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[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.] Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7241 Unique Paper Code .,.. 232502 D Your Roll No ...... ........ al'jSfl:ttlctl ............. .. N arne of the Course CfiT -;wr : B.A. (Hons.) Political Science : (IIJ14lRI Name of the Paper Semester I Annual Time : 3 Hours Classical Political Philosophy Vth Semester Instructions for Candidates Maximum Marks : 7 5 "' 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Attempt any four questions. 3. Atleast one question from Section-A is compulsory. 4. All questions carry equal marks. 5. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. 1. -m '3;lR f.:n.Tiftr 1R 1 2. 3. 1 Q> 1 fc.fim CfiT '3W t I 4. I s. SECTION A 'Q>') 1. Critically evaluate the various approaches to the study of political philosophy. (IIJ1oflfaCfl ctl q;;gfaqf CfiT ($l1Ml'iHifS!Cfl I "' P. T.O.

Semester V Previous Year Questions BA(H) Political Science - DU

Apr 07, 2016




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Page 1: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7241 ~~CfiT~

Unique Paper Code ~m .,..


D Your Roll No ......•........• ~ al'jSfl:ttlctl ............. ..

N arne of the Course ql~l4o;tl:tt CfiT -;wr

: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science : ~. ~. (~) (IIJ14lRI ru0111~

Name of the Paper

Semester I Annual ~~~

Time : 3 Hours ~:3~

Classical Political Philosophy

Vth Semester :~~

Instructions for Candidates

Maximum Marks : 7 5 ~:75 "'

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. Atleast one question from Section-A is compulsory.

4. All questions carry equal marks.

5. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

1. ~ ~-~ ~ ~ -m '3;lR ~ ~ f.:n.Tiftr ~ 1R ~ a~1Sfl:tt1Cfl ~ 1

2. ~~~~'3W~I

3. ~ 1Q>1 ~ ~ fc.fim ~ ~ CfiT '3W ~ t I


4. mif~~ aicn~t I

s. ~~-~CfiT'3W ~<u~fc.fim~ mqr~~' ~ri~cnr~~


SECTION A (~ 'Q>')

1. Critically evaluate the various approaches to the study of political philosophy.

(IIJ1oflfaCfl ~ ~ ~ ctl ~ q;;gfaqf CfiT ($l1Ml'iHifS!Cfl Jt~lCfl'1 ~ I "'

P. T.O.

Page 2: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7241 2

2. Discuss the challenges of interpreting a text according to Terrence Ball.

SECTION B (~ ~')

3. Critically examine Plato's theory of communism of family and property.

I f(q~Cfi' ~ ~ ~ IDU !JikNIRct ~ aik ~ ct fii<J4ql~ ct ~ "CfiT anJtiHI~Cfi

"W&lUT~ I

4. Discuss the rationalist vision of Plato as brought out in his theory of Philosopher


~ ct ~l:tlH(fl ~ ct ~ "IDU qfUfu -act ct ~ "CfiT ~ ~ I

5. Critically examine Aristotle's views on slavery.

6. Evaluate the main features of statecraft detailed in Machiavelli's 'Prince'.

7. 'Machiavelli is a child of Renaissance'. In light of this statement discuss Machiavelli

as the first modern political thinker.

~i\fct:qlq6'fl ~01\JJY~ROI "CfiT ~ t' 1 w ~ ct m ~ ~ ~ {l\l1-f1Rtcti Fc~~Rq:) ct m ~ i\fct:qlq6'fi Chl- 14~~"'11 ~ 1

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

Plkif"clRqct ~ ~ ~ ~ lR ~ ftctroTI ~ :

(a) Feminist approach to the study of Political Philosophy

"'il~qlcn ~fiScch)o, ~ <l\l1of1Ricti ~ "CflT m

(b) Plato's theory of Forms

~ "CfiT 'WfiR ~

(c) Aristotle on Citizenship

"'11~1Rctidl lR ~ "'

(d) Machiavelli's views on Human nature


Page 3: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU



[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7242 ~lF-fCfiT~

Unique Paper Code "lfRcn ~ "'


D Your Roll No ..•............• 3lJqCfif ~'jstiJt ICfl ............. ..

Name of the Course q I ~ll Sfi Jt CfiT ;uJt'

: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science : ~- -q. (~) (1\iiYi'lffi FctruY'I

N arne of the Paper Development Process and Social Movements in Contemporary


Semester I Annual ~~~

Time : 3 Hours ~:3~

Vth Semester :~~

Instructions for Candidates

Maximum Marks : 7 5 llU1TCfl : 7 5 "'

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

1. ~ ~ -lF-f rfi ~ m- "3)'CI"{ Kq ~ ~ ~ "tR 3ltRT ~1st~Jt1Cfl ~ 1

2. ~~~cfi~~l

3. ~ ~ cfi 3tcfl ~ -g I

4. ~~-lF-fCfiT~ ~m~fcfi-ffi~ ~~~' ~W~CfiT~~


1. Critically assess the planning process in India.

~ IDU ~ ~ ~ cfiT ~ CfiT ailclJ:q~lfi!Cfl Jt&=L~ICfl~ ~ 1 "'

2. Critically examine the argument that "The Globalization process has led to

informalization of workers in India." PTO.

Page 4: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7242 2

u~!tcf)Cfl(OI ~ ~ ~ ~ cnT 6f~qiUi{Cfi(OI ctl alR aHRR fcfim t I" ~ ~ CfiT

6ilclt'q'11f'JfCfi ~ ~ I

3. Examine the debate on India's Green Revolution and its impact on the Indian


4. What are the main issues faced by peasants' movements in India?

5. Discussthe role played by civil liberties and democratic rights movements in


6. Discuss the important features of 'Right to Information'. What are its limitations ?

7. Write a brief essay on the evolution of 'Right to Education' and examine the

challenges faced by it.

~firm tfi alfUCfiR' tfi ~ 1R ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1~ra4)· CfiT ~ CfW1T


8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Emergence of the middle class

~ C!'1l CfiT ~

(b) Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

(c) Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA)

(d) Right to Food

(qffi- aTtUCfiR (6000)

Page 5: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7246 ~ ~ CflT Sfillicn

Unique Paper Code ~m "'


D Your Roll No ............... . 3fJqCfiT 3ij Sfl"l I ifl ............. ..

N arne of the Course qJQ>liSfl"l CflT ~

: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science : ~. ~. (3if;ffi) (l\l14\Rt ~

Name of the Paper

Semester I Annual ~~~

Time : 3 Hours ~:3tlut

Dilemmas in Politics

Vth Semester :~~

Instructions for Candidates

Maximum Marks : 7 5 ~:75 "'

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper .

1. ~ ~-~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ f.=rmltr ~ 1R 3flFIT 3ijSflJt(<:fl ~ I

2. ~~~~~~~

3. ~ ~ ~ 3Tcfi (JlJR" ~I

4. ~~-~Cfif~ ~c.rr~fcfim~ mqr~~' ~~~Cfif~~ Nit;«~ I

1. Analyse the concept of social exclusion. Do you think this concept offers us

advantages over other concepts of inequality?

~l"llfulq:) f.:ll'lCflt~"'i cfit 3fCruRUTT cfit a:rROQT ~ I ~~Jtl"'idl cfiT ~ ~ CflfT <:rn" ~

aTCfURUrran ~ ~ t ?

2. The increasing use of violence as a political means in the age of liberal democracy

and human rights presents a paradox. Discuss.


Page 6: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7246 2

J<:RCIIa Mlcti~t=;t ~ ~ "ct <m ~ (1\iiolfdcti ~ "ct ~ ~ fum CfiT ~ m ~ 0

~ ~ "Cfi"{ffi" t I ~ ~ I

3. Analyse the universalism vs. particularism debate in human rights discourse.

4. Explain the anthropocentric-ecocentric divide in environmentalism. How does eco­

centrism challenge traditional political theory ?

qlflq(OICII<: ~ Jii""'Cicfi'ffid ~ ~ ~ ctl ~ ~ I ~ ~

m ql<qf«h <1\iiwflfd ~ CfiT ~ ~ t ?

5. What is 'cosmopolitanism'? Evaluate its basic principles.

6. Is an epistemological standpoint of women possible? Discuss with reference to

debates within feminism.

Cfm ~3ll CfiT 0111"'1iflJ1j(11 ~ ~ ~ t ? ""'l{lCIIC: "ct ~ ~ "ct ~ ~ ~


7. State the arguments for and against humanitarian intervention in light of the concepts

of sovereignty, national interest and human security.

~~ {l~d ~ ~ ~ ctf 3lCruRUTT3ll ctl ~ ~ JiHcflqCfil{l ~ "ct lfel ~

fcr:rar ~ d ~ 1

8. Write short notes on any two of the followings:

(i) Capability and empowerment

~ ~ (1:tlfcfdCfi(OI

(ii) Jus ad Bellum


(iii) Human Flourishing as Cosmopolitan Ideal

ctilf'fl41~c""' amrn ct ~ ~ ~ ij·q"idl

(iv) Green Politics

~ {1\iioflfd (1500)

Page 7: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7245 ~~Cfil~

D Your Roll No .•..•........... 3l11lCfiT aij Sll"'' {Cf) ............. ..

Unique Paper Code

~cnls "'

N arne of the Course

41Ci:llstl"'' CfiT ~

Name of the Paper

Semester I Annual



: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science

: ~. ~. (~) U5"tiflRI ~

Feminist Theory and Practice (Option C)

Vth Semester


Time : 3 Hours

~:3~ Maximum Marks : 7 5

~:75 "'

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.


l. ~ ~-~ cfi" ~ tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1R ~ atjstl+t{Cfl ~I

2. fcfi;tf ~ ~ cfi" "3n( ~ I

3. N ~ cfi" atcn ~ ~ I

4. ~~-~Cfil"3n( ~~~fcfim~ ~~~. ~ri~Cfil~~

tf mrrr ~I

1. Critically examine the sex-gender distinction in feminist theory.

2. How would you understand the role of radical feminism in understanding gender

inequality ?

~ ~ ~ at~+tl"1dl cot ~ cfi" ~ "31T "11flc:uc: ctT CflH ~ «<T t ? ~ "'


Page 8: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7245 2

3. Assess the contribution of women in the French revolution towards drawing

attention to women's issues?

~ c:fi" w 1R t2lR" ~ ctiB ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CFH ~ atk ~~11:101 m ~ ~


4. What chal1enges do anti colonial movements pose for women? Discuss with

special reference to India.

\jqf.i~~lqll: fcffim ~~~an c:fi" ~ Cf<H 1;1\Rfql m ? m«r c:fi" ~ ~ ~ 1f{ ~


5. Examine the impact of social reform movements on women's status in India.

6. Discuss the recent debates on the property rights of women within the family.

How have these debates affected their position in the family?

7. Outline the feminist understanding of women's work.

8. Write short notes on any two of the fol1owing:

(a) Eco feminism

~ "'11{\qll: (~ ;:n{lcul:)

(b) The origin of feminism in China

~ ~ "'11{\qll: Cf)f ~

(c) Patriarchy

(d) Productive and reproductive labour

\3~W'fl altt ~ liFT


Page 9: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7240 ~ ~ CflT Sfill'iq:j

Unique Paper Code 232501 ~em "'

D Your Roll No ............... . 3lJllCFiT 3l'j <;fiJi r"cti .............. .

N arne of the Course q 16, ll<;fl Ji CflT ;:rpf

: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science

: ~. 't. (~) <tl\i14lRI ~

Name of the Paper

Semester I Annual ~~~

Time : 3 Hours wm: 3w

Indian Political Thought- I

Vth Semester, Paper XVII : ~~,m 11

Instructions for Candidates

Maximum Marks: 75 -quiTCfi- : 7 5 "'

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on·receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or .in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

l. ~ ~-~ cfi ~ tf ~ ~ ~ f.ruTft:r ~ 'q( allRT 31'1<;tlJJiCfl ~I ~

2. fcfi;:tT ~ ~ cfi ~ ~ I

3. ri ~ cfi a:iq:)~t I

4. ~~-~CflT~ ~"liT~~~~~~~ ~~~CflT~~

tf m-=rr ~I

1 . Illustrate the basic perceptions of Islamic traditions in relation to the emergence

of Syncretic traditions.

fi;Jj~qCfil(} ~ cfi ~ cfi fctiTq ~ ~~ ~ ~ ctt ~ aFruRUrraU c@ ~



Page 10: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7240 2

2. Critically describe the notion of Rajadharma in Shantiparva with special reference

to the duties of the king.

(fijfT cfi-~ cfi- fcrnliJ ~~ ~. :n"!f~qcf ~ \3ftt!Rqd ~ ctt URUTT CfiT 611Ml'i1"'11fi1Cfl

fctcRur ~I

3. Critically analyse the role of Manu Smriti in the formulation of social laws.

4. Do you agree that Kautilya's conception of state in Saptanga and Yogakshema is

'surprisingly modem' in character? Elaborate your response.

CfliT awT ~ ~ fcfi ~ ~ ~~ cfi- m ~ Ch1ft('4 ctt ~ ctt aTCruRUrr '6tl~'ii~"'1Cfl

m' ~ ~t I fcffim:~~~ I

5. Discuss the theory of kingship as described by Buddha in Digha Nikaya.

cf/EIRCh/4 ~ ~ ID(T Cl'fUfu (l\iHh11 cS ~ CfiT f4~(:)151o1 ~ I ~

6. Analyse the element of sovereignty in AbulFazal's Ain-e-Akabari. To what extent

it supports divine theory of 'Badshahat'. Elaborate your response.

7. Analyse Kabir's concept of equality with special reference to gender equality

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

Pt~~Rqd ~ ~ ~ -en 1R ~ ftu:luTI ~ :

(a) Concept of ideal sultan in Barni

~ ctt 3001 ~ ctt 3lCrnRUJT

(b) Brahmanic tradition

~llt{JiO'Jlq ~

(c) Mandala theory ofKautilya

Ch1ft('4 Cfif~ ~

(d) Syncretism of Kabir


Page 11: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7247 ~~CfiT~

D Your Roll No ............... . antrCfiT aij Sfl"'' {Cfl ............. ..

Unique Paper Code ~ qi)-g


Name of the Course q 16,l1Sfl"'f CfiT o:rr+r

Name of the Paper

Semester I Annual ~ ;cnfifcn


: B.A. (Hons.) III : Political Science : ~-'I. (~) ~ : (J\l1yflfa ~

Public Policy in India

Vth Semester :~~

Time : 3 Hours ~:3w

Maximum Marks : 1 00 -quifcn : 1 00 "'

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks .

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

1. ~ ~-~ <:fi-~ tt "3ilR ~ ~ ~ ~ "4( 3llFff 6ljSfl"''iCfl ~ ,

2. ~~m:<:fi-~~1

3. ~ m: cfi" afcn WlFf t I

4. ~~-~cnr~ ~'!T~fcfim~ ~~~' ~ri~cnr~~


1. Discuss the meaning, nature and significance of public policy.

2. What is policy analysis? Describe the process of policy analysis.


Page 12: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7247 2

3. Examine the various models of public policy making.

4. Describe policy analysis in the context of liberal and welfare theories of state.

5. Write an essay on Government-civil society interface in policy making.

6. Discuss the major limitations in policy implementation.

7. Throw light on the disinvestment policy in India since 1991.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Role of Prime Minister's Office in policy making

(b) Policy cycle


(c) Interest groups and policy

(d) Policies for Inclusive development


Page 13: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7244 ~~Cfil~

Unique Paper Code ~ern "'


D Your Roll No ............... . 3f('qCfiT 3tj Sfl "1 (Cfl ............. ..

N arne of the Course qiQ<liSFI"t CfiT ~

: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science : Gft. ~. (~) <t\Ji;flRI ~

Name of the Paper The African Experience : Polity and Economy (Option B)

Semester I Annual


Time : 3 Hours ~:3w

Vth Semester


Instructions for Candidates

Maximum Marks : 7 5 ~:75 "'

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.


1. ~ ~-~ cfi" ~ tJ ~ ~ ~ f.:ttnfuJ ~ W 3tlFlT 3tjSFI"t(Cfl ~ I

2. ~~~-cfi-~~1

3. ~ ~ cfi" 3fcn WfFr t I

4. ~~-~Cfil~ affi;illm~~~ ~~~. ~W~Cfil~~


1. What is Pan-Africanism ? Discuss the role of Pan-African movement towards the

integration of African States.

~ 3tsfi)Cf)lqli; CFIT t ? ~ M cfi" ~<t)Cfl(OI ~ ~-~ ~ qit ~ "'


2. Define Colonialism. Critically examine the broad features of the British Colonial

policies in Ghana.

P. T.O.

Page 14: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7244 2

3qf."l~:ncuc; CfiT ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 3\lqPt~~ICfl ~ ctl ClJ11lCfl fclil~dlaTI CflT


3. Critically analyze the impact of Portuguese colonial policies on Angola and


~ ~ Jfl~I~Cfl 1R 9,~h11Jl ~lqPt~~ICfl ~ ~ ~ CflT ailcll~"''lf+fCfl fcl~(?)~ot


4. Discuss the role oflntemational Monetary Fund (IMF) in anti-poverty programme

in Africa.

5. Describe the major issues and challenges of trade relations between India and


6. Analyze the role of African Union (AU) in the regional conflicts in Africa.

7. Critically evaluate the role of United Nations in the peace-building process in


8. Write short notes on any two ofthe following:

(a) Challenges ofHuman Rights in Africa

~ ~ ~-~ ctt ~"ilkt4l

(b) US imperialism in Africa

~ ~ ~ <aF!fl'ilF*


(c) Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in Africa

~ ~ :e·(~"''lf+fCfl '8Jtl<4l\i1"1 Cfli4SflJt

(d) Ethnic conflicts in Sudan

~ ~ !JI\illdl4 ~ "' (1500)

Page 15: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 7243 ~ -q:;J CfiT ~

Unique Paper Code 232504 ~-em "'

D Your Roll No ..............•. ~ 31jSfl<l'flCfl .............. .

N arne of the Course q 16, l@<l'f CfiT ~

: B.A. (Hons.) Political Science : ~. ~. (~) (l\i141Ri Rlt111"1

Name of the Paper

Semester I Annual ~~~

Time : 3 Hours


Understanding South Asia

Vth Semester


Instructions for Candidates

Maximum Marks : 7 5 ~:75 "'

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

mm "$ "@r Frbr

1. ~ ~- -q:;J cfi ~ -tl ~ ~ ~ ~ BlFf 1R 3fT.RT 31jSfl<l'fiCfl ~ I

2. ~~~cfi"3W~I

3. "m:ft ~ cfi ~ WJR t I

4. ~~--q:;JCfiT"3W ~"lff~fcfim~ mqr~~, ~W~Cfil~~


1. Discuss the impact of colonial legacies in the South Asian region.

2. What are the main challenges faced by Indian democracy. Analyses the strategies

deployed by the Indian state to address the problem of democratic consolidation.


Page 16: Semester V Previous Year Questions  BA(H) Political Science - DU

7243 2

3. Describe the main features of federalism in Pakistan.

4. Critically analyze the problems and prospects of SAARC as a model of regional


etwr ~cfi)Cf)(OI cfi"~cfi"~~~cfi"~~~~~~~Cfil a"llctl'ifYii~Cfl W:tcliSIOI ~ I

5. Analyze the strategies deployed by the Sri Lankan state to deal with the problem

of power sharing in a multi-ethnic society.

~ !00 iSI§)~Iilltnll ~ ~ ~ cfiT ~~~~~{! cfiT ~ ~ ~ cfi" ~ ~ lW ~

CfiT W:tcliSIOI ~ I

6. What are the major implications of terrorism for South Asia? Analyse the response

of the states in the region towards terrorism.

~ ~ "tR ail~iCflql~ cfi" ~ WWf CfliT t ? ~ ~ t:tn ~ 3U~{Cflql~ CfiT ~ m


7. Analyze the implications of ethnic conflicts with special reference to Pakistan or

Sri Lanka.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Human Security in South Asia

(b) Implications of geo-politics in South Asia

(c) Jan Andolan in Nepal

(d) The Revolution debate in Sri Lanka

~ ~ ~ !H'ftid(OI CfiT ~
