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So#ware Defined Networking (SDN) & Network Func8on Virtualiza8on (NFV) A Study Note
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Page 1: SDN and NFV

So#ware  Defined  Networking  (SDN)  &  Network  Func8on  Virtualiza8on  (NFV)  

A  Study  Note  


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•  Reference  and  Credit  •  Mo5va5on  •  Architecture  •  Impact  

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Reference  and  Credit  •  [OpenFlow  white  paper](hFp://­‐wp-­‐latest.pdf)  •  [Stanford  Seminar  -­‐  SoMware-­‐Defined  Networking  at  the  Crossroads](hFps://  )  •  [Study  Notes  and  Conversa5on  with  Larry  Pearson,  AT&T  Labs]  •  [SDN  and  NFV  Abstrac5on](


•  [SDN  and  NFV  Components](hFp://­‐Lucent/network-­‐func5ons-­‐virtualiza5on-­‐cloudband-­‐and-­‐the-­‐nfv-­‐ecosystem-­‐dor-­‐skuler-­‐vice-­‐president-­‐and-­‐general-­‐manager-­‐cloudband)  

•  [SDN  and  NFV  Difference](hFp://­‐and-­‐sdn-­‐whats-­‐the-­‐difference/2013/03/  )  •  [Big  Data  Analy5cs](hFp://www.alcatel-­‐­‐big-­‐network-­‐analy5cs  )  •  [Change  OSS](hFp://  )  •  [AffirmedNetworks](hFp://  )  •  [virtualiza5on  telecom](hFps://  )  •  [demo](hFp://­‐blog/best-­‐sdn-­‐nfv-­‐demonstra5ons-­‐2013-­‐sdncentral/2013/12/)  •  [contrail  abstrac5on](hFp://­‐importance-­‐of-­‐abstrac5on-­‐the-­‐concept-­‐of-­‐sdn-­‐as-­‐a-­‐compiler/)  

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So#ware  Defined  Networking  History  Stanford  University  •  Run  experimental  protocol  •  Exploit  a  common  set  of  func5ons  

that  runs  in  many  switches  and  routers,  

•  Provide  a  open  protocol  to  control  different  switches  and  routers  in  a  unified  way.  

•  à  Openflow    

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OpenFlow  –  A  Standard  for  SoMware  Defined  Network  Tradi8onal  networks  •  Many  protocols:  STP,  RIP,  OSPF,  

BGP  …  •  Vendor  specific  •  Switch  for  L2  and  Router  for  L3  

SDN/OpenFlow  •  OpenFlow  Controller  soMware  

handles  all  computa5on  and  logic  •  Common  APIs  •  Flow  forwarding  for  L2-­‐L4  

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Transforming  To  Open  Plaoorm  from:  Open  Networking  Founda5on  

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Transforming  To  Virtual  Appliances  

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SDN  Abstrac8ons  (Study  Notes  and  Conversa8on  with  Larry  Pearson,  AT&T  Labs/Open  Networking  Founda8on)  

Control  Program  •  Expresses  operator  goals  •  Implemented  on  global  network  view  

abstrac5on  •  Computes  forwarding  state  for  each  

switch  Network  Opera5ng  System  (NOS)  •  Links  global  view  and  physical  

switches  •  Gathers  informa5on  for  global  

network  view  •  Conveys  configura5on  from  control  

program  to  switches  Switches  •  Implement  configura5on  provided  by  


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So#ware  Defined  Networking    (SDN)  Model    (from  Study  Notes  and  Conversa8on  with  Larry  Pearson,  AT&T  Labs/Open  Networking  Founda8on)  

Applica8on  Layer  •  Orchestra5on  •  Real-­‐5me  control    of  services  •  Real-­‐5me  access  to  data  Control  Layer  •  Control  soMware  interacts  with  

applica5ons  (northbound)  •  Orchestra5on  interface  •  Real-­‐5me  control  of  services  •  Real-­‐5me  input  to  services  •  Service/device  configura5on/state  

persistence  Control    •  SoMware  interacts  with  services/

devices  (southbound)  using  OpenFlow  protocol  

Infrastructure  Layer  •  Services/devices  interact  with  the  

control  layer  (northbound)  using  OpenFlow  protocol  


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OpenDaylight  Controller  Architecture  Network  Apps  &  Orchestra8on:  •  Applica5ons  that  use  the  network  for  

communica5on  •  Business  and  network  logic  

applica5ons  that  control,  and  monitor  network  behavior.  

Controller  PlaOorm:  •  The  framework  in  which  the  SDN  

abstrac5ons  can  manifest;  •  Provides  a  set  of  common  APIs  to  the  

app  layer  (the  NB  API)  •  Implements  one  or  more  protocols  

for  command  and  control  of  the  physical  hardware  (the  SB  API).  

Physical  &  Virtual  Network  Devices:  •  Physical  &  virtual  devices,  switches,  

routers,  etc  

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Open  Daylight-­‐  Hydrogen  Release  (Dec  2013)    (from  hWp://  

Controller  Components:  •  Topology  Manager  •  State  Manager  •  Switch  Manager  •  Host  Tracker  •  Shortest  Path  Forwarding  •  Network  Configura5on  •  Affinity  Service  •  Openstack  Service  •  LISP  Service  •  VTN  Manager  •  DOVE  Manager  •  Service  Abstrac5on  Layer  (SAL)    

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Floodlight  Controller  

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Network  Func5on  Virtualiza5on  (NFV)  

•  Network  Func5ons  Virtualiza5on  is  about  implemen5ng  network  func5ons  in  soMware  -­‐  that  today  run  on  proprietary  hardware  -­‐  leveraging  (high  volume)  standard  servers  and  IT  virtualiza5on    

•  Supports  mul5  -­‐  versioning  and  mul5-­‐tenancy  of  network  func5ons    •  Allows  use  of  a  single  physical  plaoorm  for  different  applica5ons,  users  and  tenants    

–  Enables  new  ways  to  implement  resilience,  service  assurance,  test  &  diagnos5cs  and  security  surveillance    

–  Facilitates  innova5on  towards  new  network  func5ons  and  services  that  are  only  prac5cal  in  a  pure  soMware  network  environment    

–  Applicable  to  any  data  plane  and  control  plane  func5ons,  (fixed  or  mobile  networks)    

•  Opportuni5es  for  pure  soMware  players    •  New  methods  for  interlinking  virtualized  services  &  func5ons    •  NFV  aims  to  ul5mately  transform  the  way  network  operators  architect  and  operate  their  

networks    CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA   13  

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Virtualize  Network  Func8on  (VNF)  (from  hWp://­‐88-­‐opsawg-­‐6.pdf  )  

•  All  compute  nodes,  all  storage  nodes  •  Components:  •  Switching:  BNG,  CG-­‐NAT,  routers.    •  Mobile  network  nodes:  HLR/HSS,    •  MME,  SGSN,  GGSN/PDN-­‐GW,  RNC.    

•  Home  routers  and  set  top  boxes.    •  Tunnelling  gateway  elements.    •  Traffic  analysis:  DPI.    •  Signalling:  SBCs,  IMS.    

•  Network-­‐wide  func5ons:  AAA  servers,    

•  policy  control.    •  Applica5on-­‐level  op5misa5on:  CDNs,    •  Load  Balancers.    •  Security  func5ons:  Firewalls,  

intrusion    •  detec5on  systems.    


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VNF  Forwarding  Graph  •  Efficiency.  Compute  resources  

assigned  to  func5on  and  network  capacity  sized  to  current  load  and  shareable  across  func5ons.    

•  Resiliency.  In  some  cases,  backup  func5on  and  network  capacity  can  be  shared    

•  Agility.  Shorter  deployment  intervals  for  upgrades  and  new  features  since  func5ons  are  soMware  based    

•  Expressiveness.  Virtualized  switching  func5ons  and/or  configura5on  of  VNFs  can  implement  forwarding  graphs  in  a  more  straighoorward  and  efficient  manner.    

•  Flexibility.  Reduce  configura5on  complexity.  Support  new  service  and  business  models:  deployments  in  other  operator's  network,  third-­‐party  datacenters…    


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Typical  Mobile  Network  (diagram  from  Alcatel/Lucent)  

•  All  compute  nodes,  all  storage  nodes  •  Components:  •  Switching:  BNG,  CG-­‐NAT,  routers.    •  Mobile  network  nodes:  HLR/HSS,    •  MME,  SGSN,  GGSN/PDN-­‐GW,  RNC.    

•  Home  routers  and  set  top  boxes.    •  Tunneling  gateway  elements.    •  Traffic  analysis:  DPI.    •  Signaling:  SBCs,  IMS.    

•  Network-­‐wide  func5ons:  AAA  servers,    

•  policy  control.    •  Applica5on-­‐level  op5miza5on:  CDNs,    •  Load  Balancers.    •  Security  func5ons:  Firewalls,  

intrusion    •  detec5on  systems.    


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Wireline  &  Wireless  Network  Convergence  •  Landline  (copper  &  op5cal)  •  2.5G/3G/4G  mobile  •  IMS  •  Mul5-­‐Media  content  

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Benefits  and  Impacts  •  Easy  experimenta5on  with  new  ideas    •  Rapid  deployment,  reloca5on,  upgrading,  and  

turn-­‐off  of  both  networking  and  value-­‐added  services,  

•  De-­‐couple  service  from  hardware  •  Ability  to  flexibly  locate  network  func5onality  

wherever  it  is  most  effec5ve  or  less  expensive,  •  Rapid  development  of  network  applica5on  •  Automate  network  app  onboarding  •  Simplifica5on  of  network  maintenance  and  

upgrade  •  Real  5me  elas5c  scaling  •  Poten5al  to  combine  mul5ple  network  func5ons  

on  a  single  plaoorm.  

•  complexity  manageable  within  each  layer  –  Networking  challenges  are  solved  for  each  layer  in  

each  layer  

•  Rapid  innova5on,  layer  by  layer  –  So  long  as  the  interfaces  don’t  change,  each  layer  

is  evolved  independently  

•  Mul5ple  orders-­‐of-­‐magnitude  change  in  –  Speed,  scale,  diversity  of  use,  …    

•  Data  center  virtualiza5on  and  automa5on  •  Network  infrastructure  sharing  •  Big  data  gevng  bigger  and  big  network  analy5c  •  New  and  more  compe5tors  •  SoMware  based  

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Thank  You  for  Listening!                          


Richard  Kuo  

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Backup  Slides  

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Summary  Points  of  Key  SDN  and  NFV  (from  hFp://­‐and-­‐sdn-­‐whats-­‐the-­‐difference/2013/03/)    

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Open  Data  Center  Alliance  Master  Usage  Model:  Service  Orchestra5on  Rev.  1.0  

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Open  Data  Center  Alliance  Master  Usage  Model:  Service  Catalog  and  Orchestra5on  Life  Cycle  Rev.  1.0  

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Ericsson  View  on  Cloud  &  NFV  

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Alcatel-­‐Lucent  View  

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