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THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. :398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal. 2258-W. A. Prater, Fifth and Parker avnue, Fort Smith, Ark. 1051 C. Munding, care Central Coal and Coke Company, Ttxarkana, T*xaa. 2118-D. H. Miller, Stainton, III. 4213-W. A. Davis, 812 Security Building, SL Louia, Mo. 11138 -$. J. Porann, 608 Edmund street, St. Joatph, Mo. 590-J. L. 'Fliompaon, 001 Fagin Building, SL. Louis, Mo. 2014-Gima. Towne, Tuscoma, Waah. 8212-H. H. Morse, 790 Old Colony Building, Chicago, ill. 194-Y. J. Ilaywood, Cleveland O. 1484-H. R. Maxinill Omaha, Neb. :3722-G. W. Taylor,òrane, Tex. 260-C. 8. Marshall, Cap1tnl Hill, Little Rock, Ark. 1486-Geo. Kuntze, Tomahawk, Vis. 8999-(, T. Logan, Colorado Cit', Colo. 4179-I). W. Dart, Reed City, Mich. ¡1 tt Concatenatlon. No. 400. St. Lnuljs, 310., June 1, isai. Snark, C. C. Jackson. ijenior ]loo.11oo, E. R. RichnrdH. ,Junior lloo-lIoo, W. B. Barii. Bojum, W. B. %Veaton. Scrivenoter, J. A. Braun. Jabberwocli, J. G. Love. Custncatlnn, 11. 1'. Scott. Arcanoper, E, J. Scliiiater. Gur(lon, W. B. Arnold. iuo William Alexander Fuller, St. Louis, Mo. 4991 WeIland Elaby Wolcott, St. Louis, Mo. No. 410. Dayton, o.. June 4, 197. Snark, J. E. Pierce. unior IIoo.Hoo, Joseph Schneider. ,liinior iIoo-lIoo, J. M. Dickson. 1]ojuni, Ben. Colline, Jr. Serivenoter, C. A. Mauk. Jabberwock, W. E. Ford. Ciustocatiai,, W. A. Drake. Arcanoper, J. C. Mulford. (Jurc1on, E. D. Pool. 19U2 Lynn DeVere Bulated, Cincinnati, Ohio. 499:1 \Viilinin Eggleston Mcgraw, Chicago, Ill. No. 411. COfll4IIflfflI City, rann., ¡nue il, 1$97. Snark, D. IT. HiIlman. Senior lino-lino, H, liart, Jr. Junior lloo.Boo, C. S. Walker. Jiojuni. A. D. McLeod. Scrivenoter. J. H. Baird. Jabberwock, W. N. Wright. Custocatian, Thomas l'ickens. Arcanoper, J. B. Cabell. Giirclon, N. A. Gladding. 4004 Oliver Thouina Ambrose, Nnhvllle, Tenn. 4995 Edward Marshall Avenu, Nashville, Tenn. 499j John Francis Cornior, Nashville, Tena. 4997 Clark Way Uurrlaon, South Pttsburg, Tenu. 4998 1%lax. Umpire Loeb, New York, N. Y. 4990 Rtifiia henry McCiain, Jackaon, Tenu. 5000 FrederIck W'ndaworth Naylor, Naahville, Tenu. 5001 Clarence hardy Sherrili, Union City, Tenn. 5002 Lewis Clay Smith, Louisville, Ky. 1003 fluidi Clopton Watkins, Paducah, ICy. aOCI .Tolin Nuiglit Williams, Fayttcvillc, Tenn. No. 412. Pargo, N. D., ¡une P. 1897. Snark, Robert McCnlloch. Senior Hoo-Hoo, J. B. Thompson. 3nnior HcoHoo, .7. 0. Wallae,. Bojum, D. H. McMillen. Scriveuot.r, A. L. %Vall. Jabberwoek, A. W. Dunning. Ciistocatinn, O. R. Lindsey. Arcanoper, G. P. Thompson. Gunlon, C. H. Rudd. M1fl. eI,srl..s Base-Ball Brewer, Fargo, N D. 500G Eugene Andrew.Ijolston, Duluth, Mina. 5007 Oscar Henry Phillipa, Larrimore, N. D. iOO8 William Limerick Taylor, Detroit, Mina. 5009 Caapar Stainplicker Wackiiian, Detroit, Minn. 50l0 Villiain Harrison White, Fargo, N. D. No. 413. BiloxI, MINa., June 15. 1897. 8nark, W. A. Coulson B. A. Johnson. Senior Hoo.Hoo, R. Ii. Owen. Junior Hoo-Hoo, S. S. ilenry. liojum, T. A. Coulson. Seri venoter, L. N. Dntzlor, Jr. Jabberwock, H. A. Camp. Cuetoca:ian, F. Colmer. Arcanoper, J. L. Bonnor. Gurdoii, W. J. KilduiF. 501 1 Evon Marion Barber, Biloxi Miss. 5012 Nicholas Madison Cudabac, Moss Point Miss. 5013 Austin Ifortimer Dahlgren, Biloxi, Miss. 50l4 Herbert Hemingway Henry, Moss Point. Miss. 5015 Jamei Andrew Herrin, Moss Point, Miss. 5016 William Walter Lambert, Poplarviilo, Miss. 5017 William K. Mead, Scranton, Miss. SOIS William Alex. Partin, McIlenry Miss. 1019 Soloninn Erasmus Perkins, Purviss, Miss. 5020 FrankShyniune Sutter Biloxi1 Mies. 5021 Georso Emile Theobaki, Biloxi, Miss. 5022 Willintn Wenins Welch1 Cynthiana, Ky. 5023 William Marshall .Wilkin, Erie, Pa. The Record of Work. VICEGERENT Coscat:nalIoni IJ:Id AIabftuIia-Jot,n t.. Kaut ......................................... i AIab,una-W. A. Zolnicker ................................ i a Arka,isss-W, R.. AbboU (acting) ........................ i U Arkisnsiui-(Ioorge H. Orayson ................................................... CaiIlori,Ia-.J. J. l.oggio ................................................ i s Colorado-lt. W. Stowarl ............................................................. Florida-F. M. Johns01, ................................................. 7 GeorIa-ff. W. An,ieron ................................... 7 75 Illinois-P. A. Gordon .............................. a 14 1IIlnoIs-E.D.Carey ............................................... 2 ne Iowa-O. T. Ibuilcins ...................................................................... Indlftna-H. T. Sample................................................................... z. r. *nd Okia. T.-fl. B. Bullen ................................. i s Kansas-A. s, Inrics ..................................................................... Kentucky-It. M. Canuingham ............................... s 17 Lonh,ilana-W.C. Wright .................................... i 4 M*i,usshnsettji-C. J. SCeilar ................................. 2 5 MIehIian.-5I, L.. Pease .............................. ne 1IlInsiesotn-ftay W.Jones ...................................... j SfIsiIaslppI-.Jolin B, Natty .................................... i is flhsalsslppl-Wm. A. Coulson ............................... 2 Is MIssouri-ft. li. Oliver .................................... 4 s Nebraska-Tm. (3. nullard .................................... i is New ft. Millen ....................................... i s New York-E, C. Sornborgor. ................................................. North Carollnga-J. A. WilkInson ................................................ North Dakota-fl. MoCuIIocI,..,... ........................ Ohio-Beni. Colilno, ¡r .............................................. 4 45 or1!go.-15. fi, øabIIiorsL ........................................................... I'ennN$IvanIa-E. M. V1amoIer ................................................... rsnnsylvanls-R. H. Bonners .... Tenneisee-.I1.N.axn,Jr ..................... s ne Texas-U. A. Lyon..................................................... , W,shIngIon_il'rancI,, ROch ................................. 2 20 Wa Virglnla-J. D, Rockey ...................................................... Wleooneln-W. F. Kellogg ............................................ The Practical Side. The mon whose 1100-Boo names appear la the notice below aro out of work and want omploymont, ThIs I intended esa permanent department of 'rnz ButaznN, through which to mako these facts known, It Is, or should be, read by several thousand busIness men who employ labor In many varied forms. and lt can be made of great valus In glvingpraotlatl application to Hoo4foo's contrai thorns of hetpingoneanother. lt 18 hoped the department wIll receIve very careful attention each Issue. WAN7ED,-PoItIon with wholesale lumber firm. FamIlIar wIth trade throughout Missouri and adSolnlng territory. Address 1451, Box 43, Ithaca, N. Y. WATED-SltuatIo,, as band saw flier. Rave bad ten years expo. slanco. The Isst iSve years for the same company. Good references. Address No. 2552, 129 llpruoe St., Stevens PoInt, wIs. WANTED,-Poltion as salesman farsaw or planing mIll machin. ery manufacturer. Bave represented some of the best houses In my line. and have a wide SOqIlalotano.. with th trnd. Uo. . WANTED,-POSILIOn as manRgcroressIst,nt, by aman thoroughly pouted on tIse manufacture and selling of lumber. Can gIve the beat ofreferencea. Addreau No. it, 1841 Park Avenue, RacIne. WIa. WAl4TED.-PoltIoa na acoountantwlth lumber flrni. Bave had long experience In yellow pins traide. and can gIve any number of local referenecu. .ddrsss une at Vlnton, Calcaslen Faxiib, La. No. 51. WAZ4TEIj.-Posjtjon sa traveling or bontkesper and omea was,, lora lumbcrconoern. Uader.tsnd otluce work thoroughly, and eau, furnIsh good references. Address No. 1685, box 345v Jefferson, Texas. s:E1 7. VoL. II. NASHVILLE, TENN., JULY, 1897. No. 21 - J. n. BTIIRD, Scrivenoter, Editor. Now York._L, it. MIllen, 70 Ileaver St., New York, N. Y. (Eastern - District), I'Ubliubod Monthly by tue CoicaienatecI Order of Hoo.iim, at NasI,- New York-E. (2. Sornborgor, 208Lnnanstor Ave., Buffalo, New York VIllu, Ten,ieuuee. iw,,,,,... Retend s, C. r..t.m.. n ?híh,III,, tobe., I. 1,00ml liii m.IWr, TERMS TO MEN IllnEss Oneysar ......................... flOcontu. SlngloCopici, ................... IICenth Comrnunlcatio,,s should ho adtlroeeed to Ties BUr,1,wriN, 612 WIll- BuIlding, NusI,viIIe,T0r,n0u000 Tine BtILL8TIK Li ¿he oiZy OffiCUL median, of Coucalenaled Or,ter of I100-tfoo, recogniaeJ bp 5h., Supreme Nine, and oli othcrjmS,Ilcatfo,,. are ,In,uuthenlk orni Una,Uhorixed. NASIIVILLm, TENN., .IULY, 1507. The House of Ancients. B. A. yOHR8ON, Chicago, Ill. w. E. BARNS, St. Louis, Mo. J. E. DEPEBAVGR, Chicago, III. The Supreme Nine. Snark of the Universe-K. H, HEMENWAY, Tomahawk, Wi,. Senior Hoo.Hoo-ORN 7. MÄHTEN, Detroit, Mioh. ¡calor Eco-Roo--A. A. WEITE, Kanisa City, Mo. Bojum-PLATT E, WALKER, ¡r., MinneapolIs, Mina, Scrivenoter-, H, BAtED, Nashville, Tenu. abberwook-E. V. PRESTON, Xentwood, La, Cn,tooatjon-LLOYD A. KIMBAlL, New York, N. Y, Aroanoper-UANK B. COLE, Taooma, Wash, Gurdon-WE. B. BTILLWBLL, Savannah, Oa. The Vicegerents. The following, are the Vicegereuts for the Boo Boo year ending Sept. O, 1897. Requot.s for information on any point, addressed to these men, will have prompt attention. ÂIIbbunss-John L. kahl. HoiSt,,. A1a sr,,.,,,,..,. Cal. SI Qulney BL, Chicago, itt. ro District). water, O. T. (Oklahoma and Des MoInes, In. , La. (Soott,rrn DistrIct. :, 1,0. (Northern DIetrIct I., 1105to», Mrs,R. Ehm. - fit, Miss. (Weotarn Dlstrtct. lot, Mts. (E*st.ern DIstrict. and hard St,., Omaha, Nob. n, Edenthu, N. o. argo, N. D, nt BuIlding, Cleveland, O. nd, Ore. ., 543 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Psiin. :atI, below Walnut St. PI,lladol. ioxvllle. Toon. 'NL IrII5Is-J. Li. Itockey, Charleston, W. Va. Wlseonslii-W. F. Kellogg, Cantrallii, Wis. The Unknown List, On another isngö will be found a list of members whose ad- dross i luikliOWli. Many of these men are In good standing, and are only on tule list through earolessnens in not advising the Scrivenoter of recent removals. Every member is urged to go carefully over the list and seo if the present address of some of these men is not known to him. Añy itiformation should be promptly forwarded to the Scrivenoter. SIXTH 2NNUAL WETING. Programme of Business and Pleasure at Detroit. fly Steamer to Mackinac, ene Hundred and Scv' enty Mlles on the Lake. Detroit, Mich., June 21, 1807.-As you are well aware, the Sixth Annual ConventIon of Hoo-Hoo le called for Detroit, Mich., on Sept. 9, 10, and 11, 1807. Wo deciro thim early to call your attention to our nnnual meeting. ilveli under ordinary cIrcumstances our annual meeting should be attended, but in this taatanoe we desire to prevali upon you to let nothing interfere with your pros. ence at Detroit on the dates named. This board is lending Its noot earnest and bonet endeavor to provide you with a most royal entertnlnment. We vant you to conio to De. troit. We want to ubov you the charms of our beautiful city ami of our glorious lakes and river, and, above all things else, we wnn you hiere to lend honor and dignity to our olicrisshecl Concatenated Order of lToo-Uoo. The proposed programme is os follows: THURSDAY, SEPT. 0. Address of welcome, appointment of committees, etc., fol. lowed by a trolley ear ride. This trip will embrace a large portion of the city, and give you an opportunity to seo the broad anti superbly paved streets, imposing bnlldings, and magnificent residences. On the ufteIiioun of the same day we have chartered a large excursion steamer, one of the best vessels for titis purpose afloat, to convey you to the

s:E1 A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. 1897.pdf · THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO.:398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal. 2258-W. A. Prater,

May 22, 2020



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Page 1: s:E1 A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. 1897.pdf · THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO.:398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal. 2258-W. A. Prater,


:398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal.2258-W. A. Prater, Fifth and Parker avnue, Fort Smith, Ark.1051 C. Munding, care Central Coal and Coke Company,

Ttxarkana, T*xaa.2118-D. H. Miller, Stainton, III.4213-W. A. Davis, 812 Security Building, SL Louia, Mo.11138 -$. J. Porann, 608 Edmund street, St. Joatph, Mo.590-J. L. 'Fliompaon, 001 Fagin Building, SL. Louis, Mo.

2014-Gima. Towne, Tuscoma, Waah.8212-H. H. Morse, 790 Old Colony Building, Chicago, ill.194-Y. J. Ilaywood, Cleveland O.

1484-H. R. Maxinill Omaha, Neb.:3722-G. W. Taylor,òrane, Tex.260-C. 8. Marshall, Cap1tnl Hill, Little Rock, Ark.1486-Geo. Kuntze, Tomahawk, Vis.8999-(, T. Logan, Colorado Cit', Colo.4179-I). W. Dart, Reed City, Mich.

¡1 ttConcatenatlon.

No. 400. St. Lnuljs, 310., June 1, isai.Snark, C. C. Jackson.ijenior ]loo.11oo, E. R. RichnrdH.,Junior lloo-lIoo, W. B. Barii.Bojum, W. B. %Veaton.Scrivenoter, J. A. Braun.Jabberwocli, J. G. Love.Custncatlnn, 11. 1'. Scott.Arcanoper, E, J. Scliiiater.Gur(lon, W. B. Arnold.

iuo William Alexander Fuller, St. Louis, Mo.4991 WeIland Elaby Wolcott, St. Louis, Mo.

No. 410. Dayton, o.. June 4, 197.

Snark, J. E. Pierce.unior IIoo.Hoo, Joseph Schneider.

,liinior iIoo-lIoo, J. M. Dickson.1]ojuni, Ben. Colline, Jr.Serivenoter, C. A. Mauk.Jabberwock, W. E. Ford.Ciustocatiai,, W. A. Drake.Arcanoper, J. C. Mulford.(Jurc1on, E. D. Pool.

19U2 Lynn DeVere Bulated, Cincinnati, Ohio.499:1 \Viilinin Eggleston Mcgraw, Chicago, Ill.

No. 411. COfll4IIflfflI City, rann., ¡nue il, 1$97.

Snark, D. IT. HiIlman.Senior lino-lino, H, liart, Jr.Junior lloo.Boo, C. S. Walker.Jiojuni. A. D. McLeod.Scrivenoter. J. H. Baird.Jabberwock, W. N. Wright.Custocatian, Thomas l'ickens.Arcanoper, J. B. Cabell.Giirclon, N. A. Gladding.

4004 Oliver Thouina Ambrose, Nnhvllle, Tenn.4995 Edward Marshall Avenu, Nashville, Tenn.499j John Francis Cornior, Nashville, Tena.4997 Clark Way Uurrlaon, South Pttsburg, Tenu.4998 1%lax. Umpire Loeb, New York, N. Y.4990 Rtifiia henry McCiain, Jackaon, Tenu.5000 FrederIck W'ndaworth Naylor, Naahville, Tenu.5001 Clarence hardy Sherrili, Union City, Tenn.5002 Lewis Clay Smith, Louisville, Ky.1003 fluidi Clopton Watkins, Paducah, ICy.aOCI .Tolin Nuiglit Williams, Fayttcvillc, Tenn.

No. 412. Pargo, N. D., ¡une P. 1897.

Snark, Robert McCnlloch.Senior Hoo-Hoo, J. B. Thompson.3nnior HcoHoo, .7. 0. Wallae,.Bojum, D. H. McMillen.Scriveuot.r, A. L. %Vall.Jabberwoek, A. W. Dunning.Ciistocatinn, O. R. Lindsey.Arcanoper, G. P. Thompson.Gunlon, C. H. Rudd.

M1fl. eI,srl..s Base-Ball Brewer, Fargo, N D.500G Eugene Andrew.Ijolston, Duluth, Mina.5007 Oscar Henry Phillipa, Larrimore, N. D.

iOO8 William Limerick Taylor, Detroit, Mina.5009 Caapar Stainplicker Wackiiian, Detroit, Minn.50l0 Villiain Harrison White, Fargo, N. D.

No. 413. BiloxI, MINa., June 15. 1897.

8nark, W. A. Coulson B. A. Johnson.Senior Hoo.Hoo, R. Ii. Owen.Junior Hoo-Hoo, S. S. ilenry.liojum, T. A. Coulson.Seri venoter, L. N. Dntzlor, Jr.Jabberwock, H. A. Camp.Cuetoca:ian, F. Colmer.Arcanoper, J. L. Bonnor.Gurdoii, W. J. KilduiF.

501 1 Evon Marion Barber, Biloxi Miss.5012 Nicholas Madison Cudabac, Moss Point Miss.5013 Austin Ifortimer Dahlgren, Biloxi, Miss.50l4 Herbert Hemingway Henry, Moss Point. Miss.5015 Jamei Andrew Herrin, Moss Point, Miss.5016 William Walter Lambert, Poplarviilo, Miss.5017 William K. Mead, Scranton, Miss.SOIS William Alex. Partin, McIlenry Miss.1019 Soloninn Erasmus Perkins, Purviss, Miss.5020 FrankShyniune Sutter Biloxi1 Mies.5021 Georso Emile Theobaki, Biloxi, Miss.5022 Willintn Wenins Welch1 Cynthiana, Ky.5023 William Marshall .Wilkin, Erie, Pa.

The Record of Work.

VICEGERENT Coscat:nalIoni IJ:IdAIabftuIia-Jot,n t.. Kaut ......................................... iAIab,una-W. A. Zolnicker ................................ i aArka,isss-W, R.. AbboU (acting) ........................ i UArkisnsiui-(Ioorge H. Orayson ...................................................CaiIlori,Ia-.J. J. l.oggio ................................................ i sColorado-lt. W. Stowarl .............................................................Florida-F. M. Johns01, ................................................. 7GeorIa-ff. W. An,ieron ................................... 7 75Illinois-P. A. Gordon .............................. a 141IIlnoIs-E.D.Carey ............................................... 2 neIowa-O. T. Ibuilcins ......................................................................Indlftna-H. T. Sample...................................................................z. r. *nd Okia. T.-fl. B. Bullen ................................. i sKansas-A. s, Inrics .....................................................................Kentucky-It. M. Canuingham ...............................s 17Lonh,ilana-W.C. Wright .................................... i 4M*i,usshnsettji-C. J. SCeilar ................................. 2 5MIehIian.-5I, L.. Pease .............................. ne1IlInsiesotn-ftay W.Jones ...................................... jSfIsiIaslppI-.Jolin B, Natty .................................... i isflhsalsslppl-Wm. A. Coulson ............................... 2 IsMIssouri-ft. li. Oliver .................................... 4 sNebraska-Tm. (3. nullard .................................... i isNew York-Ib ft. Millen ....................................... i sNew York-E, C. Sornborgor. .................................................North Carollnga-J. A. WilkInson ................................................North Dakota-fl. MoCuIIocI,..,... ........................Ohio-Beni. Colilno, ¡r .............................................. 4 45or1!go.-15. fi, øabIIiorsL ...........................................................I'ennN$IvanIa-E. M. V1amoIer ...................................................rsnnsylvanls-R. H. Bonners ....Tenneisee-.I1.N.axn,Jr ..................... s neTexas-U. A. Lyon..................................................... ,W,shIngIon_il'rancI,, ROch ................................. 2 20Wa Virglnla-J. D, Rockey ......................................................Wleooneln-W. F. Kellogg ............................................

The Practical Side.The mon whose 1100-Boo names appear la the notice below aro

out of work and want omploymont, ThIs I intended esa permanentdepartment of 'rnz ButaznN, through which to mako these factsknown, It Is, or should be, read by several thousand busIness menwho employ labor In many varied forms. and lt can be made of greatvalus In glvingpraotlatl application to Hoo4foo's contrai thorns ofhetpingoneanother. lt 18 hoped the department wIll receIve verycareful attention each Issue.

WAN7ED,-PoItIon with wholesale lumber firm. FamIlIar wIthtrade throughout Missouri and adSolnlng territory. Address 1451,Box 43, Ithaca, N. Y.

WATED-SltuatIo,, as band saw flier. Rave bad ten years expo.slanco. The Isst iSve years for the same company. Good references.Address No. 2552, 129 llpruoe St., Stevens PoInt, wIs.

WANTED,-Poltion as salesman farsaw or planing mIll machin.ery manufacturer. Bave represented some of the best houses In myline. and have a wide SOqIlalotano.. with th trnd. Uo. .

WANTED,-POSILIOn as manRgcroressIst,nt, by aman thoroughlypouted on tIse manufacture and selling of lumber. Can gIve thebeatofreferencea. Addreau No. it, 1841 Park Avenue, RacIne. WIa.

WAl4TED.-PoltIoa na acoountantwlth lumber flrni. Bave hadlong experience In yellow pins traide. and can gIve any number oflocal referenecu. .ddrsss une at Vlnton, Calcaslen Faxiib, La. No. 51.WAZ4TEIj.-Posjtjon sa traveling or bontkesper andomea was,, lora lumbcrconoern. Uader.tsnd otluce work thoroughly,and eau, furnIsh good references. Address No. 1685, box345v Jefferson,Texas.

s:E1 7.

VoL. II. NASHVILLE, TENN., JULY, 1897. No. 21-J. n. BTIIRD, Scrivenoter, Editor. Now York._L, it. MIllen, 70 Ileaver St., New York, N. Y. (Eastern-

District),I'Ubliubod Monthly by tue CoicaienatecI Order of Hoo.iim,at NasI,- New York-E. (2. Sornborgor, 208Lnnanstor Ave., Buffalo, New YorkVIllu, Ten,ieuuee. iw,,,,,...Retend s, C. r..t.m.. n ?híh,III,, tobe., I. 1,00ml liii m.IWr,

TERMS TO MEN IllnEssOneysar ......................... flOcontu. SlngloCopici, ................... IICenth

Comrnunlcatio,,s should ho adtlroeeed to Ties BUr,1,wriN, 612 WIll-BuIlding, NusI,viIIe,T0r,n0u000

Tine BtILL8TIK Li ¿he oiZy OffiCUL median, of Coucalenaled Or,ter ofI100-tfoo, recogniaeJ bp 5h., Supreme Nine, and oli othcrjmS,Ilcatfo,,. are,In,uuthenlk orni Una,Uhorixed.


The House of Ancients.

B. A. yOHR8ON, Chicago, Ill.w. E. BARNS, St. Louis, Mo.J. E. DEPEBAVGR, Chicago, III.

The Supreme Nine.Snark of the Universe-K. H, HEMENWAY, Tomahawk, Wi,.Senior Hoo.Hoo-ORN 7. MÄHTEN, Detroit, Mioh.¡calor Eco-Roo--A. A. WEITE, Kanisa City, Mo.Bojum-PLATT E, WALKER, ¡r., MinneapolIs, Mina,Scrivenoter-, H, BAtED, Nashville, Tenu.

abberwook-E. V. PRESTON, Xentwood, La,Cn,tooatjon-LLOYD A. KIMBAlL, New York, N. Y,Aroanoper-UANK B. COLE, Taooma, Wash,Gurdon-WE. B. BTILLWBLL, Savannah, Oa.

The Vicegerents.The following, are the Vicegereuts for the Boo Boo year

ending Sept. O, 1897. Requot.s for information on any point,addressed to these men, will have prompt attention.ÂIIbbunss-John L. kahl. HoiSt,,. A1a sr,,.,,,,..,.


SI Qulney BL, Chicago, itt.

ro District).

water, O. T. (Oklahoma andDes MoInes, In.

, La. (Soott,rrn DistrIct.:, 1,0. (Northern DIetrIctI., 1105to», Mrs,R.

Ehm. -

fit, Miss. (Weotarn Dlstrtct.lot, Mts. (E*st.ern DIstrict.

and hard St,., Omaha, Nob.

n, Edenthu, N. o.argo, N. D,nt BuIlding, Cleveland, O.nd, Ore.., 543 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Psiin.:atI, below Walnut St. PI,lladol.ioxvllle. Toon.

'NL IrII5Is-J. Li. Itockey, Charleston, W. Va.Wlseonslii-W. F. Kellogg, Cantrallii, Wis.

The Unknown List,On another isngö will be found a list of members whose ad-

dross i luikliOWli. Many of these men are In good standing, andare only on tule list through earolessnens in not advising theScrivenoter of recent removals. Every member is urged to gocarefully over the list and seo if the present address of someof these men is not known to him. Añy itiformation shouldbe promptly forwarded to the Scrivenoter.


Programme of Business and Pleasure at


fly Steamer to Mackinac, ene Hundred and Scv'enty Mlles on the Lake.

Detroit, Mich., June 21, 1807.-As you are well aware, theSixth Annual ConventIon of Hoo-Hoo le called for Detroit,Mich., on Sept. 9, 10, and 11, 1807.

Wo deciro thim early to call your attention to our nnnualmeeting. ilveli under ordinary cIrcumstances our annualmeeting should be attended, but in this taatanoe we desireto prevali upon you to let nothing interfere with your pros.ence at Detroit on the dates named. This board is lendingIts noot earnest and bonet endeavor to provide you witha most royal entertnlnment. We vant you to conio to De.troit. We want to ubov you the charms of our beautifulcity ami of our glorious lakes and river, and, above allthings else, we wnn you hiere to lend honor and dignity toour olicrisshecl Concatenated Order of lToo-Uoo.

The proposed programme is os follows:

THURSDAY, SEPT. 0.Address of welcome, appointment of committees, etc., fol.

lowed by a trolley ear ride. This trip will embrace a largeportion of the city, and give you an opportunity to seo thebroad anti superbly paved streets, imposing bnlldings, andmagnificent residences. On the ufteIiioun of the same daywe have chartered a large excursion steamer, one of thebest vessels for titis purpose afloat, to convey you to the

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moui bentitiful park In the world, Bella Isle, 8Ithted threemucH 1, the J)etroft 1{lver from the city. IeturnIng, we'vIII reach Detroit at 9.OU P.M. Iii the evening, following at)Ig IIoo-Ifoo parade, will he held a who1csale concatene-Lion, at which we hope to ¡utroduce many novel and Inter-eating features.

In the entire diiy If necessary. The evening will be spent.about the city until Il P.M., when a bent of the enagnifi-cent fleet of the Detroit and Cleveland Steam NavigationCompany will leave vitlì the party for the historic and pic-tureeque Maekinnc Island. The going trip vl1I consumethe time until Monday morning. A trip to tuis glorious

- 1

..- -,


1?RIDAY, SEPT. 10.The nioriill)g will be occupied by a continuance of the

)llgIness meeting. At 2.30 P.M. on that day a spu!Inl clear-tered boat vIii leave for the most celebrated fIshing andWillie grau uds in the country, the St. Clair Finte, the!Venice of America, which are located about twenty-six¡celles north of Dètroit, at the estuary of tice St. Clair River.Tice flatte eonsit of a group of many small islands, dottedwith numerous handsome cottages und private club houses,aced arc tiaverceeci by the government canai, through whose

course ¡llore shipping passes than at any other poInt t'nnrtii Tuis true is a continuous panorama of beautiful

aced picturesque sceIlery. At the finta a fish and fròg sup-per will be provided, and following Lt tIce return vlll befinde to Detroit by moonlight. During the trip first-classliensie wlii be furnished or a soviel dance.

SATURDAY, SEir. 11.TIce business meeting wiil be resumed et 0.00 A.M., filling




islacici park, vitlt its Itleetoriciel reinhilecences, ita quaintoid fort and stociccules, luautItcii drIves, palatial hotels,and magnificent seecerI, cee ¡ccl vili form a most fittingflicale for tIce series of entertainments i)Iflflfled for Hoo-Hoo'isiting DetroIt. 'rie home departiere ¡roen Mackinac can

be 1011(10 at the convenience anti pienstire of each Inclivid-ciel, arrangements leaving been Cunde with the D. & C. that end. Tice rouced-trlp face for this trip from Detroitwill not exceed $11, including meals nial berth. All vhcodesire to avail themselves of this excursion ne-e earnestly

enjoined te notify t] aoereliary.uf this board at their earhi-est convenience, and meiose with secchi notification $5, withwhich he will secure and reserve your berth.

One parting word: Don't forget to bringyour wives andsweethearts. We want them all to come and jolie with usIn making this the Sixth Anc!fli C.onyentioa ofthe greatest, halcpkiet, and best one that we have ever had

since our organization,


DETROIT, TIIJ CONVjr'T1N CITY.Ilefore i?etcr the Crest had founded St. 1'ebrsburg, the

great French truvcicr ceciti explorer, Acitciuc de la _etotIccCadillac, 8tartcd out to locate a clew city io tice ticen un-knowji West. 11e diseovejecci a beautiful spot, sue-passingail others known to tIii fcicecou trttelcr, cenci J Uly 21, 1701,Soundcd the city eL Dctoit. From ¿e trading host clearlytwo centurim ago tlii Place lices Ice-capered, illeleused


beauty, becoijie Inure faitious ecied nile-niecetl, ecciti! vc leavethe Detroit of stuieding in tue fe-out rank of theinodoro clUes of tice vorid.

During the past decade Detroit lit unconsciously wadefor lice-self the clellile oX Conveictioce City, CieLi! to-day tient111111cc is applied to lier by national bodies us they seek outavailable places loi icoldiueg coining lileetiligs; aced in titis,her ouc hundredth tutti Icillety-sixtie year, J)et.iuit, is theciioic of cuore tl55Ocifltjuje for the piace of their next meet-Ing thmin aicy other city in time couilLe-y.

Beautiful Detroit, a place u.0 pleasure, a piacu uf rest, umetropolitami winter amid suliliner resort, full luid sptingiileauro retreat, located In tiic center uf where people startIi,oju und juste at flic voiitt %iierc they wahL tu go to, tiidoor to ali inlacid putees of interest, acid of itself the mosttittractive city OiL tite Acucricitim cociticceut. Thut. is whyhucicireds of bodies Itaseijibie in our midst, iuuiiy of themyear after ycimi., cited give the City of the Straits the sobri-duet of " Comevecitioji City."

Vc bid tIce-o ahi welcome, auch willi open ICemte-La. ally:Couic, come, coitici We feel theoL it is umi liomiur for ourloo-iba association to nicoL s'ithi us, aced oui Linee Icon-dred thousand people ivill Unite iii cxtcmidiiig me vmmrni we!-cobo, promisicig to ucuime It the ge-nudest mmicctimmg in ourhistory.

Located iii a half-day's tide of one-fourth of thee lcoplcof these United States, on icadimig trunk lines both Northacid South, East and %TeSt, it is easy uf access, acid therebygtiumantees a large attendance. Situated on tice great Dc-troit River, where idole tonnage jiasacs by lier door theuti ofuccy other 110mL hit tice worhd, aime is contiguous to ai! thelargo cities of the unsuited seas, ¿ucd in touch vitit ail thebeautiful lesee-tic, hunting and Jiiehimcg grounds, mmmcd happynooks where picasuce always abounds.

So como, all ye grout ]ioo-lloo, to tice couventioii. Fromslilirise to sujiet, from Sunset to aunriac the town is yours.The grout black cat is welcome.

And miuw just u closing word: Don't bageL the greatMmickinue trip, 750 imilies ou our beautiful lakc. Magnili-cent scenery, coo! breee, ¡tied a general good timo arcpromised. ThIs is without doubt the greatest Outing crerinaugurated for llooltoo. ou can't afford to miss it.

On Saturday, Sept. li, it 1.1 o'clock 1'.M., one of tuo fling-nhileent stencrieis of Lice Detroit nod Clevelajid NavigationCompany will leave eitii lime party. l'ho cost will ccot. ex-coed $11, which includes heeds acid berth.

EX. COM. SIXTh AN1UAJ CONVENTION,Jouie J. Marten, Secretary.

[Ali who cociteneplitto ducking timo trip to Ietmicichnnc (and110 one vomi afford not to take itdviiiitugc of the merely nom-inn! rate that ha been secured by thee eomciinittoo) are re-quested to forward $ tu Mr. Joli1 J. Marten, secretaryExecutive hosni, wIen will icttend te, having hcrth rcacrrjd,cte. Mr Marten's address is :Ii Lafayette Aveuue-Ed.]

Beware! BewarelTo all lioo-Hoo----Orectlng: Facts timoroiiglely vouched

for have been presented to me thiat No. 2140 (Charles Au-gustus Gilbert), formerly ûf Mucun, Ga., has been borrow-hag money of niembers of our Order and falling to returnslime, and of conduct unbecoming a gentleman in variousways. 'rue-n bina dOwn. ib is not worthy.


Try to Be at Tybee,Atiminta, (Ja., July i, imttl7.-.Dcmir Sir amid Brother: As

loll jcrobbiy know ¡roui reading " 'lice Jiciiletiic," t luirebeemi cmeeljletf, vithe the lieimrty codperetlo,i of ccii Itoo-llooill tIte Slide, to 1)111cc Ucorgia at tue liemid of tice 1it us tuthe iccilmiber oC imiitlmits since our last Acaimumih fetcetiug atNiislivilie, 'recumi., Sept. u, 1mu. It is muy sincero desire to11cc!, the liusitiomi thetis attujicied, ¡ucd to go to Detroit, letichi.,SelcI. t) u! this 'cmir leprescuiticig (borgia, the banner Stuteut Limo United Stittes lii Uno-bo. lu tuis endeavor i iutvqliner the elirmiest aulci)om.t of ono of the Supreme Nine, Mr.v. ji. StlIIivhi, of Sarutimiahi; and I ask you to add yourelturts for the cause.IVe propese a monster concatenation at 'I'ybee Island onAug. u heat, to Lie a Stute affair, mind have Invited othercmieuuibcis uf thic Supiccuij Nic to be present. Thee oeca-sluue will Lie the greatest lit tue ntìmcala of loo-libo. Spe-cial rutes will prevail on ail the railroads.Notice is seni. thus eurhy tient ecichi of you mmmuy uso every

liusoible churL to be vrescmlt ill P015011, cicid milso to bringollo cacididimte at heut. Jfvcmy one must go to work emow.(let meppilcuition bleuies froue 1cii-. Stiliwell, at Smivanmuda, orfiouci nie, at Atlumita; huye theni pmoperhy tilled; get $9.09iuiltimitiucu muid 9!) cents dues amid returmi money amid applica-tinii, dilly Witmiesed, to either address mibove.'iliiity-sb is the largest icucuber Imiltimited heretofore.,, (Jut mi muove oit " accu help to nmnko It seventy-two. l'utyolli. siiomuliior to the wheel, und malee ci umiark for (Jeorgiatlmmit no ether Stute eau reach. " hustle." %Ve'li have ntilia. hARRY W. ANDEIISON,Vicegeremmt for Ueorgin.

ITlic imbuye reaches us just lis we go to icress. Quite adulegietlon inh go down from .Nuslmvllle. limo urgent lavi-tmitiomi eXtcmmded thee editor of " Thie Jimmiiotlii " to be pros-eut ice hicmelmy meecopted. No noire lcicmismuet excursion couldbe talecui. Ai! timoso vIio cmiii go clown frocit Kentucky and'L'emiimoiemeec iim.e asked to advise time editor of " The Bulletin."Let's ali tiiimi ici and micahne this neidsunimner, seaside, seri-l.mmmtliiug commcutemcatjomi a muemomabie onu-Ed.]

The Chamber of Horrors,'rime commimnittee appointed to forinuimito muid complote a

cliuimml for Ilmo cerecliommy uf ciubahmculmig tice Snark by theChmmmmiiber of ilomcors ImIti n mimcctitcg mit Kmtiummis City ou Jciiy8. Tice cumiunitteo consists of J. L. Lmimie, ohcairumimin; A. A.Vimitc, W. lì. Darns, W: JI. ífiiis, and W. I. Ihvart. Tice co-

thu coccmculttee, svithi the exception of Bm, W. li. MeCiin-tonIc, v1io crics unavoidably absent, atteijided tice KansasCity ucceoting. 'rime-ce full dmiys veru lint lu in the work;ameil whihl ito imublicution ai!! be ciliidu as yet mis to justvlmnt vica doue, we cmiii nascite our remitiem that LIcosa whowill be present at Detroit iii Septcocljcr vlil witness an ox.ccedlmigiy limipressive cercimuotcy gomme tinough with In dis-posimig of time present imicunebent of tice Suark's 001cc. Thecomic eioim ut Kamins City docce with a vlàw of adding

lcermminncmit features of great intere5t to thee Order.

The Roo-Roo Two.Stepo Tice Bulletin " is ici receipt of ucmothmer piece of music

dedicated to the Order umcder privilege granted from theSupremo Nino. lt is n Compositioci of Miss Frances Mer-edith, of liemphis, Tencc. lt Is emititied " 'fhe kIoo-itooTwo-step," amid bears on Its title-page the enlarged orn-bleui of tIme Order. Wo huye liad time music played, andicrommoccnce it a most excellent musical composition. Thislilillim tice fourth piece of music thmmit hmas been dodicatodto tli Order, copies of which have been flied with theScrlvcnotcr. These marches, waltzes, etc., will be teclean toDetroit, acid will be piayed ut some of those exceedinglyhappy dances wo expect to heave going up on the steaem-to Mackinac. 1f thera he nut. plenty of dancing on thistrip, it will not be for the luck of good music. " The woo.lfoo 'IWO-step " is parbhlshcd for the author by OE IC. Rouck,of :iio Main Street, Memphis, Temi., to whom orders shouldbe sent. Price, GO cents.

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For the Good of the Order.BY BOLINO AUTIIUJt JOIUSØN.

Piipor Ji

"There li nothing In which men u npprwtcli tuo god, ai whcntbey try to give health tu other men."-Cicero.

Axid f not tiic object of JLoo-IIoo to ghc Health, lap-pinesa, and Long Ute? Iiiii writer Jiai halted betweentwo opinions for two months. The alIlloulleelnent iiiidcrthe above head two 1nontht ugo that un attempt would bemade to unravel sonic tangled siceins of thought us to theiurpose und trend of Boo-Boo VftH Eeeeied with BUCh Des-ert-of-Sujiuja silence that a further assaying of unasked-for udyjec seeiiicd superiluotis. That is why stich u gaphas oeeurred hi the delivery of these urtk,Ie. Corne tothink of It, though, there was notliliig much ¡n tue Jirst pu-per except un lInliouncemexIt that others would IoIlow.

Soiiie things liare occurred recently to compel utterance¡roni alt those ilou-ilou who believe iii lluo-lioo the ,ncon-ventionul, Itoo-]!oo tite Ulliqile, Jiuo-floo the unlike.

The even column of 1)C55111115t1c bitterness which tIppeIre(lill the J une " ltiilletin " on i,ugu 5, uiuler the Cfl1)tiOI, of., The Future-Wl,it SIì,iII lt 11e? " iilgbt iiosslbly be leftto die aloiie right there on the white jitpei, wlieic it waslioiIcMtly lIICC(I, it is true, bu I which i t BUllied lIC%'CI'tlIe-

J tut, tiiet,, the dIseiisio,t is un ; a ad Id r. liasbeeji ki nil efloligli to Iciive a prescri,tio,i on the cotli, ter,vitliou any dircctioii foi' tukiiig the inedieliic or any

scheine for raiHilig tite money to pay for it. So some-tliiiig' mutt' be dotte with It, titid ¡it 011cc; for Mr. \ViiIjuiiisrepresents a by no ItteIlIttI sitial! iuhitority-.,t ttiiiioritywhich should be coinjitced tittit it; is wrong. We haveheard of datigerous Ittitioritles. Titis is nut (Itlllgerottit; itIM sltflly ti iiilitority. It is itot u simple Iltitiorlty. Itspeaks with coityictioji aliti with uuderstnndiitg, but tsItlirposes ¿u.0 ordinary titid coJIItItolIj)Jttce. It it clilliettit totell %'11at tlti ittlitority most vtints, s'itctlter it be disrup-Lion und death, or a real, tangible, money-jingling purpose.

Titis is 1itit Mr. l\illjtjns said in one vlacc lii lus col-ululi of Indilferetit despair: " Fot when lloo-Uo dies, If ilIs j,erniitted to die without tite achieveiticitt of somethingjilote tuoi, itow in1icre iii its aunais aitil truditloits, therevil1 Ite none to write Its epitaph, Illudi lees retti a litollu-

nient to Its JueIItoiy;' \Vlieii sj)etl(ltig to the (ItleStloit of'. Now wlint are you going to do about it? " Mr. WillitimsBuys: l'erltttjtti there is nothing 'llore outltioutt tinta few scent to care. I buye raised tlit questioti manytilileti; bitt, with tite exception of tite Vicegereitt re-furred towho, by the way, is refihly responsible for thissereuci-i litive found few, if anybody, otherwje tinta ap-ltttrently ittdifferei,t to tite whole subject."

To eoiidetisc these stittettt of Mr. \VlllItuns, lie nnin-tains-ho, tite tiittaui lnlaority__tliat if ltoo-iloo dies as It isIt vilI be buried lit the Potter's held, without evett a shinglefor ti tomb hourd, much less a titoitulne,it or a scraggy cpi-tttph. Furthermore, lie tliiitks it is ontitious, beettuse " sofew seem to cttre." Tljiti ¿lylng buslitess is so gloomy andlIICOlflejiie,tt aitil llit$CtIBOjtftbIe it doeti scotti tuait tite fewvlto tire good eltough to lind " paths of glory " should Snot

lttsist, ritli the poet, tltat they " lead bitt to the grttve."There is a new book t's1l, "The Tr!umpi of Dculli,'

whteh might show us that It would be good to do a littledying just In order that we flight live. Titere seems to besonic indication tittit tite Illentbtirslilp may wane n little bit.l'robal,iy It might be tite best pinti to nsist somewhat litthe w*uting. 'The apItle tree ilever becotnes strong antiirilo and appIè.beorittg itnth lt

iti properly was expected sonic would become dlttstttltifled and re-sign and let their dues Iui)c and show lack of intei-.t, and

in other ways be like oUter jiten under oUter but parallelcircumstances. it is tite earitest hope of titis vrltcr thatall who aro dispicatted-perntttiietttiy, hopelessly out ofsorts-will say so, and say it out loud. But iltut there isanything ' ouzinou, " in the geliertil silence which prevuilslu the matter uf the life or death of lico-loo is untrue.The Inenibersltip tt3 lttrgely sutisuied, nul, thatt Batisfuetiotiof indiffereuce, liicli might be " ominous," but sIlent wiLlithe tattlsuuctjoit uf cotlildejice. 'ritut. assertion cannot beeasily proveti; iteither eau the chttrge of ltidiiTerence. Itis tjoljlewhut like discussitig tite cireulatioti of a ncwspa-lier; It is all speculation after you get through. But onthe principle that it is always better to thln good thanurlI; be cheerful raLlier thun cast down; look up, notdowit; mugit thati cry, It is bettet' to thiuk that dl8satisfac-tiott does not exist iii large measure. .Dlssatisllcd nicoscowl atid bilk; sutisuied iiten stalle, but tipealt tic words.You cita heur ail the dittsutisfact;oii, but. you eltanot seeal! the sluihis. Lt iti not u ballot cattily counted.

It its charged in the ¿trtiele referred to tInt " soitie of ourStitirks have sought by wltolesoitte vicceptn to ittcu.leat u%vidcr atid Inure belicileetit. anile of ltcljilulncss; but, us aitilitter of uitct, Lite law of the Order enjoltts no such oc-Live rule of jtoliey, ¿titd ltutkcs llroVIsion foi Ute iracticallrusceutioit of no delitteil ltititlitjdti to that cUd." 'l'bere aredellited Iticttts-eicarly duliticd nictus, . ut that. 'I'he ob-ject of tite Oiler it hut all writteti eut iii tie coatititutiot,,it, it trite; ieithr sutitill it. be; but lt is In the ritual freintite begitinitig to tite cud. lit the lttttruetioas to the can-diduteti following the titiwlittel Work it is especittlly andiiltrticttiurly tel, down that tite ute chief clatrit.y which canbe done by otte Itou-lieu Itr ujiotlier is to jut, hut in the%tiy to cuj,t a livittg. As oitec before said by thin writer,tintI svliicJi eunttut ItOV' be btti said by hin, it is all basedoit a Feticci ltutidbook, luid the liujdboolt rcst, on the bi-ogruphies filed ¿nid kept la the tirchlres of lloo-]lou. Titebook of aeqtulintittice, which the llulidbuok in, inunt be fullaitd coitijilete. lt is our lodge room; It, is tie tic that binds¿titi leLmits the jerpetuittlo,, of tItos courtetiles whichcan be comniunicated lii tio other way. Tien, with a rev-Icetly kcjtt. set of biographies of euch inciuiier up to dateuI,uli t'lich to build the handbook, we nitty citter fully intotltut bioud charity Which will lteej, ubility iii touch withopportunity; and permit us to say that in ali lloo-iLu, Lancitlitne Is not u deserving inuit ss'lto litt tot lid an Opportu-nit1 to earn a IliItg. Tite new ritual teaches that the no-blest, best thittg wo euh do for a fellow-mati Is to turn himitbotit ¿lid itoint huit in tite diruetioji of usitig the talentslie muy have. [f on every Iloo-iloo Day cueli kittea couldCOnscientiously testify to the Diet that he liad been abletltrougii his Itersoanl efforts to aslsL at least titree dc-serving l'copIe, lloo-lloo or aot to an opportunity to earna living, then we will by that Itetion approtieb tint timev1tcii the hlliti and tile clouds, tite seas and tite mountains

echo back, health, Happiness, Long Life, Patee and Goodviil to all mankind.The full and explicit handbook makes communlction

PoSsible now between Over ,OOO l'copie who know likemysteries, have walked in tite Bunte direction about thegardens, unti llave a itoiltetiting in common which can beobtitined In no other wtty. The use of the ilandb,,nk w,to have been jurt of tile discussionS which were to ba'ebeen written itere in tiieje papers. 'lite simple possesloaof tite llattdl,00k should be enough to sttggest thesethittgs, hut itas not. been, and it will not be until somenienits ltttti been devised for creatinga monitor of lloo..Koowhich the inithjo will rend. iither thu( or iéil lodgesmust b estueblisheci.

hut many of those who have been good enough to pub-licIy discuss the question of Improveme In lioo-oo


work itawe to (late set up the violently suppositions citaniltitt nothing itas its yet beij dotte that Roo-Roo may live.lunsiflitcIt as all that has been done for Hoo-Hoo in its siitt-pie ritual and mildly decorative ceremonies has beeti dottewith a (till atti clear idea of perpetuation, it seems to titewriter to be ¿'ather n late ditte to make the bold ttssertlonswhich tite Jitte " Bttlleti " contains.

Speaking directly to the questioti of adding an insuralicefetttttre or any other benefit scheute to lloo-lIoo, titis vrit-er is ¿tut. sure luit lloo-Hoo Itad better sink rather titan at-tempt to be saved by nay such life-preserver.

Let its luire one order in our whole land whicit is mod-ero ¿md at the sanie timo does tint. go jittgling a boll in tItestreets and crying: " Benefits, benefits! " Let us Itave oneOrder wititib lu not built up on tl hopo of gaiti of ciinkitigdollars. Let those exqitisites svito deride our nssertion thnttite central, golden theme tltrenil of lioo-lloo is the flatterof giving employment to ottr brethren retnember tiitttto dotitoli things is ofttimes to light a lump of hope In the ltom,wliett tite oil la low and the wick itself burns, to put n loaf''lterc there tiin but a erlitt., to lItt a flush on a pale cheek,to tiike ttwtty tiespitir ¡tnd plitce conildetice h its liltice,tinti gives to icen tint ttmorttl tt titi tltysicn i health in coni-phlnient of which action Cicero says: " There Is nothingitt which inuit o ¿t pprotteh the gods.''

\Vititstiu, 'Via Jttly 11.

Glad 14e Is 1100.1100.

Mcittphis, Tetti,., Jttiy 5.-We httve rend tite articles fromour wortity brotiters, \Vilhiamt and Cummningliamim; andwltile we ftilly itppreeiate their motives, we are still satis-fled that 1100-Too or no other order or institution everprospered or regained its footing by Its members writingamid publishing articles that there was general dissatlsfae-tirni itt tite riltiks. It iii trite tittit some few nredlsap-pointed from tite fact that they have not received anypersoaai benefit, but such persons can only blame them-selves; or lt nitty be that their sole idea is to receive Bornepecuniary nid. So far as titis section is concerned, theonly distatlsfantloot of wliiclt we have heard Is from per-semis who should never have been admitted into this or anyotiter order; for they are too selfish to enjoy anythingvitereln they lo not reap the exclusive benefits.

Brother Vihhlams' suggestions are undoubtedly good,nail we wlii gladly iudoise this or añy other scheme Cacu-lated to strengthen the Order; but In our endeavors tobuild up, do not let us create the impression that we areoverly weak.

If we find a brother who has been so unfortunate as notto have realizeti the benefits of the Order, let us show himhis error, and point out the inestimable good the Order hasand Is every dny accomplishIng. There Is mio order in theworld which has come so nearly accomplishing the ex-press purposes for which it was created as has Hoo-Hoo.It Is true, with us, as with all other orders, we have somebltick sheep vhto are ever looking for an opportunity tocry, " Woifi " but where we finii one of these we find a hun-dred who are ltoo-floo In the fullest sense, and are everready to join In the chorus: " I'm so glad that I'm a Roo-Roo!

Now IetusnUsing th hrn,-lnid fesÇifl sunaaThnjtbo5e who have strayed from the fold will soon be in thefront rows singing loudest of ali. Then we will listen toany brother's suggestion for the good of the Order, but wehope that such ideas will not be prefaced by cries of ciasen-lou In the ranks.We:.truat that:qtii!K WWJRfl! and Cunnlnghnm will

not thinic that we wish to cast any reflections on their re-iti4a, foi- wcully realize how energetic and earnest they

'.are ú th cmS, 1421.

Obituary,Mr. George E. Itystleld (No. 1135 of our Order), of linche-

Itort, Mo., vtis fatally injured in ti ritilvoad acci(lelit it St.Louis, Mo., on Jutte 28. He died the tiect day at tIte l'rot-estitmi; ilospitai, to wltich he had been tnkett. Mr. Llysfleidltnd beemi for 'otie time quite largely engaged in liningstock, and had slipped a cnr loud of stock to St. lottis.Por sonni rcttsoti Ito was personally looking after switchingthe cur nbottt tIle yard of the M., K. & T. Rotti. Ile wanriding on top of one of tite curs that wan being sidetracked,

lmcn it collided with atiotiter car on the switch. Mr. Ihys-field was tlirowtt front the car to tite tracht, fallittg betweentvo of tite cars. l-lis body was not mnatigleth, Itit titOtthl re-etti ted fromm, tite sitoelt tind interniti injtttles.

George Ecimond Bysiielel was born ut liochelort, Mo.,Aug. 11, 1818. lIc wit first a etirpeittet, thiett eitgitged inthe lititiber busiitens, ted, titi stated above, hid liccit reectit-ly interested iii stock raising and shipping. Mr. Byshlolclbecitine a mnemnbei of loo-loo at ICtiiniis City, Mo., liti,.21, 1894. his rentame 'ere titicen to lioeiteport for liter-iticitt. Ile %ns un'lcd, and loaves a fauttiiy.

1r. \V. H. ilitntingtoti's conctitettittloit itt Shreveport,La., on June IS, was a most eiijoyttble success. Ji'rotn tItoLoriotti report which IlIlpetirit ott another pitge it vilI beseen titat twelve muti vero initiated. Eigiteot, aten Ittidtilled oit blink, lud were expected to l,o on hititci. l'inaexcessively hot weather,itowevor,caitsed six of tlmeni to holdoir being ittitiated till tite next xncetittg. Sevorttl of themwere cien quite itdrancoci in yenrs. Of tito twelve ittenittitiated scremi tire lumbermneit. Nitte of tue twelve live atShreveport, ttitd the other three are freut Atitrint, La, andIÇnox Point, ]tt. Mr. T. Q Martiti, who ably assisted lutite vork of titis coticatenatlon, writes us that. on the morn-ing followittg the meeting tite whole towtt was tahkhngabout it, and tltat ite litimediately proceeded to etiroil thiir-teen candiditteit for the iiext meeting, s'hlcht will be heldbefore the Annual Meeting. Mr. iluittitigton, writingfrom Pollock, La,, says that he will also hold a njeetlt,g ntAloxaniirja before the Annual Meeting, It Is likely thiseonetttenation at Alexnitdrin. will precede tile ttext Shirøve-port meeting. Time Shreveport "Journal " gave the tutet-Ing a great " send on," illustrating its ticcount with theemblem of the black cat and " scare " headlines. Despitethe excessively hot weather. ali th men present at themeeting pronounced it a most enjoyable and successfulaffair. Nineteen members of the Order were present, asfollows: 1049, 3710, 2248, 1603, 2745, 1417, 4149, 12132, 1440,2672, 510, 383, 539, 382, 215, 03, 4430, 3211, 1040. Two of themen jnitiated-Ir. Pleitsants and Mr. ]Ietttlerson-are twoof the wealthiest and most promineitt citizens of Shreve-port. Both are amen weil up in years, but both enjoyedtime initiation very much, and are two of as entltuslntjckittens as can be found throughout the waving greennessof the gardens. The candidates were paraded up one sideand down the other of the main street, accompanied bythe officers In their robes of states, all hended by theShreveport Bruns Band, playing the Deed March in SoukNo recent census of Shreveport has been taken, but weunderstand if n man hnd counted the people who lined upon the sidewalk to witness the weird pageant he woitidbave baci a more accurate count than Stipen-intendentPorter secured for the government.

Mr. Runtington desires to express his gratitude for titeassistance rendered hija in the work of getting up and con-ducting this concatenation to Mr. T. Q. Martlit and Mr, L.C. Allen, of Shreveport., 5 yfl ns to Mr. E. r 1ane, ofTexarkautu. To these three geñtlemen much of the credItof thia successful meeting is due. ltfr. Huntington alreadybas eight candIdates for lila Alexandria meetiñg-, and ex-pecta to enroll no hess thân a rounctdozen thete.

Page 4: s:E1 A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. 1897.pdf · THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO.:398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal. 2258-W. A. Prater,



No. III, Shreveporl, En., inne 2ì, 1Sß7.Snnrk, H. W. Huntington.Senior Hoo-Jfoo, S. li. lounger.Junior loo-loo, E. F. Kane.Bojiiiii; w. L. Stout.Serivenoter, T. Q. Martin.;ritbbersvook, C. lt. Munter.Ciustoentian, L. C. Allen.Arcniioper, L. A. McFnul.(Jiirdan, E. li. Vordenhiitiinen.

5024 Jamen Walter Atkiiis, Knox Point, La.5025 Walter Scott Currey, Shreveport, La.O2ß Stephen flebiite Fitzgerald, Shre'eport, La.

1i027 Peter ClelInnd Fontain, Antriin, La.O28 Samuel \'lImer Guntor, Antrini, La.O2tI William Xennoij ItenderHo,I, Shreveport, La.

;oao Frank \Vlnfleld Kane, Shreveport, La..o:ii Edward Curtia Davis Marshall, Shreveport, La.

O32 William Armtrong PleasnatH, Shreveport, Lu.Ol3 Hornee Pee Cee Randall, Shreveport, La.

5034 William Max. RIelinrdon, Shreveport, La.Aol; Felix MeSVillie Williams, Shreveport, La.

Their Mail Returned.LeLkra from the Scrirenoter'8 office addroeed to the follow.

ing men have been returned unclaimed. A.jiy information neto the present addass of any of theee men ehould be promptlysent to the Scrivenoter.1493-F. P. Wentworth, Stillwater, Minn.2608 -A. D. Coard, Lincoln, Nob.2736-B. S. Knapp, Milwukeo, W. Brown, Grand Rapide, Wie.4020-O. G. Baling, Bremen, Germany.3503-W. E. Martin, care C. A. Smith Lumber Company,

Mlnneapolle, Mina.3304-G. W. Davy, 2992 Evanston avenue, Bridgwater, Ill.34130-A. B. Paine, care "American Machinist," Now York.3044-O. H. Pierce, 206 Buck avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.2923-M. C. McKennie, Box 424, Denver, Col.

1720-F. L. Barrett, Birmingham, Ala.4260--F. H. McLane, 300 LIve Oak street, Dallan, Texae.1643-F. M. Griffith, care of Creed & Griffith, Cash, Ark.3105-J. A. Comer, SL Main etreet, an Franciaco, Cal.1051 C. Mundlng, care Central Coal and Coke Company,

Texarkana, Taxas.2118-D. H. Miller, Staunton, Ill.

4213-W. A. Davis, 812 Security Building, St. Louis, Mo.1538-S. J. Pareon, 008 Edmund street, St. Joseph, Mo.59(1-J. L. Thompson, 601 Fagin Building, St. Louis, Mo.

2014-Chas. Towno, joma, Wash.3212-H. H. Moii3O Old Colony Building, Chicago, Ill.

194-Y. J. Haywood, Cleveland O.

3722-G. W. Taylor, Orange, Tox.2070-O. S. Marshall, Capital Hill, LltUo Bock, Ark.3999-G. T. Logan, Colorado City, Colo.

4179-D. W. Dart, Reed City, Mich.780-S. B. Hall, Holmes Hotel, Minneapolis, Mina.

3768-L. S. McLennon, Glenwood, Wie.4087-L. W. Lampert, Fayetteville, Ark.3023-W. R. Jennieon, Oklahoma City, O. T.2665-T. I. Jordon,St. Louis, Mo.3793-H. E. Erwin, New York, N. Y.2477-A. Gray, Port Edwards, Wie.3408-il. L Wooda, MeAlaster, 1. T.

2973-E.E Hiachtaan, Seattle, Waah.8326-W. J.?tllter, Winchester, .1y.4168-E. E. Gatchell, Oshkoeh, Wia.

Roo-Roo Pin Tor the Ladles.

The above cut ehowe. the exact size and appearance of theHoo.Hoo pia for the ladies. Many orders have already beenreceived, and all who have seen the pia pronounce it a beauty.The material is of solid gold and best enamel, thus making asubstantial and useful ornament. The pins will be furnishedat actual coat, $1.50 each, delivered by registered mail. Orderswill be filled as promptly as possible, and much extra labor will

be saved if remittance accompanies the order. Each memberle permitted to order one pin, and lt is required that hie num-ber be engraved on the back.

s.. Official

IIOO:I4Oo Lullaby,

eonoposed by


Having had so many inquiries for this little Lullaby,I beg to announce to my HooHoo friends at large thatit is now published and for sale.

Have YOU heard it? _ -

It. not, send 40 cents for a copy, and takeit home. -


. . DáIuth, Minfl.


VERY IM PORTANT. 612. John Edward Martin. San Antonio. rex.620. Hugo Oulveoton Sacha, Qalveiton. Tez.

The following is a list of those who have not yet paid 1897 dues.en. Gaoro 110017 Walker. San Antonio, Tez.62e. Theodore Kent Thompaon. Galvozton,Tez.

The Constitution requires that the third notice of dues be sent by regis- us rrank Ducho Brunnen, LumI,orton. Misatnotered mail. If your name appears in the list you are asked to kindly

Pommier, Beaumont. Tox.631. John Henry Poe, Lake Charles, La.remit promptly and save the Order the expense of sending out so many

542. Samuel Thomas Swinford. Houston, Tox.544. Mdward hoar Ilarroll, Houston, Tez.nn. Bortregistered notices. Duncan Gray. Alvarado Tez.546. Arti .r JatvIo Schureman Houston, Tex.

Itahould be remembered that these members are not delinquent for57, Art .r Freeman Sharpo, Houaton. Tez.550. W'i.m Johnson Beam. i1outon. Tez.

dues. Every man has till the end of the Hoo-Hoo year in which to, o, , Flavious Brown, Beaumont, Tez.

550. Wi.,. m Reliance WoIs, Bonumont,payhis dues. This publication is made merely to reduce the

Tax.H2 henry Boyer Fall, Waco, Tax.561. Arthurnumber ofregistered letters to be sent out. Look for your number in the list.

William Sutton, Ford Clt, Mo.Marcellus Webster Pattiflo, Now Or-

leans.7. Ludolph O. E. Adoibert Strauss, at.

Lauls, Mo. 204. J000ph Cypress Scnnlon, Minneapolis,

La.t7O herben Wubzoh Durand. Hot Springs.

Ark.12. DanIel Green Saunders, Kansas City,


268. Fred Hayward Oilman, Minneapolis,William Joseph Berry Pensacola, Fin.George Henry Hyatt Whitehall, N. Y.

11. O.niond Palmer Durant, Mobile, Aia.25. John Hammond Hinton, Luinberton,

Oiinn,r.O. Harry Bradley \Vaite, Minneapolin,

Augustus Aloiax L,L.aurin, Pino Bluff,Ark.

Miss.8. Franklin Ketchum Kirk, New Orleans,

Mina,270. WIlliam iinrrison Mili,, Warsaw, Wis.

681. Absalom Plowman Taylor, Memphis,Tens.33. James K6ward Meginn, Kansas City, 273. Claries Henry Johnson, Minneapolis,Mini,.

Silas Edwin Christie, Chicago lii.ron. Isaac tenor Warner, Girard. 'Kas.Mo.

34. James Alfred Sinclair, New Orleans, La. 258. Stephen Morwis, Yule, Minneapolis,Mini,.harry flobinson Swartz, Macsax City,

3e. Henry Cypress Weilman, Mew Orleans,La. nao. Frederick Henry Ciurk, Minneapolis,. Negree notion Nuns, Perry, Okia.

40. Joseph Sawdust Fisher, Springfloid, Mo.42. George Scott Lacey Keatwood, La.

Mien.200. George Joseph Backus, Minneapolis,

John Chester Forester, Cincinnati, O.G. C!,arioo Tor Thomas, Kansan City, Mo.41. James St. Joseph B'oyd, Chicago, Ill.-47. LouIs Henry Price, Sioux City, a.

Often,2p, George Wanblngton.p'ir Maven, Mtnne.

Sylvester Westlako Baxter, Plttaburg,Ka,.50. William Choiweil Sunderland, Omaha,

Neb.spolia, Minn.

203. John Writer Barry, Chicago, Ill.

Lincoln Ilamlin Boycrle, Gosben. md..

I1en Seward Mitcheli, Norfolk, Va.El. James Edwin Ootewood, St. Louis, Mo.59. Louis Johnson Wortham, Austin, Tez.

250. Santforcl Owen Brooko, St. Paul, Mina,nos. Wiilinm Frederick Beam, Sioux City, la.

COO. Henry Conrad Weisei, Souk City, Wie.Clarondon Chicago Boyle, Boyle, Mi,s.

64. Guy Henry Mailam, Beaumont, Tez. 299, Henry }larriuon Colline, Minneapolis,Minn.Ptor Preston Wood, Chicago. Ill

70. Victory Birdseyo Curtis, Daims, Tez.72. Gardiner Calvin Pratt Fort Worth, Tex. 104. 'Theodore Pues Emmo,,,, Sumnor, la.

Hubbard Asbury Camp, Lumberton,Miss,

'N. Joint Laporte Keith, eaumont, Tez.84. Frank Wldgar Dearhoru, Lake Charles,

210. Wiliism Albion Rcmick, Clinton, John Paul Reardon, St. Paul, MInn,

Luther Sampoon Creasen, Kansas CIty,Mo. -

La.s?. lohn Clelland Fontaine, Toxaricana, Tez.

310. Lester Edward Campbell, Indlanapoils,tad,

George Parker Nelson, Riverside, Ill.

John Woodruff lilanehard, Chicago, Iii.

sa. William Forgus MoRco, St. Lauta, Mo.go. Henry Hoe-Moo Folk, Lumberton, Mies.

3mo. Hugh Henry Oravott, Grayvillo, mil.

322. James Ciaiberno Lincoln, St. Louis, Mo.. William Hilton Bryant, Denver. Cole.

Charles Henry Carleton, Cleveland, O.91. EdwIn Fawcett Shoals, Monroe, Edwin Clerk Rand, Atlanta, Tez.

ans. Themnj Webster Van Cleave, St. Louis,Mo.

067. Tolta Charles Fresch, Olean, N. Y.Jh Sdward Williams, Chicago. mil.

as. Santor.Hen,. Bolinger, Texai'kana, Ter. mao. °John MeSIwee McGill, 'rexarkana, Tez.L98,

' James Reliance Maloney, Jr., Chicago,94. John Frederick Judd, St. Louis, Mo.

¿04. Jamo, Samuel flundell, Cedar Rapids,

33e, Romeo Mortlmer Atiterton, Anderson,lsdlii.

660. John HamIlton Wyeth, Jr.. ChIca«o, Ill.

072. Alonso Johnson Oregory St. Louis, Mo.John Franklin Mlles, Elliott, Ark129. WillIam Allan Priddle, Beaumont, 'Tez. flichsrd Benbridge Sample, Lafayette, John Martin Kuebier, Vìausau. WI...132. Henry DeWitt Keith, Beaumont, Tea.mea. Eugene Cusbmsn Weiss, Beaumont, Tez.134.

mnd,James Luther Mann, Springfield, Ill.

H5. William Edwin Ottlo, Iticago, IIi.

Willie Simon Harwoo,, BloomIngton, Ill.

2. William Randelph ...cDonald, Buffalo,N. Y.Charles Thompson Patterson, New Or-lean., La. 157. Piney Hugh Norton, Chicago, Ill. ' Samuel Saw.buck Southern, Chicago, Ill.

135. Charlee Louis Viokers, Fort Worth, Tez. 361. Arthur George Marshall, Minneapolis,Wnn. ' Albert floderick Stevens, St. Loule. Mo.a4e. Richard Paul Towner, Memphis, Tens,144. John LewIs Lane, Kanisi City, Mo.


33, George Washington lfotchkies, SouthISO. WIlliam MeCuiloh Fraser St. LOUIs, Ms.81. William Lloyd fixen, La'Croese, Wie.

146. Henry CurUn Wood, Kansu City. Me.154. Alfred Weld Wylie, Little Fail,, Mlnn.

Evanston, III.

au. Frank Faroham Plummor, Boston, Masa,GSS. John Edwin Langdon, LaCrosse, WIe.60. Debe BenjamIn towoll, LaCrosse, Wie.

158. John Pllnth-Blnck Heehl, Maniai City, nos. WIllIam Spencer Laustelo, Nov Or-lean,, La,552. Henry Edwards Plerpont, Chicago. Ill.

JudsonMo. .

155. Joseph Prank Capron, Now Orleans, Le. 870. Kendall Woodward Mene, New Orinan,,Abrabam Porter, Waueau, Wie.

1.05..159. John Clark Harmon, ChIcago, Ill.

163. John FranklIn White, Garland, Tez.La.

ois. David Clarence Williamson, LakeAlbert MYron MIllard, AntIgo, WIe.

70e. CarlIns EngIne Cleveland, Eau Claire,174. Henry Theodore Meyerdlng, Hammond,

La.Charles, La.

ayo. Lucius Buco,, McEwcn, New Orleans, La.WIC.

707. George Mllterd Pier, Waùsau, WI..17g. Jamal (liii (Therry, Lumberton. Hinz.152, Alonno Deibert Moere. New York City.

310. John Bernard NaRy, rookhea,en; Miss.William Percival Luck. New Orleans, ta.

722. George Hannum flics. Wausan. Wie.727. EdwIn Ruthoen Armstrong, Wausau,

186. CharlIe Oreen Byrd, St. Louis, Mo.100. Janper Newton Cunningham, Norborse,

H3, Harvey Saws Avery, ew Orison,, La,Edward Bsrnham Curtis, New Orieans,

Wie.730. Leonard Nilee Anion, Merrill. Wie.

.Mo.194. NathanIel Joshua Haywood, Cleveland,

¡,,3,. Henderson Augustus Smith, MeridIan,

7H, William DIddle Vasen, Toledo, O.7H. Dwight ¡ames Peterson, Toledo, O.

Ohio. ..-.130. Francis John O'Connell, Colunujus, O.

Miss.394. WillIam 'Theodore Hlerony'mne, Mobile,

739. Samuel Davenport Daro. Toleds, O.740. John McCiain Reed, Toledo O.

'Montgomery.251, George Henry Leathorbaa,. Chiago Ill.202. David Shelby Williams, Noisville, renn.

Ala,Ebenener Finley Porter, Plttihurg, Kan,

742. WillIam Alexander Driver,Ala.

203. Henry Clark Sbearman, Mapla Springe,N. Y.

Peter Goddard Gates, Eagle Mille, Ark.wiilim Joseph RiMait,. New Orleans,

744. Gerald Hall Ware, Mentaomor. Ala.748. Stephen Edgar Olean. Kansas City, Mo.

209. CurtIs Daniel Meolcer, Inölanapofle, lsd.01e. David Abeel WIlliamson, Indianapolis,

La., Albort Chicago Stanweod, ChIcago, Ill.

'ISO, Isaac Hartley Fatty. Jopita. Mo.754. James Frederick Hanley. Kannen City.

lad. 5, James ClInton Talbot, Hammond, Ted. Mo.215. Edwin Francis Kane, Texarkana, Tez.220. John Charlee Van Riper, Andersen, lsd,

426. James Plerpont Bradley, Chiesle, Xli.4H, Martin Luther Thompson, Hat Iesburg,

753. MIlton Dante Darnall, Hatless City Mo.764. Charles Edward Wagai'. KasaI 'CIty,

222. George Edward Springer, Andereos, lsd,228. George Charles Pratt, 3helbyyllle, InS.

Miss.Samuel Spalding Henry, Mess PoInt,

Mo.760 Charles Sumner Bacon, Grand Hapide,.

224, Frank Hadron Kendall, Kedron, Ark.22e. Caulus DavId Hayward, Decatur, Ill.

Miss.419, Ira Oanthook Alexander, Lumberton,

Mich.772. Waiter Clark Winchester. Grand Rapidi,

227. Henry Cmv Dre.dan, South Bend. lad,225. Henry Taylor Sample, Lafayette, led.

Mioz.Charlen Edward Patton, Seattle, Wash.

Mich.717. WIlliam ¿0h11 Corbln, Grand Rapidi,

2.10. Nathan Ford Dalton, Indlanapolli, Tad.BIL John .Famoni Rutherford, PIne Bluff.

Frederick Oscar Rugg, Kansas City, Mo.451. Mari .Iay Brown, Hays CIty, Kan.4O, Robert Lee OlIver, Moberly, Me,

Mloh.779. Frank Earnest Usynolda, Minneapolis,

Ark.232. WillIam Henry Parker, Pine Bluff, Ark.tee, 4Thatinx

487. James Mabbltt Ott, Kaaw CIty, Mo.475, Edward. William .Iobaiton, Oras Rap-

Mina.750. Smith Bang Hall, MInneapolIs, Mino.751. fl.or' 1" R100,sstSsg Pral-Lovt2imeD1elcnamnott,ln

dlanapolls Xml. Ids" ,Tehneen,

i'leMIii n.225. Weale' Robrt Pureen, Thornton, Ark. 475, FinI. BwlngWhIte. Mt. Vernon Mo.

iso. Alvin Henry Connally. Knaw alti, Mo.751. Charles NIcholson Robinson, Mlnneapo-

us. yrae,jck HIBISh Bennett, Plymouth,Mich. -

¿si. Thomas Bantou Brooks,- Topoks, Kan.451. George Wi1lia Crawford Olrazd,

lin Mian.754. I"rdk Hunter Pardee, Wausnu, Wie.

247. Jay Leverett Peck, 'Indianapolis, lad.MO. Thomas MeÑoe

Kan.155. Tbomu Houiten Rogers, Winftsl , Kan.

Joseph Mltebe 1, Kaneae

755. James Graham Wallace, MInneapolIs,Mien.

Partridge, Miniteapelis,Mina. - -

City, Mo.H, n,Wefli. Brltt. Iowa.

785. Omar Putty 0oodridg, Minuenpolin,MIño.

159. Albert Gelatin Piournny, nl,495. ¡ames Seautling Roberta, Sbulsbnrg,

WIn, 757. Walter Augustus Brysist. Jr., Hudson.MA,.WtfllMzLirvIn CrPtor, . MinneapolIs,MIna. 499..Cbrlstlan Fre4lCriOk-Mobr, Portage. Wie.

503. JulIus Ellas Hansen, De ForoatIowa.

785. Prrderiók Henry l"Iatau, Mlnneapolle,202. Edwin Charles Shevlln, MInneapolis,-

i.506. Jebosafat Earl Morgan, Oshkoul WIe. .Q . Llewi1l. 3one, MIjwaukee

. MIau. , .

759. EdwIn Dan Twombly. MInneapolis..Mlnn. . . .

153WAlterDotyWlBsoa, MInneapolis, Mina,.

Wie. l.SS.511. Peroy Pusey Allen. Houston. T.x. 1.15.

MInn.° W1Ililfl Henry Bçrn WInonaMInn.751. obn Percy Lair, ow York City,N. T.

Page 5: s:E1 A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. 1897.pdf · THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO.:398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal. 2258-W. A. Prater,


7D6. Ira Sawdust Wadleigh, Minneapolis,Minn.

o1. Manford Lowell Elsemore. Drummoad,WI..

802. Charles Jack-pot Jesse Reynolds, Minne-spolia, Mina.

803. 1ta, Williams Jones, Minneapofl, Nina.804. William Henry Bogart, Minneapiis,

Minn.sos. Charlas Hazard Russell, Minnenpoiia,

Mina.807. Edward Josephua Foster, Fairchild, Wi..sos. Aiexander Wiiiiam flobineon, Mankato,

Miau.809. David Cummings Wright, Chaiawa,

Misa.liii. iiaao Coiwnboa lnocha, Jackson. Misa.gia. Albert Graham Lithe, Brookhaven, Miss.814. John Wiiliford Henagan, New Orleans,

LLgli;. Clifford Starai Jones, Jackaonviiio, Iii,sis. Eliot Jeraepeilla Cobb, Plttsburg, Pa.820. Jameo Tuil wart hardie, Peoria, Iii.821. IVado MiRon Simpson, Gaiaaburg, lii.S22. Mark Stanton McCuilam, Chicago, Ill.826. Juanea Leo Andrew., Canton, Iii.832. Fred Arthur Smith, Chicago, Iii.833. David henry Proctor, PeorIa, Iii.834. James Henry Trimbie, Peoria, lu,837. Orange Aipboaso Smalley, Now London,

WI..540. Charlas Aislen Conino Oshkoah, \Vio,542. LUther Tamarack Davea, Oshkosh, Wis.843. Frank Everett Worden, Oahkosh, VIs.841. °j°k Hoary Kennedy, Arkansan City,

545. Wiilia'm Andrew Fair Oaiikoih, WI.,SSS. Robert Upper. Fair, òahkoab, Wi.,8Go. Frank Aiiison Fuller, Oahkosh, \;.I, Andrew Joseph Boiger, Minocqun, Wia,265. Waiter Edwin Burt, Grand Rapida, Wis.SSC. Jame. Mann Corno, Portland, Oro,870. Eoeano Swampooggar Shopord, itbine-

lander, WI..871. Timothy Wind-fail O'Connor, Merrill,

WI..575. Caihius Freeman Smith, Rhineiander,Wi..877. Frank DeWItt Davia, Ithinolander, WIs.878 Cliarilo Clyde Bronaoa, Ithinelander,Vis.SSE. George ¡loas Dog Clayton, Rhinoiandor,

Wig,884. Ckriatle Jack PIne Eby, Berlin, Vis,503, Maurice Charlan Frederick Von Pistan,

Chicago, Ill.906. Byron Frederick Edwarde Chicago, Ill.DOS. Adnlph Mame Boockoier, t. Louis, Mo.516. horace Monroe Darns, Lincoln, Nob,517. Jehn Franklin Deaderick St, Louis, Mo.918. lii, llpply Wagoner. SL i.ouis, Mo,921, PatrIck Sarsflold Hart, Ironton, O.DM. William Abulnm Drake, Dayton, O.535. øeorg, Swap, Yerkea, Camden, N. J,

1.98.pail. Charle. Oscar Shepherd, Now York CIty.941. Sainpel Noiin Ford, Manafleld, O.P40. Charlan Mimer Sheppard, MinneapolIs,

Mina.Sao. Heny Knot-bela Webster, Mlnneapoila,

Minn.969Frank Hugh Stoning, Austin, Minn,963, John Halatead Leonard, MinneapolIs,

Minn.950. OlIver Perry Taylor, Minneapolis, Mina.984. Charles Francis Perkins, Grand Ademe,

Mtob.1167. Cisode Remington Jamas, Buduon MIch.969. Divid Emmett Weigh, Grand *apida,

Mina.911. Leo Frederick Hale, Chicago, Iii.975. James Warren Brown, Grand RapId.,

Mich,970. Victor Maxwell Tuthiil. Grand Rapida,

Mich,917. William OrlEth WatEn, Muskegon,

Mich.954. Simon Peter Swarta, Grand Rapids,

Mich.1189, Burgess Byron Itobinion, Toledo O.

1098. Ben Wliiiam Bartlett, Little Rocie, Ark.1006. BenJamin Franklin Copelaud, Atlanta,

Ga.loo?. Riley Edwin Devins, Liberty, Mo.lolo. James Dayld Wation, Little Rock, Ark,1013. Robert Mesee McDonald. Camden, Ark.1014. Waiter James Radtord, Oshkoah, WI.,1015. Robert Job-lota MOrne, Oehko.h, Vis.101g. Arthur Richardaon Osborn, Ashland,Wi'.1021. Charle. August Rohde, Milwaukee, WI..1025. lohn Cupian Anderson, St. Louis, Me,1027. Alfred Homer Diver, Latayatte, lad.M28. William Eenjimin Cutter, Ander,00,lud.1083. WillIam Sumner Cooper Oreenfleld, led.1034. Charles Jacob Barley, óelphi. md.1096, William Ransom Grullo, St. Louis, No.1039. 'George Norton Creer, Mail Grunge, N,

J. lis.

1044, Joeopb Wickham Gue, Newport News,

lode. Thoa Quinoy Martin, Shtovepor, La.lods. Thomag 4tpporaon Coleman, Taxarkona,

Tu.1049. William Luty Stout, TeWkaa, 'l'ex.

mario. 1.oclua Edwin Rowe, Cocon City, Col.1055. Iloraco Erootug Bernie, Texarkana, Vex.lodi. William loose \Vondrutf, San Antonio,

Tez.1068. William Oaaton Andergon, Franklin, O.1014. Ellas Dunce Galloway, Howell, Mich.1076. Waiter Lowneg Whilacre, Columbu,, O.1077. Wflilanu Barton Dickerson, Montgomery,

1083. Charle. Herbert Duck, Bridgeport, Cone.1084. Clinton Aira Maok, Toledo, O.1088. Samuci Edloon Putnam, Cleveland, O.1091. harry Griswold Sheldon, Fremont, O.1095. Ulyanes Preble Walling, Campbelleviile,

Ky.1102. Charlee Aboli Smith, Newark, O.1104. Joaopb Chrysanthemum Hair Well, Day-

ton, O,1107. Charlo. Grand Rapida and Indiana RaIl-

road Lanniag, Grand RapId., Mich.lles. William Arthur Eagloaflold, IndIanapolis,

lud.flit Holstein Worthey Webb, Middleport, O.lilt. Itichard Dwight Merrill, Toledo, O.1122. ThUrber Wairona McOlena, Toledo, O.1123. Fri'd lanc Nichols, Grand Rapide, Mich,1128. Frank ReIlly Pearson, Beaver Falls. Pa.1127. Edwin Park Ewart, Topeka, Kan.1130, lohn liarnardo Sullivan, Chicago, Ill.1152. WillIam Freeman flavia, Kansas City,

Mo.Ill?. George henry Jackson, Mobile, Ala.1161. Alfred Thnmag Shaw, Mobile, Ala.1163. George Clifton Clarke, Mobile, Ala..1168. IrvIng David Newcomer, llrainord, MInn.liti. Old liorr O,born, Chicago, III.1165. Chnriea Kllbourue FOliou, Minneapolis,

Mina,1112. Lianneus Jnhn.on Bailey, Minneapolis,

Mina,1173. Harry Eugene Wiicnx, Minneopoli.,

Ilion,1177. Herbert Sinmoel ailkoy, .lanesvillo, WIE.1178. WIllard Oliver Barodt, St. Paul, Mina.1152, Samuel Samson Jnhnaon, Cloquet, Miun,1185. GIdeon William lilies, St. Ja02,a, Minn.1159. RIchard Clark Branch, St, Louis, Mo.1194. DanIel Whildln Hand, St. Paul, Minn.1195. Rnbert Aimerait Fox, Fnxhome, Minn.1200. Fred. Fletcher Robin.nn, Oehkoah Wig.1201. William Aivab Rose, Ashland, wis.1204. Gustav Butternut Luoliwlig, Butternut,

Vis.1200. Joseph Henry Luosla, Morse, WI..1209, David Wyor Mowatt, Ashland, Wie.1210. Cellan Mather Everett McClintock, Ash.

land, Via.1.211. Edward Roas Sutherland, Spokane,

Wash.1212. Eugene Arthur Shore., Ashland, Wi..3211, Joe Mitchell Chappei, Ashland, Vis.1215. Donald Jay-bIrd McAllister, Man'lnetta,

1221, John"Andrew McEachron, Green Bay,WIs.

12fl. Frank Reuben Weeks, Green Bay, Wie.1238. 11'rederiek August11, Wilber, Des Moires,

Iowa,1239. Francia Auguetua Drown, Marinette,Wi..1281. George Arthur Mltchtnon, Marinctto,

WI..1248. Frank Aiexandria Waters, Oconto, Wig.250. George William HanIy, Marlinotte, Via,1156. 'Jnseph Marcus M.rtin, Msrinette, WI,.

1258. Isic Perpetual Feitel,New Orleans, La,1258. °Oeorgo Orner Thomas, New Orleans, La.

1.58,1251. Charles Benjamin Goulotte, New Or-

leans, j1MS. Joseph Luden Jsrrea.u, New Orleans, La.1271. WIlliam Loomis Martin, Cheboyg.n,

Mich.1273. WillIam Flag Blxby, Kalamazoo, Mich.msis. Clarence Celi Conely, Detroit, Mich.127V. Arthur Alabama Moatgamery, Detroit,

Mich.1250. Frank Dyke Jenk., Port Huron, Mich.1283, Wartlall Jo-Jo Moyer, Detroit, Miob.1258. Seth Eno. Smith, Detroit, Mich.1255. James Shiplap Redmend, Detroit, Mich.1258. George Meehan Anona, Merrill, Wia.1202, lohn Wisalgan Londera, Merrill, Vis.1303. David Boiler McGregor, Jr., BIg Rapids,

Mich.1801. flamas Cro.shaul Landers Merrill, Vis,1898. flerbart Edgar Stewart, 1'and du lao,WI..1805. Menev («rtth. Rom, ChIcno, III.1310. RIchard George Elngoloy, Merrill, Wig,1311. John Grandfather Mcqullian, Men11)

WIa1314. DavId Larue Anderson, Merrill, Wi,.1MO. John Mlllrun. Poiler,, WI,.3321. Julius Henry Thlelnian Merrill, Wig.1328. Frederick Smith Garfend, Tonaajaawic,WI,,l3. H*rry Douglas Hufl, M,»,, Rezelburot,

Vis,1330. Chriatlan Nelson Johnica, Merrill, Wia,1332. William Calaway BeHielt. Hattlsiburg,

- MI,..,

1333. Preotnn Etu.muo Williamo, LumbertonMies.

1334. Jame. Marcus LaFontalne, Atlanta, Ga.133G. Aiexand,r Stephen Ilintea, Addi.on,

111es.1338. John Wesley Roger., Eilliville, Mies,1840. Daniel Durgner Ilayne,, Luinberton,Ilias.1341. George Hanson Robert.on, Lumberton,

Mies.1342. Robert SVuoti Hinton, Luinberton, Miss.1343. Malcom Jamo. Bothune, Lumbortou,

Mies.1344. Jease Lee Bound., Mas. Point, Miss.1346. John Double Entry Oxenford, Indianap.

oli., lud.1349. WillIam Orlando McKiunoy, Piper City,

1892. Josej,ii Michael Sboen, Chicago, Ill.1353. Harry l'rovine Henderson, Chicago, Iii.1354. Hugh Bearskin Mcladoo, Chicago, lii,1315. Elihu Ponnyrayal Blaladell, Haxeihurat,

imel. Geort Wuahiogton Baker, Loami. Jil.I3'M. George Henry flooae, St. Louis Mo.lles. William EdwIn Priestly, thilwaulcee,

WIa.1370. Freak Rye Pondleton, Jonoevllle, WI..13??. Joseph Leavltt Strang, Chicago, Ill.11m William Naloy MeKamy, Mattoon, Ill.Ill.;. WillIam Manning Hopkla., Rosedale,

Misa.1377. Hernian Emanuel Lang, Chicago, Iii,1280. John Thoma, McMockln, Chicago, Iii.1182. Andrew Hut-Sport Joiinsnn, ChIcago, Ill,1384. George SullIvan Drink, Janeavlllo, Wie.mapa. Che,ter Arthur Eaaiey, Laredo, Vex.1387. WillIam Nicholas Vaughan, Beaunanot,

Vex.1188. Herbert Glenn Brown, Beaumont, 'rex,1391. WIlliam Beaumoat Abereronibie, New

Onceno La,1112. Ennet Albert Flotciter, VIllage Mills,

Vex.1397. Fietcher Wycha Oreor, Beaumont, Vex.1400. Michael Stringer Weiher, Baaumont,

Tex.1402.. Jame. Long Keith, Beaumont, Tex.1403. John Edward Smith, Beaumont, Vox.1405. Dorr llera Ohapin, New Orlegu,, La.1405. Jannea Malachl Eutham, Beaumont, Vex.1411. Thomas Eutin Spolawood, Beaumont,

Vex.141G. Robert Black Rock MeCroery, Black

Rock, Ark.1411. WIlliam Garrett Wadley, Allentown, La,1420. Frank DeFereat Ilumiep, Fort Worth,

'l'ex.1423. Arthur Walter Robinson, Memphis,

Tenu.1426. Jamo. Machine Lee, Jr., Memphis, Tenn.1428. Jame. Rowley, Sayre, Ark,UIL Archibald Smoot Hall, Houston, Tez,1439. Edwin Harrl.on DumMe, Houston, Tez,1443. James Edwin Archer, Houston, Vex,1444. Baitia HIuMe Allen Houston, Tez,1445. Andrew Cothbert AbeD Houstan, Tez,1416. Albert iaseph Duculr, I'Iew Iberia, Le.1450. Clarence McKean Lattimore, St, Louis,

Mo.1453. °Iauc Ainnea Thompson, Traverse City,..

Mich. 1.58.1454. James Spiiuter Camron, Contar Lake,

Mich.1155. Henry Coli Elm $chnmberg, Good Har.

bor, Mich..1461, Samuel Jnsoph Chapman, Manistee,

Minh. .

1462. Charle. Thompson Ceveil, Loa Angeles,Cii.

1471. WIlliam Knot-Hole Baliser, Trayerge.City, Mich.

1475. Frauk William Rager., Minocqua. WI..1454. Howard Roland Maxwell, ChIcago, mil.1486. George Flywheel Kunze, Tomahawk,Via.1491. Jobo. Seymour Fraker, Oihko,h, Vis,1112. John Dana Catter, Tomahawk, Wie.1493. FranklIn Pierce Wentworth, Unknown.1495, Solon Dwight Sutliff Woodhoro, VIa.14911. Albert Edward gutii, Tomahawk, WI...1110. WIlliam Frederick Spiegeiberg, Merrill,

Wie.1515. Fred, Scosewan Smith, Merrill, WI..ISIS, William Bearnard Cotter, Hefford Juno-.

tion, WI.,1MS, Sanada William Ladd, Merrill, Wia.1590. CreIgtLnn Examiner Morris, Humboldt

1511. John Cochran Cleland, Fremunt, Nob.15*0, Reed Sheldon Edgerton, North Bend..

Wank. .,

1535. John Clayton Barolay, Council Bluffs, I...1588. Samuel Jenes Person, 5, Joseph, Mo.1541. Alexander Dod.ley Marriott, Ornaba,Nib, . . r1544. Louis Macsin Deemer, Lthcoln,.Neb,1549. Frank Piston Rod MeDenaugh, Eau

Claire, WI.. ...mssm, Geo, Wyntord Lawreoce CbIcago, IlL.id5d.JohnRanry:Youn5; EOaiie, Wie.1857. Otorgo Frunklin WInslow, Rau Claire..

WI.,mts& Charle. Jig,0 Samuel., Eau Claire. Via..-l5!t. Jame. E4wird Long, Porter'.. MIIIFWII....


15611. hoary Cleveland Putnam, Eau Claire,WI..

157G, Nitos Post.offico holm, Eau Claire, Wig.1583. Charles Addiaon lIayea, Chippowa Falla,

WI,.118m. George Stillman Devi., Durand, WI..1187. Maroitail John Portar, Mao Claire, Wia.15111, Chsri, Ponton Hamilton, ChampaIgn,

1197. Wililam Wontworth Lea, Iron River,WI..15M. De WItt Smith Clark, Iron itiver, Wie.lISO. WIllIam George Mohn, Iron ltiver, WI..1602. George Benjamin holmes, Thomas, Wig.1605. FrederIck William Brown Unknown.1607. Chorlea Androwa Marobah, wogt supe.

nor, Wie.lolo. Charle, Franklin Ta'ior, Warren, lii.1512. 'i"rauk Fanchon Deahan, MaIden, Mesa.

1.98.1dm. Frank Clark Gibbons, Sun Prairie, 'D'la.1611. fra&ik Stay Snider, Kilbnurno, Wi..lIib. Silas ileman Reed, Nscedith, YIu.1017. Albert Benjamin Carann, Milwaukee,Wig.HiD. Iteuben Jowott Washburn, MIlwaukpa,

Wie,16M. Francia lienry Hayes, Kau Kauen, Vis.1G1. harold Adamant Deliran., Milwaukee,

\Vis.leal. George Washington Bianchard, l'cani.. mnre, Vis.1634. Ocorco Hastings Clqugh, Muzo Mania,

Wis.16311. Joan liondoiph Lochary, Viroqun, VIs.l,ltI. Uiarlos Adolph Well, Watertown, WI,.iI,il. i"ra,ik Marion Grliflth, Unknown,IbM. Miciioei .looepii Brosnan, CbIcngo, Ill.toll. Ueore Walti'r Tiaiicrort, Orange, Vox.e,59. 'lilohijon Christian Morgan, Waco, 'l'ex.liii. t'iii,nt,i Buchanan Brazoitnn, Waco, Vex.iu.I4. rg. Sullivan Itahb, \Voat l'oint, Vex.1ou. lt iiliani VIiomna McGrew, Mount Calm,

'l'ex.IflIl, Juiiiea Mud linIe, Meridinn, Vox.IbM. Itliliani l8Uiuner Riddecic I'arker, Fort

Worth, 'I'oxus.lepI. Aiti'e'il Jame, ItatcilIro, St. Thema., Ont,,

Cit C"wtiliader liumpitrey Collamer, Waco,

Tez.iN. li.,.,.. Gilbert Moore, Dallas, Vex.1012. Stephen Douprçe Italnoy, ltobsrtavllie,

14i;t.i. Frank Oily Arbogasl, Maraiotll, Vox.11111. l)nvlti Lafayette WrIght, Shreveport, La,icH, Gerald Ilotsand FItzgerald, houston,

'i'ex.pse. John Cotlett Conway, Cleboren, Vex.liti:;, Joaepii Vado Byrd, Louisville, Ky. 1.08,illS. \l'iiiiain Tell Renger, Pensacola, lela.1710. Lou Frank Eckatenkempor, Louisville,

ICy.1711. George William SchmIdt, Louiavillo, Ky.1714. Frank Edward Parker, Ashland, Vis.171G, William ICdwIn Wooding, Aehlenti, Wie,1718. WaIter Alexander, Sutherland, Aahiaod,

Wie,1722. Byron ObooLingauck Ripley, Iron lUvnr,

V's.1721. Jahn Jasper McGcohan, 111gb Bridge,

. WI..1728. Fred Lee Barrett, Unknown.1727. 'l'lino. jCrcigrl Mackinillor, Iron River,

Wie,1710. David John Mowatt, Ashland, Wie.17ml, Charles Leroy Smith, Duluth, MInn.1732, Itandali Frederick Smith, Ashland, Wi..1733, Joiepb Edwin Cochran, Ashland, Wie.1736. howard Injunction Bcul.on, Washburn,

WI,.1718. Frank Albert Moody, Milwaukee, Wie,1712, jaitn ReCree Grlgnon, Harvey, Ill.1745. John Midway Mali Saults, Miss.1750. Henry Doe MoCeel, Moii'lIl, Wis.rilo. John Kimbic Canton Hobbs, San lrran_

tisco, Cal.17GO. George Dicknxan Gray, San Francisco,

Cal.1763. Charlus Joseph Church, San Francisco,

Cal.1754. Franci. harrIson LotUs, San Francisco,

Cal.1766. lIeben Legai Vendor Dollar, San Fran.

Cieco, Cal,imeo. James Burton Pinkhsxn, Chicago, Ill,1772. Citauncey Joseph Medberry, Fond du Lac,

Wig.1774, Merrick Joel Peck, Fond.du.Lac, Wi..1777. Jesse -Alanso W4ntr, Win,1778, OeiiFftWallir, Fond du Lac, WI..nao. John Graves Love, St. LouSe, Mo.3783. Adam Cleveland Paulus, Mirahfleld, WI..1150. John Potter Hume, M.rshfleld, WI..1780. Alden Southworth,Biiu, Mannh5eld, Win.1792. Joseph Calixie Pratt Milwaukee Wie.Ills. William Henry Drown, Marshifeld, Wig,UD,. Georê Hirrison Iteynoida; Necedah,.:wis.' ................ .1709. Starr Kiñg:Ràunda1 Staves, PoInt, Wie,1500. Edward ' JulIus ShAkà. «lina,' PilOn,,

1814. Frederick Moral Stearns, Grand Rapids,OVIa.

1918. TImothy Hay Leunon, lthlneiander, Wia.SMI. Bort J0050 itheelty, Nickerson, MInn.1o:D. t,laronco Mile, Diwick, Ithinelander, Wisls:li, Jacob Ladder Clumb, lthlnoiantdsr. Wig,hEil. David Keiler Jenris, JOUrS,, WI..1110. Edward Crescent Sebryver, Chattanooga,

'l'cnn.1813. John Molly Magutro Foy, Bradford,l'cnn.1016. Henry Gale Van Oradol, Lexingtun, Ky.1913. VIiIiaan Smith Harrison, Loulavill,, KY.1510. VickliiZo ceaper l'lniihipa, Lexington, Ky.laiB. Newton Mercer Dell, San l'concise,, Cal.15M. Lionel Georg, henry Itivors, London,

Mng.1916. Alexander Fraser McEwan, Seattle,

Wash,ll',S, BaptiaL Jobnoton Burton, Bay City,Hielt.lIGO. Ail. UDod Grade Masher, Jr., Bay CIty,

Hielt.1861. iicni'y Uotilcb Obcnauor, Bay City, Mich,lob:, AOgUOt. Mci)onaicl Mliier, Bay City,Inlet.1015. harry leiteitett Androws, VateryInot,

N, Y.1867. Bertram l'cebite Whedon, Bay City,

blieb.lots. Jouit William ititeltie, Bay City, Hick.Skia, Mirant Waytic McCorWick, Bay City,

biIh.1111. l'riiio lioutilton Billion, Milan, O.Sbkc. Mired l'curaun Conklin, Ureenlluld, lad.Ions. 'litoingut Jolt. Ckri.Uan, Indianapolis,

lud.1h11. J0i10 Alexander Sinlinuns, Indianapolis,

lud.1112. harry Cutting l'age, Chicago, ill.1111. 'Iracy ltouvo 'i'komaii, I'reacott, Ark.1kII. harry (,'llautbcrlain idecarco, Mooreavhlia,

lud.1111. Christian Dalles Well,, Indlauapnlin,

lud.11101. Wiiiia.m Fleming Stiliwoli, Lafayette,

lad.1107. Wliiiasn Tiwivaa Joyce. Ciintoo, la,1'JUl. Edward Benjamin McCullough. Brainord,

Ilion.1914. Wanie Orriaaa llaughton, Gaiva, Ill.illS. 1.'baocoy liobari. Lamb, Clinton, la,1111. Columbus Villino Iluosey, Franklin

Urove, Ill.1120. Otto Frederick Lnchmund, Clinton, la.loll. Wiilinnt Anaon Lyali, Lyona, la.1127. Wiiiiam Abram Siddlo, Clinton, la.111:10. Frederick Lorenuo JJinkø'ly, L,yaus, la.1111. Wliiiaw Percy hamacs Lyons, la,1132. AliseI Orleittor Colo, Clinton, Io,ly:ll. Waiter Lyons ItcArthur Lyon., Io,JIll. iratik Coxey Lohberg, Lyons, Is.1938. Wiiuiot Duck 'Fawn,ond, Now York City.1114. aMdwln l'ietcktr Smith, Now York City.

1.08.1150. Wiiiiatu Kemp holmes, Jr.. New York

City.1953. Joseph Edward .&iinon,. Now York City.1118.1957. Alcali Luden Underwood, Yonkers, N. Y.11)60. £dgar L'ittiruin Washburn, Milwaukee,

Wig.1061. Frederick Bruce Darvllle, Unknown.11151. Laaranet Dlckinano Bcncdlct, Ciiicao,

120G. Ilerlert Benjamin Loavlct, Chicago, Ill.1118. Jokn Samuel Jliackburn, llatUesburg,

Miss.1:173. Willi, Globe Urahaw, Meridian, Higa.1974. Ueorgo Logtrain liounda, L.uiuborton,

Mi.s.1175. Charles Beecher Itoazoll, Lwuljortun,

Misa.1976. Itaiph Potter 11'Oltnn Resigned.1978. Charles Mollie McCoy, MInneapolis,

Minn.1980. Jahn Foot ilayden, Minneapolis, MIna.1183. harry Fretiorick Partridge, Sauk Rap-

Ida, Mino,1887. Fred, Lincoln Bnaworth, Minneapolis,

Minai.1900. Louis Cardnor Muliar, New York City.1999. Isaac l'endleton Armstrong, SeatUo,

Wash.2003. Sidney Turtlebacic Seule, San Franclaco,

Cal.2010. Thomas Tobacco Sanders, Premotit,

Wash.IOU. Cornelius Hummingbird Cranio, Seattle,

Wash.114. Ch,.hea tatistScaI 'I'owne, 'l.acoma,

Wash,2017. Edward Toco Cat V,rd, Bryant, Wash.2015. Nicholas Patterenu SmIth, Lexington,

2020. Oeore Lovett Taft, Tacoma, Wash.2021. Gyro, Abel Mentzer, 'raconta., Wash.2023. OliverPnank Tookei. Tacetas, Wash,202g. Ren ideo-Neo lUce 'heoina, Wash.10v. Uiea Grant Frederick, Akron, O.10:1. Eeget Merriek Cari.ton, Uieveland, O.2086. James Albert Blundin, Cleveland, O.moss. Frederick Chesver Burden, Cleveland,

Ohio,2044. WillIam ZuSah Lindsay, Oieveland, O.2062, Edward Francia Erede!, Vsaid it, Pa.IS. OUbrt Carnegie Msrtjn. l'a.

2083. Frank Newton layena, Pitteburg, l'a.unc. I.l:uliuI l'otur ticinriing, Allegheny, l'a.

:1104. Citariea Martin 9iIlior Plttsburg, l'a.IUO. Jailli cloison (lardean, Biucneilg, ¿li.

carogna.086. lered, WillIam AldrIch, Pittaburg, l'a.

lob?. 'l'hainua ilofl Bamblo, Louisville, Ky.xbo. John Wiillaiu laUat, LoUieVillo, ity.

lull, John Jamca ICfltIQr, Detroit, Mich.1108. lIwigitt Ubcany 1.ountis, North Enid,

U. 'i'.211G, DevIl Cinud hticliilrdsnn, Olclulinina City,

O. T.:ilil. howard Wettuoro Darling, \Vicbita, Kan..8.18. i)udiay hobart Miller, Staunton, lii,hIll. ilcolamin 1' raukiin HcLoan Wichita,

Kan.1124. Wilitum Uracc Armstrong, Ei llano,

O. 'I'.2h25. ilabcrt Edward Leo Van WInkle, Okla-

nalca CIty, O, T.BIC. i"rank I)avicl 'Irekoli, Huid, O, V.:i:u. Autori ¡tarata 1110W, Ubiakusba, I. 'I'.

1ouio Cluynoil Inutile, hi Icono, o. 'I'._1,tJ. bayano Lacci IJowlItnun, Ubico, 'l'ex.i1t. Jouit Vani Augaat liutntn, Baltas, 'l'ex.,,to. c.uwuid Alunna Adoy, Baila,, 'lox,

ii tilinto hanau itort, Dahus, 'lux..010. itouley bartlett Uodiey, 1Julio., 'l'ex.Jjb. Untirtea Ileig, Wilson, 'i'ccUiueoia, Nub.l4l. ililwto'd Avant Ballon, Iloilandale, Mies.

:t4I. Chanco Augustas hubert, Macon, Us.licO. l'rancio Wanderer liruwit, LIncoln, Nçb._tuJ. l'alti Bugler Itarttutc, Lilicuin, Nob.1l&,. Jituico Ouutli Aine.. l'argusun, MiuBu-

upoiia, 111110.l6U, Joitit I,eeil UruiILUIl, Lincoln, Nob.

:ilbu. Ucnr8o Entent UUCoigtio, l..ittculs, Nub,..tnI. ililliltul i'0tot1lltII i101,Klno, Lincoln, Nub.11,6. JoHn hoary Eriord, hiuward, Nub.

_Ibi. 'iliinm Heikel Jack, l'ortiicnd, Uro.IOI. E{iwotd Ucarge boWoll, l'ortiand, Oru.

:lbl. Jattleg L,uwuii MollInO, l'ortland, Oro.ib1. Juice italtry 8901011(1, l'oruand, Oro.

1100. i'rc,icrlc August Nltufly l'ortiaoid, Ori..il0. Ijititorti Buibert Iiglur, l'orLiaud, Ore.iol. ljitarioa llunry i'iaitur, l'ortiand. Or..11.. l'luiEta sumner Peat, .i'urtluud, Ora,

n:ol. Alleit Lawrcneo VugoosulIur, KaugasCity, Ma.

LW?. t'iiiioa, Gaodail Taylor, Savenburg,Kan.

1185. itoijert Jtunca Joilnatcu, Mituano CIty,Mo. 1.18.

l2O'J. Jaluto 'l'ully ICwarL, ICuasag City, Mo,¿lii, 011italu bicKaa Iiiuikin, 'Fanno, Mn.lIJO. 11001cr VIllla,ui Uinginaui, hoover, Uni.I:BU. Illiwiil Jalnea McNcoiey, 'l'acume, D'agli,1111. Ucorgc l"rioiikiln liviana, iluatUo, Wash,1112. 'l'rea, Silencer iiiiulh'aon, ilailard, Wash.


lI. l'iiipp, itautanuo iCcith, 'l'acume, Vash.$1. ,ialuea 8.Uwui'u too, 'iaeouia, Wash.

c,U5ar Ma cruat Unonaiis, Wash.t,. I, 1,1mw iiuOry iltUisuti, 'Laconia, OVagit,


:illm. (ScorSo Jahn Meier, St. 1.uula, Mo.:.iI. xa!uuci Iluehanan ltungoon, Nasityillo,

'teilt!,2151. t'iiliaw t'iiliard llathuinn, Coluuibu,t, O.

!bo. Jailli h000wal'itt'r luiSes, SL I,ouIe, Mu.,an. lt i13 Aiircd l'i'altr, Unknown,

.ov. hdwaiu eariulura iliatimau, l'ort Smith,Ark,

2262. Wiiiium Fart Smiiil Blair, jeort Smith,Ark.

lk'orgn henry Schloyor, Noudosba, Kan.l:bb. lItigar t,'iaytau I'ritcinird, priugdaiu,

Ark,1:177. Outbid Chickaouw Campbell, Memphis,

'l'onu.:D7S. Ciuroocu 'nuotiate Gill, Muiaplilia,

'l'cnn.2114. William Edward l)avig, Loulaviilo, Ky.:DOiI. l"raak Edward I'roctnr, Louisville, Ky.!:!x1. uiturina byic l'ipor, Louievillo, Ky.:lD'J. Albert harry Wotrkotde, St. Luuia, Ma,1B4. t,harieo Lumburcur McDowell, Now Or.

baus, l.a.2300. WiliIa linaria Dickinson, l'mo Bluff,

Ark.INI. Arthur Pintknty Jacketts, Krunn, Vox.21%. William lino-Roo Taytor, Dalias, Vox.2108. Frank Tiiotnoa Bacil, Dalias, Vox.Ian. Addisen Batos Rico Muelan, Mas,.2315. Burton Adolbert lVashburn, Milwaukee,

WIE.2310. 'Samuel Albert lImper, Miidlsun, Wig,

2320. Danicl Vaughan sann, hamIlton, Mont.1323. 'Duncan Jainia IltiCanalo, Madison, WI..

1326. 'Franhiin Pierce Janus, Manitowoc, WI..LIS.

2:128. William Robert Washburn, MilwaukeeWis,2331. 'lVaiiacs Otis Collina, Deceased.2333. Holland Lewis Porter, Mukwo,g, WI5.2119. James John filly, Jr. RIb Lake, Wig.2339. William Ava Loary, 'Dashlngton, D. Q.2344. FukEUaworth Ragera, Now-Toric City,

IZO. Battlugtou James King, AtIgaa, Os,

Page 6: s:E1 A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. 1897.pdf · THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO.:398-J. t. Cower, 31 Main street, San Franclaco, Cal. 2258-W. A. Prater,


23. Idward Cotton hart, LoutyIJIo, ICy2a1. Martin Ford Aurnrou, Atlanta, Ga.23L.5. Edward Sliakofipenru Naco, AMbt. Ga.28. Charles Ray Marritt, Atlanta Ga.2Uo. Josop ChoIWWldoly Qrcunfluíd, Atlanta,

Un.3G9. Benjamin liardin Holm, NuW Orluana,

2371. henry Everiolo flood, Momphia, Tenti.::3I. haines llaaswood Egburt, Goplion, hid.:3h2. Charlen Vealey Miller, Goliholl Intl.hahu. David Michael IhUtin,, I'orlJaiIil Ora,2313. Edward HenrI' Ilabighorat, 'orIland,

Ora.2394. Stuijuol lAyo Otik Eaga, St. LaUl. Mo.Moti. John henry IlopkIno hurt. Itlitland, Vt,h1t17. ldward Jacob Lawport, Cairo, Ill.hUll. Charlen Webb Androwo, St. tanin. Mo.2414. WillIam Morriton Quinn,, Itt Carmai

Ill.2116, harry Cottonwood Gra7, Orayetlie. Iii.:l1h. Joopli Iloward Vorher, Now Whatcoin,

Waah.2i20. George I. liatleck, Soattlo, With.qct. Aduiphua Il. Kaolin, Seattle, Waah.

2125. MarLin inocoitco 1)onnyo, Seattle, Want,.:!.l2G, JOttioø iIlgh Bell, Everett, WaiIi.:tJu. Idwiard liul,ljard Siiilmun, Cliaboygati,

Mich.43I. Ciirica htoplian Clianuiieriit,, Clieboygan,

hitch.2l IO. William Nuttiali Lenhiaim, Choboygan,

Mich.,l1i. Albert Wilflaiii Eznbloy, Choboygan,

hitch.21W. \VIiiIa:i, i'iiiiidhtig i)aKiyflo, Clioboygan,

Mich,211:). SmIth hIrria ICinliury, Choboygan, Mich,uIb5. 'George Allan Muait, Cninhridgport,

Mano. 1.01.245C. ilobort Ichnuier Woodbridgo, Chalton,

llana,i10. Charjc Waiter ltodhitf, Brookiino, Mano,

'MIh. Frederick Auguntin Citanoy, Jionton,Mani.

21GO. Charioo Auguotun I'ooko, Natick, Mann,1.08.

iC7. Qt,rge ì',Ibeon Verge, floiton, Mann.2il;9. Chanci Ihmaroon linien, Lowail Mais.2473. Wanhingtnn Polar Whoolihan, i!ittivilio,

Win.2171. Eiian Samuel Stroator, Milwaukoo, Win.2477. Abraham iteai Enlato Gray, l'oct lId-

Wardi, Win.hilo, Frank Mario Read, Necadahi, Win.2181. Georgo Horny Smith, Shorry, Wie.2184. George Boyero Biron, Grand Rapid., Win.2488. Andrew Henry llruatt, Jr., F01111 du ian,

Wie.2489. Noieon Aibort Wook, Stavani l'oint, Win.200. Iltiward Daniel Glonnon, Stavano Point,

Wie.1101. Wliiiazn 'l'annie Smalioy flay City, Miah,2194. Frank }itibort Lynam, '1oxai City, Tax.2401. ii liliana Noithorpo MaLannon, Cay City,

Mich,2107. Norrii Itozailo Wontworth, Cloquot,

hilan,:103. John McCann hammond, lIai' City,

Mich.lIli. Cia.renco Laandar Shoidon, Bay City,

Mich,21116, Aieck Daba Could, Unknown.2h07. Riley Mastodon !I'idbaii, Collego Viow,

Nab.2h10. liarry honoro flradleo, Boiton, Mane,

LOS.&i'4. UiiOrloe lhiinworth Fairfield, Solam, Mann.

2h14. Samuel ittinnei Ihaarao Pingreo, Lowin.ton, Ma.

21h. Magot10 iiorbart Goon, Lynn, Maso.MIO. Iionjiunin Wuidn Hobart, Boum, Mann.2521. Arthur Claude DUtton, Springlaid, Mou.2120. Wiiiiam Old idiekory lhoa, LaUiayiilo,

i(y.2530. Whim liarbart Caii,nun, Dunham, Ala.M2. 'l'horntoi, ilarry Curray, Louitylilo, Ky.

21U4. Abner Minent Norman, Loninyflla Ky.2t,IG. itobert Emmatt 'l'aano, Q'uinty, lU.1137. lIli Katchutti Tarbali, Winona, Mitin.2542. Alfred Winona Pattornon, Winona, Mina.lIlI. Jnnuph Jacob Ptiffnor, Stavano Point,

Wis,2544. iiondtord Itugane Marner, Stayona Point,

WIi.2146. FrederIck Thoman Ilogan, Mlnneapolin,

hitan,2h10. Monoe Frog-cater X'uarioa, Pitear, Wlo.

°Louia Rayai Andornon, Stocono Point,Win. 1.08.

aM, Andrew Guntay Nomon, Wapaca, Win.2502. John Arthur Weak, Moyens Failli, Win.2063. h'rank Autan Whoaiihan, Necadob, Win.hM. .Tenny !Atticfle!tl lhlrkgr. Slcvcah X'clut,

Win.lises. lldwtn Haraco Joy, Stnvenn Point Win,2568. Henry Knockod-down Iloilman, Stovonu

Point. Wie,2561, Henry Eiinba MacUn, Fond du, Win.2Ml. Louie Hand-mo-down Brui, Shan,

Point. Win, 1.08.2175. Andrew Thatcher Goodman, Philadol-

thin, Po.2578. °Edward Rnnry Coana, Philadelphia, Pa.

2579. Dayid Adam Woelpyor, Philadelphia, Pa.IBIS. Auguit Blower-pipe Volas. St. I.oUii, Mo.

Ml?, Clcaro Auguetun Peek, AUanta, On.:r'ji. %ylill,n Kdward Trainer, 'bicago, lii.1i'J3. Kinior liabcuck Martin, Chicago, lii,2h10. i4adarlck Thomas lloica, Roeignod,:h.J.J. Chanco i"redorjck Troatiway Pittaburg,

Fa.MOI, John Fliimoro Shaw, Grand 1tapid,

hitch., :iuo4. Thariiajli Edward Mooney, Cincinnati,

Ohio,Kil. Georgo flyici Voorhaoi, Jonoaboro, Ark.tlh. t,iiarlu liarroid 1Juyiiigo, Can,raiiu, ill.

2G11, irrank Lindaay Miii, ijauvilia, Iii.tib. Junco Edwin Noble, Now Oricaon, La.

26i. irank Marion McMiiiaa, llxpoiiod,lUCI. William Caiipar Daquodo, Now Orloano,

ICh. Lorenzo Nolioy IJatitalar, Mou Point,Mho.

2CM. John Woodison Wood, Mobiio, Aia.'4C3;l. liaban Jouta hole, St. l.oUia, Ito.1W4. liarnian Lauta hilanaliard, Now Oriwona,

La,163G. Jouit F'rankiixt Camama, Mobile, Aia.:it;lT. eliry Wyid Butt, Mobiie, Aia.:L8, \t'iiliain Soinurviiia Stewart, Mobiio, Aia,¡Ii14. William Vantai Wood, Montgomery, Aia.C4I. Jailli Jeirasaphat Woodward, Montgom.

cry, Ala.16M, tiaurgo irarrar Colanian, Want Feint,

hilon,1612. iCdwl,, David Pritchard, Indianapoiia,

Intl.2i;5U, i'erclyai lamuol Fletcher, Chicago, Iii,:itea. i'arry (.uihar KIrtK'y, hioawoii, Intl.l'lIl. henry Chicago Walkar, Chicago. lii.lFrJ. Chanco SimIlar iSoli, Want Lobanon,

izid,2664. iCdwln I'ark kiogaboom, Hot Springs,

Ark,ICCI. Tristrum laliaboil Jordan, Cuminins, Ark.;Mjï. Viiilaui Marmaduko Kavanaugh, Cuni-

iiiiiie, Ark.Ke7. Jaiiii hiark Cargilo, Cargue, Aria.W11. William Abriun Bowan, Chicago, lii.iG7U, Ceorga flrlltaiiia Haro, Nanhyiiio, Tono.'US2. l'nul Maoracbeidt vnn liullausom, San

Antonio, 'i'ox.2CM. Charlan Frodorick Cotton, San Antcnio,

'faxhUll. Oscar Charlen Guasona, San Antonio,

Tax,2689. Gabbard Gailowe Gahiwiior, San Aotonio,

'fox.2690, Ealnatatad,2612. Charlan hoary Wagner, San Antonio,

Tax,2604. Jiuoaa l'unch Simpson, San Antonio, Tan.lotit, iiann Louis Dogonor, San Antonio, 'fox.2701, l-iarriaon Samson Nichniond, Brookton,

hinan.2703. humar Footer Kidor Dover, N. E.110G. Aiblo Marcus Iticfiarde, Chariostown,

Masa.21t3, Ciiarlaa Richard Ilesa, Coluinbun. O.2711, William Calvin Miliar. Huntington, w.Va.2716. ltichard Discount Davis, Ashland, Ky.'2718. lIdwin Lawronce Miller, Cincinnati. O.1711. Edward i.Cverutt Schirmer, Parkorsburg,

W. Ve.2720. Mai00 Humphrey Vannant, Ai1II&nd, Ky.2721. Edward Moiti Koch, liandunky, O.2724. Jçhfl Truman Murphy, \Vast SuperIor,

Wis,liai, Frank Gnldwin McClure, White Birch,

Win.2732. Dannld Jahn Murray Waunau, Wio.2734. Allan Ktlian Dow, lint Spriagn, Ark.270fl. hulla Sliarwin Knapp, Unknown.27117. Alvin Sutton Whtte, Vichita, Kan.2728, Frank irrita ittekok, Columbun, O.2739. AIfrad Spancor Sithan, Mot Springs, Ark.27CC, 'flinians itolos Lowin, Indlanapoiie, lad.2711. Jobo Ocorgo Wagner, ¡acknonvilie, Fia.2760. lldwnrd ilvorott Irarrar, Kingniand, Ark.2761, Edward Whitaker Wright, EI Dorado,

Ark,2763. Kugen. Ernaot Iludepath, Hope, Ark,2770. Wiiiiani Ilyward Morton, St, Lauta, Mo.2773, liariay Wlibar Owen, Xenia, O.2714. \Vailor Wilson Atktnnon, CoioradoSprings, Coi.2775. LenIle ?lummer Carter, Denver, Colo.277U. Wuhan locke Clayton, Oreoiey, Coi.2778. \Viillani Raynolde Orler, Denver, Coi,2782, lurch Charlee Potin, Oconto, Win.2781, lienry Ilarnent Kepplor, Woodboro, Wie.litio. llarry Morton Burnhann, Monto Vista,

Cal.2798. ¡IdolIli, William Benson, St. Paul, Mina.2204. fletildar Shortlap Tolima, Minnoapniin,

Mino.nine, Frank George Martin, Hudson, Mich.2808. Gaorgo Newton Whitney, Jacknon, Mioh.2h10. Wailer Edward Mayear, Jackson, Minh.25th. irrank Itusooli lIcker, Loweii, Mich.2817. John Militia Clifford, Detroit, Mich.1022. Edward Irwin Monee, Cieveiand O.2835. Joseph Alexander Logan, Cbrintiannburg,

2840, H,r Donald MacKinnon, Bey City,Mich,

2813. George Hanson Ven Valkenburg, Nub-viii., Teno.

2860. lohn Franeii Lomeeney, Naihyfile,feos. -

huh. Bitai LOYe Ont, Naibviile, Team.Baa, John Almond Leindaloy, Desreglan, Mich.MGi. Thorns Lincain }landy, West Zany City,

2GC. Edward Dwight Bixby, lcalamezoo,MuaI.

67. I"rank D'Armant Hunter, Duluth, Mtan.2170, Wayland Ward Walker, Dollit'i, 0.1ml,.2271. George Duluth Ktrkhann, Chicago Iii,2171. Moyrun Adnibart ktayo, Duluth, Lino.1076. Arthur Gardner Mcltlniey, Duluth, Mina.2870. John Licker liwyar, Momphua, Tena.liii. Harry Fontaino McFarland, Memphis,

Teno,2189. FrancIa Manan hanoi, Ionic. Mich.hill. hoary Nowconier Rentech, Indianapolis,

Intl.28M. Robert Preston Arnold Prescott, Ark.200g. Eimer liilaworth Gootfiander, Memphis,

Tena.1)00. WIlliam String Baanblonana, Newton,

Man,III?. Cari (lito Biagio, hXaie Mo.11lit. irradaricic hititun 1-Iariow, Eartiord,

Coon.29111. Willuani Thoinan Farmer, Dicton, Meai,1ML Lucios Link Moore, Dnnyar, Col.2122. b'corgO Wiliiam Vallery, Denvar, Coi.2944. Edgar Alien MeKonnia, Sullivan, Iii.2035. Thomas F'earo Stenta, BIrmingham, Aia.DII. Newton Smith Thomas lUnar, Ga,INi. Alones hoary Sue, Il(rnilnghasn, Ale.FJ4I, 'rhomaa Gordon lieddy, Jr., Baton ltougs,

La.1910. Albert lnntnntan,ua Aschaffenburg,

New Orleans, La,1011. Stephan Hawai McLaughlin, Hammond,

La.2052. Frank Babcock Greene, New Orleans, I,n,11113. itiahard Martin Kopp, Allegheny, Fe.Bot. Alexandil Haney McKannie, Sullivan,

Ill.2056. hanau Page Hopkins, Bradford, IIi.2017. Edwin Wailaco Iloughton, Gaiya, Iii.2161. Alfred Wiiholm I.eopoiit Stoonneli, Kent-

wood, La.F64. Joseph lionjamin Welli, Kontwood, La.2073. Emory Edwin htinchnian, Seattle, With.2070, Jobo illauiey Brawn, Eureka, CaL¡III. Edward Louie ilaha, Muacatino, Iowa.2087. David Sport Kirkpatrick, Lone Tree la.hOi. Jackson Clone Boyer, Dee Moine,, ía.1MO. John Aukany Getcheil, Dea Moines, Ii.:501. Shipiap LooknUtoh Howard, Dan Momee,

Za.21100. David Itittenhaune Ewing, Den Moines,

Ia,3002. Harry Frederick Grato, Don Momee, Za,:iooz. John Nell Parker Des Moinue, Iowa,lOUt. Menton Marble Porgasen, Dee Moines,

Ia.1000. Lote Cae BrIdai0, Dea Momee, Ia.Ziel. Fred. DrIed Stewart, Dee Momee, la.3000. Rudolph Jacobo 1l'inck LouisvIlle, My,loti. John Bush Heonley, Leuieviiie, Ky.3014. horco itannhaw Pierce, Louisville, Ky.3017. Lindsay Groen I-ltcks, Oklahoma City,

O. T.3010. ChItan ICing Tucker, Orange, Tax.3010. Irrank Stature Butts, Oklahoma City,

O. 'i'.3022. Nelson Strong Darling, Wichita, Kan.lull. Charian lidward Marvin, Wichita, Kan.Mie. Arthur IVuonter Dunham, Okuahoma City,

O. T.1010. Joaaphuo hope Wella, Purcell, T. 'P.3MO. Thomas Merroweather Riohardion, 0k-

laholoft City, 0. T.'JOlI. Wliitam Weidinaa Mich, Evarett, Waih.N.u. I'hinoas Lynch Garrett, Everett, Wash.3018. James Wright Cnnneiia, Everett. Weib,1030, Jamos Piace Calihnees, Everett, Weib.0041. Wiuliani Scantiing Foley, Lowell, Weib.Zell, Lucius OUs Waldo, Tacoma, Waib,:1043. Thomas Nlokerson Russell, honey, Weah.:1'144. ulanos Hopkins Fierco, Unknown.3h10. Georgo Edward Birge, Centrolia, Weib.loti, Arthur fumad Calder, San ht'rancinco,

Cat,3047. Wiiilain Charlee Oraban, Tacoma, Waib.0041. Thomas James McQeoy Memphin, Tena.1010. Lynn Samuel Atkinson, Colorado

Spring., Coi,3068. William Fletcher Sapp, Council Bluffa,

Ii.3071. Emui Cold Shot Qornich, Aibland, Win.3017. DOnald Alexander Kennedy, ,&nhiand,

Wie.3000. Rogar Thomas O'Gara, Anhiand, Wie,liii. 'Adolbart Augustua Ilobbe, Iron River,

Wie. 1.98.3013, 'Edward Guy Mulien, Milwaukee, Win.

LI!;3084. Willie Edward Cooper, Kansas City, Mo,3099, 'Merritt Clarke Ring, Nelilsyflie, Wie,

LIS.1100. 'George Angua Duekitaff, Osbkoeh, Win.

1.95.1102. henry Callen Adams, Madtion, Win,3103. John Wesley Groves, Madison, Win.3106. Samuel Brown TOdd, Madhios. LWIs.3105. 'Emerjan Decosrit Moyt, Waiawotoia,

Wimi. 1,98.3107. Arthur, 8igrnaUB&bbitt,9ga,linon Win.IllS. '°r5 Wailittigten. L&tta, Antigo, Wie.


3109. Aibert Eugene Smith, Milwaukee, WIn,

OUI. Wijilm Clay Ginty, Madison, Win,31.15. Solon Sprinter Jacobr, Birmingham, Ala,3121. DomInic Joneph Ein, Portland, Oro.3123. John Babbiogtan McCauley Stevens,

Weatherford, Tex.3129. Orlando Fine Barnes, Lansing, Mich.3130, John Beverly CUshman, Greenville,Mich.Till. Kraeni Franklin Foster, Alden, Mich.3114. Clarion Eugene Wheeler, Leaning, Mich.:llan. Guy Worden Renyx, Lansing, Mich.3137. LouIs Moan Larson, Kalamazoo, Mich.3138. Galonhe Every Lamb, Saginaw, lit. S..Mich,3141. Caulie Romeo Staphens, Rutio, 'fox,3142. WillIam Calvin Bowman, Fort Worth,

'fox.1144. Walter Scott Wilson, Fort Worth, 'fox.Zldl. Benjamin Robert Thompson, Fort Worth,

Tax.Z146. Jeremiah Pantharvilla, Ven Itenseolaer,

Fort Worth, Tax,1140. Prends Fort Worth Ray, Houston, Tax.Zill. David Goodion Barrow, Mica, Tax,mr.?. Richard Boyd Spencer, Dublin, 'Fox.hinz. Benjamin Johnonn Barrow, Hico. 'fox.ZIGS. William Harold Godwin, Mlnnoapoiis,

Mlnn.3967. WillIam Lonilo Martin, Minneapolis,

Mitin.3188. William Thomas Watkins, Minneapoils,

Minn.1170. George Stickney Bralnerd, Blooming

Prairie, Mine,Zl72. Jolie Finley Goodnow, Mlneoapolis,

Mina.0173. William Chains Milis, Duluth, MIno.2174. Norman Newepaper Elleworth, Portland,

Oro.3177. Edward Lang Prescott. Wast Duluth,

Mina.3178. Finley Hess Frisbee, Duluth, Minn.also. John Collin McDougall, Duluth, Minn.3152. Clark tengwithy Poole, Duluth, Muon.015E. Alex. Leach Penas, Ypniianti, Miah.:1201. George Le Stevans, Rhinolandor. WIn,3202. Thomas Mofteany Mimos, Merrill, Win.:noa, Adelbert John Wines, Munlslng, MIch.:iloi, Harry Noble Bettor, Rhinelandor, Win.3200, Chester Franela Oardlninr, Rhlnolander,

Win.ZIO?, John Log Henry, lthtnolander, Wis.3211. Maraun Warllng Shafer, Rliinelandor,

Wie.1212. Harley Huntley Morso, Chlaao, III,1211. WliIlam Daniel Harrigan, Rhinolander,

Win. 1.05.1214. George Harry Clark, Rblnelandar, WIn.0115. Simon Edgar Hencley, Rhinolander, Wis.1217. John Leonard Glaser, Chlaago, Ill.3219. Fred Sailer Pelkard, Rhinelandor, WIe.1220. lohn William Schafer, Rhinelandor, Win.1224. 'Phomae Ireland Doyle, Rhieolandor,

Win.1225. John La Roo Boain, Albo, Ill.0214. WillIam Gordon Bogge, Chaboygan, Mich.3215. Edmond Elijah Auguetun 'l'remalno,

Chaboygan, Minh.02M. Charles Leet Halsey, Dopew, N. Y.3240. Jonaph Chapman Fuikorsna, MarIon, Ta.1114. WillIam Mllee Stewart Dubuque, Ta,1215. Charino Ilonry lIdmone, jonIa, Ta.3248. Clyde George Blgolow, Now Hampton,

2215. Jac Worsted Klemme, Mima, la.3253. Arfot Frodorick II'raddoa, Dubuque, la.aIM. Frank Eghert Ayorn, Lawler la.825$. Ooorgo Edward Wilcox, Louisville, Ny.TICS. Janpar Ernest Macrn, Coney, ICen.0172. Frank lohn Mayer, Paducah, Icy.:1718. Cadmun Nelson Neal, Paducab, Ny.:1175. George Evergreen Phillips, Paducab,

Icy.8250. Robert WIllIam Clementi, Paduceli, ICy.:128?. Henry May Orme, Paducah ICy.3218. ChaTTe, Dudley WIlcox, haxon's Mills,

Ky.1Ml. laced, Cat Clark, Duluth, MItin.1292. DeWitt Clinton Prescott, Went Duluth,

Mint,..12I. Byron Gum Segog, Duluth, MIna.3295. Andrew Water-logged Fimple, ChIcago,

IIi.3206. Natlion Circular Kingsbury, Duluth.

MInn.1101. George Anson Jowoti, Den Moines, Za.hIll. John Elliott Jenes, fleettyvilie, Icy.aloi. Janios Albert Cons, Winchester, Ky,3306, Jamos EdwarO MItebell, WInchester, Icy.IllS. G,org,, Flllutore h'oiter, Lnxlngaon, Ky.:1317. Jabot Logan Boniej', Paris, Ny.2111. WillIs John Aurand, Denver, Col.1h12. James Hendie Allen, AtIenta, Ga.1311. Samuel William Wilken, Atienta, Ga.2310. Frank Eellcord Hopper, Kansas Citi,

Kan.0141. LouIs Stanley Wligoo, El Paio, Texas,Sali. Judd Lincoln Babcock, Sedalls., Mo.Sais. Loony Bilis Charol, Mai, Miel.IBIS. Charlen Edwin Smith, Clinton, Ii,3259. William Harvey Crosby, ClInton, la.5361. Joseph Isidoro Duie3', Clinton, Za.Sag;, Mwood Curtis -Plemon, Clinton, Ta.

:1364. Gaorge Waahlngton Davy, Ijnknown,Dro. Albert KIll Slvhofooee, Lyons, Za.3307. llamar Moo Holikins, Pittaburg, Pa.3172. Jomen Lesmo,, Burnsidos, Mellonry,

M inn.3373. Samuel Groan Burdetto, Lumberton,Ilias.:1174. Cleary Orean liurdetta, L,umberton, Mies.3077. Cloronco Lutlisr Rlc, Greenwood, Mise.ZIZi. Ernest Robert Chisijoim, Lumberton,

Miss,3379, William flood Smith, BuEdad, Fia.BOil. Georca Washioelon Lewis. Monati, Mo..11112. Chorico RIchard Bario Galena, ICan,lili. Cyros llssbful Sweet, Pittnburg, Nao,8350. William Natlien Rose, Oulona, Kan,MIa. Byron Tralnlond Lunniard, Rogers, Ark.1191. henry Ilolder Moore, Carthage, Mo.1899. Jarano Guy l,eovitt, Warren, Ark.1400. Clirioiophor Coiwoli liroonie, Morlilian,

MIss,1400. Abel Wood Daugherty, Dubuqoc, Ta.3.114, Perry Samuel White, Parsons, Kan.3422, Samsal Evans Macbay, Olatho, Kan.14M. John Parley Dumont, Oiatlio, ¡Can,3420. Ctiorie Everywhere Siophonn, Jr., Lit.

tia hock, Ark.0410. Loom Ilornofly irled, Merrill, WIg,2T7. John ¡lanco' fioul, Merrill, Win.34M. Robert Sop Pine Melnnin, MerrIll, Win.1445. Alfred Tennyson Curtis Merrill, Wie.1413, Wiiiinm Itenry ¡lainer, Merrili, Wie.3441. Palor Edmund liorard, Merrill, WIn,M4T. Petrr William Walsh, Merrill, Win.3.140. Stephen Hanliod-up Ilorslake, Merrill,

Win.TI 17, Julios WIlliam Poney, MerrIll, WIe,lidO. FrancIo MIchael Gibeoo, MerrIll, WIt,,04CC. Frank James Comeron, Vanpor, WIe,lITI. RIchard fimo Soltar, Colby. Win.11f,,. Arthur linwo Erlioy, Marwhflolcl, WIn,11CC. Alhrrt fligelow Paine, Unknown,Ziel. henry (tiny Fasi Fort Scott, ICon.3167. Percival Madden yuan, Mlnneapolin,

¡ilIon.Itch. Lamant llrooko Elch, MinneapolIs, Mina.2479, john Bonn Hunting, AntIgo, Win.8150. Edward Foxtail (lochai, Antigo, WIe,1404, Tobt, Stephan Dailey, Siroseburg, WIn.1450. George Henry Wunderilch, SImburni,Vis.1455. Galo Fish-story UlImno, Appleton, . Vis,1459. Georgo Aibort F'ergunon, Chicago. Ill.2492. LewIs Llawellyn Salbei, Mansas CIty,

Ma.1401. lItigii Payne Scott, St, Louis, Mo.1105. Robert Scotland Pyre, St. Louts, Mo.8197. Albori James Onldar,l, Fromont, Wash,MOR. John Northern Kingston, Soattl, Wash.Mli. Jalta Andrew tImm, SaMtto. Wesh,ITS?. Vlliiam Paga Scrgeant, Buckley, Wash.Fee, Wiliiom John Porion, Dotrolt, Mich.Moo. Joseph Dexter Palmarias, DetroIt, Mich,T'los. Cieranca Lorento Parker, Detroit, MIch.513. Fronds Tltomon Mofl000agli, Eau Claire,

Win.1016. Charlen Ilonry Ilonry, Eau ClaIre, Win.lull. John Nicholas Semanal, Eau Claire, WIe.1122. llesrge Lowie Wyman, Clalro, WIn.15211, Chorlos Lyman Tollen, Eau Claire, Wie.MI?. William Jamen Maxwell, Durnn& Win,TITO. Byron Aocuotos IIuillnglon, Eau Claire,

Vis.MII. Geerpto 'fItoinnu Thompeon, Eau Claire,

WIn.HI?. Wlilinm T-Tnry 'l'rosirail, ITnu ClaIre,VIs..TlS. PreilarIck Charics Leotard, Eau Clt,lre,

Win.TruL Alenaniler Cant-hook Poison, TToq,iinm,

Wash.1111. Nl"elaou Julios Brochman, KIngsley,

Ta,TITI. I-lanci Ocortio Kranz, holstein, Ta.Mcii. Thomas Huaro Oreer, Soc City, Ta.1T117. Frank Biker loman, Breda. In.TESI. William TUmore MartIn, Unknown,H64. Charlen Melvin Weston, La Cr,nee, Wie.1107. .Tohn Gaie Nirholeon, iloiettin, Ta.1172. Reuben Coffman Martin, MinneapolIs,

MIne.1111. Gnnrgo i"orillnooii Waihoroll, Chicago,

¡Ii.15715, Frank Eimer Snttcrian, Mlneeapolin,

Minn.1577. Joseph LIncoln Blake, Minneapolis,

Mien.ZIF2. Henry Danton Doris, ITou Claire, Win,1581m. Sumner Scoots Mathnr, Mlnosapolln,Mlnn.¡col, John R. Mining, Duluth, Mina.1502. Titano Kendall Kerr, Eau Claire. Win.

liZ, lramt Lla1 IIeitib,ugi,, Wont Superior,s Win.2107, John Matianon, l'bz, Win.Hill. John Dodiey Spaldlnw, Chicago, Ill.1500. Operas Herbert LOeko, Thorpe, Wli,lcdo. ChrIstian Khmer Ellingeton, Stetson-ville, Win.:iirog. wuiiiu.n Hoary Dick. New London, Win,Idol. Edd Lewis Hiwi,, Olivet Win.0114, IrvIng White Sitaba, Iloivrn, Ta.TRIll, Joseph Morton Stone, Poitsacola, Pia.1521. Tuse Big Timber Burlinganne, Fremont,

Wash.1522. John Pearly Gordon, Baliord. Wash.8625. John Wells Alles, Seattle, Weib.

NE, Vallar Sljorman Baxter, Napa, Cal.3619. WillIam Doncan Taylor, Scatti,,, Wash,84131, Edgar ilechield Fose, hay Cuy, Mich.KIT. llerl,ert Jantes Cone, Detroit, Mich.Zr34. Albert Lowis Goldberg, Nsahvliio, Teen.leiD. Puai Downing Bawler, Naehvitlo, Tonn.MII. 'flioines Rnniiall icerr, Booton, Mans.3048. Joseph Aloysitio Butler, Basteo biais.hiC. harry Brices Clark, hosto,,, bloss.Nr.0. Frank Valeotine Sowlen, Cincinnati, 0.3512. WIlilata Thompson llanaa, Cincinnati, O.:,caZ. laines Work Myers, CincInnati, O.ZCGT. Chance Ronneil Johnson, San lirtlncisco,

Cal.¡cli. Aliroci CabIllo Horran, Coquiila City,Ore.MII. Fiiomon Jefferson Golden, Inn Francisco,

Cel.FcC. John Ryder lianlfy, loo Francisco, Cal.Nc,o, Wililom Millan Vatiglton, Leiiieoiilo, ICy.ICTI, AilierS. Bruckner Lowrie, \VesL Detroit,

MIch.1501. Ehen Coni1iheil Muscoli, Woikoryllie,

Ont.TGS2. Ginrien Henry hutchins, Detroit, Miel,,'tini. Thomas Aeltion hall, Detroit, Mich..oioc. Orlando Sumner lliclinrdn, flyiroit, Mich.liSO. lionold heavy Llgiithody, Dotroit, Miei,.MIO, unhand Francia Martlodale, Mcitenry,

Miss.3592. WillIam KeelIng Syson, MobIlo, Alit.11Ml, Lynn Cilliesple Cameron, htoI,ilo, Ala.TIPI, (i,'erge Rives Variaban Mobiie, Ale.1700. Frasil Etici (lilalirint, Cleveland O.37Cl, Jonnn b'rar,kiin Stuvi'r, Akron, O,1704. ViiI fleo,, Brown, 'l'olcila, O.17eS. Edwin Wlndnhlp MaCaside, Arhadelphin,

Ark.:1711. Ellis Clirokot, Short, Sloodisy, i V.1712. icrp,lprlrk Jewett Coche, Now York.N. Y.171fl. Jolie liiryclo Moore, Nashville, Tonti.1717. lomee Elio AiHoai, Nnt,iivllis, Iran.2721. ileorgi, l(ellogg Sloilit. New Orirons, La.2722. Ocorgy Voion Taylor, Orango, Tax..l727. t'lhiIom Porter Johann, Moon Point,

Mien.0729. henry George ICenekar, Now Orleans,

La.Z729. William Llnator T,awry, Penciintoula,La,0710, 11eorpe Clatir MeCormack, Pullman, lii,0711, Frank Loir.errow Witty, Ciilrseo, ill.TIZI. fleores WhItney I-Sarl, Rhldilock, 1.5.3781. Citoriot FlemIng Boilloy, Now Orleans,

La..1735. Andrew Mlle Wind, Council fluffs, Ta..1741. William David Jenkins, Baltiinoro, Mil..1742. Frock PIrran Dow, iiosion, lises,271.1. Iiohrrt T)ole Owens, St, Louio, Mo.H4fl. licorne Monten Asker, Leniogioo, Ny.17H, linon Manna flouak, Dayton, O.17CC. Patrick MartIn 1-Tallaran, Morehliolil,Wie.3757. Edward BeanIng Bartholomew, Nocedal,

WIe.17Cl. Wellinglon Poter Diehl, Neceiinh, Win.1773. lomee Clear Druimmonil, Nocedal,, Wie,3777. liamphrny Il. li. Crapo Smith, Detroit,

HIelt,1770, Tiio,nns St. Ignaro Wooilflald, St. Ignitos,

Mich,1751. Jniigi Edward lh,,tli'r, Deiroli, Illieli.1700, Chorlos henry Bailer, Grayilna, Mich.0791, Ilirhert lhignnn Erwin, New York City,

N, Y.1005, Frank William 'Fonwinhlo, Milwaukee,

Win,lone. Ilolert Peter T1'alrliairn, MIlwaukee, Win,1511. Prank Tirnolngn Iluxton, Boston, blass.7012, Dnvld Mud Boyan, ¡cori Scott, ICon.ysrr,, James l-Ion-Dos fluiti', finshen, bd.1117. lIerbert Amaua .Tohnoon, Chattanooga,

Taon.MIR. Shi'rry Dalton MeAuley, Dalton, (la..7510. WIIIIom Brewer Tlughos, Chationooga,

Vont,,1021. lohn Gordon Wright, CIncInnati, D.7020. Edgar Martin Fester, NashvIlle, Venu.1527. Proni, Pierre .Ieflrlen, Ilvansylllo, Tad,702.1. Frank Corn,, flhithrio, Nashville, Tena..1018. Frank Cnnii MartIn, Colombos, O.1517. Mitchell Comphell Lllley, Ir., Columbus,

Dii Io.1511. mue Iloward Davis, Dayton, O..1041. Tarnen by Watcuti, (oTiIml,rie, Ohio.004?. Noah (bragg ..aVeflport, Cirelovilie, O.HIC. (loores 'Fin lloro Swarm, ICenso, City,

Mo.0047. Tien litt, Collins, Jr., Tobte, (I,TRIS. Samuel Eddy Barr, Plttsburg, Pa.ZI:Z. Z,ìiia*ii Smelt iones, 135110 Vernon, Pa.Mr,S. bCnslly Jay Smith, Independence, Iowa,EGO. Onnrge Patterson Thompson, Minneaps.

Ils, MInn,1262. Edward Ilerrlsan ZImmerman, Minneap.

aIls, Mien,ISIS. Ilephert Ilsrdwiobe Diaglay, San ¡"rancie.

co. Col.2555. WIllard lImpet Dlngley, San bi'rqneieee,

Cal.1555. Alfred Gustave Johnsn, Unii, Col,.15V. DavId Goliath GIll, Westport, Cal.10*7. Edward Portiere Sweeley, Omaha, Web,2510. Ammi Longfollnw Blxby, Lincoln, Neb,1015. Earnest Lovely Myers, Newport, Nah.