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Search & Destroy 1966

Nov 21, 2015




Vietnam War Fast Play Rules (english)
Rules + scenery
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
  • Created by:Franzis Landwehr

    With the collaboration of:Club Landwehr

    Interior covers illustrations by:J.A. Pareja

    Traduction:Manuel Barbado

    Edited by:Designs&Edits

    Proyecto Cruz S. L.C/ Andaluca, 30 29009 MLAGAC.I.F.: B-91263178

    Contact:[email protected](+34) 658 755 958

    Search&Destroy Vietnam, Search&Destroy 1966, S&D66, and theirs logotypes are registered trademarks owned by Francisco J. Snchez Garca (Franzis Landwehr). April 2013.

  • index

    Introduction 05

    Scales and materials 05

    Dices and accesories 05

    Glossary 05

    Objetives and victory 06

    Troops profiles 06

    Game sequence 06

    Event 07

    Support 07

    Observation 07

    Communications 08

    Action 08

    Movement 08

    Fire arms 09

    Ambush 10

    Grenades 10

    Casualties 11

    Morale 11

    Unit types 12

    Scenary 14



    scales and materials

    dice and accesories


    SEARCH & DESTROY 1966 is a fast play rules set which will allow you to play a Vietnam War scenario in just an afternoon. You will not need to prepare anything, just place the scenery elements and get your miniatures ready for the fight. In future editions you will be able to create your own scenarios in a platoon level.

    S&D1966 is the basics of the future SEARCH & DESTROY VIETNAM, that will include more details (more troop types, artillery, vehicles, helicopters) with a more realistic and deadly gameplay.

    Welcome to the Vietnamese jungle and may Charlie be with you!

    ! VC: Communist forces, Vietcong and Local militia. ! US: USA Army, Allied forces. ! Model: It makes reference to a miniature or individual model representing a soldier. ! Unit: A group of miniatures which constitute a Basic team (section, squad) and who are under the command of a

    leader. ! Cover: Hard protection that offers some cover against enemy fire (building, sandbags, wall). ! Explosion template: Round-shaped device that determines the explosive impacts (4-10). ! Scatter die (1d8): It shows the number of inches a hit may scatter; the pointy edge of the die shows the direction

    in which the shot goes astray. ! Dice of Fire (DF): It reflects the amount of damage a weapon hit may inflict.

    S&D1966 use intuitive rules so that you can easily learn how to play. Thanks to some modifiers, it is possible to get an automatic hit or miss, so some rolls may not be necessary. In a d6 roll, the higher the result is, the better, and if we need to round a result, we will always round it down.

    An inch (1) in the game board represents about 5 real metres (1 equals around 2,5cm).A complete turn in the game represents 5 minutes approximately.A figure or model (28mm/1:55) represents 1 man or vehicle. Figures are placed on individual 1 diameter round bases, except for heavy weapons, that will use a base adapted to their size.

    *If you play with 10mm or15mm models, measurement will be made in centimetres instead of inches.

    You will only need a handful of six-sided dice and one eight-sided die. The abbreviation d stands for die or dice, so 3d6 means you have to roll 3 six-sided dice. 1d8 means you have to roll the eight-sided die.

    Measuring tape in inches or centimetres.

    We recommend the use of Markers to point out some situations (movement type, wounds, morale, ambush).


  • 06

    troops profiles

    game sequence

    Depending on its equipment and mobility, there are some troop types. We have to take into account this difference when moving the miniatures on the game board (Movement Table):

    ! Light infantry: Troops scarcely equipped, carrying hardly any weight, who move quickly on any terrain type. This speed compensates the lack of weaponry or gear. VC guerrillas are included here.

    ! Medium infantry: Most of the regular military units. They carried a standard military gear, weapons, ammo, grenades, rations, survival backpack, etc. US regular units are included here.

    To represent the differences in training, efficiency and mobility, the different troop types have a value assigned to several skills which ranges from 1 (worst) to 5 (best):

    ! Terrain Mastery (TM): This value represents how good are the troops on the battlefield. It modifies their ability to detect movements of the enemy or traps. It will also allow them to quietly move through paths.

    ! Weaponry (WE): This value represents how well soldiers can use their weapons and gear. Courage is good, but if you cannot use a weapon quickly and accurately, you may be dead meat in seconds.

    ! Morale (MO): This value determines the willingness of the troops to start offensive actions, advance under fire or hold a position. A high value indicates a great courage or a dangerous ignorance of modern weapons firepower.

    The game is played in alternate turns, first the US player, and then the VC player. Each US/VC turn has a number of phases and will be played in this order:

    1. Event - random events that may affect the game -2. Support - indirect fire and arrival of new reinforcements -3. Observation - in this phase we will determine which models are visible -4. Communications - giving information and orders to units-5. Action - in this phase we will include movements, fire, casualties and morale -6. Bodycount - in this phase we will count the Victory Points got in the turn -

    objetives and victory

    Players get Victory Points (VP) depending on casualties and damages inflicted to the enemy. That is the so called Bodycount. The player with a higher VP total is the winner.

    Every objective achieved will add Victory Points to the player who did it. Players will get VP only for the damages caused by their own units. Casualties or damages caused by friendly fire will not add VP to any player.

  • event



    One of the main aspects of S&D is the use of special events that may happen during the game and it includes actions with helicopters, planes, heavy artillery, mines, etc. In the Events Table (2d6) you will find a description of all the events, and how and when they are played. The effects of the event will be applied during the phase indicated in its description.

    At the beginning of the game, both players will determine the reinforcements and off-board batteries they have. In this phase we will resolve indirect fire (artillery) and we will deploy reinforcements in the entry area. Reinforcements will be able to move normally in that turn. The US player will get support from artillery batteries, and the VC will only get traps and hidden troops.

    This is the system we will use to determine whether our models spot enemy models.

    To be able to shoot a target, we will have to spot him first using the observation rule.

    All players must roll a die in his Observation Phase. The same result will be applied to all the models in his army. We will use this value to measure the distance between the spotting model and the enemy objectives (360). Once a model is spotted, it will be visible during the rest of the turn of the active player.

    There must be a valid line of sight between the spotter and the targets with no obstacles between them (high terrain elevations, buildings). We will add a visibility factor to the terrain type, the weapons fire and the models positions.

    1. Roll 1d6 and add the result to the Terrain Mastery value (VC4 US2) and apply these modifiers:

    2. The final result is the visibility in inches. All models within that range are spotted. If a model is further away, it will not be spotted in that turn. A negative result will always be converted into 1 (minimum observation distance).

    3. Automatic spottingThere are some minimum distances (depending on the terrain) within which all models are automatically spotted, regardless of the observation roll result. You will see these distances in the Observation Table.

    If there are different terrain types between the models, we will always use the highest negative modifier.


  • action


    This is the main phase of the game and the tactical combat simulation. Most of the infantry action will take place during this phase. If there are support vehicles, they will act too. Before carrying out any actions, the active player will declare all the actions of his models or Group of models before moving them.

    The possible actions are move, shoot, move and shoot, shoot and move, run, assault, ambush

    Infantry was the main combat force in Vietnam due to its versatility. In the Movement Table you will find the maximum distance infantry units can move on foot in their action phase.

    Crawl: Stealthy and slow movement that will help you go unnoticed. This includes crawling or crouching. The static positions Face down/Gone to ground and Ambush are included here.

    Patrol: Careful movement such as walking. The model is trying to pay as much attention as possible to everything around him. It is also the stance applied to troops standing.

    Run: Fast and noisy movement. You cannot do other things properly while running. You cannot run and fire you weapon at the same time.

    VC Cohesion: The VC units will always move their units together, except for wounded models.Minimun cohesion distance between VC figures: 5


    Radio: To give orders to other units or artillery, the seargent model (or other officer) must be within 5 of the radio operator model. To establish radio contact, the player will roll a d6 and he must get 2 or more (2+). We will apply these modifiers to the result:

    ! Fire received within 5 of the radio operator 3+ ! The radio operator is under fire or he is firing his weapon 4+


  • 09

    In the Jungle, troops only move their Terrain Mastery value (VC 4, US 2), but we will apply the following modifiers:

    fire arms

    To fire portable arms, as rifles, machine-guns or hand guns, the target must be spotted and there must be a line of sight (360) between the shooter and the target and then, follow this procedure:

    Running models cannot shoot.

    1. Sum up all the Firepower (FP) fired against the target area, depending on the weapon used and the distance. If the distance is between the two columns, we will always use the higher one, i.e. the lowest FP.

    2. After applying the following modifiers to the Firepower (FP), we will convert the final result into Dice of Fire (DF):

    Who gets shot?After calculating the number of Dice of Fire (DF), we will determine the models who get shot.

    Use the Hits Table to see which models receive the hits for each DF rolled.

  • 10

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    We will roll a die and check the Casualties Table for each hit we get. If a position receives some hits, these are distributed among the affected models. If all hits cannot be equally distributed, it will randomly done.

    Risk Area: Figures located between targets or up to 2 and all located in a template of fire, should be included in Hits Table, whether or not assigned objective



    Ambushing is the main way to react during the enemys turn. This stance allows you to surprise your enemy while he is moving.

    If you place a Ambush marker next to a unit, it cannot move or shoot during his own phase. You sacrifice your action looking for a good position to surprise the enemy. From that moment onwards, the model will be considered to be on the ground, except for his observation phase (considered to be in Patrol stance).

    An ambushing model may spot enemy units if they cross his line of vision. In this case, we will make an Observation roll (1d6); if the models are spotted, the spotter may fire at them during the enemys phase. If models are not spotted, no action will be taken.

    An ambushing model may fire at any spotted enemy (Opportunity Fire, OF) during any phase of the enemys turn. An ambushing model will not change his stance if he fires, but it will change if he moves, loses morale or gets wounded.

    Range and targetsGrenades use a 4 diameter round-shaped explosion template. In order to hit the desired spot, you must get 4+ in 1d6. You have to take into account the modifiers in the Grenades Table.

    Grenade launchers as the M79 have a longer range, but they are less accurate.

    Miss and scatterIf you miss your grenade throw, follow this procedure:

    1. Roll the scatter die (1d8) next to the desired target spot.2. Hand grenades will scatter 1 (ignore the dice value, use the

    pointy edge to see the direction).

    Grenade launchers will scatter 1d8, so use the die result.Once we know the exact impact location, place the Explosion template (4).

    Grenade hitsOnce we have checked which models are under the Explosion template, roll 4 Firepower dice in the Hits Table to see the models hit and roll the Casualties Table.

  • 11

    Situation / Result Flee Nervous STOP OK

    No Cover 1 or less 2 3 y 4 5+

    Behind Cover 0 or less 1 2 y 3 4+

    Note: Only the OK models can Ambush.



    Once a model is hit due to fire arms or an explosion, roll the corresponding Damage Dice (DD) in the Casualties Table, as many times as the model has been hit.

    OK: The model is not wounded. It was just a scratch.

    Light Wound: Minor wounds. The model will go to ground and will not move during this turn and the next one. He will not be able to carry out actions, such as moving or firing his weapon. If a model receives two light Wounds from the same fire, they become a serious wound.

    WIA: Wound in Action. The model gets badly wounded. He can only crawl. Two deep wounds cause death. All models seriously wounded within 5 of an enemy model will automatically surrender. They become Prisoners of War (POW).

    KIA: Killed in Action. Dead! We can remove the model from the board.


    A Morale Roll (MO) will be done for a model under these circumstances:

    Hit: Any result in the Casualties Table.

    Traumatised: If a model is within 5 of a friendly model who gets wounded or dies.

    The affected model will roll 1d6 in the Morale Table and then his Morale value (US3 VC4) will be added. Finally, modify the result in the following ways:

    OK: The model has no problems and acts normally.

    STOP: The models stops, goes to ground and cannot advance towards the enemy during the rest of that turn and the following one. The model may open fire from his position though, but he cannot ambush.

  • 12

    Nervous: If the model is not behind cover, he will turn round and run towards the closest cover (not facing enemies). If there is not cover nearby, he will run away from the enemies for one turn (he cannot shoot).

    If the model was behind Cover, the effect will be the same as in Stop, but the model will go to ground and cannot shoot.

    A Morale roll will be done after each turn and the new result will be applied.

    Flee: The model will flee as fast as he can (running if possible) in the opposite direction from the enemies, and will not willingly stop. If during the withdrawal, he is within 5 of an enemy model, he will automatically surrender (POW).

    Vietcong morale

    The VC units will check Morale once per Group or unit only if a model has been Seriously Wounded or Dies. The result of the Morale check will be applied to all the models in the group.

    The Jungle is the favourite terrain of the guerrillas, so VC models in the Jungle will always be considered behind cover when checking Morale.

    unit types

    Here you will see the troop profiles available in both sides:

    More information:

  • SEARCH & DESTROY VIETNAM (1965-1975)

    is a realist, fast-play rulebook for miniatures which simulates the infantry unit actions, with land and air

    support. You can play a game in just a few game sessions, without preparing anything beforehand; just

    place the scenery elements and get the miniatures ready for action (although you can always increase the

    realism a bit with some dedication and setting). It is ideal for tactical operations and skirmishes in a platoon

    or company level.

    Individualized rosters, different movement types, hidden troops and variable observation, ambushes,

    deadly weaponry, wounds and combat morale, leadership and control, events table.

    Ideal for 28mm, 20mm or 15mm miniatures. 2 - 8 players with cooperative or solo game modes.

    Edited by

    Created byFranzis Landwehr

    Soon avalaibleCheck the BreakingWAR website


    is a realist, fast-play rulebook for miniatures which simulates the infantry unit actions, with land and air

  • 14


    mission map


    January 8th 1966

    This module is the first game scenario for SEARCH & DESTROY 1966 rules published in BREAKING WAR #2 magazine (September 2012). I hope you enjoy it as much as we did in our Club. (Franzis Landwehr).

  • 15






    CRIMP ONE MISSION1st US Infantry Division vs. VC GuerrillasAllied advance towards the Iron Triangle (triple border Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia)Cu Chi area, Binh Duong province (South Vietnam)

    We will need a 1,5 x 1 metres game board, with plenty of vegetation to represent the jungle, the forest and crops. We will also need some local buildings.

    10 turns. The game may be over at an earlier stage if a side is annihilated. The surviving side with a higher Victory Points overall will be the winner.

    1 Recce Squad ! 1xSergeant (M16), 1xRadio (M16), 6xRiflemen (M16), 1xGrenadelauncher (M79), 1xHeavy machine-gun (M-60) ! Each US model may throw one fragmentation grenade (the M79 has no ammo limit). ! 1 Artillery Barrage (105mm M101) x Turn (10 diameter, 10FD, Scatter: 1d8). The artillery fire can only be used

    once each turn in the Support Phase after establishing radio contact. It can only be used if enemy models have been spotted.

    Initial deployment: The squad can be freely deployed within the LZ.

    US: As one of the scouting parties of the operation, the unit of the US regular army must scout a jungle area and find the communist guerrilla deployed there. They will also have to locate some possible strategic documents. From its Landing Zone (LZ), they will have to cross the forest until they get to the village and crop fields. They will have to search all the buildings and they will get 10 VP if they locate the strategic VC documents.

    VC: The Vietcong must wipe out US forces or make them flee from the area. They have punji traps, and local population will be neutral. The Vietcong can initially deploy a section in the part of the board where the village is located.

  • 16


    1 Company (4 Sections): ! Section A: 1xLeader, 5xRiflemen (SKS) ! Section B: 1xLeader, 5xRiflemen (SKS) ! Section C: 1xLeader, 5xRiflemen (SKS) ! Section D (MG): 1xRifleman (AK47), 1x Light Machine-gun (RPD) ! 3xTraps (punji): They can be activated instead of rolling to call in reinforcements. Once activated, choose a US unit

    and the model caught in the trap will be randomly chosen. The US rolls 1d6 and, depending on the movement stance of the affected model, the trap may be avoided. To do so roll a die: 5+ (Patrol), 4+ (Crawling) or 6+ (Running). If the model does not avoid the trap, take a roll in the Casualties Table.

    Deployment: After the US deployment, deploy one of your Riflemen sections wherever you want behind the red line you can see in the map.

    Documents: They must be hidden in one of the buildings of the village (hide a marker under one of the houses).Villagers (random movement): Deploy 6 models in the crop fields or the village. There must be at least 5 of separation between them. Each turn roll 1d8 and move the model using the scatter die. In case they hit an obstacle or the edge of the board, they will stop there and move again in the next turn. If a villager gets within 5 of a VC or US model, that side will move the model up to 8 (or until it is out of the 5 control area). Care risk area!

    VC Reinforcements: At the beginning of each turn (except for the first one), the VC may call in reinforcements until all the VC forces are in play. Roll 1d6 to see the entry point (marked in the map). The VC player may decide not to make the roll and reserve it for later. You can only choose a section each turn.

    Entry zone for VC Reinforcements: Three sides of the board (up to the initial deployment line) or insertion points in the scenario.


    Result Reinforcements

    1 No reinforcements

    2-5 Entry points

    6 The VC player may choose

  • 17

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  • SEARCH & DESTROY 1966 is a fast play rules set which will allow you to play a Vietnam War scenario in just an afternoon. You will not need to prepare anything, just place the scenery elements and get your miniatures ready for the fight.

    In future editions you will be able to create your own scenarios in a platoon level.

    S&D66 is the basics of the future SEARCH & DESTROY Vietnam, that will include more details (more troop types, artillery, vehicles, helicopters) with a more realistic and deadly gameplay

    Welcome to the Vietnamese jungle and may Charlie be with you!