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Semantic Web Use Cases and Case Studies World Wide Web Consortium (Last update: 2012-06-11) Ivan Herman <[email protected]>

Semantic Web Use Cases and Case Studies World Wide Web Consortium (Last update: 2012-06-11)

Jan 15, 2016




Semantic Web Use Cases and Case Studies World Wide Web Consortium (Last update: 2012-06-11). Ivan Herman . What are these?. Testimonials on how Semantic Web technologies are used by companies and institutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Semantic Web Use Cases and Case Studies World Wide Web Consortium (Last update: 2012-06-11)

Semantic Web Use Cases and Case Studies

World Wide Web Consortium

(Last update: 2012-06-11)

Ivan Herman <[email protected]>

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> What are these?

Testimonials on how Semantic Web technologies are used by companies and institutions

Case Studies describe deployed systems that have been deployed within an organizationUse Cases are systems an organization has built as a prototype system, but it is not currently being used by business functions.

All use cases and case studies have been submitted by the relevant institution, and not produced by W3C…

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Semantic Web Use Cases and Case Studies (3)


> These slides…

… are not a separate presentation

… are here to be included in other presentations; cut and paste should be all right

For the detailed description of the various use cases see the Use Cases’ homepage that links to the specific descriptions

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> Current list: Use Cases

Reduction of Errors in Radiological Procedure Orders, Agfa Healthcare, Belgium

B2B Integration with Semantic Mediation, BT Research and Venturing, United Kingdom

Active Knowledge Management for Integrated Operations, Computas AS and Statoil, Norway

Enhancing Web Searches within the Principality of Asturias, CTIC Foundation, University of Oviedo, and the Principality of Asturias, Spain

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> Current list: Use Cases (cont)

Drug Ontology Project for Elsevier, Elsevier, Aduna, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Ontology-Driven Information Integration and Delivery, Chevron Information Technology Company, United States

Applying the Semantic Web to Internal Compound Repurposing, Pfizer Ltd., United Kingdom

Semantic Web Technologies in Automotive Repair and Diagnostic Documentation, Renault, France

How Ontologies and Rules Help to Advance Automobile Development, Audi, Achievo Inproware GmbH, and ontoprise GmbH, Germany

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> Current list: Use Cases (cont)

Helping New Judges Answer Complex Legal Questions, Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, Spain

WEASEL, Vodafone R&D Corporate Semantic Web, Vodafone Group Research & Development, Spain

Mobile Content Recommendation System, Saltlux and Korea Telecom Freetel, Korea

OntoFrame 2008—A Semantic Portal Service of Academic Research Information, KISTI, Korea

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> Current list: Case Studies

The Semantic Web for the Agricultural Domain, a Semantic Navigation of Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Journal, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy

Real Time Suggestion of Related Ideas in the Financial Industry, Bankinter, Spain

NASA’s Expertise Location Service, Clark & Parsia, LLC, and NASA

A Semantic Web Content Repository for Clinical Research, Cleveland Clinic, United States

KDE 4.0 Semantic Desktop Search and Tagging, Nepomuk Project, Germany

Semantic matchmaking for eTourism in Zaragoza, City Council of Zaragoza and CTIC Foundation, Spain

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> Current list: Case Studies (cont)

Active Knowledge Management for Integrated Operations, Computas AS and Statoil, Norway

Digital Music Archive, ESIS and NRK, Norway

Semantic Tags, Faviki, Serbia

An Ontology of Cantabria’s Cultural Heritage, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Spain

Prioritization of Biological Targets for Drug Discovery, Eli Lilly, United States

Geographic Referencing Framework, Ordnance Survey, United Kingdom

Enhancement and Integration of Corporate Social Software Using the Semantic Web, Electricité de France and LaLIC, Université Paris-Sorbonne

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> Current list: Case Studies (cont)

Composing Safer Drug Regimens for the Individual Patient using Semantic Web Technologies, PharmaSURVEYOR Inc., United States

Public Health Situation Awareness, School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas, United States

Improving the reliability of Internet search results using Search Thresher, Segala, Ireland

Enhancing Content Search Using the Semantic Web, Siderean Software and Oracle Corporation, United States

Semantic MDR and IR for National Archives, Saltlux and National Archives of Korea, Korea

Use of Semantic Web Technologies on the BBC Web Sites, BBC, United Kingdom

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> Current list: Case Studies (cont)

The swoRDFish Metadata Initiative: Better, Faster, Smarter Web Content, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and Zepheira, United States

Use of Semantic Web Technologies in Natural language interface to Business Applications, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, India

Semantic Content Description to improve discovery, Vodafone, United Kingdom

Integrated, Connected Search Service for Technical Standards Information, KISTI and KAST, Korea

iLaw—Intelligent Legislation Support System, KISTI and MOJ, Korea

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> Current list: Case Studies (cont)

An Intelligent Search Engine for Online Services for Public Administrations, Municipality of Zaragoza, Spain

Semantic-based Search and Query System for the Traditional Chinese Medicine Community, Zheijang University and China Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences, China

Improving Web Search using Metadata, Yahoo! Research, Spain

Twine, United States

Publishing STW Thesaurus for Economics as Linked Open Data, Germany

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> Current list: Case Studies (cont)

Online Resource for Information on Aquatic Sciences, Spain

Applied Semantic Knowledgebase for Detection of Patients at Risk of Organ Failure through Immune Rejection, USA and Canada

Contextual Search for Volkswagen and the Automotive Industry, United Kingdom

Enriching and sharing cultural heritage data in Europeana, The Netherlands

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> Agfa Healthcare

Clinical (textual) guidelines exist to assist clinicians for the appropriate radiological procedures

guidelines and protocols from different OWL sources are integrated

SW engines generate recommendations for radiology orders

Prevents, e.g., medical errors, spreads the need for development/maintenance of knowledge bases, traces the provenance of facts and rules in decision making

Reduction of Errors in Radiological Procedure Orders

Courtesy of Jos De Roo and Helen Chen, Agfa Healthcare, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Agfa Healthcare

Courtesy of Jos De Roo and Helen Chen, Agfa Healthcare, (SWEO Use Case)

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> BT Research and Venturing

The complexity of supply chains has increased, they involve many players of differing size and function

Support for “Operational Support Systems (OSS)” integration using semantic descriptions of system interfaces and messages

Internet Service Providers integrate their OSS-s with those of BT (via a gateway)

Integration of heterogeneous OSS systems of partners

The approach reduces costs and time-to-market; ontologies allow for a reuse of services

Integration with Semantic Mediation

Courtesy of Alistair Duke, BT, (SWEO Use Case)

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> BT Research and Venturing

Courtesy of Alistair Duke, BT, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Computas AS and Statoil

Integration of experience and data in the planning and operation of deep sea drilling processes

Discover relevant experiences that could affect current or planned drilling operations

uses an ontology backed search engine

Active Knowledge Management for Integrated Operations

Courtesy of David Norheim and Roar Fjellheim, Computas AS (SWEO Use Case)

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> CTIC, U. of Oviedo, Asturias

Portal to access governmental information (new laws, announcement, notifications, funding opportunities)

These information often use special juridical jargonTraditional syntactic search become difficult: the user would use different terms than the juridical text

A semantic web based “bridge” is created to search, using SKOS vocabularies and other ontologies

Enhancing Web Searches within the Principality of Asturias

Courtesy of Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo, CTIC, U. of Oviedo, and the Principality of Asturias, (SWEO Case Study)

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> CTIC, U. of Oviedo, Asturias

Courtesy of Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo, CTIC, U. of Oviedo, and the Principality of Asturias, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Chevron Information Technology

Fluor Corporation’s ADI project: exchange, and hand-over of information between all parties involved during the entire life cycle of a plant, using RDF/OWL

Norwegian Daily Production Report (DPR): standardize production data reporting

AKSIO project: develops an integrated system to support drilling operations in offshore oilfields

A Survey of Semantic Web Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry

Courtesy of Frank Chum, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Chevron Information Technology

Integrated Information Platform (IIP) project: integrates data for subsea seismic equipment, drilling, production, onshore operations, expert centers, …

InfoWeb: knowledge base to include such as refineries and chemical plants, power plants, etc, based on ISO 15926

Geosciences Network (GEON Grid): supports the National Carbon Sequestration database, using OWL

A Survey of Semantic Web Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry (cont.)

Courtesy of Frank Chum, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Chevron Information Technology

A portal for the search, navigation and delivery of the underlying resources

It establishes stable and reusable domain indexes that are separate from the organization of the portal

The ontology-driven navigation provides relationships discovery, advanced drill down capabilities, better aggregation, organization, filtering

Ontology-Driven Information Integration and Delivery

Courtesy of Frank Chum, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Elsevier, Aduna, VU Amsterdam

Goal: provide a single interface access to multiple information sources (in the life science domain)

Use and RDF based thesauri and metadata to index and describe different data sources

Provide a search facility and browser using the thesauri and the metadata to help search, find related items, etc

Drug Ontology Project for Elsevier (DOPE)

Courtesy of Anita de Waard, Elsevier, Christiaan Fluit, Aduna, and Frank van Harmelen, VU Amsterdam (SWEO Use Case)

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> Elsevier, Aduna, VU Amsterdam

Courtesy of Anita de Waard, Elsevier, Christiaan Fluit, Aduna, and Frank van Harmelen, VU Amsterdam (SWEO Use Case)

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> Pfizer Ltd.

Re-use data accumulated in older (possibly abandoned or unsuccessful) drug discovery experiments

goal is to maximize efficiency and use previous work

Old data are kept in XML and/or databases, but export key “facts” in RDF

The integrated data is visualized through, eg, MIT’s Exhibit technology

Applying the Semantic Web to Internal Compound Repurposing

Courtesy of Nigel Wilkinson, Lee Harland, Pfizer Ltd, Melliyal Annamalai, Oracle (SWEO Case Study)

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> Pfizer Ltd.

Courtesy of Nigel Wilkinson, Lee Harland, Pfizer Ltd, Melliyal Annamalai, Oracle (SWEO Case Study)

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> Renault

Store repair and diagnostic operations in a repository with an OWL model

A “diagnostic engine” generates the manuals on the fly, using RDF for information exchange

A user progressively discovers the information instructed by the application to perform tests and enter their results.

Semantic Web Technologies in Automotive Repair and Diagnostic

Courtesy of François-Paul Servant, Renault, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Renault

Courtesy of François-Paul Servant, Renault, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Audi, Achievo, and ontoprise

Goal: simulation of car electronic systems’ physical conditions

Usage of a mixture of rules and domain ontologies

ie, integration of very different sources of knowledge from different IT systems

Inference engine also shows the explanation for specific query results

How Ontologies and Rules Help to Advance Automobile Development

Courtesy of Thomas Syldatke, Audi, Willy Chen, Achievo, Jürgen Angele, Andreas Nierlich, and Mike Ullrich, ontoprise GmbH, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Audi, Achievo, and ontoprise

Courtesy of Thomas Syldatke, Audi, Willy Chen, Achievo, Jürgen Angele, Andreas Nierlich, and Mike Ullrich, ontoprise GmbH, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Spanish General Council of the Judiciary

An intelligent FAQ system with over 1000 frequently asked questions

The questions and answers expert knowledge of over 400 judges from all over Spain, enhanced with ontologies

The system includes

FAQ search system (with natural language interface)jurisprudence data

Helping New Judges Answer Complex Legal Questions

Courtesy of Pompeu Casanovas, Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO (SWEO Use Case)

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> Spanish General Council of the Judiciary

Courtesy of Pompeu Casanovas, Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO (SWEO Use Case)

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> Vodafone Group R&D

Activities of the Vodafone R&D is recorded by its employees in their corporate web site

different file formats, different file organization…

How to find internal technological know-how?


automatically annotates data based on a suitable ontologyoffers a search interface (including natural language search)

WEASEL, Vodafone R&D Corporate Semantic Web

Courtesy of Juan José Valverde Fúster, Vodafone R&D, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Vodafone Group R&D

Richard Benjamins

Courtesy of Juan José Valverde Fúster, Vodafone R&D, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, (SWEO Use Case)

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> Saltlux & Korea Telecom Freetel

Analyze the user behaviour of IP network users of Korea Telecom Freetel

build user characterization based on usage history

Recommendations for content are provided based on user preference, time, place, weather, etc

Mobile Content Recommendation System

Courtesy of Tony Lee, Jin Woo Kim, and Bok Ju Lee, Saltlux, Kyu Hyup Kim, KTF (SWEO Case Study)

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> Saltlux & Korea Telecom Freetel

Courtesy of Tony Lee, Kono Kim, and Eddie Choi, Saltlux, Seong Rae Park, NAK (SWEO Use Case)

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Search portal for academic information for researchers

based on a large OWL ontology developed at KISTI reference to journals, proceedings, topics, location of authors,…

Portal is based on keyword based search plus extra information stemming from the ontology

OntoFrame 2008—A Semantic Portal Service of Academic Research Information

Courtesy of Hanming Young, Seungwoo Lee, Mi-Kyoung Lee, Beom-Jong You, Won-Kyung Sung, KISTI (SWEO Use Case)

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Courtesy of Hanming Young, Seungwoo Lee, Mi-Kyoung Lee, Beom-Jong You, Won-Kyung Sung, KISTI (SWEO Use Case)

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> Food and Agriculture Organization, UN

Development of an AGRIS application ontology for the domain, and AGROVOC, a multilingual agricultural thesaurus


better information retrieval interface on the thesaurusimproved search interface for the “Food, Nutrition and Agriculture (FNA) Journal”

A Semantic Navigation of Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Journal

Courtesy of Gauri Salokhe, Margherita Sini, and Johannes Keizer, FAO, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Food and Agriculture Organization, UN

Courtesy of Gauri Salokhe, Margherita Sini, and Johannes Keizer, FAO, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Bankinter

Employees of the bank can submit new ideas for innovation, improving the business process, reduce costs, etc

The entry system analyses the entry, shows similar ideas already in the system based on the concepts (not words)

User gets immediate feedback, system gets better search, analysis, etc

Real Time Suggestion of Related Ideas in the Financial Industry

Courtesy of José Luís Bas Uribe, Bankinter, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Bankinter

Courtesy of José Luís Bas Uribe, Bankinter, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Clark & Parsia and NASA

Data about employees’ expertise, work history, etc, is spread over various types of data stores all over the US

Currently, finding the right person is based on a “social search”, ie, personal network, contacts, etc


integrates the data over 70,000 employee and contractors using RDFprovides a nice user interface to search the datapossibly combines that with external data

POPS — Expertise Location Service

Michael Grove, Clark & Parsia, LLC, and Andrew Schain, NASA, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Clark & Parsia and NASA

Faceted view of the data:

Michael Grove, Clark & Parsia, LLC, and Andrew Schain, NASA, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Clark & Parsia and NASA

Showing the social network:

Michael Grove, Clark & Parsia, LLC, and Andrew Schain, NASA, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Cleveland Clinic

Goal: use patients’ data (too) to generate new knowledge

Unified repository collects and stores various data

• Usage of OWL and rules allow high level operations on the data

A Semantic Web Content Repository for Clinical Research

Courtesy of Chimezie Ogbuji, ClevelandClinic, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Cleveland Clinic

• A specialized query interface provides SPARQL access to the data

• Dataset mostly on cardiovascular diseases

Courtesy of Chimezie Ogbuji, ClevelandClinic, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Nepomuk Project

• Metadata backend fully based on RDF, RDFS, and OWL• Each file can be tagged, rated, commented, annotated, and

automatically indexed (independently of the file format)

KDE 4.0 Semantic Desktop Search and Tagging

Courtesy of Leo Sauermann, DFKI, and Sebastian Trüg, Mandriva Linux (SWEO Case Study)

• Queries are made via the combination of all those

• Applications can add their own vocabulary

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> Nepomuk Project

Courtesy of Leo Sauermann, DFKI, and Sebastian Trüg, Mandriva Linux (SWEO Case Study)

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> Talis and Univ. Plymouth

• Integration of experience and data in the planning and operation of deep sea drilling processes

• Discover relevant experiences that could affect current or planned drilling operations– uses an ontology backed search


A Linked Open Data Resource List Management Tool for Undergraduate Students

Courtesy of Chris Clarke, Talis (SWEO Case Study)

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> Municipality of Zaragoza and CTIC

• Portal to help tourists in planning their city tour based on their personal profile– integration (via RDF and ontologies) of different data sources

(points of interest, data on events, photos, maps)– visitors’ preferences are translated into rules on the RDF data– a planning algorithm is run to produce recommendations for the


Semantic matchmaking for eTourism in the city of Zaragoza

Courtesy of Maria Jesús Fernández, Zaragoza, and Antonio Campos, CTIC (SWEO Case Study)

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> Municipality of Zaragoza and CTIC

Courtesy of Maria Jesús Fernández, Zaragoza, and Antonio Campos, CTIC (SWEO Case Study)

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> Municipality of Zaragoza and CTIC

Courtesy of Maria Jesús Fernández, Zaragoza, and Antonio Campos, CTIC (SWEO Case Study)

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• Digitize the huge music material at the Norwegian Natioanal Broadcaster (NRK)

• Use the repository asset in new productions, with better search and access

• Semantic Web is used to manage the huge amount of metadata, and provide easy and quick access to the asset– reuse the existing, mostly paper based catalog entries

Digital Music Archive

Courtesy of Robert Engels, ESIS, and Jon Roar Tønnesen, NRK (SWEO Case Study)

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Courtesy of Robert Engels, ESIS, and Jon Roar Tønnesen, NRK (SWEO Case Study)

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> Faviki

• Social bookmarking system (a bit like but with a controlled set of tags– tags are terms extracted from Wikipedia/DBpedia– tags are categorized using the relationships stored in DBpedia– tags can be multilingual, DBpedia providing the linguistic bridge

• The tagging process itself is done via a user interface hiding the complexities

Semantic Tags

Courtesy of Vuk Milicic,Faviki (SWEO Case Study)

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> Faviki

Courtesy of Vuk Milicic,Faviki (SWEO Case Study)

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> Talis and Univ. of Plymouth

• Managing “resource lists” (“course reserves”): collections of resources (books, articles, a/v content, etc) as a companion for students

• Resources, relations, annotations, etc, are stored as RDF data– using public vocabularies to manage them

• Flexible user interface is provided to manage, manipulate, (individually) annotate

• Easy update against changing environments (eg, change in the library’s subscriptions)

A Linked Open Data Resource List Management Tool for Undergraduate Students

Courtesy of Chris Clarke, Talis, and Fiona Greig, University of Plymouth (SWEO Case Study)

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> Talis and Univ. of Plymouth

Courtesy of Chris Clarke, Talis, and Fiona Greig, University of Plymouth (SWEO Case Study)

• used by over 20,000 students in Plymouth already, other UK universities to come…

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> Fundación Marcelino Botín

• Semantic portal for cultural heritage based on– a specialized ontology (based on various standards)– integration of various data, digitized assets, etc, populating the

portal based on the ontology– rich navigation based on the ontology, interactive maps, etc.

An Ontology of Cantabria’s Cultural Heritage

Courtesy of Francisca Hernández, Fundación Marcelino Botín, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Fundación Marcelino Botín

Courtesy of Francisca Hernández, Fundación Marcelino Botín, and Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Ordnance Survey

• OS maintains a definitive mapping data of Great Britain (used by the public and private sector)

• Integrates different, semantically diverse sources of data• Develops general ontologies (eg, Hydrology, Administrative

Geography, Buildings and Places, etc) to bridge differences• Efficient queries via the ontology (or directly in RDF)• Advantages include efficient data integration, data repurposing,

better quality control and classification

Geographic Referencing Framework

Courtesy of Catherine Dolbear, Ordnance Survey, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Ordnance Survey

Courtesy of Catherine Dolbear, Ordnance Survey, (SWEO Case Study)

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> EDF R&D and Université Paris-Sorbonne

• Integration of “social” software within the R&D department (wikis, blogs, tagging, RSS, etc)– integration based on RDF and commonly used vocabularies and

data (SIOC, Dublin Core, Geonames, FOAF, SKOS)– developed plugins for, eg, wiki, to include RDF data automatically– tagging service to bind tags to URI-s of SW resources (eg, from

DBpedia, geonames, etc)• Users sees an integrated set of knowledge, without knowing

about Semantic Web…

Enhancement and Integration of Corporate Social Software Using the Semantic Web

Courtesy of Alexandre Passant, EDF R&D and LaLIC, Université Paris-Sorbonne, (SWEO Case Study)

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> EDF R&D and Université Paris-Sorbonne

Courtesy of Alexandre Passant, EDF R&D and LaLIC, Université Paris-Sorbonne, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Eli Lilly

• Better prioritization of possible drug targets, based on– integrating large diversity of data,

electronic patient records, chemical structures, biological sequences, images, biological pathways, scientific papers,…

– usage public and internal ontologies• A search engine (“Target Assessment Tool”) is built to assist


Prioritization of Biological Targets for Drug Discovery

Courtesy of Susie Stephens, Eli Lilly (SWEO Case Study)

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> Eli Lilly

Courtesy of Susie Stephens, Eli Lilly (SWEO Case Study)

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> PharmaSURVEYOR, Inc.

• Help in finding the best drug regimen for a specific case– find the best trade-off for a patient

• Use an ontology for medical conditions, signs, symptoms• Integrate data from various sources (patients, physicians,

Pharma, researchers, etc)

Composing Safer Drug Regimens for the Individual Patient using Semantic Web Technologies

Courtesy of Erick Von Schweber, PharmaSURVEYOR Inc., (SWEO Use Case)

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> PharmaSURVEYOR, Inc.

• Different “profiles” are provided with various risk factors• It is more than just pure search…

Courtesy of Erick Von Schweber, PharmaSURVEYOR Inc., (SWEO Use Case)

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> University of Texas

• SAPPHIRE: an integrated biosurveillance system; integrates data from multiple disparate sources

• Data can be viewed from many different perspectives (disease surveillance, environmental protection, biosecurity and bioterrorism, veterinary surveillance, etc.)

• New information absorbed easily (eg, it had a successful use during the Katrina disaster)

• Advantages include dynamic adaptability, usage of disparate and heterogeneous data

Public Health Situation Awareness

Courtesy of Parsa Mirhaji, School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas (SWEO Case Study)

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> University of Texas

SAPPHIRE’s structure

SAPPHIRE’s user interface

Courtesy of Parsa Mirhaji, School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas (SWEO Case Study)

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> Segala

• Content labels: metadata with extra information (in RDF) on search results (eg, suitability for mobile devices, disabled users or children)

• Segala’s Search Thresher extension can: (1) process search results, trying to locate a content label file and (2) highlight pages that contain a content label file with additional information displayed

• More trust and warning on search results; with proper settings, results can be filtered along various criteria

Improving the Reliability of Search Results

Courtesy of David Rooks, Segala, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Segala

Courtesy of David Rooks, Segala, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Siderean Software & Oracle

• Oracle Technology Network (OTN) aggregates many sources of content through a single portal

• Various feeds are pulled, Oracle’s taxonomy is used for additional annotation

• Ontologies make it possible to re-group related items; leads to more comprehensible search results and to narrow search

• Advantages include enhanced search and navigation, better user interface, better queries through SPARQL

Enhancing Content Search

Courtesy of Mike DiLascio, Siderean Software, and Justin Kestelyn, Oracle Corporation (SWEO Case Study)

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> Siderean Software & Oracle

Courtesy of Mike DiLascio, Siderean Software, and Justin Kestelyn, Oracle Corporation (SWEO Case Study)

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> Saltlux & National Archives Korea

• Metadata infrastructure for the documents in the National Archives of Korea (70 million national records)– text mining + ontologies to build up the metadata– over 12 million metadata statements stored in a specialized RDF

datastore• Information retrieval engine combine the metadata structures

with rules

Semantic MDR and IR for National Archives

Courtesy of Tony Lee, Jin Woo Kim, and Bok Ju Lee, Saltlux, Kyu Hyup Kim, Yoon Jung Kang, NAK (SWEO Case Study)

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> Saltlux & National Archives Korea

Courtesy of Tony Lee, Jin Woo Kim, and Bok Ju Lee, Saltlux, Kyu Hyup Kim, Yoon Jung Kang, NAK (SWEO Case Study)

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> Saltlux & National Archives Korea

Courtesy of Tony Lee, Jin Woo Kim, and Bok Ju Lee, Saltlux, Kyu Hyup Kim, Yoon Jung Kang, NAK (SWEO Case Study)

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> Sun Microsystems and Zepheira

• Management of Sun’s corporate product web site:– data management tools are used to create, classify, and manage

resources and their relationships– Sun’s content management system import resource Ids; web

publishers assign as metadata to their content– Web sites built dynamically and auto assembled to include lists of

related informations, services, technologies, etc

The swoRDFish Metadata Initiative: Better, Faster, Smarter Web Content

Courtesy of Susie Cone, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and Kathy MacDougall, Zepheira (SWEO Case Study)

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> Tata Consultancy Services

• NATAS: users interact with a business application in natural language by posing questions and invoking tasks (eg, by emails)

• A domain OWL ontology helps in the retrieval of relevant data and concepts

Natural Language Interface to Business Applications


Business ApplicationNatural Language based Interaction Queries and Tasks

Courtesy of C. Anantaram, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (SWEO Case Study)

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> Tata Consultancy Services

Courtesy of C. Anantaram, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (SWEO Case Study)

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> Vodafone Group R&D

• Integrate various vendors’ product descriptions via RDF– ring tones, games, wallpapers– manage complexity of handsets, binary

formats• A portal is created to offer appropriate

content• Significant increase in content download

after the introduction

Semantic Content Description to improve discovery

Courtesy of Kevin Smith, Vodafone Group R&D (SWEO Case Study)

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> Municipality of Zaragoza

• Semantic Web based search engine for public services• The search is based on natural language processing and

ontological reasoning

An Intelligent Search Engine for Online Services for Public Administrations

Courtesy of Jesús Fernando Ruíz, Municipality of Zaragoza (SWEO Use Case)

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> Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences

• Integration of a large number of relational databases (on traditional Chinese medicine) using a Semantic Layer

• A visual tool to map databases to the semantic layer using a specialized ontology

• Form based query interface for end users

Semantic-based Search and Query System for the Traditional Chinese Medicine Community

Courtesy of Huajun Chen, Zhejiang University, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Academy of Trad. Chinese Medicine

Courtesy of Huajun Chen, Zhejiang University, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Yahoo!

• SearchMonkey reuses structural data to improve search result output with applications added to personalized search pages

Improving Web Search using Metadata (SearchMonkey)

Courtesy of Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, (SWEO Case Study)

• Metadata embedded in pages (in RDFa, eRDF, etc) are reused

• RDFa attributes can also be added to RSS feeds (“DataRSS”), exported by publishers, and reused by SearchMonkey

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> Yahoo!

Courtesy of Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Twine

• Social bookmarking and cooperation system• Bookmarks are analyzed, automatically tagged and grouped


Courtesy of Jim Wissner and Nova Spivack, Twine, (SWEO Case Study)

• Internals in RDF

• Grouping, tagging, relationships, etc, based on (OWL) ontologies

• Users’ data will be available via SPARQL

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> Twine

Courtesy of Jim Wissner and Nova Spivack, Twine, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Twine

Courtesy of Jim Wissner and Nova Spivack, Twine, (SWEO Case Study)

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> German Nat. Library for Economics

Courtesy of Timo Borst and Joachim Neubert, German National Library of Economics, (SWEO Case Study)

Publishing Thesaurus for Economics

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> German Nat. Library for Economics

Courtesy of Timo Borst and Joachim Neubert, German National Library of Economics, (SWEO Case Study)

Publishing Thesaurus for Economics

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> German Nat. Library for Economics

Courtesy of Timo Borst and Joachim Neubert, German National Library of Economics, (SWEO Case Study)

Autosuggest search based on the thesaurus

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> Tecnalia

Courtesy of Marta González Rodríguez, Tecnalia, (SWEO Case Study)

Online Resource for Information on Aquatic Sciences(• Portal to access diverse information on aquatic sciences• External and internal ontologies provide semantic search,

multilinguality, faceted user interface

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> Tecnalia

Courtesy of Marta González Rodríguez, Tecnalia, (SWEO Case Study)

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Courtesy of Yves Raimond et al, BBC, (SWEO Case Study)

Use of Semantic Web Technologies on the BBC Web Sites

• The Web as a content management system• Eg, on the BBC Music site

– for each artist information is made available– content is gathered from public and linked databases

• Eg, MusicBrainz, Wikipedia/DBPedia, etc• Web site shows an aggregated view put into a BBC context

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Courtesy of Yves Raimond et al, BBC, (SWEO Case Study)

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Courtesy of Pyung Kim, et al, KISTI and KAST, (SWEO Case Study)

Integrated, Connected Search Service for Technical Standards Information

• Integrated search service for technical standards• Connected search service• Non standard terminology is used by end-users• Solution

– ontology to describe (domestic) standards, patents, certificaiton information, trends in standards, standardization activity details

– gather heterogeneous data for all these information– technical standards-related terminology thesaurus to support non-

standard terminology access– visual and tabular representation of query results

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Courtesy of Pyung Kim, et al, KISTI and KAST, (SWEO Case Study)

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Courtesy of Hanming Jung, et al, KISTI and MOJ Korea, (SWEO Case Study)

iLaw—Intelligent Legislation Support System

• legal services are to government departments, enabling them: – to review bills or legal cases in a wider and international

framework – compare to similar legislation home and abroad, eg:

• compare terms with those around• trends, academic papers, civil complaints

• based on:– integration of legal cases from US, Japan, and the EU countries,

plus legal articles and academic papers in an RDF store– usage of own ontology, OWL and Rules reasoning

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Courtesy of Hanming Jung, et al, KISTI and MOJ Korea, (SWEO Case Study)

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> IO Informatics & UBC

Courtesy of Robert Stanley, et al, IO Informatics, USA, and UBC, Canada, (SWEO Case Study)

Applied Semantic Knowledgebase for Detection at Risk of Organ Failure through Immune Rejection• data are integrated from experimental data, clinical endpoints,

public ontologies, LOD, etc• statistical analysis is performed on the integrated data• a visual interface to generate ASK SPARQL queries is provided

– query patterns are stored• for clinicians, a simple web-based alerting of “hits” is provided

with statistical scores

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> IO Informatics & UBC

Courtesy of Robert Stanley, et al, IO Informatics, USA, and UBC, Canada, (SWEO Case Study)

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> IO Informatics & UBC

Courtesy of Robert Stanley, et al, IO Informatics, USA, and UBC, Canada, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Volkswagen

Courtesy of William Greenly, et al, Tribal DDB UK, (SWEO Case Study)

Contextual Search for Volkswagen and the Automotive Industry

• annotate HTML content using relevant vocabularies in RDFa and transform existing product data into RDF

• reason over the merged data set• query over the results using SPARQL queries• provide a visual, faceted search over the products

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> Volkswagen

Courtesy of William Greenly, et al, Tribal DDB UK, (SWEO Case Study)

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> Europeana

Courtesy of Antoiine Isaac, European, (SWEO Case Study)

Enriching and sharing cultural heritage data in Europeana

• Europeana collects millions of cultural artifacts from musea, libraries, archives, etc, from all over Europe

• Rich metadata is available, but should be usable widely and make it available to everyone for new services

• A common data model has been defined,• Metadata is also enriched, linking out to external datasets

(Geonames, dbpedia, etc.) to enrich user experience

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> Europeana

Courtesy of Antoiine Isaac, European, (SWEO Case Study)