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SEA-GOING VESSELS. TEXASRAND ME~XICO. Rill kc'lve oTrfUIIfMHI AY, AnlU*a.' 21, U A N'lock A. Al. NFOR BRAZO2~i~l SANTIA(,2O, II! S( :I1'-Tllo NuIw UrlIUU llln 'Id'le UnllUUI IllH Jk~r, il Linn. Ttu now lll mngnlncon l a sllxilljl ft.-Tlv ly 81 of eight orpnllb geahavlg elegant s222122112 2112122 dOrIRAN &COto Ct oN JJ11211eot, opponlto la rr LipInn81nli. @.All. fr2Uiilt llj'A1 by the Nnu1u1 will be d21212red to Cnplllil, ianuudy, of tllw slor1er 1212p1, 12lonn ot112rwl1 dlpq-Hrocir 21JI111111222 11 pIII112tho H 122s w1th 1he 1t22mer's hlls CCI11din2. Noother ,form wll ll he he12gn1d. nu FOB KEY WEST. .t- FO REY WVEST viTTAMPA ANDUT. i ,D-A KITT l fl fIt Aling schooner Libbtl N ckappII, OCT. doPl I.ow, wilt La ant tora- civf " tr6 6 6656501 er' will Cf l TorTpe nild A n Ile )u) if fiullieiu em freight ofirR Fnrovlgf CO., yc apii, No. 61 &n Tn6gCiII o trt. PITILADELPEI P. FOR PHILADELPHIA-R E UT, A R TITNi PIP IAITETi.- The Al regular p lckithnak ,'F. Tmllg. Dyrmma master, having moatof ln, rllrqu lly to' GEO . W. :i:YNfiON & CO. 82 Camp')hr ppprp liFE, ppIly o tihe Captai on bIonrI, at Poet 34, 'Phird 11trii'ip._ 7521 FOR PItTILATELPPTIIA- TEG'I,,A II LTNT IAI(iEji'i.-=1'TL Al regTlnr ipiiItt clipper hart: TaUnTImN~Ty,ThelInn, master, hI-dITmoat other utrgo anKSUe d wf11 hlivs qnick dialrlleBFor balwlca offreight or in-agc, apply n oa linl nlYost )!, j eonlL District, or to GEO. W. IHYNE'NN Q~., 7yl0 8UCnlri inpAt, FOR PHILADELPH IA.-IE(IUIAR TIlNE. I'AEEIiS'I-'D'hp-n,,I.Ipr packet TIlg Mny O Joi. iiniani, .nls c IIlii[II~I mhlUI TPPriE It a (iiil h!" , liiii iIIIlNIEIIt . Por bnmof Oyv freight 0, aiYuyapl on bnnlrd or to )old GEO. W. HTYNON A CO., 82 Camp street. FOR FTILAOELPFIUA- 1 ITTEGUIAR T,1(1 PACIIE0Bi - F'l AT i7pcket OitkIThNU. 'A11NIbol Tlppiiopion .1111er, IPIaiving ipC i.t , eilryo oa hoar will Inipa eill Ipip{li. Tp biipalu of frTight or I l Itpl ). F. TE 1IYNITN &PCO.. 82Camp street. BOSTON. FOR UOSTO!T-TT:GUETAR LINE FlUE- r Tli7S.Il taI lgIIP rlfilOR pikekt Alll P0th,-- oe, \S50 rul, matlher, hur iiu m . oP 11r catrgo X;:aiINIPv [i hour lixlici. Furplpulppi o f fr lnp pi 1,,y to (iWl. F. TTYNIOSNU GO. 82CnUip 61. IO-For pplIuige iapiply ai bioad, Past 38, EliTh Irlsrlo. FOR BOSTON-TITOULAT LINT PACK- ETI.-ThIe AiTI t li caling liiirt Bnrl yIyhtery t;Sr, master. Laving marst of he aroeune will ipp plPI ihyplil. For Ii hipp of hight applyt, EDIT. 'TV. I kYN 1CO & U., 8' t lmp At. Pir pInPUPupr nppiy on praMUul Pp-9i, Iii. PIPE Tinsy. Iv L OR 18011 IOSNTON.-TEGIUIEA IT TINT1 PACU - PP T .I hip Uaotrwell, 1110. oninafer, 1, r 1!ig mIII) f lnlr TgPIIn LgngEd uInTlgIg u IILbnud, p 1111 IBulIb pppn vv. Itil .IPPPPC IInPluI nppiy to UEO . ITENSEIN & CO., 8i Camp- 11011 Nor paysn IP P pply In Ip'iP. PP I- iP. 7x18 Sp4111 IIBOSTON-TETTETATT LITNl 01 c I -1vIIi w I-: -'IT'lFlr oi : l ' p eg IT ppll . t, 'i:OT. {ITYNSN k CO., N2 iTun U. vet. For p',PPPl` apply ii .Inptlin, on Iii rnl. IFp 'I lin -II Iiui lP- iip hiiii. - FORlT IIOSTON-F-TTEEur UT LITP PACE- . ET.S.-The At Poc~I ketKrI,,,rli loo, hll, madI er tlinlich. Pur NPiPIuePP .lIrcklit l piniiiui ppP9ily hioa I- r to .i+:_37 G0E . I. TTYN N,82 C1 _li rcot. FOE. ITO5TONi-TIEPUIATTR 1,11 E-T111 Fl nSI~Oi dil DiI1I,.IITl CIIS3-I RellllnnPa hel cllp Dlltltdlrrnc0 Cook,map-te, ilpi-i will Tii o prii irTPt llyi. ForIPl iiii oPpIfightIPr pPI . apr.ryply us Iwuarvl ort Pl P1 hUiT. TW.TTTNESOE & EO.. I2VoTlp-prot. - FOR BO.ST((IN-IITEPYTPT FI.61IT 1,1(1P -Tipu rrgnp li PliI)t PIJI LITxy, mEp steil, , llng lost oflier cargo ppiip,.lx, trill Tulini ii.Tiiipl FI. I lpnciiii frPPP'PPP r p .li i"t, IITIY or p j.-l'; ti FO. W. 1IIP N.1)N ,C CO.. 8:1 tSnl, *trert. FOU IIOSTON-IPGULAR PAKIET 1TT(. P 1:i' ln paicket Lark lunu, IDiirn, master, ~ "_-v t hvig nt f er cnrga o L boiv~l, rill Ln v iil u .ni Il dilirth. F'ur lttinnca of trnigbi or enc. age, nppiy an PT,,,, or to PIP l ip P, 7 li, 'TV.. TIV'NP`ONET&O.E, 2ap~pTrPt. TTVE 110 (II,. F~Ii- I 011 I1ETiRPO00.-'TITE Al HI Tll . 1041. 1: V1E1 PIIOL-TP I Ii ,IT:ii r,- 0111 "Iie:: vn cf e i ui p-il s pp 1 .iiiii ,i p..i.ii Ti 17 i JiiE AS IT ItrITR "I CO., TE V RF'OR% ALiE. FUJRIG:HUT QE (;IIAIR- SIN:,. \l, L 'SZI)N AC'S i.. 2 5':un5 scam, RAILROAD TRAVELING. ( ,7 7AND lftl{.'f'1V."TER IsIi? ARRISN1,11-IRNt S. i.:.,t,,. ,, rI :a ";,,: ',i:,y :r! ... .. ..... . .... .. ?.! A. .\ . .. Ar~ s, ntlia o~ li~ nfr,"r;il., 1 .... ... ...... 1 .::11 ;. N. . I FSISHISINI I'1 .. r .,: Y.:;-niir lio.,"f ........ ......-..... ... ... ... }?:15 P.M..r r "a a . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . '1'oI :an: ..................... ............. ... g : b11. 1 .' \111....... ....... ...... ... ... 1 50 ? I::u"- ],,17 I. r t V"1 , d , S Il~ia- ~ lie.\i i~ll;, c~lr...... ..... nnc., . ''I To '!;a 'eaqit.. ...... .......... ..... .... ..... 3;,)l t:: to, S I SI I: lt 3011 \I I t F'r,"i,:ht sill =>. uiver f~e Rayon Raof andIn iiirmml rh:1 St. ,"IS'S ANS,;Ii:." r:,nnl.nly nn ii ilirf 1,1 IAo fo ot DSIRSnIN , 1r.': I'S arSil I 'cuc 1NS.II ). 1,51 VpIStI:T' sI'A'SirSrRRIS'ICI' P'in, 2 1 ll 'A SIem IS, ':lf, }; 1 CI :. ii ,:I.,: of ti, " C 'mpaily. A. R. ,1: R,21 atll l' ie- rtfit'it 1111,'5 1115 1 ISSI S IA1 -I 1, N ASI' (RIrslT NOR1THERN ?IczUE!L *HI?*2-E)IE~t-PI:O u ST w 1-031tl alT O;. A TRA1512 IN l II,2 11,5v P2Ecnsa, dyiIIIII i F- "z. 31, ta I eM, li'n to rhla l,' c. i TI , sin,1 12'.,,- Tral~a W-, N,,, t I-rY(IrI. s e! v I " c Rmdal III In'cOock, A.11., tor0 to 1_1, u. halfll-past t oweluk, Y'. f the -*lnU ay. irwrl: nf ln e, rear, par mil e, a,:rlh t ayr :brhn rn nnder f*;la o nou illl tr.:ili iatuael Plntrlrdy Rlf slnlioa ant M-lal;y uloutirg, "EATON '1'[KII'1't; may b )e ,b:,,;-~dat thie off}- of thee s.".,",t," r n I Lirve., la park rsee oft curg nry-fire, nra ellWel~l la ice. dinr, Da olly, iiooe n ikhl.y a trip brull: "ay., -11 ha~ve tobe - A iS1( iI IT TRAINi Irma. New - nlipilll for Oeyka nnd in termcdiiltt tnionb at ; o'cmcl k, A. \ ovary 7'auIU duy, ' TIIIII(Cil nnld J:Lr':rnby), anal haves~e I))si~ for Tii('l Orl ,a nn d 1$ nte)illlP dia~r c nriuoh, everyIlv. I'. p, l111lr'dil , -nd Fridayml11:illg c5: A. '111, I,.I d1IlllC'O., i11A.' IIN ST., tJ corny ofNo"IT ' "It'!' t'n (nl iic" nt theinvent iovalket riers,, rebuke a iserutm,"n[ of I I(OC`iRI ES, andi invitee the ultenaion of Purcrhh: cri. 'l'hci; stark Lr ilil buen cilrc!'l;!lrelected, .,add cortpris,:i nll the iirliclrs cur dad fIor familyold. o;for memrclanlfi inhel: rouniry. J'1119 f TH 1 11, ALLA&L)I \YIN)-MII[,I.- 111,1 OF 11 ton m~t noiotifc. I. able lnld rriler :rd n Irluilnii and o n1: giuerrls III the Unrited etileaa hive clni.i.l rli t in 1lnlrin nudd pioeri ;rdl ono of the moat breulifui nud unetldi ins nliumir of m,dcru Illnr. Ilr ii nplr y et Ingrnioas device, as thle cute iilreals in se- M >l III 1 .,IN gdolaly l turnboui; I.1i Iulglt'e nieIT whilch fl:,,r were ,ier Fora 1 Eoall bracer ;prise a. l lu* nndE leis I"lit, irltr in Irrxentad toit, rdl' r Ait a the ISIces. Il tI Iell f 11y rm bs Filo bides the 1'xn~grndua ll ir orAlI1 i ,allIIiboopi ly S,oucihofu ll k;slln, foro El"hllFg. I h I I t(iol of tllu saii, is what tneel::nics have co lungsoughti for in vein, 'fil ?ped of thle vi, d whtell i. not incteaxrd by n powerful olto or of' n. ind, for (tis Its ix na f Inldr cnnel ~' !uea 'loO' icle-rlholo l or n(ist.11 eingne it' ri, 3il Lo well ptl up it 111 require no u a or aIl,'tion whtever for 11eek01s to Fell r. 7'I " r~ly reasonmlhv the wend forage, part ha~s ,wot been an!- vorrrll b, '1,011 :t 1 tiiv u rer ibwoo ll ,y uwn tobe :d 1 w11 e Fl 10 )ll r F,,!ing Il:chinis In hrar Balrs the . ini.1'a0110lN. ,rtoior u cuu~e l ncil ec.rc. -nn eithur srurt rltall in lioIel ".s ruin er mt. Th: EAS--ticidl) isl n1w eir011 abl~knd1m0 t The on1ly ob, .1.. l'ii c .111 I :ell for bythe UI f:oll thalt it CUIIICI ~o ouj lnr r l m-, o c__l______ iml In ren to tendlor flol AL ODA-I i,, u, , lbh 1111111wr. LI'hlmill rldy at any lay y r uii-l, tohe nrvavs by the 1,1,nd by A F misny Point ruIT Y-, P l v nII ~"ia i , p11,Port i, to 1011e 1,nnWIdle of VV l~ 110 the1 e IF 0000110 (111111 11in C aOnn FtloJl~, rlal yalr. or ri.illl Connnol , and ,u ": and 01 - ir.,b,' and grinlding r "me O Il d !'kung ;I A eutaill. I~lllnll tiirrrl vii{, writh aI mnIIlur 1C \ wind, will ;nire I glcll); l onx ul rs c"T nnd gCrind if- )"I) ,lci of croln Pe, hauc, F L.r !io,"),cr int'or AYOOOILIIIo,, 10111111 ' C1D, T111". E I TlbLlphol OF 1USIC. Tlli ,rockcan pise, s thu lirceii1 s-ortinent ofaill the Al,:"li ccil pl'rlio l dun: s andlr of 1'u,, gII 1 1Iuri I c ever e~ibreIl in the Sou11111 A ilar- uo assortmentl ofl AN0\~l FORTE,;.S ofdlle [,,It Anrril. l eot, S.~ainns , etc., etc., and a COIoIl.lU tr U-ielrl o 31U)IUII ri ehr.i li lSral is, emc., ele. IS faII it arlraIIgld : ,d ,etndl-}; liiirr11 TIstrnnonltr nf nil id, cl, rdre ril. r Ins! Teachersr recommended and tl itantloo, pPrrlnre i i,r l',ol'"wors je d ul ;1- 1111Erul lJ~ller lX l Iau i , ht 'ItBOY, d Id YEARS O ts:; ne hn, .o!, k nnl~lmYd,.: oroar 11111ilibing. balinll For Lerues anld partiliar I r aply at Inc, ulcie,to jya'1tY _ 1). VANHOOKN. CANIDLES-5W bares Shlito Sunlforsale b VOOX L1I ES TOO pitau nt,)ii COW YEAS-3-UUX buis choice unrolfnn send, to arrive, 'LJ for sat. by UhREL61 5500., je16 61 Comumon street, S ECOND-IIANL GUNNY BAGS-250 handlies 1u Stnore and forrule ay S. Hf. Ii(?rNN )PY M 00., jclg ?111'oyd61'11 street. SAL ODA-0 barels abot''5 lbxeac, jus,..ut lanoded and for lebyALFRllgl fiE \NY` jy17 72 1_tgniua street. WHISKV-600 WAITl neap, Ohvtr, Derby nud Wiltshire for sale aby VOORHINS, GRIGGS & G0. my13 t6Tol-opitou{,aLs street. iLOUR--5W bbltr St, Louis Extra, Por Hale by VOURIMEffES, tJRIOO CO~. Zny; g 16 Tchuuuptmulai atreet. NEW ORLEANS DAILY CRESCENT. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED, BY NIXON & ADAMS, AT NO. 70 CAMP STREET. VOLUME IX. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1856. NUMBER 142. . ... . . . .... .. . ..... .. -- .... .. . . .... .. . ... .... ... .. ... . . . ... : . . .. . . . '--- '- - - I 1 STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. FOR RED RIVER. Will leave on IMONDAY th nt. ,t o'clock P. . Tht very lighl draltght (eitght hch) steamboat Ariel, IIltehlsnon , raster, having aidergono I,EWISiNAP' l CO., ti iront otret. N. 1I,--Throughl bills of 1auln1g given, and n clerki will be nn thle Leveeu, fot of lcllville street,ouDilundny neorniug toreceivee f eight. 7'It Ariel till be able tog to ter tihe ftlls tt Alexnndril, atid w111l not dletail luarcllndiwo, Sbilpcl a ltay rely~ on frelght going through direcLt. stul Will leavt t MONDAY, lthe 18h hIt. it Soclock i. •.. FOR RED 1IVEIiR-T it1: VE R Y Ilght darlght (0 hnthtt) t•ktB•r Li•att o, Ollrt -•y, nll~lor, WIll toaw amsltvely for, Allnxllldrlnl Ooroan's Lalling, Mouth iced ltlver alnd ,ll illleralelldll e alltd nllgxit•]obves. Flor fluroihl Or pl•xlnnol plyoil bn]nd, or to I, ;IS SNAI'P t' I't (JO. , 7 o tt. Ti, Tm D lPAFITTE7 pasagu over the bar at tile \T111 Red Riter withllt detention. Shippers rilly rely nil Ile gaolng 'tllugh wtlhoult Relay. She will tako frpight fur Shrevcp or anPd tall tildlnts abtos Alexndrin, If ot nigllod to thtt pltte. Leaves on TUESDAY, A It 9 o'9 'clck '. 31. RE(;ULALIItED tITVER PACK- t , (rtol--in piece 1,o theMleanlmr Swalnp *ox- For Shrevport, Iraltd Bayo, ii rtd AtttI:ot, Alexanilria, lortotn't ad11t aill int i•tdiate iltdigi,--'ltlle tfil litht dnll p ett cktrenmer Creole, I.G. llItI nlt aer,-- I F place o itf tamer tSwamp ox--willleave uiatmve. For freiuht or paxdlge uppl" on hoard or to uulB Z EWISSNAI'I" A M..37 front street. Willleave on TUSI)DAY. lhe 1O9111nast.. , nto'clok 1,. M. F_ OR RED IVER--R13OULAR R RED7 k River 1 lkt molan!.r Creole, I). G. FIIIL max i ter, will leave for Alesllllrihl Gortoi' s and all lnernledlate Inslldn I ts ax above. Illor cr•lit or nl>nlge, Il'PPy in board, orto JOB.1 ALEA'T, No. 28 ,1-1nrt ect. 1• TheCRE:OLFE ts nltDnrul4snel for rpl,'d amlld ncohl.mlnrt .- liOil, anld i I now receiving Frcl•}lt. 1tlal8 UPPER MISSISSIPPI. Will leave on TIIFSRAY, sllb inlst., I 5 o'cloc'k. It. FOR ST. LOUIS, CLAIRO), MI5M)II'111 turd all I,. 011111 Iwlol;l;s..+ 'ls t'a't Ing P"+Dxenge~r tacker tee.i r Sr fuat, f:ro~ec'rnry?llll mnavq w ill leave c: arllor . ur freight u r It- Inn' llrply on boird, or to silly LtIl: S NI\I' C00.5 37 1515nt 0trr1t. LOWER MISSISSIPPI. W1'iil l Iss r o 1lllr}liA IIA. 20C inl =., 5 'look . P 10. FOR CAIRO-O'Il Ns FINI. Als' ND ______ sill leave fr Inuls, Ir illosihis., Nn~l.',os, \lslkxl,sos, Wot nil I I sodistelo mrr I. Il. I5IITll, TFl lolfllolls The steamer Pd. WI. Mlslr s suoilw~ +r~ulu loS lsllulslslhl slli55rr osl 11a wy llf llhlplsedbylS0. L.;sl-s1er 5,I'I ItOAY EVlIENINGS. I1 5 511clk. U. S. MAIL PACKETZPI FRANK 10110t-is flasol sosilln e'510505It;:l Ciskilliss ll~rl lhilllkell'S 1-d P-Iktt.=rhe flss flrt rusnilsgl lssllnsolI 5uek1t Moanll Frssrlj Lyon, I. A 'll5ur v5 m1uter, sill I s "e u, S above for lhillills,' 11-4; si111nls. \ iWarrlento. n lsOd Cnllf. St. lshsjhI, lsosdey, Wtlloerplosl' h55151151, 11ort Alidss o, Juu Srn, RatonItaIre, Sl'l allilllslll.Odii t llmdillp s ll l the ll 0 1 t, 01 lllllJl e5'5ry 011' lll:- . 1N 5 o'cloek 1'.1. tllylfsiklht orpllsslgs,, kLlvlsgssur- p 1.50er 10 SnAPSl Ap lii)., ur to K. WS NPPB :O. 7 }'roo slrpet, orto R. K. L1 iUlirIIN 1 l, I s l lislrodlct stye, t lvllh , 5lollwale Yn05.5o el01 sol SisI l15011o l ;hills 1 ll15. Dily 5 5 555 1150r freighlt, witll privilege OS rlsirhlillg a1Viers Jyll 511 ' AMEIKS FUCIIPSYE IT 5 SOUTHI: I ' IIe ig Ft: evrunt ow nnl run- Tllss'sf; 1; .0 Ml 11 olF.lllll .emrEliss. I lli'11510 Reme 5151tlrr ae.lso ssillllolls o l cl'. l e r 0,15 Iilthe'I rloeekls 'p i0 lokS Yloew i PlsoilsIu lsllllI.Tlll l Prin s 11111ll Id 1ll Ce trade. o n IN'111 ' Scilln , ill1 i0lclrr11 s teI ric1r Orllp t ie s rill.k, fur th1e Illllle aodlll l llr ab cE Wed u " inm""""i IIihc lll 11 illlar e ll.- onlsl-on l s lls- r oh'.s. b 1 1i ll 55~ll ho 11110 ai rlS,1altte. i f lll ill" ly Nhe }:t'.i1'.+ IINII Lo "c F'i il: Il:l'o l ll.: rao ,ll dllo. For Trrizllt or ]rn;lor pckagerur ::u n noun }' no-hr h od : orr,, :.:, -b lab Gpoltcd b Pn-scavr, rch th w~ r-cr: fr-iht " bh iuIt~i , t to u ;i e olce. 1,: I,,.:: ", i luI o h" yoi Ir:v I" iratn .:i, ; :."b - tl N OTiC,--MI. DANIELID. LOC AN 1, a r.•:< i HeaIt,,~ holy oand a',er thi-Idate L i,1iB3Y SEYMOUPRI & CO, .N rul m_ T P? P.tlI.TN);Ii!IIP--TUE I['::ERSItNI:D 1. th vor en;,,red imo 1 nrnier•bi f' i'r l tl[[, dn,", i ll t lt• [ acla',, th ]eir Vi ufe•,'onn under fhr .tvke o.SIN~l0EStN, CLACK. 0t,'C. C-C-cr C,-, C'-m-p anid Ntchx treet, oer "HalleKowa lturuu"c Oti~ce." CIIARLES 11 SINGEIITON, /Wtnlf ,C s ]gbta,.) FR `.NCLIN HI. CLACK:. New Orlia . August lhi, 1,%3, _ audl 111 TOTIt -- I IIVE THlIS D)A ACICIIiATN E I) [IfII IV-er SAMCEI, ZIC. }If0 'fXGIO)ICY 1 , andwi'lO•C ,tinue [he A.lot•ly buCirC I), as heretofre, urder t We ntyie I R. W. ANDAC &C CO. ... W. ADAMS. I NewOlrean•, ,Jlly Ist, 18;r. jy8 ,7(YTICL>-'1`111 INC-ERR ;CICNNX'.CI'CN FORMER. I-- 1y e.isting b~etwee J. P. TODD & V. t.FIoK, has expii ed 1, its own limh,•tinn. No one is authofired to use the hllll of t)t firm but J. 1'. Todd, and he only it.ol h-1ion. Il;,y 1st, 1816. TODD 1 0C. -O(PAITN , ERS3I-P-TIIE UNDERSIGNED II.,ATF G t' a n co- nn tuerhlap Il'r tile nrrle ocr carrying on MIOe 1IM [CRC-CNC; AND) WXIC,)LE-:ALE AN ) RETAIL, CA1IC-CCT BUSI N-IESS- s Cler tie name imcd Ityleof TODl) & GANDO-I) FI nCCCR [IllCl ontnue [he oC-Todd & Co., at IC C Car-ed sCet J,. IP. TCOT)D ,~r. (LANDOL~rI, July Ist, 1 5G. J.BH. FLELTAS, i3yI In ('ommendum. -YOTICE--I 'I-)R ANDi AFTERI THIS I)ATE. TIr. R KI. W I L ER 1,nbecome, p ,arter iu our house. ilThe style` CI ,•C ICCt-Cl C will lInC C -e - elCIC Ced. SfTEPIIEN C. MIIIIEiL & CO NeCOreanC.. IC-yCI Ic-,. 1j"4 CIm (OPnAILTNU ,l tS IP-FROM AND) AFTER TIIIS amItc, 1 l C-lvo Cie-n CCy •, FITWIiILIA/Il ICONSDALI ,lC IHRI,. N.DTI UY.L anintereC ti my BCroCkerage lCineC , Indr th firm o i1. T LONhiDALE, SOCN & CO. jy II. T.LlONSDARLE. N OTIC.--i ll DU)CFF GREEN, OF VICIKSBUCI RG 1`1 f iIs.ippi, betomsa t p,utucr in our hut tif lly S( ((EEN N & RUILP, x[cwfrl, an= , lat, iteS. iyl Sn D IRCS-OUTION--T' , IRCIIC-I OF RAWIINS, DlN- I 1\AN ,c tilt. al this d.ty ,diolvd lbv mlllll consent, ma ,il[l be eoatilna-d for ;purl,,•cs of liquidation oldy. CITI. XW. RIWLiNCs July 1, 1 C6 L.C. IH. I DUNGAN. -OPRlITNREiE.•IiI'-I-THE iC NDERSINRDIIIVE I Cformer'.io Im Critrhip un C-er thieC -tylCoC I)UNCAN S ICOI -N, to sucCceC d tCi e ICtC firIm oC" ll-linC. CI)C-CC- lC Co-.. r-f3" tlt• lmrll , tlan.,aeling it COTTrON FACTORAGE AND I 01NCC-I, COCI ISSCION IUSINEISC, nlld are ilty aut-hor- ized to liquidate tie bhhtiess ortheir prred -snlrrs .L. I C 11: NiCCN, IC I1(. CAC-EO. W3. LOG1AN. Jr. ' Q-t)n1 rethitr (rom the CommdvsrIon Illliness, I take rrtlat lelnlr in tenderifnr y }incere thanks to the patlOlls of the CiCt - firl o1 l.awlins DIC--IciiC , C I Co., and at thei C ,-aC time heg to eti attention 1to !cr cnrid ot. their successors, Meser,. D, ;,chn a noa~iC, l Cnd to soliclt for th110ei ICOlICtC CCiO nO Cf -- asf-vor-. jy-ICl IAII .w. CCI WLINS.C NoT(17`ICE TIE .TSIO NTHTTETIIIEby THIS 11 lll1 t'trm thr firn M' '\'. A".1. \IO1TC()I[IiL:Y by morns]i L-ne u'Ill bn Il~rs~~ be coouimed under th rie salme nasme ,I. TIONT'OI'TIEY, 119 Co...,, It. n OTTTI'E -brC-9l R. DTDNTGOMERY AND JAS. A. Ir 1^I l1'l` il''N1 ev becamec partners inoar cuuuneercial lirwI'rou uud alter tr his date. IV. A J. MDNTOiMRIIY. June1, 1856. Jell liH: SETYlrLE OF' OUR El1tE Is TillS DaI eINT1\r, 1;113. TANTUS ONRTII A 00.T. A W% 10 )ISI'TH R: CO.U.,H'LESATAND L3 ITrI'INIAANA, T~.yIl,,,EdIs olINT ,o., nd FrontF!lrect ; Depot, Ill:wen t'ovdrall and I~iafale~ne streets, T, largeI- SNOTn, SD. EINoaITa streI. Tlosou, head New Baaia, and No. I'Hi Glacier street. NoSA su, I eeeo, No.l25lE ,aOIartINO.r RsiIIIIad, uppTI aide INOTICII-TIIE UN EE IIEINISI A IlIAVE rLIIS A AY {!~~r into 44 oportnel-shi 1, under tile. film note, of un aiii I "1'rS p F- ,r ., fm t l~ e pulrpose n i tma bil, C C'N tun anl~d Sugar Fnc~onlup tad Genleral UCnmmiscciil hlrinlc s iutbls city. J. N. IIODAN S. F. It. AtIAEYl 59 C.-ndelet t. fi ( oPI'AS d'1N N. 1SHhIT.--l'11 UNIE unde IDI: B orDhiI'eBIEI E IRyAYEr A (III., , Ia lIte pur th I I.,pounder n eniTerl CommissTsioin, SugarO ad Colton IITIArol AL'L IIIIS. REDORTW. .SANDERS. Hf Ec, No. 14 St. LIos streTt. Ne Erleans, Itl Deemb. IAN. TIlEf IISOLUTFION OFP COPARTNEIESIIP -- D Il l h la'. iurollllra existing arlndrhl, thoe nnc nd Dr15e of 'I'HIIII'SON, ALLEN sa U.,I this dny di.Ticyd by ire oll IIod- D I Tbon'on looing purchased tIle interestTof W.L. .Illc with 111id till, n oOla-. all the liallities .nd s cha1ged withArho li ld.'itan -f the saeo. EDWARI) TDIPESON, 1TIE. I. ALIEN. T'"~F UNDE RSif='NF. HVINAV NASSODT.DDEI Shimselifw tit 31 r. IPM. and NRX of thisr city, ';!dell tinu~ie the l t oItal. GITTry Iant .llgIll I~nsi la, under lte Ht-L, and style of TEIIN.IPSON A IBAINES. I ITWARD TIDMIPSON. Newr Orleans, . Tulp 1, M6. jy2 DISVOLUTIO N--TLII" CAI'AIEDTNSEOIII1 IIEREDO. 1'nr exlltit g between the a llerriilrcl in thle Crexentn IlRonuNr" o IincbriTS, iT this dapr dissodAed by' mutoilcml- 10nt. 1,10 HIJUILIEIIIiAE' w ll .1 tibNm tle b. inos for his own 011 IIII. IIOUlS (IlILIEI S New OTleTIT, AoDSit 8th, SONNET. D ESSOLUTIOD-LA SEIIIETE CI-DEVANT EXIS- T 10111tr IIITToussiEIsT dlns Io ETReIIlurl ITT Cre,-ouit" siltu n Mily l nab.rg,0 est II lol I'i ote paI 1ansoITemInt loItus] des partiNT. AL OTIS GUIRETIEIIEAh Ioniuuern I, alTNT Adu diISTSto,., par Tompte de Ni. mINme. ITiES GUILIEEEAUI, T DLAN I ONNET. Nonvlle-Olensto8 sil 156 W bbls, and bail -Is- Yonongnhlelu ft- 0 I~und puc~tagesforISI by JUSEPI{ LANDIS & 115., jy23 33 TcsupltoSma st1eet. THE LAKE. __ U t3 MAIL. - F'OR MANDIIVILALE, IAeslsrbs, 2luli sl2llI, Cosvington nud Abits Springs. - Thsls lnssr W. C. YoxnLg, Capt. lfb offr;;o n, Wil lanru for tits nbov~o and Intermelli~lfo l lriil Ing, s. 11ollow, 111 : l s b 215Nl1111252 bL'asl1s2 lOrl.lls RC Illsnln eg v.. by Pontchartrainnd it. R. L':,uingm.n sond sy............I..y2 2. cars. 4 A.1 yls .................. 12 .. 2 udsnssly............... 1 . 6 2 TI .lO .......... 1...12 2 . Slds1 ............. ....... 12 5 Sllusrlsny.......,. IP. M.5215. 12 .pyq-1'xnxgc 1; Afe , 60ea-mh Lss I Irtlscrs pxllslas, Ipply onhloaid, orII a1ut D. C. 1.oIVIl l1, Age.nt2, I9sn~a ls It. PLEASURtEAO EXCURSION I 2('1222 A 11.111 NCIII211 ,IE The ele6r6herle nll low prtssurentemncr r-a! Chamberlnin, roaster, will (rave tiu bake etd oP the Yontcbarr 1,111 llsilross Isirv TIIII) 2.IY ad FRIIDAY on tol rri- oP thle 0 o'elocil A. 1l.'trlill fo 3 lnlmacvlll c not{L 'urtllernotf co, commenc2ing 1 Fr.2.y, te1 i1Slh lolt., fortheP mo1re of g111 ng nt onportanlly tot5o11.who maly wih to vIllt t15.5r fmiles, o-. to .1l5.lslislIsllern lll io .r} wis ' tocols}sl few hsIls of the ref'rplhlllp lake Lrere . Itemlrning l'rrrm llnndoville the samet day, in time mt meet the hilt'-part 9 o'clockt trainfar the city. 2C 22( 'his llllrsllf t will st Intsrfors with the r1g1212 35_22 I the '5bt as lsltdlt, l insscr ,lls. FOR POINT CLEAR.-[; 1'IL. 225 illr nosicl, the s11eamer So11 52vt . Star, Cost. Jolth P. (llrs- will ] to1 wnllvs escuptlI.l all" 0 2'loclk, P.21., direct Tur o 2POIN A".CAII ns1 1ATfI,b'1 W'IAIIF. OnI .dnlllfds, 2152111. WsIosslss lI and WSflau'syl 'sIll leave lown of 19 del'511, A. 2.. and will l,11d n1115. I, Goast of11 Ilinte, to con1enience fssilis asd relgilt. Susnday eve55ings will lvso tolll aboult b l, o'clock1. jyrir 21.1.VI1) 2 20111u, A55nt5l FOR MOBILE DIRECT, DAL Y A .. 1S. sIII LIspllSumn Al 1112 Cmlufi-lThl splenldid tow-pressulre Ililker atrsrur Cuilfor- ni,1, 21. IH. ihllu1g1 master; Ur.los.rt, Isrr, 15' w having been- builtexpre,*lly for the mke tradee with snprrior neulolulnodltions, one of the nboaw steamers will leave thle Lukeu enb s of thle Pontehar,511 5s alrsy d dailysI u te arribk l of 1 il, 12s',lloekI 21. cars s1topping at Iay S' Loi. ',Is.Chri.tiu. and Psssssssls daily. gols$ and retur1in,2,1er permittig. Cabin Fxra to Mobolle ............. ..................$d cck..1................. .. 2 1. (12120522, Asent,10Eanl PIase. sNow Orle0ns, No2cmhrr i. 18.15. LAKE SHORE PACKET STI1A.11Tr:1 CREOLE.-Ssslslss Asssslg- mcsl.-ssor IILiels~prings,111 int5ermedlia1te 11laud 11121. -'Th1111a 5 n5 IlllspdiId low pr111 sleSre Isc steamer 1REOLE,0. Jo.sph.Nslson, mas115, buiillli slly far tlis 111d5, withl superior 1155211511111i1,, :ill Ieav thlb Psntsslrtllsl llsls, on file arrival at ti I. Ilbl of tsiecars, astallo2 Le.v1r Po22115211155ln P.2.211120, 151551 /ran orin.e. MINIIA .. Y...4 A. II. sarn 210N13A Y2112(1. 2(22211 .3 . IA. 1.1c2ars WIIIDNCI2AY C:VI 1110, '211222l1,bYl,.. A. I ealn FRI11AY211l1221 FRIlM 22....... 4 P. 22. cars 52I'HURI'AY 210R1'.l\0 212(21112122.. .4 Y. NI FCND.\b 222212-NO -ILs1.vcs e.1512152 RlxmislId- T(22421.22,1,2114.2 1. coca; 2,TCAl,2 :(Y. A,: P. AT. cars 51,e 11,111125r Cl2EOLE , l'eiirir1l 1 51 MT.,.2 ,2 btxnd Fa llsI.1y 5121l1121, wi1 112 5221 ill Pl1n22112ss ,hrL 2an ay ss1 Louis.i Freiglht. extr2l.aggge, hsssts, o121, sarrises, etc. onTuIs- dlsysid'sl11ll'slbslry to Il 41f5ee1e t5ip, 1211, 1,2. 1tili11ld an thebilpr preiunls, or intame 5 rthe 12 5c1, . A.1 221 trllilln" and , 11 1'ilmo i1la S21j111iday b n212i11e pr1s111 2 or n Belie Prti the2 u clock trains, or it will Le loftr nctr the:rest Cl111inp5112551 to 211.121i111pi City.121111s11a Oc15n2Spri1gs S2 50 Ceck asge.... ... .... ... . ... . ....... h lre . .... . .. .............................. . 1 Al Osisk 522,11........ . I, s. 011221 Js s l 2.. g. 10Boo2Place. News Orleans, June1. 1856. S0,t WATERING PLACES. PASS CtRIThlAN J HOEL-TITS COlIM receptioan of cis non,; nnr:cmmple'r n nr;a looms b al~re bren pnI)UPI(C(:1C f r the~ elliCeldilil: 1Cti oI, Ilil:ta ntlel for W n o1 hotll llc(' th Gn lll Ct t. GitlU i. JAMI3 S CULLUMI SPllINIJ, HOETAWP ROUNEIS I _ll a unio -Thl ptlc pri invc of the : nic to ilc i t tki : aill L 1 ::::L' i t ndi :ar E". tothect:u ; I _r , of dr ,.wUlir ed I hrt , pI- -- l e . ill H t, I -I them t'+ .li_: ; RL l i:ltn tity l sl ll I CII 14 i i. mire IL- SEnl-to U. huhbIt ytIlli, thell. 0V trihillE i Thilulli, iiin vti. ii, dthilil SUMMER oif.UrI IS, liii noaltois Er tR, rt:i, a elt ti 4i.i:. PhilRp l itilit it i~rIttoiitiiiititi tir tiiiitte i l11- frriily ii. l~n fhilii i 'Tlittl M1ilRNNE 'I,ii 14 tii litit. ,tynr, Miss., Cart}mfidralr. tram -lnl. I b ty titi. j i ire nloi d" e\; ct,wr,.rr II( H DI1Iie ll forSL "een D ::n of cl r~~io ril ro Ird t i Di rhea,~i~ ~m -pew-bI, Drop-y, (,I (3-r.1 D)ZITT ICE b i1iy 1r(:) is Plli piu olmlr t 'CI.lee pt Fifll ofvtors. Ui \1^iirilteh v I 15, 6. :iIdc Ijaid lldroaaiclaun I'e [s.-It rewr li !:navy; that the se!1.-t,- Flil -: nbt h011 Ire~nI here t fd ll, ecpicady I! onif Zn Ire by d. rr~nna rlr Toad-ro fnrcl m neea nyInca! e n":,.: fey j;,,t r. I'r r t'ur i lln ha l to hate thetllc~r IIIVio J I,,l ont1, le or Ci p' inned out the morn i rI Ph} 01Pil I Dr. . 8, PB ." ey?( nail burnt in p re e ofhq I, now ga ng o _,olt' on celtillrnta n i- me h d ed. A afr fLrnugh vin )r - , a e ery lord to oatldlsjrdolinrmn r onls terl~ eauthJntrLeli~oi~ Ihte um ing se, ; t., Beer ery es,,rcr io will he cede :eudr [mf invalid n ur-h ron idUCKY-Uhi ue I! nbo Smmnr b it crr,"nt3N tsud near thec I n hen nekc aver, Burronrted by wild nil romantic ca bpc unl tun:,"cnil rc. and ;, -r c of : re v ast plc u 01111 and healthy lr in nthe world. It Is I' :3H11 1':1 1160 mil!, e st Do I.>:xing been m ode, viii. e nIllellfo the nun-kySim Cmpny 'o runnig up. u 1i.11. rf- I tag L Cit l or il P nntl by te morn big, t fln f :uswill e. Nt tlw pringyshe now evenI I of i; OEW jPIN IIOSF~. J Wfl. O ES ''t thn Pnb ic that the ab ove ln nluer be grronl SUIIIRRh;D Dosig w lltreoenn on I}-NnI ~ce} ur~h, orlo c .foarein. ~ et In ad, tlcr ne 'low add,, n er Ito lilKe hl:Vio 1, a so e ew ihnsto h R i3in;teswli A UCTIIN NO'IICE.-T00E S0TI110RIB10 ROS- d I hill ll informs iris friends mild thle p~ic, th at Ilaving re- lov fd hi es ,i 10,, as AUTIS)NISER nod API'RAISER, I,. hA 'il ,',, N, Alti lOmip n. Wrili 11,1, to thiS of Roul F:ns Strkl Nege,,, AS- miniI:rntols, .0llilepo0, ad nIl other n, lOOrdin, toI -w. It, w~ill nilu pivt" prmnpl turd personal arttention to all on[-door sales, Of Ci'Cy dESaelI iles.on aI R -,irir ,-ill be keptopen o f the Real 11te 0nd [ either on p rwc, o rivate u terms, or at punblic all(!: tI,,. Ever}- facility to his power oil, b olre d to bu~ors and sellers of neat l RbsiitA A Prac01tic001110,0an,000n Plo, Drawerwill he I inonstant attendanclne at his d ic'. with then+"-ttrnnes thatr he will gleie strict attention to his Woilns. in all its1 detal, Ihe [ra, a thaI, beill receive01 s0:.le oI public par oago. LI0. li 5Ii)IG. Aultioneer, _2'6 Oltir No 33 a Cami, street. T ORY'S FXPR.SSJ-TIIE CITIZENS MUIJA B0 All Ill o nh, .o.ooon UE ave l bee II trde to n this Plo, lrars bythe clef :iller Haten Fi tibcu, to all the Wate ringl Plnle on rite l:oni't. A me-ncn er will trerel on the bout turd a~rs, anti takee eliargr it' hr hag'll L, pin eels. bundles ct nI. I\gPuI:' at the pael~acor, Laslet, Stoli~l~o0,laol ilI 01eer allla lil I;1010000111'lllll~ ThisIE -pr rol oClo c 01, '00.1,', DalyY. Ch er, InI Son SlOjog,++, I'oi ioltlear, ilollyoloood a1d Itlalcy. Cllst iat th of- IhI'i-ll ;maO O i the Irate Fri1 1, e chEel-I through to and feu-al cllveniencr c all will shunmi, end a'oilirncthe mnosylnco and [treing of toewalr. 5111011 TOIlY, dI )e33m styleaier eate, corner Ca~mp CIRIISCINT CITY SOAP WORKS-DEPOT Nt. 11 L BIyetto ltreet. Tlhe Elllhicrih ySh hav ip o omed in this city themnnltatore of Siop -,olr lmilhoih, ip or StcmholI s wlilclh he pre- senlt tothe Irllrli 0 foritapproval. in competItion with 10he1" snapsr ore ;.rliIr l rrpttot~iio . Itrnbilll.rtcrntmmy ritfreiPr 1nm from the liszlarn'rlle '[facts of ordii,;lry soap., in tl 1c and will be fauaI1, upon tri~u potses illl CO opopi p'Silo - fectiorn, and is eol.tranr lc to captain at :,realic~l est in suttncient qu airyi l to irthlirrhe bursrt rilllrir ofboll", .'apparell 'hoadvratnll of our So,, re-A I and aSoSIor, be'nI ble to supply themselves and 'oito mlrs withon equally, FIo'd, if mh '"b,,ll,-05leI of olmooe m 10,t,, t lr oll, rr it a gin~r, saud the subscribers reetAfllh soli lullo. 11000,tl mid .i Z ktD B " TFCS-o-A'TIIS-BCTI, MS.. MEoOI\G, 10o1 .Ci S0'Cllhlance 10101. Rill.l1lFN n e mare at his post, The rernld;! firefor a billToilei thie "lt pllhysician, has restored bOLLINS. o0e, whcre lot ":u: -ill il, all hours HM, lUolrl, Vo,00, Sho00 isi II."I(I1II:' S SALOON is supplied with the best [trusts th, country rall ;fitird. wnl as Shaving,. Ilidr Cuttiing, (lllink;, I))eilia amt ID.",sh'g have Iran I irtemllPd downton o:IBIT, ha' fbrl l--slieel that ber ea. serve with aIlit trty anld dispatceh ther musat Ifilrlidi-ls. lit IntlCo. sa~le a well no~tetu smeltl of fresh PFRFFUWgRT. u~rilinF Goode, Cosmetics and [hrabestDyes and Tonics for~, the hair.l zit-Gall athis ni:unond Hair Cutting antd Balthing" Salloon, 0'13 lim JSEl''i Ri1IIIN'S. H'.I STANDARD REnlIUDY.-B. A. P.AIINF:- T SPI)OO['I S VF10 IF UII is loiti els o le of 1hlresrt r- Pectoi~t reclirfeis forthe oclrlir alilll of tv sm tlt't has ovur been olfcrdtothe pubollic. it, rllllllls tr. p"'eh d-g' as 'pit-a -is artu~icles are eircnlating throug~ih the ountry. Read thei fcltowing : Olres*I'EerE CITY, Aid.,MutIh 2$, 1F74.l Messfrs. B. A.FoloiL ek kbCn.-GOentian's: It Is ,lt line0 toyou tostalte thalt I hlave been srlii y oulrreemifflge for the Ismt lilervcerrx and can Jelr withhillcerilythat it h givien usivel-inl stt~sitnetion. It is used amtlr p..urribell by the phygsi- cianls of the town and country, andr is now thle standard remedyy furworms iuthis part of the romnrvy ltcvpcetfully yors,, JOII1 -NV, COLTJNR;I Drn),giet. sum wnuluesllr matread t * alll te prinolcil ni druggists not c-moliyrn-hlstr tlmllnnall- , P I1Toitrd 1 ntn. ,lv IIRJPIII PITM. W. W. WOOD.- ATTORNEY AND CObIN ORSELL il-AT-LAW, andolicitor I. CnA cer hogsinp removed fromu New Orleanls and ocated in Jackson, IhhsZ.. will uive Ilrol pr t attention to sill business entrulsted to his Cbitrgl in the Iiigh iourt of Errors nsis Appenis. lo Suprsijor Court s Cliossiss, theUnited Msuts Ciremt and sis tris t Courts, and the Circuit tiedProbate Courts of Hinds, RankinWsarren and ths uudoioillp counties. CO S sciai l stiiiss COLLECTION OF CLAIMS. AC- ISOEN~~s, NOTIZS, r OFFICE-Is llis's Buildings, corner of Stats and loun Strsts. Jsckson. Mis. uiob 1t5 fll B AND BOXES-IS0 dasow at 51 2i and 1S 50per doo, byNEWO LL & HIOYE, 0515,,m IS RanllS6 nnnl at., corner of Ol l Islssi. COW PEAS-SW bnga frcrh Liaywt and Cr6'tvder Caro 11 sa Fewi, landig ex Julia Ieon,fbrsale Ay BAIR P.LI & CO., Jon xo 3ebI 0rleans P a. I Qrtssen. Later from Texas. ARRIVAL OF Tit OTEOA.hulIP LOUISIANA. The steamship Louisiana, W. H. Talbot command- ing, from Galveston and Indianola on the 14th inst., arrived on Saturday morning. Capt. Talbot has kindly furnished us with the fol- lowing memoranda: Mesars. Editors of the Crescent: In making the return passage from Galveston to this port with the steamship Lonisiana, I discovered the light ship on Ship Island shoal gone; also, at Last Island, out of twenty houses, only five remain standing. On the east end ofsaid island saw a vessel ashore, with fore- mast standing; should judge her to be about three hundred tons ; painted black, with white quarter rail; made signal to her, which was promptly answered, but not being one of distress, I proceeded on. On the east end of Timbalier Island I descried a signal of distress, and immediately proceeded to ascertain its nature. I landed with my quarter boat andfound the second mate and one, man, who reported them- selves is belonging to the MHanilla, from France for New Orleans; they stated that they had been in tow of two tow-boats at the mouth of the Mississippi river, hbut could not succed in crossing the bar, and were backed into deep water again and anchored; and that in the gale on Sunday, 10th inst., she had parted chains andwas driven to the place of disaster. They report ten men lost. Other bodies have drifted ashore about a mile east of them, but did not belong to their ship. The cap- tain was on his way to New Orleans by the island route. I was also shown a panel door, grained, with blind in the upper part, with a white enameled knob, marked 21 in black figures; fromappearances I should judge that it belonged to somesteamer. About twomiles east of Timbalier, boarded schooner John Rolifei from New Orleans, bound to Tampa Bay, with corn, hay, etc.; the vessel was high and dry, and de- sired to bereported. The Captain had gone to make arrangements for saving the cargo." Capt. Talbot also reports that seventy-five or one hundred casks of liquors had drifted ashore at Tim- balier island, supposed to have been a part of the cargo of thei ship Manilla. Several bodies, well dressed, drifted on the island, supposed to have been passengers of some vessel, also a " booby hatch," similar to those of the steamship Nautilus. The ship MIanilla went to pieces shortly after going ashore. The ships C. D:Merwin and Bowditch are safe an- chored at S. W. Pass. By this arrival we have Galveston papers to the 12th and others from the coast and interior. Thetremendous hurricane which has inflicted such terrible havoc on other parts of the coast, seems to have exhauslted its strength before it reached Galves- ton. The News saysas follows in regard to the weather : A more unpleasant day than yesterday we hlave seldicm experienced. A gale from the Westward anod Southward swe-pt clouds of sand before it ; the wind was hot as the sirocco, and the thermnometer stood twodegrees higher than the highest point it had pre- viou.cly attained during the season.. Yesterday wasa bad day for dry goods men and scribes. The dust permeated every crevice and fbund its way into the folds of musliu, and coveredthe paper or parchment whichthe clerks' swift pens were tracing. Every- isiy agreed thaththe 11th of August wasa most di- abiceable day. butfrom all indications, this, the 12th, will be verylittle better. Who does not wish tfor rain ? and howgratefully a big shbrrer wouldbe re- ceived ! The San Antonio Herald denouncesMayor Devine, in severe terms, for killing McDonald. The account in of tihe alffray is reprerented ditifferently bythe journals er of each party, and the whole matterh as awumed a aarty caste. J The Gonzales Inquirer mentions the death of a or n•ro girl inr that place, from sun stroke-a rare cause tof death in Texas. The Methodist Church in Texas iscomposed of r 21, 5 21 whitemembers, and 4,i15 colored. Its e treacher nurmber 445. i The Gonzales Inquirer says, the wife of John F. Eastwood, the man who was lately murdered in that county, has since absconded, and she is suspected of having committed the murder. The Legislature has passed a resolution to adjourn- h the House on the 1st September, and the Senate on the.18th inst. The Austin correspondent of the Gal- veston News says that it is probable that they will " split the difiorence," and that both HIouses will ad- a journ on the 25th inst. A motion has been made in the House to reconsider the vote sustaining the Governor's veto of the Western Railroad bill, and the question had been made the special order of the day for Monday the 12th. A bill has been reported to the House from its In- h ternal Improvement Committees consolidating the Texas Western, the Memphis and El Paso, and Gal- veston and Red River Railroad Companies, after they shall have reached some point to be mutually t agreed on, between Fort Worth andtheEast Branch of t the Trinity, with a view to continue the road west fromsuch point to El Paso, under any oie ofthe three charters, as they may prefer. As most of the members are favorableto this bill it will pass, it is said, without opposition. The citizens of Houston held a public meeting on Saturday, the 10th inst., and passed resolutiomn ex- t pressive of their sympathy for Judge Terry of Cali- fornia, formerly of Texas, andnowa prisoner of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee The utmost confidence in Judge Terry's uprightness of deport- meat was expressed try the meeting. A Corpas Christi correspondent of the Galveston News of the 12th, writing under date of tihe 2d inst., says: The Nicaraguan fever is raging here, and there are abouit iltyyoungmen, practiced rangers, who would be willing to go to the assistance of Walker.rif they hadthe means. A gentleman of vercity Ints author- ized me to say that hle will give 10.000 acres of land, out West here,of undisputed title, for forty of Sharp's rifles, forty six shooters and transportation for forty men. Wonrt nobody takehim up? If any persons are willing to embark in this speculation, you may refer them to me. A gentleman of Galveston informs the News that a chicken hadbeen hatched inhis house by the heat of the weather alone. Iather tough. The trial of Mayor Devine, of San Antonio, for the murder of J. S. McDonald, was progressing. The evidence is said to be much in his favor. GOLD rFOUND I AcerST .-- TheAustin Times says: A negro boy was Ilar'ing in the dirt, removed for the ounodation of Mrs. Vrank''s house, the other day, and foumnd a lurmp of gold, which weighs 72cents. it is anlmost pure. A German, from a handful of dirt taken from a well. washed out 25 cents worth of gold. So we, too, have gold in Austin. Nobody, however, seems to care anything about these indications, not believing there is enough of the precious metalto make a fuss about. We learn from the Central Texan that the saw-mill of IMessrs. ilarry, Moutgomery & Co., about seven miles from Anderson, Grimes county, was destroyed I by lire on tihe th ilLst., together with a quantity of lumber. The Waco Statesman gives an account of a dillfi- culty which took place onthe 10th ult., in McClcenna county, eighteen miles southwest of Waco, between Joseph W. Hardin, formerly of this place, and James tM. ttardin, his brother-in-law and, we believe, his cousin, which resulted in the almost instant death of James M..lHardin. TtrE ELnCTroN.--The Galveston Confederate of the 12th says : The elections, so far as heard from in this State, are favorable to tile American party, bhlt we have no idea that the State ticket will beelected. It will re- quire a good deal of exertion to overcome 13,000 for- eign votes. Travis county has gone for the Demo- cratic palty--the result, says the State Times. of divi- sion in theAmerican ranks. Bastrop has gone for the Sag Nichts likewise. Sonie other counties are putdownDemocratic in the State Gazette, linbut as we never yet found anything true ill that paper opon tile subject of politics, we shall wait for forther evidence. Hays, Anderson, Smithi, Cherokee and Liberty, have gone for the Americans. HIarris and Bexarfor the hndependent American ticket. Bexar wasthe strorg- hold of Democracy andtheire the returrs show that ite forces havebeen routed, horse, foot nod dragoon. We would simply here remark that these elections now will have no influence upon the Presidential con- test-that is a matter of itself, and if the State is properly caanassed it will beyoud a doubt go for Fill- more and Donelson. Unlens it is,and lighit is thrown into the dark places, the unmeaning cry of Dem- oeraoy will induce Texas to ast her snttirges for the unbkest Freesoilr ever nominated for the Presidency. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE ANGLO-SAXON AT QUEBEC The screw steamship Anglo-Saxon, from Liverpool on the 30th alt., arrived at Quebec on the morning of the 10th inst. The Canard steamer Canada, from Boston July 15th, arrived at Liverpool on Saturday evening, 26th Johe steamship Wasington, from NewYork on the 12th July, touched at Southampton on the morning of the 26th, and sailed thence for Bremen the same dahe screw steamship Kangaroo sailed from Liver- pool for Philadelphia on the same day that the An- glo-Saxon sailed for Quebec. The Collins steamship Baltic, from New York on the 19th alt., had not been signaled When the Anglo- Saxon sailed from Liverpool at about 10 o'clock A. Id. The insurrection difficulties still continue in Spain. Great Britalini. The Liverpool cotton market was firm, but quiet, at the prices current at the sailing of the lAsia on the 20th ult. Under theinfluence of fine weather and satisfacto- ry reports in regard to the growing crops, the bread- stuffomarkets show a general decline in prices. The London money market exhibited no new fein- tore, and Consols were firm at about previous rates. The British Parliament was proaroged by the Queen on the 29th nit., unitl the 7th of October next, on which occasion the Qoeen delivered a speech. Her Majesty thanks her Lords and Gehtlemen in Parlia- ment for their usual assidulty in public duties, and espeeially for their support during the pa•t war. Her Majesty says that the prosperity of the nation was not materially checked by the war hobut expresses hopes that the general prosperity of her subjects will he augmented by the peace. The Royal speech then proceeded to say that Her Msjesty"is engaged in negotiations on the subject ot questions pi connecr tion with afrair with Central America, and hopes that the differences which have arisen on those matters between her government'and the United States, may be satisfactorily adjusted." Her Majesty takes the opportunity to thank India and her other colonies for their aid afforded dnring the post war. The remainder of the speech is whollydevoted to home affairs--particlarly to the county police, Cam- bridge University, joint stock companies, county courts, and to the coast guard. ier Mtajesty closes wiih the usual compliments to the gentlemen of the House of Commons. Previous to adjournment, Mr. Beerkleyasked Lord Palmerston when the Government would reappoint Consuls at New York, Philadelphi, and Cincinnati. Lord Palmerston replied that the Government had not as yet taken any steps in reference to the matter. The proceedings of Parliament Ivere without in- terest in other respects. . The London Morning Advertiser undertakes to as- sert that Great Britain has assented to the surender of the Bay Islands Colony to HonduMas; Great Britain and the Cnited States, with Hondnras, agreeing to sign a triple treaty, binding the latter Power never to give up said territory to any other Government. The same authority alsr asoerts that France approves of this arrangement, and has asked permission to be- come a party to the treaty. The special committee of the British Hoase of Commons have made their report in relation to the Doanish Sound Dues, but they do not suggest any pre- cise mode of hadjustment of the vexed question. They, however, urge an immediate and final settle- ment of the matter, if practicable, by negotiation. Splailn. Our advices front Spaio continue meagr and un- reliable. The telegraphic and public roads heing in the hands of the Government, whose announcements say that on the llth ult., the Royfal troops commenced to bomban the city of Saragossa, whereupon the in- surgents switlfi demanded five days cessation of hos- tilities, which wvs granted. tnfrmmation conveyed to the London press, how- ever, states that nlthoughlthe city of Madrid is quieted, the whole of the important province of Arrafion con- I tiuues is successful revolt. Newspaper correspon- dents further report that General O'Donnel and the Queen have already had disagrements.,and that it is not improbabile that tNaraeu may succeed to the Ministry. The Paris J.ouirsvr contains an editorial excolpat- is General Ollonoel in regard to tie present silii- c t•ies in Spalin. The same paper also annoonces that the Spanish Junta had decreed to the infant son of the Emperor of France the rights of Spanish itiCzlenship. Itniy. From Italy we have a statement h• telegraph of a revolt in the Duchy of Ma[ssacarrna. We are, howev- er, without any reliable particulars. The Austrianu ot- ficials state tlhat the movement was insignificant, and that it was promptly suppressed. Tho East. We have nothing new from the late seat of war, ex- cepting a reputed serious disagreement respecting the boundaries between Russia and Turkley. Ildlia and Chlna. The Anglo Saxon brings Bombay dates of the 26th, and Shanghae to the 2d of June. The crops of tea and silks are reported very abundant. Thirty-fourth Congress-FIrst Scssiolt. WASHINGTON, August 9.-Senate.-The Senate 11 passed a joint resolution authorizing Professor Bache, of the Coast Survey, to accept a medal presented to him by Sweden. o Mr. Hunter reported a substitute for the bill regu- ti Itting the compensation of members of Coeuress, giving them $2,500 instead of $3.000 per year, with a sectien providing thaut if any hbooks be distributed to b the members by resolution of either or of both Houses, the price given for the same shall be deducted from c their annual compensation-provided that this shall not 6xtend to books ordered to be printed during the p session of Congress,for which members respectively shall be elected. Iouse.--On motion of Mr. King,-a resolution was v adopted requesting the Post Master General to make special and vigilant enquiry as to the abstracted or t detained from the mails, transmitted front Washing- ton, books and public documents transmitted by t memtbers of Congress. The House then proceeded to act on the sixty-seven ii Senate amendments to the Indian Appropriation bill. i: August ll.-Snate.--A resolution was adopted ii calling for information as to what measures had been taken by Government in regard to the declaration of the European Congress respecting the abolition of privateering. rte. Douglas reported back the House bill to re- organize the government of Kansas, with a report i taking the ground that the Senate bill is the best plan for pacification that the mnate can devise, and i recommending that the IHouse bill lie laid on the table, as a test vote on its rejedton. ir. Collamer submitted a minority report, in favor t of the enactment of tihe House bill. The vote being taken, the bill was laid on the table--ayes 35, noes 13. lMr. Weller moved that the Senate take up the Pacific Railroad bill. Disagreed to. The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Appropria- tion bill was then taken up, and the Senate struck ot the House Kansas provisos, by a vote of 30 against House.--Mr. (ampbell, of Ohio, from the Conm- mittee of Ways and Mheans, reported a bill reducing the duties on import,, and for other purposes. The consideration thereof was postponed till the third Monday in December. A message was received from the President vetoing the bill for the improvement of Desmoines Rapids. The bill then passed, over the President's veto-yeas 130, nays 54. The 'Pot Office bill was then taken up and passed without debate. The Aromy Appropriation bill was taken up, as re- turned frnl tire Senate, minus tie BShernman proviso. Mr. PInnington otffered a ubstituote tifor the proviso, tlht no part of the military force of the United States shall bIe emplsoyed to aid in the enforcement of the acts of ther Territorial Legislatuore of IKansas, until such enactmelits .are approved by Congreor ; this not to be construed to prevent the President from em- iploying adequate military force to prevent invasion of thie Territory by armed bands now residents, or any other body of non-residentsacting as posse comitatuo of any olliccr in the Territory. Adolted-yeas 101, avs 807. The bill was then returned to the Senate. 'Tire Light Hoooe appropriation bill, and sundry bills of minor importance, were severally taken up and passed. The house took a recess till 7 P.M., forpolitical de- bate. ANOTHER FII.L.OREt PorAPE-We yesterday re- ceivedthe first number of a daily paper published in New York; it is called "The Age." It has the names of Fillhaoreand Donelson at the head of its columns, and declares its determination to do faithful service in the good cause. Successto the Age, say we MIIscnIEtroS TarCK.-Some irreverent scamp who bhlieves that "all's fair in politics" managed to place the words " Black Republican 2iYcet,- " in glaring capitals, over the nominations in the St. Louis Demo- crat on Saturday, the 9th inst., and in the morning the editors and subscriber were astonished to see their Buchanan and Breckiuridge, Benton and Blair Democratic ticket, surmounted by the name of "Black Republican" in their own organ. It was a scurvy trick, baut it caused considerablemirth among the anti-Bentonists, while the sly printer or printers 0 who practiced the joke laughed in their sleeves at the commotion which they had caused. The proprietors offered $1,000 reward for the detection of the joker. Louaslana Inelellgenee. The Lafoerche Union, of the 14th ainst., in an arti From Sunday up to the time of oner going ntopro, we have had very inclement weather. SoSday and Aindown a ences t chinmneys, fintng wth rain the canal, and plai r g the very misclef with everything in genemral. le brick ends of the old atore-hunae of Doonis & Brothers were thrown downhy the wind. T•e LAStr Sr.LAw Diosxr .LWe liar from the Franklin Joornal at•at at meeting of the survivorso of this disster, which was held on the eteameetojor Aubrey on the 14th inst., the followingr ble and r resolutions were adopted: 'Whereas, The participants and ,sfferern daringbhe severe hurricane which occurred at Lastlsland tuthe 10th inst., deem it necessary to give an ekpresinn tii regard to tihenoble and praiseworthy efforts of cero tain individuals who ventured their lives for the safety of many of the survivoro, therefore Be it resoled, That we hereby tendei our hearty thanks to Capt. Abraham Smith, John Miller;pilot, Perry, second pilot, Briggs,engiaeer, and the crew of the steamer Star. Also to Thomas H. Ellisand A.B. Carey, for their noble and humane efforts to preserve humanlife. -Be it resoleed, That Dr. A. Duperter,' 3L L. Lewiu and Jonas •arsh he appointed a commitee to collect by sutscription a sam of money to purchase suitable testimonials of our gratitude, for Capt. A. Snmith, of the steamer Star. '. W. PUGn, PreldentL Do. A. DreresP., Arctng eey. EFFECTS OF THE GALE IN ST. MAEY'S PAISH.- We learn from the Fraklin Journal of the 14th inst., that the late storm was very severe in that parish, in factexceeded any thing within the recollection of "the oldest inhabitant." It rpmmenced about 12 o'clock on Sunday and increased in fury until 9 or 10 ,o'clock that night, about which time it was at its height. About two o'clock on Sunday night it shift- edfrom the northerly direction which it had been blowing all day, to aneastward, and againto a south- erly direction ; inthese changes it created sad havo-- twisting offlarge limbs of live oak trees, taking off the roofs of houses, flattening fences and laying pros- trate the cane and corn crop of the parish. In Franklina great deal of damage was done, the wind carrying offthe roof of the Odd Fellows' Hall, a large brick building, dsed for stores and offices, and throwing it some distance into the street. Messrs. J. Levy & Co., dry goods merchants, and Winm. Bogel, druggist,suffered considerable damage from the water in consequence, they occupying the lower story of this building. Levy'sloss is estimated at $10,000, and Bogets at $2,000. Messrs. Clark and Hedrick, ambrotypists, who occupied the upper story of the building, hadtheir apparatus slightly damaged, and several pictures destroyed. Several small sheds were blovn down about the town. The capacious warehouses in the upper part of the town, belonging to Mr. Trowbridge, were blown down. The sugar-houses of T. Carlin, Thomas J. Foster, Capt. A. L. Fields and J. B. Murphy, were all destroyed. The brick shed and baggusse chimney of Gabriel Grevember'g was destroyed. Theodore Fay, Adrien Frete, Joseph Frere, J. L. Fuselier & Son, Mrs. Louisa Fuselier, T. & N. Sigur, Judge Seymour, Euphrasy Carlin, were all damaged, some of them having their sugar purgeries blown down, and some of them sustained the loss of their cane sheds, and the majority of them damaged in other ways. A large stable on the plantation of Henry Foote, the mill house of J. D. Hudgens; Mr. Burns' stable and the steam chimney on the plantation of Watson IMcKe- rall were blown down. And along the whole extent of the bayou there is scarcely a sugar-house standing. An necurate account of all the losses had not been made, but it was thought that the losses of the citi- zens of that parish could not be less than $1,000,000. Besides almost totally ruining the cane and corn crops. Planters the comingseason will be forced to buy all the provender for their stock which they may need. The Journal concludes by saying that the denizens of St. Mary's will long remember the desolating effects of this storm. We have accounts of h like character as the above, from dilferent portions of the State which the crowd- ed state of our columns precludes our giving. The Northern papers are writing a good deal about whatthey pretend to have discovered recently, "a colored genius." We have heard a good deal about "white spirits and grey," etc., and this would seem to those who are unacquainted with the dodges of the nigger worshippers, to be some very late discovery, but such is not the case. A colored genius is in reality nothing more than a "smart nigger." The girl who recently sold St. Beecher, is a "colored genius," and as such we recommend her to her white brothers of the North. YEl.l.OW FcVERo INS Now Yor.--The Daily Times, of tile 11th inst., in an article on the sanitary condi- tion of the city, has tile following remarks concern- ing the reports which had spread abroad about there being yellow fever at the quarantine: The alarming rumors which have prevailed in the city for a day or two past, in regard the prevalence of yellow fever in a malignant form at quarantine, prove to have been greatly exaggerated. It wvill he seen from the reports Ielow that no case of yellow fever has occurred outside the walls of quarantine; while the weekly report of the City Inspector shows a large decrease in the number of deaths from Srmday to Saturday. During the past week the number of fever patients has greatly diminished in the quaran- tine hospital, and lewer cases have occurred amongst the stevedores and other hands employed in discharg- ing vessels; and at present there is no reason to ap- preliend the appearance of yellow fever in New York in any form that bears the semblance of an epidemic. Till UNITED STATES FRIrATE 4[ACEDONI.i.--This ship arri-;ed at Boston a fern days since. The Phila- delphia Ledger, of the 11th instant, has the follow- ing description of her : The " Macedonian" is oneofthe finest and most powerfl 1ships in our navy. In every port she has excited the admieration f inaval men., An interest attaches to her fronm her having been captured from the British in1812, by the frigate "United States," ullder command of tihe gallant Decatur. But she is now infinitelysuperior to what she was then, having been rebuilt and had placed pon her amostpol erful battery, in ;ccrdaoce with the latest improvements in artillery. She is of about 1400, and has a conmple- ment of 30G, elilcers and crew. She has now on her spar deck two 130 pounders, or 10 inch Paixhan guns. These ae pivot gnmsplaced one on the poop ard the other or tCie frecastle. On her grn deck she carricssix.teen 6fpounders. or 8 inch shell guns, and four long 32 pounders. Tihe trrenty-two guns are infinitely more formidable than the fortly-nine guns with which she was previously armed. By some judicious ralteratirnsin the stopping of the masts, etc., theMacedonian, frombeing one of the dullest ships in the service, has been rendered oneof the fastest. She left Hong-Kong on the 2d February last for Singapore, at shichlatter place she remained 55 days, and then left, April 6th, for Anger, Java, where she arrived April 16i, and sailed on 3d of same mouthfor St. tIelena. Sihe quitted St. Helena iafter two days stopparge, on 23:ld June for Boston. The miele sailed on the passage from Hong-Kong home were 1 5,_50. SoaetumruN WRONo.--The iew York San, of the 11th inst., has the following: It wasstated in a telegraphic dispatch from Boston the other day, that one buhdred anusixty-nine of the crew of the steanmfrigate Merrimac had deserted. De- crtionls are not unooammon in the navy, but wholesale desertions like this are very unusual. Though the cause or causes of desertion are not stated, we can readily imagine that the oten were very genemrally dis- gasted with tie ship's performances, and had no taste for making a cruise in a vessel which has thus far been unable to earn a good reputation. Crews amre not find of unlucky ships. The inducement of higher wages in the merchant service would operate to prevent enlistments in the navy ; but after men have engaged themselves for a cruise io n national vessel, there must be other causes of dissatisiahetion than theprospect of getting rather better wages toproduce wholesale desertion. In the case of the Merrimac, we surmise that the crew did not care to trust themselves at seain her. A nice commentary, truly, on our national ship-building ! SCIENrTIFI CONroTIOea A AALueer, N. Y.-The Albany Statesman, of the 8th inst., has the following : Mr. J. E. Gavitt, of this city, who has just returned from Europe, says th t the following distingoished ecientifie gentlemen may be expected to attend the annual meeting of the Scientifio Association in this city on the 20thint.: Airy, Royal Astronomer of England; Le Verbier, of France; Abgelander, of Germany; Struve, of Russia. Among the distin- guished American savans who are expected to be in attendance are Prof. Aggasiz, Prof. Bache, of the Coast Survey; Prof. Henry, of the Smithsonian In- stitute; Prof. Peilrce, of Iarvard; Prof. Gould; Prof. Gibbs, Prof. Dana, and Prof. Torrey. UreMaon Meoetling ns trederleki, Imatt'and. We condense the fllowing report of this Immense demontration from the Baltimore papers, of the 11th instant: The Maa Mesting at FEredeflcl cty, oi Satrade the thins•,eag,wa amgr d ea•gtasO i affair T prceioeon wao one of theldregit eer seen in P rel- enrick, there being 373 earnlt otl thl`nea, bSdu It or-' copied over an hoeahr tp ~ea tfa enpls At about ffteen mnotteat~r t yae teOelk thenDeoh sion haaing reached the Conrt-hoese,'e eim dle asombled anoond the difeCeotta tee t6.l oe g. d great length, ad donea elojaice a otheataeoiomn dealicies which Faedecokh ai prepr s for her gaesto and people. Tnag Setrntno-Maer a &nd.-oAfte din hnid beenprtakotenr pethe paeple annembled: darod I heie setanAt lthe ealte•it•f the mo omwlroM~ r sWl.•?., The meet l was letooederbyMr.Hfeyfie being chorea.r coaidet, andthe nmtRiis eventeen n nnumber, Vice -Presidnte. After al Columbia, bym the ton Bandthe-le dnt i•- trodnced thello4 Caaoyleof'gnls. Mrr. arhle h'iratl~c alo~riatmeetingsn in all at saffectdsthe peasce'~df) o oaurom n contry, e allnrded to thea fteeat tfb t ofth de. ctared objeta of the presontgtogdveetsembl'r aP h tnam- ire domestic tranqoulity ;" tnabtoe.aet t ofounr Ebatry iwail nou snat olry dito iet on- in aliaOesftyand aeetona hate pr•ee l-addt•e^ fio mltywau bnih, for ti, and i~tin•ed tg~ men, toa.on .. ne•d•tm •f the m oeatrfeoAlegaln Mr. tionre sad oencludedby ar fer. to' thp, e•n- at th e;maj. -h B adiles o theimaerapt an• the I sisted t atnthe . oblnHed man, an •• t- lpat r aonr4o t abh ot y staied the oaB r. of Presidenit.toa an•hie mtite•lt iasetsble . &hn Towhes coleilfre atno eliea ttee o antio o amsociationes of cha stu b g•or lass- than m san d baeers' o nJ ontierr 5om etonetho dSo0 Nn. +a Thaf isn W. ov'aantanroro .. rof. at AlterMr. Carlyle aadroanedeada teoarkaiaw e' enl other apeakers were then .introdoe~dfto the 1W. eembled multitude, among whom wore Mr. Wftt*e": of tht, State, itdd tlte.i i .. lppef•Q, o ('" at toetock another t wndeasn won atireidom the wea, , aide of the ort-hoooo;aniaddreoo es e made ' it by Messra Hamphreey.-9fisthafl1, o, and irah" ion. JacobBrown.. > The hoar. of t a'clok ltavng arrived; the meetings at both otandetook a reresa for one hear. At 7 orerhckthe nmttitude aerembledhto each nam- bersthat it wone found neceamryto erect one neble otand fof their acomemodation,which-wan done en' Dr. Schley'a aippo. Speecheo were then, delivered at these standas t- moultaneonoly, bya namber of diitingulahed ;grotoe-_ men, among whom were Mr. Pearse, of Aleghany, lion. 3. Dixon Idman, and ton. Mr. Trippe, of atthe main stand; Maj.D. H. MePhall, of Baltimore,,' and J. MortimerKilgoar at the satandNo. 2 ;and theI Hon. H. W. Hoftdman,and Me. Alexander, of Bal.i more, ate'etandlio.3:. These speeches having occupied the attention of the crowd unti thehoorof twetoe,thonthe meettga adjoarnednwith three hearty cheers forx. Fs'lna nd Donelson. ., Then closed thegreatmeotingg at rederick. ,:, ,-s Fsr--dlleged.Ad •on.-A fire oocrled yesterday morning, about one ocloak, Cn o heo•oe baeloing tX etoJ•De'-g gnn, situated on the corner of Olaoboree abd St, Louis steets, Second Ditrlct. The hones wasoeeynpied bytP. lilitam"s' a grocery, ho welearn wasabsent when the e bo hbkeot. ,He wife Elita was, howeser, on the preanses, and,was mamte by Lint. Fremano, who charges her, oninfoanuton receivred, wtl havingcommited theertmeoforeoe, bysetiing the stare on fire. Welearn thr Wlillioar and hlb rite bd hbein hehabt of qnrrelth for Come time pas•, and the latter is sopeoted of having fired the prem sre inqoesto, ae a mRtter of o•ait to te husband. Wecold mot rcerfhinpoetveliy, hat presume there was no insurance on bther the house or tock of groceefes, a. the first is but esmall affair, sitrtted far oat I trhenar of the city,and contained but a allsuply Of .heap artMledof Heltls ERRATIC DaVaoerre-A handsome young woman, who from her appearance had carce turned 't sweet sLxteea," was arraigned Ifore Recorder Stlth last week, on tie charge of having abandoned the -aternaloof andtaken pp her abode Cm some house ofprostituaon-the mother trangely, though per haps notimproperly;' appear•f aps oro&sotrdx. The facts were clealy pretod' aiutstmbeo aogwmoto; onot theoReorder.heldthatas she reooa ogaeo euald eereise no judicial restraint oveo the matier ofher electlon feora llyhoo, even though it e the "servle rDle of self." She wre aord- ingly permitted togo her way, and htoned from the com rtwith o scorralo smile directed towards her poor broken-hbeartee mother ibdlowihg beiind her with the big tears, vering her cheeks. The strayed one's smile wea indeed pronfully signid- cant of her predetermined rain, and presented bata convrining enple of the truth " If virtue trip shemaystumble, Andvirue stumbled is not virtue." We sw a nice tooking younggirl, of onlyfourteen gorere, taken tothe lock-op last night from some house of prositution on Chrcus street, whose manner ave everyindedation ofher hba ing ht recently strayed from the path of rectitde. She was relenoed at the earnest solicitation of her mother, upon v• ds buomr she leaned and cried inthe most repontrnt mooi ple•s- ble. We have some hope, consequently, of her reclrtation from the utter andIpgoble ruin into which shemust have other. wise been seduced. The arrest created the wildent, and'we tnlmt, a lotar effect upon a Isrge nrmb f bfboa girlish fdendu,, who crowded around the prion andbered for her release. Mother, isthisthe lst cs weshall have to hronod• ? ARREST OF A Coa•TErrRrar.--Joseph Bice was arrested at 6 o'clock last evening in a house 0 Teepalhore street,in the neighborhood of the FourthDisb iet, and was eaught in the very. act of makinee counterfelt money. Two dies were found inhispossessiol at the time, still waorm wlrth the heat of the molten metal. He had Jlst coined some holf ad quarter dollars, andno less h twenty-seven dimes, all which, if we except their being rather light, -were pretty good imitations, dtf- bcintly perfect, at least, to deceive negroe. Rice, who is aolut forty yearsof e, h In hisposeson allthe minor ap- purtenances ofa regular mint, but aew, poor fellow, h career incoining ldmself a fortoee, l abount to be wound up ethb a grand sequelatthePnitenoary. Pity 'tle that be cldd not have learned the lessons ofphilosophy which eve cotgpre - setas in drawing the contrast between prosperity aond mlfortune -thlt they are, resrpectively, dIm, lhoe rounded emet ooqually polisrhed, in wheih ourselves mrst cointhe minhog of futulrity I ARRESTED FOR PEnJLRnY.-The only notable ar- r inthie Fourth DistrIr, yesterday, were those of reorge Earls and John Daton, bohmade at the i•onanee of George H. Taylor, wlho charges themwith having committed the crimoe of perjury tohisprejudice. Their case will moset probably be called for e:ulunitoubefore Recorder Bouliagy this morning. SEnproUs THREAT-Joseph Barrossiere, a free co1- ored manlof the Tird District, was arrested last week,and held forexaminatlion before Recorder Solomon, on the grave charge of having threatened to cut hiswife's throat with rator. The cause of Joseph's murderous expresion is sup- posed tobe jealousy. KILLED By A DERdUCK.-Richard Malley, an Irish- man of shout 26 years of age, waskilled at AlgAers CJt Tuesday. by a derrick accidentally falling on his head and causing Sto fall from a ship and drowin the river. An inquest was held on the body and a verdict retumred in accordance with CrLD RPxr.--James Dolan was examined before Recorder Solomolln lat week and sent before the Firet Disiadet Court for trial ol the charge ofhaving, about.amonthagr . o ruthlessly attempted to violatethe person of a merechlld, a, lita, iirTbnly nine years of age. WIe BEAToING.-Jacob Screibrger, was arrested aud heldtohbail lst week i thesum of o~fS0 to ra wer before Recorder Fhabr on the charge of having comnmtted a violent as- snult and battery on the peson of liis wifeb eating hboor. st with his fists, andthou with a heavy ironein the meantimle- peotedly threatening to kill her. The ooconrrdae took plsoes the street last Sturday morning in front of the Mint, and but for themost opportunl interference iomginable a horrid murder would doubtless have been perpetrated. ALLEGED HorSTTHIEF.-- Oharles McGregor was arrested last Sunday nighr, at the Intance of lMr. A. iM: BIenvenu, who reohies at 172 Royal street,and aocusee him of having entered his premises, as is'suspete i d; wiethe felloniou inote- tlnn of coummitting a theft. It behoor es our citizetm tokeep a close warch over their prem- ises. Petty theftsare becoming quitenumerous. The latest i that ofa coat-not his only one, however-stolen from the par- lor of a gentlemanon Breinstreet early on Saturday evening. RECORDER STITH'S CouRT.-Edward Lipskey was arraigredin this court astweek,and heldto ahl for a '" brick battery," alleged tohave beeoninicted on. the head of John Buckley, by means of a vlolenth blow w a brick. The case will be investigated on the 23d is. The muse of George TWae and olary. Ida wife,accused of s.l- hig liquor without hliense, Ia grocery store on Gravier street, wP referred by general consent for the Assistant CityAttor- Sney' consideration, the charge being clearly proved, and even adlultted by Tate hh•self. t Pat Logan waoed ••for disturbing re peao by givingun- authorred raps, in imitation of a watchman, andthereby de- I eiving the "duly recogpised" of the police leather.heads. SJohn Boothhad to pay a like sum for raising a rompnson r Therese street, and Pat Rogers was sentto the Work-houe for Shabitual and incorrrigible vagrancy. J The car of Marthab Pilenet, accused of having swindled SJohn M. Cafrey out of a land warrant, wrs eamulned, apd turn- log uponsometechnicality of a merely civil charater, wa promptly dismissed for investigation before the proper tribunal. RaCORDs B PFAI R's COURT.--MartinFrea was brought before this Court on Saturday, and sent to the Lunatic Asylosn for alleged ad apparent Inanoity. Mory bAn Kelley, for commuting a gross brachrof the peace, was te to the d Work-hoouse for two mntbg. SJohn Carey and Mlm Valentine paid the Recorduler 3 kh Sfor fighting and otherwise perpetrating a scandal on the slevre. f Carry Browm, Ellen Brown, Lou Winfe an d Jorey Leabgod Co pay $10 each for keeping dispumble houses ia the Secnd Disa P eerirr Rerotosn SOLONON'S Csorr.--M. Gazzia awaita " hearing before Recorder SDlomot. o the Chaboe of chavlg, it Smoattrdenient fashion, beatnoren ises rl Vlotoria Oeier, af theThird Distrit.


Sep 26, 2018



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Rill kc'lve oTrfUIIfMHI AY, AnlU*a.' 21, U A N'lock A. Al.NFOR BRAZO2~i~l SANTIA(,2O, II!S( :I1'-Tllo NuIw UrlIUU llln 'Id'le UnllUUI IllH

Jk~r, il Linn. Ttu now lll mngnlncon l a sllxilljl

ft.-Tlv ly 81 of eight orpnllb geahavlg elegant s222122112

2112122 dOrIRAN & COto Ct oN JJ11211eot,opponlto la rr LipInn81nli.

@.All. fr2Uiilt llj'A1 by the Nnu1u1 will be d21212red toCnplllil, ianuudy, of tllw slor1er 1212p1, 12lonn ot112rwl1dlpq-Hrocir

21JI111111222 11 pIII112tho H 122s w1th 1he 1t22mer's hllsCCI11din2. No other ,form wll ll he he12gn1d. nu


.t- FO REY WVEST viT TAMPA AND UT.i ,D-A KITT l fl fIt Aling schooner LibbtlN ckappII, OCT. doPl I.ow, wilt La ant to ra-

civf " tr6 6 6656501 er' will Cf l TorTpe nildA n Ile )u) if fiullieiu em freight ofirR Fnrovlgf CO., yc

apii, No. 61 &n Tn6gCiI I o trt.


TITNi PIP IAITETi.- The Al regular p lckithnak,'F. Tmllg. Dyrmma master, having moat of ln,

rllrqu lly to' GEO . W. :i:YNfiON & CO. 82 Camp')hrpppr p liFE, ppIly o tihe Captai on bIonrI, at Poet 34,

'Phird 11trii'ip._ 7521

FOR PItTILATELPPTIIA- TEG'I,,A IILTNT IAI(iEji'i.-=1'TL Al regTlnr ipiiItt clipperhart: TaUnTImN~Ty,T helInn, master, hI-dITmoat

other utrgo anKSUe d wf11 hlivs qnick dialrlleBFor balwlcaof freight or in-agc, apply n oa linl nl Yost )!, j eonlL District,or to GEO. W. IHYNE'N N Q~.,

7yl0 8UCnlri inpAt,


O Joi. iiniani, .nls c IIlii[II~I mhlUI TPPriEIt a (iiil h!" , liiii iIIIlNIEIIt . Por bnmof Oyv freight 0,

aiYuyapl on bnnlrd or to)old GEO. W. HTYNON A CO., 82 Camp street.


ITTEGUIART,1(1 PACIIE0Bi - F'l AT i7pcket Oitk IThNU.'A11NIbol Tlppiiopion .1111er, IPIaiving ipC i.t ,

eilryo oa hoar will Inipa eill Ipip{li. Tp biipalu of frTight or

I l Itpl ). F. TE 1IYNITN &PCO.. 82 Camp street.

BOSTON.FOR UOSTO!T-TT:GUETAR LINE FlUE-r Tli7S.Il taI lgIIP rlfilOR pikekt Alll P0th,--

oe, \S50 rul, matlher, hur iiu m . oP 11r catrgoX;:aiINIPv [i hour lixlici. Fur plpulppi

of fr lnp pi 1,,y to

(iWl. F. TTYNIOSNU GO. 82 CnUip 61.IO-For pplIuige iapiply ai bioad, Past 38, EliTh Irlsrlo.

FOR BOSTON-TITOULAT LINT PACK-ETI.-ThIe AiTI t li caling liiirt Bnrl yIyhteryt;Sr, master. Laving marst of he aroeune

will ipp plPI ihyplil. For Ii hipp of hight apply t,EDIT. 'TV. I kYN 1CO & U., 8' t lmp At.

Pir pInPUPupr nppiy on praMUul Pp-9i, Iii. PIPE Tinsy. Iv L

OR 18011 IOSNTON.-TEGIUIEA IT TINT1 PACU -PP T .I hip Uaotrwell, 1110. oninafer, 1,

r 1!ig mIII) f lnlr TgPIIn LgngEd uInTlgIg u IILbnud,p 1111 IBulIb pppn vv. Itil .IPPPPC IInPluI nppiy to

UEO . ITENSEIN & CO., 8i Camp- 11011Nor paysn IP P pply In Ip'iP. PP I- iP. 7x18


c I -1vII i w I-: -'IT'lFlr oi : l ' p eg IT ppll . t,

'i:OT. {ITYNSN k CO., N2 iTun U. vet.For p',PPPl` apply ii .Inptlin, on Iii rnl.IFp 'I lin -II Iiui lP- iip hiiii. -


. ET.S.-The At Poc~I ketKrI,,,rli loo, hll, madI er

tlinlich. Pur NPiPIuePP .lIrcklit l piniiiui ppP9ily hioa I- r to.i+:_37 G0E . I. TTYN N, 82 C1 _li rcot.

FOE. ITO5TONi-TIEPUIATTR 1,11 E-T111Fl nSI~Oi dil DiI1I,.IITl CIIS3-IRellllnn Pa hel cllp Dlltltdlrrnc0 Cook, map-te,

ilpi-i will Tii o prii irTPt llyi. ForIPl iiii oPpIfightIPr pPI. apr.ryply us Iwuarvl ort

Pl P1 hUiT. TW.TTTNESOE & EO.. I2 VoTlp -prot.

- FOR BO.ST((IN-IITEPYTPT FI.61IT 1,1(1P-Tipu rrgnp li PliI)t PIJI LITxy, mEp steil, ,

llng lost of lier cargo ppiip,.lx, trill Tulini ii.TiiiplFI. I lpnci iii frPPP'PPP r p .li i"t, IITIY or pj.-l'; ti FO. W. 1IIP N.1)N ,C CO.. 8:1 tSnl, *trert.

FOU IIOSTON-IPGULAR PAKIET 1TT(. P1:i' ln paicket Lark lunu, IDiirn, master,

~ "_-v t hvig nt f er cnrga o L boiv~l, rill Ln v iil Il dilirth. F'ur lttinnca of trnigbi or enc. age, nppiy an

PT,,,, or to PIP l ipP, 7 li, 'TV.. TIV'NP`ONET&O.E, 2ap~pTrPt.

TTVE 110 (II,.F~Ii- I 011 I1ETiRPO00.-'TITE Al HI Tll .

1041. 1: V1E1 PIIOL-TP I Ii ,IT:ii r,- 0111

"Iie:: vn cf e i ui p-il s pp 1 .iiiii ,i p..i.ii Ti

17 i JiiE AS IT ItrITR "I CO., TE V


SIN:,. \l, L 'SZI) N AC'S i.. 2 5':un5 scam,


IsIi? ARRISN1,11-IRNt S.

i.:.,t,,. ,, rI :a ";,,: ',i:,y :r! ... .. ..... . .... ..?.! A. .\ . ..Ar~ s, ntlia o~ li~ nfr,"r;il., 1 .... ... ...... 1 .::11 ;. N. .

I FSISHISINI I'1.. r .,: Y.:;-niir lio.,"f ........ ......-..... ... ... ... }?:15 P.M..r r "a a . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

'1'oI :an: ..................... ............. ... g : b11. 1

.' \1 11....... ....... ...... ... ... 1 50 ?

I::u"- ],,17 I. r t V"1 , d , S

Il~ia- ~ lie.\i i~ll;, c~lr...... ..... nnc., .''I

To '!;a 'eaqit.. ...... .......... ..... .... ..... 3;,)lt:: to, S I SI I: lt 3011 \I I

t F'r,"i,:ht sill =>. uiver f~e Rayon Ra of and In iiirmml rh:1St. ,"IS'S ANS,;Ii:." r:,nnl.nly nn ii ilirf 1,1 IAo fo ot DSIRSnIN

, 1r.': I'S arSil I 'cuc 1NS.II ). 1,51 VpIStI:T'

sI'A'SirSrRRIS'ICI' P'in, 2 1 ll 'A SIem IS, ':lf, }; 1 CI

:. ii ,:I.,: of ti, " C 'mpaily.A. R. ,1: R,21

atll l' ie- rtfit'it

1111,'5 1115 1 ISSI S IA1 -I1, N ASI' (RIrslT NOR1THERN

?IczUE!L *HI?*2-E)IE~t-PI:O u ST w 1-031tl alT O;.

A TRA1512 IN l II,2 11,5v P2Ecnsa, dyiIIIII i F-

"z. 31, ta I eM, li'n to rhla l,' c. i TI , sin,1 12'.,,-Tral~a W-, N,,, t I-rY(IrI. s e! v I " c Rmdal III In'cOock, A. 11., tor0

to 1_1, u. halfll-past t oweluk, Y'. f the -*lnU ay.

irwrl: nf ln e, rear, par mil e, a,:rlh t ayr :brhn rn nnder f*;la o

no u illl tr.:ili iatuael Plntrlrdy Rlf slnlioa ant M-lal;y uloutirg,

"EATON '1'[ KII'1't; may b )e ,b:,,;-~d at thie off}- of thee

s.".,",t," r n I Lirve., la park rsee of t curg nry-fire, nr a ellWel~l la ice.

din r, Da olly, iiooe n ikhl.y a trip brull: "ay., -11 ha~ve to be

- A iS1( iI IT TRAINi Irma. New - nlipilll for Oeyka nnd intermcdiiltt tnionb at ; o'cmcl k, A. \ ovary 7'auIU duy, ' TIIIII(Cilnnld J:Lr':rnby), anal haves~e I))si~ for Tii('l Orl ,a nn d 1$ nte)illlPdia~r c nriuoh, every Ilv. I'. p, l111lr'dil , -nd Friday ml11:illg

c5: A. '111, I,.I d1IlllC'O., i11A.' IIN ST.,tJ corny of No"IT ' "It'!' t'n (nl iic" nt the invent iovalket riers,,

rebuke a iserutm,"n[ of I I(OC`iRI ES, andi invitee the ultenaionof Purcrhh: cri. 'l'hci; stark Lr ilil buen cilrc!'l;!lr elected, .,addcortpris,:i nll the iirliclrs cur dad fIor family old. o; for memrclanlfiinhel: rouniry. J'1119 f

TH 111, ALLA&L)I \YIN)-MII[,I.- 111,1 OF

11 ton m~t noiotifc. I. able lnld rriler :rd n Irluilnii and o n1:

giuerrls III the Unrited etileaa hive clni.i.l rli t in 1l nlrin nuddpioeri ;rdl ono of the moat breulifui nud unetldi ins nliumir of

m,dcru Illnr.Ilr ii nplr y et Ingrnioas device, as thle cute iilreals in se-

M >l III 1 .,IN gdolaly l turnboui; I.1i Iulglt'e nieITwhilch fl:,,r were ,ier Fora 1 Eoall bracer ;prise a. l lu* nndE leis

I"lit, irltr in Irrxentad to it, rdl' r Ait a the ISIces. IltI Iell f 11y rm bs Filo bides the 1'xn~grndua ll ir orAlI1i ,allIIiboopi ly S,oucihofu ll k;slln, foro El"hllFg. I h I It(iol of tllu saii, is what tneel::nics have co lung soughti for invein,

'fil ?ped of thle vi, d whtell i. not incteaxrd by n powerfulolto or of' n. ind, for (tis Its ix na f Inldr cnnel ~' !uea'loO' icle-rlholo l or n(ist.11 eingne it' ri, 3il Lo well ptlup it 111 require no u a or aIl,'tion whtever for 11eek01s toFell r.7'I " r~ly reason mlhv the wend for age, part ha~s ,wot been an!-

vorrrll b, '1,011 :t 1 tiiv u rer ibwoo ll ,y uwn to be :d 1 w11 e Fl10 )ll r F,,!ing Il:chinis In hrar Balrs the . ini.1'a0110 lN.

,rtoior u cuu~e l ncil ec.rc. -nn eithur srurt rltall in lioIel ".s ruin er

mt. Th: EAS--ticidl) isl n1w eir011 abl~knd1m0 t The on1ly ob,

.1.. l'ii c .111 I :ell for by the UI f:oll thalt it CUIIICI ~o

ouj lnr r l m-, o c__l______ iml In ren to tendl or

flol AL ODA-I i,, u, , lbh 1111111wr. LI'hlmill rldy at any

lay y r uii-l, to he nrvavs by the 1,1,nd by A F misny PointruIT Y-, P l v nII ~"ia i , p11,Port i, to 1011e 1,nnWIdle ofVV l~ 110 the1 e IF 0000110 (111111 11in C aOnn

FtloJl~, rlal yalr. or ri.illl Connnol , and ,u ": and 01 -

ir.,b,' and grinlding r "me O Il d !'kung ;I A eutaill. I~lllnlltiirrrl vii{, writh aI mnIIlur 1C \ wind, will ;nire I glcll); l onx ul rsc"T nnd gCrind if- )"I) ,lci of croln Pe, hauc, F L.r !io,"),cr int'or

AYOOOILIIIo,, 10111111 ' C1D,T111". E I TlbLlphol OF 1USIC.

Tlli ,rock can pise, s thu lirceii1 s-ortinent of aill the Al,:"liccil pl'rlio l dun: s andlr of 1'u,, gII 1 1Iuri I c ever e~ibreIl in the Sou11111A ilar- uo assortmentl ofl AN0\~l FORTE,;.S of dlle [,,It Anrril. l

eot, S.~ainns , etc., etc., and a COIoIl.lU tr U-ielrl o 31U)IUIIri ehr.i li lSral is, emc., ele.

IS faII it arlraIIgld : ,d ,etndl-}; liiirr11 TIstrnnonltr nf nilid, cl, rdre ril. r Ins! Teachersr recommended and tl itantloo,

pPrrlnre i i,r l',ol'"wors je d

ul ;1- 1111Erul lJ~ller lX l Iau i , ht 'ItBOY, d Id YEARS O

ts:; ne hn, .o!, k nnl~lmYd,.: or oar 11111ilibing. balinll ForLerues anld partiliar I r aply at Inc, ulcie, to

jya'1tY _ 1). VANHOOKN.

CANIDLES-5W bares Shlito Sunl for sale bVOOX L1I ES TOO pitau nt,)ii

COW YEAS-3-UUX buis choice unrolfnn send, to arrive,'LJ for sat. by UhREL61 5500.,

je16 61 Comumon street,

S ECOND-IIANL GUNNY BAGS-250 handlies 1uStnore and for rule ay

S. Hf. Ii(?rNN )PY M 00.,jclg ?111'oyd61'11 street.

SAL ODA-0 barels abot''5 lbxeac, jus,..ut lanoded andfor lebyALFRllgl fiE \NY`

jy17 72 1_tgniua street.

WHISKV-600 WAITl neap, Ohvtr, Derby nud Wiltshirefor sale aby VOORHINS, GRIGGS & G0.

my13 t6 Tol-opitou{,aLs street.

iLOUR--5W bbltr St, Louis Extra, Por Hale byVOURIMEffES, tJRIOO CO~.Zny; g 16 Tchuuuptmulai atreet.


VOLUME IX. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1856. NUMBER 142.. ... . . . .... .. . ..... .. -- .... .. . . .... .. . ... .... ... .. ... . . . ... : . . .. . . . '--- '- - - I 1


Will leave on IMONDAY th nt. ,t o'clock P. .

Tht very lighl draltght (eitght hch) steamboatAriel, IIltehlsnon , raster, having aidergono

I,EWISiNAP' l CO., ti iront otret.N. 1I,--Throughl bills of 1auln1g given, and n clerki will be nn

thle Leveeu, fot of lcllville street, ou Dilundny neorniug to receiveef eight.

7'It Ariel till be able to g to ter tihe ftlls tt Alexnndril, atidw111l not dletail luarcllndiwo, Sbilpcl a ltay rely~ on frelght goingthrough direcLt. stul

Will leavt t MONDAY, lthe 18h hIt. it S oclock i. •..FOR RED 1IVEIiR-T it1: VE R Y

Ilght darlght (0 hnthtt) t•ktB•r Li•att o, Ollrt-•y, nll~lor, WIll toaw amsltvely for, Allnxllldrlnl

Ooroan's Lalling, Mouth iced ltlver alnd ,ll illleralelldll e alltdnllgxit•]obves. Flor fluroihl Or pl•xlnnol ply oil bn]nd, or to

I, ;IS SNAI'P t' I't (JO. , 7 o tt.Ti, Tm D lPAFITTE7 pasagu over the bar at tile \T111 Red

Riter withllt detention. Shippers rilly rely nil Ile gaolng'tllugh wtlhoult Relay. She will tako frpight fur Shrevcp oranPd tall tildlnts abtos Alexndrin, If ot nigllod to thtt pltte.

Leaves on TUESDAY, A It 9 o'9 'clck '. 31.RE(;ULALIItED tITVER PACK-t , (rtol--in piece 1,o the Mleanlmr Swalnp *ox-For Shrevport, Iraltd Bayo, ii rtd AtttI:ot,

Alexanilria, lortotn't ad11t aill int i•tdiate iltdigi,--'ltlle tfillitht dnll p ett ckt renmer Creole, I. G. llItI nlt aer,--I F place o itf tamer tSwamp ox--willleave ui atmve. Forfreiuht or paxdlge uppl" on hoard or touulB Z EWIS SNAI'I" A M..37 front street.Willleave on TUSI)DAY. lhe 1O9111nast.. , nto'clok 1,. M.

F_ OR RED IVER--R13OULAR R RED7k • River 1 lkt molan!.r Creole, I). G. FIIIL maxi ter, will leave for Alesllllrihl Gortoi' s and alllnernledlate Inslldn I ts ax above. Illor c r•lit or nl>nlge, Il'PPyin board, or to JOB. 1 ALEA'T,

No. 28 ,1-1nrt ect.1• The CRE:OLFE ts nltDnrul4snel for rpl,'d amlld ncohl.mlnrt .-

liOil, anld i I now receiving Frcl•}lt. 1tlal8


Will leave on TIIFSRAY, sllb inlst., I 5 o'cloc'k. It.FOR ST. LOUIS, CLAIRO), MI5M)II'111turd all I,. 011111 Iwlol;l;s..+ 'ls t'a't

Ing P"+Dxenge~r tacker tee.i r Sr fuat,f:ro~ec'rnry?llll mnavq w ill leave c: arllor .ur freight u r It-Inn' llrply on boird, or to

silly LtIl: S NI\I' C00.5 37 1515nt 0trr1t.


W1'iil l Iss r o 1lllr}liA IIA. 20C inl =., 5 'look .P 10.FOR CAIRO-O'Il Ns FINI. Als' ND

______ sill leave fr Inuls, Irillosihis., Nn~l.',os, \lslkxl,sos, Wot nil I I sodistelo mrr

I. Il. I5IITll, TFl lolfllollsThe steamer Pd. WI. Mlslr s suoilw~ +r~ul u loS lsllulslslhl

slli55rr osl 11a wy llf llhlplsedbylS0.


10110t-is flasol sosilln e'510505It;:lCiskilliss ll~rl lhilllkell'S 1-d P-Iktt.=rhe

flss flrt rusnilsgl lssllnsolI 5uek1t Moanll Frssrlj Lyon,I. A 'll5ur v5 m1uter, sill I s "e u, S above fo r lhillills,' 11-4;si111nls. \ iWarrlento. n lsOd Cnllf. St. lshsjhI, lsosdey,Wtlloerplosl' h55151151, 11ort Alidss o, Juu Srn, Raton ItaIre,Sl'l all illlslll.Odii t llmdillp s ll l the ll 0 1 t, 01 lllllJl e5'5ry 011'lll:-

.1N 5 o'cloek 1'.1. tllylfsiklht or pllsslgs,, kLlvlsgssur-

p 1.50er 10 SnAPSl Ap lii)., ur toK. WS NPPB :O. 7 }'roo slrpet, or to

R. K. L1 iUlirIIN 1 l, I s l lislrodlct stye,

t lvllh , 5lollwale Yn05.5o el01 sol SisI l15011o l ;hills 1 ll15. Dily

55555 1150r freighlt, witll privilege OS rlsirhlillg a1Viers


511 ' AMEIKS FUCIIPSYE IT5 SOUTHI: I ' IIeig Ft: evrunt ow nnl run-

Tllss'sf; 1; .0 Ml 11 olF. lllll

.emrEliss. I lli'11510 Reme 5151tlrr o ssillllolls o l cl'. l e r

0,15 Iilthe'I rloeekls 'p i0 lokS Yloew

i PlsoilsIu lsllllI.Tlll l Prin s 11111ll Id 1ll Ce trade. o n IN'111

'Scilln , ill1 i0lclrr11 s teI ric1r Orllp t ie

s rill.k, fur th1e Illllle aodlll l llr ab cE Wed u " inm""""i

IIihc lll 11 illlar e ll.- onlsl-on l s lls- r oh'.s. b 1 1i ll

55~ll ho 11110 ai rlS,1altte. i f lll ill" lyNhe }:t'.i1'.+ IINII Lo "c F'i il: Il:l'o l ll.: rao ,ll dllo.

For Trrizllt or ]rn;lor pckagerur ::u n noun }' no-hr

h od : or r,, :.:, -b lab Gpoltcd b Pn-scavr, rch th

w~ r-cr: fr-iht " bh iuIt~i , t to u ;i e olce. 1,:I,,.:: ", i luI o h" yoi Ir:v I" iratn .:i, ; :."b -tl

N OTiC,--MI. DANIEL ID. LOC AN 1, a r.•:< iHeaIt,,~ holy oand a',er thi-Idate

L i,1iB3Y SEYMOUPRI & CO,.N rul m_

T P? P.tlI.TN);Ii!IIP--TUE I['::ERSItNI:D1. th vor en;,,red imo 1 nrnier•bi f' i'r l tl[[, dn,", i ll t lt• [ acla',,th ]eir Vi ufe•,'onn under fhr .tvke o. SIN~l0EStN, CLACK.

0t,'C. C-C-cr C,-, C'-m-p anid Ntch x treet, oer "Halle Kowalturuu"c Oti~ce."CIIARLES 11 SINGEIITON,/Wtnlf ,C s ]gbta,.)

FR ̀ .NCLIN HI. CLACK:.New Orlia . August lhi, 1,%3, _ audl 111


1 , andwi'lO•C ,tinue [he

A.lot•ly buCirC I), as heretofre, urder t We ntyie I R. W.ANDAC &C CO. ... W. ADAMS. INew Olrean•, ,Jlly Ist, 18;r. jy8

,7(YTICL>-'1`111 INC-ERR ;CICNNX'.CI'CN FORMER.I-- 1y e.isting b~etwee J. P. TODD & V. t.FIoK, has

expii ed 1, its own limh,•tinn. No one is authofired to use thehllll of t)t firm but J. 1'. Todd, and he only it.ol h-1ion.Il;,y 1st, 1816. TODD 1 0C.

-O(PAITN , ERS3I-P-TIIE UNDERSIGNED II.,ATFG t' 5. re a n co- nn tuerhlap Il'r tile nrrle ocr carrying on MIOe1IM [CRC-CNC; AND) WXIC,)LE-:ALE AN ) RETAIL, CA1IC-CCT

BUSI N-IESS- s Cler tie name imcd Ityleof TODl) & GANDO-I)FI nCCCR [IllCl ontnue [he oC-Todd & Co., at IC C Car-edsCet J,. IP. TCOT)D,~r. (LANDOL~rI,

July Ist, 1 5G. J.BH. FLELTAS,i3yI In ('ommendum.-YOTICE--I 'I-)R ANDi AFTERI THIS I)ATE. TIr. R

KI. W I L ER 1,nbecome, p ,arter iu our house. ilThe style`CI ,•C ICCt-Cl C will lInC C -e - elCIC Ced.

SfTEPIIEN C. MIIIIEiL & CONeC OreanC.. IC-yCI Ic-,. 1j"4 CIm


,lC IHRI,. N. DTI UY.L an intereC t i my BCroCkerage lCineC ,Indr th firm o i1. T LONhiDALE, SOCN & CO.


N OTIC.--i ll DU)CFF GREEN, OF VICIKSBUCI RG1`1 f iIs.ippi, betomsa t p,utucr in our h ut tif lly

S( ((EEN N & RUILP,x[cwfrl, an= , lat, iteS. iyl Sn

D IRCS-OUTION--T' , IRCIIC-I OF RAWIINS, DlN-I 1\AN ,c tilt. al this d.ty ,diolvd lbv mlllll consent, ma,il[l be eoatilna-d for ;purl,,•cs of liquidation oldy.


-OPRlITNREiE.•IiI'-I-THE iC NDERSINRDIIIVEI Cformer'.io Im Critrhip un C-er thieC -tylCoC I)UNCAN S

ICOI -N, to sucCceC d tCi e ICtC firIm oC" ll-linC. CI)C-CC- lC Co-..r-f3" tlt• lmrll , tlan.,aeling it COTTrON FACTORAGE ANDI 01NCC-I, COCI ISSCION IUSINEISC, nlld are ilty aut-hor-ized to liquidate tie bh htiess or their prred -snlrrs

.L. I C 11: NiCCN,IC I1(. CAC-EO. W3. LOG1AN. Jr.

' Q-t)n1 rethitr (rom the CommdvsrIon Illliness, I take rrtlatlelnlr in tenderifnr y }incere thanks to the patlOlls of theCiCt -firl o1 l.awlins DIC--IciiC , C I Co., and at thei C ,-aC time heg

to eti attention 1to !cr cnrid ot. their successors, Meser,. D, ;,chna noa~iC, l Cnd to soliclt for th110ei ICOlICtC CCiO n O Cf --as f-vor-.jy-ICl IAII .w. CCI WLINS.C

NoT(17`ICE TIE .TSIO NTHTTETIIIEby THIS11 lll1 t'trm thr firn M' '\'. A".1. \IO1TC()I[IiL:Y by morns]i

L-ne u'Ill bn Il~rs~~ be coouimed under th rie salme nasme

,I. TIONT'OI'TIEY, 119 Co...,, It.

n OTTTI'E -brC-9l R. DTDNTGOMERY AND JAS. A.Ir 1^I l1'l` il''N1 ev becamec partners in oar cuuuneercial lirw I'rouuud alter tr his date.

IV. A J. MDNTOiMRIIY.June 1, 1856. Jell

liH: SETYlrLE OF' OUR El1tE Is TillS DaIeINT1\r, 1; 113. TANTUS ONRTII A 00.T.

A W% 10 )ISI'TH R: CO.U.,H'LESATANDL3 ITrI'INIAANA, T~.yIl,,,EdIs olINT ,o., ndFront F!lrect ; Depot, Ill:wen t'ovdrall and I~iafale~ne street s,

T, large I- SNOTn, SD. EINoaITa streI. Tlosou, headNew Baaia, and No. I'Hi Glacier street.NoSA su, I eeeo, No.l25lE ,aOIartINO.r RsiIIIIad, uppTI aide

INOTICII-TIIE UN EE IIEINISI A IlIAVE rLIIS A AY{!~~r into 44 oportnel-shi 1, under tile. film note, of

un aiii I "1'rS p F- ,r ., fm t l~ e pulrpose n i tma bil, CC'N tun anl~d Sugar Fnc~onlup tad Genleral UCnmmiscciil hlrinlc siu tbls city. J. N. IIODAN

S. F. It. AtIAEYl59 C.-ndelet t. fi

( oPI'AS d'1N N. 1SHhIT.--l'11 UNIE unde IDI: B

orDhiI'eBIEI E IRyAYEr A (III., , Ia lIte pur th I I.,poundern eniTerl CommissTsioin, SugarO ad Colton IITIArol AL'L IIIIS.

REDORT W. .SANDERS.Hf Ec, No. 14 St. LIos streTt.

Ne Erleans, Itl Deemb. IAN. TIlEfIISOLUTFION OFP COPARTNEIESIIP --D Il l h la'. iurollllra existing arlndrhl, thoe nnc nd Dr15e of

'I'HIIII'SON, ALLEN s a U., I this dny di.Ticyd by ire oll

IIod- D I Tbon'on looing purchased tIle interestTof W. L..Illc with 111id till, n oOla-. all the liallities .nd s cha1gedwithArho li ld.'itan -f the saeo.


T'"~F UNDE RSif='NF. HVINAV NASSODT.DDEIShimselif w tit 31 r. IPM. and NRX of thisr city, ';!delltinu~ie the l t oItal. GITTry Iant .llgIll I~nsi la, under lte


Newr Orleans, . Tulp 1, M6. jy2

DISVOLUTIO N--TLII" CAI'AIEDTNSEOIII1 IIEREDO.1'nr exlltit g between the a llerriilrcl in thle CrexentnIlRonuNr" o IincbriTS, iT this dapr dissodAed by' mutoil cml-10nt. 1,10 HIJUILIEIIIiAE' w ll .1 tibNm tle b. inos forhis own 011 IIII. IIOUlS (IlILIEI S


T 10111tr IIITToussiEIsT dlns Io ETReIIlurl ITT Cre,-ouit"siltu n Mily

lnab.rg,0 est II lol I'i ote paI 1ansoITemInt loItus]

des partiNT. AL OTIS GUIRETIEIIEAh Ioniuuern I, alTNT AdudiISTSto,., par Tompte de Ni. mINme.


Nonvlle-Olensto8 sil 156 W bbls, and bail -Is- Yonongnhlelu ft-0 I~und puc~tagesforISI byJUSEPI{ LANDIS & 115.,

jy23 33 TcsupltoSma st1eet.


U t3 MAIL. - F'OR MANDIIVILALE,IAeslsrbs, 2luli sl2llI, Cosvington nud AbitsSprings. - Thsls lnssr W. C. YoxnLg,

Capt. lfb offr;;o n, Wil lanru for tits nbov~o and Intermelli~lfo l lriilIng, s. 11ollow, 111 : l s b 215Nl1111252bL'asl1s2 lOrl.lls RC Illsnln eg Pontchartrainnd it. R. L':,uingm.n

sond sy............I..y2 2. cars. 4 A.1yls .................. 12 .. 2

udsnssly............... 1 . 6 2TI .lO .......... 1...12 2 .Slds1 ............. ....... 12 5Sllusrlsny.......,. IP. M.5215. 12

.pyq-1'xnxgc 1; Afe , 60 ea-mhL ss I Irtlscrs pxllslas, Ipply on hloaid, orIIa1ut D. C. 1.oIVIl l1, Age.nt2, I9sn~a ls It.

PLEASURtEAO EXCURSION I2('1222 A 11 .111 NCIII211 ,IEThe ele6r6herle nll low prtssure ntemncr r-a!

Chamberlnin, roaster, will (rave tiu bake etd oP the Yontcbarr1,111 llsilross Isirv TIIII) 2.IY ad FRIIDAY on tol rri-oP thle 0 o'elocil A. 1l.'trlill fo 3 lnlmacvlll c not{L 'urtller notf co,commenc2ing 1 Fr.2.y, te1 i1Slh lolt., for the P mo1re of g111 ngnt onportanlly to t5o11.who maly wih to vIllt t15.5r fmiles, .1l5.lslislIsllern lll io .r} wis ' to cols}sl few hsIls of theref'rplhlllp lake Lrere . Itemlrning l'rrrm llnndoville the sametday, in time mt meet the hilt'-part 9 o'clockt train far the city.

2C 22( 'his llllrsllf t will st Intsrfors with the r1g121235_22 I the '5bt as lsltdlt, l in sscr ,lls.

FOR POINT CLEAR.-[; 1'IL. 225illr nosicl, the s11eamer So11 52vt . Star,

Cost. Jolth P. (llrs- will ] to1wnllvs escuptlI.l all" 0 2'loclk, P.21., direct Tur o 2POIN

A".CAII ns1 1ATfI,b'1 W'IAIIF.OnI .dnlllfds, 2152111. WsIosslss lI and WSflau'syl 'sIll leave

lown of 19 del'511, A. 2.. and will l,11d n1115. I,211STarr. inGoast of 11 Ilinte, to con1enience fssilis asd relgilt. Susndayeve55ings will lvso tolll aboult b l, o'clock1.jyrir 21.1.VI1) 2 20111u, A55nt5l

FOR MOBILE DIRECT, DAL YA .. 1S. sIII LIspllSumn Al 1112 Cmlufi-lThlsplenldid tow-pressulre Ililker atrsrur Cuilfor-

ni,1, 21. IH. ihllu1g1 master; Ur.los.rt, Isrr, 15' whaving been- built expre,*lly for the m ke tradee with snprriorneulolulnodltions, one of the nboaw steamers will leave thle Lukeuenb s of thle Pontehar,511 5s alrsy d dailysI u te arribk l of 1 il,12 s',lloekI 21. cars s1topping at Iay S' Loi. ',Is. Chri.tiu.and Psssssssls daily. gols$ and retur1in, 2,1er permittig.

Cabin Fxra to Mobolle ............. ..................$dcck..1................. .. 2

1. (12120522, Asent, 10 Eanl PIase.sNow Orle0ns, No2cmhrr i. 18.15.

LAKE SHORE PACKETSTI1A.11Tr:1 CREOLE.-Ssslslss Asssslg-mcsl.-ssor IILiels~prings,111 int5ermedlia1te 11laud

11121. -'Th1111 a 5 n5 IlllspdiId low pr111 sleSre Isc steamer1REOLE,0. Jo.sph. Nslson, mas115, buiillli slly far tlis 111d5,withl superior 1155211511111i1,, :ill Ieav thlb Psntsslrtllslllsls, on file arrival at ti I. Ilbl of tsie cars, as tallo2Le.v1r Po22115211155ln P.2.211120, 151551 /ran orin.e.MINIIA ..Y...4 A. II. sarn 210N13A Y2112(1.2(22211 .3 . IA. 1.1c2ars WIIIDNCI2AY C:VI 1110,'211222l1,bYl,.. A. I ealn FRI11AY211l1221FRIlM 22....... 4 P. 22. cars 52I'HURI'AY 210R1'.l\0212(21112122.. .4 Y. NI FCND.\b 222212-NO

-ILs1.vcs e.1512152 RlxmislId-T(22421.22,1,2114.2 1. coca; 2,TCAl,2 :(Y. A,: P. AT. cars

51,e 11,111125r Cl2EOLE , l'eiirir1l 1 51 MT.,.2 ,2 btxnd FallsI.1y 5121l1121, wi1 112 5221 ill Pl1n22112ss ,hrL 2an ay ss1Louis.i

Freiglht. extr2l.aggge, hsssts, o121, sarrises, etc. on TuIs-dlsysid'sl11ll'slbslry to Il 41f5ee1e t5ip, 1211, 1,2.1tili11ld an the bilpr preiunls, or in tame 5 rthe 12 5c1, .A.1 221trllilln" and , 11 1'ilmo i1la S21j111iday b n212i11e pr1s111 2 orn Belie Prti the 2 u clock trains, or it will Le loftr nctr the :rest

Cl111inp5112551 to 211.121i111pi City. 121111s11a Oc15n2Spri1gs S2 50Ceck asge.... ... .... ... . ... . ....... h lre . .... . .. .............................. . 1 AlOsisk 522,11........ . I,

s. 011221 Js s l 2.. g. 10 Boo2 Place.News Orleans, June 1. 1856. S0,t


receptioan of cis non,; nnr: cmmple'r n nr;a looms b al~rebren pnI)UPI(C(:1C f r the~ elliCeldilil: 1Cti oI, Ilil:ta ntlel for W n o1hotll llc(' th Gn lll Ct t. GitlU i. JAMI3 S


I _ll a unio -Thl ptlc pri invc of the : nic to ilc i t tki : aill L

1 ::::L' i t ndi :ar E". to the ct:u ; I _r , of dr ,.w Ulir ed I

hrt , pI- --l e . ill H

t, I -I them t'+ .li _: ; RL l i:ltn tity l s l ll I

CII 14 i i. mire IL- SEnl-to U. huhb It ytIlli,thell. 0V trihillE

i Thilulli, iiin vti. ii, dthilil SUMMER oif.UrIIS, liii noalt ois Er tR, rt:i, a elt ti 4i.i:. PhilRp

l itilit it i~rIttoiitiiiititi tir tiiiitte i l11- frriily ii. l~n

fhilii i 'Tlittl M1ilRNNE 'I, ii 14 tii litit.

,tynr, Miss., Cart} mfidralr. tram -lnl. I b ty titi.

j i ire nloi d" e\; ct, wr,.rr II( H DI1Iie ll for SL "eenD ::n of cl r~~io ril ro Ird t i Di rhea,~i~ ~m

-pew-bI, Drop-y, (,I (3-r.1 D)ZITT ICEb i1iy 1r(:) is Plli piu olmlr t 'CI .lee pt Fifll of vtors. Ui

\1^iirilteh v I 15, 6. :iIdc Ijaid lldroaaiclaun

I'e [s.-It re wr li !:navy; that the se!1.-t,- Flil -: nbt h011 Ire~nIhere t fd ll, ecpicady I! onif Zn Ire by d. rr~nna rlr Toad- ro

fnrcl m neea ny Inca! e n":,.: fey j;,,t r. I'r r t'ur i lln ha lto hate the tllc~r IIIVio J I,,l on t1, le or Ci p' inned out the morn

i rI Ph} 01 Pil I Dr. . 8, PB ." ey?( nail burnt in p re e ofhq

I, now ga ng o _,olt' on celtillrnt a n i- me h d ed. A afr fLrnugh vin

)r - , a e ery lord to oat ldlsjrdolinrmn r

onls terl~ eauthJntrLeli~oi~ Ihte um ing se,

; t., Beer ery es,,rcr io will he cede :eudr [mf invalid n ur-h

ron idUCKY-Uhi ue I! nbo Smmnr b it crr,"nt3N tsud near thec

I n hen nekc aver, Burronrted by wild nil romantic ca bpc unltun:,"cnil rc. and ;, -r c of : re v ast plc u 01111 and healthylr in nthe world. It Is I' :3H11 1':1 1160 mil!, e st Do I.>:xing

been m ode, viii. e nIllellfo the nun-kySim Cmpny 'o runnig up.

u 1i. 11. rf- I tag L Cit l or il P nntl by te mornbig, t fln f :us will e. Nt tlw pringy she now evenI I

of i; OEW jPIN IIOSF~. J Wfl. O ES

''t thn Pnb ic that the ab ove ln nluer be grronl SUIIIRRh;D

Dosig w lltreoenn on I}-NnI ~ce} ur~h, orlo c .foarein. ~ et

In ad, tlcr ne 'low add,, n er Ito lilKe hl:Vio 1, aso e ew ihnsto h R i3in;teswli

A UCTIIN NO'IICE.-T00E S0TI110RIB10 ROS-d I hill ll informs iris friends mild thle p~ic, th at Ilaving re-

lov fd hi es ,i 10,, as AUTIS)NISER nod API'RAISER,I,. hA 'il ,',, N, Al ti lOmip n.

Wrili 11,1, to thiS of Roul F:ns Strkl Nege,,, AS-miniI:rntols, .0llilepo0, ad nIl other n, lOOrdin, toI -w. It,w~ill nilu pivt" prmnpl turd personal arttention to all on[-door sales,Of Ci'Cy dESaelI iles.on

aI R -,irir ,-ill be keptopen o f the Real 11te 0nd[ either on p rwc, o rivate u terms, or at punblic all(!:tI,,. Ever}- facility to his power oil, b olre d to bu~ors and

sellers of neat l RbsiitAA Prac01tic001110,0an,000n Plo, Drawer will he I inonstant

attendanclne at his d ic'.with the n+"-ttrnnes thatr he will gleie strict attention to hisWoilns. in all its1 detal, Ihe [ra, a thaI, beill receive01 s0:.le oI

public par oago. LI0. li 5Ii)IG. Aultioneer,_2'6 Oltir No 33 a Cami, street.

T ORY'S FXPR.SSJ-TIIE CITIZENS MUIJA B0 AllIll o nh, .o.ooon UE ave l bee II trde to n this Plo, lrarsby the clef :iller Haten Fi tibcu, to all the Wate ring l Plnle on ritel:oni't. A me-ncn er will trerel on the bout turd a~rs, anti takeeeliargr it' hr hag'll L, pin eels. bundles ct nI. I\gPuI:' at the

pael~acor, Laslet,

Stoli~l~o0,laol ilI 01eer allla lil I;1010000111'lllll~This IE -pr rol oClo c 01, '00.1,', DalyY. Ch er, InI Son

SlOjog,++, I'oi ioltlear, ilollyoloood a1d Itlalcy. Cllst iat th of-

IhI'i-ll ;maO O i the Irate Fri1 1, e chEel-I through to andfeu-al cllveniencr c all will shunmi, end a'oilirnc the mnosylncoand [treing of toewalr. 5111011 TOIlY, dI

)e33m styleaier eate, corner Ca~mp


Tlhe Elllhicrih ySh hav ip o omed in this city the mnnltatoreof Siop -,olr lmilhoih, ip or StcmholI s wlilclh he pre-senlt to the Irllrli 0 for itapproval. in competItion with 10he1"snapsr ore ;.rliIr l rrpttot~iio .Itrnbilll.rtcrntmmy ritfreiPr1nm from the liszlarn'rlle '[facts of ordii,;lry soap., in tl 1c andwill be fauaI1, upon tri~u potses illl CO opopi p'Silo -fectiorn, and is eol.tranr lc to captain at :,realic~l est in suttncientqu airyi l to irthlirr he bursrt rilllrir of boll", .'apparell

'ho advratnll of our So,, re-A I and aSoSIor, be'nI ble tosupply themselves and 'oito mlrs withon equally, FIo'd, if mh

'"b,,ll,-05leI of olmooe m 10,t,, t lr oll, rr ita gin~r, saud the subscribers reetAfllh soli lullo. 11000,tl

mid .i Z ktD

B " TFCS-o-A'TIIS-BCTI, MS.. MEoOI\G, 10o1

.Ci S0'Cllhlance 10101.Rill.l1lFN n e mare at his post, The rernld;! fire for a

billToilei thie "lt pllhysician, has restored bOLLINS. o0e,whcre lot ":u: -ill il, all hours HM, lUolrl, Vo,00, Sho00

isi II."I(I1II:' S SALOON is supplied with the best [truststh, country rall ;fitird. wnl as Shaving,. Ilidr Cuttiing, (lllink;,I))eilia amt ID.",sh'g have Iran I irtemllPd down ton o:IBIT, ha'

fbrl l--slieel that ber ea. serve with aIlit trty anld dispatceh thermusat Ifilrlidi-ls.

lit Intl Co. sa~le a well no~tetu smeltl of fresh PFRFFUWgRT.u~rilinF Goode, Cosmetics and [hra best Dyes and Tonics for~,

the hair.lzit-Gall at his ni:unond Hair Cutting antd Balthing" Salloon,

0'13 lim JSEl''i Ri1IIIN'S.

H'.I STANDARD REnlIUDY.-B. A. P.AIINF:-T SPI)OO['I S VF10 IF UII is loiti els o le of 1hlr esrt r-Pectoi~t reclirfeis for the oclrlir alilll of tv sm tlt't has ovurbeen olfcrd to the pubollic. it, rllllllls tr. p"'eh d-g' as 'pit-a-is artu~icles are eircnlating throug~ih the ountry. Read theifcltowing :

Olres*I'EerE CITY, Aid., MutIh 2$, 1F74.lMessfrs. B. A. FoloiL ek kb Cn.-GOentian's: It Is ,lt line0

to you to stalte thalt I hlave been srlii y oulr reemifflge for theIsmt liler vcerrx and can Jelr with hillcerily that it h gi vienusivel-inl stt~sitnetion. It is used amtlr p..urribell by the phygsi-cianls of the town and country, andr is now thle standard remedyyfur worms iu this part of the romnrvy

ltcvpcetfully yors,, JOII1 -NV, COLTJNR;I Drn),giet.sum wnuluesllr matread t * alll te prinolcil ni druggists not

c-moliyrn-hlstr tlmllnnall- , P I1Toitrd 1 ntn. ,lv IIRJPIII

PITM. W. W. WOOD.- ATTORNEY AND CObINORSELL il-AT-LAW, andolicitor I. CnA cer hogsinp

removed fromu New Orleanls and ocated in Jackson, IhhsZ.. willuive Ilrol pr t attention to sill business entrulsted to his Cbitrgl inthe Iiigh iourt of Errors nsis Appenis. lo Suprsijor Court sCliossiss, the United Msuts Ciremt and sis tris t Courts, and theCircuit tied Probate Courts of Hinds, RankinWsarren and thsuudoioillp counties.


OFFICE-Is llis's Buildings, corner of Stats and lounStrsts. Jsckson. Mis. uiob 1t5 fll

B AND BOXES-IS0 dasow at 51 2i and 1S 50 per doo,

byNEWO LL & HIOYE,0515,,m IS RanllS6 nnnl at., corner of Ol l Islssi.

COW PEAS-SW bnga frcrh Liaywt and Cr6'tvder Caro

11sa Fewi, landig ex Julia Ieon, fbr sale AyBAIR P.LI & CO.,Jon xo

3ebI 0rleans P a. I Qrtssen.Later from Texas.


The steamship Louisiana, W. H. Talbot command-ing, from Galveston and Indianola on the 14th inst.,arrived on Saturday morning.Capt. Talbot has kindly furnished us with the fol-

lowing memoranda:Mesars. Editors of the Crescent: In making the

return passage from Galveston to this port with thesteamship Lonisiana, I discovered the light ship onShip Island shoal gone; also, at Last Island, out oftwenty houses, only five remain standing. On theeast end of said island saw a vessel ashore, with fore-mast standing; should judge her to be about threehundred tons ; painted black, with white quarter rail;made signal to her, which was promptly answered,but not being one of distress, I proceeded on. Onthe east end of Timbalier Island I descried a signalof distress, and immediately proceeded to ascertainits nature. I landed with my quarter boat and foundthe second mate and one, man, who reported them-selves is belonging to the MHanilla, from France forNew Orleans; they stated that they had been in towof two tow-boats at the mouth of the Mississippi river,hbut could not succed in crossing the bar, and werebacked into deep water again and anchored; andthat in the gale on Sunday, 10th inst., she had partedchains and was driven to the place of disaster. Theyreport ten men lost.

Other bodies have drifted ashore about a mile eastof them, but did not belong to their ship. The cap-tain was on his way to New Orleans by the islandroute.

I was also shown a panel door, grained, with blindin the upper part, with a white enameled knob,marked 21 in black figures; from appearances Ishould judge that it belonged to somesteamer. Abouttwo miles east of Timbalier, boarded schooner JohnRolifei from New Orleans, bound to Tampa Bay, withcorn, hay, etc.; the vessel was high and dry, and de-sired to be reported. The Captain had gone to makearrangements for saving the cargo."

Capt. Talbot also reports that seventy-five or onehundred casks of liquors had drifted ashore at Tim-balier island, supposed to have been a part of thecargo of thei ship Manilla.Several bodies, well dressed, drifted on the island,

supposed to have been passengers of some vessel, alsoa " booby hatch," similar to those of the steamshipNautilus.

The ship MIanilla went to pieces shortly after goingashore.

The ships C. D:Merwin and Bowditch are safe an-chored at S. W. Pass.

By this arrival we have Galveston papers to the12th and others from the coast and interior.The tremendous hurricane which has inflicted such

terrible havoc on other parts of the coast, seems tohave exhauslted its strength before it reached Galves-ton. The News says as follows in regard to theweather :

A more unpleasant day than yesterday we hlaveseldicm experienced. A gale from the Westward anodSouthward swe-pt clouds of sand before it ; the windwas hot as the sirocco, and the thermnometer stoodtwo degrees higher than the highest point it had pre-viou.cly attained during the season.. Yesterday was abad day for dry goods men and scribes. The dustpermeated every crevice and fbund its way into thefolds of musliu, and covered the paper or parchmentwhich the clerks' swift pens were tracing. Every-isiy agreed thaththe 11th of August was a most di-abiceable day. but from all indications, this, the 12th,will be very little better. Who does not wish tforrain ? and how gratefully a big shbrrer would be re-ceived !The San Antonio Herald denounces Mayor Devine,

in severe terms, for killing McDonald. The account inof tihe alffray is reprerented ditifferently by the journals erof each party, and the whole matterh as awumed aaarty caste. JThe Gonzales Inquirer mentions the death of a or

n•ro girl inr that place, from sun stroke-a rare causetof death in Texas.

The Methodist Church in Texas is composed of r21,5 21 white members, and 4,i15 colored. Its etreacher nurmber 445. i

The Gonzales Inquirer says, the wife of John F.Eastwood, the man who was lately murdered in thatcounty, has since absconded, and she is suspected ofhaving committed the murder.

The Legislature has passed a resolution to adjourn- hthe House on the 1st September, and the Senate onthe.18th inst. The Austin correspondent of the Gal-veston News says that it is probable that they will" split the difiorence," and that both HIouses will ad- ajourn on the 25th inst.

A motion has been made in the House to reconsiderthe vote sustaining the Governor's veto of the WesternRailroad bill, and the question had been made thespecial order of the day for Monday the 12th.

A bill has been reported to the House from its In- hternal Improvement Committees consolidating theTexas Western, the Memphis and El Paso, and Gal-veston and Red River Railroad Companies, afterthey shall have reached some point to be mutually tagreed on, between Fort Worth andtheEast Branch of tthe Trinity, with a view to continue the road westfrom such point to El Paso, under any oie of thethree charters, as they may prefer.

As most of the members are favorable to this billit will pass, it is said, without opposition.The citizens of Houston held a public meeting on

Saturday, the 10th inst., and passed resolutiomn ex- tpressive of their sympathy for Judge Terry of Cali-fornia, formerly of Texas, and now a prisoner of theSan Francisco Vigilance Committee The utmostconfidence in Judge Terry's uprightness of deport-meat was expressed try the meeting.

A Corpas Christi correspondent of the GalvestonNews of the 12th, writing under date of tihe 2d inst.,says:

The Nicaraguan fever is raging here, and there areabouit ilty young men, practiced rangers, who wouldbe willing to go to the assistance of Walker.rif theyhad the means. A gentleman of vercity Ints author-ized me to say that hle will give 10.000 acres of land,out West here,of undisputed title, for forty of Sharp'srifles, forty six shooters and transportation for fortymen. Wonrt nobody take him up? If any personsare willing to embark in this speculation, you mayrefer them to me.A gentleman of Galveston informs the News that a

chicken had been hatched in his house by the heatof the weather alone. Iather tough.The trial of Mayor Devine, of San Antonio, for the

murder of J. S. McDonald, was progressing. Theevidence is said to be much in his favor.

GOLD rFOUND I AcerST .--The Austin Times says:A negro boy was Ilar'ing in the dirt, removed for

the ounodation of Mrs. Vrank''s house, the other day,and foumnd a lurmp of gold, which weighs 72 cents. itis anlmost pure. A German, from a handful of dirttaken from a well. washed out 25 cents worth of gold.So we, too, have gold in Austin. Nobody, however,seems to care anything about these indications, notbelieving there is enough of the precious metal tomake a fuss about.

We learn from the Central Texan that the saw-millof IMessrs. ilarry, Moutgomery & Co., about sevenmiles from Anderson, Grimes county, was destroyed Iby lire on tihe th ilLst., together with a quantity oflumber.The Waco Statesman gives an account of a dillfi-

culty which took place on the 10th ult., in McClcennacounty, eighteen miles southwest of Waco, betweenJoseph W. Hardin, formerly of this place, and JamestM. ttardin, his brother-in-law and, we believe, hiscousin, which resulted in the almost instant death ofJames M..lHardin.

TtrE ELnCTroN.--The Galveston Confederate ofthe 12th says :

The elections, so far as heard from in this State,are favorable to tile American party, bhlt we have noidea that the State ticket will be elected. It will re-quire a good deal of exertion to overcome 13,000 for-eign votes. Travis county has gone for the Demo-cratic palty--the result, says the State Times. of divi-sion in the American ranks. Bastrop has gone forthe Sag Nichts likewise. Sonie other counties areput down Democratic in the State Gazette, linbut as wenever yet found anything true ill that paper opon tilesubject of politics, we shall wait for forther evidence.Hays, Anderson, Smithi, Cherokee and Liberty, havegone for the Americans. HIarris and Bexar for thehndependent American ticket. Bexar wasthe strorg-hold of Democracy and theire the returrs show thatite forces have been routed, horse, foot nod dragoon.We would simply here remark that these electionsnow will have no influence upon the Presidential con-test-that is a matter of itself, and if the State isproperly caanassed it will beyoud a doubt go for Fill-more and Donelson. Unlens it is,and lighit is throwninto the dark places, the unmeaning cry of Dem-oeraoy will induce Texas to ast her snttirges for theunbkest Freesoilr ever nominated for the Presidency.


The screw steamship Anglo-Saxon, from Liverpoolon the 30th alt., arrived at Quebec on the morningof the 10th inst.

The Canard steamer Canada, from Boston July15th, arrived at Liverpool on Saturday evening, 26th

Johe steamship Wasington, from NewYork on the12th July, touched at Southampton on the morningof the 26th, and sailed thence for Bremen the same

dahe screw steamship Kangaroo sailed from Liver-pool for Philadelphia on the same day that the An-glo-Saxon sailed for Quebec.

The Collins steamship Baltic, from New York onthe 19th alt., had not been signaled When the Anglo-Saxon sailed from Liverpool at about 10 o'clockA. Id.

The insurrection difficulties still continue in Spain.Great Britalini.

The Liverpool cotton market was firm, but quiet,at the prices current at the sailing of the lAsia on the20th ult.

Under theinfluence of fine weather and satisfacto-ry reports in regard to the growing crops, the bread-stuffomarkets show a general decline in prices.

The London money market exhibited no new fein-tore, and Consols were firm at about previous rates.

The British Parliament was proaroged by theQueen on the 29th nit., unitl the 7th of October next,on which occasion the Qoeen delivered a speech. HerMajesty thanks her Lords and Gehtlemen in Parlia-ment for their usual assidulty in public duties, andespeeially for their support during the pa•t war. HerMajesty says that the prosperity of the nation wasnot materially checked by the war hobut expresseshopes that the general prosperity of her subjects willhe augmented by the peace. The Royal speech thenproceeded to say that Her Msjesty"is engaged innegotiations on the subject ot questions pi connecrtion with afrair with Central America, and hopes thatthe differences which have arisen on those mattersbetween her government'and the United States, maybe satisfactorily adjusted."

Her Majesty takes the opportunity to thank Indiaand her other colonies for their aid afforded dnringthe post war.

The remainder of the speech is wholly devoted tohome affairs--particlarly to the county police, Cam-bridge University, joint stock companies, countycourts, and to the coast guard.

ier Mtajesty closes wiih the usual compliments tothe gentlemen of the House of Commons.

Previous to adjournment, Mr. Beerkley asked LordPalmerston when the Government would reappointConsuls at New York, Philadelphi, and Cincinnati.Lord Palmerston replied that the Government hadnot as yet taken any steps in reference to the matter.

The proceedings of Parliament Ivere without in-terest in other respects. .

The London Morning Advertiser undertakes to as-sert that Great Britain has assented to the surenderof the Bay Islands Colony to HonduMas; Great Britainand the Cnited States, with Hondnras, agreeing tosign a triple treaty, binding the latter Power never togive up said territory to any other Government. Thesame authority alsr asoerts that France approves ofthis arrangement, and has asked permission to be-come a party to the treaty.

The special committee of the British Hoase ofCommons have made their report in relation to theDoanish Sound Dues, but they do not suggest any pre-cise mode of hadjustment of the vexed question.They, however, urge an immediate and final settle-ment of the matter, if practicable, by negotiation.

Splailn.Our advices front Spaio continue meagr and un-

reliable. The telegraphic and public roads heing inthe hands of the Government, whose announcementssay that on the llth ult., the Royfal troops commencedto bomban the city of Saragossa, whereupon the in-surgents switlfi demanded five days cessation of hos-tilities, which wvs granted.

tnfrmmation conveyed to the London press, how-ever, states that nlthoughl the city of Madrid is quieted,the whole of the important province of Arrafion con- Itiuues is successful revolt. Newspaper correspon-dents further report that General O'Donnel and theQueen have already had disagrements.,and that it isnot improbabile that tNaraeu may succeed to theMinistry.

The Paris J.ouirsvr contains an editorial excolpat-is General Ollonoel in regard to tie present silii-c t•ies in Spalin.

The same paper also annoonces that the SpanishJunta had decreed to the infant son of the Emperorof France the rights of Spanish itiCzlenship.

Itniy.From Italy we have a statement h• telegraph of a

revolt in the Duchy of Ma[ssacarrna. We are, howev-er, without any reliable particulars. The Austrianu ot-ficials state tlhat the movement was insignificant, andthat it was promptly suppressed.

Tho East.We have nothing new from the late seat of war, ex-

cepting a reputed serious disagreement respecting theboundaries between Russia and Turkley.

Ildlia and Chlna.The Anglo Saxon brings Bombay dates of the 26th,

and Shanghae to the 2d of June. The crops of teaand silks are reported very abundant.

Thirty-fourth Congress-FIrst Scssiolt.

WASHINGTON, August 9.-Senate.-The Senate 11passed a joint resolution authorizing Professor Bache,of the Coast Survey, to accept a medal presented tohim by Sweden. o

Mr. Hunter reported a substitute for the bill regu- tiItting the compensation of members of Coeuress,giving them $2,500 instead of $3.000 per year, with asectien providing thaut if any hbooks be distributed to bthe members by resolution of either or of both Houses,the price given for the same shall be deducted from ctheir annual compensation-provided that this shallnot 6xtend to books ordered to be printed during the psession of Congress, for which members respectivelyshall be elected.

Iouse.--On motion of Mr. King,-a resolution was vadopted requesting the Post Master General to makespecial and vigilant enquiry as to the abstracted or tdetained from the mails, transmitted front Washing-ton, books and public documents transmitted by tmemtbers of Congress.

The House then proceeded to act on the sixty-seven iiSenate amendments to the Indian Appropriation bill. i:

August ll.-Snate.--A resolution was adopted iicalling for information as to what measures had beentaken by Government in regard to the declaration ofthe European Congress respecting the abolition ofprivateering.

rte. Douglas reported back the House bill to re-organize the government of Kansas, with a report itaking the ground that the Senate bill is the bestplan for pacification that the mnate can devise, and irecommending that the IHouse bill lie laid on thetable, as a test vote on its rejedton.

ir. Collamer submitted a minority report, in favor tof the enactment of tihe House bill.

The vote being taken, the bill was laid on thetable--ayes 35, noes 13.

lMr. Weller moved that the Senate take up thePacific Railroad bill. Disagreed to.

The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Appropria-tion bill was then taken up, and the Senate struckot the House Kansas provisos, by a vote of 30 against

House.--Mr. (ampbell, of Ohio, from the Conm-mittee of Ways and Mheans, reported a bill reducingthe duties on import,, and for other purposes. Theconsideration thereof was postponed till the thirdMonday in December.

A message was received from the President vetoingthe bill for the improvement of Desmoines Rapids.The bill then passed, over the President's veto-yeas130, nays 54.

The 'Pot Office bill was then taken up and passedwithout debate.

The Aromy Appropriation bill was taken up, as re-turned frnl tire Senate, minus tie BShernman proviso.

Mr. PInnington otffered a ubstituote tifor the proviso,tlht no part of the military force of the United Statesshall bIe emplsoyed to aid in the enforcement of theacts of ther Territorial Legislatuore of IKansas, untilsuch enactmelits .are approved by Congreor ; this notto be construed to prevent the President from em-iploying adequate military force to prevent invasion ofthie Territory by armed bands now residents, or anyother body of non-residents acting as posse comitatuoof any olliccr in the Territory. Adolted-yeas 101,avs 807. The bill was then returned to the Senate.

'Tire Light Hoooe appropriation bill, and sundrybills of minor importance, were severally taken upand passed.

The house took a recess till 7 P.M., for political de-bate.

ANOTHER FII.L.OREt PorAPE-We yesterday re-ceived the first number of a daily paper published inNew York; it is called "The Age." It has the namesof Fillhaore and Donelson at the head of its columns,and declares its determination to do faithful servicein the good cause. Successto the Age, say we

MIIscnIEtroS TarCK.-Some irreverent scamp whobhlieves that "all's fair in politics" managed to placethe words " Black Republican 2iYcet,- " in glaringcapitals, over the nominations in the St. Louis Demo-crat on Saturday, the 9th inst., and in the morningthe editors and subscriber were astonished to seetheir Buchanan and Breckiuridge, Benton and BlairDemocratic ticket, surmounted by the name of"Black Republican" in their own organ. It was ascurvy trick, baut it caused considerablemirth amongthe anti-Bentonists, while the sly printer or printers0 who practiced the joke laughed in their sleeves at the

commotion which they had caused. The proprietorsoffered $1,000 reward for the detection of the joker.

Louaslana Inelellgenee.

The Lafoerche Union, of the 14th ainst., in an arti

From Sunday up to the time of oner going ntopro,we have had very inclement weather. SoSday and

Aindown a ences t chinmneys, fintng wth rain thecanal, and plair g the very misclef with everythingin genemral. le brick ends of the old atore-hunae ofDoonis & Brothers were thrown downhy the wind.

T•e LAStr Sr.LAw Diosxr .LWe liar from theFranklin Joornal at•at at meeting of the survivorsoof this disster, which was held on the eteameetojorAubrey on the 14th inst., the followingr ble and rresolutions were adopted:

'Whereas, The participants and ,sfferern daringbhesevere hurricane which occurred at Lastlsland tuthe10th inst., deem it necessary to give an ekpresinn tiiregard to tihe noble and praiseworthy efforts of cerotain individuals who ventured their lives for thesafety of many of the survivoro, therefore

Be it resoled, That we hereby tendei our heartythanks to Capt. Abraham Smith, John Miller; pilot,Perry, second pilot, Briggs, engiaeer, and the crew ofthe steamer Star. Also to Thomas H. Ellisand A. B.Carey, for their noble and humane efforts to preservehuman life.-Be it resoleed, That Dr. A. Duperter,' 3L L. Lewiuand Jonas •arsh he appointed a commitee to collect

by sutscription a sam of money to purchase suitabletestimonials of our gratitude, for Capt. A. Snmith, ofthe steamer Star.

'. W. PUGn, PreldentLDo. A. DreresP., Arctng eey.EFFECTS OF THE GALE IN ST. MAEY'S PAISH.-

We learn from the Fraklin Journal of the 14th inst.,that the late storm was very severe in that parish, infactexceeded any thing within the recollection of"the oldest inhabitant." It rpmmenced about 12o'clock on Sunday and increased in fury until 9 or 10,o'clock that night, about which time it was at itsheight. About two o'clock on Sunday night it shift-edfrom the northerly direction which it had beenblowing all day, to aneastward, and againto a south-erly direction ; in these changes it created sad havo--twisting offlarge limbs of live oak trees, taking offthe roofs of houses, flattening fences and laying pros-trate the cane and corn crop of the parish.

In Franklina great deal of damage was done, thewind carrying off the roof of the Odd Fellows' Hall,a large brick building, dsed for stores and offices, andthrowing it some distance into the street. Messrs. J.Levy & Co., dry goods merchants, and Winm. Bogel,druggist,suffered considerable damage from the waterin consequence, they occupying the lower story ofthis building. Levy'sloss is estimated at $10,000,and Bogets at $2,000. Messrs. Clark and Hedrick,ambrotypists, who occupied the upper story of thebuilding, hadtheir apparatus slightly damaged, andseveral pictures destroyed.

Several small sheds were blovn down about thetown. The capacious warehouses in the upper partof the town, belonging to Mr. Trowbridge, were blowndown. The sugar-houses of T. Carlin, Thomas J.Foster, Capt. A. L. Fields and J. B. Murphy, were alldestroyed. The brick shed and baggusse chimney ofGabriel Grevember'g was destroyed. Theodore Fay,Adrien Frete, Joseph Frere, J. L. Fuselier & Son,Mrs. Louisa Fuselier, T. & N. Sigur, Judge Seymour,Euphrasy Carlin, were all damaged, some of themhaving their sugar purgeries blown down, and someof them sustained the loss of their cane sheds, andthe majority of them damaged in other ways. A largestable on the plantation of Henry Foote, the millhouse of J. D. Hudgens; Mr. Burns' stable and thesteam chimney on the plantation of Watson IMcKe-rall were blown down. And along the whole extentof the bayou there is scarcely a sugar-house standing.

An necurate account of all the losses had not beenmade, but it was thought that the losses of the citi-zens of that parish could not be less than $1,000,000.Besides almost totally ruining the cane and corn crops.Planters the coming season will be forced to buy allthe provender for their stock which they may need.

The Journal concludes by saying that the denizensof St. Mary's will long remember the desolating effectsof this storm.

We have accounts of h like character as the above,from dilferent portions of the State which the crowd-ed state of our columns precludes our giving.

The Northern papers are writing a good deal aboutwhatthey pretend to have discovered recently, "acolored genius." We have heard a good deal about"white spirits and grey," etc., and this would seem tothose who are unacquainted with the dodges of thenigger worshippers, to be some very late discovery,but such is not the case. A colored genius is in realitynothing more than a "smart nigger." The girl whorecently sold St. Beecher, is a "colored genius," andas such we recommend her to her white brothers ofthe North.

YEl.l.OW FcVERo INS Now Yor.--The Daily Times,of tile 11th inst., in an article on the sanitary condi-tion of the city, has tile following remarks concern-ing the reports which had spread abroad about therebeing yellow fever at the quarantine:

The alarming rumors which have prevailed in thecity for a day or two past, in regard the prevalenceof yellow fever in a malignant form at quarantine,prove to have been greatly exaggerated. It wvill heseen from the reports Ielow that no case of yellowfever has occurred outside the walls of quarantine;while the weekly report of the City Inspector showsa large decrease in the number of deaths from Srmdayto Saturday. During the past week the number offever patients has greatly diminished in the quaran-tine hospital, and lewer cases have occurred amongstthe stevedores and other hands employed in discharg-ing vessels; and at present there is no reason to ap-preliend the appearance of yellow fever in New Yorkin any form that bears the semblance of an epidemic.

Till UNITED STATES FRIrATE 4[ACEDONI.i.--Thisship arri-;ed at Boston a fern days since. The Phila-delphia Ledger, of the 11th instant, has the follow-ing description of her :The " Macedonian" is one of the finest and most

powerfl 1ships in our navy. In every port she hasexcited the admieration f inaval men., An interestattaches to her fronm her having been captured fromthe British in 1812, by the frigate " United States,"ullder command of tihe gallant Decatur. But she isnow infinitely superior to what she was then, havingbeen rebuilt and had placed pon her amostpol erfulbattery, in ;ccrdaoce with the latest improvementsin artillery. She is of about 1400, and has a conmple-ment of 30G, elilcers and crew. She has now on herspar deck two 130 pounders, or 10 inch Paixhanguns. These ae pivot gnms placed one on the poopard the other or tCie frecastle. On her grn deckshe carricssix.teen 6f pounders. or 8 inch shell guns,and four long 32 pounders. Tihe trrenty-two gunsare infinitely more formidable than the fortly-nineguns with which she was previously armed.By some judicious ralteratirnsin the stopping of the

masts, etc., the Macedonian, from being one of thedullest ships in the service, has been rendered one ofthe fastest.

She left Hong-Kong on the 2d February last forSingapore, at shich latter place she remained 55days, and then left, April 6th, for Anger, Java,where she arrived April 16i, and sailed on 3d of samemouth for St. tIelena. Sihe quitted St. Helena iaftertwo days stopparge, on 23:ld June for Boston. Themiele sailed on the passage from Hong-Kong homewere 1 5,_50.

SoaetumruN WRONo.--The iew York San, of the11th inst., has the following:

It was stated in a telegraphic dispatch from Bostonthe other day, that one buhdred anu sixty-nine of thecrew of the steanmfrigate Merrimac had deserted. De-crtionls are not unooammon in the navy, but wholesale

desertions like this are very unusual. Though thecause or causes of desertion are not stated, we canreadily imagine that the oten were very genemrally dis-gasted with tie ship's performances, and had no tastefor making a cruise in a vessel which has thus farbeen unable to earn a good reputation. Crews amrenot find of unlucky ships.The inducement of higher wages in the merchant

service would operate to prevent enlistments in thenavy ; but after men have engaged themselves for acruise io n national vessel, there must be other causesof dissatisiahetion than the prospect of getting ratherbetter wages to produce wholesale desertion. In thecase of the Merrimac, we surmise that the crew didnot care to trust themselves at sea in her. A nicecommentary, truly, on our national ship-building !

SCIENrTIFI CONroTIOea A AALueer, N. Y.-TheAlbany Statesman, of the 8th inst., has the following :

Mr. J. E. Gavitt, of this city, who has just returnedfrom Europe, says th t the following distingoishedecientifie gentlemen may be expected to attend theannual meeting of the Scientifio Association in thiscity on the 20th int.: Airy, Royal Astronomer ofEngland; Le Verbier, of France; Abgelander, ofGermany; Struve, of Russia. Among the distin-guished American savans who are expected to be inattendance are Prof. Aggasiz, Prof. Bache, of theCoast Survey; Prof. Henry, of the Smithsonian In-stitute; Prof. Peilrce, of Iarvard; Prof. Gould; Prof.Gibbs, Prof. Dana, and Prof. Torrey.

UreMaon Meoetling ns trederleki, Imatt'and.

We condense the fllowing report of this Immensedemontration from the Baltimore papers, of the 11thinstant:

The Maa Mesting at FEredeflcl cty, oi Satradethe thins•,eag,wa amgr d ea•gtasO i affair Tprceioeon wao one of theldregit eer seen in P rel-enrick, there being 373 earnlt otl thl`nea, bSdu It or-'copied over an hoeahr tp ~ea tfa enplsAt about ffteen mnotteat~r t yae teOelk thenDeohsion haaing reached the Conrt-hoese,'e eim dleasombled anoond the difeCeotta tee t6.l oe g. dgreat length, ad donea elojaice a otheataeoiomndealicies which Faedecokh ai prepr s for hergaesto and people.

Tnag Setrntno-Maer a &nd.-oAfte din hnidbeenprtakotenr pethe paeple annembled: darod I heiesetanAt lthe ealte•it•f the mo omwlroM~ r sWl.•?.,

The meet l was letooederbyMr.Hfeyfiebeing chorea.r coaidet, and the nmtRiiseventeen n nnumber, Vice -Presidnte. After al

Columbia, bym the ton Bandthe-le dnt i•-trodnced thello4 Caaoyleof'gnls.Mrr. arhle h'iratl~c alo~riatmeetingsn

in all at saffectdsthe peasce'~df) • o oaurom ncontry, e allnrded to thea fteeat tfb t ofth de.ctared objeta of the presont gtogdveetsembl'r aP h tnam-ire domestic tranqoulity ;" tnabtoe.aet tofounr Ebatry iwail nou snat olry dito iet on- inaliaOesftyand aeetona hate pr•ee l-addt•e^ fio

mltywau bnih, for ti, and i~tin•ed tg~men, toa.on•d•tm •f the m oea trfeoAlegaln

Mr. tionre sad oencludedby ar fer. to' thp, e•n-at th e;maj. -h B

adiles o theimaerapt an• the I sisted t atnthe • .

oblnHed man, an •• t- lpat r aonr4ot abh ot y staied the oaB r. ofPresidenit.toa an•hie mtite•lt iasetsble . &hn

Towhes coleilfre atno eliea ttee o antio oamsociationes of cha stu b g•or lass-than m san d baeers' onJ ontierr 5om etonetho dSo0 Nn. +a

Thaf isn W. ov'aantanroro .. • rof. atAlterMr. Carlyle aadroanedeada teoarkaiaw e'

enl other apeakers were then .introdoe~dfto the 1W.eembled multitude, among whom wore Mr. Wftt*e":of tht, State, itdd tlte.i i .. lppef•Q, o ('"

at toetock another t wndeasn won atireidom the wea, ,aide of the ort-hoooo;aniaddreoo es e made 'it by Messra Hamphreey.-9fisthafl1, o, and irah"ion. JacobBrown.. >The hoar. of t a'clok ltavng arrived; the meetings

at both otandetook a reresa for one hear.At 7 orerhckthe nmttitude aerembledhto each nam-

bersthat it wone found neceamryto erect one nebleotand fof their acomemodation,which-wan done en'Dr. Schley'a aippo.

Speecheo were then, delivered at these standas t-moultaneonoly, bya namber of diitingulahed ;grotoe-_men, among whom were Mr. Pearse, of Aleghany,lion. 3. Dixon Idman, and ton. Mr. Trippe, ofatthe main stand; Maj. D. H. MePhall, of Baltimore,,'and J. MortimerKilgoar at the satandNo. 2 ;and theIHon. H. W. Hoftdman,and Me. Alexander, of Bal.imore, ate'etandlio.3:.

These speeches having occupied the attention ofthe crowd unti thehoorof twetoe,thonthe meettgaadjoarnednwith three hearty cheers forx. Fs'lna ndDonelson. .,

Then closed thegreatmeotingg at rederick. ,:, ,-s

Fsr--dlleged.Ad •on.-A fire oocrled yesterdaymorning, about one ocloak, Cn o heo•oe baeloing tX etoJ•De'-ggnn, situated on the corner of Olaoboree abd St, Louis steets,Second Ditrlct. The hones wasoeeynpied bytP. lilitam"s' agrocery, ho we learn was absent when the e bo hbkeot. ,Hewife Elita was, howeser, on the preanses, and,was mamte byLint. Fremano, who charges her, oninfoanuton receivred, wtlhavingcommited theertmeoforeoe, bysetiing the stare onfire. Welearn thr Wlillioar and hlb rite bd hbein hehabtof qnrrelth for Come time pas•, and the latter is sopeoted ofhaving fired the prem sre in qoesto, ae a mRtter of o•ait to tehusband. Wecold mot rcerfhinpoetveliy, hat presume therewas no insurance on bther the house or tock of groceefes, a.the first is but esmall affair, sitrtted far oat I trhenar of thecity, and contained but a allsuply Of .heap artMledof Heltls

ERRATIC DaVaoerre-A handsome young woman,who from her appearance had carce turned 't sweet sLxteea,"was arraigned Ifore Recorder Stlth last week, on tie charge ofhaving abandoned the -aternaloof and taken pp her abode Cmsome house of prostituaon-the mother trangely, though perhaps not improperly;' appear•f aps oro&sotrdx.

The facts were clealy pretod' aiutstmbeo aogwmoto; onottheoReorder.heldthatas she reooa ogaeo euald eereise nojudicial restraint oveo the matier of her electlon feora llyhoo,even though it e the "servle rDle of self." She wre aord-ingly permitted to go her way, and htoned from the com rtwitho scorralo smile directed towards her poor broken-hbearteemother ibdlowihg beiind her with the big tears, vering hercheeks. The strayed one's smile wea indeed pronfully signid-cant of her predetermined rain, and presented bat a convriningenple of the truth

" If virtue trip she may stumble,And virue stumbled is not virtue."

We sw a nice tooking young girl, of only fourteen go rere,

taken to the lock-op last night from some house of prositutionon Chrcus street, whose manner ave everyindedation of her hbaing ht recently strayed from the path of rectitde. She wasrelenoed at the earnest solicitation of her mother, upon v• dsbuomr she leaned and cried in the most repontrnt mooi ple•s-ble. We have some hope, consequently, of her reclrtationfrom the utter and Ipgoble ruin into which she must have other.wise been seduced. The arrest created the wildent, and'wetnlmt, a lotar effect upon a Isrge nrmb f bfboa girlish fdendu,,who crowded around the prion and bered for her release.Mother, isthis the lst cs we shall have to hronod• ?

ARREST OF A Coa•TErrRrar.--Joseph Bice wasarrested at 6 o'clock last evening in a house 0 Teepalhore

street, in the neighborhood of the Fourth Disb iet, and waseaught in the very. act of makinee counterfelt money. Two dieswere found in his possessiol at the time, still waorm wlrth the heatof the molten metal. He had Jlst coined some holf ad quarterdollars, and no less h twenty-seven dimes, all which, if weexcept their being rather light, -were pretty good imitations, dtf-bcintly perfect, at least, to deceive negroe. Rice, who isaolut forty yearsof e, h In his poseson allthe minor ap-purtenances of a regular mint, but aew, poor fellow, h careerin coining ldmself a fortoee, l abount

t o be wound up ethb a

grand sequelatthePnitenoary. Pity 'tle that be cldd nothave learned the lessons of philosophy which eve cotgpre -setas in drawing the contrast between prosperity aond mlfortune-thlt they are, resrpectively, dIm, lhoe rounded emet ooquallypolisrhed, in wheih ourselves mrst coin the minhog of futulrity I

ARRESTED FOR PEnJLRnY.-The only notable ar-r in thie Fourth DistrIr, yesterday, were those of reorgeEarls and John Daton, boh made at the i•onanee of George H.Taylor, wlho charges them with having committed the crimoe of

perjury to his prejudice. Their case will moset probably be calledfor e:ulunitou before Recorder Bouliagy this morning.

SEnproUs THREAT-Joseph Barrossiere, a free co1-ored manlof the Tird District, was arrested last week, andheld forexaminatlion before Recorder Solomon, on the gravecharge of having threatened to cut his wife's throat withrator. The cause of Joseph's murderous expresion is sup-posed to be jealousy.

KILLED By A DERdUCK.-Richard Malley, an Irish-

man of shout 26 years of age, was killed at AlgAers CJt a derrick accidentally falling on his head and causing

Sto fall from a ship and drow in the river. An inquest was

held on the body and a verdict retumred in accordance with

CrLD RPxr.--James Dolan was examined beforeRecorder Solomolln lat week and sent before the Firet DisiadetCourt for trial ol the charge of having, about.a month agr .oruthlessly attempted to violate the person of a mere chlld, a,lita, iirTbnly nine years of age.

WIe BEAToING.-Jacob Screibrger, was arrestedaud held to hbail lst week i thesum of o~fS0 to ra wer beforeRecorder Fhabr on the charge of having comnmtted a violent as-snult and battery on the peson of liis wife b eating hboor. stwith his fists, and thou with a heavy irone in the meantimle-peotedly threatening to kill her. The ooconrrdae took plsoesthe street last Sturday morning in front of the Mint, and butfor the most opportunl interference iomginable a horrid murderwould doubtless have been perpetrated.

ALLEGED HorSTTHIEF.-- Oharles McGregor wasarrested last Sunday nighr, at the Intance of lMr. A. iM: BIenvenu,who reohies at 172 Royal street, and aocusee him of havingentered his premises, as is'suspete

id; wiethe felloniou inote-

tlnn of coummitting a theft.It behoor es our citizetm to keep a close warch over their prem-

ises. Petty thefts are becoming quite numerous. The latest ithat of a coat-not his only one, however-stolen from the par-lor of a gentlemanon Brein street early on Saturday evening.

RECORDER STITH'S CouRT.-Edward Lipskey wasarraigred in this court ast week, and heldto ahl for a '" brickbattery," alleged to have beeoninicted on. the head of JohnBuckley, by means of a vlolenth blow w a brick. The casewill be investigated on the 23d is.

The muse of George TWae and olary. Ida wife, accused of s.l-hig liquor without hliense, Ia grocery store on Gravier street,wP referred by general consent for the Assistant City Attor-Sney' consideration, the charge being clearly proved, and evenadlultted by Tate hh•self.t Pat Logan waoed ••for disturbing re peao by giving un-

authorred raps, in imitation of a watchman, and thereby de-I eiving the "duly recogpised" of the police leather.heads.

SJohn Boothhad to pay a like sum for raising a rompnsonr Therese street, and Pat Rogers was sent to the Work-houe for

Shabitual and incorrrigible vagrancy.J The car of Marthab Pilenet, accused of having swindled

SJohn M. Cafrey out of a land warrant, wrs eamulned, apd turn-log upon some technicality of a merely civil charater, wapromptly dismissed for investigation before the proper tribunal.

RaCORDs B PFAI R's COURT.--Martin Frea wasbrought before this Court on Saturday, and sent to the LunaticAsylosn for alleged ad apparent Inanoity. Mory bAn Kelley,for commuting a gross brachrof the peace, was te to thed Work-hoouse for two mntbg.

SJohn Carey and Mlm Valentine paid the Recorduler 3 khSfor fighting and otherwise perpetrating a scandal on the slevre.

f Carry Browm, Ellen Brown, Lou Winfe and

Jorey Leabgod Co

pay $10 each for keeping dispumble houses ia the Secnd Disa

P eerirr

Rerotosn SOLONON'S Csorr.--M. Gazzia awaita" hearing before Recorder SDlomot. o the Chaboe of chavlg, itSmoattrdenient fashion, beatnoren ises rl Vlotoria Oeier, af

the Third Distrit.