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Se Pague Más

Mar 26, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: Se Pague Más

1 El Precio de "El Morning Times "Es Cinco Centavos Oro o 25 Centavos Mexicanos-- No Se Pague MásPRONOSTICOS DEL TIEMPO COTIZACieNCS MC METALES.De U PraiM AkkIkH.

Washington, Octubre 23. En run, por oom ....,... ..n.. .

el Oeste de Texas y todo Nuevo Plomo, cltn llbruMéxico, lluvias locales el sábado. llbru ....H.S5GIMZinc, eltn .y.....

AÑO 35. Fhf,La Mrre Cfrealatita,ti Suroeste. EL PASO, TEX., SABADO. 24 DE OCTUBRE DE 19.14. CUATRO PAG.INAS PRECIO 5 CTS,

CARRANZA SE MUESTRA ESCENAS DEL SITIO DE AMBERES.--- ( Arriba). Winston Churchill, primer Lord del Almirantazgo británico, y el Córl. caminado en las calles de Ambcres durante los primeros días del bombardeo del puerto belga. Copyright by International News Service. DECLARACIONES IMPOR-









Especial para El Times.Aguascalientes, Octubre 23.De la Prensa Asociada.

El Gral. Villa pasó el día enWashingtorii Octubre 23. ElGraL Carranza desea, retirarse del Guadalupe, Zacts., en donde tie-

neptiesto'dc jefe ejecutivo, de la ciu estacionadas algunas de sus

dad de tropas. Estuvo en comunicaciónMéxico, siempre ,'que se lecon sus representantes por telé-grafoconvenza que el Gral. Villa no es hasta el punto de monopoli-zarmotivo para procurar su renuncia. los hilos telegráficos casi

1 amblen desea que se le den se hasta la exclusión s- negopuridades de que su retiro no sig cios.nifica que el Gral. Villa ascenderá Supe, por uno de los ayudantes

más allegados a Villa, que se mual poder. estra disgustado con la actitud deEsta explicación del Gral. Ca-

rranza,Carranza al no reconocer la vo

hecha de manera informal luntad de la mayoría de la con-vención,en la ciudad de México, se recibió ni reconocer su sobera-nía.por el gobierno americano hoy. El EL MANIFIESTO DE ROQUE .

Gral. Carranza ha indicado su re-

soluciónEl Gral. Villa designó a Ca

de que la convención pi rranza con los términos más duda que ambos, el Gral. Villa y él, GONZALEZ GARZA CON ros nunca expresados antes y de-

nunciódejen a una personal neutral para su falsía y su falta de sinla presiuencia provisional. ceridad en todos sus actos hacia

Sin embargo, llegan informes al MOTIVO DE LA DECLARA los que lucharon valientemente endepartamento de Estado de que el campo de batalla y lo llevaronalgunos miles de tropas del Gral el puesto que hoy ocupa.Carranza avanzan al Norte, listo CION DE GARBANZA AL Carransa ha explicado por los represen-tantes

Carranza estuvo entusiasmadode Carranza, jdtciendtí que con una convención, dice el Gral.

iiu cuiv cujjrpusiuj..ucvaiauarlt DESCOHOGEñ A LA CON Villa, al saber. míe los nue la ibansino como medidas precautorias a formar eran Hechuras suyas yen caso de que la convención ib acatarían todos sus deseos. Ca-

rranzallegue a un acuerdo y" "Villa mueva, VENCION después del acuerdo desus fuerzas en dirección del-S- Torreón trató de ganar una ma

La actitud de Carranza hacia la yoría en la convención nombranconvención ha tenido a los "déle-- AFIRMA QUE SOBRE CA do generales y gobernadores paragados en duda. Los Grales. Blan RRANZA CAERIA LA RES ajare k ' dominar la que convocó el pri-

merofueron México ponsabilidad ante la T QjfcSf -- - ' de Octubre. Tambiénco y Obregón a a to-

maronHistoriafin de persuadir a Carranza de lo de haberse participio civiles en quie-nesfútil que es oponerse a las deci-


DERRAMADO MAS SAN Carranza creía tener apoyode la convención. El Gral. GRE Y DE HABER ROTO visional qu aproxime el orden cía de la convención. Dcscono tado bqmbardcando a "Naco, aun para realizar su propia voluntad.

Angeles fuéa Cuernavaca a invi-4- LA UNIDAD NECESARIA constitucional; supremo anhelo le deudo su autoridad el, Sr. Ca EL ARMISTICIO AL FIN que com menos perjuicio para la i rente a una verdadera convena Zapata a que estuviera pre-


EN EL EJERCITO CONSTI iouos ios que lucuanios cumra rranza, el ejército volverá a que- - población americana del mismo ción, Carranza aguo su patriotis-moTUCIONALISTA QUE DE Huerta. El Sr. Carranza, si des üar divido y sin tener un solo nombrQ.en la dicha conferencia, o a y llamó en su auxilio al PlanSE HA PACTADO ENTRE

que enviara sus delegados. Se RROCO A HUERTA. conociera la soberanía de esta punto de unión entre sUs ciernen El comisionado Sosa, después de Guadalupe, para escudarse enafirma que consiguió la promesa convención, se apartaría de las as-

piracionestos para entenderse , entre si, y de haber anunciado el armisticio, él, y poder negarse a respetar Jes

de este jefe de la revolución del Especial para el Times. y tendencias del. Ejér cumplir la misión que-s- ha im RILL Y MAYTORENA POR manifestó que todos los esfuerzos decisiones de la convención y nnSur de enviar 21 delegados. La Aguascalientes, Octubre 23. cito Constitueionahsta, que es, en puesto. de la convención, se encaminarían retirarse a la vida ro su odio alconvención espera el regreso de Comentando la declaración publl estos momentos, el único repre Responsabilidad de Carranza. a establecer un gobierno perma-

nentejefe del Norte, alentando sus in

estos delegados para tratar1 de los cada el. martes por .El Paso Moni'sentante organizado y fuerte del "Si desgraciadamente el Sr. Ca LAS NOTIRCIONES DE en el Estado1 tic Sonora. domables ambiciones, su supuespueblo mexicano, el único tam-bién

Sin los deasuntos 'más importantes. ing Times, en la cual se eñala aly rranza insistiera en la declaración embargo, partidarios ta dignidad, y no titubea en per

Los Informes oficiales indican Ural. Carranza diciendo tme laque, por las condiciones ac de quet me ocupo, vendría a cons-

tituirUill creen que los "ingobernables petuarse como gobernante de

que los periódicos de Méxicp es-

tánconvención no tenia el derecho de

tuales en que se encuentra la. re- - el obstáculo mayor que LOS JEFES MILITARES indios yaquis no respertarán las Mexico.publica,, puede hacer la bases del armisticio.enderezando ataques en sus asumir el poder supremo ni desig

paz orgá-nica,

existiera para esa unión, v. nor Espera pacientemente.ciar garantías a nacionales y lo mismo, sería el único A pcs'ar de todo, las tropas deeditoriales a todos los propósitos nar presidente provisional, el "responsa-

bleIispcro pacientemente, conti

y procedimientos de la Asamblea Corl. González Garza, represen extranjeros, y encauzar la admi-nistración

ante la historia de lasdcágra-cia- s HILL HA RECONCENTRADO1 1 ill han abandonado sus trinche-ras

nuo, que obre la convención, yel de lasenderopor esc desconocimiento SUS TROPAS A W LUGAR considerando .como terminado también Carranzade Aguascalientes. tante personal del Gral. Villa en que por espero com-

prendaConstitución de las demás leyes el sitio al menos convención, dictó y firmó, ely vinieran soure la jiacipn y. (le la FUERA DE LAS TRINCHE-


; por su incapacidad para elLA MISMA SITUACION. de los diversos órdenes. Por otrasiguiente manifiesto:. nueva sangre que puniera cieña-mars- e Y MAYTORENA, POR BUQUE CONFISCADO. puesto que ocupa ; pero si esto es

Los aliados han destruido tres ba-

teríasNo concibo como el Sr, Ca

parte, .eselteoría sentada nuevamen

Wood- -como consecuencia inevi-

tableAHORA, HA ENVIADO A , imposible, dirigiré mis tropas con-

traalemanas. rranza pueda haber dado una de?te; por gran estadista, de su actitud. , SUS FUERZAS HASTA EL Iba de camino para Guaymas y las que el nuevo dictador eche

De la Prensa Asociada. claración de esta naturaleza perorow vvtlson, aceptada por nota-bles

"Por lo que respecta a mi re-

presentado,KILOMETRO 35 AL SUR DE 4 fue .detenido ayer. contra ellas. Estoy cansado delpublicistas y perfectamente el Gral. Villa, a loi LA POBLACION DE NACO, De la Prensa Asociada. derramamiento deTaris, Octubre 23. "Sobre suponiendo que sea un hecho con- - las ideas verda-


y sangre; peroen," harmonía con demás, jefes cíe la división del SONORA-- - UN GOBIERNO Carranza lo estará más cuando lanuestra ala izquierda la acción sumado, declaro por mi parte que democráticas, que, Victoria, B. CVOctubrc 23. El

continúa con violencia-- nota me ha sorprendido' grandemente cuandoNorte, sabido es que ftítf aspiran PERMANENTE PARA O- - barco de carga ingles "Bankdale, lucha termine.gran un pueblo expresa su vo

la noticia, carácter a ocupar los altos .píícstós de la NORA. Hablando de HUI dijo que sualrededor de La con oficial,lilemente Arras), procedente de Norfolk,.jwra Guayluntad en el sentido de tal o cual república, repetidas ; resistencialo' procedente dé, México, la pues "vecns era de poca importan-cia,Basse y Armentiers," es que por que reforma, como en el presente, esa mas, bon., ha sido confiscadohan manifestado intención porde-

cididasu Sí la convención fracasadice la comunicación oficial hoy el Sr. Carranza, todavía primer reforma debe hacerse obstante De la Prensa Asociada. se-

ríade la.oficina de Guerra. "Los alia-dos

jefe del Ejército Constituclonalis- - leyes contrariasno

; side llevar a la 'primera ma Naco, Ariz., Octubre 23. Hoy el crucero británico "Newcastle" cuestión muy sencilla llevar

han perdido algún "terreno en ta encargado del poder ejecutivo, esa teoría es aplicable a las dispoy glstratura a un hombree civil. En ya tarde, se dc'claró un armisticio y será traído .vEsquimalt por una tropas con las a Hill

algunos puntos, en las cercanías no reconoce la soberanía de la siciones emanadas del poder legisconsecuencia, sus anncios para entre las fticrzas carranclsta que tripulación de botih de guerra, se y habría poco que hacer con lasque la convención llegue asii fin gún noticias recibidas en esta. El fuerzas carranciastas de la fron-

tera,de La Basse pero han ganado al-

gunoconvención actualmente

'reunida lativo con mucha mas razón., debe enteramente desinteresados defienden Naco y las que atacanv "Bankdale"son" 'al Este de Armentiers." en esta ciudad. serlo revolucio-

nario,por parte de Maytorcna. Ilcgarái mafiana.a un plan político

"Hablando de la situación en Carranza' ha olvidado, como lo es el de Guadalupe,tienen por solo objío, miras no; Pendiente de la resolución del Las circunstancias que rodearon Con ansia' se espera a la comi-sii-

general, en esta parte de la linea 'Creo que el Sr. Carranza, apar en el que el Sr. Carranza pretendebles y patrióticas. problema pacifista, cuya labor su captura' se ignoran todavía ; pe si no, llega, se tratará ma-

ñanade batalla, debe decirse que perma-nece

te de un base falsa, olvida míe los contrariar la buena"Roque González Garza1." tiene encomendada la convención ro se supone son iguales a la con-

fiscaciónde la renuncia de Carranza,apoyarse, para

la misma, puestos que ocupa se los debe úni Voluntad de los jefes del "Ejcrcdo NUEVA PROHIBICION., de Aguascajicntcs, el general' I MU del buque de carag in la que será prontamente aceptada,

"AI norte de Aisne nuestra ar-

tilleríaca y exclusivamente a los que, des Constitiiciunalista para cumplir y Maytoreiui suspenderán ía's líos gles ".owtneg Kange, ' traído a lo que nadie duda entre los dele

ha destruido tres baterías pués del cuartelazo de Febrero, las ofertas do la revqlnción y Vo-lver,

El azúcar alemán se haprohlbfdo tilídade8t informándose 'qu,c las Usquimalt el Tniércolcs, de aguas gados que están por hoy en estaalemanas.11 supieron derrocar al tirano. Huerta dentro del ñfás breve plazo, -- en Inglaterra.

Detropas de laytorena se eiítáu re mcxlcanasLb'ajo la sospecha Je ciudad.

surtir dey su regimen por medio de las ar a un gobierno emanado de la vo la Prensa Asociada, tirando ó Kilómetros ai our uc carbón a cruceros ale-

manes, MANTEQUILLA ENVIADA.AGENCIA NUMERO 10. mas, Y si bien es cierto que en Naco,luntad popular. Loijdrw, Octubre 23.Rn 'de-

claracióndeaquel entonces aceptamos el plan La convención representativa. üfichl njtllicáíW hov. eií El comisionado de paz, Ramón FUERA DE4 LA LINEA. Destinada a las tropas americanasPara, suscripciones anuncios Ue tambiény Guadalupe, lo ca que íosa, cuviano jor la convención, Veracrur.TormaWíTnoétrree dfceeflbiernq queocupamrla Edición en Español. fué con el objeta de unificar el mo La convención está

lia prohibido Ja . importación de logró hacer cesar las hostilidades, De la Prensa Asociada, Nueva York, Octubre 23. l'naEL TIMES ha establecido una vimiento, y con el mismo derecho por miembros de todap Jas distin-

tas el Keino después de tres illas de discusio-nes

Washington, Octubre 23. El marca Inferior de mantequilla,azúcar para Unido, con;Sucursal la Calle Segunda No. con autorizamos al Sr. Ca-rranza

divisiones del Ejército a, de ambas 'faccioen queel objeto de evitar que el azúcar con los jefes BPb, creador , May torena, insurgen descrita como inservible, pero que

100, en donde la gente del habla para que fuera nuestro je- - y tanto de las quedé Alemania y Austria tenga con-- , nes. Mavtorcna uesue un princi- - te sonorejtse que esta peleando llevaba la garantía de la Bolsa

española puede con más facilidad le, con ese mismo derecho pode han desconocido expresamente alsumo en Inglaterra, introducién-dose

acechó a retirarse hasta .el contra las fuerzas carranclstas Mercantil de esta ciudad, respectoy comodidad obtener informes mos hoy sustituirlo en esfos altos Sr. Carranza, como de1. Ja que

a dicho pais por conducto de 10; pero no pudo conse- - frente-'- a Naco, Arizona, ha prome-tido,

a que el producto es de la mejoracerca de las suscripciones y puestos por alguna otra persona permanecen bajo su mando, pgr los países neutrales! la movilización de sus tropas .según, lo dice un despacho caiidaii, lúe embarcaua en junioanuncios la Edición publica-da

satisfaga la necesidades del esto Ja convención es fuerte, fjuir !para que pr hoy. , delfGral, .brigadier Bliss, al lo último a Veracruz, para el consuen Español. momento y, sQbre todo, que una que controla todo el Ejército TEUTONES SE RETIRAN. Dicesc que serias advertencias de la Guerra, mover su mo de las tropas americanas, se- -

A1U se podrá dejar el nombre y fuertemente las distintas faccío-nt- s Constitucionallstarerf tanto" que ei Amsterdam, Octubre del gobierno' americano, hechas tatalh a seis millas de la m la declaración anuctaa hoy endirección para que inmediatamen-te

que existen actualmente en la Sr. Carranza solo ejerce mando alemanes se han retirado de por conducto de los jetes de las frontera, y asi evitar los disparos a mvestlcacton hecha por el Pro-- .sea servida con Ja regularidad ic pública. Precisamente en estos hobre la parte del ejército qíie ha sobre el Mar del Norte, patrullas americanas, a Bill y a Arizona. Balas perdidas proce- - curador General del Estado, Par- -

acostumbrada la días, la convención decidirá, des permanecido dala sus órdenes.suscripción. ifajtorena, fueron las que decl acHtes aei (ano mexicano, nan sons, para determinar si existEn la misma Sucursal se con-

tratanpués de detenido estudio, cuál de lísta consideración basta paral v uvstenH. rm min ii! ,1 cron a entablar ct amUticlo. muerto y herido a varios soldados aquí monopolio de mantequüú.

avisos y se dan infoniws, be ser la forma de gobierno pro. apreciar Ja grandísima importan-K- i irat 'na. virMf Desde el 2 de Oetubrc se ha es y paisanos americanos, huevo y queso.


Page 2: Se Pague Más

DOS EL PASO MORNING TIMES Síbado, 24, de .Octubre, de'


I i.. 'i""i fct rvtso Monntno hmcb rando del gobierno y de la deferí' técida por una escuadra formida esto le asestó al obispo Un campa-

nazoBecclea an EapsaoLa nacional cn Inglaterra y Fran ble la protege contra un ataque BELLA Y CONOCIDA en el cerebro, haciéndolo to EspecialistaM bvfcMca lodaa lot din del ano por brusco de la impetuosa Cermania. mar exánime. Inmediatamente

El Paso MoraMf Tlattl Co, cia. Los partidos avanzadosY por fortuna par Francia, la he después levantó el cadáver, lo lle-

vóAutorizado por La Junta de Sanidad del Estada

$ M aecha licitud 'prt tu rerlitr M o relegaban al segundo roica y nunca bastante celebrada DEL UN a la torre de la iglesia y lo cu-

brióde Texaa, corno Toctorea Keitrado para arar

ti (HidM d Correo di 1 riso, coroo plano los problemas que nfectahah resistencia ele Bélgica a la inva LEYENDA con piedras. No había pasa-

doEnfermedade del Cerebro! Enfermedades


srittale de serundi eliie. tacloaaa o InftccioH da I Sangrar Aga la política extranjera para aten sión germánica, dio tiempo a la mucho tiempo, cuando el ban o Debilidad di tatema Nerrioeoj Inaoraalet ua

oncirusi der preferentemente a las cuestío- - gran república latina para llevar a DE LA GUE dido se vió enfermo y por la no tratamiento Intailbl para la Impotencia Reatan-ració- n

iaiflete del T1bn. ni-- cm sur oreron. noes de política interior, rara los cabo la movilización y concentra' A PROPOSITO che, como de las entrañas de ta computa y permanente ala eeUmulaatea

Toda, lu eomuoteicionei deberlo ier dl radicales socialistas los. pacifistas ción de sus ejércitos. Asi y todo RRA EUROPEA ES OPOR tierra, salía el tañido de la cam daüoioa. Cun-mo- bajo aarantfa ata perdida de

habla de índole TUNO SU RELATO. El tañido tiempo y ata eptraelfta doloruaa. la, Retreche, & muy poco dtaal aeno ningún peligro la movilización francesa no ha si pana de plata. fúnebre corto tiempoCatarro muyel TAW moahino times curan proatd la Gonorrea, Fletult, y enEL TKHJ, TEXAS. internacional. No creían cu la do, ni con mutho, tan rápida y duró hasta la media nocue--y al so-

narenfermedad ee de la Vejiga, Estomago, Hígado, Piel. Rlaoaea, Hydro-cele,guerra. No creían que nadie tu-

vieseperfecta como la movilización ale-

mana.Lt historia del bandido que vivió el reloj la última campanada Varicocele y otras enfermedad croalcaa del, bdmbra y ta mujer.

nirMSKKTAHTEi PR ANUMCI08 EX. Interés en provocarla. Un Estalló la' guerra cuando en un castillo y que se robe de las doce, Falkcnsteín lanzó el Solicítame eepcalalmente. aaualloa llamado "eaaos tecurablea,"Kum Yerkt a. & Beekwitb. Areocli Inglaterra se regateaban a los I menos se esperaba. Su estallido la campana de plata. último suspiro. Dicese que cn ca qua no Han podido aer curado por otro doctorea

Eieeeli, Edificio da "U Tribuna.- FfJote en 4 afon ero del cuarta. Hay troa doctore ea 1 miimade Guerra Marina da aniversario de la muerte dey llenó de estupor a Inglaterrait. Uulii a. C Beckwlih. Atendí edificio de Resabré acallante UosqBa eaarte Ne V.

Edificio dl Tercer banco Mielonii. los créditos necesarios para vigo-rizar

Francia, que no ta creían posible 111 Rhin es el río de las leyen Falkenstein, se oye sonar la cam CONSULTAS GRATIS. 68 HABLE KSPASOUAentM Vlajeroit Luttrer Birnird, OUl las defensas nacionales. A a lo menos por ahora, bus partí das. Todos los castillos, todos los pana de plata a través del ruinoso

Melton. DOCTORES ALEMANESCobradores autorltidoi cn U cludidi 0. los generales ingleses que pedían dos avanzados y pacifistas se que peñascos, todos los escollos y los castillo.Horas: Do 8 m.a. ra. aWorsen Miller, Ed. Leitn y Cliuda Andru. una reorganización completa del daron desconcertados, Mas, tam

p.existen lo Domingo do a. m. a 19 aa.remansos a largo BILLETES ESPUREOS.

precios di Buscnircioro ejército con el fin de hacerlo más bien con fortiina, la magnitud delque ,

Caarto No. 9. 1 CaBe Mee No. aefi(Tor correo, peto adeltntido.) eficiente, no se les hacia caso. El peligro, del inmenso peligro que del caudaloso rio, tienen sus his

Algunos millones mandados a im Al Frente de "La Kreas." Searemaa TU. El Paae, VeaaDltrlemenU 7 lot domlntoi, un iflo...n.M Almirantazgo tropezaba con difi-

cultadescorrían las dos excelsas naciones torias. Un la aritiguedad, estas

Dlirluneme y lot domlnroi, t mesi...M. primir por el exgob. Creel.Dlirliment y loe domlnroi. 1 meses.. .11 para mantener la supe-

rioridadliberales de Europa, produjo rápi historias se pasaban sin reservas y El encargado de la Imprenta y

Dlerlimeat y lo domlnroi t mee nc marítima inglesa sobre la damente magnificas reacciones en a In en nuestros días se encuentran Litografía perteneció al señorh limero do lot domlntoi, solsmente, queun tilo i ..11.00 flota de guerra alemana, que ve-

niala conciencia nacional. Un estre aldeanos en el interior de Alema Eduardo I. Aguilar dió cuenta de

(For nuestros repsrtldores.) pisando los talones, como vul-

garmentemecimiento eléctrico recorrió todo nía que creen sinceramente estas la referida imprenta hablanDleftesentt lo domlnroi, t mei 7 que cny dice, a la británica. el nacional francés. Toda leyendas.' Teléfono WM. se cuerpo sido encontrados billetes de a 50

Hasta hubo un miembro del gabi-nete

Francia reaccionó contra su pro Probablemente la más conocida centavos del Banco Minero deEX PASO HONRING TIMES. que candorosamente propuso pia debilidad. En la gran nación de entre ellas es la de Lorelei. Se Chihuahua valor de millónunfufelItUed Every diy In the Yeir by los alemanes lai disminución de decía cn esa roca vivía una porEL TASO Till ES COMPANY. a hubo como un renuevo de energía que de pesos. Los billetes se cncon

Entered in the Pottorrio it El ruo, los armamentos navales. En Ber-lin

moral. Cesaron, desaparecieron sirena cuya canto .fascinador traban perfectamente empaqueta'Tens, is second dui mill muter. , se rieron de la pueril proposi-ción.

como por ensalmo, todos los ex atraía hacia la muerte a muchos dos, faltándose únicamente ser se esaPUBLICATION OFFICES t Y mientras Inglaterra des-

cuidábase!cepticismoc, todas las vacilacio infortunados marineros. En esa circula'lanzarseHados a la im Al ContadoTHE TIMES &UILDINO. flt-- SOUTH OllK. para

OOIt STREET. robustecimiento de sus nes, todas las indiferencias. Ante parte del rio existe un arrecife ción.AddreH ill coramuntcitlons to, Tbe turn defensas nacionales, Alemania por el pavoroso peligro, se trguíó la donde el Agua nace remolino, con Se ha venido a saber que el se'tnr Ttmei, El Paso. Ters. el contrario acrecentaba las suyas. Francia. "La nación para em virtiéndose en lugar peligroso pa ñor Enrique C. Creel fué quien

Sin dificultad ninguna obtenía el plear una palabra vibrante del ma ra las pequeñas embarcaciones y mandó hacer dichos billetes desdeHECHOS í COMENTARIOS gobierno del Reichstag los crédi-

toslogrado Gambetta la nación ha seguramente esa coincidencia dió época remota.

-necesarios para aumentar la respondido al llamamiento de sus origen a. la leyenda. Todavía, por El señor Inspector de la Policía .v üjOo por Semanai escuadra de acorazados y para ele-

vargloriosos destinos," Y hela ahí las noches, cualido la blanca espu-

ma tina vez tuvo, conocimiento deLA GUERRA EN EUROPA. hombres el azota contra las los quea 900,f00 ejercito peleando heroicamente en defensa rocas y

lo anterior, dictó las. órdenes con-ducentesLa gran convulsión que la activo cn tiempos de paz. Esto del sacro sucio de la patria, holla pálidos rayos de la luna ascienden a fin dé comisar los bi ES TODO LO QUE SÉ REQUIE-

REguerrera y conquistadora; era la movilización para la guerra, do por el invasor teutón, fenó-

menocomo espectros por sobre los tor-vos

lletes.que el "militarismo prusiano," co-

mopero esto no quería verse por los igual se ha observado en arrecifes, nuestros ojos se . ii PARA ADQUIRIR CUAL-

QUIERAdicen los ingleses, ha desenca-denado,

radicales y pacifistas ingleses, ni Inglaterra. Advirtió la catástrofe imaginan presenciar el rubio ca-


Lot meoreitVier.

eutoi. coa u;aaoKi e&o! DE ESTOS DOS ESTI-

LOSsobre Luropa, parece que esto querían verlo, tampoco, los que sobre ella se cernía. Con Bel y los blanquecinos hombres DEestá produciendo saludables reac-ciones

radicales, los socialistas y los pa gica invadida y con Francia ataca de la fascinadora y cruel sirena. ES FALSO EL la política interior de cifistas franceses. Costó un traba-

joda, con la destrucción probable e Una línea férrea traviesa la roca y

Inglaterra y Francia, las dos gran-des

hercúleo cj conseguir el resta inminente de estos dos países, iba el silbato de los vapores imita la El exdictador de México solo Be

naciones liberales que defien-den

blecimiento del servicio de tres a verse Inglaterra en upa sitúa melodía de su voz. v encuentra enfermo. VICTROLAel derecho de Europa, el equi-

librioaños cn Francia. Los gobiernes ción extremadamente compróme La tradición del nombre. De la Prensa Asociada.

continental contra la agre-sión

radicales habían debilitado d; tida. Desde las costas belgas y Poco más arriba de Lorcloi se Biarritz, Francia, Octubre 23.

austro-germati- Los parti-dos

modo la defensa nacional, qut 110 francesas la amenazaría Alema encuentra la villa de Saint Goar, No es cierto el rumor de la muerte POR UNA CORTA TEMPO-RAD- A

radicales y socialistas, con la sólo había decaído considerable-mente

nia. Y ante este peligro enorme cuyo nombre Je viene de un viejo del Gral. Porfirio Diaz, antiguocooperación de los pacifistas, ve-

níanla potencia naval de Fran-

cia,e innegable, todos los partidos santo que vivió allwiace ocho ceti Presidente de México, fc.1 br. SOLAMENTE

debilitando, con sus predica-ciones

sino que también habían des-

cuidadoingleses dieron- de mano a sus tu turias, habicnco sido un hombre Díaz ha estado sufriendo de una

y con su perniciosa influ-encia

el fortalecerla militar-mente.

chas, a los problemas que los di notabilísimo. El santo en cues-tión

incomodidad gástrica, pero ha sa La Existenciasobre los Poderes Públicos No hay más que recordar, vidian, y determinaron pelear con era barquero y se ocupaba de lido de pasco diariamente por va

y sobre la opinión nacional, todos a este respecto, las sensacionales tra Alemania hasta concluir con transportar a los pasajeros de una nos días y esta mañana se le violos resortes morales del (gobierno, declaraciones hechas por el sola- prepotencia o poderío militar. a la otra orilla del Rhin; pero ade-

másen la playa. Es Limitada

todas las energías de la nación; Humbert, casi cn vísperas de era un católico ferviente que LOS YAQUIS SE ACERCAN.Cada día era más visible la floje-dad

la guerra. Por fortuna para Ing-laterra,

inxcKBiTA antcojcst creía un deber convertir a los pa De Asociada.Prerunte be rail. Calle Texn rio. 10que poco a poco se iba apode su posición insular, pro-- EiUDiecino aesae ganos. En sus mctodoff era par Naco. Arizona, Octubre 23. En

ticularismo. Un día-qu- e llevaba yez de mover sus tropas de la Jiun pasajero hacia la orilla opues-ta

nea fronteriza, como se había prcdel río, dejó repentinamente los dicho, la fuerzaTágresora de indios

remos y le preguntó al viajero si yaquis de Maytorcna, se ha acercristiano. Este le contestóera Oportunidadescado más a, la guarnición carran

que no. Saint Goar lo asió inme ta'sta v causó más Deriuicios a lasdiatamente por el cuerpo, lo hizo dífensas del Gral. Hill, que los quehipearse a unos de los lados y loUna Oportunidad éxistian. Muchos proyectiles ca

embargo,bautizó con

el santoel agua




desgraciasyeron de este

personales.ladoí pero no hubo COMO ESTAS VIENEN AMENUDO, Y HAY QUE

una conversión tan rápida no fuera perdurable, asi que, pensando APROVECHARLAS CUANDO VIENEN,lo y ejecutándolo, echo a nuestro

La Edición Española, del Paso Morning pobre al rio para que una vez aho- - IVEAN NUESTRO APARADOR!gido, su alma se fuera directamen OPORTUNIDAD PARA

Times, hasta el 15 de Abril por te arfaraiso. 5c relata que aque-lla

GANAR DINEROmisma noche, el alma del aho-

gadoPodemoi comprobar con Boletín dela suma de $3.00 sé le apareció a San Gaor pa la Bolsa retrolera de Mixteo, quo las W. G. Walz Co.acconea de aljvmo va 1'anucora darle las mas expresivas gra-

ciasvalen actualmente $).25 mex., ea decir

por haberle proporcionado la 10.25 máa de au valor.Tenemos en esta acciones que recibi

El Paso Morning Times publica las noticias del día imparcial-ment- emanera de gozar ,de las delicias mos antea de la aira quo continuamoscelestiales. Desde aquel día cn vendiendo A 11.00 mex. no obstante 103n South"y sin prejuicio. Es el primer periódico que da las noticia más , adelante, el fornido santo aumen quo

V.n unasabemos



para ob-tenerimportantes de todos los centros de México, loa Estados Unidos y to el numero de los convertidas. una buena utilidad, que Irá. cre

Cuando el obispo del pueblo, en ciendo diariamente por tratarse de unde los acontecimientos de nfKoclo bien definido, las accionesEuropa. Una información exacta, acerca El Paso Streetterado de su métodos, le hizo ver aon valorea al portador y se pueden

México, es la demanda del pueblo que habla el idioma español en la ta violencia de ellos, San Gaor, co realizar en un momento.Los tenedorea de estas acciones catan

parte Norte de México y en el Sur de los Estados Unidos. Solo el mo por encanto, suspendió su de plácemes.sombrero sobre un rayo de luna. Kscrlba Usted 6 telefoneo pidiendo

Times publica esta información lo más exactamente posible y casi Esto convenció al obispo de que mapas, detalles, prospectos, etc.

siempre muchas horas antes de que lo hagan los demás periódicos. se encontraba realmente ante la Mexican Petroleum Stock rí5.í lo a me Jore --llpo a en cirablo de monea coDitltuctonittita. Timblenpresencia de santo. nmTnS.l?eí?.qolif-;e,rlM,-

0,por 4,ro?- - eclbimoi dinero pira renU en co.unUna información completa se da por el Times acerca de la guerra Agency

Hacían la señal de laeuropea, asi como también las noticias locales de más importancia. Más el sistema obligatorio



TUXAB.18 Buckler Bid. Do son dliputidoi por nidi nueitrsi


STOtlEde buena'4 en Julre.

La Edición en Español entregada por nuestros repartidores a oan vjoar uuro poco uempo, pc O. W. MORROW. c. ,UAnEZt cm,tcualquiera dirección en la ciudad, o por correo a cualquier punto de que

ban enlos


barca, sabedoresque se arresga'

de sus DIAMANTESlos Estados Unidos o México, HASTA EL 15 DE ABRIL DE 1915, métodos, cuando se encontraban a Pafamoa loa mÍM al toa precios

la mitad del "charco, hacían la por diamante, también oro ycostará tolo $3.00. Esta oferta estará vigor solo tiempoen un muy Compramos Meneda Contituclinallsta el" señal de la cruz, jurando que eran plata, en cualquier forma. oía de Hoy:corto. Gallo San Antonio Moneda de Carran ta... .

Córtese el cupón inserto abajo y envíese inmediatamente al De-


cristianos.No muy lejos también de Lorc GENEVA JEWELRY CO. Moneda


ChihuahuaVilla Vieja 1 1 1

!" ' '. i U cenUvoa

loi, existen dos famosas ruinas de-

nominadasO. B. MKXIOO BROKERAGE Circulación del Morning Times. 1M.7 San FrancUoolos Castillos de los

Hermanos. La historia relaciona-da, con estas ruinas nos dice que SE COMPRA OROhace algún tiempo vivieron en los Y PLATACUPON susodichos castillos dos hermanos en cualquiera forma o can-

tidad.CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGEque parecían conservar la mejor Precie ala coro

armonía, hasta que ambos se ena-moraron

petenciauAgencia de Corabiouea ea general.

de la misma mujer. Nin P'JÍ" ,0!,fneJí.r! Pwcío Por aoneda. conatltuclonalUta y de banca.Departamento de Circulación, JOYERIA Oftewa City National Bank Bslldlng No. 3M.guno de oís dos quería ceder a sus Telefono SUS,El Puta Morning Times. pretensiones, hasta que un ala. ri-

ñeronSilbarbar Homaaos

EL PASO. TEX. sobrerel estrecho arrecife Esquías Avemida Masa y,Sefíoreit que separa los dos castillos. Blan Callo TWaa

diendo el acero, los dos a un tiem Frat al Banca Ri Interesante Cuando Quiera TenderDeeeo aprovechar la oportunidad que da au oferta especial, y para po se cortaron las cabezas, rodan-

doGrande. E saber que cn la



el efecto acompaño con eita cupón la suma de $3.00, oro, con lo cual hacia, el abismo, ñero llevando FARMACIA RIO GRANDE firunoi precloiQue nosotros

tnái altos qaa E4ici6nxea Eapaftol, deEjjsao Morning Time, retratada en el rostro, una mezcla quler otro inrocdutameolo il coanatta el 1 5 de Abril, a la direccíSriaíguTeaU T de odio y de triunfo. ' 3ra. y



peitmoiitdoj luj



Ud.1 bandido del castillo. Hallara Vd. siempre lo que busca. nUnu,0Otra de las levendas del Rhin AOTOMOV1I.KS bk kkmta Medicina da Patente Francesa. líüíi.

bora paraPW


da oro.u plata,

V ; es la historia del bandido Falkeus- - Kl Paso Auto Taxi tleae par Productos de Mexico, etc Se cipiden certtricaaos de casare 'tundición si desee.alquilar 10 aTaadaa autoa da Escrupuloso despacho de recela. se

Fecha.... (NemVuc) tein, quien vivió en un castillo que miso y tula, duraste toda la sosa yCompremospreiüpludoa

o trstanoa irailruu$5k ' fcy; ahora se denomina Falkenburg. Se y todo al 41a. Xa eataalSa eat 0Ot Pm ut"cuenta que Falkensteiu se robo en Uvada (reate al Metal "Fa 41 eVads!'

de .NorU" CaUa W, Saa Aatealo MCMMM CtHMCRCIANTKS PA Ua. WlaaderayCoewadofe sjcitra ocasión pla-

tauna campana Na 111. Teltfono JU y 44. MAY Mi !

perteneciente a una iglesia. Yeodemoi toda clise de merctaclin fraacla Na.

el obispo de este sacrilegio, precloi uowaeni birttot por seriaetei cxcluitvoi de )u librtcM.fué hasta su castillo a reclamarle Compramos ruido. AcepttmoiSÍL W. OLVMA ZUNICAlo robado. Una vez en presencia cualquiera dita de dinero en paco VA TJD. PAR.Facultad 4 M laico y Tj de mercaacUi y al meJvr llpo, MEXICO? Cambiadel bandido, éste le rugió con risa aa dira eo la AvcbJ.U Lcnts Xí.

melistofélica ; Ud. quiere su cam-pana,

HIA Mié COMMISSION CO. , 4e Jairea, fruHa a ta aajweU n.Tercer fin Masi? al KaUM aaaateea o hn t ta aeiaalaa Mi no c Bueno; pws "rtest Nttloeal lliaa ar. ferrecartH.obtendrá Rara siempre, y, dictadoK

Page 3: Se Pague Más


Avisos k ocasmn LAS GRANADAS CAIAN n. Sábado. Notables Ofertas todos losHoy en Departamentostn ptbr usé sel m... ItIm pl4r tie temes ................ H DE LOS SUCESO! GOMO UNA LLUVIAUse llaea BMi , H.M Unante hoy a la multitud do clientes de "La Popular' templando aua esperanzas en lo sublime, porque los

AIMCMTCX ICTlVOh. i. ti . i rv precios quo oitciciiiub son excepcionales, inimuaDies pero propios ac ia ropuinr.--LL HOHMINU jPare I Mttl 04 I'ASQ, Mas recientes de COMOHUkH" aallriiuaoi utiiii M loi Ksladol en el LOS DOS EJERCITOSd TEXAS, HUKVO MEXICO JT AJUZOflA J sarrollo DE LA GUE-

RRASON IGUALES NO HAY 3 7to teaerai ea ro4 1m pobliclone dt U

DE EUROPA. VENTAJA POSIBLE. Modernos NuevosKtftNKN- - Trajo Trajes ExtraEacribenoi boy mumo. BlnceUai P. 0.Boa ei, u Pao, tu. u. a. - Se anuncia que el Gral, Ven Molt Loa alemanes ahora se están mo De ctrpe tío china y do romblnadonr Do aarga de jiura lana j combinaciónvisitemos

rrcicrU, Mnturaa,tiitcd y rueiTA



Vidrior ke, Jefe de Estado Mayor, se viendo contra Varsovia, la co-



terciopelo jr raao, Epcc1nt do "Ja ta aargi y raao.' Epcdal Topetar" Especialplano a pttc(o bajo. 40, Cilio Sur El encuentra agonizante. capital de Polonia.rilo. A, Taire. Hoy sábado, haata que se

acaben, ofreceremos doce do-

cenasTeKrrarifCtrrcr con. Init. internacional No lia habido ningtina-crsacíó- n De la Prensa Asociada. $10.00 $4.95 de fondos de sedaten diiemos 'especial cuidado 1 empacar en la batalla que se verifica Londres, Octubre 23. Conti "Jersey" y raso nesallna.

mexicano.y embarcar


que vendereaoipar comprador

al n Norte de Francia. Todas las núa combatiéndose con encarniza A f1.06 Cada Unaco Trajes de crepé, de china, colores Veattdot de larga y rato, colorísbajo uredo del mercado. miento en Plandes Occidental y el Batos fondos tienen olfln denegro, marino, cafe, verde, ciruelamunicaciones oficiales declaran y ntg-ro-, aaut y café, modelo "JJaique"'Stantonill Calle K.ruUTZ k Z1NKLEH, Norte de Francia, agregándose copenaguc. Modelo "Basque" refor-

mado,10 y IS pulgadas, con plisado

TitASPASU restaurant. Btaaton 41. que la lucha t de un carácter que el ejército alemán ha sido re con vlatoso raso blanoo, adorno, raformaUoa, "Xtaaqu' da Barga, angosto y mediano, algunoattero y terrible y que los buques do botones, cuello y puftoa de raao adornado con botone y alamares, con con tres hileras de hilo elás-

tico,cambik vd. m muebles uuáoa por nae forzado co ntodas las tropas dtsde brtánícos continúan blanco, ancho etnturún y larga y Iniercloncs de rato n laa hechos de lustroso rasoroí, como primer peto, y el reno puede guerra manaaa, cus.ponibles de la Bélgica conquista meaallna. Loa tenemos en

uirio semanariamente o ai mea, como runo. ayudando' a los aliados con una túnica plaada por los lio y claturon ancho, de raao; larra color bronotneo, vsrde, mora-do,

10UTZ k ZINKLEH. II calle h. Btanion, da. Los ingleses, belgas y tran lados.mortífera lluvia de proyectiles túnica de varga aobra fondo de raao, café obscuro, rosa, aaul

DE VENTA Virtoi terrenoa bátaos, cerca disparados por sus cationes. Tamceses, tienen por su parte, la ayu- - Trajea Cafes, Negro y Color Marino. ''Basque" adornado con galonea. pAltdo, café, aaul marino,

no a una DroDledad de rcildtnclal, pro daá de los barcos de guerra ingle De negro, blanco, aaul celeste,terciopelo raso. Los dobien Ucea de y mo-delosMoa para un hoirar o par Inreralon. To un rumor acerca que ses. Vestidos Negro, Aaul Marina y Cafe. "pastel," verde ruso, etc.. etc."Basque" deson terciopelo conIcfonecic en las mininas al Ko. 2IJ1 la flotilla británica ésta siendo A lo largo de la costa, el rio Inserciones d raao en las mangas, de sarga, chalaco y puAoH de' piqué, Vendidos a $2.00 representa-

ríanMAU.tiriCA OPOIlTUNIDAD Con motivo ayudada por un escuadrón fran Yser siaTUe siendo una barrera pa larga túnica de raso, con anoho un precio excepcional, Abanda do tú-

nicaelegantede traer que aallr par Mexico, e ir' ees. de terciopelo sobro fondo de

raso, Amplia y escoger, hoy fl CCtías un tienda de abarrotes y casa, et Almirantazgo encomia el ra las fuerzas contendientes. Apa raao. Loa tenemos en todos los ta. sobro tonda do sarga. "Basque" sábado, a $JWJJbuen punto para netuelo. Informan CUe rentemente, ninguna de las partes maflos; chicos, medianos y grandes. adornado con botones forradoa.ukiahom y Helna ano. Teléf. J2S. trabato de los buciucs y dice otie ha podido avanzar; pero en el in-


DKJAMOS sailíftchos Jos dientes, o de el daño causado a los alemanes ha serrún informes dados por Oferta Eaaaclal an Cuellea 4a Muaatraavolveremos s catnnlarcinos lis mercan sido considerable. Añade que las Alemania hoy en la noche, los alia- - Esta es una de laa mas extraordinarias ofertas de primo- -rías, desda I sala a la cocina. perdidas navales lian sido peque j .u.. ...i !j j. - Extra para May roaoa adornos para el cuello, de la mejor calidad: el completo10UTZ k ZIKKLEH, til Calla it, Stanton uo3 se están rciiranao uc vanasñas y que la artillería alemana ha SABADO aurtldo de un prominente manufacturero en el que vienen

INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL Primarla posiciones de importancia comprendidos cuellos "Dutch" y marineros, Juegos dehacer bue punoSuperior, Comercial Idlomai. cursos estado impedida para La aseveración que antecede, la En la venta da hoy, y cuellos, canesúes, camisolines, etc., hechoa de Uno, linón, i

especiales. Escobar Hermanos, Callo San nos blancos. Los informes ale contradice una comunicación exsábado, ofrfetmos una organdlo y de encajes de la máa popular variedad, colorea

Antonio- - Uií; Telefono s. inicrnaoo. inanes aseguran sin embargo, qué encantadora aeleocton blanco, crema, crudo y algunos con acabado da color. Loapedida hoy en la tarde en París, de POPELINAS DBItlífiTE VD. sus muebles ahora, y compre uno de los destroyers británicos 6EDA de 14 pulgadas ofrecemos en dos esplendidos lotea:

en la aue se afirma que los alia' Loa que tienen un precio haata de $3,00.cuanao csio en mejor iugmihghiu. ha sido colocado acción QJJfuera de en todos loé mas mo-dernosva UTZ k Z1NKLKH, I cilla if. Stanton dos no han sido desalojados de deseadoa Hoy Sábado, precio special..... .DCpor sus granadas y hace comenta sus trincheras a pesar de los vio

y co-- Loa que representan un yalor haata de $4.00.'

4COLEGIO l'ALMOAE. rios optimistas acerca del resulta a.r.e"..Y?:!?,...69c Hoy, Sábado, precio eapeclal. ......, .,,pl49losKl hu. Telin. Calle. N. Ore non 6IÍ. lentos ataques de alemanes.

Español 1 Comercio do final de la batalla en todo el Acabamos de reolbtr un embarque do cuellos marineros ycursos de inlles. (Departamento daA lo de toda la lineaIartro ironcompetente, Juegos de punoa y cuellos, de pique y Uno.cuadro docente completo y frente.ciase diurnas y nocturnas, internado' bien tal, desde el Mar del Norte hasta Fiso) Los ofrecemos al precio de 60o y ........... 25c Corees Hasta por Va-

lorDe Ileea ratifica'atendido. L. Wilson, Directora. Teier. stw, Pctrosrrad un la frontera suiza inclusive, los dos da $2.00, aclón de los informes oficiales soMAQUINAS 06 COSEIt, por 13M0 mensua-

les,bandos contendientes afirman, qüe

rentadas o vendldis. Vea Vd. los bre qüe los alemanes continúan han rechazado los ataques mutuos,modelosrutar- ir


venden113 Callo f. Stanton, una

encuentrosviolenta retirada

desesperadosy que



rios haciendo ligeros avances en vanos huj nuestros primo- - djC AA HOY SABADO, ofreceremosmi. i:i:ti.LKHUO II. ELLSWORTH. puntos. utywoJj) un lote do corsés marcasEl 31Especialidad en ererinedadei de mujeres lugar en Galicia'. empera Al parecer, los ejércitos con irosos Sommlbreros . "American Lady," "W. B.,"

y ea operacioDss wiiwu.. dor Guillermo el cuartel del EsyCallo E. Seruncta 3. Calle San Antonio tendientes son tan iguales en nú-

mero,,Acabamos de reclbrlos del llueva York y representan loa estilos

"Regís" y otras conocldaa454. reictonq si. neauicuc íwo tado Mayor se han retirado de marcas. Surtido y tamafloa

Czcstocliowa, Polonia Sique ninguno puede hacre más avansados de la estación. NI uno solo es de los que Ud. espera Incompletos: pero en selec.aTres cuartos cocina, todas las comodt rusa,con retroceder al contrario. cnoontrar en loa grupos de sombreros do f 5,00. Bata ea una compra clon magnifica. Regular-

mentePara ramilla aldides y en casa particular? lesia, según un despacho Lonsin nidos. Ave. Magoffin 7W. don News," de la

Como una lluvia lenca. espealal do seis doo'enos de sombreros, da raso "Lyon" negro, estilos vendemos estos corsésDaily capital hasta a $2.00. Hojr"Las granadas de la artillería QtJmarinero, tricórneo, turbante y "Chnpeaux," hechos por una de las .VOCMAnrcnA Y LÁMINA de secunda rusa. Babado, a escoger por.

mano, de 'venta en Washington conde de Crewc, secretariode los aliados caen como lluvia so principales modistos de New York, representando un valor de $10.00,

Park. N. Abraham, Callo o. Banta t e bre los alemanes que se cncuen $11,00 y hasta mils. Kn muchos de ellos las primorosas plumas déde Estado, de la India, autoriza319. Telefono 2635W. tran en las inmediaciones de Os aveatruá o de falsAn, valen lo que ee pide 'Loa adornoa aon de color Batas vara al lañola declaración de que las tropasNü VENDA. cumora ni cambia usted tende y Nieuport. agregándose blanco, negro u otros colores. Batas de bailo, señoras,indias han sido llevadas a Eu-

ropaparaque "da segunde mano 'niherramientas que el efecto es destructor en su?rifle, hasta aua sepa mis Drocioa no han tomado participio en Unicamente Sala Docena. Hay en colores azul, amarillo, rojo,

Teléfono 431. H. aáonr. ios & El mo erado. El corresponsal del que café, gris, etc. Primorososnaso. los combates, aunque, se espera "Telegraaf," en Amberes, comuni-

camodelos. Con cuello, pufios

I'AüOS Melles amueblaran su casa en poco que pronto lo hagan. lo siguiente : "El campo de' ba Venir Temprano a lEacoger. y bolsillo, adornadas con an-choaLa Dieta .Prusiana ha aprobado clnturones de raso. Laatiempo, y su familia vivirá comoaameme talla se encuentra cubierto de cak ziNKLEn, i Calle w. atanton ofrecemos HOY SABADO alfqutz el proyecto de ley por la cantidad dáveres; pero continúan 'llegando precio especial

COMPRAMOS pedacerla le cobra y de $375,000,000. .$2.45tropas alemanas de 'refresco. Des debronce, huesos, lana, cueros, jareta, En un discurso pronunciado an Vaaaa la ExhlWcIonE. de hoy en la mañana los alemanesPlochCo.,trapoajitc .yerman (me ESPECIALte Dieta el Sr?Délfiru- - EXTRA, Subterráneo

iNUTlTUTrt l.vni. PATTEHSON" eck. vicecanciller imperial, des mente.comenzaron a Retroceder ligera Bspacial en Nues-

traEl Sábado, todo el dfn, ofrecemos la legítima muse-linami 3. riorence su TeL

externos,3Í10. pues de declarar que Alemania ha "Un escuadrón francés apoya a Aparadores Lonsdalo "Eetíqueta. Verde"; limite OInternos

EdificioEscuela para


Maestros experimenta'y bia sido oblicrada a la guerra por los barcos de guerra ingleses a los llSlSSS é i 10 yardas, cada yarda a OC

dos. clases nocturas de odio y envidia de sus vecinos, dijoINOLES, ESPAHOL Y MUSICA. que no pueden alcanzar los cano

que "Alemania no depondría sus alemanes.liesCAMAS de latón y fierro 'por turrones en armas hasta que hubiera ganadoteros, y mis baratas en un iu por ciemu La caballería alemana no es

rn toda la ciudad, al contado o a platos. una victoria que garantizara una útil por ahora, asi que los sóida'KOUTZ 4: ZlNKLKfl, 113 Callo N. Stanton. paz duradera. dos y los caballos permanecen des terrible batalla se verifica en Bél ñas. Las tropas están inactivas, misionado de la conferencia para la ciudad de México, y que fueronICALENTADOUES!

es tiempo A queCALENTAUOHESIusted escoja un calen-


Ahora Oran numero de alemanesdey cansando en espera de órdenes.' gica, como a 20 millas al Sur de solo esperando el resultado de la que invitara ai presidente marran puestos en libertad por órdenes dehan sido sacados

al contado o a plazos, podemos austríacos "Las posiciones de los aliados la linea tie uante-üruge- ?, y ai convención de Aguascalientes, za a quécomparecicra personal la convención.complacerlo. . . Londres c internados en los cam se encuentran poderosamente for Norte de Roulers, serrun lo que que resolverá si se debe volver a mente a la convención, invitaciónW. Stanton.13 Calle10U1Z ii.ZlKLEn. detenció Un,pamentos eco tificadas con trincheras, cuyos al rlíce un corresponsal en Sluts, Ho la guerra o regresarán a sus cuar que rehusó Carranza. ENTRE ESPAÑOLES.EL fASo IÜON k METAL San de la amenazante invasión de las

Antonio compramos cobre, fierro, rededores se encuentran anegados. landa. Roulers fué bombardeado teles de Chihuahua. Por cuestiones de fueronIslas Británicas los globos dt YA HAN PROTESTADO. algodónbronce, huems y Iiuie, etc. Teieiono por En Ostende y Nieuport, los alia los alemanes nuevamente el Grandes cantidades de provisio lospor tribunales.COCHECITOS, los mejores fabrican rigibles y zeppehnes, se encuentra dos están haciendo fuego en ladi-reccíó- n tueves. nes han sido compradas diaria Por la captura de los

abuqves amedinero; toaos, raramusuo. en el hecho de que la abadía de Salvador Turanzas del Vallepor menos 'de Jabbeke, que Se en-

cuentra"Los fugitivos üe Kouiers ciccia- - mente en la frontera para el uso ricanos Bretaña.Desdo

I'OUTZ A; ZINKLEII.en adelante.

113 Calle ti. Stanton Westminster ha sido asgurada como siete millas al Sur ran " arrreca el corresponsal, que de las tropas y hay grandes canti De la Prensa Asociada.por fué arrestado ayer por orden de

Al'llENUA USTED INOLES Clise noctur-nas

contra daños por los ataques de oeste de,Bruges, agregándose qué 40 habitantes de, aquella población dades de municiones almacenadas Washington, Octubre 23. Los la Oficina del Condestable, aaeroplanos.en el instituto "Lydia .Vattersou." b. se proponen destruir el ferrocarril fueron ejecutados por los alema y de material rodante, solo espe Estados Unidos hoy de Manuel Gutiérrez,protestaron queFlorence va. Tei, syio. Una carta particular recibida encueruu roe; Amsterdam, dice que el teniente

que une ustende a urugs. nes invasores durante la ocupa rando éste la orden para ponerse ante la Gran Bretaña por la cap lo acusa de la estafa de 400 pacas6E LIMPIA relojes por MCtmoneda mollean Todos los hoteles de Ustende ción todos los mas promi-

nentesen movimiento en caso de que se deltura "Platura,"ti Utiles 14. favonios por general Von Moltke, jefe del Es- - y que vapor petrolero de algodón.lie Cll ituCbttiuanu.Villa. Carranxa. se encuentran atestados de herí ciudadanos se tomaron en necesiten sus servicios.

AliiKlllu luA. Denver Jewelry CO. tado Mayor General altrun, está del que es dueña la Compañía Parece ha'esto sido eldos." Los trenes de pasajeros conti que re-

sultadorehenes. Standard Oil, detenidovenderenios todas las inantueras en la ac-



jarainc. mu agonizante. La batalla preliminar de Polo "No hav nincuna confirmación núan cruzando a. través de Tos en Lewis Island, Esco-cia,

de tina disputa entre los

bE AECES1TAN: loo estufis de ísi. para LA ENERGICA OFENSIVA. nia, al parecer, se está aproximan acerca de que los aliados han lo rreon y Zacatecas, para la ciudad dos españoles sobre cumplimientocambrlarlas por muebles, tapetes y es do con mayor rapidez, grado romper las lineas alemanas de Mexico pero l'oscarros Pull-

man,Esta protesta es idéntica a la

de un contrato celebrado entre el


ynuevas.paros fáciles.

, Veisenos para precios b' De la Prensa Asociada. Contra la capital de Polonia. cerca de Eecloc," puestos en servicio última-mente,

que se hizo en el caso del "Brin- - acusador y el acusado para que el'i'OUTZ k ZINüLEIt, 113 Calle X Stanton, Petrograd, Octubre 23. En co Los rusos informan que han lo-

gradose han suspendido en Za-

catecas,dilla," detenido en Halifax, N. S.,

uno vendiera por cuenta del otroDE VENTA La Tienda Itackat municación oficial expedida hoy rechazar a los alemanes en POR EL REGISTRO CIVIL. de donde son desprendi-

doshabiéndose pedido la inmediata li-


el algodón. A Turanzas se lé fijó("IluIdoka") í la mejor localización tarde por el listado Mayor Oe su primer movimiento ofensivo Nacimientos. de los carros, y regresados a la del la fianza de $1,000 para que obtu

en la Calle Sur El Faso; buenos no. neral del ejército ruso, se declara contra Varsovia, capital de Polo-nia,

frontera. Ningún , servicio' "de vapor.viera su libertad, y la fecha dellaniña la begun mejor opiniónnueEl 15 del actual, tina a cirgocloa. Traspasarí arrendamiento y Pullman contin la dentro del terri-

torio20 de Octubre, se vieranlo siguiente: refiriendo ese hecho de armas para quecula ambosenseres o todo. 70 Calle 8. Kl Paso. Sra. de Carlos Corenpoil, con do aquí, vapores deberán los de"La enérgica ofensiva de núes como una victoria importantísima. de Carranza. libertados preliminares su juicio.

calle Santa Fe. ser a menos ntte seanMIIKMI.Hü UK OFICINA DE HEN TA. micilio, 364lo pajado por reata, si la tro ejército que ha logrado cruzar Agregan que los alemanes, ade-

mássospechosos; SE ARREGLAcomprende El iu ae sepuemDrc uiumo, un PARA CORREGIRSE. pero parece que se EL CASO.

cuta de nara aeniru ae eu au. el Vístula en gran parte, no ha de perder muchos hombresroUTZ k ZINKLEH, 113 Cll ti. Stnton encontrado resistencia niño, a la Sra. de Francisco Un representante del sheriff de probará que son vapores que esta-


por parte que cayeron prisioneros y algunos 381G calle Frutas. la ciudad saldrá hoy para Gates-vill- e, ocupados cu un servicio neu En México ae usan timbre posta-lesTaqui-rfi- comercto-ius- t. de lo alemanes, continúan federalesquienes cañones, abandonaron granucs El 21 del corriente, un niño, a a fin de en las Escuela tral. con marca.ponerl. j. AiLtLLAíiu a Hiju cotuyrwao y su retirada." La comunicación cantidades de provisio-

nesvendemos moned Jositcana d todasparque y

la Sra. de Daniel Fierro, con resi-

denciaCorreccional de aquella pobla-ción,

Por la circunstancia de que las"en las trincheras A PUNTA DE BAYONETA.CU.BJ. MUIS Uldr. 03. TL Mi. agrega que qué en las trincheras que prepara-ron

la calle Séptima, 601, Leon Else encuentran mas abajo de ivan-troro- defensa. en a los menores José y De la Prensa Asociada. cartas que llegaban a Paso; daUÍ'U DICTADUHA A LA ANARQUIA parasu El 12 del presente, una niña, a José Ramos. Ambo sfiteron sen-

tenciadosOctubre la república de México, teniannuestras tropas se apode El cuartel general de los alema Paris, 23,Los france-


Histeria l'otltlca de McUee, raron de gran cantidad de provi-siones

nes no ha hecho hasta hoy men la Sra. de Alfonsocalle

Galindo,Sur Ochoa.

con por varios delitos me capturaron hoy a punta de ba-

yoneta,pagar doble estampillas postales, a

tObra fteniacional

por Kaaióasobre

l' últimas re-


y parque abandonados por ción alguna de este encuentro,domicilio en

Matrimonios.400, ñores. la población dé Altkich, cama de que no se ha reconocido

en Mtilco con la muerta de los los cuerpos de reserva de la uuar aunque en los informes de hoy di-

ceREGRESA VILLARREAL. perteneciente a la Alta Alsacia. aún al gobierno constítucionalista,

Sres. Madero, la deceña trille, etc U dia Prusiana, durante su precipi que después de varios dias de Calixto Maderas y Maria Bertedición española de venta en "La Ideal," de ha-

berOTRO REPRSlENTANTE. se ha recurrido al uso de estampi-

llasloa E. Overland: internacional Book. Little tada fuga. combate, no se le informó de en-

cuentrosmudez. i A Aguascalientes después

Plata; El Paso del Kerte, 009 S.' Oregon. "Los austríacos siguen luchan ocurridos ayer, agregan-do

Ernest Mtiller y Bertha Melvin, estado en México. Llegó Aguatcaj(eittM un tercerfederales, que pueden pasar la

Precio del toinO tlM, do con obstinación en el río Vis que no se han alcanzado re J. H .Norris y Josefa Federico. Noticias oficiales se recibieron agente dw departamento. frontera, por estar aún reconoci-das4V

YENPEMOübarat Teatro


"National" muy tula, en el San v muv particular- - ultadps definitivos Defunciones," ayer por Carlos Arcuellcs, jefe de Míli'ÍUe Honey agente especia) por la Administración de Co-

rreosmente nacía ci sur uc rrzcmysi. Aparentemente parece que se ha la Oficina de Información del de los Estados Unidos, te-


Otocb 'kuuCo.

carro de buesos. tur No se ha registrado cambio al estado combatiendo rudamente en Delfina Ramírez, 2109 calle Gral, Villa en la frontera, sobre del departamento de Estado de losahora impresas las pala-


guuo de importancia eu la sitúa la. frontera de Frusta Oriental. Bassett, el 22 del corriente. que el Gral, Antonio Villarreal, Estados Unidos, acaba de llegar "Gobierno Constitucionalis-ta.- "IM VlúMTA UioOHainaa

y cajaata


aclón. ÚS. Küik Occidental," donde Ja situación permaneció Abel Moreno, el mismo día. presidente de la convención, ha-

blaa Aguascalientes, para estar cerca Al principio para que una

Mormna; Tima. tranqullapor atgun tiempo, infor Niño Fierro, 801 Talc- - CtiarU llegado a regresó a- - la chTdád de fas conferencias, en compañía cartá fuera" áceptada en los Esta-dP- S

11.00 KiMUirto coniprar pronto un bumMAIZ m.m. frijol II. Us IM lit, mando los alemanes por su parte el 3 de este mes. de México, a Aguascalientes a de los otros dos representantes, Unidos y que tuviera la pro


ZINKLEH, 111 Calle H. Bunton. sunion n í. TeMfooo liso. que "sus tropas van persiguiendo William Gohbauer, el 18 del ac debido tiempo para presidirla se-

siónCarothers y Canova, según los cedencia de México, habla sido ne

LINOLEO y ispetas, Hunos d bertaoMS iCAMASI I CAM AS' el mejor surtido t I al enemigo en la dirección de tual. que tendrá lugar el jueves mensajes recibidos aquí ayer. Fué cesario usar dos estampillas, unaptuooes. LtaoUo esc yarda, tfouu emuaa, oa cima cicimie o wtoq I EL EJERCITO DE VILLA, próximo. Durante el receso de la .enviado primero a la capital de constitucionalista y otra federal.

Zinlr. N, 8totoB 11. fierro, eu irsaaso diseAos a pre cms re. Ossowetz la fortaleza el Villa-

rrealdutldoi. Telefono III, routs Zlklf. es que se convenció presidente México, por el gobierno america-- . El administrador de la oficina

y meaor. VKRRETKMIA Vencontraba hace unas cuantas, se-manas

Se extiende dewic Torreón hta estuvo con los funcionarios no, para que Juera representante de Correos de esta ciudad, Sr.Z. JOMKP1I COMPRA TODA CJAKU tienda s ana w a al alcance de la artillería el Este d la ciudad. del gobierno eu México. ante el'Gral. Carranza. Smith, trató el asu'ito con el de- -

la Oaspardlclos de cobru, Uroaca, loo II. falemanta cuando fracasó el intento Los viajeros que llcgarí del Sur En tclírama no dice si el Gral, El Sr. Gaxiola, agente comercial respectivo, ensine, rimo,


furaonsAdernls costa),

entero.IÑtfLEti-Cls- ses nocturna. AprcndUaJe ra de los teutones que intentaban dlceh aue las lineas del ejercite Ok.tgón, otro de los principales del Gral, Villa, en Juárez, recibió fiartameuto hace varias ra-

nascerda en coierto PMore. Ttlíí. imo.U. Jura.

yChlli Avenida Ju&rcs 111.

pido, cruzar el rio Niemen. del Grai Villa se extienden al Es delegados de Carranza en la con-vención,

ayer una notificación de Aguasca-lientes

pero, según fe sabe, r.oiai. ULOO



lisioDC LAS


auodr to.y

UNA TERRIBLE BATALLA. je de Torreón, y que en lorjeon estaba en ya de regreso en que se le participa la concedió el permiso para qus iOot lo pedidos, ea sauebw tilia d estu-fas

mismo luy un gran número de en la mitnu ciudad de Aguasca-Hen- tf llegada a aquella ciudad de Ma-nuel

estampillas constüucionalistas f ae-

ran, X0 Y PLATA ÍV" y calent4f.El

Loa MíClOS MAS De la Prensa Asociada. tropas de Villa, qu fueron movi Bonilla Enrique LIprenk y admitidas en las oficinas ééif,

u (. iuA.




ft,AOS tn

Anutcrdam, Octubre 23. Una lizadas desde hace a'guras swata Obregón fué enviado como co-- f otroa prisioneros de Carranza cu correo de tos Estados Unido.r s


Page 4: Se Pague Más


Las Pacientes Heroines de la Guerra.De cómo las nobles mujeres que lian seguido la huella de Florence Nightingale lian, disminuido

los horrores de las guerras recientes, y cómo se hátv preparado en América, para hacer tollo sócrl-íici-o

que Ies íca demandado por su país. - ,

Iil espíritu dcNa guerra no res-

petaAmérica, se trac a la mente el tra- - jnicntos. No solamente pararc

sexos. bajo de la digna matrona Glara "parar los daños causados pbrgfaSLa civilización ha dado un nue-

voHartón, que en la guerra Civil guerra, sino para vigilar dc'ccrca:.

giro al espíritu guerrero en la realizó una obra parecida en valor ti cinipu e uaiana, tiene inspcc- -mujer, nueva salida a su valor y y buenos resultados al de Floren-

cecon sobre el lado material, del eWW QSmWSEmXWha hecho un nuevo campo de su Nightingale en Crimea. Sin ejérdto; enseña y refuerza .los .gi?

actividades. Ha dirigido sil im-

pulsoninguna organización, sin ningu-na

principios de la salubridad y. 'los JXwéWwMM&Wpor nuevos cauces de mili--ila- enseñanza, sin ninguna ayuda evita a la vez que los - 2MSiSPísfe1.a ha dado una participa-ción

moral y sin' estimulo para ayudar-la

La Cruz Roja en Méjico tiene V WMéÉmWWMla es tan en su Clara Barton álÉSMlren guerra, que empresa, un campio amplio, peculiar y com- -gloriosa, lia utiliza-

do el espíritu guerrero protectorde la mujer primitiva por sendade amplio y saludable human!tansnio.

lia hecho a la mujer el angeltutelar en el campo de batalla. A

ella corresponde continuar la ta-

rea después de la lucha y recogerlas v irtimas del desastre, sin dis-

tinguir al amigo del enemigo. Selia colocado cu sus manos el her-ni- ..

v., trabajo de salvación yse. le ha delegado

la tacna de prevención, que es la Cuerpo de Ambulancia de Sanihíih grande de todas. Juan, pasando en revista ante elOrigen de la Cruz Roja. Rey de Inglaterra.

F.n donde quiera que la guerra tamenaza a alguna nación, el pen-

samiento c vuelve lacia la pe-

queñafué al frciUcarcdñicnzar el con-flictoRepública le Suiza, cu don-

deentre el Norte y el Sur; y

vivió el hombre de paz que vis-

lumbropor su indominablc voluntad, su

la necesidad de las fuerz-

a-valor frente a los peligros y difi-

cultades,de alivio, c ojito también las de su ternura y compasión,pilca, llenri Dunant, fundador de ganó el lugar de Ta fama heroica,la Cruz Roja. Esta institución a la (pie siempre sobrevivirá.mide pleito homenaje a la patria La Srta. Hartón fué la que en-

trevioilr mi fundador, porque is el re-

verlola posibilidad de Emer-

gencia,"un trabajo ganización y que usaba la bande-

rael cuerpo dc"Mujcres de

de la Cruz Blanca sobre un más amplio en el objeto de la ins-titución

sin permiso pero surgió la dis-cusión

que cuenta con cerca detampo rojo, que es el emblema de ; y debido a sus esfuerzos de si la bandera podría' dos miL Cuando formó éste sula Confederación Suiza. en el campo de batalla su noble demandar respeto de los regimiento, haceapepas tres años,

Fué una terrible escena, des-

puésempresa fué ampliada hasta pres-tar

beligerantes. muy lejos de su imagina'ción esta-bade la batalla de Solferino, en auxilios en tiempos de incen-

dio, Til asunto fué arreglado satis-

factoriamente.que verían servicio en un cam-

poItalia, en junio de 1859, que fué inundaciones, peste y hambre. Disparar sobre la de batalla, puesto que ningunallevada ante el filántropo llenri La Cruz Roja fué organizada cn Cruz Roja se consideró como- la nubccilla' bélica se levantaba en elDunant la ingente necesidad de l'JO.V. delmayor cobardía, pueáto que aque-

lla'horizonte, Najo Ja dirección

la formación de una fuerza huma-

nitariaHace dos añosMa Srta. Hartón hace el papel de bandera de .Gral. Brigadier F, Elbert Davis,

pie reparara la inevitable rindió la jornada ; y el nombre de parlamento; y, aunque existen hicieron ejercicios militares, mondevastación de la guerra. Cinco . la Srta. Mabel Hoardman, de tiui wis luuuikiuiii: luiiii'iu taron a caoano, cargaron en. ca-

millasaños más tarde, en 18(11. por el Washington, es,' por ahora, el que, con respetó al tratamientoijui;

debido a heridos imaginarios,Tratado internacional de la Cun-

tíestá más identificado la ins-titución.

con al enemigo, no hay que .vacilar en apredieron a entablar huesos, co-

locarrenda ilc Ciénova, la Cruz Roja todas las demásque su obra es benéfica para todos vendajes, yvino a la vida: y ahora da la vuel-

taComisiones de ayuda. los que necesitan sus buenos ofi-

cios.operaciones de "primera ayuda,"

for todo el mundo civilizado. Se organizan tres comisiones: y también ellas están listas paraLa eficiencia de las enfermeras la de Guerra, la Nacional y la In-

ternacional.Además de las que portan el cuando el clarín las llame. P. C.

diestras, es anterior a la fundación emblema de la Cruz Roja, existe M. y W. X. y B., la Cruz Roja en muchos años, Lvn la primera división, por me-

dioaunque es digno de notarse que en de sus afiliaciones con la Aso-ciaciónel tiempo en que llenri Dunaut Nacional de Enfermeras,

prov citaba evitar las terribles es-

trilashay 20,000 enfermeras tituladas,

registradas en el campo de listas para entrar al campo deba-tall- a, - '

batalla de Solferino, el trabajo que para ir detrás de las. tropas ;BMMWWSFlorence Nightingale hizo en la a la primera noticia. Des.dc en-

tonces,guerra de Crimea, empezó a ser la formación de la Cruz De un antiguo cuadro repre-

sentandoconocido por todo el orbe. Roja sigue de cerca a los regí- - a Florence NightingaleFlorence Nightingale fué la pri-

merav mis enfermeras durante la. gue-

rraenfermera eficiente y la ins-

piraciónde Crimea.

para todas las mujeres La Doctora Anita McCce yque acudieron a su llamado. listado de enfermeras americanas

Debido a otra interesante coin-cidencia,

en lloroshtma (Japón), W JiieS' Tíl 'tXL l',icado- - Se conserva en la memo- - MHHVla muerte de la noble da-

ma Mfl Wm rui de ,muclios un inaneme-qu- KMWy la de llenri Dunant, Ocurrie-ron

v maFJ t IHPPIMiflWSiMItfjíDHw de reciente, interés en este mo- - Hlen el mismo año (11)10), con V-- W'M ílAzth TW mcnto- - Se refiere al llevar la oan- -' , lKdos meses de diferencia. ,. Ahfesl ' t? tW& la.qru Roja a la. guerra ML.Desde el tiempo de su trabajo V

X-- -4. ?Jfflt& A- mexicana, cuando la guerra ver- - 0íñt?activo y de su espléndida gencro-sula- d. l

para dar la suma de ?250,-iHi- o

obtcnida'por ella, gracias a undonativo del gobierno para el sos-

tenimiento de una escuela de en-

fermeras, Éfj3PÍWel trabajo de la GnusRoja se ha desarrollado en lo queun escritor llama "una obra bené-fica suprema y un llamamiento-cniioblcccdor.- "

Dos heroínas de la guerra.Al mencionar la Cruz Roja en

Page 5: Se Pague Más

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SCORE IMPORTANTGERMAN CRUISER FLYING TURKISH FLAG. Mystery surrounding the Turkish cruisers Midilli and Yavanz, formerly the German cruisers Breslau ER OF NORTHERN ARMY;

ONIN BATTLEVICTORY and Goeben, has been partly cleared by unverified reports that they, have been attacked by the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. Our photograph shows the CONVENTION STILL ISTHE RIVER VISTULA. Goeben, now the Yavanz, anchored in Turkish waters, flying the Turkish colors from her mast. The two cruisers, after being bottled up in the Darda AWAITING ARRIVAL OF

nelles by the French and English fleets were sold to the Turks. It has been charged that they are manned by German naval officers. Copyright by Inter'By the AttoctatcH Preit GENERAL ANGELES WITHLondon, Oct. 23. The Oermans havo un-

dertakennational News Service.

a general offensive movementalong tiro line from tho mouth or the river efforts ror an adjournment or a recess until STEEL TIIL'.HT SUIT. ZAPATA DELEGATION.Yaer on tho North Sea, to tho river Meuse, RAILWAY HEARING ENDS after' eviction. FINANCIAL FORGES LILLE IS MASS OF RUINSand whllo they have compelled tho allies Gentral exodus of members of both honses Special Asslslsnt lo Attorney General Con-

sumesto Rive ground in tome places they continued todsy' until, tho house hid flf- - Dsy In Argument.have lost positions- In others. This, Arguments Will Be Heard Next Week and leen memoers present on a roil can, neany

Bu the Attoctated Pro German llumbirdmrnt Hate Completely By the Auoclatcd Prtttin a few words, Is what la gathered from Early Decision Is Exprcled on Eastern



orpresent,a quorum,




a STEADILY AT WORK Phlladclphls, Oct. E. Collón, Wrecked I'renrh City, and It Is Washington, OcL a. General carranza isofficial reports' coming this evening from Application lor Higher Rales. ouorum. special assistant to the attorney general, Now In Ashes. wining to retiro from tho post or chiefthe French and the German headquarters. .Senator Clarke or Arkansas', president pro took un tha entire dav In the federal dis

The German attack today was particularly trict court here giving reasons why the merum o In Mexico City, provided Generalicm. 01 ma penile snu one or tne cnamsevero In tho wesuwhero their rlgh wing, Bu the Attaciated Prttt Moris or cotton lrglilstlnn. gave up In de ALL THE PHOni.EMS LOOMING LARGELY dissolved

L'nlted States SteelIt

Corporationviolates the


be Bu the AuoeialtJ Press Villa Is not Instrumental In procuring bisstrongly reinforced by fresh troops, 'at-

temptedWashington, Oct. S3. "It it Is right for spalr. After characterising further efforts UPOX THE FINANCIAL ; HORIZON

oecauselaw; as charged by tho govern London. Eng., Oct. S3, "Lltile Is resignation. Ho sisó wishes to be as-

suredan' advance against the Belgians, the government to shield the railroads rrom or ms colleagues 10 ootain- - rciier as "grana ARE ABOUT SOLVED. ment. It did not agree wiih counsel ipr mass or ruins and Mhos," ssys the Dally that his retirement will not meanwho aro holding the tilles' extremo left the effects or the war; ir If Is right ror stand playing" and a "vaudeville perform the that the. formation of the steel Telegraph's Boulogne correspondent, who tire ascendancy of General Villa.

anee" lm left the cltv. Vico lTwldent Mar '

This left rests on tho coast and is sup-ported

the . government to mako good the losses corporation was me natural outcome of This oxplaiiatlon of General Carranza'sshall having left Washington several days left that city "OnNew York and Condon Will on Wednesdsy. Mondayby English 'and French warships of people in different Industries, I am It for some raember

Stock Exchanges COROlllops in mn iron, aim sicei irme posltlou pude Informally at Mexico City,going., to .PjrjBpGse a measure ihaLJKUlXS- -

ago.- - necessarypreside tomorrow; ' V

no upen uuill Alie new iearjnui to 1001 Whetr was d evening numbers of Germain entered the was received by tho American governmentCollon Exchanges Are to Resume, m New Jersey, He reiterated the town. The bombardmenthnt'.,iin(tln treim nllnt tnmAWhftn quiru every ucn m luwa iu lay an egg senator ciarte ion witn tne secretary or contention .that the combina-


ceased, but dig bore todsy. Uehcral Carranza ludlcattfii

In the vicinity or Dlxmude southward to every dsy, If she falls to do so, that the the senate a signed blsnlc appointment of a government's.was brought into existence by the five tant firing was still heard south or the his willingness to have tho convention re-


La Daseeo canal. Each sido clalrris suc-cesses,

government shall make up tó, the owner c.ffloi'. ' BU the AuoMtUi Prett roups of interests ncauca oy ino taie 1. luwn unui o'cock in ine morning. that both ho and Goners! Villa glvo

but tho French alone admit that or, that hen the value or the egg she did Representative Henry or Texas, leading. wsihington, OcL si Financial forces or f "About midnight the news wss given out way lo a neutral ror lbe provisional presi- not lay." too cotton supporters in the House, rerused ine government, tho wisdom or some or tne Mr. Colton argued that there was sharp that tho white flag had been hoisted on thoin places they have been compelled ' various oners of compromiso msde on both town hall, but at 9 o'clock firing recom-

mencedmost prominent men in me American nanaThis statement was made by Clifford competition among tne strei companies nu In tho meantime, howeter, official re-

portsfall back. siacs or- me mo no and continued ror over threo hours.auring asycspuoi lng world and tha friendly counsel or rep absorbed by the big conSituation Little Changed. Tborne, counsel for several western state frustrated an 'effort or Majority Leader Un rescntaltves of orcst Britain ' wero turned tn ihov


creation of the steel corporation Evidently the French were miking a last to tiro department told or the advanceGenerally, however, .there is little or no rsllroad commissions and shippers' assocta- derwood to sPcure 'an adjournment or the today .toward a solution of the problem or cern. attempt on tha border town, unfortunately northward or ceral thousand Carranzaa outcome' cunuiuuui.

change In tho situation, the lines swinging tlons In presenting tho shippers' side of lower nouse.wmcn wouia nave auuwea ma a readjustment or the foreign exchange mar- - wss not natural without success. Later mimic waa heard. troops. This was explained by Carranzaand swaying as they have done for weeks. tne case at tne hearing before tne inter passage of some of tho pending cotton bills, Koi to meet conditions wmcn nave arisen as TEXAS LIQUOR MEN HARD "IT. The oermas entered the town to tho tuno representatives as Intended not ror pur-

posesmonths since state commerce- commissioner on the insisting upon tho consideration or his plan a conscauence cf the Euronean "war. or flfo and drum. Tho troops were sink or attack, but for precautionary de-

fenseIt is now just twoAlthough

concentrated on the n application of eastern railroads ror a gen for a 1100,000,000 bond issue to. relieve n For. more than three hours the federal New Revenue Law Increases Their Taics ing hymns. Most of them were very guy In caso the convention came to nothe allies reserve board, sir oeorge rush and nasll smuKcu Dig uiacK cigars as tneyfrontier to oppose the German ad- - eral Increase tn freight rates. Breaker Clark advanced a proposal wbere- - 0. Ulackett. renretentlnsr tbe English treas 1370,010 Per Annum, marched along. agreement and Villa moved bis forcea south

vanee, and the invaders have been almost Tho, .bearings came to an- end today and ny tne pending Dim woum nave neen nuuo ury, and some of tho best known bsnkers finrrial Wire to The Times "Meanwhile aeroplanes flying the German ward.S to Taris and back In the Interval, 09 de-

cisivearguments will be heard next week with thr first business to come before congress In New York discussed the situation in all Austin, Tex., Oct. xl, Texas breweries flag riew ahead or tho columns snnouncing Csrranza's attitude toward' the convention

battle has been fought. Neither side every .indication or an early decision by when It met tn December, but Representa-tlv- u Its aspects. and other Texas concerns manufacturing to the city Its occupation by tho Oermans. has kept tho delegates In suspense. Gen-

eralshas destroyed, or even partly destroyed an the commission. The presentation or the Henry rejected this. According to tliose present, there was not Intoxicating liquors will be affected by the At daybreak tho Inhabitants began to leave, Obregon and Monro went to thiEven the Belgian army escaped al-

mostcase or the opposing counsel occupied less Another proposal, that congress recess and a note or pessimism hesrd to mar tho har-

monynew war revenue bill, which passed con-gress

for the most part fleeing toward Houbalx. capital two days ago to persuade Carranzaarmy.was over-

runthan two hours against rive days occupied come back arier election to pass me couon of the conference, and thero was Thursday to the extent or an annual Tho i who traveled to Boulogne beard re of ihe futility or opposing tho wishos or thoIntact after' that countryby counsel ror the carriers. bills, came to nsuiht. every reason to believe tonight that all the Increase in revenue tat or 370.030.80. The ports later that the Germans the next day convention. Guneral Felipe Angeles basby the Germans, Tne- - same can be Representative Henry said tonight that, problems which loomed so large on the tsx provides for an lncreaso or fifty cents commenced withdrawing rrom Lille.

said or operations. in the east, where the Mr, Thome claimed that no business do hiving given up hope of obtaining any cot-ton

financial horizon a few months .ago will be barrel on beer and other fermented "Whoever holdsgone lo Cuernavaca to Invite General Zapati

Lille.armies or Russls, Germany and Austria are presslon had been shown by the railroads reliar legislation Immediately, he would solved without great difficulty. iquors. The ssle of revenue stamps In wrecked


It Is a lo send delegates. He Is reported to havn

righting, except in the case or Lleutcnant-Oencr- that did not equally arrecí tne snippers. propose tomorrow that the house recess ror Here are tbe salient points discussed In Texas st the old rate or one dollar per bar-rel

work-- nr have

Thcompletedrllv'a ttlt.i.A.1

the secured Ihe promise of ttra southern chiefSamsonoff, the Itusslan commander Counsel ror all other shippers joined in the tnree-os- pcrioas umii aner 1110 cieciion. the conference and the results anticipated. tier year for the last fiscal year qusrter. Including the station, prefecture Iu send twenty-fou- r representatives. The

whose army was partiany aestroyeuij ic statement. He reiterated hiswould

declarationbe blocked.

that any at-tempt

American bankers stand ready to pay their amounted to i7io,on.c-i- and most Important commercial houses. convention Is awaiting the return of tblsGermans In the battle of Lannenberg, East Arguments will begin next Thursday to adjourn uuiiKiuuin ui r.ugiiuu in cuii. ine fiuu, were prey 10 ine names. mission boforo transacting important busi-

ness.morning and probably will be concluded 000.000 gold pool already formed and im. "Tho rlre raged most rierrely along thePrussia, Friday. NEARS END000x100 raised by a New York syndicate- to WATCHING EVERY MOVE Rue dea Perces, De L'Hospltal, Militare and Official reports show that the Mexico CityCARMANRussian Score Victory. CASE meet New York city's obligations probably Du Plat. Among tho buildings destroyed

In the present battle on tho river Vis-


The carriers closed their case with the will suffice to satisfy England. Payment of cewspspers are publishing editorials at-tackingwere tho Grand hotel, the Lvceo and the

rrom Warsaw south to the river Píll-


testimony or Samuel Rea, president of tho mi loin may 1101 do necessary. Orand pliannare de France. tho purposes and acta or thethe nusslans have scored an Important Pennsylvania system, ills statement roliow.

the Murder of Mrs.The New York and London slock ex

Crest Armies Take Advantage of Slightest "wnen tne oermans entered they organ-ized

gathering.ed iclosely the Unes or previous evidence Woman Charged With changes will not be opened, possibly, bevictory In driving the Oermans back and Know Her 1V..L'..., .1 In. Italnl In a fire brigade and sent for sld toLouise Bailey May fore the beginning or lvls. a conference bebesides offered and bis crosseiamlnatlon wai Tuurcolng. The local firemen earlier had ARMISTICE ARRANGED; NO (,

have captured many prisoners guns i'ale Tonlflhl. Enemy' Line.twoen committees or tbe twobrief. exchanges 'been discouraged rrom theammunition. But the defeated army, righting flames MORE FIGHTING AT NACO.and Louis Brandéis, special couasel for the win cunsiurr reopening oeiorcnana. oy reason or ino uanger or Herman aliens,when it gets back to Its selected position, The federal reserve board to hasten. con which killed the fire Bu the Allocated Prttt

be entrenched and start another siege commission, drew Mr. Ilea's attention to Bu the Anocialtd Prttt slderatlon or the proposed cotton, loan fundcaptain and three Nace, Ariz., Oct. 23. A truce waa declared


likn that on the river Aline In France. the decision or the commission in the Mineóla. N. Y.. Oct. J3. Mrs. Florence plan designed In part to give bottom to Ihe ii.ri. un nVitrhlnr riel! other's men.Several or the historic monuments of lale today between the Carranza garrison

southward or the Píllela the oermans stii original i per cent case, which pointed out Conklln Carman, on trial In the supreme cotton market. every move tn order to tske advantage of the city were bit bv shells and oihera de at Naco, Sonora, and tbe Villa attackers.hold tho river Vistula, except in rront or Its Inability to see the Justice or raising court here for

knowthe murder

her rateor


tomorrowLouise The cotton exchanges In New York, New ine Silgóte! weaaness ai any ikjiiii, mo stroyed by tbe flsmes. Among tbe many Pending the final solution or Ihe peace .rates on freight shipments to conduct the Dalley, may Orleans and Liverpool tn be opened aa soon continued violent attacks andarmies damaged ehurchei.-tin- t orfortress at invangorod, where they night. Her counsel snd District Attorney great SL Maurice suf-

feredproblem by tho convention at Aguasthe Tbe New Yorktraffic shown to be at as possible, exchsnge prob lilt andpassenger operated m.inu. aitika ihrfiiifi-hnti-t most, both naves being destroyed. General mil andattacks rrom that luu, callentes. Benjamin Gov-ernor

back by Lewis J. smitn inrormea juiuco will conferwere qrlven sbly through a committee withstronghold. a deficit. II. Kelby at the close or the proceedings the Liverpool exchange before such action today, according to statements made by "Few or the Inhabitants of tho city had Maytorena will suspend hostilities.

"Has anything occurred alnce that nil much Idea or what tha situation was. forAustrian which was so often today that they would complete tbelr cues Is taken. onicers ana uiuciai inims nun, The Maylorena troops sre now retreatingThe army, most or them kept closely to theirlng which, in your, opinion, Justifies Its before the recess tomorrow. or tbe battle line. These cellars.

described as routed and destroyed tn Urn noon A committee, consisting or Benjamin vsrlous sections "A parly of German uhlans rodo Into to a point 33 kilometres south.. modincation now?" Mr. arandela asked. The entire afternoon thus will be left ......t. axa nnt mrtmrt inv nntlrahlttof Oallcla, has sprung into life Strong. Jr., A. II. Wlggln. James Brown or Lille unopposed last Saturday, but while pesce Commissioner Ramon Sosa frombattles "Nothing that I know or," admitted Mr, for the aummlns- uo. which probably will New York, Governor Hamlin although the antesand Paul M.again and la attacking the Russian lert occupy three hours and the delivering of or thecbsnge In the positions, demanding hostages or tho mayor they Ihe convention obtained a cessation or

The Austrlans, however, apparently Rea.the charge to tne Jury. The charge is ex-


Warburg reserve board, will bold were conipenea iu give wiy a nine i-- were attacked by French cavalry. The fler hostilities after three days parleying wtthwing. further conferences with Sir"lias there been an Increase In your oeorge Palsh nines muini ui w", mans retired aflrr several had been killed factions. bad1round an impenetrable barrier at the to be brier one. The case there-fore

and Mr. Blackett about detalla the Iisssee, mineen Ihe two Maytorena previouslyhave lacor in mis 7" gf read-justment i.n,.ntlM, .Ian lh ritfhtlnp Wal VftrV About sunset a .oerman shell burst overcnarges penoa retirenorth or Jarosta. should be In the bands' or the jury pe-

roreplan. Any such plan 'would have leadlly agreed to to kilometer 10, butriver San,

claim or victory over the "Not that I recall." nightfall. to be submitted to the British government. stubborn sud the allies gained some moro Ihe town hall, penetrating the roof and had failed to affect any backward move-

mentThe Oerraanfol-


"Haw the prices pf rsllway supplies ad-vanced

Witnesses ror the defense took up a great According to some of those present at the ground, starting a panic In all parts or the city until today,Russlons west orreportedAugustowo,

bySuwaljil,them In the to your knowledge?" part or today's session of court. The de-

fendantconference, the optimism or all present wss Two officers In British uniforms todsy The streets were full of frightened men ''and Strlous admonitions rrom the Unitedrighting "No." submitted to a sesrcblnr cross- - women. A few minutes later a second

and tbelr advance surprising. halted the motors belonging to an ammuni-tion

shell killed boy hla States government, through officers or theOssowltx. her Installation ot a and Injured motherdirection orof Mr. Thome asked If It were not true thai examlnaUon. Explaining Although there was no expression as to convoy as It wss proceeding to tho border patrol here, are reported to havnPrussia Into the province a mechanical -- eavesdropping - uevico in ins tn a street near the prefecture.rrom East how much gold must be actuallythe net revenue or the carriers In 1811 paid to British lines at Armentleres with supplies, o'clock la the convincing argument that movedeast or Suwalkl. with the object Office or her husband. Dr. Edwin Carman, England or transferred to the bank or Eng-

land"By 7 tho evening Ihe bom been

the. Russians to relnrorce had not equalled 7.61 per cent on all out-standing she told how men friends of tier husband branch In Ottawa ll was the "Halt, you are running right into Ger-

manbardment was violent and large numbers the Mexican leaders.of compelling slock. Mr. Rea admitted the bad asked him tn her presence l,ow "all of many or those present tbst little

opinion trenches." was the command given of the populace ried from The Since October J there bas been a bombardregion.their army in thathowever, have figures were correct, sir. Lyon, represent or bis girls" were. Other men, she said, than already has been arranged ror win

morsbo lbe convoy. Museum or Fine Arts and the Hotel Belle, mcnt of Naco. Sonora, which bas been butAll these movements,

no nearer to their ing coal shippers or Pennsylvania, asked If had told her tbe doctor was "a devil wtth needed. The captain in conuiianu tu iu 1. vue fell victims to the names. On Mondsy little less effective agslnst this Americanthe belligerents Ihe elty presented a pltirul sight. Severalbrought the Pennsylvania system has contemplsted the girls." orricers, who were driving a Britishreduction or salaries She admitted ihst she becime suspicious rtLIV MARTINEZ IS AM9VU

two docks of houses warn sealed up. Those town.any to officers and few words bad psssedautomobile. After a Commissioner Sota, after tbe'"The admiralty tonight Issued a report Inthe or Dr. Carman and liad a "mechanical eaves, TEXA.NH NAMED ON RESERVE n tbe center or tha city were a masa of announce

that the cruls-e- r employes to meet emergency, Mr. Rea dropper" Installed In bis office to deter' tbe csptsin noted tbsi tho men who hsd rulos and the suburban ment, said that tbe convention will devote itswhich It was stated qerroan BANK ORGANIZATION HSARD. roads were badlysaid be did not believe be shouldcaptured .thirteen discuss mine whether there, was any truth In tbe issued tbe order spoke with a slight accent, damaged." (Continued on Page i.iKarlsruhe had that subject and ilia question was not reports that had come to her ears. Special irtre fa 7A rimes hi r ti- hla rAtnlvp anil alinttn the Atlantic pressed. Mrs. Carman frequently became confused Washington. Oct. . At the con-

ference both bis supposed comrades In arms. AtCounsel then announced and times hesltsted and renced with of officers and director ofthat the carriers' at sue lime a giniaurun u( ucrmiuthe SsmeGERMAN VSEPPEUNS case was closed and Mr. Thome took lbe the prosecutor. Once she appeared to bo the



reservaand Secretary

baaka withMe. cavalry appeared a shortKdlstanee away, War,News and War MapsrtRLN Tewiseees. on the verge or a breakdown, but ralliedstand to make his statement. Ado, the Texans from the eleventh, Rii.h rant-ki- then ordered thaafter recouse to a sliver flllgreo bottle of'V&3U2StM r tbe smelling salts. When the questioning ended district were assigned to tha follow, truck drivers, móit of whom wero London

CO.VGREHS IN SEHMO.N. lng committees to work out tbe pre-liminary

..... k.rriira tn fllimnnnt withber couniellast raw dsys Zeppellni liare been praclle. she hurried to (est at the tabletne rirlng or torpedoes rrom a great and listened intently while ber little diugh-te- r, organization, plant In read!, their rifles and tUo a position In a ditchlng on Obstructionists Are HUH Frevtattag Body Elizabeth, lei lifted In ber mother's ness for commencement of operations iw Whether It ba war news or war maps, tha Morning Times will aatlarusing as target raTIs floating btside the rosa 10 uticuu iw sumu.height,

the WHaa correspondent from Adjouralag. defense. When tbo aged mother of the de on November 16 Currency, 11. o.German cavalry was about to charge and the wants of tha randera. At Hranch 9, Texaa street, a map showing thator Dallas; bonding


theConstanci.Plly Mall, ssys, "It Is reported the IIll

Washington.the AttotMed


M. Therendant

All ortook


memberstand, aad




Felix Martinez oragents

El Paaoiaad

a detachment oí German Infantry bad ar. part ot Europe where tha armies are struggling la belnx Installed that willdeparture ofresult has been so sewsfaciory that the President Wll-o- n for Pittsburgh lata today, family testified ta be b sir today .ielr legal mstters and procedure, W. F rived on Ihe scene when from tha other ahopr tho movements of the troops and alno tha! naval situation. It la as yetGerma eutfeorltlci ara equipping a tlet where be wnl address a Y. M. C A. cele stories were corroborative and each McCaleb or San Antoolo and . j, sloe a French battalion appeared. A sharp only partially completed, but there are crowd- - In front of the map through,

with tubes .aad torpedo an bratlon brought to end talk dealed there was even Wm smallest Culberiaon or Paris: officers suertera flgbl followed and Ihe Germans retiredof íeppeiws tomorrow, an Oscar Wells of Houe out the day, a lata electric reflector also shows tho map to advantage atperatue which will be ready tn a few which .developed during the day that ex-

traordinaryparticle .or truth In tho story told by- - celia and equipment, with heavy losses.Coleman, the servant who gave testimony ton mechanical, devices, E. 0. Tesutti that the night.In naval attack tn conditions under which con-

gress Tbe allied commanders agreedmonthsNorth

tosea." found llseir unsble to adjourn, might on Thursday Intended to connect Mrs. Cab-


dsy'a fighting was favorable 10 tbelr troops, The war news In the paper, whether It be from Mexico or Kurope,the be met by the president proroguing con-

gress.directly wtth the murder of Mrs,

riVE-ISO- l RAIN since it was proved that ability 10 with- - alwaya Mre) In the Morning Times, and the mapa will be kept up to data inbailey.

t LUOOa SAN ANTONIO, t.p. fr.,, and rortnlilihla shocks from the aame'way, A Times reader may easily determine the auperlority of TheSTATESI NTTCD While congress was tied up by tho lack Another witness was Ferdinand N. Mor-ton,PHOTElttH StUZURC of a quorum, cotton belt senators and rep-

resentativesa negro lawyer who waa employed to U PEOPLE. the powerfully reinforced German army with Tlmea by notlnsr the special telegraphic newa from the ataff correspondent.

Prttt tonight made a- vain appeal to gel a statement from Celta Coleman ror B f AuotMtd Presa out percepnwij si.ui , .., mj John W, Roberta and James V, lleddlag. and then reading-- the regular telaVas&goui. Oct, soThe L'nlted States the president tor aid 10 compose the sit-uation,

the district which statement waa arierward San Antonio, Tex., Oct S3. A. five, have adianced somewhat at various PomU grapRlo In The Times tne day following. Each day tne aispatcneatodsy protested to Onset Britain against the by securing cotton reller and clear-

ingturned over to tha defense. In tlds state-ment

loch ram in less than three .hours to. n .K. .ilnllv at liru lhd forclna- - reportaseizure or the pistura, a tank gteataer the. way for the long delayed final Celia denied she knew anything more day caused a fifteen-foo- t flood la tho of the Germans were again in evidence to from Mexico City confirm what Tho Tlmea prints the day before.

or about tho murder than aba told at the in. San Antonio river here and put theOM adjournment the session.owned by (be Standard company, Bow day, but me invsuers msae no progTcu. f.KT TIIE SUNBAV MORNI.NÜ TIMES.EeoHiad, After again blocking adjournment by ob. quest, when ber story was favorable to San Pedro and San Altan creeke out orIsla.Lewi duel wss exceedingly artillerydetained atractiva tactics the cotton relief air, varuw- - their banks. Thirteen deilhe by The Tlmea, By all means, get your copy of the Sunday Morning

This protest Is Meatiest 10 the one riled era went into conference late In the day Tba maid has declared she Mad at this drowning have beca reported, with In-

dicationsFrench guns silenced Ibrea German batteries

In tbe case or the Brwdllla, held at Halifax. an. decided to appoint a committee to watt bearing because Mrs. Carman bad asked ber that the record will rcack while the damage done to inn allies was Tha magaslno section will be a rare treat In many colora. The comlo auppleN 8d ead requests the 1inmediata releasf upon be president The president, how. to and because aba then fell sorry lor ner seventeen or more. small. ment la the best in the world. It ! made up ror old and young, for menr the ship. ér, when asked ror an Interview stated mistress. Alt lbs drownings occurred la tha - .trr, Hl.inM lh.i lullla tt lha for boy and girls. Each member of the family may be entertainc-4- .According to well Informed opinio bare, Ibat be uas busy ltb an Important tute two (recks, which ruu through Iba i.,.. Minilnunl vlmrAiiala. ParllufP ftoutll The aborting news, society new, local newa ajtst venerat news will all be In

probably will be released department conference and therefore would Motives WeaMwr Vareeaet. city Tbe property dimise Is French and German Infaiilry catue 19vessels tbex bo Di the Tlmea Sundayand tt will be newa and not the ataVaMorningbe unable to meet Ua committee. a tht Afodated Prttt at IfMjttO. The olmos cree, thajlatathe vessels were sellsreports thatout or their Opinion nas general that this would pro-lo-o WaatMna-ton- . OcL H .Arizona Generally which empties Into tbe river north or glosa, quarters




wssi,ftoillvum stswtter contained In the pre.dateet papera from 1a Aelee, Denver or fH.and alecrínf suspiciously the session Indefinitely, .certainly ua fair Saturday asd Sunday. ' tbe city, was a mile out of Its banks clunrtng Xul, which offer the only competition ot the skjdy Horsing Tt I teieraniursd lodsy by tbe French at tbe pointV result la Ivroof tfea-- t ttteyregular course M after lb eteetteas. tboucfe administra-Mo- a Weat Tesas and New Meijeo-Lo- cal rates and reached Ma big best siega ta tbsrw

were aafd M uaaewie-a- l serrtee. te , tangía t ceaMeue toaaeffow SU urea, away ytabtMy fair. year. M Uta bayonet. WTliPry SH HIIKI IIMHI SVV SBIttXS ItMUU..

Page 6: Se Pague Más



EL PASO MORNING T1ME1 Saturday, OctaW 24. I9Í4.

lo reeognii It ih sovereign power In by news of art official eharaeier tomín though men! of thlr shall flow round

CARRRNZA WOULD Mexico. from Mexico Cliy to the effect that Mr. BATTLE WITH GERMANS and casi thrtpnel bullen tbOut ut.Villa Denounce Carrania. carrania, as nrtt ewer or the constltu "Th enemy fired mtny torpedoet, one

The general today, I am told, gave vent Honshu army ami In .Charge of eieeutlve Of them mitting the Undtunted't alera byta hia reel nis arainst carrania in I an power, doei not rtcogniio the sovereignty Bfitíth otllrer Tells Story st the ftfatia only a fow yards. Fortunately we saw

STARVE AMERICANS gusre plainer than be ever used in my or tne convention now assembled st Aguas ot tour German vaoveit oír th bubble It mad ta II approached tnd Meatpresence, denouncing the aged leader tor callentes. liulrh Coast neetatly, thus avoided th fate Of tM Aboukar (a Specials!insincerity and duplicity in his dealing "I believe Mr1. Carrañti, aside from an DrlUsb cruiser tunk recently by S Germanwith the men whose 'bravery on ih field esaggeratea iaee or ms own importsnrx submarine.) '

rinsr cmkr Ht4 Mhict embargo or battle had placed mm in tne position be and ability, forgets that the position lie An tti JttBflálrá PttH ' "An hour and btlf after the Germannow occupies. now ne London, Oct m.) The first were lighted, tit waa over with them sndon jflirtT.. i w iuuu iu occupies owes entirety to the cr

VEIL. CHLX Carrania, according to ovnerat Vim; was rorU and srlflel bt those who, after sood .description or the tea right last Sat th order wag given to tar lit." rig Pork, Lg OOl-- . ll Taney Oven Roast 'ítÍAenthusiastically In favor of a convention tne eFbruary, 1013, uprising, overthrew the urday which resulted In lhe sinking of four toast, lb.... (German style) lb.... Cand promised lo loyally abide by Its German torpedo boat destroyers orr thetyrant iiueria by force or arms, WAFtrtlNCJ NATIONSWM'I Eves Allow Meslem rrmr lo Rrlsg ñuten coast by the tirititn cruiser un Baby Veal Bhoulder, ir Baby Veal 1Cwhen he thought that the convention "ir It Is a ract that ws st that time at MUST HAVE .".CE.mutt or ursnprs io mnn LMC wluCHela

Kipsby' Amrrltsss. ii 101X1 composed of men, the majority ecpted the plan of Ouadalupe, It It also dtimted. tnd the lorpedrt boil deilroyert

bv tht AuncliUd Trrté Itoastlb fltew, lb. ,Lance, Legion and Loyal, is glvtn ,ior whom would be nit own creatures and a ract mat tuts was none ror tne soli mir Lennox,

Manchester, ft, II., Oct M. Th tlrM ttwho would carry out bla every desire. pose or imlfrlnr the movement acalnal by an officer or the Undaunted.

Sy Timet Special eorrfipoheV Arter agreeing to the plan of Torreón In tne usurper. "When heading northward," lbs officer not far distant, Secretary of tbo Navy

Ulivoston. TCI., uci, mu carmín, which the bails or representation was lostld, "we taw tho smoke of four Oerman Dtntelt told an audlenc hr to-

day, Extra Special-Saturd- ay OnlyUnible lo indues the Amnion garrison to decided upon, Carranu sought by therower leno Carrasrs. vettelt. The eaptiln Immediately ordered when the warring powers Of Kurop

letve Vera crux. I now Irjrinr w turve or state governors rrom civil lireExercising the tame runts by which ut to Clear ror action snd to chase them, must heed th peace propottlt Of Ih

1h American! lath newt brought front had author sea Mr. carrania to ha We Steamed a loo speed With the d The tender ot good offlcet, Orado Cured Hamtlmat port br Colonel 1. M. litln. who and generáis who never imellcd powder chief at that time, we now may substitute United Slates. High Sugar guaranteed; 99J.gof to secure an Overwhelming majority in the ttroyert In pursuit of tho oermant. tt he said, was still open. ..2Chere Tuesday on tlx ateamer City ror mm in mat nign orneo some man 10 to 14 lbs. average!, pef Ihunforgettable sight, our nerveTimpieo. uoionri uain is me owner ui gathering, which he called to meet at Mex-

ico whom believe wat an Speaking on "The Spirit of tha Wilsonwe capable of themeetinglarge plantation In the auto or onici. City October I. wero strained tnd everybody wit keen ti Administration," he characterised thatnecessities or .the moment and"Wo roodstutrs tre shipped Into r This convention met, continued (Jeneral capable or musitrd over our lucx. Spirit aa essentially one of pctcCrut, becsus Genersl Carranta will not uniting the different ractlona now existing "Th uermant turned about tnd ried, butVilla, and the men. the civilians Upon whom íe Dresaetl Tsarkers, BroiW, Dttcka aitel Hnllow It." Mid Colonel Daln. "Persons re Carrania had depended to carry tout Ma in tne repunue, wnicn it the crying nen we hid the advantage in speed snd soon bCLGIAN MINISTERnol even allowed

frontto carry


basket ornlll, promptly Wealrto "ashamed or them-selves

of the present. they were In rang of our bow ADDBKSBtg TROOPS. Nerw York Oys4rs Bkra Pekts, Sfaell Oysíer.ororante egg, "it is precisely by virtue or this power themtelvei thfsrmi. I underliaod that the Mexicana and voted almost to a man that they that the convention chtsen. Seeing cornered, 6 th Áfoclateé Prutwill, alter doe dtliouthl they could sttrve out the Amerl' had no place In gathering or the kind and Oermant tlttred iholr court to gel s bet-

torHavre, via rant, Oct. i)-- cannondecida what the beat--n, All rood aturra are shipped into Vera withdrew, leaving the real delegates to liberation, upon II ttrtteglc position tnd tntwered our

Cru. moitly in army traniporta. adjourn to Aguttetilentes to carry out In form of provisions) government to bring fire, timing ti our destroyers. roared snd shell passid overhetd, Emit Muk DliTJK EealsMnt"Americana In Ver crux re respected patriotic purpose for which Ihey had rough! about peace and constitutional order, whic "Lusty cieert rang from ouf sblpt ss Vsttderveldt, Belgian minister ti llat, d. Oyster

more than any other foreigners. Tnii la and for which Ihey are still willing to Is the supreme desire of all those who th firsfOerman destroyer dlttppttred. Ilvered an addrei of encoangemeat to Paae)rf VAtiliKTJf Vresh Mbstentdue ta the ract that the American añidiera fought against the dictator Huerta.right. A then struck her just below tho bridgeha hMn an well tieluved there, Justice lo th Dolgtan troOpt tt ttleuport tOdty."gnouia Mr. carrañas at this time a BTJTTrt Freah FtHher beam end!Patriotism Watered. tad the toppled ovtr oniiabreakera In Vera crui la the din lo recognise tbe sovereignty of tht M. Vandirveld. who It tin ftepuMlean-Sociali-while herore poor reuow were ioceu up Confronted with a real convention, Ilk s wounded bird, tnd then righted bef--

In the prlaona for montha tnd en yaara patriotism wavered, continued llen-

en!convention he would, by that action, wtih teif to s level witli th turrtee, tnd finally leader, went to KUuport on th

without trial. villa, and he la now, by gravely quoting draw hlmieir from all rltbt to the ariif plunged bow first boneaiu th waves. it Inviutlon of King Albert. On hit return"Villa la the strongest and moat popular the Plan Of Ouadalupe, in an effort to Justify psthy tnd support of the constitutionalist was an over wun ner in two minute. her he said th Belgltn were full, or 22$ Mesaroan in Mexico today," continued Colonel hla rerusal to carry out his previous army, which Is at tbe present time the 'In lii ttitn one hour after wo had courtg snd determined to fight to tMnam,


respectahe la


lie is eevery-bod-

much declaration lo abide by the decisions 6f sole orgsntted and powerful representative sighted th Oermtns ber second destroyer list. 2576 Avenu0stronger man than Carrania, and whoever the convention and lo retire cheerfully to or tne rights or tne Meiirta people. wts out or action, une was toiat ror M. VaAdarvtldrt ifleotlnr With Kin Al

la Chosen president, Villa will likely be private lire If t majority of the delegates Army Only Hope ol Republic. and afl, showing what the fearful shell brt today wsl bit first. II ttld that thSat the head or the army and will díctale so decreed. Carrania, declared the angry "The army wnicn rougnt tne dictator too wora. was ooing. Al ono soon mi ur. ruler't manner was most tlmpl and afmore or lesa to the president. Mexico northern commander, Is carried away by drove blm from the shores of Mexico, ti the funnels, bridge, torpedo tubes aad rabie, na added ineeda strong-- , young and brave man like bla uncontrollable ambition, his supreme under present conditions, tho only power deck fittings til dlttppttred like rnlglc. "Th Socialista tupporí tM governmentVilla tt ibis time." admiration tit what he la pleased lo term that can brlnr Mace In the renubllc, which W actually patted over th toot where because they are derenamg their nometColonel Oaln said be was much surprised statm Weatheh bureau daily blxletlv.when he returned to hia lit plantation Us own dignity, and he will hesitate at can offer guarantees or protection! to na the first vessel wat tunk and for the tptc Thev tr toral to trié nmwiaad." umtbothree weeks ago to rind so Iitila or hla nothing in order lo perpetrate hla rule on lives snd foreigners elide, and which can or a couple of seconds, at we tore through The nelglta mlnlsttf of war rtmilni al Observailoas Takes at t p. m.. 7ith Meridian Time, Oct. 3, damaged. the Mexican people, t navo long tríen carry on the administration or the- nation'! the water al a rate) of more thin 30 knot, puniir. VeAltsl.

"There was no wanton destruction," aware or this stale or amirs, but It ha affairs until such time st tranquility la we ttW tho poor wretchet floating about, --Temperaluro Wtód taitónslated colonel nsln. "1 have a beautiful been my earnest desire not to appear in restored and tho léilslstlve snd executive dinting to charred and blackened debris DAY'S SUMMARY veiocny iiitxthome on the banana plantation. Mtnougti tiio light of dictating to the army or to power Is turned ovar to the Constitutionally tnd other wrtcktg. It Wat a pltltbl - Highest last State or . Dl- - per bours.all uselul nicles were


TheI round

mirrorathe the people, and I hesitated long and ac-

ceptedelected representatives or the people, tight, but we btd two mors combatants OF EUROPEAN WAR I p.m. today, night weather. recuon. hour. Inches.


In perfectand the c was Just with patience the most flagrant in-

sultsGuadaliina Plan Net Sacred. to put out or action and wero rorced td Abilene ....... eo sj &a cloudy K 8 1 1J3

were Amarillo 50 66 M nain Kv It 3.1as I had left It. in tbe pope that Carranca would no aaeredness sttsehes to the nun or speed along and try tnd forget the sight Atler days óf Incessant Untiling, Atlanta, 1 es ti Cloudy Ni .01

"Business conditions are gradually Im-

provingfinally awaken from his stupidity and ouadalupe. it wat s plan adopted itfdaya " tne secona snip, sun mass ui iitrac, dents hive at last Peen made Id tnit poise, idtho Sg 62 38 Clear NW

in Mexico now. Until rcreu recognlta conditions as they exist. or stress snd turmoil and liss served Its had tunk to the level of th water and part or the battle line which his beenBoston .,i,i, a 63 0 Clear S

has been Impossible, to gel any freight can Sllll Patiently Waiting. purpose well, but when It Is sought to bo e soon had the remaining two holed and run virtually straight north and south Chicago ....... M 64 53 Clear Eto the plantation, but during the past week I am still waiting patiently for the (rem Ypres, In Belgium, to tbe bend Cincinnati .. M 74 S3 Clear 8E

carloads or con-vention

used ror tne purpose or maintaining any mtlmed. TlWlf tiring wat very poor la the elbow la tbe vlelatly ot lbnut sixhave been shippingwe to act, continued the general, and man In power against the will or tho people Denver .. st ss. M nam rtwto the City or Mexico. 1 terest of Alone, in rrtnee.bananas day 64 Pt. S....... 60 73 Cldy.

understand rrom railroad men that the rail-road

I am stilt hoping that carrania may be and tho best interests or tne reouDiie. it Just ahort distance abev 11 coa-


Minn. 44 60 48 Clear WWbusiness In Mexico la showing marked brought to a realization of his own un-

fitnessIt subject to chant St thO will or th lillerl nr. fleneral Vllti'i Jlnes ceases at this Ha curves Ilk aa Inverted EL

puiutn.PASO 6 70 47 clear K

Improvement." for the position he occudIm. but representatives or the people. Zacatecas, where tbe cart tre ttken from letter "S". the allies havlag pushed oalvetton ..... 74 70 68 clear KColon. I Haiti Is optimistic In regard to tr this Is Impossible 1 will cheerfully lesd 'We heartily endor the principle enun ine trim ana reiurnea on norwoounu irami. back the Germ tas al lb east ot Havre, Mont. . 46 .. H clear BE

the prospects ut permanent peace In Mexico my troops again every force that the elated anew by that great statesman, The. Pullman do not enter Carrania terri-tory

la in endeavor to prest on to jacksonvlll ,. 68 78 64 Clear REin the near ruture. lie (aid there is no would-b- e dictator can bring against them. wondrow Wllaon, and accepted by noted from the north. Lili, and the Germans hiving forcea Little nock ... 72 78 6 PL Cldy. NE

lert in the country to carry on any the allies lo give around around La Clear amoney I am tired of blodshed, hut Carranza Los Angelas .. 76 84 64will publicists ss In perfect harmony wi t.more revolutions and thai the people have PHESIDKVT VILLAIIEAL AGAIN Basaer, probably hoping lo oblaba eon-tr- Nashville 70 ' 78 M Clear NEhad enough trouble and did not desire any M more than tired when the fighting la demncrstie Ideals, that Is, that when i rncsniixa ovsn co.nveatioiV. ot Belhuno, an Important rail-

road Mew Orleans . 74 78 68 Pt. Cldy. NEmore. over. people expresa their desire for a certain center about seven miles due New York ..., 63 66 48 Clear St

till! Easily Exterminated. reform, as In tho present casé, that reform by Carlos Arguelles, clilef Of General Vllla't west Irosa La Bastee. That around umana ..,. HUN Cloudy NEpeaklng or General Hill and the righting ahoutd be carried cut, notwithstanding the imormauon aepmrunem, k iuv custi has been won and lost In this olalrlet Phoenix 14 78 60 Ckar Nfren offi-

cii!CARRANZA PREPARES on the Sonora border, Ocneral Villa existence or any laws to the contrary. Oeneral Antonio Villareal, president or the It admittedIIla the latest


r, Rapid City, S e::::: 40 44 44 Cloudy Nreport. seemsthat this was a matter of only minor The people are sovereign, they are the Aguaseailentes conference! had returned to

that either engagement was de-risive,

notweit .... M 64 46 Cloudy NK .03

Importance, ir the the law and fn the people, and St. Louts 73 76 68 Clear N .00convention should rail. crentors t)t as the report declare the ac-

tionsaide over tho meetings when they were re-

openedSalt Lake City BO 68 44 Clear E .ofl(Continued from Page 1.) , ho said, II would be a simple matter to Iholr duly chosen representatives rests the Thursday. He spent the interim of near Le Basses and Arraenlleres, san Antonio . 68 74 68 , Cloudy NB 4.60

bring a force thai would quickly annihilate power or changlrig the law. tho conrerence recess In Mexico City In near Arras, on tbe same Use, a short San Francisco 70 79 to clear werrurls to establishing a stable government Hill, and there would bo little trouble with All Chlrfi Subordinate. with the officials, or tho govern-

mentdistance sooth el La Bassee, eontlau Santa Fe ,.i... 43 48 so nam n

In Sonora. Carranclita forces on the northern border. The constitutionalist army is the crea at that place. with greatttut.violence. la tact,

speakingthe re-

port tbe Seattle .. 6 68 48 Pt. Cldy. Tf

The Hill partisans, however, rear that the Elderly Awaiting Angeles.' tion of the people, formed for the pürpo alluitlonaays,


41 iho War front Washington ,., 68 66 64 Clar NEGeneral Alvaro Obregon and the other Car- - on psrt Wichita, Kan. . 68 74 60 Pt. Cldy. NEuncontrollable Yaqul Indiana will disregard General rcilpe Angeles' and the delegates or driving a tyrannical sdmlntttratton rrom remains tne same,

tpf peace terms. representing Oeneral Zapata, twenty four the nation's capital and restoring peace rantsMexico

militaryCity arter

aeiegawsthe convention

wuu prucccueutook a re-


u or the tlohllni near th coast, where Yuma 82 86 tt atar N

Nevertheless the Hill rorees hew lert In number, are expected Id reach Annas- - and good government in the republic. a few days tgo had returned to Aguas- - tht British tncf French, naval vesselthe trenches and regard the alege as ended callentes late: tonight and their arrival It When this It dono lhe bower will be sui are endeavorlag to aid th anted mother, jit. arid. Mrs. C. M. Wilson. 1323 ben Wilson nr Chicago and Charles WilsonGermanfor the present at least, being eagerly walled. In the event they aro rendered lo the duly elected representa of a committee to invite Carrania to appear troops In




In Mignolla avenue; sisters, Mrs. Guy Staple-to- n or MUitinn, Coló. ihere to participate the matter or Carranza's lives or the people. Out until the tran- - odiante,

tM report. of Houston, Mrs. Ella Lang, or Engle, Funeral arrangements bar hot yet been ;VILLA IIITT'in IS DIÍNÜNCIATION reslgnalon will be decided upon tomorrow. nullity Is restored, Mr. cerrante and every visional president declined to accept.

Altklreb, ia upper Alsace, a short N, M.. Mrs. L. B. Iliunptttles of El Taso. made, and Will not be announced pending '

OK DUPLICITY OP CAIITtANZA That It will bo promptly accepted no one other chief of tho army Is subordinate to rrmnlr. ftKTH IN distance Irom the Swiss frontier, ba MIts Mirle Wilton tnd Mils Mildred Wil-son,

the arrival of relative, who weronow here seems to doubt. the wilt or tho convention. rnvcltl been taken by the rreneh at th point and brothers. Samnel Wilson or El list night or the tuddea and unex- -


Morning Timas. Any effort of Mr. Carrania to tet him It AD I'OH VILLA. ot the bayonet Bine the outbreak Ftso, Edward Wilson or New Orleans, lieu- - pecied (team of Mitt wilion.Correspondent C0NZALE7. CAltZA INSISTS self un atslnst the will or the convention 0VAe4ocladPrt . , h - t th war this town hs been, theAguascaltentes, OeL 23. General Villi CONVENTION 18 SOVEREIGN. scene ot much fighting aad severalwill bo regarded ss an attempt to estab-

lishf the Mexican embassy heref ant 'spent today at Ouadalupe, some thirty Commenting today on the statement pub-

lisheda government such ta tha revolution ..

ehtfgih.i tharlnpnFlnili hail limes has changed


Germansmiles north of thla city, wliero a large in the Kl l'aso Morning Times or was organised to Overthrow. Such an at-

temptbei'n sppointcd Mexican contul general at fetroorid

Is retreat, andthe,that the torees otlast Tuesday, In which Uenerat Carrania 10 Mr. L'nanl ixn its'in 111 tvnfi n ll nresult in disastercan only Emperor Nicholas hive crested, thforce of his troops are stationed. The gen-

eralIs quoted as declaring that the Aguasea-ilentes

contul general, rell intoCarranza and those, who would Join Willi been acting aj Vistula without resistance.. Thewas In almost constant communication convention has no right to assume him in any audi misguided move. with the carrtnxa government recent-

lyare given credit la the RUsslsd

with his representatives here, almost supremo power nor to desígnalo the pro-visional

Contention a llepretentatlvs One. on account or hit exprcstlont or admira-tion

report for continuing to light stub-bornlymonopolising the telegraph lines to the ex-

clusionpresident, colonel rtoquo Oontalex The convention tt a repretentatlve body. for oeneral Villa. on IM Vliluli, on the Bin and

of other business. Dana, peraonal representative or Oeneral all &J.O0 and south of Prxemysl. No reports wrrIt Is composed or representatives or Th Wilton nsnge, from Austria,I learned tonight from one or Villa In tho convention, nictated and signed received Germany orthe dtrrerrnt dlvlsiona or the army, not up, Laurie iiaraware to., mum um aim and Servia likewise was silent regard-

ingVilla's most trutted lieutenants who reach-ed

the following statement. only tiloso who have Ignored Mr. Carranza, ton. (Advertisement.) tha operations In the south.bore tonight rrom Ouadalupe that the "I cannot conceive how Mr. Carrania but also those that remain under his or-

ders.The British admiralty has Issued.

general la highly incensed with the attitude could make such a statement; but, conced-ing

Kor this reason It Is strong. It con-

trolsstatement saying that tM necessity w Ior Carranza In refusing to atildo by tbo ll to be true, l declaro, in my own the. cntlro constitutionalist army, to use Its warsnlns lor convey duty

will be the majoryy or the convention or behalf. Hut I have been greatly surprised while all that Mr. Carrania can hope ror Amusements havingby like


Britishof Ike.


aided IffJ I llfcVil? fJla tu retain command of tho comparatively rreneU and apáñese nsttes, will now I Basal á T sa s s s i aar- - small rjortlon of tho amir that lias re sesreb th seas In aa endeavor to run r a aa aa a. m'nmifmained under tits orders. (Advertisements)" down the eight or Bin German cruis-

ers,If Mr. Carrania should bersltt In bis AT WIGWAM, Including lhe Emdta snd Karls-ruhe,

"BM-WfilTv- Yr

MODERN WAR PICTURE which have been playing hiVoorefusal to recognise the sovereignty or war"r.iied i,, um reont." the Ensilantho convention and Us power to designate conllict now with the ihlpplng of the allied eoun- -Insist picture pertaining to tho great

A lways on Getting the pirsdn to wield the executive power, going on, win be shown at the Wigwam to- - trGreat Britain ha prohibited tbe. Im-

portation 1such refusal can only result In the division aay oniy. tun ineiuro ymumra ol sugar In order to keepWeil-Know- n or the army and dltaater lo tbo republic England, and tbe movement of troops and The German and .Austrian productMerchandise. kindred of real warfare aro tald ,tqas wen as to i.arranza mmaair. scenet Irom being shipped la tram neutral

Mid mad part ofbo included in the pictureSuch relusal would constitute the great atory. There are acores or sensational Wilson MS. approved theest possible obstacle to the restoration of battle tcenes reproduced slong the lines ot demands

Presidentol the stale depirtment onpeace lit the republic, mean the almost the actual battles described In tho pres Great Br.. tor the release of theInevitable spilling or blood and would Thla picture Is said to bo the Mraniers Platufa

Inand Brlndlil. The

brand the man responsible for It as a most ot Its kind, and it hat been a president look tM position that (very

Don't "Orphan" Brands. traitor to his country who would go down veritable, sensation wherever it ha been right of American shipping must beBuy lu history as ono who had betrayed the abown. There will be no Increase in admis-sion so tre urgedselfish prln s. Those who cauWhole nation to sttlsfy and IgOOBIe

ambition. lo come before 7 o'clock. The Wilson Down-Dra- flange, tM.ór and

on Carrania alone would this terrific frflKTTY GltlL Bt'MiltRM. THEN MARROS3, up. Laurie Hardwaf CO., Nius ana b un-ion.UY1NG an advertised A WOltD TO DBAMJnS. responsibility rest and on his name would (Advertisement.)

B rest tho burden or shame that would ac-

cruek tiirrienerf. Ill.le mnnre'il bull Bets re

article is. in a truo 0Ü build your business by rrom such an unpatrlotlo step. toundlng slap on the race from tho hand Of OBITUARYY' treating your customers a pretty girl. Presto! At once light rioodt"gprak ng ror uenerai vi la, whom I ren- -sense, buying merchandise courteoualy, and giving Into the brute's soul tnd he realists the, and ror tho other chiefs of the ot Mis Jessie Wilted.With such situa-

tionniathUielessneis or his pttt. awith a reputation back of it them good servio, aood servios northern division. It la well known that lo work round, on might readily Im-

agine,Mist lento a. Wilton, sged tt yeiri, died

Includes giving; thorn the they aspire to no high office bt tbo re that it would require a vatt tcope ot Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock af the Hotelbuy brunds public. Tbey have repeatedly expressed linielftittnn to tnik the th nr Dlauslbl. Dleu. She had been rushed to th hospital

WHEN you of merchandise their deslro that none by a civilian be al even though it It a most tangible condition. six hoUrt earlier In tbe bop tbtt an opera-lin- n

without they see advertised. has started aiv hap tire, hut aha died witha lowed to Occupy the highest Olilce in th However, a resounding slap' many a man to thinking along the right out having regained consciousness from the

Brand Trade Mark, republic channel, "tilat Eflccton. Bolt' with liob drug administered When tho wu placed onor you HEN you sell them 'The ambitions or these men aro nometmer Leonard end Kilt flail, tt th Unique today, the operating an "Orphan" Brand, W chandise backed by tho they desire only that thla convention be U a drama or strong pinions, quick ac uocciseu is survtvea oy ner inner iuu Nsomething that has hall-mark

reputation of aOm well. allowed to carry on tta work entirely with tions, tripping suuauona ana iinaiui cur-act-no known brand which out Interference and in tha best interest delineations. Also Ford Btcrllng toof fame, nothing to dis-

tinguishIt removes suspicion

they recog-nise, or the republic, patriotically and unself day. Tomorrow snd Mondty ."Trey o'any on ishly. HOQUE GWZALEZ UAIUA.'' lieartt nu. tu ana a goou aicrung cum-ed-it from common, tho part of your customers that

ordinary merchandise. you are getttnr a larger profit. STATK DEPARTMENT fiKSllS C6MÍNC."BEIIIMI TIIK lOOTLIGHTH- -ANOTIItStt AGKT TO CONVUVTION. . For tho first timet in the history or Pic

is a type of dealer N fact, customers buy moro Molvllln Honey, a special agent of the tures bt El Paso, the Fanioul Player branchTHERE I quickly and aro satisfied. United mates department or Itate, bat or tho great Paramount company Will, Tartan Plaid Suitsis always offering They like to trade with rell- - reached Aguascaltentes to he In attendance a picture In thla city, it it one of tne

his customers "Orphan" bla dealers, because they know at the conferences there In compsny with best pictureswith


lulUcirbrdyear, "iolUud

at thtMtisr, illhe other stato department representatives,

Brands "Just Goods" that some spurious article or was secured through lh, etfort Of E. r.or as Oeórge C. Carothcrt and Ion Caaova. ac"Orphan" Brand Is not being? Campbell or Hie Wigwam l Paila by over-bidding, $13.00but you can do your share palmed off on them as ','Jut as cording to advicot received

Mexicolitre yetter- -

th other eablbltora or Use lio wat sent from City, it wilt be snown ne re bxi weaoesaay.towards eliminating this kind aood." Benor Ouaitola or oeneral villa'a com

of dealer. mercial office at Juarot received officialui.-.- .. OF4HKN you buy merchan notification rrom Aguaseailentes yesterday JUST THINK IT!

to buy his W dise you always Insist or the arrival there or Manuel Donllla. rent danceaMilla and



at tbOMá

Auditor-ium, musíREFUSE

or "Just as Atk Yor,"that




ItYou V






rania anl and rtrrvshmentt ire provided. YOU can get no itket of the beauty and quality ófGoods," Go to the next and la the best bustm se policy

paysto whose release wat ordered by the con nrasa Vira Srreens. ItM M MM. Laurie theae wnkrful $5 AdUr'a ''Coüksn' Suits until

dealer and "Get What You give your customersIt

what they vention. litrdwaruseiueni.i

Co., Mius tad sih. tftarer- -you m tkara. They're not $15 suits. Shop around

ask try andfor)Ask For." greater atoro.




KANSAS CITY town, but don't Uok at $15 suits; size up th $16 andAguatciltrntee

complying wunconference,

tne oroersoovernorirora $20 Tartar! PUicU tdaewherenota thair fina nointa

itrlioneraMaria Maytorona

who neraIns


at Merinos!all pollttril

lo andThltli-Me- a an


Belli.MaMr tf Gang

and tkan ceM Kara. Ytu'll íinú juat vkat yam want.later at nogales. 8n. The priaonere were ClaMy fall al wintar medals for man and you.VaniM nd"Get What You Ask For" auowcil to cross into AifMTtraq territory city, Oct,front ftogtlea yesterday. Ataoste tbe num-

berornen, memberi of a rant- - of Which Arthur man, JoaautifuJ TARTAN haclaa of graan, Wua and

wat oeneral Salvador Atvtra4o, car-ra- Jtnes. T yeiri old, wat U4r. nave otenNational League, Pfailaifclphla comnUadar of Ouaysnas, carrying on robberies on aa talv seal purpla combination, for

In Kansas City, according Mt conretstonVH.LVB ARMV UMH-ÍK-

IN t'OltCti AT TeMiHCtt.N. lonet It alMgeal to hav mads to tbe pollc

. Arrivals from the south yesWrdty tar luto today. sis.ooVhit the lines of VtuYi arirt eaenas etst tm arrM or jobs a ana tea m sho aiusifrom Torreo snd that in TsKrcoa Itself revcalrd s succoliful holduti organisationthere la a large number or ViHa'a troops wun rcruMr clue rooms wnr ta imuid- -

which wars mobilised there a fw wrokt ful leader latrUctd bt UaurtaMt MforCo. us. Tho trnoea are Inactive, aweltto l!o omamm jk.t sao, sas, maoLevy Grocery u offlS result of Uta AguauaUcotea ittetttrenco, iho day wprk wm iMgun.aad WHS

which will dscUe w hotter they WW resume TM l of IM tnau

warfare or be rotura to ttsHr IsitSquart loot tr from to tt yart,aJuat Rlvd a Nw SHIIptxv nt lert in tbe state of CMtiaabua. Tbo aeUvlUot of tM gaag rffa from

Large tuppnes are sotar btoumh aauy picking pocket to robbing cars, u4

MAPLE PANCAK and from Iba border tor Mm um or MM includtd burtlvy and lsf trttM. Al YbKsÍand there 1 a larse amount of roHuaf stock times wMO Mat UMcnbors wn444 WAT ex aBEBBiUOKWHEIAT FLOUR twtd there a readmits fa teat of clietneni Ikxy h oiwo footaM tw a aJghu

at VloU'a sMr If their tervtasM are

MmM Ortbr Prompt MttU .needed.

rasaeager servir continúes taroiusa Tor-reón

TM AtO M4 aUM IMater, UM V SiLOS,

and Zacateca to Mextw CHr. tM Laurta Hrwsrj ia., tttu mK, OuerUal Stract. PuUaua tente Mea w4 tcdm ta- - tAvgtivaH.

m 4

Page 7: Se Pague Más

5rrJy. October 24, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

'Br?At After Supper Wire Coat ITwo New Selections of

The "Popular" Today Sale' lMangera (Me Finished Laundry Bags

Juat arrivedArt crash, linen and cretonne laundry bags.Am Offering l e to atSft p. m. Only, Special, each A vC finished In pretty floral CA. OC. . design , J UUt and tatsrebeco Tooth Panto- - Oenulne lm- - w IBM ii

ported: after supper 28cSuits and satoLaafbert'si........Llstcrtac Regular $1.00 Noteworthy Saturday Offerings in Every Departmentsize; after suppersate 65c Join the throngs of Popular' shoppers here tdday and key your expectations high for such valOvercoats Above items to one to a ore quoted here are ptional inimitable, but characteristic of the "Popular."

1' I modela suited for Mea and New .Dresses New Dresses

.Young Men. r In Cff de Chine and In All Waol Serge and In Com-binations"Popslar Special" Today's Combinations at Velvet and of Serge and SPECIAL!Satin, "Popular Special" Satin, "Popular Special"

$ Specials Saturday, while they last, wejg.00 - will offer twelre dotrn Silk

$10.00. $4.95OX SAMS AED DAT. At StBBDr. Iron's Tooth Fowtlcr Regula,tlon S6o alie; Saturday, r Each

There's an unusually good tho tube i... IOC Crepo do clilnej drenses In black, navy, Sorgo nnd Satin IlwwM, In blaolt,Willlaaa,' Sharing Stick or .powder, brown, green, plum and OoDeitharett nary nnd brown. modified basque These


Inch noimeehave ten

in nar-row

andselection of either, and we 36c also; Saturday, all 1 C Modified basque model, whits satin models. Serge basque, frog and but and medium pleats, some

day IOC veatee, button trimmed, whits satin ton trimmed, satin Inset sleeves, satin with 3 rows or shirring andearnestly believe they repre-

sentIchn & Flnko's Talcura Regula- - collar and cuffs, wide girdle and long girdle and collar; long serge tunta are


or lustrousof an


the best $15.00 values tton. 3 So size; Saturday all in flaring tunic, pleated at side. over satin drop. Basque braid Colors ire, brome,day JLUl trimmed. purple, nljrrer brown,Sreen.

we've- BBAOK, NAVY AND nitOWN nsvy, black, pink,ever seep. Grays, Woodbury's ItecJal Soap Regula DRESSES In velvet and satin BDAOK, NAVY AND BROWN light blue, white, king's blue,

Browns, Mixture, Tartans tion 25o size; Saturday, all, 18c Basque la of velvet, satin Inaet sleeves, PKKSSES In serge, pique veatee and etc.,pastel,


at 13.00green,these would

tie.,day ., long satin tunic, with wide band of cuffs, satin girdle. Long flaring tuhto be an exceptional value.

but we cannot do justice to Seeipro Glovlno i Famous skin velvet over satin drop all sizes over serge drop. Basque Is trimmed choose at SI.&S

cleanser; Saturday, all OC small, medium and stout. with buttons.their' merits in this small day OOCspace. Come in and see Melba Fneo Powder Regulation Special Oifering o! Sample Neckwear

BOo size; Saturday, allday OOC A most unusual offering of dainty neok fixings of the betterSatmurdlay grades a prominent manufacturer's, entlro sample line, In-

cluding:We would like to have you see these splendid selections of Ebony DZand Mirrors 9x9 In., bev-eled

Dutch and sailor collars, collar and cuff sets,glass, ebony finished C gulmpea, chemisettes, etc., made of linen, lawn organdie and

WstiFt itMiaffffneir & Mara, back; Saturday, all day.... IOC a variety of the most popular laces, some real Irish' handFor Saturday's selling crochet Chantllly and flat laces, In White, cream, ecru and

RD$ers-P-et C. amé "Fit jfrjnni" we) will offer a beauti-ful

some finished with a touch of color. 'These will be offered Inchoosing of two splendid lots:r SB In. SIDK POPBINS Valnea ranging: upward to $2.00;

In all tho new and de Saturday Special "OCA superb selection for $10 fifi $40.00 Today's sired colors at, 69c Values ranging upward to $4.00; $1.45men and young men. . . . tJ)JLOUU to the yard Saturday Special

Another shipment of laundered and sailor col-

larsSATOEDAY SUPECHAL ! Specials (Silk Dept, 2nd Floor.) and collar and cuff sets, made of pique and Unen n rhave Just beon received. Trices are BOo and OC ( Corsets in

Men's Outing Flannel Men's Shirts Values to 92.00GLOVES, RIBBONS, BOUDOIRPajamas Soft cuffs shirts, with separata CAPS, VEIÜS, HANDKERCHIEFS.Alt sizes, cut very .full. Have --Yim ShóuM,matched collar, neat patterns, p Kid Gloves Frenchmilitary collar with silk tros

button loop. Pockets and cuft but In broken sizes a splendid glace kid gloves In White, black and by fill mmGum9 make it a $5.00sleeve in pink, blue, tan and brown, with contrasting and self- - Saturday ws will offer ahello stripes. Special ct1 A A

choosing for Saturday's JQJ7C embroidered backs; Satur-

day 95c peimt t 0 tikes IBeau- - special gathorlng ofFor Saturday tpJL.UU Selling, at special "American Lady," "W. B."

Eambskln Gloves In tiral Inlats, "Regla" and other good

Mew Fall white only; full rango of sizes; reg corsets In broken linesularly 12.60; Saturday $1.45 They have Just arrived from Notv York and they represent the most ad-

vancedand sixes but an, excel-lent. . Styles special styles of the season Not Hats that you might etpect to find In selection values that

Nov 100 "Phoenix" Taffeta Hair the usual $5.00 group These are a special purchase of six dozen black sold up to $2.00; ACBow and Sash Ribbons In w,hlte. Lyon'e velvet sailors, tricornes, turbans and "ChapeaUx" from one of the Saturday .,OCblack and In the most desired plain leading millinery makers of New York and represent values that ordi-

narilyMenu's Slluoes shades; Saturday special, would be marked to sell at $10.00, $12.00 and more. On many theQq clever ostrich and pheasant trimming Is alone worth the price. Trimming Eiderdown Robesare In white, black or in colors.Right here In this store you New Boudoir Caps Made of dainty Women's eiderdown lounging

will find all the really "worth 'lace, net and chiffon, ribbon trim-med,

Just Six Dozen Hats in the Croup Select Yours Early! and bath robes. In blues, tans,while" styles for fall In suoh In white, light blue, pink and red, brown, grey, etc.; pretty

lavender; Saturday special patterns. Neck, cuffs andwell known, dependable iUC pocket trimmed with wldaatmakes as

New Chiffon Veils 36 In. hem-stitched

Special Hosiery and Underwear Offerings satin bands; $2.45."Stacey-Adams- square chiffon veils In Saturday

"Regal," "Ralstons," black, white and colors; reg- -TtOCA f The busiest counters in the "Popular"- - for the very good reason that there are always

and "Fnrnum"Crepeularly




Singlo unlooked-fo- r economies dependable values being offered. Today we specialize in:Shoes tor discriminating men. width veilings In many of tho most WOMEN'S S1XK HOSE, 60c. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, 89c'aboutAny man

knowingwho Is

theparticular desired colors; regular 60o values; Pure silk hose In heavy weight, full fashioned, double Fleeco lined union stilts; high neck and long sleeves;

styles for the season cancorrect


Saturday special, O " lisle top rolnforced heel and toe, perfect fitting, good ankle length, well made, perfect garments, neatlyOCspend a few minutes yard hoso that are ordinarily worth $1.00 the pair; finished and amply reinforced. All regular rQlooking over our fall stock. New Basque Girdles The new wide black only; sizes, .$ to 10; Saturday UiC slice. Saturday OiC

glrdles'ln black or In Roman strlpo WOMEN'S 60o HOSE, 3 Pit. FOR $1.00,EXTRA SPECIAL satins the latest styles; sl nn Boot silk hose In fast black, full faahlonod, snug fit-


Men's Oriental Bath Slippers. $3.60 down to JJ1.UU have Halo top, heol and too; sizes, 8 to 10. High neck, long sleevo vests, anklo length pants-per- fect

60c. Aft fitting, heavy garments; Ideal for50c Regularly Baturday special, - OQTan, Red and Gray Combinations. XXtra Special Women's hem-stitched Irish lawn and batiste 3 pairs for pleUU winter. Sizes, 2 to 10 years; Saturday, each.. 0"Chandkerchiefs. In colored borderand embroidered designs anceptlonal3 for

value; Saturday,V,25c Saturday Off ferñimgB' ñim CMIdlraiti's Apparel ectiDeCMldhren'si ID)irss0s ChUdren' Breasesw w m i aw t jii


nile $5.00Dundee end Ritchie Flabt Dnw. BOWIE. ARIZONA.II ii ttit Aitoelattd Prett

San Francisco. .Oct. 23. Bu Timet Xpecial Corremonitnt isSlioe This store's value giving was never better This splendid grouping offers values youCltamrion Willie nenie or tsan Francisco Bowie, ArU., Oct. O. Thursdsy evening might expect to see marked to sell at asand 'Johnny Dundee of Hew York rough! emphasized than In this wonderful group-

ingat the borne or Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Mur-

phy,much as $12.60. The dreaaes are beaut!,a draw ñero tonight, it wa Be-- of ohlldren'e coats and dresses, In the

nitcble'a first ring encounter tinco heRussell D. Henrlch and Miss Blanche fully made and oleverly designed, offer-In- g

lott his title to Freddie Welsh. nenchler were united in marriage. The newest winter stylss, "Upward of 20 dis-

tinctivea broad choice of the newest mate-

rialsAlthough Ritchie outweltned Dundee at ceremony was performed by Justice or modes. In black, brown, navy, and oolorlngs, French and stormleast ten pounds, the litter's dazzling speed ine reace j. r. scnaerer in the presence and In combination with serges, wool plaids and novelty Romaabewildered him In almost every round, or relatives and a few intimate mends Copen, green

suttlngfl are employed. The coats are ofcausing- - nun to miss his right cross re of the high contracting- - parties. Hient plaids. Materials are excellent grades of fine Persian lamb, Astrakhan, silk plushpeatedly. The statement has been published that pure wool serge and novelty woolens. and handsome chinchillas, offering a se-

lectionHenry licnrleh, former Justice or the

Colonel Reber Hakes Denial. at Bowie, and Tom Williams, the presentpeace

Is Growing Handsome silk girdles, silk braid and nov-

eltyof desired colors. Sizes up to 14

By the 4 tocia If J Prtu ronstable, ere going to make an attempt button trimmings. Sizes to 14 years. years.

dan Diego. Cal., Oct. M Lieutenant Colo io -- come cacar- - ai lite elections next month, in Papu-lar!nel Bamuel heber, chier or the United going on to say that Williams, s candidate CHILDREN'S IiOUNClNO AND Q ftA INFANTS' NEW CAPS, Of CHILDREN'S NEW HATS, CA

Slates army aviation corps, tonight denied before the primaries In October received ty 1JATII ROBES, ta. ,.J0UU TODAY'S HPIX'IAIi OC TODAY'S SPECIAL OUCthat be or any orncer of the First aero only one vote. This It a misstatement as A broad selection of styles for children of 2 Mercerized white poplin, embroidered silk Sealctte plush, feather trimmed; black only;corps In San Diego was responsible for regarda Williams. Mr. Williams was not Every Day to 18 years. cord and lace trimmed. Infants' sixes. for small girls or boys.the statement emanating from Washington a candidate before the primaries, sod thethat the fWW serial competition was call single vote wblcb be received was casted off because American aeroplane mtnu by some party who preferred him to other Footwear for Little.facturera were too busy building machines or toe Democratic candidates for that of- - Smart Styles WOMEN'S FINEfor Curopo. nee.

llama isin

runningine elections

on thenext

independentrooatn Mr.

ticket.Wll Among the new arrivals that will be shown today will be the "Baby Doll" Boots with Brt FLANNELETTE GOWNS

FRANCE CUSES Because of greatly overcrowded condi cade Topi. These are priced as follows: On the second floor ws are showingAVIATOR. tions In the ;ANOTHER primary grades In tba school

tin Ihm AitociattJ Prtlt at Bowie itte board bas deemed it neces-ssr- Infants' B4 to 8. 0 AA CWMreat's sizes, 8JÍ lo II. tíJO tí A Misses' sizes, 11 to 2. 0 fl A women's flannelette gowns In theParis. Oct. n. Franca hat lost on the to engage the services or another Pair?...,... ifsSeUU Specs!, tho Pair OU Special, tho rlf....,,.,$J.UU better grades. They are made of

thebattltriald on or her best known amateur teacher. Miss Lola Tomllnson betas- - seSpecial, the very finest plain and fancy

aviators ur. Krone nejuionu. president tl lecirq ior ine position, miss utt, teacher We will also offer a special showing of children's shoss In all styles and all leathers. Prices range from too striped flannelatte; come la thethe national avtauon commission ana t "member or the French senate. or ine primary aeptrunent or we scaooL up to $3.60, according to the size, ? poll,rIes pajsma affect; some aro

had it pupils In her room. trimmed with satin bands, othersfrench take altk1hch Mrs. entries Murphy bu sobs to El The New French Boot far Women are silk braid trimmed . numberat bayonets i'oint, Paso to Join her husband, wnoss duties of styles to eel ecu from; many areBv Ik Aiiocnmi rreti as train dispatcher for the Tucson-E- l Paso Womcn'g Colored Spats, in We offer today an entirely new shoe for women the "French Boot" In mads with yoke; euffs and pockets;

Paris. Oct. sa. (tufts p. m. To Preach division have called him to that point. patent leather with fawn cloth top. Made on the French toe. Short vamp, all sizes; priced stcaptured Aiuirch, Alsace, at Mrs. W, D. Armstrong, teacher of the Gray, Fawn and In Parisiantoday upper $1.00 Louis heel. An exclusiva novelty style, fifi

the point or the bsyoaet. schoolthatat Olga,

tbs schoolrecently


coming alowre-

ports White. Tho pair, , . tho pair ...)0.UU $1.45 and $1.95Larga Ule bwrasce reUey, nicely and now has tt pupils enrolled. f"The wonderfully good rainy season

'Hartford. Gean., Oct. ItWast lasuraaeo here all summer still continues. Yesntea say Is the largest singla lira insur. terday s iignt ram fell for several hours, See theancs policy erer written, bas been Issued the kind that soak Into the ground with XXtra SPECIAL Kby s local company for MJDOOHOQ. U was very little running orr In the washes.learned toalgbt. insurtng ttw catiro police Iter, w, B, Wheeler, who bss been pas Special WindowSipartoaeat of Philadelphia. tor here during lb past year, bas been Today, all day, waf will offer thai genuine "Grappointed to Ue Cochite missionary clr

Arkansas task Rokbary, cult. Ills successor here is Rev Mr Mar-shall, Displays Ticket" Lonsdale itWslin. Q

Mt t XuocUUt Ftui who will preach bit flnf sermon limit 1 0 CrCyards, yardI . Vasdervoor i. Ark., Oct. . Two taea here Sunday, at,ua Mm caabter Is Us Wercfcaati few Mis steiia Baker Is be re from Illinois

tasvsjr. Tan otutoed UOi. iu tmm e wM wUb Miss UlUe ErlrJtsoa, boMM, saA lltiiH ts ssscsUag 1st ta We 6booL

Page 8: Se Pague Más


Laur&t Reautté Latortia Rtaulta 'Bankers' League,

Sptrial Vttr to Thf Ttmtt ipteltt Wirt U Th Ttmn. TEX KB BAftK AND' TRUSTBALTIMORE, MD Oct. It. I9IL Weather eleer track fast cmCl.TWATT, P., Oct. , ttli. Weaiher fln;trek fast. COMPANY,1. M. Procter 111 137 IU

2075 rmsT riACE-o- ne mile. Time ai, ;i 1.5, tiU 1:40 i i. Btart good! won onai FIRST HACE f ruriongs. Time :fl 43, (8 II. P. Mueller 131 fQFATJNAleasily. t), ftedmond ., 161""".I f L. C. Miller ...JnrtM. unrig. Index. Horse. . IMWtHt wt-B-t. Sir. Fin. Jockey, Odds II. E. Christie IS7sosi Leonnlne !''- 31 i p nuxton cardigan ..'.IM I i" murphy "0T o J101? WhltW Meui V) t - 3 1 t Kfdcrli 1991 White crown ..I0 t Metralf 17 to t Totalssosl Key Mr 101 z l Ia I F 3 I.afffrty 1991 Chesterton ,,. ., tot i Collins 39 to so 3rflrT IMt Tammerlane IM g o 6 tl 4' 4" Corey I7U 11005 IlUO ..l.ll,.,.!.,,., ...10Í I McCabe CITY NATIONAL BANK. THE TUKKIf H BLENDS057 niver llnr .... OT 4 7 ? 7 &' Allen iM Tetan - , ICO 7 Teahan A. Sllkman 140- - 119 371

Dancing Muter ..109 10 8l 8 6 ntitwell 903 flhodei . , ,,, 99' 8 Ott C Teagne 1249031 Mike Cohen .........lio 7 10 10 10 to 71 reik 1991 Malabar 107 9 Dishmon w. nryan vtin Dakota . 10 s n o e nyrne 1831 Joe Ii ....,..,. 101 S Obert R. W. Deason 1131037 fluslla . 8 3 3 4 6 I Alex I6S Tower 07 4 4 41 7' 9 Moll ' I. L. Andreas 150mniftct ......too e ; 10 Davis 1979 Bingo 107 '

101 10' 101 10 Keoh1991 Zangree lofl to II II II' III smalt Totals ,. 39 680 1919

Nutilel Daldí Leonnlne. elrala-h- t 11.10. nUrn X3.ÍO. ihnw f 7.7(1. Irish neneral , 93 II IS It U II Acton summary: roints won Tetas uank. 4.II0.M, Key Mar. how.J.. scratched: Ladr Butterfly, Ooldcn Vole, High game Andreas. 203. High total An(larlone. Cardigan. Held. Place 8 to S. ahow 3 lo I. White r.rnvm. nlsen fl tn s n n dreas, 531. strikeout Andreas. Judge K.Leonnlne trilled orr we pare to stretch where he moved up strongly and casiry 10. Chesterton, show it to so. Cardigan, lloos lloo and Irish Oeneral In field. ADCr.

Bsa3asas3asaayfc hdltposed or Key Mar, was In lisnd .ti. wiilln Metal, slow to steadily Un- Winner much the best. White Crown a ralr mil will Imnrn rlu.i..,nnposition ana rir Key Mar quit titer going six furlongs, beginner. Tetan wants mud. ,rtrovea ran a dull race. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.

2082 Stxo.tD nACE-- Bli furlongs. Time :tl t48, lila . Start bad; won drl. í. E. Benton .......... 147 181 169 497

2076 RKCOMD lUCB-W- llfl and Time :23 148 till 3 5, 1:40 ing K. neeeher ion 100 171 saa1:17. Start good; von V. Roberts lot 118driving. too 338Index Horse. WLML Ideaa hiddenV. v. sir, nil, Jockey, Dud Ward wss tho yerv beelnninar or

Index. Horse. Wt St. 1. U i. Itr vn UrVry (t99Mioyal Tea ,., Collins 17 to 3 M. Fowler 198 143 Bit pnoiograpnyr in all truth the handiwork047 nr. Duenner .... mm i f j I" it wmre ami i. una .... iu l IM ! I 3, Howard 36 to of these ancients, on stone and In pottery,

k47 nsifron .100 Í 31 4 31 3 J Callahan 3001 Halon tot 3 41 4 41 3 Conway 133 to 1 Toula 678 742 723 was dui a cruuo report or their activities,otsi Napier 108 11 3' I Troxler Flnalee 93 s 31 1 st 3 4 Smyth RIO V. B. h T. CO. wnne tne camera of today keeps a twinro5 iteauniont neiin , 103 0 4" nuxton Nllk Pay ; ,....100 6 (l El U i. Molt rui, accurste record.ton Tom Hancock .... , 8 S 5 Neanrter 19M Toy Doy tu 3 Small a Drebner 181 201 148

trat Oakhursl til I f Corey vniM Commauretla ...... 87 13 II Acton Vem Lyman 147 Today stroll throurh the roimtrv'aW5i F.I Oro ........111 3 7 falrhrother 30M New Haven 114 7 1' McF.wen W. E. O'Brien 137 123 highways Is decidedly unusual If ono does1117 Col. Asnmearin ... 108. Pchuttlnger 3003 Flying Yankee 109 8 81 Pool Rob nson .......... 124 IB9 not meet a phototrsDher. To aro on a vaIt29 Prince Ahmed ... e Bieward Its. Alkanct ; 103 11 Murphy Ed O'Brien 136 IOS ISO cation trip to the woods or seashore and10 Hopkins 1904 Hrownledge ; 101 10sou Woor Van Dusen not come Into contact withSOU Puke or Rhrlhy ., .107 7 1J il nyrne Queed '. 114 s Dishmon Totals 718 723 9100two Chas. P. Orelnger .108 13 Id II It 0' II Dutwrll Summary: Points won Plrst. RIO is praciicauy unknown. At every gatherinr

lloyal Tea. place 43 to 10. ahow 11 to so. i.urii. niim 3 in 1 ihnw i m Salon, Grande,' 1. High game Drehner. sol. High or any importance one sees the omnipres-entMutueli paldi Dr. Duenner, straight M.M. place show .OT. nalfron, place show 177 to so. fleratehedr Thought Header. " total Drehner, (28. camera. And why? There's the rub.

)5.3o. ahow M.ffl. Napier, show 5 80. Scratched: Spellbound, Tay ray, Malik. t present Toy Boy will Improve. . It Is because people of today- are excelllnrrir. Duenner trailed In behind Beaumont nelle first rive furlongs and outlasted The Wilson Hot Blast Heater, 13.00 and 10 a negree the wise men or the east and 20 &rnaif ron In rinal drive Latter worn around leaders at stretch turn, faltered In final 2083 THIflD IIACE Five and f furlongs. Time :33 :47 1:00 up. Laurie Hardware Co.. Mills and Stan are in theUrine ruture.strides. Kapler slopped right at the finish. 1:00 Start goodi won easily. ton. (Advertisement)

WtM Is dear to ihem today they knowInrtM Horse,' WUHt V. y, v. sir. Fin.2077 TIIIMJ ItACFFlve and furlongs. Time :M : 1:07

1983 FiligreeJockey.

Win. will be dear to their children's children.Start Rood, won driving. - Casaha


...101 3 stl


CampbellConnelly 331

fj toto 30

1 Bll tho Aiioctated Pref Is there a home In the land whero one can Those who make pictures know this, fbeyIndex. Horw WtSt V. Ormula ...113 0 31 3 Metcalf 19 to 30

MlSSOUla. Mont.. Oct. 2T Thn Amerlz-a- not rind a photograph or the family icroun? are the peoplo who lire In the ruture who(sotaii'rotertnr ....11V e Hrliutllnrer 3037 Amazon ...101 4 Murphy

league defeated tho National How treat do wo vaine tho pictures, crude preserve the joys of today for the comingS038 Piillux :...i(9 a ralrbrother 3059).Mlss Fielder ...107 7 6 f 3 McCabo leaguers, 10 to 3, In the exhibition game as uiey are, or Rranarauier berore the years.played at Hamilton today. PitcherIOM)F.atIe ....ios i r. r, s 3 II uxion A ledo ...101 B Dishmon James war and the others made on his return.nt 1865 Sea Shell ... ...118 1 or the St Louis Americans had the better31 31 41 Karrlrk1M Distant Shore Loft us or Jeff Teareau, slab artist for the Nt The old homestead, tho meadow on tho Best autos, carenil drivers, pnona lis......1075 8 71 B 0 AlexDisillusion,

41 A Filigree, nlace (7 to 10. show 0 in 4. r.ti. niara nr. tn o ih. iit ,n n nonais, in seeping nis nua scattered. mil, tne youngest member or the clan tak lAdrertlsementrI90j Amans ........ 4 4 McCaliey1BT3 High Tide AI St 71 McAtee mula, show 3 lo S. ' ' ing- - his first steps, the old homes or rela

Supremacy .... 3k 3 71 a Btru-ar- Favorite went, away from post In a tangle. The Wilson Hot Blast Heater, 813.00 and tires, miles and miles away; the wedding-1Í7.'. Jim Savage ... 9 0 0 0 Lafferty up. Laurie Hardware Co., Mills and Stan or tne youngest girl in the grand old ram

2084 FOUIITH ItACE--SU ruriongs. Timo :33 i:ij start good; w?n ten. (Advertisement) Ily, and later a picture or ber first "home' m onwn-y- n gssBSsm,Muluels .straight 19.10, show 11.30. Fullux,, easily.paid Protector, place 11.70, place theso are the friendly pictures peopleshow M.30. Lairle. show 10.90. Scratched: lie Will. Frosty Face, Archer kin. Indei Horse. Wl- - St. vt u, k gir rin. Pull.Worth noofiar 81. S1.S and SI M nr the worldJockey. over are inrrotertor. shurried hark at start and outrun to stretch turn, closed with a rush and run. uo., I'll. J. AQVejllSO

preserving- - picturerot up in closing strides. I'lillm weakened after disposing or Distant Shore. Last fur-long

WW Buckhorn tvn im Lorius 39 to so ment recoras.l.agle ran 10 hts top form. (IlilDOIpiy Love . 100 4 9" Murphy 3 to 1 It Is so very simple and easy to make pic

1.111 Knsuanna toi 7 3 McCabe 18 to 1 tures with a modern camera like the9il7ft l OIJIlTII IIACE Mile and Time :23 47 4 S, 1:13 1:39 1809 Tho Norman ot s t Martin Premo, that the cost never seems to equalA"' sons tirover Hughes 113 5 McEwen CEO. O. KENDALL, Start good, won driving--,

the real value or the little Glasses right3031 Lady Moonet 97 3 8 I fi' Obert pictures. One when all others ralL

Index. Horse. WLM. Mi V, hlr. Kin. Jockey iiipu cairn. 133 3 1' 3 7 7 Small THE DESIRE TO PHOTOGRAPH. can do his own work at a nominal cost 108 MESA AVEWUE."sols Amain U03 4 ! 4' MrCahoy It was years before Cleopatra and the or have It done for him at reasonablesoil spearhead .. fno 1 "4 ! U S nyan Buckhnrn. Place 19 to SO. show 0 in 90. Olpsy Love, place 7 to 10, ahow 1 to 4. aaacr mat tne idea or preserving for pos prices. The camera has linked us or to-

dayCasuarlna. show to 30.103 3 2 2 st 9 3 nuxtonIBM Holiday to those or the future, in picturesterlty the events or tho times, the(llpsy Love best, carried out. Buekhorn saved passing- -31 turn. Casuarlnani Thnrnhlll IW 4 31 3'l 3 4" Turner groiinu on pocketed will

107 l.nrhle! 103 6 M B - 5 5 Htewnrd il?L part. Tab Olen Cairn. Lady Moonet tvoorly rlll. ii. rancies or tne multitude, the courtesies the children or tomorrow learn or

iiota liny o'Llght 103 B a 6 0 t Bchuttlnger or t traveling: noble or the ravages of the passing events In our lives. In pic2085 FIFTH IIACE Mile and ;o yards. Time 31 ;48 1:14, 1:40 1:41 war. In pictures, was conceived and de tures will be recorded all the little, every

Mutuels paid: Amilfl, straight 31.30, place 3.30, show 2.30. Spearhoad, placo Start good: won driving. veloped. Tho ancients, exceedingly wise day Incidents, so dear today, so valuable JFC STAMPS113.10. show 3.70. Holiday, show II.Í0. Inrte Mnrse. Wt.St. M 4 sir. Fin. Jockey. In every undertaking, then considered It tomorrow. 'SIANUFACTTJIIED DAILYuntil last sixteenth, hn round luckAmain, In cloe quarters where a opening, Photography Is such Joyhil. raselnatafinished .ttrong and was going away at end. Hpearhcad outbroke his Held and showed 30Í3 Mockery . 103 Metcair 39 to 30 or vast Importance that the' principal Inlot or speed. Ityan was driving him entire trip. Holiday, a forward contender to the 3033 flobcrt Kay no Molt 38 to 1 ciaenia or an era anouia oe so recorded Ing sport that It verily breathes contagion. Ellis Bros. Printing Co.stretrh turn, was tiring at end. Hill nenio Latimer 103 10 0' ' &i 31 Obert is to 1 that their children's children might, by A camera In the family gives to each, ono

1970 Florin ,. 103 3 41 llartwell looking upon tneir crude vwrK. in draw of us the privilege or adding to our store2079 FIFTH HACE s ralle, Time 1:lt Start good; VM? Indolence 100 8 51 M 4 Bl Cross Ing-- , comprehend the actual' scenes, wbeth or pleasures and to the plcturo record.sou O'ltellly 103 11 'ti' 7' 6 Collinswon easily. rorever interesting, brimful or personal3M3 Allan Gold , 107 8 4 8' 7' 7 Kcogh er or triumph or defeat.lni.i Mors fitr. Fin. Jockey 1736 Sidney Heldman 103 13 O 91 'm 8 Tool Who shall not say that In this virgin cnarm, every photographic record winiv Paint lirush .., 97 1 MrCahey 30H3 Little Dean no 9 0t 10 8 0" Small help us live over- again the Joyful ex

no5)llousemata 10B It Ji Hchuttlnger 3041 osanle 100 s l II' 101 10" Murphy hilarating- times or today In the years to9019 Springboard 103 a Keneris 3058 Hank mil 110 7 f.' 12 11 1l nice come. ,

OMilFllttergold IK 4 Turner SOU The Oander .. 107 3 . si s 131 Smyth And no picture looks twice the ame. It1VW Tranld 103 S Kacrlck 3011 Transmitter too 13 13 13 13 Van Dusen Is there for an Instant and berore vou

Muluels paldi l'alnt lirush, straight liw.70. placo 17.30, show I.M. Housemaid, MoCkcry. dace 4 to 8. show 11 10 1. iinh.rt v, m '. ALHAMBRA could blink your' eyes IS gone for all time. FJ f,rrr-i- fft.

place 3. 10. show Hprlnglmard, show 13,40. Bessie Lailmer. show 12 lo B. It 3 ELaaoTro astlPaint Brush, on outside or leaders entire trip, closed stoutly and was going e.way MQfKery gamest. Florin round route too long. VAUDEVILLE .- -.. nlliil lih liT

at end. Housemaid ran her race; weight told on her last sixteenth, springboard solb by mmm tmmmwas a keen factor entire trip. Tranld moved up stoutly on back stretch but was 2086 H1XTH nACE-M- tle and Time ai, 47 1:13 140. 1:41kenjijLij.nd.yat Jilr '"lie pole. El Paso Auto Filling Co.HUGHES & LYDELLnrlet tlore Wt. St M u M sir. Un. Jorker.onnn SIXTH IIACE One mile. Time :'.'l, :tg 1:14 1:40 Start good; won

UOU driving; 3039 Joe Dlebold 107 9l II I Small S7 to Singers and Comedians. Cor. Montana and N. Stanton Sts. ?HE OLD REUABLC" ill3063 Louise Paul 107 0 3 2 2' 3 Mott 8 tomre Wl.St. tj XL K sir Fin Joekey Hprlngniald 107 7 10 8 3 3 Metcair 13 to musical McDonaldswm nrrrard .to., 4 1 It I l llutwell 1983 Tom King 107 in Ott Now open for business. 6:30 a. m.I out Connemara too 7 31 ji 31 gi 31 McCahey 2039 Oabrlo 107 3 McEwen Talented Musicians. to 9:00 p. m.

(SCS)llrdge Hose 103 1 3 31 31 3l 3 Kederls 1971 Wander 107 5 4 7 I MurphyiiesDlitrry Lauder too to 8 8 7 f.l 4 Steward soil Sherlock Holmes 107 0 Pool LINDEN BROTHERS Perfectly Filtered Gasoline,

Ponte tract .103 4 4 7 ftl It B Corey 3039 Fleuron II , 107 II Van Dusenson Noble "rand ti 3 SI A ' 4 Hchuttlnger inro navenai 107 8 llartwell

Daring: Acrobats. Lubricating Oils with no carton. I AT DRUBSISTMRTmAl BOX BY MAIL SO Isnot Sepulveda tcu B 7" B 81 7 7 Turner 1013 Heno tu 3 I 61 10' Rico

King Itadford If) 8 Vl 01 10 K1 R Lafrerly (iOei)Beulah 8 107 4 S 10 I1 Dishmon "The Rat" Carbide, Batteries, Spark Plugs,1 0l Iiurllngame furo rrospect 107 13 12 12 12 Martin Cement, Etc.

101 0 10 ' Falrbrother A three-re- drama and & one-re-1819 L'Algleon , 10 to 10 Joe Dlebold. nlspe 73 tn 'XI ibntv 11 in on inni,. n.,,t a , - . . will be QUICK, CI.KAN SERVICE.thecomedy pictures ot the'Mutuels pald: Oerrard. straight IA.00. Place 13.90. show 13.90. Connemara, place Bprlngmald, ahow 2 to 1. Scratched: Howdy Howdy, Bonne Chance. night. Particularly Attractlvo to Ladles.neauian a lleno Clean Your Car in Comfort1, snow w.u). iieagfl itnae, snow Scratched: Uncle Den. Early Light. De- - quit poorly ridden.noran, iieau rerc. iioyat wcieor. SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE with(errard outrun his Held to first turn and held others sare all the way. Conne-mara came up stoutly entering home stretch. Hedge lioso taken up rounding first 3050 Ooldy . ... 1081 2019 Centaurl . . Beat autos, careni stivers. Pnone its.

Vaudeville and Ploturea.turn. 2056 Guy Fisher I08 1837 Caro Nome.

(Advertisement Doors open at 8 p. m. FOR FRESH OYSTERS MARVELWeather elcarj track fast. Served in all styles, go to AhIo Cleaner Wash aad Polka

LAUREL E.VTIIIES. Marv 1051 NeDtturi ... 03 PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE Ma nratalnc roand with watw aadLATON1A ENTIHCfl. a3073 llalli 1031 3034 Short Hand. 00 claanong: your ear quick-ly,Vnrctol 1Ffr to Th Trnrf I99 Hydroplane, toot 3034 Meellcka .... And all kinds or Mexican dishes, hot or Mallr, tli aclaott&a war. Xrao 1st

Oaltlmore. Md.. Oct. XIFIttST IIACK voio Mallard .... lüüf tlpcclal Vire to The Tlmri cold lunches. aod ct a fr aampla mo.rive and r ruriongs, Cincinnati, o., oci. 33. FiitST RACE sell Moerleln Cincinnati Beer. Edge woodFOUUTH IIACE-O- ne mile.I9S3 True as8teeI.I1i S03I Mlnda Ing. HU furlongs. Whisky. WESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CI.

surf Hurakan ... (I9is)pebhles .... IJ7I f03 Ttoyal Martyr 109 commensia. 1051 3063 Zlndel 101 ONE DAY ONLY ONE. DAY ONLY BKN SWEENEY. 10 Parlor Hoy. S0C9 Flatbusti ,., (J'T'lbyJury lxj((i03S)nanquet . .. 108 Í059 Menlo 1'ark. 105) 3037 Type iff,

Toddling KM sinoJoe Finn ... unto 'iiarDage sou Double Eaglo 101 059 Tory Maid . 10s sow Aunt Joale to.009 Canto 3033 (lalaxy (saiojS'rpjhooter 1171 1087 Italiano . .. 97 SKCOND IIACE- --Selllnr. Ono mils.

Vlley 0rt9 Mater iKio uay noma. Iiu 2030 Leo Skoiny. toil (2030) Watcrbass . ten1916 Kimahdl ... 3013 Miss Velma 100 Cassatt entry. 8Ud Flora Fina 106l(903l)Lenrhirei .. Ill WIGWAM THEATERShadrach .. t( FIFTH o and r furlongs. ,. too

Tiiiiui kac selling, sixBF.COM HACK Mlln and o Sherwood . tig sois fielamour .. ul 1030 Bolala 7i 1957 O'llaganruriongs..... Its(!033)Thn Hump.. 109 am Camellia .... 101 l9D9)F.lla liryson 113 rascinaitnv. tin 1930 Lackrose ... 103 SOU Sehaim 119

3074 hollliiirstone l09f(30l3)Karly Light. 104 Mil Hcallywjg . 113 (3037)Keweasa SOU Furlong .... 107i(!4llWllhIta . .. 113 Great European War Picture, produced in England Exclusivevov) Abbotlsford 109 Delegate .... 103 1990 Axylade . 113 1973 UnelMlmmte 107 l869)Olhello . ... 107 2060 Cbartler .... 113 Agentssow .... 100 1099 wat. weues lisnattery 3071 Quick Mart. 101 ou Yorkviue , zuen Morristown. 107WJI Hnldler .... 106 pally llegan 100 1921 Striker 113 3037 J. J. LllllS fourthSinn Oerrard ... 1041 3033 Urlar l ath mi nACFllandlcap. Six rurlonrt.

2059 Tory MaidTllllil) iiace Six ruriongs. SIXTH lUCE-M- lle and 2059 Pan Maid . loo19681863


Carmenlit "Called To The Front"voir. Change ..... 1101 sun surgeon . .. 100 toso Paton . , . nil soso uncle nen (30591MISS Fielder 103 (VW9) Chalmer . . 1104 fenrock ... ios loss celebrity ... 100 S017)IJtllle Baker 1Il 3050 Tay Pay . (vuurecian ..10, 3039 Ed Crump . ISO

1993 rir. jr. .... 107 (ISU)Em. Cochran IN forFIFTH RACE HandlraD. Mile and oneVigil Modern Warfare ShownFully2023 nlanarlty . 1031 Coy Lad .... 1042060 Floral Park (SOtsiDor'hy Dean 100Grand. Oull FlgHt (023)ningllnrran Any I'ori

.1v. 2031


Grass,. ..

inI to Scenes of real troops are worked into the story.SIXTH nirP Mil tul rfi..,lib.nlh

IN (3063) First Degree ioT soso Brookfteld 105 Conflicts as told by press dispatches reproduced. Bañan ShoesJUAREZ wi iiiscKuroom iw 1950 injury . . . 1071956 Lainoda . .. 1021 lost n. or II- - Mawr lin

Wiiinerniiy1GUSI1QO . .(ivwiriying reel, :vf THE SENSATION OF THE PICTURE WORLD. "Best on Earth"TOOAya g ELECTIONS.

Laurel Reaper. ONE DAY ONLY NO JNCREASE IN PRICESSUNDAY, I. Parlor Boy, True as Steel, Joe Finn,t. Rolling Stone, Battery, The Rump,3. Hydroplane, Celebrity, Change.4. Sharpshooter, I'ehlei. Caasett entry.. Striker, hcallywar. Sherwood.

OCTOBER 6. Centaurl, aoldy, Ouy Fisher.

Bobsos LalonU. AT1. Tory Maid, Aunt Josle, Zlndel. THE GRECIAN i W.k A .k ir. .lal V iP2. Waterbass, Leochares. Leo. skoiny, - THE BEST v w mm j . M 111 imw aj i25tH, 3. Wllhlte, Sebago, O'llagan. mm w m mm IMIIIIll II mW M I

5. Short areas. Coy Lad. Dorothy Deán. TODAY .m m v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1

AT 4 P. M. 6. BrookfUId, Yenrbee, Injury.OUR MUTUAL GIRL PROGRAM Trftti BllBTRAWUERRBU ANB CKEAM ea. tmwton's, 330 San Antonio. (Advertisement) REEL 40 in the cky today is to be found

r FooHiaH Teday. GREAT FASHION SHOW at theThe Well Known Matador From all lndleatlons a lar re erond will

be In attendance at the r loot, Alo aball game to be played M Washington park w

ANTONIO RIVAS (MORENA GRANDE this afternoon st I 30 o'clock. BIJOUTWO-EE-. The members or the signal corps team SPECIALhave been seen dally on tne drill groundsDE SAN BERNARDO) at Fort Bliss practicing, aad It Is eipecledthey will put up a fast rams.''" ' ' The llneuo will be as follows) Rlrht en,i

Will White) rlfffat tackle, phtllltiMi light guard. UIMIQXTE3 TODAYuob Leonard and KIM. Han CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGEAlteo left tackle. Walklsiai left end,

FIGHT TO DEATH FIVE FEROCIOUS BULLSguard, quarurbark. liarrlngeri right hair- - IN rferptys Coaetius Conimlailon MamlisuU.back. BUerl left büfback. Mseetti rull- - "OLiAK BRICSON, VOW

. HS . back. Welcaadt Substltuieai 8. C. utvxm Two-re- drama of the lumber We pay t price o fedaral and constltutlonallat moaar- Kaftwcklly fsr the aid. Busch. McJCee. ShulUi. HaM sal O'Con NaUossal BautkOmwÍm, ar. region. CHr WnHiMng, Hoom Hi, Ilwse Sill.Also Ford Sterling;, that Xomlcal CtAWFMDFmH will Im fivam to aü by (h Uml mutboritU. PaeWle Coat LeastM. Kum, laAt Los Angetea Venice. It Las Angela 1, a. "8BCRET SBUVICB 8NITZ"At Saa Franclaeo Porduii. a svui Kun.' A acream from the besMittS- -Cisco, X ; Ciple4a ckaaga sf fUy MnAt oiana OMitaa, 11 muiIimm. t. Tomorrow and Moater

TRKV O' HEARTS" VO. X. day and Thursday, 'AJmmitm: U. S. Bee ew line of LaaseroUs taut RecBlklns. "STEEL)Curwncy, Shade Box $1,50, Shade RIDBON8" A four.ct cawedy-siVaro-a CamasThe Laurie Hardware Co., MWs aM HUn A4 a rood Sterlla Coaae4y, tkat Kksand riMssi

SU? $1.25, Sunny Smc$,00. VutAdverUsfSMwat) Aalmeted Weekly Monetey, U there wkh th puiackHee4 OlsaMst Aak fisgaU. Mt faces st, Coatlnuou from 13 aw. to 11 a-- M. Regitlsr fnW fea SlwltoiiynelrKÍVnar lo and ltc

asW Ur. Ki ra m4 OtirtaX Ma,,

Page 9: Se Pague Más

J SahirrJay, OctoW 24, 1914. EL PASO MORNÍNÜ T.ME3 , 3


WW It 11 A W"ll I ffV I m tifa 1nunareas oí di jraso rammci nave ivUi ineir winter w11 Clothing Bill In Half at Our Great

Going Out of Business SaleWe Are Forced to Sell All Our


TfflS SALE Nothing ReservedOur leaso has expired and our atore is to ba torn down. That s And remember, too, that we offer in this sale only our regular

stock stylish hew goods that were bought for the tegularMake your select-


the reason for this biggest saving opportunity of the year a fall and winter season. Everything must go Ladies Coats, Sale prices apply tochance to clothe every member of the family át prices that Suits and Dresses; Men's Suit's, Overcoats and Hats; Chil-

dren'severything in ourNOW while Wear, Hosiery, Underwear, Dry Goods and Furnish-

ings.seem impossibly low. Just ask somebody who has been here. $50,000 stock ofstocks are fresh and seasonable mer-

chandise.complete. 214216218 THU MHnCí CTADC 214216218E. Overland St. 1 HL iTlWLTUlw J1U1L E. Overland St

and the ownara of property along the la a man or rortttud Is demonstrated by

GOVERNOR OF M routs. The contradi are mads in the form SEEKING LONG the trip he has negotiated, making lb0( deodl, to he valid If tho property U dlitance of many thousands or miles Honeu. s. used for a scenic driveway. Ths form on boriebsek and going frequently ror daysWas accepted with minor changes. without adequate rood.

MEXICO ON STUMP County Attorney Croom, Xsrn, City Engl LOST BROTHER Story claims Tennessee si his nativabeef Oeorga Espy, H. D. Slater and Harry state. At a boy ha lived In wast Mlliourt,namey were appointed sa a committee, but emigrated to Texas lit ISM. lis lert thlawith Alderman W. S. CUyton al chairman, evening for El Paso snd La Mesa it WhichArmy Goods Store Mcdonald tours stats in interest 10 select the route, describa the 'property aged . Texan iiidks thousands place he hope! of hear tiding! or John

of demo chati c campaign for oeéded, ind report back to the committee 'milek Acnoss countrv in niiey story.reduced taxation. ss soon ss possible. VAIN 8EAHCII.

It Is proposed to build the drivews VITAL RECORDOpposite 5 & 10 Cent Store Will Address Voters of Deming Mondayalongthe quarries

the lidsand


to Highland.mountain,

Parkabove Hsrsebsik Trip Covers Six Stales Without

and entila class yet Legislation Revealing Trace or John Itllry Story Birth.Thladriveway will be about one'A- - fc.V llhft 61 II. "ft." 'Armv. Naw and hthur .ntenfefttn! nualltv

'.. deeded to Mcel Situation. hundred feel above the city, and will af-

fordlilsslnd for II Yelrs.




avenue,snd Mrs.


4,r.a' best prices rlghU Prices from 12.38 to M.Í5. some of 1U6 jnost beautiful views lrl.

vur wfiva urou u. ct. ovvctnoiii ai ,.90. uovit xa mo greenest ymub Du Timet Special Corteépondent obtainable. Du Timet Ueeclal Corrctcondrtit(n the Southeast. Deralní. N. M.. Oct. 23 Oovernor Wlllla It is said thát the speedy commencement Lordsburg, N. M., Oct atory of Death.

A shipment of Army Pennants. Throws and Pillow Tops arrived C. McDonald will arrive In Derolng next of the work hinges on the action or but brotherly devotion teeming with pathosyeitcrdáy. All the newest shades; fine for gifts or decorations. Price Atondar morning from Santa Fe and sr two or three property owners slong the was revealed here upon the arrival today ditlon, October W. hurled October S3 in LEADING HOTELSfrom 76c to 52.00.. rangements have been made for him to routs, the great majority bf the owners or e. l. story, an aged horse ranchman or Concordia Caiboiio cemetery.

line address tlio citizens or Luna county at having already agreed to donate the needed Dennlson, Texas, who alnce April lpth, hadA uls; of All "Wool Olive Crab and FlannelSerse Shirts, breast atrip or property to tne city, been riding through ttie west in search ofp. ra. In Deming at the Crystal theater, at Marriage Ltcentls.lined, quality the best; prices the from Sa.00 to $3.60.lowest,. which time he will deliver a message on Ms missing brother, John Itlley Slory. Story Marlon L. Patrick OF EL PASOAll Wool Olive Drab Suits Ü. Those nroneblal CoushiOur from the S. Government have been the New México tax situation and Inform Stop Early reacoca nera rrom uunctn tins morning, Margaret Watson.slightly used, but In excellent condition. Price, $3.50 per suit. iney noiig uu au wii..vr 11 z:si cjicgkcu, having ridden from Estancia. .1. M to thotbe voters on the class of legislation that and pave the way ror serioül throat and MortALES-LUJA- AbCrO MoralesOUr new fall catalogue sow ready. is tbe paramount issuo or the present cam Arizona town in pursuit or a man bearing Martina Lujan.

palm. The Deming band will furnish mil iioney ana Tir compound, ana texe 'i ires the same name, but who proved not to beREMEMBER THE PfcAOE. sle for the occasion and s royal welcome lv. Htoni eourbs and rolda, heals raw In nis nrotner. A Pertinent Oueitlon. THE LOCKIE221 Mesa Ave. Opposite 6c and 10c Store. win be extendea the governor by the c ti named throat, loosens lbs phlegm and II According to the veteran Ta ran John

tens of Deming without regard to party mildlynnlerr.





en Itlley Blory sotlled at La Mesa twenty-eigh- tuperlor to ROTEZi AJTB ATAMTWBfttCAL HIRSCH aro morv- - & SONS, affiliations. bla, got very hóárae. coughed consumir years sgo. ror a lime ne kept in com rename. Ceimer Kills aaa Btaatwa MtM

A. Harris, Mgr. Ai e n'elnAk In (Vim mfttmnnn tit (tin uma from iicbhuic wruii. ii ,i;i-- uuijr niun cation with hla brother and with i caldea thev Inmrovn ih tuquie, elaanaday the governor will address the citizens Foley's tloney.and Tar Compound. Was en- - sister at Humboldt, Kansas. Fourteen year and InvlguraM the stomach, correct disor-

dersKl jraao. Vasa

tlrlv rll(l. urania nllirri In know or ago, nowever, jonn luiey siory disap of the liver and leave ths bowels In aof Myndus. roisys woney ana isr. (Aqverusemeni.j peared, in tho Intervening yean numerous natural snd healthy condition, while tbe tu . Leekle, Ugr.w. r. iiouinter lert Friday morn nr ror uso or pins, owing, to their drlstlo effect,Dayton. Ohio, where he win spend a vacs sheet iron Hot matt wood tieiieri. to errorts were mads to locata him by h a is Often ruliowed by constipation." For

BIG RAIN AT CLOUIiCHOrft lu Kooken, the driver of the mail hack, had tlon of a month with relatives and frleadl. cent! lo tii.00. Laurie Hardware Co., Mills broiber and alster. Early In this year the sus uj ajito abandon his back and bring the mall in August Wascher. car foreman of the and Staoton. (Advertisement.) elder Story resolved to take up the search

Deluge Forces Htll Carrier to Abandon rersenacav Binta Fe. returned Thursday from in in in person, wnn mree neid or horses he see our tine or Cssssrolss snd Aimlkim.Wagon in Honaiains. n. J. Whitfield, who bas been spending spectlon trip of equipment on tbe Santa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ridden

left histhroughranch near

me ToxalDennlson

bandhandle.and has since

Kan- -Tbeton.


Hardwire Co., Mill! and Stan, The Grui HttclDU Time Bptelal Corrctpondtnt a vacation at the P0rílrír cottage, left for Fe mo orando a vision. sai, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico and atfmlght$1 Da haCloudcroft, N. M., Oct. . Tuesday after Mrs. T. E. Muster returned Sunday from C. o. Coffin. P. E. Kern. r. 0. Morris and A ratTaet. SH

Los Anreles. where she has been visiting Frank Wells Brown to w. L. Hlder, M.ioo. Arizona. asá aaRosa Cloudcroft vrti visited by a very Mrs. V. Iloleemb and her father. Mr. TWENTY SIIHINE NOVICES hetsL MeauybStory Is ti of looksyears sis. snd as ifher iliter-ln-li- miss Virginia Militar. iota e, 7 ana s in bwck i or Kern Fisce forstahed, eleaa aad saaf.heavy .rain, which continued through tint Brown, returned lo 1 Paso Wednesday. addltloni July t. ne ma lust stepped out or one or Bert tar y I wHb er witiUat ti--night and part of Wednesday moralnr. Dr. O. W. n. Smith Of Vaughn. N. M Deming Baptist church, will leave Sunday C. a Coffin. P. E. kern et at. to Robert Hone's treasured pages. He ii till andThe rain during Um night was a heavy one has moved to. douderoft, arriving hers evening ror socorro to attend ine mm - itouiaay,. z,7w, lot a in uiock s or Kern creel, rugged snd picturesque. He wvars Nobles of El Mslds Temple Will Paradeand wit unusual for mis urns or me year, weanesaay ana win locate here. Uteri' association, after which he will go a Stetson lhat haa done honorable aervlce lionnlotvn streets This AflernoonThe rain extended throughout the fltcra Melvln Dolltnl. of Mirblll. Was in Cloud lo Albuquerque to attend the Stats Baptist tois



. blocklo W.

ManhaltaaCooley, I0,

Htlgntsetc., and lungs limp over Iron grsr hair that In Sclntlllallno Anblc Clory. Weekly Hates. fnoae ana.

meoto mountilns reaching as far as Lower croft Tuesday to appear bifúre United, rana upon siory-- snouidors. Shaggy brows TjHe WesternFenaaco in Chives county. It Is not thought states commissioner ii. a. noberts In eon' Mrs. M. Lanier of El rate was a visitor auuiuuui



company to F. E. snd long mustsches that would rival 3U 0. klaoloo.that much damage was dons to tne crops zagiomvs give to Story the vlsago or The clghleenth reunion o( a newncctton with certain land matters. Ho was In Deming tbls week and while hero bought nuiitcr. im cask llAf toi ui ,uia 1 lu jjiace not a betel, earas most of the farmers have finished accompanied by Tony Curtis and Allen Clay rive aerea or land adjacent to Deming, a and a portion or lot e, block 9t of East typical former day frontiersman. That bo lha Ancient and Accepted Scottish lilts a rooming ly a bom, iraryharvesting, ror several weeks up to this ton. of Nayhlfl. Secretar Wlliard E. Holt of the Deming ti raso aaaiiionj uciooer xi. of Freemasonry or. the Valley of El Paso, Co.'s


troniclean, modern. Free M. V.

weather has been Ideal for harvest w. w. Harnee 10 iiawxins depotrain the improvementHiss Calila staieuo went to Alamo rortlo dumber or commerce reeeirea two com' CUStois i 10 Orient or Texal, closed last night with the CHICOS. Mgr.diock w oilng sad the farmers throughout this sec-

tionompinv, fjuu,, o,lucsany. munleatlom from prospective settlers In Vaso II years with F.I l'an- - leaitlnr tmf l.addition;El Octoberaat to. AtrrOKOBIXJM FOB HITUS. conferring ofof It thehave taken advantage as every the Mimbres valley, which Is or interest Thirty. second degree

available man has been used In harvesting If you want somethlnr rlmr in it on account of the distance from which lots', t, 3 and 1 and part or the west 'hair of StM

largeFbm AM ul Tul


ears upon a number of candldalei. At thotho unusually heavy crop. dlnerts, we hare it. The Laurie Hardware the letters canas. iot 4. block 74. Franklin Heights addition: and taxis that aever slaep. Oppeslts morning session yesterday the thirteenthSam Blocker front the Meicalero Indian cc., mite ana Stanton. (Advertisement.) Oas of ths letters was from John Fassett October ii. Dal Meat Betal, IIS W. Saa Aateate SH. and . Dr. Carl Smithdegree wai conferred, at afterreservation was In Cloudcroft Wednesday. Edwards of Montevideo. Uruguay, 3outh ete Yereia and Frank Alearete to Ii. v. FMONKfl the

Owing to the heavy rain Wednesday be STRAVVKKHBttS IVn nvlu tA ur.. America, in which ths writer expressed Young, vs.vitio reel, Mlflg la Ibe at ut noon union lha thlny-flfi- t degree was ItLTIUBJC BLOOD, SHUN, L1VESJ atlsVitislf block Caronbelltween Cloudcroft and Lower rcnasco, A. east or IIS. sddltlóni m exemplified.'"i ow auiduiu. to tne soutnwesi ena AN'Di (Advertisement.) desire to come October tS. KEY iJUUlDCal DliCASU.The ceremoniii session or the El Ma Idassked for information of this section. The Fete vereia and rranic Aseareis to P. F. temple or Shrineri will ba held tod sr.other Writer wit In a far different hart Yftunr. M.OSO. UilM reel sad tlw mil hitr Rsssss n-- ror ibe world, being from Auckland, New of block (i, Mills map I October II. wnen more man twenty novices win make First National Bank trio over lbs sandi.E. Miller L. M.Zealand, from where Archibald Wallace. W. to Crttmiftea,

the ii a business session win ha he m at swho livestock and commission agent, survey 17 lo ri or Saa EUsano onis a tba Island, containing ad Ja.T7 acres, 'clock this afternoon at the lemDls onalso wanted Information in regard! to the leipecllveiy) October tJ. Oregon Ureal, ind at o'clock the grandadrac tares Of Dealing sad tne Mimbres val pariaa win inuve in an its iciutiiiiiing Or. Che HoleOUR PRICES ARE LOWEST ley, which tve said he read about tft the Balldtog Persatls. splendor from the témale, on Missouri

1 riso Times tent to mm by a rrieed. William Dirt, to build a brick baaaaiaw street lo Mesa avenue, oh Mesa avenue to CHINKSLuna County Agricultural Agent south at ion nooteveiti Hjm. ruvsaUAN

worth aaaotMcst that bs will soon have on Bern Lodci. to build aa adobe en lata 11 Texas, on tsxss to teaioaj, on Stanton to

aad It, block J I, Campbell addition SfM. Sin Anlonlo, on San Atoilo to El Paso,file at his office in the Chamber of Com .urea RBeuaaalttra,on El Paio to Planear pina, from the pun16 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR, meres a conolelo directory of llvestoel Hood rolsoa saafined run vamancv, on Oregon street to ine temple. HI internal andor au classesbreeders sad pries quotitions The first session or the ceremonial will Disease,or the different breeds from all parts of Teas Monies bo Helped Many Ht at JHI be held at 4 o'clock at Hia temple, tod toectal irealmaataIf Lbs. Sweet r 6 Pkgs. Uaeeda Craokera tbe UaUéá Sietes with the freight rates. rerrtd to mi p tor una rresassa. lha lecoud at 7 a'ctock. lee tomen ai aiod

Potateeé , JC for ...,,,.,....... Ths fsmers sea use this directory to good Tom Montea who. according to the eollee. At IOiM o'clock toaigbt. for elate Faea.a binqustsdvsaure, u tMsaaeivsi. has anneired aa bondsman on numerous oeiII Lbs. Fancy California t TM MISS4S Aa sad Edna Walk Ins left csiions for persons charged with petty of in memoeri ana their ranunes win be aiuitation r r a e

CDC 7 Lbs. UmImb Seat reuses, was yaatarday haled before Judge giren at the ras del worts. ornenPeta(e Noaday evening ror aa extended visit wm.; Coldwell In rorporitlon court to answer tefor ., meads aa4 reJetivee at Hereford and the charge or vagrancy, A tins of sao was VALIPATINO KUKHTA STAMPS. Iiisa tat saa Aulonlo St.

Faaef Pink Slmcm, in. Oelaesvilk, Tex. Imposed which lbs prisoner said ha would Fboae ma.tall cans 1UC 2 Caas New Pack r. E. oetiasher sad family of Mogollón Mexicans Now SMet From Paring llcubll

Tomatoes for are among the nw arrivals to settle In E. Finch, charged with reckless tlrtvlng, For Absolute Success rosla-- s at MaM to United Slates.Freeh. Effs (fUtraateed) .MA

.,,....,..Deming. Was released upon bis nromise lo pay rof In order ta avoid mvmrnt or double

dimagei suililned by - E. Mxoii'i car. A postara on letters rrom Mexico to Ibojobs Bdeaoerger sad N, Miss M. nansKdoua ....j...,. JUC S Cans Fancy Ranche wiadabield as broken and lamp! aad lead. In Raiting Chicken ai Fawnl United Slatei owleg to refusal of the Lolledwell. W. Á. Ooldfcer sad Ml4 DelbertCorn for , , , , era damned. (Slates poslof riee department toHecognlrs

Wleeonaln Cream Cheese, oft Chun, sh of cm cago. III., are spending Hoy veui piraara (ruing to VB9 cnergs "PERFECTION" HEN I tbe constitutionalist postage stirips. theper lb ....UC lew asya m tne cuy on weir wsy to of vagrancy and was 1st so on a suspended .etican poitofflce department H m w using

S Caaa Faaey S4r1ng MUnbres Mot Springs, where tbsy will senteuce of ii days or dollahs. He pr Untied AND CHICK FOOD lha old federal lumps, which tbli gov- -'

fiowdrift, better thad ab-- f )H Deans for spend a few iMathi, ta be seen no moré In bit sccuetomed ernment reeotalxei, printing tr.s words.for.....,.AsU tt will produce more Kggs, hsalthlsr ' Gobierne Coasittutlona lsia" mrr ins face. kBarrkaRSasaiBlVM'aleSaUr. 10 lbs. scknk: HKciwAY Nrrt. AiBitin rtures. In abia.bodied sMIIeia of chicks, than aay food oa ths iPrevloualy It was nrresiary ror a letter

Vancy Peaberry Coffas. aa Large fcMxe a ola Duat, tne ncighiprint repuouc, was seaieacea to mark at. inaueq in Mexico and aonrrisea 10 inper package , serve thirty days . on the rock put. I'ulted Slates u rarrv bo ill lbs eonatltu- -27UC CewmMlas Kaaasd te Secure MsMS Iba. for..... of Wsy urinrv uaa ine raarae. TRY IT illonallst sad tba feileril podare itsmps.

Postmaiter J. A. Smith, ol tbli cliy. lookI Large Rehs Toilet 25c Faacy Creasae? Butter, A joint meeting of the Rotary club ícenlo operating an amomoawe witnoui s wvmotf. Fer Sale By AU Grocaxt ins matier or recognition or uu consutu-ttonaM-

Papa ,..,.,,. per lb. .,,,,. ... highway cetaMlttee aad the city council stenws with tbi depirlmeni atwas heM ytstie afternooa at tfe council Peslllraly UUUM Creua. WiiMasjlaai severil weeks ago, iut so q

aMserf te umcusi pleas ror uBtatniog Fokys lloney sad Tar Co amount euia W. D. Wise Seed Co. awe beea taken as yet.

the slgastures of property owners a toal ths tmtk choking saucout, aad clears awetb Dtilenn. Ooeaa ka tita air aaair Sheet Irea Hot Blast Wood Htarari. NLION GROCERY COMPANY la proposed route, nay McCUatoeh, H.

M.D. aad slops lbs boars oeugB. The gupbir. WhoWile and RsUil cents te flioo. Laurie Hardwire Co., MillStater, Harry Rasaey. Ul Orndorfr. H. airangung iisui lor cream gires way l sad at)Mack. Charlea Kewsaaa isl Ben Orn ouli breathUr MS Mietrul alteo. Marol H. MOHRdorrf were appointed aa a eemmlttts to Serg, Mass. Mich., wrlMsi "We live Fo

btaia signatures for the right of way ley's Honey aat Tar lo our children fer noortnr-- at, al.ta and M.K CK'Rat HardwMña10a.110S. PWa 240ft ael 2424. emun aad II alwwa sals aulcklr." A per reea. aurioa-uat- m., pa.from Mm aveawa through to NlbUa4fsrk. waahier

Uta atoraa





of Foley's11 sal

Meaerlet aVM Hi aaastasNS. OaaatmaJsaaa A tsWL

vwtlaianoL Faint and Glaw.ctuaiy Atieraay creoea presea vm s mm sad Tar Casawséatá. Irery saer la a frssaa. nx 11 and B20 JtéU Wesssit Ha, tai. m Teats m aeaasji Fun BUfern fee ibe sewamta fciiwua the cjMg

Page 10: Se Pague Más

paso ucmmG 5ahrtaJ, óctoW Í4, lM.sJSaj

Official JhrgramJieting of t. É$tm 1BREAD 3c A LOAF The offlclsf program s arraafed fof the ' t MM VaMfy Antttn.

annual meetlftr ttf'.MM TeiM Hrliion of SUnArt ut mtñmlttfNl On nlaeM ntcluMm BY RECOKO DELUGEthe United Daufbtett éí the Conlederacy, .,., M schools Mrs. O. M. HMhey, m GIVEN AWAYPIES FOR 3 CENTS which will be heM la El Pasa nest week, Chapter reports rrom g to n,has been arranged aatd Is as follows. Mesolutlons.Tuesday, Oclster X, A. M. AssMuncetnentS. t J HCAVT HAMAD TO RA4fJH4H ANN TMMGROCERY BARGAINS BARGAINS ÓNLYl oíísMEAT TODAY WeDelegate report lo committee on cre-

dentials,AaWourned until t p. m. rmrarrr m clm.ii.

Beef Stew, 3 pounds. , ! .SCc chairman, Mrs. i. 'H, Mar. TtMsfMlar, Uelober 3t, 3 K H. JW you yMir eksitn sf nny tirSpud, 14 pounds for, , . ,25c Veal Stew, 2 pounds. . , Í 25c I In. Distribution of badges. CN to order by state..

presldewt, Mrs. éí Mn's (3.50 10 $5.Cr9 Pm-.róf-

Onionn, 15 pounds for. . 25c Beel Shoulder, 2 pounds. .25c n.10

K 'Leea. in.,

chapter.fall to order bf president of CMnes

tavocatlonLeiana namii.

......Father E. Rio Grands Rle Ftrkynre. Feet Avs er CjkiMksji ist MaVLoh water Hack sM

Sweet Potatoes, 15 lbs. . ,25c Mutton Shoulder, lb.. 12 VicMusicInvocation


.."OurC W

.Southland"Webdeil Music

Reading... .


.....n.Mrs. J. J. TysMalTorrent Meay Mes


mtHfMutton Leg or Chops, lb, .15c ficoort or Confederals souvenir bisas'Mrs. Tyndall, Misa llosenateln, Mr. TyndallSugar, 16 pounds for. .$1.00 Round Steak, per lb. .17 Vic and Mr. Carson. commlttfce. Mrs. C Oatewood. De4sn Jig Times Special Corrttpinitni

butter- - 3 pounds for. ...$1.00 Loin Steak, per pound. . .20c Address of Welcome .....Major C IL Kelly rteportbattle

of committeeflaca

to secure captured Del filo. Oct. he cloudburst whichAddress of Welcome .... Judge Adrian roo I struck the Hlo Grands akors this tcEggs, 3 dozen for $.1.00 Steak, per pound. 20c Solo , , It. J. Carson ..Mrs. Cornelia. Branch gtowe. OaJvssisst' :

Pork 22c (a) "Old Dlack Joe." Iteport or Dick Donlloa mVmonsl com- - . Wednesday turned tne Usirtiiy slugs 1Chops, pound. . . ,Corn Flakes, 4 packages. 25c (b) "Unfcie Med." ml t lee ... Mrs. M. A. Zumwalt, Hotssaeti itream Into a raging torrent that awept Fair4 Macaroni Pint Oysters , .25c Address or Welcome From Veterans Report of committee ,io, )qct Confed everjimflg- perore it. vnnm a rew mmpkgs. or 3 Large Mackerel. ..... .25c , ............... Judge Peyton Edwards - erate monuments...... .,4.. ... .... utes the water rose nrty-m- feet sovSpaghetti for ,25c Hams, whole, 21c Address or Welcome Prom D, A. n... , .Mrs. Hal W. Orear. Uttéo low water mark, the highest point sine (tieper pound.

. Mrs., rL, Thomason natmrt or Bhlloh monument committee railroad was built through Del Rio.Cream Cheese, pound . . . 20c Bacon, by strip, pound. . .25c Iteading rrom' 'rMy Idy't., ..Mrs. Valerf KUward Austin. The river spread over miles of country Women's Shoes 1.Good Brooms at. .... . ,25c Snowdrift, 10-l- pail.. $1.25 Mfs. C 0. Jiucker, f.l Piw neport or traarn orL.


n. 1..Museum.

d the- roar of the raglnj water sounded Your choke of tg atyW of Wem- -Mrs. tory. regent, Austin(gr "nun" b) "Bonny niuc Flag",. nao mat or the great gorge beiow JuagaraFLOUR, BEST, 25 LBS 85c ........... Mrs, Itobert Lander Chapter reports. from M to T. en's $3.00 Shoe in Pntnnt, Kiel or

nesponses to Welromi., ...... Ilesolutlons. , "Mouse were swept rrom the It foundation Gua Metnl. leathers Offered .CRESCENT SHORTENING, 10 POUND PAIL $1.25 .Mrs. Mabel Mussey nates, fln Antonio Announremenls,

' Sheep, cattle d wild anímala fled before nreDivision called to order ror business by Adjournment. ' the onrCshing Waters. Snakes', mico and TODAY for jW

On account of thtr tow prices wn aro Mitins; at, no orders less than Mrs. Charles Leland llaroll, sute president." ,4:W p, ni., aiitO' rid. ' ' '. small animals seemed almost Jo. cover the11,00 will be delivered. ttoll call or active and honorary officers Thursday. October , 8d?P;'vfM. grpuna in iheir desperate etrorta 10 enspe $Ui PER PAIR.

"or division. , Confederate ball'and reception fm aeiuge.Report or program committee, Mrs. C E. Friday. October 30. A. M. 'The conductor- and engineer or xre'it Fren Roller Ska,tea with $2.00

McMickle's Kelly, chairman, KlrPaso, i Call , to order by-- , state president,-- : .Mrs. bo and passenger train, on the Sunset Ceatrsl School Shoe.Grocery Itrport or credential .committee Mrs.' J. Charles Leland HamO. ItM"wrot rorwsrd td examine the trackM. l)vr, chaliman, Warlln. Invocation ...........ncv. John K. Ahajett and had a narrow vscape rrotri being cut

I'porl or committee on ruleaiand regula Music Mrs. Wtli' Owen faff and' drowned before getting back to BROADWAY600 San Antonio fit. "TM3 GUOCJÍHV" Phone 6180.6191. lion?, Mrs. Otear Harthold,! chslnnan,1 neadlng or minutes. their- trata; Tfcsu'wMer Doured over the D faso Shoe Co.Quick, Delivery. If you want something quick, phono Us, WeatherTord, iieHjn 01 comniuicQ iu secure luirai ror tracas many reet, oeep. MajcslkTMiterAnnouneetnentsi telegrams, etc. nlaco marker to Oen. Bamard E. Bee The army camp at Devil river was washedAdjournment to. 2 p. in. .' Mrs. W. I. Baugb, San Ahtofelo away and the soMers barnly escaped wltn

Tuesday, October 17, 2 P. M Iteport of (press departmenis: thejr lives so stMMea was the, rise of tMcan to order by state president, Mfs. Galveston Dilly 'eWJ ....? waters. The rallread Bper at Del hlo

Charles Leland, llamll. ..1 MUs Else 8- - OrlHttHr louna, re rugo on twreor or, a va expected 'to have arrived In 1 Paso the failure of the John R. Watah bonksInvocation J. II. Allen . Waco. Tlmea ulletald. house rrom. which Mice' b wai nvum yeseraay. her. .

. SERVICE Music Mrs. V. it Waster Mrs, Kdllh K. T. Lesshtr with ropes by the ' aotJjefa; belnr almost The . directors Hi net decide upon theleading or minute or morning session, San. Antonio express ...... urownea 'wnen ne was urougnt to high Dr. Mini neum. Buckler Bldg., o'vtr .Elite. governor's salary, hat M Is undorstopd H

That is one thing, we endeavor to do, is to give you quick and Report or board or directors ..,.. ' ........ ...Mrs. Mabel Mussey Bates ground. will be probably sweo a year.efficient service, both in our contract, department and' in our .,.,., Mrs. John van Wert, Marañan Houston I'oSt and Chronicle, The water reached its btarbeat nolnt at Try tbe new Bar. You aret the KKCVH.kS, .

delivery service. ' Iteport of' recording secretary ........ . ........Mrs. Mary E. Bryaa 6 O'clotk Wednesday afterndnn it best. T.fF. Kelsn, rrop. Jiest lunches. sandw(elMr tmnorted and; Weri, Marshal! Austin Statesman MUs Mabel Bass the Del....... ..Mrs. John Van completely ecivcrcd Rio bridge, 'sausage."Write us your paint trouble." ' Iieporl of corresponding ccrotary ', Chapter reports from T to z. which Is fifty feet above, the river. Cattle. Telegraphers Tournamentdomesticliquors a

cheese.specialty. Ph. .Mfc

FamilyHQ K.



.........Mrs. J. It,, mvsns, Longvlew 'Jtiolutions , horses coiild be seen struggling 13 U the AMkoHatttl IVhiIteport or audlllniT committee.,,.)...... ' Announcements.- ui luo iioou ,a wrecaea souses Mia iioat 8 an FrancUco. Oct. S3.K national, Icier. War EmeraeBéy. Taies.Tuttle Paint & Glass Co. .Adjourned ,6ntll,-'p- . m. ing timbers, almost covered the surface rapbers' and wireless operators' tournament By the Attociated Prttt a ,Iteport or treasurer.. .;. ..... rrldav.' October J.: 2 P. M. or tne rusmng-water- s. inojiands or ral road will be ifdd here, it was announced today, Washington, Oct. by

Mrs. 1. f-- nurion, Houston Call 10 Order bV stale president,!. Mrs, iie aoa oriage jimoers were earned sway on. May S7, 23 and W. itis, Under tho the government today In preparing- to .collectIteport of registrar Charles Leland llamll. , and scattered for tnllea over tho eounirv. or the Panama-Pacifi- c international the taiea Imposed under, the war, revenue

ilsvgreat Clara Austin Invocation ..' ...........IICV. Mr. . IlOvd iiepuono ana Telegraphers' Tournament association, law. Commissioner, of internal Revenue OSlied niver and mineral fields on ...... .Miss Sterzlng, leiegrspn wires wereFINDS ROADS OF the proposed Iteport or historian, ..i ..- . Music. ''Sweet , and'' Low'V... Mixed Quarter prostrated' in 'til direction and Del nio in all other


contestacities 'of



.held borneall collcctorsi

tonight sent the following telegram tovrga acmlc highway circuit. Thl road miss, octavia usriow, ti raso Heading pf minutes. ror hours wax comnletelr Isolated from and only the winners will come here ror tbe "Beginning today, .tax: accrues on all 'wineat,, Bed niver l pronounced by engineers ncpori or custodian ............ . Unrinlsbeii business.

'' finals. No announcement or nrorram and sold.-- cents, a quart, on' still wines, so centsor the United States orrtcn or public roada i w. Mrs. w. T. WW, Austin Amendments .vi tne many summer camps along the a truart on champagne aod' other' sparklingNEW MEXICO GOOD a one or the finest acrnlcally on tb.j rteport or recorder of rrbsses;,.-- , ., vVew business, .." - Bevtl river-not- ' aetaM, remains. and artificially carbonated wines r n cea ta a

continent. , , lr. .w,, yA uaufu, .sail nuiuuiu Selection of next, place or meeting, ice watertisuMided almost is mttcklV as Phone ton. the Dest quart on liquors, cordials and similar com-pounds,It' will allow devclooment of Iteport of ......,! ..... " Final" rcsdlutlbns. sT '" they rose MM Thursday morntng dawried cleaners' White work a spedialty. and proportionate rates for other

Hlx rich mineral ihp):rti-no.- taklnfoui ..'if.. MrsEdlth'K. L. LHslng,- - Waco u Iteading of minulesf,- - onta scene, pr.desélaUOn such aa has never quantities, tmttr stamps are furnished re-huiréSANTA IE ÍIMÍ uXhEií TIIOl!.SANi) merchantable, oro wilehlhlihero cOuJd not, rtPs01uton.s. .o -'-

Announcements.;Installation; of orncers.,, ueen wimejsea since trw nrst wrnte man Valuable Garment Stolen.


of sales,Who




today."'tn keen

MILKS IN VOtífi DAYS FINDING ;, jre uwi irum wo romes un;accuum or m i "Aula Lang' snle." came to this'sectfoti f"tft country. .The. home, or W B. Bull. 1W ' lídrítíONLY FEW' HUI HOAKS. - lack or a passable roadand' lhcreate, lltn Adjournment.,,,,., , . -

r . 4:00 d. m.. Dilgrlmage. to oar tribute to By what now' soem .tanaat miraculous Florence, was entered by burglars early For chapped banda, use Wardlna liondincome or lhriltricufrom 6.060 id Homo SKW- o ; Mrs. A. V . wiflKier anu to conreaeraie aeau good- fortune, notes sl&glo"hutnan lire-- was last night- skin coat.valuod at Lotion. Ph- - 16V 600 Worth Stanton.-a year to start with: If now planned to hebeeca 9toddert 'cbDfer. Daughters of'tbo Friday, October 30, 830;'P,-.tM- . ' loit ihotiitt thorp iwer'e countless narrow about f350w was stolen. madeForest 8elce Mllh Male sad novo an too towns' and clue along- - the, American ItevoltiUwi'' tho.Tesldence.;or. Ball and reception, tendered by ti raso vesi'o. ., jiivcmur us amounts 10 bis escapo without arousing any members Thoue 1 for rent cars.County Authorities .la Rullalpo Scenic nest loop get together, in an dvrtlslmr Mrs. It. Mesa" avenue. Morning Times. many wousanas Ofuouar. 01 the household. Tha 'matter Was reported

Drhe ThruuflU .Mountains. campaign to all AV titn the Waters had nib.htt.i rahttrue to ' -bring tourists from over the n. t ' 'be., police, ; IN THE COURTSCheck J trouble .at Once. lion trains feeartor lare-- frireer nrto taxe mis znp ay rresiaenrscveiniBV i Th.r I. meh .rendv aetlnn In Folev. KMGovernor Igaurrs Judge' Mona; Miss rirst vice presi men were rushed rrom both east sad. west Dr. Jamle'MB. rlKéúer or IcfdnkV. hlait.ttv Tlmn Xptclal UorrfpundcM bey rills, you reel tholr Healing rrom the Forly-nr- District Court

Santa i c. .t; M Oct. ,s3..Thc condition "I Hive nothing to y at thll time. Coii dent, presldlnf.lj .t very rirst u. . nackach.' weak, sore kld dcr, skin and rectum. St8 Mills Bldg.

P. ÍL Price, Judge.)or the public road In as a rulo aldnraton .or the. source makes It unneces-

sary."Invocation .:.tí"',.t.'.lU!V. C, L. Overstree.t neys, pslnfnl Jjladdcr. asd Irregular actloh or the Galveston, Harrlsourg sad Son An Texas Bonk Trust

It little jihort" of Ideal, according to Clulr-tha- n xuld Ooyrrnor-W- C, McDonald today Mnslc. .,.'.(-.&.'- ,. disappear with tbelriJse.'

01 Palmer, oreen tonio rauroad asdnho.,nrsttfAm, the west-bound

PresMeet Leaves far 'Pittsburgh. Th? and company.'


Arthur Sellgman, or tho Santa Fo when shown a report of; tho pcvch said Ellzabctli, WsryiAnne arid Charlee Kejly' Bay. Wis., iays: "My Is rantdly Hunset .Hnilted,' got. through by slow By thf Auoe(atti Prci$George Harper and Roy peak, suit


to nave ueen K. Mann I er beallh and strength.! due solely atid cároful rurinlng. Just lvvmlV-rod- r hauTa Vnttillurlnn. Clrl 3trelSB Wll.n notes, seooj filed.made, cy jodgo A. nuiu Aignugcounty road board, who lias Jut returned iieeitation ...aaiiiq to Foley Kidney Plilaíí And V. T, Hutchens. The- - International Motor vs.'at a Hepubllcan meeintg;. 'at Carrlzoto, in Paper ,".,...'ii.Mrs. Jt.' . Dryan. llouaton ate. " lert atv Jnldnfght .for .Pittsburgh to - speak company- - a ,00, mile trip taking- Jn San Marcial, Nicholson, .oa 'ays.,"Ju-t- lew doses made R4o-- Grande Valley Bank and Trustthere at y, M. com.tomorrow; a C a. ceiebratton;which Judge Mann charged that while Mc (juarietDeming, Silver city, tai cruces. Alamo, Mtiato ...,.r,w-...-.:.M..- the te jnd r.ow nay palnr "and rheu- -

To the Publltu 110 Will arrive at Tlttsburgh at tornor- - pany, garnishment; riled. - (ivgcrdo", rtosweli and Encino, Mr. ffellgmati Donald was aueiior or L'tncoln county It (j, H. I'lnilips.t'r., v. i:rutcner. u. it. maitsni bit kuiic alio- 1 . ma"! ,I .used a battle of ciMmberliln'n Cnn rpw raofBtfig; will and. .Merfcent vs. Zelger, suitundo this was necessary, ror tne county to me ror an D, 'WooJley) long," (Aavertisement.icircle lit tito lemarkablojthno or ncmedy last' winter ror a severe bronchial nipcis j jevo id- wasnmgion ai i:ua in ror aUeged personal Injuries. SQ.oeo,' onrotir oayV Mr. MllgraanYcportaVjUiat ,he. accounllng; 4 .:; . Poem' '.. k , , iMrs- - Watrite. D,fPeek., Corslcana. - rh. ltn. llnl mi llurlrr soan tn tho orternooa. ; ,. tf laL iencountered lés iban ' iitiiestbrbwrdafl Luna Will Knew, MrrirantteCVftUeV ' '?f never took o. medicine that did.fM eo. much

In the ttbolelclp, ; ueniantfi-- iwiii not ?re.n ,bo, ht;ard or t,n I'restuanva annual uanrss,.tv.,j--. II5.UO. "Laurie itarqware .mus ana atan Save yeuV baggage .checkir'fot' Lgwcll's . ; t . ."

In Santa Je county, "He jeumrpents, Jiost the balloting in i.una' courtly, "according .;. ::w...tirtri,iCDarieviind "mn; ton.cAaYertiseroent,i - drews. Ind. For'salé

'by all, deii'er. quick delivery service.' Phoné U j

Special THStritl ConrL 4,

ravoarfily on much or the new work to r;rneai u, uarcia, progressive- candidate Music Insirumcnja! TAKEN,Auartlromnt. -

' v -- ,. - yowu Judge.)enruUqtcrfdV especially ilia approach to the ror the legislature from that county, who Wednesds)-- , Ortober 56 IA..H. .fiC?TTON DISPUTsi TOCt)íí(rTÍ Needaiassesl Ask Segall, 108 Texas St., Cunningham Vs.-- O. H. it a. A. Railroadce bridge at gocorro, which shorten thj U here today conferring with Progressive Call to order by state president, Mrs.

One Party lo Mexican Contract Caupes ArBREVITIES. near oregbn. '. "l?'f comrany." suit for .uamagea for altegea-fer- .

route from hero to that city rorty miles. leaders. Mr. Uarcia points out that the Charles i Leland llamll. rest or other. sonal injuries,. K; on trial.For a mile and a quarter an embankment heavy vote, which' the Progressive1 expect invocation ,..,.ney. J. F, William (Advertisements.) Frisco Capitalist Dies.Was built through gwamp risuked witn to poll this fall will be but a foretaste of Music .. rarvln Wltte Salvador Turanzas del Valla was arrested Bu the dttoclated Prtu , Thlrty-rourt- h District Courtrubble and rip rap JUit like a railroad. wnat win nanpen in iota, when tho organ! Heading or minute. yesterday on a complaint sworn out by Dr. Ebcrt, Dentist, Mills Bldg. new vorx, uct. caen Thompson, San (Uin- - M. Jackson, Judge.)

Mile ' zatlon Is fully completed and more effective rteport of commltteo on printing Manuel tliitlerrez, embezzlement Francisco capitalist, died tonight at a, hotel ' Tail-- .Thousand chargingCircle llrlve. Maria Saenz Tallaras Ernestohere. Where ho 11 vino- - unh hi. va.Phone 1 forIn county. Mr. (larda Weatherford Longwell's taxlcabs.every la a rine 'type .May ration Arnott,A thousand mile circle drfve amid thq or the '.,Mrs.

.trantnortatlon committee of 400 bales or cotton. wife and young daughter, tinco the family ras, Aull to. correct deed and to removlienor! nfuniversityfinest xccnery. in the wvsi la what is returned rrom Europe on September 17. .cloud rrom title; fHett,graduate In politics, and la putting on tho Mrs. F. C. Fox. Amarillo According to attorneys Interested In the Spontaneous Cómbuxttoa. troublo riventradually was as the rauta nrbeing worked out In the i. I et oi vs. ha nnknown

.country, nortli or Santa Fa. Thonveat Ktna or a campaign ror me legisla? Iteport of anniversary, committee..,.. caso a contract was entered Into during. City Fire Marshal II. F. Iteynaud and death. heirs of Dolores Lujan de Alarcoat oLlure, lie declares that Wilson wll nrenham April between del vallo and Gutierrez, nyJ. II- - Williams,carry ..Mrs, Assistant unter j. vi. sniuvaa. who. 'Withcounty or Taos hat now authorized a ape suit on. trespass to try ttuoi nud.tuna wbleh the defendsnt was to sell a large A large stock or roofing beat'committee ofclal levy ror the building or a road from coumy. y rteport or historical number of Sunset 'Central officials, in paper

lluntavllle amount or cotton, for Gutierrez. The cotton quality, .S0 roU and ' Lander LumTaos to lite, Colorado line and Normal ....Mrs. Charles 0. liarrett, vestigated' the fire that damaged a caboose. per up.Justice Court.Would You Billete It? , extension committee. ,

....,..wásVsbJppcd from Mexico to the' United ber, Co. Phone 3ft!- .-orneport chapter in me x '. su. riiiTvaumine yarasa owner or Itru diver, Tao xnursasy (James J. Murphy, Judge.)Pcople'orten accept statements with. 'sor Dallas Stales. and the entire amount, l,"W bales.Ktlae; 8. Orirtutg.Missthat !h .or hl nignt, retried .iiwij tne maze was., un-

doubtedlyounty, aya people district of mental reservation as- much i m mv." from a u. was disposed or by del vano. caused by spontaneous coeobus Ragers Hearing Postponed. Salvador Tunosas del Valle, embezzletnd the forest service together are abend' am not convinced," which leads us to rft cnapter reports jo

resolution . The attorneys say. that too. arrest .of, t' Hon and originated la The preliminary heaVjhr or ClareVnogers; ment; complaint riled by Manuel GutierIng some. W.OUO on a road, which will pill mark that there u nothing that will so thor j. f v' some old .clothesoughly satisry .you or the. cicellcuce of Announcements. Valle is- the outcome or a dispute as to or waste stored la, a locker. The, damage postofflco clerk arrested in cohnecilon rez; defendsnt released under- lljOOO boadiCbamberlaln'a Cough Hrreedy as a personal Aillnnmeit lintll I'D. EO. whether the contract called ror' thesalo amoumca to fws, with the disappearance of registered pack- - trial set for October Ss.trial. Mrs. John Vlshtoa, ivru, Ind., Who l.rfnrcil.r. (Irl.iher .M. " P.'al, or' or t.wo bates of' cotton, andr that km ay ie riraiused this remedy In her, family fur tlie past Memorial 8erylctvlr. T. CiWestbrook." del Valle offered to huy the dlsfiuted., 40, The awellest bar la town. Flneát goods has been noit. Automobile Licenses.poned until early In November. Tbe hear-

ingof It,ten year. saya 'U. always give S75 To Vulcan Auto Salea company. 417Cough roy children aocond vice president, presiding. , , naies rrom uuuerrez at me agre?a. pur- - at tne oera. was to. have- - been held before Uniteduben sick with coughs or colds. 1 lllui it invocation OlUMt States Commissioner Oliver this week- but Myrtle, avenue, for a Vulcan

PLAINVIEW Doner man any omer .necauae tuey take it Mlislc ,, "Tenting on tins Old Camp Oround" Del Valle was released hy lustíceof FulliWortUv nooriag-- SI. tlM and owing 19 ine aosence- or tne aerendanrs ger touring car.w)iungiy anu n is ireo rrom narcotics, it Scripture reading .Mr. Olllett the !"eact James J, Murphy under. per 'roll. .Burton-Ling- 'Co. Ph. to. attorneys continuance ,was granted. ' Robert narllia. too Boulevard.nsa never ranea tp,gtve immediate reller," List or déad,.Mrs. John Van "WertiMarshall Donu ror preliminary nearing ucteeer m. for a Ford touring car.For1 sale by all' The Success succeeds the Pullman Caté. 27JS To Dayton PhUllps,, seoo MontanaMUSIC, Tito ueaitniess anuy ..itrwii.Brauu , Dutch Toryeilo Boats.

Mn,nrlat aHrtrata r.í... . 6TIIWBKnRIK8 AND CHKAMlie WCS tht AJiéciattd.Prit o Mills 6U L. iflaney. street ror a ord touring- - car.JAIL COVTHACTS LET. ..Mrs. J. A. sanoers. wnartpa wn'a. San Antonio. (Advertisement.) London. .nar.v Oct. a The Nether. Í7J1 To L. w. Dcnman. X4Si fmeea

Jtesoltittons ,.....,3K!i. f' land minister pf marina yesterday asked Coteraor Chicago DIstrlcL . . street, for an international Harvester autoNURSERY City lo Pay t3,tot.i for Filing t'p guariera Tho Jim Blast Heater' M.M lo'ltJ.60.....Mrs. Louella Styles' vinceM."iiatiM Aetna toe cnamner ror a.creeu; or l&oflQQ as the Bifiht AHtKlotid Trttt bugg)-- .

lor Lawbreakers. Laurie' Hardware Co., Mint aAd Stantafl. first Chicago. OcL C. McDaiuraL bank--payment- fot;rour torpedo-bo- whichMusic .'Only One Sweetly solemn1 TBpujtm-- J.

At a meeting or the city council yester J. 'Tvndall 'VS f (Advertisement.) 7 ' will be. ihutft in Holland to replace four examiner ror the Chicago Cloorlnr Hndse Na4.Taken Ms Wetgbt m XedMna,usociauon. was M. I). Faaeett of (JlllivtH- - hap iTiiim aTi ewqtea governor or tne, fl. aafwwwvwwwwaaa. day afternoon the contract for tbe'ttttv OenMIctlon .,k... Mr.' OWItlt ordered In' Germany and aelxed 6y the Chicago district rederol reserve, bank at a had takan Ma wtiit tn. iinf.ln n t

provemetit or the city Jail was let lo the Uerman goverpnwnt; saya a neuter dlipatch meeting or tho directors here today. He bos oene and constipation.. hut nevar Hoed' any-ilaa the. largest and beat nt,ock Call to order W .state presldeni.i Mm. held hia present Dosilion since too. Pre did htm an much rooi 's)l. G. McKce Contracting company, which Charles Leland llamll. 2 ' ' Assayer and Chemist viously he was a national bank examinar Tableta. For sale, by' aM Oaaiera.they have ever had propagated bid SJ.SVi.M. This price covers a complete neporf or text hook committee...,,,;,., ,

Sifety raior blades rrihareened in and mode tho examinations at the time or Advertisement.from varieties- that Have been hew plumbing system, new cells, painting, ........ ...Mrs. Mary M. Btge, .Austin , GEO, W.'OAMEHOif clean place' by clean people' with dean.t equipment, Our machine nones and strops.tested itnd do the beat, perfectly electrical fixtures and general repairs. For, . Your', own ,MeM return!; Kc a dozec.Mrs. Máry U. üryan, lioanon Raprantatly t'.free from uny disease, "tyo rnjaJcia, the new heating plant lhe Elliot i;ngnjecr neiriof cfFiltteiifor.ldcaiteg sotdieraV s. El Pso


Shippers the f reo repnan company, y

specialty In propagating; varje- -. Ing company bid W7L, which was accepted graves. ;rs. Airnei 1. asw'iu. mucumiIlea that seldom vet killed' tjv by the council. Election; of iof fleers. 'M Sas. Frauacbect St. s PaM, 9sM II Bsftty BruUed.

pother bidders werei Southwpsiern Iron r fu vrinnmij usuuiuu tuu sruiiea,AdourmnsCfrost. Prize winning- maize and and Wire works, f3M0 ror the whole, H'edneday,tBer 3, S;M V.-

M.r. O. Bes M.


iworein' Oaf,

HMiusttee'a. connlalat


yesterdayV u EYSTER'SSudan grass seed for sale. l'rlcea contract. L. McChesney, iioj ror the. Literary F.v'eh-M- lsa Vfvla Barloy. Sweeney; cjieRg attauK,' The case will

on application. Agenta wanted Plumbing contract; Uarbyshlre-iiarve- state hlsiorlM.-- f prcstding. . se fteac q m,wy , . Mlcompany, 'I I,wo ror, Iho steel work, con-

tradito Dell on commission. James A. nrehna, tt.wo for 'the oem. by Mrs. Susan Dr; rael", DfWIst. He.' Ban. Bldg.Vlumblngror the plumbing

rontrart.contract.and J, I. Clark, 1.UJ

Waco.Thornton rrtcief itafy W chapter. Pensaron CaMarpWslleo. C. O. D; Grocery Co.flainview Nirseiy Mayor k'elly was authorizrd to contract Short atoryf'A. Little' Mrglgla,.' by Mrs. u tfc'a Aíiótátt4 Prtu '

With the surresiful bidders. Mary Autrr HiwriM or Dick DowlHw chp Lima, partí. Oct. )L Dr. AureUo SeiuoiI'lalnvlew, TcxM, Tlie apeclflcatlons fall lor complete new Bcaumwacs.'" ono. ur. emu castette nave been abran 4349cells, new plumbing and the general reno-


ter, cabinet uoiHo. The Hnaaer atoa kwa ÍJaWHgtlaSJsDramatic satsais, rn" aoan wa iwr gjJJÜ'of the city Jal). Problems," ly ii.. Lolse JK ' of appotnted, laakalittr. nf fwino and the latter 4J4SSteven 11, Datli4rHer, Seat .Asweio. It r. minuter ojsnsse. t

avB.-í- i M. .MsaswM.' by DÁVMjóyShort ilory Phone1 1 fr- - ante hsgajsge trucks.Mrs. Maurleé Jkfifjs.rflCoL' K .Uvy tPfcsaMfesaal 44 G aRWBsj4

' aHJschapter. LenivsV.' - .

of Dr. Cui ptariteion and surgeon, sjg Fsy rnsit ssaW VatnhW. rf AM KSmU.Dramatic .. Dsttter MllU BUT.

the Confed rey." W tJss. riushen Sbaw

TRAVEL RIGHT of Coi. 11. Uvvnjmmm; .Mwrvlew, By'aa4 I ItaSarm Sdual.Acceptance.Presentation of VNM,


Ctsssa, weaai. jr. IP. MoHMit todayDeputy

torlliiijwr Jae



tornask Spec!is for Saturda v.lxgmsentatló pf t cu?, ,ttornrj-t-Iaw- . 6anaI Pjssettoa. joae Have reform aetata.

Acceptance. , .VárMusic Rooms tet'll Poñ't'-sjr- jrsMtr 'ltra clacks ana--

Tlwra4ay, OelK,.Js,-J.7A,.iM- .5. one u Ok SMk. Snve thena Sar-- tSUNSET ROUTE Call to order. ay: (VjssrwWenl, Mrs, PhoBS 144. , aw " wrfwjr nrvice, matniwaJt-it- i

1.16 Mm. GgnsaotlnlnH Sir. . .

mMrm'LelandEharlea ...i.,,;?.'- Henry Easier Woant fiaiays Tessa tiU. 6 Li4kSN PtH4MJ. , assjeMusic .7..., ,las)3MS. Palestine A tt0W on ttM Texaa k PaeHle a M(a) "ftllver TImsIi'IIB, a Oold" tnosoa aoa of Toy sioaaiitaij 13 Lbn. Fnovao WMt Grn4y Put04Mik..f. . . ,lfc

Mm Wail t aaaTsasaaa. aaAsMLsaTaVI Ha) aj

EAST (b) 'M Little 'riy BaatVa. aTJJLsaBMaBaáM J w rM tat Kl paasi otraM Sfsjr'Kvniic, H flt.-i.r- í. i w . .V; gOR WEST HaportIteadM of


children'sI'iX---- .

saasisktry com- - tH ver iwetva. 'jooatfa yesWNkay. 'TIM.

w nitm ao saiputt ,wMrs. iiottMr,.'.ktk. Slnton pasn ger team rsaaasa twtM Hniataan DA PlekUa, aaaor )!., , , . . . , Mc

TWO TRAINS DAILY AuatUsry reporU, iJlT nUdoMajM. Tn rntiior Teatatak Aonscn, N, 2Report m Texas roow. Msiraw trosn Mrvtea Mat na rxuaaia.iaaa r ctwt. , lc

THE SUNSET UMITKD NuMuw...Mr, M. . DibreW. stsjuir,

.Seguía for mw woM' paanr, fsxtW CaMM AjaasUa aNrW. . .'. . $1.30

Mrs. M. M. Bates, ca.', . Antonio " Trust Mdc, Xn-- rsirr; l '" THE lkatmt ot pan Kmuwit' snsssjii' eojn- - ssaFT t fsjktMptS. owoat pstaan. pW Fssailn'ni AM &sHVjW Rn4vnl.SUNSET EXPRESS ,HHtee,.7,54rs. E. W, JSaafBSM, Vjarlln alassjkAakji tfimM -

Usas of VasU coiitsBjHaas34......

MpM kt w tut. y mi ratM iíÉímMIMforl ot Asstsnjlnn

..Ssrt, W,isMiitsJassT......

Wtc0Msw. chM asna sat mi s atar nf

Fnuk Qjilip '.Unan ttfs.ssal rMry miTtOP OffJQt M. 2CI mm .strs. Jos, J. UWrell. ,ssWk, ruta fclaaaatton iinlnn, qnskar toot Mr,MetfN STREET ,.r...Mrs. Jt istrsiwfW.taSssfita

now UmiiiUB. AwsitnHsasstai t ,Xtmc was isnstnisii on, Waahkaginn yHr,RftMH H Wood's. ana WW am tawatM o coso ta Kl Pommtatte. . ,...( neat wawav Mr. kaaarwtll EVBtYIHWG OUAJtAMTIaYO.

Ww. tu L-- susay, cbaarmsai, Bast Mstoaki nmttnuM of ta.loal oTjai asm wU.Luvilkar rrmiWay. Mrs. Mbreai liajtaa JSfiXmU HaatMsai pas. Mi a nuaaOt "C legal mattera pat-HejpVr f ducthl fossaaaJls.....,,

Page 11: Se Pague Más


Saturday. October 24, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

. war. M the letter pert at ihtnitDO SOURING IN appuea: ror tad metre ta jpawpnai

anount ef eaMM tMee ta tt vsmtxhlbl'paiaces. The eksaiay win We

'Vi " ' 1










ttrat statHitent of Shop at "Everybody 's"tW Um building materials, ttenee tad freet ror theJtpanete serden will be inaae ea tM ShlnyoiCuOnroMMk. Mini. leavMf Kobe on Oaiejtr t. lananeseIASINDIGESTION, workreen wiil trrlv will sbipnuntr 8TRIFK. wbith will Include M taaa ef maierialtfor the government. pevMtea sad tons ror Todaytherone.

Ispanese tea honee ami HO tons ofReproduetla af laaaaeae'Tesmlf.

nch DIMretwi la Five On tbe Cblyo Mint. wMeh wftl leave KobeOctober 17. there will fee tet. tons of ma-terial for the govermtteM building and Our "Not forBy Ttm ir CorrtuwuUnt IM tons of rare Japetieae freet and shrubs "That New" ProfitHan rreaetteo, Cal., Oct. brought tor transplantmr. With tbe ar-rival

Somethingor rrieM ana wetr wttners or the raitawa-Padn- e Wonder what tiaaát your stomach of this material, me pHaotar of the Smiurday Specials

eiaoaHlta bare remeited útfMtú which' portion of the feed elld the gardens and tee pUatmc af'the trees wi.i This business takes ita, profits la many otherHirormttM ot what action the. European begin. LandKtpe oardwer feews wn ways than Just simply dollars and cents. The Flowers fee Spunky Night. to 9 oNrJocJc.don't bather.nattoM nave taken insofar m &atr damage do you? 'Well, rive soon after the arcMtaet. satisfaction ot doing things better than theypiimvnnn Jii uic cftpuHifon 'ia concern It your atomacH ta in a revolt! it Tne Japanese pavilion wh m a reproauc-tlo- n Freeh carnatlens, bow la transit from flwds of tbwadim aaotdtw 4m eiet'r, fcMfcc. by ad. séaxa Mm war broke out in Kurone. or the temple of KM Ka Ku Jl at have been done before la of Itself a rich re-

wardor hardy plants, will be here Saturday Bight. They f AWrmer. our. anaay and upeet, and what you Kioto. Much of the work l being done and well lar. ThaI, 8. ., tin. tlMW bleed It one worth strlvhtctel U nations which accepted Ike will be sold without limit at, dozen. J.UCmm lata tin IM aad la tkm Mia. lawrrisjwan to participate, conveyed throuth Juat ata haa fermen4 Into artubborn In Japan but little time will he required atore for its success looks beyond the mere ac-


per.'MMvhw tmystttd ,0m eeitr notarla. tke ibaartaMBt or state, baa withdrawn jts lumpe; head dtoay and svehea; belch


assemble, the timbers on the expositionof money from the goads seM there Large CaKfornU DaJilias

wlt, untsiatet to .wfcertr the Meed 1 tsede, gasea and acida smd eructate ndlgest construction Is rapidly progrettlng upoi are higher standard to reach than an exchange are aleo on their way hero for our friends wnd patrons' The most sttlklnr bhase tn the deretee the Chinean navlllon. Tita ataamsr Msnehu ot trade between the puhMo and ourselree. Saturday night pleasure. They will be rfnkM isMtVoar k( settled; It eteaaees meat or the exposition wHhin the pat ed foods breath fonli toncue coated rit on September ttth brought IM font of

. the Wiíriii, 4rlT( IrrlUtk treat two months has been the Increased juat take a little Pape'a Diapepsln and building material for the temple wWeti will That Is why you witl always find, something sold at, each.....,.,.....,,..,,,...., ..tCthe .isas, aim ine bteoa atream whs DtrHclnatlon of ihn Kit rowan nation. Nat oe set wnnin tne great wain aireaoy new and different here something that' marks ( to o'clock)aathWisd ! in 4 fresa head te toot only, tviu many European nations te recre in five inlnutea you wonder what be erected. The navlllon will rasresent an another step upward la the service ot the stpre. Pep O Mintcreate eeatetwaae that .atabe lor aieea Kniea ai san rrsncisce, But several or came of the Indigestion and dial reas. expenditure of out ef China's total ,

'r fe tilth, Them tee seeote la every hb uura win uib pari on a Mrrer scaw mn Millions appropriation or in aaauion io W$ Ntto A dainty mint; sweetens the breath; aid (Hgtirtlon. r- -

that planned before he war was declared. ef men and women today the expenditure, Chine wlU be Jteokymuattr 'who- kaew tats .ta se true. They government (Sold regularly So each). 8 to o'clock. 2 for,. .....DChava Med S. BV S. tar sever fernte. of A summery or tho events or this period know that It m needleaa ts' have a bad represented in every one ot the vast exhibit

r rbeaaatltai. Itr.MM, ttleerated speat. discloses- ilia fact that whUa tho war vtll stomach, A little Dtapepain occasion-ally

palaces, the dlastayt including the most A Saturday Feature Weak-En- d Chocolatesprevent inaispiay or .some or tne .Euro thta delleate regulated complete and extensive etMfett ot silks,ror eraptiT MM- - Mía, ny sea Men exhibits It will not nrerent the aHakeeps organ

tela anrl met mn4nrfa av1S sanvn In tho "A GALLERY OF GIRLS' Tou will be met at the door by a smiling mlaa. ma sellaand eat their ravoTtto too cm wttnall these uiiiWHaaa cauaed by msy, bodily play or all af them, nor by any means the Oeel(le.nt. at well as a cetnnrehehslve ex- our already famous week-en- d chocolates at SOoa Potmtt

, blood leaded with MMrroM. Jtetag UMiiy or ine imh lmnoriani nr laam. out fear;niDit or live stock ana meciunery. nil (By COLES PHIIiIiirS) Box, Try a box and you. like hundreds of.othemi, will..para prethct at. Katar K caa set tart If atoaiaeh daean't take care of Chinase exhihlta have been aMembled un X late. .edition, containing color paintings, from be a,steady patron. On Sale All Day.' sue atonsc aws Baa raereiere eeea ia mona win ne. snown rrora sputn America, your; liberal limit, wlthotit rebellion; der the direction or the governors or the which haveretaca of a heat oí people ttgnMea' la the United States. Canada and orient, ntens If, your food la a damage Instead of a protlnctx sd the finest of til materials pictures recently appeared In "Lite" Playing Carde

. their mmmt r Int taw ta ta for. exhibition from these rerteas' harUMr tne inus Drougnt rorwara nave ceen seieotea and the "uorgeous Altle." Regularly sold forremeraner specialneip, "EvcrybodyVf'sureat,dangerous amearial '. draga wMeh have Bi ran iitcrwsvu since war was oeciafwr quickest, ror exhibition at Sin Francisco. The Chi-nese

13,00. Buy it here Saturday. Angel Back playing cards, Inrelátate, as .taasy afatttaatet. If the

' The total or 11m anharinilAfwi or ism meet harmleea relief la Pane's Dlapep- -navlllon It belnr nat un by native for ::::::::$3.00 pinochle, whist and poker, In red. blue, green sad brown

' tkia breaks eat la' a rt. if beit Rattens or their' runas ror partMpatta in sin, which ceeta only fifty cents for a craftsmen, tnd In addition to tho national backs. The equal of the best are sold here at jrthe exposition ahowa an lncreaaa or alMOftt large caae at It'a truly pavilion a great vntntse viusge, is neingother araatlaaa appear, IC there are bleat 1 5o cacli or 2 for (on sale all day),....c.....aa)Cor otser mateauoas 'at na one minion aouars since war was deetarM, wonderful It digests food and sets erecten upon me zone."minga say

pure bleeá tet a battle oí . 8. 8, almore than hair, or which sum cornet from things straight, so gently and easily The PhlMpptne building It almost comeurope. Tne total or apniicauont ror ex-hibit that it is really astonishing. Please, nleted and an elaborate dbmlav ot Phllln-osea oí any étastriet. But beware ot has greatly Increased, exhtclt tobaccospace woods, hemp,pine maguey, sugar,

eabetMaete. if la deebt. at ta trea- - ror your sake, don't go on and on withyonr in theDice some of vast exhibit nalaeea ana outer praaects is practtcany compieteaDie or 70H, wwn ceeapeteat- nnai ad-rice

jiciiir iour ana nve times weak, disordered stomach; it's so special alten lion wiu oe given to un pro We Give "S. 3c H. Green Trad j tPt Send For Oar Ready-to-We- ar

free, write ta tita medical desert- ror. tverv enrooean country win do unnecessary. s;re si or native children under the Amerl ins Stamps Wkh Each 10c rmeat, The Swltt Specific Co., 6S Swift represented by exhibitors. The total or can school system.Bid".. Atlanta, Ga. Tbta department le entries in tna uve stoec exttisition has been The beautiful Canadian pavilion, rrecica Párchate) JL Cjttmlnww luat Oatknown, far 'and wide a oae of the great-- , swelled Jy entries from all parts of the Turkish displays' Htere1 will be many entries at a cott or, It now finished tndeet of balea to bleed sufferers. But dea't world and premiums and prizes In the livestock department. Including the nnlv tha aeafrntdlnr needs to be removed.delar te ret A bottle of B. S. B, today, H18.0O0. exclusive or Dursea totalllna ismous aaracuNi ror Bearing sneep, Tbe second shipment or Canadian displays

t700 In the harness races, have' been The Persian exhibit has been assembled recently rea enea Bin Francisco oy steamer,aasurco. at Teheran and H ready ror shipment. Honduras Pavilion Unlme.Construction Work Far Adriared. Persia, like Ibe ottoman empire, will bring inn i.'onocras psvuion is compietea ana

The construction or the exposition Is far a large ntmber or blooded horses In addi-tion

tis uninun tna interesting exmoit winadvanced. The vast main exhibit section la to rood products, tobacco and rabrlcs. toon be put into plsce.SAVES CITY SIX practically completed.. The installation or England, Germany and Austria will bo The Bolivian pavilion Is more than 5 permo woras or a numner or tne roremost cent finished. In this pavilion there wiuseumtars or America Is 7D ner cent mm. associations or exhibitors. The rirst be made not only an elaborate display orpletedi tbe landscspinr or the rrounds is emissaries of England industries readied the told, platinum and other products or

THOUSAND YEARLY 80 per cent completed slid hundreds or San Francisco In the latter part or August. liouvian ruines, nut or quinine, runner,uiousanas or scacias, rnoaoaenorons, tree Belgium to Send 10,090 Bulbs. rhocolslo snd Other productions or tharerns. oranire trees, dste nluras and rare No withdrawals have been received from t topical itJleys in1 Bolivia. AH methodsplants and shrubs brought from far corners exhibitors In Belgium. A comprehensive utilized ht the production tnd manufacture

WATT PUMPINO STATrON NKBD or the world are now thriving in .the court! shipment or roses and bulbs from Belgium or rubber, rrorn the Initial planting- - or theaaa garaena. win reach San Francisco on time. Tho trees .to delivery to tbe consumer. wlU be' LO.N'CHR BE KWT1 CONNECTEB Work Is far advanced unan th "ions ' exposition department or horticulture in tlltistrated.with rewER plant. the amusement section, .which today rived the latter part or September was advised The cuban pavilion u rapidly nearingassurance or Its high educational character as follows: "We do not anticipate trouble coroeieiion. cuds nas appropriaiea trai.- -and the great value or the suberh soectaelea thlODlnr to the United H tatos: we will 000 ror her participation and bat applied


Kelly secures Concession From state which are presented at' extraordinary ef- - send the bulbs and plants we promised ror 'increased exhibit space within the lsstFire Board Which Means Halerlil ion anu cxpniaiiuros. i or ine ransma-racin- c international ex eight weeks. Among the marvelous Cuban

Reduction la Expenses. Construction n the section devoted to position about November as you will want exnimtt in me exhibit ptiacet win nothe states and nations ts advancing rrpldly uiem i or planting cany ui ine yesr, incy collection or cunsn royal ptims, so toand today tho work Is so far pro fretted .will be In many colors and 'will take ud reel la helrht. surrounding .an octagon

Mayor C E. Kelly yesterday' received a that tho visitor may aaln an Idea or one or a space or about ,000 square feet," Creole nalms in the Palace or Horticulture.letter injllsii, ti the most beautirul and imp rest! vo sections The Orand Duchy or Luxemburg, despite in twt palace growing pineapples ana'from S. W. nre mar or the exposition. the war, has prepared and shipped t banana plsnts In fruit, will be included Inthai, stating ,thr it is no leogcr necesaary Within the last eight weeks the Nether marvelous exhibit or unnamed .roses to tne cunan msmar.for- 1 Paso to maintain, .electrical connec-Uo- n

ihiqs oaa increased us runa ror participa compete ror the prize orrered ror the Orchids of all colors tnd tlset from CenHon In. the exnositlon rrorn tloo.OBo to aiiVi.- most nerreet variety of rose orlainated for tral and South America, tree ferns and ba

with tho Walt' pumplnj- statlba. pro- - 000. Shortly after tho war broke out the and exhibited at the exposition. nana plants from Hawaii, hot house plsntsVldcd tho equipment Is kept latact and government or the Netherlands sent word .The Oermsn Kali syndicate building, and flowers from France and England, and

to bo' Ha to expedite, the construction or Its pavilion.-Teds- constructed in part oy tne uermtn govern a,display or famous lilies from Japan will.ready connected up CMe" the rrame workt ts more than- a Btent. is more than half finished. be exhibited In tbe palace or horticulture.Tbe Witt plajit ba freed maintained 'completed. The app..catlns ror Entries in tbe livestock exhibit have been The Australian pavilion It 30 per centby1 tho "city for emergency use In' ease or exiMOits spice, rrorn nrms and mannfao made rrorn Brittany and .Boulogne, France, completed. Australia naa appropriaieaJlre at a cost, óf appro xteely &30 a torlea havn beta redoubled. Th ttotiwr. ror two new breeds or borsea. the Bre IMQ.080, ror- its exhibit. Live stock, poultry,raontli, 1 lands has applied for and has alloted rive tonneso and tbe Boulonnalse. the snbiects meats and wool, modern Irrigation, alt

"Tho state rire board required that the acres ror Iter vast dlSDlar or bulbs "and ot an. especial interest on the part of toe sources or Austrana-- prosperity! viil bocity maintain this puinptnr station," said rare garden flowers. The expos.on com French government which desires to roster elaborately exemnliried.

missioners or tn netnerianos goveroment ther demand abroad ror registered animals -- i:v:iuiviiatjrJimia-.K-'iThe New Zealand building it ,ss per centMayoc'Kelly. yesterday, ln order to enjoy have formallv announced that tham baa Of UllS tslMMM Like Australia. New Zealand Itrials bed.low riro injures e rues. Tho cost or been' assembled Jrom the principal cities of The. argentine win be represeniea at the preparing-t- present, a tpleBdld'eihlbli atelectricity ror- the plant, which was net iiuiKHu uio moai eaiensive norucuiturai tne exposition. .Tne expoawen commiiieeaused. waaiNOd a month, and the cost or exhibit ever sent to America from a ro reign upon a scaie, rsr twpaaamg inst or any or both countries report' 'a hearty tnd in-

creasing Choice fieldnnÍA At,- wa lmiii aaao numih country. other South American nation at a world's interest everywhere throughoutThis ts all done away with how", saving hé ,u87n' fai.íiWt exposition. Before tbe war In Europe had ineir nomams. Toilet articlesoecome Known uio Argentine government Ham Beads Native Workmea. ChrysanthemumsC, rAAM .fig? rS' had appropriated 160,000 (gold) for Its The Siamese exhibit promises to bo un JRe Well Known KindsThe letter ia ooo for the Italian national display, which official participation within a few days usutily Interesting tnd will consist largely Fresh fieldsfrom"Hon. C, E. Kelly. Wsyor or El Paso. of hardyafter war was declared this sum hsd been or a demonstration of the artistic developDear Sin With rerereneo to Italian legislative Increased of "Bay Fere for Lessjrexat your xody. but bad not been to ll.mooo. The viewpoint ment ot mo people. Among otner inter-

estingsuggesuon relative to tho discontinuance sirneq prior to ine war. construction is ion Argentine is wen musirpica Dy a recent features will be moving pictures Allor tho electric power service at the. Wat ordered rushed upon the huge Italian suaresa 01 uunmiujiuner ucncru Anasa showing the lire or the Siamese people. Tho plants, the output of which DayEvery Daypumping station, we beg to advise, after pavilion, which will embrace Nve. separate rasa. national Davmon. wmcn win ne duiu u' !So Menncn'a Talcum Powder,structures. Argentine to Be Second to None. native workmen imported from Slam, wllcareful conlderiUonf that If pump, motor Spain has made an Initial appropriation ."'What will be the reault or tbe coming violet and borated; a rtbe duplicate of one of the famous governand power lines are kept intact and ready i controlled by foror 1100,080 ror ita participation and the ranama-racin- c international exposiuonr ment palaces. The. curloua and artistic us. not special ........ ....... .XlfCror service within short notice, we wi Spanish government display win be sppple- - he asked, reecntly. "It will be' ha con architecture and the color scheme will lendnot require that tbe line be kept fused at tinued, "that all American countries "will a unique attraction to the Siamese navlllon, 2 So Squlbbathó station, which would eliminate the rrsnee early sent word that there had draw closer Jo their relations and that the Philip I. Ketner, Trade and Industrial profit but for the pleasure Powder '?."1..18cnecessity or your city paying' ror this scr- -' been no chanre In her Diana and entrina commercial development will Increase to Commissioner or the Dutch East Indies gov-

ernment,vco." from France are recorded la the livestock; a proportions, way. seek turan reached tho United Sietes recentlyAccording to Mayor Kelly, this action, of uurucuirurai wiu oincr iicpsnmenis our a for the sale of various nrodncts rrorn Jspan and tnnouneed mat a tpeelal 25c Bradley Woodland q

lna- the latter Dart nSmtpmh,r. when everything csn be realised In Amer and gratification of our Violet Ammonia ...... 1 OCensrierea aieainer win arrive in ban franina siacr tiro oosra auows ci raso to en The beautiful Swedish pavilion Is tlmosl lea? We are Americans and our dutr is to cisco about the first or December with iJoy tho present low fire insurance rates" strengthen our relstlons .and develop our aneclal exhibit or the Dutch East Indies 26a Colgate's Puro Glycerinewithout the expense of maintaining the The liberal sum appropriated liy the Nor-wegian commerce. part or which Is now being shown tl friends. Sold at a fraction for toilet sndWalt pumping1 ststlon. Storthlmr for Norwav'x mriirlna, in our exhibits we expect to be second Largely bectute or the high price QHon his been --supplemented within the nast medicinal use , XICto no country. or tin ana biso uecauso or tne aavance in


three weeks by a rum! raised by theian-American

The Ararentlne exh h IIS wm not only 11 rubber prices the Dutch East Indies am of the cost to grow and"W0 San Antonio, (Advertisement.) societies of th itmii lústrate Its progress in tho social aria, tne very prosperous tnd are planning to join SI site Pond'sadministration of lis schools, and tbe X63cwnn mc moiner country in making theDenmark's participation In the exposl charms or its cities, but it win be es unique and errectlre exhibit at San Fran handle. The large choice

family remedyiioii crniaina unarreeien. (lrnufifi wa peclaliy directed to present the opportunl risen.

STUDY SHORTHAND broken early in September for the. Danish ties or Argentina to the colonist. The ays The Cochin and Indo China exhibits w Pullman Toilet Cases, madepavilion and construction Is being rushed tern under which settlers aro advanced also consist largely or tho mmtae; re-

sources,ot silk, and. cretona, rubberCompatwt ttenotTtpbers ara in constaal upon this structure, which will. In part, land, rarmtng material and live stock 'and while strange tribes from these ones are on sale all day lined; with wash cloth; regu-larLearn tbe Uretr dystaco Simplest, reproduce the architecture or the' famous assisted oy tne government to inaeeeae snd other oriental lands will send deleeasiest asd best. Kronberg- - Castle at Elsinore, borne or tho enre will ue Illustrated. gates to participate in a brilliant pageant 76o and 66c; QQ

mciauciiujy jiamiei. worn u-- t fvhivmh Argentina win oe extensively represented Saturday. special ..,i,..,,....J7Cor the people or all the lands within thoin the latter part or September that .motor In all tbe main exhibit palaces snd It Is of w at sweep ot in racinc ocean to se neuiiiya wiu iraia ujoconsgefl early in OCto- interest to know thst in the Psltco of ntu ucoDer. SOc Face Powder; the popularr wiiu rxBioiia ror huí KrajuMu.iv Mines and Metallurgy tbe republic will The gathering or exhibits from Peru. Por Nadine, white, flesh 5ATIM Turkish navlllon. renrnrtiirinr nui have S,?3o square feet or space, despite tbe 15ctugal, Salvador,- Uruguay; BraaH, Costa oror tie architectural reaturea or and brunette; special. ,I7Cthe ramoui rset that Its mines have received but very Hlca, atiatemait, Dominican HtnaMtc. amosque or the Sultan Ahmed I. la bow tmaii attention comparea wiin us enner and Is Dfocatdma ranidlv Valmost completed. In addition, to the mierests. and there it no doubt but MetMtete dls- - 2 for 25c . 28c Itubifoam rjipin. one or the nations at war, recall lsys win come up to every apectation. for ldCmr the fact that It made an elaborate Ma (any of these countries will be represented

play at at. Lou la during the Russo-ltp- a by elaborate and beautiful Mttontl pa-vilions. Jewelry Saturday Specials NeckwearSTATE If you wtat 'Something eteaer la Jtr- - COASTEIl 8KTS Consisting of six 1'KARIj EARKINOS Made fromNATIONAL BANK BREAK A CHILD'S Co.,dlneres.


andhave t The Lwle Haadw are tumblers, coaster and large' tray, good.quaJlty rjearj,' with golii filled

APKHi, 1M1. t nickel rim, creton bottom, f?A backs hi all sites are very Pft Saturday MentiensTHE war WAS jaiMst. OUC special valuta at,..........UCwith glass top; setCAPITALi, aOStttiO ANB FKOFIT8,... . BY NECK BAITDft The ' vary latest GUIMPft Made ot good emitttyCOLD GIVING Guests at Barbecue as Keiau' Itsaek Ms- - XiA VAIitiWRei A special' offering creatletw In velvet neek banda, net, uonea wttn warren's reatajar- -Itct 1 pars aaj Kajaaaw thbc. Saturday. Cams In gold fin-

ish.with tilver slidesPaid on Svmf AccaU green set wKh brilliants, bone; pinnmg) BtLE. W. WhiteLast Sunday, Capt. and w.

. Tulbert were me anieatt 'ef ssaaair at a In beauiRiil designs, set tJA offered Saturday err down; price , ,.,3CC R. MOKWHU9, PraaMaat. JOSBPH KAOOmx, Vlea-Pra- SYRUP OF FIGS barbecue et.tte rtneb of Jolm KehsjsL:tMrty in various rhiaestones, at, ..OUC at ...IOC KWiliH corsage beawasta. inC N. XMmnr. OKOKQK D, KLORY. CaakUf. miles distent rrorn this clay. 0ap ft the cream, rose and pink, aUe.stwbaldarthoHas young tieert wet ma ssy :tet. sadHelms from their ttoak ooqueis are reasonsMy 9CI J." Mrs. raaae as taaIXCaUtlST, Aaat. CaWr. - - offering to their gnetia tad the tta msshlat priced at ÍOo and,...,...,,Aii)C

lite Utile Uver anl loads nno accompanies tne asasr saw lis Bring the Girliíto 'Our COLtiAKS Made of dainty Wgan- -an reeorieq navina nwf.

awl The et WeU, " TM nartv Ineluded Mr. die embroidery, ajaa a a star atad euffand family W. T. iCeTtTwa ."5!a Millinery Sotion seu or organeM sm pttjae. AlargaQttMc. QM tnd family, Mr. Basnets. Mr. tad Mr. assortment of, styles te rTurn rerrine, nr. ana nrs. u, i choose from at,.,.,r,,.,.M.OUCMr. and Mrs. Bowen. dtft. Jt.W.wBti TodaysCamera wife. nr. ana art. staeei rinm, JtaKCoupon Wheal year child suffers from a caU rrana r. uww, i. av isawaaa, That they A Statrrf ui f Warnkins'M't waK; tve. the little stamach. W. T. Ctrrulhers tnd L. V, Nyeeu may see ptUy ew.

WrHa the samaa and afanas t ttvaa Mver d bewslt a gentle, threvgk Meamed ham we tUiÍt n IMtJ BevAKebeeHot Miau Huelir maa is iliitwaUta; at ee. When croes., tvaav- - Mu iina wsoirlber t tMa 1st TWa littla wtfi Li"L-.- .Jpa4- - taw aa (eh, ItaXtaa, p4, 4anU sleep, eat or tmit). Uurle Hardwire Co.. Mitts tad Meev- -i atas .;.U Time new te be isWking or warmwltlaproviae4elow(

andaweataat at Tift Vaala ). act jwanrarqr; st ncaata is dm. stetK tn i f what thay sa and msamii wwcly will bathroVa. We eftr you., tvHIw ttoMvac- - Va yaw tta ach aoMr. give a tea spoonful of "Call valué saewraay from our cottvpletapeelal Model Prcmo Cámara, made by tM. fornla Syrup ot Msa." and in a few Willi Mee Wtot tmee Mem. 'II X object to the tesa, Childrea's Mock at a ft rem all can afford toKaatNUR Kodak C., for thU at tHairran. hotira alt the claaaaa-M- . constipate



tonlg M's setaaasasanas

otwXT1 Tiimmed Hats 3sslsy at. . . pay. Thar xo small, medium andHon, one Premo ntaa Pack aavd bk waste,. aur k4 mm Hmltgested feedtow extra Mttwe The sieaVealimitlOBil oiiiiara meca swaaaet CeaaUilng ot pretty MhiU ttseav andwih gently move ee r tk bowala, and close fit.plate Inatractlaaa, tatciyd-lw- aaw J tsnr atta tststaa. in ilia artetaoea ae neck are bovad With satin In rich

fccrHUlon to tKa " --irTaaai aael yew have- a weal, p)a4u hU4 WaaWi til.var at- tee- Amaek tu9yl" bo etittijfjt the Uttl girlmawMsIr --aaaaVaf lea to 161. wait ta taa wlérietdéñ curhf rtmtdTdówn heThackT tslstsi eaehreae hasa latas tailu-r-

y," If your child's nam a. sattittca and - Ma too whlla InmsB set Ms. There ia a large eamertment pf colors, d paeket. An exceuetvtIf taf naall 44a tot (áawa . ttM fM. has eaucht a cold ar Is feverish or Ik grand lotsli give lamaa a ctiais m triatmed with tiewesaywtrgt end rib- - aelecttan of patterns. . , , $2.95

waai laws inairn lii pan rmmt aaMaaaaa prettyhas a.ears fehraat. glim a e tWM of o Second riihoih or wnica taa ptagea tmrear, rraawap at naw" t avacuataWaiHÍ itf tasitf f t a éaaa at'a lilv ajta how, 'm atiterate wtaat aiar rules, ima is w pamia AVta at II S ae seaae splendid valuta hi

irtaalmaiit to stVM, strata lira Screeat. $tM te trMS. piuan aa vise at uatrlmmad hats. . Buy Gloves latHerJaysbtk caiwasi aatda t b eeawea to Hefdware to., ttme tad Sttatoaaeattm-- 1 Cliaevs4tese)aaat GWtfM

tais aasmiaaa "fruit jam alive." tSÍ'WK4 r'lJvt Sfc'twjeíaiof mathsrs kas k haasjr We- - ii f tt Hwttoa cluttilti HU slaves am

way maw Ha acttam ea the 8Ct Ttfcttsa PKACTIiJC ana thy usuatty tttM for Tfc, eatnmMvar a4 hawem as aem4 yau preftr to design ht natural ssad .shKe, e- - at ATI

Ttktsr alas kaaer a- - imi u eta RaaJalyCacrer

TM4agi'nasl Ae


sad aa svmstfl "Graham TJs,H tea-- Majr of your own ha, m fend irttuethir at, pair, MHEshaaa taaay asvas a aiek cettM lease m M avms- Hta m.nvKjrlaltjgjay at $1,9The second prat Ft taecor rootaasj aasjat Bwy

let aeld ldy ea the BeM tcaoel amassaU 1 vías iva wviiia iissa ICUGJtmft t nr . Ask your driaaatáai Sar a Uuu mrwn l" mm a wnawai We older cave Vat ot ttemmsd va4. JMs apedal cstferhtgr, Ve4 '

a af "Callfesmta Jbm arf rta," saUIy is. Beal. maidttac in a Id taaat. vet hats hi'aatesrs sad the ssstM I etttaea la colore taaat pUatgl Our ragnasr $!. kl tn IWhich contáis IreaUlaas for' habiaa-chil- d Bauty ts. naa fsattstto, rttutuag m Ihvvr r liass ttMt fit taugty te the Ssseam am've bn telllag up button sartha, tm ua. brown,ha ampssaaaeal at aaijr atsasa. una klaJnlv

ran pfnnail


kwntlL.sad for grwa- - ttlion

That thaJacinto.


,rapidly Impraalaj head, ht vataea ttfi to s Af atn be had is stsa black, waate tna ftey, 69ccwuatawMtt aeld was atldeaced .tateaah KMiajr'i wofea7, tl.te, sstturaar St f..,afle9J efrd eavturiUy sA. pIr.her. Oet tita aeaa. d tne peosle af gl Kta mar la tse tatarW ?tilfam- Pig' sVrem ara asases ta wttaesa aaaaaraai iü

aatay tMcu teals) all by Iheat iaama,

Page 12: Se Pague Más

Wfcer ( the French Army?. , at Keen k4r than seOsM MM wwri4t MÉksi jbfctfaj -

One o( the gieilust' mysteries C the Tha SÉ I si HUI ot Tenas Mad eomntod sasifhot made JV, fBBjf- - .qest JTB PBr, VsTI- -V ww áM w;wHtnatr r;" ' BM re peevn war w wt has become ec ene rrenan nubile a' sentiment sttawWiej Mm wwmneir st persons

W 'iMve afways rathsr IBtod Mm sfcsm,r"fciSiW.Mr army. Aeeerélng té infefmatieft thai we smroaMs m Tenas tt nneeund mind net eared tor m the insane America 'fttwCi Mktt F4. Aiijrt Nf lssS Asfctr tit FotofflM at m

matter,raso, tssss, before the outbreak of hostilities, the Frenesí repubjse asylunvs M Mm state, XI eemjrtkktt Inst Sis those halsw aaM.iwnslt-iiMr- luspsrl usf-- H-


CATION OFFKMi had an nvnHabk force of about 4,OO0,i fine flghUng in the JnMs, en the poor lams and eJs' adNdtd sktnewg the ultimate oenowmor to asj etelCUBLI SOUTH OREOOit ITIHKT. men, and the French army was the constant boast oi nean. be Whe are belnc Uhsw ears' erf tr MMivest Nor leave nnsald tm toré ward yen ean ser. American ceMsani. It was te UK pnrisn isn c

AddiTM ell eoiwmurtl CMte the French nan. ' also the nnmbar of Idiot esroMMf t Mm sesera ot Soon some tone; atiene that may ne'er be breksmK easy that W torMt wall Was bMt Whesi.thatTHK MOUNWO TIMES. Et I5

nc the outbreak of the war and th Invasion of the verte eeuntr judges of the state. TIM statement Lev her today,was parMy;puHed.VMst pért at l ,

Belgium and France, however, there Is absolutely no shows its insane in county H. Ill tnsani W poorrThat

Information available a to the Fréftoh army", and farms, S97 nersens adjudged Insane, bfet IMng with VThviiMMd gref o "grfm lurkm 4n.' 'Mm heme cetMunVrThrOMMN ADVERTÍ INO RWRMWÍTATIVES. When sad vote sHaH vainly call yew m ether,reltrve 411 idiots, whieH in InMánees Is your

Ibw Vm. a. r muM Anitr, Tribuna BatidMe. there are thousands ot pfopi who are a I meet eon- - and BeanyLove her today, several weeks age Meat in Asiatic Míntrto diMMnud

Metro, 6. C Beckwtta 8pecUl AjrMer, Tribune 8uild nr. to largely merely estimates by county' Jge as U Mm nnmberstrained bolleve the great French armyto Ma4'W h to, HfS),,York by. the tmSesmft. LeuM, S. C. Beckwim pedal AtMMT, TWrd Han Bank Bid. Lilian táufyiy i Niw Jew4. despeesTraveHM Atoms l.atber Banters, OHM Mellon. mythleal. This view of the situation is warranted by in ih4r repeeilVs counties. The governor eaysi that et the expert p swain, whtott was greatlyAwtertseai vnm.

ty cofcci-r-- i. Merge Muter, 4 Un; remarks made by .British army leaders at the Win-n- alt eennttes have reported wHtt the eneepMsét e Ma. Poddible Zéppíin lUkl on Lxoi. needed at home, By the smft esmeétont euMine;

to the effect that the btttk of pata," henee the figures ceVer the entire seat with éwMIntgSUBSCRIPTION HATES or the campaign New York Sun. eft the ears t ths spseulator as a warnMc, or '"1(By W A (trance.) the fighting would have to be done 'by British treep. that eaeepwén. Lloyd's is Insuring dws4Mn house In Leaden at mí kU ht in mUm hi 4VUmet th end M VHw

ftetly end Sunday, om yMr hurled CenMftHing, the govern er says M his sUteeaent:bCr Intothe Otrman forces were m'imí, however,felly end Sunday, ut meats ........ 4.1,1) When the rata ot 14 cents ear ItH alnt damage by Met was achieved cottoiily. Amerleaimm month ..... .w thsre no effort "There le now in the sou rae of eenetrusMsn a new.Mid 8un4y, Belgium in suoh larga numbers was

flfy Kid ftunday, one month man air craft, while ths rato, on A human lis is If then at Wheat ajc n cernerse, jisw m....... MO made by the 4,000,000 French flghtlsg men to aseuc asyinm bnitátng at tan Antenie sorting lí,fí0, leed aMe the mrnietis, with erTa Sunday Times, on year i cents. This doee net indieato that rum) of eepetfn eemmedtty were ra

(By Carrier.) in the although It was known that which) snlldlna; the superintendent estimate Ni aerepelling- - invader, their and the es WMIsoldDeHyend Sunday. one monm raids .are causing rncwh ot a funk M the metra. MtoépUén. réps,8pnliti edition win rtl tt eagllin. Franc was the, objective point of the German army ot commndate 10 patients; f 78,006 is now av4!) far

According to German newspapers rewMyed at fh make a kltlinc as a result at an üñetpee4ed efper-Unit- y.

Subscribers who Mil to recelro their paper regularly are invasion. Poor little Belgium wae left to fight the new hvHdiriM at the Austin asytnn. for Mm, presentHague, there is to be a day at reekeniac for London, The price ot Wheat dee net reMeet Mte

reeaieeiedlire poitorrica

to MHryaddreta

tne mismoIn full.


to inticountyonecí.

tod stats. vast tide of Germans alone, and when France was fiscal year, which will aeeommodata a mlntm ofhowever. They report that Count eppm is prjar effect upon the volume in hand that ha been aiready

nenut ny money oraer. oran or rcsitterea isuer. Invaded the Germans were permitted to almost reach 78 paMents, and an appropriation ot fIT.tS is availIns; to lead a raiding Meet at dirigibles. agaMst Mn; sensed, or. that which I likely to he recorded wKhla

Paris before any serious effort was made to stop them. able far new buildings, for the -p- lientM Celeny, which said about the weather;ceaaecMit all department. Tell operator wMn meteye or land. Gáúnt Ferdinand.' bv the way. Is in his seventy. .the year. Bnt, as Mark TwainnaUMllMI Will be IM1ÜH, effective work In that direction being accom will accommodate (0 patients. A réeaplWlaÜen otMil Oautnaal vnn ul Ul1 the most it and deed anything trseventh year. Meeting him hi a train MHHtd for w nvsrybady talks about nobody

Artec 10 p. m-- and ca Sunday aftomooea and 6oimy the (ol pushed, it Is eald, by the BrltUh forces, these figures shew the following number of patientswwmr oepanmema win aaiwer oirocu ht manaren, the emperor satdt "I hope.ysef have net imprsvs Courler-Jcwma- l.

tes t. . .Manager tm. , , .rdiiori! ana Reporter Military experts declare that the. Germans ' In to be cared for in the new building this year: Sanferretton Mngland." Me was assured that the inventor.. Society Ed. and oua. Ntr. foti.,.,.Aar, ana urc. uepi. France and Belgium at this time do not exceed 1,500, Antonio, I50j Austin, 7i Abilene, (0; total, ), These Paü.II the carrier falla to deliver the, paper promptly, notify i insane had net. and would prove It soon. Th emperor ot GUmpscs Into iht .from Judges show the number f000 fighting; and If this Is the case, are those reports countyover any oí ido uutq iciupuuuc. men, ' 'generaileelmo"tered t bestow him the title of KOKÑXNM TaáM.upon TUB rJXB8 C THXGermans a match for 4,000,000 French sol In county Jails. 201; number ot insane en peer farms, (FROM

Any erroBeoua remellona upon lúe standing, character or 1,600,000 of the Asst. "I will aeeept the title, your majesty,reputation or any person, firm or corporation, which maydlers and about 600,000 British fighters? lili number of persons adjudged insane living with air. THIRTY YEAiAGO TODAY tappear in the ealumna- of The Time, will be gladly corrected said the eeunt "when I retom from Shtgtand," It I

pon lie Being brournt to ine atieniiun or me nannemcnu France has hod Just as long to get ready for the relatives, 107; number of Idiots in sute. 411,"e, pretty- story as it stands, but the question W one of atreuit is toThe th Texasraolng season onwar as Germany, with the certain knowledge ot its According1 to this data, the state of Texas, Will be

Southwestern Progress. coming, and 'yet we have seen in the campaign thus in position to properly oare for all the insane of the the Mte menas. open. Dallas and Fort Worth ar to have seme iaathe.that In theIt has been asserted Bwrepean war

far no evidence that France was. actually prepared state just as soon as the pending Improvements are raeing.Two cara of'hoga were shipped from Fort Stock Zeppelin has dime less damage than a single field

nothing to Indicate that she couid have taken care completed, and with the knowledge that so many atton to Fort Worth law days so by 3. A. Crawior.d pleee, and that it has dene nothing that an aeroplane

of herself without the assistance of Great Britain In these unfortunate ara occupying unfit quarters, should v Maud S, ths famous trotting mars. was. shippedThese tíos- - were raised on alfalfa, and eauid net do better. in view et Meppelln activity atN. Loo.end A.

coping again with Germany. be an incentive strong enough to hasten the work that to Lexington yesterday, where She will be put intoOnlshed for market on rallo malzo and kafflr corn Antwerp this Judgment needs amendment A fUet

It IS an interesting situation that has .presented Is under progress, ít I to be hoped also that the training and attempt to make a now record.produced on the Irrigated farms in the vicinity of ot Zeppelin sailing over London and dropping exconditionsItself, and the world ts wondering" where the great experience ot the state with the present

The old Idea that hogs can only be plosive would give the people below ft"sear to lastFort Stockton. army of France la located and what it Is really doing. will be sufficient to prevent similar conditions arlatng This evening the rthk will he open to ladies andIs being pretty thoroughly Mploded them a lifetime, hut not many ot them would b killed 'finished on corn In the future, but that sufficient appropriations will .their escorts. No others wilt be admitted, Thls

and the destruction could be calculated without muchpi While an attempt is being made to minimise the bo made by the state legislature to keep the work is the second ladle night given by the manage-

mentThe Las Cruces Uepubllo has received ft box troubte. The dirigible has not been a notable success

ai recent land slide Into the Panama canal, it is evident of asylum enlargement well in advance of the inerease - ' ,fine apples from the orchard of Colonal Hcgan. in war. Moreover, Germany does not posses what,that the occurrence has caused more or less appro; in asylum population

La ilesa. N. M., whloh tt pronounces among, the beat could be called a fleet of Zeppelin. According to thohéñttoa at Washington. If such things ara to bo on El Paso wUl have a real musical treat when theseen thU aeason. There, will be several' thousand Naval and Military Reeord et recent date, only one

the boards regularly for the future, s evident that The effort to hare the federal government issue Fay Templeton company shows at Skhutx.' Operaboxes of theso apples marketed from tho llegan navai dirigible, L-- t. has been completed. She had her

the operation of the canal Is going to be attended bonds In ths sum of 1350.000.000 tor the relief of the house. Ths compear as a" whole 1 a 'finished "oria,orchard this fall, and tt Is expected they wilt com-

mandmaiden flight on May 1. An enormous ship ot the

" by mush difficulty and there is a liability of serious cotton growers has com to an ignominious Allure, as and. some excellent muele, is expected. .

a good price. - rigid type is L-- 3, she has a length ot (11 feet,f and eeeOy delays st anytime. SuehT developments It deserved to fall. There Is no more reason why the ' 'f;breadth ot 47 and a depth ot 63 feet With three May-bac- h r ,hSurveys for the proposed extension of the. Quanah are far mere serious now than during the day of government should load itself with the burdens at the No news has been heard ot Courtrlgnt tinee his

motors of 100 horsepower, her speed Is '47 mitesAcme & Pacific railway from Its preseat termlRUs aetlvn anal construction. cottop grower than those ot ths newspaper man or any pedicular escape at Fort Worth. Seme of thot and haltlifting, sighthour. With capacity aaat Roaring Springs, Texas, to Roawall, K. Mm ara new other! vocation. Wa must learn anew in this country an

there .is no doubt, that she could carry,' besidesboys there are. having no and of sport guying the

in Thfa road, which was. ferwiMly a Frlee Cant. Clarence Wiener, the Britisher who compelled that paternalUm is not the proper funotlons of our tons,officers from Stiver City who were already' theprogreas. her eraw of IT and suppUss, a eo sellarable stars ot '

la now owned by 8am Lasan ad associate, the resignation ot Pref. Hugo Muneterfeerg from national government scene to take the matt to New Mexico'.property, explosives. On one of1 her trial She kept la the airthe exteUa under con preieeserehtp in Harvard on aceeunt of W Germanand It U statedot St. Ixiuli, for 14 hours. Other naval dirigibles are building,- - andIt ts believed that sángrese is actually going; to bunder threat of withdrawing a tea million A state that oftemplatlon will cross the Banu To at Xibbook. TMs isanees, Blum Gregory they arc proud

la of time Germany will have a "fleet'' of L-- s,able to time the courseadjourn soms during present week,road is headed for EÍ Paso and It ts beMeved will not d4Jar Verueet, may net have so mnen money to leave being the owner of the Phoenxl saloeK The

ths It Is true that a number ot Schuette, tans and Parse-v-that tastedand session has nearly two Ube long In extending- - to this point Harvard.' At least his unele, from whesa he expect years happy owners stats that, Ü to clean and a pleasureairships available, but whether they could beactually about to ts end. The arecome an presidentan inhirHanoe, says he has net se mttett money, and tor patrons, to brine their friend in to the, bar.

be satisfied that hi about used effectively in a raid on the MrlUsh aapltal kIt la announce that the 8 J! ta Fe railway wlW at that he Wela not swear that Clarenee has more than appears ta ..has gotten all The Phoenix is 4 pleasant place to pass away thedoubtful, tt must .always be born in snind. that Jhelink bet he wanted at the hands ot the nation's lawmakes.weeof connectingonce begin construction a time.

and it is a wonderful reeord of accomplishment dlrieibl 1 a trail shin under storm conditions.and another deadIt dead end at Sterling City, Tesas,

end at Lames, Texas, eoverlng a gap of about I Nothing less than a militen British soldiers la, the something that cannot be approached by any other The London JCngineer'l declares that In the firstA tire occurred at Masquette, Mleh., last night

three weeks .of the war ths Zeppelins "proved a hopemiles, and roaaing the Texas A PaelHe railway at Hne together will finish the Hnrepéan war as it Should aaminwraiioa in. ail ot American nisiory. in which one1 dwelling and a hotel burned; Twenty

i m .rv lees faHure." They are certainly no longer dreaded,Big Springs., If the policy ot the Santa Fe I to con' be finished, declare Wlncton Spencer Churchill, In lives were lost in the hotel firs.' Ne names werePresident Wilson is said haveto been atronrlv ánd this is largely the case because they aro vulnersect up a lot of these dead ends, there are some in this a message sent to a Brttlah recruiting station, and it learned' yesterday,1 The report received was a meager --v5opposed to the plank was Incorporated able to attack by those gadflies of the air, the aeroportion of the southwest badly In need of aueh atten It is going to require that many. Britishers to do tho Democratio one, nd details coming, it is said that an unknownIn the platform at Baltimore, but the planes, whloh can maneuver much faster and ram thework, It la already evident that conscription cannot fired the attton. , person building and took a shot Henryplank was Incorporated as a distinct slap at Theodore great ships or pierce their envelopes With rifle andbe much longer delayed. n cltisen, whenGamble, ha attempted

A contract has been closed with a Globe well drill rtoosevelt President Wilson has found means of get small gun tire. In the event ot the appearance of ato arrest



ting around other planks In that platform, and there Zeppelin over London a ''flotilla'' of aeroplanes wouldartesian welt in theing concern for the drilling ot an Orders have been glten at Washington for the en' t SBis certainly some feasible manner of prooeduer applic be aent after It The risk of the allots would, of course.withSulphur Spring valley ot Arisona, In compliance graving of 1180,000,000 In federal reserve notes tor YEARS AGO TODAY,able in the preeent emergency. be extreme, but in war great risks have tobe taken, FIFTEENot made by the last statethe appropriation ST.SQO the use of the twelve federal reserve banks. Delivery

and there is lack ot volunteers. At high altitudeslegislature for the; parpóse. It is understood the ot the riotes will bS made between November 1 and no P. M. Stewart in this; city from Casas Grandes, V.I

The season tor duck shooting In Texas opened oh the aeroplanes Would attack, while suns made exobject of the drilling Is to establish the fact that arte IE. They will be five. ten. twenty, fifty and one nun lis wll remain hers tor some time. ' 'October 11, end will close on February .1. The deer pressíy for the and mOfM. 0I buildinglan water can be obtained In the valley, and work will dred dollar denominations. 'The designs on the baoks purposeseason-i- Texas will not open until November 1, and would make a target of the Zeppelins' when they werebegin on the contract at an early date. The exact ot the notes are new and were chosen several weeks Judge Harper is out of the city for a fewdayswill continue until 1. The doveJanuary season is militarywlthn The experts in London aralocation selected for this test well has not yet been ago, .range, on a deer hunt. Court Is adjourned dusjng hisfrom November I to January I. These suggestions yery confident that hey could deal successfully with a "

itmade public. ars road again for the benefit of Texas hunters who raid by Count Ferdinand. Doubles w shall know

absence, uAmerican consuls in the European war airetone may not be familiar with the hunting laws ot the state. months what the of bombis the best for several before many pass menaceIn New MexicoThe range with the'acquitting themselves greatest credit With A grand ball was held at the courthouse last

years, according to Senator B. F. Fankey, the Lamy the affairs, of alt the belligerent nations to' look after carrying dirigibles in force really amounts to. That night by the Ladles' Temple Aid. It was largelyThe senate flnanoe committee has dseided not to kind it an experimental raid will betime the some attemptedcattle king. Senator Pankey says up to this In addition to those ot the United States government. attended and enjoyed by alteffect of the European war on American oatüe prices they aré a busy lot but in not en Instance have they

place any war tax on patent medicine, en the grouiyd by one or mere airsnips cstore long is to do supposed.

has been to depress the price of beef, but from this failed to measure fully up to every possible requirethat it le the poor man's doctor. The saedteine men To please the kaiser in war is to undertake ,hasardous Work le being doné on Mill street in the' vicinity

will to increase had. friends enough to save themselves about $3.000,-00- 0 service, and a Zeppelin1 attack en London seems totime on the effects of the war be mentí ' ot the Second ward aohool house. The Improvementprices. The European rations must have fresh beef, annually by getting this view of the situation appeal to his Imagination. was needed in the neighborhood. H

. ,

for their supplies are nearly cone. This country Is the For the benefit of Constant Reader, we hastenfastened'

v, 'upon the nation's lawmakers.

'Vonly country In position ta supply the demand, Sena to Impart the Information, whloh we publish under Just what the Texas legislature is being held to

Skinning the Fellow American. A picture was tnksn of the city hatf':rtCriytor Fankey also belevs there will be a big-- demand "Almost any little boy or girl can understand whya strlot guarantee, that the Mexican patriot Vll Ureal gether for In Austin ts not apparent at this distance, after all the scaffolding had been removed. The struc-

turefor beef from the Pacido ooast next year. proposed as the successor of Venustlano Carransa. Is It: le certain that nothing further aVeng banking lines We might have to pay mora for some thlngavwhlch has a much better appeafanee sine- the w'erknot the real Villa. are Impertid into this country from war district. was done. " ' 'or the restriction of eetten acreage is. ota to be

Bids will be opened at EartoW, Texas, on October That is a matter ever which we hav no control.passed by the present body ot, tor tne saie oí me mio.huw Bona issue voica iai Ida Von Claussen hae been sent to an asylum, and We hays to pay what is asked or go without The tiro department was sailed cut yesterdayspring by the property owners ot Wrd county trrlg' carries with her the mental haliueinatlon thai Col Concerning the possibility ot a German airship "But en any Uttle bay og4ri tell why we should morning to tho home of J, M. Cole, of Seeeñdtlon district No, 1. The bends 4raV interest at the Theodore ftooseveu constaniiyaeunoing ner test, raid Upon London, the deubM s beMc freeey expressed pay more for thins vrhlch are exported 7 Alas and street, but the neighbor had extlaruUhed tharate of 6 per cent and are secured by thousands ot steps,. And the thought is enough to drive any oral of the ability ot any Merman bemb to astulir aliskt (Me . that they who: awn Was helerc the firemen arrived. TherVi was UKiacres of alfalfa land, The. Official. of the Irrigation nary person erasy, penetrate a London fog. tne sewsc are anxM in e ricner no longer suinoea. te lo; the chimney had heated the roof, which haddUtrlct state that If they fall to nesetlata the sale of We are trying to get away from the idea that we are lnltee The damsge was slight,the bond for cash they ara in teuefc with responsible Col, Theodore Roosevelt Js said ts have no other When the aultan of Turkey annewnesd his in-

abilitya natton ot eennttwlc feeding on éaeh other. And

contractors who are Willing to Vid en 'the work ot Idea than that he win be able to .held, the balanse to get money to keep his army, mobilised, k there, is sue a simple' way to Mk it possibly a num A German weeaan writing from Berlin says, "Oadconstruction, paying the dttfereee between their bids ot power by keeping up the organise at hi Bull is said there was an immediate shipment ft Oerman ber 9t slmpte (ways. National governments are to flghtlnr with our troops." It is evident from theand the face of the bend leave in eht The engineer's Moos íerea. And a little power te Mm one thing geld, aggregating fCQtf.OM to CsnstanMnsple, but granted the central over their experts and imperta earmark et this situation that the Aran to bsinT herettmate of (he cost ! m,M. the colme! is eternally craving. that sum will not be a dren In the Thsh, iHMket Xew eaey It would be to past' a law say4ag that ne eaisulattetM en seine of the enperer's war report.

FOLLY AND HER PÁLS-- PáWoisrit Btlico in Wasting Mi$ Favors. BySTiaUiEtT

típwr Hut üufottiLí I TnF35sT iikt lgtt t & fv ( íMmksí wilu 1 IdT j nri 1 1 fibI 6il fo r , 7 1

f ifif "jS';4

Page 13: Se Pague Más


Krma. "ah B lastai aWhNsC X. T. wats,. Dr. ak Quartet TmI Ml 7TTy; (nialH Maa. Baa h4

Offertery. Teeal BafcT taqflri&mwm. AaahasBi w Isft1 ITa&e You Sten the NootmbtrMrs: oee. it. Mastesi. cot. Joan a. rwwv, aegger). Hymn an an Pr- -NO ALUM Cot. ft, H Orebte, LMuL ssmI Mrs. aMsnr A. iiue.

Umr. I.tout. smI Mrs. W. A. MeOstSk Meal.aa Mrs. e. r. oraMM, uew. saw stsv. m. The Lsat AM ana Hlaatssiiry society Lécties 'ffome JournalK. uent. aael Mrs. A. A Mswc, ot the HiaeJaaa Park la sil aastreh. bald

1Ñ Cel. aasl Mrs. Osser IHsaay, Dajtt. a very tatemtwr iaiañ churehí K. M. niehek. CmH. sad Mrs. Osa. C. Bean- - Tuesday. Mea were mesa aa eoajmK--

hart. Cent, and Mrs. Ban IMt. , (ees aecetatsa rw th mm ;yaar. htehMrs. A. W. Bjoratad. Capt ass Mi.ftaa. commeneta tat October, 9M Paye 41, Out Oct 20th?ROnULBAKlNG POWDER M. Bassaet, Ueat. asta Mr. . A. tags ar to a held ) : ea TnesaayI urn ima tin. Clua . naraHML fcteut st S:K 9. sv teawad of ansa msmaiy. tbsad Mrs. Henry M. KsUy, Mal- - M Dlbl Méy was ondee 4 hy Mm nraat'P. Moore, Msj, and Mrs. T.,r. lrCept. dent, Mrs. A. J., Jones.ta Mr. A. 0. Bsasasa, Uatsl, srf Mr. M.

B. Lewis, est. wM Mr W. b, ink, went The strt th laa tnternisaaaii eawMaaatw. w, rMrrtA. titM. Jas. 1 oHtat MJ. or the Highisaa park Baaan '

n.. 9mv. Mj. W. r. Uwts, capt. C. a. rtctntly orranim h () he knownSehsne. Lieut. Cat. Wm. l lienly, Lttat. as "The Otars' The seaming errteeraA. I P. sand. Ueat, ft mw, lnui. were, eletedi PtatMeat, oraca Marraytj. w. Anders, ueai. wessey . aweri lc prslaBt. Corta XeaWa; seereury andLieut- - W. C. Maaghtew. Uajrt. a. M tmsarMr, Lena Courtney. Frraay eventagHitsseU. LleuL hoht. C AnaJa, UeK. Thee. an enjoyaht social waa aetd at as hornOCIETY Barae. Jr, CTwt Bagar B. B. Harts. Lieut ot Lena CourtMy. Ths hatts ef the de

Tftos. H. hers, Jr., LWtut, Col. Ja. M. f.artmem were tka guests af as "Wssnsrs.'049 Msl. I. L. Ittne, Capt. C. (How,i.itui: vm. K. mkótm. LtesU raw X BilMT T..Johnson. Lieut. D. E. McCunalff, Lieut. At lb besuurui home of Mrs. Howard

Durkee, comer of Clirr aña. . Camahell. Wolfe,Thos. it. Menroe, Cap. Orrln M reels, Cird One. Ladles oraae First Meth-odistLieut Char. KAKuWea,- - LleaL O. B. Woed, Episcopal church, gave a aeUfhtrul

Lieut F C Hoger. Lieut, s. vamoer-is- atwmeen tea. The house was tastily deco- -

CLlHATaCSfiY. entertainments by her many 'friends, and Lieut, r. M. BrsaatM. Lieut. W. tt. Tm&fA with niuui. rhrviilh,miimi And

those that will eniertttn tor her th week, Orion. Lieut. C Msthews. CanL B, V, lilies. Exquisite muslo was rendered byaft after. Include the Zeta Taa Alt Mearas, ueat. ReM. C. cotton Lliut a Misses Msrgaret Yeung sad Mary and Ruth

DtsMwn, Llent. D, F. McDonald. Lieut, nesting. Misses jhus uawweu aea i.auraH.Sorortur. ef which she is a member, end maud Fink saveral aslecHona charm-inglyAñd enly golden glories who 1U entertain for her on Monday wltH j; F. Parkinson, Ma. W. Elliott, Capt. snd and to

saagthe ctetKbt or al present.

Each yer tw sweeping by an auction ring narty, at toe nome or Mrs. W. E. Hunt. Messrs. o. Armstrong, Mrs. J, A. Patter preside at the tea and jBnaaWis. Percy MeOec. jr., the Misses Gertrude A, N. Brawn, & M. Baststt, R. F. Burges, Mrs. II. M. WMtriehf poured the coffee. The

If (terms' were never' breaking sad Mary Lelrbton will give a brtdte party Dr. J. B. Bradsr. Ballard Coldwetl, Dr. E. rcrreshment were delicious chickenin fierce relentless moe on lialleween aftemeon. Miss! Harriett n. carnenter. J. w. curtís, ueo. mry, Jelly on lettuce, marguerite

Eugene Fox, A. 0. Foster, Jr.. Dr., Paul and coffee. Those recelrlnr and In eharsrethe shadow .waking Bryan and Mist, Mauttry weaning win ne" Gallagher. Francis Gallagher, Allen It. were Mesdame nose Young, K. Hetttes, 0.Tb eehees' strange and rude hostesses for a charming luncheon sad v. Aiexsnaer, Herman a. porter. Marc ibridge, on Hov, 7. Miss Elslner Snellen 0 rambling. Paul Hammett. Bobt. L. Holll cadwailar, oeorga n. Cowherd, t. F. naught bnt nmy xvealhef will entertain on Not. 13. Mist Kate Xrausa day. Ted Houghton. Herbert Hunter, H, B burn, Howard Durkee and W. A. Prlee and

Prevailed from norm to south, will entertain on Nor. it. Mrs. rear ahou-ic- Harding, J. M. Harris, T, Hill, Maury Kemp, Misse Kleiner Price, Maraaret Yoang. Ju-lia

í r,How; we wouH get together will aire a deitcMTul, luncheon on Her, J. B. Kltoatritk, Page' Kemp, Robert A. Caldwell, Marybcllo Ketfer, Ctarabelle

v . And bowl about, the draught! , Mrs. Richard, Warren is plaanitff for Martin, A. L, McK&lgbt, Dexter R. Maple, Fink. Emma Brandeherry and others. a' , Star, set the T..M: Msyneld. Tom Mitchell, Tom B. . Margaret cowherd presided at th sil-

verWashington a dance, hut as yet has, net dw,and as Miss Violet Is so very popular, Mrs. a Harry T Owster. J. C Peyton. W. F,



the hoursAbout


3laaleaand p.

wrm. piVE Dresses for Big women areillus--II. Stark,Halloween Week. Campbell has decided to'entertaln, with a Payne, J. M. PoHard, Br. II.

, Commencing with Monday 1 Htifeween dinner after Miss Attkes will be married Warren Small, 0, C. Shannon, Dr. W. B. Trinity Church Commute,"week; and' a busy one' at that. The social to Mr. iecke. Utmstorm. L Wood. J. M., Wyatti Dí t. The local committee of Trinity chttreh ; trated aiid described pii.that page.

llalloweén af White, E. M' WMtaker, Lewis Crooker, Jack held a pleasant meeting on Friday afterset are busy preparing and scheming Amona-- some ot the manyoirrerent ways to nuke weir erratr iae fairs that will occur during the week-an- d Pryor, Murray.Crossett, Oaroat King, L. W.

F.noon at the church. Mrs. s. a. Birenncid, These dresses are made by one of our8. Biackstiear, Taller Brown,most enjoyable. The Gay Jack; O'Lanasrnsi on HaHoween night will bo tee Con-

federatePrueben, chairman, presided. The tima wss spent

and Scooped Pumpkins are dteelayed here ball and recentlon of the U. D. C Murchlson, Paul Thomas, w. b. Hoar, g. srranglng for the luncheon for .the ailrand there. Which call everyone to the at the Taso del Norte for the convention a Sehtimaker. F. B. Billings.'

EdithR. H. aims, day meeting Tuesday,, November I, af the special dress makers. Some of theseMisses and DorothyC. II.

, "iisuoween ueiignt." Botn young ana oia on Oct. 29, The XI raso Morning Times Johnson; week or prayer service; A so&lal timowill no doubt Indulge In the usual celebra will aire a very delightful dance and reeep Morgan. Parke, Hartón Young, Hartas i was enjoyed, nerresnment were omiuea,tion and.-- quite a number or dance ..ana tloa at the; Del iforte on Oct. 90, to honor Walker McCleUan, Olive Davis, Vir as the ladles aro observing a time ot selt-- and a number of others can be seen inparties hare been planned Tor the week, add the U. D, C. and vlsiung delegates for their gin a Semsie. Hilda ssuer. Emiiy xemp,

denlaL The following are members ofHalloween night. convention. Grace Wtngo, Hannah and Mary HUI, of the committee: Mesdames William Bacht, women's Dress Section. ReadBigMis Violet Altken, who will be, married Nsncr Williams will entertain a. number Wbeellng,.W

ffeheker, Deulshva. Virginia


tenureDavis, j. P. Robertson. Dara Roberts, J.; J.. Ely, our

to L.,J. Loclre on nor, 55, la being showered or her1 schoolmates with a Halloween parly Marie n, E. Bryan, it. i. urauara, c a. ocuum,with luncheons, and, parties and all sorts or on


OllmetBight,club, has

earranged for t




Cerrara,Snellen. Francis L.

Edwaras.TreM, L, M, McCramnwn anal w. W. the Ladies' Home Journal or cpnie heré

Alice Wuir,Camilla Xlbler, on Oct. , at the Knights or Columbus Dofdthy

Msyfleld.White, Maybelle Bryan, Ir Poóle,

Parta Assoetetlen. and see the Journal and the Dresses.Irene Loughiin, Anaiee nix, ana Aires.The Aliadla club at Canutillo' will enter-tain

The association met yetwith a masquersde Halloween dáaes o

tarda? afternoon at the Sunset school, andon Friday night. Friday Afteraoea Bridge Club. arter- - a snucniy enjoyen program in wnicn, 'y, (Raadyvto-We- ar Department.)

The bachelor officers of the border patrol Hri. W. s. Crombie was the hostess for Mr. Ptertea gave an Interesting talk on th ' 1(Third Floor.)have planned a "Yams .Yams" costume the Frldsy Atfernoon Bridge club at her pbyiseal training or the school, tho .

i dance 'at Fort Bliss on Oct. so, ana tne in home on Montana street, yesterday. A domeastratlon or the physical training dasGREATSUFFER1NG teenth cavalry orchestra will furnish the dainty one course luncheon was served, of the pupils of the Fourth grade, was

musle. A jelly good time is uoaeg xer and those present were Mewames . highly applauded, and the sesga by MissCarpenter, J. L. Dyer, F. Feldmtn. I. Fisto, BU were sung very sweeuy. tb ronow

The students of the Texas Scbeel ot U. C. Ferris', B. L. Farrar. F. Hunter, J. C lag offleers were elected: Mrs. W., D.

Mines at Fort Silts will tire a dance on Lackland; J. "Merr, H. PfaTf, C. Poaaeroy, Howe, .president' Mrs. Lee Burdiek, tteas-Halloween nirht at the school audltortual, H. F, potter. U. 8. Stewart, J. U. Sweeney, urers Mis Claudia Brahra, seeretary, and

TWm the Lot ef Thk Lwly Who The1 Y. W, C;. A. will entertain with R, & Semplo, M. 0. Wright, W. D. Wise, Mrs. . Arlington, rice prcsiaeai.tialloweeii nartv on that nlabt. B. M, Worsham, J. 0. Espey, Dsn White,' " Talk tké Story of How She A number of youa men will give 4 and Miss Sue Crombie.. The club will meet Fr(4r Aueilea Bridge Club. Mmd90rtied are futre mndmo9t4 HiGdance on HaHeween1 at the. home .or wri, j next week with Mrs- - w. d. wis. Mrs. Harry Piatt delightfully eatertaltred

Recovered Her Health. I. Ormirhft, at the' SflSelter. o the Friday Auction Bridge club at herbóme, 0fHh9raOOD THINGS here artThe usual wean esa ay ana saturaay nigni S. S. Bridge Oah. en Upton avenue. The bewitching Halloween ,

Country club dances' will take place dur-la- c Mrs. Chas. Loomll, ot MI Putnam avenue, decorations were carried out In the different miüertieé.ths week' also, and the lolly' Informal entertained the S. S- - Bridge club at her designs, and the score csrds were othop dance at the post wU also take place yesterday afternoon; The house was painted Black cats. A dainty salad course Vv'aBBBBsnsI JJiiiíl)llaai- - N C Mrs. Thomas Davla, and the members wareon Tuesday or tats week. r prettily decorated with heautlful .chrysan-

themums.was served, only

of ihla place. snysi '"About two years a rorum nance wm d tivsn on oc- - 2, Mrs. Loomts w forwoaw enough present. Mrs. Cbe. Atkinson won the first-- ago. when.J was eighteen, years oíd, I by tba progress club for their' members to wm the prize. A delician two course ente ana in secona wss. won. sy sirs.

and menas in tnetr ciud rooms., poughenbedcluncheon wss served. The members presentcondition frombad womanlya.(wfunn Miss Mary AVadllngton will entertain on were; Mesdames Waller Arnold, Harry o'troijbjea, XíeV oít Hnt'1 X weighedLapt Halloween night tt her home with a party, Lackland, James

-Vance, Emmet nines, Mr. Maaker'Enlertilaed. not for th awful roads, they would have Baker or Roiwell and Hirry T. Herring or

mora"' than 8 G iba. Mrs. William Mcuiatn, or vw nevaaa Vance Stewart, William. Ramsey t Misses Mrs. A. Hanker entertsined lsst eight with ceen eacx sooner. Stnt r, e- e- -, i.

il suffered dreadful pains In my hips, street, will ntertaln a number or her Lcmtre Kebeker, Ira Col and Olira Darls. an auction bridge party and the color D. M. Smith has left for his old home CANDYaides and abdomen, tor about E days friends on Halloween night. The invited guests werei Misses Virgula scheme of black and yellow was carried out In Jefferson City, Tex., where h will spend Folsy Cathartic the Halloween sketch, a saladMrs. B. J. Turtle will give a Halloween daintyStewart and Esteiie Berrien. soma time. TtiayYou will Ilk their positive action.out of vry, month. bridge party at her home on Mundy avenue course was served. 'Mrs. M anker had three have a tonic efrect on the bowels, and gvI couWa't sleep at night, and the on Halloween night. In honor of her mother, CHURCH AFFAIRS. tablea of bridge.; Dr. J.-- M. Richmond and Mr. Atlas Jones a wholesome, thorough clsansmg to the, en-

tire SALEpains we're, só dreadful I couldn't lie Mrs. T. n. Adair, or ls Mess, n. m., wno have a tiislr guests their fsther. Dr. Rich bowel tract. Stir tb liver to healthyis visiting her. ' The Church of Christ assembles for or. Epwertb League. mond, of Edns, Tax.', who arrived la tb activity and keep stomach aweet. Consti-

pation,down for ' the blood would seem to Miss Elisabeth Fry entertained, the ED headacb. dull, tired reeling nsvor ANGEL FOOD FUDGEThe Misses Eiitanetn Simmons ana Ann Lord's at 10 a. m. at the city Wednesday evening.rush. to my head. Weeks have planned a Halloween party forsblp every day worth learue or the Fh-s-t Methodist EdIsco afflict those wbo use Foley Cathartic Tabcourt house on San Antonio street. A church Friday night at her home oa o lets. Only He Specially oomfoning tiI felt I must havesome relief, for their dancing ciass at tne formers nome, ccrdiat invitation Is extended to all.

palIMUuu rrouc Rr. P. D. Faust, wbo has been In tb stout persons who enjoy the light and frt; 20c THE LB,

It seemed that the .awful suffering ins Arizona street. o city several days, returned to hi boma fiiny they gia(AdYrtisesenb)would surely .kill MaV .

o A soar servlee has been arranged for the S9CBCTY NBTM. in, MSgaaiena, n. m., Tsursssy, SATURDAY ONLYSocial cTuH Dance. rcgultr Sunday evening service at the First Should need examined far; "ihad read ofrhatCaral had' done The gay social like amongst the El, Paso Christian church, corner North Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. a W. Past anno unes th Mrs. J. J. Snider or 709 north Ochoa Olsssos see

youDr. Ilorten,


RetMrts.Benaerfor others; and" thought I would try it people was truly displayed last night at Franklin street, 7:M p. ja. The cbolr under arrival or Charles Wilson Pesie, Jr., on street hss retumad from four months' Building. He grinds the lea and makes The Elite CMfectkiery Ct.After the use of one' bottle, the tne toimc eiun wnen toe ti raso social the direction ef Edwin C. Knlekmeyer; the1 Thursday, Oct. St, at S;S0 p. m.. weight stay In Los Angela and other points In up your Glasses. (Adrertlsement.)

pains had entirely stopped and Z was club gave Its opening dance, .both the older orranlit. win be assisted by Mrs. R. 8 I J pounds,.and younger set attending, This club is Henderson, Mrs. ii. e. nowies ana w,able to sleep., the most exclusive in El p.aso and four Psrrln Wlvüe.. The DrosTsm fallows t Orcsn Th Saturday Auction Bridge club will meet Mrs. Dr. Burleson Staten and childrenAfteruiJng four, bottles, I was a dances are given by them during the prelude. Hymn. Violin Solo, selected, Mrs. with Mis Ki telle Berrien at ser neta this have left for a visit to relatives in east,

well woman,-- was regular, I got back soason. R. Henderson. Anthem, ;Ltft Up Your afternoon, 1311 Magoffin aveau. sm Texas.The club rooms looked exceptionally --coasiaer CLEAN MILK PURE MILKmy flesh; 'and I now weigh 128 lbs.; Heads" (Hopkins), violin soio,

uriuiam last nigni. ocauiuui s and Hear Me," (Wooler) Mrs. H E. Bewier. A lolly party ot El Pasean ar ssBdlng C. C. Fowler hss returned from a months'and am able to do all my work with-

outand roses and potted plaas were the day plcniclng down th valley, miss racatlon trip to Houston, Ntw Orleans and On October 1 th tubercular Inspection af our treat herd waa

trouble. artistically arranred throughout the place. cospietta oy we state Tsiennansnsany Mary hell Keefer a hoiteta- - The crowd jther point. BR. R. ranMa of Fort Worth, assisted br"I c'erUlniy recommend Cardul to The individua taates were arranged under motored in Mils Keefrs oar. and oaUclous BR, T. U WATsaN, Prstsnt Stst Board ef VWectnsrt Xxanahma,suffering women, for I know It cured the balcony and in the side "tea room" "eats" were enjoyed.. The in ths parly Mr. and Mrs- - H. A. Dooley and childrenWAS MISERABLE' off or the ballroom, wncre at ll:w. dainty ere: Miss Jull Ce4dwtll, Margaret have returned from art extended visit to aa. t. President State Vstertelsnan AsseelaUen, Tme, , . . refreshments or chicken saisa, asserted Young, Mary Btl Xfr, Mssrs.,,Cl!rt relatives m Illinois. arkana.-

My friend who saw me 'when I sandwiches, coffee, lee cream and cake ColdwelL and Lieut PhUllp CeMweU, of ML J. M. Assist nt Stst Vttsrlaartaa, Fert Wrth, Texas.weighed 85 pouHda and would see. me were rved.. lunch was enjoyed durliii COULDN'T STAND Texts city, Teias. tm pany trut rmra Miss Mabel O'Connor Is hiving most ROTE THESE HA! MS wno tnty art, ta best rtf atary surgeons

and the muslo furnished stats of Texas.Hw,..,would know ,what Cardul had the evening, by in th evening. dsllghtrul visit with her aunt in Lexing-ton.

On teariaw ay ssraiisd tataaselr as fellows;done for, me," , The laalea m their beauttful evening a sacred ceaeert will he atrta under

Ky, DR. FORMS ssMiTW I ta tMtBATBST brd of cata I hars rr sisa kTry Cardul. apparel and the men accordingly looked Ttfi Sh Was ReatorW th direction ef Mr. pama WKW, hi the Mr. 0. A Dsnielson and daughter, Doro- - th



ataiatel"M Uta




Itsstf,you hv




BfLBrTBIBtheir best, and the Joyous air ot a good near future. Tats concert win mmm th SPLeSdwto Haakh by LytMa E. tny, nav reiurnca iretn awu - HERD and a PLAKt."time was shown throughout the evening, Hading musicians ana taunts ac ra Psso tbey visited relsilves. DR. CHRISTIAN tA! "I htv besn.Hl .owr Tex, tt sttajr, tl fresg j

The .members ano tariMd guests weret PkiUiiuM'aVegaUya people. rttir to ta nta rtvtr, Bat i rrevER sieh AHYTHiHa to bUal what tfeMessrs. snd Mcsdames W. H. Austin. S,

W. Awbrey. Claibewe 'Adams, H. M, CoaapounrJ. The Pythian Siitert sararí! the Ksishti rSRCUSON H CHAMP10.V, ra. Pack saUi "t aa net drink milk or eraaaai a a nil whan I ass awayCandy Anareas, wsner Ansera, fucnarn aism, ,w, of pythts at their regular aassMmr lut Tenni TtUrrem horn, hat ahy ORÍ CAN 0E YOUR.PROBWTS WITH psrfbct bapxtt.

Lackawanna, N. Y. "AfUr itat El raseea Wlas Nw Mtilco Yew BI5TXM ana sanitatjok ar j'Ettrtui.-- '1U Brown. H. W. Bfeaddvs, M. T. Bowie, my aignt at ma a. ot r. nan wnsra oaieiy ... .Henry 8. Beach, W. H. Bwges, Dr. L. M wa bona I felt very mlaeraW mi lunch, a very oeM evsnwg IB rtoswwi orBwM a





wrcrown, i, o. creeaatt, w, k. eremaie. a. f, aonui not swum am Joyed. i . , nr. rXTHEMELY TMOVB Or TMK T,Special Coles, frank caler, Z. U Cesfc, Br. Braneb feet My staler Pssó in LTirtO THEM VVJTH RIU ATU ITS FlMexico ttt Hwnay .HewCraJr, W. Ceeier, A. L. Cox. J. H. Clary. sWGMETY raniONALB, of El won

J w. Curtli, Chaste Davit, KasM Daerr, hvkw wtoaed dm t Kt I cnaraptetHmr m ' Th tntismei Mrta at eur ptacs, night and day, far fanr day, dusja wjataaToday Only Jas. A. tXek. R. M. intthf, WsHrs Davis, try LytHa K. 'a Miss Olady Wehstsr rtara ,yaifdty defMitng F, P. Spencer of RosweH, tija ear herd, our astasn na our tntlr raetheds were ithcHd t. th MostIn th doubles, Prgusei ana MflnjTÍ señ unnY If tratnea remtnsriana and aattry Haert.KraaK reuMst, ir m. u. rerns, u. r, Vegetable from Lo AagehM. Cat. where htsat t,

Parrar. C. K. laUsr.'BsnssfU Waet. J. A. and FSUl JSIt Of HCwro aomwwm n. f.Mexican Kistes Caanpound aajr th summer. iMsS iraaa a& E. KeHy. X. W. k'ayser. JullUsHarper , Wa bar that w had th b8t ana mobt sAnrrABY bamy mPer PchmhI .3sk Krakauer. Hoeert ,icreaiMr. A. r. Kerr, 8ed, si n. i. Mum. af Dearar. liaiiWi It vA BL PASO, and H I aasferi ta flad this bHr seaflrmta By Ss aiMsa afWalter KheMserg. W. B. Lataa. C. h. apastite

- Regular price 44W. Usmsm. Jt. o. Henary, M. u. Narr, 1, waauc, nsMa a mm ii, D. Maf fMM, . C McCartfr, Osas, 1, Manet, vaadcttraa km' TRY THIS IFHrlrkU Co.W. X. Merr. C. C McOM..O. it. Wswmaa. u.. II. r--l EH 3Pmua Dairy

Chaa, fmtroy, W, W. PlIIMslss. H. 8, MtM Louise Brtckell, ot jaWa Taans, aPetter, or, I. A. natw. i. r. primm, pr, , TMK GLBAN BAUHf.

k. l. nanwy, vr. t, m. sasaer. w. x. dfWie length of ttoe. ; 'Í : IS GRAY 11 IJSIISISI jl. II ,,IJ I, milRanssey, IL. C Bees. J. U. waíswy, K. i. iMNsrf'llajr AsbiMafCfl vlllCn Wot fttM&Q tMV HISimmon i. U. 8. ttewart, D. M. Mr, B. J, bUa I ahraya take LytMa E. Pratkam's Taat!viiWIng her dsugawr, Mrs, B. J. fehema, t. j. www, & m. waawsa. o.C. Bhsnnoa, W, W. Tamer.. W. L. Tooiey, stvsa Osaajsatattil 5CH9OLS AND COLLEGES

PUe 35. r. K. TtMsoasoa. Dr. jamet vanes, j. f saWn. IoaJlinyawTiwc.'' Msa.WHUtSM, Van C. Wtssea, W. r wise, N, A,Tr Knauuam, ISH XUctrU Avsama, rauim iiarnr uiotcs. or mm mi. h. si..

" Or If lharad Witk TeMitsteat the day in El Pa, , i

lACKawasma, . j. Hair Or IteHtag PMifuThe wipe ac LydM . Pinkhans's . ..... BhltUj. m. k. i

ViaM Csaionsd, da from raataand hrha, I iisurHlis It In El Btsa OB TBllTSllSIf iTialB im,may aCandy Social Today Only Ba4 wMi perfeai mMm fj, Bnd


oa Lawh wftst ht'Msst, Í)4 with sraytOromTOraSfid,

Potaard about svn naaaas ot adl- -BUtiot.BlcaTaon,tnsnasJi i snnaasstln, Oltdys Grasa, at Lhaa. latas., 7Uln liquid Mn. Apir to

OPERA CARAMELS paHottta Tpi&tyi, iMwkaaiiav bsavisMHftasrR last ntsfei. and wM isasi aaa r a4 acalp ntin

avicM.withHk a


ftn- - MMitrn School f luiiniJawith Mrs. a, j, I. It aWwMjrwlmfctarnij JnitlsatVisL isaasWiiis,street. tlT Your hair wW then he twau- - BatvatMi psaaaration. Lyaast K 9saJt. i m ly an4 aatu- -

15c CNft4iaf Pound Box kaar Yigitaial Cosnpoqad Is IM saaas. that no aaaicU yass usaft darkens Ma hair ca iJl itely4mA mvm4 tav 4hsM lilt M Clint, TM. tn at MM. i, Ms Osa scalp. --Bn

mtxe .ytMsr - siasr . sowSm mm baattlM fern at frmtk Pstaaata ha atsUUtion to twr.

wassssasssissWWSBSBBfc I

ttaVsl tkanjJs étaBJtWHJL A k. sIvlaaT tha SMttr rati flajft srsws,

isaras ? tsM aaihty af LaV B.Get jrMtr cnt mftJnmk Clfcalaaa, tsr hair so attrnotlv.Wwrhaaa'a Vfsiii Coasasfaii In af WMiinr, w. . nmvc m mm brn. "Ór P L Ma sin wit Mr am-- r ar maasytby tt many aaisiii i y a rrtaay. rui natr areasa

Bsl ti'Mlufnl asáaasaassiajia van ajsaV sms ' AfWrmmm kshasSsnasV hsstfSaaUsEasasCy yaaMfsMsty ka Mat Masse s. r, M. MJfcy.

Waiis.e. B. Mease, W. A. émtt, laJUnar htr or aafeaaf any an Wrlntaa..WSRrv aa .t

iMsa. sod A. n, m u aaasa.

I B. n.. wo haa aWat a has- - jsArdoin' Cónfectionery atatkad SUrer ctay aaai flhs' Whlss ssasss-itsi- b iully gu'asanl a. fha anl4tUX) tjm. Haas. Tvk4av ttl ar safntaa aaaa aa Timám, A HLTvI IMasUsfesff CMSÜéAkX Mnm tKLV IIiMbbV MafllÉBaa isaw ibjí ssasaaja straai Ma OásfT ZSrméSF- -.m V9 éXrtmT W


Sasytsnr. tr hast aaOstl asa awe, aasTaa -

flap bk,., áfaVass ém ahai da tsar altowa. ana las a I luí. 11 i nun ' isssjsaaBaalat

Page 14: Se Pague Más

7A '111'"

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( uWi Heyaer J 1, ( Mf orHo W . t5, cook HNwMftrib, ( 1 Wfjlv f 'iU iTt : : i

VociLer a "oVthc AHt : Y-t- W ioo v Waw ;...

i last ?ujmqc pcc k nowsT--íSbT.4 (VoOQclJ., x-- X A wr.HAú; V ; . .M

Advcrtiaing Rate Card Male Halp Wanted Help Wanted. Houses Furnihaj for Rent Apaxtmants for Rant Lost aad Fowiá.WANTED Both, lady and gentlemen sollc-- . NICELY furnished eettare, close la. WANTED líame lady wants room and OET YOUR NAME in the "What Are YOU

CXASSIFIED LINERS. Itor ror easy- selling- stocks., For per 7U ri. board with private family, bo children; Looking For" column ;r the Times. ItApply uregon.t cent per wont etcü daily- insertion. fonal Interview address S. O. B., csre Times. ron rent. dote la. Phone 4808. will help you get mors business. Calli crnti per word on Sunday. FOR RENT furnlthed cottage. Ap-

ply.ST. RBOIS APARTMENTS. phone 800 about 1L v

IV, cent per word each 7 insertions. COTTON PICKERS, Texas (transportation Wanted. 1203 E. Boulevard. The finest aad most &EWINOsale. See


the Standard,(3 a month,

sold byrent


fr vaii tvuit tn ntaph all tbM nnAnlAt i1 JO line month. Agentsper per advanced), 63 cent per. 100 pounds. apartment la the city. HandsomeNo ad taken for leal than 23 cents. FALL II MITCHELL, FOR RENT Newly furnished bouse burret, interior, telepbeees,. wall

& Zinkler. uio tiiiw uao uuex wfi sua.Ho ad to run for an lndericite period (tf.) S03 Ban Francisco St. - Eat. tool. SPECIAL BARGAIN Stager sew piano, sleeping pores, garage, ' phone sate and a' number of other built-i- n GET YOUH NAME la the "What Are You LOST, .strayed or' stolen t blaek pacingtaken over the telephone, order to discos tag machines.. IlkSohaffei-s-. 34 MyrHe features; Two room sad bath Looking For?" eolumn of he Times. It horse; rormer owner Fred , Sefaweake;

tlnuo "tr." ads must be made in writing-- .

each. Mske reserraBen aow. will help yea 'get more business. Call liberal, reward. Notify K. F. Graves, Mag.All clairvoyant ads double' rate. WANTED AUSTIN & MARK, phone. WW about IL - nolta Rotillnr Co.. or Pred BahweaStei A tlxDisplay advertlslnr on classified par" Housas for Rent Phone St9. 904 5aa Antonio St. Bar. '

double price. No cuts permitted.Stock. Salesman FOR RSNT. SaeetMl HatMl Good for Sá. e.eo reward .orrered ror. the rstant or

LEQAt, ADVERTWmO. 8 room house aad bta. 1411 Brown St, bicycle stolen from the north sida of theLeva! advertíame at legal ratea. No others need, apply. S. O. Baker, Pa THREE rooms, private .batty steam best, Roberts-Bann- Bldg-- . No que Hon asked.

EMPLOYERS' CLEAfUNO HOUSE. Del Norte. DAVIS BROTHERS. buut-i- n features, close la. CsroHas Apart-ments, we are coMivelv the hishest osvars far 207 San Francisco St. .

Open flatDISPLAY

rate, weekAD SPACE.

days, per Inch, Cook for telephone Its. too Texas BL phone 37W or wv second hasd furitíture asMLhouieaoM am-eles.

WHY not lmt your Vraat Ads, a the.THww.column wide, each insertion, 7S cents. boarding- bouse, New Mexico. Man and Furnished Rooms for Rent modern oottaee, i lots, fenced, on FURNISHED spsrtateat, wltB private bath, PhOB



NewS. B


Second Kaad Ster. where you ar sare of the best your ad sasoaats to 76 esats eash youSame. Sundays, each Insertion, 86 cents, woman for ranch, 60 per month. car lino, tusmaaq rant,, qui qoiq ot. ess upsoo: Phone ssvr-- j. will raads. inch month, Beat .to get a good unta pea free. CallStanding display per per WANTED buy teeood-bsn- d tools sad -

15.00. J1J MILLS 3LD0.' PHONE 1(04. 1MB BBBl KAUE tOK THE beautiful furnished sosrtiBeat, guns,. H. Moor, set 8. Bl Paso St. phone 5esc,fpr the Want Ad Bey. vContracts tor large amounts ot display ad RAMONA H0THL,

LEAST MONEY; ALL CHJAR ANTEED 19 very large rooms, Large closets, lugespace or readera subject to discount. ur, íouix zinjuer, lis n manion ou pantry, nice bsth, sleeplsg- .porch; everyla EI PasoWhen visiting or shopping' stop ihlne In anutmeot' ahaolntelv new and Offices for Raatat the Ramon HoteL centrally located at FOR RENT room cottage la orand View; also oa carhandsome; walking distance;nEADINO NOTICES. sio N. Stanton. Rooms with or without uso .completely lurnisoea rooms tor WANTED AU kinds of faralture. We' tavrur reading matter, each insertion, per Licensed and Bonded. bath, bates toe to 11.10. Special rate by nousaneepmg. Phone ,eMi-.- . . .

une. special price to permaBeai people. more for your goods tasa any nrm la the OFFICE FURNITURE FOR RENT Reate al-lowedUne, is cents. All Classes Rallroady smelter and week or month, t no cniiorefl, or mcc eiiy. sas S. Kl Paso. Westera Furalturs If you buy within 80 days. FsutxLócala, per line, each Insertion, it centa. & Zmkler, 113 N. Stanton. .Mining Men, Clerical Help, Cooks, APARTMENT for rent. Phone tuts.TIMES bouse, steo T. p. st .........HiEL.PASO CO., Waitresses. Furnished. hotel MKNUEit bow ta asura ot ir. aad

Times, Etc., Mr. J., W. BUbod. Lars, wed fitrslaaed. nat, unrurniihedPublisher El Paso Momtnr Phono .....H0 NICELY farnisbed apartment, with privateWire Us Your Wants.Write, or tool at rtoaal waekly ratea. house. Rio (Iran ríe. unrurnlahed.STSEl Paso, Texas. roosBS osib; everyiBing- - ,ncw. trsemn nwi.Telephone 1441. Ample bauung raclituea. Ka trace Overlaad flat, furnished ..,.. ....tioo EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY:too W. Antonio Street.Saq lit near d. &i raw oi. Fiats and housekeeping- rooms. Don't THREE rooms aad bath, well rurnlshed.One Block West of Hotel Paso Del Norte. uau at tne 4W HlUUijr A TV. uinlTivr BinniniAorrice. ACCOUNTANTS,HIE0E begun at the Box office of AlbambraTIMES BRANCH WANTED A man of to PARK BROS.,ability accept I neater, vur pairóos get ih gooaa.. FOR LEASE unfurnished apart-

ment,US Main St. Crawford Theater Bldg. steam beated; no children. Invalids THURSTON AUDIT CO. Phone 3180. Rooms wumaix-- Home companion, American,OFFICES tlon doing a highly profitable business. An HOTEL VENDOME, 34tU E. overland PL-- Hoi FOR RENT close in in or dog; reference required. 318 W. Mis- - at is city national Banal Bldg. Hearst's, oood Housekeeping,For the convenience of Ita patron investment or It ,000 to nan required. Will and cold water ra all rooms; bath desirable residence

residence,district, to reliable noun, mono m. ADDINQ MACHINES. Pictorial, two i yr 38. , Sunset; Review of

Tito Times maintain braacb offices at bear strictest Investigation. free; II per day and up. Reviews, 11. extra: Llppman, Bargainparty wno wui purcnase a part or tne rur HEATERS! HEATERS I, Now Is the time you Maguine Man, 818the following place) HOWELL REALTY CO., Mundy, Pssb. Texas.TV4 niture of present occupants. Phone 3409. Burrougb Adding-- Machine. 909 MUI Bldg.

IOS Texaa fit.; Elite Cigar Stand, corner "Business Specialists," snouia select your neater, tun or icriras,rcxaa and Mea Ave.j Highland Drug Phono K7. m Herald Bldg. GET YOUR NAME In the "What Are You we can please you. Fouts it zmkler, D ALTON Adding-- Mschtees. 216 MlUs St.


Store, Highland fark: East El Paso DrugWANTED A young man, about 20, to learn

THE EENNAHD, 43H . Oregon. Room. iemg ror 7" column or the Times, it UNFURNISHED apartmeot. private BOTTLES. HAVE your old jewelry made to hew and2! I Alameda SLj Boulevard Drug-store,Store,

Uoulovard and Florence St. to renalr aawinr machines and do other OPPonrUNlTIES tor Busmes mea to ret will help you get more business. Call oatn asa iieeprng- porcn. rnone ove-- artistic piece; mod. prices rywork guaran-tee-

work In store, call Saturday evening be wan rcat yeuqevme at tBS Ainamars. pnone soso about 1L completely, elegantly rurnlshed WE BUY AND SELL any kind of botUe. A. N. Lombardl Co.,'487 S. El Paso 8L

Want Ads and Subscription taken. tween 7 ana B. singer Duro, io o. en rasv. NOBODY home, in El Po. because they are FOR RENT Unfurnished new house, apartment sod large sleeping porch, with 11. jipijuu. ttui ray rue rnone m. MERCANTILE ACENCKS.LOCAL representative wanted ' no canvas-In- g all at the Albtmma. Even the stage Is garage, neaimg- pianK rnone eite-- front sad back porches,, close in on W. Mis . nrrjmirisxruruxns

Ml Kl, souri at.; no sick or guiaren, rnone medicine to l'lllnola 'or soliciting required; good Income cottage; 15 mont- h- 1118 First St. bottles, Bottle LOCAL. MERCANTILE AGENCY.PurionaL assured. Address Nations! PLEASANT, room. Phone 6100. rurnlshed apartment, dose in; also no.. 10 e. overland, pnone imi. Reports. aad rating or Individual, co-

llection.Really Co., Harden Bldg., Waatung- - bedrootas; reasonable, rnone wru-- j. CARPENTERS.Member or the National Associa-

tionHEATED dose, in. 014 N. Fe. or Mercantile Agencies.rooms, SantaTrust Notices.TO LOAN. 31 RuUdlng. SpecialMONEY SUITE or 3 rooms, completely rurnlshed, HARRY PATEMAN, Mgr.,UET YOUR NAME In the "What Are You THE tiieater or war his been transferred to SPLENDID rms. Court House Blk.Ph.Ug-W- . all modern: large front room, .dining LONO 4t McCULLOUOH, carpenters; jobbing 381-- 3 Heraid. Bid?.

mo theater oi pieaaura at the Ainamora. kitchen, s Bedroom; downstairs, so; m gtrotyj, 4U1U1IIUQ rVVOlllUB. MTU. nibLooking Fort" column or the Time. It FOR RENT All newly furnished, outside Mew American room,will help you get more business. Call room, near car barn, 1127 Magoffin Ave. E. Nevada. Phone 2714. CARPE fS CLEANED. OPTOMETRISTS ANO W0 about IU Phone eoes. rormer location or the American MOST desirable rurnlshed spart-me- NEED 0LassFemale Help Wantafi, Vsue DU SANn A. WELLBORN, est Bee wood. 411 Overland.tNEED giasaesT American Optical Co.' TWq nice, clean room, close te. 6S3 N. Kitcuea, 10 Sa Aateata St. In the city; steam beat. Hcftel Steam and vacuum carpet cleaning, Pb. 88M,

guQd handled by Wood. 411 E. overland. Newly furnished," faandaomely decorated. Lockle. Pbeae 34ei PACKING.WANTED Reliable German woman for Spotlessly dean private booms for ladles. aCHIM.VtíY SWEEPS. - -- - - - -- - -- - -tmiNO cuts and polishes native gemsi fine general houseworks good home for right BEDROOMS for rent. 710 San Anteóte. sam waii proprietor. GOODS packed by Oelger belt the tirder. 211 San Francisco St. artyj references required. Address J. ajewelry Rooms for Rant CHIMNEY SWEEP a loves set up sad Transfer, atorage. repairing-.- ' Ph, Jf:., care Timas. NICELY rurnlshed room, sleepmr porch, WMV not put your Want Ada ta the tisms. Housektteplny all work ruar antee d. Joe; at LoFltlENO WIFE never tnlssea vaudeville conneetlnr bath: S acntleraeu oref erred: f woere you are sure or ids bsk reswaai

show. Ssiurdsy matinee at the Albambra. WANTED Woman ror, general housework iuiiiitcij uu sick, ziv Arizona it your au asaouats to 7 seats easa HOOM BUREAU ral Fur. C04 208 S. Stanton. Phone 37M. PLUM4MRS.or lamuy or 3. Appiy at foil uxenange, will get good fountain pea fres. US ROOMS ALL .JUNDS ROOMS

lllOIIT WAY LAUNDRY. PHONE 1110. Fot Bliss, OENTLEMAN'S room, private pnone uiw ror tne want Ad Hey, tas N. staatoa. STOVES repaired and set up. Phone 788. PASS CITY PLUMBERS, aU work attsrfe-tee-

WANTED i muy, an y. rranaun. 604 Ban Antonio 8C Fboa 1384.Brass and Phone 2009.copper. WANTED An experien6ed white cook: only TO THE PUBUC No more lots will be sold C1VH, ENGINEERS.Warehouse opposite T. 4c P. depot. We i in ramuy; nice room, ana win pay sea HOUSEKEEPINO and rurnlshed rea; st present prices oa the west ead or red-

or!TRY the City Plumblns- - Co. Betterpay highest market prices. month to person that knows how to St., the proposed route of the ssealc DAVID M. WHITE ror less. Phone 8184. 61! N. Csaabeu SLsleeping porch. 60 Stewart.HSKI'O. rooms, (formerly territorial easlneer and etwr U.To it. a. SLOAN) Am O. K. and in cook; no trlflers or room hunters need ap-

ply.fetgbwty, after Nov.. 15. An sdvasee of IM

rino health. Write me. L. w. Sloane, Ml Phone tos. MODERN, beated rurnlshed room, stew per 101 win go into etiect ear ust oste. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms ror S. Land Com. ot N. Méx.), dril engineer and PRONTO PLUMBERS. & TOSS. Pboae Í883.Road. New Yorlc City. oungaiow; no sick; also garage, to. aew-- j. u. ri. (.eaveu, note .Agent. housekeeping; so sick or ehUdrea. 1200 surveyor, t De Witt Apt. Phone 6W4-- Work guarantied.

I1ED4I UEDSI THE FINEST LINE IN THE Situations Wanted BEDROOMS cheap; close la. Phone 17W. d4T YOUR NAME W the "What Are You san Antonio St. CLEANING.PAY CASH aad ssveCITY OF IIHASS AND IRON, Looking For?" eeHma or ta Tim, it get your namc la ths "What Are You work.

money oa yearFURNISHEO ROOMS, too N. Oregon. iBf AU work guaranteed,IN BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, AT REDUCED WASHINJ and Ironing-- . Phone SON. WW help, you get more tu4ae. Call Looking- - Fori" column of Mw Times, it laundry. Pboae 8711. Firtt-cli- a work; 9887, El Paso riUOWlog-- 48

rheeeCO..l'HICE. FOUTZ 4i ZINkXER. PHONE 4I0& pfioas sow sbeur it. will help yea tt mora buslaeu. call Su aran teed satursctton or moaey hick. Vlrgtni.

ISOattlI stenographer desires phone SSH aboat It, this ad and exchange It ror sac ea the

FREE clairvoyant reading with La Belle position. Address Competent, care Tines. MCUI.Mi UACMI.NkW FtfeslreS by V9uU dollar. Work called for sod delivered.. 344fice cream. ' 310 Texas. Phone 3043. FURNISHED Keel room, wrk boars. 247 st 7.inir ros FOR RENT Two rutnlsbatt housekeeping 11. BWHUH Bl. PAPER ANB PAPBR SABS.

EXPERIENCED office mm and coaualstary sisar eblldrea SAAAAstaiaMaalarfVWkaMkaaVMljrooms and Ing poroa: ao orLET US DO YOUR CLEANINO. Aniuua at. ASK for Bayou Oaok oyslsr eeektsll, put EL PASOuisuaisr wish posiuoai gooa accountant; icsj win b reaay oov. 1 rem . ra.Be. CLEANING ANB fnaOBINa. PAPER COMPANY,

Nen's suits cleaned and pressed :&ec railroad experience In purchasing- aad ma-le

up ib individual Dotues, rer ssn at au 343 Mills St. Ts44hB 3818.ladles suttr cleaned and pressed ,7se rial departments; tluet Spanish. AMre orst.du bars, stub tM sods fsaatsm HOUSKKEEPllM ROOMS, (fes N. orestm. nBlMn ita vnitn rf nruca ttí bnecaLadles' skirts cleaned and pressed...... .36c FsjBiiy trade solietwd. mw n. Tuior,' !Hartman, earn Times, only so Cents a suit. Morsbssd, theH0USKKEBP1ÍH efe te. Phonoe 431.All Work Called for aud Delivered. NICE rurnlshed, rooms, wiak or wMtwvt room, "1"

CUT RATE CLEANINO WORKS. WANTED Position, by experienced teor" housekeepings Asfly at DM E. Nevada er wantedWarehouse


aM sewer.T. it P. rsayoi. We 11.00 A WSftfK wm sooa pay for a good BUNS Tepured, AHea Am a Cysts Co.

Phone 57M. rapher on Nov. 1; reference furnlafeed. psy t sasraoi prlee. heater. Faats a linkter, ill N. Staatn. CHINA rAINTlMi. shjb MAMJrAtrrunhnc,TUB SCEMC 11IÜI1WAY will enter Man SLEOANT, large bedroom, close 1; its. LlQHT Ihi u a! api tMai LESSONS. 60c; nrlng. Mrá. Nsfe. Ph. 1484.

hattan Heights, according w the survey iteaographer and office WICIXY rumlhd bedroora. w4Wt safljlswr sMrrawtuTav. close In. Mi N, Fferewee. AeawafsT HUPS made from oM caraet. Pbae 38.sow ucius maae, ai iuq west cnu or tea man wants position; reference, Addreea wcTKcnvKeral bl. Lots In Manhattan MelrhU at this Steady, care Times. porcli, in private home, dote Ml N cosy satts; private beta. 87 North MWBJ8 MACMtMkS.' will be advanced W each, effective rmmu lie I. ' DHB. WRIOHT F hi rasa. THtt BEN WILLIAMS DKTKCT1VE AOSkfCY. - r 1"iwv. . u. )). t.eaveii, ttoie Ateai.

EXPERIENCED drug rlerk deeirM pH4oo. ROOM ror genttesitea. S98 N. OresjF" uj oatseststfes. , latvasasaMoa auae ta ami aad crissSaval BKWina macminm ror rent. The assyOsVlcs eatafclfaiai 7 FURNISHSO bewkaaslag rooms. 7H E, casas. t7 11 nat. sana: mío- -, rae ms. IMS. Fa4s 4t

QilaüiN MAY, clairvoyant, xiQft 8, M Paao. dress Drug Clerk, care THatea, Vntt llVNTAVVll ruMl,bH Ifiee beajrs tt a.- - ss.. as. Missouri. aafTírrs.aatarysryk

WANTED Position as boolüf)r; lanHW modera conveniences, to new hónas,IHB--

THREE ! ruralajitiS h&iptg KNT tas asar Twsstatr White aad Staatl-arr-

rooms: M ik mil. Kaasa. Fa. Me. II GALLOWAY, 38 MttU Mas baa uchtem tha wort car lu.UirftifiAhtd Roam for RcaL enUy; wlH do other work; flrt4-c(- ref-erences.

my iuoicu. uw nmu, rnone SaSjJMWWN My us. JJjr swaateeS.For Sals MhnMsasew. RKNf t saolea for BaatPhone 430, EASY PAYMENTS Wtl.I. SOON FOR nasasBUiísSi AÜ IRON BEDS BY THE CAM. YOUR HOME, ANB YOUR FAMILY UVE we af Staaa, If oesfred, ItSt MtAM CATTLE. 388 S. ftsatoa. H. L, Stewart, Act,

iJOHm. AN 10 PER CENT CHEAPEST IN in UUM1UHT, ruuTX. St MM. wyosTimf.THE CASH OR TERMS. tpeaka a lMtlo Spanish wials JStrisLEH,CITY. FOUTZ tanion at. 4 eatls. tTTwRACg WARIBaMJtW8S.LETtt'T . natd hoitwiiiun, aouKusi-pr- tor e COMf MM away free. Faoaa NaMist in office, business tutves. M Jff. H Paso.of charge FOR rent-T- wo b4roojs. nicely Mr. EL PA8OFOR RENT ItaMurniihed rooms) bo caH u roonusf nouse; exper aWied, private ramtty, waning disttsit. IWAtJOiT08M8K.- JTRUNK FACTOJKY-fr- aw wats;

g tmr, inuno nw-w- , re8tif, P. pi Hwa im Arlsoas. Traf! rsiHaíWLCtt8"' ratoe 34, Lob Beach, Cal. 'A. C. Tulfcve,Trtmnt. iTIL BEAUMONT, tilnnk- uat ar r a. rOñ tM. sWsia, . ah--ffMAN and wHe want work; wife (. mm v nwai mj wens w osy, siiaas. ears, raí MA N A. 8. Miguel. sH kasi at All Of

flMTiMlWork iMstlyas- - Mad ot work. Addrea au; crimtMs. ifhw. d aa traesst. raoae ssu. tasca CIMH1

Hoe Texas at, phone wo. ' W KENT- -A beaituruajr hmU4p oM 364 kktr. 3147, Natal Hitar. Ml Paso, Tessa ACME SHEET METAL WOfttg Geasralrront room, hatii s4jo4aiatft wfch your sms

WAITED Sltuatkia. by trt set rlvat rssnUy; close to. Astf & ft- - ?lñlstMOfrafert best reference ct or lakona tus. No rt nacter aMl ability. Phone am- w. r- - I UALS. B, IMS., 78C1 atl. 88c Phoaa 388. mm FAwm.N.drea a. ., care Times. R REStT Modern f aiase ñu na- Tn r-- "

DStKaaMAKINO at haaaa ar by asf, gggpH w W, vMltKur unrissisdjssssi. The wtM Is rigM nB W jm ss good Orass: Pboae S4S4. ' Kl. PASO 80N .. 484 Mesa. Fkoaa tfeM.

WANTED 4)tllOB. MUM hite for entlswsa aslMlwat rondtlMB. Ajarais mt, sjpa akaasiüuapjng farci, fASWIONABLK Lum STAM sata mt s. CITY SIUK CO.. m M. Staatoa.iMnaun cu holt dresasaskmg aa4.wot rw tsjsWSober, ateeir Addrea Box IMX INUIAM tatlering; guaraaasit, Mr. r SL- - WaaSJ StsT, 1. F. MafSTiy. TwéTw7ttt, Mesftsv.ewrtRSHf--f 11sic. bedroesK lis foT Shim wock. Phaa i-- kar, AM.W-S- gstwrss- il-EXPERtENCa tadjr stenogramMf mmsasjfepinf. MM sjsysjfgss. ttws Mcawets. esa ssa n. Tmwama aswtwiire o. amwMuoq m aace, reterfttse CUAL ILásm ÓsfttAF. HslSSWS-W- . rSKNCM drisssar. Kvas law aawsw

specialty, lias .3844 ar 7M k. fmmm. MnsSAtUeNXtONt OuilsV rsasjM, MSfty tssBV m, mmw isa TmmK1 Jway t

OKT YQÉJM NAME ta Uu --Wk( A t Ms. sWilS S, oaswr, MclJsS,rAN Saos. rt 3 FrtssaTMouav Fori") eoiwM im tAm, 8 kl paso lautt -- ni metal 00., ta saaU1áw'ílKlaaagsL HfmK st4()ta yssjgjgu' stose BgUTiruL for asía sfistsv'phone JáTKón-- s,trsét ta? 4sTet4. Hssaw ttL etc Fho- -e mm. na- - a. a. HioaxA-- wu at, sat aaKENT vm riTWIMi iRLTilif UJiQt. fONY ROOM with gttT YOUR NAM ks she fWbat Asa faat ' ÍLUMOIS auTYLK AND 40 CO.. Ores u stoaptt Hr horses aa It- M-WHE?t OU AREItW Lmolamt Fart' oolacaa a the Ttaaea. ItLOCATED. suesii. M.kSn,4M MesNssw. tosa su uearuM. .tilS.OmasBigwJK

tUMMl uusM at tiMsWiest Ugv fait FOUTZ fc ZINEUtW. tit W. ioa St. wtR saIp you st ssors alai. CanWANtanuoa ruttr jaak. Pló .WMstsyÉr AssssLWANTED Tot3TlTtkmy (oaa mk r koust mtut oatfsita J a. Was- -b omkíi t. . f. appl.SUM, W. Hm St. '

est atasnao a no essr. aW ssaaasa wi arteaa. itw tau ,ras tjrT5fT

KAfllm&r TsiNsaj(a, ms i. tf m sm 8 taajph aHlas aiI.

Page 15: Se Pague Más


It's "Good Buwnesi to Tell About ants-T-ry a Little Want AdM

afeMtrei MOei KeMeV Jfpt fain Ra' Kalba. ivw.airRVWB FINANCIAL HTUAT1INtr . ... gjBjeWÍi ej"V eW. PlakW IBW kr- lwF Til' fae7 e eoot kafE'ortke Mfiauae rTrer etea woa aajocoattke west bomBéarv Ihm nr Ha náBt or t wkrteraot reeee1 ea.Wi Waore

JSLi" a" tot ajara aaVBaaak aaat of tM Uto Orearte k El Paea rauraod. kirlrtc, ran Wee ear ta inofSp. HeWaR! paaaa eaea apon tv rnaihni 3 Br i na pane nooriraoa leotrao asana. etaainatB ar ae5?Maiiiev5ut uofWM ror 1 rw.ten bou aa roftewe,Fr fart Mf lM)kHai-, áA RM lA cask end let Rate m bet- - ri point on tke west boiiMery Itno New

FtMiialiSOimseYojrt. flat. M, Htterest ta elME."! wav or. Hid kia oreado M Hasps!

A arVÉieMMÉ 4roéi Met U, see raras ÍP affaire looey woo atok. rOeueed m Wmaona St., inco cut f ormrersecn Hf we souta kut. kwton, wkoro raMbir aoaferMaaa oml

. jtito le, WtoWl eiw roeau winw of said ftMrtftiet sisrvey lie. it wore ta preffeee ror IMoa ITúéoa tM Said weet kortnaery Hei or ttid rtmt of tarotaa etebewre toadltRmi aM

rofc IaU ir oaeieilio., asm tf JtW eaaaeiiy. Of wosr or tke Rto orakdo k Kl peeo riil. tM tmrayatavr of tke cowpHa efttioe sHae-tto- n.

V r""aMPfo, .rilVifeTeV JEeS . It to treoonsekf moro reairanrottiore. roedi tkoneo tn ytm raras to tke RKM aU tao aoMl ell Mrwkr-o- r tbte tract theneo W oJ vsotj tkot tkeoo faetert cooe1hii the

roof, hittMMkMftaf j mm,.. ifaoaoo IP loa.M varea UkaM w I ila M fouMotloa, upon wMcli all rneoetot on

Hp eojaroleeooaia, room. Inmm M vara' w RW rortief or tuts trsctr tkeaoo fulareonamereiol

tra Iaoperottoas

Ka latil.for tM leans létita

rm orondo rirer as rottowai spotohot. 1H AHeeae. pWm 5hT raria i a 17 er E tot. 4 reran Tae raanere or, aae roreirn oaeaoato attrveraet R te Mr K ea.Y varee ta ttMaM wee tke newt low rooord ror oxf

SW eorster or tkis treett tkeaeo K IJM.T re an oornvany, for wkieh strfct areriávaree BS aolat or keelaanur an lae wtal at sou. This wit an outeetM 7 trieboieMor Mao or ism rsiiroed rlsht of Ierro Otrerirure or blue atatnai aataaaanBi

WITH ABSTCf ttH war,CRRBL, MARK, werokealeortVOae 010, 4 i Altwa .Peff, oomr. 1 Mfek of bM e Oak Maine' tlur im e of aralai, eono and rtneral" to Oornianv. Truanrorthv aecoaMa aaroanan eaaai ar

MKT. eOwtk frOwL A Bit kotyilN- -- Letted 011 or vM day of Oetober, ssMi, eeREALLY SEE LtkotYOU MUTT tke pfoasfty of Nary rif&eera ta eeaery 1 larto Mass of money are oa dopoeltÍSked t NMN, S to s3s.7 ia favor of koro for financial end comtneretel ktterooto

mu rlth nial. ra Benin, Nameurr, FraBkrort aM otkoraM Truti Mr. .. PhoM imm. iarro.oltwo Dormánvidua kátle. MAtri dual iMitri nr asoetrie rrpo332, exvsa jtMor aty baM tats Mb day of 0 or tbo empire.nUWT orooory ivton, reoiitAe Weeaj . tMOt the oMftt'k rTRL rÍalty c ker, IML chante on London woe moro a4eodr

1 tsaka.;Sattwater ..k. tbe better tone reiuHlor from tM pWokeJoIf too T,7io. ibeeter MYTON 1.Metajít! Crwi?i Blat. nr eWwawMt ,jrvar WML eWWARWJ of bins In connection with the payment oriv.mlkri RkHT city loans. Cotton bills were Hee conoaiea-o-

in the rltv'i kuiineee wltb Londaa butmwtWit, 111rlnSon WHAT A ,1NTM, , Is said addfuonitIt It shipment! of tbatjae. eon- -eaa eeat earner.8NATI' ama MtM. only et.m bo!TVALicT-Reoe- ee aod éSSSS No taformaMoa over CtTATlOM RYTuSUCATMrf. modi y to Liverpool are In centemrlillen.PWMi weena.ia jenaae. Tbo State, of Tuee-- Ts. tbo Skortff or Fartker aeeo in money was noeoV, end


down.piiror iitt un,

roo Ml! ftMS APARTM tNT'fttTB. Any CoMtekto of n paso County, oroeturt bank statenttnt was expected totiling i Wja. A KlAVM ÍIÉM n A WxtM feet, M R. Peeo St.t oarlnr to You era hereby eommanaed to wstaaton bow, an aaprecieble ram to caek wrtti ttm

ra aac riRT.LAM room aod 'W rWlig Firtt net Baft Mo id na di OM aa a nari nut aiu. , Doctor 8. 0, Anvold .end cearlet C M com-ma

eosnpleto oTfaeement or tno deficit la clthreennei Baeviocawm ciwi a-paree.! 111 Mlllr SL OAillt at trreu rnone pao, by auktsr poMoottoR of this ettetion 1, aithousn.tbe loan item is an tm- -

brOOk?' O.TÍj ?y . S4Í6Á once In etch week for four aucoosstva laajniy. locu aira innrior aaiwaweeks previous to tbo return dsy kororf, more eesMnereiu paper, But

LOVELY ÍWMÍ-HK- WfS VALLEY LAN AR6VWNt mwS keMteo tuy M own bárrala In a in some newspaper puktisked TOvr Hon ta b mr 1 Down mMKT,Bwatmit CliMteojt. WeK BiWfikiw, newly built, mod-

erncounty,, to eppesr at the next reruier verRl 0 PUfObate of thete kills. Tbe lmnroved

bous front too l DEA- L- f eetoYM, paved tlroet and car-- line, or the Fertyhrsi JmHciil dtstrlst ootttt or State of too mottelary aituetten la titsI town with rtul runjHM ui El raso county, to bo holdea st tbo e IR th . continued reureraent or

TVre Ht Be ko aieit eowmiutoa CO,, thereor. In tko'clty or El Paso, Teias, inlri nnmir aurtnv.TOWLE With PARK MM. ratroae.' Auieowre raeeter. oReeirea. We eee moM any pfieo on the rtrit Meaday ta November, 1H, ña 7eteae m.ldie ratlrpaalocralpavent and

JMWAHD your worrtea ,wttii aeT7 INTERN ATWKM, jlalaBfe, tWO SOB AJMoafS. or Mtal we aae fit. tuk wnr euwii tame seior me a aay or novcmBtri Ri'i ftrttsr away In, bank clearinra orrer theiriw Mam si. crewrord Theater. leiament fo.wwii-- M e Alfeeaibre. aowo oHy property o if tkooi tnn íhá m miw rMiiilak rniui .airtsMneri respectmr trida eoadi-- t,

HOUSBtMOtttYMAXiM. bb ftvo lerme os tie kalOBoe. in said court or the td day or OotebOf, Et Tkn eontor contmuea to abow tbeR00M1N0BUSINESS CKA1TOU. .

Y TO LQAH. i Traet BulWlnr. 1M Mm. alt to aala,7aee mta tan, in a sun numaerea on tno aocaot m sl ootsVaetion in clearmrs, albeit tho

Let WMt mvo.,, YOUH NAWR In th '"What r. vm dltoiti alfalfa otH o veoe la.ttiO tore ssld court NO, ItJOS. wherein Pedro Se' inútil 11 Miter, than in tbe preeeatnrus snow you w éMWty'm. twe eeeeon.Priee M week., unsessoneble we ether a fur-ther

ravepom rood iroMUflM-tl- tf ttoree, fse" reci- -jroiwn,


of taouewoee,


It hi an aere. valaCharles

Is plaintiffC. Mcatnats,

.and DoctorRIO Orando

S. 0;. AJieOM,Vafteí setback, to reiatl buiineH at leidmr

Bank and Trust company, i, N Mayfteldand W. C- anew, individually and aa pin-ners,

3S?eVvorfcrp t the Toledo, Rt. Louts At

UWTACCIir PROPERTTfWORK Y TO LQAH. IU TfUH BUIHtag, doinr business- under wo firm bssm occasioned no surprise,

taftoy. , price km, an ecrev. or sos owinr to tM MSstnr of tbo Interest oa itsMayrield st Shaw, ara dofeodanta,KSRXNn imnM to WW von. 1 A BAROAin- -A M meet koteÉV). MMpkao threeAts. bonds some months aro.Capleá itidroiitlon allesrinr that plainurr is woSix rxporloBeoa Hie unen sad two auto wm im ro free per ' Lendon rabtea renorted rurther aeeáaother bailneee reeeoo fer eelllnf.

"ph. mí klLLAlWI.ÍI kam

ownirai Tirano"

orminlnrthe "Providencia

properties, Jooatod.and Guerra

In tM asesta or roid by tno Dank or Enrland andIORjEXní! pteao aM reM. rrieo 11 state ar Ciutiuehui. Meneo: that on or M. intpendinr iMue or Russian treasury

tea N. guatón St. Phones .otaor aeree, to la í italoMO, k about January s, nil, plaintiff entered Into bltli, tbo latter in pert payment of ordsraroomm? houH, near potfne, eorni aetata aor a contract with defendants Arnold and puejoa uvoreat Britain.

FOR .RENT .fttrBlahed. ORly . PARK tart awatra cut ken a e iaai m to oonvey to them ilia satatar prop-ertiesBROS.,. IIS NSlR 9l Wllb Mm. eare i 3 miiei or lo oonildsration or onobottoend dol-iera

butlnsst ssd addrrsa tn theirr wrn(i What Are You Looktnr Fort"tow tote Jref n Poeo, witksraV in tbe slmrtf of ssld,!T,Nl, (St ,000) cash on" mown. coiBM of The Timos will Help toBaOMiNQ bouse, M rooms t op. waa. Prle II an contract, ene thauiand doliera letAOOl to you

fertttty for woney.BMlüafj chew ii Kljojm tTY 00., ot.ioorei, hair Mi ura row om bo pstd on or before September. 15, mt, if cure more business. Phone woo about It.teed reasona for aeilinft no agents.

rMM lor. . ataIU." trwi trooai rood. eo MtOM kOUM eod two thouund dollars (l,eA) to, M aaajBSBaasEa

AOOreee B. jt..- - otrr unww. ? ,,: RtHoa .or Ei peeo. Price 7 an paid on or betore September 15,, tl!. andby which Contract piaintirt bound ktmieiro oaiirar 10 111a aeienaani Bans isa anea

lease wait mrnlsbed 9 ssld properties to be held by said banksonable', hw e vVW ii eearow until all derarred nivmonta aremedOi at which time slid deed waa to be

rtrainf roum ror setei tiest o oueataete ito Oria detfvvod to derendanta Arnold end"Iosht 1M.- Mlaaowtsafc tbst said detendsnts made aatd oas

akooaitM"0. ios IM. J tho. soad. dollar cesb payment and ptoUiHrc

MOtSafcNa hatajr.


mum,runnlnc hot' Bod

ivvbh.Cold Wiirmloti4 oaa eW Kom flE deposited Iiia contrici, with Hid ood

IM sea PH rjeBBaa end bM title pspers, tax reeeipts end otherwin roorai no mude roomai weroBouM odbooho t, P. OepoL roevery ty Bitoeet Meriei prlcet. , dooaekente arreciinr bis til'. 0 MiddeiBf rood


clwep. 8o rtjtwtoowner to nye Uta Isteaw FW wW. - $1.00 Pre prókertiee, in escrow wltb said bankt thatHeat's al roe time It wss srreed between fcleln-ti-

aM defendants Arnold and MeOmnfaHa IrouBie ta abew any aT thete WJATiH MW NAME, ADDRESS AN AM? Srkot SOM defendsnts filled to make anyMoffH fft loan. Hi ,Trutt BuiMfir. ANNUAL .mooroe NM ruerMiefrti a reo

traota or rtve full perticul.ra, . Tito Tfteea.wlll rive a II mercben4i-or- v sterorrod psymeots wnen. due ssldaa cnoice ui any aurcruaar laa

Aw Mbtt 5qtMi Him. ,..'. JLY LAM,Li




SOLUTIONPirnof who




repre- - plsjaMftrmeko oltber



defendsntsdeferred paymoBta.

failed to OPEN ALL NIGHT.IL vnttB MAMO kUi fttffcul 1M VAU WAHm-rerta- or WltR '.mm hACm eoRM, aooreia

Inua are, wim you aoM aM tboreby bretched their cobtratti and Proaorlptloaa filled and delivered

mm aeir tmereot la.dtvietM ar year BBiwer ko euro and mention dato Dlalatirf an electad to declare tbe semeLoÚm rorf. ooittw of tho Tit. it eWoi m or Uxm nletura anneared. Portv.eitnt at aar time day or night.eorporated aompony oorOf&tr Tocoe. Men et demanded or aatd bankan end, bism hohp' jhmi tt moro mum vm oM . bo ara 'wilt bo allowed m which to rot your and. Mail Order Filled Promptly.Ar&esa, NEWHAíi tbat tt Km all ssldowpyiiMr return toMéjico pipera,OMftO Watwmtoe tM. oJt.jM. Wh..H rKi IWSTMNT CO. of.MM ftoutit. , Peralto take eiterye Sí otrióeV OM eetutlon is. Tbe picture will (ppearrVltb whtcb ssld beak Res refuted do) tbatto,Addreis all A. E. RYAN Sc CO

BuikUar. Real Ktttte, Iiiiurenee, koadi, ibe name of tbe winner. an the rdefcAdanta ' Mavrield and Shaw areMUfjKY TU LOAN, S TrjW IOS 80B AntOBlO St. iwere to eaoy tuitor, care time. Drusiriata0W1IVÓ10 recent iBjry 1 em ooaseltod too parea ana reietiYee 01 uauy cennoi pisinttirs1V1I AUTOMOBILE. 0íB, bsllBOO M.SfiOPlaáM .mnm hiuiritAn In rllv. papers, which la subject to

so dtyi. Room w. w miiu. ' M miaiirM' walk dowBtowsj full bitemeai, coBteii ior-p- rljtht to terminate said contract by reasonor whien li the Am m tke city, wnte tor leveVi wky we are aetef taa otporu. keetiat pienii tl.oS ctefi, loiuico suit. of Hid brrscbt tbat asid minlnr propertiesWilli, cuiiruau rraiev inr bobob, ctu. K.see bueralow, 1 klecic car Hoe, "Who and What Are Yon are or

dollarstoo reaioneoie

(14.008), sortvaiue


ssldlour pspsrs


oopo buetooM ooportsBttyi beet looeHoa in auit.ktrdwoofi ftoiiQ, bow PKO oaab, bUince Looking For? ere of a rrester value than one thouund DENTISTcityt Darrein u takea tí oncei email catfe J ootiara tsi,woi,, riaintirr eiici lor juaf-me-

rlMM :ABtOtUO St. payment. Addre$g o. C. W., cere Tl. WJOO1-roo- Dunrelow, 00K front: 190 C0NFKCTI0NEUY-1- I7 Mesa. e aratnst alt tbo dsfendanls for tne aradüata tulavlito Colleste III. 1eaed, MO per Btontb. title and posseiilon or said pipen, andoreaat roue ana eaaaiee. rnono sees.

An ItttlemeleMit Iaomm Wieo-e-ro-om kunsatew, M fl. froat t that HI of ssld defendants be compelled to Eatabllabed hero alaoa HIS. 1Wivliav ft fifth llatáf

ARQAIK. trada so lareer blace. AHUNEHKNTS, deliver the seme to platnttrr, and that the 4M Milla Bta.YOU ÍCÍWW A BARGAIN? , fcfeo modern bOuee, 1 block car defsndtnta Arnold. MriVnolt. Mavfleld and rhonce Orflco IU70J nan. MB4.tD0 la towa. Would 1m riá4 yTtStto nv Butiie aiuiwn line; atjo eaok, IM per mosRi. CHAWFOHD 'niEATHR Murpby'a corned Shew ba enjoined from atsertSRc any clslm

or 4 UW, te Tirst-oU- oonatMoa. . aiiv antfivuK wiAW sou maiaaui 11,703 reosH aoa aiierooat, eo.rt. rront, lane. ("Ask anybody.") or. rtrnt or poiacaaion 10 ttm payere orprieo tor ttiU weoX fW. AOdroM "I TIM iw 1U blocka car kOUe, and stovrb let up. Erwkt lurnitare co. said minlnr properties, snd for cons or &m cató. i pr montb. ault and raaOral relief. vtmmo. AlllWlWIeMtTCf.OYtrloM eie . raoae 117. 4I.. WATTi, M.wo koaae, Sea Biete, cel., Herem (set not, nut nave yon serere aoiaMl HeraM BMr. IhOM OK. ovtrleoktM bar end Fort kaaacruii. i Sufferers ef flemofrhwiw.TURKISH MATHS.Sole AroM. blocks treta bicb aokoolt eaeaenre for El mil wni, wim your ratura utaraoti taanrkoM Hi, t Sas Froelieoi, paw property. ; - Would you believe me If I teU you tkei

. rmv at.) pwa aaaiaaeei noee ana ru-tares,

CLANSAUEii bat roturned, 400 N. preron. la t Let referI can euro daya. meor ewire outfit. 7N a. eTpeao SL w rvr Aera iv airas aaar aeae raieie) H'linen. J. A. Eacaleda. clerk of the youto per cent ci9h tnonibiy peymenii. Forty-flr- district court, of U Paso you to some or my worst ;cttei tMtaHdOwd or MUMOALUWttew, i rooaut kae oteotrio KRAUT AND prtiM'uVK.rpirin ' In letsSALÍ iiivé cured time. ThererüR Mew 1114 Moond-tHw- d fursimré vna rsr flwt-i- asraa,. nocurro, line County. been .11iortn iTkM ot tovM. L. J. Porter, urot, pet, PMee, fursicu hett, hot eta


O. . H. Iron woriw, comer b FlfUi Bumm. jut iDTDiee or iihm snea ah. eeia wewr, koeenoBt aoa slateeu-a- , etet-ta- r land, rtne looeiloni barretai email nth MESA oiiüCEiiY l'rein supply of kraut uiven unoer my nana ena mi 01 hhi no failures witn my treatment. In tae' Ihat I hire treated Hemorrhoidsdren a. W., care Tiatoe. roora. win teke cart caili. cart in ii payment, fcelaace eaiy, ana picmet. u woae. rnuno 377. court, ei oiiice in iuo cuy 17 years

uno j, rmrcncn an. rww tu Por Aere l iaeklaa4 I luve rot one failure. 1 would be ritaruto tota aoa ueiiaoo. eeiy meawy fs cr near (Seal) or El Paso, Texas, this, the Id,:t viiitn namk In the fWbat Aro You méate, probo hbo or 'aovo. - Febenei peynaeota auiu TAILURI.NÜ. oiy or ucioner. ivh. 10 explain to you iny method or treatHemorrboids, loat froatJ, A'EaUAÍEDA. Inr No tfcao

will you ret saora uwwn, vu .ruMk aARuu(v Wifior, auinui Bil eau NEWMAN INVE1TOEHT CO. OURInspection.

wmiér wooieniAiteraHone

ire wormy'and repatriar.

or yourClerk, District Court, El rato County", your vorellon. for, ttredrrnon. CI lot. Tex.

lenemphone aoquv iu a.roéii noueei roes reatef proper-t- y

lareetaaau R. H. Tfcvrae, eole ea. Hi PAiua TAIU.111 bhup. rnuriK m.NOTICE OF TRÜSTBSPS SALE.tUrnitubE repiirin uoooUierlnti . WANTED, eti FrincrMO St., r:l Paxv, Tax. WAI.K1N0 18 Odoo tkeeo nao aoot atora. aiil Af Tavbs rmulv nf li Hua, RAILROAD TIME TABLESwrit mrice tM wwojrtitnvle; mra, ami yu eerr eer are on tau VELVET, overcoat collars. Coats retlned.títintr TU LOAN. IIS Truat Bulldkur. 0 iiiiuvbeet. Pitos tis. pltunbtflir tai liabt tizturee or aajr niivva. M'lKmmf mini m

raoairn itouw mi eeniee. eewR frost, Alicriituns. nepairp lor wi iu wuwwu as substitulo trustee namert andmoottieraleo

kiad of kuildiar BaatertaL WfU StoVESJSASOÍt aqi we are prater w M.KOI HOO asTlaaiMMO u 1, 1..4 yoori. Paris Taller Shop, ees N jOreroo. Pboao u. In etcurdakM.wMR tke terms or a Time Table No. so, affeeflro ttl s. aa.Livootock for 51. RWrod

bweoMHor wreaked.


taet eattLiub

ko flu oil ordora to many atytoa of koatort cohere. Mji lose eeek. kaiaaa certain deed or truat reeerded la volumeMay X, teHS. 1

ber, oaro Ttaaea. M raae. BltoT PHICM IN KL PASO. 1 rrara. so, pise soi.'Iirtorda or Ise4s or Trust end (Mountain Time Oaty.)Flao horeeM esa KUifV. vfoo cottefo, tnm. tar Moniaaai seeúnorte, Mortrues or K i'eso CaMtr, Texss, H. r. m D. It, syatw.eSeep. Apply l E. OytJim or Si? . and delivered on Ike fetn or April. From North and EaatffOTiCiVHUt loto Um weet ea4 or fai-or-StWtOR, St., la Maakattan'Helptirt,

malea Se

CoMe, Ikon are., , front) No. tit I Csiifornlan lu!WANT w buy.a lou on eoraor ta Xoet 81 aropoeori route or. tke aeoslc M(Uwey,.that rocurliir tM payment or tour promlitory I Oolden Slate Limited lief ,.FOR Jerjey Paeoj.wtm ko aeor oor Uto m a ker. vBMld will cotiara, neeoera, auieiiM poreB. Tbe Siete of Te. T01IM dnerlfr or aoy From the Wait

belter, freeti, oik by tide. Price rooaeia oa Jar. It he adreaootl rarare. nice boaae. Bub set HWrktai ü .TlKee. ivn.nhlA n 1'iu Hauiiiv. ilraMlavt S Copper City 'Special....,,..,,., Tíasnrrala. Ad4reat 0. am.t. oaroAUo fine JerKy beirer, cK, 4 oota old; w price no eeck. c. solo amu 7M! aseo cask. . '

You are hereby coB.aaaBj.led to iuhuhob S OqIJid Stale Limited Siafkja.unco w. rww WAMTKeTo buy eeoaj-ko- tool ea4 POR BALR aeres, tWo mw

leWeaeb.' larpe . Btooptar THE UNKNOWN HEIR .OF P. BAtJUKlL, ror noria bm tew Daaart.FUR tfAtK feeed rooa-iiw- a spwiui runa. H. Mokr. IW feee at, ; - aatieo froat aopot; BM kearfctc rrult trooai porcbi 3.soei

Weei LAIlDi BY tintine pwauaaijon ui ima uie-im- n ti, mt, aM one, for Hoo, payakle on or 4 Oolden Slate Limited ror ule, cMhi ateo we be4 LIST M toree uader. rokMl wire reacts! r0- - beuto, eonter tf.teoj neo nara lu ctcb weak far slrlil SUcceaalva brfiire July W, toll, with tnlerek from ma-

turityI Ciiirorniiu ,, ,...M:iftJa.

yetrllav iteere aM t few cows. aa4 yourneeke

kertotM to reel ooteto witk uev asaao kkttOt fttratekeri weeka previous to tke return day nra, at e per cent, peyaWe ai tM .ófricoWocalvei. vnoao MM. CU or wrUe H. l a eeorleMr It. Aadoreoa mi rana taaMeaBOB1 iletoao joefSBK CREEL, t in winM neweoeoar PUbllsbed your of the First Mtlonsl kaBk of Iowa Park, I Oolden mate Limited MIXAUSTINRealty Co., Hi WoreMVmff. rkoae oaw. I.SHfl eeeki'tt rkeri, okrSBja. WITH : MARK. J. SM. &xi reruier wicnua e.mij-- . Texas, aaia boi 7 copper city specwi ,uomtuofleeNoj

WANTip-O- ia raMtor eaji Riakr Pkoao SoS t te dayi. moo. of tke urt or M Peeo bu thai W Sai'.ura la m-- alakjWerokow oaaoalto W r7eoot. We ES ASaroM Wea. SteBttky, nariaee aiaataaat county, to be tbe Court House wkon dee SMU, at tbo ipuoa ef tbe bolder Rio Sreade' Bi roo ReMreed.

Hereof, in tbe city or 11 pato, leoee; oa sue of Hid neSeS, or rltbrr af tkosa, mature all (Beata Fa Svilaantild Indiana Bain. m asi or aaia From tM Norsk

Utf MOM M mmt ta Wgp jj,,,, y j"! pot ft Beautiful bunretow. Heieiar notea. Mwever. belnr aaw neat duet atld too Mexico ExpreH tilia!HHUW oeteteTTetWorporch, krtok aerate, leeeeeVea 4 tew,

tkea eud tbero to oaawer a peiiwoa riled Boten aleo provldinr for tM ptymenl of 10 MS EI l'aao Pateenrer tiSjuS.iaeo, OiomoBde. H4 corner oa MobtOM St. Sea ae. TMe Itture, kotteea. fttre leeottoa m prfee. wTm., In aaio coun w w no u vt umianir. pr crai aaaitiL-na- upaa aao araouni inau For tne noria-- aisIlea Boteo'or WF.irwMt wuniy, aM ee4 an Ideal boeae. Keniae City and CMalta Paad.

wtti f bore K. IMl, a suit awatiered 011 tbo Utiofcet- - of duo aa attorneys feee, aM ooaveytac theiim w you

roltowicr described MsaMtey, All io chicsto Fast Mail a BOB.JéB. bouee, (4eeo Wt

kaaoalew. lwlwoe4 flaaee.oa artitei le Plalntuf. aM tke tinknowa koira. at p. or eeciMei tour id, Nte en, oitni (Ii. tuna

MONKY TO LOAfl. 11 True Uf, an St., racWf sown: Prtee for a re iáre twudriuard. F, E. Hunur and tke City No- - in. tct do), tiriei Gelvetlen, Herrltburs foa Aataaio Ry.nuitiae ae terau. PsoWisratree,.feo aeea, 70a iseoi eaey

HvsBtaen itn M tr (Southern iyitseajaeoaa (), townaklp oao TsSd ksc!flc rrorn ma tM- t- Ayrtve.Berertl ettrectire buaeeeaws "toy- - Suniel Excrete0 g:éO n.n.

pey BifeTeK iwrfcot Hoe4. Oa Moaiaot, .rooat feunrHewi werrii ferent porte áeecrlbed tract of land silulo: kt El peeo Tenti.HáHway


aid laa kl

aommonpsso oewiiy,

scbooi I0t Sunset Limited ,,,,. H:tüá.M'.toa.

one et Uao.. to .500, eejea, fe,7oe, iY,fl eouaiv, Teaee, eod beinr kurvey No. two laaia aM eetd deed at wat made tub- - Frira iheaad teveral otbers. AR M ko aearal aM rtve (sus.) la Socorro Or IM Suiiiet LtmttM S:la.Bt,keuadred ear, tor unpaid pur- -Wftirt ti Kiwt JDOl l tBO HOB Of BM

- ? Sfyf ' t1 ! aoeao oa easy terate. eaddeiaArM aa lollowsi ctlirornlaa . ............ .. ieiia b.ib.WrTWM. W eooi aaUM aeool arMaaeo eai aar aaPBtR- - re a HUI ara silll ror ina bbii uatwi.FJereat krlc keaee la kaant a mi. i!i . w. earner or lasa urvaiT, wavraaa, ia MaXfoaT IM sunset LleSTid , B.Maja,Wlfl eke Bl'dawi roiaai OfaatO, wajltfua r it. Ales Vloeaj Hrie-ht- on lettoi feet K rtoaae. Tre E. .!

Ike owneri sad est or said Botatiur kiooe Ceil Dee-- or ' tkeoce N. ore" foptj Ikaaeo N. end tM tata nía maoe o 1(1 oaaeai naaraea ,aii,..,,,,,,llfvf

uom Ml Juijt.1 eriee. MJ08. a'll" W. SOS.S teen laaace'" a, at leuM hi tM HaaWVar tka nn laa aMve For tM west- .-

Wieki W. IM si s feet! Uteoeo reet Wj Meertbed aMI eeT IMrosl on uie eeate I California I

Wamtko-t- rknt per awa. piece o beslnnlnt , eod conieMM U.S MW.peii QUO sesioa saorcoi. 101 kuasef LlasHsd ,,.furauttod or uiUursUbea jMinfiiow, ooNye icreeof lead, wore or Ioh, oM seOeere.

too far out. Will pay froae J M. M Poeo .VfTtooMi torM ae jpm Uoa tberowt end tlitt be defeaiMaet kerrln NIH bavo naurtaS i--euaHurte

wwwid. in VMM PaeMÍé RaHwey.

M to aoa per atom. earo - . I t fl a tm ÉVarl A" lUlaa li wrltaar. IMt m ia hut im laid Fraaa Baa kit!14: FUsm thatalm Kataal SU2 tótoana MrvSattft! aed

soldi and.of trust eaWaéea sad tM Bfoperiy ?

I cetaseeir,i. 'kwiif.'if ,,,,,? aM

Ftenekearo) for So4, eovery or tbe tme. ona pueeeaoioa. ar said aM alt of eeU notes ko rar aae set--WARTXP TO rent MaeU hovee. wit kern utl, Ma tbst tbe uouat cees bo oireaasm's awai aSCaaaooifor a koooee. Fltooe Ho. sKAimrtiL oi.iaok em J aaaajooe ikwaia be roaeovM BM kae nil Wlwreas,


sjsaasbSTf! ikTn, tbe ortri. jT

LT. laI i ,n.hrr wilh hie aaiai 0 de uiI ARB, OK HE Wg oner et other rteee, M BUILMafi BfHal. oy""i' r ea ana reiueaa fi'atteeal af ateoeaa.04 aaeeU tokto. Two br erojo. Latea ifaaefM tu i; ' V . ... . rm wrrHBir, is releeaoei Rattwiva

TORLOR. Porftrte Mm Ki KJM. mnic iaii uoi. ja wwbj wii tela HSkay fromk&M KITCHEN . kHpelk).. cauri, at us aforesaid rob rteuur tarnj 1 apoointed b aat4 4;J0 s.rru Juere 1.01 p.aa.waereaa, tvetear aw neo oroaoo. wim your roRaM tfcereoa, Msowi Owen a liet tjoaMtatto, rrotpoot Ave. Hjm, yoetr oeaa iETkOW fu bsro afííl.ake Lfaiae. AUTO STAGE LINES

teSKi per or peM. said laask ÍÉsrre dOKrlbed in order to PyCrueraa aaki ansesi MÓjitk 1U raatamir

i iÍL.!ejerOt lewtpe A leer ykilreklo le) Stkaaet IMkls as LÍBw!fH&tiin all menorrer rur senBee. this, im tk av atf jsopteaafir, mil i7.áí: a. II. M

K'raoki aWoW'sésWwl curs, JMfeHot bi& 'coaaiy. clack e. m. aM. 4 tmn s.aie.W, A itl I U lf1. r e. iopuiy.A a4 ffoiwliitwi reoor. oiff'W. , 0, tt j, ihir.0y OBlB

akpBaae aRajOf k)0kr aloeleaoolHai ia Ar itoa bbbwb bbbbsoctloos fuur IS), ftve (I)

Ti ítttw "i irrni koaerebieit kI ta

Tktrey-tWe- k

oraa afdl aiiVn'lU)

nrtoaBlli).ta'Srk No.J

PLAIN VIEW miafur kee tke leraoat 04 ww.""flpa?PJHJM ML atiRfit 1 w maurt eta comW MB aW Of OatakOTi lowniblp OM. (I) Taaaev wtmwm wmr aae orar aaa aWaaTKp. by tbo rtortt Ikereof, bs tke aba of ay jroroveay lMla OgAn ai Hwm WUI Hi umi VeooM Store. ovoaat .iruoi veneiwe ibbi aaito, Boea teeiea aao ao Meeao tt. a, reek. mmK'n mm -kkr , pereae vofoeie Mery rwatre uU mu- - SwaVTej iha ailw rt.tsaSriVOO HAatK M Uh -- Wfcel Are Yeti lae wn, pttw m Troat eay Bilaeaa, WIUI

rori-- wiiiiieii or.tae Ttaeae, it sbertff, owarted' eod áalHréred. 1 wíli loareio as anwia vpvkfeWMi YMl Hee tei hmAb fSf Mttal aV frL nCé ate. Soceed ta tüL witkau IM hours preaoYikM

araaaiaei eaoiae atkl laaaak aoaoa aoeel lar but baM tMo. WMatyefoi- -eekTi ariM oa ejaatoaSZ 'Aaaan oaeM kjawTZT. 11. 1IL- -

H Me ewe)! fe reeca eR bm la eau aa r iiliaina. Heeanaai Rareary, ÉsiaM Oay oT aaM eveaiB, Selere B MUMAkHN BtUUiBoa,: m mm mm rmm oaw Nakwtow. Usat, oaarsBaaee .oa 1 eowt m Paso ooeaxy, ks .kaMMasaiB Yrusikja

Page 16: Se Pague Más


!2 Hi PASO MORNTNC TIMES; ütni-- r. ÓríoKr 24; 1914 tl1




4L '

GEO. W. ARMIJO & CO., Distributors KANSAS AND MAIN STREETS. TELEPHONE 395Wé do not eollcit. orders or ship liquors In violation of Texas laws.

tnr-t- Increased conriden'co In I bo loriha- -'

THE GRAIN MARKET tioo or trio pool for financing1 surplus tttpjluios, ana mere were reports tu. csinci- -gentally witti the talle of alilproewa vó WHERE TO DINEItiroutli lnternsllonalr SKfaei

3S FERNDELL inents domestic spinners were nptltMr wish to büy or' sell any kind ofIHHENSK RXPOHT HALKR OAVK WHKA1 wllli bankers tor trio financing of increased Klt Paso 'securities, w are atLl'WAHl) SWING. I'HlCKS ILOSIN serviré. 'Any inquiry fromSTEAMY AND IIIUIIKIV. , regsrdlngi.COFFEE ' TOO local, securities, New Orleans Cuttoa. wll be imoeHtweJcome and incucsvSv the AtiMialai I'nuM The New Three Nations Gafeno obtlf a4on .whatever on. your'Corn Mowed Cain of SfvfuiKlghlhi'Ccnl .tew Orleans, Oct. 33. Spot cotlon ouiet part, xtha llfv 0s Jg and. AlsoST. ,o;tc, Mies, t jibi oaies.

A rare combination of the choicest coffees 'grown. ' Wanted JHtlf Cetl. "y, CUTlt)8'HAtNI.G ce,. Piexx .o Alhaaabra Theater South El Pato Street1 METAL MAHRUTt. Meek' 'afld. Bond .Deslers,FULL, RICH, SATISFYING FLAVOR. Sit the Aimaetated Vrtt ' 4 Vnw Viirlf llvrr. . .

,Vkt NaUMl Rank" HuUdlag, Good thiwgt to eatl EveryUÚBg cleaá aad sastkary.Chicago, Qct. V3. Immense export in the Atiarlatni IhrrMt . V '1 KA Piso. Tesas: l'bsne J7Í.(live too "wheat market bitr.'', a, upwardJ New York. Oct. papep,i Saeeial DmBer Every Day 40cOne Pound Cans. . . .45c swing- todsy. Tbo yoiurrw Of- lride, wal ttiqi oi Per cent.larvest atoo oxcliement at. tiie besinfi, : aj 'nlDR of Un .toar. Prices losed steady at Bar sliver. 4Hc . v ' s 1

Two-poun- d Cans ,85c UitK no atfvance omer leidlflir staple V llétaLscored gains frn '.Vi ukt nJ SI. Lo ida h

Three-poun- d Can; provision rnaiaf a- n4a to iac. '

8t. Luuts, Oct. H. Lead quiet t(UtjieapiesrneetoceMacrelaraMrairs. The war abroad (i still

ttnanclalthe donil

ar JaAT,AT . t .v. . ;$1.20 Porelrners acrasArd wllliout Itaca-tln- mint eteautorin lie ' entire siluatlun. aud FLORENCE GAFÉmost every pKrcoT whf at today.'- - trout any Speller litrber at . wnatevnr uuuwess or, on ' tne other band; toa Nawasa auM'svass BttSetaaatpoint in tno UMasa ames, ia .amuiiui 4 iiMUUMittau.4Bvuiuiu, taas w rise appar-

entlytaken wu eHw a titti as 3,ouAiq KI r'sto iietal. . J? Í In the ljoiUUlles In Europe. On the has bean renovated .and rensoaatod aM iM Club Houe CfeWatson Groceries biuDelt It M cwaxnt Roitip lHl,ln.oiii Metfran currency, SO, '. favorable sktocOf tltw plptura are to bi lunch counter dtneonttnued. Plasty wftteti, ibt agavt. penuany and' RRf land Meilran cold. a. fouud )ba raaber better tpae- or financial bootbs for ladles and tentiasaea. Qutok arsasak ray ate Otv IMeilcan' rsoa. (iU Paw boytmfipriea.V matters 'csisswaViby International efroni to servir,' rood food and popular prloaa. aata

irafcanlnn i rata at.Are Famous: for Quality

uMaa.en boat

ona.loaM W iro "


iRvohwd.wa' wa

nrto Clitbuanua

ui currency,currency,

iv: utrrania;Curr)itKy,ryu; urina;,lions In

aooulho 'excitante


or(norisalcotton eifiorl

condli W Texas WraaL YKK SAU. Pr.')

have been laaita. aJLlfce hltliett prlct so tar situation ana. taa. rcofeatss; ot ibo stock I, í,ion .Uiii- - year's Harrin in- - err fllp KI i'awj smeltor fttUtasWtMitivaW exensnres. h210 Texas ' .St. Telephone 515J wnHW was Que ,aaKuiativiv Kiwif (ini' (CorrttJar.) "liuslness rastyres wero'Ssi, sjaloit Jto

lau jeir."back, from alar Tl tunperary liar ulier Ulaody ar ajawj alioa).downturn cune to a a Manten end as 'soon aitha matnltuda at taaWt lHiinuiaa tobo apparm. In íifcjMlonWtUi LlVITfiv MMIlaaTO.V A Tas a;;H;i tVetlw.

A i ropean biiyutx Iher '. Mfti aullorHtott'art H'atii.laitaal. Boston. IHSit.-T- ho Coiurnerclal nulle.acrtajtV M ure timv.lubad been

(Ucatril by the mosr BwaaMwHtiq esMat4ct (pretalrort Wortli" tte--Re,

Itn wlI say1 saasiorrow! DALLAS AND RETURNBanking By Mail haretorore ma4M pubatt ' : i reipw. sj. incluctínTm. li'cle.. Btccrsl "Tito wait, aWfccf hj been decidedly

com roso iharpiy, tanuaMru or numer locker steers,; awi, weak and Mm has been a fair voIiuhO of B i Lea r Dallas Hov. Irá. HTOmr AB JCXtt TO OFKX A AATBTM AOOOUNT WITH AS ous rcDorts maiMUaaaar not lumtnr i.h twicers. It; bulU, WsjHN civ. Du?tneMT,iaaaKl has been esperlaHy rxABmtArm' THOUGH TOU JOtXT XOR. ueariy as as tea ana 'tat ' , fair", , LinB MronftK .r4ren cfoss bred al slhthil?saanr vestels in tiM S American tradq IKlK.ll0CClpl, (Mi). Te, tv.t ll bUlkIT tr 4 jsac aaat taUraat. ihiwMM twto evanr year. W 'rnerw riiT,!n. .w r v netri acf, toero nas been, an esp.wtna'Mld' Mm dspoaltora srua4r-e- tJsa sUate ot Tasaa, u4 was persiateni ouymc. q Wt or onq cMlsr kaa raauast also for damestle puto

OwiwW.3N4 rrWk4.W. teWi of the Israeli' tiouari. oar Kaasas CMy littaiW ' sroatsminu were ticewis tasnerr Ay.OM- atoa, la aeatuaa ta batas; oanrsafeaa, to tala, prftitL Ml rroru miar lor mmn .tare. áaji' vlat;Bat tke primary inarkeit taUaM

strict lk advance. In C,,P . kIDUl dlV. UCl. SB. WeeehjW, Vy lrm oinltif ris;ure.s,"llkarai. Hsr ka var teat a dollar la aMaU Ja,k. la Ttxaa, rlmiry buIbh ero-- CKlalaii years e.ixo. Nartet strottc. aMR SW.WWi.Wi aeaarea casiswwrne toator ocx nunc HooKUir. --baxwoíb ariuv nanirei. m lint limo' ?: fceayr S7.j7.0i W f.i Wssi-Tlii- It indttUi; WJiC; rteam vtikr at ttruvlilnai wM if a More If n innaMis. MtiSlc; rine rail, timnr.apx? J"..:7':airux UAJh arat chsracMr fbaa rdr' atsaa Tbf itiuh leu aaasrs. w. . ptfornU-orlb- ei. ItMUct mitWio

aaaeiinve caane emeiijr ri1 sr steers, M.U)8jtt calvo. TBakss, fiitjiiry. siajHCj soaatern, Oioc,1L PASO BANK ElTRVST CO.; !, Tx at boss aaal train. .' Sbeeo ReeauU. fian nVaaonKaslern 2Vo. t stanle. aoe; iul.Lanibs, mjJi yearMaaa; éayjjtfathinf, 4ato;.valfy o. l. tujm.

i i TwrltorvFMe ssaaaa. &aUi; riaa im.toe fWllfa LI rsalsatJ,-

wtsH atauie, wast .line riots-- , S7ssKti 'Iks ' -.4

'Ta IM Zasv" BaBkLJuMaaaVi SM.Q&. CRicato.ion taVsW XarsMWo. arttve. Le saovc saaterdair's BUM,

WÍW oh RVlTar Hcl; Ladies' , .lm,..2Sc , Quntcr HotelMen's , .JfrJj.ZU Mtijal ttoadir. mm Amonto vauus KUiioHujf

aut AcU4 rm slieep, W.tiaaal. tonaba, ta.;.tasajMi.

Fors4fcf. Thiw' ". Oct. HrToítay at from A sHksstoi kit Pr tisa OiaaaaaUtMnTlM

msbMl WMlm coMlutiMdarMfaW Mu Iks AtamOStUiía Jtasss4ay BaMV't'taasV aMaStetakaTislasV MWKMAfc JtUlsUKkfAHnWsl a. A. A.aaut nata aufaat.. J!'!lakfjri Sue I Utffcr Ci. tin b ana

m ShimsHnarvtsMki 11m wtaXaalt Vosit. ttoL ss raasl' aasaf- -

a aaaa.JTia t. ".- .- i .......j.ji.:. k..316MaeaAve. i rr ::. . i iiir r l . lio Bitafk - "CnMBf'ráfTTjsa la 'iW ta4 Itatárlat; READ THE TIMES CLASSIFIED PAGES FOR RESULTS1fOtUaa,fcwaraa w aw ffvyat aswi isjrtMaatf,' dotmitsfc. sM fi trtMtor
