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For permission to copy, contact [email protected] q 2002 Geological Society of America 1535 GSA Bulletin; December 2002; v. 114; no. 12; p. 1535–1549; 8 figures; 1 table; Data Repository item 2002136. Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geochronology of the Proterozoic Mazatzal Group, central Arizona Ro ´nadh Cox ² Department of Geosciences, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267, USA Mark W. Martin Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Jana C. Comstock Department of Geosciences, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267, USA Laura S. Dickerson Geology Department, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903, USA Ingrid L. Ekstrom Department of Geology, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002, USA James H. Sammons Department of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia 24450, USA ABSTRACT Quartzite, conglomerate, and shale of the Mazatzal Group record the filling of a Prot- erozoic intra-arc basin in central Arizona. U- Pb ages of zircons from rhyolite ash-flow tuff indicate that deposition began at 1701 6 2 Ma. Basal deposits of the newly defined Pine Creek Conglomerate formed in an alluvial- fan setting, synchronous with the final phase of extrusive rhyolite volcanism and active faulting. After volcanic activity ceased, shallower-slope braided-stream en- vironments developed in early Deadman Quartzite time. Subsequent marine trans- gression produced shallow subaqueous de- posits of the upper part of the Deadman Quartzite. These were overlain by prodelta sediments of the Maverick Shale, indicating a phase of basin deepening. Finally, the Ma- zatzal Peak Quartzite was deposited as the basin shoaled again, first to shallow-marine and subsequently to fluvial conditions. The quartzite is diagenetic quartz arenite, originally deposited as lithic arenite and lithic arkose. The provenance was initially restricted, and earliest sediment was de- rived mainly from the subjacent Red Rock ² E-mail: [email protected]. Present address: Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., Houston, Texas 77001-2121, USA. Group. When tectonic activity ceased, how- ever, the surrounding highlands were planed down by erosion, and detritus from a wider variety of source rocks was funneled into the basin. This included contributions from arc- related supracrustal rocks of the Payson Ophiolite and East Verde River Formation, and finally a granitic basement input. Detri- tal quartz in the lower part of the Mazatzal Group is largely monocrystalline, and vol- canic in origin. Polycrystalline quartz, asso- ciated with detrital feldspar and of probable continental affinity, is concentrated in the uppermost parts of the sequence. The life span of the intra-arc basin was on the order of 30 m.y., from the formation of the Payson Ophiolite at 1.73 Ga to the deposition of the upper Mazatzal Peak Quartzite sometime after 1.70 Ga. The pre- Mazatzal Red Rock Group represents the last stages of volcanic arc activity, and the Mazatzal Group records the transition from orogenic to nonorogenic sedimenta- tion in central Arizona. Keywords: arc, Arizona, orogeny, Protero- zoic, U-Pb correlation. INTRODUCTION The Mazatzal Group of central Arizona (Fig. 1) is the uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Proterozoic tectonic block known as the Mazatzal block (Karlstrom and Bowring, 1993) (Fig. 2) and represents the transition from tectonically active arc and marginal- basin environments to a stable continental re- gime (Bowring and Karlstrom, 1990; Karls- trom and Bowring, 1988; Karlstrom et al., 1987). Information about the age and stratig- raphy of these sedimentary deposits is there- fore fundamental to understanding the later stages of crustal stabilization in this region. The Mazatzal Group (Fig. 3) consists main- ly of quartzite and pelite; localized conglom- erate and ash-flow tuff are found near the base of the sequence (Conway and Silver, 1989; Wilson, 1939). There is no consensus as to the regional extent of the basin or its tectonic set- ting. Conway and Silver (1989) stated that it may have been a passive continental margin, continental-interior basin, or a continental-rift basin in the early stages of ocean-basin for- mation. Others have proposed a backarc (Con- die et al., 1992) or intra-arc (Dann, 1997; Dann and Bowring, 1997) setting for the su- pracrustal package of which the Mazatzal Group is a constituent. Some workers envis- age a large-scale basin with a regional east- trending (Trevena, 1979) or northeast-trending (Conway and Silver, 1989) shoreline. Others suggest that sedimentation in the Mazatzal Group and other Proterozoic sedimentary se-

Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geochronology of the ... · SEDIMENTOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY, AND GEOCHRONOLOGY OF THE PROTEROZOIC MAZATZAL GROUP Figure 2. Stratigraphy of the Mazatzal

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Page 1: Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geochronology of the ... · SEDIMENTOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY, AND GEOCHRONOLOGY OF THE PROTEROZOIC MAZATZAL GROUP Figure 2. Stratigraphy of the Mazatzal

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 2002 Geological Society of America 1535

GSA Bulletin; December 2002; v. 114; no. 12; p. 1535–1549; 8 figures; 1 table; Data Repository item 2002136.

Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geochronology of the ProterozoicMazatzal Group, central Arizona

Ronadh Cox†

Department of Geosciences, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267, USA

Mark W. Martin‡

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

Jana C. ComstockDepartment of Geosciences, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267, USA

Laura S. DickersonGeology Department, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903, USA

Ingrid L. EkstromDepartment of Geology, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002, USA

James H. SammonsDepartment of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia 24450, USA


Quartzite, conglomerate, and shale of theMazatzal Group record the filling of a Prot-erozoic intra-arc basin in central Arizona. U-Pb ages of zircons from rhyolite ash-flow tuffindicate that deposition began at 1701 6 2Ma. Basal deposits of the newly defined PineCreek Conglomerate formed in an alluvial-fan setting, synchronous with the finalphase of extrusive rhyolite volcanism andactive faulting. After volcanic activityceased, shallower-slope braided-stream en-vironments developed in early DeadmanQuartzite time. Subsequent marine trans-gression produced shallow subaqueous de-posits of the upper part of the DeadmanQuartzite. These were overlain by prodeltasediments of the Maverick Shale, indicatinga phase of basin deepening. Finally, the Ma-zatzal Peak Quartzite was deposited as thebasin shoaled again, first to shallow-marineand subsequently to fluvial conditions.

The quartzite is diagenetic quartz arenite,originally deposited as lithic arenite andlithic arkose. The provenance was initiallyrestricted, and earliest sediment was de-rived mainly from the subjacent Red Rock

†E-mail: [email protected].‡Present address: Shell International Exploration and

Production Inc., Houston, Texas 77001-2121, USA.

Group. When tectonic activity ceased, how-ever, the surrounding highlands were planeddown by erosion, and detritus from a widervariety of source rocks was funneled into thebasin. This included contributions from arc-related supracrustal rocks of the PaysonOphiolite and East Verde River Formation,and finally a granitic basement input. Detri-tal quartz in the lower part of the MazatzalGroup is largely monocrystalline, and vol-canic in origin. Polycrystalline quartz, asso-ciated with detrital feldspar and of probablecontinental affinity, is concentrated in theuppermost parts of the sequence.

The life span of the intra-arc basin wason the order of 30 m.y., from the formationof the Payson Ophiolite at 1.73 Ga to thedeposition of the upper Mazatzal PeakQuartzite sometime after 1.70 Ga. The pre-Mazatzal Red Rock Group represents thelast stages of volcanic arc activity, and theMazatzal Group records the transitionfrom orogenic to nonorogenic sedimenta-tion in central Arizona.

Keywords: arc, Arizona, orogeny, Protero-zoic, U-Pb correlation.


The Mazatzal Group of central Arizona(Fig. 1) is the uppermost stratigraphic unit of

the Proterozoic tectonic block known as theMazatzal block (Karlstrom and Bowring,1993) (Fig. 2) and represents the transitionfrom tectonically active arc and marginal-basin environments to a stable continental re-gime (Bowring and Karlstrom, 1990; Karls-trom and Bowring, 1988; Karlstrom et al.,1987). Information about the age and stratig-raphy of these sedimentary deposits is there-fore fundamental to understanding the laterstages of crustal stabilization in this region.

The Mazatzal Group (Fig. 3) consists main-ly of quartzite and pelite; localized conglom-erate and ash-flow tuff are found near the baseof the sequence (Conway and Silver, 1989;Wilson, 1939). There is no consensus as to theregional extent of the basin or its tectonic set-ting. Conway and Silver (1989) stated that itmay have been a passive continental margin,continental-interior basin, or a continental-riftbasin in the early stages of ocean-basin for-mation. Others have proposed a backarc (Con-die et al., 1992) or intra-arc (Dann, 1997;Dann and Bowring, 1997) setting for the su-pracrustal package of which the MazatzalGroup is a constituent. Some workers envis-age a large-scale basin with a regional east-trending (Trevena, 1979) or northeast-trending(Conway and Silver, 1989) shoreline. Otherssuggest that sedimentation in the MazatzalGroup and other Proterozoic sedimentary se-

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Figure 1. Geologic maps of Mazatzal Group outcrop areas, generalized after Wrucke and Conway (1987), Puls and Karlstrom (1991),and Doe (1991a).

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Figure 2. Stratigraphy of the Mazatzal block, modified after Karlstrom and Bowring(1993) to include the Pine Creek Conglomerate.

quences in Arizona may have occurred in re-sponse to active faulting at basin margins andthat subsidence and sedimentary accumula-tions may have been localized (Bayne, 1987;Middleton, 1986). A fuller understanding ishampered by incomplete stratigraphic control.In particular, the lack of correlation betweenthe Mazatzal Mountains and Pine Creek sec-tions (Wilson, 1939; Wrucke and Conway,1987) means that there is no basis on whichto reconstruct and interpret the regional sedi-mentology and facies architecture.

In this contribution, we propose a precisestratigraphic correlation between specific for-mations in the Mazatzal Mountains and thestratigraphically undivided Mazatzal Grouprocks in the Pine Creek area (Fig. 1). We re-port geochronologic data from both areas thatsupport this correlation and also constrain theage of onset of sedimentation. By using de-tailed measured sections to refine interpreta-

tion of the environments of deposition, andpetrographic and geochemical data to analyzesediment provenance, we present a tectonicmodel for the setting and evolution of the Ma-zatzal Group basin.


The Mazatzal Group lies with angular un-conformity on the volcanic Red Rock Groupand other Proterozoic units (Wilson, 1939;Conway et al., 1987) (Fig. 2). Measured thick-nesses range from 670 m (Wilson, 1939) to840 m (Doe, 1991b; Doe and Karlstrom,1991) in the Mazatzal Mountains and from1079 m (Trevena, 1979) to 1160 m (Wilson,1939) in the Pine Creek section (Fig. 3). Thesethicknesses are minima because the top of thesequence has been removed by erosion.

The Mazatzal Group was first described inthe Mazatzal Mountains, where it is divided

into Deadman Quartzite, Maverick Shale, andMazatzal Peak Quartzite (Conway, 1976; Wil-son, 1922, 1937, 1939; Wrucke and Conway,1987) (Figs. 1, 3); a fourth formation, theHopi Springs Shale, was proposed by Doe(1991a, 1991b), but this unit is likely to be astructural repeat of the Maverick Shale(Wrucke and Conway, 1987; Puls and Karl-strom, 1991), and so is not included here. Wil-son (1937, 1939) stated that neither the Dead-man Quartzite nor Maverick Shale waspresent at Pine Creek and that the entire se-quence was equivalent to the Mazatzal PeakQuartzite. Wrucke and Conway (1987) report-ed that parts of the sequence bore lithologicresemblance to and might be correlative withthe Deadman Quartzite and Maverick Shaleand therefore designated the Pine Creek strataas Mazatzal Group undivided. Subsequently,Doe (1991b) proposed a correlation betweenthe lower Deadman Quartzite in the MazatzalMountains and the basal conglomerate at PineCreek, but referred the rest of the Pine Creeksection to Mazatzal Group undifferentiated.We extend the Mazatzal Group stratigraphy tothe hitherto undivided section at Pine Creek(Fig. 3) on the basis of our stratigraphic de-scriptions as well as the generalized logs ofWilson (1937) and Trevena (1979).

Proposed New Formation: The Pine CreekConglomerate

At Cactus Ridge in the Mazatzal Moun-tains, ;300 m of conglomerate and quartziteunderlie the Deadman Quartzite (Fig. 3).These strata were assigned to the DeadmanQuartzite by Wrucke and Conway (1987), andmapped as Deadman Quartzite, lower mem-ber, by Doe (1991a). Doe (1991b) and Doeand Karlstrom (1991) showed that the con-glomeratic unit is separated from the over-lying quartzite by several meters of rhyoliteash-flow tuff and in some places by local un-conformity, which suggests that the conglomer-ate might in fact be a separate formation. Theconglomerate at Pine Creek (Fig. 3 and GSAData Repository Fig DR11) is lithologically andsedimentologically identical to that in the Ma-zatzal Mountains. It is also separated from over-lying quartzite by an ash-flow tuff, which is thesame age as that at Cactus Ridge (Figs. 4, 5).

We interpret the conglomerates to be correl-ative and to constitute a distinct formation, the

1GSA Data Repository item 2002136, FiguresDR1–DR4 and text, are available on the web at Requestsmay also be sent to [email protected].

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Figure 3. Stratigraphy of the Mazatzal Group, showing regional correlation and thickness trends from north to south. Vertical exag-geration is 20:1. The horizontal scale represents present-day distance north to south. Mazatzal Group thicknesses from Wilson (1939),Trevena (1979), Doe (1991b), and this study. The Rhyolite Member of the Deadman Quartzite is chosen as the horizontal datum. Agesare from this study (Table 1, Fig. 4). Red Rock Group thicknesses are not implied.

Figure 4. Concordia plots for rhyolite samples.Data shown in Table 1. All data points rep-resent single-zircon analyses. Error ellipsesare plotted but are below resolution of dia-gram for most points.

Pine Creek Conglomerate, which is the basalunit of the Mazatzal Group. The Pine CreekConglomerate is best exposed and most acces-sible in Pine Creek, at Tonto Natural BridgeState Park (Fig. 1; 34819.59N, 111827.39W),and we designate this the type locality.


The age of the Mazatzal Group is not wellconstrained, and current understanding isbased largely on reported ages from unpub-lished data. The sedimentary sequence sits

with angular unconformity on the ca. 1.70 Gavolcanic Red Rock Group (Karlstrom andBowring, 1991; Silver et al., 1986), and pre-dates the ca. 1.65 Ga Mazatzal orogeny duringwhich it was deformed into a series of foldsand thrusts (Conway and Silver, 1989; Karl-

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Figure 5. Rhyolite age brackets (error bars are 2s). The Pine Creek and Cactus Ridgesamples are indistinguishable; the Red Rock sample is slightly older.

storm and Bowring, 1991; Wilson, 1939). Theage of the rhyolite ash-flow tuff in the sectionat Pine Creek (Fig. 3) has been reported as1715 6 15 Ma (L.T. Silver, personal Conway, 1976), and was later amended to1695 6 15 Ma (Karlstrom and Bowring,1991).

The aims of this analysis were to establisha precise age for the onset of Mazatzal Groupsedimentation and to test the stratigraphic cor-relation between the Pine Creek Conglomerateunits in the Mazatzal Mountains and at PineCreek. We dated samples of ash-flow tuff fromboth localities, as well as the uppermost RedRock Group at Tonto Natural Bridge in PineCreek (Fig. 1).

Zircons were euhedral with bipyramidal ter-minations, clear, and colorless to slightly pinkin hue. They were 50–150 mm long and stub-by in morphology, with length to width ratios2:1 to 3:1. Single crystals were selected on thebasis of size and clarity and then air-abraded(Krogh, 1982). U-Pb analyses were performedat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,by using methods described in detail bySchmitz and Bowring (2001).


All samples experienced varying degrees ofrecent Pb loss and are discordant (Fig. 4, Table1). Data points are strongly collinear, however(MSWD [mean square of weighted deviates]values are ,1 for all samples), and the threesamples yield quite precise upper-interceptages, which we interpret as crystallizationages. The lower intercepts are poorly con-strained and probably reflect Pb loss related toTertiary uplift of the Mazatzal Mountains(Scarborough, 1989).

The data do not show any age inheritance.The Proterozoic continental crust in Arizonais juvenile, and the proposed basement to theMazatzal Group and related supracrustal rocksis ca. 1.75 Ga (Karlstrom and Bowring, 1988;Fig. 2 herein). Inheritance of zircon from thelocal crust would, therefore, be difficult todetect.

Nine single-crystal analyses of zircons fromthe Red Rock Group define a discordia arraywith an upper-intercept age of 1709 6 6 Ma(Fig. 4A), which is consistent with the previ-ously reported age of 1700 6 6 Ma (Silver et

al., 1986). Seven zircons were analyzed fromthe ash-flow tuff at Pine Creek, giving an age of1701 6 2 Ma (Fig. 4B), and four zircons fromthe ash-flow tuff at Cactus Ridge in the MazatzalMountains produced an identical upper-interceptage of 1702 6 1 Ma (Fig. 4C).

The overlap between our data and the agedetermination of Silver et al. (1986) suggeststhat the age of the Red Rock Group is between1703 and 1706 Ma (Fig. 5). The rocks fromPine Creek and Cactus Ridge are slightlyyounger and geochronologically indistinguish-able from each other. They may represent ei-ther a single ash-flow event or two separatebut closely related events. In either case, theages confirm that onset of deposition of theMazatzal Group was at about 1701 Ma.


Structural complications preclude the mea-surement of complete sections through theMazatzal Group (Anderson and Wirth, 1980;Doe, 1991b). The detailed sedimentology istherefore represented by short logs from un-disrupted sections.

Pine Creek Conglomerate

This basal unit of the Mazatzal Group isfound at Pine Creek and in the Cactus Ridgearea of the Mazatzal Mountains (Figs. 1, 3).Its localized occurrence and variable thicknessindicate either patchy deposition or penecon-temporaneous erosion. There is an unconfor-mity—the only one known within the Mazat-zal Group—between this unit and the RhyoliteMember of the overlying Deadman Quartziteon Cactus Ridge.

DescriptionThe Pine Creek Conglomerate is a fining-

upward sequence. In the type section at PineCreek (Fig. DR1, stratigraphic log; see foot-note 1), basal cobble and boulder conglom-erate are followed by pebble conglomeratewith interbedded quartzite, overlain in turn bycoarse- to fine-grained quartzite with occa-sional pebbly layers. The unit is ;160 m thickat Pine Creek (Fig. 5). At Cactus Ridge it isat least 300 m thick and may be up to 450 mthick in some places (Doe, 1991b; Prender-grass, 1984).

Imbrication is common in the conglomeratewhere clast shapes are appropriate to show it,but in most cases the sphericity of the clastsprecludes imbrication. The conglomerateranges from well sorted to poorly sorted and

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COX et al.


Concentration Error—2s (%) Age (Ma)








238U% err 207Pb§

235U% err 207Pb§

206Pb% err 206Pb






Red Rock Group rhyolite at Pine Creek (sample number TNP98-1; location 34819.33’ N, 111827.29’ E)z1 3.1 224.5 57.9 2628.1 0.113 0.24528 (0.17) 3.52100 (0.18) 0.10411 (0.05) 1414.1 1531.9 1698.7 0.96 4.1z2 1.5 302.4 73.7 2409.0 0.089 0.23747 (0.15) 3.40682 (0.17) 0.10405 (0.08) 1373.5 1506.0 1697.6 0.90 2.9z3 2.9 259.7 63.1 4598.0 0.102 0.23416 (0.09) 3.35653 (0.11) 0.10396 (0.06) 1356.3 1494.3 1696.0 0.84 2.5z4 2.5 366.5 85.1 2944.4 0.104 0.22249 (0.17) 3.19256 (0.18) 0.10407 (0.06) 1295.0 1455.4 1698.0 0.94 4.4z5 1.4 330.3 67.0 991.1 0.114 0.18929 (0.31) 2.70169 (0.33) 0.10352 (0.10) 1117.5 1328.9 1688.1 0.96 5.6z6 3.3 674.0 92.8 1290.4 0.097 0.12916 (0.12) 1.81847 (0.13) 0.10211 (0.05) 783.1 1052.1 1662.9 0.92 13.5z7 3.7 985.4 126.3 781.4 0.099 0.11637 (0.09) 1.62166 (0.11) 0.10107 (0.06) 709.6 978.6 1643.8 0.83 32.9z8 0.9 2279.6 231.6 849.2 0.089 0.09439 (0.17) 1.30464 (0.19) 0.10025 (0.09) 581.4 847.8 1628.7 0.88 13.9Rhyolite Member of Deadman Quartzite at Pine Creek (sample number TNP98-2; location 34819.6’ N, 111827.3’ E)z1 1.5 193.5 73.1 243.3 0.094 0.30171 (0.30) 4.33178 (0.38) 0.10413 (0.21) 1699.8 1699.4 1699.0 0.83 22.8z2 2.0 38.0 11.7 673.3 0.124 0.29149 (0.34) 4.18784 (0.44) 0.10420 (0.26) 1649.0 1671.6 1700.2 0.82 2.2z3 2.2 68.5 20.7 1270.1 0.108 0.28926 (0.18) 4.15711 (0.23) 0.10423 (0.13) 1637.8 1665.6 1700.8 0.81 2.2z4 1.3 232.3 50.8 1849.1 0.111 0.20936 (0.13) 2.99001 (0.16) 0.10358 (0.09) 1225.4 1405.1 1689.3 0.84 2.2z5 2.3 203.4 37.8 1128.3 0.127 0.17358 (0.33) 2.44813 (0.34) 0.10229 (0.09) 1031.8 1256.9 1666.1 0.96 4.6z6 2.5 89.8 13.8 819.4 0.109 0.14713 (0.26) 2.09977 (0.29) 0.10351 (0.11) 884.9 1148.7 1687.9 0.92 2.7z7 2.5 856.5 77.6 575.6 0.097 0.08117 (0.16) 1.11019 (0.21) 0.09920 (0.13) 503.1 758.3 1609.1 0.80 18.6Rhyolite Member of Deadman Quartzite at Cactus Ridge (sample number TNP98-3; location 34804.20’ N, 111825.85’ E)z1 2.0 176.8 54.9 3146.6 0.097 0.30058 (0.10) 4.32416 (0.12) 0.10434 (0.07) 1694.2 1698.0 1702.7 0.79 2.2z2 0.9 92.0 33.7 201.9 0.111 0.29609 (1.01) 4.25391 (1.03) 0.10420 (0.18) 1671.9 1684.5 1700.2 0.98 8.4z3 0.8 29.0 8.8 495.4 0.108 0.29026 (0.48) 4.16983 (0.69) 0.10419 (0.45) 1642.8 1668.1 1700.1 0.76 0.9z4 3.0 220.8 62.3 1564.5 0.097 0.26812 (0.18) 3.85171 (0.20) 0.10419 (0.09) 1531.3 1603.6 1700.1 0.89 7.0

Note: Total procedural blank for Pb ranged from 0.65 to 3.7 pg and ,1.0 pg for U. Blank isotopic composition: 206Pb/204Pb 5 19.10 6 0.1, 207Pb/204Pb 5 15.71 6 0.1,208Pb/204Pb 5 38.65 6 0.1. Corr. coeff.—correlation coefficient. Age calculations are based on the decay constants of Steiger and Jager (1977). Common-Pb correctionswere calculated by using the model of Stacey and Kramers (1975) and the interpreted age of the sample. Sample numbers are keyed to Figure 1.

*Radiogenic Pb.†Sample weights are estimated by using a video monitor and are known to within 40%.‡Measured ratio corrected for spike and fractionation only.§Corrected for fractionation, spike, blank, and initial common Pb. Mass fractionation correction of 0.15%/a.m.u. 6 0.04%/a.m.u. (atomic mass unit) was applied to single-

collector Daly analyses and 0.12%/a.m.u. 6 0.04% for dynamic Faraday-Daly analyses.#Total common-Pb in analyses.

is generally clast supported with a sandy ma-trix. It is poorly structured or massive, withoccasional crude horizontal layering on a deci-meter scale. Diamictite is rare, as is grading.Bedding is often lenticular over tens of metersor less.

The quartzite in the upper part of the PineCreek Conglomerate and the interbeddedsandy layers in the conglomerate are well sort-ed and usually show low-angle cross-bedding,trough cross-bedding, or flat lamination (al-though in some beds, recrystallization com-bined with a lack of grain-size contrast maketraction structures difficult to distinguish). Pa-leocurrent directions indicated by cross-bedforesets are southward.

InterpretationThe coarse clastic sediment and local un-

conformities of the Pine Creek Conglomeratereflect the final stages of Proterozoic tectonicinstability in the Mazatzal region and mark thetransition from active volcanism and uplift tothe tectonic quiescence of later MazatzalGroup sedimentation.

The depositional setting is clearly terrestri-al, but there is some disagreement about thespecific nature of the environment. Trevena

(1979) considered the Pine Creek section(TB1–TB4 of Trevena, 1979) to represent pos-sible alluvial-fan deposition. Bayne (1987)and Bayne and Middleton (1987) suggestedthat it records a distal-fan or proximal braid-plain environment. Anderson and Wirth(1980) interpreted the conglomerates at PineCreek and Cactus Ridge as high-energy, chan-nelized, fluvial sediment.

We propose that the Pine Creek Conglom-erate in toto represents a proximal alluvial-fandepositional environment. The prevalence ofsorting and traction structures in the conglom-erate and associated quartzite indicates that itis mostly water laid. Sedimentation was dom-inated by hyperconcentrated flood flows (mostof the conglomerate) and high-energy, unidi-rectional, aqueous flows (recorded by thequartzite); occasional noncohesive mass-flowevents also occurred (Bayne, 1987). This setof processes is consistent with an alluvial-fanenvironment (Blair and McPherson, 1994).The complete lack of mud and silt indicatesthat fine material was washed through the sys-tem, implying a significant depositional slopethat provided no opportunity for ponding. De-posits are highly variable in thickness (Fig. 3),consistent with very proximal, localized fan

deposits from a rapidly uplifted source area.This interpretation is also supported by local-ized faulting and meso- to macroscale chan-nelization (Anderson and Wirth, 1980; Doeand Karlstrom, 1991).

Deadman Quartzite

The Deadman Quartzite overlies the PineCreek Conglomerate. Where the Pine CreekConglomerate is absent, the Deadman Quartz-ite rests on the Red Rock Group with angularunconformity (Wrucke and Conway, 1987;Dann, 1991). It is sedimentologically homo-geneous throughout the area (Fig. DR2, strati-graphic logs; see footnote 1), but thins fromnorth to south (Fig. 3). Ash-flow tuff of theRhyolite Member marks the base of the unitin both the southern Mazatzal Mountains andthe Pine Creek area (where we define theDeadman Quartzite for the first time) and isthe same age in both places (Figs. 4, 5).

Description of Rhyolite MemberThe Rhyolite Member ranges in thickness

from 1 to 15 m (Doe, 1991b; Wilson, 1937,1939) (Fig. DR2). On Cactus Ridge at theTNP98–3 site (Fig. 1), where there is an an-

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gular discordance between the Pine CreekConglomerate and the Deadman Quartzite, theRhyolite Member fills irregular small-scale to-pography on the eroded Pine Creek Conglom-erate surface. The rhyolite consists of bandedash-flow tuff containing abundant flattenedpumice fragments that are molded around un-broken quartz phenocrysts. Straight-sided,downward-tapering cracks in the upper sur-face of the tuff contain infiltrated sand fromthe overlying quartzite, indicating that theRhyolite Member formed a depositional sur-face. Doe (1991b) recognized several distinctash-flow units in Shaketree Canyon, but else-where in the southern Mazatzal Mountainsthere is generally only one thin tuff (1–2 m)at this stratigraphic position. At Pine Creek, asingle 15-m-thick flow-banded unit is recog-nized (Wilson, 1939; Wrucke and Conway,1987).

Interpretation of Rhyolite MemberIt is not possible to establish whether the

Rhyolite Member represents a single eruptiveevent or several local, laterally discontinuousunits, but the age equivalence of the datedunits at Cactus Ridge and Pine Creek indicatesthat they constitute a marker horizon (Fig. 5).The Rhyolite Member is volumetrically minorand represents the very last expression of vol-canism in the Mazatzal Group basin.

Description of Quartzite SequenceOverlying the rhyolite is well-sorted,

coarse- to fine-grained quartzite, with occa-sional pebble conglomerate (dominated byrhyolitic clasts) and rare siltstone (Fig. DR2).The quartzite sequence exhibits dramaticthickness variations. Measured thickness inthe Maverick basin is 28 m (Wilson, 1939) to46 m (Trevena, 1979). In the vicinity of Barn-hardt Canyon, stratigraphic thickness changesfrom 6 m to 35 m over a lateral distance of500 m (Doe, 1991b; Doe and Karlstrom,1991). In the Pine Creek area, thickness is 334m (units 23–27 in the undivided section ofWilson, 1939, p. 1147) to 432 m (units TB6–TB14 in the undivided section of Trevena,1979, p. 341 et seq.).

The Deadman Quartzite preserves abundantsedimentary structures. Traction structuresfound throughout the Mazatzal Mountains andat Pine Creek include upper-flow-regime flatlamination and both trough and tabular cross-bedding on scales from a few centimeters totens of centimeters. Wave ripples are commonin the Mazatzal Mountains, but at Pine Creekare found only at the very top of the unit. Wrin-kle marks and desiccation cracks are reported

only in the Mazatzal Mountains (Fig. DR2).Laminated siltstone occurs at some localities inthe Mazatzal Mountains, but is volumetricallyminor. Mudstone occurs as millimeter-scalemud drapes and rip-up clasts. There is somepebble conglomerate, especially at Pine Creek,and clasts include rhyolite and vein quartz. AtPine Creek, parts of the section are character-ized by convolute bedding, disrupted bedding,and overturned beds. The disrupted sedimentsinclude normally graded beds as well as unitswith small-scale trough and tabular cross-bedding.

Interpretation of Quartzite SequenceThe sequence at Pine Creek (TB6–TB14 of

Trevena, 1979) has been interpreted as a braid-plain deposit (Trevena, 1979; Bayne, 1987).The dominance of trough and tabular cross-bedding and a lack of marine indicators indi-cate alluvial sedimentation, but a substantialdepositional slope is implied by the presenceof soft-sediment deformation and event sedi-mentation (represented by the graded beds).We therefore conclude that the DeadmanQuartzite at Pine Creek was deposited on analluvial fan rather than on a braidplain, butthat it represents a more distal or lower-slopeenvironment than the underlying Pine CreekConglomerate. The appearance of wave rip-ples at the top of the Pine Creek section sug-gests an up-section facies change that we in-terpret as a transition to shallow-marineconditions.

For the sequence in the Mazatzal Mountains,Trevena (1979) proposed either a nearshore-marine or lacustrine setting. The thickness andcoarseness of the unit, and especially the ab-sence of silt and mud, are inconsistent with alacustrine setting. The abundance of wave rip-ples and desiccation features, in addition to thesorting, grain size, and range of traction struc-tures, strongly suggests a nearshore-marine en-vironment for these deposits.

The Deadman Quartzite forms a southward-thinning clastic wedge from Pine Creek to theMazatzal Mountains (Fig. 3). The regionalsedimentology indicates that it preserves a fa-cies transition from braided fluvial in thenortheast to shallow marine in the southwest.It also records a probable south-to-north ma-rine transgression, resulting in the up-sectionfacies transition in the Pine Creek sectionfrom fluvial to shallow marine.

Maverick Shale

The Maverick Shale rests conformably onthe Deadman Quartzite. Stratigraphic thick-

ness increases from north to south (Fig. 3), onthe basis of thickness measurements in areasof lowest strain. In the Pine Creek area, wherewe formally define it for the first time, it is,100 m thick (equivalent to units TB15–TB17 in the undivided section of Trevena,1979, p. 341 et seq., and units 18–22 of Wil-son, 1939, p. 1146–1147; broken out as unitXmsq on map of Wrucke and Conway, 1987).At North Peak in the Mazatzal Mountains(Fig. 1), it is ;150 m thick (Wilson, 1939;this study). In the Maverick basin, it is ;150–200 m thick (Wilson, 1939; Trevena, 1979;Puls, 1986; Doe, 1991b), and in the CactusRidge area, it is 250–500 m thick (Trevena,1979; Wilson, 1939). There also appears to bean increase in stratigraphic thickness from;200 m at North Peak to 250 m in the south-ern Mazatzal Mountains. The Maverick Shalegrades up section into the overlying MazatzalPeak Quartzite (Figs. DR3 and DR4; see foot-note 1).

DescriptionThe Maverick Shale consists of shale, silt-

stone, and varying amounts of interbeddedquartzite (Fig. DR3, stratigraphic log; seefootnote 1). In the thin Pine Creek sequence,shale is subordinate to siltstone and siltyquartzite, whereas in the Mazatzal Mountains,shale and siltstone dominate.

The lower parts of the sequence in the Ma-zatzal Mountains consist mainly of finely lam-inated shale and muddy siltstone. Normalgrading (fine sandstone to siltstone) occurs inmany of the thin layers. The number andthickness of quartzite interbeds increases up-section, and the uppermost 10 m consists of;60% quartzite and 40% siltstone (Trevena,1979). The quartzite shows abundant tractionand erosion features. Wave ripples, includingsymmetric, current-modified, and interferenceripples, are common on quartzite beddingplanes, and small-scale trough cross-beddingand scour-and-fill structures are abundant.Current-ripple cross-lamination and fine-scaleflat lamination occur in fine-gained quartziteand siltstone. Load casts and flame structuresare found at shale-quartzite interfaces. Desic-cation cracks are common in the mudstone to-ward the top of the unit, and herringbonecross-stratification is also found. Tabularcross-sets are generally limited to the upper-most parts of the sequence, where the thickestquartzite beds occur. The tops of cross-beddeddeposits are often reworked by wave ripplesthat are in turn draped by fine sediment.

The thinner Maverick Shale in the PineCreek area is dominated by fine-grained

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quartzite, silty quartzite, and siltstone. Thefine-grained beds are generally horizontallylaminated, with occasional small-scale cross-lamination. The quartzite shows cross-beddingwith abundant wave ripple marks and occa-sional mud drapes.

InterpretationThe regional facies associations suggest a

southward-prograding marine deltaic system.This interpretation is supported by the south-ward thickening (Fig. 3), the southward faciestransition from shallow- to deep-water sedi-mentation, and the upward coarsening of theformation, in addition to the suite of sedimen-tary structures and the facies associationsabove and below.

The sequence in the Mazatzal Mountainsrecords a transition from sub–wave-base sus-pension sedimentation to traction sedimenta-tion by unidirectional currents, bidirectionalcurrents, and waves. Soft-sediment deforma-tion suggests rapid deposition. Herringbonecross-stratification, abundant wave ripples,and desiccation features indicate very shallowwater in late Maverick Shale time tidal influ-ence and periodic emergence. The abundantlarge-scale tabular and trough cross-sets sug-gest a strong unidirectional flow component tothe system. The initial deep-water sedimenta-tion style of finely laminated, thin, normallygraded beds is consistent with a prodelta en-vironment. Subsequent traction-dominatedsedimentation represents shoaling due to bas-inward migration of the delta front.

The thinner and relatively coarse MaverickShale sequence in the Pine Creek area is lith-ologically very similar to the upper sand- andsilt-rich parts of the Mazatzal Mountains sec-tion. It contains abundant wave ripples andcross-bedding, representing proximal delta-front and probable distributary-mouth-barenvironments.

Mazatzal Peak Quartzite

The transition from the Maverick Shale tothe Mazatzal Peak Quartzite is conformableand gradational. In the Mazatzal Mountains,;400 m of quartzite are preserved in the typesection at Maverick basin (Fig. 1) (Wilson,1939). Trevena (1979) measured 500 m inBarnhardt Canyon, but this section was sub-sequently found to be structurally thickened(Doe, 1991b; Doe and Karlstrom, 1991). Inthe Pine Creek area, where we define the Ma-zatzal Peak Quartzite for the first time, 320 m(units TB17–TB21 in the undivided section ofTrevena, 1979, p. 341 et seq.) to 575 m (units

1–17 of Wilson 1939, p. 1146) remain beneaththe pre-Mississippian angular unconformity.Thickness trends in the Mazatzal Peak Quartz-ite cannot be evaluated because the top of thesequence has been eroded.

DescriptionThere are distinct differences between the

lower and upper parts of the Mazatzal PeakQuartzite in the Mazatzal Mountains (Fig.DR4, stratigraphic log; see footnote 1). In thelower Mazatzal Peak Quartzite (correspondingto the ‘‘red member’’ of Wrucke and Conway,1987), both symmetric and interference wave-ripples are abundant. Cross-beds are generallyunidirectional, but herringbone cross-laminationsets, generally separated by thin mud laminae,also occur. Dune-scale reactivation structuresare plentiful and often preserve mud drapes.Rare hummocky cross-stratification occurs.Desiccation cracks are common, both on flat-lying mud layers and on thin mud drapes overripples. Thin sections of low-matrix quartzitenear the base of the unit show bimodal sandgrain-size distributions.

The abundance of wave ripples and desic-cation features decreases up section, and hor-izontal lamination and trough cross-beddingbecome the characteristic structures. Con-glomerate with crude horizontal bedding andoccasional graded bedding occurs over a re-stricted interval in the middle of the sequence.Small- to medium-scale scours with gravel fillalso occur, and larger-scale channelization isindicated by beds that are downcutting andlenticular over several meters. Fining-upwardcycles of conglomerate, cross-bedded sand-stone, and siltstone, ranging from 10 cm to;150 cm, are common. The uppermostquartzite (corresponding to the ‘‘white mem-ber’’ of Wrucke and Conway, 1987) is domi-nated by trough and tabular cross-beddingwith sets commonly thicker than 0.5 m. Sand-stone grains are more rounded in the upperthan in the lower Mazatzal Peak Quartzite.

At Pine Creek, the lower Mazatzal PeakQuartzite contains wave ripples and herring-bone cross-stratification. Traction structures inthe quartzite are dominated by low-angletrough and tabular cross-bedding, with someplanar lamination. In the middle and upperparts of the section, granule and fine-gravellayers and lenses up to 1 m thick displaycrude horizontal stratification and troughcross-bedding. A few siltstone layers up to 4cm thick also occur. These are generally flat-laminated but also contain current-ripple cross-lamination.

InterpretationThe Mazatzal Peak Quartzite and the un-

derlying Maverick Shale constitute a singlesedimentary package representing a prograd-ing deltaic system. The abundance of marineindicators and unidirectional flow features, inaddition to the transitional relationship withthe underlying Maverick Shale, indicates thatthe environment of deposition of the lowerMazatzal Peak Quartzite was a coastal deltafront. The dominance of unimodal currentstructures suggests a river-dominated delta,with superimposed tidal and wave effects(Reading and Collinson, 1996). The bimodalgrain-size populations in some of the cross-bedded quartzites suggest an eolian compo-nent (Folk, 1971), consistent with a coastalsetting. This interpretation is broadly similarto that of Trevena (1979), who interpreted thelower Mazatzal Peak Quartzite in the MazatzalMountains as a transitional, terrestrial, or near-shore environment representing a high-energydelta or fluvial system. The Namurian cyclo-thems of western Ireland (Pulham, 1989) area good analogy for the Maverick Shale andlower Mazatzal Peak Quartzite.

Trevena (1979) interpreted the upper part(‘‘white member’’) of the Mazatzal PeakQuartzite in the Mazatzal Mountains as a near-shore-marine deposit. However, the completelack of marine indicators, the dominance oftabular and trough cross-bedding, and the fre-quency of gravelly channels suggest that theserocks in fact record the transition to fully ter-restrial, braided, fluvial sedimentation of thedelta-plain environment. Similar facies areseen at the top of the unit in the Pine Creekarea, where they have been interpreted asbraided-stream deposits (Trevena, 1979). Theupper Mazatzal Peak Quartzite differs fromthe classic Phanerozoic delta plain because, inthe absence of vegetation to stabilize fine sed-iment, no overbank or levee deposits are pre-served, and the characteristic soils and peatsare likewise absent.


The Mazatzal Group Composition Paradox

The Mazatzal Group is the final unit in anarc-related orogenic supracrustal sequence thatincludes the Payson Ophiolite, East VerdeRiver Formation, and Alder Group (Fig. 2).The elapsed time between pre-Payson-ophioliterifting and deposition of the Mazatzal Groupis ,40 m.y. (Dann and Bowring, 1997; Karls-trom and Bowring, 1993; Wrucke and Con-way, 1987). The Mazatzal Group is known to

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Figure 6. Photomicrographs of Mazatzal Group quartzite showing textural relationshipsbetween preserved detrital grains and pseudomatrix. Fields of view are 2 mm. (A) Pseu-domatrix (labelled ‘‘I’’) is an interstitial, sand-sized clot representing the labile detritalgrain from which it formed. (B) Detrital grains (labelled ‘‘Q’’) surrounded by pseudoma-trix. This is not a diamictite: the sample is cross-bedded, and the preserved detrital grainsare well sorted. The pseudometrix preserves relict grain boundaries (labelled ‘‘G.B.’’).

have been derived from a recently upliftedhinterland consisting of plutonic, volcanic,and metamorphic rocks (Bayne, 1987; Coxand Lowe, 1995; Doe and Karlstrom, 1991;Karlstrom and Bowring, 1993; Neet andKnauth, 1989; Trevena, 1979), but the quartz-ite is consistently described as ‘‘quartz arenite’’or ‘‘mature quartz arenite’’ (Conway et al.,1987; Conway and Silver, 1989; Karlstrom etal., 1987; Trevena, 1979; Wrucke and Con-way, 1987). Interpretation of the tectonic set-ting is therefore problematic (Bayne, 1987;Conway et al., 1987; (Conway and Silver,1989). There are rare examples of quartz ar-enite in volcanically active basins (Busby-Spera, 1988; Riggs and Busby-Spera, 1990),but there are no modern examples of quartzarenite–dominated sedimentation in such en-vironments, nor in basins with substantial re-lief and active faulting; nor are such associa-tions known from other Proterozoic localities(Van Schmus et al., 1993b). In addition, thelack of an older inherited component in therhyolite U-Pb data (Fig. 4, Table 1) indicateslittle or no cratonic influence, making the as-sociation with quartz arenite even more diffi-cult to reconcile.

Resolving the Paradox: Pseudomatrix andNormative Analysis

The key to the composition paradox is inthe diagenetic history of the Mazatzal Groupquartzite, in which phyllosilicate matrix av-erages 12% and ranges up to 33% by volume(Table DR2, point-count data; see footnote 1).This phyllosilicate material is interpreted assecondary pseudomatrix, formed by the in situmechanical and chemical alteration of labileframework grains (Dickinson, 1970), for thefollowing reasons. (1) The large proportionsof fine-grained material are inconsistent withthe sedimentology of the quartzite: all sampleswere taken from tabular or trough cross-beddedrocks with well-sorted framework-grain pop-ulations and should therefore have a maxi-mum of 1%–4% primary matrix (Visher,1969). (2) Textural criteria (Dickinson, 1970)indicate a diagenetic origin: matrix commonlyoccurs as interstitial clots, occupying spacesequivalent in size to the preserved detritalgrains, with wispy apophyses extending be-tween adjacent rigid grains (Fig. 6A), and inmany cases, well-sorted detrital grains ‘‘float’’in sericitic pseudomatrix that preserves relictlithic textures (Fig. 6B). (3) Microprobe anal-yses of matrix show negligible within-sampleK2O variability, indicating that the compo-

nents were homogenized during diagenesis(Trevena, 1979).

The pseudomatrix problem prohibits petro-graphic interpretation of original composition.The apparent maturity of the Mazatzal Groupquartzite is an artifact of postdepositionalmodification, and most of these rocks are dia-genetic quartz arenites (sensu Anderhalt,1986; Chandler, 1988; Cummins, 1962;McBride, 1985; Milliken, 1988). Ternary di-agrams of preserved detrital minerals showonly quartz and chert (Fig. 7A), leading to thefalse conclusion that the Mazatzal Group sed-iments were mineralogically mature.

Normative analysis (Cox and Lowe,1996)—combining petrographic (Table DR2)and chemical (Table DR3, X-ray fluorescence[XRF] analyses of quartzite; see footnote 1)data—permits recreation of the primary min-eral assemblage (Data Repository text showsmethodology; see footnote 1). The data indi-cate that precursor detrital grains includedboth feldspar (F*) and lithic (L*) fragments(Table DR2; see text footnote 1). Protoliths tothe quartzite contained up to 10% feldspar(mostly K-feldspar, with minor plagioclase) andup to 24% lithic fragments. Therefore, althougha subset of the samples is composed of truequartz arenite, the majority were lithic areniteand lithic arkose. The original framework-grain

compositions plot in the recycled-orogen field(Fig. 7B), which is well in keeping with theknown provenance and active-plate-marginsetting of the Mazatzal Group.

Detrital Quartz

Monocrystalline grains dominate the detritalquartz population in the Pine Creek Conglom-erate and Deadman Quartzite (Table DR2; seetext footnote 1). Grains are mostly angular orsubrounded, and volcanic phenocrystic quartz isvery abundant. The volcanic grains preserve theidiomorphic bipyramidal shape characteristic ofrhyolitic quartz, have few or no fluid inclusions,and include resorption embayments on a varietyof scales (Fig. 8). Preservation is best in the PineCreek Conglomerate, where reworking was min-imal. Deadman Quartzite grains are generallymore rounded, so many of the delicate embay-ment features and straight crystal faces havebeen modified. However, embayed grains stillmake up ;10% of the quartz population in theDeadman Quartzite, and the probable volcanicorigin of a substantial proportion of the nonem-bayed grains is attested to by their lack of inter-nal strain and the scarcity of fluid inclusions. Inspite of the degree of induration and overall de-formation of the rock package, the quartz grains

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Figure 7. Petrologic data for quartzite from the Mazatzal Group. Complete data are shownin Table DR2 (see text footnote 1). Ternary diagram fields are from Dickinson and Suczek(1979) and Dickinson (1985). (A) Petrographic point-count data collected by using a mod-ified Gazzi-Dickinson technique (Cox and Lowe, 1996). Data points cannot be distin-guished because they tend to plot on top of one another. Only 6 of 43 data points plotoutside the stable craton field. (B) Normative data combining petrographic and chemicalanalysis (method of Cox and Lowe, 1996) for 13 randomly chosen samples. F* and L*represent preserved detrital grains plus grains reconstructed by normative analysis. Thereis a very marked difference between the tight clustering of the points in Figure 7A andthe much more variable and immature compositions of the samples plotted in Figure 7B.Restored detrital compositions plot in the recycled orogen field, indicating derivation ofthe sediment from an uplifted, metamorphosed continental hinterland.

in the lower part of the Mazatzal Group gener-ally have only slightly undulose extinction.

In the Mazatzal Peak Quartzite, the quartzpopulation is different. The average abundanceof polycrystalline quartz is still very low, but upto 14% of the quartz population in individualsamples may consist of polycrystalline grains(Table DR2; see text footnote 1). Grains are gen-erally less angular, and predepositional fluid in-clusions and strongly undulose extinction arecommon. Embayed monocrystalline grains andgrains with crystal faces do occur, but they are

much less common than in the DeadmanQuartzite.

Provenance Interpretations

The Mazatzal Group received sedimentfrom three distinct sources, the relative con-tributions of which varied through time. Var-ied petrologic indicators show that the prov-enance, dominated originally by subjacentvolcanic rocks of the Red Rock Group (vol-canic quartz and silicified rhyolitic fragments),

evolved through time to include fine-grainedorogenic rocks of the Payson Ophiolite andEast Verde River Formation (labile grainswith Fe 1 Mg 6 Ca 6 Na, now in pseudo-matrix), and finally granitic basement rocks(polycrystalline quartz, and K-feldspar inpseudomatrix).

Volcanic quartz is most common in the PineCreek Conglomerate, is less so in the Dead-man Quartzite, and is least abundant in theMazatzal Peak Quartzite. Conversely, theabundance of polycrystalline grains and inter-nally strained, undulose grains (from granitoidrocks and/or recycled quartzite; Basu et al.,1975) and fluid-inclusion–rich grains (proba-bly vein quartz; Folk, 1974) increases upsection.

The preponderance of well-preserved vol-canic quartz grains in the Pine Creek Con-glomerate and Deadman Quartzite suggestsderivation from the immediately subjacentrhyolite. In contrast, the major source for thequartz in the Mazatzal Peak Quartzite was thecontinental hinterland and/or the exposed plu-tonic roots of the rhyolitic volcanic complex;the quartzite shows only a minor contributionfrom the volcanic rocks themselves. Grainrounding increases up section, indicating lon-ger travel times and greater sediment rework-ing, reflecting progressive reduction of the re-gional topography. These detrital quartzpatterns suggest that the initial volcanic to-pography associated with the Red RockGroup, possibly enhanced by local faulting assuggested by Middleton (1986), formed a bar-rier to sediment transport such that the Ma-zatzal depocenter was initially narrowly cir-cumscribed. With cessation of uplift, erosionwore down the highlands and opened the ba-sin to input from a wider hinterland, includingarc rocks of the Mazatzal block supracrustalseries and, ultimately, continental basement.

The boulders and cobbles of the Pine Creekconglomerate consist almost entirely of rhyo-lite (Bayne, 1987; Cox and Lowe, 1995).Boulders and cobbles of quartzite and jasper-rich iron formation also occur, but in spite ofthe proximity of the sources for these rocks(the Alder Group, East Verde River Forma-tion, and Payson Ophiolite), and their me-chanical and chemical resistance, their abun-dance is very low (,10%) (Bayne, 1987; Coxand Lowe, 1995; Doe and Karlstrom, 1991),suggesting that the basin catchment area wasextremely limited, and that the sedimentsources were very local.

In Deadman Quartzite time, the now-mutedvolcanic terrain produced less gravel and ahigher proportion of sand. Greater reworking

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Figure 8. Photomicrographs showing volcanic quartz phenocrysts as detrital grains inMazatzal Group quartzite. (A) Deadman Quartzite at Pine Creek. (B) Deadman Quartziteat Shaketree Canyon.

resulted in more rounding of sand-sizedgrains. Detrital quartz was still dominated byrhyolite-derived chert and volcanic quartz, butthe sand also originally contained ;20% la-bile lithic fragments (Table DR2). The labilematerial, preserved now only as a chemicalsignature in the pseudomatrix, suggests thatby Deadman Quartzite time detritus from maf-ic volcanic rocks and graywackes of the EastVerde River Formation and Payson Ophiolitewas reaching the Mazatzal Group depocenter.Detrital feldspar was rare, in part because ofthe lack of sand-sized feldspar phenocrysts inthe Red Rocks Group and related rocks. Thelack of feldspar is significant, however, be-cause it also indicates that there was no sub-stantial granitic input to the depositional basinat this time.

The Mazatzal Peak Quartzite also containedan average of about 15% labile lithic frag-ments prior to pseudomatrix development,with an inferred source in the Payson Ophiol-ite and East Verde River Formation. In con-trast to the Deadman Quartzite, however, italso contained up to 10% detrital feldspar (Ta-ble DR2, Fig. 7B). The feldspar component,in combination with the abundance of poly-crystalline quartz and undulose, fluid-inclusion–bearing monocrystalline quartz, indicates anincreasing granitic basement source contribu-tion. Maverick Shale mudrocks have a well-developed negative europium anomaly, andhigh field strength elements are moderatelyenriched relative to transition elements, con-sistent with a predominantly continentalsource (Cox et al., 1995). The generally finegrain sizes and the lack of conglomeratic in-dicate a low-lying hinterland, and suggest that

continued erosional flattening of the posttec-tonic landscape opened the depocenter to sed-iment from a wider catchment area.


The Mazatzal Group is part of a MiddleProterozoic volcano-sedimentary successionformed during the accretion of central Arizo-na. The Mazatzal Group records the final stag-es of the process, as volcanism and tectonicactivity gave way to quiescent conditions, anderosive processes dominated over uplift in thesediment source areas.

Overview of the Proterozoic MazatzalDepocenter

Sediment source areas were to the north andnortheast throughout deposition of the Ma-zatzal Group, and the deepest parts of the ba-sin were to the south (Trevena, 1979; Bayne,1987). The depocenter was close to the con-tinental margin, and transitions between ter-restrial and marine environments took placeover very short stratigraphic intervals. Thepreserved along-strike extent of the sedimen-tary sequence is on the order of 30 km, butbecause of subsequent tectonic fragmentation,the original size of the basin is unknown.

From the clast sizes in the Pine Creek Con-glomerate, it is apparent that the initial topo-graphic expression of the basin margins wasrugged and that the source highlands wereproximal to the depocenter. Active faultingand rhyolitic volcanism produced substantialrelief in the vicinity (Wrucke and Conway,1987), although there is little local relief be-

neath the Mazatzal Group deposits (e.g., Tre-vena, 1979). The main phase of volcanism andtectonic activity effectively ceased at ca. 1.70Ga, the approximate age of formation of thesub–Mazatzal Group unconformity (Karlstromand Bowring, 1993). The unconformity(mapped by Wrucke and Conway, 1987) is lo-cally marked by concentrations of hematiticdetritus and thin (,1 m), strongly ferruginoussandstones with uneven bases. The Pine CreekConglomerate formed on this surface as anapron of coarse alluvial detritus. The verysmall clastic contribution from nearby resis-tant lithologies (such as the Alder Groupquartzite) implies an extremely limited catch-ment area and a marked watershed during PineCreek Conglomerate time.

The predominance of event sedimentationin the Pine Creek Conglomerate is indirect ev-idence for minor uplift in the source area. Theterminal tectonic event in the Mazatzal area ismarked by local, small-scale angular discor-dance between the Pine Creek Conglomerateand the intraformational rhyolite of the over-lying Deadman Quartzite. The cessation of up-lift and the wearing down of the basin marginsare reflected in the fining-upward character ofthe clastic succession from Pine Creek Con-glomerate through Deadman Quartzite and inthe progression from coarse alluvial-fan tosandy braided-stream environments recordedin these rocks. From the Deadman Quartziteupward there is no evidence for any tectonicdisturbance in the Mazatzal Group basin.

Sand-dominated terrestrial sedimentationwas followed by a marine transgression thatproduced shallow-marine deposits of cross-bedded and wave-rippled sandstone, nowforming the upper part of the DeadmanQuartzite. The Maverick Shale records a sub-sequent transition to deeper-water, largelysub–wave-base sedimentation. This deepeningwas probably due to rising sea level becausethe contact with the Deadman Quartzite isconformable and there is no evidence in theMaverick Shale for any kind of fault-relatedsedimentation. Progressive shallowing and areturn to shallow-water sedimentation, proba-bly coastal, are preserved in the gradual tran-sition to the desiccation cracks, wave ripples,and herringbone cross-lamination of the lowerMazatzal Peak Quartzite. Subsequent marineregression or delta progradation resulted in thebraided-stream deposits of the upper MazatzalPeak Quartzite.

Continued low relief in the hinterland is re-flected in the lack of coarse clastic materialfrom the Deadman Quartzite through the Ma-zatzal Peak Quartzite. In addition, petrologic

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characteristics indicate increased sediment re-working and a more cosmopolitan set ofsource lithologies through time, suggestingthat as topography was worn down, the basincatchment area widened.

Interpreting the Tectonic Setting of theMazatzal Group: The State of the Debate

The false sediment maturity and impliedcratonic setting indicated by the preserved de-trital minerals (Fig. 7A) leading to character-ization as ‘‘mature quartz arenite’’ (Conway etal., 1987; Conway and Silver, 1989; Karlstromet al., 1987; Trevena, 1979; Wrucke and Con-way, 1987; Karlstrom and Bowring, 1993;Van Schmus et al., 1993b) has prompted in-terpretations such as a passive-margin (Karl-strom and Conway, 1986) or continental-shelfenvironment (Conway et al., 1987; Conwayand Silver, 1989; Trevena, 1979) for the Ma-zatzal Group sedimentary rocks. These inter-pretations are at odds, however, with the re-gional and underlying geology, because theMazatzal Group is closely associated in spaceand time with rocks that are understood to rep-resent Andean-type arcs and orogenic eventsand because the sediments are partly coevalwith rhyolitic volcanism (Condie, 1982; Con-die and Chomiak, 1996; Dann, 1997; Dannand Bowring, 1997; Karlstrom and Bowring,1991, 1993).

The diagenetic destruction of provenanceinformation has also had wider-ranging effectson paleogeographic interpretations: For ex-ample, the apparent absence of feldspar in theproximal Mazatzal Group and its presence inthe more distal Pinal Schist in southeasternArizona has prompted the suggestion that ei-ther high-level subrhyolitic plutons or base-ment granite of an older orogenic terrane musthave been locally exposed in the Pinal basin(Conway and Silver, 1989).

Tectonic settings suggested for the MazatzalGroup include an active margin (no specificplate setting given) (Trevena, 1979); basin-and-range–type transtensional basins or halfgrabens (Bayne, 1987); a semistable, subsid-ing continental environment, either the marginof a continental nucleus or a continental-interior basin (Conway and Silver, 1989;Wrucke and Conway, 1987); synorogenic de-position in response to 1.70 Ga orogenesis inthe Yavapai block (no specific plate settinggiven) (Karlstrom and Bowring, 1991, 1993);and a backarc basin (Condie et al., 1992).

The basin-and-range–type and stablecontinental-interior interpretations are basedon the voluminous rhyolite of the Red Rock

Group immediately preceding and locally co-inciding with deposition of the thick sequenceof Mazatzal Group ‘‘quartz arenite’’ (Bayne,1987; Conway and Silver, 1989; Wrucke andConway, 1987). However, there are no knownenvironments, past or present, in which rhy-olite and quartz arenite are volumetrically co-dominant. In addition, ductile deformationand metamorphism were ongoing northwestof the Mazatzal depocenter, which is difficultto reconcile with a passive-margin or stablecontinental-interior setting (Karlstrom et al.,1987). Synorogenic sedimentation (Karlstromand Bowring, 1991, 1993; Condie et al., 1992)fits well with the geologic history of the re-gion, but the existing models do not explainthe abundance of ‘‘mature continental sedi-ment,’’ and therefore are not fully satisfactory(Karl Karlstrom, 1991, personal commun.).

Interpreting the Tectonic Setting of theTonto Basin Supergroup

The tectonic setting of the Mazatzal Groupcan be better understood by examining it inrelation to the rocks with which it is regionallyassociated. The Mazatzal Group is the finalinstallment of the Tonto Basin Supergroup(Fig. 2), a supracrustal sequence on the Ma-zatzal block (Karlstrom and Bowring, 1988)that has been interpreted to represent a conti-nental-margin arc environment sensu lato(Condie and Chomiak, 1996; Condie et al.,1992). Interpretations for the various forma-tions, however, while reasonable in the con-text of each individual unit, are mutually in-consistent when viewed as a series. Thelowermost unit is the Payson Ophiolite (Fig.2), an autochthonous complex of gabbros,sheeted dikes, and submarine basaltic volcanicrocks interpreted as an intra-arc assemblageformed by rifting of older arc crust (Dann,1991, 1997). The overlying supracrustal rocksof the East Verde River Formation and the Al-der Group have been interpreted to representan island arc (Wrucke and Conway, 1987), abackarc basin (Karlstrom and Bowring, 1993),or continental-margin backarc basin (Condieet al., 1992). The tectonic setting of the Ma-zatzal Group is unsettled, as discussed in thepreceding section.

An Intra-Arc Origin for the PaysonOphiolite and Tonto Basin Supergroup

We propose that the supracrustal packageincluding the Payson Ophiolite and the TontoBasin Supergroup (Fig. 2) formed in a conti-nental or near-continental intra-arc basin and

that the Mazatzal Group represents the extinc-tion stage and final infill of the basin. Thissetting explains the association of the Mazat-zal Group with the orogenic supracrustal rocksbelow it, is consistent with the composition ofthe Mazatzal Group itself, and fits with estab-lished tectonic models for the southwesternUnited States (Van Schmus et al., 1993a).More specifically, it is fully in keeping withthe stratigraphy of the Mazatzal block (as de-fined by Karlstrom and Bowring, 1988).

Intra-arc successions may be difficult todifferentiate from backarc successions be-cause they share many of the same features(Marsaglia, 1995). They are end members ofa tectono-sedimentary spectrum, as manybackarc basins originate by intra-arc rifting(Smith and Landis, 1995). Backarc basins,however, represent advanced spreading andgeneration of oceanic crust and hence achievebathyal or abyssal water depths. Sedimentaryfacies within them are therefore almost entire-ly submarine and are dominated by volcani-clastic or resedimented detritus in turbidites orpelagic deposits (Marsaglia, 1995; Klein,1985). Overall facies patterns commonly in-dicate progressive deepening through time. Intra-arc basins, in contrast, do not achieve thesame width and depth, because oceanic crustformation may be initiated but complete arcseparation is not achieved. Sediments, in con-sequence, include both deep- and shallow-water deposits, and the sedimentary systemmay in fact be emergent (Busby-Spera, 1988;Riggs and Busby-Spera, 1990; Smith and Lan-dis, 1995; Smith et al., 1987). Eustatic effectscan produce patterns of deepening and shoal-ing as well as intrabasinal shifts from conti-nental to marine facies (Houghton and Landis,1989; Smith and Landis, 1995). These eustaticeffects are not generally seen in backarc ba-sins because the greater water depths bufferthe system against relatively small-scale sea-level changes.

The Mazatzal block stratigraphy (Fig. 2) ismore consistent with an intra-arc than with abackarc setting. The Payson Ophiolite recordspartial but incomplete oceanic crust formationwithin magmatic arc/nascent continental crustbecause screens of granitic crust remain in thesheeted-dike complex, and the ophiolite gab-bros intrude that same granitic basement(Dann, 1997). The relatively high granite tomafic rock ratio implies limited extension thatwas not sustained over a long period and in-dicates incomplete arc separation. Volcano-sedimentary rocks of the East Verde RiverFormation were deposited on the floor of thenewly formed intra-arc basin, and the repeti-

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tive Bouma-cycle turbidites, with associatedsiltstone and bedded jasper, record the deepest-water sedimentation in the basin’s history. TheAlder Group is also largely volcanogenic, in-cluding both mafic and felsic components, butit has a higher terrigenous contribution. It con-tains abundant turbidites, but progressiveshoaling produced cross-bedded quartzite nearthe top. The Red Rock Group records achange to voluminous high-silica rhyolite vol-canism, which is not characteristic of backarcsettings. Finally, the largely postvolcanic Ma-zatzal Group represents both reworking ofolder volcanogenic material and an increasedcontinental crustal component in sedimentaryenvironments ranging from shallow marine toemergent.

Mazatzal Group Sedimentation as theFinal Phase of the Intra-Arc Basin

The interpretation of the Mazatzal Group asrepresenting the waning stages and final infillof the intra-arc basin resolves a number of thecontroversies surrounding the compositionand associations of the sequence. First, thecomposition of the quartzite is consistent witha mature intra-arc setting. We have shown thatthese rocks include a significant proportion ofaltered lithic fragments and feldspar, reflectingthe orogenic and basement rocks in the sourcearea (Fig. 7, Table DR2), but they are alsoquartz rich (although not quartz arenite). Inmature intra-arc basins, especially those prox-imal to continents, some quartz-rich sedimentand even pure quartz arenite may be deposited(Smith and Landis, 1995). Microcline- andquartz-bearing sediments occur in immature,Marianas-type arc assemblages in the KlamathMountains (Lapierre et al., 1985), and conti-nental molasse and red-bed sediments areclosely associated with Mesozoic arc volcanicrocks in the central Andes (James, 1971).Thick basin fills of terrigenous sediment, de-rived from plutonic and sedimentary sourcerocks, are interpreted to occupy submerged,fault-bounded basins along the Aleutian arc(Scholl et al., 1975), and pure quartz arenite,derived from the cratonic hinterland, is inti-mately interbedded with contemporaneous si-licic volcanic rocks in the Jurassic arc-grabensystem of the southwestern United States(Busby-Spera, 1988; Riggs and Busby-Spera,1990).

Second, the composition of the penecon-temporaneous volcanic rocks is consistentwith an intra-arc setting. Thick silicic accu-mulations are not uncommon in extensionalarc settings where continental crust is avail-

able for partial melting. Modern examples in-clude rhyolite of the Taupo volcanic zone inNew Zealand (Wilson et al., 1984), the Tonga-Kermadec arc (Ewart et al., 1977), and daciticto rhyolitic ignimbrites in the High Cascades(Smith et al., 1987). Recently accreted conti-nental basement and a thick sediment pilewere available to produce the Red RockGroup rhyolite (Fig. 2).

Third, the timing of sedimentation with re-spect to volcanism is very important. The timegap between the Red Rock Group and the Ma-zatzal Group is small (Fig. 5), but marked bya substantial angular unconformity (Karlstromand Bowring, 1993; Wrucke and Conway,1987). The only volcanic event during Ma-zatzal Group time is the volumetrically smalleruptive pulse of the Rhyolite Member at thebeginning of deposition of the DeadmanQuartzite time. Anderson and Wirth (1980)have pointed out that the source for volcanicdetritus in the Mazatzal Group is subjacentand that there was no direct volcaniclasticcontribution to the basin. In addition, otherthan the small local angular discordance be-tween the Pine Creek Conglomerate and theDeadman Quartzite, there are no internal un-conformities. The Mazatzal Group is thereforeessentially a postvolcanic sequence, which isconsistent with the extinction of the arc andthe transition to a stable continental setting.

Fourth, there is a marked and progressiveup-section change in sediment provenance,which we interpret to represent rapid sedi-mentary response to changing tectonic, andhence topographic, conditions in the region.The nature of this change, toward continentaldominance and high levels of sedimentary re-working, is consistent with the extinction ofthe intra-arc basin as a tectonic entity and thefinal infill by sediment, and also represents thefinal accretion and stabilization of this seg-ment of the continental crust in the south-western United States.

Relationship to Other ProterozoicSedimentary Sequences in Arizona

The interval 1.70 to ca. 1.60 Ga was char-acterized by the final stages of craton stabili-zation at the then-southern margin of theNorth American craton. Several areas in Ari-zona preserve quartzite or quartzite-shale se-quences overlying rhyolitic volcanic rocks.The issue of the relationships among those se-quences is central to understanding the re-gional tectono-sedimentary system during cra-ton formation.

The strata of the Mazatzal Group have been

correlated with lithologically similar Protero-zoic units in the Chino Valley and Hess Can-yon areas (Fig. 1), and an east-trending shore-line, with a north-south transition fromterrestrial to marine, has been proposed (An-derson and Wirth, 1980; Conway and Silver,1989; Karlstrom et al., 1987; Trevena, 1979;Wilson, 1939). More recent geochronologicalstudies, however, have indicated that the var-ious units may be substantially different inage. U-Pb data from detrital zircons in quartz-ite in the Chino Valley sequence yield con-cordant ages of ca. 1660 Ma (Chamberlain,K.R., 2000, personal commun.), which isyounger than the 1771 Ma onset of sedimen-tation in the Mazatzal area. Similarly, the rhy-olitic Redmond Formation, which underliesthe quartzite and shale of the Hess CanyonGroup, was previously correlated with the RedRock Group (Anderson and Wirth, 1980; Liv-ingston, 1969; Trevena, 1979), but U-Pb datafrom the Redmond Formation indicate that itsage is 1.66 Ga (Karlstrom and Bowring, 1991;Karlstrom et al., 1990), also significantlyyounger than the 1.70 Ga Red Rock Group.

The similarity of the rhyolite–sedimentaryrock sequences, in spite of the disparity intheir ages, suggests that the southern edge ofthe continent was episodically and locally tec-tonically active in the waning stages of arcactivity and that sedimentation took place atlocal depocenters. The environments of de-position vary among these sequences, fromlargely fluvial in the Chino Valley area, tomixed fluvial and marine in the Mazatzal area,to exclusively marine in the Hess Canyon se-quence (Trevena, 1979). There was undoubt-edly sedimentation in the intervening timesand the intervening areas, but because of ei-ther penecontemporaneous erosion due to theongoing volcanism and faulting or the vaga-ries of preservation in the modern central Ar-izona Transitional Zone, those deposits havenot been preserved. In all cases, the MiddleProterozoic quartzite sequences in Arizonahave erosional tops, suggesting a final culmi-nating phase of regional uplift and erosion.


Funding for this research was provided by theKeck Geology Consortium and also by NationalScience Foundation grant EAR-9814945 and Petro-leum Research Fund grant 34981-B8 (to Cox). Wethank Paul Karabinos and Clint Cowan for super-vising students in the field, Drew Coleman for helpwith geochronology sample preparation, and EthanGutmann for drafting the geologic map of the Ma-zatzal Mountains. Cathy Busby, Karl Karlstrom,Larry Middleton, Stephen Richard, and NancyRiggs provided extremely constructive reviews that

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substantially improved the paper. And, finally, wethank Don and Alice Garvin of Rye for their logis-tical help and hospitality.


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