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Rectory: 170 Mechanic Street Leominster, Massachusetts Telephone (978) 537-6541 / 537-6542 / 537-6543 Parish Website: / Like St Cecilias Church on Facebook Parish Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday 9 am - 5 pm and Friday 9 am - 4 pm Religious Education (C.C.D) Office Telephone (978)537-5596 Bingo Telephone: (978)537-5596 September 29, 2019 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday Vigil Masses: 4:00 & 6:30 P.M. Sunday Masses: 7:00, 9:45, and 11:15 A.M. Weekday Masses (Monday - Saturday): 6:30 A.M. Holy Day Masses: As Announced In Bulletin Rev. Robert D. Bruso Pastor Rev. Mateus Souza Associate Pastor Deacon Ronald J. Aubuchon Deacon Robert S. Connor, Jr. Confessions: Fridays, 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Saturdays, 3:00 - 4:00 P.M. Baptisms: Please call the rectory in advance to schedule baptismal instruction. Marriages: Couple should contact the rectory at least one year in advance. A marriage preparation program is required. Mrs. Paula Doucet Director of Religious Education Mr. David M. Lasky Organist

September 29, 2019 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-27 · 2 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019 Saturday September

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Page 1: September 29, 2019 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-27 · 2 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019 Saturday September

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

Rectory: 170 Mechanic Street Leominster, Massachusetts Telephone (978) 537-6541 / 537-6542 / 537-6543

Parish Website: / Like St Cecilia’s Church on Facebook Parish Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday 9 am - 5 pm and Friday 9 am - 4 pm

Religious Education (C.C.D) Office Telephone (978)537-5596 Bingo Telephone: (978)537-5596

September 29, 2019 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebration of the Eucharist

Saturday Vigil Masses: 4:00 & 6:30 P.M. Sunday Masses: 7:00, 9:45, and 11:15 A.M. Weekday Masses (Monday - Saturday): 6:30 A.M. Holy Day Masses: As Announced In Bulletin

Rev. Robert D. Bruso Pastor

Rev. Mateus Souza

Associate Pastor

Deacon Ronald J. Aubuchon Deacon Robert S. Connor, Jr.

Confessions: Fridays, 6:00 - 7:00 P.M.

Saturdays, 3:00 - 4:00 P.M.

Baptisms: Please call the rectory in advance to

schedule baptismal instruction.

Marriages: Couple should contact the rectory at

least one year in advance. A marriage preparation program is required.

Mrs. Paula Doucet Director of Religious Education

Mr. David M. Lasky Organist

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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

Saturday September 28 Vigil Mass Mass on pg. 125

4:00 p.m. Emile Maillet (1st anniv.) by his wife & family 6:30 p.m. Roger Brideau by Shelly (Gould) Akatyszewski & family

Sunday September 29 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass on pg. 125

7:00 a.m. Laurie LeBlanc (15th anniv.) by Norman & Gloria Charpentier

9:45 a.m. Al & Lena Mittola (anniv.) by their daughter, Tina Mittola

11:15 a.m. Mark (21st anniv.) & Cathy (11th anniv.) Fortier by Leo & Jeannine Fortier

Monday September 30 St. Jerome, Priest & Doctor Mass on pg. 130

6:30 a.m. Deceased members of the Plourde & Brow families by the family

Tuesday October 1 St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin & Doctor Mass on pg. 132

6:30 a.m. No Mass at St. Cecilia’s - 7:30 a.m. Mass at St. Anna’s

Wednesday October 2 The Holy Guardian Angels Mass on pg. 133

6:30 a.m. No Mass at St. Cecilia’s - 7:30 a.m. Mass at St. Anna’s

Thursday October 3 Weekday Mass on pg. 135

6:30 a.m. Raymond Allard (4th anniv.) by Donna Allard & Francis Wada

Friday October 4 St. Francis of Assisi Mass on pg. 136

6:30 a.m. Helena Eagle by Helen Saball

1:30 p.m. Mass at LaPierre East in the Community Room

6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Confessions

Saturday October 5 Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Priest Mass on pg. 138

6:30 a.m. Samuel James Joseph Morin by Gloria Goodnow

3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Confessions

Vigil Masses Mass on pg. 139 4:00 p.m. Ernest & Theresa Vaillette by the family

6:30 p.m. George Hoffman by the Connor family

Sunday October 6 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass on pg. 139

7:00 a.m. Santos Pedroza (24th anniv.) by the family

9:45 a.m. Ronald Stebbins (14th anniv.) by the family

11:15 a.m. William “Bill” McDonald (2nd anniv.) by his family

Mass Intentions

The annual blessing of pets in honor of St. Francis of Assisi

will this Saturday, October 5, at 10:00 AM

in the rectory parking lot.

All pets must be on a leash or in a cage.

Page 3: September 29, 2019 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-27 · 2 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019 Saturday September


Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

A Message From Our Pastor.

Dear Friends,

Today’s parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man is one of those unforgettable stories like the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan that only Luke recorded. When you say, “Lazarus and the Rich Man” most people know exactly what you’re talking about, even if they don’t know much Scripture. That’s because it is so clear cut and dramatic. There’s no gray. It’s either black or white.

It is so clear so that we don’t have any excuses. We can’t expect to arrive at the Pearly Gates and say, “I didn’t know about that helping our brothers and sisters in need part.” Yes you did, or you weren’t paying attention.

So many people at St. Cecilia Parish are outstanding examples of Christian charity – in special collec-tions, in diocesan fund drives, in individual support of our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. The good that this little group of volunteers does is way out of proportion to their numbers. They can do so due to your support. The heart of Christian charity beats strong at St. Cecilia Parish.

But there are other Lazaruses at our door that we may be neglecting. Not that we pass by those with material needs, but sometimes we can’t see the emotional and psychological needs of others. St. Teresa of Calcutta said the United States was the poorest nation she had ever been to, because so many people lived alone, so many had been abandoned by their families, so many babies were killed by their mothers through abortion, so many had lost themselves through addiction. These are the Lazaruses of today. These are the ones who are calling out to us.

They may be calling to us in the form of the former neighbor, now in a nursing home, with no visitors. They may be calling to us in the voice of the lonely old widower who tries to make conversation at the deli line in the grocery store and we ignore him. They may be calling to us in the form of a drug addicted nephew who has stolen from us to buy drugs and we won’t help them if they are trying to get straight, which is not the same thing as enabling them.

So many people in our parish and throughout the City work together to save the lives of unborn children. We need to all be united in our efforts, whether Catholic or not, or even non—believer. We need to never become discouraged by what we see as a lack of success. The greatest victory is already being won and we have turned the corner on abortion in the United States. The victory won’t come in the legislature of Massachusetts, where they can’t kill babies fast enough, but in the human heart. The calm and reasoned explanations of the horrors of abortion has struck a cord with today’s young people. In 2018, there were fewer abortions in the United States than any year since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Young people are getting the message that it is a baby, not a blob of cells, that lives in a womb, even if some of their elders are stuck in an outdated, pre-Ultrasound world. The pro-life workers need to be encouraged and supported by the entire community, and they need to be reminded, when the feel beaten down like Lazarus, that they are on the winning side of history and they deserve our thanks.

Continue to be generous in meeting the material needs of those struggling to get by, of course. But don’t forget the power you have to lift people up and feed their souls with your kindness and your smile.

God bless you,

Father Bob Bruso

The Sympathies of the parish

community are extended to the

family and friends of

Victor J. Albert and

Lucy M. Blanchflower

whose Funeral Masses were held recently.

Please remember them in your prayers.

The Congratulations

of the parish

community are extended to

Lindsey Richard and

Ian Randall

who were married recently.

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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

OUR LADY, HEALTH OF THE SICK, PRAY FOR US Please pray for those who are ill, especially:

Nancy Arsenault, Romeo Arseneault, Fay Brooks, Marie Cyr, Ginette LeBlanc, Jim McNamara, Robert Saudelli, Job Turini and Katrina. If you know someone who needs prayers, call the rectory and we will add them to our list for a month.

Religious Education

This Sunday Open House for parents and participants in Grades 1 - 6, light refreshments to be served! Classes continue on Sunday, October 6th from 9:45 AM – 11:00 AM. Families are encouraged to attend the 11:15 AM family Mass as a continuation of the children’s faith formation. Open House for parents and teenagers in Grades 7 - 10 on Monday,

September 30th from 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM. Pizza & beverages provided!

Please remember the doors are locked 15 minutes after classes start. Please call the Religious Ed. Office at 978-537-5596 to ask the monitor to open the door.

Confirmation Candidates:

There will be a meeting for the confirmation candidates and their parent(s) on

Sunday, October 6th from 7:00 - 8:00 PM in the Parish Center. Please contact

Paula with any questions at 978-537-6541 or at [email protected].

Welcome! In a spir it of joyful

hope we welcome

Emily Mae Illsley

into our parish family by baptism

as she begins her life of faith here within our

parish community.

The Rosary Is Prayed Monday thru Friday

at 3:00 p.m. in the church.

Please Join Us!

Public Square Rosary Rally October 12 at 12:00 Noon At Carter Park on Main St.

(across from St. Leo’s Church)

Public Prayer is Very Powerful in Times of Public Tragedy and Suffering.

Please Join Us.

For more information contact Laura Casey at 508-331-5888.


This Tuesday at 6:00 PM At the Rectory

All parishioners are welcome to attend.

Lector Schedules and

Eucharistic Minister Schedules (for those who don’t receive

them electronically)

are available for pickup in the Sacristy.

Thank you for your service!

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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

It’s Coming - Only 6 weeks away! ST. CECILIA’S CHRISTMAS IN ACADIA FAIR

FRIDAY, 11/8 FROM 5-9PM & SATURDAY, 11/9 FROM 11AM-7:30PM

Ladies of St. Anne Meeting will be held next Wednesday, October 9 at 7 PM in the parish center lower hall. We are looking forward to hearing from our guest speaker, Fr. Mateus Souza. Christmas and Thanksgiving booth items for the Christmas in Acadia Fair may be brought in at that time. We will be discussing the upcoming bake sale to be held on October 26 and 27.

Please attend this very important meeting. New members always welcome!

Christmas In Acadia - Service Availability Form - Many Hands Make Light Work...

Yes, I am willing to offer one or more hours of service to my parish.

Name (s): ______________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________

A Good Time To Call Me: _________________________________________________________

I Prefer To Work: _______ I Have No Preference: ___


Availability: (check ALL that apply and return this form to the Rectory or in the collection basket)

Mon., 11/5, Set Up ______ Tues.-Thu., 11/6 - 11/8, Decorating______

Fri., 11/9 ______ Sat., 11/10, Day ______ Sat., 11/10, Evening ______

Anytime You Need Me/Us ______ Poutines and Râpée, during the week of the Fair_______

Kitchen, during the week of the Fair______ Flea Market, during the week of the Fair ______

Attention National Honor Society Students our Christmas In Acadia Fair is in need of

volunteers!!! This would be a GREAT opportunity to fulfill your Community Service hours. If you

are interested or for more information please contact BettyAnn at the rectory at 978-537-6541.

We need your help! We have been meeting for several months now preparing for this year’s

Christmas in Acadia Fair. It’s hard to believe, but this annual parish event seems to get bigger every

year. People calling months ahead to find out when it is. We are so grateful for all our chairpersons

who make our jobs so much easier. We do need more volunteers. Whether you have helped in the

past or not please consider doing so this year. You will be glad you did! Take a moment and

complete the service availability form below and return it to the rectory or in the collection basket.

St. Cecilia’s Christmas in Acadia Steering Committee

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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass - Bishop Rober t J . McManus will celebrate the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 3 pm at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester. This liturgy of thanksgiving to God for many years of faithful witness to the sacredness of Christian marriage honors couples who are marking significant anniversaries (25th, 40th, 50th, etc.) this year. A light reception will follow downstairs in the Cenacle. Family and friends are welcome! Couples wishing to attend should pre-register by Oct. 11 so that commemorative certificates may be issued. To register, complete the registration form at, or contact the Office of Marriage and Family at 508-929-4311 to request that a copy of the registration form be sent to you.

Bingo Volunteers Needed!

You Need To Work Only Once A Month.

Our dedicated volunteers keep the Bingo going week after week. Without them we could not have a Bingo. St. Cecilia’s Bingo is the largest in our area and one of the few bingos still operating. Lets keep it going! We have lost a few volunteers due to illness. Workers are needed to help in the kitchen, selling charity game tickets and verifying winning numbers. Please consider joining our fun, energetic Bingo crew by speaking with Fr. Bob or calling BettyAnn at the rectory.

Employment Opportunity

Visiting Angels located at 165 Mechanic St., Leominster. We are looking to hire Caregivers to work

for Visiting Angels. We provide Non-Medical healthcare services for Seniors.

Bathing - Dressing - Light Housework - Meal Preparation

Errands/Shopping - Companionship

Experience caring for the elderly or disabled is a plus.

No certification needed. These will be part time

positions. Interested candidates should call 978-227-5263.

St. Cecilia’s Bingo

Friday Evenings at 6:30 PM

Doors Open at 4 PM

Come Try Your Luck!

Collection Report

Last Week’s Stewardship:

$ 6,440.79

Thank You!

Due to the generosity of so many parishioners and local businesses, year after year, we are blessed to keep our Fair “Christmas in Acadia” expenses to a

minimum. Are you looking to make a donation this year? Here are a few suggestions for you…

Handmade Thanksgiving or Christmas Crafts, afghans, mittens, scarves, baby sets, stocking-stuffers, wooden crafts…

Gift cards are always a hit (local business, amazon, visa, itunes…) New small appliances, children’s toys, tools, jewelry, games, electronics…

Ever popular theme baskets are great too…

Your donations are gratefully appreciated and may be dropped off at the rectory. If you would like your item donated to a specific booth, please label item accordingly. Thank You!

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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019

Page 8: September 29, 2019 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-27 · 2 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cecilia Church, Leominster September 29, 2019 Saturday September

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Cecilia, Leominster, MA 7008

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The Roar That Opens More Doors

Brenda AlbertREALTOR ®63 Merriam AvenueLeominster, MA 01453Cell: 978-621-3168 [email protected]

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