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September 2010 MSO Notes

May 29, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 September 2010 MSO Notes


    Leap into Fall 2-4

    Guide to Publications and Forms 5

    NSPS to GS Transition Guidance 6-11

    Reminders 12

    BRAC Transition Center @ FSH 13

    Mandatory Training 14

    Recurring Reminders 15

    Inside this issue:

    Published by the IMCOM MSO Office.

    Content may be a compilation of

    items previously released and

    distributed through other channels.

    Please send submissions and

    suggestions to:

    Marie Tan, Editor

    [email protected]

    Past editions of MSO notes can be

    viewed on the MSO/AKO link:

    H e a d q u a r t e r s

    U S A R M Y

    I N S T A L L A T I O N

    M A N A G E M E N T

    C O M M A N D


    MSO NotesSO NotesSO NotesThe Newsletter for HQ IMCOM Employees

    IMCOM invites you to stay fit, smart and readyby joining the DoD Leap Into Fall Fitness Chal-


    The three-month challenge is a DoD initiative

    designed to increase physical activity through-out the DoD workforce. DoDs goal is to log

    more than 1.5 million hours of physical activity

    in August, September and October.

    You can join the challenge as an individual or as

    part of IMCOMs teamas long as you get out

    and start moving! Whether you play a sport,

    walk, garden or choose other activities, eachstep counts in achieving your goal and improv-

    ing your physical health and readiness.
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    Lets Get Physical Physical (Page 1 of 3)MSO Notes Page 2

    **Follow the simple instructions below to register for the DoD Fall Fitness Challenge!**

    Rules to Participate in the DoD Leap Into Fall Fitness Challenge:IMCOM has been registered as a group as Army IMCOM. The POC and Group admin is DavidAllway, IMCOM Civilian Wellness Coordinator. He can be reached at [email protected]

    If you prefer to NOTbe affiliated with a registered group, but choose to participate in the LeapInto Fall Challenge as an Individual Goal, you can also participate! Follow the instructions in theHow to Register as an Member of a Group or as an Individual section of this handout (ONLYStep 1andStep 3 will apply). Individual participants should register using the passwordwellnesson your online registration form and must also submit yourUser [email protected]. Please register yourUser Name by providing yourfirst and lastname (e.g. JohnSmith, PaulBarrett, etc.) Your full name must be accurately reflected in the UserName to be eligible for an individual Certificate of Achievementat the end of the Challenge. Forthose individuals who are military, include your rank (optional) in the User Name. We will add your

    efforts to the DoD goal of1,500,000 hours!

    Participating individuals that have achieved at least 25 hours of physical activity over a 10-weekperiod or groups whose members on average have 25 hours of physical activity during those10 weeks will receive a Certificate of Achievementthat will be sent to them via email. To beeligible to receive a Certificate, individual User Names must reflect the full name of the partici-pant (first and last name (military rank if it applies (optional)). These certificates will be sent outat the end of the DoD Fall Fitness Challenge.

    The results of the top three most active groups and individuals in the DoD Fitness Challenge thatcontribute toward achieving the overall department goal will be announced on the DoD Work-life/Wellness website.

    Have FUN! Challenge yourself and improve your physical health by incorporating physical activi-ties into your daily routine. Whether you are walking, playing an active sport, gardening, or do-ing aerobics, keep track of the time spent in those activities. Each step counts toward achiev-ing your individual and DoD goal!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Lets Get Physical...Physical (Page 2 of 3)MSO Notes Page 3=================================================================================== GROUP INVITATION=================================================================================== The DoD Leap Into Fall Fitness Challenge is a Department sponsored initiative designed toincrease the level of physical activity throughout the DoD workforce. The Challenge will takeplace from August 16th through October 31st, 2010 with an overall DoD goal of 1,500,000 hoursof physical activity during that 10-week period. Your health permitting, you are invited to joinour group, the name of which isArmy IMCOM.

    If you are interested in joining our group or participating as an individual, regis-

    ter on the Presidents Challenge website at:

    register_individual.aspx. Fill in the following information if you join our group:

    Group ID Number: 90878

    Group Member ID/Name: [For group members to fill (specify first and last name, along with military rank if appli-cable (optional))]===================================================================================

    How to Register as a Member of a Group or as an Individual:(If you areparticipating as an individual with no group affiliation, ONLYStep 1 and Step 3will apply)

    Ensure your group leader has registered your group and submitted the group registration informa-tion to [email protected]. Afterwards, proceed to creating an individual profile at: (To become a group member, youMUST first create a individual profile)

    Fill out the individual registration form as indicated in Figure C. (*Note: Be sure to obtain and in-

    clude your group information from the group leader. Step 4 will show alternate procedures ifyou dont have your group information, but can identify the name of the existing group.)

    User Name: [Indicate your first and last name (include military rank ifapplicable (optional))]Group ID Number: 90878Group Member ID/ Name: [same as User Name (appeared as the name displayed in thegroup][email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Lets Get Physical...Physical (Page 3 of 3)MSO Notes Page 4

    After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your indi-vidual progress and/or contribute to your groups physical activity goal!

    If you dont have the Group ID Number, but you know that a group has been started for your Com-mand/ Organization, go to the Your Groups tab on the top of your individual account, and clickon the Find a group link (see Figure D). Under Select a State, choose Virginia and selectGovernment as the Select a Group Type. Continue and click on Arlington on the nextscreen. Locate the appropriate name of your organization (refer to the names in Step 2 of theHow to Register/Start a Group (For Group Leaders) section of this handout). Click JOINGROUP to become a member of your specific organization (see Figure D). ** Please follow theabove instructions even if your agency is NOT located in Virginia. This will help identify

    all the Groups participating in the 2010 DoD Fitness Challenge.**
  • 8/9/2019 September 2010 MSO Notes


    Guide for Publications and FormsMSO Notes Page 5The Administrative Services Division provide publishing services in accordance with AR 25-30(The Army Publishing Program). Policies that are edited by ASD will be published on the Enter-prise Publishing Portal, a one-stop shop for all IMCOM publications and publishing-related infor-

    mation, which will allow for better control of all publications.

    A desktop guide to publications and forms was developed for HQ staff to ensure all policies areprocessed through the proper publishing procedures.All HQ action officers are encouraged to print a copy of the guide and place it in an accessible lo-cation. The information provided in the guide is basic information that will assist action officers indetermining if a document should be a publication, the different publication types, and the publish-ing process.

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    NSPS To GS Transition Guidance (Page 1 of 2)MSO Notes Page 6For all DAC employees and their military supervisors:

    National Personnel Security System (NSPS)


    **All former NSPS employees at HQ IMCOM occupying NSPS positions as of 4 Jul will receive anearly annual appraisal, which should be executed IAW the following:

    1. Start dates of the current PAA appraisal record should be 1 Oct 09 or the EOD date of currentassignment whichever is more recent.

    2. For all employees who converted to GS as a result of IMOM's scheduled conversion on 15 Aug,employees would receive early annual appraisals (i.e., assessment narrative WITH rating) with anend date of 14 Aug in the PAA appraisal record.

    3. For all employees who converted to GS BETWEEN 3 Jul and 14 Aug as a result of re-assignments or promotions to GS positions, employees would receive early annual appraisals withan end date that is the last day of the NSPS position assignment in the PAA appraisal record.

    4. For all employees who converted to GS PRIOR to 3 Jul as a result of re-assignments or promo-tions to GS positions, employees would receive closeout assessments (i.e., assessment narrative

    WITHOUT rating) with an end date that is the last day of the NSPS position assignment in thePAA appraisal record.

    5. Suspense:a. Employees complete self assessments of early annual appraisals NLT 29 Aug.b. Rating officials complete closeout assessment and early annual appraisals NLT 3 Sep.c. Higher-level reviewers provide inputs and approve early annual appraisals NLT 10 Sep.

    Questions about NSPS performance management requirements should be directedto Stephen Axelrad at [email protected].

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    NSPS to GS Transition Guidance (page 2 of 2)MSO Notes Page 7

    Total Army Performance Evaluation System (TAPES)

    Performance Plan

    **All former NSPS employees at HQ IMCOM currently occupying GS positions should be placedon TAPES performance plans, which should be executed IAW the following:1. Start date of the TAPES performance plan is the effective date for their current GS position as-signment IAW:

    a. 15 Aug for employees converting to GS on IMCOM's planned conversion dateb. Effective date of re-assignment or promotion for employees who converted to GS prior to

    15 Aug as a result of re-assignments or promotions

    2. Employees and supervisors should document performance plans IAW:

    a. Current position descriptions available in My Bizb. DA 7222-1 for GS grades 9-15 (see attached)c. DA 7223-1 for GS grades 1-8 (see attached)d. DoD and DA expectations for civilian employees in the performance management proc-

    essgo to DoD and DA expectations for supervisors of civilian employees in the performance man-

    agement process go to Rating officials must approve TAPES performance plans NLT:

    a. 14 Sep for employees converting to GS on IMCOM's planned conversion dateb. 30 days after the effective date of re-assignment or promotion for employees who con-

    verted to GS prior to 15 Aug as a result of re-assignments or promotions

    Questions about TAPES performance management requirements should be directedto Agnes Davis at [email protected].

    It is my self appraisal[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    MSO Notes Page 8NSPSto GS Transition Guidance (Page 1 of 2)TAPES Performance Plan TemplateFor Grades 915

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    NSPS to Transition GuidanceTAPES Performance Plan Form Template (Page 2 of 2)MSO Notes Page 9

    TAPES Performance Plan Form TemplateFor Grades 9 - 15

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    NSPSto GS Transition Guidance (Page 2 of 2)MSO Notes Page 11TAPES Performance Plan Form TemplateFor Grades 18

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    MSO Notes Page 12Dont Forget...

    MCOM Presence in the Taylor Building ends on 15

    July 2011. Remember to plan ahead. IMCOM per-

    sonal will not be left behind after his date.[

    Clean up your work area

    Turn in your supplies to your Executive Of-

    ficer (XO) or Executive Assistant (EA))

    If you have excess supplies and you have noone to turn them into, please box them up andbring to MSO


  • 8/9/2019 September 2010 MSO Notes


    BRAC TRANSISTION CENTER @ FSHMSO Notes Page 13Employees leaving and moving to San AntonioAssistance With

    Skills Assessment, Training, Employment Opportunities Both

    Corporate and Federal

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  • 8/9/2019 September 2010 MSO Notes


    All three VTC Systems on the 11th floor of the Taylor Building have a known problem when dialing into

    Multipoint VTCs. To circumvent this problem, the IMCEN Bridge will connect/dial us into the confer-ence remotely. It is unclear when the permanent fix will happen, but until then IMCEN has requested

    that the connections be performed this way. To facilitate this, when filling out the IMCEN VTC request

    form, please include the *IP address in the top section of the request form. Once the VTC system is

    turned on in the conference room, IMCEN Bridge technicians will connect us. This information is for

    11th floor HQ IMCOM VTC systems only - outside participants of each conference still need to dial in

    using the Commercial/ ISDN Number.

    *Room / Address: POC is Mr. Josh Wilson

    11173B / IP Address: Management Support Office, Assistant IMO

    11133 / IP Address: (703)-602-3549,[email protected]

    11135 / IP Address:

    Have you ever been in need of an official DoD, Army, or IMCOM document, but were unsure where to

    find it? The IMCOM Publishing Office regularly updates its document portal. The Enterprise Publishing

    Portal can be accessed at: Please send questions or com-

    ments to: [email protected].

    An information monitor is mounted on the 12th Floor Elevator Lobby wall in the Taylor Building. Please

    check the monitor for important updates for IMCOM.

    Relocation plans to Fort Sam Houston are well underway and IMCOM has a website that provides employ-

    ees with important updates. For the latest transformation information, please visit

    Recently published All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages are posted on AKO at:

    MSO Notes Page 15

    Information MonitorThe Advisor (AKO Newsletter)

    IMCOM Publishing Office

    IMCOM Transformation WebsiteALARACT Messages

    Copy and Fax Security Reminder

    To access copies of current and archived issues of The Advisor, follow this link:

    suite/doc/134864. For questions or comments about the newsletter, email [email protected]

    This is an important reminder to be diligent after printing or faxing documents that contain personally

    identifiable information. Resumes, forms, and travel documents have been observed discarded around

    various copy and facsimile machines. These documents should not be left for the janitorial crew or other

    visitors. It is your responsibility to safeguard information.

    VTCs11th Floor of Taylor BuildingRECURRING REMINDERS

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]