to what the Chinese ate tryina: to- do was given in an Interview by Drew Pearoon with Chiang- Kal-ahel<. According to Chlana:: China wlU feel around Asia for a soft spot until she finds one that wlll not try to defend Itself. Then China will move In and take over. But,

Th Ch• Ch Ch II · lt the country should oiler resls-e mese ess ·. a ange :;n~~ ~! -::: ~=; ~!~ B:, Uoyd Hert.ens our dearly.· Stalin played.

The Red Chinese are t>'&Y¥Jg a very witty game of chess ::::~ 00:::,00i:i"J18g:Y.!l'a~0~: and they are using Ama as the hoard. The only trouble enough . .,,;,, · with this Chinese ga,nie i9 that the West doesn't know just But, ' ala&, slvfient, lei's not who is the opponent and who is the friend. worry about lbi> ,~venta over oo,

According, Mr~Khrushchev-was.rc5tatalf theollier ~Ide orttieo ,r pon , __ 1 ed ·oorder- affmr- with_ Inm-tormore- 1m ~-ruin! events are

f ~:._~~ H SBW~¥()1j;::;;;;;;;~rr=r~~r=m ====JfE~jl,~l~e~th~a~l~l~h~e~Red~~.C~bm~~es~et'"t~:lffiikt ey ave a- mese O ng·on ght-here;-Forinstan ] , , IN drp.!fon ~ig · enough to withstand the Russi~ bear? No, I ~.~~Y~:'s:":!u';t'0 1;'."i:";,:' ~!

MANNER THAT WILL WARRANT don t thmk so. China has made J!....!.QLQLg8.lll9...lll-the-last Tears ve a er c ec with R RETAINING__YO~Ot,JEIDENGE,".----...-ten yea-rs, h1•H:hey-a:re°li0t rea y for nor are they capable of a your doctor . to see il you picked

complete split with Russia . · up any cancer.

. .. ..... /

,, .

Page 7: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.

LYLE EV ANS, engineer of Radio · Is making the necessary connections to program go over th!' air.

. . .

·"Hold-. the Phone" WSC 1s on . the .Air

By Bernard B. Coulthurst

FOOD Prepared . the way yau like ) t.

Dinners, Short Orders

Plate Lunches

Variety of Sandwiches

Home Made Pies

Fish Fry Friday 50c

At the


Duane and Gene Fischer, Prop.







For fast and friendly service, it's AL'S on

.- , the Square.





Radio Wofkshop, under the direction of Mr. Robe'tt Lewis, is happy to ·anriou ce that they have . been on the air for the past wee)!..on a ·a1 b"!'is over CSC's newest "radio sta- f~=;::=::======:::! tion, WSC. • . · · • c I, . Regular program · g w be in full swing this coming ·MODERN CLEANERS

week with moet qf flie lunders taken out, stated pro- 2 HOUR SERVICE . gram director, Jim KreplS. All tyl'l's . of music, news, sports, weather and· other fea'tures make-11p the type of programs Odorless Cjeoning you will be .. he;iring over 'WSC. 112 Strongs Ave.

Rod Justesen, head announcer, --,....-------- ---1:::==========::!I stated that we cannot ~xpect top- we just have. to keep the entire notch announcing at iirst, but I project organized." am sure you will see much im· - ~




510 Briggs St. · DI 4-2244

WILSHlRE SHOP 507 M•in St.

-~ T he right shop for the college girl.

Fashion Shoes

farnou s Names in Men' s Clothing for

Over 48 Years

~ Pa,tern_acki's Next to sPurgeon'•



ALTENQERG'S DAIRY 745 .W•ter St. · Phone DI 4-3976


SMART SHOP Exclusive

ladies Wearing Appare l

Stevens Point, Wis ."

Erv's Pure Oil Service E,,,. H•nson, "Prop,

pffOM DI -4-'780 I" C,oMpl.te line of •«euoriH

WHhi~ - Greulng Con'lff Cron I, Mein - Steven, Point


lrtnQ Your Pr•1criptlo,u

le Our Ph.,macy Pho~ DI 4-2290

1 '

// provement as the yenr progress- Mr. Le.wis ,and several ·mem­es. Rod's announcing staff is: bers of the sta.lf will attend the illm Krems, Bernard Coulthurst, Midwest co 11 e g e bro8.dcasting Gary Wrzeslnskl, Dick Strasser, convention which will be held at .Jan Can1pbell, , Geraldine Case, Ripan College, February 13-l4. Fred Zemdars. John Ber.t.oUo Engineering and ad.\o'ertising will

·School Sweaters . $9.95

CSC Sweot Shirts ... , .. $2.49

Compliments and Florence Pacholski. . ; . be the main topics discussed at "

the convention. Lyle Exans, 'cli.iE?f engineer, r e­

ported that Ste1ner hall is the ,------------.11 only buildlng · t"eceivlng the .radio

· broadcasts, but hold the phone -Delzell and NeISOn halls will· their transmittt installed soon,

Erickson Service Station Bob Ches.bro, Mgr.


.. ,., •.:

Sir.ORT SHOP ' !''

possibly by Fe rllary first. Lyle $1 .7911 INSTALLED 1s one o.t the mefnbers orRadio St11denh' H••dquut•n Workshop that Htd much wOtk to , Corner of College & Union 'S S get the equlpni~~i set u'p a~d.or-1"------------"IIBEREN BARBER HOP ganized .tor the radio station. He fr-----------,11 ·fh, .. Sub."

~a:h h:..~1::ltter::~:r:ti:~\~~: ;HOLT DRUG co. v_o·\:~~ ~ ~~:~ . . m ·Green Bay. Also, L y l e ha& de- N•xt to.,,Sport Shop

veloped many sources for records and other equipment which WSC is using.


FANNY FAltMH . CANDIES 111 Strong• Phon• 01 4-0800

Boost the Pointers

of a


Business manager, Bernard "'::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::=========::;I Coultlmrst. sald1tthat regulaJ; so- r -··----":"--

!~~;itsf~g a~ ~llbe~~id:t They kept wamin1 me thia would • fifty cents each !<l,fth special bulk happen if I liidn't think of some ,uper rates. As soon .as· the program- (HAR LES WORTH STUDIOS way. to describe that absolutely unlqut ~':i~e~~:;';5~·:~~~::'~':!: \ . \ ~ cood taste o! Coca-Cola. So who'aa cedure. The wrftlng of ads, stat- Shakespeare? So no ad .•. thai'a lle4.J _ , .

rn e wm"1lellone--W the;f~~i~;;;;;~;~~~~;;;;~;~~~;~~~~~:r--But,there'nlwaya-cou, •• :,~~~~:f,;,!'J . HOT, FISH SHOP = an=d~tha':_;:;;t~··:-~;:;~~i-:~

1~~-.:_~::'.--!·~:-:-~-=~~~'"::-=-;~s~IG~N~O~f-~G~O~OO~-~I~M~~ ~=·

"11-~~--------.mc1QU'~ -----------t edWirautw;;Hyof'~toijiciiiy 1,y SEA FOOD - STEAKS


Page 8: SERIES Vlll And They Said -It Suggestion · for Students.




CSC JEWELRY • Lockets • Bracelets • Pins with Guards • Keys • Lapel Buttons

OTT~LEE'S JEWELERS "Next to the Fox" ·

Fred's · Paint Store



Here's What Yau Receive:

Sheaffers Cartridge Pen $2. 95

2 Extra Cartridges . 98 Handwriting · Booklet

,Value . ... .. ... $.3. 93

Pen Free with • Two E~tra ·Cartridges . SUPPLY LIMITED

Student Supply tSore '

Quality Beverage ~· .• SQUIRT - •ORANGE CRU · CHEER UP.- ALL FlA V ;

' DI 4-5958 ' l

l ' Photo finishing

Color and black •nd White



CONTINENTAL MAUTZ PAIHTS-Y.ARNISHH- ··~•-experts-th~,.-...,.- .

, · January 1'5, 1!ISI

Study Tomorrow Tonight Let's Li~e

By Dan Bousfetd

Although I have t-hree books to read and a paper to write before the sem ester ends, why worry! There is still plenty of time remaining. As the time grows shorter though, it occurs to me tha t there is no sense in working on my assignments, .for I couldn't c0mp1ete them by the deadline anyway. With this mode of thinking, it is possible to run through a reasonably pleasant l our years ol college.

.The backbone of this system ot 'schooling is knowing what work absolutely f(lUSt be done and what work is the cream in tbe cot!ee. 1\vo years in the army have given me a broad back­ground and much practical ex­perience 1n the art of avoiding work. Although on occasion It is much more dltt1cuJt to. avoid the task, than it Wou,k] be to do it, one must remember that he has principles to uphold.

But, alas, the system ls In danger? · A revolution is about! More and m ore people Qre at. tending college for the express­ed purpose of getting- an educa­tion. These are the people that are" rufnl!lg the curve, making life. cllHIC\jlt, and forcing me to spend evenings studying. The good ·days; of parties, da~es and

carrying' 14 credits of Under­water Baske tweavlng 101, Pre­his toric Anthropalogy 157 and related studies are becoming a thing of the past. It ls becom· ing ever more necessary to learn how to was te time elllclently. Tomorrow we'll look for the books, but 111;eanwhlle, let's live!

Bernie's Best Bets

By Bernard B. Coultburst "Gollath and- the Barba.tlans."

Steve Beeves (Hercules) con­tinues to nex his muscles and pertorm feats of strength in this brawl1"g action film. Mongol savages kill h is father and carry

U women from his village. while our hero Is in the hills with his athletic friends. upon returning he leads his followers in a ter­rible revenge but gets entangled with a Mongol princess. The screen reeks with bloody brutal acts and lustful scenes.

S umming, thing-a up: Much . llke uuercules."

"Goliath and - lllarbarlans"

;m ~ \•YJ~~u:ytheJo~0the1t ".ioa~J to Ille Center of lhe EartbT, Ill be comln~ soon.


D_istrlbutor :' Phllli,., '66

Phone DI 4-53601

TaY OUR P QQUCJS­tt'1 APfN'eciet.d

pnc,e - P04111 .u., fo, con... 1tudentt. .ne f-,e + 25 •nts

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AT THE UNION The UNION . BOARD'S semi~GJRRUOl-:-contribut,~ t<>tne

mental health of the student body during - finals.

·JANUARY 21 - 26'

9 11 A. M._.


2 - 3:30 P. M.

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P. S.: The FacuT~is more than welcome!