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Second Generation Syndrome (A Group of Symptoms)

Feb 23, 2016




Second Generation Syndrome (A Group of Symptoms). Study on the Dangers Confronting 2 nd Generation Believers. Some Sad Characteristics. . Often grow lukewarm in their attitudes toward God, the local assembly and responsibilities. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Second Generation Syndrome (A Group of Symptoms)

Study on the DangersConfronting 2nd GenerationBelieversSecond Generation Syndrome (A Group of Symptoms)Most aircraft are equipped with what is known as a Ground Proximity Warning System. (GPWS) It has a voice module that gives a verbal warning if the plane is getting near Land or impending crash. Illus: Avianca Airlines that crashed into a mountain in Spain in the 1980s.

Every generation faces spiritual dangers but we are thinking particularly of 2nd generation today.

1Some Sad Characteristics. Often grow lukewarm in their attitudes toward God, the local assembly and responsibilities.. Often fall into complacency because of a lack of commitment.. Often reluctant to pay the price that is necessary to enjoy the Lord.. Often satisfied with the way things are.. Often more willing to compromise with the world.. Often believe the ideals of parents are too unreasonable.

Illust: A Chinese childrens story tells about an old man who had two big mountains behind his house. They became a source of irritation so took his hoe and decided to remove them. One day he and his sons were hoeing away at the mountains when a wise man approached them. He watched for a bit and then said to them This is a foolish thing you are doing. You can never dig up these mountains using your hoses. The old man replied that when he died, his sons would carry on and when they died his grandsons would carry on and eventually the mountains could be removed. So the old man went on digging despite the words of the wise man.

The old man assumed that after he died his sons and their children and then their children would have the same desire and commitment to remove the mountains.

In 1945 Mao Tse-Tung used this story to demonstrate how fedualism and imperialism would be removed. When he took over China in 1949 he set out to remove these what was to him, two mountains. He was utterly ruthless. The he began to think about the next generation and realized the next generation might lose their zest for revolution. So started another revolution in 1966. He felt that a revolution was needed in every generation to give them first-hand experience.

He knew that 2nd generations have a natural tendency to accept the status quo and lose the vision of the first generation. Sadly, this can happen in families as well as in local assemblies.

2Hebrews 6:11-12And we desire that each of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and endurance inherit the promises. The Book of Hebrews is an important book to study in light of our subject. The writer was concerned about these believers. They were considering turning back to Judaism with its rituals and regulations. These were designed by God to be shadows of the true realities of the Person and Work of Christ and of His High Priestly Ministry.

He was concerned about their faith and endurance so that they would inherit the promises. He did not want them to become sluggish but live by faith and endure in the Christian Life. (We will come back to he idea of being sluggish a bit later.)

We can understand the promises as referring either to all that God has promised us with its fulfillment in heaven. Or,, it could refer to privileges and responsibilities n the Millennial and Eternal Kingdoms of Christ.

3How will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard. God also testifying with them, both by signs and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will. (2:3-4)

Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.Book of Hebrews written to 2nd Generation BelieversAs noted before HEBREWS was written to 2nd generation believers. Note these two verses. While not all agree it appears these verses indicate they were those who had been saved through those who had heard the gospel before. So they were 2nd generation in the particular church the writer was exhorting.

The second passage seems to indicate that the first leaders had died and these 2nd generation believers are encouraged to follow their faith and conduct.

4Bible History demonstrates that Second Generations do not always follow the 1st Generation.Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders who survived Joshua, and had known all the deeds of the LORD which He had one for Israel. (Joshua 24:31; Judges 2:7)

All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel. (Judges 2:10)

In some cases there is spiritual decline in second generation believers. This can be traced through the whole of the Bible. Patriarchs and their children, OT Kings and their children and very obvious in the history of the people of Israel. One example:

The first generation that came out of Egypt all died in the wilderness except Joshua and Caleb. Their children, the next generation, entered into the land. The first generation of people who were in the land served the Lord as long as Joshua was alive.

Note the explanation in Judges 2:10. NOTE that the parents of that generation are not blamed. The 2nd generation made their own choice as seen in verse 11 where the writer says, Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord

5Word Pictures or Metaphors

The writer uses some striking word pictures or metaphors to demonstrate the dangers confronting 2nd generation believers. He must have been very familiar with the sailors and the sea. Maybe he lived along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Three of the metaphors he uses express three basic spiritual realities. The first is an anchor. An anchor usually is settled at he bottom of the sea and keeps the ship from drifting.6ANCHORThis hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil. (6:19)The hope set before us probably is a reference to the hope of the return of the Lord Jesus. This hope serves as a anchor for the soul. It provides us with certainty. His coming is sure and steadfast therefore our hope is also sure and steadfast.

It is made more sure by the fact that the Lord Jesus is now in heaven interceding for us. Our anchor is in heaven where the Lord Jesus is our forerunner.

Illus: Ships approaching harbors often have a smaller boat come out and take the anchor and move it into the harbor area. This secures the ship so that it will not drift out to sea. All of us have an anchor in heaven today.7Endure (Staying on Course)

The second interesting metaphor is what lies behind the word endure. Every ship has sophisticated instruments that enables the ship captain to stay on course and arrive at its pre-determined destination.

We have sailed across the Pacific Ocean many years ago. When you are out in the middle and there is nothing but water around. You suddenly realize how lost you could get without instruments that keep the ship on course.

8By faith he left Egypt , not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen. (11:27)Moses stayed on course (endured)Moses stayed (remained) on course. He did not turn aside from his God or for the mission God gave him. He did not give up nor did he turn aside. He did not abandon his people.


Three Dangers - Drifting (loose ones moorings & drift away.)The writer uses the same kind of metaphors to describe three kinds of dangers in a more general way. The first is drifting.10Drifting from the Word of GodFor this reason we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it. (2:1)The Word of God is the communication of Gods heart and mind to us, it is our manual for life, it is light for our pathway. To drift away from it through disinterest, carelessness or rejection is to do incredible harm to ourselves spiritually both in time and in eternity. It is not the Word of God that drifts from us but we drift in mind, heart and obedience from the Scriptures.

This is easy to do. Believers do not want to take time to think seriously. Only read the Scriptures on occasion or hardly ever except during the meetings they attend.

The salvation can refer to Gods plan of saving man and it also refer to the world to come. (Future Kingdom where he wants us to reign with Him.)11Danger - Draw back (shrink back) - Shorten ones sail.

When a sailor shortens the sail on his boat it will slow down because less sail is exposed to the wind.

When sailboats are in their harbor area the sails are completely shortened so that the winds cannot blow them away.

12Drawing back in unbelief out of fear.But my righteous one shall live by faith; And if he shrinks back, My soul will have no pleasure in him (10:38) cf, Habakkuk 2:4The word draw back or shrink of backing off when difficult times come in ones life.

Note the context (Vv. 32-37.) Some do think this is referring to unbelieving apostates. It seems to be that it is referring to the danger for real believers. Note v. 38.

In v. 39 the word destruction is not referring to hell but rather to judgment (discipline) in this life. Drawing back is ceasing to live by faith.

Preserving is referring to this life and means will not suffer the consequences of unbelief.13Danger Carried away (swept along with the current.)

The last general danger is that of being carried away spiritually as a ship or a swimmer would be caught up in the current. Illus: The Mississippi River has a very strong under current. Cf. Nikkis uncle.

14Carried away with strange teachingDo not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were so occupied were not benefited. (13:9)We live in a time (as all previous generations) when false teaching and imbalanced teaching surrounds us.

The word altar in v. 20 and the camp in v. 11 clearly shows what the strange teaching was.

Illus: Man in the Chicago area who embraced a mixture of Jewish teaching and the Bible. Led him to a denial of things he had known before.

Susceptibility to winds of doctrine is a sign of spiritual maturity.15Three Serious Dangers


Drawing Back

Carried Away16End of Session One17Signs of Drifting in the Christian Life.We have so far seen:

. Hebrews is probably written to 2nd generation believers. So it is very relevant for us today.

. The writer uses terms well known to sailors to describe the dangers for believers.

. 2nd generation believers can drift away from the Word, can shrink back in unbelief and being carried away by false teaching. Now we need to consider specifics.18# 1 Neglect (2:1)

19Hebrews 2:3How will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken to us by those who heard. Illustration: Two boys were finishing in a boat above a dam near their hometown. They were focusing so much on watching their fishing line and catching a fish that they did not realize they were unconsciously drifting out into the water. When they suddenly realized what was happening it was too late. Believers can drift through but not lose their salvation but they can forfeit a life of spiritual abundance and loss of reward at the Bema Seat of Christ. Lets now consider these from the Book of Hebrews.

"Many people are on the Salvation Train; but a lot of them are traveling in the sleeper."Christian Victory. Change of metaphor.

When we are careless about spiritual realities it hardens into indifference and with time interest dissipates. The Scriptures are vital to the Christian Life. It is no ordinary book. All Scriptures is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

20# 2 Unbelief (3:12)

21Hebrews 3:12Take care, brethren, that there not be in anyone of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the Living God. This does not mean, of course, the loss of salvation. A believer through unbelief can depart from (stand away) from the living God, and they lose their fellowship with Him. They rob themselves of a Life of Rest. We swim in a culture of unbelief and skepticism. We are exposed to it on the media, newspaper, books, etc. Illus: Richard Dawkings

Consider this context and James 1:19 -2:26

Sin will keep me from this Book and this Book will keep me from sin. - Hudson Taylor

22 # 3 Growing dull of hearing - (5:11-14)

23Hebrews 5:11Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing They have regressed in the Christian experience. They had been saved long enough for them to be able to know more and have greater spiritual discernment. They just remain on a baby diet rather be a be able to handle adult food.

Illus: Don Stahl whom I met in French Quebec.

24# 4 Danger of becoming sluggish (6:11)

25Hebrews 6:11So that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.They were not sluggish then but was in danger of becoming sluggish. This is the same word as translated dull of hearing in 5:11 but the author give a slightly different meaning. Translated as lazy in one version.

If one neglects the Word, prayer and fellowship he becomes sluggish. Like a person who does not eat and do some exercise he becomes lazy. One can become so familiar with certain practices that it no longer has an affect on them.

26# 5 Formalism (10:1-4)

Danger of being satisfied with outward actions. The original readers were in danger of turning back to Judaism with its forms and rituals.

Believers today can think that by doing all the right things as attending local church meetings, being involved in Christian activities, outwardly being a good person they are doing all that they should.

27Hebrews 10:1For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things, can never by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year, make those perfect who draw near.Concern or excessive concern with form rather than with content. - English Oxford Dictionary

These believers were in danger of returning to the externals of Judaism. They would be taken up with the rituals and ceremonies of the Law.

28# 6 Compromise (13:9)

Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were so occupied were not benefited.29Hebrews 13:9Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were so occupied were not benefited.1. Believers can compromise on Doctrine.

2. Believers can compromise morally. Can secretly cherish sin and while no one else knows about it a believer can be privately engaged in sin. Any sin weakens moral resolve in the Christian Life.

It is possible to appear flawless on the outside but hidden from the eye of man are our secret sins. Sin can be cherished in the heart and in the imagination. This will mar what God is doing. O. Sanders

2nd generation believers living today live in a culture of pluralism that is there are no moral absolutes. All religions and ideas have equal value. The pressure of society can lead some to compromise.

30# 7 Distractions (12:1)

31Therefore, since we have so great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. (12:1)

The metaphor used here is that of a runner. In Hebrews the Christian Life is likened to a journey, to a voyage on the sea and a runner on a race track.32Distractions (12:1)Distractions can become encumbrances, weights, hindrances

Wrong relationships.Making a better way of life.Amusements.TV.Books, magazinesTechnology devices: ipad, iphones, ipods, facebook, blogs.Etc.We need to keep the main thing the main thing!

These things can eat away at our time and rob us of concentrating on spiritual realities. Time management is critical in our lives.

Illus: Divide the day up into hours

We will address this issue in our next studies.33Summary of Dangers for 2nd Generation Believers.1. Neglect-2:12. Unbelief-3:123. Dull of Hearing-5:11-144. Sluggishness-6:115. Formalism-10:1-46. Compromise-13:97. Distractions-12:134No Generation should be like this!

35God wants all of us to be like this!

36NEXT STUDIESBiblical Truth soeach Generation of Believers can endure by faith.37