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Issue 76 FREE or 1€ voluntary Community Contribution Wk 39 2012 SINCE 1971 Amazing shows daily - Special Rates For Residents Kanariska nyheter - nu med egen Nordisk sektion! Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch 2012, has seen the UK host the Olympic games for the third time, and leading up to the opening ceremony saw London going through a period of self assessment and development. A sometimes painful yet often a most worthwhile process when performed with complete honesty. This week and over the coming month Maspalomas has a similar opportunity. September 27th 2012 sees Maspalomas playing host to over 1000 international delegates that are here to discuss Tourism and Sustainability while we celebrate 50 years of tourism in Maspalomas. The focus of October's 50th anniversary is to proactively look forward to the next 50 years, and so Maspalomas is readying to ignite its own torch to light the way ahead for the future of sustainable tourism. If tourism were to be likened to an Olympic event it should be the decathlon, because successful tourism involves excelling at so many different disciplines. Sales, Marketing, Quality Assurance, Accommodation, Transport, Excursions, Entertainment, Sports, Public Safety, Reputation management and more. It is not enough to have talent, you need commitment too. So, of the last 50 years, could we say that Maspalomas has been successful? Of course it has. In the ‘Tourism Olympics’ would we have won gold in our time? Most certainly, and more than once. However it is worth remembering with repeated success, sometimes unavoidably, complacency can creep in to how you operate. Being on the top of your game for sustained periods can lead to losing your edge, the need to keep trying, to better yourself and improve, and eventually you can lose your dominance at the top. Has Maspalomas made mistakes? Indeed, and how many times do we hear it complained that nothing ever seems to get done, that no progress is being made, and how we feel on the verge of giving everything up, because it does not feel as though the government is leading us in the right direction? But that’s the thing, we all make mistakes, it’s how we move on from them that counts. CC2.0-by-nc-nd Flickr JF Marrero Karl Trueno (cont. p.2...)

September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

Mar 31, 2016



World Tourism Day, Readers letters, The Long Walk
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch


76FREE or 1€ voluntary Community Contribution

Wk 39 2012


E 197


Amazing shows daily - Special Rates For

Kanariska nyheter - nu med egen Nordisk sektion!

Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

2012, has seen the UK host the Olympic games for the third time, and leading up to the opening ceremony saw London going through a period of self assessment and development. A sometimes painful yet often a most worthwhile process when performed with complete honesty. This week and over the coming month Maspalomas has a similar opportunity. September 27th 2012 sees Maspalomas playing host to over 1000 international delegates that are here to discuss Tourism and Sustainability while we celebrate 50 years of tourism in Maspalomas. The focus of October's 50th anniversary is to proactively look forward to the next 50 years, and so Maspalomas is readying to ignite its own torch to light

the way ahead for the future of sustainable tourism. If tourism were to be likened to an Olympic event it should be the decathlon, because successful tourism involves excelling at so many different disciplines. Sales, Marketing, Quality Assurance, Accommodation, Transport, Excursions, Entertainment, Sports, Public Safety, Reputation management and more. It is not enough to have talent, you need commitment too. So, of the last 50 years, could we say that Maspalomas has been successful? Of course it has. In the ‘Tourism Olympics’ would we have won gold in our time? Most certainly, and more than once. However it is worth

remembering with repeated success, sometimes unavoidably, complacency can creep in to how you operate. Being on the top of your game for sustained periods can lead to losing your edge, the need to keep trying, to better yourself and improve, and eventually you can lose your dominance at the top. Has Maspalomas made mistakes? Indeed, and how many times do we hear it complained that nothing ever seems to get done, that no progress is being made, and how we feel on the verge of giving everything up, because it does not feel as though the government is leading us in the right direction? But that’s the thing, we all make mistakes, it’s how we move on from them that counts.




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Karl Trueno (cont. p.2...)

Page 2: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

2The Canary News - Wk37 2012 - Issue 75

This Community, My Say!...

The Canary News can not accept any responsibility for claims made by advertisers, either in advertisements or advertorials, nor can it be held responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or the non appearance of advertisements or advertorials. This publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors as a result of poor quality artwork or logos supplied

by advertisers and no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by any error or inaccuracy or nonappearance of an advertisement or advertorial. Every effort will be made to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of articles and advertisements in this publication, however the publisher does not accept responsiblity for claims or opinions

in the same. Reproduction of any part of this newspaper without the consent of the publisher is prohibited E & O E. Edita: JDC Canaries SLU, Imprime: Canarias7, C/Mimosas, s/n-Parcela 131-1ª Fase-Manzana V 35119 Pol. Ind. Arinaga, Villa de Agüimes, Gran Canaria, España.

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Adverts, copy changes, classifieds, clubs and editorial copy:

Friday noon for the following edition to air your views. Letters on any subject are welcomed by the Editor for publication and must arrive by 12 noon on Friday for consideration for the following Friday’s edition.

Priority will be given to letters dealing with local issues.

We reserve the right to amend or shorten letters.

The Canary News accepts no responsibility for readers´comments. If you are dissatisfied with any

aspect of our service you can write to Edificio Mercurio Torre 1, 2ºE, Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria,

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Looking for a copy of The Canary News then call us on 928 062 792 to find out where you can pick up

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Adverts and deadlinesSeptember

Edition 77 28thOctober

Edition 78 12thEdition 79 26th

NovemberEdition 80 9thEdition 81 23rd

Telephone: 928 062 792 / Office opening hours Mon - Fri / 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM

HOTEL REY CARLOS +34 928 760 112 –

Your place to stay in the heart of Playa del Inglés!

Try our buffet restaurant dinner for just 10,50 € p.p. Every day from 18:00h-21:00h.

(...cont. p.1) So with the torch now lit, and the flame of hope blazing brightly to light the road ahead for us all, isn’t it time we stop looking back to and yearning for “the good old days”? That's a useful as footprints in the sand. Shouldn’t we all now turn around and start looking ahead to the next 50 years of tourism on Gran Canaria? Maspalomas seems to have reached a crossroads, needing to decide which way is the best. No one knows for certain, especially in these days when the traditional road signs seem to have disappeared. So what can we do? Well we start by taking a few tentative steps in one direction or another. The only thing that is certain is that back the way we came is not a viable option, but then neither is standing still and doing nothing. The road Maspalomas seems to have chosen is that of more affluent tourism. There have been vast amounts spent on the development of Meloneras, and the Maspalomas Golf course, and the surrounding area. It is now an entire world away from Playa del Inglés in comparison, and it is definitely attracting visitors. San Agustín too has seen improvements over recent months. We must also remember the diversity that Maspalomas actively encourages, and the lack of

discrimination that pervades from the very bedrock upon which it is built, which facilitates events like the Gay Pride week and the Maspalomas Carnival celebrations, which both attract many tens of thousands to our island every year. There is still much work to be done. The time has arrived for us all to take our place in the global arena. To collectively hold the Olympian torch of tourism, with fervent pride, high above our heads for its light to shine and dazzle the world once again. Now is the time for this island to come together, to work together, and to communicate better, to help ensure all of our futures. Let us be grateful, that while there is still a long distance to travel, and training to be done, that our political leaders at least seem to have realised that everything was not perfect, and after some self reflection they are looking ready, step by step, to remove from the road ahead, that which is outdated, defunct or decaying, so that we may all get a clearer view of the goals we should strive to reach. Will they get it completely right first time, certainly not; but so long as we all move in the right direction we will eventually get to each finish line in good time knowing that we have earned our success.

Karl Trueno


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Hotel Rey Carlos was one of the first buildings on Avenida de Tirajana (Excelsior for example didn’t exist, nor did Riu Palace Maspalomas). It was opened in 1974 and received the category of three gold stars, which were a very good classification at the time. Still today Hotel Rey Carlos is a three star hotel with almost four-star level amenities and service such as air-conditioning and climatized pool and jaccuzzi, WIFI in all areas etc.The style of the hotel was chosen by one of the entrepreneurs of Hotel Rey Carlos, a German business-man who wanted to establish a truly Spanish-castilian style hotel in the south of Gran Canaria. The style of the furniture and decoration is called “Siglo XV” referring to the furniture used in Castilla in the 15th century. This furniture and decoration was imported from Toledo and distributed by a shop called Arencibia. Some hotels tried to copy the style, also making reference to the buildings in Las Palmas built by the first settlers, who poured onto the Canaries mainly from Andalucía and Castilla bringing with them the architecture from their region. Hotel Rey Carlos, being one of the first buildings on Avenida de Tirajana, is still an important reference point in Playa del Inglés and especially on Avenida de Tirajana. The logo of the hotel, a “coat of arms” shield, has a lion and a castle in it. Apparently this refers to “Leon y Castillo” or better Fernando Leon y Castillon an honourable man who did a lot of pioneer work on Gran Canaria. See Wikipedia link. Last but not least, the sole name of HOTEL REY CARLOS underpins that the hotel was built having in mind the tradition of Spanish Kings with CARLOS in their noble titles and all the building style associated with their time of reign.

Fit for a King

Page 3: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 75 - Wk37 2012 - The Canary News

News & Info

Academies in San Fernando and San Juan de Telde

Adults / Adultos

Spanish courses Cursos de inglés Business Spanish Inglés para negocios Translations/ Traducciones

Great prices, Muy economico

Children / Niños 3 – 18 Homework club/ Club de deberes Tuition / apoyo Saturday school/ escuela de sabado Escuela de verano

Great prices, Muy economico

928 692 134 [email protected]


What is happening in San Agustin? Last year rennovations began on the main GC500 thoroughfare which what was certianly a lit-tle dated but otherwise in perfectly good shape. Contra flow systems were put in place, thousands of tonnes of earth was shifted, a round-about was mysteriously filled in and then at the beginning of summer of several slightly irritating months of regular little traffic jams the whole thing seemed to be complete. And we all agreed it looked lovely, at last someone was upgrading the highway, slowing down the traffic and generally making the area a much more pleasant place to be or pass through. We thought they have finished, though many disliked the bumpy cobblestones they had installed, the fact was taht it had the desired effect of improving this area for pedestrians and seeming to bring it to life from its previous decaying dual carriage way and overpass, in to a balmy palm lined avenue for strolling or rattling over with yoru car. Then at the end of August somebody decided to dig up all the cobblestones, which inexplicably had never been cemented in place and the whole traffic issue returned. The workers say they have now end date for the essential works, which seem now to consist of them turning the cobbles and cementing them instead of in the rows they were orignially laid, now interleaved. in a parquet style. When will it end? Enquiring minds want to know....

Page 4: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

4The Canary News - Wk37 2012 - Issue 75

This Community, My Say!...

Fancy a walk?..So here it is! After two months of training and procrastination the walkers are as ready as they'll ever be to complete the extraordinary challange they set themselves.The Long Walk has never in itself been about raising money. It's significance is far deeper than that.1st of all this is a walk of solidarity. Cancer is not comfortable, nor indeed is any life threatening or terminal illness. Once diagnosed you are faced with a long road ahead of you, one that you will almost certainly have never travelled before. This is why we will start our walk at night, stepping out in to the darkness with a mountain to climb. We want to encourage as many people who feel able to come with us on the first leg of our journey, to show solidarity with all those who have had to face a daunting or uncertain future, as well as those who have been diagnosed, it is also to remember that we rarely travel this road alone. So it is also to show solidarity with family members, friends and carers who must somehow find the strength to support their nearest and dearest in their time of greatest need.If you are coming with us on this hour and a half long walk, please remember to bring a flashlight. It will be fun.Once we reach Arguineguin the editor, along with Super Sanna from TARA, Gary from KISS and Jon from The Sportsman (and anyone else prepped and ready to go) will head out on

the second leg of the walk up the Soria road through the night. We hope to get to Soria in time for sunrise, when we should also for the first time be able to see our goal, Roque Nublo. Around 9.30am we will set off from Soria and go cross country to Roque Nublo, where again we would like to see as many people as possible come and join us and the ladies of the ACCM for The Big Picture photo shoot. The aim when we get to Roque Nublo is to take a beautiful and inspirational photograph which will symbolise having climbed a mountain. The more people we can get to Roque Nublo for 19:30 on Saturday the better the picture will be. We hope to see you

there to be part of the picture that we will use throughout October to help raise funds over the whole of Breast Cancer Awareness month. So you see, it isn't too late, The Long Walk is just the beginning and October is your chance to show you care and really make a difference by finding ways to raise money for this worthwhile cause.

See here below just some of the people supporting us in October

PUERTO RICO PUERTO DE MOGAN PLAYA DEL INGLES LAS PALMAS Tlf: +34 928 561667 Tlf: + 34 928 565162 Tlf: + 34 928 760155 Tlf: + 34 928 373033

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Climb Every Mountain

Page 5: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 75 - Wk37 2012 - The Canary News

Dear Edi [email protected]



18:00 to 22:00h


Hi we are residents here and always look forward to getting The Canary News,and we would willingly pay to ensure it stays with us. It keeps us in touch with events and the features are always of interest as well keep up the good work

yours sincerely Allan Simpson

Thank you very much Mr Simpson et al for your kind words. Yours is one of the many letters of support that we have recieved over the last couple of weeks, and I cannot tell you how grateful we are that people such as yourself are not only willing to take the time to write in and let us know their thoughts on the matter, but that you express such a genuine affection for our efforts. It means a lot to know that you value what we do.We will keep you all posted on our future plans within these pages, and should we ever need to ask people for small contributions to keep us going it is heartening to know there those who understand that having a newspaper to bind us as a community is not only desirable, but for many a much needed resource helping to ensure we can stay in touch with what is going on. Many of us use tools like facebook these days to fulfil the traditional role of a paper like ours, but social networks will never be able to replace well thought through articles. Of course the key to getting this paper right is much more community involvement as well as secure the right sorts of financial backing to help ensure that we can improve our little paper and increase our ability to report on the issues that really matter. Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you again.

Hi my name is Sue, we met earlier today whilst you were delivering to the ancora centre.First can I say I really enjoy your paper, and try to never miss a publishing, that leads me to ask a question, are you looking for someone to deliver your paper to local business people across Gran Canaria. I am reliable and have a full clean driving licence., my Spanish is very good too.i think you by now have realised I'm quite outgoing and not afraid to ask or to put myself forward, if you are at all interested, you can contact me on email. or my mobile no,Many thanks, and it was nice to meet you,Keep up the good work with your paper, which we all enjoy.

Thank you Sue for your lovely letter. Thank you also for you very kind offer to help with distributing our paper. We are always in need of people to help get the papers in to the hands of those who most benefit from it, namely people from the foreign resident community, holiday makers and of course business people.Our distribution in the south is taken care of in the main by the lovely volunteers from TARA, who we support in return, by reporting on their community endeavours , providing advertising and a forum for them to make announcements and talk about the issues they deal with on the ground on a daily basis.It is a mutually beneficial arrangement which helps to ensure that both organisations can play to their strengths while working towards making life better here on our little island. It is an arrangement we are always happy to discuss with anyone who might have an interest in combining resources for mutual benefit and the benefit of anyone who reads our paper. I would love to discuss further with you and look forward to meeting you again.Thank you for your kind words and your continuing support, and I hope now that we have met we can be friends and that you will always feel free to let us know how we can better improve the service we offer or indeed, if you are so minded, find ways that we can be of mutual benefit to one another.

Sir,Re: your recent request for payment of 2 euros in the future for The Canary News. I would be happy to pay 1 euro per copy, 2 is a little high. I can purchase any Spanish paper, with more content, especially advertising for this price and sky news and the internet keep me updated with the rest. I have been a regular reader for years, but as a pensioner I need to watch my pennys and having a free press is one way of doing thisl

Regards Lynda, Playa del Ingles

Thank you Lynda for sending us your enthusiastic text message. Always a great pleasure to hear from readers, especially the technically savvy pensioner you so clearly are.Just to be clear, we are only toying at the moment with various ways that we might better be able to fund our work. These days, I'm afriad the great majority of us must watch our pennies and as we are an essentially tiny operation, made up mostly of unpaid volunteers it can be difficult to provide all the wonderful pieces of information we regularly

come accross while constantly trying to find advertising business to pay our essential costs.The 2€ a month question was in fact meant to test the water. I quite agree that this would be too much per edition, especially with our current level of content, but 1€ per edition twice a month we feel would not actually be a lot to ask.It would mean in fact that our ability to provide enough of the right kinds of information could grow well beyond our current resources.So I thank you very much , as you clearly would be happy to pay exactly what we think might be appropriate to keep us in operation and perhaps even up our game.The current thinking is that we would in fact use this money in a non profit manner, just to pay essential costs and perhaps in time be able to pay people for their hard work and commitment. Any extra money would then be used for good causes, a sort of community fund for charitable organisations. We hope to expand on this idea in the weeks to come. but for now, rest assured that we will try to keep this newspaper free for as long as is physically possible. The over arching question is: How can we as community minded individuals work together to ensure not only that we have a newspaper, but that the quality of its content can be continually improved?

Dear Ed,I was sorry to read in issue 75 about R Fischer´s experience in GC Las Palmas. I always feel that cities are made for commerce not conversation. Folks don´t care about each other much, just do the job and get home, London was just the same. I do agree that Canarian people should learn English, but not for my sake. They miss out on all sorts of things as do we invaders that don´t learn Canarian. I have friends here in Fataga. I ask if they want to visit the UK. The answer is always yes, but I can´t speak English. I did have an unfortunate encounter with a bus driver. I was travelling with a friend (Canarian) from Playa del Ingles to Vecindario. I was looking for the right change to pay as people often like it. The driver was short with me and generally grumpy. My friend and I looked at each other and started to giggle. It was almost a treat to find an unfriendly face. Tony my friend then said in Spanish “got out of the wrong side of the bed today” ja ja .Yet another note on good service. I have been looking for a wood burning stove as here in the hills it gets cool in the winter,

plus I am an old romantic. A friend directed me to Hijos De Cazorla in San Mateo (Av Tinamar) My first visit to, check it out. I liked the stove but wanted to look at others. I spent 6€ no more. The elderly man behind the counter seeing I was new in town. Gave me my change shook my hand and my friends then said good bye. It was like going back in time. The man sold things and actually cared that I bought. A few days later I reserved the stove by phone. When I went to collect, it was a San Mateo festival and parking was difficult. I was met by a young man and his wife at the store, they spoke to a police officer out side and I was able to park right next to the store. They could not of been nicer and I had not even confirmed a purchase . The wife later even tried to carry the stove with her husband to my car when I'd bought it. With lots taken off to make it lighter It was still too heavy for a girl of about 7stone. Her husband and I packed it into my car.If anyone is looking for a great garden centre with so much choice and not expensive go to Valleseco C/ Zamora (649 935 511) Lovely service with smile.You asked about paying for the CN. I would gladly pay for the paper, but how. I did think of an honesty box but it would have to be securely bolted down whilst we have crisis around. I also thought that serious readers would go to your office to collect a paper and at least one would be sure of a copy. Maybe people could let you know they would collect and in turn you would know how many to keep at the office. I know your building as I use AD computers, I think one floor down from you. Another very good place run by Juan Armas and his assistant. Tel 928 776 437. Saludo a todo.

Happy Colin, in Fataga.

A truly great letter sir! It is communications like this that warm my heart and confirm to me that neither the ways of chivalry and good commerce have gone nor are those gentlemen,such as yourself, who recognise such olde worlde values in practice.What's more the warmth with which you write (now the second letter from you that we have published) lets me know that you have an ever so strong sense of community and, as with other letters we have recieved of late, that you value our humble attempts to provide information and entertainment those who fancy a little read in English (or indeed now Swedish). We are thinking mroe a generosity box, unpoliced and firmly based in the charge of the community minded businesses willing to give it a go. Thank you, and please do keep letting us know about your exploits. Edward Timon

Page 6: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

6The Canary News - Wk 38 2012 - Issue 76 -




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Tropical Storm Nadine is just 500 miles west of The Canary Islands as we go to press. It is likely to pass over warmer water in the next few days meaning that despite having lost much of its potency since being declared a Tropical Storm Sep-tember 12th, there is a very real possibility that it could regenerate, at least in part and may even make land fall this week. The National Hurricane Centre, in Miami, predicted 90% probability of Nadine regenerating into a tropical cyclone!

For many in The Canary Islands a little rainfall would be welcome after a tinderbox year of little more than one proper downpour, after the driest winter on record and at least three serious heatwave warnings this summer; how much rain can be ex-pected is yet to be seen, though AEMET issued a Yellow alert from today (Sunday)until Tuesday, with some predicting up to three days of wet weather ahead.

If the rain does arrive, just remember the roads here will be slick and some mountain roads can be particularly treacherous.

Should the worst happen and Nadine picks up again or starts heading this way, you'd be well advised to stay off the roads until she has passed. Though of course it is worth noting that Nadine has had storm status for several days now which she may soon lose, she is no hur-ricane any longer and so is unlikely to wreak any real damage. However some forcasters do think she could regain hurricane status by middle of this week. the same forcasters are also saying that she will continue to track west and away from the archipelago.

For now, all The Canaries can do is watch and wait; as warm winds pick up, rolling ever darker clouds over the horizon, the tangible increase in humidity tantalises the water deprived farmers with the promise of long overdue rain.

Follow our updates on

Oh Nadine! Honey is that you?

Page 7: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 76 - Wk39 2012 - The Canary News

7Legal and Financial Guidance

Edificio Mercurio Torre II, 7.ºI35100 Playa del Inglés

GRAN CANARIA------------------------------------

Avda. de Pescadores s/nPlaya de Mogán



Legal aid: What is the IPREM?I was not granted a duty solicitor to take my case because they say I am above the IPREM. What is the IPREM?

It is the Public Income Indicator of Multiple Effects (IPREM), an index used as a qualifying reference in Spain for aid, scholarships & grants, etc It was implemented in 2004 to replace minimum wage as the reference aid. The IPREM has been increasing at a slower pace than the minimum wage which, it was thought to be restricting access to public help for poorer households. The IPREM is published every year as part of the annual budget, so the most recently published one is used to determine if your income exceeds a certain an amount calculated from the minimum wage. The IPREM for 2010, 2011 and for 2012 is €532.51 per month.

Informed medical consent

We were informed of the risks of surgery but not of the further risks in intensive care. My father had serious problems in ICU. What rights do patients have?

The risk of infection in ICU is much higher than in the operating room and depends on the patient's defenses, age, greater exposure to bacteria according to the magnitude of the procedure you undergo – whether the urinary tract is affected, if catheters are used, or probes, or respirators, the patient’s response to antibiotics, other infections etc.. The patient is entitled to be told not only about the risks of infection while in the operating room but also, according to the case, during after care in the ICU, including the degree of personal risk whilst in the hospital’s care. In conclusion, before the surgical procedure and before written informed consent is sought, the patient or their immediate families, dependant on the individual case, are entitled to clear, accurate, and truthful information about the risks of surgery AND possible subsequent complications due to infection.

Refusing to take a breathalyzer testI was stopped at a traffic control and was asked to blow in to a breathalyzer. I refused because I had committed no traffic offense and it was a traffic control point. I was reported for disobedience and fined for having an unreadable back license plate and for not having the same address on my driver's license and my identity card. Can I be punished in this way for refusing the alcohol test even if I had not committed any traffic violations?

You can´t be sanctioned for alcohol if there is no positive test result. They can however report you for refusing to take the test. After refusing they can choose to refer you to do a blood test at your own expense. If this comes up positive, they will denounce you for driving under the influence of alcohol. The reports for having an unreadable license plate and not updating your address details are independent violations. It is clear though that your refusal to take the breathalyzer test made them angry, as usually an unreadable license plate goes unreported, though they may require you to clean it or recommend a replacement, which is also controlled in ITVs (Technical Inspection of vehicles). Similarly with the address on your documents, they most often tell you to change it as soon as possible and usually it isn’t reported either.

3 Sept 2012The economic slowdown afflicting the China dragon appears to be worsening, as confirmed by the release of the manu-facturing PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) for August which saw an unexpected fall below the all important 50 level, to 49.2 signalling contraction from this all important sector. New orders slumped whilst output managed a feeble rise. This added to increasing concerns of how the world’s second largest economy can manoeuvre some semblance of a soft landing during a period where the transfer of power to a new Communist party leadership falls later this year, although the exact date remains yet to be confirmed. Having seen the People’s Bank of China cut interest rates in both June and July and carry out numerous tweaks to the Reserve Requirement Ratio, the pressure to deliver more stimulus will mount. The effectiveness of stimulus measures was one of the many questions raised at the Central Bankers shindig at Jackson Hole, in the wilds of Wyoming, USA, over the weekend.

4 Sept 2012The pace of contraction in Britain's manufacturing sector eased by more than expected in August as domestic clients placed more orders. Although the result remains in negative territory, indicating contraction, it was only just below the all important 50.00 equilibrium level, jumping to a four-month high of 49.5 in August from a downwardly revised 45.2 in July. A stagnation in new orders was a marked improvement from the slump seen in the prior month, with the orders index jumping to 49.9 from the 41.8 in July - the biggest one-month gain in the survey's history. However, one sunny weekend doesn’t (or at least shouldn’t) make a summer, so the markets will await further supporting data before

getting too carried away. Nonetheless, with no opposition from across the pond, sterling rose to a near two-week high against the dollar and gilt futures fell after the data.

5 Sept 2012Data from the US showed their manufacturing sector is struggling with the ISM Manufacturing PMI figure coming in at 49.6. Although this is only just below the critical 50 figure showing the difference between expansion and contraction it is yet another indication of a global slowdown following similar figures from China earlier this week. This will cer-tainly increase belief that QE3 is now only a stone’s throw away and could keep the Dollar on the back foot. Further evidence of this global slowdown came overnight in the form of Australian GDP with a figure of 0.6% against a forecast of 0.8%. This is unlikely to unwind the recent trend away from the commodity based currencies. With a lack of action from the RBA yesterday investors are beginning to lose their nerve and the Aussie Dollar is facing another tough day.

6 Sept 2012With the UK service sector PMI data already leaked and the benefit for the pound already priced in, the markets were left with the European equivalent to give further direction, which itself is also only a final reading following a prelimi-nary estimate released last week. The result at 47.2 was only marginally worse than the 47.5 preliminary reading. Other data was limited, but showed that European retail sales fell by 0.2% as expected which, coupled with the poor PMI data over the past few days has many analysts predicting that Europe is now back in recession. Canada left interest rates on hold and maintained the recent tone of the accompanying statement suggesting rate hikes might come, but not yet. The Canadian dollar fell on the news and

struggled through the day, along with the other commodity currencies.

7 Sept 2012Australian employment figures, UK house prices and eurozone GDP were all consigned to being 2nd tier news as all eyes focussed on the latest central bank monthly statements to be released. The Bank of England (Boe), as expected, kept interest rates and quantitative easing (QE) on hold yesterday but the real focus was the European Central Bank (ECB). The monthly rate statement and subsequent press conference from Mario Draghi had attracted more interest than normal as the market looked to the ECB president to outline his (latest) plans to save the single cur-rency – looking for a clarification on his “whatever it takes” statements of previous months. This refrain was wheeled out again but with more substance in the form of the latest TLA*, the OMT – Outright Monetary Transactions. The central bank will undertake “unlimited” bond purchases of troubled nations in an attempt to stabilise and reassure markets.

Now I accept a lot of information to take in and of course all of this has an impact on what your pound is worth when transferring to euros or simply looking to change your euros back into pounds. That is why we recommend before you do anything you ring our preferred currency exchange spe-cialist Moneycorp and for all Canary News readers they will provide a free no obligation chat on your personal transfer needs

Stephen Tiley

They can be contacted on 951319700 and to qualify tell them The Canary News sent you

A week in the life of a currency market

Page 8: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

8The Canary News - Wk 37 2012 - Issue 75 -


Go Virtualby Barrie Mahoney

Barrie Mahoney was a teacher, head teacher & school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands as a newspaper editor. He is still enjoying life in the sun as a writer & author

If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and

I am often surprised that many expats have never heard of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). I have managed to watch television channels, which I am not supposed to watch as I am living outside the UK, for many years without a satellite dish or expensive television retransmission service, just by hooking up my TV to a second computer and watching by courtesy of the Internet.

Yes, the quality of reception has been very variable and I have been plagued by ‘low bandwidth issues’ for many years, although please don't ask me what this is, because I really don't have a clue, technically speaking. All I know is that the Internet signal is a bit like a running stream, and if you are at the end of the line or with a service provider who restricts your flow, you end up with little more than a dribble. This is the problem that I had for a number of years in Spain, until I changed Internet service providers. Magic, the flow became a torrent and I now rarely suffer from the curse of ‘buffering’.

Watching television programmes from the UK, bypassing all forms of geographical restrictions, accessing blocked sites, just because you happen to be an expat living in another country, bypassing Internet ‘security’ monitors, unblocking access to YouTube, Skype and television channels, as well as the encryption of all of your Internet traffic, suddenly becomes possible with a Virtual Private Network.

So, what is a Virtual Private Network? If you look up the subject on Google, Wikipedia or similar, you will find very complicated explanations. In simple terms, it is basically a system that uses the Internet to connect to remote sites in another country. VPN uses ‘virtual’ connections that are routed through the Internet to connect to remote sites, which immediately enables access to services provided only in that country.

A Virtual Private Network suddenly provides open communication across countries and political barriers, just as the Internet was originally meant to be by its founder. Many countries and companies are constantly trying to restrict what can be seen by the general public, and based purely upon where you are. With VPN you can unblock streaming services, such as favourite television stations and gaming and lottery sites, by accessing servers in their broadcast areas, such as from your country of origin.

Internet security is also a troubling issue nowadays. I make a point that whenever I access my online bank accounts, both in Spain and in the UK, I divert my Internet access though VPN, which makes financial transactions private and more secure with encryption. Having a VPN is just another small way that you can help to defeat the all watching eyes of ‘Big Brother’, and open up greater enjoyment from the Internet as an expat.

The VPN service is also remarkably cheap for the benefits it offers. I have used a number of free services over the years, but these were inevitably unreliable, as many services were directed through Asian servers, which seemed to me an unnecessarily long way for the signal to travel! Instead, for a number of years, I have used a service that is based in the UK, and for which I pay about £5 per month. For me, the VPN service is worth every penny. The price too has remained constant over the years and, most importantly, has been totally reliable. Personally, I wouldn’t be without it.

For further information about this and other VPN providers, as well as other useful information, have a look at the Expat Survival section of my website,

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groundfloor corner-bungalow with one

bedroom. Completely refurbished. Very well maintained complex with

large pool and only 72,- monthly fee. Price: 126.000,€


Common mistakes in Spanishpar

t 3

Spanish Lesson 70

by Theresa Coelanguage exchange group (LEG) co-ordinator

PLAYA DEL INGLÉS, NEAR THE BEACH Excellent one bedroom topfloor-apartment with balcony. Completely refurbished.

Very well maintained complex with pool and low community fee. Price: 123.000,€


Drop in for a chat or give us a call

Offering you the best opportunities for more then 25 years !


Corner groundfloor bungalows with large terrace in beloved complex with large pool, beautiful gardens, tennis court and parkinglot.

Price: 1 Bedroom: 114.000,- € Price: 2 Bedrooms: 168.000,- €

SAN AGUSTÍN, excellent bungalow, spectacular views, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large terrace (32 sqm), parkinglot, pool. 270.000,- €


Excellent one bedroom topfloor-apartment with bal-cony. Completely refurbished. Very well main-tained complex with pool and low cummunityfee. Price: 123.000,€

PLAYA DEL INGLÉS, 2nd BEACH-LINE- TOPFLOOR70m²-large sunny one-bedroom cornerapartment. Small private complex with pool. To the beachpromenade: 20 seconds! It’s a jewel!

Price: 200.000.-€ VERY RARE SALE !!

1) ¿a, OR en? – in English we use the word 'at' for general locations (I´m at work) but in Spanish 'at' is only for the time (a las séis = at six o´clock, literally ‘at the six’). For location they use EN (in/on): estoy en el trabajo/en casa/en la piscina (I´m at work/at home/at the pool.

2) ¿a el or al? Remember that if you need to say ‘a el’ (to the) this sounds awkward so we slide the two words together to form AL; the same goes for ‘de el’ (of the/from the) which becomes DEL. Voy a la playa (I go to the beach) but voy AL banco (I go to the bank, because it´s ‘el banco’). Or: son del mercado (they´re from the market, NOT 'de el mercado'). They do this for the same reason we say AN orange: it’s easier to say.

3) ¿Renovar OR reformar? Back to ‘false friends’ which sound like English but mean something dif-ferent. Renovar is NOT to renovate but to renew: necesito renovar mi residencia (I need to renew my residency). Reformar is not to reform but to renovate. ‘Quiero reformar el baño/hacen reformas en el edifi-cio’ (I want to renovate the bathroom/ they´re doing renovations in the building).

4) Because of: NOT ‘porque de’ but ‘a causa de’. Don´t translate literally! You can also simply say 'por'. ‘Estoy irritada a causa del ruido OR por el ruido’ (I´m irritated because of the noise). Note that the pronun-ciation of ‘because’ (porque) is POR-keh (stress the start) while that of 'why' (¿por qué) is: por-KEH, with stress at the end.

5) Instead of = in place of: en lugar de. For example, ‘decidimos alquilar EN LUGAR de comprar’ (we de-cided to rent instead of buying). This gives us the handy word ‘lugar’ which we can use whenever we mention a place: ‘me gusta el lugar’ (I like the place). Memory tip: think that the LOO is a lugar (pronounced LOO-gar).

6) It takes place= it has place: tiene lugar. However, they do TAKE PART (tomar parte) the same way we do! For example: ‘el evento tiene lugar en Las Canteras – voy a tomar parte’ (the event takes place in Las Can-teras - I´m going to take part).

7) ¿Ido o estado? Confusingly, both mean’ been’ but the first one also means ‘gone’. Ido is the past parti-ciple of IR (to go) which in English could be been or gone (he´s been to the bank/he´s gone to the bank= the same in Spanish: ‘ha ido al banco’). However, estado is the past participle of ESTAR (to be) which is also ‘been’ in English: 'He estado aqui por cuatro años' (I´ve been here for four years).

8) ¿Escuchar or escuchar a? Many phrasal verbs like ‘look at’, ‘look for’ or ‘look after’ are just one word in Spanish: (mirar; buscar and cuidar, respectively). So you can´t say 'busco por mi móvil'; it´s just 'busco mi móvil' - I´m looking for my phone. Similarly the Span-ish don´t listen TO music - escuchar already means ‘listen to’: ‘me encanta escuchar su acento’ (I love to listen to his accent). However, there is a grammer rule in Spanish that verb + person = ‘a’ in the middle, even though this ‘a’ means nothing in English. So, they DO say: ‘escucha a la chica’ (listen to the girl) but ¡escúcha la música! (listen to the music). Similar, very useful verbs include SUBIR (to go up/turn up/ get in or on something) and BAJAR: to go down/turn down/get out or off something. For example: ‘tienes que subir la escalera’ (you have to go up the stairs) or ‘bajas de la guagua en Vecindario’ (you get out of the bus in Vecindario)

9) ¿trabajar o funcionar? People work: ‘la gente tra-baja’ (la HEN-teh tra-BA-ha) – from the verb TRABA-JAR, but machines ‘function’ – 'las máquinas funcio-nan' (las MA-kee-nass fon-see-YON-an) - from the verb FUNCIONAR

10) Most= more or ‘the majority of’. Most people = ‘the majority of the people’: la mayoría de la gente (ma-yoh-REE-yah deh la HEN-teh). ‘Most of the time’, similarly= la mayoría del tiempo. Otherwise, the word for ‘most’ is the same as ‘more’: más. For example, ‘Rihanna es más atractiva que Madonna, pero Sha-kira es la más atractiva de todas.’ (Rihanna is more attractive than Madonna, but Shakira is the most at-tractive of all).

Language Exchange:

More English speakers needed!

Everyone is welcome to take part in our informal gatherings across the island,

where people of different nationalities chat in English, Spanish, German, French and Italian. However, we especially need

more English speakers as local participants far outweigh us foreigners, and they are

desperate to practice our language! To find out more about our fun events, email me


[email protected] or see:

Moonlight magic: The language exchange sometimes meets to watch a film in English, with Spanish subtitles (

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10The Canary News - Wk 38 2012 - Issue 76 -

CuLTuraL CapITaL

Hotel Rural Molino de Agua

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CuLTuraL CapITaL

Hotel Rural Molino de AguaFor decades the tourist industry here has chased the

package holiday maker, by offering homogeonised sun, sea and sand oriented trips to stay in ever more tired carbon copy hotels serving up blander and blander 'eurocusine', on an all inclusive ticket that seems, each year, to include less and less of the things that make this place so very unique. Perhaps that is all people want.

Ask nearly anyone who has ever come here on holiday and they will tell you about the arid Spanish island baked under an African sun, the beach, dunes and the hundreds of bars and taxis; but how many of them could tell you about the real Gran Canaria? How many of them would know that until 50 years ago the only people you would find in the south were rough handed fishermen and tomato farmers? And we must ask, would they care at all?

The real heart of Gran Canaria can only be found in the mountains, where the people of these islands have lived for hundreds of years, up in the clouds, where water was traditionally not so scarce, where greenery flourishes from palms to fruit trees to ancient pines, and where life continues at a pace far removed from the constant bus-em in, bus-em out hustle and bustle of commercial tour operator dominated new towns of the southern barrancos.

Just 20 minutes north of Maspalomas is Fataga, one of the most picturesque villages in all the Canaries. Due to its position, perched atop a hill and surrounded by working fertile valley, it

has never had to suffer the indignity of new developments or high rise hotels,

it remains pretty much as it would have done a century or

more ago.

Just outside the village, a little way up the valley you will find a true delight hidden among the palms. Set into a million square meters of old finca farmland is a refuge par excellence. The old water mill has, over the last year or so, been transformed into a mystical refuge of tranquility. Having first opened their grill bar and restaurant a year ago, the family of workers who joyfully spend their time here have grafted hard to renovate the old stable buildings into gorgeous and unique chalet bedrooms, in which it is possible to stay from as little as 30€ per person per night. They pride themselves on supplying the kitchen freshly from their own produce and promote holistic therapies and relaxation as well as encouraging visitors to walk the ancient trails which network the towns and villages all over this rugged and beautiful land. The nearby municipal capital of San Bartolome de Tirajana, Tunte, is within easy reach and well worth a visit.

Breakfast is served by a pool terrace with stunning views down the valley to Fataga and beyond, where clouds gather first thing in the mornings before the heat of the sun beckons them to rise and disipate into clear blue skies above. Above all, you will very likely notice the etheral calm of a land at peace with itself, where there is little to disturb, other than the occasional vehicle passing, a morning cockeral or donkey haw.

The restaurant is open to non-guests, and with regular entertainment on a saturday night this makes the perfect place for a romantic get-a-way, whether just for an evening, a weekend or much longer.

All the staff are friendly and proffessional and eager to ensure that your stay is comfortable, fun and on your own terms. This is countryside luxury indeed, at an affordable price.

Highly recommended!

Discover a world away from all you thought you knew about Gran Canaria

Website: Tel: 626 802 705Find Them on

Ctra. general Fataga, km.31, 35108 San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria

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Cultural Capital [email protected]

It seems these days that there is an abundance of choice when looking to move things to and from the islands from overseas. As times have become more difficult economically so more and more small ads have appeared [in other publications] offering cheap transport to and from England and further afield. The fact is, though, that in the south of Gran Canaria there really is only one professional transport company who can guarantee you an end-to-end service without the worry of whether you will be faced with unseen

extra costs or worse still that your shipment may not arrive at all.

There have been many instances of well thought out quotes being undercut by many thousands of Euros by guys with little more than a mobile number and a van, no paper work, no office, no landline, no company registration and no insurance, only for their clients to find out that there is much more to pay to actually complete the job. Whether it be customs or the need for further transport once the shipment is in port, to get it to

its destination.We’ve even heard the story

of one guy who has allegedly repeatedly conned various different clients in to using his services only to pick up their goods here on the island, take a ferry to the mainland, drive a small distance over night and then report everything as having been stolen to the police, leaving his customers with no paperwork, no proof, no refund and no belongings.

We all have a tendency to trust people more if they come from a similar place to ourselves, however just

because someone is English (or whatever your nationality) does not mean you can trust them more than someone who is able to provide you with all the necessary paperwork and costs involved in getting your goods from and to the place you want and offer you assurances and recourse should there be any problems.

The first thing to remember always when comparing prices is “What are you paying for?” If somebody quotes you a much lower price than a professional company who have years of experience and are reliably

easy to contact at their office, then you have to ask exactly what are the differences between the two amounts you’ve been quoted.

There are of course several companies here who can deal with almost any size of shipment, we are after all on an island that has been trading for hundreds of years, but if their not using company headed paper, and are unable to give you a clear description of every part of the consignments journey from door to door, with solid knowledge of the process; you may be leaving

yourself open to a serious mistake: Whether you are shipping long distance or just moving locally, you need to talk to Phoenix. Don’t be stupid when moving your things overseas, shop around and make sure you are totally comfortable with the service you are being offered and the people you are dealing with. In the end you really don’t want to try and cut corners when it comes to shipping your most precious possessions. Get it right first time, get it in writing, get it itemised... most of all, make sure you get it!

Beware the White Van Men!

The newly opened Bohemia Suites & Spa is a sophisticated lifestyle oasis for adults that’s surrounded by the volcanic beauty of Gran Canaria. It combines luxury with multifunctional surroundings and offers a secluded setting for guests to be pampered in total peace and privacy.

Having transformed what was once a run-down building into a modern, ocean-front hotel, the Bohemia Suites & Spa has created a place where friends can meet, share ideas and belong. At Bohemia’s rooftop restaurant, an open indoor-outdoor space, guests mingle with one another while soaking up panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and the softly undulating dunes of Maspalomas. Lime-infused cocktails are sipped next to huge panoramic windows that open widely, while diverse Mediterranean and Asian flavors are fused flawlessly on the plates of local diners.

In the sultry Siam Thai Spa, Mandala-inspired treatment marquees and rooms provide a tranquil setting for original Thai massages by Thai therapists. Meanwhile, fragrant aromatherapy baths of jasmine, mint and lemon let guests revel in complete secluded luxury. Outside, waves and warm breezes provide the perfect conditions for kite surfing and other water sports.

Bohemia’s 67 rooms and suites are fully integrated living spaces, where balconies and bedrooms merge seamlessly into one. Rich mahogany floors, native olive-wood furnishings and shades of yellow, purple and terracotta harmonize with the natural environment, rooting guests firmly in the heart of this sun-scorched volcanic island.

Bohemia Suites & Spa is an adults-only retreat combining sensory spa experiences with a native design concept that allows its guests the freedom to connect with the jagged volcanic landscape of the Canary Islands.

Editor's Note:The Bohemia is the first of its kind here in Gran Canaria and represents a clear departure from

the family budget offerings of the past, favoured by those who believe that tourism en masse is the right future for these islands. This is an upbeat, highly stylish, luxury representation of how Gran Canaria really can cater to the discerning tourist. At last, a hotel for grown ups!

Sensual Rhapsody

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Spotlight [email protected]

MOONLIGHT CINEMA PROGRAMME El Faro Maspalomas (opposite bus station) [email protected] Tel: 677 270 310

Special offers: see below, please mention when buying tickets

SATURDAY 22nd September: 8pm / 9.30pm 8pm: free cava

SUNDAY 23rd September: 8pm / 9.30pm

MONDAY 24th September: 8pm / 9.30pm

TUESDAY 25th September: 8pm / 9.30pm Pay for 1/stay for 2

WEDNESDAY 26th September: 8pm / 9.30pm

THURSDAY 27th September: 8pm / 9.30pm

FRIDAY 28th September: 8pm / 9.30pm 8pm: free cava

SATURDAY 29th September: 8pm / 9.30pm 9.30pm: free cava

SUNDAY 30th September: 8pm / 9.30pm 9.30pm: free cava

TUESDAY 2nd October 8pm / 9.30pm Pay for 1/stay for 2

WEDNESDAY 3rd October: 8pm / 9.30pm 8 pm: free cava

THURSDAY 4th October: 8pm / 9.30pm Pay for 1/stay for 2

FRIDAY 5th October: 8pm / 9.30pm

MONDAY 1st October: 8pm / 9.30pm

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14The Canary News - Wk 39 2012 - Issue 76 -

Discover puerto rico de Gran Canaria

BUSSING IT!The 01 bus is a cost effective way to get half way round the island from

the picturesque Puerto de Mogan, in the South West, right the way up to Las Palmas, the capital city, in the North East. There are plenty of other buses going to pretty much every town,

to find out which ones you need to take check out the Global Bus website (English/Spanish/German)

which has a handy route finder and timetables .

CC Puerto Rico Shopping Centre

Coco’s Cafe RestauranteBreakfast, Lunch, Daily Menu & Takeaway

C/C Phase 3, Puerto RicoOpen 06.00 – 22.30. Best coffee in Town.

Occasions Party ShopGreeting Cards, Gifts, Fancy Dress

236 Commercial Centre, Puerto Rico - next to MovistarOpening hours Mon-Sat 10am - 8pm, Sun 4pm - 8pm

TARA recommended ServicesVogue Hair, Nail, Massage & Beauty Salon

2061 C/C Phase 1, Puerto Rico - next to taxi rankTelephone : 674965407

Opening hours: Mon - Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-2pmCopacabanas

The most Comfortable Fun bar in Puerto RicoAll Drinks at Reasonable Prices Day & Night

20/26 Fase 4 CC Puerto RicoTommy Tuckers Irish Bar

Live music, top Scottish Comedian, all sporting eventsC/C Phase 3, Puerto Rico, Telephone 669900680

Open 7 days a week 11am - 3.30amLucey Byrne’s Shamrock Bar

Live Music, Karaoke, Live Sports inc. GAA10,11,13,14 C/C Phase 3, Puerto Rico

Open 7 days a week, 09.00 til lateHELGA Jewellery

Official distributors for BREITLING, RADO, TAGLocal 186-196 Phase 1 C/C Puerto Rico

Tel: 928 56 18 83 Email: [email protected] Ponte Italian Restaurant

Not just fresh Pizza & Pasta! Takeaway availableC/C Puerto Rico 1st floor

Tel: 928 560 479. Open Sun-Fri, 5pm-11pm

Near CC Puerto RicoHair by Graham @ Rejuvena

Massage, Nails & BeautyCosta Rica No2, Avda Tomas Roca Bosch

Tel: 696 552 022. Open 7 days Gabinete Dental

Dr Leoncio C. Santana MonzónAvda de la Cornisa, s/n Bungalows Orinoco No12

Telephone 928560101, Mon-Fri 10.00-19.00Martinica Hair, Nail & Beauty Salon

Opposite Crazy Golf & McDonalds, Puerto RicoTel : 928 562 429 - 667 816 060

Open 7 days a weekPrudential & Brokers

All Types of Finance & InsuranceMartinica 20/21, Puerto Rico

928725646 - [email protected]

Puerto BaseMcCools Irish Bar

Live music and all sporting events inc. GAADown in the Harbour, Puerto Base, Puerto Rico

Open 7 days a weekBlue Marlin 3 Sport fishing Boat

Big Game Fishing, food & Drink includedPuerto Base Harbour

TEL: 600 085 963 or 636 839 335Olas Locas Restaurante Terraza

Speciality:- Canarian Tapas and fresh fishPuerto Base, Puerto Rico (08.00 - 24.00)

Fri and Sat night BBQ only 7.95€

Near Puerto BaseYogi & Benny's British Bar

Portonovo Apartments, Puerto Base, Puerto RicoBritish menu served from 9.00am - 9.30pm

All live major sporting events shownElegance Hair, Nails & Beauty

Portonovo Apartments, Puerto RicoTel : 928 725 005

Open 10am – 8pm every day

El Guanche GrillSteakhouse and Mexican Food

5A-5B C/C Las Olas, Barranco Agua la PerraOpen 7 days a week, 14.00 – 24.00

CC Europa Shopping CentreMary D’s Bar

C/C Europa, Puerto RicoLive Sports in HD, Shots Quizzes, Live Shows

Karaoke, Free WIFI. Open 7 days a weekMambos

Great British Breakfast with Mark & JackieA Great Friendly Atmosphere day & Night

Europa Centre at the rear with the sea viewChicago’s Café, Bar and Restaurant

17 & 25 C/C Europa, Puerto RicoBreakfast, Snacks, Full Menu,& Takeaway

Open 7 days a week, 08.00 -24.00

Near CC Europa Wrestlers Arms, Pool Bar with stunning views,}

Monte Paraiso Apartments, rear of C/C EuropaOpen to non residents, great snacks & meals

Open 7 days a week, 9am til late

CC PassarellaHarbour Lights Bar

Friendly bar with stunning views of the harbour & beachLocal 19/20 C/C Passarella, Puerto Rico

Open 7 days a week, 09.00 – 02.00H2O Restaurant

Seafood - Meat - VegetarianSecond floor Shopping Center Passarella- Stunning view

Telephone: 928 725 540Rhodos Palace

Greek and International RestaurantLocal 14-15-16 C/C Passarella, Puerto Rico

Tel : 928561029, Open 7 days a week from 16.00–24.00

Puerto Rico Gems

AmadoresWhere Life's a Beach

For information about

Advertising CallTEAM PUERTO RICO

on 6343 39416or email

[email protected]

Best Kept Secret

in Puerto Rico

Page 15: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 76 - Wk39 2012 - The Canary News

Discover puerto rico de Gran Canaria

Europa CenterFun at the Top of The Hill

CC Puerto Rico The Town Centre

Puerto Base Portonovo & Las Olas

CC Passarella Harbour Delights

AmadoresWhere Life's a Beach

Coastal Path

Best Kept Secret

in Puerto Rico

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16The Canary News - Wk 39 2012 - Issue 76 -

Entertainment & Events

Agüimes In front of the municipal swimming poolThursdays 09:00-14:00Arguineguín La Plaza Negra: Every Tuesday 08:00-14:00CC Ancora Every Thursday 08.00-14.00TARA Second Hand & Artesan Flea Market, Plaza Negra, at the beach in Arguinegín. Every Saturday 7.30Arucas Calle Francisco Gourier: Every Saturday 08:00-14:00Gáldar General MarketPlaza de Santiago de Apostól: Every Thursday 08:00-14:00.Gáldar Collectors’ MarketGuaires, 26, Tel: 928.55.21.40IngenioEn el Ejido: First Sunday of every month 09.00-15.00Jinámar Ramblas de Jinámar (Telde): Sundays 9:00-15:00 Las Palmas RastroTerrace on top of the bus stationEvery Sunday 8.00-14.00Maspalomas Second Hand MarketCC Faro 2, Campo Internacional, MaspalomasSundays 10.00 onwardsMaspalomas Artisans’ MarketNext to Global Bus StationMelonerasMercadillo en Meloneras: Every Thurs-day 10.00-17.00MendizábalCalle de Mendizábal, Vegueta, Las PalmasThird Saturday of every monthMoyaOn top of the bus station: Every Sunday 08:00-14:00Playa del Inglés Artesan market, at Parque Europeo, (next to the Minitren). Everyday except Sunday 19.30-23.30.Puerto de MogánTraditional craft marketPlaza del Parking, Puerto de Mogán: Every Monday 09.00-14.30Puerto de Mogán General MarketEl Muelle Deportivo: Every Friday 08:00-14:00 San FernandoSan Fernando Municipal Market, Maspalomas.Every Wednesday and Saturday: 08:00-14:00 San Fernando Municipal MarketSkating ring in San FernandoEvery second Sunday 09:00-14:00San Mateo Every Saturday: 08:00-20:00 and Sundays 08:00-15:00.Santa BrígidaUnderneath the municipal park in Villa de Santa Brígida. Every Saturday 08:00-20:00 and every Sunday from 08:00-14:00Santa Catalina Mercadillo in Las Palmas de G.C.Art Gallery of Parque de Santa Catalina Every Sunday between 08.00-14.00. Santa LuciaMercadillo de Santa Lucia: Every Sun-day 8.00-14.00Santa María de GuíaPlaza del Casco HistoricoEvery Tuesday and Sunday 10.00-14.00TeldePlaza de San Gregorio, by the bus stationEvery Saturday 08:00-14:00Teror Around the Basílica de Nuestra Señora del PinoEvery Sunday 08:00-14:00VallesecoMercado Municipal : Every Sunday 08.00-14.00Valsequillo Calle Isla de la Gomera : Every Sunday 08:00-14:00Vecindario Agricultural MarketRecinto Ferial. Every Monday 08:00-14:00 onLa Karpa, Avda. de las TirajanasEvery second Saturday 08.00-14.00Vecindario General MarketRecinto Ferial. Every Wednesday 08.00-14.00Vegueta, Cultural and Craftsmanship marketPlaza del Pilar Nuevo, Las Palmas de G.C.Every Sunday of every month (except July, August and Sept.) 10.00-14.00.

Markets in Gran Canaria


Patalavaca Shopping AreaSpar AnfiPart of the Spar Mogan GroupQuality Market GoodVariety At a Fair Price(34) 928 735 360Norsk BoligformidlingReal Estate Sales & (34) 928 150 976Tropical Pool BarDoñana Beach ApartmentsBreathtaking View on the Beach(34) 697 595 773

Ancora Shopping AreaAladdin´s CaveThings Second Hand & NewA Lovely Store for Lovely People(34) 637 163 434Ary Translations S.L.Translations in 20 Languages(34) 629 226 680www.arytraducciones.comBlend Phone and Network Installations & Services(34) 902 909 720www.blend.esCarlito´s Pet StoreRabbits, Hamsters, Birds, FishTARA’s Favourite for Pet Food & Accessories(34) 928 736 128CoquiduDog Beauty SalonTARA Recommended Services(34) 928 735 136Mandy’s DenPub Grub & DrinksGood Company(34) 928 150 368

Pino Seco Shopping AreaAntennaserviceSales, Service, Installation TV SATNext To German Super Market(34) 610 928 666Auto Servicio & Lavado ArguineguinCar Wash & Full-ServiceProfessionals You Can Trust(34) 928 735 928Clinica Veterinaria TenesoyaVeterinarian Clinic – Multi-lingualTARA Recommended Services(34) 928 736 537Deutscher Supermarkt ArguineguinGerman Grocery Products(34) 928 73 57 50www.deutscher-supermarkt-ancora.deTARA Animal Charity ShopsSecond Hand Goods – Animal Welfare The Canary News Community Centre(34) 928 062 891Facebook & www.tara-animales.orgUnit 1Designers – Printers – SignmakersTARA Recommended Services(34) 928 150 331

Old Town Shopping AreaBazaar El RastrilloNew & Used Items for All(34) 689 275 245El PicoteoBar Café Canarian Tapas Specialists(34) 669 613 425Fusion Restaurant & Lounge BarSoutheast Asian Kitchen(34) 928 185

La Sizeníta BazaarToys For Tots & OlderFun At Fair Prices(34) 928 185 016Los AntoniosCanarian Bar & Restaurant(34) 928 150 244Supermercardo ChanoCommunity GroceriesNear Arguineguin Beach(34) 928 735 351

Main Street Shopping Centre

Central Medíco ArguineguinQuality Medical Care(34) 928 735

Cárdenas Real Estate3 Locations in Gran Canaria(34) 928 150

The Canary News can be found throughout Arguineguín at many of these businesses and on the cash desks of all good supermarkets.






Hugo must find Anna in Gran CanariaHelp him and win a 7 night-stay for 2!Participate in the games between now and January 2013 to help Hugo find Anna on Gran Canaria and win yourself a one week stay on the island for two people.

There will be a different prize every month. Also, the more games you play, the greater your chances of winning the final prize.

The synopsisAnna and Hugo met a year ago in Gran Canaria. They decided not to exchange phone numbers, but to meet up again one year later in the same place at the same time as they first met.

For reasons beyond his control, Hugo missed his plane. He got there a day late, and Anna was not there on the beach.

So Hugo must now search for Anna all over the island. Read about his adventures on the island and help him to find her!


Page 17: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 76 - Wk39 2012 - The Canary News










Edificio Mercurio Torre II, 7.ºI35100 Playa del Inglés

GRAN CANARIA------------------------------------

Avda. de Pescadores s/nPlaya de Mogán
















rOquE NubLO

POzO izquiErDO

Do you have a business that we should be talking about?

Do you have high standards when it comes to quality of experience and integrity when it comes to working with others?

Do you want to tell us about a business that gives really good service?

Write to us here on:

[email protected]

If you are visiting living or work ing in Gran Canaria we want to hear from you. Particularly we want to hear about businesses and services that we can honestly recommend as providing quality for money and quality of experience as their client.

We want to give a big pat on the back to anyone who is helping to make us recession proof by finding the ways to work positively with people around them, while offering the best possible levels of service.

Write to the editor now!

Page 18: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

18The Canary News - wK 37 2012 - Issue 75 -

The perfect Wedding Tips with Bernadette Garside

Trusted FriendsBeing asked to be a Best Man or the Maid of Honour for someone special in your life is a huge privilege. However, do be aware that it doesn’t come without its responsibilities. Here are some helpful tips to guide you along the way:

The Maid of HonourToday’s modern maid of honour provides support and assistance to the bride not only in planning

the tasks running up to the wedding but also emotional support on the day.

There’s a lot going on leading up to the wedding day and on the day itself, the bride will rely on her maid of honour to support her and ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Working alongside the Mother of the Bride, the other Bridesmaids and the Wedding Planner, the maid of honour will ensure that the bride is as stress free as possible and that she can relax and enjoy her magical day.

Here are some of the traditional roles that the maid of honour will be required to undertake, however do be prepared to help in other areas that might arise:

1. Help to address the invitations2. Organizing the Bridal Shower and/or Hen Party3. Help the bride shop for her bridal dress and any going away clothes4. Keep the other bridesmaids updated on all appointments at which they need to be present5. Take responsibility for the flower girl if there are any6. Assist the bride and bridesmaids to get ready on the wedding day7. Assist the bride with her train when walking down the aisle 8. Hold the brides bouquet at the alter9. Carry the grooms ring for the bride (unless there is a ring bearer)10. Witness and sign the marriage certificate11. Help the bride change out of her dress when she is ready12. See the bridal couple off with the best man13. See to the care of the wedding dress when the bride goes off on her honeymoon

The best ManThe best man is typically the best friend or close relative of the groom and will also help and

support in the same way as the maid of honour does for the bride.Traditionally his duties are:1. Arranging the Stag Party2. Working together with the maid of honour to co-ordinate any other joint parties such as

wedding rehearsal dinners etc3. Make the necessary travel arrangements for the groom to get to the ceremony venue4. Coordinate all the ushers and ensure they are on time and they know what they are

supposed to be doing5. Be responsible for the brides ring before the exchange and be responsible for any ring

bearer.6. Witness and sign the marriage certificate7. Act as host at the reception till the bride and groom arrive8. Make a speech at the reception9. Send flowers to the honeymoon reservation to greet them when they arrive10. Return the grooms and ushers clothing back to the rental place after the wedding dayIt’s also customary for the bride and groom to repay such help and support with small gifts given

out at the end of the wedding meal.

Last but not least, if you’re struggling with your wedding day speech, then have a look at this website with mountains of real life best man and maid of honour speeches, .

I just love this site for all the help and advice they can give to you. Don’t start writing your speech without it; you’ll pick up some great tips to ensure you deliver a performance to remember!

For more help and advice on organizing your wedding day please contact me on: [email protected] or Tel Nº: (0034) 653 642 208

Bernadette GarsideWedding Planner

The Roles of the Maid of Honour and the Best Man

Page 19: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 75 - WK 37 2012 - The Canary News

The unexpected Farmer

I found my piece of paradise....Well the decision was made we were moving to culo del mundo as the Spanish call it, “ass of the world” is the translation.... although only 10 minutes away from civilisation it felt like a different world. There were no tourists, PR’s or looky looky men shouting “alright mate” Don’t get me wrong, resort has some good points.....I will let you know when I find them.I grew up on a farm, and my childhood memories were great, all the little animals, feeding time, having fun, and of course no hard work....god, how different it is when you are an adult. When we agreed to take on the Finca, I naïvely believed that it would fit in with my already busy life, how stupid was I...?Within a short space of time, I was found on several occasions with my head in my hands asking “what the hell have I done” my childhood memories were deceiving me, as this farm life was bloody hard work... if I wasn’t picking fruit that I had no idea what to do with, I was chasing the ever escaping chickens.Did I not mention the animals? Oh yes, added to our own mini zoo which we

brought with us; we now had over 60 chickens, a duck (who believes that she is a chicken) and numerous animals that made strange noises in the night...My mantra became 'I will not be defeated'.....determination had always been my strong point, and after watching chicken run (the movie) I was more determined than ever before that my little piece of paradise was going to succeed...

The Unexpected Farmer

The eggs go in the nesting boxes!Chickens have always been considered one of the easiest of all farm animals to look after, you only need to provide them with food, water and somewhere cosy to lay their eggs! Yeah right, where do people get this idea from? Chickens are a nightmare.When we moved in, there were over 60 chickens and cockerels, on this ratio with my basic chicken knowledge we should have been getting a nice pile of eggs everyday! hmmm then why were

we only getting on average 5 a day, something had to be done.

I spoke to the local feed store lady who advised changing their feed, and the chicken man who advised chopping their heads off! drastic methods but this is Spain! Initially we thought we would go with the feed store lady and if that didn't work then the chicken man could be let

loose and do the deed!Google is an amazing tool and

I set about researching the best way to get my chickens to

lay, did you know there are myriad

websites and forums for chicken owners, sad but true! New nesting boxes were built, straw was fluffed, new chicken pen built, new feed in the feeders and we waited....Nope, It was decided that we had feral chickens that quite happily fly out every day and lay their eggs anywhere within a 2 mile radius of the finca, you name it they lay anywhere. Basically anywhere that isn't in my nice, comfy well appointed nesting boxes....operation 'follow chicken' had to begin! Yes. We spend our days stalking chickens and following them around. Honestly my kids do have other things to do, but what could be more fun than following a chicken for 20 minutes, only for it to walk back to where it started!After many weeks of stalking the chickens to a virtually criminal level, we had discovered where they were we knew that they do lay eggs, the need to turn them into Sunday lunch could be postponed until another day. Now all we have to do is discover why it is they want to lay 80ft up a mountain rather than in their warm, cosy box...whoever said chickens were dumb, knew their chickens well!

Welcome to our mad world! We’re farming by experiment and laughing along the way. Come for the eggs, stay for the life lessons! Who would have ever thought farming could be such hard work?!

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20The Canary News - wK 37 2012 - Issue 75 -


TARA Animal Respect Association Rescuing, Rehabilitating, and Rehoming Pets in Gran Facebook TARA or [email protected]

TARA Animal Charity Shops, Flea Markets, Events, Pet Foster Homes & Adoptions(+34) 928 062 891

Together We Can Make Gran Canaria A Paradise For Animals Too!

"I wonder if other dogs think

poodles are members of a weird religious cult. "

Rita Rudner

Lovestories, Heros and [email protected]

Male , castrated , vaccunated, 14 kg , Needs to be on a special diet.

Bobby has been fostered already now for a few months by a nice norwegian lady who also has one of TARA's adopted female dogs, so Bobby loves the ladies. He just needs to find his own pack of ladiesBobby is fluent in Spanish and Norwegian and is now learning English too, clever boy! Handsome, well built, strong male looking for a home, who could resist !

Oh Bobby!

ELLIE Good natured, beautiful & very friendly mixed breed female. Found abandoned, now in good health and needs a permanent home. She is about 8 months old, understands basic commands and is good on the lead. Ellie loves her regular walks and is genuinely enthusiastic about everything!

CANO Last of the Salobre puppies looking for a home. He is a handsome boy with a curious and playful soul. He is very intelligent and eager to learn. He has lots of energy and is very social and would make a perfect mate for long runs. He is around 16 weeks now and about 8 kg. He'll be medium size when adult.

FIGAROLittle Figaro was crying for help on the top of a hill in Puerto Rico. Below, Michael, TARA's favourite fosterhome for kittens, heard the cry and started to climb up a shear drop, in the middle of the night, in effort to find the little kitten. Having reached where the scared kitty was meowing, Michael was faced with the problem of a kitten in one hand, a steep drop down, a fear of heights, and a moonless night.. Stones were tumbling under his feet, as he tried to climb back down, with no pockets, and no t-shirt, only wearing shorts and sandals. The only way to get both down safely was to call the fire department, who came with 6 heros, ready to help our crazy heroic norwegian... This is one happy tale which ended with saviour needing to be saved.

A big thank you to Puerto Rico's Fire department from little Figaro and all of us at TARA.

Figaro, male ,1 month and rescued. Looking for his happy ending !

PRINCESS The Beautiful Princess was abandoned and mistreated. She has been in a loving fosterhome for the last few months. She is ready to take the next step and find a permanent home to call her own. She is so kind to other dogs, cats and people. She is full of energy and she loves, loves, loves to run. This is essential for her, or else she gets restless and starts to look for things to chew on. Books, shoes, whatever she can find. She does not like to be home alone either. She is very clever but tender and she needs careful training. No shouting, no

punishment of any kind. A loud voice gets her very shy and nervous.

Princess understands when you speak nicely to

her and show her what she has done wrong. This is one of TARA's very special dogs and she needs a special home to finish her training and to find her fairytale kingdom forever and ever. Princess, female, less than an year, less than 10kg.

Bobby .

"Unlucky with love"

Page 21: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 75 - WK 37 2012 - The Canary News

Kay's Cornerby K

ay Ow

en / A



A Drop in the ocean... I am by nature an optimist, and well known for tackling everything in which I

have an interest with missionary zeal - often much to the consternation of some of my fellow men, who prefer to live simply without the encumbrance of indefatigable spirits. Sharing some of my ideas for addressing poverty and injustice issues prevalent in the world today, my enthusiasm was somewhat quashed when a colleague said, “In the grand scheme of things Kay, surely your efforts, though laudable, are just a drop in the ocean”. I had to admit to feeling a little despondent as I thought of the size of the task and my seemingly miniscule attempts to make a difference. I concede that there are many and diverse ways of looking at, and responding to need. However, we each choose how to interpret what we see, and whether or not to get involved. Our choices reflect how we allow our attitudes to shape our actions. As a friend astutely observes, “It all depends on whether we see the glass half -full or half -empty!”

Just because many problems appear insurmountable, is it an option to bury our heads in the sand and do NOTHING?

Here’s an old “doing NOTHING “is not an option’ story which for me never palls in the re- telling.

THE TALE OF THE STARFISH (inspired by Lauren Eisley’s “ The Star-Thrower“)

Shortly after a storm had subsided, a wise man walking on the beach noticed that there were thousands of STARFISH washed up on the sand. In the distance he saw a young boy gazing fixedly at an object at his feet. Stooping, he picked it up and threw it far beyond the breaking surf.

The man drew close, calling out, “Good morning, what are you doing?”. The boy replied, “I’m throwing STARFISH into the ocean; the sun is up, the tide is going out and if I don’t throw them back they’ll die”.

“But young man, don’t you realise there are simply thousands upon thousands of STARFISH here? You can’t possibly make a difference”.

The boy listened politely, then bent down, picked up another STARFISH and

gently but quickly threw it back into the sea. “I made a difference to that one”, he replied.

All morning this conversation haunted the wise man. He was embarrassed at the contrast between the little boy’s youthful, innocent love for the living with his own hardened “mature” indifference

to death. He realised that he, the scientist and poet, had missed the

essential nature of the boy’s actions.

The youngster was choosing not to be an observer in the universe and watch it pass by, but choosing rather to be an actor in it and make a difference.

Soon, after some deep soul-searching and self-confrontation, the wise man returned to the beach, silently picked up a

STARFISH and flung it beyond the waves. The two spent the rest of the

day together throwing STARFISH into the sea.

Do the boy’s actions represent something that is very special in each one of us? Most of us

have the ability to make a difference--we just have to care enough, catch the vision and consider how

best we may utilise our available resources to influence maybe just ONE life for the better.

(There is a man called Shamgar in the Old Testament. He is only ever mentioned briefly, yet he is attributed to having saved a NATION. How? He did what he could, where he was, with what he had! ) Realistically we know we cannot save whole nations. But we can certainly look for some stranded STARFISH, and throw them wisely and well .

As the old Sunday- School song has it, “Now amid the darkness let us shine ... you in your small corner, and I in mine”. Because:-

Vision without action is merely a dream.

Action without vision just passes time.

Vision WITH action can change the world.

Kay Owen September 2012

Page 22: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

22The Canary News - wK 37 2012 - Issue 75 -

Sport & Fitness

ways to keep fit10 for under !€30Number 9:

Walking:for your longterm fitness

With Isobel Ferguson

FITNESS BOOT CAMPDiscover Beautiful Gran Canariawhile learning easy to master effective techniques to improve your fitness

From Weekend Courses to Keep Fit and Full Training

LOSE YOUR BODY FAT!Nutritional Advice - Outdoor Pursuits -

Body Conditioning -

For more info please contact 674192266 or email [email protected]


Saturday 22nd September in front of 8,102 spectators. The pressure is on Manager Sergio Lobera after the last 3 defeats especially the previous week’s 5-0 drubbing by Girona and with Villarreal being pretty well everyone’s favorite for direct promotion. Just 5 minutes into the game and David Gonzalez commits an unnecessary foul and the ref does not hesitate to signal a Villarreal penalty, which Marcus Senna calmly steps up to place to the right of Barbosa.0-1. Ten minutes into the game Javi Guerrero is unlucky to see his shot from 20 yards rebound off of the post after finding space well, a 13th minute free kick for Las Palmas 6 yards outside the box is smashed in, but it too bounces off of the post.After recent form, and considering that UDLP are behind, they are playing well and in the style that Lobera promised on his arrival at the club. The only difference between these 2 teams is the 5th minute penalty, Villar-real have undoubted quality but Las Palmas are by no means daunted and continue admirably with their own game. In the 38th minute Marcus Senna takes a Villar-real free kick from 35 yards and easily within the range of this Spanish international, but he shoots it well wide. 42nd minute half time is closing in and corner for Las Palmas is crossed toward the penalty spot but David Garcia unlucky with the resulting header, seconds later it is Thievy turn for lucklessness. Lots of Las Palmas pressure in these last minutes of the first half; Nauzet Aleman shoots into the side netting and the whistle blows with just that penalty separating the teams 0-1.

First minute of the second half and a shot by Javi Guer-rero is deflected to Thievy who makes no mistake scor-ing his first goal for UDLP 1-1. Five minutes into the second half and an interesting free kick for Las Palmas, 40 yards out and central, but the cross into the box is too long and so its time to regroup. 5 minutes later Nauzet makes a perfect cross with Guerrero just fail-ing to make contact. 57th minute and a good save from Barbosa keeps UDLP in the game. With half an hour to go it is obvious that they have been working hard on their fitness and they are holding up well. 70th minute newly-on-sub Chrisantus combines well with Thievy laying the ball on for him in space and Thievy slides it under the Vil-larreal keeper to make it 2-1. Thievy refuses to consider any ball as lost and fights for everything, in the 77th minute recuperating a lost ball he crosses well for Chrisantus who just fails to connect with an overhead kick, the loose ball falls to Vitolo who is fouled on the edge of the box, but the free kick comes to nothing. 81st minute Barbosa fouls in his own box and once again Senna steps up to send Bar-bosa the wrong way, 2-2. A providential hand by Juan Carlos in injury time denies Las Palmas a deserved victory. Let´s hope that Las Palmas have turned the cor-ner. Man of the match Thievy the Panther, tireless in attack. Ian Wilcox

Try our 10,000 Step Challenge!

So the kids are back to school, early morning starts have resumed ... With those extra spare minutes why not give our 10,000 Step Challenge a go?!

Research shows that walking 10,000 steps a day will improve your health, burn excess calories and give you more energy.

Think you haven’t got the time ?Think again! Walking can be done anywhere, at any time, and here on the island we’ve also the perfect weather. It’s also an ideal way to get from A to B, which means there really is no excuse to fit walking into your daily routine.

How do I know how many steps I’m taking?The average person walks between 3,000 and 4,000 steps per day, (1,000 steps is the equivalent of 10 minutes of brisk walking). Want to find out exactly how many steps you are walking a day? Why not buy a pedometer (Decathlon, Sportszone), and it will measure every step you take: around the house, at work, shopping, to school or the park. You might discover that you walk almost 10,000 steps a day, or that you walk less than you think. Take the plunge! Whatever your results, knowing how far you can walk in a day will help motivate you when you really need it.

How many calories will I burn if I walk 10,000 steps a day?You’ll generally use between 300 and 400 calories by walking 10,000 steps. For weight loss, you should aim for a calorie deficit I.e. more calories used than consumed, which generally equates to around 600 calories per day.

What equipment / clothing do I need?- Simply a pair of trainers is all you will need. - A pedometer isn’t essential but as you get into a regular habit of daily walking will accurately tell you the number of steps you are taking and measure your progress.- Please always take water to prevent dehydration.- Sun cream !

What’s the best way to start?For the Beginner : If you aren’t used to being active, start slowly with 10-20 minutes a day. Please always check with your Doctor if you have any joint injuries or an existing health condition.

Fairly Active : Use a pedometer and find out how many steps you take during a normal day. It could be as little as 900 or as much as 5,000 depending

on what you do. Repeat your highest total number of steps daily for a week and remember to record the numbers every night in a diary to keep track. As soon as you feel able, aim to increase your steps to 10,000 a day. 

Tips to help you fit in 10,000 steps a day- Get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way home or to work.- Walk the children to school and walk back! - Walk your dog or offer to take a friends

Find walking boring? - Have a walking partner- Use an iPod  - Have some different walk routes to keep it varied i.e along the beach, include a hill or 2, or use the sand dunes.- Try to remember the positive benefits for your health and well being. Your body will thank you as you get older.

Want to set yourself a once in a lifetime challenge?!

Join in on our Breast Cancer Awareness walk from 29th September. You can choose a specific part to do with your friends and raise money for a much needed local charity. See page 5 For more details.

In conjunction with this we are also running weekly training walks to get you motivated and fit! They are free to attend, local and suitable for all levels of fitness. It is also a fantastic way to see the island. Just email .... For the next meeting place and date.


UD Las Palmas 2 Villarreal 2






Page 23: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch - Issue 74 - August 2012 - The Canary News



Private classified adverts must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 12 NOON FRIDAY

Classified advertisingTo place a classified advert, use this cupon or a seperate piece of paper & drop it off at TARA - Arguineguin,

The Print Shop - San Fernando, use our website system or call us on 928 062 792 Email [email protected]

Boxed adverts1 mod 12 € inc 45x38 mm2 mod 20 € inc 45x79 mm3 mod 35 € inc 45x120 mm


CALL 928 401 528 Or 6343 67 879 FOr MOrE iNFOrMATiON EMAiL: [email protected]

PRICE: 20 cents per word inc 7% IGIC5 € minimum (unused words given as donations to TARA)

Page 24: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

24The Canary News - August 2012 - Issue 74 -


Quinny's Quiz

Send your answers to [email protected] or use the form opposite and leave at anyone of our drop in centres for a chance to win a prize!

PrOPErTiES FOr SALEDirect / Private

Aquamarinea, Patalavaca Bungalow First Row 1 Bed, 1 Bath 61m2 Terrace, Furnished

€360,000 670 487 336


Call now: 928 150 650

Arguineguín, Altos de Arguineguín Single-family house, 4 bed(s)

590.000 Euros 22263-RS

Playa del Cura Apartment, 2 bed(s)

180.000 Euros 22265-OM

Puerto Rico, East Hill FresasDuplex, 2 bed(s)115.000 Euros


Maspalomas, Campo Internacional Duplex, 1 bed(s)79.500 Euros 22286-OM

Puerto Rico, East Hill Duplex, 2 bed(s)



Puerto Rico, West Hill Apartment, 1 bed(s)

64.000 Euros 22303-OM

Puerto Rico, West Hill Apartment, 1 bed(s)

85.000 Euros 22305-OM

Arguineguín, Loma Dos Apartment, 2 bed(s)

193.500 Euros 22315-OM

Puerto Rico, Barranco Agua La Perra Apartment, 1 bed(s)

119.000 Euros 22334-LM

San Agustín Monte Rojo

Bungalow, 1 bed(s)170.000 Euros


DrEAM HOMES Tel: 928 141202

SONNELANDOne bedroom apartment for sale in

Sonneland with beautiful views from the balcony. Sold unfurnished and is on a complex which offers tennis courts, communal pool, lifts and reception.

The apartment consists of a bathroom with bath, kitchenette, living room and

bedroom with fitted wardrobes.Ref: SN42V Price:€55.000

PUERTO RICOWell kept apartment on a well

maintained complex with beautiful sea views over Amadores beach. Large

16m2 terrace and sold fully furnished. One bedroom with kitchenette, bathroom

and living room. Community pool and also off road parking available.

Ref: PR70V Price:€65.000PUERTO RICO

Well kept apartment on a well maintained complex with beautiful sea

views over Amadores beach. Large 16m2 terrace and sold fully furnished.

One bedroom with kitchenette, bathroom and living room. Community pool and

also off road parking available.Ref: PR68V Price:€75.000

PUERTO RICOWell kept apartment on a well

maintained complex with beautiful sea views over Amadores beach. Large

16m2 terrace and sold fully furnished. One bedroom with kitchenette, bathroom

and living room. Community pool and also off road parking available.

Ref: PR70V Price:€65.000PLAYA DEL INGLÉS

One bedroom apartment in a great location, only 10 minutes walk to the

Yumbo centre and the sand dunes. The apartment is on the middle floor and offers pool views from the balcony.

The apartment is a one bedroom, with living room, bathroom and kitchen.

Communidad charges are €86 a month.Ref: PI24V Price:€87.000

DrEAM HOMES Tel: 928 141202

rOCA rEAL ESTATE 928 561667

1 BEDROOM quiet apartment with fantastic views, terrace with fantastic

views over Taurito beach. The complex is very quiet, and has lifts,

swimming pool, etc Ref. 10099A. Sale price 90.000 €

1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, with very good views, very quiet complex, with

lifts and a large swimming pool, terrace with beautifull views. Ref. 10102. Sale price 62.000 ,-€Great


1 BEDROOM CORNER APARTMENT, fantastic views over Amadores beach,

residential complex with pool, lifts, parking, etc. Ref. 10013D. Sale price

REDUCED!! 76.000.-€.

1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, with fantastic views over Puerto Rico, in a quiet residential complex, in good

condition, furnished. Ref. 1002C. Sale price 82.000.-€.

2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, in good condition, residential complex,

central location. Ref 10049. Sale price Reduced!! 126.000.-€.

2 BEDROOM apartments, HAITI, opposite Puerto Rico beach with fantastic sea views, residential

complex with large swimming pool and parking, Ref. 10132. Sale prices

from 130.000 to 160.000.-€.

rOCA rEAL ESTATE 928 561667

EurOPA rEAL ESTATEHotline: 928 - 77.11.77 [email protected]


3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, livingroom, full-fitted kitchen, large terrace and garden (plot:

240 sqm). Small private complex of only 4 units with pool and low


348.000,-- euros (needs refurbishing).


Corner groundfloor bungalows with large terrace in beloved

complex with large pool, beautiful gardens, tennis court and


1 Bedroom: 114.000,- €, with 2 Bedrooms: 168.000,- €

3. SAN AGUSTÍN, excellent bungalow, spectacular views,

2 bedrooms, bathroom, large terrace (32 sqm), parkinglot, pool.

270.000,- €

4. SONNENLAND, 2-Bedroom-bungalow, refurbished, terrace and small garden with views. Complex

with large pool. 210.000,- €

5. FATAGA, 130 sqm. Familyhouse with large terraces and beautiful views. Needs further renovation.

210.000,- €

6. SAN MATEO, 1.800 sqm. Finca with fruit trees, and with well kept 2 bedroom-bungalow. 140.000,- €

7. EL TABLERO. New, lovely and very bright two-bedroom

apartment with balcony separate built-in kitchen with laundryroom,

garage and lumber room. Price: 174.000,-- Euro.

8. PLAYA DEL INGLÉS, NEAR THE BEACH. Excellent one bedroom

topfloor-apartment with balcony. Completely refurbished. Very well maintained complex with pool and

low cummunityfee. 123.000,€

9. SAN FERNANDO, Spacious family house, 240 sqm. living

area, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large patio and 100 sqm. terrace.

288.000,- €


70m²-large sunny one-bedroom cornerapartment. Small private

complex with pool. To the beachpromenade: 20 seconds!

It’s a jewel! 200.000.- Euro VERY RARE SALE !!

EurOPA rEAL ESTATEHotline: 928 - 77.11.77 [email protected]


Tel: 928 141202

SAN AGUSTINCosy studio for rent in San Agustin, in a great location close to the beach. The complex has 3 communal swimming pools and the studio is fully equipped

with washing machine and air conditioning.

Ref: SA39A. Price: €450/month (bills included)

TAURITO Apartment for rent in Playa de Taurito. The apartment has one

bedroom, kitchen fully equipped with washing machine, oven, 4 ceramic hobs

etc. Large balcony with beautiful sea views. Ref: TR03A.

Price: €450/month (bills included)PLAYA DEL INGLÉS

Well maintained apartment in the centre of Playa del Ingles, really close to the Yumbo centre. The apartment is fully

equipped with stereo system, television, washing machine etc etc. Ref: PI41A.

Price: €550/month (bills included)PLAYA DEL INGLÉS

Beautiful two bedroom bungalow on a peaceful complex with a fantastic

communal pool, consisting of salt water. The bungalow offers two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room and

utility room. Ref: PI18. Price: €1000/month (bills not


Well kept one bedroom apartment with beautiful breath taking views, situated

in a fairly quiet area with beautiful views of the sea. Communal pool and pool bar.

Ref : PR34A Price €550 (€50 worth of bills included)DrEAM HOMES

Tel: 928 141202

rOCA rEAL ESTATE 928 561667


BUNGALOWS, in Puerto Rico, & Playa del Cura, long term lets. Prices from

440.-€ / month.

PUERTO RICO, BUNGALOW ON THE BEACH, three bedrooms with private garden, long term let, 1.000.-€ plus

water and electric.

BAR for rent, no traspaso, in the Phase I, top floor, Puerto Rico

shopping centre, 25 m2. Rent 1.400.-€/month.

EurOPA rEAL ESTATEHotline: 928 - 77.11.77 [email protected]

Winterperiod 2012-2013 min. for 3 months. Playa del Inglés

very close to the beach ANEXO II. One-bedroom apartment with large

balcony and fully equipped. Complex with pool. 780,-€/Month all


rESTAurANTSNovillo Precoz

Portugal 9, Las Palmas

Tel 928 221 659 [email protected]

Made in Argentina,C/Alcalde Jose Yanes Matos,

Edif Don

Miguel, Next door to Nuem Estetica

opposite Spar, San Fernando

Restaurante Las Salinas, C/Maestro Jose Molina Guerra,

20 Castillo del Romeral, Tel 928 728 308


Polígono Industrial de Arinaga Fase II

35118 Agüimes TEL 928 759035

OPPOrTuNiTiES Community Gardners, Sales

Professionals, Social butterflies, Angels, Right Minded Nieghbours,

and Lovers of Gran Canaria required to nurture a future proof community

starting at a grass roots level to discover how best we can serve

the needs of local businesses and support those who wish to build a cohesive strategy for the positive

enrichment of all who live, work and visit this island. This is about a lot

more than simply charitable actions, it is about empowerment for the

community and individuals who serve the island in many different ways

Call 6343 67879 to find out more!

For Sale Share in Club Varadero Las Palmas The club has 2 heated salt water pools, one of them for children,

Sauna, cinema, rooms for actuations and reading, wifi,table tennis and

pool. Monthly quota 59€ 928 380 314/699 477 210

1500€ Negotiable.

OPPOrTuNiTiES wANTED: Work Wanted

Experienced Bar, Waitress, Cook Apartment Cleaning

Reliable, Friendly Lady Anywhere from Puerto de Mogan to

Maspalomas Please Call Jane 620 333 170

1. which country won the first olympic gold medal at 2012 Ans China2. for which sport was it won Ans shooting (air rifle)3.who was the lead singer with soft cellAns Marc Almond4.what is louise browns claim to fameAns first test tube the familys surname from tvs beverlly hill billiesAns the clampits

6. in tossing the caber what must be worn to compete Ans a the standard game of monopolly which is the most expensive square Ans Mayfair8.which organisation was founded by william booth Ans Salvation army9. albert tatlock, ena sharples appeared in which tv soap Ans coronation street10.which football clubs nickname is the trottersAns bolton wanderers

1. which nation always leads out the olympic opening ceromony2. on tv what would you expect to see Paul Rankin doing3.what does a entomologist what year did elvis presley die which city is the Jorvic viking centre6.who was the lead singer with 70s punk pand x ray specs7.which river did dutch pop group pussycat sing about

8.Xenophobia is a fear of what9.what city is switzerlands capital

10. what is a shitzu (no not edinburgh)

Our lucky winner from last edition was Mr Michael

Thomson of Sweden, who wins a choice of either 100€ worth of advertising or a BBQ dinner for

two with show and all drinks inc at Sioux City Wild West Show

Town any Friday of his choosing. Quinny thanks you. Well done!

Last editions answers were...

VW Golf V6 Year 2000, 108,000km 1year garage guarantee, 6,300euros. 625 636 972. Autos RaynaVW Polo estate Year 2000, 165,000km, 1 year garage guarantee, 2,000euros. 637 850 980. Autos RaynaSuzuki Vitara,Year 1999,124,792km, 1 year garage guarantee, 2,500euros 625 636 972. Autos RaynaFord Fiesta, Year 2001, 200,000km, 1 year garage guarantee, 2,500euros. 637 850 980. Autos RaynaOpel Corsa 1.4 Year 2003, 150,000km, 1year garage guarantee. 3,000euros. 625 636 972. Autos RaynaMercedes 230 GE, Year 1988, 160,000km, 1year garage guarantee, 8,500euros 637 850 980. Autos RaynaMercedes Vito Van, Year 2002, 90,000km, 8,500, 1year garage guarantee, 8,500euros 625 636 972. Autos Rayna

CARS For Sale!

HOUSE TO RENT San Fernando (Eurospar), fully

furnished, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, terrace

with barbeque, garage, rent the whole house 900€ possible chance of sale. 616 363 761


Page 25: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch

KN4The Canary News -Week 39 2012 - Issue 76 /

Kanariska Nyheter

Fantastisk leilighetsprosjekt på

Utbygger: Gran Canaria Houses S.L. Calle Miguel Marrero 7B, 35120 ArguineguinKontakt oss for tilbud – tlf.: 0034 610 84 59 26 – e-post: [email protected] i Norge: Sven Johansen – tlf.: 94 82 49 88

Kun 4



Nybygg med 8 leiligheter.

Alle med 2 soverom og 2 bad,

garasje og bod. Svømmebasseng.

Innflyttingsklart ca. 1. november 2012

For mer info gå til:

Gran Canaria under bygging i Loma Dos, Arguineguin

Jag flyttade från Sverige i slutet på augusti för att bo och arbeta här på Gran Canaria i ett halvår. Det var en enkel match att vänja sig vid värmen, vilken jag alltid har haft en förkärlek för. I många avseenden är livet här på Gran Canaria likt det liv jag hade i Sverige, arbete och träning. Med arbete redan avklarat var jag tvungen att hitta ett bra gym på ön som jag kan gå till efter jobbet. Detta gym finns i San Fernando och heter Gym Style. Adressen är Avenida de Galdar.Vid första anblicken ser Gym Style väldigt litet och trångt ut, men skenet bedrar. Det gäller att på spanskt manér se möjligheterna i de, med svenska ögon mätt, små ytorna. Det finns fyra olika rum på gymmet där det första innehåller en del maskiner som exempelvis axelpress- och butterfly-maskiner samt även fria vikter, bänkar och kabelmaskiner. För de som önskar finns det fler maskiner i det intilliggande rummet. Här finns de flesta maskinerna för träning av lår och vader samt en skivstång med tillhörande ställning för de som vill göra

squats. I samma rum finns det även fyra motionscyklar och tre löpband samt en vägg som delar rummet mitt itu och skapar således ett eget rum som på denna sida erbjuder boxning i alla dess former, med mattbelagda golv och tillhörande boxningssäckar samt handskar. Det sista rummet längst in i gymmet har fler motionscyklar utplacerade samt en mattbelagd hörna för de som exempelvis vill stretcha eller göra kroppsövningar såsom situps och armhävningar.

Gym Style är ett bra gym och det är inga som helst problem att samsas och umgås med kanarierna även om man inte pratar spanska. Om inte annat kommer man väldigt långt med ett par enstaka ord och ett pekfinger.

Priset för ett månadskort är 30 €, men de erbjuder även familjekort och möjligheten att betala per timme/dag/vecka. Sebastian

Det finns fyra olika festivaler under oktober månad, som alla är väl värda ett besök. San Francisco Festival den 4 oktober i Telde. La Manzana Festival, första söndagen i

oktober, i Valleseco. I Las Palmas har man sin La Virgen del Rosario Festival, den 3 oktober. Avslutningsvis har man en fest andra söndagen i oktober,

Nuestra Señora de la Luz Festival, i en by kallad Llanos de Maria Rivera och

som ligger i utkanten av Santa Brigida.

Seden att ära ljusets gudinna är gammal, men först 1974 fick invånarna i denna lilla och charmiga by elektricitet och årsdagen av detta kan också ses som en anledning att fira. Som brukligt är håller festen på ett antal dagar, men avslutningen är på söndagen.

Gatorna är avspärrade och alla går man ur huse. Musik och sång finns överallt och vissa av de lokala förmågorna bjuder sina grannar på underhållning medan andra står för maten. Ett antal kärror smyckas och får nödtorftig belysning och fungerar på så sätt som barer. I andra fall spänns markiser mellan två bilar och med en enkel grill kan ett stort antal gäster

längs huvudgatan bli serverade och få sin hunger stillad.

En estrad byggs tillfälligt upp där lokalborna underhåller. Symboliska offergåvor bärs fram till den centralt placerade och rikt dekorerade jungfrustatyn. Traditionen är i högsta grad levande. Alla åldrar finns representerade och såväl unga som gamla finner det naturligt och roligt att bevara de lokala sedvänjorna.

Det är också att rekommendera ett besök på några av de små restaurangerna. Mestadels med synnerligen enkla bord och stolar. Stundtals förskräcklig belysning på verandorna med intensivt sken från lysrören. Men, god lokal mat och framför allt stämning. När andan faller på, avbryter gästerna måltiden för att sjunga och spela. Mitt i allt detta och sannolikt som den enda turisten, får man en upplevelse där tid och rum försvinner.

Fyra festivaler

Ett gym

Page 26: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch / Issue 76 - Week 39 2012 - The Canary News

Kanariska Nyheter

Detta träd finns överallt på ön. På andra platser runt om i världen, med liknande klimat som på Gran Canaria, är den också vanlig. Den odlas flitigt i Västindien, Hong Kong, Taiwan samt i Kinas, Brasiliens och USA:s södra delar. Men, tyvärr är den utrotningshotad i sitt vilda tillstånd på Madagaskar.

I överensstämmelse med sitt namn är de scharlakansröda blommorna exceptionellt iögonfallande. Blommorna kan också vara orangefärgade eller gula. De är stora, med kronblad som är upp till 8 cm långa. Än större är dess fröbaljor som är mörkbruna och kan bli upp till 60 cm långa och 5 cm breda. Varje enskilt frö är dock litet och väger endast 0,4 gram.

Trädet blir som regel 5 meter högt, men kan bli ända upp till 15 meter. Som kontrast till denna jätte kan det vara av intresse att den också lämpar sig för att formas till bonsai.

Det är inte bara som vacker prydnadsväxt som Flamboyant uppskattas. I Västindien används fröna i ett instrument som kallas shak-shak eller som vi brukar benämna det, maraca. Dessutom anses barken ha febernedsättande egenskaper.


Sol 8 okt 2012UppNed





Playa del Inglés07.5919.41

Lokala tidsangivelser

Temperaturen till havs och i luften går åt motsatt håll. Solen skiner pålitligt varje dag och värmen håller naturligtvis i sig. Hittills under september har vi under dagtid aldrig haft mindre än 25 grader varmt. Men det var trots allt varmare i augusti. Badtemperaturen är emellertid bättre nu. En tydlig uppgång i temperaturen har skett sedan förra månaden och det är sällsynt att vattnet är kallare än 24 grader.


Minnet av en smutsig ängelHenning Mankell

Hanna Lundmark växer upp vid kanten av Ljungan. Fattigdomen och hungern får henne att fatta ett ödesdigert beslut. Så en dag i början av 1900-talet mönstrar hon på som kock på ett svenskt fartyg, med destination Australien.

På vägen dit blir hon förälskad i båtens styrman och paret vigs vid ett tillfälligt uppehåll i Alger, av en engelsk metodistpastor, ditkallad av den svenske konsuln. Lyckan blev emellertid kortvarig. Mannen dör redan månaden därpå. Märkt av sorg och svårt sjuk smiter hon i land när fartyget ankrar i en portugisisk östafrikansk koloni. Väl inne i staden Lourenço Marques, tar hon sin tillflykt till vad hon tror är ett vanligt hotell. Där blir hon ompysslad av de många svarta tjänsteflickorna och får hjälp att tillfriskna. Flickorna visar sig vara prostituerade och hotellet en bordell. Ägaren börjar uppvakta Hanna och snart är de gifta. Men Hanna blir återigen änka strax efter giftermålet.

Som arvtagare till en av stadens mest lönsamma bordeller har Hanna plötsligt blivit välbeställd. Hennes fattiga bakgrund är emellertid djupt rotad och hon känner stor sympati för de utsatta kvinnorna. Men varje försök från hennes sida att närma sig flickorna bemöts med avvärjanden. Vad är hon? En representant för härskarklassen, vit som hon är. Eller en medmänniska? Än mer komplicerad blir identitetsproblemet när hon försvarar en

svart kvinna och får det vita etablissemanget emot sig.

Att denna osannolika historia visar sig vara byggd på verkliga händelser förminskar inte berättelsens fascinationskraft.

Svenska Bokhandeln


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KN2The Canary News -Week 39 2012 - Issue 76 /

Kanariska Nyheter


Madridbörsen har gått upp mycket kraftigt. Den har inte enbart hämtat upp försprånget som Oslo och Stockholm haft sedan 1 juli i år, utan även passerat dessa. Stockholm med klar marginal medan Oslo endast med en hårsmån.Däremot ser det annorlunda ut vid en jämförelse av avkastningen sedan årets

början. Bäst i Norden är Norge (OBX-25) med + 27 procent. Som tvåa kommer Danmark (OMX-C 20) med + 22 procent. Därefter följer Sverige (OMX-S 30) med + 10 procent, Island (OMX Iceland 6 Cap EUR) + 9 procent, följt av Finland (OMX-H 25) med + 5,5 procent. Sist är fortfarande Spanien (IBEX 30) med minus 6 procent.

by Lennart Thomson, Svensk Redaktö[email protected]

vilken scenförändring!Börsen


Sedan senast har den minskade oron för den spanska finansmarknaden förbytts till försiktig optimism. Kommentarerna från internationell press och andra medier har tydligt ändrat tongångar. Grekland utpekas inte lika hätskt längre som euro-krisens källa och stora problem. Spanien och andra europeiska länder får till och med visst beröm för de åtgärder de vidtagit. Räntan går ned,

euron stärks och de börsnoterade företagen anses numera köpvärda. Det är inte heller längre alldeles säkert att den ansträngda världsekonomin beror på euron eller de länder som anslutit sig till denna valuta, utan

försiktigt, i lågmäld ton, antyds numera att USA med sina stora problem, kanske påverkar den negativa utvecklingen i en icke obetydlig omfattning. För närvarande står €/$ i 1,3.

Gran Canaria rustar nu för anstormningen av turister. Det är onekligen köparens marknad. Nordborna på väg hit får mer för pengarna än förra årets semesterfirare, om än inte lika mycket som för några veckor sedan.

NotiserDen 29 september anordnas en schackturnering i shoppingcenter Atlantico, Vecendario. Torneo de Ajedrez är öppen för allmänheten och det kostar 5 € att deltaga. Första pris är ett presentkort på 300 €, andra priset är värt 150 € och den som kommer på tredje plats belönas med en helg för två på ett fyrstjärnigt hotell. Tävlingen börjar klockan 11 på förmiddagen.

Världsturismsmens dag kommer att hållas på Gran Canaria och ExpoMeloneras den 27 september.

Hela 52 procent av Kanarieöarnas ungdomar är arbetslösa. Många har tvingats söka arbete utomlands och då främst i Storbritannien, Tyskland och Frankrike. Sedan 2008 har 37.000 personer lämnat Kanarieöarna och motsvarande siffra för Spanien är 307.900. de flesta mellan 25 och 35 år. Totalt bor 1,5 miljoner spanjorer utomlands.

I augusti kom 787.990 turister till Kanarieöarna. Det är en minskning med 3,62 procent jämfört med motsvarande månad ifjol. Till Gran Canaria kom 196.224 turister, vilket är 3,83 procent färre än i augusti 2011.

Hos Apollo är höstlovet bokat till 60 procent. För såväl dem som för TUI är Gran Canaria det viktigaste turistmålet för vintern. Mellan Stockholm och Gran Canaria går det fem flyg i veckan. SAS på tisdagar och lördagar, medan Norwegian har måndagar, onsdagar och lördagar som avresedagar. TUI Nordic har största ökningen av turer till Gran Canaria. De har 150 hotell med beteckningen 2 – 5 stjärnor. Gran Canaria är det resmål som får högst betyg av resenärerna.

Den 15 oktober gästar konsertpianisten Joaquin Achucarro Teatro Perez Galdos. Han kommer att framföra verk av Brahms, Schumann, Debussy samt Ravel, tillsammans med Las Palmas Philharmoniska orkester.

Kursen för euron stabiliserades under augusti månad. Sedan dess har en påtaglig förstärkning skett. Men fortfarande handlas euron på rekordlåga nivåer, gentemot den norska och svenska kronan.

I diagrammet EUR/SEK illustreras utvecklingen på ett annat sätt. Värdena börjar den 1 januari 2006 och sträcker sig till den 18 september 2012. Kurvan speglar det genomsnittliga månadsvärdet för respektive år.

Fram till augusti 2008 är växelförhållandet stabilt. Sedan försvagas kronan dramatiskt. I mars 2009 är den som svagast och sedan är det i princip en obruten trendmässig förstärkning fram till idag.

Annonsförsä[email protected]

+34 667 648 258

Page 28: September 2012 Edition - Maspalomas Tourism Lighting a Torch


76 GRATISeller 1€ frivilligt bidragWk39 2012SINCE 1971

Amazing shows daily - Special Rates For Residents

Fyra festivaler!

Chefredaktören för The Canary News är aldrig sen att skänka en hjälpande hand till behövande. Så när han fick reda på att ACCM, Canarian Breast Cancer Association, planerade en manifestation för att samla in pengar, var han genast med på noterna och ställde både tid och resurser till förfogande. Vid tiden för första insamlingen lovade han högtidligt att gå från Puerto Rico till Roque Nublo, ifall insamlingsbössorna innehöll mer än tusen euro. Skulle de rymma det dubbla beloppet lovade han att fortsätta

ända till Las Palmas. Resultatet blev över förväntan och nu tränar således Edward Timon för några dagars promenader, från kust till kust och över bland de högsta bergen på Gran Canaria, till öns huvudstad. Förhoppningsvis flyter allt mer pengar in från engagerade sponsorer, då press, radio och TV kommer att bevaka evenemanget. Starten är planerad till lördagen den 29 september och alla är hjärtligt välkomna att deltaga. På sidorna 4 och 5 i den engelska sektionen finns mer utförlig information.

vandring över bergen

29 september för ACCM

Fantastisk leilighetsprosjekt påKun 4


igjen! Gran Canaria