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tion A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-

Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

Jan 17, 2016



Vernon McBride
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Page 1: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d)

Page 2: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

Unit 1: What’s the matter?Unit 1: What’s the matter?

Period 3Period 3

Page 3: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1. 胃 / 肚子疼 2. 脖子疼3. 头疼4. 嗓子疼 , 喉咙疼5. 背疼 6. 感冒7. 发高 / 低烧8. 咳嗽9. 牙痛

I. Do you know how to say the following health problems in English?

have a stomachachehave a neck ache/sore neckhave a headachehave a sore throathave a sore backhave/catch a cold

have a high/low feverhave a coughhave a toothache

Page 4: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1. What’s the matter (with sb) ?

What’s wrong (with sb)?

II. If you care about others’ health, what can you say? (关心他人健康可以怎么说) ?

Page 5: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

2. A: 你感冒了吗? Do you have a cold? B: 是的。 / 我不知道。 Yes, I do./I don’t know. 3. A: 他 / 她牙疼吗? Does he/she have a toothache? B: 是的。 / 不,不是的。 Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. 4. A: 他们喉咙痛吗? Do they have a sore throat? B: 是的。 / 不,不是的。 Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

Page 6: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

III. How to give advice (如何给建议)

You/We/He/She/They should do…

You/We/He/She/They’d better do…

You/We/He/She/They shouldn’t do…

You/We/He/She/They’d better not do…

Page 7: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

Q1: He has a toothache. What should he do?

他应该看牙医,照 X 片。

Q2: Mary has a sore throat. What should she do?


Q3: My two brothers have a high fever.

How do you give advice in English?


He should see a dentist and get an X-ray.

She should drink some hot water with honey.

They should take their temperature.

Page 8: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.
Page 9: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

4a Fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.

1. A: I hurt ____ _______________ when I played basketball yesterday. What ______ I do? B: You _______ see a doctor and get an X-ray.

2. A: _______ the matter? B: My sister and I _____ sore throats. ______ we go to school? A: No, you _________.

3. A: _____ Mike ______ a fever? B: No, he _______. He _____ a stomachache. A: He _______ drink some hot tea.

my arm/leg/self/backshould


What’shave Should




Page 10: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

4b Circle the best advice for these health problems. Then add your own advice.

1. Jenny cut herself. She should (get an X-ray/put some medicine on the cut). My advice: ___________________________________.

2. Kate has a toothache. She should (see a dentist/get some sleep). My advice: __________________________________.

3. Mary and Sue have colds. They shouldn’t (sleep/exercise). My advice: __________________________________.

4. Bob has a sore back. He should (lie down and rest/take his temperature). My advice: _________________________________.

She should take some medicine.

She should run her fingers under water

They should wear more clothes.

He should get some rest.





Page 11: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

4c One student mimes ( 模仿 ) a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice.

Name Problem Advice

Liu Peng fall down go home and rest

… … …

A: What’s the matter? Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?B (Liu Peng): No, I didn’t.C: Did you fall down?B: Yes, I did.D: You should go home and get some rest.

Page 12: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

Name Problem Advice

Liu Peng fall down go home and rest

… … …

Now, one student mimes a problem. The other students try to guess what the problem is. One of you should give the patient ( 病人 ) advice.

Page 13: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

When accidents ( 事故 ) happen (发生),

what should you do?

Page 14: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

What happened in the pictures?

The boy hurt his back.

The girl had a nosebleed.

Someone cut his/her finger.

hurt one’s back某人背部受伤 have a nosebleed


cut one’s finger切伤手指

Page 15: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1a Here are some treatments ( 治疗 ) from a doctor. Can you put them in the right order?

—— Go to the hospital.____ Get an X-ray.____ Rest for a few days.



First, he should go to the hospital. Then he should get an X-ray. Finally, he should rest for a few days.

What should he do ?

Page 16: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

___ Clean her face.___ Put her head back.___ Put on a clean T-shirt.

___ Put a bandage on it.___ Run it under water.___ Put some medicine on it.



What should she do ?First, she should… Second, she should… Finally, she should…

Page 17: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1b Listen to the school nurse. Check (√ ) the problems you hear.

Problems Someone felt sick. ( )Someone cut his knee. ( ) Someone had a fever. ( ) Someone had a nosebleed. ( ) Someone hurt his back. ( ) Someone got hit on the head. ( )

Page 18: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.

Problems TreatmentsSomeone felt sick. ( )Someone cut his knee. ( ) Someone had a fever. ( ) Someone had a nosebleed. ( ) Someone hurt his back. ( ) Someone got hit on the head. ( )

a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperaturec. told him to rest d. put some medicine on ite. took him to the hospital to get an X-rayf. told her to put her head back

a 、 d



b 、 c

Page 19: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.

People Health problem/ accidents


The first boy

The girl Put her head back to stop the ______ .

The second boy

Cut his kneeWash the cut

Put some ________ on it.

Put __ ________on it.

Had a


Got hit on

the head

He was taken to the

hospital to __________ .


a bandage


get an X-ray

Page 20: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

1d Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c.

A: Who came to your office today?B: First, a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E. class.A: What happened?B: …

B: He hurt his back.A: What should he do?B: First, he should go to the hospital. Then he should get an X-ray. Finally, he should rest for a few days.

Page 21: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.


Teacher: Who came to your office today?Nurse: First, a girl/ boy…Teacher: What happened?Nurse: ……

Make a conversation with your partner.

Page 22: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.
Page 23: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

illness: a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill指身体上或精神上的疾病。

accident: sth that happens without anyone planning or intending it一般是指造成死亡、伤害、损坏或者其他损失的意外情况。

1. 区分 illness 和 accident

Page 24: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

What happened?

happenvi. 引起,发生。 通常指发生意外和事故。 eg. 意外有时候会发生。 Accidents sometimes happen.

常用的搭配有: happen to sb 降临到(某人)身上 What happened to you? 你怎么了?(意为 “什么事情降临到你身上了”)

2. 如何询问发生事情。

Page 25: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

What should I/he/she/we/they do? 我 / 他 / 她 / 我们 / 他们应该怎么做?

在给别人建议时,应该说:Sb. should do sth (should + V 原形 ))

你应该好好休息。You should have a good rest.他们应该睡一觉。 They should get some sleep.他应该去医院看看。He should go to the hospital.

3. 如何询问建议。

Page 26: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

4. 碰到意外事故时,应该如何给别人建议。 因为意外事故通常比普通的病痛较难处理,因此 在给对方建议时应该有步骤的说明该做的事情。e.g. A :发生什么事了? What happened? B : 我腿受伤了。我该怎么办? I hurt my leg. What should I do ? A : 首先,你应该去医院。 其次,你应该照 X 片。 First, you should go to the hospital. Second/Then, you should get an X-ray. 最后,你应该好好休息几天。 Finally, you should rest for a few days.

注:可通过使用 first ( 首先 ) 和 second (其次 / 第二)等序数词 来表达动作先后顺序。也可以用 then ( 然后 ) 来说明中间的步骤。 最后的动词可以用 finally ( 最后 ) 来表示。

Page 27: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

用绷带包扎一下put a bandage on it

用水冲洗 run it/sth under water

上药 put some medicine on it

把头后仰put one’s head back

穿一件干净的 T 恤put on a clean T-shirt

5. 常见的伤口处理方法

洗脸clean one’s face

去医院go to the hospital

照 X 片get an X-ray休息几天 rest for a few days

Page 28: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.

Imagine you are a doctor. Write a conversation between you and a patient. It should include:

1. what happened

2.your suggestions


Page 29: Section A (Grammar Focus) + Section B (1a-1d). Unit 1: What’s the matter? Period 3.