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SERBS FO SERBS 2010 Monthly Report Monthly Report No 3 September, 2010 Charity organization Serbs for Serbs PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS Website: E-Mail: [email protected]

September 2010 Monthly Report

Mar 22, 2016



Serbs For Serbs Humanitarna Organizacija Srbi za Srbe Mesecni Izvestaj za Septembar 2010
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Page 1: September 2010 Monthly Report











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Monthly Report No 3 September, 2010

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs

PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

Website: E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 2: September 2010 Monthly Report

Monthly Report 2010

Dear friends and donors,

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs have

finally registered in the state of Illinois in United

States by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs is currently in the

process of applying for a 501(c)3 non-profit

organization status. We registered organization in

Jun 2010 and we have already started working and

began raising donations for our first small project -

providing humanitarian aid for Serbian children

and people living in Kosovo and Metohija villages.

Since this is our fresh start in the United States

please excuse us for any difficulties and mistakes

that we make in the beginning.

About Us

The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,

Serbs and their friends through planned

projects, social and humanitarian activities in

order to develop and foster better society for

future generations and provide aid for

underprivileged families in need.

Although there are many humanitarian

organizations and associations, help often doesn't

reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary

administration, missing information and slow

decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late

to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and

embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000

children daily die around the world because of

starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the

blind and deaf.

We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation

of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing

number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of

the population and generally bad economic

condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of

Srpska and Montenegro and other countries in the


An average couple has "fallen" on one child.

Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in

its own country in the following century if the

nation, individuals and government don't wake up

from the nescient in which they've fallen!

On the other hand, nobody is talking about the

families with many children which grieve by living

in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday

struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their

desire for implementing rights which belong to

them. Their life stories, fears and problems are

identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order

to gain the attention of the public, media and even

state. That's why the idea of the Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs arose. Organization

was formed by a group of young and trustful

people, who are united by the common vision of

helping families blessed by many children and who

are aware of the fact that even a small help means a

lot for those who don't live in a material excess.

We are united by the humane idea to help the

poorest part of the Serbian nation.

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to

revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora

which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian

heritage as well as all good people throughout the

world with minimal, but constant monthly


We hope and believe that there is also a grain of

doing good and that you will join us in the endless

struggle against poverty.

God bless and save all Serbian families with many

children and our honored donors who participate in

the noble effort to return smile on children faces.


Page 3: September 2010 Monthly Report

Monthly Report 2010


The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian

people through our projects and humanitarian

activities, in order to develop better society for

future generations.

Why Serbs for Serbs?

We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian

people in togetherness and brotherhood help

through humanitarian work and social aid.

Who do we help?

We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,

have five or more children and live in terrible


How do we define “terrible poverty”?

Under terrible poverty we define absence of one or

more basic factors required for living: food,

clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.

Why do we help?

We believe that there is a basic need for one

human (or a group) to help others in distress. A

help is not only human virtue but also a Christian

responsibility. By focusing our help on families

with many children, we directly affect on their

stirring toward becoming independent from social-

dependable government programs. Indirectly, we

want to affect on birth rate of Serbian people that

has been in great decline in last 20 years.

What are our long term goals?

- family is ready to support itself daily and manage

to pay all required expenses and bills

- their children are encouraged to continue with

school and raising their own family

- our donors are satisfied with the activities and

they are ready to help other families

- our organization is satisfied with the results

- family is ready in the future to become our donor

and if necessary help other families that are in

need of help

Who do we need in organization?

We need members and donors that will secure

financial stability through supporting our

programs and activities in the future. Donors may

join our daily activities within the organization in

order to coordinate our work better. We also need

volunteers ready to donate several hours per week

for actual work within the organization. Activities

of volunteers and their specific tasks would be

determined by the required projects and their

personal interest. From that group of volunteers

we would look for future leaders of organization.

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Monthly Report 2010

We purchased a house for family Danjek

Report: Stefan Ječmenica

/ PHOTO GALLERY / / ACCOUNTS and confirmation

On the day dedicated to St. John the Baptist 11th September,

from Belgrade this trip started team of four ,members of

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs ,our destination Ravno

Selo Village (Flat village) (municipalities of Vrbas), where we

successfully completed another major project planned by

organization for the current 2010. Seven-member family

Danjek received today in the permanent property an old house

in Ravno Selo- Village, where faith is slowly returning to

normal and peaceful life. House and property were paid a total

of 4500 Euros, of which our organization provides 3,000

Euros. And this time, the biggest thanks goes to our donors

throughout the world who support another action in a series of

successful humanitarian projects!

During Saturday's morning, representatives of the

Organization went along with our great friend Petko

Koprivica, longtime TV Backa eminent journalist and the

daily newspaper Politika, to take the last scheduled payment

of 1500 Euros to buy a home seller was Lazar Jaksic also from

the village. After receiving the signed certificate from Lazar

we are coming into the house of the family Danjek as the first

guests now officially in their new home! However, even

though the house itself was built more than 80 years, it is

certainly a new hope and a new beginning in life of this

anguished Serbian family and especially Sasha Danjek head of

the family.

Visually happy children waited for us impatiently outside the

house, along with parents Sasa and Smiljka and grandmother

Jelisavkom. For children we have modest gifts in the form of

candy. Sasa , as always, very warmly welcomed us and host

us. In a friendly conversation, family Danjek repeatedly was

thankful for our help. Unfortunately, grandmother Jelisavka

left her treatment of cancer in Novi Sad, in order to be with

the children while Sasa work. To remind, Sasa, with almost 20

years went from Backa peaceful village on the first line of

battle in Herzegovina where the next four years of selfless

struggle and sacrifice on almost all fronts to defend the

Serbian people.

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Monthly Report 2010

When Shiptar/Albanians started terrorist attacks in Kosovo

and Metohija, Sasha rushed again to put an end to worldwide

injustice and participates in the defense of his Fatherland and

holy Serbian land. Only ten years later, the same country and

the vast majority of Serbian people turning their back when

Sasha and his family needed protection, assistance and

brotherly hand. But not us!

Just before the end of our friendship Family Danjek presented

an proposal that we could not refuse. In fact, they insisted that

our organization be godfather at the baptism of their children.

Kumstvo we are pleased to accept! After a short interview to

TV Backa we left family Danjek and move towards Belgrade.

The light at the end of the tunnel is much closer now, unlike

the period a year ago. Our organization has promised Danjek

family to provide animals for breeding when the conditions


On the way back to Belgrade,we stop by the monastery

Kovilj, the endowment of St. Sava in the 13th century. It was

built for the glory and honor of the Holy Archangels Michael

and Gabriel. The current monastery church was built in the

Serbian-Byzantine style. After burning candles, we start our

way to Belgrade more motivated to help vulnerable Serbian

families and wake up of the Serbian people, in our

neighborhood and around the world.

With faith in God,

Stefan Ječmenica

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Monthly Report 2010

We continue the project for Ekmečić family

After we successfully completed project buying a family

house in village Ravno Selo, Vrbas for Danjek family,

humanitarian organizations Serbs for Serbs continue with a

gradual implementation of large projects, because of its huge

financial needs it require a certain amount of time to complete.

Next big project is to help with the purchase of tractors and

machinery for cultivating the land for the family Ekmečić

Prebilovci in Herzegovina.

Currently we collected 800 Euros for this project, this month

we will add another 400 Euros in a special fund our

organization for this project. It currently comprises a total of

1,200 Euros collected. The general goal is to collect 9,000

Euros with which would certainly provide an excellent tractor.

After that order, in cooperation with the family, local

businesses and our donors throughout the world tried to assist

in providing additional Ekmečić machinery necessary to

process a large area of land currently in the weeds and not in

use. All owners of land in Prebilovci willing to give their land

to the use and processing to Ekmečić without having (or

almost no conditions.)

This is so far the largest and financially most demanding

project that we started. All projects so far have been

successfully implemented before schedule, and so with God's

help we believe that and this grand project will successfully

brought to an end.

We have made a bathroom for family Krunić

Report: Dobrina Kusmuk / PHOTO GALLERY /

Krunić Jovan (8 years) and Jovana (6 years) living in Kasindol

(Eastern Ilidza) with father (Rade/he is physically disabled)

and brother Dalibor (21 years). Mother abandoned them and

brother, Zarko (22 years) long time ago moved with

grandparents, he spends most of his time in the woods

working on the difficult tasks because it is the only thing the

youth of this country manages to find as the only source of


Because Rade is are not able to take care of them, Dalibor is

the only person who can help kids, but since he has no

permanent work it is very hard for him to managed to feed

them. Center for Social Work East Ilidza often helps but that

is not enough in a family where there is absolutely no income

except for occasional Dalibor’s daily paid jobs.

Dalibor is trying hard to help children and prevent social

worker to take them from family home. Since the house is

unfinished, they do not have bathrooms so that children are

sick of the mite, which forced Dalibor to realize that children

do not maintain proper hygiene and seek someone who will

help him with a bathroom. So the director of the Center came

to us asking how we can help.

Since our organization this summer in addition to the regular

big actions in Krajina and Kosovo, started two major projects

(buying houses and tractors Danjecima/ Ekmečić) and all this

after action for Pavlovic family

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Monthly Report 2010

(we help them to complete the house) For Krunić family we

have tried to finish this action at the local level so we don’t

overload the already planned.

How ESTIMATES of private shops specializing in bathroom

amounted to almost 3,000 KM, we gave up right at the

beginning of it and went to look for donors to help us in the


Aware of the fact that the manual work and labor in any case

have to paid, between colleagues at work I have assembled a

490 KM. We hereby thank everyone again, especially as these

same people supported the campaign about family Ćodo.

Since that money was spent to labor 400 KM and the rest is

left to the necessities that were lacking.

Colleagues and friend did for monetary donations to buy the

water heater. Our campaign has joined the local Red Cross

East Ilidza who was contacted by colleagues from the Ministry

of Foreign Affairs contacted and allocated funds for Dalibor


Our regular donors from Italy Angelo and Gordana gave the

sink, toilet bowl and tap. They prepared some clothe for


Stanisic DOO Pale (owner. Stanisic Aco) donated plumbing

material in an amount of 50 KM.

Gradjenje DOO. (Owner Popić Zoran) donated 30 m2 of wall

and floor tiles.

Glue we received from STR Paints and varnishes (vl. Jugovic


Thanks to all these good people a tiny Jovan and Jovana will

be able to take a bath when they want as their peers.

In front of organizations I once again thank everyone and I

hope that many will join us in our work for a better future of

our children.

Serbs for Serbs in action on the holly

Serbian Land

Report: Milos Markovic / PHOTO / / ACCOUNTS /

NO SURRENDER! These are for the Kosovo Serbs two very

large and difficult words. It was hard to use words and

pictures to describe how these people live and how much

power and will they need to keep this parole and remain in

their homes in Kosovo. In a joint effort Charity organization

Serbs for Serbs, Serbs for Serbs from the U.S. ($ 1,000),

Serbian Orthodox Youth Innsbruck SPOJI Austria (300 €),

Humanitarian Christian Community My joy from Germany

(620 €), Forum Serbian elite, Orthodox brothers from Russia

and Greece, and many friends of the organization from Serbia

take a part of our eighth visit to Kosovo and Metohija again in

Štrpce we helped six Serbian families, soup kitchens and Saint

Sava elementary school in the amount of 2,800 euros.

Representatives C.O.Serbs for Serbs from Belgrade with the

priest in Strpce

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Monthly Report 2010

Four representatives from the charity organization Serbs for

Serbs from Belgrade with the help of our great friends from

the organization C.O "mother of nine Jugovica" went the way

to Strpce and Sar mountain early on the morning of 25


The first family we visited in this action are brother and sister

Ljubicica and Goran Ilic from the village Borzani. In an old

house where they now live alone ,both sick and without any

income they tried to explain to us how they survive so far and

despite not having a penny of any assistance. We have

provided immediate assistance for Goran and Ljubicica, in the

form of a bed and refrigerator that will temporarily make

easier the daily living needs.

Goran Ilic and Ljubicica in front of there family home with

our representatives

The road continues to the village Vrbestica where we visit

seven-member family Milosavljevic. Dusan father and mother

Planinka and their five daughters, Milena (22), Sanja (21),

Maja (18), Natasha (18) and Sandra (8) live with no support

and certainly the greatest problem is the acquisition of their

necessary medications for their daughter Natasha that suffers

from epilepsy. Like with Ilic family we provide same help to

Milosevic family we purchase bed and refrigerator.

Representative of SFS Stefan Ječmenica with Milosavljevic


Berevce village and family Antic with four children - Darko

(10), Marko (8), Stefan (6) and Viktor (4) .At the home of

family Antic we stayed little longer, where we entered into the

conversation with father who is currently processing other

people's land and that is how he make a living. Father of little

Antic’s has his farm on which we agreed to try to make a barn,

and that we will in our next action make an attempt to provide

them with some of the cattle so that he can support

themselves. Until then we provide to family Antic one

washing machine and a bed.

Representative SFS Milos Golic with little Antic’s

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Monthly Report 2010

The house of Stanojevic Golub in the village of Sevce we are

visiting the following family of five children: Dusan (13),

Nikoleta (11), Veljko (8), Dejan (7) and David (3). Head of

the family was not at home but we are in the conversation with

his wife learn that the father work all day for the wages ,t they

have two cows, and that also without any income and since

they abolished child allowance barely make ends meet and

live in the very old and dilapidated house. Since in the house

with them live and parents of Golub Stanojevića we decide to

buy two beds and refrigerators to this family.

Representative SFS Mihailo Makanjić handed small gifts to

Stanojevic family

Familie in the village of Vica, Milosavljevic have 5 members

of whom three children: Milijana (23), Jelena (19) and Milos

(18) and all three are good students. Milica oldest graduated

from Law school and wanted to continue her education but it

simply does not have conditions, and the father of the family

is already 4 months in Belgrade, where he works in a private

company, but he did not get a salary for 3 months. We decided

to help this family by buying refrigerators and washing


Milosavljevic in an conversation with Milos Markovic

The story that has shocked us all and very impressed is story

of family Milenkovic from Susica. Five brothers Dragiša (30),

Radisa (29), Slavisa (25), Ivica (22) and Alexander (19) live

alone. Their father died, and there mother is currently being

treated in a psychiatric hospital and the tragedy is even bigger

a few months ago their sister committed suicide. Very very

difficult situation and scary atmosphere in the house

Milenkovic who welcomed us with tears in their eyes could

leave no one indifferent. Barely speaking any words we are

into agreements with them to help this time by buying two

single beds. After leaving their home we decide to supply

them with basic food if possible for a short time to make their

life easier.

On the way back from the village Susic we visited the family

Simanović from Gornje Bitine which our organization in the

Christmas campaign this year bought a cow. To our delight,

not only that the cows is there but there is the little calf! This

family is working hard and is a true example that this donation

was a big hit! On the way back to Gracanica, in agreement

with representatives C.O. "The mother of nine Jugovica" we

decide to buy a refrigerator for a bakery in the village

Prekovce, and el. stove and water heater for the Elementary

School Saint Sava in place Paralovo.

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Monthly Report 2010

Total support for families:

7 beds

2 washing machines

4 refrigerators

12,577 dinars for food

For public kitchen and school:

A fridge

1 el. stove

A water heater


7 beds

2 washing machines

5 refrigerators

1 el. stove

A water heater

12,577 dinars for food

Unfortunately, it seems that the situation in the enclaves in

Kosovo and Metohija is worse! Child allowances and social

assistance are repealed, the number of users of public kitchens

is growing, Shiptar government abolished the Serbs any

communication (final action interrupting the telephone line is

happening at the time of writing). Day by day there is less

hope for the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo, while

the rest of Serbia is currently pre-emptive other perverse social

issues and events. We hope that asleep and misdirected

energy of the Serbian people will soon wake up and allow a

simple biological survival of the Serbian people.


We provided firewood for the winter

Report: Dobrina Kusmuk, Republic of Srpska / PHOTO / /

Soon it will be a year of the planned three, how we are helping

children of Mihic family. So far we have mainly helped with

food and clothe but this time mother Marina asked us to help

them with the firewood. In families with five children, the

needs are very large.

We bought 6 meters of firewood it come out as planned 480


Part of the money for this action for the first time we extract

from the accounts of C.O Serbs for Serbs of Republic of

Srpska in this way we thank all donors from RS for their


Marina once again thanks for all the kindness and care, but I

must single out children's gratitude, several times repeated,

because obviously they are all more than aware that they can

count on us.

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Monthly Report 2010

Read Serbian Report /Извештај на Српском

September in USA

Labor Day Weekend in Chicago

09/04/2010 and 09/05/2010

Taste of Serbia 2010

Few members of charity organization Serbs for Serbs

with friends visited Taste of Serbia 2010

in Lake Forest, IL Food and Music Festival.

About church:

St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church

27450 North Bradley

Lake Forest, IL 60045 USA

St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church of Lake Forest,

Illinois is a Parish of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the

USA and Canada. St. Basil Church was established in the Fall

of 1997 to serve the Serbian Orthodox Christians who live in

the North Shore, Northwest and Lake County suburbs of


After a two-year search to purchase land and/or an existing

church building, our prayers were answered, when in the Fall

of 1999, we purchased a 10 acre church complex in Lake

Forest - Mettawa. In March 2002, we purchased 5 acres of

land, adjacent to our existing 10 acre complex.

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Monthly Report 2010


We visited picnic at Serbian Brothers Help estate in Lake

Villa ,IL .

SBH is one of the oldest Serbian Charitable organizations

in USA registrated in 1950.

After SBH we visited picnic at monastery Nova Gracanica

just few miles from SBH in Third Lake ,IL .

Few hundred of people enjoyed Serbian Food and Music.

Serbian Bishop Longin held a speech and we notice Alexi

Giannoulias democrat candidate for US Senate talking with

some Serbian priests.

Nice and long weekend in Chicago land area.

Serbian Newspaper „‟Ogledalo‟‟

Serbian Mirror published article from newspaper Vesti

about charity organization Serbs for Serbs Page number 9

Dr Srdja Trifkovic ,lecture„‟Kuda ide Srbija?‟‟

and lights of newspaper Liberty

Few Members of Charity organization Serbs for Serbs visited

Dr.Srdja Trifkovic lecture, nights dedicated to newspaper

Liberty, official publication of Serbian National Defense

council of America.

Page 13: September 2010 Monthly Report


September was a successful month in terms of collected funds. This was the

most successful month of the year. This month we collected about 5000 Euros

and we had over 80 donors.

Here is finance report from Europe

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Monthly Report 2010

Donors from USA in September


(Donations in US$ to USA account)

1. (IL) - $50

2. B.K. - $15

3. Mladen Simic (OH) - $40

4. Milos Vujasinovic (PA) - $45

5. Zeljka K. (IL) - $50

6. I.S. (IL) - $20

7. Milos Joncic (NY) -$25

8. Jovika Gavric (FL)-$20

9. -$25

10. Mateja Stojkovic -$25

US $ Donations: $315.00

Donors from USA that still use European Pay Pal

(Donations in Euros € to Pay Pal in Austria )

1. MjCook /САД/ - 7.5 €

2. Милош В. /САД/ - 10 €

3. Магдалена М. /САД/ - 100 €

4. Драгана W. /САД/ -20 €

5. Недељко П. /САД/ - 20 €

6. Немања В. /САД/ - 100 €

7. Симке /САД/ - 15 €

8. Dragana W. /САД/ - 20€

9. Анкица Д. /САД/ - 15 €

Donations in Euros -307.5 €

Total donations from USA in September =$729.32

($315.00+307.50 €)

Note: If you wish to have initials, a nickname or to

be an anonymous donor instead of having your full

name in the donors list, with or without stating the

state where you are, please email us:

[email protected]

Be a Volunteer or Donor,

support our charity.










Number of Donors (13) August 01 - August 31

Number of Donors (13) August 01 -August 31





729.32 total

donation from USA


s Ti



Donations in September($729.

32= $315.00+307.5 E)

580 580 315 0

Donations in September $729.32($310.00+307.5E)

Page 15: September 2010 Monthly Report



[email protected]

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