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THE INTERIOR JOURNAL A STANFORD Ky Antii 0 1001 Quit prescription work la unsurpass ¬ T ed Try us and be convinced Penny Drug Store tPERSOtf s clerking In the r Mn SAMUKI T UAKRIS has been sick several days MRS W G WlTHEUS who has been III Iublo to sit up Miss MINNIE WOODS Is visiting friondi In Ilustonvlllc- MllB J II YKAQlilt Is visiting Mrs R P Adams In Lexington MRs MARY OmEN of Iluetouvlllo t Is with Mrs Adolla Woods H O DOTY who moved from Oar Fridayt End Is preparing to move to Oklahoma Miss JlKlLK ROOT of Danville was the guest of Miss Florence Trucbcart t Miss HELEN TIUMIMOND of Hrod head spent several days with friends hereMus DKTSY ROIIINSON Is III at the home of her daughter Mrs J M White TUB Faniy Work Club will meet with Mrs M O Wllllurns Thursday afternoon Du PKKCV BENTON and Richard Pike of Urodhcad attended court hero yesterday v MR GKO D noiiKit went to Louis- ville yesterday to attend the Maccabco conventionMISS Gituniis of Shelby City spent several with her sister Mrs K T Hcusle- yPitor AND MIIH K L GRUIIIIB spent several days with relatives at Shelby City Fin u DAUMANN went up to Born t start Saturday to spend a few days with friends Mu J UlCllAliOliUflllof Richmond has gono Into n law partnership with Hon W B Smith Miss Jrssu DBANK COOKK of Nashville will arrive this week to visit her sisters hare Miss GEORGIA IlANHFOiiD of Som 1erect Is visiting tho family of George A Hughes at MoKlnnoy MESSRS M P ELKIN and John II Meier are representing Stanfords Maccabco lodge at Louisville KniTOU K W LlLLAHI of the Dan ¬ Svilla News was hero yesterday getting subscribers for his good paper Mrssits W S WOODSON and D n Faulkner of Knox county wero on Sundays train bound for Louisville R E UltOOKS ono of Rockcastlee cloWr citizens and a candidate for jalfer was hero yesterday mingling 1wIth friends Y Mite JOHN ninoilT JR who has been lpendlnltbo winter In Henderson vlllo N C joined her husband hero l this morning MARY EDITH AND UFUTIIA tho two little daughters of J T Dlankensblp are very sick with measles Living ¬ ston Cor Signal MR WIIL SEVERANCE ocd wife and Mr C E Tutu and wife left this morn- s ¬ log for Casey to spend a few days fish ¬ ing In Green river JR NUNNELLKY who Is working for a St Louis firm In Maine arrived Sunday to visit his parents Mr and Mrs PP Nunnelley- Mn SAMUEL II HEIM who will cel ¬ ebrate hie SOth birthday today Is get ¬ ting very feeble and his friends ore very uneasy about him MRS G T LACKEY loft Saturday to 4v join her husband In St Louis where they will remain a few days before lo ¬ eating at Dee Moines Iowa Mn J H STEPHENS has rented the Henry Newland farm In the East End l and Mrs otephcng camo up from Lob anon Junction Sunday to join him L LITTLE RUTH MCCOLLUM of Juno ¬ T clan City who has been very III Is Im- proving her father Mr O D MeCol e lum who was hero yesterday Informed S us Mil AND Mus G W RIFKK and children of Hustonvlllo who have been visiting Mr H D Gllmoro and famly returned homo yesterday Marlot Fal J conDtt W W BUHOIN and wife o- ft Richmond are guests of her parents at Crab Orchard The doctor and Mr W D Edmlston attended court hero yesterday returnedA i LR Hughes and will upend n few weeks at homo In order to regain her lost health hMESSRS W T SEIIASTIAN A D t Ford WL Law on T A Elkin oDd James Dunn were some of the Garrard county gentlemen who attended court hero yesterday MRS HENRY LAMMERS has returned from u visit to her daughter In Louis- ville ¬ MRS LEVI ELDER of Crab t Orchard IB the guostof hcrsUter Mre 1W W Burgln Richmond Panta raphI of papers In mentioning tbd marriage of Mr Arthur 0 Hill to Miss Nellie Mcrshon speak of the gromnsn prosperous young lawyer Mr Hill has shown good judgement In the selection of n wife and Is n lino farmer but but If ho knows anything about law be has kept It from his par- t opts and most Intimate friends LOCALS FANCY Qucenswaro cost for cash O H Farris ft Co I SELL seed potatoes cheaper than any house In town W U Brady Go to Jones for embroideries laces and gloves They carry the stock SPRING of Jaralnlorrcs are In Call and see them O H Farris Jc Co a GARDEN Seeds IonSete and Northern Seed Potatoes at Warren ds Shanksa WILL sell all our cheap hay In 10 or 15 days So como quluk J H Dnugb man k Coa I THE Canton Harrow for dura- bility ¬ good work and light draft For sale by George U Farris d Co A VALUAIIL F mulu longing to Mr S J Embry got one of Its feet caught In a stable Dad died before assistance arrived A DOu supposed to bo mad was shot at by Marshal Robert Jones Saturday afternoon but the bullet went wide of I Us mark and the dog went on 1 I WILL have my opening tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday Call and see the beautiful line of pattern hats and bonnets A special Invitation Is tendered to husbands and fathers Re ¬ member the date Miss Llcclo Deaz layIMPROVINOMMcceer 1A Allen a k Co have contracted with Messrs A M Pence and R E L Sims to Im ¬ prove their homes on Danville Ave ¬ nue The former will add three rooms and the latter a bay window and other Improvements T HORSE Snow AT UUSTONVILLK Saturday 1s tho day for the annual horse show at Hustonvlllo and It Is likely there will bo moro good stallions and jacks there than for years It It a splendid place to advertise and horse owners should not wise the opportun ityRFAUMr Samuel Reid of Huston vllle received a dispatch a few days since telling of the death of his sister Mrs Salllo Read ut Bloomfield bat ho was not well enough to attend the bur ¬ lad Mrs Read was about 80 years old and died of pneumonia Four grown children survive her POdtmostcrJ1D more than probable that Capt lid Pelly of Dunnvlllc will mako tho race for the republican nomination for Stato Sena ¬ tor The captain suits us all right Senator Farrls can beat him as easy as auy other republican I THE rain and general bad weather of Sunday prevented many a lady from initiating her pretty spring bonnet and tho old winter tllo was again pressed Into service In fact the weather had been so fearful for several days that the majority of mankind had cared and thought very little about dress of any kind THE resignation of Mrs Nannie S Saulley as principal of the Stanford Fe ¬ male College has been tendered to and accepted by the board of trustees Tbo college will be run next year Several applications for the place have already In1lormed a first class principal NONE For the first time In years the Casey circuit court failed to send any prisoners to tlio penitentiary Eld J Q Montgomery who was hero yes- terday ¬ told us that Green Shaw charg- ed ¬ with killing Randall was acquitted and that the case of Woodrum accused of murder was thrown out of court The term was a very dull ono JAMKS PHILLIPS 1 hasoa exhibition In Miss Annie Phillips millinery win dow the cutest kind of a farm house beautifully fenced In with rabbits ga ¬ lore In the yard The little house is elegantly furnished as can be seen from the windows and la altogether n very creditable piece of work Stop as you go bv and tako a look at It as well an tbo pretty hate Miss Phillips Is mak tag IN JAIL Honr C Warren served a short term In jail Friday but what bo was guilty of Jailer George DoBord who was judgo and jury In the case re ¬ fuses to divulge Mr Warren wont in to talk to n client about 1 oclock and Mr DoBord locked the doors and wont about his business About supper time he returned unlocked and let Mr Warren go his way rejoicing The jailer claims forgetfulness but Mr Warren U inclined to believe that ho bad a grievance against him and took that method of squaring accounts OLD PLAN John Bright of Lin- coln presented Mayor Fisher with a plan of Danville made by John Thom- as ¬ surveyor of Mercer county on the 7th of Juno 1707 It la very accurate and will bo framed by the mayor This section was at that time being cleared by the pioneer settlers Their most difficult work was removing stumps For assistance In this a novel scheme was adopted Each male person who offended the law was required to pull ono or moro stumps according to the magnitude of the offense Advocate NICE lino of wedding presents at Hamiltonsa T FRESH homemade candies of all kinds at J H Mclerd HAY corn oats and all kinds of fled cheap for 10 days only J H Baugh man tit Coa A POSTOFFICE has been established at ColTey Casey county with N C Coffey postmaster HAYWUI sell hay at 30 40 60 55 and GUc per 100 pounds for 10 days J H Baughman fc Co A GOOD crowd attended court yester- day und business of all kinds was bet- ter than on tbo court day of a month ago OUIt spring stock of dry goods and shoes cant be bent Como nnd trade with uSi highest market price allowed for eggs J P Jones I JOSEPH GINSHURG who will open a store at Corbln Saturday Is having bills printed at this office tolling the people bow cheap bo Is going to soil goals ATTEND Wednesday thosalo of I k G S Shelby and Thursday the one of J B McKinney Read their ads in another column and see what they will offer A YOUNG man named Wbltt whose homo Is in the East God was placed In jail yesterday charged with breaking Into J W James quarthouse at Crab Orchard and stealing a lot of whisky IN the county court yesterday F M Waro qualified as administrator of Mrs Mallnda Walls and a few road ov- erseers werts appointed It was an ex- ceedingly dull day about tbo court- house I L L A SOPRANO of wonderful ability Tho best concert singer In this country Wo have never offered our patrons anything so artistic Mountain LnK- ichoutauqua I Maryland At Walton i Opera House April 2C I THE Kings Mountain Canning Co will not run this year on account of Mr W L McCarty failing to contract for enough tomatoes notwithstanding bo offered to pay two cents per bushel more than other canneries offered FOUR llopovcrs democrats who forloltlce defeated as they should have been The rads showed their good sense ID not letting the so called converts got all of the good things after they had borno the heat and burden Of the party for years THE Easter service bqthe Mission Band at the Christian church Sunday night proved a most enjoyable occasion The building was packed and a highly Interesting program was calmed out Tbo Easter anthems by the choir as ¬ sisted by the best vocalists from the other churches wero beautifully ren ¬ dered while a number of songs by the children were also greatly enjoyed Tbo recitations by Misses Anna Daret LcGrand Jones and others were fea ¬ tures of the evening Each child was presented with an Easter egg The members of tbo Band In about 112 in the mite boxes and the collection of the evening amounted to SO HOLT CLAW The sad news of the death of Frank Holtzclaw at Alva Wyoming reached hero Friday and cast a gloom over his many friends and relatives In and around Stanford Hard- ly ¬ a year ago he left for his Western home hoping to rid himself of a slight lung trouble but lust as he was thought to be Improving grip seized him and after a protracted Illness his young life ended Mr Holtzclaw was 32 years old a member of the Baptist church hero and a straightforward honorable man liked by all who know him Ho married a daughter of W H Underwood and she and two daughters aged flyo and seven are left to mourn tho loss of n kind husband and Indul ¬ gent father They with Mr J R Holtzclaw father of the deceased no compnnlcd the remains which arrived hero Sunday Waiting on her bus band grief over his death and tho long trip hero have all been trying on Mrs Holtzclaw and she was wellnigh exhausted when she arrived She feels keenly her great lose and In it she and her little daughters havo the sympa thy of all The Odd Follows of which order Mr Holtzclaw was n member took charge of tbo remains at the de- pot and some CO or more of the mem ¬ bore went with them to Lancaster where the burial occurred THIS AND THAT E T Pence sold to R Cobb 10 year lings at 27 A yearling by Cresceue sold for 2 000 at Providence R I J T Stewart of Boyle bought a car load of hogs at Die for May 15 de liveryI Isaac Clark and Wesley Ramsey two young farmers of Wayne county en gaged in a quarrel Sunday and Ramsey was fatally shot Tho Southern surveyors are still camping on Hood Worthlngtona farm The survey has reached the Porryvlllo j pike passing through the farm of W If1 DeLong a mile West of town Advocate II PUBLIC SALE JunctionCity wlnllingup One Car Load of Buggies I vehicles reserve to the highest bidder for cash O M AgtLexington The Floe Mula and Jennet Ja- ckBlack Cloud Wilt make the puma of 1901 at 3 tulles from Iianvllle on the I > llonnrDaIA turoplke at Ig to Inture a living colt Money duo wbenroll ooaeaorbare Is parted with and a lien retained on roil until season money Is paid lie Is o1d153hand Imp ialen 2d dim by Illg Heck br Col handy n1 dim lleck br Illack Samtmn Col Handy 1s IIDutbrtelIn Jl T BUSH Iron Grey Jim Porter Will make the season of 1001 at Silas Andersons old stand on the Preuchersvllle pike four miles from Stanford at 7 to Insure a Colt To get up and tuck and walk around the mare J5Xhand Sired by Hubble Old Ucccher Dam one half Jim Iorter Lien retained on colts until season wltRmuruwlthoutsatlafylag ¬ where forfeits the season Care taken to prevent accidents but not responsible should any occur Call at Silas Andersons place and see Iron Grey Jim Porters colts J B Anderson Preachersvlllc Ky McKinney Roller Mills- J B McKINNEY Prop MoKinney Ky Makonnd keep constantly on band the Let of Flour Meal Bhlpstutr Bran Chick- en Fred Rc Price very reasonable Cus- tom ¬ grinding a ni oclalty D V Kennedy Mlllcr TILE NOTED BOWMAN MILLS FOR SALE On Dowman Mill Pike near the village of South Elkhorn 0 miles from Lexington Harrodabur pike Largo 3stcry tone building Wheat and corn mill Steam and water power Comfortable dwelling Wagon scales 3 acres land Now operating The demand for Its products when run taxes Its full capacity Meal hue reputation of best In tho world Irlco only 31200 which Is less than value of machinery Own ¬ er wants money Como quickly to get It J E IELPIE SON Agts Lexington Ky PUBLIC SALE I will tttt at puMIc suction at my farm on the Stanford and HutonTllU turnpike lhIIIl1u trot Huitont Ill v- uThursday April 11th 01 I The following arty 2 blniltn McCormack I and Champion I McCormack mower 1 Superior Disc IIrlll 3 cultivators I big ployr 3 double tboTtlt I corn planter roller and 2 double A ba- rrow1 ¬ disc harrow lot of low gear 1 eel of wagon breeching blind bridles and col I log chain1 elder mill I new wheat fan for clean ¬ lug enl wheat 1 work bench and 1 wagon mak- er ¬ aharlng borne 1 harness stool ad clamp 1 yearling lilly laddie bred 8 glees I milk taw with Cilf about 1 month OldrI yearling Shorthorn bull I stripper cow I I JnfoaM dry cow 4jear old combined mire gentle for lady to drive small but has big way on the road 3 mares In foal o rearold standard bred mars hy Vbdallan 51nb oo out of a male by 1jladlne her dam Uy Mewenger mire 1 4year old gelding by Abdallah Mambrlno a good road ater some household goods 115 range with pipes anti tanka attached Ladles 8100 bicycle Uambler the beat nude Two tracts of land out about 40 acres and a S Inlrest In a tract of 120 acres three miles from McKlnner Terms made known on day eta J 11 McKINNEY McKlnney Ky Public Sale I OF PERSQMLPROPER TY And Eontal of Lead having decided to move to Oklahoma we will oflrr at publlo sale to the bUbeat and test bidder without reserve on the promises near Shelby City Ky 0- 0Wodnesday April 10 1901 the following personal property About 210 head of rattle ni which flo bead will weigh 1 O head will weigh 630 to 9Mth each at Lad will weigh SOo each and Metres and short yearlings weighing from 350 to GOO urJ also a lot of high grade shorthorn cows and a registered shorthorn bull 600 bead or goo l ewes and iambi with 2 I head of Southdown lot of stock hogs 12 head of work mules amt boraea l1 urlou farming Implements to the cultivation of different products ol a thousandacre arm We- will sell all driving and saddle vehicles harness Ac MO liarrel of tarn 1500 tales of hay andtawuvealboastsandlots In Junction and Shelby Cities and one house and lot on the Dan ¬ ville A lluttonvllle pike two miles South of Shel ¬ and known as the tollgate property Thousands of other things too numerous to men- tion There will be 1000 acres of land to rent for 1902 I1DllOO3lo the hlilieit and belt bidder l1uol forget the date l01901IAOSVlEUIV Shelby City Ky T D ENHUSH auctioneer FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF STANFORD KY Capital Stock 159000 Swplui 110000 This Institution originally established as the De poalt Bank of Stanford in 1853 then reorganized ai the National Uank of Stanford In IBM and agait organized u the First National hank ot Stanford n 1S82 has had practically an uninterrupted ulltl- Iaee for 41 years It is better supplied now wlU facilities for transacting business promptly and I rally than everbetorcln its long and bonoiab career Accounts ol Individuals fiduciaries and IndlvldttslssollcltedDIKICTOaS F Reid Lincoln Co JW Haydrn Stanlof ST Harris 8U Baughman J SIlocker TY Rill WP Walton W A Trlbble J U ColllerCrab OrcnM Jas Koblmon Hubble M DElmore Stanford orncsm J S Uorker President JJ McRoberta Caihlu I NABOTH 1006f Standard Rule O Rccord 2loj Sired by and many others in the list Wal8lnghBm oaooths sire Is a son of George Wilkes 810 J 220the Jr by Ualllbletonlan 10 lire ot Dexter 2t173 Third clain Jessie Sa ro O mw 4 1also Eclipse N ° IlambletonlanGeorge nnd high foaled June 28 1883 Ills pedigree contains the J blood of Wilkes Jlarobrlno Wilkes Pilot Jr and 11arry Clay Will Stand at > 15 to Insure a Living Colt 1- rs HAFSBURG 5OQ WocderfulDoy First dan Trinket 5 Imp by County King 110 2nd dam by Champion of England 666 3rd dam by lIarnaby GiO HIt dam by Orand Turk J38 1 CleyelandlIay hands weighs Ji3 pounds drives well gebtie and kind with Ono style and high action i tobreed Will Stand At t10 To Insure 7t Living Colt Will also stand the splendid 16 hands and 1 inch Illack Jack NAIOLEON 2ND at f 3 for Mares and 819 for den nets removedCare J KII BAUGHMAN Hustonvillo Ky j W B YLcROBEPTSDRUGGI- STFreshest of Drugs vs and Sundries J At Lowest PrIcesI Ii Carpetst Carpets We have just placed In the house a sample lino of Carpets all new Spring Pat terns consisting o- fWilton VelvetsTapestry Brussels English Brussels And Extra Super All wool Ingrains If you need a carpet we will make you a very close price on One lowpr we think titan you can buy elsewhere At any rate we snKclt your inspection of these goods Get Our Prices And We Will Leave The Rest To Your Judgment t3TCarpets cut and made to fit the room if you wish John P Jones tII Every pair of Shoes we sell with our t guarantee supported by the manufacturers personalI resent to mention kinds and have all the desirable ones for Women i Children both Oxfords Sandals and rillern 1 16 I I Gentlemen You miss a Bar p If > on fail to look at our shoes ts- M t IIl fa t I a 1t 1 j tim m if What We Sell JJ 1iColumbu8 Implements A big line and selected by an experienced Im ¬ plement inati from tie best known Implement manufacturers in the countryr i Harness Everything kept in a strictly firstclass Harness Store lWogonsThe Coal An experience of years bas taught us which is the best We hamle Coal only from mines of the best reputation Feed We buy and sell liar Oats Corn Bran etc Wo make a specialty ol Seed and Feed Oats handled 10 care In 60 days HavoI Wo are eoul agents for Gluten Neal Royal Platter Dr IIg Stock Food Poultry Panacea etc We buy everything in Car Lots for Cash and sell x goods on a smaller Margin than any houso in Danville Bruce Bright Danville Y

Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1901-04-09 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 14. · to talk to n client about 1 oclock and Mr DoBord locked the doors and wont about his business

Aug 25, 2020



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Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1901-04-09 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 14. · to talk to n client about 1 oclock and Mr DoBord locked the doors and wont about his business


A STANFORD Ky Antii 0 1001

Quit prescription work la unsurpass ¬

T ed Try us and be convinced PennyDrug Store


clerking In the

rMn SAMUKI T UAKRIS has been

sick several daysMRS W G WlTHEUS who has been

III Iublo to sit upMiss MINNIE WOODS Is visiting

friondi In Ilustonvlllc-MllB J II YKAQlilt Is visiting Mrs

R P Adams In LexingtonMRs MARY OmEN of Iluetouvlllot Is with Mrs Adolla WoodsH O DOTY who moved from OarFridayt End

Is preparing to move to OklahomaMiss JlKlLK ROOT of Danville was

the guest of Miss Florence Trucbcartt Miss HELEN TIUMIMOND of Hrod

head spent several days with friends


home of her daughter Mrs J M

WhiteTUB Faniy Work Club will meet

with Mrs M O Wllllurns Thursdayafternoon

Du PKKCV BENTON and RichardPike of Urodhcad attended court heroyesterday

v MR GKO D noiiKit went to Louis-ville yesterday to attend the Maccabco

conventionMISSGituniis of Shelby

City spent several with her sister MrsK T Hcusle-


spent several days with relatives atShelby City

Fin u DAUMANN went up to Bornt start Saturday to spend a few days

with friendsMu J UlCllAliOliUflllof Richmond

has gono Into n law partnership withHon W B Smith

Miss Jrssu DBANK COOKK ofNashville will arrive this week tovisit her sisters hare

Miss GEORGIA IlANHFOiiD of Som1erect Is visiting tho family of George

A Hughes at MoKlnnoyMESSRS M P ELKIN and John II

Meier are representing StanfordsMaccabco lodge at Louisville

KniTOU K W LlLLAHI of the Dan ¬

Svilla News was hero yesterday gettingsubscribers for his good paper

Mrssits W S WOODSON and D nFaulkner of Knox county wero on

Sundays train bound for LouisvilleR E UltOOKS ono of Rockcastlee

cloWr citizens and a candidate forjalfer was hero yesterday mingling

1wIth friendsY Mite JOHN ninoilT JR who has

been lpendlnltbo winter In Hendersonvlllo N C joined her husband hero

l this morningMARY EDITH AND UFUTIIA tho two

little daughters of J T Dlankensblpare very sick with measles Living ¬

ston Cor SignalMR WIIL SEVERANCE ocd wife and

Mr C E Tutu and wife left this morn-



log for Casey to spend a few days fish ¬

ing In Green riverJR NUNNELLKY who Is working

for a St Louis firm In Maine arrivedSunday to visit his parents Mr andMrs P P Nunnelley-

Mn SAMUEL II HEIM who will cel ¬

ebrate hie SOth birthday today Is get¬

ting very feeble and his friends orevery uneasy about him

MRS G T LACKEY loft Saturday to

4v join her husband In St Louis wherethey will remain a few days before lo¬

eating at Dee Moines IowaMn J H STEPHENS has rented the

Henry Newland farm In the East Endl and Mrs otephcng camo up from Lob

anon Junction Sunday to join himL LITTLE RUTH MCCOLLUM of Juno ¬

T clan City who has been very III Is Im-

proving her father Mr O D MeCole lum who was hero yesterday Informed

S usMil AND Mus G W RIFKK and

children of Hustonvlllo who have beenvisiting Mr H D Gllmoro and famly

returned homo yesterday Marlot Fal

J conDtt W W BUHOIN and wife o-

ftRichmond are guests of her parents atCrab Orchard The doctor and MrW D Edmlston attended court heroyesterdayreturnedAiL R Hughes and will upend n few

weeks at homo In order to regain herlost health

hMESSRS W T SEIIASTIAN A Dt Ford WL Law on T A Elkin oDd

James Dunn were some of the Garrardcounty gentlemen who attended courthero yesterday

MRS HENRY LAMMERS has returnedfrom u visit to her daughter In Louis-



MRS LEVI ELDER of Crabt Orchard IB the guostof hcrsUter Mre

1W W Burgln Richmond Panta

raphI of papers In mentioning

tbd marriage of Mr Arthur 0 Hill toMiss Nellie Mcrshon speak of thegromnsn prosperous young lawyer

Mr Hill has shown good judgement In

the selection of n wife and Is n lino

farmer but but If ho knows anythingabout law be has kept It from his par-

t opts and most Intimate friends


FANCY Qucenswaro cost for cashO H Farris ft Co

I SELL seed potatoes cheaper thanany house In town W U Brady

Go to Jones for embroideries lacesand gloves They carry the stock

SPRINGof Jaralnlorrcs are InCall and see them O H Farris JcCo a

GARDEN Seeds IonSete andNorthern Seed Potatoes at Warren dsShanksaWILL sell all our cheap hay In 10 or15 days So como quluk J H Dnugbman kCoaI THE Canton Harrow for dura-bility


good work and light draft Forsale by George U Farris d Co

A VALUAIIL F mulu longing to MrS J Embry got one of Its feet caughtIn a stable Dad died before assistancearrived

A DOu supposed to bo mad was shotat by Marshal Robert Jones Saturdayafternoon but the bullet went wide of

I Us mark and the dog went on1

I WILL have my opening tomorrowWednesday and Thursday Call andsee the beautiful line of pattern hatsand bonnets A special Invitation Istendered to husbands and fathers Re ¬

member the date Miss Llcclo Deaz

layIMPROVINOMMcceer1A Allen


kCo have contracted with Messrs AM Pence and R E L Sims to Im ¬

prove their homes on Danville Ave ¬

nue The former will add three roomsand the latter a bay window and otherImprovements


HORSE Snow AT UUSTONVILLKSaturday 1s tho day for the annualhorse show at Hustonvlllo and It Islikely there will bo moro good stallionsand jacks there than for years It It asplendid place to advertise and horseowners should not wise the opportun

ityRFAUMrSamuel Reid of Huston

vllle received a dispatch a few dayssince telling of the death of his sisterMrs Salllo Read ut Bloomfield bat howas not well enough to attend the bur ¬

lad Mrs Read was about 80 years oldand died of pneumonia Four grownchildren survive her

POdtmostcrJ1Dmore than probable that Capt lid Pellyof Dunnvlllc will mako tho race for therepublican nomination for Stato Sena ¬

tor The captain suits us all rightSenator Farrls can beat him as easy asauy other republican


THE rain and general bad weather ofSunday prevented many a lady frominitiating her pretty spring bonnet andtho old winter tllo was again pressedInto service In fact the weather hadbeen so fearful for several days thatthe majority of mankind had cared andthought very little about dress of anykind

THE resignation of Mrs Nannie SSaulley as principal of the Stanford Fe ¬

male College has been tendered to andaccepted by the board of trustees Tbocollege will be run next year Severalapplications for the place have already

In1lormeda first class principal

NONE For the first time In yearsthe Casey circuit court failed to sendany prisoners to tlio penitentiary EldJ Q Montgomery who was hero yes-


told us that Green Shaw charg-ed


with killing Randall was acquittedand that the case of Woodrum accusedof murder was thrown out of courtThe term was a very dull ono


hasoaexhibitionIn Miss Annie Phillips millinery window the cutest kind of a farm housebeautifully fenced In with rabbits ga ¬

lore In the yard The little house iselegantly furnished as can be seenfrom the windows and la altogether nvery creditable piece of work Stop asyou go bv and tako a look at It as wellan tbo pretty hate Miss Phillips Is maktag

IN JAIL Honr CWarren serveda short term In jail Friday but whatbo was guilty of Jailer George DoBordwho was judgo and jury In the case re ¬

fuses to divulge Mr Warren wont into talk to n client about 1 oclock andMr DoBord locked the doors and wontabout his business About supper timehe returned unlocked and let MrWarren go his way rejoicing Thejailer claims forgetfulness but MrWarren U inclined to believe that hobad a grievance against him and tookthat method of squaring accounts

OLD PLAN John Bright of Lin-coln presented Mayor Fisher with aplan of Danville made by John Thom-as


surveyor of Mercer county on the7th of Juno 1707 It la very accurateand will bo framed by the mayor Thissection was at that time being clearedby the pioneer settlers Their mostdifficult work was removing stumpsFor assistance In this a novel schemewas adopted Each male person whooffended the law was required to pullono or moro stumps according to themagnitude of the offense Advocate

NICE lino of wedding presents atHamiltonsaT

FRESH homemade candies of allkinds at J H Mclerd

HAY corn oats and all kinds of fledcheap for 10 days only J H Baughman titCoaA POSTOFFICE has been establishedat ColTey Casey county with N CCoffey postmaster

HAYWUI sell hay at 30 40 60 55and GUc per 100 pounds for 10 days JH Baughman fc Co

A GOOD crowd attended court yester-day und business of all kinds was bet-

ter than on tbo court day of a monthago

OUIt spring stock of dry goods andshoes cant be bent Como nnd tradewith uSi highest market price allowedfor eggs J P Jones


JOSEPH GINSHURG who will open astore at Corbln Saturday Is havingbills printed at this office tolling thepeople bow cheap bo Is going to soilgoals

ATTEND Wednesday thosalo of I kG S Shelby and Thursday the one ofJ B McKinney Read their adsin another column and see what theywill offer

A YOUNG man named Wbltt whosehomo Is in the East God was placed Injail yesterday charged with breakingInto J W James quarthouse at CrabOrchard and stealing a lot of whisky

IN the county court yesterday F M

Waro qualified as administrator ofMrs Mallnda Walls and a few road ov-

erseers werts appointed It was an ex-

ceedingly dull day about tbo court-houseI


A SOPRANO of wonderful abilityTho best concert singer In this countryWo have never offered our patronsanything so artistic Mountain LnK-

ichoutauquaI Maryland At WaltoniOpera House April 2C

I THE Kings Mountain Canning Cowill not run this year on account ofMr W L McCarty failing to contractfor enough tomatoes notwithstandingbo offered to pay two cents per bushelmore than other canneries offered

FOUR llopovcrs democrats who

forloltlcedefeated as they should have beenThe rads showed their good sense ID

not letting the so called converts gotall of the good things after they hadborno the heat and burden Of the partyfor years

THE Easter service bqthe MissionBand at the Christian church Sundaynight proved a most enjoyable occasionThe building was packed and a highlyInteresting program was calmed outTbo Easter anthems by the choir as ¬

sisted by the best vocalists from theother churches wero beautifully ren ¬

dered while a number of songs by thechildren were also greatly enjoyedTbo recitations by Misses Anna DaretLcGrand Jones and others were fea ¬

tures of the evening Each child waspresented with an Easter egg Themembers of tbo Band In about112 in the mite boxes and the collectionof the evening amounted to SO

HOLT CLAW The sad news of thedeath of Frank Holtzclaw at AlvaWyoming reached hero Friday andcast a gloom over his many friends andrelatives In and around Stanford Hard-ly


a year ago he left for his Westernhome hoping to rid himself of a slightlung trouble but lust as he wasthought to be Improving grip seizedhim and after a protracted Illness hisyoung life ended Mr Holtzclaw was32 years old a member of the Baptistchurch hero and a straightforwardhonorable man liked by all who knowhim Ho married a daughter of W HUnderwood and she and two daughtersaged flyo and seven are left to mourntho loss of n kind husband and Indul ¬

gent father They with Mr J RHoltzclaw father of the deceased nocompnnlcd the remains which arrivedhero Sunday Waiting on her busband grief over his death and tholong trip hero have all been trying onMrs Holtzclaw and she was wellnighexhausted when she arrived She feelskeenly her great lose and In it she andher little daughters havo the sympathy of all The Odd Follows of whichorder Mr Holtzclaw was n membertook charge of tbo remains at the de-

pot and some CO or more of the mem ¬

bore went with them to Lancasterwhere the burial occurred


E T Pence sold to R Cobb 10 yearlings at 27

A yearling by Cresceue sold for 2

000 at Providence R IJ T Stewart of Boyle bought a

car load of hogs at Die for May 15 de

liveryIIsaac Clark and Wesley Ramsey two

young farmers of Wayne county engaged in a quarrel Sunday and Ramseywas fatally shot

Tho Southern surveyors are stillcamping on Hood Worthlngtona farmThe survey has reached the Porryvlllo

j pike passing through the farm of WIf1 DeLong a mile West of townAdvocate



JunctionCitywlnllingupOne Car Load of Buggies I

vehiclesreserve to the highest bidder for cashO M


The Floe Mula and Jennet Ja-

ckBlack CloudWilt make the puma of 1901 at 3tulles from Iianvllle on the I > llonnrDaIAturoplke at Ig to Inture a living colt Money duowbenroll ooaeaorbare Is parted with and a lienretained on roil until season money Is paid lie Iso1d153handImp ialen 2d dim by Illg Heck br Col handyn1 dim lleck br Illack Samtmn Col Handy 1s

IIDutbrtelInJl T BUSH

Iron Grey Jim PorterWill make the season of 1001 at Silas

Andersons old stand on the Preuchersvlllepike four miles from Stanford at

7 to Insure a ColtTo get up and tuck and walk around themareJ5XhandSired by Hubble Old Ucccher Dam onehalf Jim Iorter

Lien retained on colts until seasonwltRmuruwlthoutsatlafylag ¬

where forfeits the season Care taken toprevent accidents but not responsibleshould any occur

Call at Silas Andersons place and seeIron Grey Jim Porters colts

J B AndersonPreachersvlllc Ky

McKinney Roller Mills-

J B McKINNEY PropMoKinney Ky

Makonnd keep constantly on band theLet of Flour Meal Bhlpstutr Bran Chick-en Fred Rc Price very reasonable Cus-tom


grinding a ni oclalty D V KennedyMlllcr



On Dowman Mill Pike near the villageof South Elkhorn 0 miles from LexingtonHarrodabur pike Largo 3stcry tonebuilding Wheat and corn mill Steam andwater power Comfortable dwelling Wagonscales 3 acres land Now operating Thedemand for Its products when runtaxes Its full capacity Meal hue reputationof best In tho world Irlco only 31200which Is less than value of machinery Own ¬

er wants money Como quickly to get ItJ E IELPIE SON Agts Lexington Ky

PUBLIC SALEI will tttt at puMIc suction at my farm on the

Stanford and HutonTllU turnpike lhIIIl1u trotHuitont Ill v-

uThursday April 11th 01I The following arty 2 blniltn McCormackI and Champion I McCormack mower 1 Superior

Disc IIrlll 3 cultivators I big ployr 3 doubletboTtlt I corn planter roller and 2 double A ba-rrow1


disc harrow lot of low gear 1 eel ofwagon breeching blind bridles and col I

log chain1 elder mill I new wheat fan for clean ¬

lug enl wheat 1 work bench and 1 wagon mak-er


aharlng borne 1 harness stool ad clamp 1

yearling lilly laddie bred 8 glees I milk tawwith Cilf about 1 month OldrI yearling Shorthornbull I stripper cow I I JnfoaM drycow 4jear old combined mire gentle for ladyto drive small but has big way on the road 3mares In foal o rearold standard bredmars hy Vbdallan 51nb oo out of a male by1jladlne her dam Uy Mewenger mire 1 4yearold gelding by Abdallah Mambrlno a good roadater some household goods 115 range with pipesanti tanka attached Ladles 8100 bicycle Uamblerthe beat nude Two tracts of land out about 40acres and a S Inlrest In a tract of 120 acres threemiles from McKlnner Terms made known onday eta J 11 McKINNEY McKlnney Ky

Public Sale I


And Eontal of Leadhaving decided to move to Oklahoma we will

oflrr at publlo sale to the bUbeat and test bidderwithout reserve on the promises near ShelbyCity Ky 0-

0Wodnesday April 10 1901the following personal property About 210 headof rattle ni which flo bead will weigh 1

O head will weigh 630 to 9Mth each at Lad willweigh SOo each and Metres and short yearlingsweighing from 350 to GOO urJ also a lot of highgrade shorthorn cows and a registered shorthornbull 600 bead or goo l ewes and iambi with 2

I head of Southdown lot of stock hogs 12

head of work mules amt boraea l1 urloufarming Implements to the cultivation ofdifferent products ol a thousandacre arm We-

will sell all driving and saddle vehiclesharness Ac MO liarrel of tarn 1500 tales of hayandtawuvealboastsandlots In Junction andShelby Cities and one house and lot on the Dan ¬

ville A lluttonvllle pike two miles South of Shel ¬

and known as the tollgate propertyThousands of other things too numerous to men-tion

There will be 1000 acres of land to rent for 1902I1DllOO3lo the hlilieit and belt bidder

l1uol forget the date l01901IAOSVlEUIVShelby City Ky

T D ENHUSH auctioneer



Capital Stock 159000 Swplui 110000

This Institution originally established as the De

poalt Bank of Stanford in 1853 then reorganized ai

the National Uank of Stanford In IBM and agait

organized u the First National hank ot Stanford

n 1S82 has had practically an uninterrupted ulltl-

Iaee for 41 years It is better supplied now wlU

facilities for transacting business promptly and I

rally than everbetorcln its long and bonoiab

career Accounts ol Individuals fiduciaries

and IndlvldttslssollcltedDIKICTOaS

F Reid Lincoln Co JW Haydrn Stanlof

ST Harris 8U Baughman

J SIlocker TY Rill

WP Walton W A Trlbble

J U ColllerCrab OrcnM Jas Koblmon Hubble

M DElmore Stanford

orncsmJ S Uorker President J J McRoberta Caihlu


NABOTH 1006fStandard Rule O Rccord 2loj Sired byand many others in the list Wal8lnghBm oaooths sire Is a son of George Wilkes 810 J220theJr by Ualllbletonlan 10 lire ot Dexter 2t173 Third clain Jessie Sa ro

O mw 41alsoEclipseN°

IlambletonlanGeorge nnd high foaled June 28 1883 Ills pedigree contains the Jblood of Wilkes Jlarobrlno Wilkes Pilot Jr and 11arry ClayWill Stand at > 15 to Insure a Living Colt 1-

rsHAFSBURG 5OQWocderfulDoyFirst dan Trinket 5 Imp by County King 110 2nd dam by Champion of England666 3rd dam by lIarnaby GiO HIt dam by Orand Turk J38 1CleyelandlIayhands weighs Ji3 pounds drives well gebtie and kind with Ono style and high action itobreedWill Stand At t10 To Insure 7t Living Colt

Will also stand the splendid 16 hands and 1 inch Illack Jack NAIOLEON 2ND at f3for Mares and 819 for den netsremovedCareJ KII BAUGHMAN Hustonvillo Ky jW B


STFreshest ofDrugs vs

and Sundries J

At Lowest PrIcesI Ii


We have just placed In the house a sample lino of Carpets all new Spring Patterns consisting o-


BrusselsEnglish Brussels

And Extra Super All wool IngrainsIf you need a carpet we will make you a very close price on One lowpr we think

titan you can buy elsewhere At any rate we snKclt your inspection of these goods

Get Our Prices And We Will Leave The RestTo Your Judgment

t3TCarpets cut and made to fit the room if youwishJohn P JonestIIEvery pair of Shoes we sell with our


guarantee supported by the manufacturerspersonalIresent to mention kinds andhave all the desirable ones for Women iChildren both Oxfords Sandals andrillern 1

16 I

IGentlemen You miss a Bar

p If > on fail to look at our shoes


M t



I a1t 1


tim m if

What We Sell JJ

1iColumbu8Implements A big line and selected by an experienced Im ¬

plement inati from tie best known Implement manufacturers inthecountryr i

Harness Everything kept in a strictly firstclass HarnessStorelWogonsThe

Coal An experience of years bas taught us which is the bestWe hamle Coal only from mines of the best reputation

Feed We buy and sell liar Oats Corn Bran etcWo make a specialty ol Seed and Feed Oats

handled 10 care In 60 days HavoIWo are eoul agents for Gluten Neal RoyalPlatter Dr IIg Stock Food Poultry Panacea etc

We buy everything in Car Lots for Cash and sell xgoods on a smaller Margin than any houso in Danville

Bruce Bright DanvilleY