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Jul 14, 2018



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1 / Philosophy

Ex.1a Franklin Delano Roosevelt..

Ex.1b Fireside Chats..

Ex.1c John F. Kennedy..

Ex.1d John F. Kennedys speeches

Ex.1e U.N. says refugee numbers at record level..

Ex.1f Fire and Fury...

Ex.1g Global Catastrophe..

Ex.1h Pope says World War III pretty much here.

Ex.2b John F. Kennedys special message to the Congress of Education.

Ex.2c 250 million children cannot read or write

Ex.3a Albert Einstein.

Ex.3b Thomas Edison

Ex.4a Dmitry Mendeleev...

Ex.4b Stephen Hawking

Ex.5a Valdimir Vernadsky

Ex.6a George Bernard Shaw

Ex.6b The Great Gatsby

Ex.6c Online shoppers fooled by fake reviews

Ex.6d USA and Russia in election hacking tit-for-tat.

Ex.7a Joseph Thomson

Ex.7b Designer Uniforms.

Ex.7c All New York prisoners to get free tablet computer..

Ex.7d Women stranded at airport after cosmetic surgery.

Ex.7e Trendy names make vegetables look tastier...

Ex.7f 'Nutella riots' in France after 70% price cut ...

2 / Economics

Ex.8a Bill Gates.. ..

Ex.8b Secrets of Bill Gates Success

Ex.8c Man Sells British Countryside Air to China..

Ex.8d Steve Jobs.......

Ex.9a Henry Ford..

Ex.9b The Ford Motor Company..

Ex. 9c The Nokia Company..

Ex. 9d Nokia Failed.......

Ex.10a Jeff Bezos..


Ex. 10c Customer Centered

Ex.10d Customer Focused..

Ex.10e More quotes from Jeff Bezos

3 / / Sociology/ Social Psychology

Ex.11a Vissarion Belinsky

Ex.11b Mikhail Lomonosov.

Ex. 12a Ernest Gellner..

Ex.12b Vladimir Putin..

Ex.13a Donald John Trump..

Ex.13b Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Ex.14a Yaakov Knyazhnin...

Ex.14b Leonardo da Vinci

Ex.14c Bill Gates..

Ex.15a Wendell Phillips

Ex.15b Nicholas James Vujicic.

Ex.15c Helen Adams Keller...

Ex.16a Denis Diderot.

Ex.16b Kruzenshtern..

Ex.17a Charles Dickens.

Ex.17b Greg Mortenson.

Ex.18a Ralph Waldo Trine

Ex.18b Ralph Waldo Emerson..............

Ex.18c Jamie Oliver..

4 / Political Science

Ex.19a George Orwell

Ex.19b Orwells quotation.

Ex.19c The Object of Power is Power...

Ex.19d Animal Farm.

Ex.20a Thomas Jefferson..

Ex.20b Abraham Lincoln..

Ex.21a Abraham Lincoln..

Ex.21b Winston Churchill.

Ex.21c Winston Churchills Leadership Qualities

Ex.21d Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Ex.21e Putin worlds most powerful leader...

Ex.21f European leaders rap to win votes.

5 / Rights

Ex.22a Henry Thomas Buckle...

Ex.22b Crime.

Ex.22c Eight Billionaires As Rich As Half The World.

Ex.22d Students Sell Bodies And Gamble To Survive.

Ex.22e Arrested Clock-Making Teen Invited to White House..

Ex.22f Teacher on trial for attacking student

Ex.23a Geoffrey Chaucer.

Ex.23b Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach...............

Ex.23c Australian Deputy PM disqualified over dual citizenship

Ex.23d Donald Trump under fire for not paying tax

Ex.23e Trump calls immigrant nations 'sh*thole' countries.

Ex.23f Politicians Holiday During Financial Crisis..

Ex.24a Francis Bacon

Ex.24b Micro Crime..

Ex.24c Food crime is an international problem.

Ex.24d Cyber Crime..
























































































Exercise 1

Russian quote

English quote

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When peace has been broken anywhere, peace of all countries everywhere is in danger.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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War is a contagion.

Franklin D. Roosevelt



Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind

John F. Kennedy

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein


Read the text about the author of the first two quotations and answer the following questions:

In what times was FDR president of the United States?

What was his attitude to World War II?

What was his approach and attitude to economic problems and war in general?

World War II did not take place on the territory of the United States. How did it affect the USA and other countries of the world?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly known by his initials FDR, remained the key figure during the mid of the 20th century. A man with a vision, he led the United States in its worst time of crises and helped the country come out of the realms of the Great Depression to become an economically powerful country in the world with restored prosperity. It was his optimistic approach and never-say-die attitude that instilled in the people a national spirit. During the World War II, he successfully retained the neutral stand of the United States despite making the country an

Arsenal of Democracy and aiding Russia and Great Britain all through during the war. Roosevelt is the only US President to be elected four times consecutively. In his twelve years long service as the President of the United States, Roosevelt dominated Americas political scene completely, so that even decades after, his dominance was virtually present and greatly felt. He was the primary founder and the initiator for the formation of later formed United Nations and Bretton Woods. Along with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, Franklin Roosevelt is one of the top three U.S. Presidents.

Adapted from:


Read some more quotations and facts about FDR and answer the following questions

Do you think it was a good idea to have radio fireside chats in war times?

Why did FDR devote so much attention to war?

Why did he hate war?

Do you agree that peace is the cooperative effort of the whole world?

Fireside Chats

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took office in early 1933, would become the only president in American history to be elected to four consecutive terms. He would lead his nation through two of the greatest crises in its historythe Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II (1939-45)and would exponentially expand the role of the federal government through his New Deal reform program and its legacy. From March 1933 to June 1944, Roosevelt addressed the American people in some 30 speeches broadcast via radio, speaking on a variety of topics from banking to unemployment to fighting fascism in Europe. Millions of people found comfort and renewed confidence in these speeches, which became known as the fireside chats.


FDR quotes

The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world. (Message to Congress following the Yalta Conference, March 1, 1945)


I have seen war. I have seen war on land and sea. I have seen blood running from the wounded. I have seen men coughing out their gassed lungs. I have seen the dead in the mud. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen two hundred limping exhausted men come out of line-the survivors of a regiment of one thousand that went forward forty-eight hours before. I have seen children starving. I have seen the agony of mothers and wives. I hate war.

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Address at Chautauqua, Aug. 14, 1936



Read the text about the author of the third quotation and answer the following questions.

How did John F. Kennedy try to put an end to war?

Did he know about the dangers of war from his own experience?

Did he take part in any war himself?

John F.Kennedy

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy was born in 1917 and was assassinated in 1963. He is also known by his initials JFK. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. Of Irish descent, he was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard in 1940. He joined the Navy and in 1943 his

boat was sunk by the Japanese. Despite grave injuries, he led the survivors through perilous waters to safety. Back from the war, JFK became a Democratic Congressman, advancing to the Senate in 1953. He married Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953. In 1955, he wrote Profiles in Courage, which won the Pulitzer Prize in history. In 1960 millions watched his television debates with the Republican candidate, Richard M. Nixon. He won the presidency by a narrow margin* and became the first Roman Catholic President.

His Inaugural Address offered the memorable words: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." As President, he set out to keep his campaign promise to get America moving again. His economic programs launched the country on its longest economic growth since World War II. He also took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights.

Kennedy increased the nation's military strength and spending on the space race during the Cold War. On November 22, 1963, hardly past his first thousand days in office, JFK was assassinated. He was the youngest man elected President and the youngest to die.

by a narrow margin* -

Adapted from:


Read John F. Kennedys speeches about peace and answer the following questions:

John F. Kennedy wasnt the President of the USA during the war. Why did he pay so much attention to problems of war and peace? What was the main threat to world peace in those times?

25 September, 1961. Address to the UN General Assembly

I pledge you that we shall neither commit nor provoke aggression, that we shall neither flee nor invoke the threat of force, that we shall never negotiate out of fear and we shall never fear to negotiate. Terror is not a new weapon. Throughout history, it has been used by those who could not prevail either by persuasion or example. But, inevitably, they fail, either because men are not afraid to die for a life worth living, or because the terrorists themselves came to realise free men cannot be frightened by threats, and that aggression would meet its own response.

10 June, 1963. American University Commencement Address

I have therefore chosen this time and place to discuss a topic upon which ignorance too often abounds, and the truth too rarely perceived, and that is the most important topic on earth, peace. What kind of a peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax-Americana, enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slayed. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living. The kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children. Not merely peace for Americans, but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time, but peace in all time.


Read the text about refugees and answer the following questions

What is the biggest reason for a record number of refugees?

Does it prove that war is a contagion?

How has peace broken in one place put lots of countries under threat?

U.N. says refugee numbers at record level

Last year was the worst year on record for the number of people who became refugees. The United Nations (U.N.) said that in 2015, over 65.3 million people were forced to leave their home or country. This is an increase of over five million from 59.5 million over the previous year. The 2015 figure is a 50 per cent increase from five years ago. It also means that one in every 113 people on the planet is now a refugee, an asylum seeker or someone displaced in their own country. The U.N. reported that: "Twenty-four people are displaced every minute." It added that two-thirds of the forcibly displaced are refugees in their own country. The figures come from the "Global Trends" report marking World Refugee Day on June the 20th.

The U.N. said the biggest reason for the record number of refugees in 2015 is war. Fighting in Syria, Afghanistan, Burundi and South Sudan has created the largest number of refugees. Half of them are children. The U.N. said more than 98,000 asylum requests in 2015 were made by unaccompanied children. This is the highest number ever seen. The U.N. added that: "Ninety percent of the forcibly displaced are from poor or middle income countries." Many of them are escaping from wars only to face big problems at borders. These include walls and fences in Europe, tougher laws against immigration and xenophobia. The U.N. said the only way to overcome the problem is, "political action to stop conflicts".



Read the text Fire and Fury and answer the following questions

Why is war of words between the USA and North Korea dangerous for the world peace?

Fire and Fury

U.S. President Donald Trump has given North Korea another warning over its plans to fire its weapons. The war of words between Mr Trump and North Korea's president Kim Jong-un is escalating. Countries in the region and around the world are worried that the war of words could become a real war. Tensions increased greatly earlier this week when North Korea announced it had nuclear warheads small enough to fit inside its missiles. President Trump then warned: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen." North Korea responded by announcing it would fire four missiles off the coast of the US territory of Guam.

North Korea said President Trump's words were "nonsense". Regardless, Mr Trump issued another warning to the North Koreans yesterday. He said his "fire and fury" statement "wasn't tough enough" and that North Korea should "be very, very nervous". He also said China could do "a whole lot more" to reduce tensions. The Arms Control Association in Washington DC said Mr Trump should stop his verbal attacks on North Korea to avoid a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula. It said: "Recent [talk] from Trump is a dangerous and ineffective strategy to halt North Korea's nuclear development and could trigger a military conflict that would not be in the U.S. interest."



Read the text Global Catastrophe and answer the following questions

Why could crisis over North Korea cause a planetary catastrophe?

Does it prove that Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind?

How could we put an end to this crisis?

Global Catastrophe

Russia's president Vladimir Putin has warned that the crisis over North Korea could cause a "planetary catastrophe". He said if war broke out on the Korean Peninsular, there would be a huge loss of life. He told reporters at a meeting in China that talking and "peaceful dialogue" were the only ways to end the crisis. He warned the USA and North Korea that talking about military action and war was very dangerous. He said: "Ramping up military hysteria in such conditions is senseless. It's a dead end." Mr Putin said North Korea would never give up its nuclear programme. He said: "They will eat grass instead of stopping their nuclear programme, as long as they do not feel safe."

Tensions in Korea are reaching very dangerous levels. On Sunday, North Korea carried out its most powerful nuclear test ever. The United Nations Security Council met after to tell North Korea to stop its testing. Many countries called for stronger sanctions against North Korea. Mr Putin said sanctions have never worked and would never work. He said sanctions against North Korea would be useless and ineffective. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said North Korea was "begging for war" because of its words and actions. She said: "War is never something the United States wants. We don't want it now. But our country's patience is not unlimited. We will defend our allies and our territory."


Read the text about World War III and answer the following questions:

What are the dangers of World War III?

Why did Albert Einstein say that World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones?

What are the motives behind countries or groups going to war, according to Pope Francis?

Pope says World War III pretty much here (16th September, 2014)

Pope Francis has announced that the world is pretty much in the grips of its third world war. The leader of the Roman Catholic Church said the spate of conflicts being fought around the world were effectively a "piecemeal" third world war. Speaking at a World War I memorial in Italy, the Pontiff stated: "War is madness. Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war - one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres and destruction."

He added: "War is irrational. Its only plan is to bring destruction. It seeks to grow by destroying."

He said the motives behind countries or groups going to war were "greed, intolerance, the lust for power".

Pope Francis has made a number of repeated appeals for an end to the conflicts around the world. He has focused on those in Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine and many parts of Africa. Despite his anti-war stance, he has stated the use of force would be legitimate to stop "unjust aggression" by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

He called on all people to have a "conversion of heart" and stop putting selfish aims above those of humanity as a whole. Francis compared the pointless loss of life in WWI to what is happening globally today. He said: "For each one of the fallen of this senseless massacre, for all the victims of the mindless wars, in every age, humanity needs to weep, and this is the time to weep."

piecemeal* - () ,


Exercise 2

Russian quote

English quote


The human mind is our fundamental resource John F. Kennedy



Art has an enemy called ignorance

John F. Kennedy .


Read the text of ex.1c about the author of the quotations and answer the following questions:

Why did John F. Kennedy consider the human mind to be the fundamental human resource?

Why did he disapprove of ignorance?


Read John F. Kennedys special message to the Congress of Education and answer the following questions:

How is progress in education related to progress as a nation?

Special Message to the Congress on Education

February 20, 1961

To the Congress of the United States:

Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. Our requirements for world leadership, our hopes for economic growth, and the demands of citizenship itself in an era such as this all require the maximum development of every young American's capacity.

The human mind is our fundamental resource. A balanced Federal program must go well beyond incentives for investment in plant and equipment. It must include equally determined measures to invest in human beings--both in their basic education and training and in their more advanced preparation for professional work. Without such measures, the Federal Government will not be carrying out its responsibilities for expanding the base of our economic and military strength.

John F. Kennedy



Read the text about illiteracy and answer the following questions:

Why do countries lose money because children do not go to school?

How is learning crisis related to a countrys wealth?

250 million children cannot read or write (2nd February, 2014)

A new report from the United Nations says more than 250 million children of primary school age cannot read or write. It said they could also not do basic mathematics. The report said that 120 million children have spent little or no time in school. The researchers said children not going to school means countries lose money. Each year, governments lose up to $130 billion. Vibeke Jensen, a U.N. spokeswoman, said there was a global "learning crisis". She said this was because there were not enough well-trained teachers in poor areas. She said that in a third of countries, 75 per cent of primary school teachers do not have enough training. She added: "The issue now is to put the focus on quality."

The report said that most of those not going to school were girls. It said it was important that developing countries educate girls. Sending girls to school can increase a country's wealth by 25 per cent over 40 years. The report said that almost two-thirds (66%) of girls in Arab countries and sub-Saharan Africa would never go to school. In Yemen, just 36 per cent of young women are literate. The Reuters news agency said: "If current trends continue, the poorest part of the young female population in developing countries wont achieve literacy until 2072" There was some good news. In Laos, Rwanda and Vietnam, the number of children not going to school fell by 85 per cent in the last five years.



Read texts about great human minds in exercises 3-5

Exercise 3

Russian quote

English quote



The real progress of mankind depends not so much on the ingenious mind as on the consciousness

Albert Einstein

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A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space.

Albert Einstein

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Everyone knew it was impossible, until a fool who didn't know came along and did it.

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All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.


Science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense-experience correspond to a logically uniform system of thought.


Read the text about the author of the quotations and answer the following questions.

How does life and achievements of Albert Einstein prove that the human mind is our fundamental resource?

Did he have an ingenious mind? Could he have written over 300 scientific papers without consciousness?

Did he treat himself as a part of the universe?

Was anything impossible for him?

Did he try to create a logically uniform system of thought?

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived. His name has become part of many languages when we want to say someone is a genius, as in the phrase, Shes a real Einstein. He must have been pretty brainy to discover the Theory of Relativity and the equation E=mc2.

In 1999, Time magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century. No one could have guessed this would happen when he was at school. He was extremely interested in science but hated

the system of learning by heart. He said it destroyed learning and creativity. He had already done many experiments, but failed the entrance exams to a technical college.

He didnt let this setback stop him. When he was 16, he performed his famous experiment of imagining traveling alongside a beam of light. He eventually graduated from university, in 1900, with a degree in physics. Twelve years later he was a university professor and in 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific papers.

Einstein is the only scientist to become a cult figure, a household name, and part of everyday culture. He once joked that when people stopped him in the street, he always replied: "Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein. Today, he is seen as the typical mad, absent-minded professor, who just happened to change our world.




Read the text about Thomas Edison and answer the following questions:

How does life and achievements of Thomas Edison prove that the human mind is our fundamental resource?

Is the quote about inspiration and perspiration close in meaning to the quote from Einstein about the ingenious mind and consciousness?

Did he have an ingenious mind? Could he have made all his inventions without consciousness?

Did he treat himself as a part of the universe?

Was anything impossible for him?

Did he try to create a logically uniform system of thought?

How were art and science inter-related in his inventions?

Thomas Edison

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Thomas Edison 1847-1931

Most people immediately think of the light bulb when they think of Thomas Edison. But although this genius did in fact invent the first practical, long-lasting light bulb, he had a hand in creating many more things we can still see around us today. He invented or contributed to recorded music, electrical systems, the telephone, the alkaline battery, x-rays and an early cinema projector. Incredibly, by the end of his life he held 1,093 patents and he is responsible for more inventions than any other inventor in history!

Edison was undoubtedly a very clever person. Would you believe, though, that as a child, his teacher told his mother that he was too slow to learn? Later on, as an inventor, many of his inventions failed. So what were the secrets of Edisons success?

Perhaps, Edisons greatest strength was that he absolutely refused to give up. He said, Many of lifes failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up. Unbelievably, it took Edison thousands of tries before he found the right filament to use for his light bulb. He wasnt afraid of failure. He simply saw his bad ideas as stepping stones to better ones. Even after his factory was almost totally destroyed by fire, he said, There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up and we can start anew. Three weeks later, Edison delivered the first phonograph.

Edison was also very intolerant of laziness and believed in pushing himself to reach his goals. He set himself a target, for instance, to come up with a small invention every 10 days and a major one every 6 months.

Also, amazingly, historians have so far discovered around 4 million pages of Edisons notes including sketches, cartoons and even poems. It seems he had many new ideas simply by relaxing, letting his mind wander and allowing one idea to flow on to another.

All in all, Thomas Edison succeeded because he was determined, persistent and knew how to use his mistakes to his advantage.

Adapted from: Starlight 9 Ex.1 p.96


Exercise 4

Russian quote

English quote

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It is impossible to foresee the boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction

Dmitry Mendeleyev


Read the text about the author of the quotation and answer the following questions:

How does life and achievements of Dmitry Mendeleev prove that the human mind is our fundamental resource?

Did he try to create a logically uniform system of thought?

Could he foresee the boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction when he started his scientific work?

Dmitry Mendeleev

The man behind Periodic Table. Russian chemist and inventor. He formulated the Periodic Law, created his own version of the periodic table of elements, and used it to correct the properties of some already discovered elements and also to predict the properties of eight elements yet to be discovered.

Mendeleev was born on 8 February 1834 in the village of Verkhnie Aremzyani, near Tobolsk in Siberia, to Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev and Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

Mendeleev is thought to be the youngest of 17 siblings. His father was a teacher of fine arts, politics and philosophy. Unfortunately for the family's financial well being, his father became blind and lost his teaching position. His mother was forced to work and she restarted

her family's abandoned glass factory. At the age of 13, after the passing of his father and the destruction of his mother's factory by fire, Mendeleev attended the Gymnasium in Tobolsk.

Between 1859 and 1861, he worked on the capillarity of liquids and the workings of the spectroscope in Heidelberg. In late August 1861 he wrote his first book on the spectroscope. Between 1859 and 1861, he worked on the capillarity of liquids and the workings of the spectroscope in Heidelberg. In late August 1861 he wrote his first book on the spectroscope.

After becoming a teacher, Mendeleev wrote the definitive textbook of his time: Principles of Chemistry (two volumes, 1868-1870). I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction later seem necessary." Unaware of the earlier work on periodic tables going on in the 1860s, he made the following table. On 6 March 1869, Mendeleev made a formal presentation to the Russian Chemical Society. Mendeleev published his periodic table of all known elements and predicted several new elements to complete the table.

In 1905, Mendeleev was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 1906 Mendeleev was recommended by Nobel Committee for Chemistry to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of the periodic system. Unexpectedly, at the full meeting of the Academy, a dissenting member of the Nobel Committee, Peter Klason, proposed the candidacy of Henri Moissan whom he favored.

In 1907, Mendeleev died at the age of 72 in Saint Petersburg from influenza. After his Death element number 101, the radioactive mendelevium, are named after him

Adapted from:



Read the text about Stephen Hawking and answer the following questions:

How does life and achievements of Stephen Hawking prove that the human mind is our fundamental resource?

Did he try to create a logically uniform system of thought?

Do his works prove that there are no boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction?

Stephen Hawking

We all know that Stephen Hawking has worked on some of the biggest questions about our cosmos. But what are those ideas? Black holes are incredible dense objects with such strong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape their pull. Hawking worked with physicist Roger Penrose to show that if you were able to travel to the centre of a black hole, youd find something called a singularity. In a singularity so much matter is squashed into such a small space that the force of gravity becomes infinite. Everything is crushed into a point of infinite density, punching a hole through the fabric of the universe, and tearing up the rulebook of physics as we know it.

It is pretty frightening stuff.

You might think that a vacuum is empty. But it is not. At least not according to quantum theory. It is fizzing with particles and antiparticles that pop into existence from nowhere and then disappear. When this happens, at the edge of a black hole one of the pair of particles can fall in, leaving the other to escape. This tiny stream of escaping particles is known as Hawking radiation. Now, those particles that fell into the black hole, they have a negative mass and cause the black hole to get smaller, and smaller, until it disappears. It will take a while, in fact a very long while, but in its final moments a black hole will explode with the energy of a million nuclear bombs leaving nothing behind.

So, why is Stephen Hawking our most famous living scientist? Well, he showed that at one point everything in our universe was squeezed into a singularity, which then exploded into the Big Bang, eventually forming galaxies, stars, planets, you, me and everything in existence. That was the beginning of our universe. And I suppose the incredible thing is that he came up with all these profound, provocative insights without the convenience to be able to write anything down. He did it all by thought alone.

Adapted from:



Russian quote

English quote

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The scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction.

V.I. Vernadsky

Ex. 5a

Read the text about the author of the quotation and answer the following questions:

How does life and achievements of Vladimir Vernadsky prove that the human mind is our fundamental resource?

Did he try to create a logically uniform system of thought?

Do his works prove that there are no boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction?

What facts served as the basis for his scientific hypothesis?

Did his theories go beyond these facts?

Can we say the same about Stephen Hawking, Dmitry Mendeleev, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein?

Valdimir Vernadsky

Valdimir Vernadsky was a renowned Russian-Ukrainian mineralogist who introduced the concept of noosphere or the sphere of human cognizance. Born into a family of educators, he developed an interest in natural sciences at an early age. His interest in mineralogy was sparked by the works of soil scientist Vasily Dokuchaev and geologist Alexey Pavlov. He started his academic career working under famed mineralogist Paul Groth, who classified minerals on the basis of their chemical compositions and crystal structures.

Working under Paul he was introduced to crystallography and studied in detail the structure and composition of aluminosilicates. He also explored the effect of geological forces in formation of compound in the earths crust. He laid the foundations for development of geochemistry through his studies on radioactivity and how it can be used as a source of thermal energy.

His breakthrough contribution was however, the theory of interdependence of geosphere, biosphere and noosphere. His ideas were criticised but he continued his research and became a pioneer of environmental sciences. As a proponent of alternative source of energy, he strongly advised against exploitation of nuclear power, in particular nuclear weaponisation.


Exercise 6

Russian quote

English quote

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Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny: they have only shifted it to another shoulder.

Bernard Shaw

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Freedom suggests responsibility. That is why many people are afraid of it.

Bernard Shaw


Activity is the only road to knowledge.

Bernard Shaw

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Nature does not tolerate emptiness: where people do not know the truth, they fill the gaps with conjecture.

Bernard Shaw

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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

Bernard Shaw


Read the text about the author of the quotations and answer the following questions:

Did Bernard Shaw have certain freedom of expression in his works?

Was he afraid of it?

Did he realize his own responsibility for this freedom of expression?

Was Bernard Shaw an unreasonable man?

Did he try to adapt the world to himself?

Can you give examples of unreasonable men trying to adapt the world to themselves from Exercises 1-5?

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was born in Dublin, Ireland. His father was a civil servant. As he hated organized training, he could not get a regular formal education. In 1876, as a young man, he went to London, where he struggled financially and later established himself as a theatre critic in the eighties and nineties.

George Bernard Show belongs to the 19th century theatre of realism. Like Oscar Wilde or Ibsen, George Bernard Shaw wrote plays in keeping with the ideology of realism in theatre. He upheld the belief that theatre should be dominated by realism and should express opinions on social and political issues. He wrote mainly to attack the social mode of behavior.

His earliest dramas like Widower's Houses and Mrs. Warren's Profession violently attack social hypocrisy. Shaw believed that drama belonged to only two categories the frivolous and the serious. He named serious drama as a problem play, and believed that "only in the problem play is there any real drama". Shaw's first great play was Man and Superman (1903). It is a comedy about two battling lovers.

Shaw's next play Major Barbara written in1905 and published in 1907 dealt with the tragic-comic irony of the conflict between real life and the romantic imagination.

His play Pygmalion (1913) was later made into a film and many adaptations were made from the play. The screenplay he wrote for the first version of it won an Oscar Award in 1938. During his lifetime, he wrote more than 60 plays and won many other awards, among them the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.

Shaw's early career in the field of play-writing was moderately successful. The English society did not give him respect when Shaw published his early plays. Some of the plays of Shaw are so radical that the tradition-bound English society hesitated to assimilate his ideas pleasingly. Show's gift of analysis and philosophical reflection created in his works a new kind of drama. Shaw assumed that drama should teach a lesson about something of great moral importance. Shaw was basically a philosophical writer. His plays can be seen as having a specific theme on which the characters constantly discourse.

Socialism is the political ideology Show enthusiastically admired. Creative evolution is the belief he professed. Shaw is not revolutionary but evolutionary in his attitude to society. According to him, society should not be destroyed by a revolution. It should be used as instrument to launch socialist reform. Shaw appears to be an upholder of evolutionary socialism.

Adapted from:



Read the text about The Great Gatsby and answer the following questions:

Where do people get information about rich peoples life?

Do they know the truth?

Do they have a lot of illusions about their life?

Does it sometimes lead to tragedy?

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a 2013 3D romantic drama film. It is an adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel of the same name. The film is co-written and directed by Baz Luhrmann, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. The official Warner Bros. website says: "The filmmaker created his own distinctive visual interpretation of the classic story, bringing the period to life in a way that has never been seen before." It follows the life and times of millionaire Jay Gatsby (played by DiCaprio) and his neighbour Nick, who tells of his encounter with Gatsby in 1920s America. Warner Bros. says, "Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the super-rich, their illusions, loves and deceits."

Prior to this film there had already been a Broadway play and numerous film adaptations of F. Scott Fitzgerald's acclaimed novel. When Luhrmann was asked about the movie, he stated that he planned the remake to be more timely due to its theme of criticizing the often irresponsible lifestyles of wealthy people. It is perhaps a reflection of money in the early 21st century. The Great Gatsby was planned to be filmed in New York, where the novel is set, starting in June 2011. The director instead opted to have the principal photography happen in Sydney. Filming began on September 5, 2011, at Fox Studios Australia. The shoot finished on December 22, 2011, with additional shots filmed in January 2012.



Read the text below and answer the following questions:

Why is it profitable for business if people do not know the truth?

Are there a lot of conjectures in the mass media now?

conjectures ,

Online shoppers fooled by fake reviews (2015)

A consumer group in the UK has reported that many Internet sites are full of fake reviews. The Competition and Market Authority (CMA) believes there are millions of reviews on sites for hotels, restaurants, online stores, etc. that are there to trick shoppers. At least 25 million Britons read reviews on websites such as Amazon and TripAdvisor before booking holidays or shopping online. Writing fake reviews for companies is now big business. Many companies write fake reviews to market themselves. Others offer money, free samples or upgrades in exchange for five-star reviews.

Online reviews are very important to businesses. Estimates are that in Britain alone, $36 billion a year of consumer spending could be influenced by online reviews. The CMA said: "Millions of people look at online reviews and endorsements before making decisions such as where to stay on holiday." It added: "We have found that consumers who use online reviewsfind them valuable, but we have also heard about some practices that may be unlawful." Illegal activity includes rival companies posting negative remarks about each other. Bosses could face prison for doing this.


Read the text below and answer the following questions:

Do people in the world know the truth about Russians?

Are there a lot of conjectures about Russia and Russians?

How is it reflected in the text?

What other examples about of conjectures about Russia and Russians do you know?

USA and Russia in election hacking tit-for-tat (1st January, 2017)

A new crisis is looming between the USA and Russia. It has been brewing since the U.S. presidential election in November amid accusations by Hillary Clinton's team of Russian interference in the electoral process. U.S. officials claimed that Russian intelligence agencies hacked into and stole e-mails from the servers of Ms Clinton's party and released them on the Wikileaks website. The officials said Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to influence American voters into voting for President-elect Donald Trump. President Barack Obama vowed to take action over the allegations and has expelled 35 Russian diplomats from Washington. He has also shut down two Russian intelligence compounds in the U.S.

Russia has responded angrily to the expulsions and has denied any involvement in the alleged hacking. It called the U.S. actions "ungrounded". It is likely there will be a tit-for-tat response from Russia. Moscow has promised an "appropriate response" and "counter-measures". Any retaliation, however, may be less severe due to the upcoming inauguration of Mr Trump as President. A Russian spokesman said: "These decisions were taken by President Obama, but Trump will become the head of state in three weeks' time. Of course, this factor will certainly be taken into account one way or another." Mr Trump seeks to put US-Russian relations on a better footing and has a good relationship with Mr Putin.


Ex. 6e

For examples about revolutions read ex.19a-d

Exercise 7

Russian quote

English quote



A civilized society is like a child who has received too many toys on his birthday.

Joseph Thomson


Read the text about the author of the quotation.

Joseph Thomson

Joseph Thomson (1858 -1895) was a Scottish geologist, naturalist, and explorer who was the first European to enter several regions of eastern Africa and whose writings are outstanding contributions to geographical knowledge, exceptional for their careful records and surveys. Thomsons gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii), the most common gazelle of eastern Africa, was named for him.

A member of the Royal Geographical Societys expedition of 1878 to east-central Africa, he took charge after the death of the expeditions leader, Alexander Keith Johnston, leading the party over an unknown territory. An attempt to reach the Congo was thwarted by hostile Buye tribesmen, and he returned to East Africa.

In 1882 he had his major expedition, trying to find the shortest route from Zanzibar to Uganda. He was the first European to note the existence of Lake Baringo in modern Kenya, and he reached Lake Victoria on December 10, 1882.

He secured British trading rights in present-day Nigeria (1885), traveled privately in Morocco (1888), and in 1890 entered the service of Cecil Rhodess British South Africa Company, making mining and trade agreements in what is now Zambia. Thomsons writings include To the Central African Lakes and Back (1881) and Through Masai Land (1885).

Adapted from:



Read the text Designer Uniforms and answer the following questions:

Do you think designer uniforms are necessary at school?

Are designer uniforms just new toys for grown-ups?

Designer Uniforms

Parents of an elementary school are angry at the $730 price of their child's school uniform. A public elementary school in Tokyo has decided its new school uniforms will be designed by the luxury designer Armani. The special uniforms include a hat and bag. It all costs 80,000 ($730). Parents are angry at the school's decision. They are protesting at the exorbitant price of the uniform. The school said it wanted a uniform that represented the rich area around the school. School officials visited department stores and asked the fashion brand Armani to design the uniform.

The uniform has created a fuss. It has been discussed in Japan's parliament. One lawmaker said that since the school is public, "a certain price range needs to be considered". Japan's finance minister said: "Clearly it's expensive. It would be tough if a student could not afford to pay." Japan's education minister said the financial burden on parents for uniforms should not be too high. Twitter users said children are not interested in designer clothes. The school principal accepted the criticism and said: "I will go on explaining carefully to those concerned."


Read the text Designer Uniforms and answer the following questions:

Do you think it is a good idea to give prisoners free tablet computers?

Arent they just toys for prisoners?

Is it just a game of statesmen to show how generous they are?

All New York prisoners to get free tablet computer

Prisoners in the U.S. state of New York will get free tablet computers. The 54,700 free tablets are from a private communications contractor working with New York's prisons. The tablets will not be Internet-enabled. Prisoners will get limited, but monitored, online access by plugging into special kiosks at specific times. Prisoners will be allowed to email an approved list of family and friends. They can order certain music, books and videos, and write about reports of abuse. All of these activities will be carefully checked by prison staff.

Prisoner support services welcomed the free tablet project. They called it a "huge step forward". A New York State official said the tablets would help prisoners stay closer to their families. It would lower tensions between prisoners and guards. However, police officers are questioning why convicts are getting free tablets. Some said it was a good example of how crime pays. A top police officer said prisoners shouldn't get free tablets when other people in society are struggling. He said: "Little is done for the homeless, mentally ill, and hard-working people who can't afford tablets."



Read the text about cosmetic surgery and answer the following questions:

Is cosmetic surgery just a new game for women sometimes?

Do people behave like spoilt children in modern society sometimes?

Women stranded at airport after cosmetic surgery

Three Chinese women are stranded at a South Korean airport because their passport photos do not match their faces. The women just had cosmetic surgery to change their looks. The surgery changed their faces so much that passport control officers could not confirm their identity. Their faces were swollen from the surgery and were bandaged. Photos of the women went viral. A website reported that the women were not allowed on their return flight to China. They were held for questioning by airport authorities. It is still unclear when the women can return to China.

South Korea is the cosmetic surgery capital of the world. Cosmetic surgery tourism from China is booming. More than 500,000 Chinese people go to clinics in South Korea every year. Many clinics specialize in making clients look more "Western". Cosmetic surgery is also very popular with South Koreans. Around half of women under 30 in Seoul have probably had surgery. Many parents encourage their children to have surgery to get a "competitive edge" in the job market. There are even hugely popular TV shows that feature before and after transformations.



Read the text about trendy names for vegetables and answer the following questions:

Are vegetables really tastier because of trendy names?

Does it remind you of a childrens game?

Trendy names make vegetables look tastier (15th June, 2017)

Researchers say people eat more vegetables if the veggies have trendy labels. A research team found that vegetable sales went up by 25 per cent if they had trendy-sounding names. The researchers conducted their research on 600 diners at a university canteen. They labelled vegetable dishes in four different ways each day. There were vegetable dishes with a "basic" label (with just the word "carrots"), a healthy label ("carrots with sugar-free citrus dressing"), a "health positive" label ("smart-choice vitamin C citrus carrots") and a trendy label ("twisted citrus-glazed carrots").Researchers created a wide choice of vegetables to see how effective the labels were. They used vegetables like beetroot, carrots, corn, green beans and sweet potato in their test. They used names like "twisted garlic-ginger butternut squash wedges," or "dynamite chilli," and "tangy lime-seasoned beets". They said the dishes with the trendy labels were 25% more popular than those with the "basic" labels, and 41% more popular than those with other labels. A researcher said: "Labels really can influence our sensory experience, affecting how tasty and filling we think food will be."



Read the text about 'Nutella riots' and answer the following question:

Do nutella riots sound like childrens fighting over toys?

'Nutella riots' in France after 70% price cut (28th January, 2018)

There have been crazy scenes in supermarkets across France. Shoppers have been fighting and punching each other to buy jars of the hazelnut spread Nutella. A nationwide chain of supermarkets cut the price of it by 70 per cent. The supermarket Intermarch launched a promotion on 950-gram jars of the sweet treat on January 25. The cost was slashed from 4.50 to 1.41. Long queues formed outside stores, but shoppers lost their cool in the aisles. A witness at one store described the chaos. She told French media: "They fought like animals. A woman had her hair pulled, an elderly lady had a cardboard box put on her head, and another woman had a bloody hand. It was terrible."

The maker of Nutella is an Italian company called Ferrero. It said it had nothing to do with the discount. It tweeted: "The decision for the promotion was taken only by Intermarch." It added: "We condemn the consequences of this operation, which created confusion and disappointment among customers." The supermarket has not commented on this story. An employee said: "It was crazy. It seemed like it was the first day of sales. People just rushed in, shoving everyone and breaking things." He added: "It was like a riot. We nearly called the police." A tweeter explained how important Nutella is in France. She said: "French people eat it by the spoonful. I had it on toast for breakfast as a child."


Block 2


Exercise 8

Russian quote

English quote

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Business is an addictive game in which a maximum of excitement is combined with a minimum of rules.

Bill Gates

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I have a simple but strong belief The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competition, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd is to do an outstanding job with information.

Bill Gates


Read the text about the author of the quotation and answer the following question:

What do you know about Bill Gates?

What is he famous for?

Do you think he took risks in his life?

Did he do an outstanding job with information?

Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He is one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and turned it into the worlds largest software company. He is the best-known entrepreneur of the PC revolution. He has also written two best-selling books and started his own charity with his wife. Gates was fascinated with electronics from a young age.

In 1975 he read about a small technology company. He contacted them to see if they were interested in a computer programme he had written. This led to the creation of Microsoft. Gates later struck a deal with IBM that put Microsoft's Windows on IBM computers. This deal made Microsoft a major player in the IT industry. Gates was in charge at Microsoft from 1975 until 2006. He was an active software developer at the beginning. He had a vision that computers could change everyones life. He helped make this vision come true and developed many products that are now part of modern life. His management style has been studied and copied around the world.

Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO in June 2008. He now spends his time with his wife, Melinda, focusing on their charitable foundation. They provide funds for global problems that are ignored by governments and other organizations. Time magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th Century. Scientists named the Bill Gates flower fly after him.



Read the text Secrets of Bill Gates Success and answer the following questions:

What is the secret of Bill Gates success?

What is his attitude to business? How does he treat it?

Does he consider it to be risky?

What is his attitude to risk?

What is the key to being successful in business?

Secrets of Bill Gates Success

When I started Microsoft, I didnt think of it as all that risky. I mean I was so excited about what we were doing. Its true I could have gone bankrupt, but I had a set of skills that were highly employable, and in fact my parents were still willing to let me go back to Harward and finish my education if I wanted to. And the only, the thing that was scary to me wasnt quitting and starting the company, it was when I started hiring my friends, and they expected to be paid. And then we had customers who went bankrupt, customers that I counted on to come through. And so then I got this incredibly conservative approach that I wanted to have enough money in the bank to pay a years worth of payroll even if we didnt have any payments coming in.

If you are going to start a company, it takes so much energy that youd better overcome your feeling of risk. I dont think that you are necessarily, if you are going to start a company, should do it at the start of your career. I think there is a lot to be said for working for a company learning how they do things. Well, it made it hard for me. You couldnt run a car when you were under 25 at that time, so I was always taking taxis to go see customers. People would say We are gonna have discussion in the bar like I could go to the bar. You know thats fun because Ill tell you when people are first sceptical and they go This kid doesnt know anything and when you show them that youve really got a good product and you know something, they actually tend to go overboard and they think: Wow! They know a lot. Lets really do an incredible amount with these people.

But those problems that come from starting a firm, you better think of those as part of the pleasure, part of the challenge that is part of the excitement.

The key point here is youve got to enjoy what you do every day and for me thats working with various smart people. Its working on new problems. Every time we think Hey, weve got a little bit of success, we are pretty careful not to dwell on it too much because the bar gets raised. Its a game you can play all your life and keep getting better and better.

Adapted from:


Read the text Man Sells British Countryside Air to China and answer the following question:

How does the following story prove that Business is an addictive game in which a maximum of excitement is combined with a minimum of rules?

Man Sells British Countryside Air to China

An English entrepreneur has started a booming business from selling bottled, British countryside air to Chinese consumers. Leo De Watts, 27, struck upon the idea of selling air to China after seeing news footage of pollution and smog in Chinese cities. He guessed there was a market for cleaner air. De Watts launched his company last year in the somewhat imaginatively named industry of "air farming". His team "harvests" air in bottles from various locations across Britain and ships it to China. Even though the air is cheap to collect, De Watts puts a hefty price on his products. Chinese lovers of British air have to pay around $115 for a 580 ml bottle of the fresh stuff.

De Watts was born in the British countryside and said he appreciates the quality of the air in rural Britain. He now lives in Hong Kong where he sells his fresh air at local street markets. A lot of his merchandise is sold in Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, where pollution can be particularly bad. He said his Chinese customers can be quite fussy about exactly what kind of air they buy. He explained in a promotional video that: "Quite often, a lot of our orders are bespoke. We have clients who request very particular circumstances for their air. Sometimes we'll be at the top of a mountain, and other times at the bottom of a valley." He added: "There's really a market for this. We've just started."



Read the text about Steve Jobs and answer the following question:

What is the secret of Steve Jobs success?

What is his attitude to business? How does he treat it?

Does he consider it to be risky?

What is his attitude to risk?

What is the key to being successful in business?

Did he do an outstanding job with information?

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. He was the largest individual shareholder in Walt Disney. Jobs name is associated with innovative products like the iPod, iPhone, iTunes and iPad. He was a much-respected corporate leader whose management style is studied worldwide. His attention to design, function and style won him millions of fans.

Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. He became interested in computers when he was a teenager and attended lectures after school at Hewlett Packard. In 1974, Jobs got a job as a technician at the video game maker Atari. He saved enough money to backpack around India and then returned to Atari, where he met Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple in 1976. Jobs persuaded Wozniak to make a computer and sell it. Together, they developed the Mac. It was the first small computer with a user-friendly interface to be commercially successful. Jobs also built the computer on which the World Wide Web was created. He developed a passion for style and functional perfection, which became Apple trademarks.

Jobs guided Apple to be a major player in the digital revolution. The introduction of the iMac and other cutting-edge products made Apple a powerful brand with a loyal following. Jobs also enjoyed considerable success at Pixar. He created Oscar-winning movies such as Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Jobs advice for success is: Youve got to find what you love." He died in October 2011, aged 56.


Exercise 9

Russian quote

English quote

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Employers only handle the money it is the customer who pays the wages

Henry Ford

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"The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life

Henry Ford


Read the text about the author of the quotation and answer the following questions:

What do you know about Henry Ford?

Did he try to make more money or to make money improve life?

In what way does the extract in bold prove that Employers only handle the money it is the customer who pays the wages?

Henry Ford

Henry Ford was an American industrialist who founded the Ford Motor Company, which sells automobiles and commercial vehicles under the Ford brand. He also played a major role in the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. Before he started his company, most American middle-class families were not in a position to own automobiles which only the upper classes could afford. However, Ford revolutionized the automobile industry by developing and manufacturing affordable automobiles that even the middle-class community could conveniently purchase.

Born to a farmer in Greenfield Township, Michigan, he started displaying leadership qualities and technical skills as a young boy. He was expected to follow his father and become a farmer, but the independent minded young man had other plans for himself. Intelligent and hard working, he apprenticed with a machinist and went on to become an engineer. Fascinated with automobiles, he started conducting his own experiments in building them. During this time, he became acquainted with the famous inventor Thomas Edison who

encouraged the young mans experiments. Motivated, Ford built several automobiles before establishing the Ford Motor Company.

As an industrialist, he adopted several innovations in his company that revolutionized the entire automobile industry. He was also well known for his pacifist views and staunch opposition to war.



Read the text about the Ford Motor Company and answer the following question:

What proves that the success of the Ford Motor Company partly comes from being customer-focused?

The Ford Motor Company

The Ford Motor Company is one of the worlds largest automakers. It was founded by Henry Ford in 1903. He made the company famous for mass-producing cheap family cars on moving assembly lines. The Model T Ford is an important part of automobile history. His production methods were copied by companies all over the world. The company has stayed in family hands since the beginning, making it one of the largest family-controlled businesses in the world today. Ford has an annual revenue of over $100 billion and employs around 250,000 people worldwide. The company also owns Swedens Volvo and has shares in Japans Mazda and the UKs Aston Martin. The faltering global economy means most of Fords profits now come from financing car loans through the Ford Motor Credit Company.



Read the text about the Nokia Company

The Nokia Company

Nokia is a Finnish telecommunications corporation. It is Finlands largest company and accounts for 25% of the countrys exports and a third of the value of the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Nokia has its roots in another form of communication paper. It was established in 1865 by mining engineer Fredrik Idestam who started manufacturing paper. The company is named after the Nokianvirta River which it used for its paper mill. In 1902, the company started producing electricity. It merged with two other companies in 1967 to form the Nokia Corporation and produced household goods. In the 1980s the company decided to solely focus on mobile phone technology. Today, it employs 123,000 people in 120 countries. It is the worlds largest producer of mobile phones.



Read the text Nokia Failed and answer the following questions:

Nokia used to be a successful company? Why did Nokia fail?

What does it have to do with customers?

Nokia Failed

In September 2013, NOKIA announced that they had been acquired by Microsoft in a deal valued at $7.17 billion. At the time, Nokias CEO Stephen Elop ended his speech with the following words, We didnt do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost. Such an ending is devastation considering Nokia used to own a large portion of the smartphone market share before the iPhone came out in 2007.

In a Linkedin blog post by Ziyad Jawabra, he notes that while Nokia technically did nothing wrong, it was their refusal to change and learn new things that ultimately lead to their demise*. Jawabra wrote: They missed out on learning, they missed out on changing, and thus they lost the opportunity at hand to make it big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money, they lost their chance of survival.

Jawabra stresses that if a company doesnt embrace change and constantly learn new things, it will eventually be eliminated by new competition down the line. He wrote: The advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tomorrow. You dont have to do anything wrong, as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it RIGHT, you can lose out and fail. To change and improve yourself is giving yourself a second chance. To be forced by others to change, is like being discarded. Those who refuse to learn and improve will definitely one day become redundant and not relevant to the industry. They will learn the lesson in a hard and expensive way.

Such ideals have been fostered by companies like Google, who famously offers 20% time to employees, where theyre allowed to take one day a week to work on side projects theyre passionate in. This perk has brought forth innovative creations like Gmail and Adsense.

demise* [dmaz] , ,

Adapted from:

Exercise 10

Russian quote

English quote

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Business can come to a deadlock if it focuses not on customers but on competitors

Jeff Bezos


Read the text about the author of the quotation and answer the following questions:

What Jeff Bezos is famous for?

Did he try to make more money or to make money improve life?

Is he customer-focused or on competitor-focused?

Can you prove it by the text?

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is an American technology entrepreneur and founder of e-commerce giant As a child, he spent his summers laying pipes, vaccinating cattle and fixing windmills at his grandfathers Texas ranch. He attended Miami Palmetto Senior High School, and took his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University graduating summa cum laude*. He worked on Wall Street in companies such as Fitel, Bankers Trust and D. E. Shaw & Co, New York.

He became the youngest Vice President at D. E. Shaw & Co. In spite of success, he decided to quit the field of finance. He founded, an online book store, and later introduced features including one-click shopping, customer reviews, and e-mail order verification. He expanded it to include various other items including clothes, CDs, toys, jewellery, watches, electronics and shoes. He has constantly been improving his web site, and introducing improved facilities for his customers.

His childhood dream of space travel spurred the founding of Blue Origin, an aerospace company that is developing technologies to offer space travel to customers. Bloomberg Billionaires Index listed Bezos as the wealthiest man in the world with an estimated net worth of $104 billion.

summa cum laude* [smkmlade] - (

Adapted from:


Read the text about and answer the following question:

Is a successful project? Why? is one of the biggest success stories of the Internet. It was started by Jeff Bezos from a garage in Seattle, Washington in 1995 and is now the largest online retailer in the world. Bezos was Time magazines Person of the Year in 1999 for popularizing online shopping. His company originally sold only books but has diversified into selling music, video games, toys, electronics and other popular ranges of goods. Amazon has cleverly marketed itself worldwide by establishing separate websites in different countries. In 2007 Amazon launched its Kindle e-book reader, which now enjoys a huge share of that market. A year later it teamed up with toy and electronics makers to sell goods with minimal packaging to help the environment. It remains an innovative leader in the area of online commerce.



Read the text Customer Centered and answer the following questions:

What is the secret of Jeff Bezos and Amazon.coms success?

What are the advantages of customer-focused policy?

Customer Centered

Interview with Jeff Bezos

When you meet Amazons CEO Jeff Bezos, you are immediately struck by two things: that legendary laugh and his nearly unmasked focus on customer service. We know customers like low prices and we know customers like big selection and we know that customers like fast delivery. Those things will be true ten years from now. They are going to be true 20 years from now. So you can count on those things. We can put energy into them.

He met with us at Amazons Seattle headquarters to personally show off the companys new line of souped up* lightweight kindle fire tablets*. One of them is priced atom $139. Apples cheapest iPad is nearly $200 more. One of the things you have done so well at Amazon is you undercut your rivals by keeping the prices low. Does that same strategy apply to tablets?

Yes. Our approach is premium products at non-premium prices. We sell the hardware at break even. We dont try to make any money when we sell the hardware. We hope to make money when people use the devices not when they buy the devices. Thats a very different approach from most companies. Most companies are building quite a bit of profit into the sale of these (devices).

That philosophy he says comes down to this. What has worked in Amazon is focusing on a customer. Bring a customer first, which is easy to say but difficult to do. If you are really a customer-centered, its like being a host of the party. You are holding the party for your guests. Our view on this is we know customers like the products fast. And we work on things we know customers like. And thats not gonna change

souped up* -

kindle fire tablets* -

Adapted from:


Read the following quotes from Jeff Bezos and say which of them add to understanding the topic.

Customer Focused

Quotes from Jeff Bezos

If you're competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.

If theres one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word of mouth is so very, very powerful.

We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. Its our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.

I think one thing I find very motivating -- and I think this is probably a very common form of motivation or cause of motivation -- is... I love people counting on me, and so, you know, today it's so easy to be motivated, because we have millions of customers counting on us at We've got thousands of investors counting on us. And we're a team of thousands of employees all counting on each other. That's fun



Read the following quotes from Jeff Besos and which of them you agree with/ like most.

More quotes from Jeff Bezos

You have to be willing to be misunderstood if you are going to innovate

If you double the number of experiments you do per year you are going to double your inventiveness

The great thing about fact-based decisions is that they overrule the hierarchy

If you decide that you are going to do only the things you know are going to work, you are going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table

If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.

Whats dangerous is not to evolve.

If you dont understand the details of your business, you are going to fail.


Read the text of Exercise 9d Nokia Failed and prove that Business can come to a deadlock if it focuses not on customers but on competitors.



Sociology/ Social Psychology

Exercise 11

Russian quote

English quote

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Without a goal there is no activity, there is no goal without interests, and without activity there is no life

V.G Belinsky

Ex. 11a

Read the text about the author of the quote and answer the following questions:

Who was Belinsky?

What was he famous for?

Vissarion Belinsky

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811-1848) was a Russian literary critic. He was a representative of the bourgeois intelligentsia, a grandson of an Orthodox priest and a physicians son. He played one of the key roles in the career of a poet and publisher Nikolay Nekrasov and his popular magazine Sovremennik. He was unlike most of the other Russian intellectuals of the 1830s and 1840s. The son of a rural medical doctor, he was not a wealthy aristocrat. He was mainly self-educated. He was expelled from Moscow University for political activity.

Adapted from: (

Ex. 11b

Read the text about Mikhail Lomonosov and answer the following questions:

What was Lomonosovs goal?

What were his interests?

What activities is Lomonosov famous for?

Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail Lomonosov was a Russian scientist, poet, geologist and astronomer, who is also believed to have influenced the formation of the modern Russian literary language. His expertise in diverse fields earned him the title of becoming the first scientist-naturalist from Russia to have gained international acclaim. Born into a family of peasants, he was urged to pursue the family business from a young age; however, his passion to study led him to Moscow, Kiev and later to Germany.

Upon his return to Russia, he began his teaching career at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Alongside he made several independent discoveries like the determination of freezing temperature of mercury, definition of the law of mass conservation, atmosphere around planet Venus, explanation of the phenomenon of icebergs and understanding gravity from a mechanical perspective. He was an advocate of progress in domestic education and was responsible for the establishment of the first Russian chemical laboratory in St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He also co-founded Moscow University. A linguistic reformer, he was known to have set the foundation for Russian literature. Other than writing poems and books, he also composed plays that were well appreciated. He was elected as Secretary of State in 1764; however, he could serve in the position only for a year.

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Read also exercise 8 about Bill Gates and answer the following questions:

What was Bill Gates goal?

What were his interests?

What activities is Bill Gates famous for?

Exercise 12

Russian quote

English quote


With the transition to an industrial society, social roles become optional and instrumental

Ernest Gellner


Read the text about the author of the quote and answer the following questions:

Have you ever heard of Ernest Gellner?

What do you know about him?

Ernest Gellner

Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) was a British-Czech philosopher and social anthropologist*. He was the Professor of Philosophy at the London School of Economics. He fought all his life against the dictatorship of the free market. He also discussed nationalism in a number of works.

anthropology* the scientific study of the origin, the behaviour, and the physical, social and cultural development of humans.


Read the text about V.V. Putin and answer the following questions:

In what family was V.V. Putin born?

What is his social role now?

What helped him to become one of the most powerful men in the world?

Would it have been possible to achieve such success before the establishment of the industrial society?

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is a powerful Russian politician who has served many offices in the countrys government. He was born in a middle class family and led a usual life. Putin had a dream of becoming an intelligence officer ever since he was a child. He got acquainted with the procedure involved in becoming an intelligence officer and whole heartedly followed the path. He finally realized this dream and entered the KGB, the Russian intelligence agency where he received training and was sent to various places as an undercover agent. For a large part of his life, he served at the agency. Eventually, he got involved in political affairs of the country and resigned from KGB.

Then he diligently worked for the welfare of the country and its people, which soon earned him recognition.

His hard work, knowledge and calm character got him appointed in many offices in the government. Finally, when the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin decided to resign from his post, he found no better successor than Vladimir Putin and appointed him as the President of the country. A few months later, the elections took place and there he became the winner. The deft handling of issues with admirable efficiency led to his re-election for a second term to the office of the President of Russia

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Exercise 13

Russian quote

English quote

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There are many ways to make a career, but the most sure of them is to be born in the right family



Read the text about the author of the quotation and answer the following questions:

What do you know about D. Trump?

What is he famous for?

Do you think there is anything new for you in the text?

Donald Trump

Donald John Trump is an American businessman and politician. He is also the 45th President of the United States of America. He was the chairman and president of The Trump Organization, which looks after his real estate and other business interests. He has built office towers, hotels, casinos and golf courses all over the world. He has also hosted a reality TV show and owned beauty pageants. Donald J. Trump was born on June 14, 1946. He was raised in New York City, the second youngest child of five children. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania and received a bachelor's degree in economics. In 1971 he was given control of his father's real estate and construction firm and later renamed it The Trump Organization. His success as a businessman made him a billionaire.

Donald Trump has had a very varied career. He owned the Miss USA beauty pageants from 1996 to 2015. He has made cameo appearances* in movies and television series and hosted a reality TV show from 2004 to 2015. In 2016, the wealth and business magazine Forbes listed him as the 324th wealthiest person in the world.

In June 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for President. He defeated his rivals to become the Republican Party candidate and promised to "make America great again". He won the presidential election on November 8, 2016, defeating the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. He took office on January 20, 2017. At 70 years, 7 months and 6 days, he was the oldest person to do so.

cameo appearance* - ,

From: (


Read the text about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and answer the following questions:

What is Mozart famous for?

Was Mozart born in the right family?

How did his family help him make a career?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, as the son of Leopold and Anna Maria Mozart at Getreidegasse in Salzburg. Leopard Mozart was the only teacher the young Mozart had during childhood. Mozart was always enthusiastic and keen to learn much beyond what he was taught then. His early compositions and efforts often surprised his father, who gave up composing when Mozarts musical talent became apparent. Apart from music, Mozarts father also taught him languages.

Now Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is known to be at the top of the list of music composers who hold a special place in the realm of music. In a short span of 35 years, he became the most celebrated musician, writing almost 600 musical pieces all of which are hailed as* master pieces. Throughout his life, Mozart travelled all over the world, composed in abundance, remained a voracious student of music, explored and experimented with almost all genres of music. His works are considered to be the pinnacles of symphonies, operas and chamber music. The final phase of his life was very productive, as some of his best known operas, symphonies and concertos belong to that period. His friend Joseph Haydn wrote, posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years.

are hailed as* - ,

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Exercise 14

Russian quote

English quote

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Youth is the spring time of a person into which seeds are sown for future years of life

Yakov Knyazhnin


Learn some information about the author of the quote.

Yaakov Knyazhnin

Yaakov Knyazhnin (1740-1791) was born into the family of the vice-governor of Pskov. He studied in the gymnasium at the Academy in St. Petersburg. Then he was a cadet of the Justice Board and a translator at the Construction Office. In 1762 he was in military service as a secretary of Kirill Razumovsky. In 1770, he married Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Sumarokov. The couple had one of the most important literary salons in Russia. He taught Russian Literature at the Military School and was a member of the Russian Ac