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W/acons/nState HE POINTER s,.:'.:~·-;,: JI . SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 WSU,STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1969 8 PAGES, NO. 19 Regents _ Approve Black Center Plan A b bd. slud,·nt social and cult unl c,: nh 'r .... u appr o\• cd for WSU -Wh1h·w:a1,:r at the BoarJ o f Rti;cnu,· meeting hdJ Tuesday , Feb . l 8, 1n M: 11l ison. D1scuss1o n on th<' 1•ro po.!iCd enrt.Jllmcnt c,• 1ti ngs and l he cket1on of omn,-s :also ...,er, : 1111ong th<' ot her to pics ac1rd upon b)' 1hr Rl~cnu. In a polic)' ma kmg i.lcdsion, the Regents soud t hat black socbl and cultural ccn1 crs could be established rn i;tudcnt unio n, if thl 'SiC cr nh·ts were open to all and were und,·r the sup,crvision .of th,• union governing boa rd and the unh·crsit)' prcsiJen\. A n:quest for such ::i l-c ntcr came from Whitewater whpc ..../ By P1ulJan1y prnidcnt Willi•rn Ca rtrr and a ~:c:~1~:m ofof b : ::k Sosc~",tc"~r Afro-/\111rrk11 ns, requested thllt such II ccn1cr be 1:S111b\ishcd. l'rcs id cnt Ca ller told the busi nu.s oo rnmiUcc of the Rrstnts thot this !adlity wo ukl no1 exclude non-bbck stullcntl but rather cv..-ryonc wo ukl M :abtc lo vkw bbck :art :and ~!~~~urc on disp\Jy In the EnroUmcnc Ceilinas The Regents discuSSt'd 1hr pr opoled rnrollment ceilings whkh would be pbced o n the vario ussl:ue universities ani.11he UW system. For example , WSU,Oshkos h wo uld hne an enrollment ti.' ilin g o f 15.000 Abbey Simon Will Present \ Piano Recital On Tuesday "'\ hl ' man who i:ru some of 1he bt'st rl"vk!.,.,·s in thl ·countr( ' will pl~)' 3 1•wno rcc1t::il Tuesd ay night . ~t:u. 4, as put of t he Ans JnJ Lfctur, ·s Scrics. lhit 's ho..., setil"S di1ec1or Jact.. Cohan 1den1ifics Abbty Simon, who will pe rform thl" works of Bectho,·cn. Liszt and Ravel heginnmi; ::it 8 in the Fkldho usc . 1'1cke1S will be on s:ale at the door. .,.,.ill be ::it.lmitted w1lhtheirstudcnt \D's. S1mo11 is a professor of pi:rno :at the Univcrsil)' o r l ndian::i in Bloomington who goes on the road frcqucntl)' for concert lou rs.. Korn m 1'/t·w York Cit)'. he was clghl years olJ when he reccivcJ a scholarship fr om the Cuni s lnsrnut c of Music in l'hiladclph1a . lJ)' age nineteen he h3J .,.,•on the covcied Wa te1 W, Naumburg Foundat io n Award and m:ide his debut at the Town llall of New Yo rk . lie h:is tra veled 3round l he workl lhr~-... t h11cs anJ 11iven ne1 uly 200 co neeru on six conlinenu. Between 1950 and 1960 he hvcJ in Genev::i. s .... i11.f rbnd , :and wcHked so lely as:ip,.-rformmi;pi.lnisl. Cohan and Charles Goan of 1he WSU fa culty tii, ·e studied under Simon :U l ndian:1sincr h1s 1eturn IOlhe United States. Simon h:1s reccivrd much of his publkit)' from the New York Time s which re po tt ed : "Sornething of :1 cull has been built around him by cho,c in the know. The audience ~me knowing in advance that Mr. S1111on would pby impe.xabl)'. sc nsa tivcl)'. smooihly, ekgantly , En:ry1hing on · the progr:1m demonstr:1 ted 11Unis111.and sheer control of :i miraculous o nkr . While b.:ised in Geneva he recci\•cd 311 aw.:ird which bolstered lhe cbims' which wert' to be made after his return 10 the UnitcJ States. Simon won the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Medal and citation fo r bcinglhe ouht:1.nJing American concert art1s1 in Ewope. Po£nt Blank 11-.. Call 341 · 12S1 ht . 23S by Ed Marks The library is ope.n unlil I a.m. Monday throuah Thursday - Why couldn't ii be open Sunday niaht too? After a hard weekend of "bcltina the saucie", Friday and S11urd1y. some students mlaht want 10 belt the books. Pece, C. Mdaaa rd Fredr ick Klemple, Dean of Laming Resowces, said that the library staff is prc,enl!y talci111 statistics on the number or people using the library at different 1imcs. The statislics taken so far do not justify an extension of library hour1.. Kremple st:ited Iha! if more studenu uied the libr:iry on Sunday nights, the hours would be extended. The added expense o f extended hours, due to the cost of buildin& maintcnanc1', !iecurity men and mo niton, would only be I minor problem; however, the added cost would still have to be justified by sludent attetidanceduring t hc,c hours. Who pays lhe lekphone bill far lbe entire uni'fCuit y1 How much is il a mon th? Genld Burlin1, Purchasing Agent, stated that the State of Wis(onsin pays the administrative a.nd academic telephone bill - includin& equipment ren11J1, m1inlen1ncie, switchbolrd eq ui pment (docs not Include ope rators' salary) and the longdislancc calls of the administra tion andfacully. The rc.sklcncc halls pay part of their own lclephonc bill throus h a " ,elf-sustaining fund ." Part of the students' room fees go towuds t hefuM. TilC phone bill for the 479 telephones on campus r1111cs from $2800 to SJSOO per month,or about $30,000 per year. How Iona ii the jail XDlmee in Slums Point if one !ails to P9Y I fin dollar pulciq tictct f A poor ,rudent . The knath of the j1il sentence Is determined by the indlvidutl judce. However, the umge 1enlence would be about fm days. ;~~~n'.~;h1~ilrn:rc !'o;,~cvi:;: 11 , 000 studcnt s. The Regents sent II list o ft en 1111estions Jo the roordln11tini; council on hi,ghcr cJuc:1 1ion (CCIIE) co ncerni ns the proposctl e nro llment cc11ings. · Some qucs1 ions inclutletl o n the list is whether the :adopting of lhcsc rnrollll1t'nl cciUnp muns the abandonment o f the slate's long lime freedom of choi« policy for stui.lrnts m iekr1ing 1he school they wish to att emt Another qurst ion is whet her these proposed luniu are:ac:idemkallydcsirublc o rwill this limit t he dl"Yclopmen1 of high quality ci.luc::itlon am.I will the ado ption of thesc: propoSl'i.l limi ts change dranic:ally the admission policies aUowing only the beSI students lo en ter the inst1tution of1hcitcho1« . R~enl s Eleel«I Regent Eugene W. Murph)', l.aCrossc , resigned as president of the Bo3nl of Kcgenl s, thereby nccwit111in11 the clec1i on of a new president. Regent W. Roy Ko pp . Pl:iucvilk . was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as preside nt . With Regent Kopp sueci:ed 1n~ Murphy 11s p rr1ii dent 1h,• \•ice•pR'SIJenc)' WJS left vac:i nl anJ this w11s filkJ b)' Mill on Nes hd: of Ell;horn. THE 1968-1969 POINTEl &A.5KET8All SOUAD- (Fronl row, L lo RI. Don Blonch!ield. Jerry Mallon, Russ Defouw, Jeuy Siewert. Quinn Vonden Heuvel . Bob Henning Second row-Te rry Amonson, Tom R1 1zentholer, Bob Weslphol , Co·copro1n M,ke Hughes, Co-cop1oin Palmer Clements, Ken Ri!z:entholer, Dennis Co1berry, ond Cooch Bob Krueger . S1evens Point cvrren1ly hos on 18·4 seoson mork ond ployed or Eou Claire lost night with o chorn:e to he Stour for the WSUC chompionship OeFovw, Hughes, ond Clemenu ore lhe only seniors on this yeoTs squad !M.el Glodowski Photo) Elcc1cJ 10 represent 1he · Regents on the CoorJinating Council o n lhghcr Educa t ion was Norman Chrisll:rnson or Ro berts . Regent Ko r11 u president of the bo,:uJ ap1'10i11ted David II . Bennett of l'ort:1gc as ch::ii r m: rn of I he buikllni committee, "John J. Dixon of Applc1 on ::is head of the educ:ition committee and Siinto Wessmann or Superior as head of 1hebusinesscommilh·e. Re1cn tsApprO',.., In other ::i clion, the Kcttcnts appro,·ed ::in amendment to t he student disc1phnar)' gu1tlehocs whi ch would give 10 the president of the un1versi t)' tht · po""·tr. to appoint ::i he.:iring ~i;tnl in cases invoh·ing t.l isciplinuy action tak.-nagainsl students. Student Senate Choses Electors Of Teaching Excellence Award By J in1 ttofcr his to ry and Albe rt J. Crof1, Wisco nsi n Stat e Sl udenl The Student Sen.:itc has speech. Govrmments c:impus rclaiions clcctt'd twelve students who will Previous winners of 1his dir-ee1or and Junior scn::itot. serve as electors in choosing 1he awa rd are Michllel Fortune · Wally Thiel, has announced hi,. recipk nl o f the Excellence m (1965), George Becker (1 967 ) Ste,·cns Point delcg.a\1on to the Tc:i dung,\w:ud. :and01ivcrAndrcws (l 968}. winter gene111I asscmb l)' of the Meeling on Feb. 20, 1hr Mr . Robt-rt Powless, the head United Council . Senate al so oon11n31cd eight or PRIDE , Prognn, for Twcn l)' lw o s lud e nt s instructors .,., •ho, along with Rec og ni t ing ln dividu:al reprcsen1ing WSU-S P :at no tnine cs fro n1 each or the Determination through LaCrosseonFcb.28 andMu.l u n iv e r s Pt y 's ac ademic Education. spoke to the Sena le .will be ddending the ll""':1rd 1hey tlcpanments. will be eligible for and :ippeakd for suppor t of his received for the ouhUnding the annualawari.l. p1ojcct. delegation at 1he Eau Claire According 10 a list of PRIDE, centered 11 t his general assembly in November. r ecom mcnd::itions on making c:impus. is a pilot project in the Flip Will Determine WSUC Playoff Site Pro vided the Pointer, beat Eau Cb11e Wedncsd:iy. they will meet Stout. e<><hamp ion of the WSUC, 1n a pbyoff pmc 10 dctt r mine who will mee1 the indtpernknt chan1p10n of Wisconsin col lr&es for 1heright 1 010 to 1he na tional mec1 in Kan~, Cit y. Missouri , The pb)'orf game ""'ilh the Blue Devils ....aukl be played :II eit her S1out or here, depending who ""' 1111 1,ie com flip. In lhe independent playorfs, SI. Norbert met C1t1ha1e :H Kenosha and Domin~n of Rll cine pbytd :11 l.akel:ind, both on Monday c,·e ning. The winners thrn met at the Brown Couni y Ar tn:1 in Green 8:1.y on Tuesd1y, with the winner of that one lakmg on the WSUC champ. If Stevens Point k>st ::ii E::iu Cbire. Stout won the crown outright . · and will m('CI the independent ch:1mpjon o n S:11wday even inc. The Regents :ilso upprovcd a list of promo tions for the v:ariou s uni\·ersities. T .... ·e nt y facul1y members here were among those r ecdvmg promo1ions. Also rcccivirc the Regents' :ipproval w::istheacccptanccofa study group's report on the feasibility of establishing a schoo l of veterinary medicine at WS U· Rivcr FaUs. Recciving the Rrgcnts' approol. the report no,,. goes 10 the CCIIE for their consideration. If it is approved by that group, it will be thcfim coUcge or veterinary medicine in the st:ate. ~l5PTS~r1h!~\,;~~ n:~~r~ :o:i:;~~~na~~ :~) the o ut st anding in11r uctor tutoring progr:i111sthisunivcrsity should be :as follows: "Teaching is currcntl)' conducti111 in Wood ability. By this is mc:i nt l hc and Menominee count ies. success of 1he instrucco r both in Severa l reprcxntativcs of and out or t he classroom, in LUV, (Let Us Vote) an iecuring interest. dfort , and o rgani zi ng nati o nal group progress o n the p::i rt o f the supporting the Idea of suffrage s tudent. The primary at the ace of 18, introduced considerationis t ft.11 students are I heir organization to the Senale Stevens Point To Expand Aid For Area's Underprivileged s1imub.tcd to high standards of a nd roquestcd Scna1e supporl. American lndiara in northern scholarship. 10 accive interest in The Scna1e's public relations Wisconsin will be the f11st to )earning, and 10 efrccch,:: effort commillee iJ represent ing a benefit as Stevens Point Stale toW3rd self-improvement." meeting for representatives from Unive rsily begins its own The following is t he list of campus 01g1niutions. The prognm for the economically student clcccors choxn by the mee1ing today is the first of a and culuually di.sadvanugcd , Senate: Linda Agel]ord, Paul SC!tics. President Lee Sherman Dreyfus Brown, Mike Dwkin, Audrey Commiuce ch1irman, Mark announced 1 od:1y. DiJ: on Proposal J ohnson , Ervin Lesaynsld, Dahl. laid t these meetings Pride will be emphasized as A /;,~~on~ix;:: ;po~,entat fr~h~ &>fr::/tt~,:~::b~=· ~ae:i · :h~1 bei::!,felan~;;i~;::, lh~~:f :!~r:~~ ~ 11:_re.:u~~ !:~o 1~1~ ~ 1 ~ca~~nsda~m~~!~ce 1 ica~P}i~iel~cott Schutte and gov~ hr~:idw:1fu7s~~~-~enate is .;!~;!n~'r!rinRi::;~f~~: member's activities which can be fac Tu~~~ . ~~~Ive al:~~tnfi~ ~~!~ni~!k>:la~~~ C:!~~~ I ndividual Determinati on clea rl y interpreted as inciting rcprcsenllltivcs will select lhe orga niz.aliOI\S. Uopcfully, all ir,:::! P.i~t J~_ion ." The \ 0 ~ff;:~i;t 0 ~!~!: :il:Pi!:"a 1 1 :C~1 ~~e)S:1!:~r:hcre :!; ~ !! 1 nt:':~~a 1 t 1 i':::st ~c !~ Jnd~~bc~~~':5· rr~"m 0 Gre: i 0 ; dgi~:pi:eo~: The ei gh t instruct on this semester's mtt l ings . Bay who joined the faculty last suspe nsion of I faculty member 1~~in~:::n.byh~:: See;;~~.:i~~; a n:Cn~:n!~:asup~~id~~- Si~:: ~m;~ r cil!J ., . hear "Up~;:tI if he participated in sit-ins or ThomasMtCaiJ,cducation: Atvin Schilling, will speak 11 today's me~bers~f~:~n:cr!mbe ~~~o:~i~~::. 0 ~~::,:: f~~~!tM)~:o~f~~ 1 'pri~W~f ~!::a,J~~~d~na;~;~~ :~E~~~,~. Yjn~er! 1 13:J code which wou~c:u~e t he science: M:irk ~lcs, poli t ical various topics. people and iroups warit you to non-cnooW'llim('llt of student science; Robe rt 11 . Zieger, The United Council of be all thi111s 10 all men. A ,olid politics by faculty membcn, groundwork must be byeJ non-involvement in studenl before d on our polil ia and a code on f R I H t Of Th s f current w:e~:s:~P: advixd. classroomumeandilsusc. oya un e un " We 1bo.arcdc1e1mi~~to t~ke All of DiJ:on's pr?posa!J wen . f~w;: 1 ~~g;J~"" 1 referred to Regents ornce staff w·11 O N t W d d He recommends in about a ror,rurthcrstudy. I pen ex e nes ay :~::w~n:~d:~;~~~ ' to receive PRIDE .assistance, ( Art The fint play o! the xcond .. fa scinating story of the followed by childru of migrant 1nema S :c:cst5~·n.: :rhew~ oya!:~nt :! t~:~::U~.~~ :: ~t!x~~Rv:;:n ~u~::; t~ . Wednesday, Mu. 5, a nd run doquenec are used to relate t.hc Negroes. T his "one at a time" W "II p t until Saturday, Mar. 8, In the encoun1 er betwtc; n Sp1n11h policy is his way of taking I resen :,'rorma!:1.dil!m : ~: 0 ~~ms sep= · parnj~~n:;;· dram1 !fthcu!~:f :irioEt;:~~~pse p.m. najor, will portray the Powk:s heads three e:listing French Film Cinema Art, prucnts "Lut Yeas 11 M.aritnbad" t ofli&ht at 7: 15 in the Wisconsin Room with admbsion c.ithcr by student ID or 75 cents for non-ttudentL A review by Gcrhllde Bjorn so n of the En1lish dep.artment is on page two. Mu. Pop.inis. Michael Harper conquerer Ph.arm: .Ha~. projecc1 plus a new one to be and Terr.anoe McGovern have 10phomore dnma maJOT. wall fill put into effect thlssummcr . been cast in the lcadin& roles o f the ro~ of Alahuallpa, the Inca Current offerinp involve t.he production which ii about chief who ov.poscs PizaJ'!O; a~ WSU s tudent volunteers I.he expeditions o! the Spanish in McGo.vem •ill P. bY Mlr1m Rua travdina weekly to Menominee the land of the Incas under wbo IS tbe re.alist, the• nunlor a.nd Wood counlies to tutor Piurro. who !ells that tbc adventure w11 Indian children and the six.week Or . Seldon Faulkner, a part in the conquest o! su mmer "Upward Bound" dwrman of the drall\l Peru. . . . activity held on campuL All department a.nd director of Peter The mam supportl.DI actora m fed e rally funded. HiJ new Sh.artcr'a play, said the total the play will be Jamc:a Fisher II proaram will be privately th eatre de acr lbea 1h11 (conrin,mJ onpG,e 1) supporled under the titlc of ··Ease-In." II will be an eight high sc hool diploma ts generally wttk summer course for 25 1101 as well prepart'd as the Indian youths, some of whom non-Indian hiah school graduate. were in .. Upw anJ Bound·: htte But .... ; 1h reduced college k>ads la st · summer, who seek and prc-eonditionin1. the prcJQnation for a coUqe career. minority studrnls can alleviate The 18-year-olds will take many of thetr deficiencies." rfmcdial cbsscs and probably Powlrss cxpl:a,nct.l. OI\<' three-credit universily level Because of a cuthack 1n state cour,c for credit. Al the end of funds. some "Prrrautionary" lhe eighl weeks, counselors will :assin:incc he had planned , help 1hem decide if lhey should in1c.ndcd to assure the )'OUlhs' continue at WSU in the fall o r cont inuutlon 1n the university enroll in :i voc:ational and level. were tlroppcd from 1he technic::1lschool 1o lcam11rade. plans. Tho,c who continue :it WSU He will work With 1 $30,000 will h:ive three options: non-sovernmenl budget covering lo:i~· J~srn~lro~1 fj~.1 1 6~t 1~ ~':'~ 5 m Y~t~ ,ln ~~.,!&mfu; dwina the fall semeSlcr :and yea, at WSU. work eighl to ten hours per Powkss is c.onfKtt' nl funds wttk ; will be reslorcd so he can 2. To take nine credits :ind expand PRIDF to help a laracr work JO.JS hours: segment of Wisconsin', 3. Otto lake six credits and underprivileged . After be employed be1wecn 15 and 20 t.levclopinJ Whal he calls a hoursweek ly. well-rounded program for the Powless said -coA fo r tuition, Indians. his st:iff will compile rOOm and bond for one year is det ai led pbns lo ~ain assisting t~cii~~d ~ ;oc:~rc:c' h s~J;:: [1~~i c.i ~'::~ r:!il~~:." 1 earnings will be acdittd to his There arc about 10 Nt'gl'O accounts; contributions from s1ude;1ts here from me tropolita n private business will defray the cities who have made their own remaining expenses. financia.l arranaemcnts on an He currently iss«:kiq block i ndividual basis. Powless grants o! Sl,000 from large emphasized thesie youths will be corporations in ! he stale and "'·elcomc in his procram if they some founduions in scanered desire to take advantaac of the puts of 1hc country. 1u1orbl or counSC!ling assistance Although panicipanu in this and loans and granu. ::it:.·~~~I !~c:~~e::f fr~ t~: ioa't~~~t hi~ !~~n1:1' o~c"~f , Powless plans 10 a.uign them to a job. He hopes establishment o! tut ors who will help 1hem pre-school and enlarremcnt of develope self.discipline in sludy tulorbl programs elementary tiabilJ and aid tbem in course t hrough hip school-qcd yout.hs wort . in low income homes will make Bee1usc 70 per cent of all !hem aware or lhrir potentials collqe and university dropouts ind mofi'IIIC them to strive for 1 a re recordtd 11 the end of the beneflife t hro~h cduc:atioa. fust ,cmester in school, Powless Powless said three advJSOry says he will exert niuch of his comm~ttees will be named soon time tryina 10 keep this high . to dllCUSI P~IDE actmtiu. morul.ity rale from his pcosnm. They wil l 1nvotve !.acuky ··our philotophy ia: 1he m-embers, studen! •." ud minority aroup Sludent with a rommunily rcpruentat ivcs.

SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy

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Page 1: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy

W/acons/nState ~ r· HE POINTER s,.:'.:~·-;,: JI . SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 WSU,STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1969 8 PAGES, NO. 19

Regents _Approve Black Center Plan

A bbd. slud,· nt social and cult unl c,:nh' r .... u appro\•cd for WSU -Wh1h·w:a1,:r at the BoarJ o f Rti;cnu,· meet ing hdJ Tuesday , Feb . l 8, 1n M:11l ison.

D1scuss1on on th<' 1•ro po.!iCd enrt.Jllmcnt c,• 1tings and lhe cket1on of o m n,-s :also ...,er, :1111ong th <' ot her to pics ac1rd upon b)' 1hr Rl~cnu.

In a polic)' makmg i.lcdsion, the Regents soud that black socbl and cultural ccn1 crs could be established rn i;tudcnt union, if thl'SiC crnh·ts were open to all and were und,·r the sup,crvision .of th,• union governing boa rd and the unh·crsit)' prcsiJen\.

A n:quest for such ::i l-c ntcr came from Whitewater whpc


By P1ulJan1y

prnidcnt Willi•rn Ca rtrr and a

~:c:~1~:m ofof b:::k Sosc~",tc"~r Afro-/\111rrk11 ns , requested thllt such II ccn1cr be 1:S111b\ishcd. l'rcs id cnt Ca ller told the busi nu.s oornmiUcc of the Rrstnts thot this !adlity woukl no1 exclude non-bbck stullcntl but rather cv..-ryonc wo ukl M :abtc lo vkw bbck :art :and ~!~~~urc on disp\Jy In the

EnroUmcnc Ceilinas

The Regents discuSSt'd 1hr pr opoled rnrollment ceilings whkh would be pbced o n the varioussl:ue universities ani.11he UW system. For example , WSU ,Oshkosh would hne an enrollment ti.' iling o f 15.000

Abbey Simon Will Present \

Piano Recital On Tuesday "'\ hl' man who i:ru some of

1he bt'st rl"vk!.,.,·s in thl·countr( ' will pl~)' 3 1•wno rcc1t::il Tuesd ay night . ~t:u. 4, as put o f the Ans JnJ Lfctur,·s Scrics.

lhit 's ho..., set il"S di1ec1or Jact.. Cohan 1den1ifics Abbty Simon, who will pe rform thl" works of Bectho,·cn. Liszt and Ravel heginnmi; ::it 8 in the Fkldhousc .

1'1cke1S will be on s:ale at the door. .,.,.ill be ::it.lmitted w1lhtheirstudcnt \D's.

S1mo11 is a professor of pi:rno :at the Univcrsil)' o r l ndian::i in Bloomington who goes on the road frcqucntl)' for concert lou rs..

Korn m 1'/t·w York Cit )'. he was clghl years olJ when he reccivcJ a scholarship fr om the Cunis lnsrnut c of Music in l'hiladclph1a . lJ)' age nineteen he h3J .,.,•on the covcied Wa te1 W, Naumburg Foundat io n Award and m:ide his debut at the Town llall of New York .

lie h:is traveled 3round lhe

workl lhr~-... t h11cs anJ 11iven ne1uly 200 co neeru on six conlinenu. Between 1950 and 1960 he hvcJ in Genev::i. s .... i11.f rbnd , :and wcHked solely as:ip,.- rformmi;pi.lnisl.

Cohan and Charles Goan of 1he WSU fa culty tii,·e studied under Simo n :U l ndian:1sincr h1s 1et urn IOlhe United States.

Simon h:1s reccivrd much of his publkit)' from the New York Time s which re po tted : "Sornething of :1 cull has been built around him by cho,c in the know. The audience ~me knowing in advance that Mr. S1111on would pby impe.xabl)'. scnsa tivcl)'. smooihly, ekgantly , En:ry1hing on · the progr:1m demonstr:1 ted 11Unis111.and sheer control o f :i miraculous onkr.

While b.:ised in Geneva he recci\•cd 311 aw.:ird which bolstered lhe cbims' which wert' to be made after his return 10 the UnitcJ States. Simon wo n the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Medal and citation fo r bcinglhe ouht:1.nJing American concert art1s1 in Ewope.

Po£nt Blank

11-.. Call 341 ·12S1

ht. 23S

by Ed Marks

The library is ope.n unlil I a.m. Monday throuah Thursday - Why couldn 't ii be open Sunday niaht too? After a hard weekend of "bcltina the saucie", Friday and S11urd1y. some students mlaht want 10 belt the books. Pece, C. Mdaaard

• Fredrick Klemple, Dean of Laming Resowces, said that the library staff is prc,enl!y talci111 statist ics on the number or people using the library at different 1imcs. The statislics taken so far do not justify an extension of library hour1.. Kremple st:ited Iha! if more studenu uied the libr:iry on Sunday nights, the hours would be extended .

The added expense o f ex tended hours, due to the cost of buildin& maintcnanc1', !iecurity men and mo niton, would only be I minor problem; however, the added cost would still have to be just ified by sludent attetidanceduring thc,c hours.

Who pays lhe lekphone bill far lbe entire uni'fCuity1 How much is il a mon th?

Genld Burlin1, Purchasing Agent, stated that the State o f Wis(onsin pays the adminis trat ive a.nd academic telephone bill -includin& equipment ren11J1 , m1inlen1ncie, switchbolrd eq uipment (docs not Include ope rators' salary) and the longdislancc calls of the administra tion andfacully.

The rc.sklcncc halls pay part of their own lclephonc bill throush a " ,elf-sustaining fund ." Part of the students' room fees go towuds thefuM .

TilC phone bill for the 479 telephones on campus r1111cs from $2800 to SJSOO per month,or about $30 ,000 per year.

How Iona ii the jail XDlmee in Slums Point if one !ails to P9Y I fin dollar pulciq t ictctf A poor ,rudent .

The knath of the j1il sentence Is determined by the indlvidutl judce. However , the umge 1enlence would be about fm days.

;~~~n'.~;h1~ilrn:rc !'o;,~cvi:;: 11 ,000 studcnt s.

The Regents sent II list o fte n 1111estions Jo the roordln11tini; council on hi,ghcr cJuc:1 1ion (CCIIE) co ncerni ns the proposctl enro llment cc11ings. ·

Some qucs1ions inclutletl on the list is whether the :adopting o f lhcsc rnrollll1t'nl cciUnp muns the abandonment o f the slate 's long lime freedom of choi« policy for stui.lrn ts m iekr1ing 1he school they wish to att emt Another qurst ion is whet her these proposed luniu are:ac:idemkallydcsirublc o rwill this limit the dl"Yclopmen1 of high quality ci.luc::itlon am.I will the ado ption of thesc: pro poSl'i.l limits change dranic:ally the admission policies aUowing only the beSI students lo en ter the inst1tution of1hcitcho1« .

R~enls Eleel«I

Regent Eugene W. Murph)', l.aCrossc , resigned as president o f the Bo3nl of Kcgenl s, thereby nccwit111in11 the clec1ion of a new president. Regent W. Roy Ko pp . Pl:iucvilk . was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as preside nt . With Regent Kopp sueci:ed 1n~ Murphy 11s p rr1iident 1h,• \•ice•pR'SIJenc)' WJS left vac:i nl anJ th is w11s filkJ b)' Mill on Neshd: of Ell;horn.

THE 1968-1969 POINTEl &A.5KET8All SOUAD- (Fronl row, L lo RI. Don Blonch!ield. Jerry Mallon, Russ Defouw, Jeuy Siewert. Quinn Vonden Heuvel. Bob Henning Second row-Terry Amonson, Tom R11zentholer, Bob Weslphol , Co·copro1n M,ke Hughes, Co-cop1o in Palmer Clements, Ken Ri!z:entholer, Dennis Co1berry, ond Cooch Bob Krueger. S1evens Point

cvrren1ly hos on 18·4 seoson mork ond ployed or Eou Claire lost night with o chorn:e to he Stour for the WSUC chompionship OeFovw, Hughes, ond Clemenu ore lhe only seniors on this yeoTs squad !M.el Glodowski Photo)

E lc c1cJ 10 represent 1he · Regents on the CoorJina ting

Council o n lhghcr Educa t ion was Norman Chrisll:rnson o r Ro berts . Regent Ko r11 u president of the bo,:uJ ap1'10i11ted David II . Bennett of l'ort:1gc as ch::ii r m:rn o f I he buikllni committee, "John J. Dixon of Applc1 on ::is head of the educ:ition committ ee and Siinto Wessma nn o r Superior as head of 1hebusinesscommilh·e.


In o ther ::icl ion, the Kcttcnts appro,·ed ::in amendment to the student disc1phnar)' gu1tlehocs whi c h would give 10 the president of the un1versi t)' tht· po""·tr. to appoint ::i he.:iring ~i;tnl in cases invoh·ing t.l isciplinuy action tak.-nagainsl students.

Student Senate Choses Electors Of Teaching Excellence Award

By J in1 ttofcr his to ry and Albe rt J . Crof1, Wisco nsi n Stat e Sl udenl The Student Sen.:itc has speech. Govrmments c:impus rclaiions

clcctt'd twelve students who will Previous winners o f 1his dir-ee1or and Junior scn::itot. serve as electors in choosing 1he award are Michllel Fortune · Wally Thiel , has announced hi,. recipk nl o f the Excellence m (1965), George Becker (1 967 ) Ste,·cns Point delcg.a\1on to the Tc:i dung,\w:ud. :and01ivcrAndrcws (l 968}. winter gene111I asscmb l)' of the

Meeling on Feb. 20, 1hr Mr. Robt-rt Powless, the head United Council . Senate also oon11n31cd eight o r PRIDE , Prognn, for Twcn l)' • lw o s lud e nt s instructors .,.,•ho, along with Rec og ni t ing ln dividu:al reprcsen1ing WSU-S P :at no tninecs fro n1 each o r the Determination through LaCrosseonFcb.28 andMu. l u n iv e r s Pt y 's ac ademic Education. spoke to the Sena le .will be ddending the ll""':1rd 1hey tlcpanments. will be eligible for and :ippeakd for support o f his received for the ouhUnding the annualawari.l. p1ojcct. delegation at 1he Eau Claire

According 10 a list of PRIDE , centered 11 this general assembly in November. r ecom mcnd::itions on making c:impus. is a pilot project in the

Flip Will Determine WSUC Playoff Site

Pro vided the Pointer, beat Eau Cb11e Wedncsd:iy . they will meet Stout. e<><hampion of the WSUC, 1n a pbyoff pmc 10 dctt rmine who will mee1 the indtpernknt chan1p10n of Wisconsin collr&es for 1heright 1010 to 1he nat ional mec1 in Kan~, Cit y. Missouri ,

The pb)'orf game ""' ilh the Blue Devils ....aukl be played :II eit her S1out o r here, dependi ng who ""' 1111 1,ie com flip .

In lhe independent playorfs, SI. Norbert met C1t1ha1e :H Kenosha and Domin~n of Rllcine pbytd :11 l.akel:ind, both on Monday c,·e ning. The winners thrn met at the Brown Couni y Ar tn:1 in Green 8:1.y on Tuesd1y, with the winner of that one lakmg on the WSUC champ.

If Stevens Poin t k>st ::ii E::iu Cbire. Stout won the crown outright . · and will m('CI the independent ch:1mpjon on S:11wday even inc.

The Regents :ilso upprovcd a list of promo t ions for the v:ariou s uni\·ersities. T .... ·e nt y facul1y members here were among those r ecdvmg promo1ions.

Also rcccivirc the Regents' :ipproval w::istheacccptanccofa study group's report o n the feasibility of establishing a schoo l o f veterinary medicine at WS U·Rivcr FaUs. Recciving the Rrgcnts' approol. the report no,,. goes 10 the CCIIE for their considerat ion. If it is approved by that group, it will be thcfim coUcge or veterinary medicine in the st:ate.

~l5PTS~r1h!~\,;~~ r~~':~~li~~ n:~~r~ :o:i:;~~~na~~ :~) the o ut s t anding in11ructor tutoring progr:i111sthisunivcrsity should be :as follows: "Teaching is currcntl)' conducti111 in Wood ability. By th is is mc:int l hc and Menominee count ies. success of 1he instrucco r both in Severa l reprcxntativcs of and out or the classroom, in LUV, (Let Us Vote) an iecuring interest . dfort , and o rgani zi ng natio nal group progress o n the p::i rt o f the supporting the Idea o f suffrage s tudent. The primary at the ace of 18, introduced considerationis t ft.11 students are I heir organization to the Senale

Stevens Point To Expand Aid For Area's Underprivileged

s1imub.tcd to high standards of and roquestcd Scna1e supporl. American lndiara in northern scholarship. 10 accive interest in The Scna1e's public relations Wisconsin will be the f11st to )earning, and 10 efrccch,:: effort commillee iJ represent ing a benefit as Stevens Point Stale toW3rd self-improvement." meeting for representatives from Unive rsily begins its own

The following is the list of campus 01g1niutions. The prognm for the economically student clcccors choxn by the mee1ing today is the first of a and culuually di.sadvanugcd , Senate: Linda Agel]ord, Paul SC!tics. President Lee Sherman Dreyfus Brown, Mike Dwkin , Audrey Commiuce ch1irman , Mark announced 1od:1y.

DiJ:on Proposal J ohnson , Ervin Lesaynsld, Dahl. laid these meet ings Pride will be emphasized as

A /;,~~on~ix;::;po~,entat fr~h~ &>fr::/tt~,:~::b~=· ~ae:i ·:h~1bei::!,felan~;;i~;::, lh~~:f :!~r:~~~ 11:_re.:u~~ !:~o 1~1~


1 ~=:~~~ ica~P}i~iel~cott Schutte and gov~hr~:idw:1fu7s~~~-~enate is ~~m .;!~;!n~'r!rinRi::;~f~~:

member's activi tie s which can be facTu~~~ . ~~~Ive al:~~tnfi~ ~~!~ni~!k>:la~~~ C:!~~~ I ndividual Determination clea rly interpreted as inc iting rcprcsenllltivcs will select lhe o rga niz.aliOI\S. Uopcfully, all ir,:::! P.i~t J~_ion ." The

~~ud~;~f~~~ \ 0~ff;:~i;t

0~!~!: :il:Pi!:"a11:C~1 ~~e)S:1!:~r:hcre :!;~!!1nt:':~~a

1t1i':::st ~c !~ Jnd~~bc~~~':5· rr~"m

0Gre: i0; dgi~:'· !~~~r pi:eo~: The e igh t instruct on this semester's mttl ings. Bay who joined the faculty last

suspe nsion of I faculty member 1~~in~:::n.byh~:: See;;~~.:i~~; a n:Cn~:n!~:asup~~id~~- Si~:: ~m;~ r cil!J ., . hear "Up~;:tI if he participated in si t-ins or ThomasMtCaiJ,cducation: Atvin Schilling, will speak 11 today's me~bers~f~:~n:cr!mbe



~~::,:: f~~~!tM)~:o~f~~1'pri~W~f ~!::a,J~~~d~na;~;~~ :~E~~~r· ,~. Yjn~er!113:J

code which wou~c:u~e t he science: M:irk ~lcs, poli t ical various topics. people and iroups warit you to non-cnooW'llim('llt of student science; Robe rt 11 . Zieger, The United Council o f be all thi111s 10 all men . A ,olid politics by faculty membcn, groundwork must be byeJ non-involvement in studenl before d on our polil ia and a code on f R I H t Of Th s f current w:e~:s:~P: advixd. classroomumeandilsusc. oya un e un " We 1bo.arcdc1e1mi~~to t~ke

All o f DiJ:on's pr?posa!J wen . ~~~: f~w;: 1~~g;J~""1

referred to Regents ornce staff w·11 O N t W d d He recommends in about a ror,rurthcrstudy. I pen ex e nes ay :~::w~n:~d:~;~~~

' to receive PRIDE .assistance,

(• Art The fint play o! the xcond .. fa scinating story of the followed by childru of migrant

1nema S :c:cst5~·n.::rhew~oya!:~nt :! ~~~: t~:~::U~.~~ :: ~t!x~~Rv:;:n ~u~::; t~ . Wednesday, Mu. 5, and run doquenec are used to relate t.hc Negroes. This "one at a time"

W"II p t until Saturday, Mar. 8, In the encoun1er betwtc; n Sp1n11h policy is his way of taking

I resen :,'rorma!:1.dil!m : ~:0

~~ms sep=· parnj~~n:;;· dram1 !fthcu!~:f :irioEt;:~~~pse p.m. najor, will portray the Powk:s heads three e:listing

French Film Cinema Art, prucnts "Lut

Yeas 11 M.aritnbad" tofli&ht at 7: 15 in the Wisconsin Room with admbsion c.ithcr by student ID or 75 cents for non-ttudentL

A review by Gcrhllde Bjorn so n of the En1lish dep.artment is on page two.

Mu. Pop.inis. Michael Harper conquerer Ph.arm: .Ha~. • projecc1 plus a new one to be and Terr.anoe McGovern have 10phomore dnma maJOT. wall fill put into effect thlssummcr. been cast in the lcadin& roles o f the ro~ of Alahuallpa, the Inca Current offerinp involve t.he production which ii about chief who ov.poscs PizaJ'!O; a~ WSU s tudent volunteers I.he expeditions o! the Spanish in McGo.vem •ill P.bY Mlr1m Rua travdina weekly to Menominee the land of the Incas under wbo IS tbe re.alist, the• nunlor a.nd Wood counlies to tutor Piurro. who !ells that tbc adventure w11 Indian children and the six.week

Or . Seldon Faulkner, a part in the conquest o! s u mmer "Upward Bound" dwrman of the drall\l Peru. . . . activity held on campuL All department a.nd director of Peter The mam supportl.DI actora m fed e rally funded. HiJ new Sh.artcr'a play, said the total the play will be Jamc:a Fisher II proaram will be privately th eatre de acr lbea 1h11 (conrin,mJ onpG,e 1) supporled under the t itlc of

··Ease-In." II will be an eight high school diploma ts generally wttk summer course for 25 1101 as well prepart'd as the Indian youths, some of whom non-Indian hiah school graduate. were in .. UpwanJ Bound·: htte But .... ; 1h reduced college k>ads la s t · summer, who seek and prc-eonditionin1. the prcJQnation for a coUqe career. minority studrnls can alleviate

The 18-year-olds will take many of thetr deficiencies." rfmcdial cbsscs and probably Powlrss cxpl:a,nct.l. OI\<' three-credit universily level Because o f a cuthack 1n state cour,c for credit. Al the end of funds. some "Prrrautionary" lhe eighl weeks, counselors will :assin:incc he had planned , help 1hem decide if lhey should in1c.ndcd to assure the )'OUlhs' continue a t WSU in the fall o r cont inuutlon 1n the university enroll in :i voc:ational and level. were tlroppcd from 1he technic::1lschool 1o lcam11rade. plans.

Tho,c who continue :it WSU He will work With 1 $30,000 will h:ive three options: non-sovernmenl budget covering

lo:i~· J~srn~lro~1 fj~.116~t1~ ~':'~5m Y~t~,ln ~~.,!&mfu;

dwina the fall semeSlcr :and yea, at WSU . work eighl to ten hours per Powkss is c.onfKtt'nl funds wttk ; will be reslorcd so he can

2. To take nine credits :ind expand PRIDF to help a laracr work JO.JS hours: segment o f Wisconsin',

3. Otto lake six credits and underprivileged . After be employed be1wecn 15 and 20 t.levclopinJ Whal he calls a hoursweek ly. well-rounded program for the

Powless said -coA fo r tuition , Indians. his st:iff will compile rOOm and bond for one year is detai led pbns lo ~ain assisting

t~cii~~d ~;oc:~rc:c'h s~J;:: [1~~ic.i~'::~ r:!il~~:." 1

earnings will be acdittd to his There arc about 10 Nt'gl'O accounts; contributions from s1ude;1ts here fro m metropolita n private business will defray the cities who have made their own remaining expenses. financia.l arranaemcnts on an

He currently iss«:kiq block i ndividual basis. Powless grants o! Sl,000 from large emphasized thesie youths will be corporations in !he stale and "'·elcomc in his procram if they some founduions in scanered desire to take advantaac of the puts of 1hc country. 1u1orbl or counSC!ling assistance

Although panicipanu in this and loans and granu.

::it:.·~~~I !~c:~~e::f fr~ t~: ioa't~~~t hi~ !~~n1:1' o~c"~f , Powless plans 10 a.uign them to a job. He hopes establishment o! tutors who will help 1hem pre-school and enlarremcnt of develope self.discipline in sludy tulorbl programs elementary tiabilJ and aid tbem in course t hrough hip school-qcd yout.hs wort. in low income homes will make

Bee1usc 70 per cent of all !hem aware o r lhrir potentials collqe and university dropouts ind mofi'IIIC them to strive for 1 a re recordtd 11 the end of the beneflife thro~h cduc:at ioa. fust ,cmester in school, Powless Powless said three advJSOry says he will exert niuch of his comm~ttees will be named soon time tryina 10 keep this high . to dllCUSI P~IDE actmtiu. morul.ity rale from his pcosnm. They wil l 1nvotve !.acuky

··our philotophy ia: 1he m-embers, studen! •." ud minority aroup Sludent with a rommunily rcpruentat ivcs.

Page 2: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy


" The people who , eek to coerce loxalty are the people whp f ear freedom. "

Carey McWilliam•


- PODIUM-Editorials • Columns • Letters

'RfJf W ? wpoda

/rfM.IJIUC. 3~fJltf.lU J ohn Dixon , a s lale university regent from Appleton,

wns nppointed nt t he Ins t. regent meeting to head· the regent 's e<lucn l ion committee.

Earlier in the dny. Dixon, to t he same educntion com ­mitt1..'tl, presented 1hrcc proposols which he hoped might be turned into Action.

Dixon 's 1hrce AS repo rted in the Alilwa11kce J ournal l'Oncerncd new rules for focully bcha\·ior. He pro­posed th:at:

A facult y member's t1cfo·itics wh ich can clearly be in­le rpretctl ns in<·iting s tuden ts to riot, st rike or sit-in be d cdu rt.><I t- urfit·icnt. cnusc fordi smissn l.

Nonallcndnnrc at daSSt.>s by n fn culty member for tho

~ll::=::!riic::~;1ti~~::~1o;:u~~i1~:io~~ picket lines be dc-

De\·ot ini,: classroom time to discUS5ion o f campus un­rest nnd ca mpus politics be dcclaied inappropriate pro­cedure.

These proposnls appear lo The Pointer as an incredible infrinnemcnt. upon academic freedom. Fo rtunntely, Mr. Oixon·s proposllls were Ulbled and <'i rcum\'ented, mainly by the efforts of Ste\'cns Point's Regent Mory Williams.

But this action wns token before Dixon was appointed to head the educncion committee.

We sincerely hope, now that Regent Dixon hns more power. that he ll'itl not mis use that power in pushing fo r nn Un-Amcric:1n dominntion o f the right. of ucademic free­dom :1nd free speech and action.

The Editorial Board

GouWUJ1t S f.au4 fl tu£t

--, J'Olt ~ Wdc/,.,a Co\'. Warren Knowles was inter\'iewed it'I this week's

U.S. Nf'll 'S and \\'or{d Report about what. he felt the cause "had bct:!n of lhe recent cnmpus demons trations in ~foclison.

The governor cnme out o f the interview sounding like o. pseudo Joe ~kCarthy. ·

The demons trations. he sa id, we re co.used by " some insidious inOucnce!I-" who want to "overthrow what they s3y is the c;witalis1ic struclure of the U nited Stntes and tbmw campuses into disorde r.'· He reels that there lurks a "hard core of rndicals" who ··condone violence" nnd " sometimes it. is almost a conspiracy.''

Knowles puts fu rther emphasis on t he "out.side in­Oucnce." He thinks "it is h igh time thnt we damp down on this type o f individual whose purposes apparen tly in· volve subversion. revolutionary tendencies and tactics." . Therefore. the governor suggests full ~scale im•estiga­

!1ons sho.uld ~ conducted by "the people in the military, m the un1,·ers1tu!s nnd the FBI if necessary."

. This is ou r same Governor Knowles who used to pride · himself as being known as '"The Education Governor."

Now he has fallen to the witch-hunting techniques o! Gordon R oseleip. ·

.Knowles ni:,d other reactionnries cannot get it out o! their minds that there migh t be some sort of in temationaJ conspiracy afoot (nnd it m ight e,•en be communist!) . They also dwell on the ou tside inOucnce. The governor and others cannot believe that a nyone raised on whole fresh W isconsin milk can be disruptive in a ny way.


Unfortunately, while a ll t his may seem amusing in a bla~k _humor sort of way, the acLions the governor a nd legi.sla1ors can tnke concerning the budget focult.y con­duct. rodes. limitation of out-of-state enrollment an d so

~ fort~ may ultirmttely be disastrous fo r education in Wis­consin.

Bill Mc:Millen

'Reff1t14 ~e VW1Jt Wit/,, ~ladt ~

Thrilling Cities-

Tiiu~na · Offers ~stute Traveler Blankets, Pottery, Booze and •••

8yS0011 Seh11 tte

Tijuana A cloud or du~ issues the

traveler out or the grimy lin k h:amlc1 or Poe, Ca liforni:i, in to the outsl.iru of the wild and controversia l border 1own or Tijuan:1, Mexico. All words have described the town . and nol one person returning c:in remain neutral lo the vivid fucin:1tion lhe 1owncasts. lt hubcen c:i lled the "sin di)' o r 1hc world .. :and .. the world 's most visi led ci ty." 801h Slatements m:ay well he true.

Visitors must be forewarned or several lhini;s th:it will happen to them in T1,1uanD. First of all, the gringo will bcass:iilcd hythc most awnome :aucn1blcdge or peddkrs that hl' has l'vcr cncounlercd . Fro111 lhc smallcs1 children to the: olJest mi·n. everyone hu something 10 se ll. The other ract to know is that for sale: should be bought for fo ce value: . Everythin1 can be bugainc:d for and obt:alned :at a lower cost than advertised . E11uippcd ... ilh lhesc: facl s and discumin31inl! taste , the: shopper c:an ro111(' up with some real v~lues.""'

Avcnid:a Revolucion is the center or the town's night life. During the day it is crammed with 1our is1S who run1m:age through the oountkss open :air baza:au :and shops sort ing lhlough the miles or Junk Jewelry. rugs. paintings :inti le:alher goods for prizes 10 present rc l:at ives on birthdays. Travelingsirect bands tempt the shoppers fo r the rcw i-oins th:af · will prompl theru to play a fu ll number. Dog racing, cook !i,hts and bullrighting arc all big business spon1 in the 1own and ofrer funhc r diversion. Small lr:avelin1 laco stands p,ovide bo1h 1ourists and residcnuwilh • spicy meal that is both exotic and dangerous to cat. The air is owned by the dust in Tiju:an:a and the chanci: for dyscn1cry and other diseases is a real one.

THE POINTER', only wodd-wide correspondentondfl:irrboyont mon obovt town, Scott Schune, is shown above doing ,eseorch work in T,jvoT!o, Mexico Scott d id T!ot reporr 10 vs eJtoctly whot he was borgoining for w ith the local b\isifleU· womoT!. However, he did report that Mario wos mos1 helpful. (Mike Domil'IOWS· k i Pho10) \

Nlahc Life Night and the city uc·

TUuana. Neon bbtcsasthe b:ars open for business. Drinks :arc upcnsivebut theentert:ainmcnt is as wikl as s:iilor would hope for . Al ten the prost itutes Invade and the b:irs begin to fill . Miles :and milcsofthesewa tcringspots o f!cr a number of uncommon

Letter Policy

February 27, 11169

'A Review

Last Year at Marien bad Cohcentrates on Emotions

By Ccrhilde Bjorn,on A l ain Rcsn1 i1, Fren ch

director o ( " Hiroshin\l Mon Amour" (1 959), "Last Yea~ I~ M1rienbad" ( 1961), " MUf1~I .. (1966) "La Cuene Ell Fuue ~1.::· 1nle' r:~~f.entc'r9~i}~ be11n' wo rk Ina wi1h the d oc umentary ind sn,du1Uy entered-the field of 1he fu ture film. Jib best known shOrl fllmt

:'G~·:.:~cagoti~;O)(J-9::Jw ~~~

origins from which hit style devloped .

EmplOying I v1st number of 11111c imaaes ( Vin Goah's paintinp and Plc1190's lar1e mural), he aeatu • new unll,Y which lnnscends photographic rea lil y and rcvuls the Inner reali t y of pe:rceplions and emotions which conslitute the mind of the art ist . '"The rulis t cinem1, the reconstruction of dally life , 1he reproduction of aestures. 1U that docs not lnte,esl me 11 111", Resnais dfitmcd later,n rhythmlcunilY of imaae, music and word rep l aced 1he 1r1ditlon1I preoccup1tions or dran11 - plot 1nd character.

"Lut Year In M.aricnbad" mos! perfectly rnlius this concept Of the film • IS I synaesthetic experience; It is add ressed "directly to the

P1rado11icaily, Resn:lis u11e1 the cU1bor1tc selling (lhc f1bn wu shot in l he Bavarian CHtlM; of Nymphcnburi, Schlduhcim, An11lienbur1) and l hc complkalcd lime sequence tn o rder t o 1u11c11 t he sp,cekssncu,,and timclcssncuol intense cmollon1I upniencc

·Spatia l reality bcCOffiC!S a l1byrin1h: the same doorway gives access 10 different roo ms, 1hc 11nie statue rcappcau m different sites of the park. nothin& is stable and certain 1n

thcsdting. The division between past and prCKnl is complctcl) blurred by constant nuh bacli.s and almost, but not quur identical rcpctilions; in (1(:1, t he reconstruction of a 'real' ctuonolo1y becomes vlttuall> impo•iblc .

RccWTinJ musica l lci1 mo 11f\ and the 11ream-of<onsciousno1 commentaries 1pokcn by t he stnnger (•) anti the women fA J underline 1herhylhmic s1ruc1urt or the mm IS a recording or a complex emotio nal cxpericn (c 1hrough !he simultaneous use of image, mus.le, and word . In 1h1, , epect , Runa is considers 11K l'ilm to be I k1i1im11e succ:eiilOf or the opera - an an1si1, medium which 1lso strives fo r 1 1011l synau1hetlceffect .

:iencth~o~~iri:c~f~~~t1~,i,:~t~~: - Black Student Run1is neglects plot and chancter in orde, to record the

~~~!,,~~~~ze:r e~~~i!~! Clarifies Role trans.lated into im1gcs of 1p1ce and lime , "a pwcly mental spa« ind time - those o r dreams. perhaps, or of .memory, those of 1ny effeci ive life", according to JCtipl-writer Alain RobbcGrillt l

In 1n enormous b:aroqut: hQJcl with innumenblc rooms and endkss con idors filled with dec o ration s moves an 1nonymou1 'high SOciety,'1 occupied with dancing, cards and poli te convcrsa1ion.

Three figures emerge from this anonymous crowd : 1

• lln~ger (x) att empts to convmce a woman that thcy met "last year in Marienbad ' and 1h11 1hey had ,greed 10 go away togelher ar1cr w1itin11 year: the woman (1) either docs not rcmrmbcr or docs not wanl to remember; the Other min (m), prrhlps her husband , seems to rCSlraiA her from kaving.

But the stranger itUists. and lhe pattern of the film develops fr om lhe woman's rcspon1e1 which change from 1muxmen1 10 growing anJtiet y and terror and rinally c ulm i nate in submission. In 1he end 1he two leave toarther through the garden , 1 highly formal park with stuucs and fountains which .appears to be a con1inu1t ion of the indoor scene and which promises liule chance for the· !oven to escape a workl tolaUy cut ofrfrom rt::tlity.

Ocar Editor,

If you read The Poinl er lut week)'ouml~lxcn slightly misled by some or the slaterncnll in the artick on the bbdt students here. h Is o nly !air lo Slate Chat the sludcnt interviewed did not spnk for the entire black media of the carnpua.

It should be made dea, that the black Sludenu of Stevens Point and Oshkosh arc actuall) no differen t . They c:arr) basically lhe same bu1dcns. and 11! ,cek a common go:ml.

One or thCK goals is 10 ge1 .. true education. But cuttina ouc the black his1ory In all colle1t curriculum is no! ge1tin1 a trur education , Tha t is the reuon P1ulden1 Dte)'fus' mel wirh some of the black students (lR campus.

This WIS and is toUlh volunluy on lhc pan of 1he black s tud e nts . President Dre)1'us felt that he shoukl go to the most concentrated blJcl cl~me~t on c1mpus which , JI chis time. Is lhe bbclt 1tuden1, themselves.

me~:r!t:°' ,~tu,~ 11 :~~e~~ rcl1tionshipwi1hthepruidenc1s just !hat and nothing else .


Views Campus Life By DaT1')'1Gcrmain

··ExCUK me, arc you Mrs. Iona Hollowhcad?"

''Why Yf:S, what can I do for you young min?"

"I'm taking a survey of impo n1nt people around this 1rc1 and their reactions lo IOme or : the problems ricing ow soacty today. I undemand that you have pined I considerable ::~;!. o r r, me u the town

··Ya, l hlve." a vides?~;l gossiping somewhat of

··Not re.a~ly. In my case, it 'a actuaUy a VV1ue. Jr J didn't 'do ruurch o n everyone and everybody how would anyone ev~r learn 1nytJtin& valuable in ~~/~wn? Somco.r,c. hu sot lo

" I suppose you have a point lht:re. Do . you find very many ~~~:7 .. 1ntemted in yow

"'Cert1in1r. There's hundreds of people with tastes like mine "

''Could you inspire me wii.h yow ftt~ on the r«mt ~C:iit,;.?"dlSOrders 1aoa lhe

.. Actu.Uy, I lhinlt the whole PfOblcm would be solved if !hex. ldds 1U sot crewcuts." lhi;;;,~~ld this rc1Uy solve

" L.islen, young nun, I'm speakifl Crom experience. There wuen I 1ny problems in the

L°':1 w~~'!:rru:r:ue_;~~r:;· ThCIC kids tod1y should lake o w eumple and learn how 10

.leam propttly. AU they do now1d1y1 ii quescion thla

=~nnytti!:; 1'i:~V:J-~Yonc . ""You ~lioty ue tuned in

wit.~ lhc tunes." (19th century)

Dnfd Pool lillleA:~~~ft!~t .. labs is 1

'1 mee ... What ,re Yow- r~Uap

Page 3: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy

Ft btuary ?7 , 1969

Ten Women. Vie For 'Miss' Title Ten .. omen U\" vy1ngfo1 the

c1own o r M,ss S1tn•m l'oi111 of 1969. Arnon11 the contestants areci,Aht conlsfrom WSU .

The Miss Sh·vem Pomt pageant 1s schcdukJ fu , Mar. 2 ;at 8 p.111 In the l'Jcelli h~h school auditorium. T1cke1s arc on n le 111 thl• l nfo111u11ion desk o r t he Univeuil )' Ccnte, . Gwid1 °s l)rugs. 111 t he 11:rnnon druj! slorcs a11J al llo lt Drugs. Ticke t, will :ibo be on u lc at the door.

Tickcuean abo be 11111ch:11l-J from the euntcst:lnts aml r, om t hclocalhyceu.

Theconh·stanl s mcluJe : Jcnmfr r li )' bn1l . :i WSU l.'OCd,

and a graJwate of l' .J . h cubs high school. lkr pm in the !:i i· cnt ro111pe1i1lon will I)(' \b ncing.

Kllh)'rn Bculi , a native ut l'b infield , 1sl·um•n1 l)• ernployed at Senl t)' l nsuuncll Co. hl' re in Stevens l'oi nt. ll t1 hobbiu includt dancing anJ writmg poc1ry. For the ialcnt competition she will be pe rforming a 111odcmJau.d'ancl' .

Darlene Bushman, S1evcns l'oinl , is a gr:1,duate of Rosholt high school anJ is employed :i t the Cop1ls Co. lier hohbK'S include skiing and horscb:ick r iding. For her pare ,n the talent compi: t illon she ... ill be do1n1111 humorous skit .

Bonnie Dana, a WSU coed f1um Minocqua, lin •s at Delzell hall She t rains wild anin11 lsu1 hobby . lntcrprcti-,e reading will be her pare in the ta le nt port ion o f 1hcp,gc1n1 . •

Jil Shamblce, a WSU coed frmn Luck. is a membu o r Alpha l'hi wrority. Shew ill pb )' I he 11uilar m the tale nt por1 ion of thecompe1i1ion.

Sue Bue ngcr, WSU oocd livi1111 in Dcllell hall , is a muive of Urook flcld and a me111ber of Delta Omic:on honoruy rnusic soro rity . She will play a baswon solo ro, t he 1a1c nt compCl it lon.

>\ na tive of Marshfield and currently a WSU coed, Mary Ley p11t lcipateJ in the Universit y choir. She will sing at 1he 11ageant .

Diane Vanda, a T .. ·o Rivers nat ive, lh·es in Schmttcklc hall . lier hobbiu include singlna and dancing. She will sing in the talent competit ion.

Linda i\ic rjorJ. a WSU coed, resides at ll yu hall . She i..s a member o r lnlu Omicron, honorary music sorori ty. She will perfo rm a pbno solo at the pageant .

Julie Doubek, a reside nt o r Watson h:i ll :i nd a WSU coed, will\ do a monology at t hl' pagcan1.

B0n11ie 01111 Mary Lou Ley Sue Bucnau Jerrie tty t.nrl Jil Shlmbltt


Miss Marion

Announces Peace Department Study

Miss Caro l Marion of lht hislo r y department 1nd chairman of 1he hcu lt )' h11 announced lhe members o f the spccill f1eu\ty commillce to study lhe posiblc ut.ablishment o ( a depulmenl of pe1cc 1 1 wsu. .

Th e 1welve member committee will con1ist of 1b: hcu lt·y membeu 1nd aiJ: Sl udents. l,t!eir first meeting will be today in the Van Il ise , oom of the Un.iveui tyCen ter. ~

Facu l1y members 10 t he 1X>mmiu ce arc John Balli(( of the philollOphy departmenl , George Dill.on of the sociology . department , Stephen Haines of t he history department , Andi Leister of lhe mllit.ary scltnce department , Luu. of 1he English department and Dou&W Radtke of the chemistry depanment .

S1uden1 rnc:mben include frtshm1n J im Pannier , sophomo,c lnnnas McOon11d, juniors Albn Bbnk and John Bair , and seniors Fred Ginocchio and BiUM cMillen .

Gregory Will

Speak On

Ca_mpus March 19

Pr·1nts Bookb·1nd·1ng ""''"'.""'""" '""'"°""'' Kothye,,,. o;,., v .. a, Ll•d• A•"Joul Dkk G,ego,y , '"' w~"r. / -------- ----- - ----------------------------- ~~~~!~::de~~~~t,~~:ikn~e, :~V::

D• I d. I C Dr. Stenesh 20 Faculty Members Receive Promotions :~i;~£~~~;f;i;:;,,;:. ::: ISP aye n enter W. ·111 Address ~;;·"'~:.;~',""~.:."'•;m·~~; PJomolions for 20 racul ty ed ue1 ti on; Gerdel Johnson. J immie L. Fnnklin, history; K. usistant profeuors were Darr.ell

membe rs · · were a pp roved speech pathology and 1udiology; N. Rudan . physics, L. Wayne A. Christie. econom1e1: Ronald :idmi5$ion bring 10 cents for

iue~::i;~ 1~cr '~i~1:i13~~:1

~, Pt:,:,~ ~:J:~~ .. ~ ~sic •nd g~~~\f!!1~~~'!~d1.e::I~~e - } ~a~t·r1a 1~~t.u::~mr: .'°urccs •nd i~~~f,~'!nda~:nc:a~ ·:bu~~ the A Joint uh1bil ion o f print s Cnng. Tapa cloth . a primitive and bookhmJint; is on dispb)' dccora tt'J paper-like material this month ,n the La Fo lkttl' f1on1 the South Seu is u!ied fo r Lounge of the Um\·e1si1y Cen ter , one or tht' un1i1kd vo lumes. anJ is O()('n throughout 1hc day Ninctl-cn prints by Ken nedy :i nd evening to the public. include woodcuts. lit hogi-aphs

Works :ire by Ros:ilinJ Meyer and spiri t Juplicato r prints. of I he Universi t y of l'rorcssor Richard Schneider, Wis.- onsin-~lil .. ·:iukcc facu lty , c hauman of the WSU .i re '"'ho is bdicvcd 10 be one o r ftw cxhihil ion 5C rics. s:ays Kl'nncdy's persons in the &dgl'rl .. nd who " ll igh F light Guy Dtapc" pract ices bookbind ing II a fine :i p pcars lo hav e o rie nted

t~iv~~~it; '~t1,!~n~:;:~y of the ~;e~\~~~sn~~:1 s!~de~: li~f, h! Miss Meyc1 says. the pro«$$ hurt and lungs. There is a quie t

o f bind in11 is :i slow and t~<Jious configur:i1ion o f pile gr1y pel'n task, upccial\y .. ·hen an o ld :indsilvcrwith a slr ik ing redarea vo lu me is 10 be u•hound and ce ntraUy loca ted. fitt ed with new covers or new A group o r lhn:e " Nigh!

: ~bui ; ~~~i .. is s::~~ss:i:r~~i:C1!:c~. -~1: al~~r':sh~~it!~~ ~ ;~~


cl:imps and h aml'S, but the equipmen1 and processes have not changeJ much since the begmnings of bookbinding in

· n1edit \·al 1imcs. Sht s:iys tht most intcrcS1ing

!ISr,ec1· of her work is Ulie of \·aric t k-s or rue and exot ic m!llcrilts. "Rept ile" is na1ur:illy bound in Ansronda skin. "The Dr~ S!."ne". re t itled '"The Monkey" is bound m calf skm .. ·ith bbct monkey fur spine and

duplicat ion, populary known u !I Diu om:ichine.

l ie designs the mastn sheeu wilh dnwings and rubbings which :ire printed in ovc:rbpp ing arc:is o f red, blue :ind the typici l pur ple. The rl'su h is :a poet ic, dclica h· p unt such H a landscape, "Bcfotc The Wind."


•Writers People to ,,-port on Student Senate mwtng\, the

f,oa,tty, S.mlnars, Speeches.

• Circulation Manager Person to fflCllntofn up-to-date Uttlnt of oU Pointer

.ubtaibers, knowled1e of typlna benefldal.

Colloquium Regents. dean of studtnu: Ralph ,----------------, Eleva ted from assutant ,to · Lronu d, Spttch patholasy and

an~i;1;il~en1:ettf;~\·a~~j=~ :::~:l:te W .prt~;~rs bi;~~:; ::::}~~:: ; 1~l·d!~r!0:·c::~:;'. Dr . J och1 n1n Stcn cs h. Joseph Ha rr is , bio logy lloracio-Roque Nunn, roreign arc .

11s.socbte professor o r chemistry depar tment ; Don:ilJ A Benz, tan1uage ; Justus F. Paul, hiuory : Promoted from instructors 10

~it sc;;:~nt:i;;~n4 :~ ~~~~'.tr~ .--------------------------, A· 12 1 of 1he Scie nce Build ing o n " Mac romo!C'c ulcs from B:ictcrfa ."

First Point,ers

The nrs1 editions o f lhe Pointer ~ ·ere mostly litera ry m1p1.incscx hibiling ()Ol'try and sho rt storil's that siudents o f Stevens Po int Normal School had wrillrn.


Wednesdoy, Feb. 26 6:30 P. M.

Wright lounge

• FISH FRY• lncludH:


$1 so Senin9 from F,idoy Hoon lo M idn ight

Holiday Inn ., Steve ns Point


ir '




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whot Is enough,

until you know

whot Is more thon


"Where Something's Alw~ys Cooking"


Williom Bloke Thursday, February 27th



Whallo cloaboul

clrainecl train.

Nothing drains a brain like cramming. .

Somehow the more you try 10 remember the more you seem 10

lor~~tart by remembering one thing. Remember NoDoz-. And NoDoz wt JI

help ~~;'1:S';; ~~~;;!s, stimulant you can bvy without a prescnption. And

..._-0. a drained bfain .rA~· ll's"';le~~~!~"Pee1

coming on. take a couple

~ ~ '/ ~~?r°~ ~,9::nd.


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SKI SALE~ 2010 Off

• Famous Krystal Skis •







We~ featureSliEI

Hunters' Corner ,Moin I, Th ird St.

Page 4: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy


..... Applications Are Available For Summer Orientation

Applications ro, pos1t1ons as r,nhmcn oricn1111on kadcn aic now 1v11~bk in the Student ArflirsOUiee. Thcrc If' e leven

fion~inJ~n!o,1 ~h~~~:ua;hi~~~~~ 11i1noxim11c ly tJ1c kn11th of summer school .

Any turrcnt stuJcnt may 11i,ply; howcvu , no &ndu.atmt seniors will be accepted. Also, oncntauon leaders will nol be ab le to take councs llurlna ~umm rr Khool b<i;ausc lhu 11,oulJ oonnict with their job ll'S po nsib11i11tics . Orientation lcadcrs are paid a r,:guhunlary 11hu room and bouJ

The oocn 111ion JJ(>JlliOn 11\vl)lvcs mtt11n1 groups o f mcommit frnhrm:n anJ their

pucnu at two day 01icn11tion scuionJ which the freshmcnaic rcqum:d to at tend . Oricnlation leaders will be expected to1uidc t he fr eshmen around campuJ, cxr,lain ~1np11s polick's 1nd procedures, rnonilor freshmen IUU, talk w11h pari:n11and hdp '1cshn1entluringregntr11ion .

Approxim1tc:ly ISO frcshmen aotl their parenlS w1JJ 111end lhe , ,. o di)' se:uion1. There ue t,.<f 1u.uon1e1chwcct .

Any int e rested 1t udrn1 ~houltl pick u11 1n 1ppllc.i1ion bl,u,t 1n the Studcnl Afflin Ofru:e. Any ques tions 1r11wtlin11 the poi.i 1ion can be dneclcd to Miu l~b:I L.ine, Assistant Dun of S1uden11 The apphcation tlcadhne hiu .. .hccnsel for Mar. 7.

WSU Will Host Clergy Conclave

H.agr.rbnJ luJeu 111busmc11, labor. and aJnculture are 11bnn1ng a si.\ lh annual Clcrg)' l·conilmic EUucat1on Workshop oncam11us th tsliummcr . '

Ahout 50 Christian and h·wish ckr1csw 1ll b,· sckc1rd10 J\lc11d rnornmi;, afh·rnoon :mJ e,·.-nmi,; claw-s bct,.l'en June 8 to I ~. ac.:ur.hng lo Oirct lor Jul,n Gach. WSU's hcaJ of smUcnt 1cach1n11 11 cm ·1t1cs.

l· unJsfrompnva1ccnh·rr11se, 1Jl111 grou11s 11nd unions wilt dcfu)' C:iqicns,:s Sti remlswill ho.· J .. Jnkd i:ach 11ar1k1[l11n1. G:1ch rq'OrtcJ :, lirl\"e IS unUcrway lo lmJnt:elh•·\"\'Cnl

Gach s:nd l hc ronferenc,· c.\CCUll''C. co1111111t1cc this year ,s Glenn M ,\ n.lcr~on. manager o r tl1<· Wlloconsm Assocb t1un o r Cooprr.i1iws. Ma,lis,.m , Robl"rt A. l;wrns , ,·xcculiv,· •·ic,·

10 the pn:sident . Consolid:ueJ Papen, Inc. , Wisconsin R:ipids: John W. Si:.hm1tt, presi,k nt of Wisconsin AF L.CIO, Milwaukee: Werner WHkini:, uccut ive vice prcsldcnl , Wisconsin Consumer 1:inancc AS10ciation. Mi1wauk«", am.I John Zanc:rnaro, prtudcnt. M1lwau~H Huikl ing anti Const ru~1 ion Trades Coun cil.

Wisconsm ,.·as the: IJlh Slate 10 host an ,:conomic workshop for ckrgyrn,:n, today 1hilisc:rvicr 1s pro\·1dcd m more than JO stales. ,

Gach said s1wcialisb on d1ffcr,•n1 phases of America's economy arc bdng oontrach'd 10 speal;i lo the mini.stcn, prints, and rabbis reprc5enting about a duun Uenominat ions. All rrug1a111s will be held in the l>dJ0 1 Ccnh·r on llw Sh·n·ns PuuH t:atn1•u1.


rta~d~furcrs~f A::ia~?osi~~ Mi lwauk"•: Kl•nnrt h W Alumni Tour

Deadline Extended

on English 194 class the olher doy, jumped inlo a seat, powed through rhe fexlbo ok. found he wos borking up !he

llaa~ ns..•n, CM'cut1•·c •·kc picsidl' III of WlSronsin Sute Chambe r of Commerce, Madison. John Jo;inlS. president of S,·ntry lnsmanc,,• Co .. Sh·•·cns l\1mt ,

W1\h:1111 Ulw , prcs!Jcnt of Cu1.luh~· Tanning Co111p;rn)', ( uJ11h y, Robtrt Marcus, empkl)ec 1nd comm unit)' 1cla110ns of Gener.i i Electric ,c·ompany, Milwauh~ . Jam,·s \!er !iberic r . program 1kpartn~nt. Wasronsin Farm Bureau, Madi.son : Oanirl P. )k)'t'rS. 11dn1ims1rativc assistant

Y-Dems Plan Slave Day Saturday

A s!J \"C day as bcmg planned by the WSU-S1n·c ns l'oinl Young Dcmocnu fo1 Saturday, \131 l . The Young lkms will do any l)"pt of ,.o,l, .. ·1th a ch:&rgc o r SI !S per hour. 1·0 hu-e 1hes,: ~l u dcn ts C'J II J ,U-9034 on l"hurs,hy bf.-1 .. ecn 9a .111. :md S rm.

The Young Ocms arc holding 1hi) Slave Oa)' m orJcr to nisc mom•y to ~\lend theu- stale ronvcnllon in Green lby on \lar ~I. 12 anJ !J.

Miss Godfrey Participates In Seminar

M~s llelen Godfrey ,a~cUte dun of $tudents. '""lll one or cich1 edun t o n fr om the Midw est p:ntic,pat1ng in a fedently spon501cJ seminu Monday thro\lih Wednesday at · St. Louis. Mo .

Expanding co ncepts in studenl personnel xrvicesand lhe communication media were di.scuSM"d .

Miss GoJfrey .~s p,d:cd lasi summer for a Nat ional Edu Cu ion Acl •s ponsorl'd program for studenl affair o fficials, involving a four wctk summer seminar at Michigan Stalt University .. independent rcsc.uch on her o,.·n campus and lhrct regiona l mttling1.

Before relurning to campus, Jhc will serve Thur•.lay and Frida)' as the only consultant at Ariiona Sutc University in Tempe for a seminar o n residence ha ll progntmJ and ducloprnen1, A~i:i lcd Women StuUents orpniu1ion and a panhctlcnicgrour.


Home Cooking with

Homemade Pies and Cookies ~ Doily

5:30 A.M. • 2:30 A.M.

c~t ~ .~ ights

And All Day Sund&>'

reg:~·i::~se 1!:31::nt~S fo/~~!

Women's Liberation


LUV Group Will Meet

For those who" 1hlnk the

Some Faculty, Students Sponsor Peace Reading

YOling age should be lowered to the wor ld's 1re11 authors ind Ncwcornen are in,ited to the 18, be sure to allcnd a rneetin1 poets spoke for themsc tv rs. Women·, Liberation Movemen t , to be held on Tucsd1y, Mar, 4, Slidu of his torie1l scencs and • free i,niveBity courx. Topia at 8:00 p . m . i n the se.1tln1s of gru t workl o r 1rt for the next mccling from Nico)et-Marqueu c Room or 1hc en hanced the re1d in1, as we ll u 7 :J0-8:30 p.m. Monday, M11. J, Uninrsity Center,

a lurnm tow , lhc sign-up dead lint hn been extended one month to Apr. I

Rick Frederick s::iitl a tola l of 38 persons from all parlS of the country have rl'gi.steri:d so far . For II price of S76 1, seven rounirics will be tourtd bet,.·e,·n July 14 :rnU Aug. 4.

Rf.M'rval10ns may be. made by con1acting the a lurnni o rrke at wsu.

----~ ..

Several memben of I he English Department sponsored a student -faculty Peace Reading at 7:JO Feb. 26. 11 DeBo t Cent er Lounge. The prognm was mutt i-n1edb pruenta1ion of poetry and prose 1pinst war.

This program was inform,\ and not aademicaUy oriented. There was no discussion of the worts rnd . The readings from


ON CE THESE BLOCKS OF ICE WERE MAJESTIC SCULPTURES! Only losl week 1he lown of Old Main wos decorored wi lh ice- sculp1vres but o bu:ldozer proved 10 be !heir undoing. The scvlp!ures were. broken lo ovoid rhe donger of ice col­lops,rig on someone ond of 1he ice domoging 1he grau. {Tom Kujowski Photo)

Something New ..• Phono View Girls

Now Accept Blind Dates

PAPA JOE'S CCodtall Lou..»

1ho rt com mentuies from include: "A Posi tion Paper on LUV (Lei Us Vote) is being , contemporary new1p,apen. Radical Women in the sponsored by v1rious groups a n

The readings fllnged from Profwlons" by Marlen Dixon, a campus, and anyone interested Vo lu ire ind Swift to queslion o f n11le. oppre.nion ind in this t:11use. is invhed 10 attend co nt cmpou ri es 1uch u l he Cite of women opprc-ssions. this meeting. Plans 10 bring Cummings, Leverto, i nd Auden . Fo r fiu1hcr -information call about the lowerin1 of the voling

MarshaTceklinat 34 1-2744 . :agewillbe.discuacd.

This 1tadlng is the fint in 1 ~·············••IJ series of Pe.ace prognms pbnned • this semester by wrious Clmpus organizations. On Sunday evening Mar. 2 at 7:00 in the Un.i,ersity Centcr, lhr« former students or WSU-Stcvens Point and a ra,u lty member wiU dis· eu.nw hy theyue conscient ious objectors and wh11 !hey had to 10 through 10 attain lhc:ir CO status.

This program will a l!IO be. highly inform, I. Father 11111 of the Canterbury !louse will motle11te t he proar1m ind wiU kpUy define what , CO is and how one can 1t11in CO status.

In the fut u1t a series.of forums Is being planned in which Peace will be discu•d from lhe. points o r ,icw of the phllotopher , the sociologist, the biolo&isl , the poli l ical scicnlisl, the psychologist, and the histOfbn . WSU-Stevens Point facu lty membe.n will discu.n Peace from the pe.uepc:tin of the btest research and thinking in their respedivc dis~iplines.

Hondmode 12 Strings And Clouicols - Also

11 String Gulton 3.44,9070 Evenings

@J1~L1 F~~~~~.;i;, •= BECAUSE OF THE UNUSUAL ENDING No one w ill be admitted during the last 12 m inutes.

RON AMUNDSON luH Guitarist and Singer frotn Madison Ron Is the leoder of the " Amazing Groce Jug Bond'

Friday, Feb. 28 and Saturday, l\lar. l-Adm. _75c

"Jb,et,w,.af, fla,,j, o/ "Ju SVA 1320 Strongs


February 27, 1969

Doctor Needs Blood ·For Research Proiect

Doctor Thomas F. Nikolai of i he Manthrleld Clinic will be 11

the Univeni iy on Mar, 3 ind S 11 6:JO p,m. to dntw blood on

~·~~. :~u:en•; ,:J;ct' ~~dj! conduclin&, Doctor Nlkol11 hu obtained , S56,000 gnnt f,om the Nitlon11l lnsti1ute10( llulth 10 in,estiple the heredil~ upecll of Thyroxine Blnd1n1

G\ti;;bln (~B~)- pro1eln which curie• or blnll1 the major parl of ttl)'roid hormone in !he blood 11 rum. Doclor Nikol1I hu round four ramilies who h&Ye a here.dil1ry deficiency o r TBG . lie is 1ryin1 to e1t1blilh 1he incidence of this 1bnor1T1.11lit)' b)' nudyin1 a large group of young

=~ih~his~C~or';;~.~ii':C h~~r:~;! 1t1yroid blood tests anU arc frequ en tly 1re1tcd for undcfllctiv1I )' of 1his thyroid

allnd , whereas, in f1ct 1 no thyroid dencie nC)' u1111, From extensive reseuch sludlcs done 1hu1 fu , Or . Niko\li, has fourwt ttat people who u e 1rfcctcd with T8G deficiency arc compleltly norml l and le~ no rm1!l1,e1.

A prize of S7S will bt given 10 the dormilol)' that has the highest perccntape turn out of youn1 men . Second prize will be S2S . The prizes an be. used In any m11ttt the winners indicate

Doctor Nikolai will be. at thr

~:,.:~r~7 wt~~~~i; ~~::• :::i ,olunteer on 1he Collow1n1 da!cs:

Monda)' , Mat. 3 6 :30 p.n1 Baldwin 11111

8urrou1hs llall

Wcdnntb)' , Mar. S 6:JO p.m Puy-Sirns Hall

Steiner 11,u

THE ECHO 6 '/J MIIH N.W. of Stnen1 Point

Left off Highway 10

The "Chocolate Ripple" FEB. 28th & MARCH hi-Fri . & Sot.

NEXT WEEK: The Summit

MARCH 8th and 91h--fridoy & Saturday

Placement Opportunities . Mu. J·Laoiia Public Schools • I p.m; to 4 p.m. tligh School physics, math: political science ; Elcmcnury : art, physical education

Mar. 4-L:aona Public Schools· 9 a.m. to 12 Noon· Sime as abo~e Cudahy Public: Schools . 10 , .m. to 4 p.m. Pnm1ry : J r. lhgh 11adu, in termedi11c.

Mar. S-Minncapolis Public Schools .9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Vae1nc1cs m all ucu. both secondary 1nd elementary. El1,1n Public Schools • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Grades kindug111en through gr. 6 ; Jr. High 1r1: Si ll igh art, J r. ·11 i11h business education : Sr •. lh gh business educ.Ilion , J r. lhJ}t English ; Jr. High social studicsJEngl11h: Jr. lli&h remedial re1din1. Sr. High l:.nglish ; French: Ge rman. Spanish, home economics: guidan«': librarian, Jr . lligh math, Sr. lligh math musk-instrumcnt1J 1nd ,-ocal;Jllls' phy. ed. ; boys· phy. ed.: Jr . lhih general KICncc; Jr. lligh phys.lCII science.Sr. lh&h biolon: Sr . lh&h physics, Sr. lligh chemistry; Am lhslory ; \11-0rld history: special education:q,ccch:clcm. musk':clcm. art.elem. phy. ed.

Mu. 6",Blooming1on Public SehOC>ls. Minnesota • 8 :30 10 2:JO p.m. Kindergarten through g~de 6: elem. music consultant . xeond1ry • all subjec1 ueu: librari1n . 1udio-,isu1I: special education . lloCfman Es11tu Pubhc: Schools, Illinois • 9 a.m. 10 4

~h~: :!~{;~,1~'!1:r_k:~i~~r~:;:~in~;s ~r~~~~~~~b~~:~~1~:~~~lt:,~1~ Jlhf. ed.: scien,e; 50Cial studies; "on! music: special educalion.

Eau Claire Public Schools· 9 :a.m. to 4 p.n1. Eleme ntary • kdgn lhrough gr, 6 : speech therapist ; special education : Jr . ll igh guidance

~~a~~:!>:1~c!.r · ~;st vo~~drnu;~cbu!r · s~~~o1:n~i:/:~!~1~~ ~~- ~~!h

K1ndc~pr1e.n ; p11mary . in1crrnediate; secondary-all areu : speech 1hcrap111, school psycholo&;i1t . S,heboypn Falls Public: Schools . 11

a .m. to 4 p.m; I : &Ude 4; &rade 6; upper elementary; art. home_ cc?nonucs: '?llr~rnental music: girls phy. ed. & science comb1n111on: elem. hb~nan.

Mu. 7-Stillwatcr Public Schools, Stillwater, Minnuota. 10 a.m I~ 4 p.m. All a_reas. Manon Public Schools. 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m Jr lhgh general saenoc/math comb.; art; 71h 11./81h If . combination. ekment~ry/11.S. French combination; gr. J. sp. ed.; ekm. phy. cd Blick 8!ver_ Falls· 9:30 ~.m. 10 4 p.m. Speech correc1ion; tclfncc, speech/English ; !"athem1t1C;1: Lalin/English: eltmcn1ary ; biology.

Mar. 10-Pro\l\50 Townstup High Schools. Maywood, l llinob 9 am to 4 p.m. To be po$1ed .

Page 5: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy


ftbfuary 27, 1969 THE PO INTER

If You Ask Me--REVISED By Ll"y Woldtn

In the past 1hb ro tunui hu prlnltd lhc ru:lhli• or various --univusit)' Sludfnt1 on to1,ks of in tf rU I lo Thi' Poin1 u'1 llfntu l

1uctlen« . 1-'or • ,wll rh , we rr«ivtd lnt rrtui.11 11 vicwpoi.111, h om some hijh 1d10ol 11ude11C1 111 lhc Stevens Poinl n u in rt1pon11t to thrquH"lio n:


111 vk'w. rolkl\" stu,knts as frcling su11eno 1 10 lugh school 1tullents :111J thinking they ~,c basically better than us. I 1u11posc: ,·,·onomkally th,•y uc helpful because: of the amounls o r money, thq• bring into the co1111n un11y. I can't lit lp bu1 feel suprr ior to lhtm t>l:4'3Uk' I live h<'rt' 1nJ lhey 11c o nly "\lisiting" for eight o r n11le months or tht- )'CII . As far n 11c1ions, 1hcy oflen seem more • giJd)'than highsdioolslmknts.

Mimi Ptck, 18. Senior, Marb 11 11h Sc:hool

J) I havr a brol lH.'t ll l trndintt W.S. U. SI evens l'oinLand juJgin1 from the f1knJs he has that I have met, t hey're a pretty goo1I group of pro1•le. I 'vr Ix-en to basketball games :md various other fun cllon, \l r llw unln·rsity anJ have goncn a good genen l impression of ,u s1udents. I do not HnJ fault with tlK-m u many other people do and I thmk as a whole , thc)''rc a prett y dcccnl group or people.

Muv 01 niebkl. I S, Freshman~PaceUi ma h School

J) l frel that colkgc Sludcn1s tem.l 10 act more superior to us 1han they ~illy ate , 1llho11j;h the four boys Jiving in o ur house arc 11wte ni..c . I supll(>k they :uc basiQIIIY prctl y good . and most or them seem to be friendly. Some I have Ke n tend 10 be ulrc:me Jrcssc1s and Ulhcr weird in thri r w.iys, bul they 're intnutmg.

Judi Zynda, IS, Sophomore. M1ri1 lliah School

4) Co\kge s111dcnt5'? I 1o lcratr them. It scc 111s many of them ale going to college bccaute it s..-ems to be the thing to do • thry :rn:n't 111.•1u1Uy scrking an cduc.a1lon. Unfortunately , 1hry n13kc the to1,m; economically spt"ak ing Strvcns Poi nt is nolhing without 1tic111.

Grtj Oo11,·k1 , 18. Senior , PaccUi ll iah Sehool

S) Gcncr:i tly co\kgc studenls act .. big" · they 11ct too good to talk 10 h~h school stu1.kn1S. The guys :11,· good looking and see m to llt hustku tryhltl to aC\11.1irc a sat isfying da le . College stuJtnU tl'lld 10 look do""'ll on us high school students. even my brother docs 11 so111e 1imes.

Marli Leri, 11, Senior. Maria Hlah School

6) I Jon' t know a lot o f college sludrnt1. but I kc! lhc one, I J o know and havt" sceu arc 1111 rilhl. When I S.Ce a person, I can usua lly lcll ""' hcthcr he i5 a college nudcnl or not. 1·11e}' tend lo havt longrr hau and dress mort foshionably than high school s1udc nts. Son,c 1rnJ 10 act 100 suprrio r an<l niake us believe: they woulJn·1 really .:arc to usoci;,lt with us. We would very n,uch like 10 aS10Ci.:itl' wi th them, bu1 there IJ really no opportunity.

Karen Elick.son, 17, Senior, P.J. bcobs Hish School

Thrsc viewpoints seem to show a general t rend of high school studenu' redings 1owanl s collrgc students that the college stu1knt may. but in some c;iscs, docs 1101 deserve· or docs he?

Dr. Ellery Appointed To Acting Dean Post

Dr . John Bbisc Ellery, A specia list in the ficlLI o r ass!s tan1 to the prtsidcnt. Frida y communications, Dr . Elle ry has ... ·as appoin ted ac11ng dean o r the publ.ishtd numerous articles on Collc11e of Applied An s and the subject of TV , radio and the Science. press. .

. Presidenl Lee Sherman lie is the author of a Dreyfus said his aide will replace biog raphy o f the Engbsh Dr . Paul Yambe rt , who is leaving plulosophu John S1uar1 Mill. June I. fo, Southern Illinois While m Detroit, he mana~LI

~en/;:rsi~ ~nca 11Car01n~a~~d~~ ~1~~·:t'~and~TVr:~daf~~~ei~ by Brion Athorp ond Deon

laboratories :md prorcssor o f Miclug:,,n . • Doblow beg ins Morch 3 ond conserva tion . Dr . Elk:ry holds .in A.B. ct1nlinues two weeks o l Wis•

Or. Ellery v.·ill rruin his degree from llamillon Collcgr. CQnsin Stolt' University. Stev•

~hiS1~i:~i~! :e'!!s~::~1~:. duties C~1~~~~~ '~~~I ~hph~ir~:1:)'t~! ens Point. About 60 pieces n ight of the show's opening . lie came to WSU \:u1 summer University o r Wisconsin. of otl ort mediums will be on

after 1wo )tars m Sien.i Leone. • ~ .

Afnco "" '"' •PPD'" ''"'" ~'¥'"~----~ -_.~:, Lh:t:e:;:; ~~;;!e dP~or

0~/l~~ r ..1 ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~:p:ri~~~r~nE~:t ''re!:~~ I THE t;::·!:-~: -1;ief RED LANTERN t Ponders Plan 210 ISADORE ST. For Speakers

Alpha Gamma. honorary socialscien«. fratemity.heldits fi111 mc:etina or the scmcs1er on TucJday, Feb. 18 ind dtSC\lsscd plans to bring controversial spca.ke11 to camplls tltis sprlfll.

Alpha G.amnui's purpose: is to promote inlercSI in social stud ies and bring intcrcS1in1 and intellectual programs 10 while encounigin& scholanh.ip.

The fDlemi1y, which is Sttking new members, is oprn 10 those m1joring or minorin& in socbl sciences and owning a 2.S overall and a 3.0avcrage in their nuijor o r minor ftekl of 10cia l studies. Interested studcnlS shoukl cont•ct Steve Goclsch at txl . 608.

Earn Extra Cash!

Dining Room Across From Dehot Center

during the breoks between clone, os lhe d irt polhs on both sicles of the 100d hove !urned into muck. Although the

· universi ty hied, bu1 un,ucceufully, to close !he rood perm• onently lost year, nothing oppo,ently hos been done this yt"or 10 close the road rempororily dur ing the spring. !Tom Ku1ows lr; , Phoro)

HOT FISH SHOP Featuring Seafood and Steaks


Phone 344-4252

.... 6

Collegiate Notes By Lynn LIBro1

The first 1uchtt evall'll ion booklet published at Northtrn lllinob Unlvrnily will be anJbble lor rail rcgiltntlon . The booklet will pertain to about 70 per i;:ent o r Che tncher1 in the Colle1e o r Liberal

. Aus and Sciences, excluding the malh Dept. which rdutcd to be evaluated by s1udcn1s. Rcsuhs were pthcred h om two dlrfercnt 1tudcn1 que1tiefnnalre1,

The Northern Star Northrm Illinois Unin.rsily

DeKa lb Illinois

Friday - Saturday only .

$8. 90 thopoh

Rf!gularl y $12 the pair

Placement Opportunities Thursday Feb. 27-9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mobil Oil Corporation will

intcl"licw all business, economies. malhematies and other mlJors in1ercsted in employment opportunilics.

Monday , Mar. 3. 9 am. 10 4 p.m .. The M1h..-auket' Journal

::,r:~!. ~=:~."t117~~. ~~r~;~:m a~~db:~:C~m:j~~1

~:,~::;~e~ in summer internship in newspaper, radio o r 1elnision v.·ork . ScveDI full.Cimcoprningsal50cxl5t forgraduatingKnk>rs.

Monday, Mar. 31 9 :30 a .m. 10 4 p.m .• Camp U-Nah-Li·Ya Green

:~~sc';;.'! a~~t~~~~:i s:1~:e~een~~lo;:~~~~i n summer camp

Tuesday. Mar. 4 . 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., CoUep. Life Insurance ~~n:;J ca:~a:sl.JOII. will interview all ltudcnts mlcrest@ ,n

Tuesday, Mar. 4, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m .. Nor1hwes1crn Natk>nal Insurance Group, Milwaukee wiU interview ail students 1n1crested 1n home offx:e manasement and non-11les o pportunitics in thc insurance industry.

Wednesday Miar. S, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m., Thc U. S. Forest Service (Khmclandcr) areawlll interview 1111 business administration, psycholo&Y, sociology , education (no fort'str)' o r natural rctourcc1) pads for m1nag,:ment and job corps oppor1uni1ics in the Forest Service.

Wednesday, Mar. S, I p.m. to 4 p.m., Metropolita n Life Insurance Comeany, Wau1,1u, Will lpcak with all gnds mtCTCSted Ill sales (only) JIOSlhOns. •

Thursday Mar. 6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Norlhwtslern Mutual Life ~ will speak with-allgnidu11esin1crcs1ed in sales only pos1t1ons.

Thunday Mar. 6. Friday , Mar. 7 , 9 a .m. to 4 p.m., The Peace ~will intcrv,cw all students for Peace CorpJopporluni~

Monday Mar. JO 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., The Del Monte Food

~=~~:n~n/::~ie!e~t:':icc ':si,;~~~7:~:~:i~:~1. ror Tucs:llly1 11, 9 :30 a .m. 10 4 p,m., The State o f Wisconsin

Bureau o( persoMci will interview psychology. 10ciokigy, buS111cu administration, economics, and all o ther students about 1ta1e scvcrnmcnt employmenl opportunitlcs (IOcial work and all state positions).

Wednesday Mar. 12 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sentry Insurance, StCYCnl Point will intel"lkw 1111 , business adm,nis-trat,on, mathematics, econdmics and other m~ors Interested in insunnce opponunitics.

Wedncday, Mar. 12, 9 11.m. to 4 p.m .. Thc Fedenl Socill Securi ty Admuustrat1on Wisconsin R11pids will speak with all IIPduatcs abou1 Federal Govcrnmcnt o pporlunilics. The U'.S. Civil SCTYicc exam may be 1aken via a"angcments here.

Tburtlay, Mar. 13, 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m .. Thi! Wisconsin Tekphonc

~tlJ~:flics~:~~~=~ m:~s :~:==~ ~l~r:'r11::;tt~~=~cs,

~a~~ri:~.13W~, ·~~.

1: ~ritim·~J~~ac::::~ ~~~!=:i ~~

employment opportunities. • • Friday, Mar. 14·, 9 a.m. lo 4 n.m., Norrhwutcrn Mutual Life

Insurance Co .. W11i 1peak with all gnds about homc oHlee and non.aks pos.ations.

Wis~."tffi ~:;e~~ ·~~· ~!!~~· !:l.~w~=~:• ~onr::; merchandisin, and 110.-e m1111cemcn1 . The Swiss Colony is a rct..ail cheese and girl rnnchisc in Wisconsin .

Monday Mar. 17 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Krcsce's Pewaukee, wiU speak with aU busineu, economics and o ther majors about reta il manaaement posit ions.

. Tucsd1y. M:ar. 18~ 9 a'.m. to 4 p.n1., The FBI will recrui t all

~~~~'!;itic~p!o:;e~ur{:~'°!:· s::~:1n1,::1~ . :~::~: iC:'~; Wuhington D.C. area. C',ood opponunities cxtlt lo cont inue schooling on the und~uate and gn,duale kvcl whilc dnwina full saluics. majo{sare abo needed for transbtor posil ions.

Wednesday Mar. 19 9 a .m. to 4 p.m., Oscar~ Madison will interricw all business. cco11omics, fllll t hfmatics and otber m1.ion interesied in career opportunilics in the rooo and mcat industry.

Thunda • Mar. 20, 9 11 .m. to 4 r.m., T he Finl National Bank ol interview all m~o.-s about bUll:1111 careers. I , 9 a .m. 10 4 p.m., The U.S. Army Mcdle1l spcak with ,u bachclOJ' candidate, rcquestina

a who arc JOing mcdigl, di'nlal or ve terim.ry 1ehoob(onlyi. •

Sto p in at thc Placement Center, OS6 Main, 1od1y and sign up for anlnlel"liew.


Page 6: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy



HALL-A-DA VS Hy Judy U1od.;,mg


r h,• r.·~ulb o f t he 1\ll l' Wirue, Carnival 1969 tias m.11d1,·, (lf Sunda ), l·t'li !.I. J1 e ~-om,· arul i;.011,·. and Sctimcc,:klt lbl.l"'m ~JO. Sd unced ,I;: 1 S. IIJII ,·nt,•1cd the games and i'k ak .!.!O. Ro ach ~S. l'1.1y-S1111s eompcti11o ns with her 1mi:1I \JO , lluno ui,: hs H. 11 )·,·r SO, ) [li t1 t. Schmccckk's 4ut cn and Wa lson .10. ;i u,I S1 ,·111,· r 105. king c.imlidat,•s , Jill Billesbach lkl, dl ~O a11d l'~l111cr Ckmenu, finished

On-, JII ) !,111.lmr~ 1u ,IJt,· """ thud 111 the l"Olllpeti lk>n . In

-:!,}t~'.1'·~::1hl~~/·· / 1~· Nfi{ ·S~1\:1:.J",t~~ 1e~/11/i'ne~h:J0a:

l'm )•-S1111s {,-.'.. 14•)0 , lo.nu11e n runne r-up in the final mal ch .

~-;,;~-f ~\ t s'_\t~:~:., '1.t : .. c~r11:~~~'.c11i!1~0:e~1~:~~. :~;

8 10; Schmccd : k J -4 . ~75. ll )"Cr pancakc eating co ntest. llw J- S. b)~. Wat~ n .'.·S. 585. a ppk c io.lcr chugging oonlUL IJuno ui,: hs 1-n . I !OU. lkt,eU .11111 the S:idi,• /1;1wkins. 1-6 . 4l) S,a nJ Roa,·h l ·b.5'10 . Sd11m:eckk llall is \'~r)'

Ncx l Wl't." k th,· )Ch,•dnk 1, .i~ 1110 ml o r Do t l\o wktt who. on fo llo ws N,•a k .ii lk ltc ll , II ) •'' Fr t> . IS. i:nt cu.:d th,· 27th Annu~ I al St,· rn,· r. W:at w n at IJwro ui: hs. Gr,·c n !Jay Ice Skaling Mcl' I, and K11111 u:n at R(l :ad 1 an,1 Snulh at r.icc,I away with t he 21st 3oJ Schuw,·rkk lla l<l "1n has t!w !!nd fu st 11lan· t rnphics. 1 he b)l' All matd1,') 1nll t.1 k,· 1•IJce. !~nd tro1•hy w:is for SJ)\-"Cd .it 7 p.m »::atini; in wlucl, Do t tied the

record o f 120 )'mis in 25 .6 s.: ,·omJs NEALE HALL

Mu n,1:l}', Fd• .!4 . Mr). R.iHY ,,f 1he l·du,Jllt.1 11 lk pJrt 1m• nt s11onke 11• fust south 1kt sul>1,·.:t w~~ cr,·.i tl'll } 111 clHl,lr ,·n JnJ J,lult ). Sh,• ,l1sp!J)•'d ,·r.·~ t1v,· art ~J m11k , p,,,.iu, ,•,I h)' pri 111ar }

st ,~,\~~~\. h ·t• ! I. :-;e:ik ,

1,011 .. 11,·d ~ pan.-1 ,hs(11!il>!on

l J,k u f ,I J II II~ Ull <J llll'US " :IS I.he to r 11 ,11',"Uii/,C,l l h,· •'H"II I "J' Jlh'ndcJ h)' :ipptt.1.~1111:i ld) 7~ , t u,k n1 ,

h.,~1~: ~· ·:~iu.i~~~~Jau~,: 1'~~; 1~, 1/1~

ti',~:~ ~~:;t, ~-1;::;11~::~:1

: ·:1: tu lle'" Iii.' .I.i n,·~

\lsu on M:11 ; Iii.- ,\l\{"1 ,•.1111 1s luo\.mj?. fot 1h 1.·11:hth ,tra,,:ht '*' 111. lh,· 111Jt.-l1"' 1!l lw.11 71•111. .i t lk l,d lJIJ ll

A ,-:anJk li~ht cererno ny w:n helJ for M3ry Bakkc who bc,·am,· puuwd on Feb. 16 to TQm Sd1un,ach1•r, a member or S1gm;:r l'h1 Epsilo n frat.-rnity .

On V:akntrnc's Day. Jan CA·ch1ub bec;:rm,· rni:agcli to J o hn lt,·mr lk1man •fro m Wam .. ,u .

Hal'I Council Is Looking

For PR Man Mcskh-nc,• 113 11 Co uncil is

loo lm i; for a mcmbcr o f a r~~1J encc halt 10 s..·rn· as public

Vets Club Runs ~-i~11;::01i!1a~,,r~~~j ,~~~bu~:t~:

R.11.( . Wc,•k but will also

Beer, Torch

During Week I tw \',·,~ ,·111,1y~'II Wrnt,·r

C.1r1m .it"' 1lhJpJ rt )S.itu1,l:iy, Fd1 . I S l h,· h:i lf .. b } f,•) t11•1tk ~ " '' r,· b~i:un al 11 u,,11 \\ 11h J to n:h and 1,.·,· r ho ttk nrn fm m the Wmt,· r l"a h •H h at OIJ M:im lo 1h,· IJrJI U.1111 . L111uiJ 1..rr,• ,h11w n1 s Jll <I l,!h \I I lll"Ol'IC "' '" r,·pt,·l><.·nl

I h~ 1l11rJ m,· ~1mi: of th,• lO.' nn·~ t,·1 \lo lll h,• h\' l<I Thur sJ:iy f d1 . '!7 al 7 · I' m :ii Koy's lr\nn L}t>n')I. Dm·s "''11 b,.• .:olk,-1\'J an,I r.-ir ,·shm,·nt) "' ill lw J1a1b t,k All persou~w 1lh s1X ,·o ns,:cuhh' morllhs of ar tiH· S,." l"\l,' l" JI\' \\dC0111<:J.

111dudc a frw or the o thc, programs that th,• Co uncil will be s.,onsorinr during ll1l· rcmarnJ.-r o f 1his ~ 111..-stcr.

Futlwr d,•tails "'•illbo:outlinl·d hy lhc mi:anilation at the R.11 .C. mcelini:s. ,\II inh.'restc,J 1wrsons arc uq:.,•d to apply by caUini; Sco tt Schutte. president . 207 IJurro ughs llall , Ext. S68or ka\·ini; wo rJ :it tlw R.11.C. Office rn OcHot Ccntcr or the ma ,lboi.: in th\' Unin-rsit}' Center. No previous exp<.'ricnr.'1.' is n•11uireJ .

1h,· Criundl is looking fo r a 5tmlcnt "'' ith imaginatio n who wouM like lo try new conccpu in Public Relations. The M.cs1denl·c l\ a ll Council Co nstitut10 11 requires that an)' applk:int must l;Lavc and m3intarn a ~-00 pade point

THE BUTTON DESIGN for the onnuo l RHC Week wos submined by Lindo Du lfer of Neole Holl. Selection of the winning d e­sign wos mode by The Res idence Holl Council on Monday e vening .


( 1o·M TRACY (dg h rJ wos p1ese ro1ed wilh o scholarship recerotly by Applied Arts o nd Science Deon, Poul Yo m bert. The scholorship Wos from Johnson Wo-,. and 1o1oled S 1,500. Eocb yeo r the company awards o scholarship tolhe son or dough­

ier o f ~n emplo yee .

Draft Information

Service Organized

For Explanation A drafl informauon service


~!: ~~~a1~~~;e~~ Wiscons in Stall· Univcrsil)' peno nnel and ro mmu nil y 1<"P1CK"" ntativcs

Leadl·r s or the giour rm11h:asize ii is no t pmmo t ini: draft e n s ion , but instead ciq•lains the l"Ompkx sc:lcctive s,:n ·ke system to intcrcstcd persons. the i:IOUP arc the Rrv. Albert Tho m:is , the R,·v. 11:irris T . llall.thc R,•v. J amcsO. Schneider, th\' Kie.hard Steffen. and R,· ph R. Sullivan. :ill

Trippers Plan

Meeting On Kentucky Trip A meeting of :i. ll those

in1ercsh-d in the Trippers' Kcntuckyspringtripwillbe hckl :i t 8 p .111 •• Tucsd:iy . Mar. 4 in the Mit chell Room of the Uni\-ersi ty Center. For S45 dolt:is.:s t he· Tripper, will be going to Mam111o

Siasefi' s Exhibit Beer Drinking

With Half-Barrel L:ist Wednesday's scheduled

becr~rinking exhibition by thc Siasefi"s occun cd before a packed house at Uulc Joe's. Twelve members consumed the half barrel in 19minutesand II seconds with a half barrel amount ing to approKhnatdy I S gallons.

The C\'enl WllS described by one on\ooktr as a "thing of beauty ," although it is doublful thal it wi\levermakethehistory books. It is the rirst o f ils kind known and :i m:nt. Siascfi's arc challenging others to shoot for.

c;i mpus cha1•l:1ins :i1 WSU : Oavi1I F. Bbnk. Dr . Melvin Bloom, Stephen A. llarncs, facu lty m,·mhns a1 WSU . Alexander Ma s urkcw) o s a nd David Mcscinski ,stud,·n1sat WSU : and Mrs. Jo:111 C' . Leahy anJ Mrs. Mar t ha Terh lin . community rqlleS..: nl 31iVl"S.

Y () ll t h s may 5CC UI C inf o r ma li o n 0 1 m:ikc a r r angenh'IIIS to have: ap11oin1nwnts with one o( t he c omrnit l~c mcmb,:rs at the University Christian Mo vement h~:id,1uartets, 11 :?S Fremont St reet.

Plans arc: bing m:.dc to hold draf1 seminars St.'Vl'f:1 1 times :mnu~lly.

F3lh c:r It a l! . Episcopal chapbin who has been doing draf1 counseling independently fo r severa l years, said the group has ga in ed approv:i. l fro111 commun it y and universit y officials 10 exist as an official organizat ion.

The. Portagt.; County Ora(! Bond gave its full endotsl'mcnl to provide th is service in the communly, he replied.

F:ithcr llall 5:lid thal like services 10 deal with incorne tax p rocedures :md exemptions, informatio n aboul dnh ob l igations, defcrrn1ents and COIISL'tlUCnccs o f evasion b urgently ne~'tled ,

· The fo llowing statement or purpose has been eompil«I by his committee :

"'The draft plays a central rok in the life of the avenge: American ma le bclween 18 and 26 (and even toJ5). Many of his most important decisions about educ::uion. occupalion and 111:urbgc: must be · m:adc in relation lo his draft status. Yet, for years, !here has been no eas ily available Source or information about the policies and procedures of the Selective Se r vice Sys lcru o r the in lcrpretat ion of the Seleclivc Srrvice Law :as it affects l he registrant. Conse<1ucntly a scme o f mystery and fea r has surroundcll 1he operat ions o r Selective Service.

''The Selective Service Act,

Tom Tracy Awarded

Scholarship A freshman has been awarded

a schol:arship from 1hc Jo hnson Wax Fund wort h S6,000 if he remains in school on a full time bashthenu tfour ycars.

Tom Tra cy, a natura l tel(>urccs department student majo r ing in re s.o ur ce management, hu been awarded S 1,SOO to use th is ycu i nd will recciv~ l hllt sum annuaUy until he ttccivcs a bachelor's degree Dr. Paul Yambert, WSU's dcari of applied arts and scienee, pttscnti:d him with his first ycar 'siruaallmentt hbwcek.

A 1968 gradua1e of William "1o rlick lligh School, Racine, he 1s the son o r Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt J. Tracy, 101' Kinaston St .. Racine.

even as the ln tcrnal Revenue Act, o ft i.: n requires expert int.-rprelUtion fo r t he individual who must arr.inge his life in o rder IO ,0111ply with ils requirement s , w he ther he intends to enter t he ArffiW Services or considi:rs the various al t crrnn ivcs. This may well involve conscience and decision making at the deepest level o f his being. Thcrcfore, thcStc\·tns Point Draft Information Service is prepared to meet thc quesiions arid to assis t with the l)rOblcms which affect lhe lives o f 1he young men in our community.

"The Stevens Point Duft Informat ion Service hu two independent runclk>ns one education, the othcr counseling. For rd uc:i t ion a nd infdrma t ion wC have all t he most ri:ccn l materials o n the Selective Service System and L:iws, as wtll as 1hc procedures each young m:111 must follow in response 10 h_is duly . lo his country . Second ly, 1he 1ask of the counse lo r is to help the counselee lnd1:n1 ify his ow n values am! motival ion, and take ac t ion which best fulfills these inner direc t ions. A oounsi: lor docs not attempt to impose his values upon the counsclce. A counselor's job is to listen, to rcncct , to interpret, 10 help . to ask q ue11ions, to give information, but it is never to impose his own views.

"Our llrafl inform::ition and educ:alion center is a oommunity ri:sponse to the nec'd5 o r young men who fact conscription and who arc in necd of informat ion and/or counseling. We fee l that when draft counseling services arc comb ined with llrart cducation:i l si: rvices, 1hc Sttvtns Po in t Draft Informat ion Service will become an 011aniz:Hion significant 10 t he whole Stevens Poin 1 commu nity. Alt hough wi: will gjve information on the Select ive · Service System, t he rinal decision, as to the choice, muSI reSI ultimately with e:ich young man."'

(}~eekvine 1\111 , :J/ie

Compiled by Sandy llcrro

Alph Slg•a Alpha Council . Nancy J aeger will also serve as I rcpruent1tive for the sorority on the couneil.

Winier Carnival is ()Ver but ii Abo elected were : Kathie hu been a carniva l the sistcnof J un i Song Le1de r: S ue Alpha Sigma A lpha will llclgcion, Parl iamentarian and remember, After t hree years o f Ginny Bo r n an d Laurie narrowly missing the top winter Le:itherbury u Guarda. carnival aw11 rd, the Alpha Sia's Zeti Chi chap1er altcndcd the captured the Overall Women's memorial service for their put trophy durirlg the acilvltlt.r lhis advisor Miss C11olyn Sands. year . They also won the Miss S~nds was vc,y lnvolvcd . in Women's Greek Games trophy . bo th campus and sorority

The volleyba ll tc1m 100k Hut activit ies . place in the women's division, The DZ'1 placed 3rd in ice while the rope pu ll captured sculpture with I jack i.n • box thud. The Sadie Hawkin's race: reprcsenlini a " Poppil\l 7Sth". 1150 gave ihe Alph• Si1's a nrst A supper meeting was held p lace. The pancake eal llli · last Tuesday 'al 1901. Spring contCII provided the biggest rush parties were: planned . surprise o r the week as the On Friday, 1hc chapter h~. a si.ste11 under the kadenhip of nsh fr y with the Alpha Phi I , Chris Flood 100k another Cmt. Della Zeta's sister sorority for Sister Kriss Russe ll chugged 10 a t he month or February , at the second place in the 200 1 space Wisconsin River Country Club . odrs,cy hairdo contest. Saturday night Tekes from

i\t the climax program sisters Point and visiting members from Sue Jordan ·and Joanne Dobron the Oshkosh chapter held a accepted the trophies fo r the pariy II Ashley after the sorori ty. Poinl-Oshkosh Game.

The Alpha Sig's are andously Zeta Chi Chapter had seven awaiting t he sp ring rush, visi ting DZ's from Iota Epsilon activities that will begin on Feb. Chapter, Oshkosh, as weekend 15 . 1ueitsat 1901.

A party was held wilh 1he TKE's on Feb. 2l after t he Oshkosh game DI Ashley. A date partyispl:anncd for Mar. I.

Pl11i11, Ea1a1••nts Pinnings 1nootm ccd arc Tom

Schumacher, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Mary Bakke ; 1nd Mike Durkin or Sigma Pi to carol Dcuster. Pat Croft, also of Sigma Pi, iJ. pinned to Mary Meagher.

Two enpgemcnts have been announced ; Karl Erickson of Ta'u Kappa l!psilonisenguged 10 Mary St rohfcldt a member of Dcl111; Zell surority and Ayn Jancz.ak o f Alpha Sigma Alpha is engaged to Dick Lubindci, an alumnus of StCvcns Point and AlphaPhiOm1:gaf1111crnity .

The recent marriag'e o f Richard Manual of Sigma Pi to Susan Uttech a member o f Delta Zeta 50'rority anll bst year's Sij;ma Pi Sweetheart has bei:n announced . ·

Sig•a T •• Ga••a

Slg•a P~I fpsiloa

The brothers or Silma ·Phi Epsilon spent the . weekend enltruinin1 lhirl y members o f the Oshkosh Chapter. Act ivi ties began at the Sig Ep house a~ ended at Li tt le foe s.

Plans for the 2nd annual Sig Ep Canoe Race have begun. It will be held Apr. 19 .

Tau Kaepa 'fpsilo1

Tueschy, Feb. 18 the Tekes held their fo rmal rusher. On Thursday. Feb. 27 an informa l rusher will be held at 6 : 30 p.m. in 1he Mit chellroom.

Saturday . Epsilon Nu Chapter hosted the Tekcs from Oshkosh . The day ineluded a get-t ogether at Joe's in the afternoon, l hc game and a party with the DZ"s ind the Alpha Sigs at Ashley on Saturday ni,ht.

Ulst wci:kcnd the chapter was asked tobc thcinsullingchapler

February 27, 1969

Sl911a Pl The Sig l'i'1 had a party with

the Esters of Alpha Sigma Alph.a

~;~;~ita;e~~:.- •10 al . the Winter Carnival stancd with a

" super wapamli" parl y . The brothou held their annual Winter Carnlvtl dinner and dance at the Laurel Motor l ~n . A bu r(ct dinntr was served , w11h an Informa l "sweater dance"

folf.:;n~.ast Sa turday , 1he Sig Pi's "did their thing" at Kaz 'S L Bar near Jorda n Park . A ."s,riashing" lime was the conclusion of the event.

Plans arc now being made for the annual spring fo rmal ,

~~chi~ ~~}~'~·cr:h~ic~n!~ rn April .

New officc:u or 1he chapter were: ekclcd last week . They arc: Jim Krohlski , president ; To m Sceboth , vice-president ; Lowe ll Stevensun , ucastuer; Paul Penshorn, secretary; Mike Durkin, first counselor , and HansPearson.henld .

LUV Organized

For Lowering Voting Age LUY, a group orpnized for

the purpose of lrying to lower the voting age , is comprised o f a bi-partisan group of Yo ung Dem o crat s and Young Republicans.

The init r.l ls s1and for Lei Us Vote (LUY) .

President Dre yfus said ht !i:lt lo wering o f the vo ting agt wna matte r o f :age and experience. He alsu said by lowering the vo ting age the hiah school civics co urse , wo uld become mo re meaningful an,J would impro ve these subJects.

A ge neral meeting has bct n scheduled for Mar. l for t hose s1udcnts interested in lowering the voling age . The meeting w1U stan at 8 p.m. in the Nicolet -Marquette room of the UniversityCtnter.

Fo llo wing the Saturday games comp letely Winier Carnival competi tion the Sil; Tau's celebra ted wi th a date pany at Point Bowl. Several a lumniwerepresenl.


Brother Jo hn Nonon , a J anuary graduate. has been selected u 1hc chapter' , new Advisor fo r Eduealion. His recent contact with chapter activities ha\·e oriented John effectively for his new polition.

Allvisor Bud Steiner wu accompanied by brolhersWaync Nicholas, Rick Cook and Ron Eberle Sunday on a lr ip to WSU- Plattcvillc to initiate pledges at the Sig Tau oolony there.

Forma l rush will be hckl v.\ednesd11y , Feb. 26, follo"'·cd by Informal Rush Tuesday, Mu. 4,at Po int Bowl .•

A party wi th Delta Zeta is planned for M:u. 8 at aub 10. The theme has bee n delegated 10 theindividu3l lcvel .

hnuary's V. H. award has been av.'ll rdrd to Dick Ncuvilk. Bruce Kress was thi: 1,1,,jnncr in February.

Deha Zeta Sue Pooch was elected as

Delta Zeta's Panhe ll i:nic representa tive and will be the nex t president of 1':anhellenic



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TIGHT DEFENSE-Titan Bill Schwartz {54) starts to moke ·h is move loword the boSket under the wo!Chful eye of the Pointers· Mike Hoghes (44). Coming oround on Schwortz"s left side l'o help oul is Quinn VonderHeuvo1 1141. Other, shown Include Pointer TOm Ritzentholer ond Oshkosh's Steve Young (50) and Jeff Stong 120). {Mike Dominowski Photo!

The scho lanhip is for c hild r i:n of Johnson Wu cn,ployi:c s who s how o ut st :i nding 1ca llem ic performance as hi&h ICbool S1udcn1s.

Tom partieipates in ln!ra~u ra l sports at the uiuversily and hopes to become a membe r oi lhe cotr tum nut

Ju 1 .. ulor Pric. hety Doy of the YNrt

Promtlonolly OeoMd ond ,n_.uct 257 Dlvl1lon Shfft

Sprina;. • Acron fnffl NNth Point Shoppl"t C.....

Page 7: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy

FC!bfuary 27. 1969

By On e: Ctcho rc


Wherever spor!Smcn gathcf, you arc bound to hear I lo t of

1~0~:: t~t;t,trsai~e~u~~i: :~j no mzttcr how much yo u might suspct' t thr ..,·,ights of some o r the huge- fah , and the numbu of pomts on the trophy bucb you hur :1bou1, )·ou feel ,n irre.sislible urge lo top them 111 by telling about the big tro ut and the najutic slag tha! you were 1bX tutake . ,

I h:ive a couple o f friends who lo \'e tu hunt and fish, and a lw kwe to talk about it . Ow-r the ) 'Urs , I've heard their favorite storks any number o f times. and I've no t iced that many of them tend to improve with age, like good wine ud Chrvrolets. No doubl a lot o f my epic taks have undcraone th t umc transformation fo\lowmg the theory that th~ mernor)' seems to accentuate the 1ood things and gradually erase thcunforlunatc .

No"'· an absolute realist mi&ht oonsider a\l 1his. to be a faiJing, but l never think o f anything and human as a failing. Afl cr all , arcn't a ll huntcrs rnlly huntmg memories? Isn't the fo nJ rtcolkctkln really the most \'::l luab l..- J);J rt o f the«man· s q,tch? Thinking back on our happy d:a)'S afield will help keep us warm when age caJchn up wuh us and the fires bu,ndown .

About a year ago, while prcparmg for another fishing k'ason, I found that wit h every hook I sharpcn\·d, and with every knot I tied , I was able to OOnJ ure up anothn memory . But 11 suddenly occurred to mt that I couldn 't rrally remember enough · that after twctvc years o f fair ly 1 se 11ous hun1ing and fisJhn&.""hen.- ... ere really only a fc,,.. outstandmg inciJcnu 1hat I coulJclur lr rec::iU.

TM'n and there I decided to 5larl keeping luck of it all. That resolve dcveloptd int o the outdoor record I ke,•p now . Perhaps )·ou will ... ant to keep one hkc 11

M )' outdoor ,~·cord is JU51 a 79 ctn! bound composil ion book 11 contains ahout 70 pages of qu.:uttr.inch sq uared paper. Here 's a \Ut o r the d11ta I enter 111 10 11 durmg and after nch hui\tmgand fishmgt rip:

S, The water tempeuturc, meas ure d wit h I s t ream t hermometer ,

6 . Ck>ud cover, measuu:d in tenths o r the Uy covered by cloud s.

7. The buometrk: pres.sure . 8 . W Ind Jire ctlo.n

(•prox~c:~· velo c ity . I approxinate the spcicd o f the wind by uling the Beaufort Saric . A simpler method woulJ be t o indica te the wind condilions u ca irn, lighl , moderate, and heavy .

10 . 11lecipilat ion, if any . R fo r rain,Sfursnow.c tc.

11. Location - which bke, strcamor oovcr.

12 . Rc.sults-Thulncluduthe number and 1pccics o r fish or game: td:cn. and the 11,·eiaht , lenath, airth, number o f points, etc. ,ifirnportant .

13. Tackle · In this column. I enter the type of fishing tackle or gun used.

14. Lurc:·load.Cornmenls - In this sect io n I enter everything I can think o r that is pert inent to the laking of the particular fis h or animal me nt ioned in number 12 . Such things as "b,own popper, r,a retrieve," .. No. 14 cream Cahill.'' o r .. , oz . No. 8" appear here.

You ma)' o r may not ""'ant 10 bother with all the weathCJ dau l c:ntcr. l figurethataslongn l am doing it, I might aswel\Jo1 job o f it. You c11n :11'\SWer a number of quc:stkln.s about wnthcr condit ions and their eUecl o n huntillll and fishing if )'04 keep your ,eoord long enough. Is fishing really better witharisingbaromcler?

Will bass feed in SS degr« water? Do you flu sh more grouse on ca lm days or windy days? The more )'Ou think about ii . the more interesting things your record w1llshow)'ou.

Perhaps the ben 1hing about lhi5 record business. however . is the feeling you get u you look b.lck l llrough it . Yo u know lhat in yun to come. )'ou'II ge l ever rnore pleasure out of re-living each day·s adventure outdoors. To be swe, your record won't be JUSI a list of succcs.scs. My record alrndy contains many f1Shlcu and birdkss days.

I . Trip numbtr - trips arc numbered F l , F2, etc. lluntmg trips arc numbered with anti.

1. Tht>J:i tc . 3. The houusr,ent hunting or

fishmg. 7- 11 a.m .. ctc. 4 . The air 1cmpcraturc •

Fo r example, here's a Wllfm, sunny d1y bst October: In the results column I wrott, "No birds. no Oushcs, no shots fired :· But under .. Comments," I wrote, ''Aspcnsyc:lklw!'' It wu a beautiful day. and 1he aspen leaves were yellow as they shook apins1 the bright blue sky . That's enough lo ask of a day, and enough 10 rcmt1nbcr.

POINTER GYMNAST GARY SCHNEIDER concentro1es on !he side ho,se in the gymnastics mee1 held 01 1he fieldhovse losr Fridsi,y evening . The Pointers defected Eau Cloite and Wh,tewo ie, to even their confe1ence dvo l record at 4,,4,

Pioneers Top pie Wrestlers, 27 - 7

Powder Buffs Pointer Gymnasts Defeat Weekend Trip Whitewater And Eau Claire-

By Due Bur1on The WSU ·Stcvcns Point

wrestling squad, in a rut since the Mar,1uc11c meet.dropped ils second co nference meet ma row as they wtrc bombtd by the Pioneers o f Pbttc,·illc. 27-7, at PbucvLllc .

The Pointcn Sia.fled oul with 1"' 0 c:xh1b1tion vic to ries bul failed to score in varsity action unt il lht higher weight cl:isscs when a 2·:! 1ic by Jim Nomad at 167 and a pin by freshman J im Sobocmski at 177 finally broke: the: ice for Stevens Point .

Sobodnsld. a strong favorite for conference honors. had tied in his last two ou1ings but bounced b1ck to pin Den nis Dixon of Pbttcville In the: closing moments or the malch.

The Pointcn slipped 10 a HI dual record for the staso n and

Do you klMM the 5effl1 warning signals of cancer~

next sec WSUC act)On in the conference tournament Feb. 28 through Mar. I at ) ' b u cvillc.

123 · Jon Mart in (P) Beat Ron Campbc: ll(SP) 2-0.

130 - Cullen Carey (P) Pinned Don Rodzwc:ll (SP).

137 - Dwight Allb:i.ugh (P) Beat OcnnisRiedcl(SP) 2-0.

14S - Jctr Napp (P). Beat Rus.s Bue(SP)8-2.

IS2 • Bob Schan (P) Beat Eric Opperman (SP) 12-8.

160 • J im Pati (P) Beat Bob Hayden(SP) S·2.

167 • Jim Notst:ad (SP) Tied Bill Pranga( P).

177 • J im»l:i (SP) Pinned Dennis DU:on (P).

llv t. Wayne Dengler (P) Pinned Mel Glodowski (SP).

Platteville 27 Stevens Point 7

Ju" inc~ you don't : I. Unusu:al blttdin8 or dis­

'"'charge. l. A lump o r thick­ening in the brcai.1 or else· wt:e:'C. 3. A sore th.o.t docs not heal. 4. C ha na c: in bowel or bladder habits. S. Hoarseness o r cough. 6. In· diicstion o r d iffic ulty in )w1llowina. 7. Chanac in a w1r1or mole.

U I signal lasu longer than two wccb see your doc1or.

Guard those! you love. Gin to the American Cancer Society 8

Are Planning The Powder Buffs Sid Club is

pbnning a weekend ski 1rip , Mar. I and 2. to Po rcupine and lndianhcad Mts. Anyone wishing 10 go still do ,o by con tact ing Bob Lal1Q11u' (344-4374) or Lynn Slanley ()4 1-7 163).

The cost of the trip which includes t r:ansponation, lodging and two days lift tickets is S19 .SO. For :anyone lntc:res1ed, l here is an intcr<o llcgi:llc ski r.1ce scheduled for Sunday 11 lndi:anhc:ad Mountain .

" ROYAL HUNT" ... (rontin utd from pq, I J

youna Martin, Edward II . Smith as Piu rro ·s second-in-command - llc:rnando de Soto. Thomas Bass and Bruce A. Ptatz as lhe two pricstsinthcexpcditklnand John Gillc:sby of t he faculty as the king's representative-Miguel Estele.

Other mcmben or the cas1 include Sharo n An(lersonas lnl l, Bob Bbkcslcy IS Rodas. Gary C:OOk as Salinas, Robert Hartbcfl :n Manco. Richard Hose IS f'elipillo, Judi Iris IS Oello, Eliott Keener as Dieao, Vnn Kenas as Pedro, JCTT)' Kocni& as the Hcadnun . James Lud111ig as Villac Umu. Ed Lukuzcwicz u Vasa, Mark Nicdzoillowski as Chai uchima , Bill Nelson as a ief, J im Reidenbach as O ingo, Abn Stelbaum u Candia and Clifford V1ux11 J uan.

Donna Ellen Nowak, a j unior dnma major , will be assisting Dr. Faul.k.nn.


t3 19 Strong s Avtt . 344-7058

Fashionable Men's Clothing Sprina and Summ« Fcr1hions Anivlng Dolly

JUSf. ARRIVED: - A New Shipment of

•* .. II &oNom.1

* Edwordion SpCN1 Coats

* Troditiono.l D. I . lknffl

* Short SINv• Dl'ffs Shifts

* IEACH WEAi 14 Spring Vocation)

Th e gym~s,ic learn o r Stevens Point State Univcrsil y swept to I double victo ry Friday evening at the: WSU ficldh ousc by g outdistancing Whitcwa1c1 and Eau Claire behind a show of depth.

The Poinlen !Otalcd 101.64 points to Eau Claire's 87.46 and Whitewaicr's 78.86 to come away with 1hc:doublcvictory.

" The team as a whole wu no t pleased with its performance:;· Po inter coach Bob Bowen re l ated . .. We've had , performances be tte r than this one. We had expected to beat both these teams by a higher score."

Guy Schnckler and Paul De Chant led Che: Po inlcn, each picking up 2S points while compcling in all six of the events. Mike Weinstein added 14 points in the 1wo evc:nu he panicipated in and John


HANNON PHARMACY 1003 Main St. 300 Division

Schnicssh.tidl4. Wc:instc111 and Schiess were

the: only Point winnen in the meet . Wcinslcin winning the floor cxcrciK and Schiess lhe high bar.

The two also took seconds u did Ruu Sdbonki . Weins1ein was second in k>ng hortc . Schiess !id:~:~ bars and Sciborsk( in

Thirds went to Schneide r in side hone. floor exercise, kl"' horse and high bar and De Chant instillrings,andparallcl ban.

De Chant in side horse and Larry OcPons in hi&h bar finished with fourth pl1ce1 and

Steve Koester added the only fifth in parallel bus.

Bowen had fllisc for his J)f'rformers. "Schiess did better tonight and is slowly recovering from his early season injury. Schneider wu the complete oompclitor apin and Sdborslcl on side horse twt very few mWC$ )'cl f1iled to top his llig.h score of last wedt .

..Also. Weinstein, who has been· hampered with that shoulder injury, sboukl be able to oompete in a ll .around by next w«kend. He will be polbhina up his performa nce all next week in readiness."


"T wo (wench fwies, a 'nilla shake . .. "

IT'S NOT THE WAY YOU SAY IT . .. In any lan1ua1e, Bura:er Chet brst• t ruts brste 1mt. Like the aolden brown trench frie;s served pipin1 hot. Or the rich, thkk shakes served frosty cold. And they' re just two of the wholesome Bura:er Chef taste truts -111 of which are served quickly. Stop by today. When it .

~~;~. 641 Division Stlfff

LET'S ALL GO TO BURGER CHEF r,.lldll ......... 11.w. Ha1~ 11~~ 4UOZ

Clark Announces · Baseball Schedule

By Tim Laach

C:01ch Jim Cbrlt recent ly announced lhls year's Pointer ba1eb1ll schedule. The Polnicrs will not lake I touthern trip this year bc:cau,e of 1 1hor1qe of fu nds , but will take o n such powerful foes a the University

o f Minnesota and the University of Wbcondn .

Also, a new ruling 1hls year cal ls for a round-robin conference acbcdule , wilh the Po in t ers meeting each co nferen ce member in a doubleheader. The 1ehedule ii u follows:

1969 BASEBALL SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT Aprll4 ATWinona(2)• Aprils ATMinnesota(2) April 1 AT Lawrence (I} April 11 S1 . o rbcrt,(2), I p.m. • • · April 12 AT Lewis College (111.) , (2) April I) AT Lewis(!)

~~~ :; w~~~~~ : ~R: :::: ~~j ~: ~i ~l~~me HI ~:~ to E:~~~!: ~n:: ~::· May 13 AT Univ. ofWbc. (2) May 16 AT Stout May 11 AT River FaJls May 19 N.A.I .A. District 14 Best of Three l'l:iyoU

at llome o fWSUC Champ. •fndicates 1he number or games to be: played .. All home games to be played at Bukolt Park

Your New York Life Agent in Stevens Point is Adele Schein Tow n No m• - STEVENS POINT

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OPEN: Mon · Wed. · Fri. 'TII 9 1 "50 STRONGS AVE. 3< 1-1 n7

Page 8: SERIES VIII , VOL. 12 Regents Approve Black Center Plan · new president. Regent W. Roy Kopp . Pl:iucvilk was e\cctcJ to succeed Mwphy as president. With Regent Kopp sueci:ed1n~ Murphy


TH E PO INTER February 27, 1969


Pointers Sweep Pair From· Platteville, Oshkosh S"i!t New Record Against ·Pioneers

By TimLu eh (u.,,h Uoh >.1uq;l'I'~ w11hl .52 lcft.

y, Sll ,M,·H·ns l'mnt t>.1sJ..ctb.11l l' lattevilk was ro,ctd to fou l, 1,•.1111 1•1cJ..,•,I 1111 .ino l lwr 11nJ lht sh:ady lkFauw pr ovtd 11111•011.1111 , · 1~101) lut the wron1 choice :u he sank-a v..-,ln,•,,l.1). h•t, \'I. ddeat1ng pi1r of ch1111ty IOS!.CS 111·ith 44 'o\Sl '· l'Liu,•,1lk . ll0-b7. on thc St'conds k rt . Sn-onJs la tl'r, hc l.111.-r\ horn,· noor :. rccurJ lamr bild with a th1ce po,n t )l.'lllnllH:rform.1nc,· play , anJ thcnsank a free thfow

1 h,.· 111111 .1110111.-J the 1'01111.-rs on :& trchniul foul assnsed hi l'lll. Ill' half .1 gam.- on "lk :.g:1.rnst l'I.Utev1Ue, g1v1ng !ht Stout "'ho pla)cd 1 ... 1,-,. the l' o 1n1 c1s an insurmounlabk 1•n•,1ou, "ccJ..rnJ ,,.h,k Jhc 7g.65 lud wil h on ly..lJ st.:onds l'ornkn.,,.en· 1Jlc SteH·ns l',nnt ldt · rn.rcued lh rnnkrrnce record IXFauw ad ded the l'o m ters tu 11 ·1, .iii c,unpmreJ "''1th fmal baskt t onm byup 111omen1 s Stout·~ 1.1. ~ m:uk Th,: l'ointcr) I.Ill'! , aml the Pointers c;iptured o-c ull m.irJ.. 10~,: to 17.4 w11h an impreuivt wm. 1h,• ""Ill Toni K111tnth:ak r aga 111 pacl'd

In 11ruh;ihl) the 1011i;hu1 t he l'oin ttr scoring. att:ack wilh i:,im,· the l\nnter.i h;m,• been .?4 pomU desp11t sustarnmg ii

U1\l1heJ Lil all K:&Son long, the thigh IIIJUI)' in the second half

Crush T~ans, 99-74, In Final Home Game

By Tim L111

WSU-Stevens Point pulled contest , ouucor;ing . the ·ncanr away rrom WSU·Oshkosh 23·9 in the last 11,; 1111n11tu. midway through the tc,ond half Coach Krueger clcueJ the

and wrn t on to whip the visi1ors, :~c~1/p0:~e::e~~·:n ~:~~~

ft/;e: 1?;, '~he ~~t~~lC1a~f a dtc1sivc 99.74 wm Sat urday evening 1 1 the Tom R1txc:nthakr added 13 Fieldhouse . marktn in 1hc scconJ half to

The .-lctory rffl<'J the fimsh with 29, a season high for Po inters ' record 10 13·2 in the t he Poin1en . lie saJtL1 2 of 21 WSUC and 18-4 ovcull, whik atttmpu and convert ed 5 o r 6 the visiting Titans dropped to rre e throws. Senior guard 4 - 11 a nd 5- 1 5 n1ark s, DcFauw w» 1hc next or five rcspcc livrly . Le1goc: Jc1Jin1 Poin ten ro finish in do.ublc: Stout nuulcd Kher Falls, figur es, netting 15 pomts. 103 -73, to fmilh 14·2 in Jnctudlng 9 of 10 chant )' tosses confertncc . and contributed another fine ,

1c.!1:~~: o~~!~: of~:~:n,!:,~ stcas: n~~o; 1fe~!~ 1 added 14

holdi ng a 13.7 tdgr after the: points before fouling out in the first five mlnu1c:s o f play, bu! second half Ktn Rittenlhiilcr !:·::':~:;:) r:~i..~1.: ~~~~i.~,"l."~l~~ }:~*::°~~J O:!o~0 ,~~ 1~tt~f';

1<>.1J hJunr; }\'I to l<»C" on .in) f1ec 1hro10S opponent'~ homt floor Semor 1tUard lkfauw had his

Oshkosh rallied 10 1ie the scort con1 r ibuted 11 poinls and J atl1withll · 13kftinthehalf. llulhCJ 10 . The 6.S post man

Moments later , Ken VerGowe rartly shot in the con1ut illld set Sh·•·,·n\ l'ou11·sshoot1ng Imm hnt O\'tlllll 1PmC of the Kason.

th,• 0..10,,,.a}ot1WanJ111g.10SJ> scb11111 a pcn.onal high of 21 lh,• J,•J,t SrnJ..rni: JO of onl} 4c, pornb, 11 of which ntne in lht' Jlh·m1•h 1h,· l\.11nh·n. bh~kr,·,I ~ron,I hnlf "'hen t hc outro1m• th,· n,·h JI J 1>S: .:hp. erJ)mt; of 1hr contest was Y<"r)' much 111 th,· ,1 IJ cunfr n:n(<' mJ rk ur c,J-1 ,loubt l k sank 6 of 1 floor ,ti,·, hJJ "'t Ji;arnst Ri,-.·r FJJI, shot~ and ~ of 11 f1c<" thro"" l.1,1 >•·.11 Jltl'll111h ,kspuc 1111.ssmi: hn; fust

11 \OJ) 101111nJh' th,• l'omtn~ t""o 1110 Van&.•n lleuwal hit SIii. ,.,.n• slk,otmi; ,.,.II, oo ... ,,·er, o f mnc f1dJ gNI a11empu and h.:,.1u)I,.· th,·> lo)! th<" b~II :4 hnl s heJ with 14 pom ts tuii.·• ,111 tumo,eo. enough 10 Ck'ml·nts hit fou r of S1l1 , ~ n k,.,.. m.111} l•allµrn,·1 K1ttenthJkl t"' o o f lhrec, .1nd

h•m R1l1(nth.1l,·r anJ Kus~ M1J..c ll ughe$ 1,,. 0 of only four 1>,: l .111"' ,.irm•d th,· s,011ng lo;hl .11wmp1s 10 help ~I th( Shooting l1111h,• l',11n1rn, hut C,1.('1p!J1m re,'Ord • \l1J.. .. llui:h,·) anJ 1'.1ln1t'1 l\ ugh(:S h:1.Ja fine rrboundmg ( km.:nh anJ stJrlcu Quinn 11.:11110:. 1rn1lmJ do""n 14 c:i roms \ .111,l,·n lt ,·u•·.11 anJ Ken .tes111t( th,• hct lhlt the shorter ll.1IH'n\hJk1 .1U nwk J..,•) l'101wtrs hdJ a 38·29 edge in ,ont11!,u11uni ttl thc t,·am l'ffort l bJt dq1111mo:n1.

)tar:'.1';l!~;:~rro~(t1{fci1l':.r~~ Kn::11:~,:~"..:~t; fin~·st~J ~~h ~f

th,· fll,t 1,•11 1111nu10 H Tom poml~. but he hit on only 9 o f Kil/\'nlhakr SJnJ.. four .lO a1tcn1111J ·Dan Tmnon Wl)

.inJ \JnJ(nlku•Jl and <.'k1m·nts lh<" onl)' oilier 1'1onee1111 Joubk t10 tl eJ,h (1gurt'S, hlltmg 10 poin ts.

l'U1tn1Jlc r Jm< l>J.J.. behmd Thr hos t P1onetrs 111:inagl'd th,· ),0111111 <'I f J1m I :i,,. ,ngn and Jg more shots th:.1n the Po1ntc1s. Jll,onkrcn,·c Doug Knutson to but hll on only 16 of 8 4 , m 11,· th,· )u.1r,• JI :s ""Ith 314 mcJiocrr .307 . kt1. hut .1 thn·,: .pom1 plJ) b) Wuh the loss, Pl:lttC\'1llc Tom K111rn1hakr .inJ a long dropp,:J to rc;;o rJs of 9.5 in the JUllll'•' r b) Ckm,·111) '<")torcd th,• WSUC und 11 -8 o,·erall. l'rnntctkJd,11h1chrca,·hcdmnt pomt• h> hJl1t111w. Jo-~7

fum H.1itl'nthJk1 pa1:tJ tht l'um1,•t) "'Ith IJ m thcopemng half. J1J1•d l>) C'k111cnu "'llh 8 . Knuhon !nl tht host P1ono:trs "'Ith II marl.en

STt~\ ' t; Ns l 'OINT f 'O f'T T l'

Hui:hu ............. 2 4·8 8 T . Hil.unthnt,r .... 10 4 ·) :u. \'andtn H,u,·al .... 6 2·3 H ~t~auw __ 6 9·1Z 21 K Rll.u-nlhaler ... 2 0·2 4 Cltmenls ... _ ......... .f 1·2 9 Henning ·"--··-- 0 0.0 O W"tphal ...... ·-·-· 0 O·O 0

TOTALS ........ 30 20·33 80

PAlMEII CLEMENTS (42), CO·:op1c,111 of 1he Pointers. lcops w,rh 1eornmo1e Run OeFc1uw for 1h1s rebound in losl Sot· u,duy's gome w ith Oshl..osh. 01he1s shown include Tom R11?erHholer {521 Mike Hughe, {44), ond O umt1 Vcinden


Wt ll , )'OU nnght Sil)' thc1 c w:i s :a httk "h:111 1.)'·p:inky" going on at l'll tte,· illt lut wc.:k, but in thl" ,·nJ It 'A.I~ tlw Pionerrs who j!Ot all boogtrcJ-up , And I 'm snot J..1ddmi,! '

The Po1111trs ht'lpl'li lh t" fans lo""o:r theu wh1h: h:ink1,·s br shool ing the: t)'O:S out of l h~· basket :ind )e[Ung J new conferl'ncc rick! goal marl,;. . •

I think the ,...·o rds of the 111,;1111 1ar1ct o f 1h~· stunt {White llank it Night) prett y 111·cll sum111cd up my frebngs ~bout such :i punk 10 bt'

l'l1tt,·• dl,• l'Cgan 10 ptd. 1"':1.} JI th,• l'omlers kad. and ,11111 tu foe . .IS ,40. "'llh 14 . 11 kft. 11tkJ h) numerous l'omler tu1no\C1,. hut 1),• Fau"" unk a long iump,·r anJ Tom K1110:nth.1lcr JJlkd a b:iskc t and .1 tlu.:,• pomt pby 10 ~vc !ht ~~'.~~·r,, )um,· breathing room,

l'LA'ITE\'11.Lt: FO PT

l .<l\>A'lngcr ............ 2 4·6 Tr pnnttd in D :i.choo\ newspaper. Mike ll ughes tl· rm<'d 11 "cheap," and

8 that 'siust what it ,,! e Thc l'omtcrs sermeJ to h3vc rrgaincJ t hat cJrly.s.•ason for rn,Jnd 8 if l hcy kee p playing like those last frw minutes against Oshkosh , I

l.udkR ................ 2 2•2 L('onu ...... . 2 4. 4

~hJ"'J)' through lht' ~cond h.111 . .1 J1)\urb:mcc took 111:i,em lhe ,1anJ~ .is k>'er;al black

,l tuJo:nt) tou11ht "'tlh pobrc :ind ~::~ute~.1, hdJ up for f\\·e

Klnlll .............. l 0-0 Knutson ............... 9 3.4 Stt tfrn ............... l l • I

2} ~~:t~c~htJP ~~ro,:eth~or::!~~s ~~:; . :s few more games and make

Dro,.•n .......... --.... I O·O Tinnon ~ ·o.o Notlolr ·-"····· 3 1·1

TOTALS ·----. .26 1)·18

' tO 7


I h,· l'um t(n hdd lcJJS of ~t Ste••tnl!I Point _ .... 36 H o kot I: pumh unlll thc l~st ,,,.o PIRll t\•ille ....... ::n 40-67 minute~ "'hen~ l'1oneer ially cut Totnl Fouls: Plalle••1lle z~. th,• Jd1,1t to on\) n1nr, 7 2·65. Sttvcn.11 Point 13. •

Point Grappling T earn Loses Meet; 24-17


Ste\Cn 1'01111·sw!esthngsqUJJ opponent and was pinned aft er cndrd a long season Saturday 3S lemding4.(l," ·

Flynn Robinson bl'c'n so;ncthmi d sc: for tht MilwJukt't Bucks asof late ,scormg 45 , 43 and 41 poin t, in thc bs1 thn•t gamu Now lht Milw:iukrc p:ip,:rs !.l'em rnort womcd thal the Bud:s will lose: their shot al Lew Akmdor than bemi; hlpp)' 111·11h the Bucks' reeentsucccsscs.

ll appears that l'urduc has the BQt Ten b:isketball crown in it s hll' pocke t . Rici: Mount has to bl.· the bo:s1 outsiJc shot in :i ll of college ba.skc tb:ill. faery tum tries to sto p him, but he still ge ts 30 poin ts :i game . ·

Look for UCLA to t3ke us third 11r:lighl NCAA crown.

Good . Luck to t he Po in1cr 3thlctk lt"Jms ,ompcting in oonfrrcnce metU this weekend .

Heuvol fpartiolly hidde<'I 'behind DeFovw) of the Pointers o nd T,runs ' Steve Young (lo DeFouw's lehl, Jeff Stong 1201, o nd R1 clc Rehm 1341 !M1lco Dominowski Photol

Three Records Fall As Swimmers Win

By John Breneman '

Freshman Bill Schutten o f GrccnficlJ kl two new Stevens Poinl pool rc:cor({s in lnding the Pointcn to a vktory m a sw11nmmg met t hekl al th r Ftdllhouse Fridmy evening. Final Sl'Orc was S1evc:ns Pomt 83, Whi~watcr S6 and Michigan Tech 35 .

Sch'u tt cn·s rcco rJ sc:lling l)C'rforman,cs nmc in the 1000 yard freestyle with a lime of 11 :23.1 and in the 50Q yard frcestylcwitha timtofS :3 1.

In aJ,:htion, the 400 yard frcnl)·lc rtlay t~am also broke tht rxisting record . Roll Schniufnagd. Jack Sul hff, Bob Maass and kff Page ls eclipscJ 1hc formc, record o f 3: 34.4 by 4,onds.

The Pointcrs finished one,two in three evcn1s. Tom Rotp finishrd Krond to Schutt tn 1n the 1000. Suthff won tht '200 yarJ freutylc in l :S8.J with l'agcls right bchinJ hin1. A. I Koschmann took the 200 yard breaststroke in 2:27.8 with Larry Edwards in scconJ .

of 2: 16.J. Mark Kau5alik in diving with 203.6 points 111d Bob Schwtn~I in thr 200 yarJ b1ckstroke;who •..-as clockeJ in 2: 18 .

The 400 ysrd medley relay 1nm, compoKJ of .Bob Bulike, D~n Neller. l'im Siebert and Mark Brodhagtn fmishcd Keond to Whitewater.

Third pbcts 111·ere picked up by Mike Al]ie)' l.'I in Jiving, Maau in the 200 yarJ bunerfly. Bulikt in !ht 200 yard bad:stroke and Roip in lhc 500 yard freestyle .

Finishing fourth were Neller m !he: 50 yuJ frc:CU)'IC, Bu tike in the 200 )'Ud indivklua l medley , Joe Moyer in the 200 ysrJ bullerfl)' and Brodhagen in thc:\ JOOyard frcest)'le .

This was the final home mttt for Netzer , a senior from Rhinelander. and Bulilr:t ,a k nior from Kenosha.

they Sroppcd !he season fin:ilc 11 S Dick Sorenson (SP) but lo Michigan Tech 24· 17 31 Rick Acker man (MT) , 4-0. lloughto n, Mich. The Pointers \ 23 Ro n Campbdl (S P) beat

Try 10 hold bmck yow tears as you read this . Elkhorn had Its lint losin~ snson in basketball in 15 )'ea rs, but several other of your ravontcs wtn: mort succc:ssful. ll urk:y won its lint g; in four O t h e r r i r s t p I act Y.e~,s (Thl:Y_'re too busy wi th othcr things up therr), Princeton performances were tumtd in by

ooJcd their JUJI meet season Rick Pullman (MT), 3·2. wit h :i 2- 11 1cco1J . 130 Dan Rodiwell (SP) k>st

full'lhed their second stra ight pc1fect conference s,cuon (0· 14). and Schraurnagtl in ! he 50 yard it wu "heard" th.:u t he State De:,( School lost their lul game:. frctstyle with a lime o f 23 .4 :

The l'ointcrs. now in to Greg Ha user O,IT). 6-0. prepar.uion for th<" conference 131 Dennis RieJel (SP) k>SI to

Look for t he folk>wing teams al the State Meet at Mad ison· Bob Muss in the 200 yard lkloil , KimtH;r ly, Eau Clair<" Memorial, La Crosse Ctnlnl , t ilh<"; indMdua l .medley with a lime rnc:e t !ht$ weekend, gained fl\·c Nr;s\Soll H,IT), 3.2.

victories to take a 11·16 lcaJ 145 Russ Bue (SP) forfci!cd

~Wedi~ vl~1~n::';,~b~:0Jcb~ to Dave Byrd (MT).

MUwilukte Lincoln o r ManhaU, a Fo,; River Valk)' Conference ~------~-.-.--------, team, GUdJen, Monti«llo, and a few others to rnake up for 1he Oll('S

Dkk Sorrnson at 115, Ron Ma~~ t !~f?ff1\~-0~SP) beat Cllmpbcll at 123, Eri Opperman 160 Bob Hayden (S P) pinned at 152, Jim NolSt:id by a pin al by Arnie Hart (t,IT).

I wuwrongon,

167 and Jim Sobocinsld at 111. 167 Jim Notsud (SP) pinned p • t co~~!~~cd ~:t ~-fhc t ~i~~ Ma1~?.Ji! 'tc,1~inski (SP) bl'at O I n er s :i:~ A~~ict~fut:r' ~~e ':fi~fe~ Tom Bryak (t,IT), 7.2. .

In Action ~ jnts g~~ ,~;Jcn°n

1/ ':;~~ Ro~9~~{~~~;~~ (SP) kut to. SWIMMING ·Confc:rencdltt t at Superior, Fridayand 5:J turday.

~~)'c'!.%'e~!!IY lhe second pin in r';_~~-~_._,_~_:~_i_~_,b<_•;_t_ .. }r_l_.'_')_W_RE_S_T_LI_NG_. Co_,,_"_'"_"_'_'"_'_"_'_"_'"-~-lk ..... ·' .. ".::''.:'.:"" .. "::'::"'::' '::.;,Y· C1'GJ~1!~i

1:r~rm!!t ... r;;M:: but fo rced to give away 90 pounds 10 his Tech


Conte.-. On~rall \\' L \\' L

Slout • 14 2 19 3 Stevens Point 13 2 18 3 ~uClalre II 4 14 7 PLa.uevllle 10 ii 12 a River Falls" 7 9 10 12 L&CnlNo 4 11 7 I( 0.hkoah ... 11 & l& Superior" 4 12 7 13 Whitewater 2 l3 3 17 •eonrcrence seuon completed.


THURSDAY: Admission 75¢

·Portion and the Soul Lids Dif'Kt ),om Kon101 City - 4 Guys o nd 2 Go!,-,.

Friday - The Corner_ Adm. SOc

Saturday-The Easy Street - Adm. SOc


ONE HEE 12-0Z.

Soft Drink With the purchase of ONE

li cho,ds Hombu,ver

gave the visitors whit was up his 1cammatcs with fine Jcumed 10 be their o nly lead or passing and concentrated on the evening, 19,11, with a rebo11nd1n1. pullu11 down 13 10 basket . lead the: Poin ters 10 11 45 -29 edgt

The l'o lntcn rtpined the on th<' boards. lead, for good, 24·23, wi th6 : 13 Sung Jed lht v1si 1ors with ltft , and s1caJlly beaan to pull somr fmc ouuidc shoo1m1 and away behind the hOI shoo1[ng of several steals, bul «>0lcd off sophomorn Tom Kittcnthakr somewhat 3ftct a fast start in the and Qumn Vandc:n lleuval. With Keond half lie finJJheJ with 19 only 5 1 Kt-onds left in 1he half. pomis, one o f fi vt' Tiuns 10 h.11 !he: Poinl<"I'$ ltd, 44-32, b111 a double figures. Cent<"! Btll bukt l anJ two free throws b)' Schwartz added 13, and B1ll Mike: ~!:alone b rought the Titans Youn1, Vr1 Go"'<", and Malon e: wuhin eight points, 44-36, at had I~ pom tsnth halftime In a prehm1nary pme. Coach

Tom Ru1enthaltr hit wrll Pete Kuson'1 l'ornter freshman from all 3n&lcs and distances and. team lost to 1he Oshkosh scored ii total o f 16 points in 1he yearhnp, 85·15 They trailed by half to lead the Pointers. lie got 13 points 111 the sco.:onJ half , s tr ong suppor t fr om 52·39, b111 ullic:J to w11hin Vandenlltuval with 10 and Kuss three, 65,62, bcfor( Oshkosh DcFauw "'ith 9. pulled a"'a) agam

M3IOntlcdlhtTitanswith 10 rnthc:optmngstanu .

Oshkosh came o ut in the St'cond hJlf :ti t hough thty mc:an1 to 1aJ..t chu~ of the gamt and soon took adwantage or the Poin1ers' , pteeilrious pcrsonill foul 11111:ition . Mike llugh cs, Vanden l lcuval. and OtFauw all h:sd three ptrsonals and thu hun the Pointers it bounding.

Transftr s1udcn1 Jeff Stang led th t nuns nlly wllh four field goals which cut 1hc l'oin1en lead to only four. 53..49,w!lh 14 ·59 lc:fl

Co<aptain Hughes turned the tide for the Pointers, as it turned out. with a hook shot . Bob Ht'nn1ng added a dnv1n1 layup 10 gh·c th<" Pointers a 61·54 tJgc, but moments later, llughu p1cktd up his fourth personal on a foulwi1h 11:JO left. Thi." !tams played on even rcrms for the ncd six minutes btforcthe Pointers put on J closing flurry 1h11 nearly blew tht visitors right out of the

STt:n :NS l~r•r...,. Tr' Hughf"II .5 0·4 10 T . Rll:unt hlller 12 &·6 29 Vandl'n H tlwA I 7 0·0 H K. Rllzenlhan.-r .. 4 3·6 II Clemtni. 1 O·O 2 Henning 3 0·1 8 Wt,tphlll . 0 2•3 2 Mallon ....... 0 2·2 2 Siewe rt ........... 0 O·O 0 Carberry 1 2·l 4 Amon110n O 0·1 0 Blsnehrleld 2 0-0 4

TOTALS ···-· 38 23-37 99


Stang ....... --··-·· 7 Sc.hwnru -···- .5 Ver Gowe ··-·-··· .. ~ MA.lone . . •. 4 Rf'hm 0 Klt:inschmldt O H ild .... 0 Simon .• I Yo11ng .. .. 4 Rnct' .. 0 Lotsl .......... 0

TOTALS ....... 26

Pr Tr )•1 19 3.3 13 2-3 12 ..... 12

~:~ g 2·2 2 O·O 2 4.,f 12 0-0. 0 O·O 0

22·!7 74

~~~h~~en~~~: s~:~:~s ,i~ ~~~~c;:h Point ···-··· .. ;: g:_~ surgie u the Pornten con1plctt'ly Total FouU: Oahkoah 2:i, dominatC"d the rest or tht Point %2.

Margaret's Bridal Shop

Comer Portage ond North Third