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SECTOR AUTOPARTES - · Plataforma Autopartes, diferenciada por tipo de información, en

Sep 27, 2018



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Marzo - Abril - Mayo 2018




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Presidente de la NaciónIng. Mauricio MACRI

Ministro de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación ProductivaDr. Lino BARAÑAO

Secretario de Planeamiento y Políticas en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación ProductivaIng. Jorge Mariano AGUADO

Subsecretario de Estudios y ProspectivaLic. Jorge ROBBIO

Director Nacional de EstudiosDr. Ing. Martín VILLANUEVA


Esp. Lic. Nancy V. PEREZCoordinadora de Estudios Tecnológicos, Vigilancia e Inteligencia Estratégica

Esp. Ing. Miguel GUAGLIANOEsp. Adm. Adriana SANCHEZ RICOMs. Ing. Lidia SERATTIIng. Diego LISCENDra. Lic. Silvina MOCHI

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Inteligencia Competitiva

La grafica de tendencias presenta lacantidad de novedades recolectadas encada proceso de monitoreo de laPlataforma Autopartes, diferenciada portipo de información, en el transcurso deun año. La gráfica siguiente muestra queentre mayo de 2017 y abril de 2018, lacategoría más activa en el SectorAutopartes corresponde a Noticias, conun rango que va de 1.000 a 1.800novedades mensuales, seguida de lascategorías patentes y mercado. Encontraposición, normas técnicas ylegislación es el tipo de información conmenor volumen de novedades.

El análisis de grupos temáticos (Clúster) permite determinar elénfasis de los contenidos textuales, donde es posible visualizarque aquellos con mayor frecuencia (60 o más novedades)corresponden a los términos control, power, electric, energy,vinculados a gestión de energía (power management). La crisisenergética y las emisiones son problemas graves que estánrelacionados en gran medida con el tráfico. Una solución a estasamenazas es cambiar de los vehículos tradicionales basados engasolina a vehículos eléctricos híbridos (HEV) o vehículoseléctricos (EV), que también tienen el beneficio de promover unaeconomía más sostenible. Las estrategias de gestión de energía(EMS) para HEV o EV juegan un papel importante en la mejora delahorro de combustible. En este artículo, seanaliza el impacto de la predicción como modo de operación en elahorro de combustible EMS basado en reglas para lograrcorrecciones al torque del motor y mejorar su capacidad para laoptimización, en tiempo real.

(Ref: IALE Tecnología SpA)

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Nuevo concepto de control de cambio para vehículos eléctricos multi-velocidad 2

Downcycling en el proceso de reciclaje de automóviles: Evaluación termodinámica 2

Estrategia corregida de gestión de energía para vehículos eléctricos híbridos basado en la... 3

Diseño de control de desplazamiento y acoplamiento de fuerza para sistema de dirección fro... 3

Gestión de energía de pilas de combustible y estado de carga de super condensadores para v... 4

Resistencia a la fractura de adhesivos estructurales para la industria automotriz 4

PATENTESSistema de emisión de gas de escape para vehículos 5

Nuevos materiales de refuerzo, composiciones elastoméricas y neumáticos para ruedas de veh... 5

Sistema modular de energía para vehículo eléctrico de extra bajo voltaje 6

Compresor de aire, dispositivo de control del mismo, y sistema de amortiguador utilizando ... 6

Herramienta visual para fabricantes automotrices con cifrado de red, tratamiento de datos ... 7

Intercambiador de calor con enfriamiento de batería 7

NOTICIASDOE otorgará $68.5M para investigación avanzada en tecnología de vehículos 8

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) completa calificación AEC Q101 para dos dispositivos de n... 8

Winnebago se asocia con Motiv Power para el estreno de vehículo comercial a batería-eléctr... 8

Toyota Research Institute inaugura instalaciones de prueba para vehículos autónomos en EE.... 9

Fabricantes y proveedores se asocian para desarrollar tencología blockchain 10

Bosch presenta innovación de tecnología diesel 10

Científicos utilizan aprendizaje automático y HiTp para acelerar descubrimiento de vidrios... 10

Incentivos fiscales para vehículos eléctricos en EE.UU 11

Emprendimiento de simulación de sistemas para vehículos autónomos Metamoto estrena program... 11

AR genera valor de mercado de US$5.5 billones para la industria automotriz en 2022 11

TomTom apuesta por el futuro de la conducción autónoma 12

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Toyota RAV4: Potencial futuro auto eléctrico de 7 asientos 12

MERCADOChevrolet Silverado 1500 contiene nuevo turbo de 4 cilindros con Gestión Activa de Combust... 14

Enzima clave para la producción de etanol de segunda generación descubierto en la selva Am... 14

Agility Fuel Solutions y Romeo Power Technology se asocian para proporcionar paquetes de b... 15

EVENTOSDía del Concesionario Automotriz 16

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 2


Nuevo concepto de control de cambio para vehículos eléctricosmulti-velocidadPublicada el 28/04/2018

Publication date: November 2018 Source: Mechanical Systems and SignalProcessing, Volume 112 Author(s): Wenwei Mo, Paul D. Walker, YuhongFang, Jinglai Wu, Jiageng Ruan, Nong Zhang This paper proposes a novelsynchronizer ‘Harpoon-Shift’ aiming at improving the comfort and efficiencyof gearbox, meanwhile, simplifying the shifting control strategy for multi-speed electric vehicles. It will overcome one of the biggest shortcomings oftraditional synchronizer system with frictional cone clutch. Experiment isestablished to investigate the torque and speed responses during theengagement of gears pairs.

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Downcycling en el proceso de reciclaje de automóviles:Evaluación termodinámicaPublicada el 12/04/2018

Publication date: September 2018 Source:Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 136 Author(s):Abel Ortego, Alicia Valero, Antonio Valero, Marta Iglesias Current metal recycling techniques for end-of-lifevehicles (ELV) are based on mechanical treatments to mainly recover steel, aluminum, copper, and zinc alloys.Such techniques facilitate compliance with the ELV European Directive (2000/53/EC) target of achievingrecyclability quotes of up to 85%. However, a vehicle can use more than 60 metals, some of them consideredcritical by international institutions, which end up downcycled as part of alloys or ultimately in landfills.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 3

Estrategia corregida de gestión de energía para vehículoseléctricos híbridos basado en la predicción de modos deoperaciónPublicada el 12/04/2018

Publication date: 1 July 2018 Source: Journal of Cleaner Production,Volume 188 Author(s): Yonggang Liu, Jun Gao, Datong Qin, Yi Zhang,Zhenzhen Lei The energy crisis and exhaust emissions are seriousproblems that are largely related to road traffic. One solution to thesethreats is to switch from traditional gasoline-based vehicles to hybridelectric vehicles (HEVs) or electric vehicles (EVs), which also has thebenefit of promoting a more sustainable economy. Energy managementstrategies (EMS) for HEVs or EVs play an important role in improving fueleconomy.

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Diseño de control de desplazamiento y acoplamiento de fuerzapara sistema de dirección frontal en automóvilPublicada el 05/04/2018

Publication date: June 2018 Source: Mechanical Systems and SignalProcessing, Volume 106 Author(s): Wanzhong Zhao, Han Zhang, Yijun LiA displacement and force coupling control design for active front steering(AFS) system of vehicle is proposed in this paper. In order to investigatethe displacement and force characteristics of the AFS system of thevehicle, the models of AFS system, vehicle, tire as well as the driver modelare introduced. Then, considering the nonlinear characteristics of the tireforce and external disturbance, a robust yaw rate control method isdesigned by applying a steering motor to generate an active steering angleto adjust the yaw stability of the vehicle.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 4

Gestión de energía de pilas de combustible y estado de cargade super condensadores para vehículos eléctricosPublicada el 05/04/2018

Publication date: July 2018 Source:Electric Power Systems Research,Volume 160 Author(s): A. Tahri, H. El Fadil, F.Z. Belhaj, K. Gaouzi, A.Rachid, F. Giri, F.Z. Chaoui In this paper a power management system(PMS) is designed to achieve, for automotive applications, a controlstrategy aiming to split the load power between a fuel cell and asupercapacitor accounting for the fuel cell limited dynamics, its ratedpower and bounded supercapacitor voltage. The power sources areconnected to a DC bus through boost and buck-boost converters.

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Resistencia a la fractura de adhesivos estructurales para laindustria automotrizPublicada el 05/04/2018

Publication date: 2018 Source: Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 8Author(s): Marco Alfano, Chiara Morano, Fabrizio Moroni, FrancescoMusiari, Giuseppe Danilo Spennacchio, Donato Di Lonardo Adhesivebonding is currently employed by automotive manufacturers tocomplement (or replace) welding in joining dissimilar materials. In order toreduce the impact on the existing manufacturing infrastructures, structuraladhesives are deployed in the body shop but hardening is accomplished inthe paint cure oven. Various adhesive formulations have been specificallydeveloped for the implementation in the automotive manufacturing chain.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 5


Sistema de emisión de gas de escape para vehículosPublicada el 18/05/2018

An automobile exhaust gas emission system, comprising an engine, anexhaust gas purifier, an engine intake passage, and an exhaust passage.The engine comprises combustion chambers, pistons, and cylinder covers.A precious metal catalyst coating is provided in the engine. A first purifier isprovided at a downstream side of the exhaust passage.

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Nuevos materiales de refuerzo, composiciones elastoméricas yneumáticos para ruedas de vehículoPublicada el 04/05/2018

The present invention relates to new elastomeric materials for theproduction of tyres for vehicle wheels with good mechanical properties, inparticular high moduli associated with low hysteresis values, including newreinforcement materials. Said reinforcement materials are obtainable byderivatising silica - in-situ during the mixing of the elastomeric composition,or previously - with special silanising agents (A) and silsesquioxanes (B),both substituted with reactive alkenyl functionalities.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 6

Sistema modular de energía para vehículo eléctrico de extrabajo voltajePublicada el 04/05/2018

In some aspects, an electric vehicle power system may comprise two ormore electrically connected power modules connected to a systemcommunication bus. Each power module may comprise a rechargeablebattery electrically connected to a DC bus, an inverter circuit electricallyconnected to the DC bus, and at least one of a single-phase rectifier circuitelectrically connected to the DC bus or a multi-phase rectifier circuitelectrically connected to the DC bus.

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Compresor de aire, dispositivo de control del mismo, y sistemade amortiguador utilizando dicho compresor de aire ydispositivo de controlPublicada el 27/04/2018

The present invention relates to an air compressor, a control devicethereof, and an automobile shock absorber system using the same aircompressor and control device, wherein a reciprocating air compressor, anexhaust actuator, and a pneumatic sensor are connected to one anotherthrough a connection block and are provided on one substrate to minimizethe volume thereof.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 7

Herramienta visual para fabricantes automotrices con cifrado dered, tratamiento de datos y motor de predicciónPublicada el 20/04/2018

A visual discovery tool for automotive manufacturing with networkencryption, data conditioning, and prediction can include an extractiondevice configured to receive data records from application-specific filesource databases.

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Intercambiador de calor con enfriamiento de bateríaPublicada el 13/04/2018

The present invention belongs to the technical field of batteries for newenergy vehicles, and specifically relates to a battery cooling heatexchanger. The present invention is intended to solve the problems that anexisting heat exchanger is low in heat exchange efficiency and cannot beexpanded.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 8


DOE otorgará $68.5M para investigación avanzada en tecnologíade vehículosPublicada el 09/05/2018

The US Department of Energy (DOE) will award up to $68.5 million for early-stage research of advancedvehicle technologies.

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Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) completa calificación AECQ101 para dos dispositivos de nitruro de galioPublicada el 09/05/2018

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) announced the successful AEC Q101 qualification of two eGaN devices,opening a range of applications in automotive and other harsh environments.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 9

Winnebago se asocia con Motiv Power para el estreno devehículo comercial a batería-eléctricoPublicada el 09/05/2018

Winnebago Industries, a leading US recreation vehicle manufacturer, willlaunch a battery-electric commercial vehicle platform through its SpecialtyVehicles Division.

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Toyota Research Institute inaugura instalaciones de pruebapara vehículos autónomos en EE.UUPublicada el 03/05/2018

The Toyota Research Institute plans to open a closed-course testingfacility to develop autonomous vehicles in October at the MichiganTechnical Resource Park in Michigan.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 10

Fabricantes y proveedores se asocian para desarrollartencología blockchainPublicada el 02/05/2018

GM, BMW, Renault, Bosch, ZF and IBM have formed a consortium to develop automotive uses for blockchain,the database technology known for its use in cryptocurrency.

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Bosch presenta innovación de tecnología dieselPublicada el 25/04/2018

Bosch said its engineers have developed a new diesel-exhaust system that cuts emissions far below legallimits and can help automakers avoid potential driving bans in Europe.

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Científicos utilizan aprendizaje automático y HiTp para acelerardescubrimiento de vidrios metálicosPublicada el 25/04/2018

Researchers at SLAC and their colleagues at Northwestern University andNIST have combined machine learning (ML) and high-throughput (HiTp)experiments to find a new system of metallic glasses in the Co-V-Zrternary.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 11

Incentivos fiscales para vehículos eléctricos en EE.UUPublicada el 19/04/2018

Incentives for electrically-chargeable vehicles are now applied in manyEuropean countries. The incentives mainly consist of tax reductions andexemptions, as in countries such as Austria or Germany, and bonuspayments and premiums for the buyers of electric vehicles in France andthe UK.

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Emprendimiento de simulación de sistemas para vehículosautónomos Metamoto estrena programa de intervencióntempranaPublicada el 18/04/2018

Metamoto, Inc., a Silicon Valley startup offering scalable simulation solutions for autonomous vehicles, hasenlisted an assembly of leading automotive players in its early engagement program.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 12

AR genera valor de mercado de US$5.5 billones para la industriaautomotriz en 2022Publicada el 16/04/2018

Many players in the automotive industry are strengthening their activities in Augmented Reality (AR), especiallysince AR has demonstrated benefits to the whole industry value chain, from design through production andsales. ABI Research, a market-foresight advisory firm providing strategic guidance on the most compellingtransformative technologies, estimates global smart glasses shipments for automotive industry use will hit 1.7million in 2022.

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TomTom apuesta por el futuro de la conducción autónomaPublicada el 09/04/2018

Self-driving cars may not be on the road anytime soon, but that isn'tstopping Dutch navigation device maker TomTom from investing in high-definition maps needed when autonomous driving becomes the norm.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

Pág. 13

Toyota RAV4: Potencial futuro auto eléctrico de 7 asientosPublicada el 05/04/2018

Uno dei principali dirigenti in America della casa giapponese non escludeversioni con tre file di sedili o a sole batterie del fortunato crossover

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

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Chevrolet Silverado 1500 contiene nuevo turbo de 4 cilindroscon Gestión Activa de CombustiblePublicada el 19/05/2018

The 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 pickup truck will be offered with an all-new, technologically advanced 2.7L Turbo. Standard on LT and RST trims,the new engine delivers an SAE-certified 310 horsepower and 348 lb-ft(472 N·m) of torque—22% more torque than the 4.3L V-6 it replaces.Developed specifically for truck applications, the new 2.7L Turbo inlinefour-cylinder engine delivers peak torque from 1,500 to 4,000 rpm. 2.7LTurbo with Active Fuel Management and stop/start technology, All-new2.7L Turbo with Active Fuel Management and stop/start technology pairedwith an eight-speed automatic transmission.

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Enzima clave para la producción de etanol de segundageneración descubierto en la selva Amazónica en BrasilPublicada el 18/05/2018

Researchers have discovered a novel enzyme (a -glucosidase) in microorganisms living in the BrazilianAmazon that could boost efficiency of the sugarcane bagasse saccharification process, which accounts for upto 50% of the global costs of cellulosic ethanol production. The team isolated, characterized and reproducedthe enzyme, proving it to be compatible with two essential stages of the production of second-generation(cellulosic) ethanol: fermentation and saccharification.

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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector

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Agility Fuel Solutions y Romeo Power Technology se asocianpara proporcionar paquetes de baterías modulares de altorendimiento para vehículos comercialesPublicada el 05/05/2018

Agility Fuel Solutions, a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for medium- and heavy-duty commercialvehicles, and Romeo Power Technology, an energy storage technology company founded by engineers anddesigners from SpaceX, Tesla, Amazon and Samsung, are partnering for the production of high-performance,modular battery packs for commercial vehicles. Agility and Romeo have entered into an exclusive globalagreement whereby Romeo will supply custom-designed battery modules to Agility for Class 4-8 vehicles.

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Día del Concesionario AutomotrizPublicada el 04/04/2018

May 14,15,16 - 2019. Verona, Italy. The event has a double goal: on oneside providing contents and handy solutions ready-to-use in the company,on the other side introducing the evolution of the automotive ecosystemand giving insights to favor innovation, through the shift from a product- toa service-orientation, a focus on customer experience and relationship andthe integration of physical and digital dimensions.

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Para más información:

Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva (VINTEC)Dirección Nacional de Estudios (DNE) · Subsecretaría de Estudios y Prospectiva

Secretaria de Planeamiento y PolíticasMinisterio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación

Godoy Cruz 2320 3 piso · (C1425FQD) · Buenos Aires · ArgentinaTel: (011) 4899-5300 int. 3004 · [email protected] ·